Addendum 6 RFP 2022 14 DW Questions and Answers

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February 23, 2023



To: All Potential Proposers

From: David Wahl, Purchasing Manager

Subject: Request for Proposals #2022-14

St. Louis County 2050: An Equitable and Sustainable Comprehensive Plan


Listed below are questions received after the issuance of Addendum Two dated January 27, 2023, and the corresponding answers:

Questions Submitted After the Pre-Proposal Conference

1. Can you clarify when prime consultants will be invited to submit proposals? Per the RFP, "Following the first evaluation and the mandatory pre-proposal conference, the County will issue invitations to submit written proposals." But I can't find a date regarding this step.

There will be no invitations to submit proposals. Any consultant that has submitted a Business Profile and Experience Survey and attended the Pre-Proposal Conference may participate in a proposal. See addendum 5 for a list of eligible firms.

2. Would it be possible to get the list of the attendees from the 2/8 Pre-Proposal Conference?

A list of attendees was distributed on 2/15/23. See Addendum 5 for a list of firms eligible to participate in a proposal.

3. Does the county have a land cover gis layer related to existing vegetation using remote sensing? This is related to the Land Cover section, 8.6.5. Would the consultant be able to use that for analysis of existing conditions?

The County does not have an existing land cover gis layer. Existing County data can be found at

41 South Central Avenue • St. Louis MO 63105 • PH 314/615-7067 • FAX 314/615-0197 E-mail: • Website:

4. Is it possible to estimate the current percentage (or acres) of greenspace in the county? We are wondering if there is a recent analysis of this type that we could use as a starting point.

The County does not have an estimation of greenspace in the County.

The County anticipates that proposals will discuss possible data that would be beneficial for use with mapping tool deliverable.

5. Can the county elaborate the role MoDOT will play with respect to transportation recommendations? Several arterial roads in the County are operated by MoDOT and current design guidance may impact multimodal accommodations.

MoDOT, and other governmental agencies, are key stakeholders in this planning effort. Respondents should describe their approach to engaging government agencies like MoDOT in their proposal.

6. Can the county elaborate on the incorporation of the ongoing Metrolink expansion study within the transportation component?

Respondents should describe their approach to incorporating existing and ongoing planning efforts in the region into the County’s comprehensive planning process. The County expects the STLCO 2050: An Equitable and Sustainable Comprehensive Plan to build upon other planning efforts in the region and account for recommendations outlined in other plans where appropriate.

Questions and Answers From the Pre-Proposal Conference

Note: Questions and answers have been lightly edited for clarity, including removal of repeated words and filler phrases. Minor language edits have been made to reflect the intent of the questions as understood and answered by the County.

1. Will we be uploading this presentation with the list of attendees?

The recording of the pre-proposal conference can be found on the Planning Department’s YouTube channel at A list of attendees at the pre-proposal conference was distributed via email on February 15, 2023.

2. Who is the designated county staff person to direct correspondence with as needed?

David Wahl, Purchasing Manager, is the designated point of contact.

3. Is the scenario mapping tool to be used specifically for the planning effort, or do you want it turned over to the County after it's done?

The County’s expectation for the scenario mapping tool is for it to be turned over to the County at the conclusion of the planning effort for the County to use moving forward.

4. Does the County have ideas in terms of engagement with the municipalities or are you looking for consultants to propose some ways to interact with municipalities throughout the process?

Municipalities, and the Municipal League, are key stakeholders in this planning effort. Respondents should describe their approach to engaging municipal partners, as well as all other stakeholders, in their proposal. The final Plan Document should provide recommendations for increased collaboration between the County and municipalities.

5. What's the role of the Economic Development Partnership? Are they to be treated as one of those departments of the County? Are they a partner in some of this planning effort?

The St. Louis Economic Development Partnership (SLEDP) is a key stakeholder in this planning effort. Respondents should describe their approach to engaging SLEDP during the planning effort. The final Plan Document should outline how the Department of Planning and SLEDP can work more collaboratively in the future.

6. How does the STLCO 2050 planning effort align with regional goals and priorities that are that are already out there. For example, the St. Louis 2030 Jobs Plan with its north star of inclusive growth or the East-West Gateway Council of Governments Long Range Transportation Plan.

Respondents should describe their approach to incorporating existing and ongoing planning efforts in the region into the County’s comprehensive planning process. The County expects the STLCO 2050: An Equitable and Sustainable Comprehensive Plan to build upon those previous planning efforts and align goals where appropriate.

7. Can we confirm if they can include compensation of the public for public engagement, within the proposal, coming out of their budget?

The County recognizes the value of community-based leadership in the community outreach and engagement process but cannot allocate public funds to this purpose. Proposals should not include compensation of members of the public for community engagement as part of their overall project budget. The County is open to considering alternative funding outside of the appropriation for this solicitation for the purpose of compensating members of the public for community engagement.

8. What retail and commercial district specific issues do we want to address as part of the scope?

The County anticipates the selected firm will help identify key issues pertaining to the revitalization and redevelopment of our land – residential, commercial, and industrial. Proposals should generally include foundational key issues found in the County’s commercial corridors. The final Plan Document should address specific recommendations for the revitalization and redevelopment of land within the County.

9. Can you speak more to the level of interest in having data methods and analysis tools related to estimating the impacts of the built environment, current and future transport,

and land use impacts on health-related outcomes, physical activity and chronic disease, healthcare costs, and health equity?

The Department of Public Health (DPH) recognizes the relationship between the built environment and public health outcomes. DPH has been instrumental in helping the Planning Department prepare the RFP and will be engaged in the planning process. DPH is heavily invested in the results of this planning process and the opportunity it creates to generate positive public health outcomes in our region.

10. You mentioned engaging citizens in the 7 Council Districts. Is that an expectation that we hold public workshops or meetings in each district, or is that something to be defined by the processes we propose?

The selected Consultant will be expected to conduct community outreach and engagement across the whole of St. Louis County, including in all seven County Council Districts. Respondents should outline their approach to community outreach and engagement in their proposal.

11. Positioning yourself in 2050, looking back what would make you proud in terms of with the plan itself?

The County hopes that STLCO 2050: An Equitable and Sustainable Comprehensive Plan will lead to a renewed growth mindset with equity and sustainability at its center, creating real climate action solutions that lead to sustained population growth and can be an example for other jurisdictions of best practices in sustainable comprehensive planning.

12. How do you get residents to wrap their arms around this very ambitious scope?

The County anticipates that proposals will address their approach to engaging the community and communicating the necessity and ambition of this project through the facilitation process. The final Plan Document should reflect the stated desires of the community and provide recommended solutions for key issues facing the County as identified in scope of the RFP and through the community engagement process.

13. Would the procurement team be interested in econometric modeling to ascertain feasibility and forecasting?

The County is interested in proposals that include a variety of statistical analysis approaches for use in communicating the results of community outreach and engagement as well as recommended solutions for evaluation of policies, programs, and development proposals focused on revitalization and redevelopment.

14. Would you like the consultants to take the lead on inter agency coordinate coordination as it relates to aligning and possibly changing policy? Or will you all serve and lead as the interface for those conversations? Or would you like us to propose the most appropriate path forward?

The County anticipates proposals to describe their approach to facilitating inter-agency discussions about aligning policies. The final Plan Document will outline recommended implementation strategies for needed policy changes to achieve the Plan’s goals. Beyond the adoption of the Plan, conversations surrounding implementation of public policy alignment and changes will be conducted by the County.

15. Has the County had any conversations already with municipalities as you're moving forward on this?

The County has had informal preliminary discussions with several municipalities

16. Does the County envision using sort of an oversight committee made up of some of the County’s elected or appointed officials in addition to the Planning staff?

Proposals should describe their approach to a facilitation structure that includes creating and engaging an Executive Coalition and supporting groups that broadly represent the St. Louis County community including, but not limited to, business and industry, nonprofits, academia, and residents Proposals should outline a general structure for, and the responsibilities of, an Executive Coalition.

17. Can you discuss how the County plans to involve municipalities in the planning process?

Proposals should describe the respondent’s approach to identifying opportunities for increased cooperation between County departments and between municipalities and the County.

18. Can you clarify the following in the scoring matrix: index score of all of the minimum experience questionnaire for all members of the proposed project team. This is linked to the experienced questionnaire that teams are submitting now?

The score received on the Business Profile and Experience Survey for all members of a proposed project team will be indexed and part of the overall score for a proposal. For more information on scoring, see the scoring matrix at

19. Can subcontractors that score less than 45 on the Experience Survey still participate in a proposal?

Anyone in attendance at the pre-proposal conference and that submitted a Business Profile and Experience Survey can participate in a proposal. See addendum 5 for a list of firms eligible to be included as part of a proposal.

20. Are you looking at individual experience of team members or the experience of the firms from the experience questionnaire?

Both individual experience of team members as described in the Project Team Expertise form available at, and the experience of firms as described in the Business Profile and Experience Survey will be considered in the scoring of proposals.

21. Will Procurement be able to answer follow up questions regarding the profile?

The deadline for questions is Tuesday, February 28th, 2023. Procurement will issue an addendum shortly after February 28th with answers to any questions submitted between the issuance of this addendum and the question deadline.

22. How far down are we expecting key personnel from leads down the chain of command? Down to the interns?

The County has no requirement on who to include as key personnel, and as such, is leaving that decision to proposers to identify key personnel on their project team

23. It's been a long time since we did the last plan. When are we going to do this again?

The St. Louis County Charter requires that an adopted Comprehensive Plan be updated every five years. The expectation is that upon the adoption of STLCO 2050: An Equitable and Sustainable Comprehensive Plan, updates to the plan will occur every five years.

24. So, does this mean that they cannot add subs after the February 14th deadline?

See Addendum 5 for the list of firms that have both attended the pre-proposal conference and completed a Business Profile and Experience Survey by the February 14 deadline and are eligible to participate in a proposal.

25. If a sub does not get 45 points, can they still be on a team?

See Addendum 5 for the list of firms that have both attended the pre-proposal conference and completed a Business Profile and Experience Survey by the February 14 deadline and are eligible to participate in a proposal.

26. You mentioned the charter requirements for the 5-year update. My experience with that, having been a County planner myself years ago and working as a consultant now, was it was pretty well honored. For a number of years has it not been honored, that 5-year requirement?

The County last adopted a Comprehensive Plan in 1980 with an update in 1985. One of the recommendations of that plan was to transition to strategic planning efforts rather than comprehensive planning. All comprehensive plans and strategic plans adopted by the County are available in the RFP Resources section of

27. What does the phrase “potential funding preparation” mean in the context of the second deliverable – Comprehensive Plan Document?

The final Plan Document should describe potential funding opportunities that can be leveraged to implement recommendations of the Plan.

28. How is the plan intended to counter gentrification?

The County does not expect proposals to include a solution for gentrification. The Plan Document will center equity and sustainability throughout and will be guided by the community’s vision and best planning practices.

29. Will you be bringing in teams to do in person interviews?

In person interviews and presentation of selected proposals will be held the week of May 1st, 2023.

Questions Submitted Prior to the Pre-Proposal Conference

1. RFP Comprehensive Plan Page 7 and Page 9:

3.1: “A complete proposal includes the written submission and all forms on” AND 3.4: “As applicable, provide additional documents and materials in the following order:

3.4.1 Minimum Qualifications, using County forms if provided

3.4.2 Work Authorization Affidavit for Business Enterprise Entities Pursuant to Section

285.530 R.S.Mo.

3.4.3 Authorized Signatures

3.4.4 M/WBE Certification (if applicable, required at time of proposal submittal)

3.4.5 Copy of Missouri Secretary of State Registration showing current status

3.4.6 E-Verify Memorandum of Understanding found at ”

QA. Are there forms required on

QB. Are these the forms listed above?

QB. Where are these forms found on

QC. Where would the county like them in the proposal? (Appendix?)

QC. Are these forms counted in the 50 pages?

All required forms can be found in the RFP Submissions section of the site. These required forms are supplemental and separate from the written proposal and do not count towards the 50-page limit.

2. RFP Comprehensive Plan Page 8:

3.3.4: “Additionally, the County is requesting Proposers to complete and submit the Team Composition Form on”

QA. Where are these forms found on

QB. Where would the county like them in the proposal? (Appendix?, Team Composition Section?)

QC. Is this form counted in the 50 pages?

See above. Required forms can be found on Required forms do not count toward the 50-page limit.

3. On page 8 of the RFP, under 3.3.4., the County is requesting Proposer to complete and submit the Team Composition Form. Please either provide this form or clarify where it could be found/digitally downloaded.

See above. Required forms can be found on

4. Please confirm that Pricing and required forms (i.e., Sustainability Form, Team Composition Forms) do not count toward the 50-page limit?

See above. Required forms do not count toward the 50-page limit.

5. On page 41 of the RFP, one of the scoring criteria is ‘Sustainability Form’ which is a pass/fail. Please clarify where this specific form could be found on the RFP portal.

See above. Required forms can be found on

6. What method date and time will the County issue official invitations to submit written proposals (Phase 2)?

Anyone in attendance at the Pre-Proposal Conference and submitted a Business Profile and Experience Survey is eligible to participate in a proposal. See Addendum 5 for a list of eligible firms.

7. Is a Cover, Back Cover, and Section Dividers expected and counted in the 50 pages?

A Cover, Back Cover, and Section Dividers are not required. If a Respondent chooses to include them, they will not county toward the 50-page limit.

8. Does the County expect a cover letter and is the cover letter counted in the 50 pages? Or is the cover letter information expected in the executive summary and the County does not expect a separate cover letter?

A cover letter is not required. If a Respondent chooses to include a cover letter it will not count toward the 50-page limit.

9. RFP Comprehensive Plan Page 8:

3.3.3: “…provide successful examples from prior work with similar scopes of work”

QA. Besides examples of prior work in the approach, does the County want firm experience of similar projects listed under a separate section with references?

Reference forms can be found in the RFP Submissions section of Respondents may include information about experience with similar projects in their proposal so long as the proposal does not exceed the 50-page limit.

10. RFP Comprehensive Plan Page 8:

3.3.4: “Additionally, the County is requesting Proposers to complete and submit the Team Composition Form on”

QA. Where are these forms found on

QB. Where would the county like them in the proposal? (Appendix?, Team Composition Section?)

QC. Is this form counted in the 50 pages?

See above. All required forms can be found in the RFP Submissions section on Required forms do not count toward the 50-page limit.

11. Per 3.4 References on page 9 of the RFP, please confirm whether Proposers need to provide references. If so, how many references are required? Should it be only from the Prime, or could it be from both the Prime and Subconsultants?

Three references are required from both the Prime proposing firm and any subconsultants. Reference forms can be found on

12. Regarding references, if required, 3.4.1. on page 9 of the RFP indicates that County forms should be utilized. Please either provide this form or clarify where they could be found/digitally downloaded.

All required forms can be found on

13. RFP Comprehensive Plan Page 8: reimbursable expenses. Item 3.2.1 asks us to include “items which normally referred to as reimbursable expenses” but then says no reimbursement will be made. Does that mean these cost items are not eligible to be included in the budget? Or that they are rolled in to our overall budget and not reimbursed separately?

Cost items which would normally be referred to as reimbursable expenses are to be rolled into the Respondent’s overall budget and will not be reimbursed separately.

14. Are we able to compensate community members for their participation in some aspects of our process?

The County recognizes the value of community-based leadership in the community outreach and engagement process but cannot allocate public funds to this purpose. Proposals should not include compensation of members of the public for community engagement as part of their overall project budget. The County is open to considering alternative funding outside of the appropriation for this solicitation for the purpose of compensating members of the public for community engagement.

15. Is there a Steering Committee/Working Group/Task Force envisioned for this project? If so, does the County already have an idea about the composition and size of this group? Or does item 8.5.2 Stakeholder Coalition imply that the selected consultant will suggest a format for these groups?

Proposals should describe the respondent’s approach to facilitation of community outreach and engagement. The County expects to work in tandem with the selected consultant to define the format of stakeholder groups.

16. Section 8.4.1 states the Consultant is to “assist” with the Planning Process Facilitation deliverable. Does this mean the County will lead and the Consultant will provide support, as needed? Or, does the County intend for the Consultant to develop, manage, and hold Planning Process Facilitation?

The selected consultant will be expected to develop, manage, and hold Planning Process Facilitation in collaboration with County staff.

17. Please clarify whether Section 8.5.2 of the RFP requests the Consultant make recommendations on the composition and use of stakeholder groups, or is the request that the Consultant play a lead role in establishing and managing stakeholder groups for purposes of the Planning Process?

The County intends to work with the selected consultant to define the composition and size of stakeholder groups.

18. Section 8.6.2 D requests recommendations to support Inter-Governmental Cooperation. Is the request in this section specific to the Planning Process referenced in the RFP or more general to fostering greater Inter-Governmental Cooperation going forward?

Proposals should describe the Respondent’s approach to facilitation of community outreach and engagement including with other governmental entities within the region. Additionally, the final Plan Document will include recommendations on how to foster greater inter-governmental cooperation moving forward after plan adoption.

19. RFP Comprehensive Plan Page 22: Planning for Local Government Operations – is this a reference to possible consolidation of services between the county and Local Government Units (LGUs)? Or is the County looking for the consultant team to Create best practice policies and procedures that LGUs can adopt? Or something else?

Beyond best practices for local government operations and policy, the County anticipates proposals that include the Consultant’s approach to a variety of implementation targets and procedures for the County and other LGUs, which may include consolidation of governmental services, action planning, and County regional leadership in policy and program development.

20. Is there a preferred percentage involvement of Minority or Women-Owned Business Enterprise firms among the Consultant team?

The County encourages proposals from diverse firms but does not have a Minority or Women-Owned Business percentage requirement. Please note that the County offers a 15 percent incentive credit for proposals where the Prime firm is a registered M/WBE.

21. Is there a target date for (a) Plan Adoption and (b) Contract Closeout?

The County’s goal is for the plan to be adopted by County Council in 2025.

22. Is there a preferred digital platform that the County prefers for engagement? Are you open to a custom-designed tool rather than an off-the-shelf package?

The County does not have a preferred digital platform for community engagement. The County does currently have WebEx Events and Avaya Spaces videoconferencing capabilities but is open to considering any engagement tool.

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