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Retiree Medical Transition

At the end of the current County medical plan year (September 30, 2023), retirees and their families who currently have health/medical coverage through Anthem will no longer be able to enroll in the County medical insurance plan. After September 30, 2023, medica/health insurance coverage for retirees will end. Retirees who are sixty-five or Medicare eligible can choose to move to a Medicare plan. Pre-Medicare retirees will need to enroll in other medical insurance plans.

To assist you with finding a new medical insurance plan, St. Louis County has partnered with Benmanage. The service is known as “The Concierge Program for Retirees”. This change is necessary due to the increasingly high cost of medical premiums for County retirees in the County medical insurance plan. If you are a retiree enrolled in dental, vision, Medicare or legal, your coverage will not be impacted by this transition. There will be no changes to these Benefits. The only change is to medical insurance coverage, and remember, the deadline is September 30, 2023.

If you are currently enrolled in the County’ health insurance coverage, please call and set up your appointment with the consultants at Benmanage. Your initial appointment will be conducted by phone to gather information about you and your healthcare needs. Your follow-up meeting can be in person or by phone to discuss your medical insurance options in detail.

Call your retiree consultant at 314-262-7088 and press 3 to schedule an appointment.

(A non-profit organization incorporated 1/30/2006

Charter #N00713612)

MISSION: “To promote the well being, enhance the quality of life & encourage the full potential of St. Louis County retirees by promoting socialization while supplying helpful information on issues & matters important to civilian retirees”


2023 Dues

New members 2023 will pay $12. New members include phone and email with dues check.

See below for Treas. contact info. 2022 Members will pay no 2023 dues

Membership dues $12/year c/o Delores Clayton, Treas. PH 314-385-3324

E mail: deelo65@sbcglobal.net


Wed, March 22 10:30 am

36 Millstone Campus Dr63146

Senior Entrance Fee $10 Bring exact cash or credit card

RSVP on or before March 15, c/o mmccre8814@aol.com

Marian McCreary

Annual Picnic Faust Park 63017

Monday, June 5 11am-2 pm

Furnished: BBQ Brats/hot dogs, buns, condiments, plates/utensils

Bring dish to share + soda

RSVP by May 29 c/o mmccre8814@aol.com

Association Information: c/o President, Marian McCreary

Telephone: 314-291-1867

Email: mmccre8814@aol.com

Website: www.stlccra.org April

St Louis County Civilian Retirees Association (STLCCRA) Officers 2023

Pres. Marian McCreary VP

Sec. Betty Parran Treas. Delores Clayton Marketing Rosemary Wilson


“We stand as an advocate and protector of rights of the retired Police Officers and Civilian employees of the St. Louis County Police Department.

St. Louis County Retired Police Association

Installation of Officers 2023 on January 28, 2023 at Royal Orleans Banquet Center

“We shall maintain communications with St. Louis County Government and the Police Department to insure retired employees receive all benefits earned during their career protecting the citizens of St. Louis County.

“We support, recognize, and honor all who chose law enforcement with St. Louis County Police Department.”


Thurs, March 23 1 pm 7th Precinct-West County 232 Vance Road, 63088

Pictured left

Jerry Hawkins, Sec. Mary Monteleone, VP Chief of Police Ken Gregory Monty Monteleone, Pres. Michelle Fourtney, Treas.

Membership dues $15/year c/o Michelle Fourtney, Treas. Phone: 314-541-2497

E mail: michellefourtney@gmail.com

Association Information: c/o President, Monty Monteleone

E mail: mrm194917@gmail.com c/o Secretary, Jerry Hawkins

E mail: skyhawk591@charter.net

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