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This section includes funding for the following activities which are not assigned to a specific county department/office:

University of Missouri Extension Center (General Revenue Fund)

The mission of the University of Missouri Extension is to improve Missourians’ lives by addressing their highest priorities through the application of research‐based education and resources. The Extension provides programs in business development, horticulture, labor education, leadership training, workforce development, nutrition and health education, financial education, etc. St. Louis County’s funding is used to provide three support personnel and related expenses. The 2023 budget for the Extension is $222,922.

Special Projects (General Revenue Fund)

This division of the budget includes funding to support the county’s interest in various organizations, agencies, and activities. The 2023 budget includes:

 East‐West Gateway Council of Governments ($125,000)

The Council is an area‐wide planning agency which reviews requests for federal funds to be channeled into the metropolitan area.

 Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of St. Louis ($133,636)

Voices for Children advocates for abused and neglected children in need of safe, permanent homes through highly trained volunteers appointed by the Family Court.

 Elmwood Park Fire Protection ($130,000)

Provides funding for fire protection services in Elmwood Park via agreement with the City of Olivette.

 Transportation Commission ($12,000)

Provides monthly stipends to members of the Transportation Commission.

 Governmental Relations Consulting ($150,000)

Provides funding for a professional services contract to represent the county’s interests.

 Memberships ($45,750)

Provides funding for countywide memberships, including the Missouri Association of Counties, National Association of Counties, Urban Sustainability Director’s Network, and International Council for Local Environment Initiative.

Debt Service (General Revenue Fund)

This division of the budget includes appropriations necessary to make required debt service payments on special obligation bonds and tax anticipation notes. For more information on the county’s outstanding debt, please see the Debt Management chapter of this document. The 2023 budget from the General Revenue Fund for debt service purposes is $8,444,581.

Fire Standards Commission (General Revenue Fund)

The Fire Standards Commission establishes and provides minimum training and educational standards for firefighters, as mandated by the St. Louis County Charter. The commission also issues regulations for any person performing the duties of a firefighter for any municipality, fire protection district, or other public agency in St. Louis County. The 2023 budget for the Commission is $27,583.

Boundary Commission (General Revenue Fund)

The Boundary Commission is an independent commission established by state law which reviews proposed changes to boundaries of incorporated and unincorporated areas in St. Louis County. The Commission is a separate entity and is not a part of St. Louis County government. However, the county is statutorily responsible for providing reasonable and necessary operational funding for the commission. The 2023 budget for the Commission is $250,533.

Emergency Fund (General Revenue Fund)

The Emergency “Fund” is a division of the budget used to set aside an amount not less than three percent of total estimated general income pursuant to Missouri statute. The County Council may, by resolution at any time upon recommendation of the County Executive, make transfers from the emergency fund appropriation account to any other appropriation account within the General Revenue Fund. Transfers may only be made for unforeseen emergencies and upon unanimous vote of the County Council. The 2023 appropriation for the Emergency Fund is $6,771,053.

Debt Service Fund (1110)

This fund receives revenues from a 1.9‐cent property tax levy (per $100 of assessed valuation). Funds are used to make required debt service payments on general obligation bonds (Courthouse Project). The 2023 appropriation for the fund is $6,815,825.

Transportation Trust Fund (5600)

This fund receives revenue from a half‐cent sales tax to be used for transportation purposes. The appropriation of $48,467,809 represents estimated sales tax revenue that could be distributed to Bi‐State Development (Metro). The remaining funds are allocated between county transportation operations and the highway capital construction program. Distributions beyond June 30, 2023 will be based upon County Council approval of a fiscal year 2024 (July‐June) budget for Bi‐State.

Public Mass Transit Fund (5620)

This fund receives revenue from a quarter‐cent sales tax (Prop M) and a half‐cent sales tax (Prop A) to be used for transportation purposes. The appropriation of $157,895,700 represents 100% of estimated sales tax revenue for future distribution to Bi‐State Development (Metro). Distributions beyond June 30, 2023 will be based upon County Council approval of a fiscal year 2024 (July‐June) budget for Bi‐State.

Lambert East Perimeter TIF Fund (5670)

This fund receives revenue associated with the Lambert Airport Eastern Perimeter Redevelopment Project. The 2023 budget of $4,774,457 will be used to pay debt service costs (Series 2011A and Series 2021D/E).

Northpointe Forest Subdivision NID Fund (5840)

This fund receives revenue from a special assessment to the property owners of the Northpointe Forest Subdivision. The 2023 budget of $37,045 will be used to pay debt service costs of the Northpointe Forest Water Project (Series 2009 A/B).

Residential Energy Loan Program Fund (5860)

This fund receives revenue from the repayment of loans from the St. Louis County Sustainable and Verifiable Energy Savings (SAVES™) Program, which financed residential energy efficiency and solar energy projects. This program is no longer accepting applications for new loans. The 2023 appropriation of $186,860 will be used to pay debt service costs for the program (Series 2011 A/B).

Glencullen Subdivision NID Fund (5910)

This fund receives revenue from a special assessment to property owners in the Glencullen Subdivision. The 2023 budget of $38,711 will be used to pay debt service costs associated with the Glencullen Subdivision Street Improvement Project (Series 2019).

Convention & Recreation Trust Fund (8630)

This fund is used to record revenue received from a 3.5% hotel‐motel tax used to fund debt service payments for the St. Louis Cardinals Ballpark Site and Ballpark Project (Series 2021), the Creve Coeur Soccer Complex (Series 2016 A/B), and the Convention Center Facility Project (Series 2022A). The fund will also pay a $1 million preservation payment related to the Domed Stadium project in 2023, and a final payment of $500,000 in 2024. The 2023 budget for the fund is $6,618,013 which includes $500,000 for a feasibility study related to a potential track and field complex.

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