Issued: 06/09/2014
INTRODUCTION TO SAINT LOUIS COUNTY BENCH MARK SYSTEM The Purpose of the Saint Louis County Benchmark System is to compile established information listing the known Bench Marks within Saint Louis County. The Survey Section of the Saint Louis County Department of Highways and Traffic assumed sole responsibility for the Saint Louis County Benchmark System in 2000. Maintenance of the system prior to 2000 was a coordinated effort between the Department and the Metropolitan Saint Louis Sewer District. Previous published editions (all as paper books) under the coordinated effort are as follows: 1st printing - February 1981 3rd revision - November 1993 1st revision - July 1986 4th revision - July 1997 nd 2 revision - March 1992 Previous editions under the Saint Louis County Department of Highways and Traffic are as follows: February 2001 - Published paper book dated January 1, 2001. September 2002 - First digital publication as ".pdf" files to Saint Louis County web site. June 2014 – First publication with NAVD88 elevations resulting from a multiyear project to improve and modernize the Saint Louis County Benchmark System. Individual chapter files will be periodically updated on the Saint Louis County web site.
Supported Datum(s): All publications of the Saint Louis County Benchmark System prior to 2014, were based upon benchmarks indexed to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum 1929 (commonly NGVD29) as established by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) or its successor, the National Geodetic Survey (NGS). This datum was historically, but imprecisely, known as USGS Datum. The Saint Louis County Benchmark System was the subject of a comprehensive review and modernization project between 2009 and 2014. Between November 2009 and January 2010, the Survey Section of the Saint Louis County Department of Highways and Traffic performed static GPS observations on a network of 43 monuments for a height modernization project in collaboration with the Missouri Land Survey Program and with the National Geodetic Survey. The Survey Section was relying upon the National Geodetic Survey to publish North American Vertical Datum 1988 (NAVD88) elevations on those 43 monuments. As of May 2014, neither agency has completed the Saint Louis County NAVD88 height modernization. The Survey Section lacks the statutory authority to independently establish NAVD88 elevations on new primary control monuments. Between 2009 and now, the Survey Section has run a network of differential level observations covering much of Saint Louis County. Saint Louis County has adopted 14 monuments where the published NGS datasheets include NAVD88 orthometric heights in order to propagate NAVD88 elevations throughout the Saint Louis County Benchmark System. This implementation of NAVD88 by Saint Louis County has been designated NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of NAVD88 implementation by Saint Louis County as NAVD88(SLC2011a).
Introduction Page I
Issued: 06/09/2014
At any time when NGS substantially increases the quality, number, or distribution of monuments with precise NAVD88 orthometric heights, Saint Louis County is willing to readjust our leveling network to conform to NGS. The datum tag NAVD88(SLC2011a) will continue to be applied to all additional, edited or revised individual benchmarks until and unless a major readjustment of the overall Saint Louis County benchmark network is performed. Format changes described below allow for both NGVD29 and NAVD88 elevations. Henceforth, each published benchmark elevation will be expressly labeled as either NGVD29 or as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Users should label project elevations with a specific datum. Saint Louis County may, at its sole discretion, cease future publication of NGVD29 elevations; and may require the use of NAVD88 elevations on some or all projects subject to County jurisdiction. The current practice of dual datum publication is a temporary measure. End users are responsible to determine whether other review agencies, and/or clients, require a specific vertical datum. As described in the aforesaid "Addendum 1" it is likely that carefully made GPS observations referenced to the NAD83(2011) datum and applying GEID12A should be consistent with NAVD88(SLC2011a) elevations within 0.05± meters, plus any additional error depending on the quality of the specific GPS observation. Only elevations directly measured from benchmarks published by Saint Louis County should be labeled with the datum tag NAVD88(SLC2011a), and the specific adopted benchmarks should be listed. Saint Louis County may, at its sole discretion, establish and periodically revise a policy to accept or reject nominally NAVD88 elevations derived or transferred by GPS methods. The Survey Section intends that either NGVD29 or NAVD88, where published by the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) or the Saint Louis County Benchmark System, be broadly accepted as meeting any pre-existing Saint Louis County regulatory requirements for "USGS Datum". Any regulatory requirement calling for any prior version of the benchmark system, whether published by MSD or Saint Louis County, shall be interpreted as a call for the most current publication of the Saint Louis County Benchmark System. Formatting Changes: This publication of the Saint Louis County Benchmark System is made available on the Saint Louis County web site as ".pdf" files for each benchmark chapter. The format is similar to prior publications, and remains compatible in most ways. But, this publication incorporates significant format revisions which will facilitate ongoing modernization of the benchmark system. Chapter Limits Defined by State Plane Coordinate Grid Lines – The benchmark system historically used 26 chapters based loosely on the Township and Range lines. Township locations were never surveyed. This publication retains the 26 numbered chapters, but uses Missouri Coordinate System of 1983 East Zone coordinate grid lines as the chapter grid lines. (See the legend on each chapter map for coordinate values.) Slightly more than 80 benchmarks, system wide, were renumbered for the purpose of normalizing benchmarks within the chapter where they are physically located. In each case, the old benchmark number remains listed in the original chapter, with a note identifying the new chapter and benchmark number. Introduction Page II
Issued: 06/09/2014
Single Number Benchmark Designations – Historically, each benchmark was designated by two numbers representing the chapter grid and the individual benchmark within the chapter. Hence, benchmark 5 in chapter 12 was commonly designated as benchmark "12-5", but other similar formats had been used. The decision was made to improve consistency by designating each benchmark with a single integer designation. The same benchmark would now be designated 12005 with the final three digits being the number within the chapter, padded to three places with leading zeros when needed, and the chapter number in front. (See also the legend on each chapter map.) Explicit Datum Labels – Each published benchmark elevation is now labeled as either "NGVD29" or "NAVD88(SLC2011a)". Users should expressly state their adopted datum. Explicit Unit Labels – Each published benchmark elevation is now labeled as being either "FtUS" when expressed in U.S. Survey Feet or "Meter" when expressed in Meters. Approximate Geodetic Positions – None of the benchmarks listed in the Saint Louis County Benchmark System are intended for use as horizontal survey control. Approximate geodetic positions are included for the purpose of better managing the distribution of benchmarks and to facilitate the increasing use of computer mapping software. The source of the geodetic position for each benchmark is noted as one of the following: Estimated = Handheld GPS, aerial photo, or other rough estimate. May not be based on a recent field visit. (Use the description over the position.) Submeter = Horizontal positional quality determined to be less than one meter. Not suitable as horizontal control. Published = Position based on a National Geodetic Survey or Missouri Land Survey Program published coordinate. Consult National Geodetic Survey and Missouri Land Survey Program for authorized horizontal control coordinates. NGS PID and Designation – When known, NGS PID and Designation are included for ease in recovering associated NGS datasheets. Adoption of NGS published NAVD88 Elevations – In those cases where an NAVD88 elevation was fixed at the NGS published value "NAVD88(Adopt NGS)" is used rather than "NAVD88(SLC2011a)". In each case the published NAVD88 elevation was taken directly from an NGS datasheet. Not all NGS datasheets report an NAVD88 elevation. Some NGS elevations are not adopted when they fit poorly with NAVD88(SLC2011a). Recommended Conditions of Common Sense Usage: Saint Louis County cannot control the physical condition or continued existence of any published benchmark, and reserves the right to issue periodic revisions or corrections. Benchmarks may periodically be removed from publication even if some evidence of the original benchmark remains. The Survey Section has sole discretion to evaluate the likely future integrity of any benchmark. Users are strongly cautioned against relying upon outdated benchmark books. Once removed from publication, older benchmarks are not generally considered valid. Report any destroyed benchmarks, errors, omissions, or concerns to the Chief of Surveys, Saint Louis County Department of Highways and Traffic. E-Mail address: Office Phone: 314-615-1183, Fax number: 314-615-1190 Introduction Page III
Issued: 06/09/2014
DISCLAIMER: Engineers, surveyors, and other parties using this compiled information, do so with the full knowledge that all of the vertical datum and other information are provided without any warranty of the accuracy and the relative variations between Benchmarks as identified herein. The Department of Highways and Traffic assumes no responsibility and shall have no liability arising from the use of this information or any part thereof. The information contained herein is subject to change. Revisions may be issued of such changes and/or additions. With the addition of NAVD88 elevations, there is a very real potential for end users to incorrectly apply a variety of geodetic factors or software settings. Saint Louis County is not liable for any work performed by others; and has not rigorously confirmed compatibility of the Saint Louis County Benchmark System, or any part of it, with current or future Global Positioning System (GPS) observation methods. Geodetic observations require significant technical understanding. End users are responsible to determine whether any specific measurement method is being properly applied. REFERENCE NOTE: The Saint Louis County Benchmark System is a compilation of available benchmarks from various sources. Minor elevation differences reported by different sources are not uncommon. The end user must determine whether to accept or reject any specific benchmark in relation to other benchmarks.
Introduction Page IV
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter Index: Index Revised: 10/01/2020 (Revision Dates of Linked Documents Vary as Noted on Each Document.) Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
26 NOTES: Benchmark Chapters are defined by a rectangular grid of NAD83 Missouri East Zone Metric State Plane Coordinate values as indicated on the index map. Township and Range designations were never rigorously established for benchmark purposes, but are estimated for continuity with prior benchmark publications. The Saint Louis County Benchmark System does not provide anything more than incidental benchmark coverage for the City of St Louis. Near chapter grid lines check both chapters because horizontal locations of benchmarks are estimated.
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 01:
Rev: 03/18/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 625.63 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of a headwall; 18' east of the centerline of Douglas Road and 100' south of the centerline of the driveway to house #3433 Douglas Road. SP MO East N=335927± E=266055± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.860188°±(N/+) Long=90.315015°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 651.44 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the first step at house #3243 Douglas Road. SP MO East N=336351± E=265148± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.864024°±(N/+) Long=90.325456°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 500.77 FtUS "Spike" in a power pole; 15' south of Douglas Road and 38' east of the centerline of a private drive way at house #3042 Douglas Road. SP MO East N=336005± E=264235± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.860922°±(N/+) Long=90.335983°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 455.03 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the first step to the concrete front porch at #3016 Douglas Road. SP MO East N=336048± E=264012± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.861313°±(N/+) Long=90.338552°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 449.60 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the east head wall of an arch culvert; 19' east of New Halls Ferry Road and 129' south of the centerline of a private driveway at house #17232 New Halls Ferry Road. SP MO East N=335721± E=264115± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.858366°±(N/+) Long=90.337372°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 563.94 FtUS "L" on the north edge of a concrete drive to house #108 Castle Drive. SP MO East N=335674± E=267831± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.857875°±(N/+) Long=90.294559°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 563.36 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of a water box (flush with the ground); 36' east of the centerline of Castle Drive and 18' south of the centerline of driveway to house #23 Castle Drive. SP MO East N=336121± E=268076± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.861897°±(N/+) Long=90.291724°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 01:
Rev: 03/18/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 445.71 FtUS "O" in OPEN on fire hydrant; 50' south of the centerline of creek (at the end of St. Louis County maintenance) 12' east of Carrico Road. SP MO East N=336167± E=268048± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.862312°±(N/+) Long=90.292046°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 447.31 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of a 12" square concrete post; 30' south of the centerline of the creek (at the end of St. Louis County maintenance) and 12' east of Carrico Road. SP MO East N=336384± E=267689± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.864274°±(N/+) Long=90.296177°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 607.96 FtUS "Sq" in the center of the west headwall of private drive; 7' west of centerline of private drive at #801 Carrico Road. SP MO East N=336300± E=266829± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.863534°±(N/+) Long=90.306088°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 499.82 FtUS "Spike" in power pole 2' above ground; 0.3 miles north of Old Jamestown Road along Carrico Road, 15' north of the centerline of Carrico Road and 115' south of creek. SP MO East N=335899± E=266764± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.859923°±(N/+) Long=90.306847°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 4308 in Chapter 4.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 615.63 FtUS (or) 187.644 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 615.99 FtUS “O” in OPEN of fire hydrant situated along the northwest side of Old Jamestown Road roughly 0.1 miles northeast of the centerline of Douglas Road and 55 feet more or less northeast of the center of driveway to property addressed as #19726 Old Jamestown Road; roughly 15 feet northwest of the centerline of Old Jamestown Road, and 49 feet southwest of the center of driveway to #19718 Old Jamestown Road. SP MO East N=335541± E=266489± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.856703°±(N/+) Long=90.310024°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 02:
Rev: 01/18/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 530.46 FtUS (or) 161.684 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 530.83 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-127A situated in a grassy area northeast of Jamestown Farm Drive inside the loop driveway in front of residence addressed as #37 Jamestown Farm Drive and being roughly 11.5 feet northeast of the center of Jamestown Farm Drive, 27 feet more or less southeast of the center of northern leg of loop driveway with the northeast edge of Jamestown Farm Drive, and 14.6 feet south of a lamp post. <NGS PID="AA8648", Designation="Accessory to SL 127"> SP MO East N=335222± E=269887± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.853759°±(N/+) Long=90.270884°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 03:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 478.67 FtUS (or) 145.900 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 478.92 FtUS RM 226 FEMA PANEL 39 - "Standard Tablet" stamped 40-75 S.L.C. set in the top of a round concrete base that formerly supported an overhead light post (post now removed) centered between the two center rows of parking spaces in the parking lot southwest of the Hussman Corporation refrigeration factory addressed as #12999 St Charles Rock Road and situated east of the intersection of Taussig Road and St Charles Rock Road, 200 feet more or less southeast of the northwest edge of parking lot and 75 feet more or less southwest of the southwest edge of sidewalk along the northeast edge of asphalt parking lot; roughly 138 feet south of a flagpole centered in the sidewalk from the parking lot to the most northwest entrance along the southwest side of building. [In December 2012, this benchmark was inside the perimeter fence around the Hussman property, requiring access thru the gate along Taussig Road.] SP MO East N=325677± E=255416± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.767979°±(N/+) Long=90.437678°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 486.85 FtUS (or) 148.392 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 487.09 FtUS RM 227 FEMA PANEL 43 - "Standard Tablet" stamped 19 GEU 1974 set in south end of east abutment along Taussig Road at Wabash Railroad overpass. SP MO East N=326624± E=256060± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.776507°±(N/+) Long=90.430259°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 449.52 FtUS (or) 137.015 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 449.88 FtUS RM 229 FEMA PANEL 41 - "Standard Tablet" stamped 41-75 S.L.C. set in south end of west bridge abutment of bridge over Cowmire Creek along Missouri Bottom Road; east of the intersection of Prouhet Farm Road and Missouri Bottom Road. [In September 2011, a private land surveyor reported that this bridge may soon be removed. The integrity and identity of this benchmark should be considered carefully during or after any construction.] SP MO East N=327790± E=256736± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.787006°±(N/+) Long=90.422468°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 03:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 436.89 FtUS (or) 133.164 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 437.25 FtUS "Copper bolt" leaded in the top of an 18" square stone with engraved letters north of the bolt as "US" and south of the bolt as "B M" recovered about 3 feet underground in a cultivated agricultural field north of a large former farmhouse addressed as #5100 Aubuchon Road. The former 4" iron access pipe and lower iron flange were cleaned out and reinstalled, but the former Missouri River Commission cap was not found. A new 5" schedule 40 PVC pipe was sleeved over the older iron pipe, and capped by a standard NGS aluminum access cover stamped on the flat spot on the north rim as "PBM 17" roughly 3 feet above ground surface with Missouri DNR "Survey Marker" reflective stickers affixed to the eastern and northern faces of the PVC pipe facing the property driveway and Aubuchon Road. The top of iron access pipe is 4.0 feet higher than the bolt. The north rim of the aluminum cap stamped "PBM 17" is 1.887 Meters (6.19 Feet) higher than the bolt by leveling. The "copper bolt" appears vaguely triangular when viewed from above, is closer to the south side of the riser pipe, and is roughly 0.02 feet higher than the surface of the stone. The benchmark is 103 feet north of the house, 170 feet west of the centerline of asphalt driveway, 102 feet south of the centerline of Aubuchon Road, and nearly on a line from a rural mailbox north of Aubuchon Road toward the chimney of the farm house. <NGS PID="JC0135", Designation="17 BOLT"> SP MO East N=328911.9± E=256321.9± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.797116°±(N/+) Long=90.427224°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 572.85 FtUS (or) 174.606 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 573.21 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the concrete stoop for house #5002 Villa Maria Lane; northwest corner of the intersection of Missouri Bottom Road and Villa Maria Lane. SP MO East N=326546± E=258375± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.775785°±(N/+) Long=90.403617°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 548.76 FtUS (or) 167.261 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 549.06 FtUS "L" in the northeast side of a concrete drive to house #12710 Missouri Bottom Road; roughly 23 feet northwest of the centerline of Missouri Bottom Road and 76 feet northeast of the centerline of Leaf Crest Drive. SP MO East N=326753± E=258211± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.777651°±(N/+) Long=90.405502°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 03:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 477.14 FtUS RM 3 FEMA Panel 44 - "Sq" in the northeast wingwall of Bridge #111; at intersection of Dunn Road and Missouri Bottom Road. SP MO East N=327116± E=258274± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.780921°±(N/+) Long=90.404773°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 440.66 FtUS "Manhole Ring" west edge of manhole ring on pumping station on Shoreline Drive; 55' west of centerline of Shoreline Drive and 0.2 mile north of the intersection of Shoreline and Parks Steed Drive. SP MO East N=325971± E=252945± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.770640°±(N/+) Long=90.466110°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 435.80 FtUS (or) 132.831 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 436.01 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of headwall; 44' south of Rider Trail Drive and 44' east of centerline of railroad tracks. SP MO East N=326666± E=253055± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.776900°±(N/+) Long=90.464841°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 435.91 FtUS (or) 132.867 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 436.13 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of a concrete headwall; roughly 45 feet south of the centerline of Rider Trail North, 40 feet northeast of the northeast corner of commercial building addressed as #13750 North Rider Trail, and 465 feet more or less east of Green Ash Drive. SP MO East N=326577± E=253303± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.776098°±(N/+) Long=90.461988°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 437.53 FtUS (or) 133.358 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 437.73 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of a concrete headwall; 37' west of the centerline of southbound Earth City Expressway and 0.1 mile north of Rider Trail Drive North. "U" on the southwest corner 0.05' lower than benchmark. SP MO East N=326754± E=253468± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.777692°±(N/+) Long=90.460088°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 03:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 443.84 FtUS (or) 135.284 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 444.07 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of concrete base of a transmission tower that is within the southern end of the northernmost median island between the northbound and southbound lanes of Rider Trail North, being generally west of the southern end of a large UPS facility addressed as #13818 North Rider Trail; roughly 149 feet north of the centerline of a paved crossover between the northbound and southbound lanes of Rider Trail North which is opposite gates to UPS facilities on both sides of Rider Trail North, and 87 feet north of a standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-109A. SP MO East N=326388± E=252653± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.774397°±(N/+) Long=90.469469°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 444.37 FtUS (or) 135.443 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 444.57 FtUS "U" on the southwest corner of concrete base of a transmission tower that is within a median island between the northbound and southbound lanes of Rider Trail North, being generally east of a commercial building addressed as #4285 North Rider Trail, west of a drainage pond, and 95 feet more or less north of the centerline of a crossover between the northbound and southbound lanes of Rider Trail North which is aligned with the drive access from a set of commercial buildings set back well to the east of the road and addressed in a range from #4236 to #4240 North Rider Trail. SP MO East N=326076± E=252506± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.771587°±(N/+) Long=90.471162°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 445.38 FtUS (or) 135.753 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 445.61 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of concrete base of a transmission tower that is within a median island between the northbound and southbound lanes of Rider Trail North, being generally west of the northwest corner of a commercial building addressed as #4208 North Rider Trail, and 315 feet more or less north of the centerline of a crossover between the northbound and southbound lanes of Rider Trail North at the intersection with Parks Steed Drive. SP MO East N=325765± E=252359± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.768786°±(N/+) Long=90.472854°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 444.79 FtUS "U" on the northeast corner of a concrete slab for the gas meters for the All Purpose Sand Company metal building at #152 Missouri Bottom Road. SP MO East N=327484± E=252517± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.784271°±(N/+) Long=90.471030°±(W/-) Page 5 of 15
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 03:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 491.66 FtUS "U" on the back of curb; 13' east of Bridgeton Industrial Drive and 43' south of Gist Road. SP MO East N=326846± E=256685± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.778502°±(N/+) Long=90.423064°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 445.28 FtUS "No Mark" southeast corner of the bottom step to the entrance of a commercial building at #13795 Ferguson Lane; 75' north of the centerline of Ferguson Lane and 44' west of the centerline of the asphalt driveway entrance to building. SP MO East N=327684± E=255358± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.786060°±(N/+) Long=90.438329°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 438.72 FtUS (or) 133.723 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 439.14 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of the north wingwall; 15' west of the centerline of Aubuchon Road and 79' south of the centerline of Teson Road extended. SP MO East N=329898± E=258439± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.805981°±(N/+) Long=90.402840°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 453.24 FtUS (or) 138.147 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 453.56 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the south concrete base of a sign for Northwest Industrial Park at #13590 St. Charles Rock Road; 94' north of the centerline of St. Charles Rock Road and 60' east of the centerline of the driveway entrance to complex. SP MO East N=326513± E=254662± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.775515°±(N/+) Long=90.446348°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 441.96 FtUS (or) 134.711 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 442.29 FtUS RM 220 FEMA PANEL 37 - Top of railroad spike on power pole 1.4 feet from ground at junction of Missouri Bottom Road and Ferguson road; 16' west of centerline of Missouri Bottom Road and 16' east of centerline of Ferguson Lane extended. (Same as formerly duplicate benchmark 3011) SP MO East N=328730± E=254583± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.795488°±(N/+) Long=90.447243°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 440.33 FtUS RM 221 FEMA PANEL 37 - Top of railroad spike in railroad pole 1.2 feet from ground on west side of Missouri Bottom road at railroad overpass. Pier #123; 14' north of the centerline tracks and 35' west at right angles off centerline Missouri Bottom Road. SP MO East N=328283± E=253726± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.791465°±(N/+) Long=90.457110°±(W/-) Page 6 of 15
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 03:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 451.63 FtUS RM 231 FEMA PANEL 43 - Mark on west concrete wall of east concrete culvert at north or downstream side of culvert under Norfolk and Western Railway. SP MO East N=326559± E=256862± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.775915°±(N/+) Long=90.421029°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 461.53 FtUS RM 232 FEMA PANEL 43 - Mark on west side of bridge over concrete wall at private entrance over Cowmire Creek about 1,000 feet south of Norfolk and Western Railway overpass. SP MO East N=326292± E=256657± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.773511°±(N/+) Long=90.423391°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 470.98 FtUS RM 233 FEMA PANEL 43 - Railroad spike in power pole about 300 feet east of end of concrete pavement on Enterprise Way, 15 feet west of bridge over Cowmire Creek. SP MO East N=325721± E=256054± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.768372°±(N/+) Long=90.430336°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 481.48 FtUS RM 234 FEMA PANEL 43 - Mark on end of northeast wing of entrance bridge over creek in southeast quarter of Kirchner Concrete block manufacturing property. SP MO East N=325265± E=255842± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.764265°±(N/+) Long=90.432779°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 445.98 FtUS (or) 135.936 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 446.20 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of concrete base of the southernmost transmission tower that is within a median island between the northbound and southbound lanes of Rider Trail North, being generally west of the driveway entrance from northbound Rider Trail North to the southern part of a commercial property addressed as #4142 North Rider Trail, and 155 feet more or less north of the centerline of a crossover between the northbound and southbound lanes of Rider Trail North. [This is prior BM 8152 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 3.] SP MO East N=325453± E=252213± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.765975°±(N/+) Long=90.474535°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 03:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 458.87 FtUS (or) 139.865 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 459.18 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-112 situated in grassy area east of a chain link fence on top of a levee along the northwest side of Earth City Expressway approximately 0.2 miles southwest of the MO Hwy 115 interchange with Earth City Expressway, roughly 63 feet northwest of the centerline of Earth City Expressway, 61 feet northeast of the center of a railroad spur track crossing Earth city expressway at grade, and 83 feet southwest of the centerline of an elevated railroad bridge across Earth City Expressway. <NGS PID="AA8631", Designation="SL 112"> SP MO East N=328102.1± E=253913.1± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.789834°±(N/+) Long=90.454958°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 587.09 FtUS (or) 178.945 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 587.41 FtUS Found "L" on the southeast corner of the northernmost concrete wall returning east as part of the eastern abutment wall for Bridge No A4298 at Gist Road over I-270. Benchmark is north of and approximately flush with the sidewalk near the east end of chain link guard fence over bridge, roughly 21 feet north of the centerline of Gist Road, 10 feet east of the expansion joint at east end of bridge deck, and approximately 100 feet west of the centerline of Gallatin Lane. SP MO East N=325582± E=257672± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.767107°±(N/+) Long=90.411719°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 494.38 FtUS (or) 150.687 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 494.63 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-137A situated in grassy area east of St Charles Rock Road and south of the divided drive entrance to Kirchner Block and Brick at #12901 St Charles Rock Road; roughly 97 feet south of the centerline of the southern entrance drive, 23 feet east of the edge of pavement of St Charles Rock Road, 19 feet southwest of an angle point at the southwest corner of a block retaining wall aligned to accommodate a retractable entrance gate, and 37 feet west of a block planting area containing two mature trees. SP MO East N=325352± E=255580± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.765051°±(N/+) Long=90.435793°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 03:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 481.50 FtUS (or) 146.760 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 481.74 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-137 situated in grassy area east of the intersection of St Charles Rock Road and Taussig Road, and west of the chain link fence surrounding the Hussman Corporation refrigeration factory addressed as #12999 St Charles Rock Road; roughly 16 feet northwest of a angle point in said chain link fence, 93 feet south of a second angle point in said chain link fence, and 5 feet east of an MCI telephone manhole. SP MO East N=325819.7± E=255274.9± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.769266°±(N/+) Long=90.439300°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 482.14 FtUS (or) 146.956 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 482.38 FtUS Cut "U" on the top north edge of the westernmost of two flag poles situated in grassy area north of the Robertson Fire Protection District firehouse addressed as #3820 Taussig Road and south of the right turn lane from northeast bound Taussig Road onto southeast bound Enterprise Way; roughly 61 feet southeast of the centerline of Taussig Road and 116 feet southwest of the centerline of Enterprise Way. SP MO East N=326166± E=255653± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.772383°±(N/+) Long=90.434946°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 456.51 FtUS (or) 139.145 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 456.79 FtUS Cut "L" at a joint in the back of curb on the southeast side of the smaller of two circular grass islands in a network of concrete sidewalks at the Bridgeton Municipal Athletic Complex addressed as #13212 Ferguson Lane, northwest of a large asphalt parking lot with entrance on Taussig Road. Benchmark is roughly 16 feet southeast of a flagpole in the center of island, 9 feet northwest of the northwest edge of parking lot, 33 feet northeast of a 3 foot square grate inlet in the parking lot, 590 feet more or less northeast of the easternmost corner of tennis courts, 920 feet more or less northeast of Ferguson Lane, and 520 feet more or less northwest of Taussig Road. SP MO East N=326880± E=256270± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.778811°±(N/+) Long=90.427840°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 03:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 464.70 FtUS (or) 141.640 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 465.05 FtUS Cut "Sq" on top of the southeast end of the south concrete barrier wall south of the right hand shoulder of eastbound Highway 370 near the southeast corner of the Highway 370 bridge over Missouri Bottom Road, 1.5 miles more or less east of the intersection of Highways 370 and 141; roughly 0.5 feet northwest of the southeast end of barrier wall, and 100 feet northeast of the centerline of Missouri Bottom Road. SP MO East N=328001± E=256625± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.788907°±(N/+) Long=90.423743°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 456.36 FtUS (or) 139.098 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 456.71 FtUS Cut "L" at the intersection of concrete joints on the interior surface of a concrete traffic island south of relocated Missouri Bottom Road and west of St Louis Mills Boulevard, approximately 0.1 miles southwest along St Louis Mills Boulevard from bridge #A7015 over Highway 370 and 0.4 miles north of Taussig Road; roughly 17.7 feet south of the north edge of traffic island, 10.9 feet west of the east edge of traffic island, and 27 feet north of the southern bull nose end of traffic island. SP MO East N=327582± E=256862± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.785131°±(N/+) Long=90.421019°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 488.63 FtUS (or) 148.935 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 488.99 FtUS Cut "U" on the top north side of the round concrete base for a traffic signal mast with signal arm extending east to control southbound traffic along St Louis Mills Boulevard, situated on the south side of Taussig Road approximately 0.1 miles west of Highway 370; roughly 30 feet south of the centerline of Taussig Road, 37 feet west of the southerly prolongation of the centerline of St Louis Mills Boulevard, and 53 feet northeast of the easterly corner of a traffic signal control box. SP MO East N=327031± E=257121± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.780165°±(N/+) Long=90.418044°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 496.03 FtUS (or) 151.190 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 496.39 FtUS Found "Sq" near the top west end of the southern concrete barrier wall of bridge #A4920 along Taussig Road over Highway 370; roughly 1.3 feet east of the west end of barrier wall, and 23 feet south of the centerline of Taussig Road. SP MO East N=327076± E=257212± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.780570°±(N/+) Long=90.416996°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 03:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 496.07 FtUS (or) 151.202 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 496.43 FtUS Found cross near the top east end of the southern concrete barrier wall of bridge #A4920 along Taussig Road over Highway 370; roughly 4.3 feet west of the east end of barrier wall, and 23 feet south of the centerline of Taussig Road. SP MO East N=327106± E=257281± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.780839°±(N/+) Long=90.416202°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 572.63 FtUS (or) 174.537 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 572.98 FtUS Cut "U" on the top back of concrete curb rounding at the back of a handicap sidewalk ramp northwest of the intersection of Missouri Bottom Road and Tulip Tree Lane; roughly 27 feet north of the centerline of Tulip Tree Lane, and 28 feet west of the centerline of Missouri Bottom Road. SP MO East N=327187± E=257834± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.781564°±(N/+) Long=90.409836°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 590.48 FtUS (or) 179.978 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 590.84 FtUS Cut "U" on the top southwest edge of the concrete barrier wall between the traveled pavement and the sidewalk along the southwest side of bridge #A4277 for Missouri Bottom Road over Interstate 270; approximately 150 feet more or less northwest along the sidewalk from a point above the center barrier wall of I-270, and 31.8 feet southeast of a curb cut for a handicap sidewalk ramp giving access from the southeast bound shoulder of Missouri Bottom Road to the northwest end of the sidewalk along the southwest side of bridge #A4277. SP MO East N=326230± E=258602± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.772936°±(N/+) Long=90.401009°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 444.31 FtUS (or) 135.427 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 444.60 FtUS Cut "U" on the top northern edge of the curb stop beneath the eastern concrete barrier wall for Bridge No 239 along the northbound lanes of Earth City Expressway (also known as Highway 141) over a drainage canal approximately midway between Lakefront Drive and Shoreline Drive; being 1.3 feet east of the northwest corner of the curb stop, northwest of the curved northern end of the eastern bridge barrier wall, and roughly 15 feet east of the centerline of northbound Earth City Expressway. SP MO East N=325812± E=253745± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.769204°±(N/+) Long=90.456905°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 03:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 443.68 FtUS (or) 135.233 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 443.97 FtUS Cut "U" on the top west edge of the round concrete base of a traffic signal mast situated in the eastern edge of the eastern asphalt shoulder for northbound Earth City Expressway (also known as Highway 141), and approximately in the easterly prolongation of the centerline of Shoreline Drive. The traffic signal mast supports signal lights controlling traffic along eastbound Shoreline Drive. SP MO East N=326186± E=253543± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.772574°±(N/+) Long=90.459228°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 443.18 FtUS (or) 135.083 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 443.48 FtUS Cut "U" on the top west edge of round concrete base for a traffic signal mast supporting signals that control traffic along northbound Earth City Expressway (also known as Highway 141) and situated in the south end of a median island between the northbound and southbound lanes of Earth City Expressway north of Rider Trail North. The benchmark is roughly 10 feet northeast of the center of a 3'x5' grate inlet, 22 feet east of the west edge of median island and 20 feet more or less north of the south end of median island. SP MO East N=326580± E=253445± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.776124°±(N/+) Long=90.460354°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 447.85 FtUS (or) 136.504 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 448.14 FtUS Cut "L" on the top northernmost corner of the concrete base for raised metal traffic signal control box situated southwest of the right turn lane from eastbound St Charles Rock Road onto southbound Earth City Expressway (also known as Highway 141); roughly 47 feet southwest of a traffic signal mast on the traffic island situated northeast of the aforesaid right turn lane, and 15 feet east of an overhead light post. SP MO East N=326900± E=253494± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.779007°±(N/+) Long=90.459788°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 440.52 FtUS (or) 134.271 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 440.81 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-109 situated in the southern part of a grassy median between the northbound and southbound lanes of Rider Trail North underneath electric transmission lines running along said grassy median; approximately 100 feet north of the centerline of Parks Steed Drive, and 22.5 feet west of the western edge of the marked driving lanes of northbound Rider Trail North. <NGS PID="AA8627", Designation="SL 109"> SP MO East N=325703.9± E=252333.9± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.768235°±(N/+) Long=90.473143°±(W/-) Page 12 of 15
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 03:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 442.10 FtUS (or) 134.752 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 442.39 FtUS Cut "L" at a joint in the southwest curb near the southeast end of a median island between the northbound and southbound lanes of Rider Trail at a point in a curve transitioning between Rider Trail South and Rider Trail North; being the westernmost curve on any part of Rider Trail, and being generally north of the western end of commercial building situated on Lot 1637 of "EARTH CITY PLAT 64" (Plat Book 340, Page 1). The benchmark is on the back of southwest curb near the westernmost corner of the concrete paved southern tip of the otherwise landscaped median island; roughly 13 feet northwest of the southeastern bull nose end of the median island, and 37 feet northeast of a fire hydrant. SP MO East N=325258± E=252179± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.764219°±(N/+) Long=90.474927°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 438.89 FtUS (or) 133.775 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 439.18 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-109A and situated near the southern end of the northernmost median island between the northbound and southbound lanes of Rider Trail North, being generally west of the southern end of a large UPS facility addressed as #13818 North Rider Trail; roughly 60 feet north of the centerline of a paved crossover between the northbound and southbound lanes of Rider Trail North which is opposite gates to UPS facilities on both sides of Rider Trail North, 9 feet west of the edge of pavement for the northbound lanes, and 87 feet south of the southwest corner of the concrete base of a transmission tower. <NGS PID="AA8627", Designation="Accessory to SL 109"> SP MO East N=326361± E=252647± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.774154°±(N/+) Long=90.469538°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 442.46 FtUS (or) 134.861 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 442.76 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-112A situated 0.6 feet below ground in a grassy area roughly 18 feet west of the western edge of driving lanes for southbound Earth City Expressway (also known as Highway 141) at a distance of 500 feet more or less south of the center of Corporate Woods Drive and opposite a stamped pavement station of 28+00. The benchmark is generally east of the principal entrance to a large building for Trane heating and cooling addressed as #20 Corporate Woods Drive; roughly 18 feet south of a fire hydrant, and 62 feet north of a telephone manhole. <NGS PID="AA8631", Designation="Accessory to SL 112"> SP MO East N=327762± E=253563± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.786772°±(N/+) Long=90.458989°±(W/-) Page 13 of 15
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 03:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 439.32 FtUS (or) 133.905 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 439.68 FtUS Set railroad spike in the south side of a solitary large sycamore tree on the north side of Aubuchon Road 1400 feet more or less east of the intersection with Missouri Bottom Road, just barely north of the line of power poles with overhead electric lines, and in the south side of a large open agricultural field. The benchmark is north of and across Aubuchon Road from an old farm house with outbuildings addressed as #5100 Aubuchon Road and is 130 feet more or less west of the northerly prolongation of the western driveway to #5100 Aubuchon Road. There are no other large trees north of Aubuchon Road near this location. [In May 2014, this benchmark was recovered still solid and undisturbed in the stump of a large sycamore which had been cut off above the spike.] SP MO East N=328951± E=256330± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.797468°±(N/+) Long=90.427130°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 456.31 FtUS (or) 139.083 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 456.62 FtUS Cut "L" on the top easternmost corner of the concrete base for raised metal traffic signal control box situated east of the right turn lane from the exit ramp at westbound Highway 370 onto northbound Earth City Expressway (also known as Highway 141); roughly 15 feet east of the east edge of concrete pavement, 50 feet northeast of the centerline of the two left turn lanes on the westbound ramp, and 70 feet more or less southeast of the center of Earth City Expressway. SP MO East N=328548± E=254306± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.793850°±(N/+) Long=90.450432°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 438.72 FtUS (or) 133.721 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 439.08 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-115A situated in a grassy shoulder area outside of the gravel road roundings roughly 51 feet northeast of the center of gravel road to Schroeder Sod Farms, 7 feet southeast of the southern white stripe along Aubuchon Road, 26 feet north of a planter and entrance sign base made from a large tractor tire tread, and 0.35 miles more or less southwesterly along Aubuchon Road from Teson Road. <NGS PID="AA8634", Designation="Accessory to SL 115"> SP MO East N=329527± E=258050± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.802643°±(N/+) Long=90.407323°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 03:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 438.25 FtUS (or) 133.578 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 438.61 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-115 situated in a depression on top of a raised berm along the northeast side of the Hazelwood Sports Complex addressed as #4622 Aubuchon Road; roughly 44 feet southeast of the centerline of Aubuchon Road and a little less than 0.1 miles southwest of Teson Road. The athletic fields and parking are substantially different than the 1992 sketch on the official datasheet for SL-115. The benchmark is roughly 130 feet northeast of the newer entrance drive, south of and surviving a recently installed CMP culvert thru the berm, 5 feet northwest of one carsonite witness post and 3.5 feet northeast of a second carsonite post. <NGS PID="AA8634", Designation="SL 115"> SP MO East N=329813.6± E=258374.9± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.805222°±(N/+) Long=90.403579°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 04:
Rev: 03/18/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 566.61 FtUS "Sq" on top of south retaining wall of concrete walk paved area in front of central building of St. Thomas Aquinas High School; square is opposite north end of east sidewall of east concrete steps leading down to paved area, 300' north of Dunn Road and west of Santa Cruz. SP MO East N=326541± E=265288± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.775647°±(N/+) Long=90.324061°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 557.08 FtUS "Sq" at 3" south and 6" east of northwest corner of top step leading down to southeast corner of shopping center parking lot; 55' north of cen¬terline Dunn Road and 40' west of centerline Plaza Duschesne. SP MO East N=326361± E=266072± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.774012°±(N/+) Long=90.315042°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 580.57 FtUS "Sq" on third concrete step up at south main entrance (use flag pole as landmark) to McCluer Junior High School; square is 14" west of east end and 8" north of south edge of step. SP MO East N=326081± E=266446± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.771482°±(N/+) Long=90.310745°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 613.97 FtUS (or) 187.137 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 614.43 FtUS "U" on south concrete curb of Milbank Drive; immediately east of double catch basin and 40' west of centerline North Elizabeth. SP MO East N=326020± E=266836± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.770926°±(N/+) Long=90.306258°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 651.94 FtUS (or) 198.711 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 652.39 FtUS "U" at 4" north of the southwest corner of the west edge of abandoned concrete head wall of former culvert under North Elizabeth Road; 130' north of centerline Calverton Road and 19' east of centerline North Elizabeth Road. SP MO East N=325669± E=267110± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.767758°±(N/+) Long=90.303114°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 623.77 FtUS "U" on east curb of Singing Pines Drive; 48' north of centerline Dunn Road. SP MO East N=326131± E=268428± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.771894°±(N/+) Long=90.287936°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 04:
Rev: 03/18/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 547.13 FtUS (or) 166.765 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 547.52 FtUS "U" at southwest corner of concrete base of west brick and stone gateway monument for Marietta west of Renee Drive; roughly 250 feet east of New Halls Ferry Road, 25 feet west of centerline Renee Drive and 104 feet north of centerline Parker Road relocated. SP MO East N=328574± E=268518± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.793900°±(N/+) Long=90.286834°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 565.44 FtUS (or) 172.346 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 565.78 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of 4' x 5' concrete front entrance slab to #13505 New Halls Ferry Road; roughly 75 feet west of centerline of New Halls Ferry Road, and 0.4 miles more or less north of Parker Road; immediately south of New Halls Ferry Elementary School. [In May 2013 no address was posted on the residence.) SP MO East N=329165± E=267996± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.799235°±(N/+) Long=90.292828°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 522.32 FtUS (or) 159.203 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 522.63 FtUS "Sq" on concrete walk 6' south of southwest corner of building #1545 Lindbergh Boulevard; 100' north of centerline Lindbergh Boulevard and 350' west of Brightwell Court to south. SP MO East N=329062± E=265601± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.798352°±(N/+) Long=90.320402°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 574.27 FtUS (or) 175.037 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 574.67 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped B-1923-Mo; a new show window has been built around this monument so it is available for reading or to transfer by a 6" rule. At the northwest corner of intersection of St.Francois Street and Jefferson Street; 3' west of the southeast corner of general store, in top of facing. SP MO East N=328523± E=265037± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.793507°±(N/+) Long=90.326906°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 574.35 FtUS (or) 175.063 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 574.75 FtUS "L" at southwest corner first concrete step to main entrance on the south side of Buchholz Mortuary building at the northeast corner of St Francois Street and Jefferson Street, addressed as #619 Rue St Francois Street; 80 feet more or less east of the centerline of Jefferson Street. SP MO East N=328505± E=265068± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.793344°±(N/+) Long=90.326550°±(W/-) Page 3 of 43
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 04:
Rev: 03/18/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 515.71 FtUS (or) 157.189 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 516.10 FtUS "L" at northwest corner 5' x 12' concrete slab at entrance to Florissant General Baptist Church; 75' east of centerline of Graham Road and 500' north of St. Alice Lane. SP MO East N=327886± E=264364± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.787779°±(N/+) Long=90.334666°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 520.32 FtUS "Sq" on top of concrete footing for southern leg of northern U.E. tower (#101) at southwest corner Patterson Road and Humes Lane; 130' west of centerline Patterson Road and 65' south of centerline Humes Lane. (assume Patterson Road runs north and south) SP MO East N=330344± E=264869± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.809914°±(N/+) Long=90.328801°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 517.27 FtUS "L" on steel base plate on top concrete footing of southwest leg of U.E. tower (#100) at southwest corner of Patterson Road and Lilac Drive; 55' west of centerline Patterson Road and 105' south of centerline Lilac Drive. (Lilac Drive is 0.1 mile north of Myrtle Drive) SP MO East N=330145± E=264801± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.808123°±(N/+) Long=90.329588°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 508.26 FtUS "L" on steel base plate on top concrete footing of southwest leg of eastern U.E. tower (#99); 45' west of centerline Patterson Road and midway between Myrtle Drive and Hundley Drive to east. SP MO East N=329938± E=264732± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.806259°±(N/+) Long=90.330387°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 503.55 FtUS "Sq" on top of concrete footing of southwest leg of eastern U.E. tower (#97); 80' east of centerline Patterson Road and 100' south of centerline Angelus Drive. SP MO East N=329518± E=264588± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.802478°±(N/+) Long=90.332053°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 601.60 FtUS (or) 183.368 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 601.90 FtUS "L" at southwest corner of 5' x 10' concrete top of double water meter box in front of the former St. Stanislaus Seminary; 27' east of centerline Howdershell Road and 225' south of vehicular gateway to the former St. Stanislaus Seminary, now called URSHAN College. SP MO East N=329470± E=261699± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.802088°±(N/+) Long=90.365314°±(W/-) Page 4 of 43
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 04:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 543.34 FtUS (or) 165.610 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 543.68 FtUS "Sq" on the center of the north headwall of the box culvert under Lindsay Lane; 225' west of Shackelford Road. SP MO East N=330492± E=262729± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.811281°±(N/+) Long=90.353437°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 545.55 FtUS (or) 166.283 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 545.92 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of the bottom step of six steps, at the entrance to the east side of Baptist Church at #1185 Mullanphy Road; on the southwest corner of Shackelford Road and Mullanphy Road. SP MO East N=330777± E=263219± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.813841°±(N/+) Long=90.347790°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 565.25 FtUS (or) 172.288 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 565.59 FtUS "Sq" on the southwest corner of a concrete step adjacent to the concrete base of the flag pole at fire station; northeast corner of Shackelford Road and Humes Lane. SP MO East N=331302± E=263673± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.818564°±(N/+) Long=90.342552°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 573.37 FtUS (or) 174.765 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 573.63 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of the top step on the sidewalk to the entrance to house #1725 Kilmory; at the southeast corner of Kilmory and Shackelford Road. SP MO East N=333127± E=264916± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.834984°±(N/+) Long=90.328199°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 527.99 FtUS (or) 160.933 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 528.25 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the west head wall of a box culvert under New Halls Ferry Road; roughly 37 feet west of the centerline of New Halls Ferry Road, 300 feet north of Greenway Chase Drive, and 0.4 miles more or less south of Shackelford Road. SP MO East N=333515± E=265799± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.838464°±(N/+) Long=90.318020°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 04:
Rev: 03/18/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 514.05 FtUS (or) 156.683 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 514.36 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the east head wall of a box culvert under New Halls Ferry Road; roughly 41 feet east of the centerline of New Halls Ferry Road, 720 feet more or less north of Justice Road, and 0.7 miles more or less south of Shackelford Road. SP MO East N=333102± E=266037± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.834739°±(N/+) Long=90.315288°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 504.58 FtUS (or) 153.795 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 504.88 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the west headwall of a box culvert for New Halls Ferry Creek under New Halls Ferry Road, in front of the Hazelwood School District Nature Area south of Hazelwood Central High School; roughly 41 feet west of the centerline of New Halls Ferry Road and 400 feet more or less north of the centerline extended of Del Lago Drive. [This benchmark is the same mark formerly described as RM 7 FEMA PANEL 58. As the FEMA benchmark, it was formerly published as benchmark 4289, but that number has been retired to eliminate duplication.] SP MO East N=332420± E=266357± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.828590°±(N/+) Long=90.311619°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 600.05 FtUS (or) 182.895 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 600.43 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of a 10’ x 10’ grated concrete box in front of the Southwestern Bell office at 88' north of McDonnell Boulevard and 169' west of Fee Fee Road. SP MO East N=325914± E=260616± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.770067°±(N/+) Long=90.377837°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 595.05 FtUS (or) 181.372 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 595.38 FtUS "X" on steel base of flag pole at the Armstrong School; 155' west of the centerline of Howdershell Road. [In May 2013 the mark was recovered on a steel base in the form of a decorative ring. This benchmark is not fully stable because the ring rotates freely around the flagpole. The elevation did check within a few hundreths. This benchmark should always be verified against a second more stable benchmark, since the ring is not fixed.] SP MO East N=327460± E=260453± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.783997°±(N/+) Long=90.379689°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 04:
Rev: 03/18/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 584.41 FtUS (or) 178.128 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 584.78 FtUS "No Mark" northwest corner of concrete porch at house #6690 Howdershell Road; 60' east of the centerline of Howdershell Road. SP MO East N=327671± E=260690± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.785895°±(N/+) Long=90.376958°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 586.06 FtUS (or) 178.630 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 586.34 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of concrete step at front entrance to #7240 Howdershell Road; 250' south of Gerard Park Lane and 54' east from centerline of Howdershell Road. SP MO East N=328675± E=261215± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.794933°±(N/+) Long=90.370899°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 506.82 FtUS "Sq" on northeast corner of concrete walk of bridge over Coldwater Creek; on east side of Patter¬son Road and just south of Angelus Drive. SP MO East N=329516± E=264564± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.802460°±(N/+) Long=90.332330°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 522.75 FtUS "Sq" on concrete curb at entrance to Briarwood Subdivision on east side of median at Grants Parkway; 28' south of the centerline of Wiethaupt Road. SP MO East N=331897± E=265327± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.823897°±(N/+) Long=90.323493°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 524.57 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of concrete walkway around a flag pole in front of the Coldwater School; 104' north of the centerline of Wiethaupt Road and 0.5 mile east of Shackelford Road. SP MO East N=332072± E=265162± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.825476°±(N/+) Long=90.325389°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 5214 in Chapter 5.]
[Republished as BM 5215 in Chapter 5.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 586.29 FtUS (or) 178.702 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 586.68 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of a 4'x15' concrete walk at the north entrance to New Beacon Masonic Temple addressed as #7251 Hanley Road; roughly 69 feet west of Hanley Road and 35 feet south Morningaire Drive. SP MO East N=326090± E=264293± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.771601°±(N/+) Long=90.335521°±(W/-) Page 7 of 43
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 04:
Rev: 03/18/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 535.01 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of bridge #151 on Washington Avenue; 21' west of centerline of Washington Avenue. SP MO East N=327501± E=265858± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.784285°±(N/+) Long=90.317479°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 627.44 FtUS (or) 191.245 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 627.84 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of a concrete porch at #1236 New Florissant Road; 59' east of New Florissant Road and 7' north of Grether Avenue. SP MO East N=325372± E=266170± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.765100°±(N/+) Long=90.313938°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 611.35 FtUS (or) 186.340 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 611.75 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner at the end of a concrete sidewalk at #1301 New Florissant Road; 34' west of New Floris¬sant Road and 26' north of Bascom. SP MO East N=325561± E=266103± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.766804°±(N/+) Long=90.314704°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 552.60 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of sidewalk at entrance to #815 New Florissant Road; at intersection of St. Denis and New Florissant Road. SP MO East N=328429± E=265631± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.792650°±(N/+) Long=90.320070°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 527.01 FtUS (or) 160.632 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 527.32 FtUS "Sq" on top of curb along North Water¬ford Drive; east of centerline of North Waterford and 26' north of centerline of Aintree Drive. SP MO East N=328763± E=267999± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.795613°±(N/+) Long=90.292804°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 523.24 FtUS (or) 159.484 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 523.60 FtUS Found "L" southeast corner of concrete porch at #3015 Parker Road. SP MO East N=328754± E=267511± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.795542°±(N/+) Long=90.298422°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 04:
Rev: 03/18/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 526.12 FtUS (or) 160.361 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 526.46 FtUS Found "L" southeast corner of concrete porch at #2895 Parker Road. SP MO East N=328754± E=267367± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.795545°±(N/+) Long=90.300079°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 550.82 FtUS (or) 167.890 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 551.18 FtUS "Sq" on the east end of a 2' wide headwall in front of the Parker Road School at #2800 Parker Road. SP MO East N=328728± E=267039± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.795317°±(N/+) Long=90.303856°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 548.92 FtUS (or) 167.310 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 549.26 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of the concrete entrance to the Church of the Master; on the northwest corner of Parker Road and Paddock Road 62’ north of Parker and 83’ west of Paddock. SP MO East N=328756± E=266817± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.795574°±(N/+) Long=90.306410°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 518.85 FtUS (or) 158.145 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 519.14 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of the south headwall of bridge on Parker Road; 0.2 miles west of Paddock Drive intersection and 17' south of the center¬line of Parker Road. SP MO East N=328733± E=266508± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.795372°±(N/+) Long=90.309968°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 583.11 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of the fifth step to Old Church at the southwest corner of St. Denis and Jefferson Street. SP MO East N=328695± E=265142± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.795054°±(N/+) Long=90.325694°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 526.84 FtUS "L" in the most northeast corner of concrete headwall in front of #4120 Charbonier; 0.8 mile northeast of the intersection of Charbonier Road and Teson Road, 12' east of the centerline of drive to #4120 and 37' south of centerline of Charbonier Road. SP MO East N=330210± E=260110± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.808774°±(N/+) Long=90.383597°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 578.94 FtUS "No Mark" the northeast corner of a concrete porch at # 5450 Ville Rosa Lane. SP MO East N=327591± E=259522± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.785187°±(N/+) Long=90.390403°±(W/-) Page 9 of 43
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 04:
Rev: 03/18/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 557.26 FtUS (or) 169.854 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 557.60 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of concrete walk at #501 Paul Avenue; 76 feet west of the centerline of Paul Avenue and 60 feet north of the centerline of Charbonier Road. SP MO East N=329863± E=262762± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.805614°±(N/+) Long=90.353069°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 566.67 FtUS (or) 172.720 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 567.02 FtUS "Bolt" southwest anchor bolt of most southwest steel canopy supporting post of Robinwood School #955 Derhake Road; 105' north of centerline of Derhake Road and 83' east of centerline of asphalt drive at west entrance. SP MO East N=327151± E=266844± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.781114°±(N/+) Long=90.306139°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 561.70 FtUS (or) 171.207 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 562.10 FtUS "Sq" in concrete base 0.6' south of flag pole at Commons Lane School #2700 Derhake Road; 76' east of centerline of Derhake Road and 113' north of the centerline of south entrance drive to school. SP MO East N=328025± E=268408± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.788956°±(N/+) Long=90.288115°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 561.38 FtUS (or) 171.110 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 561.71 FtUS "Sq" on the most northeast corner of a sidewalk entrance to the Knights of Columbus Hall at #1216 Teson Road; 103' southwest of centerline of Teson Road and 41' east of centerline of drive, 0.6 mile west of Howdershell Road. SP MO East N=328539± E=260205± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.793720°±(N/+) Long=90.382528°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 584.31 FtUS "Sq" on the northwest corner of a 5 foot wide sidewalk to apartment #480 at Chapel Ridge Condominiums, at the intersection of Chapel Ridge Drive and Fee Fee Road, 30' south of Chapel Ridge Drive. SP MO East N=326206± E=260939± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.772694°±(N/+) Long=90.374115°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 9431 in Chapter 9.]
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 04:
Rev: 03/18/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 596.82 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of walk at front entrance to #263 Connolly Drive; 28' east of center line of Moran Avenue and 43' north of centerline of Connolly Drive. SP MO East N=326010± E=265319± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.770863°±(N/+) Long=90.323716°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 552.67 FtUS (or) 168.454 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 552.92 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of the west headwall of a box culvert; roughly 14 feet west of New Halls Ferry Road and 360 feet north of Shackelford Road. SP MO East N=334138± E=265487± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.844082°±(N/+) Long=90.321600°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 528.99 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of a 2' x 2' concrete base for the flag pole at Walker Elementary School; 185' south of Humes Lane and 60' west of the centerline of the entrance extended. SP MO East N=330800± E=264215± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.814033°±(N/+) Long=90.336321°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 524.48 FtUS "U" on the southwest corner of the con¬crete base for a warning siren pole; 25' north of the centerline of Humes Lane and 21' east of Gardenia Drive. SP MO East N=330567± E=264625± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.811927°±(N/+) Long=90.331605°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 551.38 FtUS (or) 168.061 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 551.70 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of base for a signal control box; 60' east of Shackelford Road and 48' north of Lindsay Lane. SP MO East N=330449± E=262792± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.810893°±(N/+) Long=90.352713°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 544.05 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of a 3 foot high planter box; 36' north of the centerline of Lindsay Lane and 27' east of the centerline of Cortez Drive. SP MO East N=330117± E=263212± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.807896°±(N/+) Long=90.347883°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 531.99 FtUS "U" on the east curb of the entrance to McCurdy Elementary School; 30' east of the centerline of the entrance and 45' north of the centerline of Lindsay Lane. SP MO East N=329849± E=263569± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.805476°±(N/+) Long=90.343778°±(W/-) Page 11 of 43
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 04:
Rev: 03/18/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 522.23 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the porch at the Liberty Baptist Church; 150' north of Mullanphy Road and 51' east of Aspen Drive. SP MO East N=330281± E=264066± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.809360°±(N/+) Long=90.338047°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 530.41 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the second step of walk to house #1405 Mullanphy Road. SP MO East N=330529± E=263688± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.811600°±(N/+) Long=90.342395°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 537.29 FtUS (or) 163.765 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 537.76 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of the third slab of the walk to house #389; 30' north of the cen¬terline of St. Catherine and 36' west of the centerline of St. Jean. SP MO East N=328548± E=264791± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.793736°±(N/+) Long=90.329737°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 562.15 FtUS (or) 171.344 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 562.58 FtUS "L" on the southeast base for the flag pole at #605 St. Catherine Drive; (Florissant Valley fire station) 33' north of the centerline of St. Catherine and 63' east of the centerline of Jefferson Street. SP MO East N=328414± E=265006± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.792525°±(N/+) Long=90.327265°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 584.27 FtUS (or) 178.085 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 584.70 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the railroad signal base; 30' south of the centerline of St. Catherine and 60' west of the centerline of New Florissant Road. SP MO East N=328124± E=265433± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.789905°±(N/+) Long=90.322356°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 570.40 FtUS "L" on the third slab of the driveway at house #1550; 45' south of the centerline of St. Catherine. SP MO East N=327917± E=265866± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.788033°±(N/+) Long=90.317377°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 547.02 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of the brickwork; 42' north of the centerline of St. Catherine and 60' east of the centerline of Waterford Square. SP MO East N=327945± E=267262± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.788259°±(N/+) Long=90.301308°±(W/-) Page 12 of 43
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 04:
Rev: 03/18/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 557.27 FtUS (or) 169.855 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 557.70 FtUS "Sq" on a concrete traffic signal base; 25' north of the centerline of Washington and 17' west of St. Jean Street. SP MO East N=328449± E=264735± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.792845°±(N/+) Long=90.330384°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 9432 in Chapter 9.]
NGVD29 Elev = 572.06 FtUS "Sq" on the northwest corner of the first step on the sidewalk at #12 Norshire Lane; 100' south of the centerline of Utz Lane. SP MO East N=326547± E=261486± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.775759°±(N/+) Long=90.367815°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 5216 in Chapter 5.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 540.98 FtUS (or) 164.890 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 541.31 FtUS "Sq" on concrete base of flag pole at fire station #6100 Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=326077± E=261871± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.771520°±(N/+) Long=90.363392°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 544.80 FtUS (or) 166.054 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 545.13 FtUS "Sq" on the southeast corner of the south east wing wall of the bridge along Lindbergh Boulevard over Hwy. I-270. SP MO East N=326783± E=262170± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.777876°±(N/+) Long=90.359939°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 522.82 FtUS (or) 159.357 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 523.20 FtUS "L" on back of concrete rolled curb; 13' south of the centerline of Queen Ann Drive and 78' west of the centerline of Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=327851± E=263021± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.787485°±(N/+) Long=90.350125°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 520.29 FtUS (or) 158.585 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 520.59 FtUS "Sq" in center of the north side of concrete base of the northernmost sign post of a wooden sign for The Commons at the southeast corner of Rosetta Drive and Charbonier Road; roughly 34 feet east of the centerline of Rosetta Drive and 32 feet south of the centerline of Charbonier Road. SP MO East N=329023± E=263805± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.798031°±(N/+) Long=90.341078°±(W/-) Page 13 of 43
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 04:
Rev: 03/18/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 588.85 FtUS (or) 179.483 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 589.23 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the concrete traffic signal base; roughly 54 feet north of McDonnell Boulevard and 35 feet east of the centerline of Phantom Drive. SP MO East N=326233± E=260169± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.772946°±(N/+) Long=90.382976°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 545.43 FtUS (or) 166.246 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 545.75 FtUS "Bolt" the southwest 2" bolt on Missouri Highway sign; 51' east of centerline of Lindbergh Boulevard and 98' north of centerline of Chapel Ridge Drive extended. SP MO East N=325817± E=261651± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.769180°±(N/+) Long=90.365928°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 557.68 FtUS "L" on the back of a 4 foot wide sidewalk; 26' east of the centerline of the driveway to house #3940 Parker Road and 115' west of the centerline of Van Crest Lane extended. SP MO East N=328554± E=268771± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.793714°±(N/+) Long=90.283923°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 543.71 FtUS (or) 165.724 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 544.02 FtUS Top of MoDOT old style concrete monument with "RW" stamped in top and a dimple between the letters, set with top flush in broken pavement behind sidewalks; 35' north of the centerline of Parker Road and 66' west of the centerline of New Halls Ferry Road. SP MO East N=328504± E=268461± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.793270°±(N/+) Long=90.287492°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 542.35 FtUS (or) 165.309 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 542.74 FtUS "Sq" on the east side of a traffic signal base; 37' east of the centerline of Graham Road and 30' north of the centerline of West St. Anthony Lane. SP MO East N=327345± E=264351± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.782906°±(N/+) Long=90.334827°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 565.24 FtUS (or) 172.286 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 565.63 FtUS "Sq" on the west side of a traffic signal base in the center of the median of Graham Road; 54' north of the centerline of Pershall Road. SP MO East N=326403± E=264339± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.774420°±(N/+) Long=90.334985°±(W/-) Page 14 of 43
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 04:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 577.33 FtUS "U" on the back of a concrete sidewalk in front of #5450 Ville Rosa Lane; 24' north of the centerline of Ville Rosa Lane and 8' west of the centerline of the driveway. SP MO East N=327586± E=259528± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.785142°±(N/+) Long=90.390334°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 518.09 FtUS (or) 157.914 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 518.51 FtUS "L" in the southwest corner of the raised concrete base of metal traffic signal control box situated in asphalt between the back of sidewalk and a concrete curb for parking east of the intersection of St Ferdinand Street and Washington Street; roughly 35 feet northeast of the centerline of Washington Street and 50 feet southeast of the centerline of St Ferdinand Street. SP MO East N=328563± E=264566± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.793875°±(N/+) Long=90.332327°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 541.82 FtUS (or) 165.147 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 542.16 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of walk in front of the Marietta Plaza shopping center; roughly 111 feet east of the centerline of New Halls Ferry Road and 223 feet south of the centerline of Marietta Drive. [In May 2013, this benchmark was recovered, but noted as in poor condition.] SP MO East N=328916± E=268197± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.796987°±(N/+) Long=90.290520°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 539.81 FtUS (or) 164.534 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 540.15 FtUS "L" on the northernmost corner at the northeast end of the northwest headwall of double box culvert under Shackelford Road; roughly 45 feet northwest of the center line of Shackelford Road, and 0.13 miles more or less northeast of Lindsay Lane. SP MO East N=330589± E=262950± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.812152°±(N/+) Long=90.350891°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 539.65 FtUS (or) 164.486 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 540.05 FtUS "U" in the center of the west headwall of culvert; 180' north of the centerline of the driveway to # 2615 (Lutheran Church) and 57' west of the centerline of Shackelford Road. SP MO East N=332083± E=264231± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.825591°±(N/+) Long=90.336111°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 516.79 FtUS (or) 157.519 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 517.12 FtUS "L" on back inside corner of concrete walk between the parking lot and the building for Fox Lake shopping center situated east of New Halls Ferry Road and north of Vaile Avenue; roughly 17 feet north of the flagpole. And 11 feet west of the most southwestern support column of the building overhang. SP MO East N=332175± E=266542± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.826379°±(N/+) Long=90.309494°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 517.34 FtUS "L" on the east corner of sidewalk around the building at the Colony Square shopping center; north west corner of Wiethaupt Road and Patterson Road. SP MO East N=331637± E=265826± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.821546°±(N/+) Long=90.317752°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 513.01 FtUS "Sq" on top of curb median along the center line of Baltic Drive; 29' east of Mediterranean Drive extended and 200' west of centerline of Patterson Road. SP MO East N=331766± E=265894± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.822707°±(N/+) Long=90.316966°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 510.83 FtUS "L" on walk 6' from the southwest corner at rear of building; (gas station) between Patterson Road and Greenway Chase Drive. SP MO East N=331948± E=266168± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.824341°±(N/+) Long=90.313807°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 609.05 FtUS "U" on the northwest wingwall of bridge A-212 over Hwy.I-270 along Washington Avenue; 105' south of the centerline of Dunn Road. SP MO East N=326238± E=266697± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.772892°±(N/+) Long=90.307853°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 531.86 FtUS "L" on base plate of the northwest leg of U.E. tower; 180' east of the centerline of Loveland Drive and 41' south of the centerline of Humes Lane. SP MO East N=330953± E=264087± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.815413°±(N/+) Long=90.337792°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 514.66 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of driveway to #715 Mullanphy Road; 25' north of the centerline and 5' west of the centerline of drive at the back of sidewalk. SP MO East N=329948± E=264434± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.806354°±(N/+) Long=90.333817°±(W/-) Page 16 of 43
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Rev: 03/18/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
[Republished as BM 5217 in Chapter 5.]
[Republished as BM 5218 in Chapter 5.]
NGVD29 Elev = 505.56 FtUS RM 305 FEMA PANEL 54; Chiseled square on top of curb at northwest corner of Jana School parking area located on Morris Drive. SP MO East N=331025± E=265748± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.816034°±(N/+) Long=90.318664°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 496.16 FtUS RM 9 FEMA PANEL 58; Chiseled square in the concrete pavement at the intersection of the center lines of New Castle Drive and Churchill Drive. SP MO East N=331134± E=267599± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.816981°±(N/+) Long=90.297348°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 525.27 FtUS RM 304 FEMA PANEL 62; Chiseled "U" on west edge of curb at center of west side of Loveland Drive bridge over Daniel Boone Creek. SP MO East N=330403± E=263611± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.810466°±(N/+) Long=90.343284°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 502.51 FtUS RM 306 FEMA PANEL 62; "SQ" on top of manhole rim located in center of cul-de-sac at intersection of Moule Drive and Versailles Drive. SP MO East N=330310± E=265767± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.809592°±(N/+) Long=90.318462°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 534.89 FtUS RM 315 FEMA PANEL 62; Chiseled "U" on south west corner of west end of north headwall of Washington Street bridge over Anthony Creek. SP MO East N=327517± E=265860± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.784430°±(N/+) Long=90.317455°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 521.84 FtUS RM 318 FEMA PANEL 62; Chiseled square on south end of east headwall of Lafayette Street bridge over Fountain Creek. SP MO East N=327445± E=264804± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.783799°±(N/+) Long=90.329611°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 511.28 FtUS RM 332 FEMA PANEL 62; Chiseled "L" on northeast corner of step to 4-foot concrete sidewalk, 12 feet east of entrance building 295 Avant Drive. SP MO East N=327701± E=263592± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.786125°±(N/+) Long=90.343556°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 508.85 FtUS RM 333 FEMA PANEL 64; Chiseled square at north end of sidewalk to asphalt parking lot, between buildings #7401 and #7411 of the Normandie Court Apartment Complex. SP MO East N=327021± E=263602± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.779999°±(N/+) Long=90.343454°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 512.60 FtUS RM 309 FEMA PANEL 66; Chiseled square in southeast corner of crosswalk of Paddock Drive bridge over Paddock Creek. SP MO East N=329214± E=266523± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.799705°±(N/+) Long=90.309784°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 517.05 FtUS RM 314 FEMA PANEL 66; Chiseled square on southeast corner of crosswalk of Waterford Drive bridge over Paddock Creek. SP MO East N=328979± E=267262± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.797574°±(N/+) Long=90.301282°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 541.20 FtUS RM 316 FEMA PANEL 66; Top of west end of west headwall of St.Edward's Lane bridge over Anthony Creek. SP MO East N=327222± E=266301± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.781764°±(N/+) Long=90.312387°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 577.16 FtUS "X" on the southwest bolt of light base at southwest corner of service station at #1915 Washington Avenue; southeast corner of Washington Avenue and Derhake Avenue. SP MO East N=327070± E=266151± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.780397°±(N/+) Long=90.314117°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 439.30 FtUS RM 1 FEMA PANEL 60 - Chiseled square on north edge of concrete rim of manhole, 45 feet north of and 26 feet west of centerline of Sioux Passage Park road over Mill Creek. (upstream crossing) [This is prior BM 1018 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 4.] SP MO East N=335153± E=268482± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.853168°±(N/+) Long=90.287072°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 04:
Rev: 03/18/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 546.43 FtUS (or) 166.552 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 546.82 FtUS Cut "L" in the easternmost corner of 4'x4' concrete base for electric control panel situated in a grassy area northwest of Graham Road and Dunn Road, approximately 63 feet southeast of the large flag pole and 33 feet east of the most southeastern overhead parking lamp post at the First Bank property addressed as #1281 Graham Road; roughly 64 feet north of the centerline of Dunn Road and 93 feet west of the centerline of Graham Road. SP MO East N=326593± E=264318± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.776132°±(N/+) Long=90.335223°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 538.46 FtUS (or) 164.123 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 538.85 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-118A2 situated in the tree lawn northwest of the intersection of Graham Road and Trinity Lane near the southeast corner of a residential property addressed as #32 Trinity Lane; 45 feet more or less west of the centerline of Graham Road, roughly 17 feet north of the centerline of Trinity Lane, 3 feet south of the edge of sidewalk, and 4 feet northwest of the center lid of a catch basin. SP MO East N=327376.6± E=264324.6± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.783191°±(N/+) Long=90.335130°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 515.04 FtUS (or) 156.983 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 515.43 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-118 situated in the tree lawn east of the sidewalk along the east side of Graham Road and south of the northernmost drive entrance to parking for the Florissant General Baptist Church addressed as #360 Graham Road; roughly 17 feet south of a utility pole, 6 feet northwest of the southern end of 12" culvert pipe, 1.4 feet east of the edge of sidewalk, and 80 feet more or less southwest of the center of a concrete drainage channel for Fountain Creek. <NGS PID="AA8637", Designation="SL 118"> SP MO East N=327932.3± E=264347.0± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.788197°±(N/+) Long=90.334861°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 04:
Rev: 03/18/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 515.06 FtUS (or) 156.992 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 515.46 FtUS Cut "L" on the concrete curb between the parking lot for Ken's Auto Repair, addressed as #175 Washington Street, and the sidewalk north of the intersection of St Ferdinand Street and Washington Street, at the westernmost angle point in curb; roughly 37 feet northeast of the centerline of Washington Street, 75 feet northwest of the centerline of St Ferdinand Street, and 19 feet northwest of a traffic signal mast with signal arm controlling traffic westbound on Washington Street. SP MO East N=328583± E=264536± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.794056°±(N/+) Long=90.332672°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 512.17 FtUS (or) 156.110 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 512.56 FtUS Cut "U" on the top northeast edge of the round concrete base for traffic signal mast situated on the traffic island north of the right turn lane from northeast bound Lindbergh Boulevard onto southeast bound Washington Street and north of property addressed as #370 N. Highway 67 Street (also known as North Lindbergh Boulevard); roughly 40 feet southeast of the centerline of Lindbergh Boulevard and 35 feet southwest of the centerline of Washington Street. SP MO East N=328870± E=263999± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.796650°±(N/+) Long=90.338848°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 511.09 FtUS (or) 155.780 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 511.47 FtUS Cut "U" on the top north edge of the round concrete base for traffic signal mast situated between the curb and sidewalk southeast of the intersection of Lindbergh Boulevard and Patterson Road near the northwest corner of the White Castle restaurant property addressed as #840 N. Highway 67 Street (also known as North Lindbergh Boulevard); roughly 45 feet south of the centerline of Lindbergh Boulevard and 65 feet east of the centerline of Patterson Road. SP MO East N=329240± E=264454± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.799976°±(N/+) Long=90.333602°±(W/-)
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Rev: 03/18/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 512.85 FtUS (or) 156.316 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 513.22 FtUS Found "L" on the southwest corner of a low ledge or base under the west end of the southern concrete barrier wall for Lindbergh Boulevard bridge over Cold Water Creek, 0.1 miles more or less east of Patterson Road. This benchmark is similar in elevation to, but west of the end of, the south sidewalk on the bridge; and is near the bottom southwest outside corner of a raised concrete parapet at the west end of a low concrete wall topped by a metal pipe rail along the south side of the south sidewalk of the bridge. SP MO East N=329233± E=264571± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.799911°±(N/+) Long=90.332255°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 523.69 FtUS (or) 159.620 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 524.06 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of the raised concrete base of a metal traffic signal control box situated north of the sidewalk in the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Lindbergh Boulevard and St Ferdinand Street south of the building for Florissant Valley Baptist church addressed as #1025 N. Highway 67 Street (also known as North Lindbergh Boulevard); roughly 40 feet north of the centerline of Lindbergh Boulevard, 75 feet east of the centerline of St Ferdinand Street and 27 feet southwest of the southeast corner of church building. SP MO East N=329162± E=264951± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.799265°±(N/+) Long=90.327882°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 515.66 FtUS (or) 157.173 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 516.02 FtUS Cut "U" on the top southeast edge of the round concrete base for a metal pole with affixed control box and other devices consistent with a MoDOT Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) traffic monitoring pole situated in the tree lawn between curb and sidewalk northeast of the right turn lane from westbound Lindbergh Boulevard onto northbound New Florissant Road, east of the handicap sidewalk ramp and southwest of the Steak N Shake restaurant property addressed as #1955 N. Highway 67 Street (also known as North Lindbergh Boulevard); roughly 55 feet north of the centerline of Lindbergh Boulevard and 75 feet east of the centerline of New Florissant Road. SP MO East N=329292± E=266012± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.800417°±(N/+) Long=90.315665°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 04:
Rev: 03/18/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 511.15 FtUS (or) 155.800 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 511.52 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of an additional strip of concrete along and adjoining the south side of the southern sidewalk along Lindbergh Boulevard and east of the Paddock Creek box culvert, near the southeast corner of the east end of the jersey style barrier wall. This benchmark is roughly 50 feet south of the centerline of Lindbergh Boulevard, 49 feet east of the center of Paddock Creek box culvert, and 18 feet northwest of the northwest corner of asphalt parking in front of a commercial building addressed as #2090 N. Highway 67 Street (also known as North Lindbergh Boulevard). SP MO East N=329368± E=266178± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.801099°±(N/+) Long=90.313752°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 543.20 FtUS (or) 165.567 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 543.56 FtUS Cut "U" in the top southeast edge of the round concrete base for an overhead parking light situated in the grass north of the sidewalk and south of the parking lot for the Longhorn Steak House restaurant addressed as #2317 N. Highway 67 Street (also known as North Lindbergh Boulevard); roughly 62 feet north of the centerline of Lindbergh Boulevard, 108 feet west of the centerline of entrance drive to shopping center anchored by a Target store, and 69 feet southeast of the southeast corner of Longhorn Steak House restaurant building. SP MO East N=329643± E=266516± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.803570°±(N/+) Long=90.309854°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 536.18 FtUS (or) 163.427 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 536.53 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest corner of the raised concrete base for metal traffic signal control box situated in the tree lawn between curb and sidewalk north of the Advanced Auto Parts store addressed as #2700 N. Highway 67 Street (also known as North Lindbergh Boulevard); roughly 38 feet south of the centerline of Lindbergh Boulevard and 70 feet east of the centerline of Trotter Way. SP MO East N=329933± E=266996± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.806173°±(N/+) Long=90.304321°±(W/-)
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Rev: 03/18/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 547.09 FtUS (or) 166.752 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 547.43 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of the raised concrete base for metal traffic signal control box situated in grassy area several feet east of the curb at the northern end of the right turn lane from westbound Lindbergh Boulevard onto northbound New Halls Ferry Road, and generally west of a Mobil gas station addressed as #3125 N. Highway 67 Street (also known as North Lindbergh Boulevard); roughly 65 feet south of the center of access drive from New Halls Ferry Road to the Mobil gas station, 41 feet east of the center of a median island in New Halls Ferry Road, and 100 feet more or less north of the centerline of Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=330309± E=267462± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.809551°±(N/+) Long=90.298946°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 498.89 FtUS (or) 152.061 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 499.23 FtUS Found "L" on the top southwest corner, closest to Lindbergh Boulevard, of the west end of a concrete wall supporting the west end of a chain link fence; and more generally situated northwest of the Lindbergh Boulevard Bridge #A1074 over Cold Water Creek, approximately midway between New Halls Ferry Road and Old Halls Ferry Road. This benchmark is roughly 41 feet north of Lindbergh Boulevard on the western end of a wall which extends west of the western end of the sidewalk along the north side of the bridge and at the west end of a chain link fence elsewhere forming the rail along the north side of the bridge sidewalk. SP MO East N=330723± E=268122± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.813268°±(N/+) Long=90.291336°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 498.91 FtUS (or) 152.069 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 499.25 FtUS Found "L" on the top southeast corner, closest to Lindbergh Boulevard, of the east end of a concrete wall supporting the east end of a chain link fence; and more generally situated northeast of the Lindbergh Boulevard Bridge #A1074 over Cold Water Creek, approximately midway between New Halls Ferry Road and Old Halls Ferry Road. This benchmark is roughly 41 feet north of Lindbergh Boulevard on the eastern end of a wall which extends east of the eastern end of the sidewalk along the north side of the bridge and at the east end of a chain link fence elsewhere forming the rail along the north side of the bridge sidewalk. SP MO East N=330763± E=268184± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.813627°±(N/+) Long=90.290621°±(W/-)
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Rev: 03/18/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 498.88 FtUS (or) 152.059 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 499.22 FtUS Found "L" on the top northeast corner, closest to Lindbergh Boulevard, of the east end of a concrete wall supporting the east end of a chain link fence; and more generally situated southeast of the Lindbergh Boulevard Bridge #A1074 over Cold Water Creek, approximately midway between New Halls Ferry Road and Old Halls Ferry Road. This benchmark is roughly 41 feet south of Lindbergh Boulevard on the eastern end of a wall which extends east of the eastern end of the sidewalk along the south side of the bridge and at the east end of a chain link fence elsewhere forming the rail along the south side of the bridge sidewalk. SP MO East N=330742± E=268197± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.813437°±(N/+) Long=90.290472°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 607.87 FtUS (or) 185.278 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 608.23 FtUS Cut "L" on the northernmost corner of the 1.5'x4' concrete base for electric box south of the intersection of Fee Fee Road and Hazelwood Logistics Center Drive; roughly 30 feet southwest of the center of Hazelwood Logistics Center Drive and 40 feet southeast of the centerline of Fee Fee Road. SP MO East N=325287± E=260229± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.764423°±(N/+) Long=90.382300°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 562.79 FtUS (or) 171.538 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 563.18 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of the 3.5'x5.5' concrete base for traffic signal control box situated north of the intersection of Lindbergh Boulevard with James S McDonnell Boulevard, near the southernmost corner of property addressed as #5901 N. Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=325379± E=261315± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.765239°±(N/+) Long=90.369802°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 04:
Rev: 03/18/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 517.34 FtUS (or) 157.687 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 517.76 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-108A set in mass of concrete within an asphalt truck parking lot surrounding the east end of concrete pavement for Byassee Drive south of an industrial building addressed as #105 Byassee Avenue. The benchmark is on the surface roughly 4 feet west of the east end of concrete pavement, 1.5 feet south of the edge of concrete pavement, and 1.4 feet northwest of the centerline of a 6" steel pipe post filled with concrete. [In October 2012 this monument had been well protected since 1992 by the steel post bollard. The area is heavily used by industrial truck traffic, and could be susceptible to future disturbance.] <NGS PID="AA8626", Designation="Accessory to SL 108"> SP MO East N=325283± E=262795± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.764354°±(N/+) Long=90.352774°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 576.25 FtUS (or) 175.641 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 576.61 FtUS Cut "L" on the top westernmost corner of the concrete base for metal traffic signal control box situated north of the right turn lane from southwest bound Campus Parkway onto northwest bound Missouri Bottom Road; roughly 51 feet northwest of the centerline of Campus Parkway, 83 feet northeast of the centerline of Missouri Bottom Road, and 26.5 feet southwest of a fire hydrant. SP MO East N=325818± E=259134± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.769219°±(N/+) Long=90.394892°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 572.30 FtUS (or) 174.436 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 572.65 FtUS Cut "L" on the top westernmost corner of the concrete base for metal traffic signal control box situated north of the right turn lane from southwest bound Phantom Drive onto northwest bound Missouri Bottom Road; roughly 53 feet northwest of the centerline of Phantom Drive, 79 feet northeast of the centerline of Missouri Bottom Road, and 14 feet southwest of utility pole #313754. SP MO East N=325375± E=259491± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.765224°±(N/+) Long=90.390790°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 513.69 FtUS (or) 156.573 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 514.08 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast corner of the concrete base for a raised metal electric meter box above the back of sidewalk near the southeast corner of property for a Sonic drive thru restaurant addressed as #8453 N Lindbergh Boulevard; roughly 40 feet west of the centerline of Lindbergh Boulevard and 30 feet north of the centerline of Materdie Lane. SP MO East N=328575± E=263721± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.793997°±(N/+) Long=90.342054°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 520.39 FtUS (or) 158.615 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 520.78 FtUS Cut Square on the top east side of the round concrete base of a traffic signal mast above the back edge of sidewalk, near the northeast corner of a small commercial property known as Grillo Plaza and addressed #8131 thru #8143 N Lindbergh Boulevard; roughly 40 feet west of the centerline of Lindbergh Boulevard and 50 feet south of the centerline of Manresa Lane. SP MO East N=328172± E=263366± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.790372°±(N/+) Long=90.346148°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 521.58 FtUS (or) 158.979 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 521.97 FtUS Cut triangle on top of and three feet south of the northwest corner of the eastern headwall of culvert #A4597 where Lynnhaven Elmgrove Creek emerges from passing under Lindbergh Boulevard into a large concrete paved channel. The benchmark is 90 feet more or less east of the center of a concrete median island within Lindbergh Boulevard; approximately opposite the north end of ramp from Taylor Road onto northbound Lindbergh Boulevard; and 190 feet more or less south of the center of the southern commercial drive access from Lindbergh Boulevard to the McDonalds restaurant addressed as #7300 N Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=327354± E=262528± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.783015°±(N/+) Long=90.355809°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 526.11 FtUS (or) 160.360 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 526.51 FtUS Cut triangle on the northwest corner of the concrete base for raised metal MoDOT traffic signal box situated in a grassy area east of Lindbergh Boulevard and north of Taylor Road; roughly 50 feet north of the centerline of Taylor Road and 30 feet west of the centerline of ramp from Taylor Road onto northbound Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=327250± E=262439± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.782079°±(N/+) Long=90.356835°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 546.65 FtUS (or) 166.619 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 546.99 FtUS Square on the top east side of round concrete base for traffic signal mast situated northeast of New Halls Ferry Road supporting a signal arm controlling traffic northeast bound on Parker Road, and situated near the westernmost corner of property for Iggy's Frozen Yogurt addressed as #12970 New Halls Ferry Road; roughly 55 feet northeast of the centerline of New Halls Ferry Road, and 40 feet southeast of the centerline of Parker Road. SP MO East N=328506± E=268504± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.793288°±(N/+) Long=90.286997°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 550.65 FtUS (or) 167.837 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 550.99 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-122A in a grassy area northeast of the sidewalk near the westernmost corner of property for the Pizza Hut restaurant addressed as #13090 New Halls Ferry Road; roughly 12.5 feet northeast of the curb along New Halls Ferry Road, 33 feet northwest of the centerline of drive entrance to Pizza Hut, 12 feet southwest of a water valve, 8 feet south of a MoDOT right of way marker post, and 42 feet southeast of the centerline of drive entrance to the Little Steps Preschool addressed as #13100 New Halls Ferry Road. <NGS PID="AA8643", Designation="Accessory to SL 122"> SP MO East N=328679± E=268356± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.794849°±(N/+) Long=90.288696°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 524.02 FtUS (or) 159.721 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 524.37 FtUS "U" on the top east side of round concrete base for traffic signal mast situated southwest of New Halls Ferry Road supporting a signal arm controlling traffic southwest bound from New Castle Drive onto New Halls Ferry Road, and situated southeast of the marked crosswalk extending across New Halls Ferry Road from the sidewalk along the northwest side of said New Castle Drive. SP MO East N=330775± E=267192± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.813755°±(N/+) Long=90.302043°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 515.51 FtUS (or) 157.127 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 515.86 FtUS "L" on the southernmost corner of a short concrete walk between the asphalt drop off lane and the main asphalt parking lot west of The Lutheran Church of the Living Christ addressed as #2725 Concord Road; roughly 170 feet northeast of the centerline of New Halls Ferry Road, 115 feet northwest of the centerline of Concord Road, and 51 feet southwest of the southwest entrance to the church building. SP MO East N=331320± E=266989± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.818668°±(N/+) Long=90.304367°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 560.03 FtUS (or) 170.698 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 560.39 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-124A situated in the grass tree lawn 2.5 feet northwest of the asphalt shoulder of Shackelford Road and 0.5 miles more or less northeast along Shackelford Road from Old Halls Ferry Road; roughly 64 feet southwest of the centerline of Heather Moor Drive, 10 feet southeast of the sidewalk, 16 feet southwest of the center lid of a storm inlet, and 20 feet south of the northeastern end post of a decorative cross rail fence along the northwest side of the sidewalk along Shackelford Road. <NGS PID="AA8645", Designation="Accessory to SL 124"> SP MO East N=334737± E=266083± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.849468°±(N/+) Long=90.314720°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 549.82 FtUS (or) 167.584 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 550.18 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-120 situated in a grassy area northeast of the sidewalk along the northeast side of Wiethaupt Road and 0.16 miles more or less southeast of Shackelford Road; roughly 13 feet southwest of the common rear fence corner between the fourth and fifth houses northwest of Partinina Drive along the northeast side of Wiethaupt Road, 24 feet northeast of the white stripe along the north side of Wiethaupt Road, and 30 feet east of a utility pole on the opposite or street side of the sidewalk. <NGS PID="AA8641", Designation="SL 120"> SP MO East N=332395.0± E=264700.3± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.828394°±(N/+) Long=90.330699°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 531.55 FtUS (or) 162.016 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 531.91 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-120A2 situated in a grassy area southwest of the sidewalk along the southwest side of Wiethaupt Road and 0.4 miles more or less southeast of Shackelford Road; roughly 125 feet southeast of the centerline of Dolfield Drive, 34 feet southwest of the centerline of Wiethaupt Road, 17 feet northeast of the corner of a vinyl fence, and 25 feet south of a fire hydrant. <NGS PID="AA8641", Designation="Accessory to SL 120"> SP MO East N=332155± E=264981± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.826227°±(N/+) Long=90.327472°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 574.20 FtUS (or) 175.015 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 574.57 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-119A2 situated in a grassy area within the Koch Park athletic fields southwest of Charbonier Road and 0.36 miles more or less northwest of Howdershell Road; roughly 30 feet southeast of the edge of parking for Koch Park, 36 feet southwest of the centerline of Charbonier Road, and 10 feet southwest of a chainlink fence. <NGS PID="AA8638", Designation="Accessory to SL 119"> SP MO East N=330562± E=261808± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.811924°±(N/+) Long=90.364041°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 564.50 FtUS (or) 172.059 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 564.87 FtUS Square on the top center near the northwest end of the southwestern headwall of a culvert running under Charbonier Road 0.25 miles more or less northwest of Howdershell Road; roughly 21 feet southwest of the centerline of Charbonier Road, behind the sidewalk, and 220 feet more or less northwest of the centerline projected of Park Side Estates Court. SP MO East N=330452± E=261958± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.810931°±(N/+) Long=90.362315°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 566.26 FtUS (or) 172.596 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 566.64 FtUS Cut triangle on the top east side of the round concrete base of the traffic signal mast situated on the southern end of the central concrete median within James S McDonnell Boulevard at a distance of 230 feet more or less northwest of the centerline of I-270. The benchmark is on the base of the traffic signal mast supporting signal arms that control traffic along northwest bound James S McDonnell Boulevard and traffic along the off ramp from southwest bound Interstate 270 onto James S McDonnell Boulevard. SP MO East N=326838± E=259587± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.778403°±(N/+) Long=90.389665°±(W/-) Page 29 of 43
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 521.19 FtUS (or) 158.859 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 521.57 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-114A in a grassy area north of Brown Road and east of Howdershell Road at the site of a former Quick Trip store addressed as #5950 Howdershell Road; roughly 1 foot north of the asphalt sidewalk along the north side of Brown Road, 54 feet west of the centerline of westernmost drive entrance from Brown Road, 56 feet southwest of a utility pole, and 155 feet more or less southeast of the center median within Howdershell Road. <NGS PID="AA8633", Designation="Accessory to SL 114"> SP MO East N=327097± E=259633± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.780736°±(N/+) Long=90.389132°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 572.95 FtUS (or) 174.636 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 573.33 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-114 situated in a grassy area north of Brown Road 0.1 miles more or less west of the "T" intersection of Dunn Road with Brown Road, south of the fenced yard of ABC Supply Company addressed as #6000 Howdershell Road, and across Brown Road from a one story office building addressed as #5494 Brown Road; roughly 15 feet north of the white stripe along the north side of Brown Road, 33 feet south of the chain link fence, 28 feet southeast of a utility pole, and 190 feet more or less west of the center of western drive entrance from Brown Road to Steak 'n Shake restaurant addressed as #6050 Howdershell Road. <NGS PID="AA8633", Designation="SL 114"> SP MO East N=327170.9± E=260032.6± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.781397°±(N/+) Long=90.384532°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 566.72 FtUS (or) 172.737 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 567.10 FtUS Found square on the top south edge of the round concrete base of the traffic signal mast situated on a traffic island east of the right turn lane from southbound Dunn Road onto westbound Howdershell Road; roughly 40 feet north of the centerline of Howdershell Road and 25 feet west of the centerline of Dunn Road. SP MO East N=327300± E=260091± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.782560°±(N/+) Long=90.383858°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 566.13 FtUS (or) 172.557 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 566.50 FtUS Cut square on the west side of the concrete base of a traffic signal mast situated on the southeast side of Howdershell Road immediately northeast of a marked cross walk and 120 feet more or less northeast of the centerline of Lightwood Drive; roughly 30 feet east of the centerline of Howdershell Road and 40 feet south of the centerline of southern drive entrance to the City of Hazelwood fire station addressed as #6800 Howdershell Road. SP MO East N=327902± E=260848± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.787974°±(N/+) Long=90.375136°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 575.86 FtUS (or) 175.523 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 576.24 FtUS Cut triangle on the top east side of the concrete base for a traffic signal mast with signal arm controlling traffic southbound along Howdershell Road and situated behind the sidewalks at the southwest corner of Howdershell Road and Teson Road near the northeast corner of property addressed as #6879 Howdershell Road; roughly 40 feet west of the centerline of Howdershell Road and 30 feet south of the centerline of Teson Road. SP MO East N=328069± E=260856± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.789478°±(N/+) Long=90.375041°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 574.09 FtUS (or) 174.983 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 574.46 FtUS Cut square on the top east side of the concrete base of a traffic signal mast with signal arm controlling traffic southbound along Howdershell Road and situated south of a commercial entrance drive directly west of and opposite Lynn Haven Lane for access to a commercial strip mall including a Dollar General store addressed as #7023 Howdershell Road; roughly 30 feet west of the centerline of Howdershell Road and 20 feet south of the projected centerline of Lynn Haven Lane. SP MO East N=328361± E=260974± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.792107°±(N/+) Long=90.373678°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 599.79 FtUS (or) 182.815 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 600.16 FtUS Cut "L" on the top southeast corner of the concrete base for raised metal traffic signal control box situated in the tree lawn between the sidewalk and the north side of Keeven Lane west of Howdershell Road; roughly 15 feet north of the centerline of Keeven Lane and 60 feet west of the centerline of Howdershell Road. SP MO East N=329901± E=261965± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.805968°±(N/+) Long=90.362244°±(W/-) Page 31 of 43
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 573.67 FtUS (or) 174.856 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 574.06 FtUS Cut square on the top west side of the circular concrete base of traffic signal mast with signal arm controlling traffic northbound along Florissant Road, situated on the concrete traffic island northeast of the intersection of Florissant Road with Taille De Noyer Drive (being the entrance to McClure High School addressed as #1896 S New Florissant Rd); roughly 25 feet east of the centerline of North Florissant Avenue, and 30 feet north of the centerline of Taille De Noyer Drive. SP MO East N=325967± E=266042± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.770463°±(N/+) Long=90.315397°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 556.92 FtUS (or) 169.751 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 557.31 FtUS Cut triangle on the top northwest corner of the concrete base for raised metal traffic signal control box situated east of South New Florissant Road near the southern end of the right turn lane from northbound New Florissant Road onto the ramp for eastbound Interstate 270, and being across the street from commercial property addressed as #1735 S New Florissant Road; roughly 40 feet east of the centerline of New Florissant Road, 55 feet more or less north of the easterly prolongation of the centerline of Jean Drive, and approximately 380 feet south along New Florissant Road from the centerline of the Interstate 270 overpass. SP MO East N=326224± E=265960± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.772780°±(N/+) Long=90.316334°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 551.67 FtUS (or) 168.148 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 552.05 FtUS Cut cross on the westernmost bolt on the western leg of BP Gas Station sign situated in a landscaped area southwest of asphalt lot and pump islands at the BP Gas Station addressed as #1590 S New Florissant Road, at the northeast corner of New Florissant Road and Dunn Road; roughly 50 feet northeast of the centerline of New Florissant Road, and 50 feet north of the centerline of Dunn Road. SP MO East N=326383± E=265872± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.774214°±(N/+) Long=90.317343°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 528.75 FtUS (or) 161.164 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 529.14 FtUS Cut "L" on the top westernmost corner of a poured concrete retaining wall supporting the asphalt parking lot for a small commercial building containing businesses addressed in a range from #710 to #740 S New Florissant Road, situated above the intersection of the backs of sidewalks along the northeast side of New Florissant Road and along the southeast side of St Anthony Lane. SP MO East N=327169± E=265369± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.781303°±(N/+) Long=90.323114°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 520.86 FtUS (or) 158.759 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 521.25 FtUS Cut triangle on the top southern end of the west headwall of double box culvert for Fountain Creek under New Florissant Road, near the inside corner formed by the intersection of the west headwall with the southwestern wing wall, and situated generally near the northeast corner of property for a residence addressed as #515 S New Florissant Road; roughly 45 feet west of the centerline of New Florissant Road. SP MO East N=327362± E=265214± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.783045°±(N/+) Long=90.324894°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 578.60 FtUS (or) 176.357 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 578.99 FtUS Cut "L" on the easternmost corner of the concrete base of raised metal traffic signal control box situated 30 feet more or less south of the southernmost corner of tennis courts in Tower Court Park; roughly 35 feet northwest of the centerline of New Florissant Road, and 40 feet northeast of the centerline of Washington Street. SP MO East N=328041± E=265396± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.789158°±(N/+) Long=90.322784°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 434.55 FtUS (or) 132.451 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 434.92 FtUS Found standard tablet set in a concrete mass marked around the rim as Missouri Department of Conservation Engineering Section and stamped 91-27-M1 set in a grassy area north of Charbonier Road and southeast of a gravel access road to Saint Stanislaus Conservation Area which is near a street sign labeling the transition between Charbonier Road to the east and Aubuchon Road to the west, at a point 0.5 miles more or less easterly along Aubuchon Road from the intersection with Teson Road. Tablet is 22.4 feet north of a painted over nail and shiner in the north side of wooden support posts for conservation area sign, 2.5 feet northwest of a yellow survey marker sign on metal post, roughly 16 feet southeast of the center of gravel access drive, and 51 feet north of the centerline of Charbonier Road. SP MO East N=330491± E=259077± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.811317°±(N/+) Long=90.395487°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 437.71 FtUS (or) 133.415 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 438.08 FtUS Found large brass commemorative plate monument set in a mass of concrete 14 feet southeast of the south edge of an asphalt trail at a point 540 feet more or less northeasterly along said trail from the parking area for Saint Stanislaus Conservation Area accessed by a gravel road near a street sign labeling the transition between Charbonier Road to the east and Aubuchon Road to the west. The benchmark is on the triangle in the center of the brass plate which is commemorating the Lewis and Clark Expedition and marked around the rim as Lewis and Clark Trust, Inc and Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail. The benchmark is roughly 27.5 feet southwest of the westernmost corner of concrete slab for a former building, 98 feet southwest of a utility pole on the north side of the trail, and 122 feet south or southwest of a tablet monument stamped 91-27-M2. SP MO East N=330649± E=259246± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.812739°±(N/+) Long=90.393539°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 439.16 FtUS (or) 133.855 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 439.52 FtUS Found standard tablet set in a concrete mass marked around the rim as Missouri Department of Conservation Engineering Section and stamped 91-27-M2 set in the southern tip of a wooded area northeast of a bend in a gated gravel park maintenance road and approximately 50 feet northwest of an asphalt trail at a point 650 feet more or less northeasterly along said trail from the parking area for Saint Stanislaus Conservation Area accessed by a gravel road near a street sign labeling the transition between Charbonier Road to the east and Aubuchon Road to the west. The tablet is 3.4 feet southwest of a yellow survey marker sign on metal post, roughly 15 feet northeast of a large cedar tree and 24 feet east of a box elder tree. SP MO East N=330685± E=259258± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.813063°±(N/+) Long=90.393400°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 446.09 FtUS (or) 135.968 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 446.46 FtUS Cut "L" on the top southwest corner of the southern headwall of a triple box culvert known as Bridge No. 131C for the Tesson Tributary of Cowmire Creek under Charbonier Road at a distance of 0.75 miles more or less easterly along Aubuchon and Charbonier Roads from Teson Road. The benchmark is southwest of the corner post for chain link barrier fence along the south side of the sidewalk and above the westernmost wing wall of the western box chamber. SP MO East N=330457± E=259430± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.811007°±(N/+) Long=90.391423°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 450.73 FtUS (or) 137.383 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 451.10 FtUS Cut square centered on the top of the barrier wall between the northern edge of pavement and the north sidewalk of a triple box culvert known as Bridge No. 131C for the Tesson Tributary of Cowmire Creek under Charbonier Road at a distance of 0.75 miles more or less easterly along Aubuchon and Charbonier Roads from Teson Road. The benchmark is west of an expansion joint near the east end of the barrier wall and is directly above a metal plaque identifying Bridge No. 131C in the southern face of the barrier wall. SP MO East N=330471± E=259448± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.811133°±(N/+) Long=90.391215°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 555.23 FtUS (or) 169.233 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 555.59 FtUS Cut "L" at a joint in the back of concrete curb on the south side of a circular island within an eyebrow cul-de-sac off the west side of Carbonier Bluffs Drive; 190 feet more or less northwest of the centerline of Charbonier Road, roughly 26 feet west of the centerline of Charbonier Bluffs Drive, and 18 feet east of a light standard within the cul-de-sac island. SP MO East N=330324± E=260401± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.809798°±(N/+) Long=90.380245°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 616.41 FtUS (or) 187.881 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 616.78 FtUS Spike in a wooden utility pole situated roughly 24 feet northeast of the centerline of Charbonier Road and 36 feet northwest of the centerline of an asphalt driveway near the west end of an iron post and rail fence and gate system extending along both sides of the driveway and across it. The driveway appears to serve residences addressed as #3079, #3091, #3125, and #3173 Charbonier Road; and is 0.3 miles more or less northwest along Charbonier Road from Bluff Parks Drive. SP MO East N=330851± E=261031± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.814538°±(N/+) Long=90.372983°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 605.04 FtUS (or) 184.416 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 605.41 FtUS Cut "L" on the westernmost corner of the southwestern of two concrete pad bases for ATT control boxes situated in a grassy area west of the sidewalk along Bluff Parks Drive; roughly 40 feet west of the centerline of Bluff Parks Drive and 170 feet more or less north of the centerline of Charbonier Road. SP MO East N=330859± E=261524± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.814604°±(N/+) Long=90.367306°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 460.32 FtUS (or) 140.307 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 460.69 FtUS Cut square on the concrete base of the westernmost of six concrete filled steel pipe bollards along the south side of an asphalt driveway extending southwesterly from and outside of a sharp bend in Teson Road for access to two chain link fenced utility enclosures; roughly 34 feet southwest of the center stripe in Teson Road, 5 feet northeast of the northernmost corner of a 12'x21' chain link fence utility enclosure that includes a steel truss antenna tower, and 60 feet more or less south of a mailbox on the south side of gravel driveway to property addressed #6852 Teson Road. SP MO East N=328586± E=259576± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.794150°±(N/+) Long=90.389768°±(W/-) Page 36 of 43
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 537.75 FtUS (or) 163.906 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 538.08 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-125 situated in a grassy tree lawn on the southeast side of Vaile Avenue; 350 feet more or less southwest of the centerline of Verdun Estates Drive, 15 feet east of the east edge of Vaile Avenue, 3 feet west of the west edge of sidewalk, and 44 feet north of the southwest corner of a board fence enclosing the rear yard of house addressed as #3605 Visson Court. <NGS PID="AA8646", Designation="SL 125"> SP MO East N=332460.4± E=267666.1± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.828928°±(N/+) Long=90.296541°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 549.14 FtUS (or) 167.378 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 549.47 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-125A situated 0.5 feet below grade in a grassy area east of the sidewalk near the western part of property addressed as #14863 94th Avenue and situated east of the intersection of Vaile Avenue with 94th Avenue. The standard tablet is 57.5 feet northeast of the northwestern bullnose end of a median island in the center of 94th Avenue, 46 feet southwest of a storm inlet draining the southeast curb of Vaile Avenue, and 18.3 feet northwest of the northeast corner of a brick pillar for entrance sign to “Gardens of Sacre Coeur” subdivision. <NGS PID="AA8646", Designation="Accessory to SL 125"> SP MO East N=332831± E=267897± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.832262°±(N/+) Long=90.293872°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 552.42 FtUS (or) 168.379 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 552.76 FtUS Cut “L” on top of the easternmost corner of the concrete base for lighted information sign in front of Hazelwood North Middle School, addressed as #4420 Vaile Avenue; roughly 53 feet northwest of the centerline of Vaile Avenue, and 9 feet southwest of the northwesterly projection of the centerline of Eagle Estates Lane. SP MO East N=333535± E=268414± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.838594°±(N/+) Long=90.287899°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 445.09 FtUS (or) 135.663 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 445.44 FtUS Cut square in the center top of the northeastern headwall of a 10’x20’ box culvert under Old Jamestown Road roughly 0.3 miles northwest of Vaile Avenue along Old Jamestown Road, for a watercourse between properties addressed along the southwest side of the road as #17867 and #17901 Old Jamestown Road. The benchmark is a square in the center of the northeastern headwall; roughly 35 feet northeast of the center of Old Halls Ferry Road and 68 feet northwest of a fire hydrant. This benchmark was cut in the center top of headwall to minimize confusion due to multiple preexisting marks cut on various corners of both headwalls for this culvert. SP MO East N=334637± E=268567± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.848518°±(N/+) Long=90.286107°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 482.91 FtUS (or) 147.190 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 483.26 FtUS Cut square in the center top of a small concrete headwall for the western end of culvert pipe passing under Shamblin Road draining the road ditch along the north side of Old Jamestown Road, situated south of a property addressed as #2 Shamblin Road and roughly 22 feet north of the centerline of Old Jamestown Road and 50 feet west of the centerline of Shamblin Road. SP MO East N=334754± E=268216± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.849579°±(N/+) Long=90.290147°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 537.76 FtUS (or) 163.911 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 538.12 FtUS Cut “U” on the top center of the north edge of a roughly 7’x16’ utility vault situated south of Old Jamestown Road, east of Afshari Drive at the entrance to Fontainebleau Estates, and generally north of the Black Jack Fire Protection District No. 2 fire station addressed as #18955 Old Jamestown Road; roughly 29 feet south of the centerline of Old Jamestown Road and 38 feet east of the centerline of Afshari Drive. SP MO East N=335057± E=267876± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.852316°±(N/+) Long=90.294056°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 525.25 FtUS (or) 160.095 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 525.66 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-108 situated south of the Central Building Products building at #131 Byassee Drive east of the westernmost access drive and in the approximate centerline of a grassy median strip between the parking lot and the north side of Byassee Drive, roughly 16 feet east of the west end of curb, and 15 feet north of the centerline of Byassee Drive. <NGS PID="AA8626", Designation="SL 108"> SP MO East N=325346.2± E=262368.8± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.764929°±(N/+) Long=90.357677°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 577.03 FtUS (or) 175.880 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 577.41 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-119 situated in a grassy area west of the sidewalk near the northern end of the right turn lane from southeast bound Charbonier Road onto southwest bound Howdershell Road and in the far eastern part of the City of Florissant athletic fields addressed as #2300 Charbonier Road, roughly 28 feet southeast of a utility pole, 6 feet west of the back of curb of the right turn lane, and 11 feet north of a manhole cover. <NGS PID="AA8638", Designation="SL 119"> SP MO East N=330219.9± E=262251.6± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.808836°±(N/+) Long=90.358939°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 559.87 FtUS (or) 170.649 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 560.21 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-122 situated in the grass shoulder northeast of New Halls Ferry Road at a point 46.8' southwest of the southernmost corner of a series of commercial buildings in a strip shopping center situated on Lot 1 of "PARKER PLAZA" (PB 346 PG 203) and approximately in the southwesterly projection of the southeast face of said commercial building; 35.9' northeast of the edge of New Halls Ferry Road pavement, 16.7' south of a chiseled cross on sidewalk, 15.7' west of a chiseled cross on sidewalk, and 3' northwest of a carsonite witness post, roughly 0.2 miles southeast of Parker Road. <NGS PID="AA8643", Designation="SL 122"> SP MO East N=328313.1± E=268670.3± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.791546°±(N/+) Long=90.285088°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 571.28 FtUS (or) 174.128 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 571.65 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-124 situated in a grassy area on the east side of Shackelford Road approximately 0.1 miles northeast of the intersection of Shackelford Road with Stanford Place Drive and situated north and west of an asphalt drive or road in front of #4032 Shackelford Road, roughly 33 feet east of the centerline of Shackelford Road, 18 feet northeast of the northern end of an 18" driveway culvert pipe, and 50 feet northwest of a fire hydrant. <NGS PID="AA8645", Designation="SL 124"> SP MO East N=335084.4± E=266355.6± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.852592°±(N/+) Long=90.311572°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 551.68 FtUS (or) 168.152 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 552.02 FtUS Cut "L" on southeast headwall of culvert under Hearthstone Court northeast of New Halls Ferry Road, roughly 48' northeast of New Halls Ferry Road and 25' southeast of Hearthstone Court. SP MO East N=328091± E=268853± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.789542°±(N/+) Long=90.282991°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 623.97 FtUS (or) 190.185 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 624.34 FtUS Cut "U" on top center of east end 12" reinforced concrete pipe at outfall into swale along Calverton Road in the northeast corner of Kienstra Lane and Calverton Road, roughly 40' east of center Kienstra Lane and 18' north of center Calverton Road. SP MO East N=325291± E=266621± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.764362°±(N/+) Long=90.308750°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 589.35 FtUS (or) 179.634 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 589.71 FtUS Cut square on west side nearest to Washington Street of a round concrete base for a former pedestrian crossing signal (no longer used and having a rectangular mass of concrete in the center of the base over the old anchor bolts), situated in the tree lawn along the east side of Washington Street west of property addressed #5 Lynn Meadows Lane and northwest of an abandoned crosswalk from a school building (formerly Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School) now owned by Lindenwood University at 4500 Washington Street, roughly 97' north of the center of Lynn Meadows Lane and 3' west of the face of sidewalk. SP MO East N=326569± E=266465± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.775878°±(N/+) Long=90.310515°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 571.84 FtUS (or) 174.298 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 572.21 FtUS Cut cross on top of westernmost anchor bolt in base of the most northwest light standard at #1915 Washington Street at the Southeast corner of Washington Street and Derhake Road, roughly 38' south of center Derhake Road and 45' northeast of center Washington Street, in a small grass island behind the sidewalk and situated southeast of a handicap ramp. SP MO East N=327107± E=266130± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.780731°±(N/+) Long=90.314357°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 617.45 FtUS (or) 188.200 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 617.81 FtUS Cut square on back of curb along south side of Derhake Road centered between and behind the two chambers of a double grate inlet situated north of a house addressed #1000 Wycomb Drive, roughly 10' east of the centerline of a driveway, 62' east of the centerline of Wycomb Drive, and 18' south of centerline Derhake Road. SP MO East N=327111± E=267345± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.780744°±(N/+) Long=90.300374°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 540.10 FtUS (or) 164.624 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 540.44 FtUS Set 2" diameter aluminum tablet stamped "COUNTY H/T" in top of three foot tall barrier wall along the east side of Derhake Road approximately 400' south of Parker Road west of a strip mall addressed #2926 thru #2950 Derhake Road. Benchmark is vertically over the northeast side of a box culvert for Paddock Creek passing under Derhake Road, 0.75' south of a joint in the barrier wall, 36.5' south of the bottom north end of barrier wall, 85' south of a single curb inlet on the east side of Derhake Road, and 20' east of centerline Derhake Road. SP MO East N=328357± E=268435± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.791947°±(N/+) Long=90.287796°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 581.47 FtUS (or) 177.233 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 581.86 FtUS Cut "L" on the northernmost corner of the precast fiber base of the traffic signal control box situated southwest of St Francois Street and northwest of New Florissant Road at Bill's Auto Repair #575 and #595 N. New Florissant Road. SP MO East N=328217± E=265502± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.790742°±(N/+) Long=90.321560°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 543.76 FtUS (or) 165.738 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 544.15 FtUS Cut "L" on south end of lowest step at entrance to #865 N. New Florissant Road, northwest of New Florissant Road and southwest of St. Antoine Street. SP MO East N=328492± E=265677± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.793216°±(N/+) Long=90.319540°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 544.41 FtUS (or) 165.935 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 544.79 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of the concrete base of traffic signal control box at the northeast corner of New Florissant Road and Parker Road. SP MO East N=328787± E=265891± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.795870°±(N/+) Long=90.317069°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 525.58 FtUS (or) 160.198 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 525.93 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast corner of the south headwall of the concrete box culvert under Parker Road situated west of Dr. Simmons Oral Surgery at #3220 Parker Road. SP MO East N=328723± E=267878± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.795255°±(N/+) Long=90.294198°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 557.40 FtUS (or) 169.896 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 557.74 FtUS Cut "L" on the northernmost corner of a 2 foot square concrete base for light standard situated roughly 60' southwest of the center of New Halls Ferry Road and southeast of the southeastern entrance to Conoco gas station at #12785 New Halls Ferry Road. SP MO East N=328295± E=268636± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.791384°±(N/+) Long=90.285484°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 04:
Rev: 03/18/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 552.07 FtUS (or) 168.271 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 552.41 FtUS Cut cross on top of easternmost anchor bolt on base of light standard supporting three lamps in a grass island situated southwest of New Halls Ferry Road in front of Discount Appliances store physically addressed #12671 New Halls Ferry Road within a commercial strip center more generally addressed in mapping software as #12667 New Halls Ferry Road. This is the most southeastern of two lamp posts within the grass median bounded on the northeast by New Halls Ferry Road, on the southwest by asphalt parking, and on the northwest and southeast by asphalt drive entrances to said commercial strip center. Benchmark is roughly 60' southwest of centerline New Halls Ferry Road and 140' northwest of the southwesterly projection of the centerline of Hearthstone Court. SP MO East N=328101± E=268802± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.789633°±(N/+) Long=90.283578°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 05:
Rev: 01/18/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 476.18 FtUS (or) 145.140 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 476.53 FtUS RM 37 FEMA PANEL 69 "Sq" on top of south west concrete wingwall of bridge for Old Halls Ferry Road over creek; 0.1 mile north of road fork of Old and New Halls Ferry Road, adjacent to south end post of west bridge rail. SP MO East N=325466± E=270895± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.765848°±(N/+) Long=90.259566°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 483.97 FtUS RM 38 FEMA PANEL 69; "L" at northeast corner of north headwall of 10' wide concrete culvert for Black Jack Creek under Dunn Road; 800' east of Old Halls Ferry Road and 30' north of centerline Dunn Road. SP MO East N=326076± E=270982± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.771341°±(N/+) Long=90.258547°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 569.92 FtUS "Sq" on top and at north end of east abutment of Dunn Road overpass of Highway 367. SP MO East N=326026± E=272728± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.770848°±(N/+) Long=90.238456°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 549.36 FtUS "Sq" on east end of lowest concrete step at main entrance to Hazelwood Kirby Junior High School at Dunn Road and Highway 367. SP MO East N=326192± E=273115± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.772333°±(N/+) Long=90.233997°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 482.51 FtUS (or) 147.069 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 482.91 FtUS "L" at southwest corner of north headwall of culvert for Watkins Creek under Dunn Rd; 335' west of centerline of Bellefontaine Road and 30' north of centerline of Dunn Road. SP MO East N=326002± E=274173± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.770593°±(N/+) Long=90.221829°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 533.44 FtUS (or) 162.592 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 533.88 FtUS "Sq" on west end of concrete retaining wall at northwest corner of three concrete steps leading to entrance to Tabernacle of Praise Church at #1721 Parker Road roughly 0.2 miles west of Bellefontaine Road; Square is 12' south of south face of building (containing corner stone) and 17' west of main doorway. SP MO East N=328723± E=274588± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.795094°±(N/+) Long=90.216956°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 05:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 602.44 FtUS (or) 183.624 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 602.79 FtUS Dime sized circle in center of "Cast Iron Monument" marking southeast corner of Southwestern Bell Telephone property at the northeast corner of Parker Road and Poggemoeller Road, roughly 26 feet north of the centerline of Parker Road and 172 feet east of centerline Poggemoeller Road. SP MO East N=328741± E=273700± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.795280°±(N/+) Long=90.227178°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 598.13 FtUS (or) 182.309 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 598.43 FtUS Cut "L" on westernmost corner of the "Cap Stone" on 3' high brick end post to gateway of Mignon Drive; northwest corner of Parker Road and Mignon Drive; roughly 36 feet west of centerline Mignon Drive and 40 feet north of centerline Parker Road. SP MO East N=329086± E=272563± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.798418°±(N/+) Long=90.240255°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 596.06 FtUS (or) 181.678 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 596.34 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped B-1923-MO in small well left out of the northwest corner of newer concrete sidewalk in west edge of older 9' wide concrete walk and 0.8 feet south of the brick face of building, 4 feet west of the center of main entrance door to brick building at #4655 Parker Road, being the former Black Jack City Hall and having a stone plaque above the door labeled "BLACK JACK SCHOOL DISTRICT NO 8", north of Parker Road and roughly 0.1 miles west of Old Halls Ferry Road; (this tablet has been moved from its 1923 location.) SP MO East N=328534± E=270005± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.793507°±(N/+) Long=90.269718°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 526.64 FtUS "Sq" on west end of Henry W. Kiel Hall 1.5' above ground on the north concrete endwall of northernmost of two flights of steps leading to entrance of school building; now it is the St. Louis State School and Hospital. This building is on east side and facing the athletic field, south of Hwy. I-270 and west of Bellefontaine Road. SP MO East N=325575± E=273696± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.766759°±(N/+) Long=90.227332°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 535.04 FtUS "Sq" on concrete curb in front of northeast entrance to Rosary High School; 180' south of centerline of Redman Road and 300' east of Rosary Lane. SP MO East N=327622± E=274056± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.785190°±(N/+) Long=90.223119°±(W/-) Page 3 of 33
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 05:
Rev: 01/18/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 554.60 FtUS "O" in OPEN fire hydrant; 20' north of centerline of Redman Road and 90' west of driveway to 1 story residence #2552 Redman Road. SP MO East N=327177± E=271724± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.781242°±(N/+) Long=90.249973°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 520.33 FtUS (or) 158.596 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 520.68 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of concrete entrance porch or pad at St Andews Missionary Baptist Church #11309 Larimore Road; roughly 10 feet south of the church building, 65 feet west of the centerline of Aspen woods Drive, and 90 feet more or less north of the centerline of Larimore Road. SP MO East N=326233± E=275132± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.772647°±(N/+) Long=90.210785°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 486.93 FtUS (or) 148.416 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 487.34 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of 8' wide concrete sidewalk at #11016 Sierra Vista Parkway. SP MO East N=326149± E=274554± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.771907°±(N/+) Long=90.217439°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 527.95 FtUS (or) 160.921 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 528.35 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of concrete step along 3 foot wide sidewalk from Reale Avenue to the front entrance of house at #11719 Larimore Road; roughly 9.4 feet east of the northeast corner of brick house, 3 feet west of a gas yard light, and 35 feet south of the centerline of Reale Avenue. SP MO East N=327361± E=276018± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.782783°±(N/+) Long=90.200546°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 529.92 FtUS (or) 161.520 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 530.34 FtUS "L" on top of southwest corner of lowest step above sidewalk at front entrance to River of Life Christian Ministry (formerly the St. Aloyisius School) at #12122 Larimore Road. The sidewalk to front entrance of former school is roughly 415 feet northeast of the centerline of Cordova Street. In April of 2011 there was a second "L" found on the same level as the sidewalk, which was not the benchmark described here. SP MO East N=328294± E=276828± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.791164°±(N/+) Long=90.191188°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 525.65 FtUS "L" southeast corner of lower concrete stoop on east side of front porch at #1403 Trampe Avenue. SP MO East N=328094± E=275275± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.789408°±(N/+) Long=90.209071°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 535.79 FtUS (or) 163.309 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 536.17 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of a concrete stoop on the north side entrance to the Bethany Peace Church; on the southeast corner of Bellefontaine and Trampe Roads. SP MO East N=328079± E=274795± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.789286°±(N/+) Long=90.214597°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 546.73 FtUS (or) 166.643 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 547.14 FtUS "L" on 3 foot wide sidewalk leading to house #11633 Bellefontaine Road; 71' west of the centerline of Bellefontaine Road and 200' north of the centerline of Prendergast Lane. SP MO East N=327292± E=274494± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.782205°±(N/+) Long=90.218089°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 566.34 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of top step in walk at northwest corner of house #1844 Redman Avenue. SP MO East N=327651± E=273471± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.785467°±(N/+) Long=90.229851°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 517.99 FtUS "Sq" on the northeast corner of bridge #113; 27' north of the centerline of Redman Avenue and 110' west of Las Ladera. SP MO East N=327543± E=272789± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.784512°±(N/+) Long=90.237704°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 572.00 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of the concrete base of a flag pole in front of Granneman Elementary School; 0.5 mile west from the intersection of Highway 367 and Redman Avenue. SP MO East N=327283± E=272306± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.782182°±(N/+) Long=90.243272°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 588.35 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of a traffic signal base on the northwest corner of Redman Avenue and Jerries Lane. SP MO East N=327222± E=271871± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.781643°±(N/+) Long=90.248280°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 527.70 FtUS "No Mark" northwest corner of a porch at house #2610 Redman Road. SP MO East N=326978± E=271463± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.779455°±(N/+) Long=90.252984°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 510.66 FtUS "Concrete Monument" 21' west of the centerline of Ebert Avenue and 30' north of the centerline of Redman Road. SP MO East N=326901± E=270847± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.778776°±(N/+) Long=90.260075°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 585.45 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the first step leading to the Christ the King United Church of Christ, formerly known as Independent Congregational Church at #11370 Old Halls Ferry Road northeast of Old Halls Ferry Road and Redman Avenue. SP MO East N=327016± E=270365± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.779824°±(N/+) Long=90.265619°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 619.65 FtUS "L" on the west corner of a concrete base of a flag pole in front of the Jury Elementary School; north of the intersection of Bristol Rock and Old Halls Ferry Road. SP MO East N=327927± E=269955± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.788040°±(N/+) Long=90.270311°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 538.67 FtUS (or) 164.187 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 539.06 FtUS "Sq" on top at an angle point in the easternmost wingwall of Spanish Pond Road bridge over the railroad tracks; 19' southeast of the centerline of Spanish Pond Road and 39 feet southwest of the easternmost end of the guard rail along the southeast side of Spanish Pond Road northeast of the bridge, roughly 0.1 mile west of the entrance to Spanish Lake Park. SP MO East N=329238± E=275383± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.799711°±(N/+) Long=90.207786°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 539.31 FtUS (or) 164.382 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 539.70 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of a 8 foot wide concrete sidewalk in front of #12265 Bellefontaine Road. SP MO East N=328826± E=274906± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.796013°±(N/+) Long=90.213292°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 05:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 562.76 FtUS (or) 171.529 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 563.12 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of bottom concrete step to front entrance to #1806 Parker Road. SP MO East N=328648± E=274233± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.794428°±(N/+) Long=90.221045°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 595.81 FtUS (or) 181.603 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 596.21 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of 4' concrete sidewalk in front of porch at #6255 Parker Road. SP MO East N=329090± E=272278± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.798461°±(N/+) Long=90.243536°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 620.06 FtUS (or) 188.994 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 620.39 FtUS "Sq" on the southwest corner of the concrete step at porch of house #4935 Parker Road on the northwest corner of Parker Road and Old Jamestown Road. SP MO East N=331267± E=271626± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.818089°±(N/+) Long=90.250973°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 597.28 FtUS "U" on the southwest corner at the end of a 4 foot wide sidewalk; at the Northeast corner of #4120 Parker Road. SP MO East N=328553± E=269081± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.793699°±(N/+) Long=90.280354°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 541.52 FtUS (or) 165.056 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 541.80 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 7-80 S.L.C. in top of a 10" concrete post flush with the ground situated east of Old Jamestown Road between Portage Road and Fort Bellefontaine Road west of a row of old cedar trees. The tablet is roughly 22 feet east of the centerline of Old Jamestown Road, 6 feet southeast of a utility pole, 81 feet southeast of the southeast corner of a chain link fence enclosure for a Laclede Gas Valve labeled “WOLFE 1” that is west of Old Jamestown Road approximately in the southwesterly prolongation of Portage Road, and 100 feet more or less south along the east side of Old Jamestown Road from a cluster of street and traffic signs northeast of the intersection of Old Jamestown Road and Portage Road. SP MO East N=333498± E=271657± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.838186°±(N/+) Long=90.250546°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 05:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 532.16 FtUS (or) 162.204 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 532.48 FtUS "Sq" on the northeast corner of the base of Jamestown Mall sign; 105' east of Old Jamestown Road and 95' south of Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=331788± E=271749± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.822780°±(N/+) Long=90.249540°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 539.18 FtUS (or) 164.342 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 539.52 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of concrete walk of main entrance to Redeemer Lutheran Church; 93' east of the centerline of Old Jamestown Road and 215' north of Janet Drive. SP MO East N=330562± E=271344± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.811745°±(N/+) Long=90.254242°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 507.47 FtUS (or) 154.677 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 507.75 FtUS "Sq" in the center of a concrete headwall; 13' west of the centerline across from #13420 Old Jamestown Road. SP MO East N=329919± E=271232± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.805955°±(N/+) Long=90.255552°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 572.79 FtUS (or) 174.586 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 573.19 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of porch at #13125 Old Jamestown Road. SP MO East N=329511± E=270980± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.802286°±(N/+) Long=90.258465°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 433.19 FtUS "Copper Bolt" leaded in the top of a stone 18" square and set about 4' underground access which is had through an iron pipe 4" below ground and bearing a Missouri River Commission Standard Cap. Cap Elevation is 4.08 feet higher than benchmark. Location is northwest of brick house on top of bluff at residence #19 Portage Road; about 15 yards east of a small stream, 10' west of stone steps built in the river bank and 60' from the northwest corner of swimming pool on property, 10' from the northwest corner of fence around pool. SP MO East N=334377± E=271800± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.846101°±(N/+) Long=90.248871°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 486.89 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped TT 21 Lee 1949 on small knoll along railroad right-of-way in concrete post, about 0.2 mile south of the south end of the Lewis Bridge over Missouri River along Highway 367; 200' west of Portland Cement Road to south bound Highway 367 and 5' east of guy wire to pole #2 at 34' west of railroad track. SP MO East N=333514± E=272692± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.838305°±(N/+) Long=90.238624°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 424.37 FtUS (or) 129.348 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 424.76 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 141-75 S.L.C. set in the northeast wingwall of bridge along Columbia Bottom Road; 145' north of Watkins Creek Pumping Station. SP MO East N=326505± E=277630± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.775023°±(N/+) Long=90.182028°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 456.82 FtUS (or) 139.240 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 457.20 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 142-75 S.L.C. set in the southwest wingwall of bridge over branch of Watkins Creek along Columbia Bottom Road at intersection of Columbia Bottom Road and Larimore Road; roughly 17 feet west of the centerline of Columbia Bottom Road and 50 feet south of the centerline of Larimore Road. SP MO East N=328671.6± E=277621.9± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.794541°±(N/+) Long=90.182034°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 491.89 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 4-80 S.L.C. in top of northeast corner concrete base of railroad signal control box; about 2.1 mile south of south end of Lewis Bridge over Missouri River, 750' west along tracks from house #1819 Christo Court. SP MO East N=330894± E=274039± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.814666°±(N/+) Long=90.223200°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 501.02 FtUS (or) 152.712 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 501.41 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 2-80 S.L.C. in top of southeast concrete base of transmission tower and 220' east of the centerline of Country Brook Drive behind house #12632; about 2.9 miles south of south end of Lewis Bridge over Missouri River, 28' west of tracks, 4' below tracks at 15.62 mile mark. SP MO East N=330034± E=274919± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.806895°±(N/+) Long=90.213099°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 05:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 516.96 FtUS (or) 157.570 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 517.35 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 1-80 S.L.C. in top of concrete wingwall of Spanish Pond Road bridge over railroad tracks; 100' east of intersection of Spanish Pond Road and James Patrick Lane. SP MO East N=329222± E=275359± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.799567°±(N/+) Long=90.208063°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 508.43 FtUS (or) 154.969 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 508.80 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 8-80 S.L.C. set in top of northeast wingwall of railroad bridge over Trampe Avenue. SP MO East N=328041± E=275552± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.788923°±(N/+) Long=90.205885°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 509.11 FtUS (or) 155.177 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 509.48 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 8A-80 S.L.C. set in concrete base of northeast leg of transmission tower situated east of Criterion Avenue and West of the Chicago Burlington Quincy Railroad behind property addressed as #11836 Criterion Avenue; 50 feet south of the centerline extended of Redman Road and 15 feet west of the railroad tracks. SP MO East N=327588± E=275503± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.784843°±(N/+) Long=90.206465°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 545.89 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of concrete sidewalk along back property line at northwest corner of house #1877 on Shardell Drive. SP MO East N=327268± E=273445± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.782017°±(N/+) Long=90.230163°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 477.39 FtUS "Sq" on the northeast corner of a concrete retaining wall; 83' west from centerline of drive to #801 Coal Bank Road. SP MO East N=326468± E=276691± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.774718°±(N/+) Long=90.192835°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 428.07 FtUS "Sq" on the southeast corner of bridge post at the southeast corner of bridge #109 along Coal Bank Road; 800' west of Columbia Bottom Road. SP MO East N=326201± E=277363± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.772292°±(N/+) Long=90.185112°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 05:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 500.52 FtUS (or) 152.559 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 500.92 FtUS "Sq" in the center of the east concrete headwall of box culvert under Lilac Avenue, in line with the north end of main structure of residence #11446 Lilac Avenue. SP MO East N=326415± E=275929± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.774264°±(N/+) Long=90.201606°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 525.87 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of concrete stoop at the front entrance to #1070 Duberry Lane. SP MO East N=326185± E=275948± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.772191°±(N/+) Long=90.201396°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 517.78 FtUS (or) 157.819 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 518.16 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of concrete handrail on the northeast corner of bridge #A-221 over Hwy I-270; east of centerline of Lilac Avenue and south of centerline of westbound exit ramp off of Hwy I-270. SP MO East N=325666± E=275829± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.767519°±(N/+) Long=90.202785°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 517.62 FtUS (or) 157.772 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 518.00 FtUS "Sq" in the center of east edge of the west top of stone bridge #125; 50' north of house #12444 Bellefontaine Road. SP MO East N=329362± E=274641± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.800849°±(N/+) Long=90.216323°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 502.67 FtUS (or) 153.213 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 503.10 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of a concrete porch at #12708 Bellefontaine Road. SP MO East N=330128± E=274537± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.807752°±(N/+) Long=90.217493°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 575.01 FtUS (or) 175.262 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 575.30 FtUS "No Mark" top of concrete gas pipeline post 3.5' high; 50' west of the centerline of Robbins Mill Road and 92' north of the centerline of Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=331254± E=269921± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.818012°±(N/+) Long=90.270607°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 05:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 555.76 FtUS (or) 169.395 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 556.09 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the west headwall; 117' north of the centerline of Lindbergh Boulevard and 21' west of the centerline of Robbins Mill Road. SP MO East N=331099± E=269233± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.816631°±(N/+) Long=90.278533°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 577.48 FtUS (or) 176.015 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 577.86 FtUS "Sq" on the east end of headwall along the south side of Robbins Mill Road; 179' west of the centerline of Sinks Road and 13' south of Robbins Mill Road. SP MO East N=331383± E=269417± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.819186°±(N/+) Long=90.276407°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 565.10 FtUS "L" on top of a 2" x 2" concrete post on the north side of a drive at mail box #14414; 21' east of the centerline of Sinks Road. SP MO East N=331534± E=269513± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.820544°±(N/+) Long=90.275297°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 513.58 FtUS "No Mark" top of concrete at property corner on the east side of a drive to #14516; 21' east of the centerline of Sinks Road. SP MO East N=331960± E=269784± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.824375°±(N/+) Long=90.272164°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 526.47 FtUS "Spike" on the west side of a 30" oak tree; 23' east of Sinks Road and 48' north of Dieckmann Lane. SP MO East N=332587± E=269989± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.830019°±(N/+) Long=90.269785°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 539.51 FtUS "No Mark" top of a concrete right of way monument; 17' east of Sinks Road and 11' south of the centerline of a drive projected at mailbox #14739. SP MO East N=332850± E=269791± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.832393°±(N/+) Long=90.272058°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 569.77 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of a gas valve; 26' north of Laclede Gas Company Drive and 25' west of Sinks Road. (Laclede Fire Training Drive). SP MO East N=333939± E=270048± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.842197°±(N/+) Long=90.269066°±(W/-) Page 12 of 33
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 05:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 558.96 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of gas manhole; 28' west of Sinks Road and 195' south of driveway to mailbox #14965. SP MO East N=333871± E=270060± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.841584°±(N/+) Long=90.268930°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 517.68 FtUS (or) 157.789 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 518.06 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of a 4.5' x 4.5' concrete gas valve; 31' east of Sinks Road and 300' south of Old Jamestown Road at drive to Laclede Gas Pump Station. SP MO East N=334394± E=269876± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.846300°±(N/+) Long=90.271034°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 510.81 FtUS "No Mark" on top of the curb; 8' west of the centerline of Bellefontaine Road at the end of St. Louis County maintenance, at the gate to the Missouri Hills Boys Home. SP MO East N=331937± E=274561± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.824048°±(N/+) Long=90.217153°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 508.00 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of the north headwall of a box culvert; 20' north of Robbins Mill Road and 450' east of Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=331779± E=272409± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.822682°±(N/+) Long=90.241940°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 541.75 FtUS (or) 165.127 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 542.10 FtUS "U" on the northeast corner of the sidewalk at the northeast corner of house #14685 Fox Manor Drive; 82' south of Lindbergh Boulevard and 47' west of Fox Manor Drive. SP MO East N=331495± E=272543± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.820120°±(N/+) Long=90.240406°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 438.10 FtUS (or) 133.532 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 438.48 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the concrete base for Grace Baptist Church sign in front of church; 45' east of the centerline of Columbia Bottom Road and 60' south of Prigge Road extended. SP MO East N=326786± E=277654± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.777553°±(N/+) Long=90.181740°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 05:
Rev: 01/18/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 496.84 FtUS (or) 151.436 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 497.25 FtUS "No Mark" on the northeast corner of the sidewalk in front of house #692 Prigge Road; 19' west of the centerline of Prigge Road. SP MO East N=326965± E=277379± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.779175°±(N/+) Long=90.184898°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 513.88 FtUS "L" on southeast wingwall of Old Halls Ferry Road bridge over Hwy I-270; 32' east of centerline of Old Halls Ferry Road and 203' south of centerline of Dunn Road. SP MO East N=326009± E=270815± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.770742°±(N/+) Long=90.260470°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 547.47 FtUS "Sq" on concrete base of flag pole at Immanuel Lutheran Chapel #11100 Old Halls Ferry Road, 69' east of Old Halls Ferry Road and 50' north of centerline of Netherton Drive. SP MO East N=326395± E=270677± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.774222°±(N/+) Long=90.262047°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 515.09 FtUS "Sq" on the center of the east concrete head wall; 13' east of centerline of Jerries Lane and 300' north of Dunn Road. SP MO East N=326146± E=271888± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.771950°±(N/+) Long=90.248119°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 528.48 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of north rock wall at front entrance to #12227 Fontaine Lane; at the northwest corner of Fontaine Lane and Parker Road. SP MO East N=329045± E=274354± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.798001°±(N/+) Long=90.219639°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 554.14 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of concrete stoop at front entrance to #11730 Poggemoeller Road. SP MO East N=327445± E=273462± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.783611°±(N/+) Long=90.229962°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 478.57 FtUS "U" on the west end of the south pump island of service station at #1375 Dunn Road, the northeast corner of Dunn Road and North Garden Drive. SP MO East N=325906± E=274680± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.769714°±(N/+) Long=90.215998°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 530.45 FtUS "Sq" on northwest corner of the wingwall at the southwest corner of the bridge on Dunn Road over the railroad tracks west of Lilac Avenue. SP MO East N=325736± E=275300± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.768165°±(N/+) Long=90.208870°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 491.86 FtUS "L" on northern most point of a concrete trash pad; 54' north of Dunn Road and 24' east of Hudson Valley Drive. SP MO East N=325726± E=276407± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.768043°±(N/+) Long=90.196132°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 477.26 FtUS "U" on the north side of a concrete light standard in parking lot to the Missouri Information Center; 39' south of the centerline of Dunn Road and 1000' west of the centerline of Columbia Bottom Road also 100' west of the centerline of the out drive for parking lot. SP MO East N=325785± E=277388± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.768544°±(N/+) Long=90.184841°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 526.94 FtUS "U" on concrete stoop at the entrance to the District #1 Sub Station of St. Louis County Department of Highways and Traffic off Seven Hills Drive. SP MO East N=326607± E=269286± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.776163°±(N/+) Long=90.278049°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 530.00 FtUS (or) 161.544 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 530.43 FtUS "Sq" on the north end of a concrete wall for a retention pond at #11920 New Halls Ferry Road; 77' east of the centerline and 53'south of the centerline of West Florrisant Avenue extended. SP MO East N=327141± E=269311± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.780974°±(N/+) Long=90.277746°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 576.16 FtUS (or) 175.614 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 576.57 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of the signal control box; southwest corner of West Florrisant Avenue and Seven Hills Drive. SP MO East N=326900± E=269005± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.778809°±(N/+) Long=90.281274°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 433.31 FtUS Top of a headwall on the southwest corner of Columbia Bottom road and Madison Ferry road, where Columbia Bottom road turns into Strodman road. U.S.E.D. 2 1/1. SP MO East N=330320± E=277544± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.809393°±(N/+) Long=90.182865°±(W/-) Page 15 of 33
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 487.59 FtUS RM 18 FEMA PANEL 69; "L" in northeast corner of north concrete headwall of box culvert for Black Jack Creek at Netherton Drive. SP MO East N=326487± E=271013± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.775043°±(N/+) Long=90.258177°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 10174 in Chapter 10.]
NGVD29 Elev = 523.00 FtUS RM 16 FEMA PANEL 80; Chiseled "SQ" in the southwest corner of the concrete pavement of parking area at the City of St.Louis Bellefontaine Farm, Approximately 500 feet east of Bellefontaine Road and 1.0 miles north of the Burlington Northern Railroad. SP MO East N=332219± E=274769± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.826583°±(N/+) Long=90.214747°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 500.19 FtUS RM 19 FEMA PANEL 88; "U" in center of north headwall of Claudine Drive culvert for Watkin's Creek. SP MO East N=326923± E=273190± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.778916°±(N/+) Long=90.233110°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 492.57 FtUS RM 20 FEMA PANEL 88; "Sq" on southeast corner of concrete lid of curb inlet at cul-de-sac on Monticello Drive. SP MO East N=326591± E=273917± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.775906°±(N/+) Long=90.224754°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 10175 in Chapter 10.]
[Republished as BM 10176 in Chapter 10.]
NGVD29 Elev = 438.31 FtUS RM 51 FEMA PANEL 89; "Sq" in south end of northwest wingwall; 1' below top of headwall of Watkin's Creek culvert under Hwy I-270 and Dunn Road (at southeast corner of property line for #801 Dunn Road). SP MO East N=325754± E=276922± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.768279°±(N/+) Long=90.190205°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 470.27 FtUS RM 207 FEMA PANEL 89; "Sq" on east end of curb on the north side of the Belgrove Road bridge over Watkins Creek about 150 feet west of Raftery Lane. SP MO East N=325392± E=274997± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.765075°±(N/+) Long=90.212369°±(W/-) Page 16 of 33
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 05:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 475.97 FtUS RM 13 FEMA PANEL 90; "L" on south end of southwest wingwall of Private Road bridge over the eastbranch of south tributary of Coldwater Creek. SP MO East N=330479± E=272058± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.810980°±(N/+) Long=90.246024°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 427.81 FtUS RM 52 FEMA PANEL 95; "Sq" on top of southeast wingwall of the Coal Bank Road bridge over Watkin's Creek. SP MO East N=326200± E=277361± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.772284°±(N/+) Long=90.185135°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 537.88 FtUS (or) 163.946 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 538.27 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-129 and situated in the tree lawn on the northwest side of Spanish Pond Road, 27 feet southwest of the centerline of James Patrick Lane, 61 feet northeast of the centerline of Leonaire Court, and 24 feet northwest of the centerline of Spanish Pond Road. <NGS PID="AA8650", Designation="SL 129"> SP MO East N=329198.4± E=275328.4± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.799355°±(N/+) Long=90.208416°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 543.02 FtUS (or) 165.513 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 543.41 FtUS SL-129A MO DNR GRS concrete monument; The azimuth mark is 0.25 mile south of SL-129 (BM 5212) on the southeast side of Spanish Pond Road; 62’ northeast of the centerline of driveway to house #12322. <NGS PID="AA8650", Designation="Accessory to SL 129"> SP MO East N=328836± E=275075± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.796098°±(N/+) Long=90.211346°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 532.19 FtUS (or) 162.213 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 532.54 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the front porch of house #17795 Old Jamestown Road; at the southeast corner of Vaile Avenue and Old Jamestown Road. [This is prior BM 4150 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 5.] SP MO East N=334372± E=268942± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.846123°±(N/+) Long=90.281794°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 538.31 FtUS (or) 164.076 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 538.64 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of concrete driveway at front entrance to #14055 Old Halls Ferry Road; 300' south of Galaxie Drive and 29' west of centerline of Old Halls Ferry Road. [This is prior BM 4154 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 5.] SP MO East N=330810± E=269092± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.814031°±(N/+) Long=90.280165°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 598.88 FtUS "U" on the northwest wingwall of bridge over Hwy I-270; 32' west of centerline of West Florissant and 81' south of the centerline of Dunn Road. [This is prior BM 4244 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 5.] SP MO East N=326088± E=269108± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.771492°±(N/+) Long=90.280112°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 546.54 FtUS (or) 166.587 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 546.90 FtUS "L" on back of sidewalk at #11601 West Florissant Avenue; 200' west of the centerline and 57' north of the centerline of Northport Hills. [This is prior BM 4286 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 5.] SP MO East N=326620± E=269010± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.776287°±(N/+) Long=90.281225°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 563.66 FtUS (or) 171.805 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 564.03 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of a pull box in the northwest median island; 47' west of the centerline of West Florissant Avenue and 24' north of the centerline of the Venture Store entrance. [This is prior BM 4287 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 5.] SP MO East N=326367± E=269099± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.774005°±(N/+) Long=90.280207°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 497.63 FtUS (or) 151.678 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 498.02 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-190 and situated in the tree lawn 1.5 feet east of the back of sidewalk southeast of the intersection of Bellefontaine Road and Larimore Parkway Drive west of the loading docks for a Schnucks grocery store in Sierra Vista Plaza; roughly 44 feet east of the center of median island within Bellefontaine Road, 132 feet south of the centerline of Larimore Parkway Drive, 8 feet west of a cut cross on top of a retaining wall, and 11.3 feet southwest of the southwest corner of brick building for loading docks. SP MO East N=326219.3± E=274320.7± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.772546°±(N/+) Long=90.220121°±(W/-) Page 18 of 33
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 05:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 530.11 FtUS (or) 161.577 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 530.49 FtUS "O" in OPEN on fire hydrant situated in the tree lawn east of the sidewalk along the west side of Bellefontaine Road between two residential properties addressed as #1601 June Drive and #11407 Bellefontaine Road, roughly 23 feet west of the centerline of Bellefontaine Road and 78 feet north of the centerline of June Drive. SP MO East N=326751± E=274392± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.777334°±(N/+) Long=90.219282°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 555.32 FtUS (or) 169.262 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 555.70 FtUS Cut "L" on the top southeast corner of concrete base of metal traffic signal control box situated in the tree lawn east of sidewalk near the northeast corner of property for Twillman School at #11831 Bellefontaine Road, roughly 30 feet west of the centerline of Bellefontaine Road and 110 feet more or less southwest from the centerline of Redman Road. SP MO East N=327649± E=274587± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.785419°±(N/+) Long=90.217006°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 536.70 FtUS (or) 163.586 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 537.07 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest corner of the concrete rim of a flush style traffic pull box in grassy area east of the sidewalk along the east side of Bellefontaine Road and south of the easterly prolongation of the centerline of Parker Road northwest of a Midwest Petroleum Company (Phillips 66) gas station addressed as #12188 Bellefontaine Road; roughly 39 feet east of the centerline of Bellefontaine Road and 25 feet south of the centerline of northern drive entrance to gas station at the signalized intersection of Bellefontaine Road and Parker Road. SP MO East N=328650± E=274885± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.794428°±(N/+) Long=90.213540°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 583.79 FtUS (or) 177.940 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 584.14 FtUS Cut "U" on the top east side of the concrete base of a traffic signal mast situated on a traffic island southeast of Parker Road and Benham Road and north of a U-turn lane from northbound Lusher road onto southbound Benham Road underneath the bridge for Lewis and Clark Boulevard (Highway 367) over Parker Road; roughly 50 feet south of the centerline of Parker Road, 37 feet east of the centerline of Benham Road, and 19 feet west of the elevated west edge of Highway 367 overpass bridge. SP MO East N=328776± E=273409± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.795603°±(N/+) Long=90.230526°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 591.51 FtUS (or) 180.294 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 591.85 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest corner of an 8 foot by 5 foot concrete pad base for two ATT telephone boxes situated in a grassy area roughly 58 feet south of the centerline of Parker Road and 119 feet west of the centerline of drive entrance to the Department of Veteran Affairs Outpatient Clinic addressed as #6854 Parker Road; and being generally across Parker Road from an apartment building addressed as #6685 Parker Road. SP MO East N=328836± E=273017± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.796154°±(N/+) Long=90.235037°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 597.16 FtUS (or) 182.014 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 597.48 FtUS Cut "L" in northeast corner of capstone at northern brick end column of entrance sign for Pennyrich Farm subdivision in the center median island of La Padera Lane south of Parker Road; roughly 40 feet south of the centerline of Parker Road. SP MO East N=329046± E=272259± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.798065°±(N/+) Long=90.243756°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 601.18 FtUS (or) 183.241 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 601.51 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-131A and situated in a narrow tree lawn roughly one foot north of the sidewalk along the south side of Parker Road 230 feet more or less west of the centerline of La Padera Lane; roughly 19 feet east of the centerline of a marked cross walk, and 6 feet north of the chain link fence corner post common to properties addressed as #6125 and #6145 Pennyrich Court. <NGS PID="AA8653", Designation="Accessory to SL 131"> SP MO East N=329028± E=272190± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.797905°±(N/+) Long=90.244551°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 05:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 601.85 FtUS (or) 183.445 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 602.17 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of the concrete rim of a flush style traffic pull box in grassy area on the east side of the center median island of Jerries Lane north of Parker Road; roughly 50 feet north of the centerline of Parker road and 15 feet west of the centerline of the northbound portion of Jerries Lane. SP MO East N=328882± E=271711± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.796602°±(N/+) Long=90.250069°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 607.75 FtUS (or) 185.243 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 608.07 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-131 and situated in a grassy area 110 feet southwest of the southern bull nose end of the center median island in Jerries Lane north of Parker Road; roughly 30 feet northwest of the centerline of Parker Road, 48 feet southwest of a fire hydrant, and 9 feet west of a guy pole. <NGS PID="AA8653", Designation="SL 131"> SP MO East N=328863.8± E=271677.7± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.796439°±(N/+) Long=90.250453°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 615.65 FtUS (or) 187.652 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 615.95 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of concrete base for traffic signal control box situated 18 feet north of the centerline of Parker Road and 21 feet east of the cross walk traffic signal mast for the marked crosswalk between the two properties of Salem Lutheran Church on opposite sides of Parker Road addressed as #5180 and #5195 Parker Road; roughly 57 feet west of a fire hydrant and 0.2 miles more or less east of Old Jamestown Road. SP MO East N=328530± E=270829± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.793452°±(N/+) Long=90.260233°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 552.64 FtUS (or) 168.444 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 553.02 FtUS Cut "L" on the top southernmost corner of capstone to the southernmost stone column on the western most of two subdivision entrance monuments for Country Village subdivision, generally southeast of a residence addressed as #12807 Vista Ridge Lane; roughly 35 feet west of the centerline of Vista Ridge Lane and 30 feet north of the centerline of New Jamestown Road. SP MO East N=330131± E=274025± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.807793°±(N/+) Long=90.223388°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 05:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 554.91 FtUS (or) 169.138 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 555.29 FtUS Cut "Sq" in the top southeast corner of the intersection of a barrier wall along the west side of Lusher Road, more generally south and east of the bridge carrying the thru lanes of New Jamestown Road over Highway 367, with a second barrier wall along the north side of a second bridge over Highway 367 for a U-turn lane allowing vehicles northbound on Lusher Road to complete a U-turn and cross westerly over Highway 367 onto southbound Benham Road while staying south of New Jamestown Road. This benchmark is east of the depressed lanes of Highway 367, roughly 27 feet west of the centerline of Lusher Road and 65 feet south of the centerline of New Jamestown Road. Lusher Road and Benham Road are the local service roads parallel to and respectively east and west of Highway 367. Highway 367 is a limited access highway also known as Lewis and Clark Boulevard. SP MO East N=330304± E=273630± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.809363°±(N/+) Long=90.227930°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 482.02 FtUS (or) 146.920 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 482.39 FtUS Found cross on top of the south end of the concrete barrier wall along the west side of the southbound bridge for Highway 367 (also known as Lewis and Clark Boulevard) over Cold Water Creek; 0.29 miles more or less south of Lindbergh Boulevard. This benchmark is near the southwest corner of the westernmost of two Highway 367 bridges over Cold Water Creek. SP MO East N=330848± E=273453± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.814268°±(N/+) Long=90.229949°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 482.52 FtUS (or) 147.072 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 482.89 FtUS Found cross on top of the north end of the concrete barrier wall along the east side of the southbound bridge for Highway 367 (also known as Lewis and Clark Boulevard) over Cold Water Creek; 0.26 miles more or less south of Lindbergh Boulevard. This benchmark is near the northeast corner of the westernmost of two Highway 367 bridges over Cold Water Creek. SP MO East N=330907± E=273438± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.814800°±(N/+) Long=90.230120°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 05:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 527.16 FtUS (or) 160.678 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 527.50 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-126A situated in a grassy area north of Lindbergh Boulevard, 1100 feet more or less west of Jamestown Bay Drive, and west of the asphalt driveway for the Daystar Church of God addressed as #5145 N Highway 67; roughly 40 feet north of the centerline of Lindbergh Boulevard, 26 feet south of the centerline of concrete drainage swale, 59 feet west of the centerline of the aforesaid church driveway, and 83 feet southeast of the centerline of an area inlet. SP MO East N=331633± E=270362± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.821416°±(N/+) Long=90.265517°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 498.35 FtUS (or) 151.896 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 498.66 FtUS Cut "U" in the south end of the west barrier wall between the southbound lanes of Old Halls Ferry Road and the sidewalk, near the southwest corner of Bridge No. 130 for Old Halls Ferry Road over Cold Water Creek; a little less than 0.1 miles south of the intersection with Belcroft Drive, roughly 22 feet west of the centerline of Old Halls Ferry Road, near the junction between concrete barrier wall and metal guard rail, and 109 feet north of a street sign marking city limits of the City of Blackjack. SP MO East N=330342± E=269169± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.809813°±(N/+) Long=90.279291°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 547.36 FtUS (or) 166.836 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 547.67 FtUS "O" in open on fire hydrant situated in the tree lawn southwest of Old Halls Ferry Road in front of a residence addressed as #1 Country Club Court; roughly 18 feet southwest of the centerline of Old Halls Ferry Road and 78 feet northwest of the centerline of Country Club Court. SP MO East N=330068± E=269510± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.807337°±(N/+) Long=90.275373°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 574.41 FtUS (or) 175.082 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 574.72 FtUS Cut "L" on the top back of curb at concrete joint on the easternmost bull nose end of a landscaped median island in the centerline of Vanderwood Drive; roughly 25 feet west of the centerline of Old Halls Ferry Road. SP MO East N=329619± E=269740± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.803287°±(N/+) Long=90.272738°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 05:
Rev: 01/18/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 606.41 FtUS (or) 184.833 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 606.70 FtUS Cut "Sq" in the center of a 3 foot long concrete headwall at the north end of culvert pipe under Nordell Court west of Old Halls Ferry Road; roughly 25 feet west of the centerline of Old Halls Ferry Road, 24 feet north of the centerline of Nordell Court, and 58 feet southeast of the southeast corner of house addressed as #12615 Old Halls Ferry Road. SP MO East N=328799± E=270165± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.795891°±(N/+) Long=90.267869°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 557.15 FtUS (or) 169.819 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 557.48 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest corner of the raised concrete base for metal traffic signal control box situated northwest of the right turn lane from southbound Old Halls Ferry Road onto westbound Lindbergh Boulevard and near the southeast corner of property for a BP gas station addressed as #4095 N. Highway 67 Street (also known as North Lindbergh Boulevard); roughly 39 feet east of the pole for an overhead PB gas station sign, 45 feet west of the centerline of Old Halls Ferry Road, and 65 feet north of the centerline of Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=331036± E=269003± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.816069°±(N/+) Long=90.281184°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 511.05 FtUS (or) 155.768 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 511.41 FtUS Cut square on the top southernmost corner of the concrete base for raised metal traffic signal control box situated north of the intersection of New Halls Ferry Road and Netherton Drive; roughly 15 feet east of a traffic signal mast with signal arm controlling traffic northwest bound along New Halls Ferry Road, 28 feet northwest of the centerline of Netherton Drive, and 19 feet southwest of a manhole in the sidewalk along the northwest side of Netherton Drive. SP MO East N=326388± E=269916± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.774177°±(N/+) Long=90.270805°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 493.77 FtUS (or) 150.501 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 494.13 FtUS Found "L" on the southernmost corner of the square concrete base of short mast for pedestrian crossing signals situated southwest of the Quik Trip store addressed as #2791 Dunn Road, northeast of New Halls Ferry Road and north of Dunn Road; roughly 34 feet southeast of traffic signal mast with signal arm controlling traffic northwest bound along New Halls Ferry Road, 13 feet southwest of the westernmost corner of a raised metal traffic signal control box, and 74 feet west of wooden utility pole #189394. SP MO East N=326091± E=270204± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.771494°±(N/+) Long=90.267499°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 484.60 FtUS (or) 147.706 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 484.97 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-123 situated in a grassy area southwest of New Halls Ferry Road generally opposite the northeast corner of the northernmost row of parking spaces on the north side of the Steak 'N Shake restaurant addressed as #10911 New Halls Ferry Road; 110 feet more or less southeast of the centerline of Pershall Road, roughly 9 feet east of a manhole, 14 feet southwest of the paint stripe at edge of pavement, and 30 feet north of the post supporting a lighted Steak 'N Shake sign. <NGS PID="AA8644", Designation="SL 123"> SP MO East N=325805.4± E=270447.7± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.768916°±(N/+) Long=90.264703°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 480.71 FtUS (or) 146.522 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 481.08 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-123A situated in a grassy area southwest of New Halls Ferry Road and southeast of the southernmost exit from a BP gas station and car wash addressed as #10633 New Halls Ferry Road; generally east of the car wash building, roughly 16 feet southwest of the paint stripe at edge of asphalt driving lanes, 25 feet southeast of the centerline of car wash exit lane. <NGS PID="AA8644", Designation="Accessory to SL 123"> SP MO East N=325445± E=270790± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.765661°±(N/+) Long=90.260775°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 477.19 FtUS (or) 145.447 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 477.56 FtUS Cut "L" on the top southwest corner of the concrete base for raised metal traffic signal control box situated in a grassy area north of the intersection of New Halls Ferry Road with Old Halls Ferry Road, and across Old Halls Ferry Road from a residence addressed as #10600 Old Halls Ferry Road; roughly 10.5 feet northeast of the back of sidewalk along the northeast side of New Halls Ferry Road, 38 feet north of a light standard with arm for overhead lamp, and 44 feet west of the northern bullnose end of the concrete median island within Old Halls Ferry Road. SP MO East N=325331± E=270914± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.764631°±(N/+) Long=90.259352°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 497.21 FtUS (or) 151.550 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 497.58 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast corner of a concrete junction box 4 feet above the pavement of Trampe Avenue north of an Ameren UE facility on property addressed as #11981 Bridgevale Avenue; roughly 20 feet south of the centerline of Trampe Avenue, 110 feet west of the centerline of Bridgevale Avenue, and 85 feet east of the centerline of a railroad bridge passing over Trampe Avenue. The junction box is roughly 11.5 feet east and west by 8 feet north and south, but has a roughly 4'x4' chamfer out of the southwest corner opposite the benchmark. SP MO East N=328026± E=275572± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.788787°±(N/+) Long=90.205655°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 528.54 FtUS (or) 161.100 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 528.92 FtUS Cut "U" centered along the top west edge of the 3'x5' concrete base of a lighted informational sign for Larimore Elementary School addressed as #1025 Trampe Avenue. The sign is roughly 45 feet north of the centerline of Trampe Avenue, south of the school parking lot, between the two entrance drives from Trampe Avenue, and 225 feet more or less west of the centerline of Madrid Avenue. SP MO East N=327962± E=276214± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.788191°±(N/+) Long=90.198268°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 530.61 FtUS (or) 161.731 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 531.00 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest corner of the 3'x5' concrete base of a lighted informational sign for Hazelwood Southeast Middle School addressed as #918 Prigge Road; roughly 45 feet east of the center of school entrance drive, and 65 feet south of the centerline of Prigge Road. SP MO East N=327087± E=276395± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.780304°±(N/+) Long=90.196218°±(W/-) Page 26 of 33
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 05:
Rev: 01/18/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 515.49 FtUS (or) 157.123 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 515.89 FtUS Cut square on top of the concrete base for the southwestern leg of electric transmission tower situated west of railroad tracks and north of Larimore Road generally between Aspen Woods Drive and McQuay Avenue; roughly 27 feet west of the westernmost rail and 135 feet more or less north of the centerline of Larimore Road measured parallel to the railroad. SP MO East N=326328± E=275393± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.773495°±(N/+) Long=90.207778°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 427.32 FtUS (or) 130.248 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 427.71 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped CSL-24 found 2 feet below ground in a grassy area 22 feet east of the centerline of Riverview Drive and 120 feet more or less north of the easterly prolongation of the centerline of Coal Bank Road; roughly 29 feet south of a concrete light pole numbered 15, 52 feet northeast of one utility pole and 90 feet southeast of a second utility pole. Both utility poles are situated west of Riverview Drive. [This benchmark is situated in the City of St Louis.] <NGS PID="AA8584", Designation="CSL 24"> SP MO East N=326238.7± E=277644.3± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.772623°±(N/+) Long=90.181874°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 490.54 FtUS (or) 149.518 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 490.84 FtUS Cut Square centered in the north end of the eastern return wall for the north abutment of Bridge No. 134 carrying Old Jamestown Road over Cold Water Creek. Benchmark is north of the north end of chain link barrier fence, several tenths of a foot south of the north end of return wall which is along the east side of the eastern sidewalk over bridge; roughly 33 feet east of the centerline of Old Jamestown Road and 100 feet more or less north of the centerline of Cold Water Creek. SP MO East N=331247± E=271663± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.817908°±(N/+) Long=90.250548°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 05:
Rev: 01/18/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 517.97 FtUS (or) 157.878 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 518.32 FtUS Cut “U” in top southeast edge of brick ledge under masonry subdivision entrance sign for PARK ARGONNE ESTATES situated west of Vaile Avenue and north of Old Jamestown Road in the southeast corner of Lot 25 of “PARC ARGONNE ESTATES PLAT ONE” (PB 277 PG 32) which property is addressed as #17900 Argonne Estates Drive. The mark is on the tenth brick from the left side of the brick ledge, being the dark red brick directly below the left side of the letter “a” in “Estates”; and is roughly 41 feet north of the centerline of Old Jamestown Road and 39 feet west of the centerline of Vaile Avenue. SP MO East N=334535± E=268951± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.847591°±(N/+) Long=90.281686°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 488.28 FtUS (or) 148.829 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 488.64 FtUS Cut square in center of North headwall for a culvert under Old Jamestown Road situated near the southwest corner of property addressed as #17640 Old Jamestown Road situated approximately 12.6 feet north of the centerline of Old Jamestown Road and 90 feet east of the center of a driveway to residence addressed as #17710 Old Jamestown Road. SP MO East N=334453± E=269354± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.846843°±(N/+) Long=90.277046°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 536.52 FtUS (or) 163.531 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 536.89 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-127 situated in the northern end of a grass median strip between the northbound and southbound lanes of Jamestown Farm Road approximately 33 feet south of the center of Jamestown Farm Drive and south of the Jamestown Farm subdivision sign; being roughly 9 feet west of the west edge of northbound Jamestown Farm Road, 12 feet east of the east edge of southbound Jamestown Farm Road, 7.6 feet southeast of the western post on subdivision sign, and 5 feet southwest of the eastern post on subdivision sign. <NGS PID="AA8648", Designation="SL 127"> SP MO East N=334677.2± E=269813.1± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.848853°±(N/+) Long=90.271751°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 05:
Rev: 01/18/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 545.00 FtUS (or) 166.115 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 545.33 FtUS Cut “L” on the southeast corner of the easternmost of two roughly 7.8’x1.8’ concrete slabs along the east and west sides of a planter box containing the informational and identifying sign for the Florissant Valley Memorial American Legion Post 444 situated east of the driveway to the Legion Post addressed as #17090 Old Jamestown Road and being roughly 27.5 feet north of the centerline of Old Jamestown Road and 36 feet east of the centerline of aforesaid driveway to Legion Post. SP MO East N=334601± E=270759± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.848144°±(N/+) Long=90.260856°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 533.84 FtUS (or) 162.714 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 534.14 FtUS Cut “U” on the top back of rolled curb on pavement rounding west of Old Jamestown Road and North of Jamestown Forest Drive near the southeast corner of residential property addressed as #16704 Jamestown Forest Drive; roughly 20 feet west of the centerline of Old Jamestown Road, 31 feet north of the centerline of Jamestown Forest Drive, and 14.4 feet from the easternmost corner of the northeastern brick pillar of brick subdivision sign for Jamestown Forest. SP MO East N=334095± E=271351± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.843572°±(N/+) Long=90.254052°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 550.37 FtUS (or) 167.754 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 550.65 FtUS Cut square on the southern part of an 8.6’x7’ concrete utility pad at the southeast corner of Old Jamestown Road and Fort Bellefontaine Road. The concrete utility pad has a smaller 3’x3’ pad north of it and is buffered from the road by concrete filled steel pipe bollards. The benchmark is roughly 26 feet east of the centerline of Old Jamestown Road, 76 feet south of the centerline of Fort Bellefontaine Road, and 9 feet east of a utility pole. SP MO East N=333405± E=271641± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.837349°±(N/+) Long=90.250733°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 550.50 FtUS (or) 167.792 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 550.79 FtUS Cut square in the center top of the southwestern headwall of a culvert under Old Jamestown Road situated roughly 16.5 feet southwest of the centerline of Old Jamestown Road, and 280 feet more or less southeast of the intersection of the centerline of Old Jamestown Court with the west side of Old Jamestown Road. SP MO East N=332993± E=271644± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.833637°±(N/+) Long=90.250712°±(W/-) Page 29 of 33
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 05:
Rev: 01/18/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 551.58 FtUS (or) 168.123 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 551.88 FtUS Cut square in the center top of the western headwall of a culvert under Old Jamestown Road near the southeast corner of property addressed as #15565 Old Jamestown Road and situated roughly 13.5 feet west of the centerline of Old Jamestown Road, and 15 feet more or less south of the westerly prolongation across Old Jamestown Road of the centerline of driveway to a residence addressed as 15560 Old Jamestown Road. SP MO East N=332828± E=271784± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.832148°±(N/+) Long=90.249104°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 547.54 FtUS (or) 166.890 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 547.84 FtUS Cut square on a trapezoidal concrete driveway approach slab fronting 24 feet on the west edge of Old Jamestown Road, and being 12 feet along the west edge and 15 feet along the north and south edges of the tapered approach slab for a gravel drive leading to a garage or outbuilding on property addressed as #15327 Old Jamestown Road, said approach slab being 100 feet more or less south of the main concrete driveway to residence addressed as #15341 Old Jamestown Road. The benchmark is roughly 4.7 feet west of the east edge of concrete slab, 8.7 feet south of the north edge of concrete slab, and 25 feet west of the centerline of Old Jamestown Road. SP MO East N=332496± E=271733± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.829158°±(N/+) Long=90.249702°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 533.76 FtUS (or) 162.690 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 534.07 FtUS Cut square on center top of 16” reinforced concrete pipe culvert extending easterly from under Old Jamestown Road; roughly 118 feet south of the centerline of driveway to residence addressed as #15120 Old Jamestown Road, and 20 feet east of the centerline of Old Jamestown Road. SP MO East N=332154± E=271766± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.826076°±(N/+) Long=90.249333°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 536.26 FtUS (or) 163.453 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 536.58 FtUS Cut “L” on the top westernmost corner of the concrete base for a traffic signal control box in a concrete traffic island situated northeast of the right turn lane from eastbound Lindbergh Boulevard onto southbound Old Jamestown Road. Benchmark is roughly 37 feet west of the centerline of Old Jamestown Road and 54 feet south of the centerline of Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=331800± E=271707± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.822889°±(N/+) Long=90.250024°±(W/-) Page 30 of 33
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 05:
Rev: 01/18/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 541.55 FtUS (or) 165.065 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 541.91 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-130 situated in a grassy area along the south side of Lindbergh Boulevard approximately 0.5 miles west of Highway 367 north of the eastern brick entrance monument for FOX MANOR subdivision north of property addressed as #14680 Fox Manor Drive, roughly 43 feet east of the centerline of Fox Manor Drive, 38 feet northeast of a fire hydrant, 29 feet northeast of the northeast corner of the tallest brick column lettered vertically with "FOX MANOR", 11 feet north of the northwest corner of the shorter of two chain link fences, 15 feet northwest of the northwest corner of the taller of two chain link fences, and 14 feet north of the east end of the brick subdivision monument. <NGS PID="AA8652", Designation="SL 130"> SP MO East N=331491.3± E=272570.7± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.820086°±(N/+) Long=90.240088°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 514.62 FtUS (or) 156.857 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 515.02 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-19A approximately 0.2 miles south of Interstate 270 along the west side of Bellefontaine Road in front of State of Missouri property sometimes referred to as the Bellefontaine Habilitation Center or as the St Louis State Training School addressed as #10695 Bellefontaine Road. SL-19A is situated west of Bellefontaine Road opposite Harper Lane which extends easterly from Bellefontaine Road along the south side of the White Castle restaurant at #10720 Bellefontaine Road. SL-19A is roughly 3 feet east of a stone wall, 21 feet north of a fire hydrant, and 28 feet south of a guy pole. <NGS PID="AA8660", Designation="Accessory to SL 19"> SP MO East N=325602± E=274211± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.766988°±(N/+) Long=90.221406°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 578.18 FtUS (or) 176.231 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 578.55 FtUS Cut cross on southwest corner of concrete pad of traffic pull box generally flush with grade roughly 40' east of double yellow stripe in centerline West Florissant Avenue and 40' south of the centerline of Harneywold Drive. SP MO East N=325730± E=269101± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.768267°±(N/+) Long=90.280202°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 05:
Rev: 01/18/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 607.85 FtUS (or) 185.274 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 608.22 FtUS Cut square on east side of concrete base for traffic signal on a concrete traffic island northeast of the right turn lane from eastbound Pershall Road onto southbound West Florissant Avenue, roughly 34' west of double yellow stripe in centerline West Florissant Avenue and 53' south of double yellow stripe in centerline Pershall Road. SP MO East N=325895± E=269098± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.769753°±(N/+) Long=90.280232°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 597.86 FtUS (or) 182.229 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 598.23 FtUS Cut "L" at northeast corner end of sidewalk at northeast corner of the West Forissant Avenue bridge #A222R over I-270 near the north end of chain link safety fence on bridge, roughly 45' east of the centerline of West Florissant Avenue and 67' south of the western bullnose end of a traffic median island in Dunn Road east of West Florissant Avenue. SP MO East N=326087± E=269136± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.771482°±(N/+) Long=90.279789°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 571.25 FtUS (or) 174.117 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 571.61 FtUS Cut triangle on east side of traffic signal base southwest of the intersection of West Florissant Avenue and Seven Hills Drive, roughly 32' west of the double yellow stripe in centerline West Florissant Avenue and 42' south of the double yellow stripe in centerline Seven Hills Drive. SP MO East N=326889± E=269023± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.778710°±(N/+) Long=90.281068°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 533.60 FtUS (or) 162.641 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 533.96 FtUS Cut triangle on easternmost corner of concrete base for traffic signal control box in south quadrant of intersection of West Florissant Avenue with New Halls Ferry Road, roughly 75' southeast of double yellow stripe in centerline of West Florissant Avenue and 35' southwest of double yellow stripe in centerline of New Halls Ferry Road. SP MO East N=327116± E=269285± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.780749°±(N/+) Long=90.278046°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 573.29 FtUS (or) 174.740 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 573.65 FtUS Cut triangle on southeast corner of concrete base for traffic signal control box southwest of the intersection of Pohlman Road with New Halls Ferry Road. SP MO East N=327416± E=269174± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.783454°±(N/+) Long=90.279315°±(W/-) Page 32 of 33
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 05:
Rev: 01/18/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 582.79 FtUS (or) 177.635 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 583.14 FtUS Cut "L" on east curb of New Halls Ferry Road roughly 35' northeast of the centerline of New Halls Ferry Road and 25' northwest of centerline of drive access to Lighthouse Pentecostal Church #12360 New Halls Ferry Road. SP MO East N=327797± E=269098± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.786888°±(N/+) Long=90.280179°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 588.75 FtUS (or) 179.450 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 589.07 FtUS Found "L" on southwest corner of end sidewalk east of the asphalt drive to and along the east side of property addressed #4105 Parker Road, roughly 25' north of centerline Parker Road and 158' west of centerline Tamzine Court. SP MO East N=328567± E=269019± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.793826°±(N/+) Long=90.281067°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 563.04 FtUS (or) 171.615 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 563.34 FtUS Cut square on centerline southernmost bull nose end of curb for landscaped entrance island containing entrance sign, gate shack and flagpole in the centerline of the common private entrance drive to Delmar Gardens North at #4401 Parker Road and Garden Villas North at #4505 Parker Road, roughly 43' north of centerline Parker Road. SP MO East N=328545± E=269651± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.793614°±(N/+) Long=90.273793°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 06:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
No Benchmarks In Chapter 6
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 07:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
[Republished as BM 8305 in Chapter 8.]
[Republished as BM 8306 in Chapter 8.]
[Republished as BM 8307 in Chapter 8.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 455.38 FtUS (or) 138.801 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 455.58 FtUS "L" on the second step at the gate to St. Louis County Water Company basin; 52' east of the centerline of Hog Hollow Road and 18' east of the tracks, 0.6 mile south of the intersection of River Valley Drive and Hog Hollow Road. SP MO East N=316498± E=248010± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.685302°±(N/+) Long=90.522873°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 450.42 FtUS (or) 137.288 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 450.60 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-28,1990. Disk set in the northeast corner of Hog Hollow Road and John Pellet Court near the southwest corner of property addressed as #850 John Pellet Court; roughly 21 feet east of the centerline of John Pellet Court, 35 feet west of the southwest corner of an abandoned asphalt landing strip, 44 feet northeast of a fire hydrant, and 42 feet southeast of a power pole. <NGS PID="AA8669", Designation="SL 28"> SP MO East N=317362.4± E=248071.5± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.693090°±(N/+) Long=90.522168°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 12254 in Chapter 12.]
[Republished as BM 12255 in Chapter 12.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 629.98 FtUS (or) 192.019 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 630.22 FtUS "U" on the back of curb of east bound Olive Blvd. on the centerline produced of Eagle Manor Lane. SP MO East N=315977± E=248536± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.680610°±(N/+) Long=90.516826°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 621.23 FtUS "Sq" on curb at the north end of the island at entrance to Westbury Manor Subdivision; on the centerline of Westbury Manor Drive and 28' south of Olive Street Road. [This is prior BM 8181 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 7.] SP MO East N=316024± E=248799± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.681034°±(N/+) Long=90.513803°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 07:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 450.79 FtUS (or) 137.400 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 451.05 FtUS Standard Aluminum Disk marking the zero meter station for the Missouri Department of Natural Resource's River Valley Baseline situated approximately 0.88 miles westerly and southerly along River Valley Drive from the approximate center of the River Valley Drive bridge over Page Avenue Extension known as Hwy 364. Benchmark is roughly 23 feet east of the centerline of River Valley Drive and 17 feet north of the center of a paved field entrance. SP MO East N=319085± E=248625± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.708609°±(N/+) Long=90.515809°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 450.61 FtUS (or) 137.347 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 450.87 FtUS Standard Aluminum Disk marking the 150 meter station for the Missouri Department of Natural Resource's River Valley Baseline situated approximately 0.97 miles westerly and southerly along River Valley Drive from the approximate center of the River Valley Drive bridge over Page Avenue Extension known as Hwy 364. Benchmark is roughly 23 feet east of the centerline of River Valley Drive and 150 meters south of the zero meter station for said River Valley Baseline. SP MO East N=318936± E=248609± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.707267°±(N/+) Long=90.515993°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 450.84 FtUS (or) 137.417 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 451.10 FtUS Standard Aluminum Disk marking the 400 meter station for the Missouri Department of Natural Resource's River Valley Baseline situated approximately 1.13 miles westerly and southerly along River Valley Drive from the approximate center of the River Valley Drive bridge over Page Avenue Extension known as Hwy 364. Benchmark is roughly 23 feet east of the centerline of River Valley Drive and 400 meters south of the zero meter station for said River Valley Baseline. SP MO East N=318687± E=248582± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.705024°±(N/+) Long=90.516303°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 07:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 452.24 FtUS (or) 137.844 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 452.49 FtUS Standard Aluminum Disk marking the 1100 meter station for the Missouri Department of Natural Resource's River Valley Baseline situated approximately 1.56 miles westerly and southerly along River Valley Drive from the approximate center of the River Valley Drive bridge over Page Avenue Extension known as Hwy 364. Benchmark is roughly 23 feet east of the centerline of River Valley Drive and 1100 meters south of the zero meter station for said River Valley Baseline. SP MO East N=317991± E=248507± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.698753°±(N/+) Long=90.517164°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 448.54 FtUS (or) 136.716 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 448.77 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-28A and situated on the east side of John Pellet Court along the west side of property addressed as #850 John Pellet Court. Disk is 0.28 miles north along John Pellet court from Hog Hollow Road and roughly 16 feet east of the centerline of John Pellet Court, 5 feet west of the northwest corner of wood fence surrounding the parking lot at an abandoned hanger building, 105 feet north of a power pole, and roughly 45 feet north of the north edge of access drive to the abandoned hanger. <NGS PID="AA8669", Designation="Accessory to SL 28"> SP MO East N=317795± E=248109± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.696987°±(N/+) Long=90.521738°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 455.32 FtUS (or) 138.783 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 455.54 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of a 10'x31' concrete meter pit within property owned by St Louis City Water Works and addressed as #955 Hog Hollow Road along the north side of a private road commonly known as Waterworks Road and situated southwest of a private drive running northwesterly from said Waterworks Road along the southwest line of Missouri American Water Company property addressed as #901 Hog Hollow Road. The benchmark is approximately 0.05 miles west of Hog Hollow Road, 140 feet north of the centerline of railroad tracks, 23 feet north of the centerline of Waterworks Road, 30' southwest of the centerline of drive, and 28 feet east of the center north end of a drainage culvert under Waterworks Road. SP MO East N=316214± E=247869± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.682743°±(N/+) Long=90.524493°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
Rev: 01/05/2018
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
[Republished as BM 9433 in Chapter 9.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 596.88 FtUS (or) 181.928 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 597.18 FtUS "X" on south end of east abutment of Lindbergh Boulevard at bridge #845R; overpass of St. Charles Rock Road. SP MO East N=322294± E=258764± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.737476°±(N/+) Long=90.399195°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 13264 in Chapter 13.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 474.56 FtUS (or) 144.646 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 474.84 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 13 GEU 1974 set in southeast abutment of bridge #A-1618-R over Creve Coeur creek along Olive Street Road; west of the southwest corner of Creve Coeur Mill Road and Olive Street. This tablet was reported as RM 71 on FEMA PANEL 161. SP MO East N=316147.2± E=251047.1± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.682144°±(N/+) Long=90.487965°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 458.47 FtUS (or) 139.742 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 458.82 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 33-74 S.L.C. on northeast abutment of bridge #215; at 185' north of centerline of drive at #1678 Creve Coeur Mill Road. SP MO East N=317047± E=250501± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.690250°±(N/+) Long=90.494241°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 511.00 FtUS (or) 155.754 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 511.28 FtUS RM 70 FEMA PANEL 162 - "Standard Tablet" stamped 35-75 S.L.C. set in western most tower leg of double power line crossing; 72' east of centerline of Ross Avenue and 223' north of centerline of Sparrowwood Drive. SP MO East N=316632± E=253767± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.686504°±(N/+) Long=90.456702°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 615.59 FtUS (or) 187.632 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 615.82 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 14 GEU 1974 set in southeast headwall of eastbound lane of Page Avenue at the Page Avenue and Hwy. I 270 overpass. SP MO East N=317924± E=254333± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.698141°±(N/+) Long=90.450188°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 511.48 FtUS (or) 155.899 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 511.74 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 15 GEU 1974 set in foundation shelf at northwest corner of office building addressed as #2222 Schuetz Road 0.1 miles north of the intersection of Page Avenue and Schuetz Road on the east side of Schuetz Road. SP MO East N=318332± E=256101± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.701806°±(N/+) Long=90.429860°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 509.32 FtUS (or) 155.241 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 509.60 FtUS RM 30 FEMA PANEL 158 - "Standard Tablet" stamped 35-75 S.L.C. set in concrete base of power pole along the railroad; 182' northwest of the intersection of Delord Avenue, Harding Avenue and Edgeworth Avenue. SP MO East N=319977± E=255724± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.716628°±(N/+) Long=90.434180°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 496.50 FtUS (or) 151.334 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 496.81 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 37-75 S.L.C. set in north end of west headwall at northwest corner of McKelvey Road and Jane Court. SP MO East N=322040.5± E=254809.7± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.735223°±(N/+) Long=90.444680°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 611.10 FtUS "Standard Brass Disk" stamped YOSTI 1931 1976. Disk is set in a mass of concrete 3 feet below ground surface surrounded by three metal witness posts. The location is 163 feet west of the center line of Foerster Road on top of a grassy knoll. To reach the station from the junction of Hwy. I-270 and St. Charles Rock Road. Go west on St. Charles Rock Road 0.1 miles to traffic light. Turn left, go northwest on Boenker Road 0.25 miles to Forester Road 0.35 miles near top of hill. <NGS PID="JC1612", Designation="YOSTI RESET"> SP MO East N=324473.2± E=254966.0± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.757137°±(N/+) Long=90.442864°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 9434 in Chapter 9.]
[Republished as BM 9435 in Chapter 9.]
[Republished as BM 9437 in Chapter 9.]
[Republished as BM 9438 in Chapter 9.]
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
Rev: 01/05/2018
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 663.92 FtUS (or) 202.364 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 664.22 FtUS "L" on westernmost corner of concrete base for flag pole in front of the Christian Academy; 27' south of centerline of Warson Road and 90' west of centerline of Kratky Avenue. SP MO East N=318111± E=258092± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.699799°±(N/+) Long=90.406973°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 567.51 FtUS (or) 172.978 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 567.82 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of junction box in grass island on west side of the Midland bridge over Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=318987± E=257868± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.707693°±(N/+) Long=90.409538°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 596.36 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of first step at Midland Place Apartments on north side of Midland Boulevard across from Major Lee Drive. SP MO East N=318523± E=258538± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.703506°±(N/+) Long=90.401841°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 612.39 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of signal light base at west Overland fire station at #10789 Midland Boulevard. SP MO East N=318468± E=258894± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.703007°±(N/+) Long=90.397748°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 611.43 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of concrete entrance at front of church at #11479 Dorsett Road; about 0.3 mile east of Fee Fee Road and 65' north of centerline of Dorsett Road. SP MO East N=319633± E=256891± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.713520°±(N/+) Long=90.420765°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 620.33 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of concrete block retaining wall on east side of drive at #11382 Dorsett Road; 40' from centerline of Dorsett Road. SP MO East N=319293± E=257198± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.710455°±(N/+) Long=90.417238°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 469.09 FtUS (or) 142.979 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 469.41 FtUS "L" on top of north curb at Hobnail Drive and Creve Coeur Mill Road; 10' north of centerline of Hobnail Drive. SP MO East N=316772± E=250622± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.687773°±(N/+) Long=90.492851°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 459.62 FtUS (or) 140.092 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 459.97 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of wingwall on bridge #209 on Creve Coeur Mill Road at St. Louis County Water Works Road. SP MO East N=317348.7± E=250189.9± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.692968°±(N/+) Long=90.497817°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 450.92 FtUS (or) 137.440 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 451.23 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of concrete base of U.E. Tower #15; 200' west of centerline of Creve Coeur Mill Road and third tower south of River Valley Drive, being 0.3 mile south of River Valley Drive. SP MO East N=319193± E=250338± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.709583°±(N/+) Long=90.496114°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 449.86 FtUS (or) 137.118 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 450.06 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of concrete base of U.E. Tower #17; 200' west of centerline of Creve Coeur Mill Road and first tower south of River Valley Drive. SP MO East N=319768± E=250446± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.714763°±(N/+) Long=90.494872°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 445.88 FtUS (or) 135.905 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 446.09 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of concrete base of U.E. Tower #19; 175' east of centerline of Creve Coeur Mill Road and first tower on east side of Creve Coeur Mill Road just north of railroad crossing. SP MO East N=320367± E=250559± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.720159°±(N/+) Long=90.493572°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 442.81 FtUS (or) 134.968 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 443.09 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of concrete base of U.E. Tower (no Number); third tower north of Creve Coeur Mill Road and railroad crossing, 160' west of railroad track near northwest corner of Creve Coeur Lake. SP MO East N=320844± E=250648± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.724457°±(N/+) Long=90.492548°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 452.70 FtUS "Bolt" last drift bolt in tip of northeast corner of [railroad] bridge #196 over Creve Coeur Creek; 920' west of Marine Avenue crossing and 750' south of Creve Coeur Mill Road. SP MO East N=321144± E=250953± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.727159°±(N/+) Long=90.489040°±(W/-) Page 5 of 49
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
Rev: 01/05/2018
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 449.92 FtUS (or) 137.135 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 450.17 FtUS Cut "triangle" on the top southwest corner of concrete base of U.E. Tower #24; 150' east of Marine Avenue behind house #3404 Creve Coeur Mill Road. The actual southwest corner had been broken off, and the triangle is a replacement mark for the former "L" which is now gone. Top of concrete base is noted as very level, and new mark should be vertically very close to the former mark. SP MO East N=321309± E=251213± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.728645°±(N/+) Long=90.486050°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 445.92 FtUS (or) 135.917 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 446.16 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of concrete base to U.E. Tower #27; 300' south of Creve Coeur Mill Road and 125' east of Cottonwood Lane. Pole is in front of West Continental Auto Parts and Salvage Co. SP MO East N=321692± E=252073± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.732094°±(N/+) Long=90.476158°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 626.71 FtUS (or) 191.023 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 627.03 FtUS "U" on the east side of base of flag pole at the Craig School 150' east of Craig Road. SP MO East N=316398± E=254998± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.684390°±(N/+) Long=90.442554°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 580.76 FtUS (or) 177.016 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 581.05 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of a retaining wall at #2081 Craig Road; 40' west of the centerline of Craig Road in front of Potter Electric Signal Company. SP MO East N=317757± E=255022± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.696632°±(N/+) Long=90.442269°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 635.23 FtUS (or) 193.617 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 635.41 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of first step to house #12851 Marine Avenue; 85' north of centerline of Marine Avenue. SP MO East N=318692± E=252568± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.705066°±(N/+) Long=90.470476°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
Rev: 01/05/2018
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 607.43 FtUS (or) 185.146 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 607.67 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of stone marked "CREVE COEUR LAKE MEMORIAL PARK"; located in northeast quadrant of Marine Avenue and Dorsett Road. [In March 2012, the westernmost of three large stones, being the one engraved with "CREVE" over "MEM" was found with the mortar base crumbling between the carved stone and the raised field stone base. The stone and benchmark could be rocked, and some mortar was missing, but the stone appeared to sit at nearly its original elevation on the remaining sections of the mortar bed. Be prepared to confirm this benchmark by checking to other published benchmarks.] SP MO East N=319272± E=252218± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.710292°±(N/+) Long=90.474498°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 529.60 FtUS "L" on top of curb of a median island in the centerline of Glenlea Drive; 30' west of the centerline of McKelvey Road. SP MO East N=318981± E=253803± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.707665°±(N/+) Long=90.456275°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 528.21 FtUS "L" on top of curb at the southwest corner of McKelvey Road and Redcoat Drive; 30' west of the centerline of McKelvey Road and 45' south of the centerline of Red Coat Drive. SP MO East N=319463± E=253899± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.712007°±(N/+) Long=90.455169°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 496.65 FtUS (or) 151.379 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 496.97 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the southeast wingwall on bridge #231; 30' east of the centerline of McKelvey Road and 0.1 mile north of Old McKelvey Road. SP MO East N=321136.9± E=254546.3± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.727084°±(N/+) Long=90.447715°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 552.95 FtUS (or) 168.539 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 553.25 FtUS Found "U" on north side of base of flag pole at Maryland Heights fire station #12828 Dorsett Road. SP MO East N=319698± E=253305± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.714127°±(N/+) Long=90.461998°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 503.35 FtUS (or) 153.420 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 503.56 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of a junction box; 45' south of the centerline of Dorsett Road and 58' east of the centerline of Weldon Parkway. SP MO East N=319728± E=255096± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.714388°±(N/+) Long=90.441404°±(W/-) Page 7 of 49
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
Rev: 01/05/2018
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 560.35 FtUS (or) 170.795 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 560.61 FtUS "L" on top of the southwest corner of a concrete step at the entrance to #202 Fee Fee Road; (Northwest Assembly of God) 89' east of the centerline of Fee Fee Road and 63' south of the centerline of Grape Avenue. SP MO East N=319922± E=256564± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.716126°±(N/+) Long=90.424522°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 567.42 FtUS (or) 172.950 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 567.69 FtUS "L" on top and back of a concrete curb; 44' west of the centerline of Fee Fee Road and 32' south of the centerline median at Roger Williams Drive. SP MO East N=321035± E=257225± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.726148°±(N/+) Long=90.416910°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 634.71 FtUS (or) 193.459 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 635.07 FtUS "Sq" on top of the concrete base for the northernmost of two traffic signal masts situated south of Old St Charles Rock Road and West of Fee Fee Road, being the traffic signal controlling southbound traffic along Fee Fee Road; roughly 30 feet west of the centerline of Fee Fee Road and 27 feet south of the center of Old St Charles Rock Road projected from the east. SP MO East N=321713± E=258185± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.732248°±(N/+) Long=90.405861°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 584.77 FtUS "U" on the northwest side of a flag pole base on the northwest side of Briar Crest School on the northeast corner of Adie Road and Sapper Avenue. SP MO East N=319477± E=258202± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.712104°±(N/+) Long=90.405692°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 622.09 FtUS "Cross" on the center and top of a concrete curb at the entrance to James S. McDonnell Park; 50' north of the centerline of Adie Road. SP MO East N=319596± E=258347± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.713174°±(N/+) Long=90.404024°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 635.77 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of a flag pole base at the intersection entrance to James S. McDonnell Park; 150' north of Adie Road. SP MO East N=319639± E=258365± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.713562°±(N/+) Long=90.403816°±(W/-) Page 8 of 49
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
Rev: 01/05/2018
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 628.27 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the first concrete step at the main entrance to the First Christian Church; 60' east of the centerline of Adie Road at Modesto Drive. SP MO East N=320418± E=258673± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.720577°±(N/+) Long=90.400265°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 606.02 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the first concrete step to #3448 Adie Road; 110' east of the centerline of Adie Road and 450' north of the centerline of St. Francis Lane. SP MO East N=320724± E=258777± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.723332°±(N/+) Long=90.399065°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 544.94 FtUS (or) 166.097 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 545.18 FtUS "L" on top at the south end of a brick wall for sign to Westpark Subdivision; 91' south of the centerline of Tivoli Lane and 38' east of the centerline of Schuetz Road. SP MO East N=317372± E=256283± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.693156°±(N/+) Long=90.427776°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 675.53 FtUS (or) 205.901 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 675.84 FtUS "Sq" on a signal base at the Creve Coeur fire station at #10040 Schuetz Road. SP MO East N=316395± E=258150± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.684339°±(N/+) Long=90.406326°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 515.33 FtUS (or) 157.073 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 515.61 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the concrete slab for the air conditioner at #2550 Schuetz Road; 55' east of the centerline of Schuetz and 62' south of the centerline of Fee Fee Road. [Benchmark is on slab at inside corner behind short wall enclosing air conditioner.] SP MO East N=319430± E=255917± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.711699°±(N/+) Long=90.431966°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 602.07 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of the concrete porch entrance to Allied Enterprises Inc. at #2521 Adie Road; 464' east of the centerline of Harley Drive. SP MO East N=318991± E=257192± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.707734°±(N/+) Long=90.417310°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
Rev: 01/05/2018
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 540.74 FtUS "U" on top of the northeast corner of a concrete curb at the east end of building for Ortho Products at #2497 Adie Road; 75' west of the centerline of railroad spur to building. SP MO East N=318941± E=256740± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.707287°±(N/+) Long=90.422508°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 504.28 FtUS "Sq" on the northeast corner of the flag pole base at #11600 Adie Road; 192' east of the centerline of Northline Industrial Drive. SP MO East N=318840± E=256152± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.706382°±(N/+) Long=90.429269°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 496.99 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of a sidewalk to the French Company at #2466 Schuetz Road. SP MO East N=319219± E=255917± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.709798°±(N/+) Long=90.431968°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 602.00 FtUS (or) 183.491 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 602.20 FtUS "Sq" on top of north edge of a concrete retaining wall 12' east of the west end of wall; 33' south of the centerline of Lackland Road and 200' west of Craig Road. SP MO East N=317833± E=254963± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.697317°±(N/+) Long=90.442946°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 526.38 FtUS (or) 160.440 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 526.71 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of concrete base for the signal control box; 50' south of the centerline of Lackland Road and 50' west of the centerline of Concourse Drive. SP MO East N=317914± E=255472± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.698044°±(N/+) Long=90.437094°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 545.23 FtUS (or) 166.186 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 545.49 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of a concrete base for a flag pole at the Kinder Care school at #1977 Schuetz Road; 38' west of Schuetz Road and 165' south of Lackland Road. SP MO East N=317771± E=256163± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.696751°±(N/+) Long=90.429152°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 439.61 FtUS (or) 133.992 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 439.81 FtUS "X" on north edge of a Bell Telephone manhole; 35' west of Earth City Expressway and 47' south of Rider Trail South. SP MO East N=325055± E=253858± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.762384°±(N/+) Long=90.455609°±(W/-) Page 10 of 49
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
Rev: 01/05/2018
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
[Republished as BM 3076 in Chapter 3.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 533.22 FtUS (or) 162.527 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 533.55 FtUS "Sq" on top of curb west of street light at west end of median island at divided entrance to Betsy Ross Lane; 30' east of centerline of Ross Avenue and 20' north of centerline of the eastbound pavement of Betsy Ross Lane. SP MO East N=316058± E=253597± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.681333°±(N/+) Long=90.458659°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 507.02 FtUS (or) 154.540 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 507.27 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of the northwest wingwall of steel bridge #213 along Ross Avenue; 46' south from the westerly prolongation of the centerline of Sparrow Wood Drive and 18' west of centerline of Ross Avenue. SP MO East N=316550± E=253723± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.685765°±(N/+) Long=90.457208°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 602.44 FtUS (or) 183.625 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 602.74 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of concrete base for former signal control box (traffic signal box has been removed) immediately above the back of sidewalk; in the northwest corner of Fee Fee Road and an entrance to the Moolah Shrine Center immediately opposite Dante Drive. SP MO East N=317461± E=253599± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.693973°±(N/+) Long=90.458629°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 542.38 FtUS (or) 165.319 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 542.65 FtUS "Cross" on top of east curb of Bennington Place; 126' north of centerline of Fee Fee Road. (letters B.M. cut on curb). SP MO East N=317371± E=253084± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.693164°±(N/+) Long=90.464549°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 528.53 FtUS (or) 161.095 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 528.81 FtUS "Aluminum Tablet" set in southwest end on top of retaining wall; 335' northeast of Willowyck Drive and 34' northwest of centerline of Fee Fee Road. SP MO East N=317134± E=252621± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.691030°±(N/+) Long=90.469872°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
Rev: 01/05/2018
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 504.68 FtUS (or) 153.827 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 504.98 FtUS "Sq" on top of east curb of island in center of Seven Pines Drive; 100' northwest of centerline of Fee Fee Road. SP MO East N=316970± E=252323± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.689554°±(N/+) Long=90.473298°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 478.91 FtUS (or) 145.972 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 479.20 FtUS "Sq" on southeast corner of headwall of creek culvert; 59' east of centerline of Fee Fee Road and 470' south of Seven Pines Drive. SP MO East N=316844± E=252229± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.688419°±(N/+) Long=90.474379°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 515.85 FtUS (or) 157.232 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 516.14 FtUS Found "L" on northwest corner of the northwest concrete pier of electric transmission tower; 92' east of centerline of Fee Fee Road, 111' south of easterly extension of the centerline of Old Fee Fee Road, and 0.3 miles north of Olive Boulevard. SP MO East N=316558± E=252103± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.685843°±(N/+) Long=90.475828°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 555.16 FtUS (or) 169.212 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 555.44 FtUS "Sq" on west side of concrete base of light standard in parking lot; 350' north of Olive Street Road and 84' east of centerline of Fee Fee Road. SP MO East N=316147± E=252045± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.682140°±(N/+) Long=90.476496°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 13260 in Chapter 13.]
NGVD29 Elev = 562.40 FtUS "U" on the east edge of a sidewalk to house #2 Village Drive; 100' west of the centerline of Schulte Road. SP MO East N=315962± E=256213± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.680454°±(N/+) Long=90.428594°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 554.79 FtUS (or) 169.099 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 555.02 FtUS "Sq" on the northeast leg of a transmission tower; 37' west of the centerline of Schulte Road and 270' south of Long Leaf Circle. SP MO East N=316717± E=255908± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.687258°±(N/+) Long=90.432092°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 457.60 FtUS "Sq" on the concrete base for a railroad crossing light; 16' north of the centerline of Water Works Road and 0.2 mile west of Creve Coeur Mill Road. SP MO East N=317236± E=249955± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.691953°±(N/+) Long=90.500517°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 444.33 FtUS (or) 135.431 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 444.58 FtUS "Spike" in a power pole (1' above ground); 13' south of the centerline of River Valley Drive; 0.5 mile west of the intersection of River Valley Drive and Creve Coeur Mill Road; and roughly 120 feet east of a culvert under River Valley Drive. SP MO East N=320011± E=249793± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.716952°±(N/+) Long=90.502380°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 586.58 FtUS "No mark" northwest corner of a concrete porch at the front of house #230 River Bend Drive; 64' south of the centerline and 145' east of River Valley Drive. SP MO East N=316545± E=249756± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.685728°±(N/+) Long=90.502805°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 594.68 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of the base for a flag pole; 55' east of main entrance and 55' west of centerline of River Valley Drive at River Bend School, 200' south of Ridge Trail Drive. SP MO East N=316233± E=249606± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.682917°±(N/+) Long=90.504528°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 560.62 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of the signal control box in the island at the northeast corner of River Valley Drive and Olive Street Road. SP MO East N=315944± E=249536± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.680314°±(N/+) Long=90.505333°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 7017 in Chapter 7.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 444.11 FtUS (or) 135.365 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 444.37 FtUS "U" on top of a 42" RCP; 14' north of the centerline of Creve Coeur Mill Road and 39' east of the entrance to Smith Brothers Auto Salvage, 0.9 mile east of Marine Avenue. SP MO East N=321974± E=252381± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.734634°±(N/+) Long=90.472614°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 486.75 FtUS (or) 148.361 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 487.02 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of the bottom step, at the west entrance of the loading dock for Fred Weber Inc. at #2323 Creve Coeur Mill Road. SP MO East N=322272± E=253338± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.737315°±(N/+) Long=90.461606°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 561.38 FtUS (or) 171.109 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 561.61 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of east headwall of a box culvert for Midland Creek under Link Avenue situated near the northernmost corner of "HALF MOON VILLAGE PHASE II" (Plat Book 163 Page 15); approximately 370 feet south of Midland Boulevard; roughly 55 feet east of the centerline of Link Avenue and 73 feet north of the easterly prolongation of the centerline of driveway running west from Link Avenue to MPR Supply at #2533 Link Avenue. [BM 8214 was a duplicate or identical benchmark and has been deleted.] SP MO East N=318602± E=258164± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.704221°±(N/+) Long=90.406139°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 459.53 FtUS (or) 140.064 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 459.75 FtUS Square on the top south side of an oval concrete base on the south side of Interstate 70 for the southern support post of an overhead sign spanning the eastbound lanes of Interstate 70, situated near the western end of Exit 231A from eastbound Interstate 70 onto southbound Earth City Expressway (also known as Highway 141), and supporting several overhead signs directing traffic on eastbound Interstate 70 toward Exits 231A, 231B, and 232A-B. SP MO East N=324449± E=253209± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.756928°±(N/+) Long=90.463079°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 459.89 FtUS (or) 140.175 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 460.15 FtUS Square on the top south end of an oval concrete base within the center median of Maryland Heights Expressway (also known as Earth City Expressway and as Highway 141) for the western support post of an overhead sign spanning the northbound lanes of Maryland Heights Expressway, situated immediately south of the exit ramp from northbound Maryland Heights Expressway onto eastbound Interstate 70, and supporting directional signs related to accessing both eastbound and westbound Interstate 70 from northbound Maryland Heights Expressway. SP MO East N=323921± E=253413± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.752170°±(N/+) Long=90.460735°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 487.99 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner along the inside face of wingwall of the bridge along Natural Bridge Road 600' east of St. Charles Rock Road. SP MO East N=324439± E=256153± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.756822°±(N/+) Long=90.429208°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 489.11 FtUS (or) 149.081 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 489.37 FtUS "L" on the most western corner of the northeast headwall of box culvert under St Charles Rock Road 200' southeast of Natural Bridge Road. SP MO East N=324326± E=255987± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.755805°±(N/+) Long=90.431119°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 551.61 FtUS (or) 168.132 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 551.92 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-24 1990 Disk set in the northwest corner of Olive Boulevard and Fernview Drive; 14' east of an 18" concrete culvert and 11' west of a traffic signal base. <NGS PID="AA8665", Designation="SL 24"> SP MO East N=316214.4± E=251685.9± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.682748°±(N/+) Long=90.480623°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 445.87 FtUS (or) 135.901 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 446.15 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-27. Station is on the surface in a grassy area between a gravel road on the east and an agricultural field on the west, and is situated approximately 25' south of the center west end of asphalt pavement along a remnant of Creve Coeur Mill Road 0.35 miles southwest of Creve Coeur Creek. The former bridge over Creve Coeur Creek has been removed. The remnant portion of Creve Coeur Mill Road is situated southeast of Maryland Heights Expressway and accessible only from the intersection of Maryland Heights Expressway and Golfport Drive. Benchmark is roughly 0.15 miles southwest along remnant Creve Coeur Mill Road from Golfport Drive. <NGS PID="AA8668", Designation="SL 27"> SP MO East N=321064.5± E=250210.5± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.726443°±(N/+) Long=90.497579°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 448.25 FtUS (or) 136.628 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 448.63 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-30 1990 Disk set on the east side of Creve Coeur Mill Road roughly 390 feet south of the south edge of the Page Avenue Extension overpass across Creve Coeur Mill Road, 210 feet south of a gravel road leading to the St. Louis County Park, 22 feet east of the white stripe along the east side of Creve Coeur Mill Road, 12.3 feet northwest of a nail and shiner one foot above ground in the northeast side of a large wooden post cut off five feet high, 10.5 feet northwest of a 2'x2' steel water meter cover, and 36 feet north of a power pole. Benchmark is roughly a foot underground and 2 feet north of a carsonite witness post. <NGS PID="AA8671", Designation="SL 30"> SP MO East N=318694.6± E=250309.7± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.705093°±(N/+) Long=90.496439°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 528.28 FtUS (or) 161.021 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 528.59 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-34 1990 Disk set along Dorsett Road at the intersection of Dorsett Road and Pheasant Run Drive; 340' east of Pheasant Run Drive. <NGS PID="AA8675", Designation="SL 34"> SP MO East N=319734.5± E=253500.1± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.714455°±(N/+) Long=90.459754°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 605.62 FtUS (or) 184.594 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 605.83 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the capstone of a brick entrance marker for Pheasant Run Apartments and Townhomes; 40' north of the centerline of Dorsett Road and 45' west of Running Ridge Drive. SP MO East N=319495± E=252749± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.712300°±(N/+) Long=90.468392°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 527.29 FtUS (or) 160.718 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 527.52 FtUS "U" on the north side of a concrete base for overhead light pole north of the parking lot across from the entry door to Bandanas Restaurant at #12222 Dorsett Road; very roughly 100' south of the center median island in the center of Dorsett Road and 190' east of the southern corner of a concrete traffic island south of Dorsett Road between the northbound and southbound lanes of relocated Progress Parkway. SP MO East N=319715± E=254777± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.714273°±(N/+) Long=90.445072°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 504.16 FtUS (or) 153.668 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 504.43 FtUS "U" in the northeast end of a 10" retaining wall along and above the southeast side of parking lot for restaurant property addrssed as #12434 St. Charles Rock Road. SP MO East N=324163± E=256066± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.754336°±(N/+) Long=90.430211°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 496.29 FtUS (or) 151.269 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 496.56 FtUS "U" on the northwest end of the southwest headwall of bridge K-286; 45' southwest of the centerline of St Charles Rock Road and 300' northwest of the centerline of McKelvey Road. SP MO East N=323899± E=256310± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.751956°±(N/+) Long=90.427406°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 597.61 FtUS (or) 182.152 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 597.83 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner at end of the sidewalk at the driveway to house #1240 Dunston Drive; 40' east of the centerline of Dunston Drive and 65' south of the centerline of Schuetz Road. SP MO East N=316388± E=257409± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.684283°±(N/+) Long=90.414843°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 599.86 FtUS (or) 182.837 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 600.14 FtUS RM 81 FEMA PANEL 166 - "Sq" on the nose of island at Queen Ann Subdivision at Schuetz Road and Willowbrook Drive; 25' north of the centerline of Schuetz Road. SP MO East N=316414± E=257692± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.684514°±(N/+) Long=90.411590°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 501.95 FtUS (or) 152.995 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 502.24 FtUS "U" at the end of a driveway, on the east side of driveway, to house #101 Downing Street; 12' north of the centerline of Downing Street and 91' west of the centerline of Fee Fee Road. SP MO East N=320694± E=256922± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.723078°±(N/+) Long=90.420398°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 506.90 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of a porch at house #2915 Gill Avenue; 84' north of the centerline of Hedda Avenue and 40' west of the centerline of Gill Avenue. SP MO East N=321114± E=256160± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.726868°±(N/+) Long=90.429157°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
Rev: 01/05/2018
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 598.66 FtUS (or) 182.472 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 598.95 FtUS Found "L" on the southeast corner of the top of the west retaining wall enclosing a recessed patio area located east of the entrance into Pheasant Run Apartments and Town houses; roughly 6 feet north of the bottom end of a sloping end wall at a vertical break in the top of the wall, 56' north of the centerline of Dorsett Road and 50' east of the centerline of Runningridge Drive. SP MO East N=319509± E=252777± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.712426°±(N/+) Long=90.468070°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 9439 in Chapter 9.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 545.16 FtUS (or) 166.164 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 545.42 FtUS "Cross" on top of a retaining wall 9 inches south of an angle point in the wall; 31' west of the centerline of Woods Mill Road and 94' north of the centerline of Olive Boulevard. SP MO East N=315931± E=250064± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.680197°±(N/+) Long=90.499264°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 531.87 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of a signal control box on the southeast corner of DePaul Drive and McKelvey Road. SP MO East N=323563± E=256107± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.748931°±(N/+) Long=90.429745°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 496.48 FtUS (or) 151.327 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 496.84 FtUS "Sq" on the northeast end of the south headwall; 188' southwest of the centerline of St Charles Rock Road and 50' southeast of the centerline of McKelvey Road. SP MO East N=323758± E=256366± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.750685°±(N/+) Long=90.426763°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 505.94 FtUS (or) 154.210 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 506.19 FtUS "Sq" on the southern most leg of a sign at #12701 St. Charles Rock Road; 70' north of the center line of St. Charles Rock Road and 145' west of the centerline of Penridge Lane. SP MO East N=324774± E=255661± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.759843°±(N/+) Long=90.434866°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 517.22 FtUS (or) 157.650 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 517.55 FtUS "L" on the northernmost corner of a signal control box at the southeast corner of Schuetz Road and Dorsett Road. SP MO East N=319726± E=255926± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.714365°±(N/+) Long=90.431860°±(W/-) Page 18 of 49
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
Rev: 01/05/2018
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 532.49 FtUS "Sq" at the end of a retaining wall between #11721 Dorsett Road and #11719 Dorsett Road; 36' north of the centerline of Dorsett Road. SP MO East N=319757± E=256215± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.714642°±(N/+) Long=90.428537°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 565.34 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of the east headwall of bridge #223; 45' east of the centerline of Adie Road and south of Townley Drive. SP MO East N=319908± E=258547± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.715983°±(N/+) Long=90.401720°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 566.55 FtUS "Spike" in a power pole at #3248 Adie Road; 15' east of the centerline of Adie Road and 125' north of Townley Drive. SP MO East N=320071± E=258570± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.717452°±(N/+) Long=90.401454°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 590.56 FtUS (or) 180.002 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 590.83 FtUS "Sq" on the concrete base of the Mobil Station sign at McKelvey Road and Creve Coeur Mill Road. SP MO East N=322698± E=254926± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.741145°±(N/+) Long=90.443337°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 508.56 FtUS (or) 155.009 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 508.92 FtUS Cut "U" on the north side of the first concrete light base into Arbys Restaurant at #12730 Dorsett Road; 50' south of the centerline of Dorsett Road and 25' west of the entrance into the parking lot. SP MO East N=319724± E=253656± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.714359°±(N/+) Long=90.457961°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 506.71 FtUS (or) 154.445 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 507.03 FtUS "U" on the north edge of a concrete retaining wall south of the sidewalk along the south side of Dorsett Road across the parking lot opposite and north of the double front entry doors to #11880 Dorsett Road; 40' south of the centerline of Dorsett Road. SP MO East N=319734± E=255709± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.714439°±(N/+) Long=90.434355°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 490.97 FtUS (or) 149.648 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 491.30 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of a concrete light base on the west side of #11938 Dorsett Road (Hardee's Restaurant); 55' south of the centerline of Dorsett Road. SP MO East N=319730± E=255555± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.714404°±(N/+) Long=90.436126°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 493.65 FtUS (or) 150.465 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 493.98 FtUS "L" on the top northwest corner of a molded concrete pillar integral to the northwest corner of the concrete base supporting the metal rail along the north side of the north sidewalk along Bridge #222; roughly 40' north of the centerline of Dorsett Road, 37 feet east of the centerline of the entrance turn lane into White Castle restaurant at #12025 Dorsett Road, and approximately 325 feet west of the centerline of Millwell Avenue. SP MO East N=319755± E=255397± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.714630°±(N/+) Long=90.437942°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 496.42 FtUS RM 237 FEMA PANEL 43 - Mark on end of concrete curb at downstream end of headwall of north fork of culvert at northwest end of Target store. SP MO East N=324245± E=256422± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.755072°±(N/+) Long=90.426115°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 498.45 FtUS RM 238 FEMA PANEL 43 - Railroad spike in base of power pole at the east end of south headwall of culvert at McKelvey Road. SP MO East N=324104± E=256776± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.753799°±(N/+) Long=90.422043°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 487.33 FtUS RM 239 FEMA PANEL 43 - Mark on west end of north headwall at Natural Bridge Road culvert at entrance to Target store. SP MO East N=324407± E=256271± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.756533°±(N/+) Long=90.427850°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 613.71 FtUS RM 32 FEMA PANEL 158 - Top of aluminum cap on 5/8 inch rebar approximately 2 feet east of utility pole and 15 feet west of Lindbergh Boulevard, approximately 50 feet north of centerline of 4 Star Motel (east side of Lindbergh Boulevard) and approximately 200 feet north of Inverness Lane. [Aerial photography confirms that both sides of Lindbergh have been heavily graded and redeveloped. There is a utility pole at the approximate distance from Inverness Lane. If this benchmark is recovered, it should be verified to another benchmark.] SP MO East N=320058± E=257989± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.717340°±(N/+) Long=90.408135°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 486.44 FtUS (or) 148.266 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 486.69 FtUS RM 33 FEMA PANEL 158 - Found square on westernmost wing wall of bridge for Fee Fee Road over Fee Fee Creek roughly 0.2 miles southwest of Schuetz Road, situated northwest of Fee Fee Road and southwest of Fee Fee Creek. Original FEMA description assumed that Fee Fee Road runs east and west rather than northeasterly. [There is a second found square on the actual northwest or northernmost wing wall which is designated benchmark 8422.] SP MO East N=319301± E=255577± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.710539°±(N/+) Long=90.435876°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 489.98 FtUS RM 34 FEMA PANEL 158 - Chiseled "L" on top of southeast corner of north curb of Adie Road bridge over Fee Fee Creek. SP MO East N=318863± E=255781± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.706592°±(N/+) Long=90.433534°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 554.56 FtUS RM 35 FEMA PANEL 158 - "O" in OPEN in top of fire hydrant at northeast corner of the intersection of Adie Road and Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=319367± E=257983± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.711115°±(N/+) Long=90.408212°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 544.10 FtUS RM 80 FEMA PANEL 158 - Chiseled square on top of curb on west side of traffic island at junction of Schuetz Road and Tivoli Lane. SP MO East N=317397± E=256272± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.693381°±(N/+) Long=90.427902°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 458.80 FtUS RM 23 FEMA PANEL 152 - Chiseled square on top of north end of east abutment of Chicago-Rock Island and Pacific Railroad bridge over Fee Fee tributary. SP MO East N=321866± E=253493± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.733657°±(N/+) Long=90.459825°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 468.86 FtUS RM 67 FEMA PANEL 153 - Chiseled square on top of northwest wingwall abutment of Creve Coeur Creek tributary box culvert under Bookbinder Drive, approximately 0.55 mile north of Olive Boulevard. SP MO East N=317143± E=251048± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.691115°±(N/+) Long=90.487953°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 503.64 FtUS RM 25 FEMA PANEL 154 - "O" in OPEN on fire hydrant at the northwest corner of the intersection of Bennington Place and Rush Creek Way. SP MO East N=320147± E=254075± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.718168°±(N/+) Long=90.453141°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 533.48 FtUS RM 79 FEMA PANEL 154 - "O" in OPEN on top of fire hydrant at southwest corner of the junction of Villa Dorado drive and Featherwood drive. SP MO East N=317189± E=255244± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.691514°±(N/+) Long=90.439721°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 493.49 FtUS RM 240 FEMA PANEL 43 - Railroad spike in power pole 18 feet north of edge of Pennridge drive pavement, 30 feet east of concrete box culvert. SP MO East N=324881± E=255955± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.760805°±(N/+) Long=90.431482°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 567.07 FtUS (or) 172.843 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 567.31 FtUS Chiseled "L" Southernmost corner of a control box at the northeast corner of Westline and West Port Plaza Drive, 49' north of the centerline of Westline and 73' east of the centerline of Westport Plaza Drive. SP MO East N=318259± E=254943± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.701155°±(N/+) Long=90.443173°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 532.95 FtUS (or) 162.444 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 533.20 FtUS Chiseled "L" Southernmost corner of a control box at the northwest corner of Westline and Grissom, 44' north of the centerline of Westline and 54' west of the centerline of Grissom. SP MO East N=318406± E=255319± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.702477°±(N/+) Long=90.438850°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 502.18 FtUS (or) 153.064 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 502.43 FtUS Chiseled "L" on the northwest corner of east retaining wall along entrance walk on north face of building to #2295 Administration Drive, 76' west of the centerline of Administration Drive and 54' south of the centerline of Westline. SP MO East N=318445± E=255850± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.702825°±(N/+) Long=90.432745°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 542.35 FtUS (or) 165.310 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 542.62 FtUS "Sq" on west side of mast arm signal base north bound Schuetz at Villa Dorado, 24' north of the centerline of Villa Dorado and 25' east of Schuetz Road. SP MO East N=317269± E=256301± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.692228°±(N/+) Long=90.427570°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 528.02 FtUS (or) 160.942 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 528.28 FtUS "Sq" Southernmost point of island, north of Villa Dorado on centerline Schulte, 42' north of the centerline Villa Dorado. SP MO East N=317202± E=255926± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.691627°±(N/+) Long=90.431881°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 515.92 FtUS (or) 157.252 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 516.18 FtUS “Sq” on the east side of the concrete base of a traffic signal with mast arm at the northeast corner of Page Avenue and Schuetz Road; 72’ north of the centerline of Page Avenue and 48’ east of the centerline of Schuetz Road. SP MO East N=318183± E=256131± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.700463°±(N/+) Long=90.429516°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 532.70 FtUS (or) 162.368 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 532.96 FtUS “L” on the southern most corner of the concrete base of a signal control box at the northwest corner of Page Avenue and Ball Drive; 78’ north of the centerline of Page Avenue and 90’ west of the centerline of Ball Drive. SP MO East N=318005± E=256899± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.698854°±(N/+) Long=90.420689°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 604.34 FtUS (or) 184.203 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 604.58 FtUS “U” on the west face of an octagonal concrete base of a telecommunications tower; 0.2 miles south of the centerline of Midland Boulevard and 136’ east of the centerline of Lindbergh. SP MO East N=318569± E=257958± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.703926°±(N/+) Long=90.408508°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 552.22 FtUS (or) 168.318 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 552.48 FtUS “X” on the center of a concrete curb inlet top with no removable lid; 88’ north of the centerline of Adie Road and 49’ east of the centerline of Lindbergh. SP MO East N=319378± E=257969± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.711214°±(N/+) Long=90.408372°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 548.22 FtUS (or) 167.099 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 548.48 FtUS Railroad spike set in the west face of a utility pole: 470’ south of the centerline of Lindade and 40’ east of the centerline of Lindbergh. SP MO East N=320281± E=258032± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.719348°±(N/+) Long=90.407638°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 581.76 FtUS (or) 177.322 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 582.03 FtUS “L” on the northeast corner of the concrete base of a signal control box at the northwest corner of Lindbergh and Whitehall Manor; 38’ north of the centerline of Whitehall Manor and 46’ west of the centerline of Lindbergh. SP MO East N=320779± E=258085± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.723834°±(N/+) Long=90.407022°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 9440 in Chapter 9.]
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 598.02 FtUS (or) 182.276 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 598.30 FtUS “L” on the northernmost corner of the concrete base of a signal control box at the southeast corner of Natural Bridge Road, Relocated 2003 and Fee Fee Road, Relocated 2003; 73’ south of the centerline of Natural Bridge Road and 50’ east of the centerline of Fee Fee Road. SP MO East N=323875± E=258792± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.751719°±(N/+) Long=90.398852°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 601.32 FtUS (or) 183.282 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 601.60 FtUS Standard Tablet Stamped “SL-116 1993” set in concrete; 132’ east of the centerline of the driveway to Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church at #11935 Natural Bridge Road and 35’ north of the centerline of Natural Bridge Road, Relocated 2003. <NGS PID="AA8635", Designation="SL 116"> SP MO East N=324280.9± E=258135.8± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.755382°±(N/+) Long=90.406397°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 595.02 FtUS (or) 181.361 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 595.30 FtUS Standard Tablet Stamped “SL-150 2002” set in concrete; 56’ west of the centerline of the driveway to Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church at #11935 Natural Bridge Road and 30’ north of the centerline of Natural Bridge Road, Relocated 2003. SP MO East N=324279.0± E=258079.0± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.755365°±(N/+) Long=90.407050°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 572.13 FtUS (or) 174.386 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 572.41 FtUS Standard Tablet Stamped “SL-116A 1993” set in concrete; at the southwest corner of the intersection of Natural Bridge Road and Locke Avenue; 25’ south of the centerline of Natural Bridge Road and 22’ west of the centerline of Locke Avenue. <NGS PID="AA8635", Designation="Accessory to SL 116"> SP MO East N=324253± E=257706± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.755134°±(N/+) Long=90.411342°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 502.76 FtUS (or) 153.242 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 503.05 FtUS “L” on the northeast corner of the concrete base of a signal control box at the southwest corner of Natural Bridge Road and McKelvey Road; 38’ south of the centerline of Natural Bridge Road and 93’ west of the centerline of McKelvey Road. SP MO East N=324332± E=256877± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.755853°±(N/+) Long=90.420879°±(W/-) Page 25 of 49
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 579.61 FtUS (or) 176.664 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 579.88 FtUS “L” on the southwest corner of the concrete base of a signal control box on the east side of McKelvey Road at Pattonville Fire Protection District Station #2 at #3365 McKelvey Road; 47’ east of the centerline of McKelvey Road and 24’ north of the projected centerline of the driveway to the parking lot of #3365 McKelvey Road. SP MO East N=323354± E=255831± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.747050°±(N/+) Long=90.432922°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 464.84 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the west headwall of a double box culvert; 21' west of the centerline of River Valley Drive and 300' south of Water Works Road. [This is prior BM 7001 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 8.] SP MO East N=316974± E=249433± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.689593°±(N/+) Long=90.506517°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 457.32 FtUS "Bolt" top of the southeast bolt at a rail road flashing light; 14' north of the centerline of the tracks and 15' west of the centerline of River Valley Drive. [This is prior BM 7002 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 8.] SP MO East N=316983± E=249406± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.689674°±(N/+) Long=90.506828°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 529.00 FtUS "No Mark" northwest corner of a concrete porch at the front of house #73 River Valley Drive. [This is prior BM 7010 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 8.] SP MO East N=316821± E=249539± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.688214°±(N/+) Long=90.505299°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 455.61 FtUS (or) 138.871 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 455.90 FtUS Cut "Sq" on traffic island at northwest corner of River Valley Drive and Maryland Heights Expressway; 6.2 feet north of the south side of island, 13.2 feet west of traffic signal base on the island, 12.6 feet south of the southernmost corner of a flush style double traffic pull box on the island, and 29.5 feet north of the centerline of River Valley Drive. SP MO East N=319939± E=250057± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.716304°±(N/+) Long=90.499345°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 461.82 FtUS (or) 140.764 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 462.11 FtUS Cut "U" on concrete curb formed into the north side of the east end of the south barrier wall along the River Valley Drive bridge over Page Avenue Extension known as Hwy-364. Benchmark is roughly seven inches above the pavement and beneath the attachment between the east end of the south concrete barrier wall and the west end of the metal guard rail. SP MO East N=320242± E=249146± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.719033°±(N/+) Long=90.509820°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 479.59 FtUS (or) 146.179 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 479.87 FtUS Cut triangle on concrete curb formed into the south side of the west end of the north barrier wall along the River Valley Drive bridge over Page Avenue Extension known as Hwy-364. Benchmark is roughly seven inches above the pavement and beneath the attachment between the west end of the north concrete barrier wall and the east end of the metal guard rail. SP MO East N=320250± E=249040± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.719105°±(N/+) Long=90.511039°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 562.42 FtUS (or) 171.425 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 562.68 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of the 3'x6' concrete base for MoDOT traffic signal control box situated on the northeast corner of River Valley Drive and Olive Boulevard in a grassy area north of a concrete drainage channel; roughly 55 feet east of the centerline of River Valley Drive and 103 feet north of the concrete median island in Olive Boulevard. SP MO East N=315960± E=249548± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.680458°±(N/+) Long=90.505195°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 540.49 FtUS (or) 164.741 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 540.75 FtUS Cut "L" on the northernmost corner of the 3'x6' concrete base for MoDOT traffic signal control box situated in the tree lawn northwest of property addressed #13490 Olive Boulevard, west of a sidewalk and east of the right turn lane from northbound Woods Mill Road onto eastbound Olive Boulevard; roughly 23 feet south of a metal pole for overhead lighting, 42 feet east of the concrete median island within Woods Mill Road, and 95 feet south of the center of Olive Boulevard. SP MO East N=315873± E=250070± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.679674°±(N/+) Long=90.499195°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 529.29 FtUS (or) 161.329 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 529.56 FtUS Cut "Sq" on southwest corner of the 2.5'x2.5' concrete base of a MoDOT lighting control box, being the eastern and smaller of two MoDOT boxes situated on the southwest corner of Olive Boulevard and Woodchase Lane; roughly 50 feet west of the centerline Woodchase Lane and 60 feet south of the centerline of Olive Boulevard. SP MO East N=315920± E=250284± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.680097°±(N/+) Long=90.496736°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 507.67 FtUS (or) 154.739 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 507.95 FtUS Cut "Sq" on the top southernmost corner of 7'x13' concrete ATT telephone vault situated northeast of the intersection of Olive Boulevard with Highway 141. The benchmark is described as set on a new telephone vault found roughly 155 feet west of the southwest corner of a condominium building platted as "CREVE COEUR CROSSING CONDO PLAT ONE – BUILDING NO 1" (Plat Book 254 Page 60), 215 feet north of the centerline of Olive Boulevard, and 80 feet northeast of the edge of ramp from westbound Olive Boulevard onto northbound Highway 141. SP MO East N=316151± E=250665± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.682178°±(N/+) Long=90.492357°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 569.86 FtUS (or) 173.695 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 570.12 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of the 2'x2' concrete base of traffic signal pole in the median island east of the right turn lane from southbound Timber Run Drive onto westbound Olive Boulevard; roughly 36 feet west of the centerline of Timber Run Drive and 46 feet north of the center of concrete median island within Olive Boulevard. SP MO East N=315853± E=252493± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.679490°±(N/+) Long=90.471348°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 525.12 FtUS (or) 160.058 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 525.39 FtUS Cut "U" on top of the curb along the west side of Ross Avenue near the center east end of the median island between the eastbound and westbound pavement of Whispering Hills Lane; being roughly 10 feet east of the brick entrance sign for "Whispering Hills" and 41 feet north of the intersection of the west edge of sidewalk along Ross Avenue with the north edge of eastbound pavement for Whispering Hills Lane. SP MO East N=315860± E=253518± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.679550°±(N/+) Long=90.459568°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
Rev: 01/05/2018
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 450.67 FtUS (or) 137.365 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 450.95 FtUS Cut "U" near the southwest end of concrete curb rounding at the south side of the northernmost of two entrances to parking lot for Frisbee or disk golf course at Creve Coeur Park, along the east side of Marine Ave approximately 0.3 miles south of the St Louis Southwestern Railroad tracks; roughly 15 feet east of the centerline of Marine Ave and 25.4 feet south of the centerline joint in the concrete entrance apron. SP MO East N=320818± E=251476± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.724221°±(N/+) Long=90.483026°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 449.84 FtUS (or) 137.112 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 450.12 FtUS Cut "U" near the southwest end of concrete curb rounding at the south side of the parking entrance for the Heldman Shelter at Creve Coeur Park, along the east side of Marine Ave approximately 0.6 miles south of the St Louis Southwestern Railroad tracks; roughly 15 feet east of the centerline of Marine Ave and 25.4 feet south of the centerline joint in the concrete entrance apron. SP MO East N=320486± E=251789± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.721230°±(N/+) Long=90.479427°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 444.84 FtUS (or) 135.588 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 445.11 FtUS Cut square on the east end of the southern seawall at the northernmost of two boat launch ramps near the southeast part of Creve Coeur Lake within Creve Coeur Park, situated opposite the northernmost of two parking entrances; approximately 1 mile south along Marine Ave from the St Louis Southwestern Railroad tracks and roughly 117 feet west of the centerline of Marine Ave. SP MO East N=319942± E=251894± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.716329°±(N/+) Long=90.478221°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
Rev: 01/05/2018
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 676.96 FtUS (or) 206.338 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 677.26 FtUS Cut "U" on back of curb along the south side of the middle drive entrance onto property containing both Saint Jude Catholic Church at #2218 N Warson Road and the YWCA and Overland Head Start within the St Jude Parish Center at #2210 N Warson Road. Benchmark is on the north curb of an island between the southern and middle entrance drives that contains a lawn and a brick monument with statue identifying "SAINT JUDE CHURCH"; roughly 31 feet east of the centerline of Warson Road, 71.5 feet southeast of the center of an area inlet in the asphalt shoulder east of Warson Road, and 2.5 feet east of the back of sidewalk. SP MO East N=317900± E=258775± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.697891°±(N/+) Long=90.399124°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 568.33 FtUS (or) 173.228 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 568.63 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of the south end of the west headwall of a box culvert for Midland Creek under Link Avenue, being the southerly extension of a concrete retaining wall along the west side of the sidewalk west of Link Avenue, approximately 400 feet south of Midland Boulevard; roughly 29 feet west of the centerline of Link Avenue and 50 feet north of the centerline of driveway to MPR Supply at #2533 Link Avenue. SP MO East N=318612± E=258140± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.704312°±(N/+) Long=90.406415°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 596.47 FtUS (or) 181.804 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 596.74 FtUS Cut "L" on northwest corner of concrete base for traffic signal control box northeast of the intersection of Dorsett Road and Marine Avenue; roughly 32 feet north of the centerline of Dorsett Road, 68 feet east of the centerline of Marine Avenue, and 21 feet west of a fire hydrant. SP MO East N=319256± E=252220± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.710148°±(N/+) Long=90.474475°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 576.26 FtUS (or) 175.644 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 576.52 FtUS Set railroad spike in south side of power pole #154831 located west of the asphalt driveway to #12613 Marine Avenue; roughly 40 feet north of the centerline of Marine Avenue, 96 feet east of the northerly extension of the centerline of Basston Avenue, and 0.3 miles more or less west along Marine Avenue from the intersection with McKelvey Road and Bennington Place. SP MO East N=318533± E=253176± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.703632°±(N/+) Long=90.463486°±(W/-) Page 30 of 49
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
Rev: 01/05/2018
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 618.55 FtUS (or) 188.533 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 618.81 FtUS Cut square on top of a large concrete traffic island situated north of Marine Avenue, East of McKelvey Road and southwest of the right turn lane from westbound Marine Avenue onto northbound McKelvey Road; 18.2 feet north of the south edge of island, 20.2 feet east of the west edge of island, roughly 53 feet east of the centerline of McKelvey Road, 44 feet north of the centerline of Marine Avenue, and 23 feet northeast of the traffic signal mast supporting the signal arm controlling northbound traffic from Bennington Place onto McKelvey Road. SP MO East N=318496± E=253706± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.703296°±(N/+) Long=90.457393°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 562.66 FtUS (or) 171.498 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 562.92 FtUS "O" in Open on fire hydrant situated in the tree lawn north of Marine Avenue south of property addressed as #1215 Glenmeade Drive; roughly 25 feet north of the centerline of Marine Avenue and 66 feet west of the centerline of Glenmeade Drive. SP MO East N=318494± E=254073± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.703277°±(N/+) Long=90.453174°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 550.32 FtUS (or) 167.737 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 550.58 FtUS Cut "L" on the top southeast corner of the concrete base for traffic signal control box west of the sidewalk near the southeast corner of property addressed as #15 Progress Parkway; roughly 21 feet west of the centerline of Progress Parkway and 52 feet north of the centerline of Westport Plaza Drive. SP MO East N=318475± E=254682± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.703103°±(N/+) Long=90.446172°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 546.21 FtUS (or) 166.484 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 546.47 FtUS Cut "U" in the top center of the south face of the concrete base for traffic signal control box situated near the southern corner of property addressed as #2300 Westport Plaza Drive; roughly 68 feet northeast of the centerline of Westport Plaza Drive and 38 feet northwest of the centerline of Fee Fee Road. SP MO East N=318395± E=254799± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.702381°±(N/+) Long=90.444828°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 610.59 FtUS (or) 186.109 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 610.83 FtUS Cut "L" in southwest corner of concrete base for MoDOT lighting box roughly 54 feet southwest of the southwest edge of asphalt along the ramp from eastbound Page Avenue onto southbound I-270, situated 10 feet north of an unnumbered utility pole, 2.5 feet north of the fence north of the northern end of Ross Avenue, roughly 155 feet northwest of the centerline southeast end of a concrete drain swale along the southwest side of highway ramp, and roughly 142 feet northeast of the northeast corner of frame house addressed as #1903 Ross Avenue. SP MO East N=317740± E=254073± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.696484°±(N/+) Long=90.453178°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 560.95 FtUS (or) 170.977 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 561.21 FtUS Cut "L" on the westernmost corner of a 6.5'x9' concrete pad base for ATT box situated northwest of Building 31 of "PAVILION CONDOMINIUM" (Plat Book 294 Pages 55 thru 92) partially addressed as #2079 Canakin Court, Apt 12; the benchmark itself being roughly 49 feet southeast of the centerline of Bennington Place and 57 feet northeast of the centerline of Oberlin Drive. SP MO East N=318178± E=253359± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.700433°±(N/+) Long=90.461384°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 524.18 FtUS (or) 159.769 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 524.44 FtUS Cut "U" on the top east side of the raised concrete base for metal sign mast situated on the concrete center median island in Bennington Place north of the intersection of Bennington Place with the ramps off of and onto westbound Page Avenue. The sign base and mast are situated roughly 63 feet north of the south end of the traffic island and support a sign on an arm over southbound Bennington Place directing traffic toward eastbound Missouri Highway 364 (also known as Page Avenue). SP MO East N=317742± E=253069± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.696506°±(N/+) Long=90.464720°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 601.27 FtUS (or) 183.267 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 601.54 FtUS Cut "U" on the top center west edge of a 7'x17' concrete water vault roughly 27 feet northwest of the west end of a stone entrance marker for "CREVE COEUR LAKE MEMORIAL PARK" in the northeast quadrant of Marine Avenue and Dorsett Road; roughly 62 feet east of the centerline of Marine Avenue and 105 feet more or less north of the centerline of Dorsett Road. SP MO East N=319277.5± E=252211.9± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.710342°±(N/+) Long=90.474568°±(W/-) Page 32 of 49
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
Rev: 01/05/2018
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 495.02 FtUS (or) 150.883 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 495.30 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast corner of the concrete base for the north leg of "Shell" sign within a lawn area in the northeast corner of the Shell gas station addressed as #1999 McKelvey Road; roughly 80 feet west of the centerline of McKelvey Road and 60 feet south of the centerline of Dorsett Road. SP MO East N=319726± E=253977± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.714376°±(N/+) Long=90.454270°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 495.70 FtUS (or) 151.089 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 495.97 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-34A and situated generally in the east end of the treelawn north of Dorsett Road between the entrance drives to Phillips 66 Petro-Mart gas station addressed as #12421 Dorsett Road; roughly 2.5 feet north of the back of curb, 2 feet south of the sidewalk, 16 feet southwest of a pole for overhead light on the west side of the east entrance drive, and 15 feet south of the center of a water meter box. SP MO East N=319753± E=254197± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.714618°±(N/+) Long=90.451741°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 518.31 FtUS (or) 157.980 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 518.58 FtUS Cut "L" on northeast corner of curb at the intersection of the south side of a sidewalk with the west side of a recessed handicap ramp within the east end of a large traffic island in the southwest quadrant of the diverging diamond interchange for Dorsett Road at I-270. The traffic island is situated south of the crossover of the eastbound and westbound lanes of Dorsett Road and west of I-270. The benchmark is near the north side of the marked pedestrian crosswalk over the ramp from westbound Dorsett Road onto southbound I-270; roughly 3 feet north of the crosswalk signal post, 11 feet southeast of flush style MoDOT traffic pull box, and 55 feet southwest of the center west bull nose end of the Dorsett Road centerline median island underneath the I-270 bridge overpass. SP MO East N=319728± E=254521± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.714391°±(N/+) Long=90.448015°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 492.43 FtUS (or) 150.092 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 492.71 FtUS Found "L" on the top northwest corner of a molded concrete pillar integral to the northeast corner of the concrete base supporting the metal rail along the north side of the north sidewalk along Bridge #222; roughly 40' north of the centerline of Dorsett Road and 192 feet west of the centerline of Millwell Avenue. SP MO East N=319755± E=255437± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.714630°±(N/+) Long=90.437482°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 502.11 FtUS (or) 153.042 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 502.40 FtUS Found "L" on the northernmost corner of a 19.5'x1' concrete headwall at the northeast end of a box culvert under Woodford Way Drive for a paved drainage ditch in the center median of Bonfils Drive, approximately 0.2 miles northeast along Bonfils Drive from the intersection with Natural Bridge Road and McKelvey Road; roughly 28 feet northeast of the centerline of Woodford Way Drive and 20 feet east of the centerline of the southbound lanes of Bonfils Drive. SP MO East N=324527± E=257079± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.757608°±(N/+) Long=90.418553°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 574.12 FtUS (or) 174.991 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 574.42 FtUS Found "L" on the southeast corner of the northernmost concrete wall returning east as part of the eastern abutment wall for Bridge No A4297 at Woodford Way Drive over I-270. Benchmark is north of and approximately flush with the sidewalk near the east end of chain link guard fence over bridge, roughly 30 feet north of the centerline of Woodford Way, 15 feet east of the expansion joint at east end of bridge deck, and approximately 230 feet west of the centerline of Gallatin Lane. SP MO East N=325059± E=256760± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.762403°±(N/+) Long=90.422218°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 492.41 FtUS (or) 150.087 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 492.68 FtUS Found "L" on the northwest end of the south headwall of the culvert carrying the South Tributary of Cowmire Creek under the parking lot of the Target store addressed as #12275 St Charles Rock Road; roughly 136 feet northeast of the eastern corner of Fazoli's restaurant addressed as #12341 St Charles Rock Road, 9 feet north of a manhole, and 38 feet southwest of the southwest face of curb at drive along the southwest edge of Target parking lot. SP MO East N=324049± E=256319± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.753307°±(N/+) Long=90.427301°±(W/-) Page 34 of 49
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 469.57 FtUS (or) 143.125 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 469.85 FtUS Cut "U" on the top southeast side of the southeastern barrier wall of Bridge No 228E for Maryland Heights Expressway (also known as Highway 141 or as Earth City Expressway) over Fee Fee Creek, roughly 2 feet southwest of the easternmost corner of barrier wall, and situated on the short portion of barrier wall which is northeast of the expansion joint at the northeast end of the bridge deck. The benchmark is roughly 81 feet southwest of an overhead street lamp pole, 70 feet southeast of the concrete median within Maryland Heights Expressway, 330 feet more or less southwest of the centerline projected of Casino Center Drive, and 0.25 miles more or less southwest of Prichard Farm Road. SP MO East N=322592± E=252271± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.740201°±(N/+) Long=90.473877°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 450.57 FtUS (or) 137.335 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 450.85 FtUS Cut square on the center top of 4.3'x0.8' concrete head wall or collar for flared end pipe at a drainage ditch situated southeast of Maryland Heights Expressway (also known as Highway 141 or as Earth City Expressway) and east of the right turn lane exiting the Pattonville Firehouse #3, addressed as #2222 Maryland Heights Expressway, onto northbound Maryland Heights Expressway. The benchmark is opposite the most southwest of two places where Riverport Drive intersects the northwest side of Maryland Heights Expressway, 0.2 miles more or less northeast of Prichard Farm Road, roughly 85 feet northeast of the centerline of firehouse entrance drive, and 17 feet south of a wooden utility pole with arm for overhead lighting. SP MO East N=323029± E=252901± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.744136°±(N/+) Long=90.466629°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 442.49 FtUS (or) 134.870 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 442.77 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-140 situated in a grassy area west of Maryland Heights Expressway (also known as Highway 141 or as Earth City Expressway) 460 feet more or less north of the centerline of the northernmost of two places where Riverport Drive intersects Maryland Heights Expressway; 9.4 feet west of the western edge of asphalt for southbound Maryland Heights Expressway, roughly 67 feet north of the center of a concrete headwall, and 88 feet south of a metal street sign mast with overhead arm denoting the two western lanes of southbound Maryland Heights Expressway as right turn only. SP MO East N=323683.9± E=253266.8± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.750035°±(N/+) Long=90.462418°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 444.71 FtUS (or) 135.549 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 445.00 FtUS "O" in OPEN on fire hydrant situated near the northwest corner of property addressed as #3600 South Rider Trail; roughly 33 feet south of the centerline of Rider Trail South, 27 feet west of the centerline of western driveway entrance to #3600 South Rider Trail, and 28 feet northeast of the northeastern corner of a seven foot tall chain link fence. SP MO East N=324960± E=252727± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.761533°±(N/+) Long=90.468623°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 442.00 FtUS (or) 134.723 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 442.29 FtUS Cut "U" on top of the curb at the midpoint of the curved corner rounding at the northwest corner of a triangular concrete traffic island situated northwest of the right turn lane from northbound Corporate Trail Drive onto eastbound Rider Trail South, and situated more generally northwest of property addressed as #3470 South Rider Trail; roughly 19 feet east of the centerline of Corporate Trail Drive, and 39 feet south of the centerline of Rider Trail South. SP MO East N=324920± E=253256± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.761171°±(N/+) Long=90.462536°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 441.29 FtUS (or) 134.506 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 441.58 FtUS Found square cut on the top south end of oval concrete base of mast supporting an overhead sign directing traffic along southbound Earth City Expressway (also known as Maryland Heights Expressway or as Highway 141) onto the ramp for access to eastbound Interstate 70. The benchmark is situated west of a metal guard rail along the west side of southbound Earth City Expressway, near the end of the ramp from westbound Interstate 70 onto southbound Earth city Expressway, and 185 feet more or less north of the center of the Interstate 70 bridge over Earth city Expressway. SP MO East N=324360± E=253599± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.756124°±(N/+) Long=90.458593°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 509.44 FtUS (or) 155.278 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 509.72 FtUS "O" in OPEN on a fire hydrant situated southeast of the intersection of Edgeworth Avenue and Midland Avenue; roughly 20 feet east of the centerline of Edgeworth Avenue, 60 feet south of the centerline of Midland Avenue, and 8 feet northeast of the center of the lid on a catch basin east of Edgeworth Avenue. SP MO East N=320712± E=255737± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.723249°±(N/+) Long=90.434025°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 490.53 FtUS (or) 149.513 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 490.80 FtUS Cut "U" 0.5 feet more or less southwest of the northernmost corner of concrete retaining wall near the northeast end of a chain link barrier fence and above the southeastern edge of the sidewalk along the southeast side of relocated Doddridge Avenue just south of the southeast corner of the bridge for Doddridge Avenue over Midland Creek, and south of a decorative concrete railing east of the sidewalk on the bridge; situated generally west of a house addressed as #2906 Doddridge Avenue, roughly 20 feet southeast of the centerline of Doddridge Avenue and 7 feet northwest of a utility pole. The benchmark is a total of approximately 0.25 miles north of Midland Avenue along Eldon Avenue and Doddridge Avenue. SP MO East N=321044± E=255755± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.726240°±(N/+) Long=90.433815°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 662.93 FtUS (or) 202.061 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 663.23 FtUS Square on top of the round concrete base for flagpole at Caraustar Custom Packaging addressed as #10750 Baur Boulevard. Mark is north of the flagpole, roughly 90 feet south of the centerline of Baur Boulevard and 25 feet more or less west of the center of sidewalk to front building entrance. SP MO East N=316500± E=258675± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.685280°±(N/+) Long=90.400291°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 640.34 FtUS (or) 195.177 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 640.64 FtUS Cut "L" on the top northernmost corner of the concrete base for metal traffic signal control box situated roughly 69 feet south of the centerline of Baur Boulevard and 76 feet east of the centerline of Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=316385± E=258354± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.684247°±(N/+) Long=90.403982°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 636.11 FtUS (or) 193.887 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 636.40 FtUS Cut square on top of traffic island situated southeast of the right turn lane from southbound Lindbergh Boulevard onto westbound Schuetz Road. Square is situated near the base of a pedestrian crossing signal roughly 19 feet north of the centerline of Schuetz Road, 42 feet west of the centerline of Lindbergh Boulevard, and 92 feet southeast of the southeast corner of a large electronic message sign for the Jewish Community Center. SP MO East N=316410± E=258317± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.684473°±(N/+) Long=90.404407°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 657.45 FtUS (or) 200.392 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 657.75 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast corner of a smaller 3 foot by 5 foot concrete slab supporting the south end of a bench at a bus stop situated west of Guelbreth Lane and 0.1 miles more or less south of Schuetz Road. Benchmark is roughly 19 feet west of the centerline of Guelbreth Lane, several feet west of the curb along Guelbreth Lane, approximately 17 feet south of the westerly extension of the centerline of Chimney Rock Drive, and 55 feet east of the east wall of an apartment building. SP MO East N=316240± E=257983± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.682944°±(N/+) Long=90.408248°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 507.48 FtUS (or) 154.680 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 507.79 FtUS Cut “U” on the top west side of a two foot diameter concrete base for overhead lighting pole at the south entrance to the new Maryland Heights Community Center immediately east of the intersection of McKelvey Road and Ameling Road; roughly 75 feet east of the centerline of McKelvey Road and 18 feet north of the centerline of the entrance drive. The entrance drive is directly across McKelvey Road from where Ameling Road intersects the west side of McKelvey Road. SP MO East N=320558.6± E=254512.2± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.721874°±(N/+) Long=90.448111°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 593.74 FtUS (or) 180.971 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 594.01 FtUS Found “L” on the top northwest corner at west end of the southwest wing wall of the McKelvey Road bridge over Interstate 270 just south of the sidewalk along the south side of McKelvey Road, and north of the westernmost chain link fence post of the fence along the south side of sidewalk for bridge; roughly 11 feet west of the bridge deck expansion joint, and 42 feet more or less south of the centerline of McKelvey Road. SP MO East N=322751.3± E=255059.8± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.741625°±(N/+) Long=90.441798°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 463.63 FtUS (or) 141.314 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 463.91 FtUS Cut “U” in the center west end of the northwestern wing wall of Bridge No 232 for Creve Coeur Mill Road over Fee Fee Creek, roughly 0.1 miles east of Prichard Farm Road, on the west side of Fee Fee Creek and north of Creve Coeur Mill Road approximately opposite the intersection with Vigus Road. Benchmark is on the western end of wing wall north of the sidewalk on the north side of Creve Coeur Mill Road and 3.75 feet west of the western end of a six foot tall chain link fence along the north side of the bridge over Fee Fee Creek. SP MO East N=322154.8± E=253094.4± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.736260°±(N/+) Long=90.464408°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 612.41 FtUS (or) 186.664 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 612.70 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-102 southeast of the Electro Savings Credit Union #1805 Craigshire Drive in the tree lawn between the back of curb and sidewalk north of Craigshire Drive near the west end of curb rounding from southbound Craig Road onto westbound Craigshire Drive, roughly 2.7' north of back curb, 0.6' south of face sidewalk, 24' southeast of northeast corner double catch basin, and 21' southwest of fire hydrant. <NGS PID="AA8620", Designation="SL 102"> SP MO East N=317241.1± E=254812.8± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.691986°±(N/+) Long=90.444677°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 609.58 FtUS (or) 185.799 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 609.87 FtUS Cut triangle on northwest corner of concrete base of northwest leg of the southernmost of two electric transmission towers situated east of Craig Road between Tangletree Drive and Spruce Haven Drive, roughly 55' east of centerline Craig Road and 340' south of Tangletree Drive. SP MO East N=316674± E=254831± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.686877°±(N/+) Long=90.444472°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 656.79 FtUS (or) 200.189 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 657.09 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast corner of the concrete base for traffic signal control box in a grassy area northwest of the Overland Masonic Lodge #10770 Page Avenue, east of the intersection of Galt Industrial Boulevard with Linpage Place on the south side of Page Avenue. This is south of Page Avenue opposite from the east entrance to the Quick Trip gas station at #10793 Page Avenue. SP MO East N=317314± E=258676± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.692613°±(N/+) Long=90.400269°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 573.08 FtUS (or) 174.676 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 573.38 FtUS Cut square on north end of 2.5' wide concrete along the western edge of the ramp from eastbound Page Avenue onto southbound Lindbergh Boulevard, roughly 29' north of the center of the railroad bridge passing over Lindbergh Boulevard south of Page Avenue and near the transition from metal guard rail to concrete barrier wall. SP MO East N=317454± E=257909± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.693882°±(N/+) Long=90.409084°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 577.61 FtUS (or) 176.055 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 577.90 FtUS Cut square on the east end of concrete traffic island within the entrance to Oak Forest Apartments separating the lane connecting southbound Lindbergh Boulevard onto westbound Oak Forest Parkway Drive from the lane connecting eastbound Oak Forest Parkway Drive onto southbound Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=317137± E=258002± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.691025°±(N/+) Long=90.408019°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 575.75 FtUS (or) 175.489 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 576.05 FtUS Cut square on top of curb at the east end of the easternmost landscaped island within Lindbergh Place Drive at the entrance from southbound Lindbergh Boulevard westerly into Lindbergh Place Luxury Villas, roughly 45' east of a decorative brick guard shed within the western landscaped traffic island. SP MO East N=316950± E=258108± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.689339°±(N/+) Long=90.406803°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 583.92 FtUS (or) 177.979 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 584.21 FtUS Cut square in the center top of a 3'x1' concrete headwall situated west of the metal guardrail along the west shoulder of southbound Lindbergh Boulevard at a point across the street from and approximately in the westerly projection of the south edge of the asphalt entrance drive from northbound Lindbergh Boulevard easterly into the Public Storage facility at #1550 N. Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=316827± E=258225± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.688230°±(N/+) Long=90.405459°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 572.68 FtUS (or) 174.554 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 572.96 FtUS Cut square on north side of concrete base for pedestrian crossing signal mast on the north side of Schuetz Road in front of St. Richard Catholic School at #11211 Schuetz Road, roughly 180 feet west of the northerly projection of the centerline of Tennant Road. SP MO East N=316443± E=257116± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.684780°±(N/+) Long=90.418210°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 555.96 FtUS (or) 169.458 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 556.24 FtUS Found square on top of curb at the northeast end of the landscaped island in the centerline of Crested View Drive southwest of Schuetz Road and northwest of #11238 Schuetz Road. SP MO East N=316513± E=256969± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.685412°±(N/+) Long=90.419899°±(W/-) Page 41 of 49
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 579.16 FtUS (or) 176.529 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 579.44 FtUS Found square on the southeastern concrete pier of the northernmost of two electric transmission towers situated northeast of Schuetz Road, south of the homes along Gandy Drive and across Schuetz Road from property at #29 Chieftain Drive, being the tower north of an asphalt access drive to an electric substation, roughly 136' northeast of centerline Schuetz Road and 59' southeast of the northeasterly projection of the centerline of Chieftain Drive. SP MO East N=316765± E=256678± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.687685°±(N/+) Long=90.423242°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 531.32 FtUS (or) 161.947 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 531.60 FtUS Cut "U" on centerline south end of 4' walk along the east side of Cresta Verde Drive west of Unit 80 in Building 15 of "VILLA DORADO CONDOMINIUM" (Plat Book 124 Page 4) addressed as #11794 Casa Grande Drive, situated roughly 19' east of the centerline of Cresta Verde Drive and 73' north of the centerline of Villa Dorado Drive. This is the easternmost place where Cresta Verde Drive intersects with Villa Dorado Drive and is opposite Featherwood Drive. SP MO East N=317154± E=255611± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.691197°±(N/+) Long=90.435503°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 559.98 FtUS (or) 170.682 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 560.26 FtUS Cut square on east side of concrete base for traffic signal mast at the northeast corner of Craig Road and Borman Drive, roughly 50' north of centerline Borman Drive and 40' east of centerline Craig Road. SP MO East N=317517± E=254919± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.694471°±(N/+) Long=90.443455°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 582.59 FtUS (or) 177.574 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 582.87 FtUS Cut square on the west side of the concrete base of a traffic signal mast situated in the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Lackland Road with Craig Road from the south and with West Port Plaza Drive to the north, and being within a traffic island that is southwest of the right turn lane from westbound Lackland Road onto northbound West Port Plaza Drive. SP MO East N=317865± E=255035± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.697605°±(N/+) Long=90.442119°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 513.55 FtUS (or) 156.531 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 513.82 FtUS Cut square on centerline south end furthest from Lackland Road of landscaped traffic island within Woodland Parkway situated east of property addressed as #2043 Woodland Parkway, roughly 65' south of the centerline of Lackland Road. SP MO East N=317846± E=255846± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.697429°±(N/+) Long=90.432796°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 505.49 FtUS (or) 154.075 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 505.76 FtUS Found square on centerline top of headwall to box culvert situated roughly 25' north of the centerline of Lackland Road and 150' east of the centerline projected of Woodland Parkway. Benchmark and headwall are west of the western access drive to property addressed as #11743 and #11755 Lackland Road. SP MO East N=317856± E=255891± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.697519°±(N/+) Long=90.432278°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 572.66 FtUS (or) 174.548 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 572.96 FtUS Cut "U" on the north side of the concrete base of traffic signal mast situated in the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Midland Boulevard and Link Road, at the 7Eleven store and gas station addressed as #11202 Midland Boulevard. SP MO East N=318698± E=258206± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.705086°±(N/+) Long=90.405655°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 613.77 FtUS (or) 187.077 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 614.06 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast corner of the concrete base of traffic signal control box in the southwest quadrant of Dorsett Road and Adie Road, roughly 34' west of double yellow stripe in Adie Road and 100' south of double yellow stripe in Dorsett Road. SP MO East N=319077± E=257402± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.708507°±(N/+) Long=90.414895°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 580.45 FtUS (or) 176.923 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 580.74 FtUS Cut "U" on the north side of 30" diameter concrete base of traffic signal mast at the southwest quadrant of the tee intersection of Dorsett Road with Fee Fee Road from the north, being the westernmost of two traffic signal bases on the south side of Dorsett Road at Pete's Auto Body #11540 Dorsett Road. SP MO East N=319733± E=256511± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.714424°±(N/+) Long=90.425133°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 516.29 FtUS (or) 157.367 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 516.56 FtUS Cut "L" on southeast corner of 6' by 5' concrete pad for electric control box #28088 situated roughly 65' west of centerline Fee Fee Road and 93' south of centerline Grissom Drive extended. SP MO East N=318888± E=255201± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.706820°±(N/+) Long=90.440203°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 487.48 FtUS (or) 148.585 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 487.76 FtUS Found square on northernmost wing wall of bridge for Fee Fee Road over Fee Fee Creek roughly 0.2 miles southwest of Schuetz Road, situated northwest of Fee Fee Road and Northeast of Fee Fee Creek. This is not benchmark 8267, which has been confirmed in March 2011 to be on a different wing wall of the same bridge. SP MO East N=319332± E=255596± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.710818°±(N/+) Long=90.435658°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 535.79 FtUS (or) 163.308 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 536.07 FtUS Cut square on concrete curb along base of building wall at an angle point in the north line of the Pulitzer Publishing company building at #11700 Dunlap Industrial Boulevard, roughly 83' southwest of centerline Dunlap Industrial boulevard and 74' southeast of centerline Fee Fee Road. SP MO East N=319545± E=256141± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.712733°±(N/+) Long=90.429389°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 558.42 FtUS (or) 170.206 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 558.70 FtUS Cut "U" on the northern edge of concrete sidewalk at an angle point in the base of a concrete retaining wall near the northeast corner of Dorsett Road and Reading Avenue, situated south of a property addressed as #217 Lake Avenue, roughly 50' north of centerline Dorsett Road and 46' east of centerline Reading Avenue. SP MO East N=319759± E=256325± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.714660°±(N/+) Long=90.427272°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 501.40 FtUS (or) 152.828 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 501.69 FtUS Cut "L" on top of concrete curb at the north end of the west barrier wall of the bridge for Fee Fee Road over Midland Creek, roughly 20' west of centerline Fee Fee Road, 200' north of the centerline projected of Midland Avenue at the entrance to Vago Park east of Fee Fee Road, and 120' south of the centerline of Sinovich Lane at the entrance to a City of Maryland Heights maintenance facility at #2715 Fee Fee Road. SP MO East N=320488± E=256786± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.721224°±(N/+) Long=90.421964°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 602.82 FtUS (or) 183.741 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 603.11 FtUS Cut "L" on corner of sidewalk slab at an angle point in the south line of sidewalk situated near the northwest corner of property addressed #3340 Fee Fee Road, roughly 39' east of the centerline of Whitehall Manor Drive and 23' south of the centerline of Fee Fee Road. SP MO East N=321197± E=257601± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.727604°±(N/+) Long=90.412584°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 623.46 FtUS (or) 190.032 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 623.76 FtUS Cut "L" on northeast corner of a 5' wide sidewalk along the east side of the western asphalt driveway into the Sutter Evangelical Presbyterian Church at #3500 Fee Fee Road and at the south side of a 4' wide sidewalk along the south side of Fee Fee Road, roughly 24' south of the centerline of Fee Fee Road. SP MO East N=321431± E=258013± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.729709°±(N/+) Long=90.407843°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 596.57 FtUS (or) 181.836 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 596.87 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of the first whole driveway slab west of Fee Fee Road along the south edge of concrete driveway to #3811 Fee Fee Road, roughly 38.6' east of the garage and 18' west of the centerline of Fee Fee Road. SP MO East N=322228± E=258313± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.736886°±(N/+) Long=90.404383°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 624.16 FtUS (or) 190.244 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 624.46 FtUS Cut square on the east side of the concrete base of a traffic signal mast situated in the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Fee Fee Road and St Charles Rock Road within a traffic island that is northwest of the right turn lane from northbound Fee Fee Road onto eastbound St Charles Rock Road and north of a pedestrian crosswalk at pavement level parallel to the south side of St Charles Rock Road, roughly 32' east of centerline Fee Fee Road and 37' south of centerline St Charles Rock Road. SP MO East N=322597± E=258371± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.740210°±(N/+) Long=90.403711°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 600.96 FtUS (or) 183.172 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 601.24 FtUS Cut square on center south side of concrete pad for telephone box near the southeast corner of property at #3602 Harmann Estates Drive and also near the southwest corner of Church of the Nazarene property at #11701 Old St Charles Road, roughly 149' east of the centerline of Harmann Estates Drive and 35' north of centerline Old St Charles Road. SP MO East N=322480± E=256586± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.739171°±(N/+) Long=90.424245°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 606.20 FtUS (or) 184.769 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 606.47 FtUS Cut "L" on top southwest corner of capstone to stone entrance monument for Bridgeton Trails subdivision situated roughly 35' northeast of the centerline of Old St Charles Road and 49' southeast of centerline Bridgeton Trails Drive at property addressed #3386 Bridgeton Trails Drive. SP MO East N=322663± E=255773± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.740825°±(N/+) Long=90.433595°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 514.10 FtUS (or) 156.697 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 514.37 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast corner of the concrete base for a traffic signal control box situated south of Creve Coeur Mill Road across from Pattonville High School and northwest of a stormwater basin at condominiums known as Carriage Parc Condominiums but platted as "FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE CONDOMINIUM PLAT OF CREVE COEUR MILL CONDOMINIUMS" (Plat Book 261 Page 67), roughly 31' east of the centerline of Bennington Place and 52' south of the centerline of Creve Coeur Mill Road. SP MO East N=322556± E=254047± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.739871°±(N/+) Long=90.453449°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 456.69 FtUS (or) 139.198 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 456.96 FtUS Cut square on south side of 24" diameter concrete base for traffic signal mast situated roughly 70' southeast of the centerline of Maryland Heights Expressway and 25' Southwest of the centerline of relocated Creve Coeur Mill Road within a concrete traffic island situated north of the right turn lane from northbound Maryland Heights Expressway onto eastbound Creve Coeur Mill Road. This benchmark is roughly 0.3 miles northeast of the intersection of Maryland Heights Expressway and Marine Avenue. SP MO East N=321666± E=251549± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.731861°±(N/+) Long=90.482184°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 459.77 FtUS (or) 140.139 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 460.06 FtUS Cut square on southeast corner of bridge #226E for eastbound Maryland Heights Expressway over Creve Coeur Creek roughly 0.3 miles west of the intersection of Maryland Heights Expressway and Marine Avenue. Benchmark is roughly 22' south of the centerline of the eastbound lanes of Maryland Heights Expressway and east of Creve Coeur Creek near the east end of concrete bridge abutment functioning as pavement shoulder and near the base of the barrier wall along the south side of the eastbound bridge. SP MO East N=321356± E=250702± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.729069°±(N/+) Long=90.491926°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 450.34 FtUS (or) 137.264 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 450.67 FtUS Standard concrete base for former DNR aluminum disk SL-30A but the aluminum cap has been destroyed or removed. Elevation is on concrete centered at the former cap location. Benchmark is situated approximately 0.5 miles south of the centerline of Page Avenue (MO RTE 364) on the west side of Creve Coeur Mill Road, 13' east of the east rail of Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railroad, approximately opposite a pair of electric transmission pole towers supporting an angle point in the transmission lines a couple hundred feet west of Creve Coeur Mill Road. <NGS PID="AA8671", Designation="Accessory to SL 30"> SP MO East N=318029.7± E=250166.0± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.699103°±(N/+) Long=90.498092°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 485.94 FtUS (or) 148.116 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 486.22 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-24A situated north of Olive Boulevard and 6' east of the east edge of pavement for the entrance to Creve Coeur Crossing Condominiums, roughly 63' southeast of the centerline at centerline of the "T" intersection of the entrance drive and the loop drives of Creve Coeur Crossing, 39' west of the center top of a headwall for a culvert pipe, and 41.5 feet southwest of the southwest corner of the south pillar of the brick entrance monument for Creve Coeur Crossing Condominiums. <NGS PID="AA8665", Designation="Accessory to SL 24"> SP MO East N=316143.6± E=250765.4± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.682111°±(N/+) Long=90.491203°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 528.48 FtUS (or) 161.081 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 528.75 FtUS Cut Cross on the top of curb at the southeast corner of the easternmost row of 28 parking places extending approximately 270' along the east side of the parking lot for Westchase Plaza strip mall at #13339 Olive Boulevard, roughly 320' south of the southeast corner of strip mall building. SP MO East N=316026.3± E=250467.8± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.681055°±(N/+) Long=90.494623°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 534.40 FtUS (or) 162.886 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 534.68 FtUS Cut Cross on the top of curb at the northeast corner of the easternmost row of 28 parking places extending approximately 270' along the east side of the parking lot for Westchase Plaza strip mall at #13339 Olive Boulevard, roughly 60' south of the southeast corner of strip mall building. SP MO East N=316106.9± E=250484.5± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.681781°±(N/+) Long=90.494432°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 528.12 FtUS (or) 160.971 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 528.39 FtUS Found 5/8" rebar with aluminum cap stamped "EDSI-5" in a grassy area near the far southeast corner of parking lot for Westchase Plaza strip mall at #13339 Olive Boulevard, roughly 11' southwest of the southeast corner of curb for the easternmost row of parking, 12' northeast of the southeast corner of curb for the southernmost row of parking, and 43' southwest of a post for the southernmost parking area light situated east of the parking lot. SP MO East N=316023.3± E=250466.0± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.681028°±(N/+) Long=90.494644°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 08:
Rev: 01/05/2018
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 536.52 FtUS (or) 163.532 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 536.79 FtUS Found chiseled cross in the concrete sidewalk along the south side of Olive Boulevard 37' north of the northeast building corner (not including column supporting roof overhang) of the Steak and Shake restaurant building at #13426 Olive Boulevard, 34' northeast of the post for a free standing Steak and Shake sign, and 68' west of a power pole in the tree lawn south of Olive Boulevard. SP MO East N=315904.7± E=250216.7± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.679960°±(N/+) Long=90.497509°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 543.64 FtUS (or) 165.703 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 543.91 FtUS Found chiseled cross on railroad spike in asphalt parking lot of the Forum Center addressed #11 Forum Shopping Center near the southeast corner of the parking lot north of Olive Boulevard and west of North Woods Mill Road. Benchmark is south of a Forum Center sign supported by two steel legs in a raised landscape island and is roughly 13.8' south of the northwest sign leg, 8.6' south of the southeast sign leg, and 7' northeast of an electric manhole. SP MO East N=315916.3± E=250054.2± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.680064°±(N/+) Long=90.499377°±(W/-)
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Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 483.56 FtUS "Sq" south of the southwest corner of step at concrete driveway on the walk leading to front porch of house #30 Godfrey Lane; northwest corner Ferguson Avenue and Godfrey Lane. SP MO East N=322644± E=267787± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.740494°±(N/+) Long=90.295402°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 516.94 FtUS "Sq" at east end of south concrete walkway of Wabash Railroad bridge over Florissant Road in Ferguson; 200' east of wabash freight and passenger station. SP MO East N=323056± E=266970± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.744221°±(N/+) Long=90.304789°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 556.93 FtUS (or) 169.754 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 557.27 FtUS "Sq" on northwest corner of lower front concrete step at entrance to one story brick building #8200 Airport Road; southwest corner of Fay Drive. SP MO East N=323615± E=265224± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.749289°±(N/+) Long=90.324862°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 624.59 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of lowest step to front porch of one story single residence at #9307 Corregidor Avenue; northwest corner of Woodson Road. SP MO East N=321099± E=262315± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.726668°±(N/+) Long=90.358372°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 578.14 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of concrete walk; 6' east of northeast corner at #3105 Woodson Road at Bristol Avenue. SP MO East N=319441± E=262104± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.711735°±(N/+) Long=90.360827°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 593.67 FtUS "Mark" on tenth brick above foundation; northeast corner Huttig Sash and Door Company building at #8900 Page Avenue, 500' east of Harney Avenue. [Not accessible due to area being fenced.] SP MO East N=316594± E=262569± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.686080°±(N/+) Long=90.355532°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 586.92 FtUS "Sq" on northwest corner bottom step of lower flight of steps off driveway at yard entrance to house #8506 Page Avenue; 50' south of centerline Page Avenue and 230' east of Crystal Court Drive. SP MO East N=316522± E=263703± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.685415°±(N/+) Long=90.342500°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 568.27 FtUS "Sq" in concrete apron for overhead door on north side of garage #8396 Page Avenue; 2' west of east end of apron. SP MO East N=316404± E=264014± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.684347°±(N/+) Long=90.338927°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 601.03 FtUS "L" on northwest corner lower concrete step to front porch of 1 1/2 story brick residence at #8150 Page Avenue; southeast corner Harrison Avenue. SP MO East N=316292± E=264507± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.683330°±(N/+) Long=90.333263°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 14459 in Chapter 14.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 517.74 FtUS (or) 157.807 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 518.19 FtUS "Sq" at southwest corner of first step of southwest yard entrance to Griffith School; 50' north of northeast corner of Chambers Road and Day Drive, 15' east of centerline Day Drive and 80' north of centerline Chambers Road. SP MO East N=323661± E=268314± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.749645°±(N/+) Long=90.289313°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 574.37 FtUS (or) 175.067 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 574.83 FtUS "Sq" near northeast corner of lowest granite step to west entrance of Church; southeast corner Chambers Road and Elizabeth Avenue. SP MO East N=323592± E=267451± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.749041°±(N/+) Long=90.299243°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 561.83 FtUS (or) 171.247 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 562.32 FtUS "Sq" northeast corner of lowest concrete step at front yard entrance walkway of a two story frame residence, #308 Hereford Avenue; 18' south of centerline Hereford Avenue and 425' east of centerline Nancy Avenue. SP MO East N=323563± E=267201± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.748784°±(N/+) Long=90.302119°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 502.26 FtUS "Spike" in utility pole at northwest corner of Plaza Avenue and Suburban Avenue. SP MO East N=321869± E=265926± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.733547°±(N/+) Long=90.316826°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 530.26 FtUS (or) 161.623 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 530.65 FtUS "L" on north edge of concrete walk to main entrance of Laclede Gas Company building; north of Wabash tracks at #6400 Graham Road and 20' west of west face of building. SP MO East N=324496.5± E=264110.0± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.757249°±(N/+) Long=90.337659°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 622.08 FtUS "L" on west edge of yard entrance walk; 1' north of southwest corner to one story brick house #1130 Elizabeth Avenue. SP MO East N=324841± E=267461± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.760292°±(N/+) Long=90.299096°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 606.28 FtUS "L" at southeast corner of third (top) step at front yard entrance walk to 1 1/2 story brick house at #742 Elizabeth Avenue; southeast corner Elizabeth Avenue and Larkin Avenue. SP MO East N=324285± E=267440± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.755284°±(N/+) Long=90.299352°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 559.31 FtUS "Sq" on top of west concrete abutment of Wabash Railroad overpass of Lindbergh Boulevard; 3.5' north of south end of abutment; 26' south and 6.0' below south rail of Wabash tracks. SP MO East N=324708± E=260854± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.759200°±(N/+) Long=90.375117°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 563.72 FtUS "L" southeast corner of concrete base of former signal control box; 35' south of centerline Natural Bridge Road and 75' east of centerline Bridgeton Station Road from the north. The traffic signal box has been removed, and Long Road from the south was removed to accommodate extension of the airport runways. Aerial photos show that the concrete base may be existing, but this benchmark should be confirmed in relation to another benchmark prior to adoption. SP MO East N=323881± E=260017± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.751760°±(N/+) Long=90.384759°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 561.40 FtUS (or) 171.116 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 561.74 FtUS "U" on south edge headwall; 0.6 feet west of east end of north concrete headwall of 4' x 4' concrete box culvert under Service Road, just south of Hwy I-70 across the service road from the north end Edmundson Road. Culvert is exposed only on the north side of the service road, and the benchmark is on the north side of the I-70 right-of-way fence roughly 24 feet northeast of a traffic signal mast with signal arms controlling traffic on the westbound service road and northbound Edmundson Road. SP MO East N=322423± E=261803± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.738603°±(N/+) Long=90.364237°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 584.47 FtUS "Sq" on 2' wide x 0.7' high concrete walk 1.5' north of northeast corner of service station building; northwest corner Ashby Road and St. Matthew Lane. SP MO East N=320742± E=259777± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.723484°±(N/+) Long=90.387565°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 617.50 FtUS "U" at north end of lowest of seven concrete steps to north front entrance to Arthur A. Hoech Jr. High School; 250' east of Ashby Road and 375' north of Mert Road. SP MO East N=320159± E=259807± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.718231°±(N/+) Long=90.387228°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 678.19 FtUS "L" at southeast corner of concrete walk; 3.5' east of southeast corner of one story frame building at northwest corner Ashby Road and Clarendon Avenue; 64’ west of centerline Ashby Road and 39’ north of centerline Clarendon Avenue. SP MO East N=319286± E=259615± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.710369°±(N/+) Long=90.389448°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 706.50 FtUS "L" on south edge of concrete walk 4.4' east of south edge of main office door entrance to West Chinese Baptist Church; southwest corner of Ashby Road and Decker Avenue. SP MO East N=319041± E=259582± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.708162°±(N/+) Long=90.389831°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 710.52 FtUS (or) 216.568 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 710.84 FtUS "Sq" in 3' wide concrete bumper base 3.3' northeast of northeast corner of former service station building; southwest corner Ashby and Lackland Roads. SP MO East N=317762± E=259435± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.696641°±(N/+) Long=90.391538°±(W/-) Page 5 of 50
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 583.36 FtUS (or) 177.809 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 583.73 FtUS "Sq" on concrete walk at southeast corner of building #8931 Natural Bridge Road; roughly 0.4 feet south of building facade. SP MO East N=320046± E=265021± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.717140°±(N/+) Long=90.327274°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 648.11 FtUS (or) 197.544 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 648.40 FtUS "L" northwest corner of first concrete step (flight of 4) 10' north and 15' west of main entrance door to Church of Bel-Nor Community of Christ at #8324 Natural Bridge Road (on south side 300' west of Clubfield Drive). SP MO East N=319063± E=265914± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.708269°±(N/+) Long=90.317028°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 659.13 FtUS (or) 200.902 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 659.45 FtUS "L" west end of stone step; 9' north of front door entrance to two story brick residence #8200 Natural Bridge Road; on southwest corner of Natural Bridge Road and Clearview Drive. SP MO East N=318913± E=266097± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.706914°±(N/+) Long=90.314928°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 643.65 FtUS (or) 196.186 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 644.04 FtUS "L" on west end first concrete step at entrance to Trinity Tabernacle #7629 Natural Bridge Road; 40' north of centerline Natural Bridge Road and 125' east of Marietta Avenue. SP MO East N=318841± E=267168± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.706246°±(N/+) Long=90.302616°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 652.53 FtUS (or) 198.891 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 652.86 FtUS "L" northeast corner of concrete slab; 6' east and 9' north of northeast corner of U.S. Post Office #7450 Natural Bridge Road; southeast corner of Natural Bridge Road and Oakmont Avenue. SP MO East N=318657± E=267520± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.704581°±(N/+) Long=90.298574°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 660.03 FtUS (or) 201.177 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 660.38 FtUS "L" at east end of stone threshold of entrance door; 6' west of southeast corner of Normandy State Bank Building; northeast corner of Natural Bridge Road and Florissant Road. [#7301 Florissant Road] SP MO East N=318601± E=267737± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.704072°±(N/+) Long=90.296080°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 655.17 FtUS (or) 199.696 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 655.52 FtUS "Bolt" top of easternmost steel bolt at base of iron light standard 25' directly south of center of great stone gateway tower at entrance to Pasadena Hills Subdivision; north side of Natural Bridge Road at Roland Drive. SP MO East N=318474± E=267878± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.702925°±(N/+) Long=90.294463°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 645.68 FtUS (or) 196.805 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 646.02 FtUS "Sq" at southwest corner of concrete walk; 10' west of southwest corner of one story commercial building at east end of Normandy Shopping Center. SP MO East N=318119± E=268317± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.699718°±(N/+) Long=90.289425°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 613.76 FtUS (or) 187.074 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 614.12 FtUS "Sq" on top of concrete retaining wall; 6' north of northwest corner of Nelson Presbyterian Church; 40' south of centerline of Natural Bridge Road and 125' east of Avondale Drive. SP MO East N=317575± E=268786± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.694808°±(N/+) Long=90.284048°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 14460 in Chapter 14.]
NGVD29 Elev = 596.02 FtUS "U" on concrete walk 0.3' east of one story commercial building #1523 North and South Road; southwest corner North and South Road and Milan Avenue. SP MO East N=315884± E=264265± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.679658°±(N/+) Long=90.336053°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 592.30 FtUS "U" on base of the northeast leg of Union Electric tower at northwest corner of North and South Road and railroad track. [Aerial photography suggests that there is no electric tower northwest of the railroad crossing. There are electric towers both northeast and southwest of the railroad crossing. Verify this to another benchmark prior to use.] SP MO East N=316086± E=264278± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.681478°±(N/+) Long=90.335900°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 14461 in Chapter 14.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 555.37 FtUS (or) 169.276 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 555.72 FtUS "Sq" centered on concrete curb of traffic divider at entrance to Lever Brothers Plant; 110' east of centerline Pennsylvania Avenue and opposite Mallard Avenue to west. SP MO East N=315938± E=266235± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.680111°±(N/+) Long=90.313411°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 568.43 FtUS (or) 173.258 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 568.84 FtUS "L" on concrete base at southeast corner of building at #1601 Pennsylvania Avenue; northwest corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and Ruddy Lane. SP MO East N=316050± E=266180± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.681121°±(N/+) Long=90.314040°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 582.87 FtUS (or) 177.658 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 583.20 FtUS "L" southwest corner of concrete base of 6' x 4' stone slab set vertically and inscribed "Laurel Hill" at entrance to part of Laurel Hill Cemetery; 90' east of centerline Pennsylvania Avenue and 0.3 miles south of St. Charles Rock Road. [In March 2012 this benchmark is under a decorative evergreen shrub, but was observable by threading the level rod down thru the shrub.] SP MO East N=316555± E=266336± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.685667°±(N/+) Long=90.312236°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 602.08 FtUS (or) 183.513 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 602.43 FtUS "L" northeast corner of white sandstone cap of cement block base of statuary representing open book with Lord's Prayer in Laurel Hill Cemetery; 75' south of centerline St. Charles Rock Road and 278' west of the centerline of Pennsylvania Avenue. SP MO East N=316980± E=266320± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.689496°±(N/+) Long=90.312409°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 641.25 FtUS "L" northwest corner first concrete step to west entrance of Incarnate Word Academy; east side of Normandy Drive, 350' north of Greendale Avenue. SP MO East N=318090± E=266242± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.699498°±(N/+) Long=90.313280°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 584.91 FtUS (or) 178.280 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 585.24 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of top step from drive at #3012 Hanley Road. SP MO East N=319000± E=265240± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.707713°±(N/+) Long=90.324779°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 612.42 FtUS (or) 186.665 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 612.73 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of lower concrete step at #1936 Hanley Road; 54' east of Hanley Road and 78' south of Bloom Drive. SP MO East N=316953± E=264913± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.689278°±(N/+) Long=90.328583°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 559.32 FtUS (or) 170.480 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 559.68 FtUS "L" on flag pole at Berkeley City Hall on the northwest corner of the concrete base; 88' east of Hanley Road, 108' south of Airport Road and 84' west of Madison Avenue. SP MO East N=323663± E=264362± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.749736°±(N/+) Long=90.334777°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 575.77 FtUS (or) 175.496 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 576.15 FtUS Cut cross on top of east anchor bolt on the northeastern leg of the east transmission tower; 190' south of Third Avenue and 45' west of Hanley Road. SP MO East N=323383± E=264340± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.747214°±(N/+) Long=90.335036°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 606.65 FtUS (or) 184.906 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 607.01 FtUS Cross on top of the east anchor bolt of the northeastern leg of the east transmission tower; in line with the centerline of Fourth Avenue and 65' west of the centerline of Hanley Road. SP MO East N=323193± E=264345± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.745502°±(N/+) Long=90.334982°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 601.41 FtUS (or) 183.310 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 601.76 FtUS Cross on top of east anchor bolt of the northeastern leg of the east transmission tower; 100' north of the centerline of Fifth Avenue and 70' west of the centerline of Hanley Road. SP MO East N=322971± E=264350± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.743502°±(N/+) Long=90.334929°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 573.54 FtUS (or) 174.816 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 573.88 FtUS "X" on concrete footing of most eastern transmission tower and the most northeastern leg; 121' south of Scudder and 67' west from the centerline of Hanley Road. SP MO East N=322641± E=264357± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.740529°±(N/+) Long=90.334856°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 574.35 FtUS (or) 175.063 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 574.63 FtUS Cross on top of easternmost anchor bolt of easternmost transmission tower and the southeast leg; 310' north from Scott Avenue and 42' west of the centerline of Hanley Road. SP MO East N=322489± E=264434± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.739158°±(N/+) Long=90.333973°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 543.20 FtUS "Sq" on northeast leg of footing of most western transmission tower; 72' west of Hanley Road and 12' north of Bradfield Road. SP MO East N=322280± E=264525± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.737274°±(N/+) Long=90.332931°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 545.03 FtUS (or) 166.126 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 545.33 FtUS "X" on east bolt on the southeast leg of transmission tower on the west side of Hanley Road; 0.3 mile south of Scudder Avenue. SP MO East N=322281± E=264539± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.737283°±(N/+) Long=90.332770°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 517.08 FtUS (or) 157.606 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 517.39 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the west retaining wall on Hanley Road; 41' west of Hanley Road and 43' south of Case Avenue. SP MO East N=321509± E=265198± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.730317°±(N/+) Long=90.325207°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 627.42 FtUS (or) 191.238 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 627.73 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the first concrete step of #4106 Hanley Road. SP MO East N=319878± E=265729± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.715614°±(N/+) Long=90.319137°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 548.06 FtUS (or) 167.048 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 548.40 FtUS "Bolt" top of northwest anchor bolt on the northwest base of transmission tower; 790' north of Airport Road and 50' east of Hanley Road. SP MO East N=323931.5± E=264339.3± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.752155°±(N/+) Long=90.335033°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 608.51 FtUS (or) 185.473 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 608.88 FtUS "Sq" on northwest corner of concrete porch house #827 Airport Road. SP MO East N=323406± E=265969± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.747393°±(N/+) Long=90.316296°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 589.08 FtUS (or) 179.553 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 589.55 FtUS "Sq" on signal base; 35' west of Florissant Road and 40' north of Robert Street, at January Wabash Park. SP MO East N=324009± E=266590± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.752814°±(N/+) Long=90.309138°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 629.98 FtUS (or) 192.019 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 630.41 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of the capstone of a flower box for Ferguson Hills Subdivision; 54' west of Florissant Road and 32' south of Frost Avenue. [In September 2010 two marks were found. "L" on northernmost corner closest to Frost Avenue matches old ties best and looks like older mark. "L" also found on easternmost corner closest to Florissant Road but 0.01' vertically higher than actual mark.] SP MO East N=324708± E=266472± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.759113°±(N/+) Long=90.310478°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 607.79 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the lowest step on porch of residence at #742 Elizabeth Avenue; 50' south of the centerline of Larkin Avenue and 39' east of the centerline of Elizabeth Avenue. SP MO East N=324286± E=267440± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.755293°±(N/+) Long=90.299352°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 522.11 FtUS (or) 159.139 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 522.47 FtUS "L" at south end of concrete pier of railroad bridge over small divided road with the pier in the center leading from Banshee Drive to parking lot of McDonnell Douglas; 0.7 mile west of McDonnell Boulevard. SP MO East N=324644± E=262065± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.758608°±(N/+) Long=90.361185°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 662.16 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of second step to entrance of house #10135 Midland at intersection with Bryant Avenue. SP MO East N=318658± E=260085± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.704706°±(N/+) Long=90.384053°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 637.30 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of signal control box on southwest corner of Midland and Sims intersection. SP MO East N=318715± E=260710± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.705212°±(N/+) Long=90.376867°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 657.51 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of signal control box flush with grass in median at west side of Brown Road at Midland. SP MO East N=318181± E=262809± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.700374°±(N/+) Long=90.352744°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 659.03 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of signal control box at southwest corner of Lackland and Midland. [There appear to be two traffic signal control boxes with one flush to the ground and a second vertical style box adjacent to and east of the flush box. Prior to using this benchmark, please confirm the mark and verify by checking to a second published benchmark to resolve any potential ambiguity.] SP MO East N=318034± E=263052± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.699046°±(N/+) Long=90.349954°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 655.27 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of signal control box flush with grass median in center of island on east side of Yeoman Avenue at Midland. SP MO East N=317649± E=264038± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.695562°±(N/+) Long=90.338626°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 637.17 FtUS "L" on south corner of second step of sidewalk leading from Midland in front of house #8206 Buchanan Street which dead ends at Midland Boulevard. SP MO East N=317011± E=264451± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.689808°±(N/+) Long=90.333892°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 616.77 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of sidewalk leading from Midland in front of house #8200 Monroe Street; which dead ends at Midland Boulevard. SP MO East N=316664± E=264499± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.686681°±(N/+) Long=90.333347°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 10177 in Chapter 10.]
NGVD29 Elev = 675.60 FtUS "U" on top and in center of north end of concrete cap of masonry retaining wall; 26' south from centerline of Oak Avenue and 48' east from centerline of Fowler Avenue. SP MO East N=317475± E=259195± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.694058°±(N/+) Long=90.394301°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 650.66 FtUS "Sq" 1' south of northwest corner of concrete walk at entrance to #9900 Baltimore Avenue; southwest corner of Baltimore and Sims. SP MO East N=319389± E=260731± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.711284°±(N/+) Long=90.376615°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 608.66 FtUS "Sq" on southeast corner of porch slab at house #3101 Sherman; 56' north of centerline of Baltimore and 43' west of centerline of Sherman. SP MO East N=319442± E=260512± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.711764°±(N/+) Long=90.379132°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 615.07 FtUS "Sq" on southwest corner of porch slab on house #10235 Baltimore Avenue; 51' north of centerline of Baltimore and 103' east of centerline of St. Myron. SP MO East N=319478± E=260206± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.712092°±(N/+) Long=90.382650°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 645.68 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of 4' wide sidewalk in driveway of #10311 Baltimore Avenue; northwest corner of Baltimore Avenue and Pearl Harbor Drive. SP MO East N=319518± E=259862± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.712456°±(N/+) Long=90.386605°±(W/-) Page 13 of 50
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 572.44 FtUS "Sq" on the southeast corner of concrete entrance to apartments at #7800 Florissant Road; 80' west of the centerline of Florissant Road and 60' north of the centerline of Bellerive Drive. SP MO East N=319559± E=266991± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.712717°±(N/+) Long=90.304633°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 500.96 FtUS "Sq" on the southwest corner of the south edge of a signal control box; on the northeast corner of Woodstock Road and Florissant Road. SP MO East N=321563± E=267247± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.730766°±(N/+) Long=90.301640°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 486.64 FtUS "Sq" on the southwest corner of the west edge of a concrete sign base in an island at Arbor Village Court; 40' east of the centerline of Florissant Road. SP MO East N=322103± E=267255± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.735630°±(N/+) Long=90.301535°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 486.38 FtUS "Sq" on the center and west edge of a traffic signal base at the northeast corner of Florissant Road and Paul Avenue. SP MO East N=322382± E=267177± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.738145°±(N/+) Long=90.302425°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 499.71 FtUS "Sq" on the southwest corner of a traffic signal base on the east side of Florissant Road and Carson Road; at the southeast corner of a railroad bridge and 25' east of the centerline of Florissant Road. SP MO East N=323057± E=266967± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.744230°±(N/+) Long=90.304824°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 635.91 FtUS "Sq" on top of curb along the north side of Lacorn Court at Bermuda Drive; 21.5’ west of the centerline of Bermuda Drive and 12.8’north of the centerline of Lacorn Court. SP MO East N=319679± E=267508± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.713788°±(N/+) Long=90.298686°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 621.06 FtUS "Sq" on top of curb along the north edge of sidewalk at the entrance to tennis courts at the City of Normandy Memorial Park; 100' west of the centerline of Bermuda Drive. SP MO East N=320417± E=267966± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.720428°±(N/+) Long=90.293400°±(W/-) Page 14 of 50
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 604.23 FtUS "Sq" on top of curb at the end of the north rounding at Ellington Drive; 12' north of the centerline of Ellington Drive and 60' west of the centerline of Bermuda Drive. SP MO East N=320794± E=267992± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.723823°±(N/+) Long=90.293092°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 584.49 FtUS "Sq" on concrete base for flag pole at #5835 Bermuda; at School; 130' west of the centerline of Bermuda Drive. [East side of flag pole] SP MO East N=321112± E=267917± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.726690°±(N/+) Long=90.293946°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 599.55 FtUS "No Mark" northwest corner of a concrete base for the west entrance column for residence #1130 Hudson Road; 19' south of the centerline of Hudson Road and 0.1 mile west of College Drive North. SP MO East N=324849± E=268304± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.760347°±(N/+) Long=90.289396°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 503.38 FtUS "Sq" on the west end of a concrete headwall; 62' west of the centerline of Hudson Hills Drive extended and 15' south of the centerline of Hudson Road. SP MO East N=324866± E=268899± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.760488°±(N/+) Long=90.282550°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 624.08 FtUS "U" on top of the concrete curb in front of the Woodson Plaza Shopping Center; 29' west of the centerline of Woodson Road and 139' north of the centerline of Kathlyn Drive. SP MO East N=320808± E=262310± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.724047°±(N/+) Long=90.358434°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 595.35 FtUS (or) 181.463 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 595.81 FtUS "U" in the center of the northwest side of a concrete base of a light pole at the southwest corner of Woodson Road and St. Charles Rock Road; 39' west of the centerline of Woodson Road and 94' south of the centerline of St. Charles Rock Road. SP MO East N=319883± E=262178± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.715716°±(N/+) Long=90.359969°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 565.41 FtUS "L" on a 5' wide concrete walk leading to the former City of Pagedale City Hall at #1404 Ferguson Avenue; 25' east of the centerline of Ferguson Avenue and 25' north of the entrance to Laurel Hill Cemetery. SP MO East N=316057± E=266746± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.681173°±(N/+) Long=90.307535°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 615.60 FtUS "Sq" on top of the east end of a concrete water valve box; 37' west of the centerline of Walton Road and 16' south of the north asphalt drive at #1945 Walton Road. SP MO East N=316985± E=263252± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.689593°±(N/+) Long=90.347674°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 632.17 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of a 6' x 3' concrete base for the flag pole in front of the building at #2121 Walton Road; 49' west of the centerline of Walton Road and 464' south of the center of Hedgebur Drive. SP MO East N=317407± E=263314± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.693393°±(N/+) Long=90.346954°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 615.38 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the bottom concrete step to house #8301 Flora Avenue; 25' north of the centerline of Flora Avenue and 45' west of the centerline of North and South Road. SP MO East N=317243± E=264266± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.691901°±(N/+) Long=90.336014°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 616.86 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of the bottom concrete step to house #2309 North and South Road; 35' west of the centerline of North and South Road and 25' south of the centerline of Brenner Avenue. SP MO East N=317690± E=264468± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.695925°±(N/+) Long=90.333682°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 647.54 FtUS (or) 197.370 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 647.87 FtUS "Sq" on the northwest corner of a walk at the front of #8124 St. Charles Rock Road; 65' south of St. Charles Rock Road and 85' east of the centerline of North and South Road. SP MO East N=318180± E=264667± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.700336°±(N/+) Long=90.331384°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 652.23 FtUS "Sq" on the northwest corner of the first step at the front entrance to #3705 Brown Road; 50' west of the centerline of Brown Road and 25' south of the centerline of McNulty Drive. SP MO East N=320409± E=263187± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.720440°±(N/+) Long=90.348356°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 658.06 FtUS "Sq" on the northeast corner of the front porch slab at #3527 Brown Road; 50' west of the centerline of Brown Road and 60' south of the centerline of Winterowd Place. SP MO East N=320001± E=263121± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.716765°±(N/+) Long=90.349123°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 636.29 FtUS "Sq" on the southeast corner of the first step at the entrance to #3409 Brown Road; 50' west of the centerline of Brown Road and 0.3 mile north of St. Charles Rock Road. SP MO East N=319640± E=263055± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.713514°±(N/+) Long=90.349889°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 641.57 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of a concrete step to apartment at #8405 Lackland Road; 48' north of the centerline of Lackland Road and 70' west of the centerline of LaCaracas Place. SP MO East N=318384± E=264051± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.702184°±(N/+) Long=90.338462°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 565.33 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of a 2'x 2' concrete pad for a step leading to a loading dock of the building on the southeast corner of St. Charles Rock Road and 74th Street; 90' south of St. Charles Rock Road and 25' east of 74th Street. SP MO East N=316778± E=266577± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.687672°±(N/+) Long=90.309460°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 14463 in Chapter 14.]
NGVD29 Elev = 587.98 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of second step at #6263 St. Louis Avenue; 30' north of centerline of St. Louis Avenue. SP MO East N=316410± E=268713± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.684314°±(N/+) Long=90.284919°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 605.01 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of sidewalk at #6508 St. Louis Avenue; 28' south of centerline of St. Louis Avenue. SP MO East N=316621± E=268297± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.686224°±(N/+) Long=90.289694°±(W/-) Page 17 of 50
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 629.13 FtUS (or) 191.759 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 629.53 FtUS "Standard Tablet" set 3 feet north of a stone wall and 8 feet west of a sidewalk; 33' west of the centerline of Lucas Hunt Road on the south side of the entrance at St. Louis Avenue. SP MO East N=316799± E=267962± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.687834°±(N/+) Long=90.293540°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 631.61 FtUS (or) 192.514 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 631.95 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of the south end of the west retaining wall in front of #2548 Lucas Hunt Road. SP MO East N=317315± E=267749± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.692487°±(N/+) Long=90.295975°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 648.83 FtUS (or) 197.765 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 649.15 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of a concrete base for an iron gate post (south post) at the entrance to the Glen Echo Country Club across the street from #3350 Lucas Hunt Road. SP MO East N=317940± E=267808± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.698116°±(N/+) Long=90.295281°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 572.08 FtUS (or) 174.371 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 572.41 FtUS "Sq" in the concrete traffic signal base of the south signal in the median at Brown Road and Woodson Road. SP MO East N=316846± E=261998± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.688358°±(N/+) Long=90.362091°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 647.27 FtUS "Sq" on the northwest corner of the first step to the entrance at #2480 Brown Road; 30' east of the centerline of Brown Road and 250' south of the centerline of Graceland. SP MO East N=318405± E=262876± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.702391°±(N/+) Long=90.351970°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 593.45 FtUS "Sq" on top of the northwest corner of the southwest barrier wall at bridge #A-2994; at Hwy. I-170 and Scudder Avenue. SP MO East N=322723± E=264199± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.741270°±(N/+) Long=90.336672°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 544.58 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of the west headwall of a paved ditch; 49' west of the centerline of Cypress Road and 78' north of the centerline of Tropic Drive extended. SP MO East N=322155± E=259633± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.736215°±(N/+) Long=90.389201°±(W/-) Page 18 of 50
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 715.49 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of a 10.5' concrete walk at the entrance to #10308 Lackland Road; 29' south of Lackland Road and 162' west of Uceyle Avenue. SP MO East N=317726± E=259855± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.696313°±(N/+) Long=90.386711°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 663.61 FtUS "U" on the southeast side of a triangular concrete base in front of the Overland Christian Church #2200 Lackland Road; 46' south of the center line and 65' west of the driveway. SP MO East N=318006± E=260589± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.698827°±(N/+) Long=90.378269°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 559.01 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of a 5'x 5' flower box on the northwest corner of shopping center; southeast corner of Airport Road and Midwood Avenue. [The description as written appears invalid. Examination of aerial photography and placement along a likely level run between benchmarks 9324 and 9327 suggest that benchmark 9326 might actually be at the southeast corner of Frost Avenue and Midwood Avenue. If recovered at either location, this benchmark should be verified in relation to a second benchmark.] SP MO East N=324992± E=264857± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.761700°±(N/+) Long=90.329054°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 582.77 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the concrete walk to house #8296 Frost Avenue; 29' south of the centerline and 31' east of the entrance to Independence Park. SP MO East N=324953± E=265181± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.761343°±(N/+) Long=90.325327°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 590.01 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the concrete walk to house #8102; 29' south of the centerline of Frost Avenue and 107' west of the centerline of Torlina Drive. SP MO East N=324851± E=265540± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.760418°±(N/+) Long=90.321198°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 601.46 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of the concrete porch at house #902; 70' south of the centerline of Frost and 110' west of the centerline of Hentschel Drive. SP MO East N=324801± E=265982± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.759960°±(N/+) Long=90.316114°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 615.62 FtUS (or) 187.642 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 615.98 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the first step to #2200 Normandy Drive; 65' north of the centerline of St. Charles Rock Road and 40' east of the centerline of Normandy Drive. SP MO East N=317373± E=265935± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.693044°±(N/+) Long=90.316826°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 647.03 FtUS "L" on the south corner of the walk to #2426 Normandy Drive; 30' east of the centerline of Normandy Drive and 48' south of the centerline of Greendale Drive. SP MO East N=317793± E=266111± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.696824°±(N/+) Long=90.314793°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 641.67 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of a planter box in front of #2939 Arlmont; 30' west of the centerline of Normandy Drive. SP MO East N=318399± E=266354± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.702279°±(N/+) Long=90.311985°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 622.08 FtUS (or) 189.611 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 622.40 FtUS "Sq" on the southwest corner of the porch at #7807 St. Charles Rock Road; 81' north of the center line of St. Charles Rock Road and 95' west of the centerline of Carson Road. [5’ south and 3’ east of southeast building corner] SP MO East N=317915± E=265150± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.697940°±(N/+) Long=90.325838°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 645.77 FtUS (or) 196.830 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 646.08 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of the porch entrance to St. Anns Catholic School at #7532 Natural Bridge Road. SP MO East N=318725± E=267329± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.705197°±(N/+) Long=90.300768°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 569.95 FtUS (or) 173.721 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 570.27 FtUS "Sq" at north end of concrete traffic signal base; 40' north of the centerline of St. Charles Rock Road and 30' west of Cypress Avenue. SP MO East N=321800± E=259511± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.733018°±(N/+) Long=90.390609°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 14464 in Chapter 14.]
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 650.46 FtUS (or) 198.260 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 650.84 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped "SL-16 RESET, 2000" situated in the tree lawn south of Natural Bridge Road and north of the sidewalk in front of the Natural Bridge Branch of the St. Louis County Library addressed as #7606 Natural Bridge Road; roughly 100 feet east of the centerline of the library entrance drive, 2.4 feet south of the back of curb, 33 feet east of a fire hydrant, and 22 feet north of a light pole. SP MO East N=318774.7± E=267263.5± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.705646°±(N/+) Long=90.301520°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 480.20 FtUS "Sq" on the concrete base of a flag pole at #400 Paul Avenue. SP MO East N=322460± E=267764± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.738836°±(N/+) Long=90.295671°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 605.93 FtUS (or) 184.687 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 606.30 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the concrete base for the flagpole at #8865 Natural Bridge Road; 150' north of the centerline of Natural Bridge road and 300' west of the centerline of Leeward Road. SP MO East N=319932± E=265134± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.716111°±(N/+) Long=90.325977°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 513.34 FtUS "Cross" on top of the northwest bolt of the west leg of the Clark Service Station sign at #1700 Florissant Road; 60' east of the centerline of Florissant Road and 200' south of Evans Avenue. [Aerial photography from 2010 suggests that the sign base may have been in place, but that the site is no longer improved as a gas station.] SP MO East N=320841± E=267030± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.724266°±(N/+) Long=90.304153°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 566.10 FtUS (or) 172.548 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 566.42 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of a concrete base for a flagpole at #9850 St. Charles Rock Road; 125' south of St. Charles Rock Road and 200' west of the centerline of Wismer Road. SP MO East N=320676± E=260993± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.722875°±(N/+) Long=90.373582°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 563.94 FtUS (or) 171.890 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 564.30 FtUS "Sq" on curb at island for sign at #9738 St. Charles Rock Road; 50' from the centerline of St. Charles Rock Road and 200' from the centerline of Airway Drive. SP MO East N=320379± E=261453± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.720194°±(N/+) Long=90.368297°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 533.42 FtUS (or) 162.587 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 533.89 FtUS "Sq" on a concrete traffic signal base situated on a triangular median island situated north of Banshee Road, southwest of James S. McDonell Boulevard (formerly Brown Road), and east of the right turn lane from southeast bound James S. McDonnell Boulevard onto westbound Banshee Road; roughly 32 feet southwest of the center of James S. McDonnell Boulevard and 24 feet north of the centerline of Banshee Road. SP MO East N=324580± E=263010± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.758018°±(N/+) Long=90.350313°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 609.30 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of the concrete step four feet behind the concrete walk at the mailbox to house #9702 Midland; 60' south of the centerline of Midland Boulevard and 50' west of the centerline of West Milton Avenue. SP MO East N=318959± E=261215± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.707404°±(N/+) Long=90.371057°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 527.95 FtUS "Sq" in the concrete parking lot slab; 3 feet south of the gas meters to building #8949 Frost Avenue. 120' east of the southwest corner of the building. [In October 2012, the mark was very faint due to weathering. Benchmark was noted as being protected from cars behind bollards.] SP MO East N=325225± E=263463± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.763822°±(N/+) Long=90.345089°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 568.71 FtUS (or) 173.342 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 569.05 FtUS "Sq" on the concrete signal base at the intersection of St. Charles Rock Road and Edmunson Road; 31' west of the centerline of Edmunson Road. SP MO East N=320209± E=261765± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.718658°±(N/+) Long=90.364712°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 646.03 FtUS "Sq" on the concrete base for a flag pole in front of the Overland School (now the Ritenour Board of Education) at #2420 Woodson Road; 57' east of the centerline of Woodson Road and 470' north of Lackland. SP MO East N=318312± E=262019± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.701565°±(N/+) Long=90.361824°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 650.58 FtUS "Sq" at the center and east end of the concrete encasement for an 8" CMP. Under the driveway to #10627 Midwest Industrial Boulevard; 90' west of the centerline of Ashby Road and 30' north of the centerline of Midwest Industrial Boulevard. SP MO East N=316799± E=259309± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.687967°±(N/+) Long=90.393000°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 571.74 FtUS (or) 174.266 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 572.05 FtUS "L" in the center of a concrete drive approach at #8800 Airport Road; 30' south of the centerline of Airport Road and 67' west of the centerline of Caroline Avenue. SP MO East N=323643± E=263854± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.749564°±(N/+) Long=90.340622°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 597.26 FtUS (or) 182.046 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 597.63 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of the walk at #8017 Airport Road 4 feet south of the southeast corner of the building; 65' from the centerline of Airport Road and 72' from Witsell Avenue. SP MO East N=323599± E=265659± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.749137°±(N/+) Long=90.319858°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 593.34 FtUS "U" on top of the curb on the northeast corner of James S. McDonnell Boulevard and Berkeley Drive; 73' north of the centerline of James S. McDonnell Boulevard and 16' east of the centerline of Berkeley Drive. SP MO East N=322597± E=264044± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.740138°±(N/+) Long=90.338457°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 711.04 FtUS "Sq" on the south end of a concrete retaining wall at #2305 Ashby Road; opposite Eaglewood Drive. SP MO East N=318162± E=259470± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.700245°±(N/+) Long=90.391131°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 681.24 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of door sill at #10501 Emerald Ridge Drive. SP MO East N=318561± E=259481± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.703839°±(N/+) Long=90.390999°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 681.71 FtUS "L" on the south end of a retaining wall; east side of Ashby road, 150' north of Handom Place. SP MO East N=317373± E=259424± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.693137°±(N/+) Long=90.391670°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 690.78 FtUS "Sq" on the signal base at the northeast corner of bridge along Ashby Road over Midland Avenue. SP MO East N=318672± E=259575± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.704838°±(N/+) Long=90.389916°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 700.04 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the south end of a retaining wall at #2801 Ashby Road. SP MO East N=318996± E=259581± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.707757°±(N/+) Long=90.389843°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 709.00 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of retaining wall; southwest corner of Ashby Road and Wurdack Avenue. SP MO East N=319148± E=259602± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.709126°±(N/+) Long=90.389599°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 700.80 FtUS "L" on the south end of concrete wall; north west corner of Scotland Drive and Ashby Road. SP MO East N=318006± E=259454± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.698839°±(N/+) Long=90.391317°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 657.66 FtUS (or) 200.454 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 658.00 FtUS "Sq" on top of concrete signal base in island; southeast corner of Natural Bridge and Hanley Roads. SP MO East N=319315± E=265702± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.710543°±(N/+) Long=90.319460°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 632.83 FtUS (or) 192.887 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 633.17 FtUS Cut "L" on southwest corner of concrete base of traffic signal control box at the northeast corner of the intersection of North Hanley Road with University Place Drive (formerly Geiger Road) near the southwest corner of the parking lot for the BiState Development Agency North Hanley Metrolink Station at #4300 Hanley Road, at the north edge of sidewalk and roughly 43 feet west of the northwest corner of the first catch basin east of North Hanley Road along the north side of University Place Drive. SP MO East N=320169± E=265879± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.718233°±(N/+) Long=90.317405°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 633.28 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the top step at #4000 Hanley Road; northeast corner of Jane and Hanley Roads. SP MO East N=319685± E=265724± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.713876°±(N/+) Long=90.319199°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 693.49 FtUS (or) 211.375 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 693.79 FtUS Aluminum disk near the northwest corner of bridge #219 along Ashby Road over Midland Avenue, centered on top of the concrete barrier wall between the southbound lanes of Ashby Road and the sidewalk along the west side of bridge; approximately opposite the northern end of chain link fence rail west of the sidewalk, and roughly two feet south of a concrete joint in the barrier wall at the northern edge of the bridge deck. SP MO East N=318645± E=259547± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.704595°±(N/+) Long=90.390239°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 661.99 FtUS "Spike" in power pole at front of house 3125 Ashby Road; intersection of Baltimore Avenue. SP MO East N=319534± E=259629± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.712603°±(N/+) Long=90.389284°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 534.83 FtUS RM 331 FEMA PANEL 187; Chiseled square at the southeast corner of the east headwall of concrete box culvert for the Northeast branch River Des Peres under Raft Drive. [40’ north of the centerline of Allen Green Drive] SP MO East N=316231± E=265519± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.682763°±(N/+) Long=90.321633°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 14465 in Chapter 14.]
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 518.81 FtUS (or) 158.134 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 519.23 FtUS RM 404 FEMA PANEL 187; Chiseled square on top of the southwest corner of south concrete headwall of the 36-inch concrete pipe, 35 feet upstream from the upstream end of the St.Louis Belt and Terminal Railway culvert over Northeast branch River Des Peres. [This benchmark is south of and behind property addressed as #7232 Mallard Avenue.] SP MO East N=315880± E=266044± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.679592°±(N/+) Long=90.315607°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 580.62 FtUS RM 386 FEMA PANEL 186; Chiseled square on top of concrete side wall of River Des Peres, 30 feet upstream of the Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railroad. SP MO East N=316135± E=261056± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.681965°±(N/+) Long=90.372930°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 559.85 FtUS RM 390 FEMA PANEL 186; Chiseled square on the southwest corner of the south wingwall of entrance road bridge over River Des Peres north tributary at the entrance to the U.S. Army Publication Center. SP MO East N=316307± E=262047± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.683502°±(N/+) Long=90.361537°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 540.43 FtUS RM 424 FEMA PANEL 157; Top of the southeast corner of the west concrete headwall of the footbridge over Coldwater Creek in St Ann Park, located approximately 900 feet upstream of Interstate 70. SP MO East N=322640± E=260322± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.740576°±(N/+) Long=90.381269°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 567.09 FtUS RM 216 FEMA PANEL 176; A chiseled square located on the northeast corner of the south concrete headwall at St.Charles Rock Road bridge over Coldwater Creek. SP MO East N=320217± E=261703± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.718731°±(N/+) Long=90.365425°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 520.20 FtUS RM 209 FEMA PANEL 177; Chiseled square on southeast corner of North Hanley Road bridge over Maline Creek. SP MO East N=321425± E=265279± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.729559°±(N/+) Long=90.324277°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 508.36 FtUS RM 342 FEMA PANEL 177; Bolt spike and copper washer on northeast side of power pole number MKL 254 with light, located 25 feet southeast of intersection of Smith Court and Suburban Avenue, 15 feet south of centerline of Suburban Avenue, 1.0 foot above ground. SP MO East N=321684± E=265541± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.731888°±(N/+) Long=90.321258°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 514.45 FtUS RM 244 FEMA PANEL 181; Chiseled square on northwest corner of south headwall of storm drain located at south edge of parking area for Northwest Chiropractic Center on west side of Florrisant Road, north of entrance ramp to westbound Interstate 70. SP MO East N=320718± E=266927± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.723160°±(N/+) Long=90.305341°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 494.83 FtUS RM 294 FEMA PANEL 181; Boat spike and copper washer in north side of power pole number MF 130 (with light) approximately 15 feet south centerline of Suburban Avenue and 30 feet southeast of intersection of Georgia and Suburban Avenues. SP MO East N=322075± E=266479± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.735393°±(N/+) Long=90.310461°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 477.80 FtUS RM 296 FEMA PANEL 181; Chiseled square in northwest corner of downstream headwall of culvert under Highmont Drive, approximately 150 feet east of intersection of Forestwood and Highmont Drives. SP MO East N=322842± E=268673± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.742259°±(N/+) Long=90.285205°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 509.20 FtUS RM 297 FEMA PANEL 181; Chiseled cross in concrete plug set in ground approximately 300 feet west of intersection of Chambers Road and Day Drive, along Chambers Road. SP MO East N=323647± E=268220± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.749520°±(N/+) Long=90.290395°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 489.40 FtUS RM 299 FEMA PANEL 181; Square chiseled on west end of south headwall of small culvert on south side of Elkan Avenue, approximately 200 feet east of Florrisant Boulevard. SP MO East N=321876± E=267319± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.733584°±(N/+) Long=90.300804°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 535.50 FtUS RM 407 FEMA PANEL 191; "O" on OPEN on fire hydrant at the northwest corner of Kingsland Avenue and Wells Avenue. SP MO East N=316141± E=267113± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.681923°±(N/+) Long=90.303315°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 540.36 FtUS (or) 164.703 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 540.75 FtUS RM 408 FEMA PANEL 191; Chiseled cross on top of north rim of manhole 350 feet upstream from the upstream end of St.Charles Rock Road over Engelholm Creek. SP MO East N=316601± E=267111± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.686067°±(N/+) Long=90.303327°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 517.80 FtUS RM 301 FEMA PANEL 68; Chiseled square approximately 1 foot east of west edge of south concrete headwall for 6-foot by 6foot culvert carrying Ferguson Branch under Thoroughman Avenue. SP MO East N=323797± E=267015± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.750896°±(N/+) Long=90.304253°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 639.85 FtUS (or) 195.028 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 640.26 FtUS “L” on the southwest corner of the second step of an entrance to apartments #7121 thru #7159 Lexington; 27.5’ north and 133’ east of the centerline-centerline of Lucas and Hunt and Lexington. SP MO East N=317674± E=267730± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.695721°±(N/+) Long=90.296185°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 651.69 FtUS (or) 198.634 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 652.06 FtUS “U” on the south side of a traffic signal base; 54’ east of the centerline of concrete island of Lucas and Hunt and 33’ south of the centerline of concrete island of Natural Bridge. SP MO East N=318295± E=268043± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.701309°±(N/+) Long=90.292570°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 643.00 FtUS (or) 195.988 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 643.37 FtUS “U” on the north side of a traffic signal base; 29’ south of the centerline of Natural Bridge at Nelson Drive at 6908 Natural Bridge. SP MO East N=317901± E=268447± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.697752°±(N/+) Long=90.287936°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 624.74 FtUS (or) 190.422 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 625.10 FtUS “L” on the northeast corner of the north sign of a concrete base for Beverly Hills Shopping Center at 6700 Natural Bridge. SP MO East N=317638± E=268669± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.695378°±(N/+) Long=90.285391°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 10178 in Chapter 10.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 555.30 FtUS (or) 169.257 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 555.66 FtUS Aluminum tablet stamped "9-430" set in the northeast barrier wall of St Louis County Bridge #263 constructed in 2008 for Woodson Road over River Des Peres and directly above an aluminum commemorative plaque on the inside face of the barrier wall. Benchmark is roughly 180 feet northwest of the centerline of Interstate 170, 37 feet northwest of the center of Pennell Drive, and 12 feet northwest of the southeast end of the barrier wall between the traveled pavement of Woodson Road and the sidewalk along the northeast side of Bridge #263. SP MO East N=316074± E=262409± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.681398°±(N/+) Long=90.357381°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 600.47 FtUS "Sq" on northwest corner of concrete walk at entrance to #270 Reasor Drive; 6' east of northwest corner of walk and 46' east of centerline of Reasor Drive, 23' north of centerline of Elbring Drive. [This is prior BM 4207 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 9.] SP MO East N=325166± E=265452± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.763257°±(N/+) Long=90.322204°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 639.83 FtUS (or) 195.022 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 640.24 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of a concrete porch at #1141 North Florissant Road; 57' west of North Florissant Road and 35' south of White Avenue. [This is prior BM 4241 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 9.] SP MO East N=325099± E=266221± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.762640°±(N/+) Long=90.313357°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 593.85 FtUS "L" on south corner of 2.5' wide curved concrete walk at south end of east guard rail; on Lindbergh Boulevard overpass of Hwy I-70. [This is prior BM 8002 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 9.] SP MO East N=322934± E=259089± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.743238°±(N/+) Long=90.395448°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 641.20 FtUS (or) 195.437 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 641.50 FtUS Chiseled cross on top of the screw in plug centered on top of the electric box forming part of the base for railroad signal situated 18 feet west of the centerline of Warson Road and 23 feet north of the Rock Island Railroad tracks. Benchmark is on the highest part of the base and is directly north of the signal mast. SP MO East N=316597± E=259151± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.686149°±(N/+) Long=90.394819°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 656.61 FtUS (or) 200.134 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 656.91 FtUS "Sq" on center of water meter box on northeast side of entrance to building at #1440 Warson Road; 34' west of centerline of Warson Road and 53' south of centerline of Midwest Industrial Drive. [This is prior BM 8025 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 9.] SP MO East N=316818± E=259083± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.688141°±(N/+) Long=90.395597°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 694.15 FtUS (or) 211.578 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 694.46 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of bottom concrete step at front entrance to #1833 Warson Road; 91' south from centerline of Oak Avenue and 48' west from centerline of Warson Road. [This is prior BM 8028 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 9.] SP MO East N=317410± E=258997± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.693475°±(N/+) Long=90.396578°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 689.98 FtUS "U" on southeast corner of walk to entrance of house #10575 Oak Avenue; 328' east of centerline of Warson Road and 32' north of centerline of Oak Avenue. [This is prior BM 8029 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 9.] SP MO East N=317468± E=259108± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.693996°±(N/+) Long=90.395301°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 557.56 FtUS "Cross" on the southwest corner of a signal control box; 40' south of the centerline of St. Charles Rock Road and 24' east of the centerline of Adie Road. [This is prior BM 8236 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 9.] SP MO East N=321973± E=259222± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.734580°±(N/+) Long=90.393931°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 566.99 FtUS (or) 172.818 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 567.26 FtUS “X” on the south end of a culvert headwall at the end of the entrance ramp from west bound I-70 to north-bound Lindbergh; 55’ east of the centerline of Lindbergh and 0.1 mile north of the centerline of west bound I-70. [This is prior BM 8298 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 9.] SP MO East N=323194± E=259173± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.745580°±(N/+) Long=90.394478°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 590.88 FtUS RM 387 FEMA PANEL 167; "Sq" on concrete side wall; northwest end of bridge at Dielman Road over River Des Peres. [This is prior BM 14395 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 9.] SP MO East N=316187± E=260782± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.682437°±(N/+) Long=90.376078°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 602.99 FtUS RM 388 FEMA PANEL 167; "O" in OPEN on fire hydrant; 2,000 feet west of the bridge along Dielman Road over River Des Peres at Rothwell Height Place. [This is prior BM 14396 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 9.] SP MO East N=316332± E=260201± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.683750°±(N/+) Long=90.382754°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 542.59 FtUS RM 486 FEMA PANEL 187; "Sq" on walk at northeast corner #1543 Mendell Drive at light standard and catch basin. [This is prior BM 14448 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 9.] SP MO East N=315975± E=263631± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.680488°±(N/+) Long=90.343338°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 586.69 FtUS (or) 178.822 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 586.99 FtUS Chiseled "L" on the westernmost corner of the concrete base of a traffic signal control box at the southeast corner of the intersection of Natural Bridge Road (as relocated in 2003) with the exit ramp from northbound Lindbergh Boulevard to Natural Bridge Road; roughly 70' south of the centerline of Natural Bridge Road and 33' east of the centerline of the northbound exit ramp from Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=323517± E=259365± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.748488°±(N/+) Long=90.392265°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 687.31 FtUS (or) 209.494 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 687.62 FtUS Cut "U" centered on top edge of chamfer at the westernmost corner of concrete base for sign at small shopping center addressed in a range between #10621 and #10649 Lackland Road at the northeast corner of Lackland and Warson Roads; roughly 35 feet north of the centerline of Lackland Road and 32 feet east of the centerline of Warson Road. SP MO East N=317665± E=258962± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.695772°±(N/+) Long=90.396977°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 579.15 FtUS (or) 176.524 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 579.55 FtUS Cut "L" on northeast corner of 9'x6' concrete pad for fire hydrant adjacent to the south side of the northern driveway for Mid County Fire Protection District at #1875 Pennsylvania Avenue; roughly 44 feet west of the centerline of Pennsylvania Avenue, 24 feet east of the flagpole and 5 feet northeast of the fire hydrant. SP MO East N=316545± E=266297± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.685578°±(N/+) Long=90.312684°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 598.34 FtUS (or) 182.375 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 598.75 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest or westernmost corner of the concrete base of the traffic signal control box situated south of the right turn lane from northbound Pennsylvania Avenue onto eastbound St Charles Rock Road; roughly 59 feet east of the centerline of Pennsylvania Avenue and 50 feet southwest of the centerline of St Charles Rock Road. SP MO East N=316913± E=266405± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.688891°±(N/+) Long=90.311434°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 548.20 FtUS (or) 167.093 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 548.52 FtUS Cut "U" on the south side of round concrete base for traffic signal mast northeast of Lambert International Boulevard (also known as Natural Bridge Road) at Cypress Road supporting a signal arm controlling traffic northbound on Cypress Road; roughly 40 feet east of the northerly prolongation of the centerline of Cypress Road from the south and 42 feet north of the centerline of Lambert International Boulevard. SP MO East N=323062± E=260015± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.744382°±(N/+) Long=90.384794°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 547.20 FtUS (or) 166.788 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 547.52 FtUS Cut "Sq" on the top southwest corner of a concrete curb around a roughly 20'x29' landscaped area west of an entrance drive to airport parking and surrounding a silver metallic sign designating the parking as a "Cell Phone Lot". The benchmark is 0.3 miles more or less east of Cypress Road along the north side of Lambert International Boulevard (also known as Natural Bridge Road); near the east end of a black chain link fence, roughly 43 feet north of the centerline of Lambert International Boulevard and 50 feet west of the centerline of access drive to parking. SP MO East N=322971± E=260455± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.743557°±(N/+) Long=90.379734°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 562.09 FtUS (or) 171.325 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 562.41 FtUS "O" in OPEN on red painted fire hydrant in grass area north of the sidewalk, south of a chain link fence, and east of the driveway entrance to parking for property addressed as #10900 Lambert International Boulevard, 0.6 miles more or less east of Cypress Road along the north side of Lambert International Boulevard (also known as Natural Bridge Road). Benchmark is roughly 24 feet east of the centerline of drive to parking, and 60 feet north of centerline Lambert International Boulevard. SP MO East N=323104± E=260913± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.744749°±(N/+) Long=90.374464°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 584.08 FtUS (or) 178.027 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 584.41 FtUS Found "Sq" near the top southwest corner of the concrete wall supporting and forming the curb stop for the south side of eastbound Lambert International Boulevard west of the bridge over Air Flight Drive generally south of the main terminal at Lambert Airport and immediately south of the end of a decorative steel pipe rail along the top of said concrete wall. The benchmark is roughly 39 feet south of the centerline of a median island between eastbound and westbound Lambert International Boulevard, 36 feet north of the center of a three lane exit ramp from eastbound Lambert International Boulevard to Air Flight Drive and to westbound I-70, 142 feet east of the western bull nose end of concrete median between the ramp and thru pavement, and 54 feet west of the southern support post for framework over eastbound Lambert International Boulevard with directional signs to "Parking Garage", "East Terminal", and "To I-70 East I-170". SP MO East N=322668± E=261570± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.740813°±(N/+) Long=90.366913°±(W/-) Page 33 of 50
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 572.15 FtUS (or) 174.392 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 572.48 FtUS Cut "L" on the top northeast corner of concrete base for traffic signal control box located southwest of the intersection of Air Flight Drive with the ramp onto westbound I-70; roughly 18 feet north of and below the north edge of the westbound lanes of the I-70 bridge over Air Flight Drive, 35 feet west of the centerline of Air Flight Drive, and 48 feet south of the centerline of ramp onto westbound I-70. SP MO East N=322538± E=261618± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.739641°±(N/+) Long=90.366363°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 564.44 FtUS (or) 172.042 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 564.78 FtUS Cut "L" on the top northwest corner of the concrete base for metal traffic signal control box situated southeast of the intersection of Natural Bridge Road with Edmundson Road; roughly 37 feet east of the centerline of Edmundson Road, 41 feet south of the centerline of Natural Bridge Road, and 24 feet north of the center of a curb inlet at the northwest corner of the parking lot and outside of the steel picket fence with brick columns for the Drury Inn hotel addressed as #10490 Natural Bridge Road. SP MO East N=322400± E=261820± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.738395°±(N/+) Long=90.364042°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 567.91 FtUS (or) 173.099 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 568.25 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-110 situated in the tree lawn south of Natural Bridge Road and north of the sidewalk between the two entrances to Hertz Rent a Car property addressed as #10278 Natural Bridge Road; roughly 25 feet south of the centerline of Natural Bridge Road, 55 feet west of the centerline of east entrance drive to Hertz, 9 feet north of a fire hydrant, and 500 feet more or less west of the centerline of Woodson Road. <NGS PID=" AA8629", Designation="SL 110"> SP MO East N=322157.0± E=262341.1± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.736199°±(N/+) Long=90.358053°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 566.30 FtUS (or) 172.608 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 566.64 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-110A situated in the tree lawn south of the sidewalk along the south side of Natural Bridge Road 1300 feet more or less east of Woodson Road and 75 feet more or less northeast of the easternmost corner of the easternmost store in a small commercial shopping center addressed as #10042 Natural Bridge Road; roughly 19 feet south of the solid white painted stripe between the eastbound driving lane and the south shoulder of Natural Bridge Road, 22 feet west of the centerline of the eastern entrance to shopping center, and 15 feet north of the north edge of parking lot. <NGS PID=" AA8629", Designation="Accessory to SL 110"> SP MO East N=321837± E=262813± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.733310°±(N/+) Long=90.352631°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 586.52 FtUS (or) 178.773 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 586.87 FtUS Cut "Sq" near the easternmost corner of a 2'x2' concrete base, from which the sign has been removed, situated in the grass southwest of the sidewalk and southeast of the easternmost drive entrance from Natural Bridge Road to commercial property addressed as #9802 Natural Bridge Road, 90 feet more or less southwest of the centerline of Natural Bridge Road; roughly 27 feet northeast of the easternmost corner of commercial building, 50 feet northwest of the centerline of Picajune Avenue, and 32 feet southwest of a fire hydrant. SP MO East N=321562± E=263242± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.730826°±(N/+) Long=90.347702°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 605.93 FtUS (or) 184.689 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 606.28 FtUS Cut "L" on northwest corner of northernmost concrete curb at 3'x5' steel grate near the northwest corner of Del Taco restaurant property addressed as #9650 Natural Bridge Road; roughly 51 feet south of the center of the westbound lanes of Natural Bridge Road, 52 feet east of the centerline of Brown Road, and 7 feet northwest of the northwest corner of a brick dumpster enclosure. SP MO East N=321343± E=263535± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.728849°±(N/+) Long=90.344336°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 625.21 FtUS (or) 190.564 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 625.57 FtUS Cut "L" on the southernmost corner of sidewalk slab, excluding the concrete curb, for the sidewalk around the Dominos Pizza store addressed as #9432 Natural Bridge Road and situated on Lot 1 of "LLEWELLYN PLACE" (Plat Book 347, Page 496); roughly 32 feet northwest of the centerline of cross access drive connecting eastbound and westbound Natural Bridge Road, 20 feet south of the southernmost corner of brick restaurant building, and 174 feet more or less northeast of the centerline of eastbound Natural Bridge Road. SP MO East N=320956± E=263950± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.725356°±(N/+) Long=90.339571°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 543.41 FtUS (or) 165.633 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 543.78 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of the concrete base for metal traffic signal control box situated north and west of the intersection of Natural Bridge Road with I-170; approximately in the northerly prolongation of the exit ramp from southbound I-170 to Natural Bridge Road, in a grassy area north of westbound Natural Bridge Road, 40 feet more or less west (assumed parallel to Natural Bridge Road) of the elevated western edge of the I-170 overpass. SP MO East N=320399± E=264566± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.720328°±(N/+) Long=90.332499°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 562.23 FtUS (or) 171.368 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 562.60 FtUS Cut "L" in the northernmost corner of the 6'x7' concrete base for free standing sign at "Hucks" gas station addressed as #9038 Natural Bridge Road, approximately 0.2 miles southeast of the center of I-170 along Natural Bridge Road, at the intersection with Maline Avenue which runs southwesterly to the "Park Express" parking garage. Benchmark is roughly 31 feet southwest of the curb along Natural Bridge Road, 39 feet southeast of the centerline of Maline Avenue, and 14 feet north of the northernmost corner of a modular block wall with steel fence forming a storm water basin. SP MO East N=320114± E=264796± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.717757°±(N/+) Long=90.329860°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 625.99 FtUS (or) 190.803 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 626.36 FtUS Cut "L" in the northwest corner of concrete pad just south of the public sidewalk at bottom of steps leading to sidewalk running along the east side of a brick house addressed as #8800 Natural Bridge Road; located 140 feet more or less northwest along the public sidewalk from the west curb rounding at Ramona Avenue, roughly 34 feet southwest of the centerline of Natural Bridge Road, 15 feet northeast of the northeast corner of brick house, and 17 feet east of the east edge of walk and steps leading to the front porch of brick house. SP MO East N=319675± E=265345± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.713792°±(N/+) Long=90.323557°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 657.98 FtUS (or) 200.553 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 658.36 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-16A2 glued into a drill hole in a 2'x2' concrete pad situated in the tree lawn between the south edge of sidewalk and the north curb near the southwest end of the right turn lane from southbound Florissant Road onto westbound Natural Bridge Road, and south of a commercial building addressed between #7316 and #7320 Florissant Road; located 2.0 feet south of the south edge of sidewalk, 1.3 feet north of the curb, and roughly 27 feet northwest of the westernmost bull nose rounding of a triangular concrete traffic island situated southeast of the aforesaid right turn lane, west of Florissant Road, and north of Natural Bridge Road. SP MO East N=318631± E=267665± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.704344°±(N/+) Long=90.296907°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 569.03 FtUS (or) 173.442 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 569.36 FtUS Found Defense Mapping Agency Tablet stamped DMAAC7GGAA YEAR 1992 centered in and one foot east of the west end of the west wingwall at the north end of a walkway tunnel under Lambert International Boulevard (also known as Natural Bridge Road). The tunnel is apparently associated with U.S. Military facilities and is across the street from the westernmost of two static mounted fighter jets flanking an entrance gate located south of Lambert International Boulevard, 0.8 miles more or less east of Cypress Road and 0.36 miles more or less west of the Lambert International Boulevard bridge over Air Flight Drive. Benchmark is roughly 32 feet north of the centerline of the westbound lanes of Lambert International Boulevard and 46 feet west of the centerline of an airport access road running north from Lambert International Boulevard opposite the aforesaid military gate flanked by static mounted jet fighters. SP MO East N=322978± E=261200± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.743611°±(N/+) Long=90.371164°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 547.27 FtUS (or) 166.807 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 547.66 FtUS Cut "L" on the westernmost corner of the 14'x4' concrete base for an ATM machine located on the southeast corner of Hanley Road and Frost Avenue in the parking lot northwest of the Frost Liquor store addressed as #6796 North Hanley Road; roughly 67 feet east of the centerline of Hanley Road and 43 feet south of the centerline of Frost Avenue. SP MO East N=325080± E=264191± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.762504°±(N/+) Long=90.336715°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 594.92 FtUS (or) 181.333 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 595.28 FtUS Found "L" on the southwest corner of a one foot wide curved concrete wall returning south from the western end of the southern abutment wall for Bridge No 165 at Missouri Bottom Road over the Norfolk and Western Railroad tracks, and being west of the sidewalk along the right turn lane from southeast bound Missouri Bottom Road onto westbound Fee Fee Road; roughly 50 feet southwest of the centerline of Missouri Bottom Road and 30 feet north of the centerline of Fee Fee Road. SP MO East N=324756± E=259926± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.759643°±(N/+) Long=90.385794°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 09:
Rev: 08/06/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 527.72 FtUS (or) 160.848 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 528.12 FtUS Cut square on the top centerline at centerline of a 1'x8.5' concrete headwall extending northeasterly from the northeast edge of James S McDonnell Boulevard at the northwest end of pavement rounding between the northwest edge of Byasse Drive and James S. McDonnell Boulevard. SP MO East N=324952± E=261860± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.761385°±(N/+) Long=90.363538°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 575.69 FtUS (or) 175.472 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 576.09 FtUS Found "L" on the southeast corner of the 2 foot square concrete base for a traffic signal on the triangular traffic island situated southeast of the right turn lane from southbound James S McDonnell Boulevard onto westbound Genaire Drive; roughly 30 feet west of the centerline of James S McDonnell Boulevard and 30 feet north of the centerline of Genaire Drive. SP MO East N=323840± E=263132± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.751349°±(N/+) Long=90.348924°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 584.82 FtUS (or) 178.255 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 585.22 FtUS Cut "U" on the top center of the northwest edge closest to Airport Road of a 4'x3' concrete base for traffic signal control box situated east of the intersection of James S McDonnell Boulevard with Airport Road; roughly 30 feet southeast of the centerline of median island within Airport Road, and 45 feet northeast of the centerline of James S McDonnell Boulevard. SP MO East N=323612± E=263407± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.749291°±(N/+) Long=90.345764°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 587.29 FtUS (or) 179.006 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 587.67 FtUS "O" in "OPEN" on fire hydrant located at northwest corner of intersection of Hanley Road with Shellbark Avenue; roughly 30 feet west of the centerline of Hanley Road, and 20 feet more or less north of the center of Shellbark Avenue. SP MO East N=317569± E=264895± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.694828°±(N/+) Long=90.328776°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 597.82 FtUS (or) 182.217 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 598.21 FtUS "O" in "OPEN" on fire hydrant located at northwest corner of intersection of Hanley Road with Alert Drive; roughly 49 feet west of the centerline of Hanley Road, 23 feet north of the centerline of Alert Drive, and 17 feet west or slightly southwest of a traffic signal. SP MO East N=316885± E=264883± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.688666°±(N/+) Long=90.328929°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 594.66 FtUS (or) 181.253 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 595.05 FtUS Cut "U" on the top east edge of the round concrete base for a small traffic signal situated on the southwest corner of the intersection of Page Avenue with Hanley Road, immediately south of the stop line at the east end of the right turn lane along the south side of eastbound Page Avenue; roughly 48 feet northwest of the northern bull nose end of the median island within Hanley Road, 84 feet northeast of the northeast corner of the Jiffy Lube building addressed as #8000 Page Avenue, and 5 feet southwest of a wooden utility pole with multiple cross arms and an overhead street lamp. SP MO East N=316303± E=264882± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.683423°±(N/+) Long=90.328953°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 641.74 FtUS (or) 195.603 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 642.12 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-117A situated in a grassy area approximately opposite the northwest end of an ornamental white picket fence in the front yard of house addressed as #1140 North Florissant Road; roughly 1 foot behind the back of an asphalt sidewalk, 6.5 feet northeast of the back of curb along the northeast side of North Florissant Road, 19 feet southeast of a manhole in the northeast edge of asphalt sidewalk, and 76 feet more or less southeast of the northeasterly prolongation of the centerline of White Drive. <NGS PID="AA8636", Designation="Accessory to SL 117"> SP MO East N=325105± E=266250± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.762694°±(N/+) Long=90.313023°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 638.85 FtUS (or) 194.721 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 639.15 FtUS Cut square on top of the concrete base of the southwest leg of an electric transmission tower situated 400 feet more or less north along Warson Road from Baur Boulevard, 64 feet east of the centerline of Warson Road, and 75 feet north of the centerline of railroad tracks at the entrance to Central Midland Railway Lackland Yard. There is a low metal guard rail around the transmission tower, and the square is at the southwest edge of the concrete tower base. SP MO East N=316610± E=259172± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.686266°±(N/+) Long=90.394577°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 653.12 FtUS (or) 199.070 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 653.41 FtUS Cut square on the top north side of a round concrete base for traffic signal situated southwest of the intersection of Ashby Road and Baur Boulevard, northeast of the parking lot for Saint Louis County Police Central Precinct at #1333 Ashby Road; roughly 41 feet west of the centerline of Ashby Road and 37 feet south of the centerline of Baur Boulevard. SP MO East N=316463± E=259230± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.684941°±(N/+) Long=90.393912°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 561.91 FtUS (or) 171.271 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 562.22 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-105A situated in a grassy area between the curb along the southwest side of St Charles Rock Road and the northeast edge of an entrance lane from eastbound St Charles Rock Road into Northwest Plaza Mall and situated in the southwesterly extension of the centerline of Banks Road roughly 0.15 miles southeast of the centerline of Lindbergh Boulevard, 5' southwest of the curb along St Charles Rock Road, and 25' east of the center of a grated inlet in the aforesaid entrance lane. Banks Road runs northeasterly from St Charles Rock Road along the northwest side of property at #4050 Banks Road containing both the Pattonville Learning Center and Holman Middle School. <NGS PID="AA8623", Designation="Accessory to SL 105"> SP MO East N=322173± E=258954± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.736384°±(N/+) Long=90.397011°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 518.08 FtUS (or) 157.912 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 518.47 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-107 situated in the tree lawn between the curb and sidewalk along the west side of Hanley Road and roughly 145 feet northwest of the center of a paved ditch for Maline Creek. It is 6 feet east of a concrete retaining wall; 2 feet west of the back of curb; 20 feet north of a speed limit sign; 22 feet north of the north end of a guardrail; and 98 feet north of the north end of a handrail west of sidewalk along the bridge across Maline Creek. <NGS PID="AA8625", Designation="SL 107"> SP MO East N=321464.5± E=265239.9± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.729915°±(N/+) Long=90.324726°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 632.48 FtUS (or) 192.780 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 632.87 FtUS Cut square on the north side of the concrete base of traffic signal in the center concrete median island of Lucas and Hunt Road on the southwest side of intersection with Burrwood Drive, roughly 0.2 miles northeast along Lucas and Hunt Road from center of bridge over I-70. SP MO East N=319628± E=268774± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.713303°±(N/+) Long=90.284130°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 628.14 FtUS (or) 191.456 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 628.53 FtUS Cut "U" in the Northeastern end of a concrete curb along the northwest side of an asphalt parking lot on property at #4718 Lucas and Hunt Road, at the northernmost corner of the asphalt parking lot and near the bottom southwestern end of a concrete retaining wall, at a point roughly 36' southeast of centerline Lucas and Hunt Road and 148' northeast of centerline Groveland Drive. SP MO East N=319168± E=268538± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.709164°±(N/+) Long=90.286856°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 612.13 FtUS (or) 186.578 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 612.52 FtUS Cut "U" on curb at north end of pavement rounding west of property #7137 Winchester Drive, roughly 41' northeast of centerline Winchester Drive and 25' southeast of centerline Lucas and Hunt Road. SP MO East N=318744± E=268291± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.705349°±(N/+) Long=90.289707°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 650.79 FtUS (or) 198.361 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 651.18 FtUS Cut "L" in northwest corner of concrete base for traffic signal control box west of the Walgreens store at #7199 Natural Bridge Road in the east quadrant of the intersection of Lucas and Hunt Road with Natural Bridge Road. SP MO East N=318323± E=268060± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.701561°±(N/+) Long=90.292374°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 609.99 FtUS (or) 185.924 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 610.39 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of the concrete base for a light standard near the southwest corner of the Conoco gas station at #1800 Lucas and Hunt Road, roughly 32' east of the centerline of Lucas and Hunt Road and 30' north of the centerline of Glenchort Drive (sometimes known as North Market Street). SP MO East N=316484± E=267919± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.684997°±(N/+) Long=90.294043°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 562.29 FtUS (or) 171.385 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 562.69 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-15A at the northeast corner of the intersection of Lucas and Hunt Road with Dr Martin Luther King Drive (sometimes known as St Charles Rock Road) in the tree lawn west of #6669 Dr Martin Luther King Drive. It is 7.34'southwest of the south anchor bolt of an abandoned concrete footing; 6.05' northwest of the center of a gas valve cover; 3.55' east of the back of curb; and 6.5' west of a carsonite witness post. <NGS PID="AA8656", Designation="Accessory to SL 15"> SP MO East N=316011± E=267813± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.680738°±(N/+) Long=90.295273°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 556.76 FtUS (or) 169.702 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 557.16 FtUS Cut square on southeast corner of the concrete pad for a traffic pull box at the northwest corner of St Charles Rock Road and Lulu Avenue, immediately north of and generally flush with the concrete sidewalk, roughly 32' north of centerline St Charles Rock Road and 45' west of centerline Lulu Avenue. SP MO East N=316224± E=267484± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.682663°±(N/+) Long=90.299049°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 552.88 FtUS (or) 168.518 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 553.28 FtUS Cut square on northeast corner of concrete pad for BP gas station sign near the southwest corner of property at #7329 St Charles Rock Road, roughly 61' east of centerline entrance to St Vincent Park and 46' north of centerline St Charles Rock Road. SP MO East N=316738± E=266716± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.687309°±(N/+) Long=90.307863°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 580.21 FtUS (or) 176.849 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 580.60 FtUS Cut square at northwest corner of concrete pad for signal pull box in front of Lake Charles Park Cemetery #7775 St Charles Rock Road, roughly 39' north of centerline St Charles Rock Road and 135' east of the centerline entrance to Lake Charles Park Cemetery at an ornate masonry two lane gate with central gate house and arched rows of columns. SP MO East N=317706± E=265440± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.696053°±(N/+) Long=90.322508°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 612.72 FtUS (or) 186.758 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 613.10 FtUS Chiseled cross on top of northeast anchor bolt on northern of two legs of Walgreens sign at #8000 St Charles Rock Road at the southwest corner of St Charles Rock Road and North Hanley Road. SP MO East N=318013± E=264918± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.698827°±(N/+) Long=90.328502°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 648.91 FtUS (or) 197.787 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 649.29 FtUS Cut square on top back of eastern curb line along North Hanley Road at the easterly prolongation of the centerline of Meridian Avenue, which runs west from North Hanley Road between properties at #2715 and #2801 North Hanley Road. The property east of North Hanley Road at this benchmark is addressed #2698 Carson Road. SP MO East N=318403± E=265185± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.702336°±(N/+) Long=90.325424°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 646.30 FtUS (or) 196.992 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 646.67 FtUS Cut square on top northwest corner at right angle bend in concrete retaining wall where the wall changes from running northerly along the back of sidewalk on the east side of North Hanley Road to running easterly along the south side of rear entrance drive to Bel-Nor Elementary School, roughly 35' east of centerline North Hanley Road at a point roughly 76' north of the easterly projection of the centerline of Trumbell Avenue, and at a distance of approximately 0.1 miles south from Natural Bridge Road. SP MO East N=319228± E=265637± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.709760°±(N/+) Long=90.320209°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 635.14 FtUS (or) 193.590 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 635.51 FtUS Cut square on top back of western curb line along North Hanley Road at the westerly prolongation of the centerline of Katherine Avenue, which runs east from North Hanley Road between properties at #3822 North Hanley Road and #8531 Katherine Avenue. The property west of North Hanley Road at this benchmark is addressed #3909 North Hanley Road. SP MO East N=319585± E=265702± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.712975°±(N/+) Long=90.319454°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 621.29 FtUS (or) 189.370 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 621.67 FtUS Cut "L" on northwest corner of concrete base for traffic signal control box situated southwest of the right turn lane from eastbound Evans Avenue West onto southbound North Hanley Road, slightly southeast of the handicap sidewalk ramp and crosswalk across said right turn lane and southwest of the existing sidewalk along the southwest side of said right turn lane, approximately 0.1 miles north along North Hanley Road from the intersection with the exit ramps north of I-70. SP MO East N=320710± E=265906± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.723107°±(N/+) Long=90.317083°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 562.32 FtUS (or) 171.394 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 562.70 FtUS Cut square on easternmost corner of concrete pad for flush mounted traffic pull box in the southeast part of the concrete traffic island situated west of the right turn lane from northbound Hanley Road onto eastbound Springdale Avenue, roughly 37' northeast of center Hanley Road and 44' southeast of center Springdale Avenue. SP MO East N=321201± E=265657± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.727534°±(N/+) Long=90.319935°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 536.53 FtUS (or) 163.535 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 536.92 FtUS Cross on top of mounting bolt at northwest leg of easternmost electric transmission tower roughly 60 feet west of centerline Hanley Road and 0.4 miles south of Scudder Avenue. SP MO East N=322098± E=264625± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.735633°±(N/+) Long=90.331785°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 575.80 FtUS (or) 175.505 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 576.19 FtUS Cut "L" on southwest corner of concrete base of sign for Airport Elementary School #8249 Airport Road in a grass lawn area west of the entrance drive to school and east of the exit drive, roughly 54' north of the centerline of Airport Road. The school building is situated behind a commercial property at #8233 Airport Road. The drives and sign for school are west of #8233 Airport Road and east of property addressed #6202 Tyndall Drive. SP MO East N=323684± E=265017± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.749914°±(N/+) Long=90.327241°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 550.05 FtUS (or) 167.656 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 550.44 FtUS Chiseled cross on top of the southeast anchor bolt of the light standard supporting two arms with florescent light fixtures within the southeast corner of asphalt parking at Boyd's Auto Repair #707 Chambers Road, roughly 43' north of centerline Chambers Road and 32' west of centerline Coppinger Drive. SP MO East N=323639± E=267915± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.749455°±(N/+) Long=90.293904°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 622.25 FtUS (or) 189.663 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 622.63 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-117 situated in the lawn behind an asphalt sidewalk on the east side of North Florissant Road south of a house addressed #900 North Florissant Road. Benchmark is roughly 7' east of the back of curb, 9' southeast of the northeast corner of a grated storm inlet, and 16' south of a utility pole, 0.1 miles north of Powell Avenue. <NGS PID="AA8636", Designation="SL 117"> SP MO East N=324569.3± E=266559.4± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.757862°±(N/+) Long=90.309476°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 605.79 FtUS (or) 184.644 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 606.11 FtUS Cut square in centerline east end of island for park sign at entrance from Dielman Road into "King Park" at #9800 Meeks Boulevard, roughly 30' west of centerline Dielman Road opposite the First Baptist Church of Elmwood Park #1452 Dielman Road. SP MO East N=316505± E=260821± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.685301°±(N/+) Long=90.375625°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 632.32 FtUS (or) 192.732 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 632.64 FtUS Cut "U" on south side of concrete base for traffic signal mast northwest of the intersection of Page Avenue with Dielman Road from the south and near the southwest corner of Bucky's gas station at #9791 Page Avenue, roughly 67' west of the centerline of west entrance to Bucky's gas station and 37' north of centerline Page Avenue. SP MO East N=316900± E=260861± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.688859°±(N/+) Long=90.375159°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 684.76 FtUS (or) 208.716 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 685.08 FtUS Cut square on top of curb near flagpole along north side of landscaped island situated north of Page Avenue and south of the canopy over the gas pumps at Phillips Petro-Mart #10001 Page Avenue. SP MO East N=317113± E=260286± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.690785°±(N/+) Long=90.381765°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 659.30 FtUS (or) 200.954 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 659.61 FtUS Cut "L" on southwest corner of concrete base for traffic signal control box on the north side of Page Avenue at the former McMurray Music Center #10201 Page Avenue, roughly 41' north of centerline Page Avenue and 43' west of the northerly projection of the centerline of Page Industrial Court which runs south from Page Avenue. SP MO East N=317153± E=259982± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.691149°±(N/+) Long=90.385259°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 685.76 FtUS (or) 209.021 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 686.07 FtUS Found square on west side of concrete base for traffic signal mast at the southwest corner of Page Avenue and Warson Road near the Walgreens at #10700 Page Avenue. Mark is roughly 70 feet south of the centerline of Page Avenue and 32 feet west of the centerline of Warson Road. SP MO East N=317249± E=259010± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.692024°±(N/+) Long=90.396431°±(W/-) Page 47 of 50
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 597.75 FtUS (or) 182.194 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 598.09 FtUS Cut "L" on southwest corner of bottom step up from asphalt parking to the south end of concrete walk along west side of building addition southwest corner of #2126 Woodson Road in a commercial strip center situated on the east side of Woodson Road between the easterly projections of Flora Avenue and Cote Brilliante Avenue. (Note: Mapping software more commonly recites #2128 Woodson Road for the strip center property, but the southernmost storefront in the strip center is physically addressed #2126 Woodson Road.) SP MO East N=317385± E=261937± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.693215°±(N/+) Long=90.362783°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 615.05 FtUS (or) 187.469 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 615.38 FtUS Set aluminum tablet epoxied in drill hole on top of the west end of a concrete headwall west of the end post of a chain link fence along said headwall on the north side of Flora Avenue near the south part of property addressed #2202 Spencer Avenue, roughly 24' north of centerline Flora Avenue and 72' east of centerline Spencer Avenue. SP MO East N=317571± E=261260± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.694899°±(N/+) Long=90.370562°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 565.14 FtUS (or) 172.255 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 565.44 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-105 situated in a grass and landscape area between the sidewalk along the northeast side of St Charles Rock Road and the southwest edge of parking lot for Cypress Village Shopping Center and situated roughly 0.1 miles northwest of Cypress Road, 82' southeast of the centerline of the middle entrance to Cypress Village Shopping Center, 1.5' northeast of the back of sidewalk along St Charles Rock Road, and 18.5' southwest of the back of curb of the parking lot. <NGS PID="AA8623", Designation="SL 105"> SP MO East N=321912.4± E=259354.6± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.734032°±(N/+) Long=90.392407°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 646.90 FtUS (or) 197.176 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 647.28 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-111A situated in the tree lawn southwest of St Charles Rock Road near the eastern part of the Evangelical Childrens Home property addressed as #8240 St Charles Rock Road, roughly 1.4 feet northeast of the sidewalk, 6 feet northeast of the chain link fence, 100 feet northwest of the centerline of that part of North and South Road situated southwest of St Charles Rock Road, 50 feet southeast of one power pole, and 67 feet northwest of a second power pole. <NGS PID="AA8630", Designation="Accessory to SL 111"> SP MO East N=318219± E=264622± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.700688°±(N/+) Long=90.331901°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 608.75 FtUS (or) 185.546 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 609.12 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-111 situated in lawn south of the Repco Graphics building spanning properties addressed as #8405 St Charles Rock Road and #8440 St John Industrial Lane, roughly 43 feet south of an angle point in the south line of Repco building, 16 feet southeast of the easternmost corner of a concrete pad for glass and metal bus shelter, 19 feet southeast of the southernmost corner of a concrete pad for glass and metal bus shelter, 9 feet northeast of the northeast edge of concrete sidewalk along the northeast side of St Charles Rock Road, and 230 feet more or less northwest of the centerline of Lackland Road. <NGS PID="AA8630", Designation="SL 111"> SP MO East N=318514.1± E=264230.1± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.703353°±(N/+) Long=90.336400°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 607.63 FtUS (or) 185.207 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 608.00 FtUS Chiseled cross on top of the northernmost ground level bolt (closest bolt to St Charles Rock Road) in the base of a 3 foot diameter steel mast for electric transmission lines near the eastern part of Mobil On The Run property at #8554 St Charles Rock Road, roughly 49 feet south of centerline St Charles Rock Road, 25 feet west of centerline Masterson Road and 0.1 miles west of centerline I-170. SP MO East N=318761± E=263818± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.705584°±(N/+) Long=90.341133°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 603.71 FtUS (or) 184.010 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 604.06 FtUS Cut square on top of the south side of the 2.5 foot diameter concrete base for the air pump at Phillip 66 property at 9037 St Charles Rock Road, roughly 66 feet north of the centerline of St Charles Rock Road and 56' west of the centerline of Lindscott Avenue. SP MO East N=319617± E=262637± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.713313°±(N/+) Long=90.354696°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 563.79 FtUS (or) 171.845 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 564.12 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest corner of the concrete base for Imo's Pizza sign near the northern part of property at #10070 St Charles Rock Road, roughly 53 feet south of centerline St Charles Rock Road and 28 feet east of centerline Wright Avenue. SP MO East N=320929± E=260670± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.725158°±(N/+) Long=90.377293°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 581.32 FtUS (or) 177.187 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 581.64 FtUS Cut "L" on the northernmost corner of the concrete base of the smaller and most northern of two traffic signal control boxes near the eastern corner of property addressed at 10434 St Charles Rock Road, immediately southwest of the sidewalk along the southwest side of St Charles Rock Road, roughly 38 feet southwest of the centerline of St Charles Rock Road and 46 feet northwest of the centerline of San Carlos Lane. SP MO East N=321331± E=260122± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.728786°±(N/+) Long=90.383589°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 456.37 FtUS (or) 139.102 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 456.75 FtUS RM 45 FEMA PANEL 182; "Sq" on concrete walk at northeast corner of stone steps to front porch of 1 1/2 story brick house at #9873 Halls Ferry Road; 0.1 mile north of Nemnich Avenue. SP MO East N=323105± E=271465± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.744565°±(N/+) Long=90.253081°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 506.32 FtUS "L" on southwest corner bottom porch step to house #2469 St. Cyr Road. SP MO East N=322127± E=272238± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.735735°±(N/+) Long=90.244220°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 512.39 FtUS "L" on west side lower concrete step; 10’ off of building; to main entrance of Storman-Stufflin School at #1860 Chambers Road on the south side of Chambers Road opposite Mayfair Drive to north; 81' south of Chambers Road and 27' east of southern prolongation of centerline of Mayfair Drive. SP MO East N=323607± E=270343± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.749114°±(N/+) Long=90.265973°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 531.40 FtUS (or) 161.972 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 531.79 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of a concrete platform of middle entrance to Saint Sebastian School #1800 Chambers Road. [29’x10’concrete pad, 10’off of school building] SP MO East N=323595± E=270182± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.749009°±(N/+) Long=90.267825°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 462.59 FtUS (or) 140.998 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 462.97 FtUS RM 40 FEMA PANEL 69; "L" at northwest corner of lowest concrete step to front porch of one story frame house #10310 Halls Ferry Road; 90' east of centerline Halls Ferry Road and 625' south of Hudson Road. SP MO East N=324561± E=271169± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.757689°±(N/+) Long=90.256441°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 514.35 FtUS (or) 156.775 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 514.70 FtUS "L" on south edge of 10' concrete walk 7' west of southeast corner of building at #10053 Bellefontaine Road; on north side of parking lot Bissell Hills Shopping Center, northwest corner Bellefontaine Road and Chambers Road. SP MO East N=323814± E=273970± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.750888°±(N/+) Long=90.224241°±(W/-) Page 2 of 23
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 10:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 502.13 FtUS (or) 153.050 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 502.45 FtUS "L" at the northeast corner of a 1' high stone wall cap, 2.5' north of the northeast corner of the north entrance post to Biritz Drive; northeast corner of Biritz Drive and Bellefontaine Road. SP MO East N=323128± E=273922± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.744709°±(N/+) Long=90.224817°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 594.81 FtUS (or) 181.298 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 595.17 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 128-75 S.L.C. set in top of concrete traffic signal base; 23’ north and 33' east of intersection of Jennings Station Road and centerline of entrance to North Central Community Health Center. SP MO East N=317566± E=269597± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.694709°±(N/+) Long=90.274726°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 507.27 FtUS (or) 154.617 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 507.64 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 132-75 S.L.C., set in southeast corner of signal control box; 50' north and 26' west of intersection of Jennings Station Road and Ada Wortley Drive. SP MO East N=321034± E=271930± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.725896°±(N/+) Long=90.247797°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 474.92 FtUS (or) 144.757 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 475.31 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 134-75 S.L.C. set in base of signal control box; 25' north and 40' east of intersection of Bellefontaine Road at Jennings Station Road and Chain of Rocks Road. SP MO East N=321500± E=273654± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.730050°±(N/+) Long=90.227955°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 426.23 FtUS (or) 129.915 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 426.64 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 135-75 S.L.C. set in south wingwall of west abutment of overpass; 50' west of centerline Riverview Drive at Burlington Northern Railroad overpass over Riverview Drive. [Near 9215 Riverview “Home Depot”, 0.6 mile from Broadway and Riverview] SP MO East N=321649± E=274540± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.731368°±(N/+) Long=90.217760°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 10:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 425.68 FtUS (or) 129.747 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 426.10 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 137-75 S.L.C. set in headwall; 86' east of centerline Riverview Drive and 18' east of the east rail about 4’ lower than track, along Riverview Drive near intersection of Riverview Drive and Chambers Road. SP MO East N=323175± E=276175± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.745068°±(N/+) Long=90.198898°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 493.06 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 10-80 S.L.C. set in northwest concrete base of transmission tower; south along railroad tracks at Shepley Road, 75' south of center of Shepley Road and 15' west of tracks, 3' above tracks. SP MO East N=324614± E=274391± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.758083°±(N/+) Long=90.219369°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 477.79 FtUS (or) 145.632 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 478.21 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 11-80 S.L.C. set in northeast concrete base of electric transmission tower south along Burlington Northern tracks at Chambers Road; 120' north of center of Chambers Road and 25' west of track. SP MO East N=323667± E=274349± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.749553°±(N/+) Long=90.219886°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 464.11 FtUS "Sq" on southeast concrete base of electric transmission tower; 2100' south of Chambers Road along Burlington Northern tracks and 15' east of tracks. SP MO East N=322838± E=274294± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.742086°±(N/+) Long=90.220548°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 488.68 FtUS (or) 148.950 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 489.09 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of a concrete porch to the main entrance of #1121 Chambers Road; north of Chambers Road and 44' east of Lochiel Lane. SP MO East N=323720± E=273684± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.750048°±(N/+) Long=90.227534°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 453.54 FtUS (or) 138.239 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 453.95 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of the south headwall of bridge #159 on Chambers Road; south of Chambers Road and 150' east of Fonda Drive. SP MO East N=323707± E=273289± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.749942°±(N/+) Long=90.232079°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 10:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 462.74 FtUS (or) 141.043 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 463.16 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of a 5' wide concrete walk at the southwest corner of a former Denny’s restaurant building on the northwest corner of Chambers Road and Highway 367; north of Chambers Road and 302' west of Highway 367. SP MO East N=323848± E=272575± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.751231°±(N/+) Long=90.240288°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 500.80 FtUS (or) 152.644 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 501.20 FtUS "Sq" in wall of step entrance to Bell Telephone Building at Chambers Road and Duke Drive; 44' east of centerline of Duke Drive and 113' north of the centerline of Chambers Road. [#10034 Duke Drive] SP MO East N=323867± E=272133± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.751413°±(N/+) Long=90.245372°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 454.92 FtUS (or) 138.659 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 455.30 FtUS "X" on north end of bottom step of porch entrance to #2251 Chambers Road. SP MO East N=323732± E=271575± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.750211°±(N/+) Long=90.251796°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 509.32 FtUS (or) 155.241 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 509.70 FtUS "Sq" in west edge of 10' wide concrete walk near flag pole; 60' south of Chambers Road at Storman-Stufflin School. SP MO East N=323613± E=270383± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.749167°±(N/+) Long=90.265512°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 479.92 FtUS (or) 146.281 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 480.34 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of a concrete headwall 21' north and 5' west of the north end of concrete sidewalk at #10700 Lilac Avenue; 27' east of Lilac Avenue. SP MO East N=325046± E=275457± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.761945°±(N/+) Long=90.207089°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 528.18 FtUS "Sq" on the concrete traffic signal base at the northeast corner of West Florissant and Hudson Road. SP MO East N=324921± E=269164± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.760978°±(N/+) Long=90.279499°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 10:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 519.75 FtUS "Sq" on the west side of concrete base of a light standard at the northwest corner of a service station #10280 W. Florissant. SP MO East N=324440± E=269157± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.756645°±(N/+) Long=90.279593°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 561.40 FtUS "Sq" on the west side of a concrete base of a light standard on the parking lot at Springwood Plaza; 90' east of West Florissant Avenue and 140' north of Parnello Drive. SP MO East N=324050± E=269171± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.753131°±(N/+) Long=90.279443°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 511.97 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of concrete walk from drive to front entrance at #10009 Imperial Drive; 60' west of centerline and 269' north of Chambers Road. SP MO East N=323716± E=270205± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.750099°±(N/+) Long=90.267557°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 496.36 FtUS "Sq" on the southeast corner of concrete walk of front entrance to building on the northwest corner of Imperial Drive; 59' west of Imperial Drive and Bella Clare Drive. SP MO East N=324132± E=270201± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.753847°±(N/+) Long=90.267591°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 486.84 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of a concrete retaining wall; 20' east of centerline of Mayfair Drive and 19' north of centerline of Bella Clare Drive. [At fence corner] SP MO East N=324127± E=270341± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.753798°±(N/+) Long=90.265980°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 517.78 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of concrete driveway at #10186 Imperial Drive; 21' east of centerline and 382' south of Crown Point Drive extended. SP MO East N=324333± E=270229± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.755657°±(N/+) Long=90.267263°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 520.77 FtUS "Sq" on top of concrete curb on the north side of Crown Point Drive along the north prolongation of the centerline of Mayfair Drive. SP MO East N=324452± E=270334± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.756726°±(N/+) Long=90.266051°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 10:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 515.40 FtUS "L" on top of the northeast corner of the first concrete step at entrance to #10197; 47' west of Green Valley Drive and 61' south of Crown Point Drive. SP MO East N=324425± E=270572± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.756478°±(N/+) Long=90.263314°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 492.34 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the concrete drive at entrance to #10166; 18' east of Green Valley Drive and 457' south of Crown Point Drive. SP MO East N=324303± E=270592± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.755378°±(N/+) Long=90.263087°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 521.47 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of a concrete sidewalk at entrance to #1855 Dunnideer Drive; 50' west of Dunnideer Drive and 3' south of centerline of Tullamoor Drive prolongation. SP MO East N=323480± E=270238± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.747972°±(N/+) Long=90.267184°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 495.17 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of stoop at entrance to #9733 Tullamoor Drive; 54' west of Tullamoor Drive and 21' north of Kappel Drive. SP MO East N=323147± E=270317± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.744970°±(N/+) Long=90.266285°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 474.54 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of a concrete stoop at entrance to #9600 Winkler Drive; 39' east of Winkler and 58' north of Nemnich Road. SP MO East N=322894± E=270574± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.742685°±(N/+) Long=90.263336°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 501.68 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of concrete porch at entrance to #9824 Balboa Drive; 50' east of Balboa and 156' south of Herman Drive. SP MO East N=323318± E=270428± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.746508°±(N/+) Long=90.265003°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 514.09 FtUS "U" in center of bottom concrete stoop to entrance to Bon Oak County Park; 6' north of centerline of Crown Point Drive and 13' west of centerline of Bon Oak Drive. SP MO East N=324456± E=269991± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.756770°±(N/+) Long=90.269998°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 10:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 481.34 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of concrete stoop of walk to front entrance to #10116 Bon Oak Drive; 8' south of southwest corner of porch. [Gate locked-No access] SP MO East N=324137± E=270009± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.753896°±(N/+) Long=90.269800°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 515.16 FtUS (or) 157.022 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 515.59 FtUS "U" in south edge of concrete base of flag pole in front of #8747 Jennings Station Road. SP MO East N=320657± E=271306± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.722515°±(N/+) Long=90.254985°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 546.31 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of bottom step in front of house #2324 Hord Avenue. SP MO East N=321006± E=270980± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.725667°±(N/+) Long=90.258723°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 585.65 FtUS "L" on sidewalk in front of house #2555 Hord Avenue; 27' north of Hord Avenue. [Southeast corner of 3.7’ wide entrance to house, 20.5’ south of house] SP MO East N=321334± E=270444± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.728635°±(N/+) Long=90.264878°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 489.41 FtUS "Sq" on the northwest corner of a 5.5' high concrete retaining wall; 36' west of centerline of Lucas and Hunt Road, 0.3 mile north of Hord Avenue. SP MO East N=321829± E=270330± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.733097°±(N/+) Long=90.266174°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 450.10 FtUS (or) 137.192 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 450.48 FtUS "Sq" on the northwest corner of a 4' wide concrete walk along west side of Chalet Apartments; 15’ west of Picador Drive extended and 39' south of centerline of Lucas and Hunt Road. SP MO East N=322845± E=271395± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.742224°±(N/+) Long=90.253894°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 447.80 FtUS (or) 136.491 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 448.19 FtUS "Sq" in the southeast corner of a concrete headwall; 43' west of centerline of Halls Ferry Road and 156' north of St. Cyr Road. SP MO East N=322180± E=271828± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.736223°±(N/+) Long=90.248934°±(W/-) Page 8 of 23
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 10:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 513.32 FtUS (or) 156.461 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 513.74 FtUS "L" in the southwest corner of the first step leading to the entrance at #527 Chambers Road; 24' north of Chambers Road and 64' west of McCartney Lane. SP MO East N=323564± E=274760± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.748614°±(N/+) Long=90.215161°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 549.45 FtUS (or) 167.472 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 549.87 FtUS "U" in the center on top of the southeast face of a headwall; 28' north of the centerline of Chambers Road and 116' east of Diamond Drive South. SP MO East N=323516± E=275169± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.748170°±(N/+) Long=90.210458°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 489.56 FtUS (or) 149.218 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 489.98 FtUS "Sq" in the center of a concrete retaining wall 1' from the west end; 58' north of the centerline of Chambers Road and 26' east of the centerline of Valley Drive. SP MO East N=323495± E=275414± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.747973°±(N/+) Long=90.207640°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 487.46 FtUS (or) 148.579 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 487.90 FtUS "L" on top at the northwest corner of Denness Hills Subdivision entrance marker; 23' east of Grosvenor Drive and 46' north of Chambers Road extended. SP MO East N=323422± E=275985± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.747299°±(N/+) Long=90.201074°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 528.67 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of a concrete drive at #9881 Lilac Avenue; 23' west of Lilac Avenue and 32' south of Northridge Drive. SP MO East N=323219± E=274845± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.745503°±(N/+) Long=90.214196°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 482.98 FtUS "U" in the center of the north face of a 1' x 4' concrete headwall; 29' north of the centerline of Leeton and 21' west of the centerline of Lilac Avenue. SP MO East N=322338± E=274767± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.737569°±(N/+) Long=90.215125°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 10:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 559.70 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of porch to house #1257; Shepley Drive east of Toelle Lane. SP MO East N=324601± E=274811± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.757954°±(N/+) Long=90.214537°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 507.60 FtUS "L" on the east side of a concrete walk 6' north of the edge of pavement to front entrance to #335 Shepley Drive; 19' north of Shepley Drive and 75' west of Balmoral Drive. SP MO East N=324478± E=275935± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.756814°±(N/+) Long=90.201610°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 520.20 FtUS "L" on the top of the northwest corner of concrete stoop at front entrance to #10440 Spring Garden Drive; 70' east of Spring Garden Drive and 273' north of Cameron Drive. SP MO East N=324036± E=276525± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.752814°±(N/+) Long=90.194839°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 537.65 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of signal control box [pad] at the northeast corner of Shepley Drive and Spring Garden Drive. [38.5’ north of Shepley, 47’ east of Spring Garden] SP MO East N=324183± E=276583± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.754137°±(N/+) Long=90.194166°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 555.54 FtUS "L" on top of the southeast corner of concrete step at the front entrance to #10885 Spring Garden Drive; 72' north of Spring Garden Drive and 73' west of Lookaway Drive. SP MO East N=325198± E=277254± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.763260°±(N/+) Long=90.186406°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 461.80 FtUS (or) 140.756 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 462.21 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the porch at the Blackwell Institute of Biblical Leadership and Evangelism at #10212 Halls Ferry Road; 70 feet east of Halls Ferry Road and 15 feet north of the main door to the Chapel. SP MO East N=324325± E=271229± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.755561°±(N/+) Long=90.255758°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 10:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 482.90 FtUS (or) 147.188 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 483.31 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-18 and situated in a grassy area west of Lewis and Clark Boulevard (also known as Highway 367), slightly north of the northern end of exit lane from southbound Highway 367 to Chambers Road, and east of a parking lot for Grand Slam Storage Center addressed as #2505 Chambers Road; approximately 25 feet west of the western curb along Highway 367, 50 feet east of the center of a pin oak, 83 feet north of a curb inlet along the west side of exit ramp, and 40 feet more or less south of the sign for Moline Acres City limits. Approximately 0.10 mile north of Chambers Road. <NGS PID="AA8659", Designation="SL 18"> SP MO East N=323985.1± E=272662.7± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.752463°±(N/+) Long=90.239275°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 527.43 FtUS (or) 160.760 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 527.83 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the concrete base of a signal control box; 36' north of the center line of Jennings Station Road and 83' west of the centerline of Swizer Avenue. SP MO East N=320379± E=270976± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.720019°±(N/+) Long=90.258788°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 574.28 FtUS (or) 175.040 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 574.67 FtUS "L" on a 4 foot wide concrete walk in front of #10501 Bellefontaine Road; 205' south of the centerline of Belgrove Drive and 34' west of the centerline of Bellefontaine Road. [East side of walk] SP MO East N=325022± E=274140± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.761765°±(N/+) Long=90.222243°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 548.02 FtUS (or) 167.038 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 548.49 FtUS "U" on top of a rolled curb; 17' north of the centerline of the driveway to house #739 Shepley Drive and 11' east of the centerline of Shepley Drive. SP MO East N=324455± E=275161± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.756629°±(N/+) Long=90.210516°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 575.40 FtUS "Sq" on top of the concrete curb in front of #10664 Spring Garden Drive; 17' east of the centerline of Spring Garden Drive and 53' south of Ben Nevis Road. SP MO East N=324622± E=276924± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.758081°±(N/+) Long=90.190226°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 513.53 FtUS (or) 156.523 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 513.91 FtUS "L" on the back of the sidewalk at the northeast corner of Chambers Road and West Florissant Avenue; 55' east of the centerline of West Florissant Avenue and 56' north of the centerline of Chambers Road. SP MO East N=323655± E=269148± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.749573°±(N/+) Long=90.279719°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 435.53 FtUS (or) 132.750 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 435.85 FtUS "Sq" on the back of the sidewalk along the west side of bridge #141; 138' south of the centerline of St. Cyr Road and 32' west of the centerline of Bellefontaine Road. SP MO East N=322215± E=273780± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.736488°±(N/+) Long=90.226481°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 510.44 FtUS "Sq" on the back of a 5 foot wide sidewalk; 88' west of the centerline of Helen Avenue and 36' north of the centerline of Jennings Station Road. SP MO East N=318605± E=270106± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.704058°±(N/+) Long=90.268844°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 458.94 FtUS (or) 139.886 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 459.39 FtUS RM 41 FEMA PANEL 69; Cross in southeast corner of west headwall of culvert for Dellwood Creek at Halls Ferry Road. [Southwest of #10150 Halls Ferry Road] SP MO East N=324028± E=271253± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.752885°±(N/+) Long=90.255491°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 467.97 FtUS RM 42 FEMA PANEL 69; "Sq" 1' north of south end of west curb on Green Valley Drive bridge over Dellwood Creek. [Bridge #103, north of 10067 Green Valley Drive] SP MO East N=323955± E=270583± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.752243°±(N/+) Long=90.263201°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 443.61 FtUS RM 47 FEMA PANEL 201; "SQ" on top of west abutment of abandoned terminal railroad bridge, 500 feet west of centerline of U.S. Highway 367 at 350 feet west of northwest corner of U.S. Highway 367 bridge over Maline Creek; near center and 2 inches west of east face of abutment (formerly M.S.D. # 467-13). SP MO East N=322859± E=272423± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.742325°±(N/+) Long=90.242069°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 437.02 FtUS RM 204 FEMA PANEL 201; "Sq" on the northeast corner of area inlet at the southwest corner of county park, about 208’ east of footbridge over Stormwater Creek. [22’ north of centerline of 9’ wide gravel road to U.E. Landwehr Substation] SP MO East N=322717± E=273421± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.741020°±(N/+) Long=90.230594°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 446.89 FtUS RM 205 FEMA PANEL 201; "Sq" on the northeast corner of north headwall of box culvert at Forest Home Drive over Stormwater Creek. SP MO East N=323147± E=273330± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.744896°±(N/+) Long=90.231626°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 452.31 FtUS RM 46 FEMA PANEL 182; "Sq" on east edge of pavement of Halls Ferry Road at north east corner of bridge over Maline Creek. SP MO East N=322632± E=271630± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.740300°±(N/+) Long=90.251198°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 538.79 FtUS (or) 164.224 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 539.15 FtUS “L” on the northwest corner of a walk at MR Fish Restaurant at #6185 Natural Bridge. SP MO East N=317170± E=269408± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.691146°±(N/+) Long=90.276909°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 572.32 FtUS (or) 174.445 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 572.69 FtUS “L” on the southwest corner of water table at #3900 Jennings Station Road and Vetter; northeast corner. SP MO East N=317397± E=269506± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.693189°±(N/+) Long=90.275776°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 494.04 FtUS (or) 150.584 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 494.46 FtUS “L” on north corner of top step of second set of steps from walk #7071 West Florissant. SP MO East N=320303± E=270557± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.719344°±(N/+) Long=90.263609°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 497.91 FtUS (or) 151.764 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 498.33 FtUS “L” on the northwest corner of concrete pad of Redemption Church at 7200 West Florissant; west entrance to church; on the southwest corner of College and West Florissant. SP MO East N=320429± E=270312± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.720485°±(N/+) Long=90.266423°±(W/-) Page 13 of 23
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 10:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 532.02 FtUS (or) 162.161 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 532.43 FtUS "Sq" at Compare Muffler Shop on the southwest corner of Sunbury and West Florissant. SP MO East N=320751± E=269745± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.723399°±(N/+) Long=90.272934°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 491.26 FtUS (or) 149.736 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 491.66 FtUS “SL-17A” Azimuth mark for SL-142. Azimuth mark is located about 0.3 miles south of the station on the east side of West Florissant Avenue in front of #9020 West Florissant Avenue; 21’ southeast of flag pole; 18’ south of center of manhole; 8’ east of back of curb; 7’ southwest of pipe driven in asphalt. <NGS PID="AA8658", Designation="Accessory to SL 17"> SP MO East N=321902± E=269343± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.733776°±(N/+) Long=90.277524°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 470.50 FtUS (or) 143.409 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 470.90 FtUS “Standard Aluminum Disk” SL-142 located on the east side of West Florissant Avenue and in front of #9290 West Florissant Avenue; 162’ south of the back of curb for Canfield Road; 12’ east of the east edge of pavement; 9’ northwest of a square metal post; 18’ north of a paved driveway. SP MO East N=322330.1± E=269282.2± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.737634°±(N/+) Long=90.278212°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 474.10 FtUS (or) 144.507 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 474.50 FtUS "Sq" west side of base for traffic light; 26’ south and 40’ east of the centerline/centerline of West Florissant and Highmont. SP MO East N=322966± E=269224± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.743364°±(N/+) Long=90.278863°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 499.73 FtUS (or) 152.318 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 500.12 FtUS "Sq" on the northwest of top of curb at the north entrance to Advance Auto Parts located at 9846 West Florissant; 13.5' north and 69.5’ west of the northwest building corner. SP MO East N=323328± E=269182± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.746626°±(N/+) Long=90.279337°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 529.47 FtUS (or) 161.384 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 529.86 FtUS “L” northeast corner of a 6’ wide concrete slab at #1620 Chambers at the Stop-N-Shop store; East of Vickie Place. SP MO East N=323610± E=269566± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.749158°±(N/+) Long=90.274911°±(W/-) Page 14 of 23
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 10:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 503.92 FtUS (or) 153.594 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 504.31 FtUS “U” east side of 6’ wide concrete entrance slab to Restoration Temple located at 2002 Chambers; 5’ west of Crown Point extended; 39’ south of the centerline of Chambers. SP MO East N=323616± E=270789± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.749184°±(N/+) Long=90.260842°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 464.44 FtUS (or) 141.561 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 464.83 FtUS “+” Located on the northeast bolt of the signal base of a traffic light located at the southwest corner of Halls Ferry and Chambers; 35’ west of the centerline stripe of Halls Ferry; 53’ south of the centerline stripe of Chambers. SP MO East N=323610± E=271354± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.749117°±(N/+) Long=90.254342°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 452.67 FtUS (or) 137.974 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 453.05 FtUS “L” Located on the northwest corner of a bridge; 41’ west of the centerline of Halls Ferry Road; 59’ south of a brick store located at #9807 Halls Ferry Road. SP MO East N=322632± E=271605± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.740300°±(N/+) Long=90.251485°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 477.18 FtUS (or) 145.444 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 477.55 FtUS “L” Located on the bottom step to entrance #9601 Halls Ferry; 74’ north of the centerline of Cozens Avenue. SP MO East N=321760± E=272042± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.732434°±(N/+) Long=90.246486°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 507.52 FtUS (or) 154.693 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 507.89 FtUS “L” Northwest corner of a 6’x9’ concrete base for a Walgreen’s sign; 67’ west of the centerline Halls Ferry; 64’ south centerline Jennings Station. SP MO East N=321195± E=272311± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.727337°±(N/+) Long=90.243411°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 503.99 FtUS (or) 153.615 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 504.39 FtUS "Sq" on light standard base near the southwest corner of Andy’s Auto Care located at 8101 West Florissant. SP MO East N=321623± E=269360± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.731263°±(N/+) Long=90.277337°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 10:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 470.12 FtUS RM 39 FEMA PANEL 69; "L" in southwest corner of south walkway of box culvert for Black Jack Creek at Vorhof Drive. [This is prior BM 5200 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 10.] SP MO East N=325107± E=271150± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.762608°±(N/+) Long=90.256643°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 459.82 FtUS (or) 140.154 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 460.23 FtUS RM 49 FEMA PANEL 89; "L" on northwest corner of west headwall of Watkin's Creek culvert at Lilac Avenue. [This is prior BM 5206 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 10.] SP MO East N=325112± E=275518± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.762537°±(N/+) Long=90.206384°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 446.95 FtUS RM 50 FEMA PANEL 89; "Sq" in south end of northwest wingwall of Fry Lane bridge over Watkin's Creek; 1' north of corner of bridge deck. [This is prior BM 5207 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 10.] SP MO East N=325087± E=276335± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.762288°±(N/+) Long=90.196985°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 518.92 FtUS (or) 158.166 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 519.35 FtUS "Sq" on concrete walk 4' north of northeast corner of building at #1434 Chambers Road; at Chambers Road and New Floridale. [This is prior BM 9226 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 10.] SP MO East N=323614± E=269028± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.749206°±(N/+) Long=90.281100°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 586.12 FtUS (or) 178.650 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 586.48 FtUS “L” on the northwest corner of a 1.8 square foot concrete pad; 14’ east and 44’ south of the centerline-centerline of Natural Bridge and Oakdale; west of Village at Uplands Park. [This is prior BM 9429 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 10.] SP MO East N=317453± E=269025± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.693703°±(N/+) Long=90.281304°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 10:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 470.89 FtUS (or) 143.527 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 471.28 FtUS Set aluminum tablet in the center top of the west barrier wall separating pavement from the sidewalk along the west side of West Florissant Road Bridge #153 over Maline Creek situated north of Canfield Drive and south of Northwinds Estates Drive. Benchmark is located over the creek midway between the north and south ends of the west barrier wall. SP MO East N=322448± E=269254± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.738697°±(N/+) Long=90.278533°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 511.17 FtUS (or) 155.806 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 511.57 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast corner of the raised concrete base of metal traffic signal control box situated in the tree lawn at the northwest corner of Chambers Road and Bellefontaine Road; roughly 43 feet north of the centerline of Chambers Road and 44 feet west of the centerline of Bellefontaine Road. SP MO East N=323671± E=273978± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.749599°±(N/+) Long=90.224154°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 487.21 FtUS (or) 148.502 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 487.60 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-18A and situated in a grassy area west of Lewis and Clark Boulevard (also known as Highway 367) 0.4 miles more or less north of Chambers Road and east of the parking lot for a DaVita Dialysis center addressed as #10241 Lewis and Clark Boulevard; roughly 17 feet west of a cotton picker spindle in the western shoulder of Highway 367, and 100 feet south of the centerline of a shopping center entrance road which is coincident with the westerly prolongation of Haviland Drive from the east side of Highway 367. <NGS PID="AA8659", Designation="Accessory to SL 18"> SP MO East N=324478± E=272690± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.756903°±(N/+) Long=90.238944°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 10:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 458.02 FtUS (or) 139.604 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 458.40 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest top corner of the northern concrete barrier wall between the pavement and sidewalk near the northwest corner of Bridge No 101 for Chambers Road crossing Black Jack Creek west of the intersection of Chambers Road with Viscount Drive, and 650 feet more or less east of Halls Ferry Road. Benchmark is on the top east side of the concrete joint at vertical break where the top of the north barrier wall slopes down to the west; roughly 27 feet north of the centerline of Chambers Road and 87 feet west of the centerline of Viscount Drive. SP MO East N=323696± E=271550± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.749887°±(N/+) Long=90.252085°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 429.61 FtUS (or) 130.946 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 430.03 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped CSL-23A No 2 1990 which is grouted in the top of a concrete retaining wall along the east side of railroad tracks southeast of the intersection of Riverview Drive with Spring Garden Drive from the west and with the entrance road to North Riverfront Park. The benchmark is roughly 120 feet south of the center of park entrance road, 11 feet east of the center of tracks, one foot west of the east edge of wall, and west of a carsonite witness post. [This benchmark is situated in the City of St Louis.] <NGS PID="AA8583", Designation="Accessory to CSL 23"> SP MO East N=323331± E=276308± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.746470°±(N/+) Long=90.197362°±(W/-)
NAVD88(Adopt NGS) Elev = 442.61 FtUS (or) 134.907 Meter <NAVD88 ORTHO HEIGHT per NGS datasheet as of 04/15/2014> NGVD29 Elev = 443.00 FtUS Stainless steel rod without sleeve stamped "E 323 1981". Benchmark is roughly 0.1 miles northwest of the intersection of Riverview Drive and Chain of Rocks Drive at the north end of the West levee along Maline Creek, roughly 250 feet west of a bend in the center of Maline Creek, 280 feet north of Chain of Rocks Drive, and 160 feet east of the centerline of Fontaine Place behind #815 Fontaine Place. <NGS PID="JC1181", Designation="E 323"> SP MO East N=321526± E=274097± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.730272°±(N/+) Long=90.222859°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 10:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 528.55 FtUS (or) 161.101 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 528.94 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of concrete base for traffic signal control box in the northeast quadrant of West Florissant Road at the entrance to the Buzz Westfall Plaza on the Blvd (formerly Northland Shopping Center) and being southwest of the US Bank building at #8031 West Florissant Road. SP MO East N=321380± E=269346± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.729074°±(N/+) Long=90.277504°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 570.30 FtUS (or) 173.827 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 570.69 FtUS Cut "L" on the westernmost corner of the signal pull box flush with the concrete surface of the traffic island situated between the thru lanes of Lucas and Hunt Road and the right turn lane from eastbound Lucas and Hunt Road onto southbound West Florissant Road, being north of the Walgreens property #5790 Lucas and Hunt Road and west of West Florissant Road, roughly 11' southeast of a traffic signal mast and 8' southwest of the northeast edge of traffic island. SP MO East N=320963± E=269557± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.725313°±(N/+) Long=90.275090°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 564.29 FtUS (or) 171.996 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 564.68 FtUS Cut square on southernmost corner of 7'x10' water vault situated roughly 30 feet northwest of centerline Lucas and Hunt Road near Norwood Hills Country Club, opposite house at #5634 Lucas and Hunt Road. SP MO East N=320640± E=269334± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.722408°±(N/+) Long=90.277663°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 538.50 FtUS (or) 164.136 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 538.89 FtUS Cut square on westernmost bullnose end of median island in center of entrance to Brentwood Townhomes on Eagle Valley Drive southeast of Lucas and Hunt Road at a point roughly 0.5 miles southwest of West Florissant Road. SP MO East N=320204± E=269127± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.718484°±(N/+) Long=90.280056°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 10:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 483.68 FtUS (or) 147.427 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 484.07 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of concrete base for traffic signal control box along the west side of West Florissant Avenue slightly south of a marked and signalized crosswalk situated south of the entrance drive to Enterprise Rent-A-Car at #9803 West Florissant Avenue, roughly 135' north of the centerline of Kappel Drive. SP MO East N=323187± E=269172± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.745356°±(N/+) Long=90.279455°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 503.10 FtUS (or) 153.344 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 503.48 FtUS Cut "L" on southwest corner of west end of elongated concrete base for commercial sign oriented perpendicular to West Florissant Avenue and centered in front of commercial building at #9844 West Florissant Avenue; roughly 55' east of centerline West Florissant Avenue and 0.2 miles south of Chambers Road. SP MO East N=323349± E=269182± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.746816°±(N/+) Long=90.279336°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 521.33 FtUS (or) 158.903 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 521.72 FtUS Cut triangle on the west side of the concrete base of the light standard in a grass strip immediately west of the second parking place from the north end of the row of parking west of the Walgreens store northeast of Chambers Road and West Florissant Avenue at #10000 West Florissant Avenue, roughly 50' east of the centerline of West Florissant Avenue and 45' south of the centerline of a commercial drive entrance. SP MO East N=323738± E=269150± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.750321°±(N/+) Long=90.279693°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 557.51 FtUS (or) 169.930 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 557.89 FtUS Cut triangle on southeast corner of concrete pad for traffic pull box set generally flush with a grass traffic island northwest of the right turn lane from northbound West Florissant Avenue into Springwood Plaza shopping center #10148 West Florissant Avenue, roughly 40' east of the centerline of West Florissant Avenue, 26' south of the centerline of main entrance to shopping center, and 0.3 miles north of Chambers Road. SP MO East N=324135± E=269152± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.753897°±(N/+) Long=90.279659°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 10:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 526.98 FtUS (or) 160.624 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 527.35 FtUS Cut square at a slight angle point in the top of a 12" concrete retaining wall along the east side of parking lot for Dollar General store #10403 West Florissant Road northwest of right turn lane from southbound West Florissant Avenue onto westbound Hudson Road, roughly 20' north of a painted crosswalk over said right turn lane. SP MO East N=324921± E=269129± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.760978°±(N/+) Long=90.279902°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 555.89 FtUS (or) 169.436 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 556.26 FtUS Cut triangle in east side of concrete base for traffic signal in a concrete traffic island northeast of the right turn lane from eastbound Keelen Drive onto southbound West Florissant Avenue, roughly 30' west of the double yellow stripe in centerline of West Florissant Avenue and 20' south of the centerline of Keelen Drive. SP MO East N=325221± E=269102± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.763681°±(N/+) Long=90.280205°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 521.52 FtUS (or) 158.959 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 521.90 FtUS Cut square on top of a concrete curb along the north edge of asphalt parking lot at #7358 West Florissant Road, which curb is simultaneously a short retaining wall south of a grass strip behind the sidewalk south of West Florissant Avenue. Benchmark is roughly 10' east along the wall from the east curb line of McLaran Avenue, 32' east of centerline McLaran Avenue and 42' south of centerline West Florissant Avenue. SP MO East N=320633± E=269936± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.722331°±(N/+) Long=90.270740°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 500.66 FtUS (or) 152.600 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 501.04 FtUS Cut "L" on northwest corner of the concrete base of the traffic signal control box located in front of the Jennings Fire Station at #7215 West Florissant Avenue, roughly 17' northwest of the centerline of the fire station driveway and 46' northeast of the centerline of West Florissant Avenue. (Common mapping software sometimes addresses this property as #7213 West Florissant Avenue.) SP MO East N=320477± E=270284± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.720918°±(N/+) Long=90.266743°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 503.97 FtUS (or) 153.610 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 504.35 FtUS Cut "L" on the southernmost corner of the concrete base of an ATT control box in the northwest part of the parking lot of a former Schnucks grocery store at #8319 Jennings Station Road northeast of the entrance from Duryea Avenue and near the southwest end of a concrete wall with chain link fence, roughly 174' northeast of the centerline of West Florissant Avenue, 28' southeast of the centerline of Duryea Avenue, and 295' northwest of the centerline of Jennings Station Road. SP MO East N=320230± E=270717± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.718683°±(N/+) Long=90.261771°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 509.81 FtUS (or) 155.391 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 510.18 FtUS Found "L" on the northeast corner of the concrete base of traffic signal control box north of the sidewalk in the northwest quadrant of Jennings Station Road and Halls Ferry Road near the southeast corner of #8983 Jennings Station Road, roughly 44' north of centerline Jennings Station road and 75' west of center concrete median island in Halls Ferry Road. SP MO East N=321225± E=272297± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.727608°±(N/+) Long=90.243571°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 508.19 FtUS (or) 154.897 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 508.57 FtUS Cut "L" on southernmost corner of concrete pad for traffic signal control box at the northwest corner of Jennings Station Road and Lewis and Clark Boulevard, east of Gas Mart at #9451 Jennings Station Road and west of the right turn lane from southbound Lewis and Clark Boulevard onto westbound Jennings Station Road. SP MO East N=321375± E=272580± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.728952°±(N/+) Long=90.240311°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 489.06 FtUS (or) 149.067 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 489.45 FtUS Cut square in the center of the sidewalk along the south side of Jennings Station Road in the northerly projection of the chain link fence between Evangelical Friedens Cemetery on the east and residential property at #1100 Jennings Station Road on the west. Benchmark is roughly 150' east of the centerline of Waldorf Drive, 23.5' south of the centerline of Jennings Station Road, and 6.5' west of the end of sidewalk. SP MO East N=321576± E=273217± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.730746°±(N/+) Long=90.232978°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 10:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 434.74 FtUS (or) 132.510 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 435.14 FtUS Found "L" on easternmost corner of northeast end of wing wall extending northeasterly from bridge no. 141 along Belefontaine Road over Maline Creek. Benchmark is near the ends of both a chain link fence along the wing wall and a metal guard rail along the south side of St. Cyr Road, and is roughly 24.5' south of the centerline of St. Cyr Road and 52' east of the centerline of Bellefontaine Road. SP MO East N=322243± E=273814± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.736739°±(N/+) Long=90.226089°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 472.20 FtUS (or) 143.926 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 472.59 FtUS Cut square in middle of concrete pad for flagpole in front of the Bellefontaine Neighbors city hall at #9641 Bellefontaine Road, roughly 324' west of centerline Bellefontaine Road and 202' north of centerline Zellweger Road. This is a new square cut in November 2010 and is not a recovery of former benchmark 10-89, which had been reported lost and removed from the benchmark system, despite close similarity of description. SP MO East N=322845± E=273758± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.742164°±(N/+) Long=90.226713°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 568.34 FtUS (or) 173.230 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 568.73 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest corner of the concrete base of Conoco gas station sign on vertical post near the northwest corner of asphalt lot for gas station at #10320 Bellefontaine Road, roughly 35' east of centerline Bellefontaine Road and 270' south of centerline Shepley Drive. SP MO East N=324581± E=274139± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.757793°±(N/+) Long=90.222270°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 11:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 541.34 FtUS (or) 165.001 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 541.50 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 96-75 S.L.C. set in west end of north headwall of small drain crossing under Wild Horse Creek Road; 0.4 mile east of the Chesterfield School. [75’ east of gravel drive at #17531 Wild Horse Creek Road.] SP MO East N=313517± E=238720± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.658377°±(N/+) Long=90.629602°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 588.98 FtUS (or) 179.520 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 589.08 FtUS RM 55 FEMA PANEL 120; "Standard Tablet" stamped 29 GEU 1975 set in south end of west headwall of private drive along Wild Horse Creek Road; 0.8 mile west of the Chesterfield School also 200 feet west of Steeple Hill Drive private. [27’ south of the centerline of Wild Horse Creek Road and 149’ east of the centerline of Keystone Trail Drive] SP MO East N=312448± E=237166± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.648726°±(N/+) Long=90.647437°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 653.97 FtUS (or) 199.329 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 654.06 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 98-75 S.L.C. set in east end of south headwall along Wild Horse Creek Road at a private circle drive south; 1.4 miles west of the Chesterfield School. [168’ west of the centerline of drive at #18100 Wild Horse Creek Road and 26’ south of the centerline of Wild Horse Creek Road] SP MO East N=312191± E=236231± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.646396°±(N/+) Long=90.658173°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 587.06 FtUS (or) 178.937 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 587.19 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of northwest concrete wingwall of bridge #389 for Rieger Road over Bonhomme Creek, being directly north of the western end of the northern barrier wall or railing; roughly 12 feet north of the centerline of Rieger Road, 390 feet more or less west of the centerline of Pond Road, and 410 feet more or less east of the centerline of Sara Mathews Lane. SP MO East N=308124± E=234978± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.609737°±(N/+) Long=90.672479°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 11:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 570.81 FtUS (or) 173.984 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 570.94 FtUS RM 89 FEMA PANEL 235; "L" on northwest corner of concrete headwall; roughly 29 feet east of centerline of Highway 109, 355 feet more or less south of the easterly prolongation of the entrance to Babler State Park, and 0.6 miles north of Pond Road. (first culvert south of entrance to Babler State Park) SP MO East N=308955± E=234507± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.617215°±(N/+) Long=90.677906°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 588.10 FtUS (or) 179.253 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 588.22 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of south end of rock wall on south side of main entrance to Babler State Park; 0.7 mile north of Pond Road and 70' west of centerline of Highway 109. SP MO East N=309024± E=234459± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.617836°±(N/+) Long=90.678458°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 530.61 FtUS (or) 161.729 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 530.73 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of concrete headwall; 34' west of centerline of Highway "BA" and 0.4 mile west of centerline of Highway 109. [33’ south of the centerline asphalt drive of #619 Hwy "BA".] SP MO East N=310525± E=235359± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.631374°±(N/+) Long=90.668155°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 467.58 FtUS "Drift Bolt" last bolt at southwest corner of bridge; 2' south of south rail and 0.5 mile east of Eatherton Road crossing. SP MO East N=312653± E=235843± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.650552°±(N/+) Long=90.662640°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 467.00 FtUS "Drift Bolt" last bolt at southwest corner of bridge; 2' south of south rail. (third bridge east of Eatherton Road crossing) SP MO East N=312808± E=236337± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.651957°±(N/+) Long=90.656968°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 469.95 FtUS "Drift Bolt" last bolt at southwest corner of bridge; 2' south of south rail. (sixth bridge east of Eatherton Road crossing) SP MO East N=312974± E=236844± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.653460°±(N/+) Long=90.651146°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 11:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 519.09 FtUS (or) 158.219 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 519.24 FtUS "Sq" on northwest wingwall of bridge #386 along Ossenfort Road at the intersection with Wild Horse Creek Road. [The west headwall or curb has been raised as a barrier wall. This benchmark is on the original lower wingwall.] SP MO East N=308049± E=231360± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.608993°±(N/+) Long=90.714018°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 504.25 FtUS (or) 153.696 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 504.40 FtUS RM 83 FEMA PANEL 230; "L" in southwest corner of south end of west concrete abutment on bridge #387 along Wild Horse Creek; 0.2 mile north from intersection of Ossenfort Road and Wild Horse Creek Road. SP MO East N=308416± E=231343± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.612299°±(N/+) Long=90.714223°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 495.87 FtUS (or) 151.141 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 496.00 FtUS "L" on [northwest corner of] northeast wingwall of bridge #391 along Wild Horse Creek Road; 0.4 mile south of Puellman Road. SP MO East N=308868± E=231327± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.616370°±(N/+) Long=90.714419°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 492.91 FtUS (or) 150.239 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 493.05 FtUS L" on south end of east curb of bridge #392 on Wild Horse Creek Road; 0.2 mile south of Puellman Road. SP MO East N=309223± E=231231± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.619566°±(N/+) Long=90.715531°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 467.72 FtUS (or) 142.560 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 467.85 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of sidewalk to a two story brick house addressed as #107 Centaur Road at the southwest corner of railroad tracks and Centaur Road. SP MO East N=312030± E=232632± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.644883°±(N/+) Long=90.699513°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 457.21 FtUS "Sq" on southeast corner of east headwall of culvert under Goddard Avenue at railroad crossing. SP MO East N=314450± E=238276± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.666777°±(N/+) Long=90.634719°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 11:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 461.31 FtUS (or) 140.607 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 461.50 FtUS "U" on back of rolled curb; 107' south of the centerline of Chesterfield Airport Road and 13' west of the centerline of Goddard Avenue. SP MO East N=314705± E=238211± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.669073°±(N/+) Long=90.635470°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 525.01 FtUS (or) 160.022 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 525.13 FtUS "Sq" on the northeast corner of the east concrete headwall of a box culvert along Highway 109; 25' east of the centerline and with the intersection of Pond Bridge and Old Eatherton Road 25' north of Eatherton Road. SP MO East N=310593± E=235929± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.631995°±(N/+) Long=90.661610°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 670.60 FtUS (or) 204.398 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 670.71 FtUS "L" on the bottom west side of walk at ground level with road; 15' north of the centerline of Wild Horse Creek Road at house addressed #18509 and 0.4 mile west of Eatherton Road. SP MO East N=311817± E=234532± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.642999°±(N/+) Long=90.677682°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 526.05 FtUS (or) 160.341 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 526.20 FtUS "Spike" in a power pole; 15' north of the centerline of Shepard Road and 0.3 mile west of Strecker Road. [Pole #382485] SP MO East N=310379± E=238829± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.630109°±(N/+) Long=90.628299°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 610.72 FtUS (or) 186.148 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 610.86 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of the second concrete slab of driveway to #1221 Shepard Road; 0.6 mile west of Strecker Road 40' from centerline. SP MO East N=310175± E=238508± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.628267°±(N/+) Long=90.631983°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 674.86 FtUS (or) 205.698 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 675.00 FtUS "Spike" in a power pole; 15' south of the centerline of Shepard Road, and 0.9 mile west of Strecker Road. [50’ south of 1326 Shepherd driveway] SP MO East N=309658± E=238588± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.623610°±(N/+) Long=90.631055°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 11:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 673.02 FtUS (or) 205.136 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 673.16 FtUS "L" on first joint on concrete curb along the driveway at #1421 Shepard Road; 1.2 miles west of Strecker Road, 60' from centerline of Shepard Road. SP MO East N=309373± E=238368± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.621040°±(N/+) Long=90.633577°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 754.48 FtUS (or) 229.967 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 754.61 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the first slab of the sidewalk to house #1628 Highway 109; 125' east of Highway 109 and 0.4 mile north of Shepard Road. SP MO East N=307409± E=237252± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.603331°±(N/+) Long=90.646357°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 615.42 FtUS (or) 187.580 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 615.56 FtUS Spike in a power pole #11092; 14 feet north of the centerline of Wild Horse Creek Road and 0.2 miles east of Ossenfort Road. SP MO East N=307787± E=231615± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.606638°±(N/+) Long=90.711083°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 537.51 FtUS (or) 163.834 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 537.64 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-07 situated in a grassy shoulder area northwest of Babler Park Drive and southeast of a vinyl rail pasture fence, approximately 0.6 miles southwest along Babler Park Drive from the intersection with State Highway 109. The disk is roughly 38 feet southwest of the centerline of an asphalt drive between vinyl rail fences leading northwesterly to property addressed as #705 Babler Park Drive, and 17 feet northwest of the centerline of Babler Park Drive. A mailbox for #705 Babler Park Drive is on the southeast side of Babler Park Drive, directly opposite the aforesaid driveway. <NGS PID="AA8613", Designation="SL 07"> SP MO East N=310203.1± E=235120.6± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.628470°±(N/+) Long=90.670887°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 11:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 486.49 FtUS (or) 148.281 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 486.63 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-40 situated in grassy area along the north side of the North Outer Road of Highway 64 and approximately in the extended centerline of the Spirit of Saint Louis Boulevard approximately 0.3 mile north of Chesterfield Airport Road, roughly 2 feet north of metal guard rail and 11 feet north of edge pavement. <NGS PID="AA8681", Designation="SL 40"> SP MO East N=315379.8± E=237342.9± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.675140°±(N/+) Long=90.645458°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 461.10 FtUS (or) 140.545 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 461.24 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-41 1990 Disk is set along the east side of Eatherton Road just north of the Shell Pipeline Marker; 19' east of the centerline of Eatherton and 60' north of the east pipeline marker. Approximately 1.1 mile south of the intersection of Olive Street Road and Eatherton Road. [#330 Eatherton] <NGS PID="AA8682", Designation="SL 41"> SP MO East N=313595.7± E=234890.2± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.659029°±(N/+) Long=90.673606°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 482.71 FtUS (or) 147.130 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 482.84 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-90 situated in grassy area on the west side of Centaur Road approximately 0.2 miles north of the intersection of Wild Horse Creek Road and Centaur Road; roughly 110 feet south of a power pole, 16 feet west of the center of Centaur Road, 42 feet south of the westerly projection of a gated driveway known as Cliffview Lane at #170 Centaur Road, and 165 feet north of pipeline markers for a pipeline crossing Centaur Road. <NGS PID="AA8731", Designation="SL 90"> SP MO East N=311587.8± E=232653.1± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.640899°±(N/+) Long=90.699260°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 11:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 749.08 FtUS (or) 228.319 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 749.20 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-94 and set in a coarse grass road shoulder east of the centerline of Smith School Road at 0.2 miles more or less north along Smith School Road from the intersection with Pond Road, between two rows of electric transmission towers; roughly 15 feet east of the centerline of Smith School Road, 60 feet northwest of the westernmost leg of the southern transmission tower, 103 feet southwest of the southernmost leg of the northern transmission tower, and 100 feet more or less north of the northwest corner of a wooden fence around property addressed as #1506 Smith School Road. <NGS PID="AA8735", Designation="SL 94"> SP MO East N=307390.7± E=236352.2± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.603153°±(N/+) Long=90.656687°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 710.30 FtUS (or) 216.501 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 710.44 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-100 1992 Disk is set on the west side of the entrance road to Orville Wood Subdivision from Orville Road; 80' north of the entrance sign for Orville Wood Subdivision. Approximately 1.2 mile west of the intersection of Shephard Road and Orville Road. [19’ west of centerline of Orville Wood Lane] <NGS PID="AA8618", Designation="SL 100"> SP MO East N=310486.4± E=237469.5± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.631058°±(N/+) Long=90.643915°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 467.26 FtUS RM 53 FEMA PANEL 115; "Sq" on top of south end of westernmost concrete pier of Railroad bridge over Wildhorse Creek; 200 feet upstream of the confluence with the Missouri River. SP MO East N=311991± E=232370± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.644526°±(N/+) Long=90.702522°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 477.62 FtUS (or) 145.579 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 477.75 FtUS RM 54 FEMA PANEL 115; "Sq" on top of south west wingwall of Centaur Road bridge over Bates Creek; north of the intersection of Centaur Road and Wild Horse Creek Road. SP MO East N=311328± E=232675± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.638559°±(N/+) Long=90.699002°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 11:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 529.82 FtUS (or) 161.490 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 529.98 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-97 situated in a grassy area along the northwest side of Ossenfort Road approximately 0.5 miles southwest of Wild Horse Creek Road, roughly 15 feet northwest of the centerline of Ossenfort Road, 51 feet southwest of the centerline of entrance to Deer Pointe Estates, 62 feet northeast of a power pole, and 4 feet southeast of a white board rail fence. [This is prior BM 16134 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 11.] <NGS PID="AA8738", Designation="SL 97"> SP MO East N=307244.4± E=231139.9± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.601739°±(N/+) Long=90.716524°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 461.76 FtUS (or) 140.745 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 461.91 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-40A situated in a naturalized grass area south of the North Outer Forty Road at an approximate distance of 0.4 miles east of the intersection with Spirit of St Louis Boulevard north of Interstate Route I64 (also known as Highway 40); roughly 24.5 feet south of the centerline of North Outer Forty Road, 13.7 feet south of the edge of pavement, and 5.3 feet south of a MSHTD witness post set in the line of a cable guard along the south side of North Outer Forty Road. <NGS PID="AA8681", Designation="Accessory to SL 40"> SP MO East N=315266± E=237985± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.674124°±(N/+) Long=90.638077°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 465.32 FtUS (or) 141.831 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 465.47 FtUS Cut "L" on the northernmost corner of the concrete base for a metal traffic signal control box situated southeast of the right turn lane from northbound Spirit of St Louis Boulevard onto eastbound Chesterfield Airport Road; roughly 76 feet east of the centerline of Spirit of St Louis Boulevard, 79 feet south of the centerline of Chesterfield Airport Road, and 23 feet west of the southwest corner of Spirit Airport entrance sign. SP MO East N=314831± E=237299± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.670196°±(N/+) Long=90.645953°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 11:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 461.66 FtUS (or) 140.713 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 461.80 FtUS Cut "U" on the west edge of concrete pavement for Spirit Valley East Drive; roughly 27 feet west of the centerline of Spirit Valley East Drive, 76 feet south of the centerline of Olive Street Road, and generally across Olive Street Road from a residence addressed as #18633 Olive Street Road. SP MO East N=315053± E=235604± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.672170°±(N/+) Long=90.665435°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 475.88 FtUS (or) 145.048 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 476.01 FtUS Cut "U" on the top east edge of a floodwall situated between Centaur Road and the railroad tracks at a distance of roughly 39 feet south of the centerline of Centaur Road in line with an asphalt access road running north from Centaur Road and sometimes known as the Monarch Chesterfield Levee Trail. The benchmark is on a flood wall supporting a flood gate across the railroad tracks; at approximately 0.9 miles west of the intersection of Centaur Road with North Eatherton Road, and approximately 0.7 miles east of a sharp bend in Centaur Road north of a railroad crossing. SP MO East N=312332± E=233636± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.647623°±(N/+) Long=90.687987°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 476.08 FtUS (or) 145.108 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 476.20 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-90A situated near the top of a road slope roughly 15 feet south of the centerline of pavement of Wild Horse Creek Road, 42 feet southeast of the centerline intersection of Wild Horse Creek Road with Centaur Road from the north, and 108 feet southeast of the southernmost end of the western handrail on a bridge for Centaur Road over Wild Horse Creek. <NGS PID="AA8731", Designation="Accessory to SL 90"> SP MO East N=311299± E=232688± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.638298°±(N/+) Long=90.698851°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 665.94 FtUS (or) 202.980 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 666.05 FtUS Cut "U" on the top north edge of a triangular concrete median island situated south of Wild Horse Creek Road, east of Highway 109, and northwest of the right turn lane from northbound Highway 109 onto eastbound Wild Horse Creek Road; roughly 53 feet east of the centerline of Highway 109 and 21 feet south of the centerline of Wild Horse Creek Road. SP MO East N=311842± E=235095± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.643234°±(N/+) Long=90.671216°±(W/-)
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Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 583.28 FtUS (or) 177.783 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 583.38 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-39A situated in a grassy area northwest of Wild Horse Creek Road 240 feet more or less southwest of the centerline of Tara Oaks Drive and situated south and west of a private road known as Tuma Lane; roughly 24 feet northwest of the centerline of Wild Horse Creek Road, 67 feet southwest of a utility pole; and 43 feet south of the easternmost corner of a pasture fence situated northwest of Tuma Lane. <NGS PID="AA8680", Designation="Accessory to SL 39"> SP MO East N=312557± E=237299± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.649710°±(N/+) Long=90.645911°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 550.05 FtUS (or) 167.655 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 550.17 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-136 situated in a grassy tree lawn southeast of Wild Horse Creek Road 300 feet more of less southwest of the centerline of Greystone Manor Parkway; roughly 28 feet southeast of the centerline of Wild Horse Creek Road, 18 feet northwest of a sidewalk, and 28 feet north of a utility pole. SP MO East N=312878.9± E=237798.3± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.652617°±(N/+) Long=90.640181°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 480.99 FtUS (or) 146.607 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 481.13 FtUS Cut triangle in the top of and three feet north of the southernmost curb height end of the approach wall south of the barrier wall along the west side of a bridge for Wild Horse Creek Road over Wildhorse Creek; roughly 17 feet west of the centerline of Wild Horse Creek Road, and 50 feet north of the centerline of a road with street signs as both Old Slave Road and Spiceberry Lane. The benchmark is south of the actual bridge on the low end of an approach wall which tapers vertically from curb height to the top of bridge barrier wall. SP MO East N=310595± E=232182± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.631946°±(N/+) Long=90.704646°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 11:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 527.23 FtUS (or) 160.699 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 527.38 FtUS Cut Square on the concrete shoulder pavement at the northeast corner of the concrete bridge deck of a bridge for Ossenfort Road over Wildhorse Creek, situated 0.3 miles more or less south along Ossenfort Road from the intersection with wild Horse Creek Road; roughly one foot south of the north edge of bridge deck, 14 feet east of the centerline as traveled of Ossenfort Road, and 25 feet more or less south of the driveway to homes addressed as #2050 and #2052 Ossenfort Road. SP MO East N=307487± E=231291± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.603928°±(N/+) Long=90.714795°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 545.41 FtUS (or) 166.242 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 545.57 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-97A situated in a tall grass road slope east of Ossenfort Road at a distance of 0.8 miles more or less south of Wild Horse Creek Road; roughly 114 feet south of a utility pole opposite the driveway entrance to a residential property addressed as #2325 Ossenfort Road, 24 feet north of the centerline of a field road entrance, 16 feet northwest of the northern gate post of a field gate, 18 feet east of the centerline of Ossenfort Road, and 5 feet more or less west of a wire fence. <NGS PID="AA8738", Designation="Accessory to SL 97"> SP MO East N=306810± E=231044± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.597824°±(N/+) Long=90.717613°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 560.28 FtUS (or) 170.774 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 560.45 FtUS Found cross cut in the top center of a concrete headwall situated roughly 15 feet northeast of the centerline of Hardt Road and 120 feet east of the centerline of Ossenfort Road. SP MO East N=305923± E=230704± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.589826°±(N/+) Long=90.721491°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 503.07 FtUS (or) 153.335 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 503.21 FtUS Found aluminum tablet stamped "DNR 13-D 1987 PARK CORNER T45N R3E US 1956" set in the top of a roughly 3 inch diameter pipe in a swale at the bottom of a forested slope southeast of Wildhorse Creek and east of Wild Horse Creek Road opposite the southern end of a steel guardrail extending south along the east side of Wild Horse Creek Road from a bridge, at a distance of 0.25 miles more or less north of Ossenfort Road; roughly 25 feet east of the centerline of Wild Horse Creek Road, and 30 feet south of the concrete bridge structure. SP MO East N=308415± E=231354± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.612290°±(N/+) Long=90.714097°±(W/-) Page 12 of 20
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 11:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 613.18 FtUS (or) 186.897 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 613.32 FtUS Found aluminum tablet by the Missouri DNR for a park corner stamped "PK PROP LN" and "R3E"; set in the top of a roughly 3 inch diameter pipe approximately 0.5 feet above the ground surface on the northeast side of Wild Horse Creek Road, roughly 3 feet northeast of a utility pole #11092, and 0.2 miles east of Ossenfort Road. SP MO East N=307788± E=231616± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.606647°±(N/+) Long=90.711072°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 625.06 FtUS (or) 190.518 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 625.20 FtUS Cut triangle on natural top of the most northwestern rock outcropping in a cluster of small rock outcroppings situated northeast of Wild Horse Creek Road along the southwest side of park property near the base of a wooded slope; 0.1 miles more or less northwest along Wild Horse Creek Road from a stone masonry and wood entrance gate for driveway to Twin Crest Farms addressed as #1445 Wild Horse Creek Road, 0.1 miles more or less southeast of the concrete driveway to residence addressed #1453 Wild Horse Creek Road, roughly 15 feet northeast of the centerline of Wild Horse Creek Road nearer to the earthen slope than to the road, and 2 feet more or less above the asphalt pavement. SP MO East N=307623± E=231845± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.605165°±(N/+) Long=90.708439°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 795.13 FtUS (or) 242.357 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 795.27 FtUS Top of flange for fire hydrant bonnet at the "OO" in foundry marking "CHATANOOGA" on the street side of fire hydrant situated southwest of Wild Horse Creek Road, northeast of a white rail fence, approximately in the southerly prolongation of the centerline of Reiger Road, and 3 feet north of a warning sign for underground telephone lines. SP MO East N=306666± E=233044± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.596567°±(N/+) Long=90.694650°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 713.22 FtUS (or) 217.390 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 713.36 FtUS "O" in OPEN on a fire hydrant in the tree lawn north of Clayton Road, south of the sidewalk, and west of the driveway for residence addressed as #16765 Clayton Road; roughly 25 feet north of the centerline of Clayton Road, 11 feet east of a black metal lamp standard, and 10 feet west of the centerline of driveway to #16765 Clayton Road. SP MO East N=306873± E=238783± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.598523°±(N/+) Long=90.628771°±(W/-) Page 13 of 20
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 11:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 771.87 FtUS (or) 235.265 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 772.00 FtUS Cut square centered between two flush type traffic pull boxes and centered on the 3'x6' concrete pad containing those pull boxes, at the southeast corner of the intersection of Clayton Road with the main drive entrance, opposite Dartmouth Crossing Drive, to Lafayette High School addressed as #17050 Clayton Road. The benchmark and traffic boxes are east of a broad sidewalk along the east side of the school entrance and roughly 49 feet east of the centerline of school entrance, 21 feet northwest of the northwest corner of an asphalt parking lot, and 70 feet south of the centerline of Clayton Road. SP MO East N=306694± E=238040± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.596901°±(N/+) Long=90.637298°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 780.80 FtUS (or) 237.987 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 780.93 FtUS Cut square on top of a 3'x3' concrete pad base for a 1 foot square raised metal pedestal box situated northeast of the intersection of Highway 109 with Clayton Road from the east; roughly 0.5 feet east of the west edge of concrete pad, 1.5 feet north of the south edge of pad, 72 feet north of the centerline of Clayton Road, 50 feet east of the centerline of Highway 109, and 28 feet south of utility pole #380247. SP MO East N=306686± E=237806± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.596825°±(N/+) Long=90.639984°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 777.53 FtUS (or) 236.992 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 777.67 FtUS Cut "U" on the top east edge of the round concrete base for a short pedestrian signal mast immediately west of the handicap ramp at the west end of the marked crosswalk across Highway 109 north of the intersection with Clayton Road from the east; roughly 39 feet north of the center of drive entrance to Passiglia's Nursery opposite Clayton Road, 52 feet west of the centerline of Highway 109, and 15 feet south of the center bollard within an asphalt trail running to the north along the west side of Highway 109. SP MO East N=306665± E=237784± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.596636°±(N/+) Long=90.640236°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 11:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 523.62 FtUS (or) 159.600 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 523.74 FtUS Cut square on top of the easternmost corner of the northwest concrete abutment of bridge #B0389 for Highway 109 over Bonhomme Creek approximately 0.8 miles south of Wild Horse Creek Road. The square is centered above the intersection of the northwest abutment emerging from under the bridge deck with a return wall tying back into the northwest creek bank; roughly 23 feet northeast of the centerline of Highway 109, 3 feet northeast of the northwestern end of the northeastern barrier wall or bridge deck railing, and 360 feet more or less southeast of the northeasterly prolongation of the centerline of Babler Park Drive. SP MO East N=310925± E=235829± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.634985°±(N/+) Long=90.662765°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 675.16 FtUS (or) 205.789 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 675.29 FtUS Cut square on top of the concrete curb at the westernmost bull nose end of landscaped median island in the center of Westhampton Woods Drive east of Highway 109; roughly 40 feet east of the centerline of Highway 109, and 32 feet northwest of a fire hydrant. SP MO East N=309292± E=236452± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.620283°±(N/+) Long=90.655578°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 716.58 FtUS (or) 218.415 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 716.71 FtUS Cut square on top of the concrete curb at the westernmost bull nose end of landscaped median island in the center of Garden Valley Drive east of Highway 109; roughly 44 feet east of the centerline of Highway 109, and 44 feet southwest of a fire hydrant. SP MO East N=308432± E=236750± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.612540°±(N/+) Long=90.652140°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 11:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 743.51 FtUS (or) 226.623 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 743.64 FtUS Cut "L" on the top westernmost corner of the concrete base for a raised metal box with Ameren UE signage located in a grassy area northeast of Highway 109 between the two southernmost paved entrances to the Ameren UE Wildwood Substation Complex, very generally situated northeast of the southernmost of two places where Babler Park Drive intersects Highway 109. The benchmark is roughly 42 feet northeast of the centerline of Highway 109, 56 feet southeast of the centerline of a driveway that has been blocked by a line of bollards, 87 feet northwest of the centerline of an active driveway to Ameren UE substation, and 500 feet more or less northwest along Highway 109 from the center of asphalt driveway for residence addressed as #1550 Highway 109. SP MO East N=307624± E=237022± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.605265°±(N/+) Long=90.649001°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 776.43 FtUS (or) 236.657 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 776.56 FtUS Cut square on top of and near the southwest corner of a 3'x3' concrete base for a raised metal box roughly one foot square, which is south of a larger raised metal traffic signal control box north of the intersection of Highway 109 with Shepard Road; roughly 39 feet northeast of the centerline of Highway 109, 46 feet northwest of the centerline of Shepard Road, and 3 feet south of the larger traffic signal control box. SP MO East N=306834± E=237689± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.598157°±(N/+) Long=90.641330°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 586.70 FtUS (or) 178.827 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 586.83 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-07A situated in a grassy shoulder area 23 feet east of the centerline of Babler Park Drive, 234 feet south of the centerline of asphalt driveway to property addressed as #826 Babler Park Drive, 50 feet more or less north of the easterly prolongation of the center of driveway to property addressed as #807 Babler Park Drive, 31 feet northwest of a carsonite witness post in the western edge of a line of trees, and 37 feet north of a mailbox situated east of Babler Park Drive for the aforesaid property addressed as #807 Babler Park Drive. <NGS PID="AA8614", Designation="SL 07A"> SP MO East N=309526.5± E=234586.0± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.622365°±(N/+) Long=90.677011°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 11:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 577.05 FtUS (or) 175.884 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 577.17 FtUS Found "U" cut in the top northeast edge of the northeastern concrete barrier wall or railing along the northeast side of bridge #A5043 for Babler Park Drive over Bonhomme Creek, located 0.6 feet southeast of the northernmost corner of said concrete barrier wall; roughly 21 feet northeast of the centerline of Babler Park Drive, and 900 feet more or less northwest of Pond Road. SP MO East N=308511± E=234829± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.613221°±(N/+) Long=90.674199°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 603.67 FtUS (or) 184.000 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 603.80 FtUS Found large nail driven into the southwest side of utility pole #381977; roughly 30 feet northeast of the centerline of Babler Park Drive, 85 feet northwest of the northeasterly prolongation of the centerline of Pond Road, and 25 feet southeast of the centerline of asphalt driveway to property addressed as #1060 Babler Park Drive. SP MO East N=308372± E=235022± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.611972°±(N/+) Long=90.671979°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 586.94 FtUS (or) 178.901 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 587.07 FtUS Found "L" on southeast corner of northeast concrete wingwall of bridge #389 for Rieger Road over Bonhomme Creek, being directly north of the eastern end of the northern barrier wall or railing, and southwest of a metal box for guaging station; roughly 12 feet north of the centerline of Rieger Road, 345 feet more or less west of the centerline of Pond Road, and 455 feet more or less east of the centerline of Sara Mathews Lane. SP MO East N=308128± E=234990± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.609773°±(N/+) Long=90.672342°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 589.88 FtUS (or) 179.797 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 590.01 FtUS Found "L" on the top northwest corner of the easternmost molded concrete end column of the northern barrier wall or railing of bridge #389 for Rieger Road over Bonhomme Creek; roughly 12 feet north of the centerline of Rieger Road, 347 feet more or less west of the centerline of Pond Road, and 453 feet more or less east of the centerline of Sara Mathews Lane. SP MO East N=308128± E=234989± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.609773°±(N/+) Long=90.672353°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 11:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 733.39 FtUS (or) 223.539 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 733.52 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-94A situated in a coarse grass slope area near the southeast corner of property for Life Pointe Church addressed as #1400 Babler Park Drive at the northwest corner of Babler Park Drive and Old Eatherton Road; roughly 31 feet west of the centerline of Old Eatherton Road, 28 feet north of the white stipe at edge of driving lane of Babler Park Road, and 16 feet northwest of the western end of corrugated metal pipe culvert under Old Eatherton Road. <NGS PID="AA8735", Designation="Accessory to SL 94"> SP MO East N=307696± E=236750± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.605909°±(N/+) Long=90.652126°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 594.17 FtUS (or) 181.102 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 594.29 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of northern headwall where a small creek passes under Rieger Road 0.3 miles more or less west along Rieger Road from Pond Road; roughly 24 feet north of the centerline of Rieger Road, and 140 feet more or less west of the center of asphalt drive apron to property addressed as #18180 Rieger Road. SP MO East N=307964± E=234576± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.608289°±(N/+) Long=90.677091°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 616.56 FtUS (or) 187.929 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 616.69 FtUS Cut "U" roughly 15 feet southwest of the centerline of Pond Road, on the southernmost corner of the southwestern headwall of a box culvert where a small creek flows under Pond Road just south of the driveway entrance to property addressed as #1214 Pond Road; at a distance of slightly more than 0.5 miles southerly along Pond Road from the intersection with Rieger Road. SP MO East N=307540± E=235646± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.604487°±(N/+) Long=90.664798°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 653.14 FtUS (or) 199.077 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 653.26 FtUS Cut "L" on the westernmost corner of the northeast headwall of a box culvert where a small creek flows under Pond Road at a distance of 500 feet more or less southeast along Pond Road from its intersection with Smith School Road; roughly 15 feet northeast of the centerline of Pond Road, and 55 feet southeast of the driveway to property addresses as #1406 Pond Road. SP MO East N=307014± E=236492± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.599761°±(N/+) Long=90.655074°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 11:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 743.55 FtUS (or) 226.636 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 743.69 FtUS Cut square on top of vertical concrete curb rounding southeast of the intersection of Shepard Road and Indian Tree Run; roughly 2 feet north of the south end of concrete curb, 20 feet east of the centerline of Shepard Road, and 40 feet south of the centerline of Indian Tree Run. SP MO East N=307720± E=238283± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.606147°±(N/+) Long=90.634525°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 705.50 FtUS (or) 215.038 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 705.64 FtUS Cut "U" on the top east edge of the round concrete base for the easternmost or southeast leg of an electric transmission tower situated roughly 53 feet west of the centerline of Shepard Road, 31 feet north of a gravel drive sometimes known as Sellenriek Lane, and 400 feet more or less south of the intersection of Shepard Road with Shepard Ridge Road. SP MO East N=308572± E=238593± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.613827°±(N/+) Long=90.630980°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 694.80 FtUS (or) 211.774 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 694.93 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-100A situated in grassy area on the north side of Orville Road nearly opposite the gravel driveway to house addressed as #17360 Orville Road; roughly 13.5 feet north of the centerline of Orville Road, 10 feet east of a 25 MPH speed limit sign post, and 41 feet diagonally east of a utility pole situated south of Orville Road and west of the gravel drive. <NGS PID="AA8618", Designation="Accessory to SL 100"> SP MO East N=310425± E=237774± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.630509°±(N/+) Long=90.640417°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 712.75 FtUS (or) 217.246 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 712.88 FtUS Found spike in utility pole roughly 11 feet east of Orville Road, 55 feet north of the center of asphalt driveway to house addressed #17665 Orville Road, and 270 feet more or less southeast along Orville Road from the intersection with Grand Meridien Forest Drive. SP MO East N=310087± E=236541± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.627446°±(N/+) Long=90.654571°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 11:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 669.84 FtUS (or) 204.168 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 669.97 FtUS Found spike in utility pole roughly 11 feet west of Orville Road, 205 feet north of the gravel driveway to house addressed #17808 Orville Road, and 220 feet south of the centerline driveway to house addressed as #17822 Orville Road. SP MO East N=310477± E=236293± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.630956°±(N/+) Long=90.657427°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 12:
Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 515.87 FtUS (or) 157.237 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 516.11 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 31A GEU 1975 set in east end of north headwall along Manchester Road at Grand Glaize Creek 5' lower than pavement; 128' east and 50' north of the intersection of Manchester Road and Sulphur Springs Road. SP MO East N=306291± E=248238± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.593349°±(N/+) Long=90.520226°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 657.90 FtUS (or) 200.527 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 658.05 FtUS RM 196 FEMA PANEL 256; "Standard Tablet" stamped 9-74 S.L.C. set in a concrete post 6" underground; 60' east and 20' south of the Kehrs Mill Road and Glenn Drive intersection. SP MO East N=306561± E=245980± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.595774°±(N/+) Long=90.546148°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 739.69 FtUS (or) 225.459 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 739.81 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 10 GEU 1975 set in base of concrete pier formerly supporting sign to Mobil service station at 15961 Manchester Road; 350' more or less east of Henry Avenue; near the back of sidewalk along Manchester Road, roughly 69.4' southeast of the southeast corner of service station building, and 2’ south of newer gasoline price sign. SP MO East N=306222± E=242336± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.592696°±(N/+) Long=90.587976°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 689.58 FtUS (or) 210.183 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 689.74 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 26 GEU 1975 set on south end of bottom step of southeast side entrance facing Sunset Drive to Trinity Lutheran Church #900 Kehrs Mill Road at intersection of Kehrs Mill Road and Sunset Drive. SP MO East N=307570± E=244454± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.604856°±(N/+) Long=90.563674°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 549.13 FtUS (or) 167.376 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 549.33 FtUS RM 97 FEMA PANEL 251; "Standard Tablet" stamped 66-75 S.L.C. set in base for northeast leg on power line along Strecker Road at major power line crossing; 520'± southwest of McBride Point Drive intersection of Strecker Road and 260'± north of Wade Court intersection with McBride Point Drive. SP MO East N=309128± E=239624± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.618848°±(N/+) Long=90.619150°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 12:
Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 721.00 FtUS (or) 219.762 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 721.08 FtUS RM 99 FEMA PANEL 251; "Standard Tablet" stamped 11 GEU 1975 set in concrete post along Strecker Road 1.3 mile north of Manchester Road; 24' east of centerline Strecker Road and 26' north of the easterly projection of the driveway to #215 Strecker Road, 130' south of the easterly projection of Timber Ridge Estates. SP MO East N=306926± E=240525± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.599021°±(N/+) Long=90.608774°±(W/-)
NAVD88(Adopt NGS) Elev = 463.52 FtUS (or) 141.280 Meter <NAVD88 ORTHO HEIGHT per NGS datasheet as of 04/15/2014> NGVD29 Elev = 463.69 FtUS "Copper Bolt" leaded in the top of an 18" square Missouri River Commission stone and set about 3' underground in the northeastern corner of Gumbo Cemetery roughly 13.5 feet northeast of the most northeast headstone, 11 feet west of the back of sidewalk, roughly 60 feet west of the centerline of Long Road as realigned in 2013 by Saint Louis County Highway Project No AR-863(A) at 600 feet more or less north of the centerline of Wild Horse Creek Road as realigned by the same project, and approximately 220 feet south of the centerline of the Missouri Central Railroad. On May 6 2014 a broken 5" PVC riser pipe was cleaned out and extended upward by splicing on a new length of PVC pipe capped by a standard NGS aluminum access cover stamped on the flat spot on the rim and also on the moveable cap as "PBM 29" roughly one foot above ground surface in the edge of a mowed lawn area at Gumbo Cemetery. The fixed rim of the aluminum cap where stamped "PBM 29" is 1.272 Meters (4.17 Feet) higher than the bolt by leveling. The top of copper bolt is 0.03 feet higher than the top of stone. <NGS PID="JC0513", Designation="29=9/1 BOLT"> SP MO East N=313676.3± E=239717.5± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.659825°±(N/+) Long=90.618144°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 461.99 FtUS (or) 140.814 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 462.12 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped TT 1 E 1930 set in a concrete post; 32' west of Chesterfield Airport Road and 150' south of Old Olive Street Road, 20' south of tracks. SP MO East N=314231± E=243053± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.664854°±(N/+) Long=90.579825°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 12:
Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 629.42 FtUS (or) 191.847 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 629.56 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 6 GEU 1974 set in south end of headwall; 280' south of the east bound entrance ramp for Hwy.I-64 and 50' east of Clarkson Road northbound. SP MO East N=312764± E=244830± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.651650°±(N/+) Long=90.559395°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 503.34 FtUS (or) 153.417 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 503.53 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 31 GEU 1975 set in concrete base of northeast tower leg of northernmost power line along Conway Road at major power line crossing; 157' south of centerline of Conway Road and 20' east of White Road. (Entrance to Conway Forest Subdivision). [RM 64 FEMA PANEL 145. Same as former BM 12200.] SP MO East N=312434± E=247851± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.648690°±(N/+) Long=90.524688°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 559.06 FtUS (or) 170.403 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 559.37 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 4 GEU 1974 Reset 1977 on west end of north abutment of bridge over tributary to Grand Glaize Creek about 1.0 mile south of Clayton Road along Holloway Road; 75’ southwest of the centerline of Spring Oaks. SP MO East N=307210± E=246564± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.601623°±(N/+) Long=90.539447°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 557.67 FtUS (or) 169.977 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 557.81 FtUS "Sq" on top of curb at end of rounding along the north curb line [of the easterly extension of Burkhardt Place] on the east side of Chesterfield Village Parkway; 0.2 mile north of Lydia Hills Drive. SP MO East N=312996± E=244033± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.653735°±(N/+) Long=90.568554°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 643.82 FtUS (or) 196.236 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 644.02 FtUS "Sq" on northwest base of south transmission tower; 50' east of centerline of Clarkson Road and 300' south of intersection of Clarkson Road and Wilson Road. SP MO East N=309943± E=242997± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.626224°±(N/+) Long=90.580425°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 12:
Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 492.09 FtUS (or) 149.990 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 492.30 FtUS "Sq" in center of northeast wingwall of bridge #3-117 on Wilson Road; first bridge south of house #1401 Wilson Road; [12’ east of the centerline of Wilson Road and 350’ south of #1401 Wilson Road]. SP MO East N=312422± E=242667± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.648554°±(N/+) Long=90.584241°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 523.62 FtUS (or) 159.600 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 523.80 FtUS "U" on top of wingwall on northwest corner of bridge #3-102; located 12' west of centerline of Strecker Road and 0.3 mile south from Valley Road. SP MO East N=309966± E=239827± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.626400°±(N/+) Long=90.616831°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 691.19 FtUS (or) 210.675 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 691.33 FtUS "U" on north side concrete base of flag pole in front of Daniel Boone Branch S.L.C. Library along Clarkson Road; 97' north from centerline of Springer Road and 0.2 mile south from Clayton Road. SP MO East N=307214± E=242509± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.601634°±(N/+) Long=90.586000°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 595.10 FtUS "Sq" on centerline of concrete headwall at the top of pond overflow; 100' north of centerline of Arblay Drive and 70' east of centerline of Henry Avenue. SP MO East N=307099± E=248698± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.600629°±(N/+) Long=90.514947°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 674.77 FtUS "Sq" on top concrete curb of centerline median of Orkney Court; 30' east of centerline of Henry Avenue. SP MO East N=307867± E=248460± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.607547°±(N/+) Long=90.517681°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 672.09 FtUS "Sq" on concrete walk 50' north of centerline of Kingridge and 60' west of centerline Henry Avenue. SP MO East N=308646± E=248077± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.614565°±(N/+) Long=90.522081°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 12:
Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 648.44 FtUS (or) 197.646 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 648.77 FtUS "L" on top of the west brick entrance marker on the northwest corner; 40' east of Baxter Road and 40' north of the centerline of Hill Trail Drive. SP MO East N=307916± E=246878± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.607985°±(N/+) Long=90.535845°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 540.76 FtUS (or) 164.823 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 541.00 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of south headwall of bridge #3-127 along Baxter Road over Grand Glaize Creek; roughly 28' east of centerline Baxter Road, 1' east of back of sidewalk near south end of chain link fence, and 170' north of centerline Baxter Commons Drive. SP MO East N=306850± E=247507± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.598383°±(N/+) Long=90.528620°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 584.72 FtUS (or) 178.222 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 584.94 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the south headwall of a box culvert; 100' east of the centerline of Baxter Road and 31' south of Manor Knoll Drive. SP MO East N=309327± E=246283± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.620694°±(N/+) Long=90.542684°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 601.32 FtUS (or) 183.283 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 601.54 FtUS "U" on top of the northwest corner of a concrete base of a transmission tower; 30' east of the centerline of Baxter Road and 350' north of Country Field Drive. SP MO East N=310702± E=245018± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.633075°±(N/+) Long=90.557221°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 693.85 FtUS "Bolt" top of the southeast anchor bolt of the most northern light pole in a median at the center of a parking lot for the First Church of Christian Science; 200' west of Clarkson Road and 130' north of Clarkson Farm Drive. SP MO East N=308070± E=242476± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.609346°±(N/+) Long=90.586388°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 623.67 FtUS "Line" in the center of base at entrance marker of the Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery; 60' east of centerline of White Road and 0.7' above ground line. SP MO East N=314020± E=247116± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.662976°±(N/+) Long=90.533138°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 12:
Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 553.19 FtUS "Sq" in northeast corner of capstone to entrance marker at Whitree Subdivision; 45' west of centerline of White Road and 45' north of centerline of Whitree Lane. SP MO East N=313587± E=247555± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.659076°±(N/+) Long=90.528092°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 513.54 FtUS "Sq" in southernmost corner of brick entrance marker to Green Trails West Subdivision; 55' east of centerline of White Road and 50' north of centerline of Green Trails Drive south. SP MO East N=313195± E=247912± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655546°±(N/+) Long=90.523989°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 497.08 FtUS "Sq" in northeast corner of box culvert headwall; 35' south of centerline of Rainy Lake Drive and 19' east of centerline of White Road. SP MO East N=312894± E=248078± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.652835°±(N/+) Long=90.522081°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 512.94 FtUS "No Mark" northwest corner of concrete porch at front entrance to house #1294 White Road. SP MO East N=312721± E=248025± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.651276°±(N/+) Long=90.522690°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 524.92 FtUS "No Mark" northeast corner of concrete porch at rear of house #1367 White Road. SP MO East N=312629± E=247793± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.650446°±(N/+) Long=90.525355°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 13262 in Chapter 13.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 699.89 FtUS (or) 213.328 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 700.11 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of a driveway to house #2654 Valley Road; 30’ east of the centerline of Valley Road and 10’ north of the centerline of drive at back of sidewalk. SP MO East N=308153± E=241589± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.610085°±(N/+) Long=90.596574°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 754.46 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of a concrete porch at house #1500 Froesel Drive; 75' south Froesel Drive and 100' west of Hutchinson Road. SP MO East N=306511± E=241672± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.595294°±(N/+) Long=90.595601°±(W/-) Page 7 of 50
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 12:
Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 608.49 FtUS (or) 185.469 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 608.74 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the sidewalk in front of #112 Manchester Road; 125' south of the centerline of Manchester Road and 600' west of the centerline of New Ballwin Road. SP MO East N=306197± E=244803± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.592489°±(N/+) Long=90.559657°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 635.16 FtUS "Sq" on the southwest corner of a telephone box #11898; 66' south of the centerline of Wilson Farm Drive and 198' east of Wilson Farm Court. SP MO East N=310738± E=242621± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.633383°±(N/+) Long=90.584752°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 523.75 FtUS (or) 159.638 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 523.99 FtUS Square on the northern curb of Ladue Road at a median island in the centerline projected of Seabrook Drive, and in the northerly projection of the centerline of Seabrook Court; roughly 10 feet north of the centerline of the westbound lanes of Ladue Road, and 6 feet south of a lamp post for overhead street lamp. SP MO East N=314147± E=248596± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.664124°±(N/+) Long=90.516133°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 546.96 FtUS (or) 166.714 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 547.19 FtUS Square on the northern curb of Ladue Road at a median island in the centerline projected of Trailswest Drive at the easternmost intersection of Trailswest Drive with Ladue Road; roughly 20 feet north of the centerline of Ladue Road, and across from #14400 Ladue Road. SP MO East N=314327± E=247870± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.665744°±(N/+) Long=90.524475°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 586.85 FtUS (or) 178.872 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 587.07 FtUS "U" on top of the western curb of Palladian Court north of a curb inlet; roughly 13 feet west of the centerline of Palladian Court and 55 feet north of the centerline of Ladue Road. SP MO East N=314729± E=247192± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.669363°±(N/+) Long=90.532268°±(W/-)
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Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 615.50 FtUS "Property Marker" top of concrete monument marking the southeast corner of the St. Louis County Civil Preparedness Center 1000' northwest of Olive Street Road. [This monument was shown on PB 350 PG 599 near Lot 66 of "VILLAS AT LADUE BLUFFS PLAT TWO". On that plat it is noted as "FND: CONC. MON. (TOP BROKEN)". If recovered, the integrity of this benchmark should be evaluated and probably verified in relation to a second benchmark.] SP MO East N=314942.6± E=246789.1± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.671286°±(N/+) Long=90.536898°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 554.20 FtUS (or) 168.922 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 554.45 FtUS "L" on westernmost front corner of low brick flower box in front of taller brick subdivision monument for The Seasons at Schoettler subdivision north of the intersection of Summer Blossom Lane and Schoettler Road. The benchmark is cut on the brick, and is within a chipped away corner of a concrete cap that elsewhere covers the top of the brick planter box wall. Benchmark is roughly 35 feet northeast of the centerline yellow stripe in Schoettler Road, and 45 feet northwest of the centerline of Summer Blossom Lane. SP MO East N=310392± E=247177± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.630292°±(N/+) Long=90.532422°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 618.69 FtUS (or) 188.577 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 619.00 FtUS "Sq" in the center at the south end of a retaining wall along the west side of building at #109 Manchester Road 100' east of Lock Drive. SP MO East N=306265± E=247329± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.593112°±(N/+) Long=90.530661°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 646.60 FtUS (or) 197.083 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 646.71 FtUS "Sq" on the curb at the nose of the island in the center of Westpar Drive; 36' west of the centerline of Kehrs Mill Road. SP MO East N=309194± E=243066± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.619477°±(N/+) Long=90.579625°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 697.30 FtUS (or) 212.538 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 697.44 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-05, 1989. Disk set at southeast corner of Shadowridge Drive and Durango Pass Court. <NGS PID="AA8611", Designation="SL 05"> SP MO East N=307961.2± E=239458.3± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.608335°±(N/+) Long=90.621035°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 12:
Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 545.04 FtUS (or) 166.130 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 545.24 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-06 situated in a grassy area along the east side of McBride Pointe Drive east of the sidewalk and approximately 191 feet south of Strecker Road; roughly 21' west of a chain link fence corner post being both the northwest corner of fence for a tennis court and the southwest corner of fence for a basketball court, and 12' southwest of a water valve. <NGS PID="AA8612", Designation="SL 06"> SP MO East N=309165.9± E=239733.4± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.619191°±(N/+) Long=90.617894°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 646.83 FtUS (or) 197.154 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 646.98 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-31, 1990. Disk is set along the west side of Elbridge-Payne Drive; across from the north drive extended for Innovations Inc. Approximately 180' south of the intersection of Hwy I-64 South Outer Road and Elbridge-Payne Drive. <NGS PID="AA8672", Designation="SL 31"> SP MO East N=312625.4± E=244719.7± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.650401°±(N/+) Long=90.560662°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 458.72 FtUS (or) 139.819 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 458.86 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-32 Reset, 1999. Disk is set in between the Hwy I-64 North Outer Road and the west bound Hwy I-64; 19' south of the centerline of the North Outer Road and 30' north of the north edge of the west bound lane Hwy I-64. Approximately 0.5 miles east of the intersection of Boones Crossing Road and North Outer Road. <NGS PID="AA8673", Designation="SL 32"> SP MO East N=314818.1± E=242042.1± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.670135°±(N/+) Long=90.591448°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 506.98 FtUS (or) 154.528 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 507.17 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-33, 1990. Disk is set along the north side of Conway Road; 2' south of sidewalk. Approximately 240' east of the intersection of White Road and Conway Road. <NGS PID="AA8674", Designation="SL 33"> SP MO East N=312489.7± E=247833.1± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.649192°±(N/+) Long=90.524894°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 12:
Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 629.13 FtUS (or) 191.758 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 629.34 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-35, 1990. Disk is set 2' south of the sidewalk at #14957 Chateau Drive. Approximately 0.1 mile northeast of Baxter Road and Chateau Drive. [29’ east of centerline drive of 14963 Chateau Drive and 19’ southwest of water meter in lawn of 14957 Chateau Drive] <NGS PID="AA8676", Designation="SL 35"> SP MO East N=309880.0± E=246077.3± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.625675°±(N/+) Long=90.545050°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 656.41 FtUS (or) 200.075 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 656.65 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-36, 1990. Disk is set at the southeast corner of the of Wilson Avenue and Bent Tree Drive; 38' south of the center line of Bent Tree Drive and 24' east of the center line of Wilson Avenue. <NGS PID="AA8677", Designation="SL 36"> SP MO East N=310692.5± E=243001.3± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.632976°±(N/+) Long=90.580384°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 483.48 FtUS (or) 147.364 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 483.60 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-37, 1990. Disk is set along the north side of Strecker Road near the southerly corner of the athletic field of Goddard School #1633 Kehrs Mill Road; Approximately 0.1 mile west of the intersection of Kehrs Mill Road and Strecker Road. <NGS PID="AA8678", Designation="SL 37"> SP MO East N=311743.2± E=240102.9± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.642414°±(N/+) Long=90.613688°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 459.91 FtUS (or) 140.182 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 460.06 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-38 situated in a grassy area northwest of the intersection of Chesterfield Airport Road and Caprice Drive, south of the parking for a retail strip center approximately 0.1 miles east of Long Road; roughly 58 feet west of the centerline of Caprice Drive, 43 feet north of the centerline of Chesterfield Airport Road, and 69 feet east of a fire hydrant. <NGS PID="AA8679", Designation="SL 38"> SP MO East N=314628.2± E=239963.1± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.668403°±(N/+) Long=90.615336°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 647.77 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the most northern 2' high brick entrance markers into Kehrs Mill View subdivision. SP MO East N=307040± E=245257± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.600086°±(N/+) Long=90.554451°±(W/-) Page 11 of 50
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 12:
Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 497.79 FtUS (or) 151.727 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 497.97 FtUS "Sq" in the center of headwall over a 48" R.C.P. at the F.E.S.; 60' south of the centerline of Church Road and 300' west of Strecker Road. SP MO East N=311423± E=239494± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.639522°±(N/+) Long=90.620678°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 528.39 FtUS "Sq" cut on the first step at entrance to #120 Henry Avenue. SP MO East N=306345± E=248621± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.593836°±(N/+) Long=90.515830°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 665.55 FtUS "Sq" in the center of a driveway to #519 Glan Tai Drive; 60' west of the centerline of Henry Avenue and 40' north of the centerline of Glan Tai Drive. SP MO East N=307383± E=248659± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.603187°±(N/+) Long=90.515396°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 670.80 FtUS (or) 204.460 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 671.01 FtUS "Sq" on northwest corner of walk leading to #2601 Sun Meadows Drive; 46’ west of the centerline Sun Meadows Drive and 111’ south of the centerline of Valley Road. SP MO East N=308511± E=241288± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.613308°±(N/+) Long=90.600034°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 602.68 FtUS (or) 183.696 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 602.88 FtUS "L" on the corner of an "L" shaped sidewalk along the south side of Waldenpond Lane and Whitman Court; 110' west of the centerline of Clarkson Road and 23' south of the centerline of Waldenpond Lane. SP MO East N=310728± E=243497± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.633299°±(N/+) Long=90.574690°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 590.27 FtUS (or) 179.916 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 590.44 FtUS RM 198 FEMA PANEL 258; "L" on the south headwall of the concrete box culvert for Fishpot Creek at Manchester Road. SP MO East N=306223± E=245118± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.592725°±(N/+) Long=90.556041°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 564.39 FtUS (or) 172.026 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 564.70 FtUS RM 195 FEMA PANEL 256; "Sq" on north end of west headwall of concrete box culvert for Grand Glaize creek at Holloway Road. SP MO East N=307184± E=246404± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.601388°±(N/+) Long=90.541284°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 463.88 FtUS RM 57 FEMA PANEL 140; Top of steel plate at bottom of northwest corner of north beam of Chicago-Rock Island and Pacific Railroad bridge over Bonhomme Creek. SP MO East N=313759± E=239810± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.660571°±(N/+) Long=90.617082°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 463.22 FtUS RM 58 FEMA PANEL 140; "Sq" in northeast corner of east abutment of Chicago-Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Bridge over Caulks Creek. SP MO East N=314089± E=241809± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.663564°±(N/+) Long=90.594118°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 462.91 FtUS (or) 141.096 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 463.06 FtUS "L" on the eastern most corner of a control box at the southwest corner of Long Road and Edison Avenue. 67' west of the centerline of Long Road and 74' south of the centerline of Edison. SP MO East N=314108± E=239726± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.663714°±(N/+) Long=90.618052°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 514.81 FtUS (or) 156.914 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 515.07 FtUS "U" on the north side of the base of a traffic signal with mast arm for west bound Manchester Road, 67' west of the centerline of Henry Avenue and 41' north of the centerline of Manchester Road. SP MO East N=306275± E=248577± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.593205°±(N/+) Long=90.516335°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 650.25 FtUS (or) 198.196 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 650.42 FtUS "U" in the centerline of entrance walk to #15340 Olive Blvd., 49' south of centerline Olive Blvd. and 181' east of centerline West Drive. [Shaheen Orthodontics] SP MO East N=313692± E=245835± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.660016°±(N/+) Long=90.547855°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 643.28 FtUS (or) 196.072 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 643.46 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of a signal control box at the southeast corner of Olive blvd. and Appalachian Trail, 56' east of the centerline of Olive Blvd. and 49' south of the centerline Appalachian Trail. SP MO East N=313933± E=246221± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.662189°±(N/+) Long=90.543421°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 688.98 FtUS (or) 210.001 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 689.19 FtUS "U" on the back of curb of the nose of an island on the centerline of Monterra Drive at the intersection of Olive Blvd. and Monterrra Drive. SP MO East N=315368± E=247308± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.675120°±(N/+) Long=90.530937°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 643.77 FtUS (or) 196.223 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 643.93 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of a signal control box at the northwest corner of Swingley Ridge Road and Olive Blvd., 70' north of the centerline Swingley Ridge Road and 72' west of the centerline of Olive Blvd. SP MO East N=313140± E=245070± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655039°±(N/+) Long=90.556641°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 640.64 FtUS (or) 195.267 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 640.80 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of a signal control box at the northeast corner of Olive Blvd. and Chesterfield Parkway East, 110' north of the centerline Chesterfield Parkway East and 57' east of the centerline Olive Blvd. [At Shell Station] SP MO East N=313355± E=245330± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.656977°±(N/+) Long=90.553655°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 565.19 FtUS (or) 172.269 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 565.39 FtUS "Sq" centerline 8” by 3’ headwall for flared end section, 39’ south of centerline Wycliffe Place Drive and 20’ west of the centerline Strecker. SP MO East N=309555± E=239757± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.622697°±(N/+) Long=90.617629°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 528.33 FtUS (or) 161.036 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 528.54 FtUS "U" on nose of island at Wildwood Meadows Court to entrance of Wildwood Meadows Subdivision. SP MO East N=309720± E=239826± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.624184°±(N/+) Long=90.616839°±(W/-) Page 14 of 50
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 12:
Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 522.34 FtUS (or) 159.209 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 522.54 FtUS "Sq" on the northwest end of the west wing wall on bridge over Shotwell Creek, 18’ south centerline Valley and 33’ west centerline Strecker. SP MO East N=310336± E=240030± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.629736°±(N/+) Long=90.614505°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 541.39 FtUS (or) 165.016 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 541.60 FtUS "Sq" on the north end of a 3.5’ high by 5’ wide elliptical pipe, 14’ north of the centerline Valley Road and 0.3 mile west of Ridgley Woods Drive. SP MO East N=310008± E=240562± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.626787°±(N/+) Long=90.608391°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 548.20 FtUS (or) 167.091 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 548.41 FtUS "Sq" on the south end of east curbing for bridge to Pleasant Valley Subdivision, 12’ east of the centerline Ridgley Woods Drive and 70’ north of the centerline of Valley Road. SP MO East N=309738± E=241100± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.624360°±(N/+) Long=90.602209°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 577.76 FtUS (or) 176.102 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 577.97 FtUS "Sq" on the northeast corner of an area inlet, 40’ south of the centerline Bear valley Road and 23’ west of the centerline of valley Road at the entrance to Valley Farms Subdivision. SP MO East N=309287± E=241038± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.620296°±(N/+) Long=90.602915°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 601.10 FtUS (or) 183.217 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 601.31 FtUS "Sq" on the west curb to Brentmoor Place Subdivision, 14’ north of the centerline of Peppermill Drive and 44’ west of the centerline of Valley Road. SP MO East N=308752± E=241104± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.615477°±(N/+) Long=90.602150°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 698.99 FtUS (or) 213.054 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 699.21 FtUS "Square with cross" on the northwest corner of sidewalk, near the northeast corner of Lot 5 of "CHATHAM PLACE" (Plat Book 299 Page 22), roughly 0.2 mile west of the centerline Chatham place Court and 38’ south of the centerline Valley Road. SP MO East N=308392± E=241416± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.612237°±(N/+) Long=90.598563°±(W/-)
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Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 721.29 FtUS (or) 219.851 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 721.51 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of a traffic control box, 52’ east of the centerline Valley Road and 91’ north of the centerline Clayton Road. SP MO East N=307599± E=241929± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.605098°±(N/+) Long=90.592664°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 483.08 FtUS (or) 147.242 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 483.21 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of telephone pedestal 846G near the western side of Chesterfield Mobile Home Park 59' east of driveway and 23.5' north of centerline Chesterfield Airport Road. SP MO East N=314030± E=243436± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.663046°±(N/+) Long=90.575422°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 534.44 FtUS (or) 162.898 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 534.56 FtUS Existing cut cross 12.3' south of the north nose of concrete island at the north side of the intersection of Chesterfield Airport Road and Wild Horse Creek Road as both roads are relocated per Plat Book 354 Pages 865 and 866. SP MO East N=313795± E=243661± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.660931°±(N/+) Long=90.572835°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 565.24 FtUS (or) 172.287 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 565.37 FtUS Existing cut cross in cut box on west side of the second concrete entrance apron west of Chesterfield Parkway West along the north side of Chesterfield Airport Road. SP MO East N=313578± E=244037± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.658979°±(N/+) Long=90.568513°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 650.12 FtUS (or) 198.157 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 650.26 FtUS Cut "U" at center of back curb on north side of island at intersection of Chesterfield Airport Road and Chesterfield Center East, 14 feet South of centerline Chesterfield Airport Road. SP MO East N=312970± E=244699± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.653505°±(N/+) Long=90.560902°±(W/-)
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Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 492.47 FtUS (or) 150.104 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 492.59 FtUS Cut Square on top of east bridge barrier wall 1' north of the top southeast corner of the sloping end of said east barrier wall of Kehrs Mill Road Bridge #3-114 over Caulks Creek, situated approximately 400 feet south of Strecker Road along Kehrs Mill Road. SP MO East N=311694± E=240277± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.641973°±(N/+) Long=90.611687°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 699.58 FtUS (or) 213.231 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 699.68 FtUS Cut "U" on north end of traffic island in center of Strecker Road 45'± south of center of Strecker Woods Court opposite #332 Strecker Road. SP MO East N=307359± E=240197± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.602918°±(N/+) Long=90.612545°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 644.91 FtUS (or) 196.570 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 645.03 FtUS Cut "L" on southwest corner top of North brick pillar at entrance monument for the Woodlands at Winding Trails on the southeast corner of Big Horn Basin and Strecker Road. SP MO East N=307561± E=239975± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.604735°±(N/+) Long=90.615097°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 576.34 FtUS (or) 175.669 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 576.47 FtUS Found aluminum tablet set in the northeast corner of the east headwall of double box culvert, 34' east of center Strecker Road and 165'± South of center Clayton Road. Tablet was incorrectly stamped by others "ELEV 576.57". SP MO East N=307846± E=239951± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.607303°±(N/+) Long=90.615377°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 600.05 FtUS (or) 182.896 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 600.19 FtUS Cut "U" in center of sidewalk along the West side of Strecker Road opposite the North end of guard rail and East of "The Elegant Child" campus playground, approximately 770' north of the centerline intersection of Strecker and Clayton Roads. SP MO East N=308133± E=239986± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.609889°±(N/+) Long=90.614979°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 588.25 FtUS (or) 179.299 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 588.40 FtUS Cut "L" on southwest corner of area inlet 18.5' east of the centerline of Strecker Road and 62'± south of centerline of entrance to Woodcliff Heights Subdivision. SP MO East N=308330± E=239889± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.611662°±(N/+) Long=90.616095°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 689.84 FtUS (or) 210.265 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 690.01 FtUS Old "L" on northernmost corner of bottom step of northeast entrance facing Kehrs Mill Road to Trinity Lutheran Church, #900 Kehrs Mill Road, at intersection of Kehrs Mill Road and Sunset Drive. SP MO East N=307580± E=244460± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.604946°±(N/+) Long=90.563605°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 728.97 FtUS (or) 222.191 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 729.13 FtUS Cut "L" on traffic control box situated 46'± west of the double yellow stripe in Kehrs Mill Road, 76'± south of the double yellow strip in Clayton Road, and 70'± northeast of the northeast corner of the brick support column for drive thru banking canopy of UMB Bank. SP MO East N=307944± E=244225± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.608224°±(N/+) Long=90.566306°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 725.01 FtUS (or) 220.982 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 725.16 FtUS Cut "L" in the centerline east end of island within Claytonbrook Drive 32'± west of the centerline of Kehrs Mill Road. SP MO East N=308346± E=243972± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.611844°±(N/+) Long=90.569214°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 700.74 FtUS (or) 213.587 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 700.89 FtUS Found "Square" in the centerline east end of island within Del Ebro Drive 30'± west of the centerline of Kehrs Mill Road. SP MO East N=308493± E=243927± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.613168°±(N/+) Long=90.569732°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 689.19 FtUS (or) 210.066 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 689.34 FtUS Cut "L" on top of west curb of The Courts Drive near the northeast corner of an inlet and 15'± west of the center of The Courts Drive and 54'± south of the center of Kehrs Mill Road. SP MO East N=308939± E=243810± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.617185°±(N/+) Long=90.571080°±(W/-) Page 18 of 50
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 12:
Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 665.66 FtUS (or) 202.895 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 665.81 FtUS Cut "U" on south side of area inlet in grass swale situated 60'± east of the center of Blue Hill Road and 21.5' north of the center of Kehrs Mill Road. SP MO East N=308998± E=243650± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.617715°±(N/+) Long=90.572917°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 647.67 FtUS (or) 197.410 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 647.82 FtUS Cut "L" on southwest corner of traffic control box situated 60'± north of the centerline of Kehrs Mill Road and 16' east of the center of the eastern entrance to Kehrs Mill Elementary School opposite Sportsman Hill Drive. SP MO East N=309062± E=243417± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.618290°±(N/+) Long=90.575594°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 651.60 FtUS (or) 198.609 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 651.75 FtUS Cut "Square" in the centerline southwest end of island within Picardy Hill Drive 40'± northeast of the centerline of Kehrs Mill Road. SP MO East N=309316± E=242983± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.620575°±(N/+) Long=90.580580°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 616.03 FtUS (or) 187.767 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 616.17 FtUS Found "L" on the southeast or southernmost corner of a 7.7'x15.2' water vault at Marquette High School roughly 0.16 miles west of Clarkson Road, 40'± north of the center of Kehrs Mill Road, 58'± east of the center of a drive entrance, and roughly 60'± southwest of the southwest corner of Marquette High School. SP MO East N=309586± E=242645± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.623005°±(N/+) Long=90.584464°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 591.57 FtUS (or) 180.311 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 591.71 FtUS Cut "L" on top of west concrete curb of an asphalt entrance drive to Marquette High School 0.3 miles west of Clarkson Road along Kehrs Mill Road and roughly 140 feet north of the centerline of Kehrs Mill Road along said school entrance. Benchmark is just north of the sump rounding for the western double curb inlet of a pair of double inlets along said entrance drive. SP MO East N=309714± E=242487± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.624156°±(N/+) Long=90.586280°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 12:
Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 576.88 FtUS (or) 175.834 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 577.02 FtUS Cut "U" on the southwest corner of the north headwall of a triple box culvert under Kehrs Mill Road and situated 0.4 miles west of Clarkson Road. SP MO East N=309671± E=242255± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.623767°±(N/+) Long=90.588944°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 622.81 FtUS (or) 189.834 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 622.95 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of a 14.3'x25.8' concrete slab for telephone control box 37'± east of the center of Kehrs Mill Road and approximately 0.6 miles northwest of Clarkson Road along Kehrs Mill Road. SP MO East N=309822± E=242084± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.625126°±(N/+) Long=90.590909°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 639.75 FtUS (or) 194.995 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 639.88 FtUS Found "Square" in the centerline northeast end of island within Kehrsgrove Drive 26'± southwest of the centerline of Kehrs Mill Road and approximately 0.8 miles northwest of Clarkson Road along Kehrs Mill Road. SP MO East N=310038± E=241876± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.627070°±(N/+) Long=90.593300°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 642.07 FtUS (or) 195.704 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 642.21 FtUS Cut "Square" in the centerline northeast end of island within Kehrs Mill Estates Drive 27'± southwest of the centerline of Kehrs Mill Road and approximately 1.0 miles northwest of Clarkson Road along Kehrs Mill Road. SP MO East N=310158± E=241567± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.628148°±(N/+) Long=90.596851°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 636.44 FtUS (or) 193.986 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 636.57 FtUS Cut "U" on the south side of a concrete base for lamp post at subdivision entrance sign for Kehrs Mill Trails Subdivision situated southeast of Horseshoe Ridge Road, 43'± northeast of the centerline of Kehrs Mill Road, and 1.2 miles northwest of Clarkson Road along said Kehrs Mill Road. SP MO East N=310478± E=241353± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.631029°±(N/+) Long=90.599312°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 12:
Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 610.44 FtUS (or) 186.061 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 610.57 FtUS Cut "Square" in the centerline southwest end of island within Kingspointe Drive 56'± northeast of the centerline of Kehrs Mill Road and approximately 1.3 miles northwest of Clarkson Road along Kehrs Mill Road. SP MO East N=310648± E=241184± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.632559°±(N/+) Long=90.601256°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 557.91 FtUS (or) 170.050 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 558.04 FtUS Cut "L" on northwest corner top of concrete curb of a 15'x21' concrete pump station vault 55'± southwest of the centerline of Kehrs Mill Road and approximately 1.5 miles northwest of Clarkson Road along Kehrs Mill Road. SP MO East N=310837± E=240928± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.634259°±(N/+) Long=90.604198°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 532.37 FtUS (or) 162.268 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 532.50 FtUS Found Aluminum Tablet stamped "SLC 95-75" on west wing wall of railroad tie bridge for private driveway sometimes known as Gegenbauer Road situated 40'± southwest of the center of Kehrs Mill Road and approximately 1.8 miles northwest of Clarkson Road along Kehrs Mill Road. [This had formerly been benchmark 12-19 which was believed to be lost prior to recovery in 2008.] SP MO East N=311001± E=240686± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.635734°±(N/+) Long=90.606980°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 526.32 FtUS (or) 160.423 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 526.45 FtUS Railroad spike in east side of power pole Z5-4314, 17'± southwest of centerline Kehrs Mill Road opposite Oak Tree Ridge Road and approximately 1.9 miles northwest of Clarkson Road along Kehrs Mill Road. SP MO East N=311081± E=240560± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.636453°±(N/+) Long=90.608428°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 508.05 FtUS (or) 154.854 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 508.18 FtUS Cut "Square" on top of curb 55'± east of the center of Kehrs Mill Road and 14'± north of the center of Kehrs Mill Glen Court at entrance to Kehrs Mill Glen Subdivision and approximately 2.0 miles northwest of Clarkson Road along Kehrs Mill Road. SP MO East N=311349± E=240372± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.638866°±(N/+) Long=90.610591°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 12:
Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 574.06 FtUS (or) 174.974 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 574.29 FtUS Aluminum Tablet stamped "12-253" set in the northwest end of the northeast headwall of a double 6' x 8' box culvert under Baxter Road in front of Parkway West Middle School at #2312 Baxter Road, roughly 310 feet southeast of the entrance drive to the school, 45 feet northeast of the center of Baxter Road, 27 feet east of the center top of an area inlet, and vertically over the northern wall of the northern barrel of double box culvert. SP MO East N=309501± E=246066± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.622261°±(N/+) Long=90.545177°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 460.93 FtUS (or) 140.492 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 461.12 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-29,1990. Disk set on top of berm on west side of Howard Bend Station Road, 150' north of a railroad crossing and 30' west of the centerline of Howard Bend Station Road. Station is approximately 0.5 miles northwest of Olive Boulevard initially along Cordovan Commons Drive till reaching the cul-de-sac and then continuing along Howard Bend Station Road. [This is prior BM 7014 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 12.] <NGS PID="AA8670", Designation="SL 29"> SP MO East N=315440.1± E=246399.1± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.675767°±(N/+) Long=90.541383°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 657.99 FtUS (or) 200.555 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 658.29 FtUS "U" on the concrete base of an electric meter, 90'east of the centerline of Westernmill Drive and 50' south of the centerline of Olive Blvd. [This is prior BM 7015 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 12.] SP MO East N=315668± E=247961± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.677825°±(N/+) Long=90.523434°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 630.08 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of a concrete foundation for an electrical box at the Lafayette Church of Christ; 30' west of the centerline of New Ballwin Road and 80' north of the centerline of Barton Lane. [This is prior BM 17106 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 12.] SP MO East N=306003± E=244967± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.590742°±(N/+) Long=90.557773°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 644.40 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of a concrete headwall; 33' west of the centerline of Reinke Road and 565' north of the centerline of Salem Way Drive. [This is prior BM 17117 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 12.] SP MO East N=305986± E=244143± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.590584°±(N/+) Long=90.567231°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 628.61 FtUS (or) 191.601 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 628.83 FtUS Cut "L" on northwest or westernmost corner of 3'x4' concrete base of traffic signal control box situated south of the right turn lane from northeast bound Olive Boulevard onto eastbound Ladue Road; roughly 70 feet southeast of the center of concrete median within Olive Boulevard and 70 feet southwest of centerline Ladue Road. SP MO East N=314734± E=247002± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.669408°±(N/+) Long=90.534451°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 537.98 FtUS (or) 163.978 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 538.14 FtUS Cut "L" on westernmost corner of stone headwall roughly 16 feet southwest of the centerline of Strecker Road; approximately 200 feet east along the meanders of the south shoulder of Strecker Road from a point north of a 2.5 story frame residence addressed as #1033 Strecker Road and 0.2 miles northwest of the intersection of Strecker Road and Valley Road. SP MO East N=310592± E=239820± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.632040°±(N/+) Long=90.616921°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 527.44 FtUS (or) 160.765 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 527.59 FtUS Found railroad spike in north side of power pole roughly 14 feet south of the centerline of Strecker Road; approximately 70 feet more or less west of the intersection of Mulberry Hill Lane with Strecker Road, and 0.4 miles northwest along Strecker Road from the intersection with Valley Road. SP MO East N=310555± E=239512± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.631703°±(N/+) Long=90.620458°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 513.66 FtUS (or) 156.563 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 513.80 FtUS Cut "L" on top of the southeast corner of the concrete barrier wall near the northeast corner of the Shepard Road bridge over Caulks Creek, above the junction of the concrete bridge barrier wall with a steel guard rail along the pavement rounding at the northwest quadrant of the Strecker Road intersection; roughly 18 feet north of the centerline of Shepard Road and 63 feet west of the centerline of Strecker Road. SP MO East N=310622± E=239296± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.632304°±(N/+) Long=90.622940°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 509.26 FtUS (or) 155.223 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 509.40 FtUS Cut "Sq" on the west side of the 2 foot diameter concrete base for white post supporting Lewis Springs Farm sign; roughly 33 feet east of centerline Strecker Road and 27 feet south of Lewis Springs Farm Road. SP MO East N=310824± E=239346± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.634124°±(N/+) Long=90.622368°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 502.83 FtUS (or) 153.264 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 502.97 FtUS Cut "U" on the bridge deck east of the barrier wall 2.4 feet south of the northwest corner of bridge deck for Strecker Road bridge over Caulks Creek; 407 feet on a straight line southwest of the centerline at centerline intersection of Strecker Road and Church Road. SP MO East N=311272± E=239480± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.638162°±(N/+) Long=90.620836°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 489.33 FtUS (or) 149.148 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 489.46 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-37A situated in grass pasture along Strecker Road 600 feet more or less northeast of the intersection with Church Road and 0.3 miles southwest of a second DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-37. As recovered, station SL-37A is 18.6 feet northwest of the centerline of Strecker Road, 22 feet east of a manhole, 9 feet southwest of an ATT cable route marker sign, 41 feet north of a power pole and 105 feet west of a second power pole. Both of the referenced power poles are southeast of Strecker Road. <NGS PID="AA8678", Designation="Accessory to SL 37"> SP MO East N=311482± E=239708± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.640056°±(N/+) Long=90.618220°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 572.05 FtUS (or) 174.361 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 572.18 FtUS Cut "L" on the north curb of Pacland Place 0.6 feet west of the back of concrete sidewalk; roughly 30 feet west of the centerline of Kehrs Mill Road, 28 feet north of the centerline of Pacland Place, and slightly more than 0.3 miles north along Kehrs Mill Road from Strecker Road. SP MO East N=312275± E=239939± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.647203°±(N/+) Long=90.615578°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 516.38 FtUS (or) 157.394 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 516.52 FtUS Cut "Sq" on centerline southwest end of median island in entrance to "WINDGATE" subdivision in the centerline of Jeffreys Crossing Lane and 49 feet northeast of the centerline intersection of Kehrs Mill Road with both Jeffreys Crossing Lane and Countryside Manor Parkway. SP MO East N=313008± E=239855± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.653806°±(N/+) Long=90.616554°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 516.69 FtUS (or) 157.488 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 516.86 FtUS Cut "Sq" on curb at centerline south end of median island within the entrance to "SPRING HILL BLUFFS" in the centerline of Wildhorse Meadows Drive and roughly 46 feet north of the centerline of Wild Horse Creek Road. SP MO East N=313318.8± E=240085.3± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.656608°±(N/+) Long=90.613913°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 527.33 FtUS (or) 160.732 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 527.50 FtUS Cut "U" on curb at centerline south end of median island within the entrance to "SOMERSET PLAT ONE" in the centerline of Somerset Field Drive and roughly 35 feet north of the centerline of Wild Horse Creek Road. SP MO East N=313240.7± E=240436.3± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655908°±(N/+) Long=90.609879°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 546.68 FtUS (or) 166.628 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 546.84 FtUS Cut "Sq" on curb at centerline north end of median island within the entrance to "WESTCHESTER MANOR" in the centerline of Westchester Manor Lane and roughly 64 feet south of the centerline of Wild Horse Creek Road. SP MO East N=313107.1± E=240879.0± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.654709°±(N/+) Long=90.604791°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 470.45 FtUS (or) 143.393 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 470.60 FtUS Found cut cross with diagonal box connecting the ends of the crossbars on the southwest corner of the bridge deck of the Wild Horse Creek Road bridge over Caulks Creek; roughly 23 feet south of centerline Wild Horse Creek Road and 0.3 miles more or less west of Wilson Road. SP MO East N=313082.1± E=241712.8± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.654492°±(N/+) Long=90.595211°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 470.48 FtUS (or) 143.403 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 470.64 FtUS Found "L" on the top southeast corner of the southeast wingwall of the Wild Horse Creek Road bridge over Caulks Creek; roughly 23 feet south of centerline Wild Horse Creek Road and 0.3 miles more or less west of Wilson Road. SP MO East N=313085.0± E=241738.7± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.654519°±(N/+) Long=90.594914°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 472.24 FtUS (or) 143.940 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 472.40 FtUS Found "L" on the top northwest corner of the northeast wingwall of the Wild Horse Creek Road bridge over Caulks Creek; roughly 25 feet north of centerline Wild Horse Creek Road and 0.3 miles more or less west of Wilson Road. SP MO East N=313100.0± E=241741.7± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.654654°±(N/+) Long=90.594879°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 520.87 FtUS (or) 158.761 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 521.02 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of the sidewalk running north along the west side of Woodcliffe Place Drive where it intersects the north side of a sidewalk along the north side of Wild Horse Creek Road; roughly 19 feet west of the centerline of Woodcliffe Place Drive, 46 feet north of the centerline of Wild Horse Creek Road, and 0.5 miles more or less southwest of Baxter Road. SP MO East N=313200.8± E=242255.4± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655567°±(N/+) Long=90.588978°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 513.44 FtUS (or) 156.498 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 513.59 FtUS Cut "L" on the top north end of 6" vertical curb around the pavement rounding at the northeast quadrant of Wild Horse Creek Road and Appaloosa Court just south of a curb joint at the sloping transition to the south side of a sidewalk along Wild Horse Creek Road; roughly 15 feet northeast of the centerline of Appaloosa Way, 53 feet northwest of the centerline of Wild Horse Creek Road, and 0.3 miles more or less southwest of Baxter Road. SP MO East N=313351± E=242453± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.656922°±(N/+) Long=90.586710°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 507.49 FtUS (or) 154.683 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 507.63 FtUS Cut "L" on easternmost corner of a 6'x5' ground level concrete traffic pull box situated southwest of a second raised metal traffic signal control box; roughly 33 feet northwest of the centerline of Wild Horse Creek Road, 65 feet northeast of the center of entrance drive to Wildhorse Elementary School, and 0.2 miles more or less southwest of Baxter Road. SP MO East N=313476.2± E=242630.6± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.658051°±(N/+) Long=90.584671°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 509.54 FtUS (or) 155.307 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 509.67 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest corner of the 4.8'x3.2' traffic signal pull box set flush in the top of a concrete median island southeast of the right turn lane from southbound Baxter Road onto westbound Wild Horse Creek Road; roughly 35 feet north of the double yellow stripe in Wild Horse Creek Road and 50 feet west of the double yellow stripe in Baxter Road. SP MO East N=313679.4± E=242898.2± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.659884°±(N/+) Long=90.581598°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 490.25 FtUS (or) 149.427 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 490.38 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of the 3'x3' traffic signal pull box set flush in the top of a concrete median island northeast of the right turn lane from eastbound Wild Horse Creek Road onto the southbound side of a pavement stub for a future extension of Burkhardt Place as shown on the plat of "WILD HORSE CREEK ROAD DEDICATION PLAT" (Plat Book 354, Page 865); roughly 52 feet south of the center of Wild Horse Creek Road, 27 feet west of the centerline of the pavement stub for future Burkhardt Place, and 0.3 miles more or less east of Baxter Road. SP MO East N=313738± E=243364± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.660415°±(N/+) Long=90.576247°±(W/-) Page 27 of 50
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 520.28 FtUS (or) 158.581 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 520.41 FtUS Cut "Sq" on southeast bullnose end of median island within the entrance to "VILLAS AT CHESTERFIELD BLUFFS PLAT ONE" (Plat Book 344, Page 58); roughly in the centerline of Chesterfield Bluffs Drive, 52 feet northwest of the centerline of Baxter Road, and 0.2 miles more or less north of Wild Horse Creek Road. SP MO East N=313983± E=242907± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.662619°±(N/+) Long=90.581500°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 694.76 FtUS (or) 211.764 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 694.92 FtUS Cut triangle on circular concrete base for electric meters situated south of the sidewalk opposite a catch basin in the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Clayton Road and Cherry Hill Drive; roughly 35 feet south of the centerline of Clayton Road and 45 feet west of the centerline of Cherry Hill Drive. SP MO East N=307850± E=243746± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.607374°±(N/+) Long=90.571805°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 683.22 FtUS (or) 208.245 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 683.38 FtUS Scribed "L" on the northwest corner of monument and sign for St Claire of Assisi church school on property addressed as #15642 Clayton Road and generally opposite the driveway to a residence addressed as #15663 Clayton Road; roughly 45 feet south of the centerline of Clayton Road and 35 feet east of the center of drive entrance to St Claire of Assisi church school. SP MO East N=307660± E=243502± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.605660°±(N/+) Long=90.574604°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 695.72 FtUS (or) 212.057 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 695.88 FtUS Found Square on concrete base of flag pole situated north of the drive and parking and centered in front to the main entrance to the Shelter Insurance building at #15788 Clayton Road; roughly 150 feet south of the centerline of Clayton Road. SP MO East N=307528± E=243043± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.604467°±(N/+) Long=90.579873°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 715.68 FtUS (or) 218.139 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 715.83 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-195 situated in the tree lawn along the south side of Clayton Road approximately 500 feet east of Clarkson Road and north of a retail strip shopping center on property addressed as #337 Clarkson Road; roughly 71 feet west of the center of the east drive entrance to said shopping center, 53 feet west of an overhead lighting mast situated west of the drive entrance and south of the sidewalk, 5 feet south of the back of curb along the south side of Clayton Road, 13 feet north of the back of curb at retail parking lot, and 94 feet northeast of an overhead lighting mast in a parking island. SP MO East N=307562± E=242693± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.604771°±(N/+) Long=90.583892°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 703.44 FtUS (or) 214.409 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 703.58 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of the concrete base for an electric meter box situated five feet north of the traffic signal control box in the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Clayton Road and Clarkson Road; roughly 80 feet north of the centerline of Clayton Road and 80 feet west of the centerline of Clarkson Road. SP MO East N=307599± E=242513± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.605103°±(N/+) Long=90.585959°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 703.66 FtUS (or) 214.476 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 703.80 FtUS Cut "Sq" on the east end of a concrete wall topped by a chain link fence along the south side of the sidewalk south of Clayton Road and north of the rear yard to residence addressed as #1607 Clayton Spur Court; roughly 25 feet south of the centerline of Clayton Road and 80 feet west of the southerly prolongation of the centerline of Quail Valley Drive. SP MO East N=307564± E=241202± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.604775°±(N/+) Long=90.601010°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 713.06 FtUS (or) 217.342 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 713.20 FtUS Cut triangle on top of the curb rounding between northbound Turnberry Place Drive and eastbound Clayton Road west of the handicap sidewalk ramp and more generally north of a residence addressed as #386 Turnberry Place Drive; roughly 35 feet east of the centerline of Turnberry Place Drive and 30 feet south of the centerline of Clayton Road. SP MO East N=307625± E=240969± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.605323°±(N/+) Long=90.603686°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 607.10 FtUS (or) 185.043 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 607.23 FtUS Cut "Sq" on top of the curb rounding between westbound Clayton Road and northbound Wynncrest Falls Drive northwest of the handicap sidewalk ramp; roughly 40 feet north of the centerline of Clayton Road and 30 feet east of the centerline of Wynncrest Falls Drive. SP MO East N=307878± E=240349± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.607595°±(N/+) Long=90.610807°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 720.60 FtUS (or) 219.640 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 720.71 FtUS Cut "U" on top of the curb rounding between southbound Strecker Road and westbound Strecker Pines Court northeast of the handicap sidewalk ramp and more generally east of a residence addressed as #1607 Strecker Pines Court; roughly 24 feet west of the centerline of Strecker Road and 20 feet north of the centerline of Strecker Pines Court. SP MO East N=306625± E=241069± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.596315°±(N/+) Long=90.602525°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 741.34 FtUS (or) 225.962 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 741.47 FtUS Cut "Sq" on top of the curb rounding between eastbound Bentshire Court and southbound Strecker Road southeast of the handicap sidewalk ramp and more generally northeast of a residence addressed as #1606 Bentshire Court; roughly 25 feet south of the centerline of Bentshire Court and 28 feet west of the centerline of Strecker Road. SP MO East N=306193± E=241121± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.592423°±(N/+) Long=90.601922°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 686.18 FtUS (or) 209.148 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 686.32 FtUS Found "L" on the northwest corner of the concrete base of a metal traffic signal control box situated north of the right turn lane from westbound Manchester Road onto westbound Strecker Road north of Manchester Road; roughly 90 feet north of the centerline of Manchester Road and 55 feet east of the centerlines of Strecker Road and Ruck Road across their common intersection with Manchester Road. SP MO East N=305915± E=241393± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.589922°±(N/+) Long=90.598797°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 715.39 FtUS (or) 218.050 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 715.52 FtUS Cut triangle on the top east side of the concrete base of the traffic signal mast situated on the concrete traffic island bounded on the southeast by the right turn lane from northbound Old State Road onto eastbound Manchester Road and bounded on the west and north by the thru lanes of Old State road and Manchester Road. The benchmark is roughly 40 feet east of the centerline of Old State Road and 60 feet south of the centerline of Manchester Road. SP MO East N=305970± E=241701± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.590420°±(N/+) Long=90.595262°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 750.84 FtUS (or) 228.858 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 750.97 FtUS Found cross on the top east side of the concrete base for an overhead light post north of the parking lot at a commercial building addressed as #16024 Manchester Road; roughly 60 feet south of the centerline of Manchester Road and 40 feet west of the centerline of the east access drive to parking lot. SP MO East N=306049± E=241928± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.591134°±(N/+) Long=90.592657°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 732.69 FtUS (or) 223.323 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 732.81 FtUS Cut triangle on the top southeast side of the concrete base for an overhead lighting post within a landscaped planting area between the parking lot and public sidewalk near the southeast corner of McDonalds restaurant property addressed as #15901 Manchester Road; roughly 70 feet north of the centerline of Manchester Road, 80 feet west of the centerline of Clarkson Road, 33 feet southeast of the southeast corner of McDonalds restaurant building, and immediately northwest of the "T" intersection of the public sidewalk with a second short sidewalk leading to the handicap sidewalk ramp northwest of the right turn lane from southbound Clarkson Road onto westbound Manchester Road. SP MO East N=306240± E=242489± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.592859°±(N/+) Long=90.586220°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 12:
Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 723.86 FtUS (or) 220.633 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 723.98 FtUS Found "Sq" on the top south side of the concrete base for an overhead lighting post situated east of an asphalt access drive to small commercial shopping center northeast of Clarkson Road and Manchester Road, and specifically east of the Pizza Hut restaurant addressed as #15845 Manchester Road; roughly 75 feet north of the centerline of Manchester Road, 20 feet east of the centerline of access drive, and north of the sidewalk along the north side of Manchester Road. SP MO East N=306235± E=242624± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.592815°±(N/+) Long=90.584670°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 725.00 FtUS (or) 220.979 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 725.12 FtUS Cut triangle on top of the concrete base of an overhead lighting post situated north of the sidewalk along the north side of Manchester Road and south of the parking lot of the Burger King restaurant addressed as #15751 Manchester Road; roughly 50 feet east of a lighted Burger King and information sign situated south of the drive thru lane and west of the parking, 60 feet north of the centerline of Manchester Road, and 360 feet more or less east of the centerline of Vesper Drive. SP MO East N=306238± E=243041± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.592846°±(N/+) Long=90.579883°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 722.37 FtUS (or) 220.179 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 722.50 FtUS Found "L" on the southeast corner of the concrete base of the eastern brick subdivision entrance monument to Ranchmoor; roughly 75 feet north of the centerline of Manchester Road and 25 feet east of the centerline of Ranchmoor Trail. SP MO East N=306247± E=243397± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.592930°±(N/+) Long=90.575797°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 681.96 FtUS (or) 207.862 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 682.10 FtUS Found "Sq" on the top east side of the concrete base for an overhead lighting post situated north of the sidewalk along Manchester Road, south of the parking lot for a commercial shopping center, and approximately south of the easternmost store in that shopping center addressed as #15505 Manchester Road; roughly 60 feet north of the centerline of Manchester Road and 140 feet west of the centerline of Hillsdale Drive. SP MO East N=306248± E=244041± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.592943°±(N/+) Long=90.568404°±(W/-)
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Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 654.63 FtUS (or) 199.531 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 654.78 FtUS Found "Sq" on the top north side of the concrete base for traffic signal mast with signal arm controlling traffic on westbound Manchester Road situated northwest of the westernmost entrance from Manchester Road into "Ballwin Plaza" addressed as #15425 Manchester Road and south of the westernmost stores in that shopping center; roughly 40 feet north of the centerline of Manchester Road, 50 feet west of the centerline of entrance drive, and 90 feet more or less east of a concrete retaining wall along the western edge of parking lot for "Ballwin Plaza". SP MO East N=306244± E=244370± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.592909°±(N/+) Long=90.564627°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 595.88 FtUS (or) 181.625 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 596.05 FtUS Found "Sq" on the top south side of the concrete base for an overhead lighting post situated north of the sidewalk along Manchester Road, south of the parking lot for a commercial property with two buildings addressed #15065 and #15069 Manchester Road, and south of the space between those two buildings; roughly 47 feet north of the centerline of Manchester Road and 120 feet east of the centerline of Shirley Lane. SP MO East N=306257± E=245694± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.593034°±(N/+) Long=90.549429°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 719.99 FtUS (or) 219.452 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 720.11 FtUS Cut triangle on the southeast corner of the concrete base for metal traffic signal control box northwest of the intersection of Clarkson Road and Froesel Drive generally southeast of the Mozingo Music store addressed as #100 Clarkson Road; roughly 50 feet west of the centerline of Clarkson Road and 19 feet north of the centerline of Froesel Drive. SP MO East N=306544± E=242509± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.595598°±(N/+) Long=90.585993°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 708.39 FtUS (or) 215.917 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 708.52 FtUS Found "L" on the northwest corner of the concrete base for metal traffic signal control box southwest of the intersection of Clarkson Road and Marsh Avenue generally northeast of the Clarkson Eyecare store addressed as #194 Clarkson Road; roughly 55 feet west of the centerline of Clarkson Road and 32 feet south of the centerline of Marsh Avenue. SP MO East N=306822± E=242515± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.598103°±(N/+) Long=90.585927°±(W/-) Page 33 of 50
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 660.93 FtUS (or) 201.451 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 661.22 FtUS Cut square 2 feet west of the east end of the top of concrete barrier wall along the north side of the bridge A-4064 for Clayton Road over Highway 141, roughly 50 feet north of centerline Clayton Road and 180 feet east of centerline Highway 141. SP MO East N=309897± E=248874± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.625836°±(N/+) Long=90.512931°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 641.22 FtUS (or) 195.443 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 641.50 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of the concrete base of a traffic signal control box 0.5 feet above grade roughly 55 feet north of the center concrete median in Clayton Road, 0.2 miles west of Highway 141, 135 feet west of the double yellow stripe in South Woods Mill Road, and 160 feet south of the southern building in a strip center addressed #1091 South Woods Mill Road. SP MO East N=309676± E=248589± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.623845°±(N/+) Long=90.516204°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 688.79 FtUS (or) 209.945 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 689.07 FtUS Cut triangle on west side of concrete base of traffic signal control box 0.5 feet above grade roughly 110 feet north of centerline Clayton Road, 35 feet east of centerline Schoettler Road, and 8 feet southwest of a sidewalk. SP MO East N=309507± E=247970± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.622321°±(N/+) Long=90.523312°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 667.07 FtUS (or) 203.323 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 667.33 FtUS Cut triangle on top of concrete curb 2 feet west of the western end of the curb rounding in the southwest quadrant of Clayton road and Highland Ridge Drive; roughly 40 feet south of centerline Clayton Road, 35 feet west of centerline Highland Ridge Drive, and 13 feet north of the brick entrance sign to Oak Tree Farm subdivision. SP MO East N=309281± E=247216± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.620283°±(N/+) Long=90.531970°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 677.75 FtUS (or) 206.579 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 678.01 FtUS Cut square on the south side of concrete base of traffic signal control box 0.5 feet above grade at the westernmost entrance to Parkway West High School at #14605 Clayton Road; roughly 15 feet south of the southern end of a "V" shaped pair of informational signs, 180 feet southwest of the southwest corner of the tennis courts, 50 feet north of centerline Clayton Road and 70 feet west of the centerline of entrance to school. SP MO East N=309326± E=247009± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.620688°±(N/+) Long=90.534347°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 659.96 FtUS (or) 201.155 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 660.20 FtUS Cut triangle on top of concrete barrier wall along the northwest side of sidewalk in front of a strip center known as Baxter Center at #14805 thru 14859 Clayton Road; 2 feet southwest of the top northeast end of wall, roughly 12 feet southwest of a commercial information sign for said Baxter Center, 50 feet northwest of the centerline of Clayton Road, and 0.1 miles northeast of Baxter Road. SP MO East N=308892± E=246646± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.616777°±(N/+) Long=90.538514°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 517.57 FtUS (or) 157.756 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 517.82 FtUS Cut "L" on northwest corner of the north end of a low concrete wall along the west side of concrete steps for sidewalk leading to the front entrance of the "Summer House" at #14356 Manchester Road, roughly 42 feet south of the centerline of Manchester Road and 43 feet east of the centerline of Old Sulphur Springs Road. SP MO East N=306232± E=248860± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.592818°±(N/+) Long=90.513086°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 667.96 FtUS (or) 203.595 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 668.21 FtUS Cut triangle on top of the south side of a concrete base for traffic signal mast situated in a traffic island situated north of Clayton Road, east of Baxter Road, and south of the right turn lane from westbound Clayton Road onto northbound Baxter Road. SP MO East N=308733± E=246529± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.615344°±(N/+) Long=90.539856°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 648.10 FtUS (or) 197.541 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 648.33 FtUS Cut triangle on top back of the north concrete curb along Clayton Road, roughly 0.2 miles west of Baxter Road, 20 feet north of the centerline of Clayton Road and 45' west of the centerline of Chesterton Lane. SP MO East N=308617± E=246176± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.614297°±(N/+) Long=90.543909°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 661.28 FtUS (or) 201.559 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 661.50 FtUS Cut square on the south side center top of the concrete base of the masonry sign situated within the lawn in front of the Latter Day Saints Church at 15081 Clayton Road, roughly 0.5 miles west of Baxter Road, 55' north of the centerline of Clayton Road and 4 feet from both the southeast and southwest corners of the sign base. SP MO East N=308528± E=245792± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.613494°±(N/+) Long=90.548318°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 698.70 FtUS (or) 212.965 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 698.90 FtUS Cut triangle on top capstone of concrete retaining wall 3 feet above the sidewalk along the north side of Clayton Road and 4 feet west of the east end of wall, roughly 30 feet north of the centerline of Clayton Road and 55 feet west of the centerline of Princeton Gate Drive. SP MO East N=308265± E=245195± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.611121°±(N/+) Long=90.555171°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 670.75 FtUS (or) 204.446 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 670.94 FtUS Cut triangle on the top back of curb near the northeast corner of property addressed as #15248 Clayton Road, roughly 35 feet south of centerline Clayton Road and 16 feet west of centerline Greenbriar Lane. SP MO East N=308111± E=244818± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.609732°±(N/+) Long=90.559499°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 683.07 FtUS (or) 208.201 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 683.25 FtUS Cut "V" on top back of curb on the northern bull nose end of the median island within and along the centerline of Claymont Drive, roughly 55 feet south of the centerline of Clayton Road and 20 feet north of the masonry entrance sign for Claymont subdivision. SP MO East N=307984± E=244576± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.608586°±(N/+) Long=90.562276°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 12:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 617.28 FtUS (or) 188.147 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 617.54 FtUS Cut triangle on the top west side of the concrete base of traffic signal mast within a concrete traffic island situated west of property addressed as #244 Cedar Trail Drive within and between the northbound pavement lanes of Baxter Road and in the northeast portion of the intersection of Baxter Road from the north and from the southeast with Holloway Road from the south. Benchmark is situated on the base of traffic signals controlling northbound traffic along Holloway Road, roughly 25 feet east of the northerly projection of the centerline of Holloway Road and 30 feet north of the centerline of Baxter Road from the southeast. SP MO East N=308092± E=246652± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.609569°±(N/+) Long=90.538441°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 607.39 FtUS (or) 185.134 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 607.68 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-68A in the tree lawn west of #340 Holloway Road, roughly 17 feet east of the centerline of Holloway Road, 14 feet north of the centerline driveway, 7 feet west of the sidewalk, and 4 feet southeast of an old hand pump used as a mailbox base. SP MO East N=307710± E=246643± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.606128°±(N/+) Long=90.538542°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 637.98 FtUS (or) 194.458 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 638.23 FtUS Cut triangle on top of concrete retaining wall along the east side of and 3 feet higher than the sidewalk along the east side of Holloway Road roughly 0.45 miles north of Manchester Road, 20 feet east of the centerline of Holloway Road and 50 feet north of the centerline of Seven Trails Drive. SP MO East N=306905± E=246311± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.598874°±(N/+) Long=90.542350°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 562.56 FtUS (or) 171.468 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 562.86 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-194 situated in the far southeast corner of Ballwin Golf Course addressed as #309 Holloway Road in a lawn area located west of the former location of Holloway Road, southeast of Holloway Road as traveled and northeast of Spring Oaks Drive, roughly 46 feet northeast of the centerline of Spring Oaks Drive, 6 feet southeast of the back of curb of Holloway Road, 23' northeast of a street sign and 78 feet southwest of a 14 inch walnut tree. SP MO East N=307219± E=246605± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.601704°±(N/+) Long=90.538976°±(W/-) Page 37 of 50
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 12:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 607.07 FtUS (or) 185.035 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 607.24 FtUS Cut triangle on the east side of the concrete base of the easternmost of two parking area light standards within the asphalt parking lot on the south side of a small commercial strip center addressed #15001 thru #150021 Manchester Road, roughly 100 feet west of Holloway Road, 100 feet north of Manchester Road and 60 feet south of #15007 Manchester Road. SP MO East N=306281± E=245945± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.593251°±(N/+) Long=90.546548°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 632.27 FtUS (or) 192.717 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 632.47 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast corner of the concrete base of traffic signal control box situated near the northwest corner of "OLD TOWNE PLAZA" (Plat Book 350 Page 526), roughly 40 feet north of the free standing drive thru Starbucks at #14900 Manchester Road, 45 feet south of centerline Manchester Road and 80 feet east of the centerline Ballpark Drive. SP MO East N=306237± E=246247± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.592856°±(N/+) Long=90.543081°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 661.10 FtUS (or) 201.504 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 661.33 FtUS Cut triangle on the west side of the concrete base of traffic signal mast situated south of Manchester Road, west of Ries Road, and northeast of the right turn lane from eastbound Manchester Road onto southbound Ries Road. SP MO East N=306237± E=246696± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.592858°±(N/+) Long=90.537927°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 644.40 FtUS (or) 196.414 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 644.66 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest corner of a concrete slab along the west edge of sidewalk; roughly 32 feet west of the centerline of Baxter Road and 38 feet north of the centerline of Greenmore Drive at the southernmost of two places where Greenmore Drive intersects Baxter Road near the southeast corner of common ground south of Lot 48 in "COUNTRY GREEN" (Plat Book 128 Page 10) which common ground is addressed #215 Greenmore Drive. SP MO East N=307674± E=246961± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.605805°±(N/+) Long=90.534891°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 12:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 542.92 FtUS (or) 165.483 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 543.18 FtUS Cut "U" on southwest corner of the western headwall for box culvert under Baxter Road near the southeast corner of property addressed #100 Clear Meadows Drive, which headwall forms a curb along the west face of sidewalk and has a chain link fence along the top of the wall. Benchmark is roughly 178 feet south of the centerline of the eastbound lanes of Clear Meadows Drive, 29 feet west of the centerline of Baxter Road and 56 feet south of the northwest corner of the headwall. SP MO East N=307237± E=247442± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.601869°±(N/+) Long=90.529367°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 521.73 FtUS (or) 159.025 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 521.98 FtUS Cut "L" on southwest corner of concrete pad for base of "Baxter Acres Park" sign at #301 Spring Meadows Drive, roughly 28 feet northwest of centerline Spring Meadows Drive, 60 feet northeast of centerline Baxter Road, and 19 feet northeast of the back of sidewalk along Baxter Road. SP MO East N=306520± E=247922± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.595411°±(N/+) Long=90.523854°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 593.97 FtUS (or) 181.042 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 594.20 FtUS Cut "L" on the top southeast corner at the southern end of a concrete retaining wall supporting the east side of parking lot for property addressed as #14615 Manchester Road, near the southeast corner of the supported parking lot, near the south end of a chain link fence along the top of the concrete wall, roughly 64 feet north of the centerline Manchester Road and 180 feet east of centerline Pleasant View Drive. SP MO East N=306271± E=247558± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.593167°±(N/+) Long=90.528032°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 637.50 FtUS (or) 194.310 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 637.73 FtUS Found square on top of the southern edge of a circular concrete base for parking area light standard situated in grass immediately south of the parking lot at the U-Haul facility addressed as #14767 Manchester Road, roughly 60 feet north of the centerline of Manchester Road and 55 feet west of the centerline of Timka Drive. SP MO East N=306268± E=246985± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.593138°±(N/+) Long=90.534610°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 12:
Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 639.90 FtUS (or) 195.041 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 640.06 FtUS Cut triangle on top back of northeast curb along Kehrs Mill Road in front of common ground designated Parcel "A" on the plat of "WHITE TREE LANE" (PB 104 PG 88) and addressed as #244 White Tree Lane, roughly 15 feet northeast of centerline Kehrs Mill Road, 40 feet southeast of centerline White Tree Lane, and 45 feet south of brick sign for White Tree Subdivision. SP MO East N=306994± E=245389± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.599672°±(N/+) Long=90.552935°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 675.85 FtUS (or) 205.999 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 676.01 FtUS Cut triangle on top of northeast curb along Kehrs Mill Road in front of property addressed #318 Sudbury Lane, roughly 15 feet northeast of centerline Kehrs Mill Road and 30 feet southeast of centerline Sudbury Lane. SP MO East N=307390± E=244894± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.603237°±(N/+) Long=90.558621°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 694.90 FtUS (or) 211.806 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 695.05 FtUS Found "Sq" on top of curb at 90 degree corner in southeast corner of parking lot south of the southern driveway entrance from Clarkson Road to the Church of Christ Scientist property addressed as #2989 Clarkson Road; roughly 60 feet west of the centerline of Clarkson Road, 35 feet south of the centerline of south drive access to church, and 1400 feet more or less north of Clayton Road. SP MO East N=308006± E=242514± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.608769°±(N/+) Long=90.585952°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 676.00 FtUS (or) 206.044 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 676.15 FtUS Found "Sq" on top of easternmost bull nose end of the median island containing a brick gate house in the centerline Forest Club Drive at the southernmost of two places where Forest Club Drive intersects Clarkson Road approximately 0.4 miles north of Clayton Road; roughly 115 feet west of the centerline of Clarkson Road and 9 feet east of the gate house. SP MO East N=308246± E=242501± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.610931°±(N/+) Long=90.586103°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 12:
Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 644.56 FtUS (or) 196.463 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 644.71 FtUS Cut "U" on the north curb of Wetherburn Road near the eastern end of curb rounding between the north line of Wetherburn Road and the east line of Clarkson Road; roughly 12 feet north of the centerline of Wetherburn Road and 66 feet east of the centerline of Clarkson Road. SP MO East N=308804± E=242596± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.615959°±(N/+) Long=90.585018°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 595.57 FtUS (or) 181.530 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 595.72 FtUS Cut triangle on top of easternmost bull nose end of the median island containing a brick gate house in the centerline Forest Club Drive at the northernmost of two places where Forest Club Drive intersects Clarkson Road approximately 0.2 miles south of Kehrs Mill Road; roughly 125 feet west of the centerline of Clarkson Road and 8 feet east of the gate house. SP MO East N=309119± E=242672± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.618798°±(N/+) Long=90.584149°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 638.50 FtUS (or) 194.614 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 638.65 FtUS Cut triangle on the concrete base of a traffic signal mast, with signal arm controlling traffic on eastbound Kehrs Mill Road, situated on a traffic island that is bounded on the southeast by the right turn lane from northbound Clarkson Road onto eastbound Kehrs Mill Road and bounded on the west and north by the thru lanes of Clarkson Road and Kehrs Mill Road; roughly 40 feet south of the centerline of Kehrs Mill Road and 50 feet east of the centerline of Clarkson Road. SP MO East N=309414± E=242861± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.621457°±(N/+) Long=90.581982°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 508.10 FtUS (or) 154.868 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 508.35 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest corner of the concrete barrier wall topped by metal pipe rail along the west side of the Old Meramec Station Road bridge over Grand Glaize Creek 0.2 miles south of Manchester Road and south of a commercial building with multiple tenants and addresses ranging between #221 and #249 Old Meramec Station Road; roughly 18 feet west of the centerline of Old Meramec Station Road and 300 feet more or less south of 1st Street. SP MO East N=305958± E=248967± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.590350°±(N/+) Long=90.511857°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 12:
Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 653.22 FtUS (or) 199.101 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 653.37 FtUS Cut triangle on the west side of the concrete base of traffic signal mast in the east quadrant of the intersection of Clarkson Road with Clarkson Woods Drive to the southeast and with Wilson road from the Northwest. The traffic signal base is situated in the tree lawn east of the curb rounding between Clarkson Woods Drive and Clarkson Road, and north of the sidewalk at handicap curb ramp. SP MO East N=310258± E=243159± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.629063°±(N/+) Long=90.578568°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 590.99 FtUS (or) 180.134 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 591.15 FtUS Found cross on southwestern concrete curb of commercial access road to office buildings addressed as #1815 and #1819 Clarkson Road, near the westernmost corner of concrete entrance apron at the junction between concrete and asphalt pavement; roughly 60 feet northwest of the centerline of Clarkson Road and 0.3 miles more or less southwest of Baxter Road. SP MO East N=311179± E=243790± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.637365°±(N/+) Long=90.571329°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 559.97 FtUS (or) 170.678 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 560.14 FtUS Cut "L" in the southwest corner of flush style traffic signal vault in grass area northeast of the intersection of Clarkson Road and Baxter Road; roughly 2 feet east of the back of sidewalk along Clarkson Road, 15 feet west of the westernmost corner of a decorative brick wall and sign for Dierbergs Market Place, and 8 feet south of a wooden utility pole. SP MO East N=311571± E=244074± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.640898°±(N/+) Long=90.568071°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 607.43 FtUS (or) 185.145 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 607.60 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast corner of concrete base for metal traffic signal control box above the west face of concrete sidewalk along the east side of Clarkson Road and roughly 60 feet south of the centerline of Lea Oak Drive; generally west of a commercial strip shopping center property addressed as #1662-1700 Clarkson Road. SP MO East N=311858± E=244242± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.643485°±(N/+) Long=90.566143°±(W/-)
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Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 632.31 FtUS (or) 192.727 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 632.47 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest corner of the concrete base for a metal traffic signal control box situated east of the exit ramp from northbound Clarkson Road to the southern part of Chesterfield Parkway (ie: south of Interstate 64) and south of Chesterfield Parkway East; roughly 4 feet east of the back of sidewalk running to the south and in the approximate southeasterly prolongation of the sidewalk stub from a handicap ramp in the southeast curb rounding. SP MO East N=312259± E=244534± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.647099°±(N/+) Long=90.562792°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 640.35 FtUS (or) 195.180 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 640.52 FtUS Cut triangle on the concrete base for a traffic signal mast situated on a traffic island northwest of the intersection of Elbridge Payne Road and the southern part of Chesterfield Parkway East (ie: south of Interstate 64); roughly 25 feet west of the centerline of Elbridge Payne Road and 35 feet north of the centerline of Chesterfield Parkway East. SP MO East N=312307± E=244723± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.647533°±(N/+) Long=90.560621°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 636.80 FtUS (or) 194.097 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 636.97 FtUS Cut "L" on the southernmost corner of the concrete base for metal traffic signal control box, above the northwest back of sidewalk, northwest of the right turn lane from southbound Schoettler Valley Drive onto the westbound lanes of the southern part of Chesterfield Parkway East (ie: south of Interstate 64); roughly 45 feet west of the centerline of Schoettler Valley Drive and 60 feet north of the centerline of Chesterfield Parkway East. SP MO East N=312510± E=245329± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.649365°±(N/+) Long=90.553661°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 632.69 FtUS (or) 192.844 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 632.86 FtUS Cut "L" on the westernmost corner of the concrete base for a metal traffic signal control box, above the northeast edge of an asphalt walk situated northeast of the concrete curb along right turn lane from westbound Conway Road onto the northbound lanes of Chesterfield Parkway East; roughly 40 feet north of the centerline of Conway Road, and 80 feet more or less east of the centerline of Chesterfield Parkway East. SP MO East N=312808± E=245657± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.652051°±(N/+) Long=90.549895°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 543.41 FtUS (or) 165.633 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 543.58 FtUS Found triangle in the top center of eastern headwall of box culvert under Clarkson Road roughly 20 feet east of the sidewalk along the east side of Clarkson Road, approximately opposite the drive entrance to St Joseph Institute for the Deaf at #1809 Clarkson Road, and 110 feet more or less north of the centerline of Leiman Road. SP MO East N=311387± E=243966± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.639240°±(N/+) Long=90.569309°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 586.24 FtUS (or) 178.686 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 586.46 FtUS Cut "L" on the top of curb of the pavement rounding at the southeast corner of the intersection of Baxter Road with Claymont Estates Drive; roughly 40 feet east of the centerline of Clayton Road, and 25 feet south of the centerline of Claymont Estates Drive. SP MO East N=309663± E=245993± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.623720°±(N/+) Long=90.546016°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 662.24 FtUS (or) 201.852 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 662.46 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-35A situated in grassy area of the tree lawn southeast of a residential property addressed as #1705 Claymont Estates Court; 80 feet more or less north of the centerline of Claymont Estates Drive, roughly 5 feet west of the back of curb along Claymont Estates Court, 11 feet southeast of the front face of sidewalk, 5 feet southeast of a tree, 21 feet south of a water valve cover, and 40 feet more or less northeast of the center of driveway to #1711 Claymont Estates Court. <NGS PID="AA8676", Designation="Accessory to SL 35"> SP MO East N=309375± E=245556± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.621123°±(N/+) Long=90.551033°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 593.34 FtUS (or) 180.851 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 593.56 FtUS Cut a boxed cross on the westernmost concrete bull nose end of median island within Chateau Village Drive east of Baxter Road; roughly 30 feet east of the centerline of Baxter Road and 2 feet north of the centerline of Chateau Village Drive. SP MO East N=309803± E=245978± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.624981°±(N/+) Long=90.546190°±(W/-)
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Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 546.35 FtUS (or) 166.528 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 546.56 FtUS Set aluminum tablet on the north end of the west headwall of a concrete double box culvert for Creve Coeur Creek under Baxter Road; roughly 35 feet west of the centerline of Baxter Road and 120 feet south of Isleview Drive. SP MO East N=310042± E=245726± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.627133°±(N/+) Long=90.549085°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 580.93 FtUS (or) 177.068 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 581.14 FtUS Cut triangle on the top east side of the concrete base for traffic signal mast situated roughly 30 feet west of the centerline of Baxter Road and 45 feet north of the centerline of Country Ridge Drive. SP MO East N=310269± E=245480± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.629177°±(N/+) Long=90.551912°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 622.06 FtUS (or) 189.603 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 622.23 FtUS Cut "L" on the top southwest corner of the concrete base for metal traffic signal control box situated east of the right turn lane from northwest bound Baxter Road onto northeast bound Old Baxter Road (also known as Highcroft Drive); roughly 63 feet northeast of the centerline of Baxter Road, and 53 feet southeast of the centerline of Old Baxter Road. SP MO East N=311513± E=244503± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.640378°±(N/+) Long=90.563142°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 631.24 FtUS (or) 192.403 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 631.40 FtUS Cut "U" on the top back of curb of the pavement rounding southeast of the intersection of Wilson Road with Chamfers Farm Road; roughly 15 feet east of the centerline of Wilson Road, and 51 feet south of the centerline of Chamfers Farm Road. SP MO East N=311051± E=243001± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.636206°±(N/+) Long=90.580391°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 597.88 FtUS (or) 182.234 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 598.03 FtUS Cut triangle on the top of curb of the pavement rounding southeast of the intersection of Wilson Road with Wilson Forest View Court; roughly 18 feet east of the centerline of Wilson Road, and 27 feet south of the centerline of Wilson Forest View Court. SP MO East N=311798± E=243011± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.642935°±(N/+) Long=90.580283°±(W/-)
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Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 502.72 FtUS (or) 153.229 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 502.87 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast corner of the concrete corner post supporting the northeast corner of the precast rectangular concrete top of an area inlet situated in grass north of the shoulder of Wild Horse Creek Road directly north of the "T" intersection with Wilson Road from the south; roughly 9 feet east of the northerly prolongation of the centerline of Wilson Road, and 22 feet north of the centerline of Wild Horse Creek Road. The northeast corner of the precast rectangular top was found broken off, giving access to the benchmark as cut on the top northeast corner of the support post below. SP MO East N=313119± E=242142± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.654829°±(N/+) Long=90.590280°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 644.27 FtUS (or) 196.375 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 644.43 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-31A and situated in a grassy area south of the intersection of Olive Boulevard and Swingley Ridge Road; roughly 78 feet southeast of the centerline of Olive Boulevard, 45 feet southwest of the centerline of Swingley Ridge Road, 1.3 feet east of the easternmost corner of a flush type concrete traffic signal vault, 0.15 miles more or less northeast along Olive boulevard from the centerline of Interstate 64. <NGS PID="AA8672", Designation="Accessory to SL 31"> SP MO East N=313087± E=245088± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.654562°±(N/+) Long=90.556434°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 609.65 FtUS (or) 185.823 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 609.83 FtUS Cut triangle on top of the north concrete curb of the turnaround lane north of the entrance gate house to August Hill gated community, and on the south curb of the northernmost median island within Upper Conway Lane south of Conway Road; roughly 60 feet south of the centerline of Conway Road, and 1 foot west of the centerline of Upper Conway Lane. SP MO East N=312813± E=246321± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.652099°±(N/+) Long=90.542266°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 595.32 FtUS (or) 181.455 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 595.51 FtUS Cut diamond on the northwest corner of a roughly 8'x17' concrete water vault in a lawn south of Conway Road and north of the parking lot for Bonhomme Presbyterian Church addressed as #14820 Conway Road; roughly 45 feet south of the centerline of Conway Road, and 70 feet east of the center of western access drive to church. SP MO East N=312559± E=246830± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.649813°±(N/+) Long=90.536418°±(W/-) Page 46 of 50
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 12:
Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 502.16 FtUS (or) 153.059 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 502.36 FtUS Cut square on the center top of the south concrete barrier wall between pavement and sidewalk of bridge #205 for Conway Road over Creve Coeur Creek, directly over the metal commemorative plaque set into the pavement side face of the barrier wall near the west end of the bridge; roughly 21 feet south of the centerline of Conway Road, 240 feet more or less east of the entrance drive to an electric substation which is opposite the entrance drive to Old Bonhomme Presbyterian Church addressed as #14483 Conway Road, and 0.12 miles more or less east of the intersection of Conway Road with White Road. SP MO East N=312482± E=247956± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.649123°±(N/+) Long=90.523482°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 499.02 FtUS (or) 152.103 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 499.24 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-33A and situated in a grass shoulder area 21 feet north of the centerline intersection of Conway Road and Hunters Hill Drive, roughly 2 feet south of a wood rail fence,46 feet west of a wooden utility pole, and 61 feet west of the centerline of an asphalt driveway to residence addressed as #14301 Conway Road. <NGS PID="AA8674", Designation="Accessory to SL 33"> SP MO East N=312530± E=248363± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.649556°±(N/+) Long=90.518806°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 461.00 FtUS (or) 140.513 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 461.16 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-38A situated in grassy area south of Chesterfield Airport Road and east of Chesterfield Industrial Boulevard, north of a bank addressed as #100 Chesterfield Industrial Boulevard; roughly 49 feet south of the centerline of Chesterfield Airport road, 78 feet east of the centerline of Chesterfield Industrial Boulevard, and 40.6 feet northeast of the northwest corner of the subdivision entrance monument for Chesterfield Industrial Park. <NGS PID="AA8679", Designation="Accessory to SL 38"> SP MO East N=314596± E=239384± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.668106°±(N/+) Long=90.621990°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 12:
Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 614.15 FtUS (or) 187.192 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 614.33 FtUS Cut circle mark on top of and east of the center of a 6 foot diameter circular concrete storm water junction chamber situated west of Schoettler Road and north of Oaktree Estates Drive, 0.1 miles more or less south of South Outer Forty Road; roughly 2 feet west of the curb on Schoettler Road, 30 feet west of the center of Schoettler Road, and 60 feet north of the center of Oaktree Estates Drive. SP MO East N=312421± E=245804± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.648565°±(N/+) Long=90.548204°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 511.78 FtUS (or) 155.990 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 511.99 FtUS Cut diamond on the top west side of the northwest concrete base for the electric transmission tower situated east of Schoettler Road and north of Creve Coeur Creek, 0.7 miles more or less south along Schoettler Road from South Outer Forty Road; roughly 55 feet east of the guard rail along Schoettler Road, and 220 feet more or less south of the centerline of Sycamore Manor Drive. SP MO East N=311585± E=246453± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.641037°±(N/+) Long=90.540744°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 521.72 FtUS (or) 159.021 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 521.95 FtUS Square on the top east corner of the southeastern concrete headwall of the double box culvert under the northernmost entrance drive (known as Beatrice B Hagen Memorial Drive) to Logan University at a distance of 1.25 miles more or less north of Clayton Road along Schoettler Road; roughly 0.1 miles west of Schoettler Road and 30 feet southeast of the centerline of entrance drive. This benchmark is on the actual headwall of the box culvert situated south of and lower than a series of decorative masonry walls. SP MO East N=310979± E=246639± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.635578°±(N/+) Long=90.538604°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 12:
Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 537.41 FtUS (or) 163.804 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 537.65 FtUS Triangle on top of concrete curb of the landscaped median island within the southernmost entrance drive (known as DP Casey Memorial Drive) to Logan University at a distance of 1.0 miles more or less north of Clayton Road along Schoettler Road, at the northernmost point of curve on the eastern bull nose curb rounding, and north of a short masonry column within the median island bearing the address #1851 Schoettler Road; roughly 75 feet west of the centerline of Schoettler Road and 7 feet north of the centerline of entrance drive. SP MO East N=310727± E=246902± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.633309°±(N/+) Long=90.535582°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 549.21 FtUS (or) 167.399 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 549.45 FtUS Square in the center of a concrete headwall for the western end of a concrete pipe underneath Schoettler Road; roughly 20 feet west of Schoettler Road, and 90 feet north of the westerly prolongation of the centerline of Summer Blossom Lane. SP MO East N=310389± E=247155± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.630265°±(N/+) Long=90.532675°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 598.49 FtUS (or) 182.421 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 598.75 FtUS Triangle on top of the northern part of the curved concrete curb of the landscaped median island within Chermoore Drive southwest of Schoettler Road; roughly 20 feet southwest of the centerline of Schoettler Road, and 4 feet northwest of the centerline of Chermoore Drive. SP MO East N=310051± E=247505± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.627221°±(N/+) Long=90.528654°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 580.35 FtUS (or) 176.891 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 580.48 FtUS Cut square near the northwest corner of a 12'x12' concrete pad base for ATT underground cable box located across the road from #16549 Clayton Road; roughly 32 feet east of the centerline of Clayton Road, 179 feet north of the centerline of drive entrance to Hope Montessori Academy which is addressed as #16554 Clayton Road, 0.8 feet east of the west edge of concrete pad, and 0.7 feet south of the north edge of concrete pad. SP MO East N=307661± E=239668± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.605633°±(N/+) Long=90.618623°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 12:
Rev: 03/30/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 684.59 FtUS (or) 208.664 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 684.73 FtUS "O" in OPEN on a fire hydrant in the tree lawn west of Clayton Road, east of the sidewalk and south of the concrete driveway to residence addressed as #16645 Clayton Road; roughly 5.5 feet south of a black metal lamp standard, 10 feet east of a transformer which is west of the sidewalk, and 23 feet west of the centerline of Clayton Road. SP MO East N=307112± E=239491± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.600685°±(N/+) Long=90.620647°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 515.54 FtUS (or) 157.138 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 515.69 FtUS Found "L" on top of the southwest corner of the south concrete barrier wall between driving lanes and sidewalk on the Shepard Road bridge over Caulks Creek; roughly 16 feet south of the centerline of Shepard Road and 300 feet more or less west of Strecker Road. SP MO East N=310604± E=239231± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.632141°±(N/+) Long=90.623686°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 13:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 650.29 FtUS (or) 198.210 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 650.61 FtUS "U" on concrete walk of building [Phillips Furniture Store] at #10525 Manchester Road 3' south of the southwest corner of building; 45' north of centerline Manchester Road and 105' west of centerline Curran Avenue from the south. [In June 2012 this benchmark was noted as being under a low roof overhang, and as possibly being subject to the the walk shifting.] SP MO East N=307107± E=258437± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.600662°±(N/+) Long=90.403140°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 640.52 FtUS "Sq" on top of north edge of concrete spillway on west side Lindbergh Boulevard; 53' south of centerline Hollywood Lane extended from the east and 27' west of centerline Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=306550± E=258149± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.595647°±(N/+) Long=90.406453°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 660.30 FtUS (or) 201.261 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 660.63 FtUS "Sq" at northwest corner of top concrete entrance step to Church of Latter Day Saints, #830 Lindbergh Boulevard. [April 2010 steps may have settled by visual appearance.] SP MO East N=306340± E=258171± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.593754°±(N/+) Long=90.406203°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 18310 in Chapter 18.]
NGVD29 Elev = 643.80 FtUS "L" on top of northeast corner of low brick wall; 8' east of south pilaster of ornamental entrance to Sunswept Subdivision along Lindbergh Boulevard. This is situated west of Lindbergh Boulevard and south of North Sunswept Drive. SP MO East N=314289± E=258241± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.665366°±(N/+) Long=90.405305°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 545.13 FtUS "L" southwest corner of lowest concrete step of four flights of steps from the east at north entrance of Our Lady of the Pillar Church; 200' west of Lindbergh Boulevard and 90' north of the centerline of Clermont Lane south extended. SP MO East N=312665± E=258168± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.650736°±(N/+) Long=90.406163°±(W/-)
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Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 577.16 FtUS "Sq" on north end of lowest granite step at flight of 14 steps to east at front entrance of Chaminade Day School on west side of Lindbergh Boulevard north of Donoho Place; 300' west of Lindbergh Boulevard and 175' north of Clerbrook Lane extended. SP MO East N=312544± E=258129± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.649646°±(N/+) Long=90.406613°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 523.23 FtUS RM 319 FEMA PANEL 169; "Sq" on top of northeast wingwall at east end of north abutment wall, 1' east of northeast rail end post along Lindbergh Boulevard at bridge over Deer Creek; east side of Lindbergh Boulevard 300' south of Conway Road from east. SP MO East N=311713± E=258236± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.642159°±(N/+) Long=90.405393°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 599.96 FtUS (or) 182.869 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 600.29 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of west headwall for 6' x 6' concrete box culvert under Ballas Road; roughly 25 feet west of centerline Ballas Road, 500 feet south of Ranch Lane, and 103 feet north of Balwyck Lane. SP MO East N=308875± E=254884± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.616616°±(N/+) Long=90.443918°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 648.48 FtUS (or) 197.657 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 648.80 FtUS "Sq" 0.3 feet east of second pillar and 10 feet north of southeast corner of 10' x 27' concrete stoop at main entrance to Covenent Presbyterian Church addressed as #2143 North Ballas Road; southwest of the northernmost of two places where Hawthorne Estates Drive intersects with Ballas Road. (This is roughly 10 feet north of BM 13377.) SP MO East N=309376± E=254818± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.621130°±(N/+) Long=90.444672°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 644.55 FtUS (or) 196.459 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 644.87 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of west headwall of 2.5' x 5' concrete box culvert, 25' west of centerline Ballas Road and 50' south of centerline Crystal View Lane. SP MO East N=309962± E=254896± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.626409°±(N/+) Long=90.443772°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 13:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 660.70 FtUS (or) 201.381 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 661.06 FtUS "Sq" centered on north headwall of 15" CMP under West Point Lane; 24' east of centerline Ballas Road and 21' north of centerline of West Point Lane. SP MO East N=310147± E=254915± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.628076°±(N/+) Long=90.443553°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 608.47 FtUS "Sq" centered on top of 3' x 3' capstone on stone end post of ornamental stone wall at the north gateway to Westchester Estates; northeast corner Ballas Road and Lakeshore Drive. SP MO East N=312742± E=254944± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.651453°±(N/+) Long=90.443201°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 595.89 FtUS (or) 181.627 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 596.23 FtUS "L" on east concrete curb of Ladue Meadows Drive (also known as West Win Lane) at entrance to Ladue Meadows Subdivision; 43' north of centerline Ladue Road and 10' east of centerline Ladue Meadows Drive. SP MO East N=313197± E=255901± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655547°±(N/+) Long=90.432203°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 593.57 FtUS (or) 180.920 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 593.79 FtUS "L" northwest corner of cap stone on stone planter at east ornamental gate to Ladue Estates; 16' east of centerline Ladue Estates and 42' south of centerline Ladue Road (the center (drive) [entrance]). SP MO East N=313159± E=256370± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655201°±(N/+) Long=90.426815°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 560.56 FtUS (or) 170.858 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 560.79 FtUS "Sq" 0.5' west of east end of south concrete headwall of 6' x 8' concrete box culvert under Ladue Road; 165' west of centerline Executive Estates Drive and 30' south of centerline Ladue Road. SP MO East N=313159± E=256618± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655199°±(N/+) Long=90.423966°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 562.74 FtUS (or) 171.524 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 563.08 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of capstone for low wall at extreme east end of steps at south entrance, 30' directly south of corner stone inscribed (5721 1961) at southeast corner of Temple Israel; northeast corner Spoede and Ladue Roads. SP MO East N=313239± E=257595± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655912°±(N/+) Long=90.412740°±(W/-) Page 4 of 52
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 13:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 577.50 FtUS (or) 176.022 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 577.74 FtUS "Sq" top of extreme east end of 4' high curved brick wall at east side of entrance to Clermont Lane; 30' east of centerline Clermont Lane and 30' south of centerline of Ladue Road. SP MO East N=313127± E=258763± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.654892°±(N/+) Long=90.399322°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 648.36 FtUS (or) 197.620 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 648.64 FtUS "L" at southwest corner of concrete walk in front of one story building at #12095 Manchester Road; 110' north of centerline Manchester Road and just east of the centerline of Twin Pines Drive extended from south. [In May 2012, this benchmark was noted as being in poor condition, due to the corner of concrete being badly chipped off.] SP MO East N=307312± E=255470± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.602532°±(N/+) Long=90.437201°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 607.97 FtUS (or) 185.309 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 608.36 FtUS "Sq" at northwest corner of concrete walk, 4' north of northwest corner of a one story brick community building; on southeast corner Manchester Road and Nana Lane. SP MO East N=307048± E=256166± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.600149°±(N/+) Long=90.429213°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 612.18 FtUS (or) 186.592 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 612.50 FtUS "Sq" at northwest corner of curb inlet along south side of Manchester Road; 35' south of centerline of Manchester Road and 45' east of Missouri Avenue extended, in front to the westernmost of two units in a residential duplex addressed as #11424 and #11426 Manchester Road. SP MO East N=306943± E=256719± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.599199°±(N/+) Long=90.422865°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 628.92 FtUS (or) 191.695 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 629.29 FtUS "L" northeast corner of 8' x 8' concrete slab at the entrance to the Korean Presbyterian Church of St. Louis on the south side of Manchester Road at #11036 Manchester Road, just west of Evans Avenue extended from the north. SP MO East N=306922± E=257620± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.599003°±(N/+) Long=90.412522°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 608.05 FtUS (or) 185.335 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 608.44 FtUS "L" northwest corner of 6' x 6' concrete slab at entrance to one story brick building at #11004 Manchester Road; southwest corner Manchester Road and North Harrison Avenue. SP MO East N=306946± E=257725± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.599218°±(N/+) Long=90.411316°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 653.69 FtUS (or) 199.245 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 653.97 FtUS "L" on south corner of capstone to 4' high ornamental stone gateway to Radcliff Subdivision; northwest corner Clayton Road and Trafalgar Drive. SP MO East N=310739± E=255659± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.633404°±(N/+) Long=90.435003°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 633.54 FtUS (or) 193.102 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 633.78 FtUS "L" on westernmost corner of the capstone on the highest step at the top southwest end of a curved stone entrance monument to Radcliff Subdivision; west side Devondale Place and Clayton Road. SP MO East N=310746± E=256099± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.633465°±(N/+) Long=90.429950°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 638.99 FtUS (or) 194.764 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 639.32 FtUS "L" southeast corner of capstone at east ornamental gateway to Terrace Garden Subdivision and Clayton Road. SP MO East N=310733± E=256392± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.633345°±(N/+) Long=90.426584°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 625.71 FtUS (or) 190.718 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 625.95 FtUS "L" in southwest corner of 3" thick steel base of westernmost of four wood columns in front of Des Peres Presbyterian Church at #11155 Clayton Road [Mark is shallow chiseled lines in steel base, and may be substantially obscured by heavy paint layers.]; 200' north of Clayton and 0.1 miles west of Geyer Road. SP MO East N=310778± E=256814± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.633748°±(N/+) Long=90.421737°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 626.47 FtUS (or) 190.947 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 626.76 FtUS "L" southeast corner of capstone to ornamental gate at west entrance to Clayton Downs Subdivision along Clayton Road; 35' north of centerline Clayton Road and 35' east of centerline Clayton Downs. West entrance to subdivision roughly 250' east of Geyer Road. SP MO East N=310718± E=257031± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.633205°±(N/+) Long=90.419245°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 619.77 FtUS (or) 188.907 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 620.08 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of capstone to ornamental gate at east entrance to Clayton Downs Subdivision; 30' north of centerline Clayton Road and 30' west of centerline Clayton Downs Drive. (the east entrance 300’ west of Spoede Road) SP MO East N=310713± E=257274± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.633158°±(N/+) Long=90.416454°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 534.89 FtUS "Sq" southeast wingwall Geyer Road bridge over Two Mile Creek, 1.10 miles north of Manchester at High Meadow Road. SP MO East N=308654± E=257350± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.614608°±(N/+) Long=90.415603°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 459.19 FtUS (or) 139.962 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 459.50 FtUS RM 107 FEMA PANEL 276; "Standard Tablet" stamped 25-74 S.L.C. at Grand Glaize Creek culvert crossing on west end of headwall; 30' east and 53' north of intersection of Manchester Road and Dietrich Road. SP MO East N=306641± E=251053± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.596503°±(N/+) Long=90.487912°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 477.18 FtUS (or) 145.445 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 477.44 FtUS RM 109 FEMA PANEL 276; "Standard Tablet" stamped 8 GEU 1974 set in bedrock, 112' south of low water bridge on west bank of Grand Glaize Creek along Wickstead Road 0.2 mile west of Weidman Road. N=307288.9 E=250248.4 as determined on 04/07/2011 by MoDOT RTK GPS. This was a difficult reception area under trees in creek but reported by the system as a wide area fixed solution. Position is provided solely as an aide to recovery and is not horizontally reliable as control. SP MO East N=307288.9± E=250248.4± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.602341°±(N/+) Long=90.497148°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 13:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 643.91 FtUS (or) 196.263 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 644.22 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 9 GEU 1974 set in east end of headwall, 500' south of intersection of Clayton Road and Weidman Road at south entrance to Mari De Ville Nursing Home; 19' west and 14' south of intersection of T Drive west. SP MO East N=310066± E=249663± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.627359°±(N/+) Long=90.503870°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 501.56 FtUS (or) 152.876 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 501.82 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 30 GEU 1975 set only slightly above ground level in the top of the circular concrete base for the northeast tower leg of the most southeastern electric transmission tower situated on the grounds of Parkway Central High School in a grassy area southeast of the southeastern school parking lot and northwest of a school access road. The benchmark is 120 feet more or less west of the centerline of North Woods Mill Road, 700 feet more or less south of the center of main drive entrance to Parkway Central High School from North Woods Mill Road, and roughly 13 feet northwest of and inside the curved northwestern curb of the school access road. SP MO East N=314076± E=249707± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.663485°±(N/+) Long=90.503367°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 478.75 FtUS (or) 145.923 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 479.06 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 11 GEU 1974 near Smith Creek crossing at employee entrance to Bellerive Golf Course; 175' north along creek from bridge #211 on Mason Road; 4' north of the south end of retaining wall, and 9’ north of centerline of golf cart bridge. SP MO East N=313819± E=251807± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.661168°±(N/+) Long=90.479238°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 454.64 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of concrete sidewalk leading to front entrance to B.P.O. Elks Club Lodge #2058 at #2242 Mason Lane; 1,000' south of Manchester Road and 75' east of centerline of Mason Lane. SP MO East N=306293± E=251964± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.593366°±(N/+) Long=90.477455°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 640.48 FtUS (or) 195.220 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 640.81 FtUS "Sq" on center of concrete headwall; 58' west of centerline of Mason Road south of Clayton Road. SP MO East N=310084± E=251455± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.627520°±(N/+) Long=90.483290°±(W/-) Page 8 of 52
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 13:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 551.94 FtUS (or) 168.233 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 552.25 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of northern footing for pillar in 23’X3’ stone and granite wall on northwest corner of Hiram Cemetery along Mason Road, 0.8 mile south of Olive Street Road; 45’ east of centerline of Mason Road and 243’ south of Mason Manor Drive [road produced]. SP MO East N=314446± E=252564± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.666815°±(N/+) Long=90.470537°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 585.24 FtUS "L" on the brick wall entrance marker; 20' south of the centerline of Thornhill Drive and 54' east of the centerline of Mason Road. SP MO East N=307499± E=251433± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.604232°±(N/+) Long=90.483548°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 581.36 FtUS "L" on walk; 18' north of the centerline of Van Courtland Drive and 45' east of the centerline of Mason Road. SP MO East N=307888± E=251290± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.607737°±(N/+) Long=90.485189°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 600.01 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the south stonework to Bay Berry Hills Subdivision; 39' east of the centerline of Bopp Road and 43' south of the centerline of Bay Berry Lane. SP MO East N=307584± E=255819± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.604980°±(N/+) Long=90.433192°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 609.20 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the concrete base for a gas light at the St.Clement School #1514 Bopp Road; 40' east of the centerline of Bopp Road and 30' north of the centerline of the south entrance to the school. SP MO East N=307973± E=255713± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.608485°±(N/+) Long=90.434406°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 583.59 FtUS "Sq" in the center of a concrete headwall; 25' east of the centerline of Bopp Road and 85' south of the centerline of Claychester Drive east. SP MO East N=308135± E=255708± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.609945°±(N/+) Long=90.434462°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 609.87 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of a brick light standard in the center median to Willows Lane; 51' east of the centerline of Bopp Road and 18' south of centerline of the exit road. SP MO East N=309613± E=255733± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.623260°±(N/+) Long=90.434163°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 620.26 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the first stone on the south side of the Frontenac Forest entrance monument; 36' east of the centerline of Bopp Road and 45' south of the centerline of the drive. SP MO East N=310056± E=255734± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.627251°±(N/+) Long=90.434147°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 679.13 FtUS (or) 206.999 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 679.45 FtUS "Sq" on the south side of a round base for a flag pole at the former Town and Country City Hall; now a brick commercial building housing Yavitz Insurance and an Edward Jones office at #12225 Clayton Road; roughly 370' west along Clayton Road from North Ballas Road and 83' north of the centerline of Clayton Road. SP MO East N=310497± E=254800± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.631229°±(N/+) Long=90.444871°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 634.33 FtUS (or) 193.344 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 634.65 FtUS "Sq" on top of the curb rounding along the east side of Wexford Wood Court, 9' south of an inlet; 11' east of the centerline and 48' north of the centerline of Clayton Road. SP MO East N=309947± E=253711± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.626280°±(N/+) Long=90.457381°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 670.39 FtUS (or) 204.335 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 670.70 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of a concrete headwall; 24' north of the centerline of Clayton Road and 33' west of the centerline of Claymark Drive. SP MO East N=309939± E=253168± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.626210°±(N/+) Long=90.463617°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 663.83 FtUS (or) 202.335 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 664.16 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of concrete for the guard shack at the main entrance to The Principia #13201 Clayton Road. SP MO East N=309967± E=252784± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.626463°±(N/+) Long=90.468027°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 13:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 632.43 FtUS (or) 192.765 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 632.75 FtUS "Sq" in the center of a headwall; 25' south of the centerline of Clayton Road and 76' west of the centerline of Takara Drive South. SP MO East N=310085± E=252244± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.627528°±(N/+) Long=90.474229°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 592.77 FtUS (or) 180.676 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 593.04 FtUS "Sq" on top of a round concrete base for a flagpole near the northwest corner of property for Covenant Theological Seminary addressed as #12330 Conway Road, situated in a grassy area now partially surrounded by trees; roughly 72 feet south of the centerline of Conway Road and 58 feet east of the centerline of Balcon Estates Drive. SP MO East N=311942± E=254111± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.644251°±(N/+) Long=90.452776°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 577.62 FtUS "Sq" on the center of the south headwall between #11652 and #11666 Conway Road. SP MO East N=311540± E=255744± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.640620°±(N/+) Long=90.434020°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 621.27 FtUS "U" on top of the concrete curb 1' west of the concrete and asphalt; 75' west of the centerline of Conway Road on the east side of the western most entrance to Frontenac Estates. SP MO East N=311504± E=256987± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.640287°±(N/+) Long=90.419743°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 578.24 FtUS (or) 176.247 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 578.45 FtUS "L" on top of a 6" concrete curb; 12' west of the centerline of Graeser Road and 52' south of the centerline of Ladue Road at the entrance to Westwood Place Subdivision; roughly 22 feet southeast of a traffic signal mast with signal arm extending over Graeser Road. SP MO East N=313150± E=256760± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655117°±(N/+) Long=90.422334°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 673.73 FtUS (or) 205.354 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 674.01 FtUS "U" in the center of the west brick entrance to #12100 Ladue Pines; 43' south of the centerline of Ladue Road and 30' west of the centerline of #12100 Ladue Pines. SP MO East N=313178± E=253976± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655386°±(N/+) Long=90.454319°±(W/-) Page 11 of 52
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 13:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 589.82 FtUS (or) 179.779 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 590.08 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of the concrete sidewalk on the east side of the entrance to Ladue Downs, [44’ south of the centerline of Ladue and 49’ east of the centerline of Bellington Lane]. SP MO East N=313177± E=253511± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655379°±(N/+) Long=90.459662°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 493.58 FtUS (or) 150.445 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 493.87 FtUS "U" on the curb of island at the entrance to Brynwyck; 20' south of the centerline of Ladue Road. SP MO East N=313209± E=251204± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655674°±(N/+) Long=90.486167°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 553.04 FtUS (or) 168.567 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 553.32 FtUS Square in the center of a concrete headwall; roughly 21 feet south of the centerline of Ladue Road and 22 feet east of the centerline of Babler Road. SP MO East N=313218± E=250636± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655755°±(N/+) Long=90.492693°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 14466 in Chapter 14.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 661.24 FtUS (or) 201.547 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 661.62 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the first step at the entrance off Ballas Road at Saint Paul's Lutheran Church; 49' east of the centerline of Ballas Road and 95' north of the of Manchester Road. SP MO East N=307455± E=254892± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.603824°±(N/+) Long=90.443836°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 463.95 FtUS (or) 141.411 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 464.24 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of walk at White Castle 50' south of the centerline of Manchester Road and 130' west of the centerline of Barrett Station Road. SP MO East N=306639± E=252232± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.596483°±(N/+) Long=90.474377°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 673.53 FtUS (or) 205.293 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 673.77 FtUS "U" on the end of the north curb at the north entrance to Fairways Subdivision; 27' west of the centerline of Mosley Road and 12' north of the centerline of Fairways Circle. SP MO East N=314741± E=256156± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.669455°±(N/+) Long=90.429259°±(W/-) Page 12 of 52
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 13:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 679.11 FtUS (or) 206.994 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 679.36 FtUS "L" on the sidewalk at the northwest corner of a one story brick building addressed as #11252 Olive Boulevard; 70' east of Mosley Road and 100' south of Olive Boulevard. SP MO East N=314952± E=256159± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.671355°±(N/+) Long=90.429223°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 607.31 FtUS (or) 185.109 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 607.66 FtUS "Sq" in the center of the south concrete headwall across from #1812 Topping Road; 24' west of the centerline of Topping Road; 245' south of Topping Manor Drive; and 31' south of the centerline Topping Way Drive. SP MO East N=307965± E=253245± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.608426°±(N/+) Long=90.462742°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 676.50 FtUS (or) 206.198 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 676.88 FtUS "Sq" on a concrete headwall on the south side of the driveway entrance to #1266 Topping Road; 20' east of the centerline of Topping Road and 170' south of Taunton Court. SP MO East N=309431± E=253272± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.621633°±(N/+) Long=90.462425°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 698.91 FtUS (or) 213.028 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 699.27 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-22 situated in an area of gravel and sparse grass south of Olive Boulevard between the on and off ramps connecting northbound Lindbergh Boulevard with eastbound Olive Boulevard; 66.8 feet east of a chiseled "X" 3 feet above ground level on the east face of the northernmost of three steel I-beam support posts for a MoDOT exit sign reading "67 North" with a directional arrow above "Lindbergh Boulevard", roughly 20 feet south of the solid white stripe along the south side of the southernmost eastbound driving lane of Olive Boulevard, and 75 feet northeast of the solid yellow stripe along the northeast side of the exit lane from eastbound Olive Boulevard to northbound Lindbergh Boulevard. (In September 2012, two survey nail markers in the south asphalt shoulder of Olive Boulevard were 20.4 feet northwest of SL-22 and 18 feet northeast of SL-22.) <NGS PID="AA8663", Designation="SL 22"> SP MO East N=315136.1± E=258402.8± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.672996°±(N/+) Long=90.403436°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 13:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 621.43 FtUS (or) 189.411 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 621.70 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-23 situated in a grassy area roughly 21 feet east of the centerline of Coeur De Ville Drive and 3 feet west of the western right of way fence of Hwy I-270 approximately 0.35 miles south of Manchester Road along Coeur De Ville Drive; roughly 64 feet east of a utility pole situated west of Coeur De Ville Drive and 67 feet north of the easterly prolongation of the centerline of entrance island with gate house and flagpole for Parc Provence residential care facility addressed as #605 Coeur De Ville Drive. <NGS PID="AA8664", Designation="SL 23"> SP MO East N=314547.9± E=254405.7± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.667725°±(N/+) Long=90.449374°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 574.75 FtUS (or) 175.185 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 575.16 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-43 1992 Disk is set along the north side of Clayton Road in front of Le Chateau Village shopping center; 140' west of the east entrance. Approximately 0.3 miles west of Lindbergh Boulevard. <NGS PID="AA8684", Designation="SL 43"> SP MO East N=310708.8± E=257888.0± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.633115°±(N/+) Long=90.409402°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 630.58 FtUS (or) 192.201 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 630.91 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-46 1992 Disk is set along the west side of southbound Hwy. I-270 at the Conway Road overpass; 68' north of the concrete shoulder along Conway Road and 65' east of the southeast corner of a chain link fence. <NGS PID="AA8687", Designation="SL 46"> SP MO East N=311910.6± E=254400.6± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.643966°±(N/+) Long=90.449449°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 528.08 FtUS (or) 160.958 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 528.45 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-47. Station is on the surface in a grassy median area west of southbound Lindbergh and within a turnaround loop accessed by turning left off of northbound Lindbergh at approximately 0.9 miles north of Manchester Road. SL-47 is roughly 47 feet west of the centerline of southbound Lindbergh Boulevard, 25 feet northwest of a power pole in the southern part of the grassy median, and 122 feet south of a street light post near the northeast corner of the grassy median. <NGS PID="AA8688", Designation="SL 47"> SP MO East N=308531.2± E=258162.8± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.613495°±(N/+) Long=90.406272°±(W/-) Page 14 of 52
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 13:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 529.28 FtUS (or) 161.326 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 529.58 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-50 1991 Disk is set along the west side of Mason Road between Conway Road and Conway Grove Lane; 24' northeast of the north end of the subdivision sign. [18’ west of centerline Mason and 44’ north of centerline Conway Grove] <NGS PID="AA8691", Designation="SL 50"> SP MO East N=312307.1± E=251537.4± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.647548°±(N/+) Long=90.482339°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 604.94 FtUS (or) 184.386 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 605.25 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-51 situated in a grassy area east of the sidewalk along the east side of Ballas Road; roughly 37 feet south of the easterly projection of the southern driveway to house addressed #2043 North Ballas Road, 26 feet east of the centerline of Ballas Road, and 88 feet south or southeast of the southeast corner of a grated inlet in the eastern asphalt shoulder of Ballas Road. <NGS PID="AA8692", Designation="SL 51"> SP MO East N=308893.8± E=254902.1± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.616786°±(N/+) Long=90.443710°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 616.37 FtUS (or) 187.870 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 616.68 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-52 1992 Disk is set at the northwest corner of Lynkirk Lane and Lindeman Road; 27' west of the centerline of Lindeman Road and 34' north of the centerline of Lynkirk Lane. <NGS PID="AA8693", Designation="SL 52"> SP MO East N=306204.8± E=255676.6± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.592556°±(N/+) Long=90.434838°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 669.71 FtUS (or) 204.127 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 670.03 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-63 situated in grassy area at the southwest corner of Clayton Road and Chapel Hill Estates; 29' south of the centerline of Clayton Road, 26' northwest of the centerline of Chapel Hill Estates Drive, and 66 feet northeast of the northeast corner of the southeast end of rock wall entrance sign for Chapel Hill subdivision. <NGS PID="AA8704", Designation="SL 63"> SP MO East N=309925.9± E=252839.6± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.626093°±(N/+) Long=90.467389°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 645.87 FtUS (or) 196.861 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 646.21 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-64 1992 Disk is at the northwest corner of Clayton Road and Cabernet Drive; 36' west of the centerline of Cabernet Drive and 19' north of the north edge of Clayton Road. <NGS PID="AA8705", Designation="SL 64"> SP MO East N=310209.3± E=249565.6± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.628650°±(N/+) Long=90.504989°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 633.11 FtUS (or) 192.971 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 633.39 FtUS "L" on the most eastern corner of a 3' high brick subdivision entrance marker to Sunnybrook Subdivision; 45' west of Weidman Road and 43' north of the centerline of Thornwick Drive. SP MO East N=309628± E=249933± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.623413°±(N/+) Long=90.500769°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 546.16 FtUS (or) 166.469 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 546.45 FtUS "U" on the sill of an area inlet; 28' west of the centerline of Weidman Road and 75' north of the centerline of Wyndham Lane. SP MO East N=309003± E=250153± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.617783°±(N/+) Long=90.498243°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 544.76 FtUS (or) 166.044 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 545.09 FtUS "Sq" in the center of a concrete headwall; 13' east of the centerline of Weidman Road and 200' north of the centerline of Dutch Mill Road. SP MO East N=308443± E=250283± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.612738°±(N/+) Long=90.496751°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 523.16 FtUS (or) 159.459 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 523.47 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of a double inlet at the south end of a concrete ditch on the east side of Weidman Road; 143' north of the centerline of Justerini Drive. SP MO East N=307966± E=250371± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.608441°±(N/+) Long=90.495740°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 476.21 FtUS "U" on top of the east corner of a brick post at the north entrance to Lochaven Lane; 22' west of the centerline of Dietrich Road [28’ north of Lochaven and 35’ west of Dietrich]. SP MO East N=306217± E=251159± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.592683°±(N/+) Long=90.486696°±(W/-) Page 16 of 52
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 563.48 FtUS RM 264 FEMA PANEL 281; "Sq" on top of northwest corner of north concrete headwall of the Claychester Drive bridge over Two Mile Creek. SP MO East N=308220± E=256126± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.610708°±(N/+) Long=90.429662°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 554.57 FtUS RM 265 FEMA PANEL 281; "Sq" on top of southwest corner of west wingwall of Firethorn Drive bridge over Northwest branch Two Mile Creek. SP MO East N=308700± E=256293± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.615031°±(N/+) Long=90.427740°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 560.46 FtUS RM 266 FEMA PANEL 281; "Sq" on top of south west corner of west wingwall of Gray Drive bridge over Northwest branch Two Mile creek. SP MO East N=308892± E=255985± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.616763°±(N/+) Long=90.431275°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 529.14 FtUS RM 324 FEMA PANEL 281; Point marked on west retaining wall located about 30 feet upstream from the Geyer Road bridge over Two Mile Creek. SP MO East N=308664± E=257332± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.614699°±(N/+) Long=90.415810°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 538.99 FtUS RM 325 FEMA PANEL 281; "Sq" on the north end of the northeast wingwall of the footbridge over Two Mile Creek behind #2033 Geyer Road. SP MO East N=308898± E=256973± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.616810°±(N/+) Long=90.419930°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 548.14 FtUS RM 326 FEMA PANEL 281; "Sq" on top of north headwall at northwest corner of the Private Road bridge over Two Mile Creek. SP MO East N=308663± E=256626± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.614695°±(N/+) Long=90.423916°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 448.63 FtUS RM 106 FEMA PANEL 278; "Sq" on top of concrete curb at northeast corner of east curb of Mason Lane bridge over Grand Glaize creek in Allen Love County park. SP MO East N=306162± E=251894± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.592186°±(N/+) Long=90.478259°±(W/-) Page 17 of 52
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 499.27 FtUS RM 463 FEMA PANEL 277; "O" in OPEN on fire hydrant; north side of the Fiddle Creek lane cul-de-sac. SP MO East N=307636± E=252963± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.605463°±(N/+) Long=90.465981°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 485.39 FtUS RM 464 FEMA PANEL 276; "Sq" on the southwest corner of the south concrete headwall of concrete box culvert for Northeast branch Grand Glaize West Creek under Thornhill Drive; 200 feet east of the intersection of Nettle Creek Drive and Thornhill Drive. SP MO East N=307829± E=252076± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.607204°±(N/+) Long=90.476165°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 551.76 FtUS RM 255 FEMA PANEL 168; Benchmark on the northeast corner of the north concrete headwall at Ladue Road box culvert over Monsanto-Sunswept Creek. SP MO East N=313161± E=257489± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655210°±(N/+) Long=90.413959°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 564.08 FtUS RM 258 FEMA PANEL 168; "O" in OPEN on fire hydrant; northwest corner of Townsend Street and Elzey Street. SP MO East N=312700± E=255907± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.651069°±(N/+) Long=90.432138°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 554.09 FtUS RM 259 FEMA PANEL 168; Benchmark on the northwest corner of concrete driveway at edge of road at #338 Townsend Street, last house north of creek on east side of road. SP MO East N=312563± E=255914± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.649835°±(N/+) Long=90.432059°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 544.08 FtUS RM 263 FEMA PANEL 168; "spike" in 20-inch cottonwood at the northeast corner, downstream side of footbridge about 1,200 feet downstream from Townsend Street over Westwood Creek. SP MO East N=312326± E=256170± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.647698°±(N/+) Long=90.429120°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 523.19 FtUS RM 320 FEMA PANEL 168; "Sq" on northwest corner of north concrete headwall of the Private Road bridge to Stupp Bros. over Deer Creek. SP MO East N=311885± E=257873± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.643712°±(N/+) Long=90.409561°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 538.23 FtUS RM 321 FEMA PANEL 168; "Sq" on the southwest corner of the west concrete walk of the Spoede Road bridge over Deer Creek. SP MO East N=311701± E=258213± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.642051°±(N/+) Long=90.405658°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 530.52 FtUS RM 322 FEMA PANEL 168; "Sq" on the northwest corner of the west wingwall of the footbridge over Deer Creek at Chaminade School. SP MO East N=312008± E=257160± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.644826°±(N/+) Long=90.417750°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 539.62 FtUS RM 323 FEMA PANEL 168; "Sq" on the southeast corner of east stone bridge wall of a destroyed railroad bridge located about 2,020 feet west from Spoede Road. SP MO East N=312301± E=256766± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.647469°±(N/+) Long=90.422274°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 519.31 FtUS RM 260 FEMA PANEL 163; "O" in OPEN on fire hydrant; southwest corner of Fishel Court and Laduemont Road intersection in Ladue-Conway Estates. SP MO East N=312735± E=252389± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.651401°±(N/+) Long=90.472554°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 520.74 FtUS RM 262 FEMA PANEL 163; "Spike" in south side of 20-inch black oak about 100 feet east of centerline of Smith Creek, about 600 feet north of north service road at U.S. Route 40. SP MO East N=311530± E=252716± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.640544°±(N/+) Long=90.468802°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 498.53 FtUS (or) 151.951 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 498.70 FtUS RM 77 FEMA PANEL 145; "Sq" in the center top of the western sidewall of Maryville Creek box culvert under Conway Road, at an angle point in the wall west of Maryville Creek and north of the metal railing along the north side of sidewalk along the north side of Conway Road; 60 feet more or less east of a point opposite the brick sign and median island in the entrance to Maryville University, and 0.23 mile east of the intersection of Highway 141 and Conway Road. SP MO East N=312542± E=249677± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.649665°±(N/+) Long=90.503711°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 557.82 FtUS RM 256 FEMA PANEL 166; benchmark about 2 feet east of the southwest corner of south headwall of Spoede Road bridge over creek, east of the second entrance to Temple Israel Grounds, north of Ladue Road. SP MO East N=313384± E=257392± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.657220°±(N/+) Long=90.415071°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 620.66 FtUS "U" on concrete drive 1' east of northwest corner #1036 Schulte Road. [This is prior BM renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 13.] SP MO East N=315723± E=256375± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.678300°±(N/+) Long=90.426734°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 498.53 FtUS (or) 151.953 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 498.78 FtUS Found "L" on the northeast corner of the south curb stop beneath the north edge of metal railing along the south side of bridge #206 along Conway Road; roughly 14 feet south of the centerline of Conway Road, 100 feet more or less east of a point opposite the brick sign and median island in the entrance to Maryville University, and 0.24 mile east of the intersection of Highway 141 and Conway Road. [This is prior BM 12117 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 13.] SP MO East N=312527± E=249685± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.649530°±(N/+) Long=90.503619°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 562.57 FtUS (or) 171.471 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 562.82 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 34-75 S.L.C. in base of eastern most tower leg across from entrance to Barnes West County Hospital southeast corner #12655 Olive Street Road. [This is prior BM 8005 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 13.] SP MO East N=315621± E=252914± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.677399°±(N/+) Long=90.466511°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 580.68 FtUS (or) 176.992 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 580.94 FtUS Cut square on the north end of the most southeast of three small islands separated by sunken crosswalks at the northwest corner of Olive Boulevard and Ross Avenue; roughly 32.7 feet west of centerline of concrete median island within Ross Avenue, 41 feet north of centerline of concrete median island in Olive Boulevard and 8.4 feet southeast of a traffic signal. SP MO East N=315401± E=253299± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.675416°±(N/+) Long=90.462087°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 590.51 FtUS (or) 179.987 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 590.77 FtUS Cut "Sq" on the south side of a 3.3'x3.3' flush type traffic pull box on the south side of Olive Boulevard near the centerline of the grass median island within Tempo Drive; being roughly 69 feet north of a pillar type entrance monument for "Westgate" within the same median island. SP MO East N=315211± E=253613± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.673703°±(N/+) Long=90.458479°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 640.29 FtUS (or) 195.162 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 640.57 FtUS Cut "Sq" near the midpoint of the north side of a median island within Coeur De Ville Drive and south of Olive Boulevard. Coeur De Ville Drive is the west outer road for I270 south of Olive Boulevard. SP MO East N=315064± E=254259± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.672376°±(N/+) Long=90.451056°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 662.11 FtUS (or) 201.812 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 662.39 FtUS Cut "U" on the centerline north end of the median island between the northbound and southbound lanes of Center Parkway south of Olive Boulevard. SP MO East N=314935± E=254676± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.671211°±(N/+) Long=90.446265°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 674.35 FtUS (or) 205.541 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 674.63 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest corner of the concrete base for traffic signal control box near the northwest corner of the Creve Coeur Fire Department at #11720 Olive Boulevard; roughly 22 feet east of centerline Will Avenue and 40 feet south of centerline of center turn lane of Olive Boulevard. SP MO East N=314834± E=255056± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.670299°±(N/+) Long=90.441899°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 668.50 FtUS (or) 203.760 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 668.79 FtUS Found "Sq" on east side of concrete base for traffic signal mast with arm extending north over Olive Boulevard; situated roughly 45 feet east of centerline Old Ballas Road and 39 feet south of the double yellow centerline stripe in Olive Boulevard. SP MO East N=314901± E=255362± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.670901°±(N/+) Long=90.438382°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 576.32 FtUS (or) 175.664 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 576.67 FtUS Aluminum Tablet stamped "MoDOT 04-06 Survey Control" set in a concrete monument and situated in a grassy area west of Lindbergh Boulevard and north of the signalized entrance to Plaza Frontenac opposite the main entrance to the Saint Louis County Library Headquarters Branch; roughly 11 feet west of the back of sidewalk, 44 feet north of the centerline of entrance to Plaza Frontenac, and 8 feet west northwest of a fire hydrant. SP MO East N=310346± E=258181± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.629844°±(N/+) Long=90.406041°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 551.60 FtUS (or) 168.127 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 551.95 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of a short curb end returning southerly along the east side of a catch basin at the west end of the curb rounding situated southwest of Clayton Road and Woodoaks Trail approximately 0.15 miles east of Lindbergh Boulevard; and roughly 36 feet west of the centerline of Woodoaks Trail, 27 feet south of the centerline of Clayton Road, and 3 feet east of the center top of catch basin. SP MO East N=310687± E=258454± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.632914°±(N/+) Long=90.402902°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 586.07 FtUS (or) 178.634 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 586.37 FtUS Cut "U" on the top southeast edge of a round concrete base for traffic signal mast situated on a traffic island at the northwest corner of the intersection of Des Peres Road with Corporate Hill Drive from the east side and the ramps to and from Westbound Manchester Road on the west side; roughly 29 feet west of the centerline of Des Peres Road, 25 feet north of the centerline of the combined Manchester ramps, and 330 feet more or less north of the northern edge of the bridge for Westbound Manchester Road over Des Peres Road. SP MO East N=307576± E=253916± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.604918°±(N/+) Long=90.455040°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 13:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 657.87 FtUS (or) 200.520 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 658.18 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of the northern concrete barrier wall along the north side of Bridge No. A4840 carrying JJ Kelley Memorial Drive over Interstate 270, situated 750 feet more or less north of Westbound Manchester Road, and being northeast of the intersection of JJ Kelley Memorial Drive with Corporate Hill Drive; roughly 38 feet east of the centerline of Corporate Hill Drive and 25 feet north of the centerline of JJ Kelley Memorial Drive. SP MO East N=307697± E=254228± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.606007°±(N/+) Long=90.451458°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 658.37 FtUS (or) 200.671 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 658.67 FtUS Cut "Sq" centered on top of and 1.1 feet west of the east end of the northern concrete barrier wall along the north side of Bridge No. A4840 carrying JJ Kelley Memorial Drive over Interstate 270, situated 750 feet more or less north of Westbound Manchester Road, and being northwest of the intersection of JJ Kelley Memorial Drive with Powerscourt Drive; roughly 27 feet north of the centerline of JJ Kelley Memorial Drive and 42 feet west of the centerline of Powerscourt Drive. SP MO East N=307678± E=254327± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.605835°±(N/+) Long=90.450321°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 668.86 FtUS (or) 203.869 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 669.17 FtUS Cut "U" on the westernmost bullnose rounding of a triangular traffic median island within JJ Kelley Memorial Drive, bounded on the south by Westbound Manchester Road and bounded on the north by the right turn lanes connecting Westbound Manchester Road with JJ Kelley Memorial Drive; roughly 23 feet north of the centerline of Westbound Manchester Road, 70 feet more or less east of the eastern end of metal guard rail along the north side of Westbound Manchester Road, and 100 feet more or less southwest of the southernmost of two building corners at the southwest corner of a two story parking garage situated east of JJ Kelley Memorial Drive. SP MO East N=307432± E=254454± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.603619°±(N/+) Long=90.448864°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 13:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 652.56 FtUS (or) 198.901 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 652.87 FtUS Cut "U" on the top south side of a round concrete base for lamp post supporting overhead lighting east of the most southeastern parking spot in a shopping center platted as "OLYMPIC OAKS VILLAGE" (Plat Book 244, Page 49); roughly 66 feet north of the north edge of westbound outer driving lane of Manchester Road; 63 feet southeast of the southeast corner of commercial building addressed as #12101A Manchester Road, and 27 feet west of the centerline of Bansbach Road. SP MO East N=307314± E=255450± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.602550°±(N/+) Long=90.437430°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 634.14 FtUS (or) 193.287 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 634.46 FtUS Cut "L" on the top southwest corner of the square concrete base of a crosswalk signal at the southwest corner of Manchester Road and Lindemann Road; roughly 40 feet west of the centerline of Lindemann Road, 42 feet south of the centerline of Manchester Road, 18 feet northwest of a traffic signal mast with signal arm over Lindemann Road, and 23 feet northeast of the northeast corner of the brick base for an illuminated informational sign for Walgreens store situated at #12006 Manchester Road. SP MO East N=307202± E=255683± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.601540°±(N/+) Long=90.434756°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 604.07 FtUS (or) 184.121 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 604.38 FtUS Cut "U" on the top northeast side of a square concrete base for traffic signal at northeast corner of Manchester Road and Bopp Road; roughly 67 feet south of the southwest corner of commercial building addressed as #11811 Manchester Road, and 52 feet west of utility pole #53782. SP MO East N=307163± E=255925± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.601187°±(N/+) Long=90.431978°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 645.37 FtUS (or) 196.708 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 645.69 FtUS Cut "U" on the top south side of concrete base for traffic signal mast situated southeast of Manchester Road and Geyer Road on a median island northwest of the right turn lane from northbound Geyer Road onto eastbound Manchester Road; roughly 25 feet east of the centerline of Geyer Road, 68 feet northwest of the northwest corner of the westernmost 2 foot square support pillar for gas pump canopy at Mobil gas station addressed as #11152 Manchester Road, and 76 feet north of utility pole #1114 along the east side of Geyer Road. SP MO East N=306888± E=257339± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.598699°±(N/+) Long=90.415748°±(W/-) Page 24 of 52
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 13:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 652.06 FtUS (or) 198.747 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 652.39 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of the south end of the north and south concrete wall supporting the east side of the parking lot at Lou Fusz Toyota at #10725 Manchester Road and being near the southwest corner of property occupied by the Phillips Furniture store at #10525 Manchester Road; roughly 40 feet north of the centerline of Manchester Road on the north side of the sidewalk, and 39 feet east of the centerline of the easternmost driveway into Lou Fusz Toyota. SP MO East N=307105± E=258426± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.600644°±(N/+) Long=90.403267°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 627.51 FtUS (or) 191.265 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 627.81 FtUS Found "L" on the northwest corner of a roughly 10'x15' concrete pad base for ATT control box; roughly 39 feet east of the centerline of Mason Road and 75 feet south of the centerline of the south entrance drive to the First Church of Christ Scientist Town and Country addressed as #750 South Mason Road. SP MO East N=310962± E=251660± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.635430°±(N/+) Long=90.480933°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 645.44 FtUS (or) 196.732 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 645.74 FtUS Found aluminum disk monument near the southern end of the west concrete barrier wall separating the southbound lanes of Mason Road from the west sidewalk near the southwest corner of the Mason Road bridge over Interstate 64 (also known as Highway 40). Tablet manufactured with "U.S. DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY" around the rim, but does not match any known National Geodetic Survey datasheet. The upper field of the tablet is stamped "10 GEU 1974" and the lower field is stamped "RESET 1988". SP MO East N=311274± E=251657± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.638241°±(N/+) Long=90.480967°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 575.55 FtUS (or) 175.428 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 575.84 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-50A situated in a grassy area east of Mason Road and south of the main entrance to St Louis Priory School addressed as #12856 Conway Road; roughly 17.5 feet east of the centerline of Mason Road, 227 feet south of the centerline of entrance drive, 86 feet southeast of a utility pole situated west of Mason Road and 73 feet northeast of a second utility pole also situated west of Mason Road. <NGS PID="AA8691", Designation="Accessory to SL 50"> SP MO East N=311831± E=251621± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.643259°±(N/+) Long=90.481379°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 546.88 FtUS (or) 166.689 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 547.17 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest top corner of the concrete base for the first street light east of Mason Road along the north side of a private road known as Robert Shanfeld Wolff Drive, which drive is the northernmost entrance to Bnai Amoona Congregation property addressed as #324 South Mason Road and is situated 1200 feet more or less north of Conway Road; roughly 60 feet east of the centerline of Mason Road and 18 feet north of the centerline of Robert Shanfeld Wolff Drive. SP MO East N=312770± E=251789± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.651718°±(N/+) Long=90.479447°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 540.11 FtUS (or) 164.626 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 540.41 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast top corner of the concrete base for metal traffic signal control box situated northwest of the right turn lane from southbound Mason Road onto westbound Ladue Road; roughly 52 feet west of the centerline of Mason Road, 72 feet north of the centerline of Ladue Road, and 40 feet more or less east of the center of an octagonal brick gazebo at the entrance to Enclave Bellerive. SP MO East N=313227± E=251727± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655835°±(N/+) Long=90.480158°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 531.94 FtUS (or) 162.135 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 532.24 FtUS Cut "Sq" on the westernmost bullnose end of the westernmost of two median islands in the centerline of Mulberry Row Court east of Mason Road 1100 feet more or less north of Ladue Road at the entrance to Enclave Bellerive; roughly 34 feet east of the centerline of Mason Road, 70 feet more or less west of the brick gate wall on the eastern median island, and in the centerline of Mulberry Row Court. SP MO East N=313512± E=251629± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.658403°±(N/+) Long=90.481284°±(W/-) Page 26 of 52
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 525.56 FtUS (or) 160.192 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 525.80 FtUS Cut "U" in top of concrete curb at the western bull nose end of median island centered in the entrance to the Barnes West County Hospital campus east of Mason Road and 1400 feet more or less south of Olive Boulevard along Mason Road, directly opposite the southernmost of two places where Executive Parkway Drive intersects Mason Road; roughly 37 feet east of the centerline of Mason Road and in the centerline of hospital entrance drive. SP MO East N=315301± E=252632± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.674517°±(N/+) Long=90.469753°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 536.66 FtUS (or) 163.575 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 536.94 FtUS Cut "L" on the top southwest corner of the sidewalk along the south side of Hibler Road just east of an intersection where Mason Road extends to the west and to the north, being cut on the southwest corner of a curb forming the south side of a handicap sidewalk ramp where a painted crosswalk across Hibler Road is the southerly extension of a sidewalk along the east side of Mason Road from the north. The benchmark is roughly 19 feet south of the centerline of Hibler Road, 29 feet east of the southerly prolongation of the centerline of Mason Road from the north, and 4.5 feet northeast of an ATT concrete telephone vault. SP MO East N=313964± E=252535± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.662472°±(N/+) Long=90.470872°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 549.83 FtUS (or) 167.590 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 550.12 FtUS Cut "L" in the southernmost corner of the fourth concrete sidewalk slab east of the transition from an asphalt walk along the north side of Conway Road, and near the southeastern side of the midpoint of a curved concrete sidewalk situated southeast of a wooden three rail fence at the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Conway Road with Mason Road to the north. The benchmark is roughly 40 feet north of the centerline of Conway Road, 31 feet west of the centerline of Mason Road, and 1.5 feet south of a found anchor cross on sidewalk with the arrow pointing east. SP MO East N=312402± E=251782± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.648402°±(N/+) Long=90.479528°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 681.29 FtUS (or) 207.658 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 681.59 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of the concrete base for metal traffic signal control box on the northwest corner of Olive Boulevard and Schulte Road; roughly 40 feet west of the centerline of Schulte Road and 30 feet north of the centerline of Olive Boulevard. SP MO East N=315214± E=256560± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.673713°±(N/+) Long=90.424612°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 690.23 FtUS (or) 210.382 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 690.53 FtUS Cut "Sq" on top of the north side of the round concrete base for a traffic signal mast located on the southeast corner of Olive Boulevard and Graeser Road; roughly 55 feet east of the centerline of Graeser Road and 50 feet south of the centerline of Olive Boulevard. SP MO East N=315160± E=256810± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.673225°±(N/+) Long=90.421740°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 676.97 FtUS (or) 206.341 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 677.28 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest corner of the concrete base for MoDOT lighting control box situated in the tree lawn south of Olive Boulevard and north of the parking lot for Schnucks grocery store addressed as #10650 Olive Boulevard; roughly 30 feet south of the back of curb along Olive Boulevard, 280 feet more or less east of the centerline of North Spoede Road, and 160 feet more or less west of the centerline of entrance to Schnucks opposite the intersection of Old Olive Street Road from the north with Olive Boulevard. SP MO East N=315142± E=257489± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.673057°±(N/+) Long=90.413937°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 674.60 FtUS (or) 205.619 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 674.91 FtUS Found "Sq" on top of the north side of the round concrete base of a traffic signal on a traffic island situated northeast of the intersection of Olive Boulevard with Pavillion Drive, and southwest of the right turn lane from westbound Olive Boulevard onto northbound Pavillion Drive. SP MO East N=315174± E=257868± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.673342°±(N/+) Long=90.409581°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 699.43 FtUS (or) 213.188 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 699.75 FtUS Found "L" on south edge of curb behind and lower than the west end of a metal guard rail along the north side of the ramp onto westbound Olive Boulevard from northbound Lindbergh Boulevard, immediately east of the eastern end of the concrete barrier wall along the north edge of the westbound shoulder of the Olive Boulevard bridge over Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=315168± E=258317± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.673284°±(N/+) Long=90.404422°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 577.09 FtUS (or) 175.896 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 577.32 FtUS Top of a bolt on the south corner of the concrete base of a traffic signal control box, being the westernmost of two bolts, and being situated roughly 32 feet southeast of the centerline of South Woods Mill Road, and 34 feet south of the centerline of Conway Road. Benchmark is near the northwest corner of property of the United Hebrew Congregation of St Louis addressed as #13788 Conway Road, and is 0.16 miles more or less west along Conway Road from the centerline of Highway 141. SP MO East N=312458± E=249083± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.648908°±(N/+) Long=90.510535°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 518.78 FtUS (or) 158.125 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 519.02 FtUS Cut triangle on the center top of a concrete headwall or collar above a concrete pipe flared end discharging into the western end of a concrete swale northwest of the intersection of Conway Road with Woods Mill Road (also known as Highway 141 or as Maryland Heights Expressway); roughly 64 feet north of the centerline of Conway Road and 140 feet more or less west of the centerline of Woods Mill Road. SP MO East N=312516± E=249292± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.649431°±(N/+) Long=90.508134°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 513.77 FtUS (or) 156.597 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 514.01 FtUS Found "L" on the southernmost top corner of the concrete base for a metal traffic signal control box situated northwest of the right turn lane from southbound Woods Mill Road (also known as Highway 141 or as Maryland Heights Expressway) onto westbound Conway Road; roughly 45 feet north of the centerline of Conway Road and 80 feet more or less west of the centerline of Woods Mill Road. SP MO East N=312515± E=249311± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.649422°±(N/+) Long=90.507915°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 576.47 FtUS (or) 175.708 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 576.74 FtUS Scribed "U" on the top inside corner of the concrete capstone at the northeast corner of the brick planter surrounding the monument for "The Village on Conway" subdivision; roughly 43 feet south of the centerline of Conway Road and 76 feet east of the centerline of Conway Village Drive. SP MO East N=312389± E=250593± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.648287°±(N/+) Long=90.493188°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 563.51 FtUS (or) 171.758 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 563.78 FtUS Cut triangle on the top of concrete curb at the midpoint of the southeastern curb rounding of a triangular median island within the entrance to Pebble Acres subdivision; roughly 24 feet north of the centerline of Conway Road and 14 feet east of the centerline of Pebble Acres Drive. SP MO East N=312410± E=250998± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.648476°±(N/+) Long=90.488535°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 650.22 FtUS (or) 198.186 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 650.50 FtUS Cut "L" on southeast corner of concrete base for traffic signal control box southwest of intersection of Craig Road and Debonnaire Drive, roughly 40' west of center Craig Road and 30' south of center Debonnaire Drive. SP MO East N=315431± E=255374± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.675676°±(N/+) Long=90.438240°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 654.74 FtUS (or) 199.566 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 655.03 FtUS Cut square on northwest corner of large concrete vault situated in grass lawn 30' east of centerline of Craig Road approximately west of the southern end of a six story building for "The Hallmark of Creve Coeur" retirement living center and north of an access drive known as New Ballas Place. Benchmark is approximately 0.15 miles south along Craig Road from a second intersection of Craig Road with said New Ballas Place east of and opposite the intersection of North New Ballas Road with Craig Road. SP MO East N=315182± E=255506± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.673432°±(N/+) Long=90.436725°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 670.84 FtUS (or) 204.473 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 671.13 FtUS Cut triangle in the northeast corner of the concrete base for a traffic signal control box situated on a traffic island that is southeast of the right turn lane from southbound Craig Road onto westbound Olive Boulevard, roughly 40' west of center Craig Road and 45' north of center Olive Boulevard. SP MO East N=314955± E=255607± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.671386°±(N/+) Long=90.435566°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 677.57 FtUS (or) 206.524 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 677.86 FtUS Cut "U" on concrete base of light standard in landscaped island within parking lot for six story office building #11330 Olive Boulevard, very roughly 100' south of center Olive Boulevard and 600' west of North Mosley Road. Benchmark is in the island on the east end of a double row of parking between the first and second driving lanes east of the westernmost access drive running southerly from Olive Boulevard. SP MO East N=314904± E=255947± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.670924°±(N/+) Long=90.431660°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 660.21 FtUS (or) 201.233 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 660.51 FtUS Cut "U" on the western back of curb along North Mosley Road south of the northernmost drive entrance to #501 North Mosley Road, roughly 10' west of the center of North Mosley Road and 3' south of the westerly projection of the centerline of Mosley Acres Drive. SP MO East N=314093± E=256151± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.663617°±(N/+) Long=90.429323°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 632.87 FtUS (or) 192.898 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 633.16 FtUS Cut "L" on western back of curb along North Mosley Road at curb joint south of the southern end of pavement rounding Ladue Meadows Lane (formerly Terra Mar Lane) at #6 Ladue Meadows Lane, roughly 12' west of center North Mosley Road and 40' south of center Ladue Meadows Lane. SP MO East N=313586± E=256161± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.659049°±(N/+) Long=90.429212°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 603.77 FtUS (or) 184.028 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 604.06 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of masonry subdivision sign for "Shardue Lane" on the west side of the easternmost of two entrances onto Shardue Lane from Ladue Road east of common ground addressed #9 Shardue Lane and platted as Lot 10 of "SHARDUE ACRES PLAT NO. 2" (PB 64 PG 39), roughly 30' north of center Ladue Road. SP MO East N=313166± E=257128± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655258°±(N/+) Long=90.418106°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 581.96 FtUS (or) 177.381 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 582.26 FtUS Cut triangle on northeast side of the concrete base for traffic signal in the concrete traffic island northeast of the right turn lane from eastbound Ladue Road onto southbound Spoede Road, roughly 25' west of center Spoede Road and 32' south of center Ladue Road. SP MO East N=313145± E=257372± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655067°±(N/+) Long=90.415303°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 562.56 FtUS (or) 171.468 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 562.86 FtUS Cut square on concrete curb rounding southeast of property at #123 South Spoede Road, roughly 15' west of center Spoede Road and 25' north of center Oakpark Drive. SP MO East N=312824± E=257373± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.652175°±(N/+) Long=90.415295°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 539.07 FtUS (or) 164.309 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 539.38 FtUS Cut "L" on curb northeast of property addressed #2 Villa Coublay Drive, roughly 12' south of center Villa Coublay Drive and 35' west of center Spoede Road. SP MO East N=312229± E=257361± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.646815°±(N/+) Long=90.415439°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 540.12 FtUS (or) 164.628 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 540.43 FtUS Cut "U" on east edge of concrete retaining wall supporting the east edge of sidewalk along the east side of Spoede Road roughly 0.3 miles north of Conway Road. Retaining wall runs south from and approximately in line with the east barrier wall of the Spoede Road bridge over Deer Creek. Benchmark is roughly 20' south of the south end of east barrier wall on bridge, 1.5' north of the south end of retaining wall, 4' north of the center north lid of double catch basin in sidewalk, and east of a metal guard rail along the retaining wall. SP MO East N=312005± E=257376± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.644797°±(N/+) Long=90.415269°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 609.35 FtUS (or) 185.730 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 609.67 FtUS Cut square on south side of concrete base for traffic signal near the southeast corner of property for Villa Duchesne High School #795 South Spoede Road in the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Spoede Road and Conway Road, roughly 25' west of center Spoede Road and 20' north of center Conway Road. SP MO East N=311528± E=257358± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.640500°±(N/+) Long=90.415481°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 595.26 FtUS (or) 181.437 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 595.59 FtUS Cut triangle near southeast end of "U" shaped headwall at south end of Spoede Road bridge over the New I-64. The southeast end of the headwall and the benchmark are approximately flush with and in the east edge of a sidewalk along the east side of the bridge. Benchmark is roughly 1' north of the south end of headwall and 2' south of the junction of a decorative steel fence along the east side of the bridge with a chain link fence running to the southeast. SP MO East N=310947± E=257368± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.635266°±(N/+) Long=90.415372°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 609.60 FtUS (or) 185.805 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 609.92 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-43A in a grassy area south of the intersection of Spoede Road and Clayton Road, roughly 71'west of the centerline of Stonington Place, 9' north of a privacy fence and 2' south of a concrete pad. <NGS PID="AA8684", Designation="Accessory to SL 43"> SP MO East N=310692± E=257362± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.632968°±(N/+) Long=90.415444°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 575.71 FtUS (or) 175.478 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 576.06 FtUS Cut triangle on southeast corner of large grated vault approximately 6' north of the fifth parking spot from the west end of the northernmost row of parking at "The Villages at Schneithorst's" #1600 South Lindbergh Boulevard, roughly 138' east of the center median in Lindbergh Boulevard and 70' south of the center median in Clayton Road. SP MO East N=310671± E=258246± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.632771°±(N/+) Long=90.405291°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 571.20 FtUS (or) 174.102 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 571.54 FtUS Cut square on west side of concrete base of light standard in grassy area west of the asphalt parking between the northern and southern entrances to St. Louis County Library Headquarters #1640 South Lindbergh Boulevard, being the second light standard south of the northern entrance drive and being east of a bus stop shelter, roughly 80' east of the center median in Lindbergh Boulevard and 200' north of the center of south entrance drive to library. SP MO East N=310390± E=258226± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.630240°±(N/+) Long=90.405524°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 613.33 FtUS (or) 186.943 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 613.67 FtUS Cut triangle on easternmost corner of concrete base for traffic signal control box in the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Lindbergh Boulevard and Litzsinger Road, roughly 40' south of center median in Litzsinger Road and 75' east of center median in Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=309863± E=258218± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.625493°±(N/+) Long=90.405622°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 586.12 FtUS (or) 178.649 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 586.46 FtUS Cut triangle on north curb of the "U Turn Ramp Hunleigh Woods" east of Northbound Lindbergh Boulevard within the northern part of property described in a deed to State of Missouri recorded at Deed Book 6767 Page 327 and situated south of Lot 19 of "DUNLEITH" (PB 140 PG 36) which lot is addressed #16 Dunleith Drive. Benchmark is roughly 90' east of center Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=309472± E=258220± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.621970°±(N/+) Long=90.405604°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 524.80 FtUS (or) 159.960 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 525.14 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast corner of curb level step in poured concrete barrier wall at the northwest corner of the Lindbergh Boulevard bridge #H0990R over Twomile Creek between U turn ramps along Lindbergh, and roughly 1.0 miles north of Manchester Road. Benchmark is approximately half a foot above the west asphalt shoulder of the southbound lanes of Lindbergh Boulevard, east of and lower than the south end of a metal guard rail fastened to the north end of the west concrete bridge barrier wall, and 4' south of the center lid of a single catch basin inlet. SP MO East N=308640± E=258174± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.614475°±(N/+) Long=90.406142°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 638.22 FtUS (or) 194.529 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 638.55 FtUS Cut cross on northeast corner of concrete base for traffic signal control box situated southeast of the intersection of Manchester Road and North Kirkwood Road (a.k.a. Lindbergh Blvd), roughly 1.9' above grade, 11.5' southwest of traffic signal, 20.6' northwest of northwest corner of building at #10764 Manchester Road, 40' north of northwest corner of concrete retaining wall at The Barking Lot dog grooming salon #1050 North Kirkwood Road. SP MO East N=307034± E=258177± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.600007°±(N/+) Long=90.406126°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 671.01 FtUS (or) 204.525 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 671.33 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-63A and set in the north end of the east concrete headwall of a 12" culvert under Claymark Drive at #1034 Claymark Drive, roughly 23' north of the centerline of Clayton Road, 35' east of the centerline of Claymark Drive, and 9' southeast of southeast corner of brick subdivision entrance sign. <NGS PID="AA8704", Designation="Accessory to SL 63"> SP MO East N=309939± E=253189± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.626210°±(N/+) Long=90.463376°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 662.63 FtUS (or) 201.971 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 662.95 FtUS Cut "L" on northeast corner of concrete block headwall on north end of culvert under North Topping Estates Drive near southeast corner of property #1349 Topping Road, roughly 20' west of centerline Topping Road and 23' north of centerline of North Topping Estates Drive. SP MO East N=309145± E=253259± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.619056°±(N/+) Long=90.462576°±(W/-) Page 35 of 52
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 635.18 FtUS (or) 193.604 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 635.50 FtUS "O" in open on fire hydrant in front of the third house south of Huntbridge Lane along the west side of Topping Road at #1533 Topping Road, roughly 20' west of centerline Topping Road and 0.1 miles south of Huntbridge Lane. SP MO East N=308560± E=253255± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.613786°±(N/+) Long=90.462625°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 508.07 FtUS (or) 154.861 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 508.38 FtUS Cut square in center top of the west headwall of a double box culvert (vertically above the center wall separating the two boxes) where creek passes under Topping Road between Fiddle Creek Lane and Pingry Place east of #12904 Fiddle Creek Lane, roughly 90' south of centerline Fiddle Creek Lane and 50' west of centerline Topping Road. SP MO East N=307603± E=253239± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.605164°±(N/+) Long=90.462813°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 577.59 FtUS (or) 176.051 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 577.90 FtUS Cut square on the south edge of concrete traffic island situated north of westbound Manchester Road between the turn lanes for northbound and southbound Topping Road, roughly 25' north of the centerline of westbound Manchester Road and in the centerline projected of Topping Road north of Manchester Road. SP MO East N=307512± E=253459± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.604344°±(N/+) Long=90.460287°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 615.66 FtUS (or) 187.654 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 615.97 FtUS Cut "L" on the westernmost corner of a concrete electric vault roughly 51' west of the centerline of Westmark Drive and 55' north of the centerline of eastbound Manchester Road. SP MO East N=307331± E=253424± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.602713°±(N/+) Long=90.460690°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 644.61 FtUS (or) 196.477 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 644.91 FtUS Cut "U" on the west end of the north barrier wall near the northwest corner of bridge overpass #A5816E for eastbound Manchester Road over Des Peres Road. SP MO East N=307212± E=253869± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.601639°±(N/+) Long=90.455582°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 642.07 FtUS (or) 195.704 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 642.37 FtUS Cut square on west side of concrete base for traffic signal within a concrete traffic island in the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Des Peres Road with the exit and entrance ramps for eastbound Manchester Road, roughly 25' west of centerline Des Peres Road, 35' south of center median between the exit and entrance ramps for eastbound Manchester Road, and approximately 380 feet south of the centerline of eastbound Manchester Road. SP MO East N=307082± E=253881± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.600468°±(N/+) Long=90.455445°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 614.26 FtUS (or) 187.228 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 614.56 FtUS Cut "U" on the center west edge of a concrete sidewalk slab along the west edge of a sidewalk running north and south within the traffic island situated west of Old Des Peres Road and between the right and left turning lanes of eastbound Des Peres Road, roughly 26' west of centerline Old Des Peres Road and 25' south of centerline Des Peres Road. SP MO East N=306826± E=254048± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.598161°±(N/+) Long=90.453529°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 597.06 FtUS (or) 181.983 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 597.34 FtUS Cut square on top curb at centerline east bullnose end of landscaped center median island in Beaver Dam Drive roughly 26' west of centerline Des Peres Road. SP MO East N=306022± E=254040± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.590918°±(N/+) Long=90.453626°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 675.63 FtUS (or) 205.932 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 675.95 FtUS Cut "U" on north side of circular concrete base of traffic signal mast in a concrete traffic island at the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Clayton Road and Des Peres Road, roughly 40' south of the double yellow stripe in center Clayton Road and 28' west of the double yellow stripe in center of Des Peres Road. SP MO East N=310002± E=254199± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.626773°±(N/+) Long=90.451777°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 647.02 FtUS (or) 197.213 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 647.33 FtUS Cut an "L" on the southwest corner of traffic signal control box east of entrance to fire station at #13443 Clayton Road, roughly 600 feet east of Mason Road, 40 feet north of centerline of Clayton Road, and 35 feet east of centerline of access drive to fire station. SP MO East N=310060± E=251639± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.627304°±(N/+) Long=90.481177°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 673.83 FtUS (or) 205.385 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 674.14 FtUS Cut triangle on top of curb along the southeast side of the northwest drive entrance to Longview Farm Park in the City of Town and Country at #13525 Clayton Road, roughly 30 feet northwest of the westernmost corner of the fence around the tennis court, 9 feet northeast of the southwest end of the curb, and 100' northeast of the centerline of Clayton Road. SP MO East N=310432± E=251201± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.630656°±(N/+) Long=90.486206°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 675.61 FtUS (or) 205.925 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 675.91 FtUS Cut triangle on northeast corner of pad for telephone box situated in the front yards approximately between #13655 and #13707 Clayton Road, approximately 70 feet west of the northerly projection of the centerline of Chatsworth Place Drive and 45 feet north of centerline Clayton Road. SP MO East N=310448± E=250724± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.630801°±(N/+) Long=90.491685°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 655.11 FtUS (or) 199.679 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 655.42 FtUS Cut triangle on top of east curb of Tidewater Place Court west of #1040 Tidewater Place Court, roughly 45 feet north of the centerline of Clayton Road, 13 feet east of the centerline of Tidewater Place Court, and 14 feet north of the back of the Clayton Road sidewalk. SP MO East N=310348± E=250199± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.629900°±(N/+) Long=90.497714°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 647.70 FtUS (or) 197.418 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 648.00 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-64A in the tree lawn north of Clayton Road at #13801 Clayton Road, approximately in the northerly projection of the west curbline of Summerhill Lane, roughly 18 feet north of the centerline of Clayton Road, 28 feet south of the sidewalk, 26 feet southeast of a maple tree, and 31 feet west of the center of the east driveway approach for a loop driveway at said #13801 Clayton Road. <NGS PID="AA8705", Designation="Accessory to SL 64"> SP MO East N=310303± E=249938± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.629495°±(N/+) Long=90.500712°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 470.54 FtUS (or) 143.421 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 470.83 FtUS "O" in "OPEN" on fire hydrant at southwest corner of Wyncrest Drive and Consort Drive. SP MO East N=306845± E=250741± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.598341°±(N/+) Long=90.491493°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 477.33 FtUS (or) 145.489 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 477.61 FtUS Cut "U" on south side of concrete base for traffic signal mast at the southwest corner of Manchester Road and Braeshire Drive. SP MO East N=306349± E=250327± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.593873°±(N/+) Long=90.496246°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 474.76 FtUS (or) 144.707 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 475.04 FtUS Set aluminum tablet on west concrete barrier wall of Bridge No. 347 along Braeshire Drive at Grand Glaize Creek; roughly 20 feet west of centerline Braeshire Drive and 26 feet south of the north end of concrete barrier wall. SP MO East N=306164± E=250386± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.592206°±(N/+) Long=90.495569°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 487.67 FtUS (or) 148.641 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 487.94 FtUS Cut square on north side of round concrete base for traffic signal mast at the southeast corner of Manchester Road and Enchanted Parkway. SP MO East N=306202± E=249848± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.592549°±(N/+) Long=90.501745°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 495.04 FtUS (or) 150.890 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 495.31 FtUS Cut "L" on northwest corner of concrete base for traffic signal control box at the northeast corner of Weidman Road and the main entrance to Queeny Park, situated above the east edge of sidewalk along the east side of Weidman Road, roughly 32 feet east of the centerline of Weidman Road and 79 feet north of the west bull nose end of the median island containing the Queeny Park entrance sign in the centerline of Queeny Park entrance road. SP MO East N=307541± E=250453± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.604612°±(N/+) Long=90.494799°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 549.86 FtUS (or) 167.597 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 550.16 FtUS Cut "L" on the northernmost corner of the northwest end of headwall situated approximately 0.6 miles south of Clayton Road along the east side of Weidman Road in front of property addressed #900 Weidman Road, roughly 37 feet east of centerline Weidman Road, 29 feet northeast of a utility pole, and 91 feet north of centerline private driveway to #900 and #904 Weidman Road. SP MO East N=309362± E=250102± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.621017°±(N/+) Long=90.498829°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 497.04 FtUS (or) 151.498 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 497.32 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-191 and situated in the grass slope north of Manchester Road and south of the parking lot to commercial strip center at #14201 Manchester Road; roughly 200' west of the centerline of commercial entrance opposite Enchanted Parkway, 10' south of the back of curb for parking lot, 58' east of a nail and shiner in a powerpole, and 49' west of a light pole. SP MO East N=306231± E=249769± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.592810°±(N/+) Long=90.502652°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 487.93 FtUS (or) 148.721 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 488.21 FtUS Cut "U" on north side of round concrete base for traffic signal mast at the southwest corner of Manchester Road and Enchanted Parkway; roughly 31' west of the centerline of Enchanted Parkway, and 20' east of PK nail and shiner in east face of utility pole #299050. SP MO East N=306194± E=249826± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.592477°±(N/+) Long=90.501997°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 479.09 FtUS (or) 146.027 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 479.40 FtUS Cut triangle on top northeast corner of concrete base of traffic signal control box for fire station signal at #13790 Manchester Road; roughly 30 feet west of the centerline of east entrance to fire station and 50 feet more or less south of centerline Manchester Road. SP MO East N=306599± E=251588± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.596124°±(N/+) Long=90.481770°±(W/-)
NAVD88(Adopt NGS) Elev = 468.16 FtUS (or) 142.694 Meter <NAVD88 ORTHO HEIGHT per NGS datasheet as of 04/17/2014> NGVD29 Elev = 468.46 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-62A situated in grassy area near the northwest corner of property addressed as #13662 Manchester Road; on the south side of Manchester Road, roughly 30 feet east of the centerline of Mason Lane and 26 feet north of the intersection of sidewalks along Mason Lane and Manchester Road. <NGS PID="DF7515", Designation="SL 62 AZ MK"> SP MO East N=306590± E=251939± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.596042°±(N/+) Long=90.477741°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 457.02 FtUS (or) 139.301 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 457.33 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-62A2 situated in a triangular concrete median island in the center of Barrett Parkway Drive south of Manchester Road. The benchmark is roughly 14.5' south of the north edge of island, 41' east of the west bullnose end of island, 44' west of the east bullnose end of island, 51' north of the south bullnose end of island, and 11.3' east of the center of a manhole. SP MO East N=306621± E=252119± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.596321°±(N/+) Long=90.475675°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 504.21 FtUS (or) 153.682 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 504.51 FtUS Cut "L" on the south curb of handicap ramp for a sidewalk along the south side of Manchester Road crossing a median island in the center of Centeroyal Drive; 3' east of the west side of median island and roughly 60' south of centerline Manchester Road. SP MO East N=306699± E=252522± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.597023°±(N/+) Long=90.471048°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 529.26 FtUS (or) 161.320 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 529.57 FtUS Cut triangle on top of concrete island, roughly 0.7 feet northwest of the center of the southeast face of concrete median island, northwest of Manchester Road within the west entrance to Sam's Club at #13455 Manchester Road, being the entrance roughly midway between North Barrett Parkway Drive and Sam's Drive. SP MO East N=306803± E=252617± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.597959°±(N/+) Long=90.469957°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 577.15 FtUS (or) 175.917 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 577.46 FtUS Cut triangle on top of the west side of a concrete base for light standard situated in a grass lawn west of parking for commercial property addressed as #13275 Manchester Road; roughly 15 feet east of the centerline of a private drive known as Pointe Drive, and 90 feet south of the south edge of asphalt for Westbound Manchester Road. SP MO East N=307307± E=252928± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.602499°±(N/+) Long=90.466385°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 493.46 FtUS (or) 150.406 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 493.75 FtUS Cut "L" on the face of the 6" curb along the back of the sidewalk on the south side of Ladue Road and 3 feet east of the east end of iron fence along the south side of sidewalk on bridge for Ladue Road over Smith Creek; roughly 25 feet south of the centerline of Ladue Road, 44 feet west of the southerly prolongation of the centerline of Chasselle Lane, and 230 feet more or less east of the centerline of Laduemont Drive. SP MO East N=313187± E=252242± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655473°±(N/+) Long=90.474241°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 515.75 FtUS (or) 157.200 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 516.04 FtUS Cut "U" on top of the western edge of the western end of a concrete swale along the south side of Ladue Road above the east end of concrete pipe which flows to the west under Royal Gate Drive; roughly 78 feet east of the centerline of Royal Gate Drive, 22 feet south of the centerline of Ladue Road, and 18.5 feet northeast of the northeast corner of a brick subdivision entrance monument. SP MO East N=313183± E=252943± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655435°±(N/+) Long=90.466188°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 617.21 FtUS (or) 188.125 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 617.50 FtUS Cut "U" on the top east edge of the round concrete base for a traffic signal mast situated southeast of the intersection of Ladue Road with Beacon Hill Lane from the south and with Coeur De Ville Drive from the north, having two signal arms controlling traffic along eastbound Ladue Road and along southbound Coeur De Ville Drive; roughly 43 feet east of the centerline of Beacon Hill Lane, 57 feet south of the center of median island in Ladue Road, and 9 feet northeast of the northernmost corner of the northeastern brick pillar of Beacon Hill subdivision monument. SP MO East N=313172± E=254375± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655330°±(N/+) Long=90.449735°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 600.30 FtUS (or) 182.973 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 600.60 FtUS Cut "U" on the easternmost rounded tip of the curb height end section of the barrier wall north of Ladue Road and east of the I-270 overpass at the transition between barrier wall and 6" vertical curb; roughly 43 feet north of the centerline of Ladue Road, 50 feet west of the center of ramp on to northbound I-270, and 119 feet east of the east face of the easternmost round support pillar for the I-270 overpass. SP MO East N=313202± E=254568± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655600°±(N/+) Long=90.447518°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 609.93 FtUS (or) 185.908 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 610.23 FtUS Cut "U" on the top northern edge of the round concrete base for a traffic signal mast situated southeast of the intersection of Ladue Road and Ballas Road with a single signal arm controlling traffic on eastbound Ladue Road, in a grass strip between the south curb of Ladue Road and a decorative iron fence; roughly 3 feet northwest of a power pole, 25 feet northeast of the northwest corner of a traffic signal control box, and 68 feet west of the center of driveway to #11760 Ladue Road. SP MO East N=313181± E=254954± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655408°±(N/+) Long=90.443083°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 576.65 FtUS (or) 175.762 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 576.94 FtUS Cut "L" at a curb joint along the back of curb at the southernmost bullnose end of median island in the centerline of Runnymeade Drive north of Ladue Road; roughly 5 feet south of a subdivision entrance monument and 24 feet north of the centerline of Ladue Road. SP MO East N=313195± E=255553± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655531°±(N/+) Long=90.436201°±(W/-) Page 43 of 52
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 629.93 FtUS (or) 192.003 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 630.23 FtUS Found "L" on the top northwest corner of concrete base for raised metal traffic signal control box situated southeast of the intersection of Ladue Road and South Mosley Road; roughly 30 feet south of the centerline of Ladue Road and 20 feet east of the centerline of Mosley Road. SP MO East N=313169± E=256165± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655293°±(N/+) Long=90.429170°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 600.02 FtUS (or) 182.887 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 600.32 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-44A situated in a grassy area roughly 20 feet north of the centerline of Ladue Road, 109 feet east of the centerline of driveway to #11233 Ladue Road, 58 feet west of the centerline of driveway to #11201 Ladue Road, 43 feet southwest of the southwest corner of white masonry pillar with lamp on the west side of the driveway to said #11201 Ladue Road, and 34 feet west of the west side of an area inlet. <NGS PID="AA8685", Designation="Accessory to SL 44"> SP MO East N=313181± E=256318± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655400°±(N/+) Long=90.427412°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 580.74 FtUS (or) 177.011 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 581.04 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-158 situated in a grassy area behind the sidewalks at the northeast corner of Ladue Road and Graeser Road; roughly 18 feet east of the back of east curb along Graeser Road, 22 feet north of the back of north curb along Ladue Road, 7.5 feet northeast of a traffic signal mast, and 17.5 feet southeast of the southeast corner of a raised metal traffic signal control box. SP MO East N=313177± E=256775± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655360°±(N/+) Long=90.422162°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 632.85 FtUS (or) 192.894 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 633.14 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-46A situated near the top of a naturalized grass slope 60 feet more or less slope distance east of the edge of asphalt shoulder along northbound I-270, approximately 200 feet south along I-270 from a metal post for overhead sign marking Exit 13 at Ladue Road; roughly 66 feet southeast of the southernmost end of a metal guard rail, 24 feet west of the right of way fence, and 18.4 feet northwest of a found metal "T" bar. <NGS PID="AA8687", Designation="Accessory to SL 46"> SP MO East N=312828± E=254548± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.652230°±(N/+) Long=90.447750°±(W/-) Page 44 of 52
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 630.49 FtUS (or) 192.175 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 630.78 FtUS Cut "U" on the back of curb at the east end of the median island within Ladue Heights Drive west of Coeur De Ville Drive; roughly 30 feet west of the centerline of Coeur De Ville Drive, in the approximate centerline of Ladue Heights Drive, and 35 feet northeast of the center top of a catch basin situated south of Ladue Heights Drive. SP MO East N=313658± E=254437± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.659708°±(N/+) Long=90.449020°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 643.36 FtUS (or) 196.097 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 643.64 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-23A situated in a grassy area 8.5 feet west of a carsonite witness post in the western right of way fence of I-270 and east of Coeur De Ville Drive near the intersection with Royal Valley Drive; roughly 18 feet east of the centerline of Coeur De Ville Drive, and 39 feet north of the easternmost angle point at an offset in the I-270 right of way fence directly east of the intersection of Coeur De Ville Drive and Royal Valley Drive. <NGS PID="AA8664", Designation="Accessory to SL 23"> SP MO East N=314089± E=254422± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.663591°±(N/+) Long=90.449190°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 508.93 FtUS (or) 155.121 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 509.17 FtUS Triangle on the top easternmost corner of concrete base for raised metal traffic signal control box situated southwest of the right turn lane from eastbound Brookings Park Drive onto southbound Missouri Highway 141, directly across Highway 141 from St Lukes Hospital Road in the southwest quadrant of a signalized intersection identified by MoDOT signage as accessing Woods Mill Road to the west of Highway 141 and Ladue Farm Road to the east of Highway 141, and being 0.25 miles more or less north of Conway Road; roughly 55 feet south of the centerline of Brookings Park Drive and 80 feet west of the center median in Highway 141. SP MO East N=312913± E=249375± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.653008°±(N/+) Long=90.507180°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 520.95 FtUS (or) 158.786 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 521.21 FtUS Square on the top west side of the circular concrete base for traffic signal mast, with signal arm controlling traffic eastbound on Ladue Road, situated in the northwest part of a triangular traffic island situated East of Missouri Highway 141, south of Ladue Road, and in between the right turn and left turn lanes of the off ramp from northbound Highway 141 onto Ladue Road. SP MO East N=313704± E=249685± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.660134°±(N/+) Long=90.503619°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 490.50 FtUS (or) 149.505 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 490.76 FtUS Square centered on the concrete cap of a panel wall along the north side of Creve Coeur Creek which might be described as the northwest wing wall of Bridge No A7814 for North Woods Mill Road over Creve Coeur Creek. The bridge is generally south of Parkway Central High School addressed as #369 North Woods Mill Road, north of Ladue Road and west of the new Missouri Highway 141. The benchmark is south of a grassy slope along the west side of North Woods Mill Road, at the same approximate elevation as the sidewalk along the west side of the bridge, but is 2.5 feet west of the edge of bridge deck outside of an ornamental black steel fence along the west side of bridge sidewalk, and roughly 30 feet south of the northernmost end of black fence. SP MO East N=313933± E=249687± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.662197°±(N/+) Long=90.503596°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 496.33 FtUS (or) 151.281 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 496.59 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-25A2 situated in a grassy area west of North Woods Mill Road (Old Woods Mill Road) and south of the entrance drive to Parkway Central Middle School addressed as #471 North Woods Mill Road; roughly 50 feet south of the centerline of school entrance and 17 feet east of the east end of a lighted informational sign for Parkway Central Middle School. SP MO East N=314439± E=249873± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.666755°±(N/+) Long=90.501459°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 13:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 520.66 FtUS (or) 158.698 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 520.93 FtUS Cut "L" on the top back of curb of the median island within Land O Woods Drive east of North Woods Mill Road (Old Woods Mill Road) at the point of curve between the southern edge of the median island and the western bull nose curb end rounding of the median island; roughly 30 feet east of the centerline of North Woods Mill Road, and 8 feet south of the centerline of Land O Woods Drive. SP MO East N=315263± E=249991± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.674179°±(N/+) Long=90.500103°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 559.88 FtUS (or) 170.652 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 560.18 FtUS Triangle on the top southernmost corner of the concrete base for raised metal traffic signal control box situated in a grassy area near the northeast corner of property for a BP Gas Station addressed as #1 South Lindbergh Boulevard; roughly 70 feet south of the center of concrete median within Ladue Road, 60 feet west of the center of concrete median within Lindbergh Boulevard, and 11 feet west of the westernmost corner of sidewalk at the southwest side of the crosswalk marked across the right turn lane from eastbound Ladue Road onto southbound Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=313123± E=258216± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.654862°±(N/+) Long=90.405606°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 601.31 FtUS (or) 183.280 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 601.61 FtUS "L" at a joint in the back of a concrete curb along the north side of Ladue Road; roughly 15 feet north of the centerline of Ladue Road, 50 feet east of the centerline of Chatfield Place, and 11 feet southeast of a fire hydrant. SP MO East N=313150± E=257906± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655108°±(N/+) Long=90.409168°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 13:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 611.96 FtUS (or) 186.526 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 612.29 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-47A situated on a grassy road slope east of Lindbergh Boulevard, 0.5 miles north of Manchester Road, and south of driveway to residence addressed as #2832 S Lindbergh Boulevard but physically situated on a lot addressed as #2848 S Lindbergh Boulevard; roughly 29 feet east of the center stripe between the two northbound lanes of Lindbergh Boulevard, 8 feet east of the curb, 55 feet northeast of the northwest corner of a grated inlet in the east concrete curb and gutter section of Lindbergh Boulevard, and 10 feet more or less south of a mailbox post south of the driveway. <NGS PID="AA8688", Designation="Accessory to SL 47"> SP MO East N=307951± E=258188± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.608268°±(N/+) Long=90.405989°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 508.25 FtUS (or) 154.914 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 508.54 FtUS Found "L" on the top southwest corner of a concrete barrier wall situated south of Conway Road north of the sidewalk and south of an extended asphalt shoulder at the culvert where Twin Creek passes under Conway Road; roughly 23 feet south of the centerline of Conway Road, and 166 feet east of the centerline of Twin Creek Road. SP MO East N=312367± E=252577± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.648085°±(N/+) Long=90.470396°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 553.78 FtUS (or) 168.793 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 554.08 FtUS "O" in OPEN on fire hydrant located northeast of the intersection of Conway Road and Conway Garden Court; roughly 23 feet north of the centerline of Conway Road, and 52 feet east of the centerline of Conway Garden Court. SP MO East N=312354± E=252998± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.647967°±(N/+) Long=90.465559°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 579.77 FtUS (or) 176.714 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 580.07 FtUS Cut "L" at the easternmost of two angle points in the back edge of sidewalk behind the handicap ramp in the pavement rounding east of Conway Aire Drive and south of Conway Road; roughly 28 feet east of the centerline of Conway Aire Drive and 28 feet south of the centerline of Conway Road. SP MO East N=312129± E=253553± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.645938°±(N/+) Long=90.459185°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 13:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 648.89 FtUS (or) 197.783 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 649.20 FtUS Cut "L" on the top northwest corner of concrete base for raised metal traffic signal control box at the northeast corner of Conway Road and South New Ballas Road; roughly 6.8 feet east of a traffic signal mast with signal arm extending over New Ballas Road, and 39 feet north of the centerline of Conway Road. SP MO East N=311658± E=254934± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.641688°±(N/+) Long=90.443324°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 626.50 FtUS (or) 190.957 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 626.81 FtUS Cut "L" on the southernmost top corner of the concrete base for a raised metal traffic signal control box located northeast of the right turn lane from westbound North Forty Drive onto northbound South New Ballas Road, across New Ballas Road from a three story red brick office building addressed as #763 South New Ballas Road, and 0.1 miles more or less north of Interstate 64; roughly 28 feet northwest of a light standard, 74 feet northeast of a traffic signal mast on a concrete divider island, and 50 feet southeast of a manhole set 5 feet behind the sidewalk. SP MO East N=311466± E=254947± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.639958°±(N/+) Long=90.443176°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 623.12 FtUS (or) 189.928 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 623.43 FtUS Aluminum Tablet stamped "MoDOT 01-06 Survey Control" set in a concrete monument and situated in a grassy area 630 feet more or less east of the centerline of North Ballas Road, north of Interstate 64, southeast of the Ballas Metrobus Center and southwest of a MoDOT maintenance facility; roughly 67 feet west of the southwest corner of wall around MoDOT maintenance yard, 65 feet northeast of the east end of a metal guard rail along the north shoulder of Interstate 64, and 90 feet south of the southern corner of a double catch basin east of the access road to Ballas Metrobus Center. SP MO East N=311349± E=255111± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.638903°±(N/+) Long=90.441293°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 13:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 648.49 FtUS (or) 197.659 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 648.80 FtUS Found "L" on the top southeast corner of 10' x 27' concrete stoop at main entrance to Covenent Presbyterian Church addressed as #2143 North Ballas Road; southwest of the northernmost of two places where Hawthorne Estates Drive intersects with Ballas Road. (This is roughly 10 feet south of BM 13041.) SP MO East N=309373± E=254818± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.621103°±(N/+) Long=90.444672°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 643.23 FtUS (or) 196.057 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 643.54 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-51A situated roughly 1.2 feet west of the asphalt shoulder along the west side of North Ballas Road east of property addressed as #2127 North Ballas Road; roughly 27 feet north of the centerline of a driveway for properties addressed as #2121, #2123 and #2127 North Ballas Road, 20 feet west of the centerline of North Ballas Road, and 15 feet southeast of a fire hydrant. <NGS PID="AA8692", Designation="Accessory to SL 51"> SP MO East N=309278± E=254892± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.620247°±(N/+) Long=90.443823°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 656.55 FtUS (or) 200.118 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 656.87 FtUS "O" in OPEN on fire hydrant located west of North Ballas Road and 310 feet more or less south of the westerly prolongation of the centerline of Federal Road; roughly 28 feet west of the centerline of North Ballas Road, and 22 feet south of the center of driveway to house addressed as #1701 North Ballas Road. SP MO East N=308087± E=254875± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.609517°±(N/+) Long=90.444026°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 651.52 FtUS (or) 198.585 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 651.83 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast corner of a 3'x4' concrete pad for water backflow preventer situated in a grassy area 5 feet south of the asphalt parking lot and 135 feet more or less east of the center of the east drive entrance to Olympic Oaks Village shopping center directly in front of McAlister's Deli addressed as #12101A Manchester Road; roughly 26 feet north of the back of walk along Manchester Road, and 64 feet west of the centerline of Bansbach Road. SP MO East N=307309± E=255439± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.602505°±(N/+) Long=90.437557°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 13:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 628.67 FtUS (or) 191.620 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 628.98 FtUS "O" in OPEN on fire hydrant located near the southwest corner of property addressed as #11967 Lillian Avenue; roughly 25 feet east of the centerline of Lindemann Road and 15 feet north of the centerline of Lillian Avenue. SP MO East N=306702± E=255700± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.597035°±(N/+) Long=90.434565°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 587.67 FtUS (or) 179.123 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 587.98 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-52A in a grassy tree lawn approximately one foot west of the west edge of pavement on Lindeman Road and 95 feet more or less south of the westerly prolongation of the centerline of Cornhill Lane; roughly 15 feet south of the centerline of driveway to house addressed as #613 Lindeman Road, 19 feet west of the centerline of Lindeman Road, 5.3 feet east of a utility pole in the east edge of sidewalk, and 4.4 feet northeast of the center of a manhole. <NGS PID="AA8693", Designation="Accessory to SL 52"> SP MO East N=305883± E=255676± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.589657°±(N/+) Long=90.434848°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 711.82 FtUS (or) 216.963 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 712.13 FtUS Square on the top east side of the round concrete base for an overhead lighting standard situated south of the most southeastern parking spot at the parking lot for Kohns Kosher Deli and Restaurant northwest of Guelbreth Lane and Old Olive Road. Mark is roughly 50 feet north of the centerline of Old Olive Road and 38 feet west of the centerline of Guelbreth Lane. SP MO East N=315427± E=257972± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.675620°±(N/+) Long=90.408383°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 711.52 FtUS (or) 216.871 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 711.84 FtUS Square roughly centered on top of a triangular traffic island situated west of Lindbergh Boulevard and separating the right turn lane from Southbound Lindbergh onto Westbound Old Olive Street Road from the right turn lane from eastbound Old Olive Street Road onto southbound Lindbergh Boulevard. Square is roughly 42 feet west of the centerline of Lindbergh Boulevard and in the centerline extended of Old Olive Street Road. SP MO East N=315383± E=258277± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.675221°±(N/+) Long=90.404879°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 13:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 606.86 FtUS (or) 184.972 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 607.18 FtUS Cut small “U” on top east edge of ninth brick south the northern brick pillar on subdivision entrance monument for “SPRING VALLEY” on the southwest corner of North Ballas Road and Bent Brook Road; roughly 38 feet west of the centerline of North Ballas Road, and 42 feet south of the centerline of Bent Brook Road. SP MO East N=306309.7± E=254856.4± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.593506°±(N/+) Long=90.444252°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 466.83 FtUS (or) 142.289 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 467.19 FtUS "Sq" found 1 foot east of the west end of south parapet wall of bridge along Manchester Road over Deer Creek; 0.2 mile east of Rock Hill Road. SP MO East N=308238± E=262164± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.610808°±(N/+) Long=90.360333°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 485.85 FtUS (or) 148.088 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 486.25 FtUS "Sq" on concrete walk, 4.5' southeast of southeast corner of two story brick building #8825 Manchester Road; 240' west of centerline Brentwood Boulevard. SP MO East N=308445± E=263052± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.612660°±(N/+) Long=90.350134°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 492.83 FtUS "Sq" in center of north headwall of culvert under Litzsinger Road; 144' west of Park Lane, west entrance. SP MO East N=309215± E=261517± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.619618°±(N/+) Long=90.367746°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 501.00 FtUS "Sq" in center of north headwall of culvert under Litzsinger Road; 42' east of centerline of Lindworth Lane. SP MO East N=309259± E=261186± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.620019°±(N/+) Long=90.371546°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 479.02 FtUS "Sq" on north headwall of culvert at Litzsinger Road and railroad track; 15' north of centerline Litzsinger Road and 75' east of railroad track west of Daniel Road, 4' west of southeast corner of headwall. SP MO East N=309416± E=260958± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.621436°±(N/+) Long=90.374162°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 489.84 FtUS "Sq" on east end of north concrete headwall of culvert under driveway to one story brick residence #17 Overbrook Drive east side of Overbrook Drive; 0.1 mile south of Overbrook Drive to east at south gate of subdivision. SP MO East N=308764± E=260692± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.615565°±(N/+) Long=90.377227°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 542.46 FtUS RM 418 FEMA PANEL 282; "O" in OPEN on fire hydrant; southwest corner Salem Hills Drive and Blue Bell Lane. SP MO East N=307842± E=260528± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.607261°±(N/+) Long=90.379124°±(W/-) Page 2 of 57
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 720.70 FtUS (or) 219.670 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 720.94 FtUS "L" at southwest corner of top step of 3 stone steps to west entrance of Immanuel Lutheran Church addressed as #9725 Olive Boulevard; 6' south and 4' east of the southwest corner of the stone church edifice, roughly 115' north of centerline Olive Boulevard, 650 feet more or less east of Warson Road, and 770 feet more or less west of Old Bonhomme Road. SP MO East N=315127± E=259351± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.672904°±(N/+) Long=90.392540°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 487.25 FtUS "Sq" at east end of first concrete step to east entrance of a two story brick commercial building #3522A Greenwood Avenue; 30' south of the intersection at Greenwood Avenue and Sutton Avenue. SP MO East N=307613± E=265605± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.605123°±(N/+) Long=90.320838°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 481.18 FtUS "L" extreme northwest corner along top of railroad overpass over Southwest Avenue in Maplewood. SP MO East N=308493± E=266470± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.613036°±(N/+) Long=90.310886°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 580.84 FtUS (or) 177.039 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 581.15 FtUS "L" on the top southeast corner of concrete added near the base of a metal hand rail and being the top southeast corner of the lowest of five stone and concrete steps leading to the main entrance to St Peter's Protestant Episcopal Church, addressed as #110 North Warson Road; roughly 115 feet east of the centerline of Warson Road and 200 feet more or less north of the centerline of Ladue Road. SP MO East N=313190± E=259141± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655456°±(N/+) Long=90.394978°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 548.28 FtUS (or) 167.116 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 548.56 FtUS "Sq" on northwest corner of north headwall of 8' x 6' concrete box culvert under Ladue Road; 65' west of centerline Woodcliff Road and 32' north of centerline Ladue Road. SP MO East N=313090± E=259197± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.654555°±(N/+) Long=90.394336°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 582.46 FtUS (or) 177.535 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 582.68 FtUS "Concrete Monument" marking the north line of Ladue Road and the common property line between #9675 and 9701 Ladue Road. (Opposite Apple Tree Lane) SP MO East N=313007± E=259356± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.653805°±(N/+) Long=90.392511°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 631.20 FtUS (or) 192.389 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 631.48 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of the sixth concrete step of flight of 12 steps; 25' south of centerline of Ladue Road and 300' east of the west entrance to Briarcliff Subdivision. SP MO East N=312974± E=260538± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.653495°±(N/+) Long=90.378931°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 615.86 FtUS (or) 187.713 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 616.11 FtUS "Concrete Monument" marking the north line of Ladue Road and the P.C. of the rounding into the east entrance to Briarcliff Subdivision; 30' north of the centerline Ladue Road and 50' east of the centerline of east entrance to Briarcliff. SP MO East N=312990± E=260685± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.653637°±(N/+) Long=90.377242°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 553.53 FtUS (or) 168.715 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 553.77 FtUS "Sq" on top of left square buttress to concrete retaining wall south side of stream under Glen Eagles Drive; 15' east of southeast corner of stone bridge at southeast corner of Glen Eagles Drive and Ladue Road. SP MO East N=312948± E=261110± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.653253°±(N/+) Long=90.372360°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 537.13 FtUS (or) 163.717 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 537.46 FtUS "Sq" on west end of north concrete headwall of 3'x 4' concrete culvert; 130' east of centerline of Whitegate Lane and 25' north of centerline of Ladue Road. SP MO East N=312975± E=262017± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.653485°±(N/+) Long=90.361940°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 571.09 FtUS (or) 174.069 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 571.45 FtUS "L" southwest corner of concrete planter box along sidewalk at west side of three story office building; northeast corner Maryland Avenue and Topton Way. SP MO East N=312915± E=263453± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.652924°±(N/+) Long=90.345443°±(W/-) Page 4 of 57
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 619.76 FtUS (or) 188.902 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 620.12 FtUS Formerly an "L" on the southwest corner of concrete traffic signal base at northeast corner Maryland Avenue and Meramec Avenue, but in September of 2012 during a field visit the "L" is gone and the concrete base is badly weathered and chipped. This benchmark should not be used unless verified in relation to a second published benchmark. SP MO East N=312798± E=263987± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.651861°±(N/+) Long=90.339310°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 623.65 FtUS (or) 190.090 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 624.04 FtUS "Sq" centered on top of level capstone at south end of west brick guard wall for concrete steps immediately attached to church building at south building entrance to Hanley Road Baptist Church, northwest corner Maryland Avenue and Hanley Road; roughly 45 feet north of the north curb line of Maryland Avenue, and 92 feet west of the centerline of Hanley Road. In September of 2012, this benchmark was recovered underneath a flower pot. SP MO East N=312767± E=264433± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.651575°±(N/+) Long=90.334187°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 540.07 FtUS "Sq" southwest corner of pedestrian U pass under Millbrook Boulevard at Wellsley Avenue; northeast corner Wellsley Avenue and Pershing Avenue. SP MO East N=312855± E=265546± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.652349°±(N/+) Long=90.321398°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 530.90 FtUS "L" southeast corner of a 1' high concrete retaining wall at the northeast corner Millbrook Boulevard and Williams Avenue; 35' east of centerline Williams Avenue and 75' north of centerline Millbrook Boulevard. (at north line of E W alley along north side of Millbrook Boulevard) SP MO East N=312821± E=265844± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.652037°±(N/+) Long=90.317976°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 507.62 FtUS "U" south side of iron base of street light standard; northwest corner Kingsland Avenue and Univer¬sity Drive, 25' west of centerline Kingsland Avenue. SP MO East N=312705± E=266535± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.650980°±(N/+) Long=90.310040°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 506.73 FtUS "Triangle" on east concrete curb of Mel¬ville Avenue at north line of University Drive. SP MO East N=312648± E=266751± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.650462°±(N/+) Long=90.307560°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 504.79 FtUS "Sq" on top of northwest corner of concrete window well just east of the north door of Washington University Power Station; south side of Millbrook Boulevard opposite centerline of Westgate Avenue produced. SP MO East N=312582± E=266874± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.649865°±(N/+) Long=90.306148°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 545.22 FtUS (or) 166.184 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 545.65 FtUS "Sq" top of 3.5' high stone pillar at extreme west end of ornamental stone gateway to Berkshire Subdivision; 28' south of centerline Clayton Road and 60' west of centerline Berkshire Gate. SP MO East N=311402± E=262802± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.639303°±(N/+) Long=90.352950°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 529.67 FtUS (or) 161.444 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 530.10 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of capstone on top of ornamental stone wall at gateway to Tanglewood Subdivi¬sion; 45' north of centerline Clayton Road and 30' west of centerline of Louwen Drive. SP MO East N=311405± E=262924± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.639328°±(N/+) Long=90.351548°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 493.77 FtUS (or) 150.501 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 494.20 FtUS RM 511 FEMA PANEL 188; "L" south corner of 2' high brick end post of east portal gate to Haddington Court; 18' east of centerline Haddington Court and 40' north of centerline Clayton Road. SP MO East N=311343± E=263103± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.638767°±(N/+) Long=90.349494°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 518.73 FtUS (or) 158.109 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 519.16 FtUS "Sq" southeast corner of concrete ledge, 3' southeast of the southeast corner of a two story brick commercial building; northwest corner Clayton Road and South Bemiston Avenue. SP MO East N=311240.7± E=264075.5± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.637830°±(N/+) Long=90.338325°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 529.47 FtUS (or) 161.384 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 529.93 FtUS "L" southeast corner capstone of east portal gate to Westwood Drive; northeast corner Clayton Road and Westwood Drive. SP MO East N=311212± E=264540± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.637564°±(N/+) Long=90.332990°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 529.00 FtUS (or) 161.240 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 529.41 FtUS "Sq" at east end of south concrete retaining wall of driveway to apartment building #7501 Clayton Road at Glen Ridge Drive. SP MO East N=311159± E=264814± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.637082°±(N/+) Long=90.329844°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 551.42 FtUS (or) 168.073 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 551.80 FtUS "L" southeast corner capstone of east portal gate entrance to Audubon Avenue from Clayton Road; 38' north of centerline Clayton Road and 24' east of centerline Audubon Avenue. SP MO East N=311061± E=265143± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.636194°±(N/+) Long=90.326067°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 537.59 FtUS (or) 163.857 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 538.02 FtUS "L" on northwest corner at west end of concrete retaining wall; southeast corner Clayton Road and Big Bend Road. SP MO East N=310886± E=265808± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.634606°±(N/+) Long=90.318433°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 570.96 FtUS (or) 174.030 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 571.35 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of bottom stone step entrance to Ladue Chapel; 138'± south of centerline Clayton Road and 135'± west of centerline Log Cabin Lane. SP MO East N=311514± E=260365± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.640344°±(N/+) Long=90.380941°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 552.41 FtUS (or) 168.374 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 552.82 FtUS "L" southeast end of stone guard rail at south entrance to Annunziata R.C. School; 164'± north of the center of Clayton Road and 375'± west of the center of Cella Road. SP MO East N=311635± E=260908± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.641427°±(N/+) Long=90.374702°±(W/-)
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Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 519.62 FtUS (or) 158.380 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 520.02 FtUS "Sq" on east concrete curb of 6.5' wide concrete median island in Brentwood Boulevard under the Highway I-170 overpass, at or opposite the third round concrete bridge pillar from the south end of bridge bent aligned within the median island. SP MO East N=311514± E=263481± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.640302°±(N/+) Long=90.345148°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 596.36 FtUS "L" northwest corner first concrete step at entrance to County Branch YWCA #40 Brentwood Boulevard; on southeast corner Brentwood Boulevard at Westmoreland Avenue. SP MO East N=312905± E=263868± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.652827°±(N/+) Long=90.340675°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 624.62 FtUS "L" northwest corner of concrete capstone of brick planter, 10' west of northwest corner of Clayton Lodge of the Masonic Temple; southeast corner of Brentwood Boulevard and Kingsbury Avenue. SP MO East N=313191± E=263904± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655403°±(N/+) Long=90.340256°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 618.87 FtUS "L" on concrete curb of planter, 6' north of northwest corner of five story brick apartment building at #7918 Kingsbury Avenue; on southeast corner of Kingsbury Avenue and Meramec Avenue. SP MO East N=313188± E=264028± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655374°±(N/+) Long=90.338831°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 549.30 FtUS (or) 167.428 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 549.66 FtUS "L" at east end of second concrete step leading to entrance of Synagogue; northeast corner North and South Road and Gannon Avenue. SP MO East N=313737± E=264175± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.660318°±(N/+) Long=90.337131°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 558.43 FtUS (or) 170.210 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 558.74 FtUS "Sq" on concrete walk, 6' west of northwest corner of two story brick office building at #7578 Olive Blvd; on southeast corner of Olive Blvd and Remley Court. SP MO East N=315025± E=264323± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.671919°±(N/+) Long=90.335404°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 19497 in Chapter 19.] Page 8 of 57
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
[Republished as BM 19498 in Chapter 19.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 537.97 FtUS (or) 163.973 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 538.35 FtUS "L" on top of northeast corner of brick planter, 10' northeast of northeast corner of one story brick office building at #8005 Big Bend Road. [In May 2012 this mark was found but the bricks at the corner appear to have been relaid or replaced. Mark otherwise as described.] SP MO East N=306248± E=264221± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.592849°±(N/+) Long=90.336756°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 527.39 FtUS (or) 160.748 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 527.74 FtUS "U" north edge of concrete walk, 0.5' east of northeast corner two story brick commercial building #7905 Big Bend Road; at southwest corner of Big Bend Road and Dale Avenue. SP MO East N=306481± E=264425± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.594945°±(N/+) Long=90.334409°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 462.95 FtUS (or) 141.106 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 463.27 FtUS "L" south end of the east retaining wall of the Big Bend Road underpass at Missouri Pacific Railroad; 22' east of centerline Big Bend Road and 42' north of centerline Cambridge Avenue. SP MO East N=307422± E=265259± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.603409°±(N/+) Long=90.324815°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 498.92 FtUS (or) 152.072 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 499.34 FtUS "L" northwest corner of north end of the east concrete retaining wall of Big Bend Road underpass at Missouri Pacific Railroad; 22' east of centerline Big Bend Road and 250' south of James Street. SP MO East N=307743± E=265309± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.606300°±(N/+) Long=90.324234°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 520.16 FtUS (or) 158.545 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 520.54 FtUS "L" northeast corner of capstone of brick planter along east face of two story brick commercial building at #2601 Big Bend Road; 42' west of centerline Big Bend Road and 170' south of [the westerly prolongation of] Lohmeyer Avenue. SP MO East N=308672± E=265439± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.614667°±(N/+) Long=90.322721°±(W/-)
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Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 545.50 FtUS (or) 166.269 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 545.88 FtUS "L" northeast corner of concrete retaining wall, 20' north of northeast corner of two story brick apartment building at #2501 Big Bend Road; southwest cor¬ner Big Bend Road and Rannells Avenue [21'south of centerline Rannells Ave and 67' west of centerline Big Bend Road]. SP MO East N=308895± E=265466± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.616675°±(N/+) Long=90.322406°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 522.22 FtUS (or) 159.172 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 522.59 FtUS "U" on top of the east side of a concrete base for an electric light; 41' west of the centerline of Big Bend Road and 9' north of the centerline of Gayola Place extended [in parking lot of #2317 Big Bend Road]. SP MO East N=309040± E=265495± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.617981°±(N/+) Long=90.322069°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 530.15 FtUS (or) 161.591 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 530.58 FtUS "U" 6' east and center of main door entrance to a one story brick building; northwest corner Big Bend Road and Hoover Avenue [58' west of centerline Big Bend Road and 106' north of centerline of Hoover Avenue]. SP MO East N=310638± E=265743± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.632373°±(N/+) Long=90.319185°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 543.65 FtUS (or) 165.705 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 544.06 FtUS 3" cast iron pipe filled with concrete near the southwest corner of Concordia Lutheran Seminary property on east line of Big Bend Road; 200' north of north entrance to Tuscany Park Subdivision and 27' east of centerline Big Bend Road. SP MO East N=311189± E=265853± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.637335°±(N/+) Long=90.317910°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 562.26 FtUS (or) 171.378 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 562.67 FtUS "L" in northeast corner of a 9"x 9" steel base plate for gate at south side of entrance gate to Oak Knoll Park from Big Bend Road [48' west of centerline Big Bend Road and 14' south of center park entrance]. SP MO East N=311282± E=265840± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.638173°±(N/+) Long=90.318057°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 561.74 FtUS (or) 171.219 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 562.12 FtUS "L" northeast corner 3'x 3' capstone north of red granite stone gate house entrance to Northmoor; west side of Big Bend Road [in an island] at Northmoor Drive [38' west of centerline Big Bend Road and 13' south of center entrance drive on north side of island]. SP MO East N=312217± E=266010± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.646593°±(N/+) Long=90.316083°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 533.88 FtUS (or) 162.728 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 534.28 FtUS "Sq" on top of a concrete curb; 20' east of the centerline of Big Bend Road and 11' north of the centerline of Maryland Avenue extended. SP MO East N=312536± E=266078± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.649466°±(N/+) Long=90.315294°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 545.62 FtUS (or) 166.305 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 546.03 FtUS "U" on the southeast side of the concrete traffic signal base; 27' west of the centerline of Big Bend Road and 39' south of the centerline of Kingsbury Drive. SP MO East N=313051± E=266138± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.654104°±(N/+) Long=90.314593°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 571.03 FtUS "L" southeast corner of first concrete step to entrance walk at a two story brick residence #7001 Washington Avenue; northwest corner Big Bend Road and Washington Avenue. SP MO East N=313226± E=266157± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.655680°±(N/+) Long=90.314370°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 574.05 FtUS (or) 174.971 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 574.44 FtUS "L" southwest corner of capstone of 6'x 2' brick and stone structure bearing sign with inscription University Heights; northwest corner Delmar Avenue and Yale Avenue. SP MO East N=313385± E=266116± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.657113°±(N/+) Long=90.314838°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 538.48 FtUS (or) 164.130 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 538.91 FtUS "L" on west concrete curb along Vassar Avenue at P.C. of rounding to west into Cambridge Avenue; southwest corner of Vassar Avenue and Cambridge Avenue. SP MO East N=313548± E=265914± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.658586°±(N/+) Long=90.317155°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 511.25 FtUS (or) 155.830 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 511.67 FtUS "L" on south concrete curb along Stanford Avenue at P.C. of rounding to south into Vassar Avenue; at southwest corner of Stanford Avenue and Vassar Avenue. SP MO East N=313694± E=265987± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.659899°±(N/+) Long=90.316313°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 506.58 FtUS (or) 154.406 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 506.92 FtUS "L" southwest corner of bottom concrete step at southwest entrance to Convent building along north edge of Mercy High School grounds; 300' south of centerline Olive Street and 90' east of centerline Pennsylvania Avenue. SP MO East N=314253.6± E=266014.6± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.664940°±(N/+) Long=90.315983°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 470.53 FtUS (or) 143.419 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 470.94 FtUS Found "L" cut in the southeast corner of the second step from the bottom of concrete steps leading down to the south from a sidewalk along the east face of one story brick building addressed #2929 South Brentwood Boulevard; west of Brentwood Boulevard and 0.25 miles more or less south of Manchester Road; roughly 15 feet north of the centerline of concrete driveway, 26 feet south of the centerline of front entrance doors to the building, 6 feet east of the southeast corner of building, and 17 feet west of the face of curb on the west side of Brentwood Boulevard. SP MO East N=308050± E=263052± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.609101°±(N/+) Long=90.350141°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 457.14 FtUS (or) 139.338 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 457.51 FtUS Found "L" on the northwest corner of the raised portion of the western barrier wall south of the expansion joint and at the southern end of the metal pipe rail west of the sidewalk near the southwest corner of bridge #427 for South Brentwood Boulevard over Deer Creek; 40' west of the centerline of South Brentwood Boulevard, 116' north of the centerline of Marshall Road extended, and 6 feet north of the southern end of barrier wall. SP MO East N=307659± E=263002± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.605580°±(N/+) Long=90.350722°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 461.07 FtUS (or) 140.535 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 461.42 FtUS Found "Sq" 0.5 feet west of the east end of the north headwall of culvert for Shady Creek under the intersection of South Brentwood Boulevard and Ravine Avenue; roughly 50 feet northwest of the centerline of South Brentwood Boulevard and 43 feet northeast of the centerline of Ravine Avenue. SP MO East N=307270± E=262823± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.602078°±(N/+) Long=90.352785°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 491.87 FtUS "Sq" west end of concrete retaining wall along the north bank of Shady Creek; 125' south of centerline Kirkham Road and 150' east of centerline Gore Avenue. SP MO East N=306619± E=262148± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.596222°±(N/+) Long=90.360545°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 483.03 FtUS RM 348 FEMA PANEL 282; "Sq" at east end of north concrete abutment, at northeast corner of bridge; Trent Drive bridge over Two Mile Creek, near west boundary line of Old Warson Golf Club. SP MO East N=309354± E=260018± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.620888°±(N/+) Long=90.384958°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 496.64 FtUS (or) 151.376 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 496.96 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 44 GEU 1975 set in concrete guard rail at southeast end of overpass along Shrewsbury Avenue over Hwy I-44. SP MO East N=306449± E=265118± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.594645°±(N/+) Long=90.326455°±(W/-)
NAVD88(Adopt NGS) Elev = 478.10 FtUS (or) 145.724 Meter <NAVD88 ORTHO HEIGHT per NGS datasheet as of 04/15/2014> NGVD29 Elev = 478.44 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped K 311 1969 set on the top of the east end of the concrete guard rail base to the railroad overpass over Big Bend Road; 7.9' south of the south rail of the eastbound track, 0.4' east of the east end of the guard rail and 1.3' north of the south edge of the base; about 1' below the level of the track.(at Maplewood along the Missouri Pacific Railroad near mile pole 7-32) <NGS PID="JC0209", Designation="K 311"> SP MO East N=307528± E=265277± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.604363°±(N/+) Long=90.324606°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 474.69 FtUS "Brass Tablet" stamped U.S.G.S. L 205 1946 in the top of the north end of the east abutment to the Missouri Pacific Railroad over the Terminal Railroad Association track; 0.1 mile west along the Missouri Pacific Railroad from the overpass over Big Bend Road at Maplewood; near mile post 7-36, 4.9' north of the north rail of the westbound track and 1' below the level of the track. SP MO East N=307529± E=265133± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.604375°±(N/+) Long=90.326259°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 541.57 FtUS (or) 165.071 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 542.02 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 123A 75 S.L.C. set in north end of concrete wall for window well 16.5' north of the main or east entrance to Trinity Presbyterian Church; at intersection of Kingsland Avenue and Washington Avenue 54' west of the centerline of Kingsland Avenue and 134' south of the centerline of Washington Avenue. SP MO East N=313124.3± E=266578.7± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.654756°±(N/+) Long=90.309528°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 546.36 FtUS (or) 166.532 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 546.71 FtUS "L" on top of the high side of a vertical step in the concrete barrier wall along the southwest side of the southwest sidewalk and southeast of the southeastern end of a metal rail on top of the lower part of the barrier wall; near the southernmost corner of the Murdoch Avenue bridge over Hwy I-44 and slightly southeast of the expansion joint on the southeast end of the bridge. SP MO East N=306081± E=264356± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.591343°±(N/+) Long=90.335210°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 472.48 FtUS "No mark" southwest corner of first concrete step of concrete walk at house #600 Laclede Station Road. SP MO East N=307005± E=264721± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.599661°±(N/+) Long=90.331000°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 450.55 FtUS "Sq" on north curb along Tuxedo Avenue; 43' west of centerline of Laclede Station Road and 19' north of cen-terline of Tuxedo Avenue. SP MO East N=307128± E=264686± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.600770°±(N/+) Long=90.331399°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 462.58 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of southernmost guard rail on railroad overpass over Laclede Station Road at Hanley Road. SP MO East N=307680± E=264610± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.605744°±(N/+) Long=90.332260°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 449.04 FtUS (or) 136.868 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 449.44 FtUS "Sq" on east end of concrete retaining wall extended from the southeast corner of Manchester Road bridge over Black Creek; 40' west of centerline of Laclede Station Road. SP MO East N=308432± E=264491± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.612521°±(N/+) Long=90.333611°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 581.41 FtUS (or) 177.215 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 581.82 FtUS Found "Sq" on top of the west curb of Hanley Road in front of overhead street light pole on southwest corner of Hanley Road and Cornell Avenue near the northeast corner of property addressed as #7502 Cornell Avenue. Street sign marks Cornell Avenue to the east and west of Hanley Road, but an additional street sign indicates that Stanford Avenue west of Hanley Avenue can be reached by turning west onto Cornell Avenue. SP MO East N=313763± E=264573± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.660545°±(N/+) Long=90.332558°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 547.89 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of first concrete step to house #7354 Balson Avenue. SP MO East N=314144± E=265006± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.663971°±(N/+) Long=90.327574°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 509.57 FtUS (or) 155.317 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 509.93 FtUS "Sq" on northeast corner of sidewalk; at southwest corner of Balson Avenue and Midland Boulevard. SP MO East N=314083± E=265504± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.663413°±(N/+) Long=90.321854°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 505.96 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of concrete porch to apartments #7106 Vernon Avenue. SP MO East N=314052± E=265785± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.663128°±(N/+) Long=90.318626°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 562.55 FtUS (or) 171.467 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 562.92 FtUS "Sq" on top of a concrete curb at the most southern point of the median of Midland Boulevard; 42' north of the centerline of Delmar Avenue. SP MO East N=313439± E=265604± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.657609°±(N/+) Long=90.320719°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 518.78 FtUS (or) 158.124 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 519.15 FtUS "Sq" on top of a concrete curb at the most southern point on the north median at Colgate Avenue and Midland Boulevard; 17' north of the centerline of Colgate Avenue. SP MO East N=313823± E=265542± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.661070°±(N/+) Long=90.321423°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 488.66 FtUS (or) 148.944 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 489.07 FtUS Found Square on top east side of concrete curb, east of the broken off remnants of a former metal fence post centered in said curb, along west side of asphalt drive for #7236 Southwest Avenue and near the northeast corner of Schlafly Bottlehouse property at #7260 Southwest Avenue, roughly 31' south of centerline Southwest Avenue and 73' west of the centerline of Bellevue Avenue projected to the south. SP MO East N=308521± E=266169± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.613293°±(N/+) Long=90.314342°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 508.66 FtUS "Sq" on the center of the northwest wingwall of bridge; 25' west of the centerline of Ferguson Avenue and 25' south of the centerline of Melrose Avenue southbound. SP MO East N=314915± E=266549± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.670889°±(N/+) Long=90.309826°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 511.77 FtUS "Sq" on the north end of the traffic signal base at the northeast corner; 20' east of the centerline of Ferguson Avenue and 40' north of the centerline of Olive Street Road. SP MO East N=314091± E=266469± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.663467°±(N/+) Long=90.310765°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 518.00 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of porch at #758 Kingsland Avenue; 30' east of the centerline of Kingsland Avenue (northbound) and 150' south of Clemens Avenue. (eastbound) SP MO East N=313581± E=266695± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.658868°±(N/+) Long=90.308181°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 495.87 FtUS "L" on top of the northeast corner of the first concrete step (10' wide) of the northwest entrance to the Eight Church of Christ Scientist; 36' south of the centerline of eastbound lane of Wydown Avenue and 254' west of the centerline of Skinker Boulevard. SP MO East N=311976± E=267188± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.644400°±(N/+) Long=90.302556°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 575.81 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of a 2'x 4' rock capstone at the west entrance marker to Claverach Park Subdivision; 27' west of the centerline of Hillvale Drive and 45' south of the centerline of eastbound lane of Wydown Avenue. SP MO East N=311793± E=265287± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.642786°±(N/+) Long=90.324397°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 568.88 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the concrete 3.5'x 4' capstone of the western entrance marker to Glen Ridge Subdivision; 21' west of the center¬line of Glen Ridge Drive and 31' south of the center¬line of the eastbound lane of Wydown Avenue. SP MO East N=311798± E=264816± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.642839°±(N/+) Long=90.329808°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 606.52 FtUS (or) 184.868 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 606.87 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the bottom step at #1112 West Kirkham Avenue; 22' south of the centerline of West Kirkham Avenue and 38' east of the centerline of Idlewild Lane. SP MO East N=306560± E=260309± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.595714°±(N/+) Long=90.381657°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 579.87 FtUS (or) 176.746 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 580.22 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the first step on the east side facing Sappington Road of a commercial building addressed as #10028 Manchester Road; roughly 76' west of the centerline of Sappington Road and 146' south of the centerline of Manchester Road. SP MO East N=307308± E=259877± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.602458°±(N/+) Long=90.386606°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 554.41 FtUS (or) 168.985 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 554.81 FtUS "U" on the north side of a concrete base for an electric sign at #9740 Manchester Road; 34' south of the centerline of Manchester Road and 71' east of the centerline of Mueck Terrace. SP MO East N=307892± E=261227± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.607703°±(N/+) Long=90.371098°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 492.87 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of a concrete topped of a stone headwall on the east side of Rock Hill Road; 26' east of the centerline of Rock Hill Road and 83' from the centerline of Lithia Avenue. SP MO East N=307551± E=261825± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.604623°±(N/+) Long=90.364238°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 525.18 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the first concrete step at #905 N. Rock Hill Road; 41' west of the centerline of N. Rock Hill Road and 16' north of the centerline of Inglewood Court. SP MO East N=307891± E=261841± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.607686°±(N/+) Long=90.364048°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 526.42 FtUS "L" on the capstone for marquee and planter box of the Luther Memorial Church; 65' north of the centerline of Dale Avenue and 44' west of the centerline of Boland Place. SP MO East N=310133± E=264984± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.627836°±(N/+) Long=90.327914°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 505.50 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of the first step at #7700 Dale Avenue; 51' south of the centerline of Dale Avenue and 27' west of the centerline of Bredell Avenue. SP MO East N=310098± E=265154± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.627518°±(N/+) Long=90.325962°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 496.83 FtUS (or) 151.433 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 497.18 FtUS "L" on top of the southwest corner of base for a signal control box; 49' north of the cen¬terline of Murdoch Avenue and 30' east of the center¬line of Shrewsbury Avenue. SP MO East N=306063± E=265067± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.591169°±(N/+) Long=90.327049°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 553.50 FtUS (or) 168.708 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 553.85 FtUS "Sq" on the north side of a concrete base for a flag pole northwest of the Webster Groves City Hall; 53' south of the centerline of Lockwood Avenue and 53' east of the centerline of Elm Avenue. SP MO East N=306216± E=262490± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.592587°±(N/+) Long=90.356627°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 532.53 FtUS (or) 162.314 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 532.93 FtUS Found "L" on top of the southeast corner of the curved concrete parapet forming the west end of the north barrier wall on the Missouri Pacific Railroad bridge over Elm Avenue, near the west end of the metal pipe railing along the north barrier wall and on the side closest to the tracks. The benchmark is north of the Missouri Pacific Railroad tracks, west of Elm Avenue, and 850 feet more or less north along Elm Avenue from the intersection of Elm Avenue with Lockwood Avenue. SP MO East N=306488± E=262502± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.595037°±(N/+) Long=90.356484°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 514.50 FtUS "Sq" on top of concrete curb; 13' south of Oakwood Avenue and 57' west of the most western rail of Missouri Pacific railroad tracks. SP MO East N=306666± E=262788± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.596637°±(N/+) Long=90.353198°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 597.89 FtUS "U" on the southwest corner of the concrete traffic signal base on the northwest corner of McKnight Road and Old Bonhomme Road. SP MO East N=314617± E=262419± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.668272°±(N/+) Long=90.357292°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 564.24 FtUS (or) 171.980 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 564.59 FtUS "L" on top concrete retaining wall at south side of steps at house #1364 Berry Road; 20' east of centerline of Berry Road. SP MO East N=307494± E=260707± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.604124°±(N/+) Long=90.377074°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 619.05 FtUS (or) 188.686 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 619.39 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the first concrete step at #500 Sappington Road; (Glendale Presbyterian Church) 41' east of the centerline of Sappington Road and 15' north of the centerline of Winnetka Lane extended. SP MO East N=306126± E=259901± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.591809°±(N/+) Long=90.386347°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 492.74 FtUS (or) 150.188 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 493.09 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner at the north end of a retaining wall at the Church of Christ; 50' west of the centerline of McKnight Road and 200' south of the centerline of Litzsinger Road. SP MO East N=309108± E=261964± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.618648°±(N/+) Long=90.362615°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 553.35 FtUS "Sq" on the northeast corner of a concrete stoop 1' south and 1' west of edge at a service station; just north of #305 Warson Road, 0.20 mile south of Ladue Road. SP MO East N=312703± E=259069± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.651070°±(N/+) Long=90.395812°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 454.83 FtUS (or) 138.633 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 455.19 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-12-2 1992. Disk is set in front of #9267 along the north side of Manchester Road; 122' southwest of the centerline of an abandoned railroad track and 127' east of the east edge of Rock Hill Industrial Court. Approximately 0.3 miles east of the intersection of Rock Hill and Manchester Roads. [In June 2012 this benchmark was noted as surrounded by evergreen landscape trees. Access will become increasingly difficult as the trees grow.] <NGS PID="AA8640", Designation="SL 12 2"> SP MO East N=308297.0± E=262277.6± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.611338°±(N/+) Long=90.359028°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 564.44 FtUS (or) 172.041 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 564.83 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-14 1990 Disk is set along the south side of Delmar Boulevard at Overhill Drive; 4' south of the south edge of Delmar Boulevard, 50' east of the west corner of the rock wall and 40' west of the east corner of the rock wall. <NGS PID="AA8655", Designation="SL 14"> SP MO East N=313425.2± E=265537.0± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.657486°±(N/+) Long=90.321489°±(W/-) Page 20 of 57
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 611.40 FtUS (or) 186.354 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 611.68 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-42 1992 Disk is set in front of #9630 along the south side of Ladue Road; 21' south of the centerline of Ladue Road and 90' west of the centerline of driveway. <NGS PID="AA8683", Designation="SL 42"> SP MO East N=312989.3± E=259549.1± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.653644°±(N/+) Long=90.390292°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 493.38 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-45 1992 Disk is set in front of #1600 Logcabin Lane along the Highway 64 South Outer Road; 21' south of centerline of South Outer Road and 253' west of the centerline of the entrance to #1600 Logcabin Lane. <NGS PID="AA8686", Designation="SL 45"> SP MO East N=310532.7± E=260089.7± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.631506°±(N/+) Long=90.384117°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 615.36 FtUS (or) 187.563 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 615.70 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-48 1992 Disk is set in front of North Glendale School along the west edge of Sappington Road with the intersection of Kirkham Road; 23' west of centerline of Sappington Road and 26' north of the centerline of North Glendale School entrance. <NGS PID="AA8689", Designation="SL 48"> SP MO East N=306567.8± E=259886.5± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.595789°±(N/+) Long=90.386507°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 548.35 FtUS (or) 167.138 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 548.79 FtUS "U" on concrete slab; 0.5' south of the southwest corner of building on the northeast corner of Clayton Road and Hanley Road. SP MO East N=311248.7± E=264354.0± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.637898°±(N/+) Long=90.335126°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 478.65 FtUS (or) 145.893 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 479.09 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of the concrete base for the signal control box; south entrance to the Galleria Shopping center, west of Brentwood Boulevard at Antler drive. SP MO East N=310600± E=263376± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.632069°±(N/+) Long=90.346372°±(W/-)
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Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 490.06 FtUS (or) 149.370 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 490.47 FtUS "U" on the southwest corner of concrete base for the signal control box; northeast corner of Brentwood Boulevard and Galleria Parkway. SP MO East N=311013± E=263446± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.635789°±(N/+) Long=90.345560°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 504.60 FtUS (or) 153.803 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 505.02 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the concrete base for the signal control box; northeast corner of Brentwood Boulevard and Clayton Road. SP MO East N=311279.3± E=263462.3± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.638188°±(N/+) Long=90.345368°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 518.01 FtUS (or) 157.891 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 518.43 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the first step of sidewalk leading to #700 Brentwood Boulevard; roughly 11 feet east of the east curb of Brentwood Boulevard, and 65 feet south of the centerline of Davis Drive. SP MO East N=311717± E=263584± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.642129°±(N/+) Long=90.343961°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 562.95 FtUS (or) 171.586 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 563.36 FtUS Formerly an "L" on southeast corner of a concrete slab at the entrance to the Clayton Municipal swimming pool, 50 feet west of the centerline of Brentwood Boulevard and 200 feet north of Bonhomme Avenue. [In September of 2012, there was no mark, and the described corner was rounded or worn off. An elevation on the flat portion of the porch immediately behind the described corner reasonably matched the recorded elevation. The location was nearly unobservable because of landscape plantings, and may be dropped from future publications. This benchmark should not be used unless verified in relation to a second published benchmark.] SP MO East N=312424± E=263756± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.648496°±(N/+) Long=90.341972°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 534.46 FtUS (or) 162.903 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 534.86 FtUS "Sq" on concrete signal base; southeast corner of Hanley Road and Balson Avenue. SP MO East N=314191± E=264617± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.664401°±(N/+) Long=90.332043°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 553.18 FtUS "L" on concrete signal base; 25' west of the centerline of Hanley Road at the centerline of Wydown Boulevard extended. SP MO East N=311824± E=264356± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.643081°±(N/+) Long=90.335091°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 466.11 FtUS RM 358 FEMA PANEL 302; "O" in OPEN on fire hydrant in front of #7733 West Bruno Avenue; about 570 feet east of Laclede Station Road. SP MO East N=309572± E=264999± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.622782°±(N/+) Long=90.327754°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 456.63 FtUS RM 359 FEMA PANEL 302; "60D nail" 1.5 feet above the ground in utility pole M763; approximately 100 feet south of #7745 Lindbergh Drive and 750 feet southwest of Bredell Avenue. SP MO East N=309350± E=265054± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.620781°±(N/+) Long=90.327127°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 455.64 FtUS RM 360 FEMA PANEL 302; "O" in OPEN on fire hydrant on the north side of Folk Avenue; approximately 50 feet east of the Hampton Branch. SP MO East N=309222± E=264957± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.619630°±(N/+) Long=90.328243°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 449.87 FtUS RM 361 FEMA PANEL 302; "O" in OPEN on fire hydrant at the northeast corner of Jerome Avenue and Laclede Station Road. SP MO East N=309004± E=264849± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.617668°±(N/+) Long=90.329488°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 442.67 FtUS RM 362 FEMA PANEL 302; "O" in OPEN on fire hydrant between houses at #2538 and #2540 West Point Drive; about 350 feet southwest of Rannells Avenue. SP MO East N=308739± E=264731± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.615282°±(N/+) Long=90.330849°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 463.51 FtUS RM 504 FEMA PANEL 302; "Cross" on north bolt of top flange of fire hydrant; southwest corner of Hanley Industrial Court and West Hanley Industrial Court. SP MO East N=309674± E=263731± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.623722°±(N/+) Long=90.342313°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 444.90 FtUS RM 506 FEMA PANEL 302; "Cross" on north bolt of top flange of fire hydrant; near Hermelin Drive and Addie Avenue. SP MO East N=308720± E=264339± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.615118°±(N/+) Long=90.335350°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 484.04 FtUS RM 349 FEMA PANEL 169; "Sq" on southeast wingwall of Log Cabin Lane bridge over Deer Creek. SP MO East N=310295± E=260024± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.629366°±(N/+) Long=90.384875°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 9441 in Chapter 9.]
[Republished as BM 9442 in Chapter 9.]
NGVD29 Elev = 523.13 FtUS RM 410 FEMA PANEL 301; "Cross" on south edge of manhole rim; center of the intersection of Tavalon Avenue and Madison Avenue. SP MO East N=307374± E=260961± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.603040°±(N/+) Long=90.374160°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 518.93 FtUS RM 411 FEMA PANEL 301; "Cross" on east bolt of top flange of fire hydrant front of #9705 Madison Avenue; approximately 100 feet south of Brownbert Avenue. SP MO East N=307540± E=261210± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.604532°±(N/+) Long=90.371298°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 495.83 FtUS RM 413 FEMA PANEL 301; "Cross" on east bolt of top flange of fire hydrant; northwest corner of the Rock Hill Road and Hills Drive. SP MO East N=307714± E=261827± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.606092°±(N/+) Long=90.364212°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 465.40 FtUS RM 414 FEMA PANEL 301; "Cross" on west bolt of top flange of fire hydrant; northeast corner of Des Peres Avenue and Almentor Avenue. SP MO East N=307790± E=262131± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.606772°±(N/+) Long=90.360720°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 542.48 FtUS RM 509 FEMA PANEL 301; "Cross" on south edge of Bell System manhole; south side of Russell Avenue at intersection with Collier Avenue. SP MO East N=307993± E=262921± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.608590°±(N/+) Long=90.351646°±(W/-) Page 24 of 57
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 454.73 FtUS RM 510 FEMA PANEL 301; "Cross" on south edge of manhole rim; center of intersection of Lawndell Drive and Russell Avenue. SP MO East N=308123± E=262604± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.609766°±(N/+) Long=90.355284°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 458.31 FtUS (or) 139.694 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 458.75 FtUS RM 512 FEMA PANEL 301; "Sq" on the top southwest corner of the north headwall of culvert for Shady Grove Creek under Thornton Avenue; on the north side of Thornton Avenue and 280 feet more or less west of the centerline of Brentwood Boulevard. SP MO East N=307535± E=262896± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.604464°±(N/+) Long=90.351942°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 521.04 FtUS RM 516 FEMA PANEL 301; "Sq" on concrete floor; 4 feet south of southwest corner of pavilion at end of Denver Place in Larson Park. SP MO East N=306343± E=261253± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.593748°±(N/+) Long=90.370824°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 477.28 FtUS RM 518 FEMA PANEL 189; "Cross" on east bolt of top flange of fire hydrant in front of #1445 Claytonia Terrace; approximately 100 feet north of Council Place. SP MO East N=309946± E=265376± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.626145°±(N/+) Long=90.323416°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 483.80 FtUS RM 519 FEMA PANEL 189; "Sq" on concrete curb at southeast corner of the intersection of Claytonia Terrace and Lovella Avenue. SP MO East N=310211± E=265386± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.628532°±(N/+) Long=90.323295°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 500.89 FtUS RM 520 FEMA PANEL 189; "Cross" on east bolt of top flange of fire hydrant; southwest corner of the intersection of Claytonia Terrace and Wise Avenue. SP MO East N=310522± E=265449± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.631333°±(N/+) Long=90.322565°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 472.54 FtUS RM 521 FEMA PANEL 189; "Sq" on concrete curb at northwest corner of the intersection of Elinor Avenue and Laclede Station Road. SP MO East N=309857± E=264811± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.625353°±(N/+) Long=90.329906°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 494.91 FtUS RM 523 FEMA PANEL 189; "Cross" on east bolt of top flange of fire hydrant; northeast corner of the intersection of Hampton Drive and South Drive. SP MO East N=310503± E=264515± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.631178°±(N/+) Long=90.333292°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 527.65 FtUS RM 524 FEMA PANEL 189; "Cross" on south bolt of top flange of fire hydrant; west side of Hampton Drive at intersection of Park Drive. SP MO East N=311025± E=264484± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.635881°±(N/+) Long=90.333637°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 498.30 FtUS RM 351 FEMA PANEL 188; "Sq" on northwest corner of north hub guard along Wenlou Drive bridge over Black Creek. SP MO East N=311813± E=262918± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.643004°±(N/+) Long=90.351610°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 494.55 FtUS RM 352 FEMA PANEL 188; "Sq" on south end of concrete breakwater at confluence of Country Club drainage with Black Creek. SP MO East N=312420± E=262745± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.648475°±(N/+) Long=90.353586°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 488.34 FtUS RM 501 FEMA PANEL 188; "Cross" on south bolt of top flange of fire hydrant; southwest corner of Wrenwood Lane and North Swan Circle. SP MO East N=310108± E=262638± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.627648°±(N/+) Long=90.354857°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 489.38 FtUS RM 527 FEMA PANEL 188; "Cross" on south bolt of top flange of fire hydrant; northwest corner of the intersection of Antler Drive and Ashmere Drive. SP MO East N=310696± E=263021± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.632939°±(N/+) Long=90.350447°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 518.98 FtUS RM 405 FEMA PANEL 191; "Sq" on the southwest corner of the east concrete headwall of the Railway Bridge at Engelholm Creek. SP MO East N=315398± E=267492± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.675222°±(N/+) Long=90.298978°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 489.02 FtUS RM 473 FEMA PANEL 191; "Sq" on northwest corner of the concrete headwall of culvert downstream from Pennsylvania Avenue bridge over River Des Peres. SP MO East N=313911± E=266635± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.661842°±(N/+) Long=90.308862°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 505.20 FtUS RM 489 FEMA PANEL 191; "Sq" on northeast corner of south walk of the Julian Avenue bridge over Northeast Branch. SP MO East N=314835± E=266620± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.670167°±(N/+) Long=90.309012°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 503.04 FtUS RM 499 FEMA PANEL 191; "O" in OPEN on fire hydrant; north side of Etzel Avenue at the entrance to the General Electric parking lot about 100 feet east of Engelholm Creek. SP MO East N=314372± E=267753± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.665974°±(N/+) Long=90.296005°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 536.00 FtUS RM 482 FEMA PANEL 186; "Sq" on southwest corner of east walk of 82nd Boulevard bridge over River Des Peres. SP MO East N=315292± E=263177± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.674342°±(N/+) Long=90.348569°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 536.32 FtUS (or) 163.470 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 536.78 FtUS RM 491 FEMA PANEL 186; "L" on northwest corner of north concrete headwall of the Olive Boulevard double box culvert on Southwest Branch [between Kramers Bar and McDonalds restaurant]. SP MO East N=315219± E=263272± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.673683°±(N/+) Long=90.347478°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 557.20 FtUS RM 493 FEMA PANEL 186; "Sq" on top of west curb of the McKnight Road bridge over Southwest Branch. SP MO East N=315109± E=262458± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.672704°±(N/+) Long=90.356835°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 526.71 FtUS (or) 160.541 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 527.03 FtUS RM 402 FEMA PANEL 187; "O" in OPEN on fire hydrant; northeast corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and Dunleer Way. SP MO East N=315349± E=266128± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.674807°±(N/+) Long=90.314654°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 506.84 FtUS RM 475 FEMA PANEL 187; "Sq" on northeast corner of east concrete curb at footbridge over River Des Peres; upstream of Vernon Avenue. SP MO East N=314385± E=265748± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.666129°±(N/+) Long=90.319043°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 533.32 FtUS (or) 162.555 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 533.64 FtUS RM 481 FEMA PANEL 187; "Sq" on southwest corner of west headwall of Olive Boulevard bridge #K690R over River Des Peres. SP MO East N=315124± E=263730± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.672820°±(N/+) Long=90.342217°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 534.15 FtUS RM 485 FEMA PANEL 187; "Sq" on northeast corner of south walk of Canton Avenue bridge over Northwest Branch. SP MO East N=315542± E=263620± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.676587°±(N/+) Long=90.343473°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 9443 in Chapter 9.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 552.45 FtUS (or) 168.387 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 552.88 FtUS Missouri Department of Natural Resources Geographic Reference System standard aluminum tablet stamped "SL-03" and situated on the grounds of the Ethical Society at 9001 Clayton Road, 30'± north of the center of Clayton Road, 40'± east of the center of the western entrance to the Ethical Society, and roughly 0.16 miles east of McKnight Road. <NGS PID="AA8609", Designation="SL 03"> SP MO East N=311444.8± E=262643.3± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.639691°±(N/+) Long=90.354772°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 561.89 FtUS (or) 171.265 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 562.31 FtUS Cut "U" on the north side of a 3' diameter concrete traffic signal base on a traffic island in the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Clayton Road and McKnight Road, 22'± south of the center of Clayton Road and 30'± east of the center of McKnight Road. SP MO East N=311482± E=262403± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.640029°±(N/+) Long=90.357531°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 573.71 FtUS (or) 174.866 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 574.12 FtUS Cut "U" on the southwest side of a 3' diameter concrete traffic signal base in the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Clayton Road and Lay Road, 26'± north of the center of Clayton Road and 23'± west of the center of Lay Road. SP MO East N=311615± E=262021± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.641233°±(N/+) Long=90.361917°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 601.14 FtUS (or) 183.228 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 601.55 FtUS Cut "U" on the south side of a 3' diameter concrete traffic signal base in the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Clayton Road and Price Road, 28'± north of the center of Clayton Road and 27'± west of the center of Price Road. SP MO East N=311635± E=261582± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.641419°±(N/+) Long=90.366959°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 517.29 FtUS (or) 157.669 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 517.67 FtUS Aluminum Tablet stamped "14-455" epoxied into drill hole in east end of concrete wall along north side of parking for VFW Hall at 1717 Big Bend Road, 342' north of the centerline of West Bruno Avenue and 40' west of the centerline of Big Bend Road. SP MO East N=309669± E=265592± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.623646°±(N/+) Long=90.320941°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 552.55 FtUS (or) 168.418 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 552.95 FtUS Aluminum Tablet stamped "MoDOT 16-06 Survey Control" epoxied into sidewalk in front of two story brick building at 1155 Big Bend Road; 64' north of the centerline of Wise Avenue and 32' west of the centerline of Big Bend Road. SP MO East N=310510± E=265730± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.631220°±(N/+) Long=90.319338°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 537.47 FtUS (or) 163.821 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 537.88 FtUS Aluminum Tablet stamped "MoDOT 17-06 Survey Control" in 8 inch square concrete pad or monument 0.6 feet behind back of sidewalk east of Big Bend Road west of the Walgreens property addressed as #6733 Clayton Road in the northeast corner of Big Bend Road and Clayton Road; roughly 22 feet northwest of a traffic signal mast, and 107 feet south of the northwest corner of the westernmost end of yellow brick fence or wall along the north side of the Walgreens property. SP MO East N=310932± E=265813± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.635020°±(N/+) Long=90.318375°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 520.74 FtUS (or) 158.723 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 521.18 FtUS Aluminum Tablet stamped "Metrolink 644 Cross County 2000" grouted into concrete curb rounding at the southeast corner of Big Bend Road and Pershing Avenue. Pershing Avenue is gated to the east of Big Bend Road. Tablet is 31' east of centerline Big Bend Road and 4' north of the easterly prolongation of the centerline of Pershing Avenue west of Big Bend Road. SP MO East N=312838± E=266130± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.652185°±(N/+) Long=90.314690°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 553.33 FtUS "Sq" southwest corner of top step to lower flight of steps at main yard entrance to [Steris] (Reardon Paint) Company #7501 Page Avenue; opposite Nixon (formerly Lee) Avenue. [This is prior BM 9038 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 14.] SP MO East N=315755± E=265773± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.678470°±(N/+) Long=90.318725°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 590.24 FtUS "L" on north concrete curb of Lynn Avenue at P.C. of rounding into North and South Road; 15' north of centerline Lynn Avenue and 65' east of centerline of North and South Road. [This is prior BM 9140 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 14.] SP MO East N=315681± E=264298± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.677829°±(N/+) Long=90.335678°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 524.94 FtUS (or) 160.001 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 525.35 FtUS "L" northwest corner first concrete step along entrance walk to one story brick residence #1284 Pennsylvania Avenue; southeast corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and Dunleer Avenue. [This is prior BM 9143 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 14.] SP MO East N=315336± E=266131± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.674689°±(N/+) Long=90.314620°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 578.12 FtUS (or) 176.212 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 578.55 FtUS "U" on the south side of the first step at the entrance to #6501 Martin Luther King Drive; 35' north of the centerline of Martin Luther King Drive and 25' west of the centerline of Valle Drive. [This is prior BM 9303 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 14.] SP MO East N=315708± E=268249± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.678000°±(N/+) Long=90.290270°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 575.41 FtUS (or) 175.386 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 575.81 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-15 set in a 12" circular concrete monument elevated several inches above surrounding asphalt paved parking slightly south of the concrete walk along the south side of Dr Martin Luther King Drive approximately 0.35 miles east of Lucas and Hunt Road and in the western part of property for the Evangelist Center of the Church of God in Christ at #6404 and #6416 Dr Martin Luther King Drive, roughly 10 feet south of the back of curb of Dr Martin Luther King Drive and 39 feet west of the west end of a brick wall situated along the south edge of sidewalk in front of the brick church building. (Dr Martin Luther King Drive is sometimes known as St Charles Rock Road, based on the name commonly used west of Lucas and Hunt Road.) [This is prior BM 9343 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 14.] <NGS PID="AA8656", Designation="SL 15"> SP MO East N=315669.8± E=268271.6± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.677655°±(N/+) Long=90.290011°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 523.59 FtUS (or) 159.590 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 524.00 FtUS RM 403 FEMA PANEL 187; "0" in OPEN on fire hydrant at the northwest corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and Eltora Avenue. [This is prior BM 9386 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 14.] SP MO East N=315693± E=266150± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.677905°±(N/+) Long=90.314393°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 556.04 FtUS "Sq" 1' west of the east end of a concrete box culvert; 15' north of the center line of Litzsinger Road and 475' east of Warson Road. [This is prior BM 13188 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 14.] SP MO East N=309865± E=259220± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.625501°±(N/+) Long=90.394115°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 538.82 FtUS (or) 164.233 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 539.22 FtUS "Sq" on corner of old concrete curb of Old Orchard Center parking lot; southwest corner of East Lockwood Avenue and South Old Orchard Avenue. The former northeast corner of parking lot has been landscaped. The benchmark and old curb are under several inches of mulch and landscape fabric behind the inside corner of a decorative concrete block landscape wall situated behind the sidewalks. [This is prior BM 19359 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 14.] SP MO East N=306020± E=264037± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.590798°±(N/+) Long=90.338873°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 489.53 FtUS (or) 149.209 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 489.86 FtUS Cut "L" at joint on back of concrete curb along the east side of the center median island within Laclede Station Road for support pillars of the bridges where I-44 and the Frisco Railroad pass over Laclede Station Road. Benchmark is roughly 5 feet east of the centerline of Laclede Station Road at the eastern point of curve of the northern bullnose rounding on the median island; 106 feet north of the northernmost center support pillar of Frisco Railroad bridge; and 160 feet more or less south of the center of Arlington Avenue. SP MO East N=306433± E=264622± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.594510°±(N/+) Long=90.332149°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 450.12 FtUS (or) 137.198 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 450.46 FtUS Cut "L" on the top east edge of the concrete barrier wall between the pavement and sidewalk near the southeast corner of Bridge #425 for Big Bend Road crossing Deer Creek north of the intersection of Big Bend Road with Key West Avenue and Shrewsbury Avenue. Benchmark is on the top north side of the concrete joint at vertical break near the southeast corner of Bridge #425 where the east barrier wall slopes down to the south. SP MO East N=307152± E=265131± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.600978°±(N/+) Long=90.326290°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 449.94 FtUS (or) 137.142 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 450.27 FtUS Cut "L" on the top west edge of the concrete barrier wall between the pavement and sidewalk near the southwest corner of Bridge #425 for Big Bend Road crossing Deer Creek north of the intersection of Big Bend Road with Key West Avenue and Shrewsbury Avenue. Benchmark is on the top north side of the concrete joint at vertical break near the southwest corner of Bridge #425 where the west barrier wall slopes down to the south. SP MO East N=307162± E=265115± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.601069°±(N/+) Long=90.326474°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 448.07 FtUS (or) 136.572 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 448.41 FtUS Aluminum disk on top of the concrete barrier wall between the pavement and sidewalk near the northwest corner of Bridge #425 for Big Bend Road crossing Deer Creek north of the intersection of Big Bend Road with Key West Avenue and Shrewsbury Avenue. Benchmark is vertically over a rectangular bridge identification plate inset into the east or street side of the west barrier wall and 2.5 feet south of the concrete joint at vertical break in the top of barrier wall near the northwest corner of Bridge #425 where the west barrier wall slopes down to the north. SP MO East N=307209± E=265145± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.601492°±(N/+) Long=90.326128°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 519.04 FtUS (or) 158.203 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 519.39 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of the concrete base for traffic signal control box situated along the west side of Big Bend Road between Flora Avenue and Comfort Avenue in front of a parking lot on property addressed as #2929 South Big Bend Boulevard; roughly 33 feet west of the centerline of Big Bend Road and 25 feet north of the westerly prolongation of the centerline of that part of Flora Avenue which runs east from Big Bend Road. SP MO East N=308101± E=265344± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.609524°±(N/+) Long=90.323824°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 439.38 FtUS (or) 133.922 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 439.67 FtUS Cut "L" in top of concrete barrier wall between the pavement and the sidewalk along the north side of the Lansdowne Avenue bridge over the River Des Peres, on the east side of a joint at the vertical break in the west end of the barrier wall before it slopes downward; roughly 75 feet east of the centerline of entrance drive to the Shrewsbury Metrolink Station opposite the northern terminus of River Des Peres Boulevard. [This benchmark is situated in the City of St Louis.] SP MO East N=306186± E=265842± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.592263°±(N/+) Long=90.318150°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 454.71 FtUS (or) 138.595 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 455.01 FtUS Cut "L" in northeast corner of concrete pad surrounding the raised concrete base and metal case for a traffic signal control box on the southwest corner of Lansdowne Avenue and Murdoch Cut Off; roughly 34 feet south of centerline Lansdowne Avenue and 31.5 feet north of the flagpole for American Legion Post 111 at #7300 Lansdowne Avenue. SP MO East N=306185± E=265574± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.592259°±(N/+) Long=90.321226°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 490.87 FtUS (or) 149.616 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 491.18 FtUS Aluminum Tablet stamped Metrolink 515 and set in mass of concrete within a grassy area southeast of the intersection of Shrewsbury Avenue with the onramp to eastbound I-44; roughly 14.5 feet north of the western end of a 5 foot tall chain link fence along the north edge of a parking lot, 18.4 feet northeast of a fire hydrant, and 11.4 feet south of a sign post for "I-44 East" signage. SP MO East N=306416± E=265117± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.594348°±(N/+) Long=90.326467°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 490.40 FtUS (or) 149.475 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 490.72 FtUS Aluminum Tablet stamped Metrolink 507 and set in mass of concrete within a grassy area south of the shoulder and guard rail along the south side of I-44 near the eastern end of the merge lane for the ramp from Shrewsbury Avenue onto Eastbound I-44; roughly 4.5 feet south of the face of metal guard rail, 246 feet west of the west end of the I-44 bridge over railroad tracks, and 1280 feet more or less east of Metrolink Tablet 515. SP MO East N=306535± E=265489± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.595414°±(N/+) Long=90.322194°±(W/-) Page 34 of 57
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 569.58 FtUS (or) 173.609 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 570.02 FtUS "O" in Open on fire hydrant in the tree lawn northwest of the intersection of Delmar Boulevard with the portion of Vassar Avenue running northerly from Delmar Boulevard; situated roughly 29 feet north of the centerline of Delmar Boulevard and 34 feet west of the centerline of Vassar Avenue. North of Delmar Boulevard Vassar Avenue is a gated street. SP MO East N=313400± E=265889± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.657253°±(N/+) Long=90.317445°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 505.07 FtUS (or) 153.946 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 505.50 FtUS Found "L" cut in the top northeast corner of the concrete barrier wall supporting a metal railing north of the sidewalk along the north side of Bridge #260 along Vernon Avenue over River Des Peres; roughly 34' north of the centerline of Vernon Avenue and 274 feet west of the centerline of Pennsylvania Avenue. SP MO East N=314047.4± E=265958.1± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.663084°±(N/+) Long=90.316637°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 511.10 FtUS (or) 155.784 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 511.53 FtUS Cut "L" on the westernmost corner of the concrete base of the traffic signal control box situated northeast of Olive Boulevard, between the pavement and sidewalk along the northeast side of Olive Boulevard, and East of Pennsylvania Avenue at property addressed as #6985 Olive Boulevard. SP MO East N=314363± E=266013± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.665926°±(N/+) Long=90.315999°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 548.39 FtUS (or) 167.151 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 548.82 FtUS "O" in Open on fire hydrant on the northeast corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and Julian Avenue; roughly 19 feet north of the centerline of Julian Avenue and 42 feet east of the centerline of Pennsylvania Avenue. SP MO East N=314868± E=266076± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.670474°±(N/+) Long=90.315263°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 521.67 FtUS (or) 159.004 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 522.08 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast top corner of the concrete barrier wall between the pavement and sidewalk near the southeast corner of bridge for Pennsylvania Avenue crossing the North Branch of the River Des Peres north of the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue with Canton Avenue. Benchmark is on the top north side of the concrete joint at vertical break near the southeast corner of bridge where the east barrier wall slopes down to the south; roughly 22 feet east of centerline Pennsylvania Avenue, 66 feet north of the easterly prolongation of the centerline of Canton Avenue, and 200 feet more or less south of the centerline of Page Avenue. SP MO East N=315501± E=266146± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.676176°±(N/+) Long=90.314444°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 507.02 FtUS (or) 154.540 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 507.39 FtUS Cut "U" on the northwest top edge of a round concrete base for traffic signal mast on a traffic island situated southwest of the right turn lane from westbound Clayton Road onto northbound Warson Road; roughly 30 feet east of the centerline of Warson Road, 37 feet north of the centerline of Clayton Road, 7.4 feet east of the west curb face of traffic island, and 11.3 feet north of the south curb face of traffic island. SP MO East N=311031± E=259072± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.636007°±(N/+) Long=90.395799°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 505.42 FtUS (or) 154.052 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 505.79 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of the square concrete base of a traffic signal on the north side of Clayton Road opposite the intersection of Clayton Road with the northern end of South Forty Drive where it passes under the Interstate 64 overpass for Clayton Road; roughly 30 feet north of the centerline of Clayton Road, 84 feet east of the east end of the south railing for a pedestrian bridge over Deer Creek, and 59 feet more or less west of the centerline exit drive for commercial property addressed as #9925 Clayton Road. SP MO East N=311094± E=259189± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.636573°±(N/+) Long=90.394455°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 510.74 FtUS (or) 155.675 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 511.12 FtUS Aluminum Tablet stamped "MoDOT 05-06 Survey Control" set in a concrete monument and situated in a grassy median between the entrance and exit drives to commercial properties addressed as #9890 and #9900 Clayton Road approximately 300 feet east of the off ramp from I-64 West onto Clayton Road; and roughly 2 feet south of the back of sidewalk, 29 feet south of the centerline of Clayton Road, 34 feet east of the centerline of entrance drive and 28 feet west of the centerline of exit drive. SP MO East N=311167± E=259369± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.637229°±(N/+) Long=90.392386°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 533.16 FtUS (or) 162.506 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 533.54 FtUS Aluminum Tablet stamped "MoDOT 06-06 Survey Control" set in a concrete monument and situated in a grassy area between the parking lots for commercial buildings addressed as #9651 Clayton Road and #9705 Clayton Road; roughly 5 feet north of the back of sidewalk, 32 feet north of the centerline of Clayton Road, and 45 feet west of the centerline of drive to #9651 Clayton Road. SP MO East N=311381± E=259728± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.639153°±(N/+) Long=90.388260°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 544.21 FtUS (or) 165.876 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 544.55 FtUS Cut "L" on top northwest corner of the 3'x2' raised concrete base for metal traffic signal control box situated north of property addressed as #8162 Big Bend Boulevard, roughly 24 feet southeast of the centerline of Big Bend Boulevard, 27 feet along a slant parallel to Big Bend Boulevard northeast of the east curb line of South Old Orchard Avenue, and 13 feet northeast of a traffic signal mast. SP MO East N=306100± E=264068± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.591518°±(N/+) Long=90.338515°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 562.73 FtUS (or) 171.519 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 563.07 FtUS Cut "L" on top southwest corner of the 3'x4' raised concrete base for metal traffic signal control box situated in a grassy area east of the sidewalk along the east side of the right turn lane from northbound Edgar Road onto eastbound Big Bend Boulevard and west of a decorative stucco wall or fence, 70 feet more or less southeast of the centerline of Big Bend Boulevard, and 35 feet more or less northeast of the southern bull nose end of a concrete traffic island within Edgar Road. SP MO East N=305931± E=263539± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.590004°±(N/+) Long=90.344591°±(W/-) Page 37 of 57
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 499.49 FtUS (or) 152.246 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 499.91 FtUS Aluminum Tablet stamped "MoDOT 15-06 Survey Control" and set in the southern part of a concrete traffic island situated northeast of the right turn lane from eastbound Clayton Road onto southbound Brentwood Boulevard; roughly 33 feet northeast of a fire hydrant situated within a landscaped area for the Galleria shopping mall southwest of the right turn lane, 19 feet south of a traffic signal mast on the traffic island, 12 feet north of the southernmost tip of traffic island, and 5 feet west of the east curb of the traffic island. SP MO East N=311255.2± E=263430.5± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.637971°±(N/+) Long=90.345733°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 521.93 FtUS (or) 159.086 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 522.34 FtUS Cut "L" on back of sidewalk at the easternmost angle point of a diagonal widening at the junction of the sidewalk along the east side of Moorlands Drive with the sidewalk along the south side of Clayton Road; roughly 32 feet east of the centerline of Moorlands Drive, 35 feet south of the southern double yellow line in the center of Clayton Road, 8 feet south of the curb along Clayton Road, and 43 feet west of utility pole #164274. SP MO East N=310971± E=265473± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.635377°±(N/+) Long=90.322279°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 619.46 FtUS (or) 188.813 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 619.80 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of the concrete base for metal traffic signal control box at the northwest corner of the intersection of Manchester Road and Woodlawn Avenue; roughly 43 feet north of the north edge of concrete median island within Manchester Road, and 67 feet west of the west edge of concrete median island within Woodlawn Avenue. SP MO East N=307133± E=258967± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.600891°±(N/+) Long=90.397055°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 559.77 FtUS (or) 170.618 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 560.11 FtUS Cut "L" in the northeast corner of concrete base for MoDOT Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) metal disconnect box at the southwest corner of Manchester Road and Kenmore Drive; roughly 18 feet west of the centerline of Kenmore Drive, 64 feet northeast of the northeast corner of apartment building on property addressed as #10128 Manchester Road, and 40 feet more or less south of the centerline of Manchester Road. SP MO East N=307219± E=259491± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.601660°±(N/+) Long=90.391039°±(W/-) Page 38 of 57
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 573.10 FtUS (or) 174.682 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 573.45 FtUS Cut "L" on northeast corner of concrete base for traffic signal mast within the sidewalk southwest of Manchester Road at Sappington Road; roughly 27 feet west of the centerline of Sappington Road, 46 feet south of the centerline of Manchester Road and 6 feet east of a fire hydrant. SP MO East N=307341± E=259893± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.602755°±(N/+) Long=90.386422°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 572.48 FtUS (or) 174.493 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 572.83 FtUS Cut "U" in northwest side of round concrete base for traffic signal mast on the south side of Manchester Road generally south of a signalized commercial drive entrance for "Warson Woods Center" addressed as #9901 Manchester Road, being the second entrance west of the Dierbergs grocery store in the east end of said shopping center; and the traffic signal being situated in the rear of and near the northwest corner of a residential property south of Manchester Road addressed as #87 Frederick Lane; roughly 25 feet east of the southerly prolongation of the center of commercial entrance and 30 feet more or less south of the centerline of Manchester Road. SP MO East N=307487± E=260292± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.604066°±(N/+) Long=90.381839°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 584.35 FtUS (or) 178.110 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 584.70 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of the concrete base for metal traffic signal control box located at the northeast corner of Manchester Road and Berry Road; roughly 39 feet east of the centerline of Berry Road, 38 feet north of the centerline of Manchester Road, and 21 feet southwest of commercial sign post for restaurant addressed as #9865 Manchester Road. SP MO East N=307640± E=260647± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.605440°±(N/+) Long=90.377761°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 510.59 FtUS (or) 155.628 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 510.95 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-12A situated southeast of Manchester Road and Rock Hill Road in a grassy area west of the northernmost parking space in the western row of parking for "McKnight Crossing" shopping center; roughly 1 foot east of the sidewalk along Rock Hill Road, and 5 feet southeast of a utility pole. SP MO East N=308076± E=261890± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.609352°±(N/+) Long=90.363482°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 497.50 FtUS (or) 151.638 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 497.87 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of concrete base for MoDOT Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) metal disconnect box situated north of the sidewalk along the south side of Manchester Road; roughly 26 feet northeast of the northeast corner of Edward Jones Investments building physically addressed as #9028 Manchester Road, 5 feet southeast of utility pole #2860712, 41 feet west of MoDOT ITS metal pole, and 170 feet more or less west of the centerline of Manderly Drive. SP MO East N=308420± E=262697± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.612440°±(N/+) Long=90.354210°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 458.80 FtUS (or) 139.842 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 459.17 FtUS Cut "U" on south side of round concrete base for the westernmost overhead lamp post in grass area between the sidewalk along the south side of Manchester Road and the parking lot for Dean Team used car lot at #8154 Manchester Road; roughly 40 feet south of the centerline of Manchester Road and 340 feet more or less west of the centerline of Mercantile Drive. SP MO East N=308338± E=263990± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.611682°±(N/+) Long=90.339365°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 448.69 FtUS (or) 136.761 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 449.06 FtUS Aluminum Tablet stamped Metrolink 514 and set in mass of concrete within and covered by an area landscaped with gravel south of Manchester Road in front of commercial building addressed as #8044 Manchester Road; roughly 3 feet south of the intersection of the south side of Manchester Road sidewalk with the west curb rounding of commercial drive and parking, and 42 feet northwest of the northeast corner of the aforesaid commercial building. SP MO East N=308344.9± E=264316.7± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.611739°±(N/+) Long=90.335614°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 449.95 FtUS (or) 137.145 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 450.32 FtUS Aluminum Tablet stamped Metrolink 506 and set in mass of concrete within a grassy area north of Manchester Road and west of the southern commercial drive access to a large industrial property addressed as #2600 South Hanley Road, 460 feet more or less east of the centerline of Hanley Road and 300 feet more or less west of the centerline of Metrolink bridge over Manchester Road; roughly 56 feet west of utility pole #392214 in concrete island west side of the aforesaid commercial drive, 82 feet northeast of utility pole #3422187 with a street light, 11 feet north of the center of an ATT phone box flush with ground, and 13 feet perpendicular distance north of the north curb of Manchester Road. SP MO East N=308546.7± E=264612.3± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.613552°±(N/+) Long=90.332216°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 508.68 FtUS (or) 155.047 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 509.05 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-192 and situated in a grassy area south of Maplewood Richmond Heights High School addressed as #7539 Manchester Road; roughly 450 feet west of the centerline of Big Bend Road, 25.5 feet north of the curb along the north side of Manchester Road, 29 feet south of the southwest corner of fence around tennis courts, 71 feet northeast of a power pole, 68 feet northwest of a second power pole, and 149 feet west of the northwest post of a bus stop shelter. SP MO East N=308464± E=265282± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.612796°±(N/+) Long=90.324528°±(W/-)
NAVD88(Adopt NGS) Elev = 466.53 FtUS (or) 142.200 Meter <NAVD88 ORTHO HEIGHT per NGS datasheet as of 04/15/2014> NGVD29 Elev = 466.90 FtUS U.S. Geological Survey Benchmark brass disk stamped "60 M 1931 467" in top of concrete post monument having no magnetic material. Benchmark is in the northwest angle of Hampton Avenue and Manchester Avenue on the grounds of the Gratiot School situated in a stone revetted slope between two fences, roughly 46 feet west of the centerline of Hampton Avenue, 42 feet north of the centerline of Manchester Avenue, 16 feet northwest of the corner of a concrete wall, and 10 feet southwest of a metal signpost for the Gratiot School. This benchmark is in the City of St. Louis. <NGS PID="JC1817", Designation="60 M"> SP MO East N=309545.7± E=268407.7± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.622481°±(N/+) Long=90.288609°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 556.58 FtUS (or) 169.646 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 556.98 FtUS Cut "U" on south side of concrete base of traffic signal at northwest corner of the intersection of Dr Martin Luther King Drive (sometimes known as St Charles Rock Road) with Ogden Avenue, roughly 26' west of centerline Ogden Avenue and 31' north of centerline Martin Luther King Drive. SP MO East N=315818± E=268086± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.678994°±(N/+) Long=90.292141°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 552.08 FtUS (or) 168.274 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 552.52 FtUS Cut "L" on northeast corner of concrete sidewalk slab situated near the bottom southeast corner of a low masonry wall at the southeast corner of #6901 Delmar Boulevard, roughly 37' north of centerline Delmar Boulevard, 23' west of the center of southbound lane of Trinity Avenue, and 14' east of the northernmost of two massive masonry pillars topped with lion statues and situated one on each side of Delmar Boulevard. SP MO East N=313337± E=266434± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.656675°±(N/+) Long=90.311185°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 516.68 FtUS (or) 157.484 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 517.09 FtUS Cut square on top of curb at centerline south end of grass median island in Midland Boulevard at the intersection of Midland Boulevard with Ahern Avenue and Purdue Avenue on the west and with Purdue Avenue on the east. Benchmark is west of #1100 Midland Boulevard and roughly 40' north of the westerly projection of the centerline of that part of Purdue Avenue which is east of Midland Boulevard along the north side of Heman Park. SP MO East N=314595± E=265278± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.668029°±(N/+) Long=90.324439°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 518.69 FtUS (or) 158.096 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 519.09 FtUS Cut square on top of east barrier wall between the northbound pavement lanes and sidewalk of Midland Avenue Bridge No 253 over Des Peres Creek, near the south end of the barrier wall and directly above the identification plaque set in the west face of the barrier wall. SP MO East N=314820± E=265171± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.670058°±(N/+) Long=90.325664°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 549.84 FtUS (or) 167.593 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 550.24 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of the concrete base of a traffic signal control box at the northwest corner of Hanley Road and Olive Boulevard near Walgreens. SP MO East N=315012± E=264641± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.671796°±(N/+) Long=90.331750°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 547.95 FtUS (or) 167.016 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 548.33 FtUS Cut "L" on the north face of sidewalk at top of curb on the south side of Olive Boulevard north of bus stop shelter #91 and roughly 25' west of the centerline of Eastover Avenue projected southerly from north of Olive Boulevard to the south side of Olive Boulevard. SP MO East N=315093± E=263951± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.672537°±(N/+) Long=90.339678°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 558.98 FtUS (or) 170.376 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 559.34 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-08A situated in the asphalt sidewalk north of Olive Boulevard in front of #8375 Olive Boulevard, roughly 35.6' south of a brick building, 49' east of the centerline of Coolidge Drive, and 12' southeast of an ornamental tree. <NGS PID="AA8615", Designation="Accessory to SL 08"> SP MO East N=315256± E=262777± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.674023°±(N/+) Long=90.353166°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 561.86 FtUS (or) 171.256 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 562.23 FtUS Cut "L" on southernmost corner of first step to #8401 Olive Boulevard "United Medical Clinic" at pipe hand rail and one step below the main sidewalk or porch wrapping around the south and southeast side of building, roughly 28' west of centerline Coolidge Drive and 53' north of centerline Olive Boulevard. SP MO East N=315263± E=262754± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.674087°±(N/+) Long=90.353430°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 567.33 FtUS (or) 172.923 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 567.69 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast corner of the easternmost of two traffic signal control boxes situated southwest of the intersection of Olive Boulevard with McKnight Road from the south and Woodson Road from the north, roughly 51' west of centerline McKnight Road and 41' south of centerline Olive Boulevard. SP MO East N=315250± E=262461± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.673974°±(N/+) Long=90.356798°±(W/-) Page 43 of 57
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 573.62 FtUS (or) 174.840 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 573.98 FtUS Cut square in the centerline east end of concrete traffic median island in the center of Olive Boulevard roughly 0.1 miles east of the center of the I-170 overpass above Olive Boulevard, and 35' west of the center of a private drive entrance between #8680 and #8684 Olive Boulevard which is the entrance to Beyers Lumber Company. SP MO East N=315262± E=262121± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.674087°±(N/+) Long=90.360705°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 602.65 FtUS (or) 183.687 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 602.99 FtUS Cut square on top of south side of concrete base for traffic signal mast at the northwest corner of Olive Boulevard and Price Road in front of #9201 Olive Boulevard. SP MO East N=315276± E=261580± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.674220°±(N/+) Long=90.366922°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 656.55 FtUS (or) 200.116 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 656.88 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of a 4'x9' concrete pad for a low lighted "Walgreens" sign with masonry base in a lawn area at #9395 Olive Boulevard, roughly 59' north of centerline Olive Boulevard and 174' east of centerline Dielman Road. SP MO East N=315278± E=260834± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.674247°±(N/+) Long=90.375495°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 628.91 FtUS (or) 191.693 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 629.25 FtUS Cut square in the centerline east end of traffic island within the south entrance to Castle Gate Villas, being in the centerline of Castle Gate Villas Drive north of #1101 Castle Gate villas Drive and roughly 30' west of centerline Dielman Road. SP MO East N=315586± E=260770± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.677023°±(N/+) Long=90.376225°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 574.68 FtUS (or) 175.164 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 575.12 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-14A situated in the grass tree lawn on the north side of Delmar Boulevard and west of Yale Avenue at the entrance to University Heights subdivision; roughly 43' south of the southwest corner of a limestone base for a stone sign for University Heights, 1.5' north of the north curb of Delmar Boulevard, and 8' west of the center of a concrete street light standard. <NGS PID="AA8655", Designation="Accessory to SL 14"> SP MO East N=313373± E=266114± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.657005°±(N/+) Long=90.314861°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 595.47 FtUS (or) 181.500 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 595.88 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of the concrete base of a parking area light post situated southeast of a Sinclair sign in a landscaped island in the northeast quadrant of Delmar Boulevard and Hanley Road, near the southwest corner of the Sinclair gas station at #7489 Delmar Boulevard, roughly 40' west of a sanitary manhole in the sidewalk on the north side of Delmar Boulevard and 23' southeast of a communications manhole in the sidewalk on the east side of Hanley Road. SP MO East N=313586± E=264573± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.658951°±(N/+) Long=90.332562°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 527.00 FtUS (or) 160.630 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 527.39 FtUS Set aluminum tablet epoxied in drill hole on top of the north end of the west barrier wall at the northwest corner of bridge no. 258 along North and South Road over River Des Peres, roughly 24' west of centerline North and South Road and 170' south of centerline of Shaftesbury Avenue. SP MO East N=314477± E=264242± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.666983°±(N/+) Long=90.336346°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 510.51 FtUS (or) 155.605 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 510.88 FtUS Cut "U" on the edge of concrete sidewalk at the base of the southeast corner of a brown marble planter box, roughly 4 feet east and 6 feet south of the southeast corner of building for the Citizens National Bank addressed as #7301 Manchester, situated east of the Shop and Save shopping center on the northwest corner of Manchester Road and Oakview Terrace. SP MO East N=308530± E=265913± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.613379°±(N/+) Long=90.317281°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 477.72 FtUS (or) 145.608 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 478.08 FtUS Cut square on top of granite curb along the south side of Manchester Road pavement immediately north of the center of mass of a polished grey granite obelisk marking the nominal west line of the City of St Louis, surrounded by three round concrete bollards and a brick planter, and situated north of a red brick building addressed as #7146 Manchester Road. SP MO East N=308748± E=266390± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.615334°±(N/+) Long=90.311799°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 517.39 FtUS (or) 157.702 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 517.76 FtUS Found "L" on top southwest corner of white painted concrete retaining wall supporting asphalt parking of auto plaza addressed #7469 Manchester Road and roughly midway between Big Bend Boulevard and Lyle Avenue immediately north of the sidewalk along the north side of Manchester Road and near the southeast corner of property for the White Castle restaurant addressed #7485 Manchester Road. SP MO East N=308424± E=265463± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.612432°±(N/+) Long=90.322451°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 447.47 FtUS (or) 136.388 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 447.84 FtUS Cut "U" on the southeast edge of round concrete base for traffic signal mast on a concrete traffic island southwest of the right turn lane from westbound Manchester Road onto northbound Hanley Road; roughly 38 feet north of the centerline of Manchester Road, 38 feet east of the centerline of Hanley Road, and 35 feet southwest of utility pole #392208. SP MO East N=308481± E=264500± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.612962°±(N/+) Long=90.333507°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 502.54 FtUS (or) 153.173 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 502.90 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-02A situated in the tree lawn north of Manchester Road 1.1 feet south of the sidewalk southeast of the Aldi grocery store at #7701 Manchester Road; roughly 38 feet west of the centerline of Brendell Avenue, 14 feet east of a utility pole, and 25 feet southwest of a fire hydrant in the west tree lawn of Brendell Avenue. <NGS PID="AA8608", Designation="Accessory to SL 02"> SP MO East N=308501± E=265047± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.613133°±(N/+) Long=90.327225°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 711.22 FtUS (or) 216.781 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 711.54 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of a 5'x9' concrete water vault situated nearly flush to the ground in a grassy area of the Monsanto campus southwest of Olive Boulevard and Warson Road; roughly 43 feet west of the centerline of concrete median island within Warson Road, 61 feet south of a traffic signal mast, and 130 feet more or less south of the centerline of Olive Boulevard. SP MO East N=315066± E=259135± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.672357°±(N/+) Long=90.395023°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 711.66 FtUS (or) 216.913 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 711.98 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast corner of the concrete base for a traffic signal control box near the northeast corner of City of St Louis Water Works property addressed as #9750 Olive Boulevard for Stacy Park Reservoir, and located south of the western end of the right turn lane from eastbound Olive Boulevard onto southbound Old Bonhomme Road; roughly 45 feet south of the centerline of Olive Boulevard and 65 feet west of the centerline of Old Bonhomme Road. SP MO East N=315121± E=259565± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.672848°±(N/+) Long=90.390080°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 705.83 FtUS (or) 215.136 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 706.16 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest corner of the concrete base for metal traffic signal control box situated southeast of the signalized intersection of Olive Boulevard with a commercial drive entrance on the south and with Indian Meadows Drive from the north; near the northwest corner of property for Olivette Lanes addressed as #9520 Olive Boulevard; roughly 6 feet south of the back of curb and south of the sidewalk along the south side of Olive Boulevard, and 50 feet more or less east of the centerline of a signalized commercial entrance to property addressed as #9538 Olive Boulevard. SP MO East N=315248± E=260146± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.673985°±(N/+) Long=90.383402°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 517.25 FtUS (or) 157.657 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 517.66 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of the concrete base for metal traffic signal control box situated west of South Brentwood Boulevard behind the sidewalk and roughly 90 feet northeast of the easternmost bull nose end of median island within Corporate Park Drive at the southernmost of two places where Corporate Park Drive intersects the west side of Brentwood Boulevard approximately opposite Daytona Drive. SP MO East N=311686± E=263541± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.641850°±(N/+) Long=90.344456°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 528.31 FtUS (or) 161.029 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 528.72 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast corner of the concrete base for metal traffic signal control box situated west of South Brentwood Boulevard behind the sidewalk and roughly 66 feet northeast of the easternmost bull nose end of median island within Corporate Park Drive at the northernmost of two places where Corporate Park Drive intersects the west side of Brentwood Boulevard approximately opposite Orlando Drive. SP MO East N=311929± E=263645± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.644038°±(N/+) Long=90.343256°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 554.55 FtUS (or) 169.028 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 554.96 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast corner of the concrete base for a metal traffic signal control box situated in the northern part of an eyebrow shaped traffic island situated west of the southbound thru lanes of South Brentwood Boulevard and east of a temporary drop off lane between the swimming pool and ice rink on the east side of Shaw Park approximately opposite Bonhomme Avenue and roughly 25 feet north of the westerly prolongation of the centerline of Bonhomme Avenue. SP MO East N=312369± E=263760± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.648000°±(N/+) Long=90.341927°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 598.99 FtUS (or) 182.573 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 599.39 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of a 10" thick concrete wall at an 8'x14' air shaft topped by a metal grate, attached to the south foundation wall of the St Louis County Justice Center southeast of Carondelet Avenue and Central Avenue at #100 South Central Avenue, and situated on the north side of an east west alley running from Central Avenue to Bemiston Avenue south of the Justice Center; roughly 10 feet north of the centerline of the alley, and 30 feet east of the southwest corner of the Justice Center east of Central Avenue. SP MO East N=312402± E=264078± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.648292°±(N/+) Long=90.338273°±(W/-) Page 48 of 57
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 588.08 FtUS (or) 179.247 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 588.47 FtUS Cut "L" on the top southeast corner of a several foot tall and 12" thick concrete wall for a 7'x18.5' air shaft topped by a metal grate, apparently for ventilation of underground parking beneath a surface parking lot; immediately west of the sidewalk near the southeast corner of property addressed as #17 South Bemiston Avenue, roughly 40 feet west of the centerline of Bemiston Avenue and 170 feet north of the centerline of Carondelet Avenue. SP MO East N=312511± E=264180± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.649273°±(N/+) Long=90.337099°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 602.56 FtUS (or) 183.660 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 602.95 FtUS Aluminum Tablet stamped "Metrolink 512 Cross County 2000" grouted into the sidewalk adjacent to the truncated dome pad at a handicap ramp at the northwest corner of Maryland Avenue and Bemiston Avenue; roughly 20 feet west of the centerline of Bemiston Avenue, 10 feet north of the north curb line of Maryland Avenue, and 11 feet south of the southernmost end column of stone entrance wall monument for North Bemiston Avenue. SP MO East N=312779.4± E=264212.3± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.651690°±(N/+) Long=90.336722°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 582.34 FtUS (or) 177.499 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 582.74 FtUS Found "Sq" on the top southeast quadrant of 3 foot diameter concrete base for traffic signal mast in the northwest quadrant of Hanley Road at Pershing Avenue, with signal arm controlling traffic westbound on Pershing Avenue; roughly 25 feet north of the center of median island in Pershing Avenue and 45 feet west of the center of Hanley Road. SP MO East N=313044± E=264479± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.654070°±(N/+) Long=90.333653°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 592.71 FtUS (or) 180.659 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 593.11 FtUS Aluminum Tablet stamped "Metrolink 652 Cross County 2000" grouted into the concrete sidewalk 12 feet more or less south of the main entrance to #230 South Bemiston Avenue; 350 feet more or less south of the centerline of Bonhomme Avenue, roughly 40 feet east of of the centerline of South Bemiston Avenue and 135 feet north of the centerline of westbound Shaw Park Road. SP MO East N=312209.5± E=264168.6± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.646557°±(N/+) Long=90.337236°±(W/-) Page 49 of 57
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 611.43 FtUS (or) 186.363 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 611.83 FtUS Cut "L" on southwest top corner of concrete base for metal traffic signal control box situated within a wide concrete sidewalk at the northwest corner of Forsyth Boulevard and Meramec Avenue; roughly 30 feet west of the centerline of Meramec Avenue and 50 feet north of the centerline of Forsyth Boulevard. SP MO East N=312648± E=263950± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.650511°±(N/+) Long=90.339738°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 484.93 FtUS (or) 147.807 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 485.34 FtUS Aluminum Tablet stamped "MoDOT 12-06 Survey Control" epoxied into sidewalk east of Brentwood Boulevard in front of a retail strip mall store addressed as #1114 Brentwood Boulevard; roughly 1 foot west of the east edge of sidewalk, 32 feet north of the center top of a curb inlet in the east curb line of Brentwood Boulevard, and 230 feet more or less south of Darst Court. SP MO East N=310752± E=263422± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.633438°±(N/+) Long=90.345841°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 472.97 FtUS (or) 144.162 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 473.37 FtUS Aluminum Tablet stamped "MoDOT 11-06 Survey Control" set in a concrete monument and situated in the tree lawn west of the sidewalk along Brentwood Boulevard and east of the parking lots for Brentwood Square shopping center in front of the Nordstrom Rack store addressed as #1585 South Brentwood Boulevard and on the opposite side of the street from a brick building addressed as #1520 South Brentwood Boulevard; roughly 1.5 feet west of the back of sidewalk, 44 feet north of the westerly prolongation of the centerline of Agnes Avenue, 61 feet north of a sanitary manhole, and 88 feet south of a fire hydrant. SP MO East N=310086± E=263355± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.627439°±(N/+) Long=90.346623°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 516.92 FtUS (or) 157.557 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 517.31 FtUS Found "L" cut on the top easternmost corner of the concrete base for metal traffic signal control box located at the southwest corner of Brentwood Boulevard and Pine Avenue; above the back of sidewalk, roughly 16.6 feet northeast of the flagpole at the PNC Bank addressed as #2101 South Brentwood Boulevard, 32 feet south of the centerline of Pine Avenue, and 50 feet more or less west of the centerline of Brentwood Boulevard. SP MO East N=309544± E=263182± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.622559°±(N/+) Long=90.348620°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 479.85 FtUS (or) 146.260 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 480.23 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of the concrete pad base for Ameren UE box situated northwest of the City of Brentwood City Hall and Fire Department building located east of Brentwood Boulevard and north of Eulalie Avenue and addressed as #2348 South Brentwood Boulevard; roughly 9 feet northwest of the northwest corner of the Fire Department building, 15 feet south of a wooden pole supporting an emergency siren, at curb height above the junction of the east line of parking and drive with the north line of a sidewalk along the north side of the building. SP MO East N=309074± E=263213± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.618324°±(N/+) Long=90.348273°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 478.04 FtUS (or) 145.706 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 478.40 FtUS Cut "L" on the top easternmost corner of the concrete base for metal traffic signal control box situated west of Elm Avenue and northwest of West Kirkham Avenue (the portion east of Elm Avenue is known as South Brentwood Boulevard); roughly 3.2 feet northwest of a fire hydrant, 40 feet more or less northwest of the centerline of Kirkham Avenue, and 50 feet more or less southwest of the centerline of Elm Avenue as measured parallel to Kirkham Avenue. SP MO East N=306903± E=262475± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.598776°±(N/+) Long=90.356787°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 553.51 FtUS (or) 168.710 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 553.86 FtUS Cut "L" in the southeast corner of the sidewalk slab common to both sidewalks at the "T" intersection of sidewalks internal to the grass island in the bus turn around loop northwest of the intersection of West Lockwood Avenue and North Rock Hill Road; roughly 40 feet west of the centerline of Rock Hill Road, and 36 feet north of the centerline of Lockwood Avenue. SP MO East N=306322± E=261775± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.593552°±(N/+) Long=90.364832°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 539.80 FtUS (or) 164.531 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 540.15 FtUS Cut "L" on the top northwest corner of a 2 foot square concrete base for an ATT underground cable box mounted on a metal post west of the sidewalk along the west side of Selma Avenue and east of the property for Christ Lutheran Church addressed as #1 Selma Avenue; roughly 24 feet west of the centerline of Selma Avenue, 85 feet south of the centerline of East Lockwood Avenue, and 22 feet northwest of utility pole #50525. SP MO East N=306109± E=263185± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.591613°±(N/+) Long=90.348651°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 562.26 FtUS (or) 171.377 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 562.61 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast corner of the first step of five steps leading from the sidewalk along the south side of East Lockwood Avenue southerly along a walk to the east side of Emmanuel Nursery School in the north wing of Emmanuel Episcopal Church addressed as 9 South Bompart Avenue; roughly 31 feet south of the centerline of East Lockwood Avenue, 1.2 feet south of the back of sidewalk, and 200 feet more or less west of the centerline of Bompart Avenue. SP MO East N=306073± E=263582± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.591283°±(N/+) Long=90.344094°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 544.81 FtUS (or) 166.059 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 545.20 FtUS Cut "U" on the top south edge of the round base of a traffic signal mast with signal arm situated in the northern end of a triangular concrete traffic island east of Hanley Road, southwest of Midland Boulevard, in the easterly prolongation of Wayne Avenue from west of Hanley Road, and north of Wayne Avenue east of Hanley Road; roughly 44 feet east of the centerline of the center median island in Hanley Road, and 30 feet southwest of the centerline of center median island in Midland Boulevard. SP MO East N=315786± E=264917± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.678765°±(N/+) Long=90.328562°±(W/-) Page 52 of 57
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 532.89 FtUS (or) 162.426 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 533.28 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of the concrete pad base for ATT underground cable boxes located in the tree lawn southwest of the sidewalk and east of a utility pole at the northeast corner of the intersection of Hanley Road and Canton Avenue; roughly 29 feet north of the centerline of Canton Avenue, and 44 feet east of the southerly prolongation of the center of median island within Hanley Road to the north of Canton Avenue. SP MO East N=315571± E=264925± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.676828°±(N/+) Long=90.328475°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 518.26 FtUS (or) 157.967 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 518.66 FtUS Found "L" on the most southwest corner of the western concrete return wall of the southern bridge abutment of Bridge No 248 for Hanley Road over the River Des Peres, being near the southwest corner of the bridge structure and only slightly higher than an angle point in the sidewalk running along the west side of the bridge and then angling to the southwest away from Hanley Road south of the River Des Peres. The benchmark is near the southwest corner base of a concrete parapet wall on top of the abutment return wall and west of the sidewalk along the west side of the bridge. SP MO East N=314394± E=264585± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.666230°±(N/+) Long=90.332407°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 582.88 FtUS (or) 177.662 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 583.23 FtUS "U" on the east side of the sidewalk from Kirkham Avenue to a residence situated at the southeast corner of Kirkham Avenue and Berry Road, addressed as #790 W Kirkham Avenue; roughly 14 feet south of the centerline of Kirkham Avenue and 57 feet east of the centerline of Berry Road. SP MO East N=306558± E=260724± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.595691°±(N/+) Long=90.376893°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 588.78 FtUS (or) 179.460 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 589.12 FtUS "O" in OPEN on fire hydrant situated in the tree lawn west of Berry Road and south of Wingfield Drive; roughly 25 feet west of the centerline of Berry Road and 42 feet south of the centerline of Wingfield Drive. SP MO East N=306962± E=260703± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.599331°±(N/+) Long=90.377128°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 521.78 FtUS (or) 159.039 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 522.13 FtUS Triangle on top of the concrete base of a traffic signal post on a traffic island situated south of Ladue Road and across Ladue Road from a small office building housing law offices and addressed as #8909 Ladue Road, at a distance of 200 feet more or less west of the center of the bridge for I-170 over Ladue Road; roughly 30 feet south of the centerline of Ladue Road, 30 feet east of the centerline of the combined on and off ramps for southbound I-170 at Ladue Road, and situated on the traffic island which is bounded on the west by the left turn lane and on the southeast by the right turn lane from the ramp exiting southbound I-170 onto Ladue Road. SP MO East N=312950± E=262660± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.653251°±(N/+) Long=90.354553°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 552.80 FtUS (or) 168.494 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 553.15 FtUS Found "U" on the northeast corner of the concrete base of a traffic signal mast situated roughly 30 feet south of the centerline of Ladue Road, 60 feet west of the centerline of McKnight Road, northwest of McKnight Lane, and several feet south of the back of sidewalk along Ladue Road. SP MO East N=312954± E=262276± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.653292°±(N/+) Long=90.358964°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 542.47 FtUS (or) 165.345 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 542.80 FtUS Triangle on the top north side of the concrete base for traffic signal post at the southwest corner of the intersection of Ladue Road and Price Road; roughly 35 feet south of the centerline of Ladue Road and 25 feet west of the centerline of Price Road. Said signal base is situated within the sidewalk immediately southwest of the pavement rounding and between the truncated dome pads for the handicap ramps at the marked crosswalks across Ladue Road and Conway Road. SP MO East N=312959± E=261598± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.653346°±(N/+) Long=90.366754°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 581.05 FtUS (or) 177.103 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 581.34 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-42A situated in the southern edge of a wooded thicket several feet north of the north edge of pavement of Ladue Road and roughly 1 foot north of a metal guard rail along the north side of Ladue Road, generally opposite a residential property on the south side of Ladue Road addressed as #9530 Ladue Road, 190 feet more or less east of the centerline of Fordyce Lane; roughly 109 feet west of the centerline of driveway to a residential property north of Ladue Road addressed as #1 Oakleigh Lane, and 20 feet north of the centerline of Ladue Road. <NGS PID="AA8683", Designation="Accessory to SL 42"> SP MO East N=312996± E=259918± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.653700°±(N/+) Long=90.386054°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 613.05 FtUS (or) 186.857 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 613.39 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk described of record as SL-48A, but stamped only as SL-48, and situated in the tree lawn south of Kirkham Avenue, north of the sidewalk, and 164 feet more or less west of the centerline of Elmwood Avenue; roughly 15 feet east of the driveway to residence addressed as #1170 Kirkham Avenue, 25 feet east of a utility pole, 17 feet north of a cherry tree, and 15 feet south of the centerline of Kirkham Avenue. <NGS PID="AA8689", Designation="Accessory to SL 48"> SP MO East N=306561± E=260403± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.595722°±(N/+) Long=90.380578°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 523.83 FtUS (or) 159.665 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 524.26 FtUS Found "L" on the top southeast corner of the 4' by 2.5' concrete base for raised metal traffic signal control box situated in a grassy median island between the northbound and southbound lanes of South Central Avenue north of Clayton Road; approximately 8 feet north of the back of concrete sidewalk, 20 feet east of the back of curb along the east side of the southbound lanes of South Central Avenue, and 12 feet northwest of a traffic signal mast. SP MO East N=311234.5± E=263967.2± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.637776°±(N/+) Long=90.339569°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 544.00 FtUS (or) 165.812 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 544.44 FtUS Cut "U" on the top south side of the round concrete base for traffic signal mast within the traffic island situated north of Clayton Road, west of Hanley Road, and southeast of the right turn lane from southbound Hanley Road onto westbound Clayton Road. Benchmark is on the signal mast base for the traffic arm controlling traffic westbound along Clayton Road, and is in line with the vertical curb along the north side of pedestrian crosswalk parallel to Clayton Road within the aforesaid traffic island. SP MO East N=311242.8± E=264297.4± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.637846°±(N/+) Long=90.335776°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 548.89 FtUS (or) 167.301 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 549.32 FtUS Cut "L" on the top northwest corner of the concrete base for raised metal traffic signal control box situated east of the right turn lane from northbound Hanley Road onto eastbound Clayton Road; 60 feet more or less east of the center of Hanley Road and 70 feet more or less south of the center of Clayton Road. SP MO East N=311210.8± E=264348.0± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.637557°±(N/+) Long=90.335196°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 539.65 FtUS (or) 164.485 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 540.05 FtUS Cut “U” on the exposed ground level western edge of concrete pad or footing beneath decorative stone subdivision monument for “McKnight Woods” roughly centered within a triangular grassy area east of McKnight Road and bounded on the southeast and northeast by the forked entrance and exit lanes for McKnight Woods Lane. The entrance monument is directly across McKnight Road from a residence addressed as #1141 South McKnight Road, and the benchmark is roughly 36 feet east of the centerline of McKnight Road. SP MO East N=310870.4± E=262332.8± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.634520°±(N/+) Long=90.358349°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 14:
Rev: 01/20/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 547.81 FtUS (or) 166.973 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 548.21 FtUS Cut “U” on the east edge of the three foot diameter raised concrete base of traffic signal mast with signal arm controlling traffic southbound on McKnight Road and situated near the northwest corner of the McKnight Road bridge over Interstate 64. The benchmark is immediately west of the sidewalk along the west edge of the bridge and is on the north side of a metal guard rail along the south side of the highway onramp from McKnight Road onto westbound Interstate 64; roughly 35 feet west of the centerline of McKnight Road. SP MO East N=310405.2± E=261979.2± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.630334°±(N/+) Long=90.362418°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 537.57 FtUS (or) 163.851 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 537.97 FtUS Cut “L” on the top southwest corner of the 3’x3’ concrete base for the middle one of three raised metal traffic signal control boxes situated east of McKnight Road near the southern end of the highway onramp from northbound McKnight Road onto eastbound Interstate 64, and roughly a dozen feet east of a metal lamp post for overhead highway illumination. The benchmark is roughly 50 feet east of the centerline of McKnight Road, and 150 feet more or less north of a decorative stone turret with shingled conical roof at the northeast corner of McKnight Road and York Drive. SP MO East N=310308.0± E=262004.6± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.629458°±(N/+) Long=90.362128°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 471.92 FtUS (or) 143.843 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 472.29 FtUS Railroad spike in utility pole at the southwest corner of McKnight Road and Old Warson Road, roughly 15 feet south of the centerline of Old Warson Road and 38 feet west of the centerline of McKnight Road. SP MO East N=308591± E=261888± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.613992°±(N/+) Long=90.363496°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 15:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
Chapter 15 is not within St. Louis County.
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 16:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 460.57 FtUS (or) 140.381 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 460.78 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped "TT 54 L 1930" in the top of a concrete post flush with the ground between the two railroad tracks near the crossing of Main Street at Eureka; 105 feet south of the south rail of the north railroad track and 65 feet west of the centerline of Central Avenue, also 26 feet north of the north rail of the south railroad main track, 6.5 feet west of a carsonite witness post and 6 feet west of a post marking underground fiber optic lines. <NGS PID="JC0493", Designation="TT 54 L"> SP MO East N=296245± E=238817± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.502775°±(N/+) Long=90.628211°±(W/-)
NAVD88(Adopt NGS) Elev = 492.03 FtUS (or) 149.972 Meter <NAVD88 ORTHO HEIGHT per NGS datasheet as of 04/15/2014> NGVD29 Elev = 492.23 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped "D 204 1946" set vertically in the west end of the north pier under the Allenton Road overpass of the railroad tracks; 7.6' north of the north rail of the westbound track, 3' above the level of the ground and 2.5' above the level of the track. <NGS PID="JC0496", Designation="D 204"> SP MO East N=296398± E=234613± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.504091°±(N/+) Long=90.676412°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 494.14 FtUS (or) 150.613 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 494.29 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 42-75 S.L.C. in east end of south head wall along Fox Creek Road at Fox Creek Bridle Trail Roadside Park; 22' east and 16' south of entrance to park. SP MO East N=296415± E=232419± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.504204°±(N/+) Long=90.701566°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 534.94 FtUS (or) 163.051 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 535.06 FtUS RM 118 FEMA PANEL 240; "Standard Tablet" stamped 2 GEU 1975 in center of east headwall along Fox Creek Road; 11' east of centerline of Fox Creek Road at small drain crossing. SP MO East N=297875± E=231371± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.517336°±(N/+) Long=90.713620°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 16:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 611.15 FtUS (or) 186.278 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 611.20 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 3 GEU 1975 in southeast end of north headwall approximately 215 feet west of the intersection of Old Manchester Road and Bouquet Road; roughly 20 feet north of the centerline of Old Manchester Road, and 0.35 miles more or less west along Old Manchester Road from the intersection with Manchester Road (aka Hwy 100) and Fox Creek Road. SP MO East N=300631± E=230233± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.542140°±(N/+) Long=90.726748°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 822.32 FtUS (or) 250.645 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 822.42 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 5 GEU 1975 in concrete base of southwest leg of Grover water tank; 1.7 miles west of Highway 109 along Manchester Road at T Road to northeast, near intersection of Manchester Road and Wild Horse Creek Road. [In July 2013, this benchmark is inside a locked gated fence enclosure for the water tank. Access is limited.] SP MO East N=304865± E=234112± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.580362°±(N/+) Long=90.682348°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 817.30 FtUS (or) 249.115 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 817.38 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped TT 4E 1930 reset 1970 in concrete post; 1.3 miles west of Highway 109 along Manchester Road at the Glencoe Road intersection, 305' south of intersection and 32' east of Glencoe Road, 204' north of northeast corner of Rockwood Church. SP MO East N=305066± E=234424± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.582178°±(N/+) Long=90.678772°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 570.54 FtUS (or) 173.902 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 570.69 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 6 GEU 1975 in the northeast corner of concrete foundation for former radio tower roughly 40 feet south of the southwest corner of the office building of the Missouri Conservation Education Center at Rockwood Reservation, addressed as 2751 Glencoe Road, and situated southwest of Glencoe Road at a distance of approximately 1.7 miles initially along Woods Road and then along Glencoe Road from the intersection of Woods Road and Highway 109. [Radio tower is removed, base is still there.] SP MO East N=303280± E=235257± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.566102°±(N/+) Long=90.669174°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 16:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 479.83 FtUS (or) 146.251 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 480.02 FtUS RM 125 FEMA PANEL 245; "Standard Tablet" stamped 7 GEU 1975 several feet east of the west end of the northeast wingwall of Bridge No. 348 over Hamilton Creek along Woods Road southwest of the intersection of Woods Road and Highway 109; roughly 15 feet southeast of the centerline of Woods Road, and 55 feet southwest of the centerline of Highway 109. SP MO East N=302167± E=237535± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.556110°±(N/+) Long=90.643014°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 471.50 FtUS (or) 143.713 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 471.70 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 92-75 S.L.C. in southeast wingwall of bridge; 1.4 miles northwest of the Main Street overpass of Hwy I-44 at Eureka along Forby Road, 240' west and 11' south of intersection Forby Road and Alt Road at Forby Creek crossing. SP MO East N=297882± E=237440± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.517505°±(N/+) Long=90.644027°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 652.70 FtUS (or) 198.944 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 652.86 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 111-75 S.L.C. set in east end of north headwall; about 3.0 miles west of Rockwood R 6 Elementary School along Highway T, 32' east and 24' north of intersection of private drive north and Highway T. [#18721 Albans Road] SP MO East N=304795± E=232449± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.579700°±(N/+) Long=90.701433°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 619.61 FtUS (or) 188.858 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 619.78 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 112-75 S.L.C. set in west end of north headwall; about 3.5 miles west of Rockwood R 6 Elementary School, near west entrance to Fahr Greenhouses and 16' north of centerline of Highway T. Located at #19015 St. Albans, 10’ east of driveway. SP MO East N=304989± E=231590± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.581430°±(N/+) Long=90.711297°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 775.84 FtUS (or) 236.475 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 776.10 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 34 GEU 1975 set in concrete base of southeast most power line leg; 40' north and 39' west of intersection Ossenfort Road and Melrose Road at major power lines crossing. SP MO East N=304014± E=230727± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.572628°±(N/+) Long=90.721175°±(W/-) Page 4 of 26
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 16:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 583.68 FtUS (or) 177.906 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 583.91 FtUS "L" on east end of south headwall of a triple box culvert under Highway T (aka St Albans Road); 1200 feet more or less west of the cutoff from Hardt Road known as Dehart Farm Road, 1400 feet more or less east of the intersection of Ossenfort Road and Highway T, and roughly 25 feet south of the centerline of Highway T. SP MO East N=305320± E=230873± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.584397°±(N/+) Long=90.719535°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 799.21 FtUS (or) 243.600 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 799.39 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of concrete pad flush with asphalt parking at west side entrance to one story brick Southwestern Bell Telephone Building addressed as #17249 Manchester Road; roughly 25 feet east of centerline of Pond Road, 86 feet north of centerline of Manchester Road, and 0.3 miles more or less south along Pond Road from the centerline of Highway 100. SP MO East N=304911± E=236449± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.580815°±(N/+) Long=90.655527°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 596.67 FtUS (or) 181.864 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 596.86 FtUS "Sq" in center of headwall along the north side of Highway T east of Dehart Farm Road cutoff to Hardt Road. SP MO East N=305206± E=231219± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.583377°±(N/+) Long=90.715561°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 775.82 FtUS "L" in the southeast corner of the first concrete step to #18845 Hardt Road; 53' north of the centerline of Hardt Road and 0.6 mile east of Ossenfort Road. SP MO East N=305160± E=232069± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.582980°±(N/+) Long=90.705803°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 784.70 FtUS "U" in the concrete base of the southernmost leg on the most northwest of two power line towers; 68' north of the centerline of Hardt Road and 1.2 mile east of Ossenfort Road. SP MO East N=305162± E=232815± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.583013°±(N/+) Long=90.697241°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 783.32 FtUS (or) 238.756 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 783.46 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of a concrete headwall; 30' west of the centerline of Highway 109, 75' north of Turkey Track Road and 1.4 miles north of Woods Road. SP MO East N=303938± E=237321± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.572062°±(N/+) Long=90.645501°±(W/-) Page 5 of 26
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 571.02 FtUS "Spike" in a power pole; 15' west of the centerline of Woods Road and 0.8 mile south of Manchester Road. SP MO East N=303338± E=238126± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.566668°±(N/+) Long=90.636253°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 520.80 FtUS "Spike" in a power pole; 15' north of the centerline of Woods Road and 1.3 miles south of Manchester Road. SP MO East N=302706± E=237824± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.560970°±(N/+) Long=90.639708°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 793.47 FtUS (or) 241.851 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 793.73 FtUS "Spike" in a power pole; 15' south of the centerline of Melrose Road and 0.6 mile east of Ossenfort Road. [60’ west of house #18947] SP MO East N=304009± E=231583± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.572601°±(N/+) Long=90.711351°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 773.88 FtUS (or) 235.878 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 774.11 FtUS "Spike" in a power pole; 15' south of the centerline of Melrose Road; 1 mile east of Ossenfort Road next to drive at house #18922. SP MO East N=303796± E=231961± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.570690°±(N/+) Long=90.707008°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 821.54 FtUS (or) 250.405 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 821.68 FtUS "Spike" in a power pole; 100 feet southeast of the centerline of Allenton Six Flags Road and 12 feet southwest of the centerline of Melrose Road. SP MO East N=302148± E=234122± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.555885°±(N/+) Long=90.682172°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 651.78 FtUS (or) 198.663 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 651.97 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the stone entrance pillar on the west side of private driveway to house #17524 Melrose Road; roughly 20 feet south of the centerline of Melrose Road, approximately opposite Shady Glenn Estates Drive, and 0.6 miles west of Highway 109. The found mark is on a narrow stone shelf around the pillar at approximately 1.5 feet above the ground surface and is behind a wooden rail fence that is not physically attached to the stone pillar. SP MO East N=301950± E=236866± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.554145°±(N/+) Long=90.650686°±(W/-) Page 6 of 26
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 16:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 902.70 FtUS (or) 275.143 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 902.89 FtUS "L" on top of the northwest corner of a 12'x 22'x 4' high masonry and concrete stone building; 45' east of the centerline of Allenton Road and 90' south of the centerline of Hencken Road. SP MO East N=299218± E=233948± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.529485°±(N/+) Long=90.684101°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 888.50 FtUS (or) 270.814 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 888.70 FtUS "U.S.G.S. Survey Marker" 23 feet east of the centerline of Allenton Road; 81 feet south of the centerline to the entrance of the Scenic Loop and 0.5 mile south of Hencken Road. This is the azimuth mark for NGS station ROCKWOOD (NGS PID JC1717) and is described on that NGS datasheet as stamped "ROCKWOOD 1956" and set in top of a 10" square concrete monument extending 4" out of the ground. <NGS PID="JC1717", Designation="ROCKWOOD AZ MK"> SP MO East N=298781.6± E=234472.0± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.525563°±(N/+) Long=90.678081°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 535.22 FtUS (or) 163.135 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 535.42 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of a headwall; 24 feet west of the centerline of Allenton Road, 300 feet more or less south of the intersection of Allenton Road with the entrance to Six Flags on the east and the entrance to Holiday Inn on the west, and 0.3 miles more or less north along Allenton Road from Hwy I-44. SP MO East N=296935± E=234341± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.508924°±(N/+) Long=90.679542°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 755.13 FtUS (or) 230.163 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 755.34 FtUS Found square in the center of a concrete headwall; roughly 12 feet west of the centerline of Alt Road, 80 feet south of the centerline of Hidden Valley Drive, and 150 feet south of the westerly prolongation of the centerline of Lost Cabin Road, 1.2 miles more or less south of Highway 109. SP MO East N=299138± E=237573± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.528822°±(N/+) Long=90.642524°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 794.47 FtUS (or) 242.156 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 794.70 FtUS "L" on the west side of a concrete porch of building at # 16957 Manchester Road; 21' east of the centerline of Eatherton Road and 39' north of the centerline of Manchester Road. SP MO East N=304400± E=238058± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.576234°±(N/+) Long=90.637052°±(W/-) Page 7 of 26
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 16:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 786.30 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the porch to # 2400 Eatherton Road; 75' east of the centerline of Eatherton Road and 0.5 mile north of Manchester Road. SP MO East N=305138± E=238012± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.582882°±(N/+) Long=90.637592°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 873.79 FtUS (or) 266.331 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 873.94 FtUS "Spike" in a power pole; 40' south of the entrance to Dogwood Shelter and 13' west of centerline of Hencken Road. SP MO East N=299077± E=233430± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.528205°±(N/+) Long=90.690038°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 839.83 FtUS (or) 255.980 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 839.92 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of the second slab of the driveway to house #4163 Hencken Road; 20' west of the centerline of Hencken Road. SP MO East N=300176± E=232594± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.538090°±(N/+) Long=90.699654°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 668.95 FtUS (or) 203.895 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 669.09 FtUS "Sq" on top of the flared end section of culvert; roughly 65 feet south of Highway 100 (aka Manchester Road) and 220 feet west of the centerline of Hencken Road. SP MO East N=301550± E=232333± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.550463°±(N/+) Long=90.702682°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 497.57 FtUS (or) 151.659 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 497.77 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-20 situated in a coarse grassy field west of a commuter parking lot on the north side of Old Highway 66 and south of Interstate 44 at a distance of 0.2 miles more or less west of Six Flags Road (also known as Allenton Road); roughly 80 feet north of the centerline of Highway 66, 45 feet northwest of the southwest corner of chain link fence around commuter parking, 89 feet east of the metal mast supporting billboards, and 118 feet southeast of a found cross on a concrete headwall. <NGS PID="AA8661", Designation="SL 20"> SP MO East N=296458.5± E=234248.8± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.504630°±(N/+) Long=90.680589°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(Adopt NGS) Elev = 463.41 FtUS (or) 141.249 Meter <NAVD88 ORTHO HEIGHT per NGS datasheet as of 04/17/2014> NGVD29 Elev = 463.63 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-21 1990 Disk is along the north side of West Main Street in the south right-of-way of the railroad; 43' north of the north edge of West Main Street. Approximately 700' west of Central Avenue. <NGS PID="AA8662", Designation="SL 21"> SP MO East N=296273.0± E=238619.5± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.503025°±(N/+) Long=90.630475°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 520.85 FtUS (or) 158.754 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 520.97 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-70 1991 Disk is set along the east side of Fox Creek Road; 43' south of Fox View Lane and 14' east of the centerline of Fox Creek Road. Approximately 2.4 miles west of the intersection of Allenton Road and Fox Creek Road. <NGS PID="AA8711", Designation="SL 70"> SP MO East N=297469.1± E=231414.3± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.513680°±(N/+) Long=90.713113°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 662.42 FtUS (or) 201.907 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 662.60 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-91 1991 Disk is along the east side of Alt Road; 74' north of the centerline to the entrance at #4132. Approximately 1.2 miles north of the intersection of Forby and Alt Roads. <NGS PID="AA8732", Designation="SL 91"> SP MO East N=299685.2± E=237793.2± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.533755°±(N/+) Long=90.640008°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 660.63 FtUS (or) 201.359 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 660.81 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-92 1991 Disk is set at the northwest corner of Melrose Road and Summitview Place Drive; 30' north of the center line of Melrose Road and 30' west of the centerline of Summitview Place Drive. <NGS PID="AA8733", Designation="SL 92"> SP MO East N=301986.6± E=236354.1± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.554468°±(N/+) Long=90.656559°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 16:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 784.22 FtUS (or) 239.030 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 784.36 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-93 1991 Disk is in front of Pond Elementary School; 23' south of the centerline of Manchester Road and 83' west of the centerline of the school driveway. Approximately 0.6 miles west of the intersection of Highway 109 and Manchester Road. <NGS PID="AA8734", Designation="SL 93"> SP MO East N=304720.1± E=236862.5± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.579101°±(N/+) Long=90.650778°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 766.59 FtUS (or) 233.658 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 766.75 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-96 1992 at the northeast corner of Highway 100 (aka Manchester Road) and Melrose Road; roughly 79 feet southwest of a nail and shiner in a utility pole, 63 feet west of a punch hole in the top northern end of a corrugated metal culvert under Melrose Road, 3 feet from a street sign post and 7 feet from stop sign. <NGS PID="AA8737", Designation="SL 96"> SP MO East N=302561.2± E=233228.2± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.559591°±(N/+) Long=90.692436°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 11120 in Chapter 11.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 783.67 FtUS (or) 238.863 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 783.93 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-98 1991 set on the west edge of Ossenfort Road beneath major power lines oriented southwest to northeast, at a distance of 0.8 miles more or less along Ossenfort Road from the intersection with Highway T, or 0.1 miles more or less north of Melrose Road; roughly 5 feet west of the west edge of Ossenfort Road and 89 feet south of a wooden power pole #290923 with pk nail and shiner facing Ossenfort Road. <NGS PID="AA8739", Designation="SL 98"> SP MO East N=304098.8± E=230772.1± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.573393°±(N/+) Long=90.720659°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 798.32 FtUS (or) 243.328 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 798.45 FtUS "U" on north side of concrete base of north east leg of northernmost transmission tower; 56' west of centerline of Wild Horse Creek Road and 75' south of centerline of Falzone Road. SP MO East N=305745± E=233539± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.588279°±(N/+) Long=90.688945°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 21024 in Chapter 21.] Page 10 of 26
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 16:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 503.08 FtUS (or) 153.340 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 503.22 FtUS RM 115 FEMA PANEL 240; Approximately 0.7 mile upstream of Interstate 44 crossing of Fox Creek. Chiseled "SQ" on top of east end of northeast wingwall of steel truss bridge over Fox Creek at entrance to Fox Creek Cattle Ranch. SP MO East N=296677± E=231660± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.506549°±(N/+) Long=90.710275°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 502.74 FtUS RM 129 FEMA PANEL 245; Chiseled "SQ" on northwest corner of concrete deck of bridge over Carr Creek roughly 300 feet southwesterly along the private driveway from the gated entrance near the northeast corner of property addressed as #3478 Whitsetts Fork Road, approximately 1.3 miles southwest of junction of State Highway 109 and Private Road known as Whitsetts Fork Road. SP MO East N=301017± E=235958± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.545726°±(N/+) Long=90.661084°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 502.89 FtUS (or) 153.282 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 503.13 FtUS RM 130 FEMA PANEL 244; Approximately 1.7 miles west of state highway 109 along Forby Road, chiseled "SQ" in top of west end of northwest headwall of Forby Road bridge over Forby Creek. SP MO East N=298215± E=236817± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.520496°±(N/+) Long=90.651177°±(W/-)
NAVD88(Adopt NGS) Elev = 465.46 FtUS (or) 141.873 Meter <NAVD88 ORTHO HEIGHT per NGS datasheet as of 04/15/2014> NGVD29 Elev = 465.67 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped F 204 1946 set in the top of a 0.6 foot square concrete monument several inches lower than the ground surface in a grassy area just south of the toe of slope for railroad tracks about 0.9 mile west along the Missouri Pacific Railroad from the crossing of Main Street at Eureka; roughly 182 feet east of the center of a 4'x8' drainage structure with three grates and open end inlets, 37 feet south of the south rail of eastbound tracks, 32.5 feet north of the centerline of West Main Street, 9 feet below the level of the tracks, 1.6 feet north of a concrete base with pipe post broken off at ground level. The monument and tablet are nonmagnetic, but four 5/8"x18" rebar have been driven vertically along the four sides of the monument to a level below the top of monument as an aid to recovery with magnetic locators. <NGS PID="JC0494", Designation="F 204"> SP MO East N=296302.5± E=237406.8± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.503275°±(N/+) Long=90.644379°±(W/-) Page 11 of 26
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 540.90 FtUS (or) 164.868 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 541.10 FtUS RM 113 FEMA PANEL 230; Chiseled "SQ" on top of southeast wingwall of Bouquet Road bridge over Tavern Creek; 0.7 miles more or less south along Bouquet Road from the intersection with Melrose Road. SP MO East N=303446± E=229958± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567494°±(N/+) Long=90.729983°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 545.23 FtUS (or) 166.187 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 545.46 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-74 1992 Disk is set in the northeast corner of Red Tail Hawk and Old State Roads; 16' west of the north end of La Salle Woods Subdivision sign. Approximately 0.3 miles north of the intersection of Highway 109 and Old State Road. [This is prior BM 17123 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 16.] <NGS PID="AA8715", Designation="SL 74"> SP MO East N=301518.4± E=238821.3± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.550284°±(N/+) Long=90.628246°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 616.81 FtUS (or) 188.005 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 616.89 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-99 and situated in a grassy highway shoulder roughly 6 feet northwest of the edge of pavement along Highway 100 (aka Manchester Road), and 99 feet southwest of the center line of Old Manchester Road; 16 feet south of the center of a 3.5'x4.5' anchor base for highway cable barrier, and 58 feet southwest of a concrete pipe flared end for culvert under Old Manchester Road. <NGS PID="AA8740", Designation="SL 99"> SP MO East N=300390.0± E=230693.7± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.539979°±(N/+) Long=90.721456°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 488.03 FtUS (or) 148.753 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 488.25 FtUS "O" in OPEN on a fire hydrant situated south of Emerald Oaks Parkway 85 feet more or less west of the centerline of Highway 109; roughly 32 feet south of the centerline of Emerald Oaks Parkway, 30 feet west of a decorative subdivision light standard, and 6 feet east of the northeast corner of a black aluminum fence enclosing three sides of ATT cable boxes. SP MO East N=298247± E=238769± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.520811°±(N/+) Long=90.628793°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 16:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 489.62 FtUS (or) 149.235 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 489.83 FtUS Cut "U" roughly centered along the western edge of the concrete walk at the eastern tip of the median island within Emerald Oaks Parkway west of Highway 109; roughly 27 feet west of the centerline of Highway 109, and 36 feet east of the northeast corner of the stone entrance monument for Emerald Forest subdivision. SP MO East N=298267± E=238778± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.520991°±(N/+) Long=90.628690°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 699.27 FtUS (or) 213.137 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 699.48 FtUS Cut "L" on the westernmost or northwest corner of a 6'x10' concrete pad for two posts supporting Riverbend subdivision mailboxes situated east of Highway 109 and north of Persimmon Lane, approximately 1.8 miles north of Interstate 44 along Highway 109; roughly 36 feet east of the centerline of Highway 109 and 32 feet north of the centerline of Persimmon Lane, on the east side of an extra wide asphalt shoulder and slightly south of the southeast end of a metal guard rail. SP MO East N=299310± E=238386± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.530383°±(N/+) Long=90.633203°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 608.43 FtUS (or) 185.451 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 608.65 FtUS Cut "U" on top back of concrete curb in pavement rounding north of Hidden Valley Forest Drive and west of Highway 109 approximately 0.9 miles south of Old State Road along Highway 109; roughly 20 feet north of the centerline of Hidden Valley Forest Drive, 28 feet west of the centerline of Highway 109, and 12 feet southeast of a wooden utility pole supporting an overhead light. SP MO East N=299818± E=238297± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.534958°±(N/+) Long=90.634232°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 439.53 FtUS (or) 133.969 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 439.74 FtUS Cut "L" on the top southwest corner of the northern headwall of a double box culvert emerging from under Alt Road at the base of a highway slope north of Alt Road and west of Highway 109; roughly 50 feet north of the centerline of Alt Road and 100 feet west of the centerline of Highway 109. SP MO East N=300519± E=238530± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.541277°±(N/+) Long=90.631571°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 16:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 441.21 FtUS (or) 134.480 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 441.43 FtUS Found "U" on the top east side of the round concrete base of traffic signal mast situated west of Highway 109 at the intersection with Old State Road from the east; roughly 32 feet west of the centerline of Highway 109, 13 feet south of the westerly projection of the centerline of Old State Road, and 28 feet north of the northern end of a metal guard rail along the west side of Highway 109. SP MO East N=301140± E=238631± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.546873°±(N/+) Long=90.630423°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 441.62 FtUS (or) 134.606 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 441.84 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest corner of a 3'x3' concrete pad for electric box situated at the southeast corner of Highway 109 and Old State Road; roughly 45 feet south of the centerline of Old State Road, 62 feet east of the centerline of Highway 109, and 40 feet west of the northwest corner of a black aluminum fence around the entrance to a walkway tunnel under Old State Road. SP MO East N=301146± E=238660± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.546927°±(N/+) Long=90.630090°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 468.48 FtUS (or) 142.793 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 468.69 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-21A situated on the North side of West Main Street in Eureka 0.7 miles more or less west of South Central Avenue; roughly 37 feet north of the north edge of pavement for West Main Street, 24 feet south of the south rail of the eastbound railroad track, 10.5 feet west or northwest of the northwest corner of a 6'x8' metal railroad shed, and 26 feet more or less west of the centerline of an irregular gravel access drive east of the railroad shed. <NGS PID="AA8662", Designation="Accessory to SL 21"> SP MO East N=296299± E=237674± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.503247°±(N/+) Long=90.641316°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 575.59 FtUS (or) 175.441 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 575.77 FtUS Cut triangle on top of and near the northwest end of the northeastern barrier wall of a bridge for Hardt Road over Wildhorse Creek at a distance of 0.15 miles more or less southeast of Ossenfort Road along Hardt Road; roughly 14 feet northeast of the centerline of Hardt Road, and several feet northwest of the western edge of concrete bridge deck. SP MO East N=305711± E=230807± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.587918°±(N/+) Long=90.720303°±(W/-) Page 14 of 26
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 16:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 582.70 FtUS (or) 177.608 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 582.88 FtUS Cut square centered on top of a small concrete headwall immediately northeast of the asphalt pavement of Hardt Road for a culvert pipe draining southwesterly under the road; situated 0.35 miles more or less southeasterly of Ossenfort Road along Hardt Road, and being 215 feet more or less southeast of the centerline of driveway to a residence addressed as #19147 Hardt Road. SP MO East N=305480± E=230979± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.585841°±(N/+) Long=90.718323°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 756.85 FtUS (or) 230.687 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 756.96 FtUS Cut square approximately centered in a roughly triangular concrete traffic island bounded on the west by the right turn lane from southbound New Manchester Road (also known as Highway 100) onto westbound St Albans Road (also known as Highway T), bounded on the east by the southbound thru lane of Highway 100, and bounded on the south by Highway T. The benchmark is roughly 30 feet north of the centerline of Highway T. SP MO East N=304695± E=233797± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.578825°±(N/+) Long=90.685960°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 810.23 FtUS (or) 246.959 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 810.33 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-95A situated in an area with many small trees and brush southeast of and at the top of slope southeast of the eastbound lanes of New Manchester Road (also known as Highway 100), but most easily accessed at a point roughly 18 feet west of a guard rail blocking the western end of Old Wild Horse Creek Road where it extends northwesterly from Old Manchester Road; roughly 25 feet southwest of a utility pole with overhead wires that cross New Manchester Road, and 2 feet east of a witness post. <NGS PID="AA8736", Designation="Accessory to SL 95"> SP MO East N=305033± E=233988± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.581873°±(N/+) Long=90.683775°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 799.75 FtUS (or) 243.764 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 799.86 FtUS Cut triangle on the top south side of the circular concrete base of a light post supporting overhead lights illuminating the parking lot at Wildwood Middle School addressed as #17401 Manchester Road, and situated in the northeast part of a large grassy island between the north side of Old Manchester Road and the South side of school parking lot bounded on the east and west by the two entrance driveways from Old Manchester Road to Wildwood Middle School. The benchmark is west of the easternmost school driveway, across Old Manchester Road from the Big Chief Roadhouse restaurant addressed as 17352 Manchester Road; rough 65 feet north of the centerline of Old Manchester Road, 9 feet south of the school parking lot, and 20 feet northwest of a lighted informational school sign. SP MO East N=305010± E=236012± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.581700°±(N/+) Long=90.660545°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 801.36 FtUS (or) 244.254 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 801.47 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-93A situated in a garden island within the asphalt parking south of a commercial building addressed as #17301 Old Manchester Road; roughly 30 feet south of the center brick porch column on the south side of the building, 2 feet south of a utility pole, 24 feet north of the centerline of Old Manchester Road, and 66 feet west of the centerline of Pond Road. <NGS PID="AA8734", Designation="Accessory to SL 93"> SP MO East N=304898± E=236423± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.580697°±(N/+) Long=90.655825°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 732.86 FtUS (or) 223.375 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 732.99 FtUS Found cross cut near the south corner of the concrete base for flagpole at the Metro West Fire Protection District addressed as #17065 Manchester Road, at the northeast corner of Old Manchester Road and Highway 109. The benchmark and flagpole are situated on top of a grass berm forming the southwest side of a storm water basin; roughly 90 feet north of the centerline of Old Manchester Road, and 120 feet more or less east of the centerline of Highway 109. SP MO East N=304562± E=237437± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.577685°±(N/+) Long=90.644182°±(W/-)
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Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 744.53 FtUS (or) 226.933 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 744.67 FtUS Cut triangle on the top south side of the round concrete base of lamp post for overhead illumination of the parking lot at New Community Church addressed as #16801 Manchester Road; being approximately 3 feet higher than the parking lot, roughly centered in the northerly projection of the eastern drive entrance to church from Old Manchester Road, west of the easternmost driving lane within the church parking lot, and roughly 100 feet north of the centerline of Old Manchester Road. SP MO East N=304599± E=238739± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.578036°±(N/+) Long=90.629240°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 776.16 FtUS (or) 236.573 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 776.28 FtUS Top edge of round head on galvanized 3/8" square spike driven horizontally into the street side of a wooden pole for emergency siren roughly 2 feet above ground level along the northwest side of Wild Horse Creek Road; 300 feet more or less straight line distance west of the centerline intersection of Highway 100 and Wild Horse Creek Road, 650 feet northeasterly along Wild Horse Creek Road from the intersection with Old Wild Horse Creek Road, and 24 feet northwest of the centerline of Wild Horse Creek Road. SP MO East N=305262± E=234006± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.583936°±(N/+) Long=90.683574°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 737.73 FtUS (or) 224.860 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 737.86 FtUS Cut "U" on the top southwestern end of a 24" concrete pipe flowing northeasterly under an asphalt bike and walking path for draining a grassy swale along the east side of Highway 109 south of the intersection with Eatherton Road at a distance of 0.35 miles more or less north of the centerline of Highway 100. The benchmark is roughly 43 feet east of the centerline of Highway 109, 164 feet south of the centerline of Eatherton Road, and 10 feet west of a dashed yellow stripe down the center of the asphalt path. SP MO East N=305810± E=237723± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.588932°±(N/+) Long=90.640921°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 16:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 754.80 FtUS (or) 230.065 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 754.94 FtUS Found "L" on the top southeast corner of the western barrier wall of Bridge No. A-2738 for Highway 109 over Highway 100, noting that the end of the barrier wall slopes down toward the south and that the actual benchmark is on the high point at the northern cut line of the "L". The benchmark is above the attachment of a metal guard rail to the roadside face of the barrier wall, roughly 22 feet west of the centerline of Highway 109, and 124 feet north of the centerline of the exit ramp from eastbound Highway 100. SP MO East N=305251± E=237554± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.583894°±(N/+) Long=90.642851°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 683.09 FtUS (or) 208.206 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 683.26 FtUS Top of concrete right of way marker situated roughly 50 feet east of the centerline of Highway 109 at a distance of approximately 0.9 miles north along said Highway 109 from the intersection with Woods Avenue; roughly 10 feet east of a second right or way monument that is lying down, 30 feet east of the edge of concrete pavement, and 63 feet south of the southeast corner of a metal grate inlet at the southern end of a concrete swale along the east side of Highway 109. SP MO East N=303405± E=237584± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567264°±(N/+) Long=90.642474°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 479.66 FtUS (or) 146.200 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 479.85 FtUS Cut square near the southern end of a concrete wall forming the east edge of a sump at the northern end of two corrugated metal pipe culverts passing under Woods Avenue east of Highway 109, and being situated within a grassy area bounded on the south by Woods Avenue, on the west by Highway 109, and on the northeast by an asphalt bike path; roughly 23 feet north of the centerline of Woods Avenue, 43 feet east of the centerline of Highway 109, 0.4 feet west of the east edge of concrete wall, and 0.5 feet north of the south end of concrete wall. SP MO East N=302202± E=237546± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.556426°±(N/+) Long=90.642888°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 453.34 FtUS (or) 138.178 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 453.55 FtUS Cut square near the west end of a headwall south of Highway 109 and west of Whitsetts Fork Road, on the south end of a culvert draining southerly under Highway 109 from the east end of the athletic fields and track at La Salle Springs Middle School, addressed as #3300 Highway 109. The benchmark is located roughly 23 feet south of the centerline of Highway 109, 90 feet west of the centerline of Whitsetts Fork Road, 1 foot east of the west end of headwall, and 0.5 feet north of the south edge of headwall. SP MO East N=301474± E=238055± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.549874°±(N/+) Long=90.637036°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 558.55 FtUS (or) 170.247 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 558.73 FtUS Cut square on top of the southwest wingwall of Bouquet Road bridge #352 1.2 miles more or less southwest along Bouquet Road from the intersection of Bouquet Road and Melrose Road; roughly 12 feet west of the centerline of Bouquet Road, and 30 feet south of the westerly prolongation of the center of gravel driveway to #3380 Bouquet Road. SP MO East N=302940± E=229726± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.562930°±(N/+) Long=90.732631°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 669.63 FtUS (or) 204.104 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 669.79 FtUS Found "66" being part of the date "8 16 66" scribed in the top of a 1.5'x2.5' concrete base for mailboxes, next to a metal plow supporting mailboxes for houses addressed as #3502 and #3540 Bouquet Road; roughly 12 feet northeast of the centerline of Bouquet Road and 45 feet northwest of the centerline of common driveway apron to the listed addresses. SP MO East N=302418± E=229891± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.558231°±(N/+) Long=90.730722°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 632.45 FtUS (or) 192.771 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 632.52 FtUS Cut square on top of the southeast wing wall of Bouquet Road bridge #348, 900 feet more or less north along Bouquet Road from the intersection with Old Manchester Road; roughly 11 feet east of the centerline of Bouquet Road, and 60 feet south of the centerline of gravel driveway to #4020 Bouquet Road. SP MO East N=300871± E=230304± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.544304°±(N/+) Long=90.725940°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 16:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 617.50 FtUS (or) 188.214 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 617.59 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-99A and situated in a grassy area east of Highway 100 (aka Manchester Road) and north of the intersection with Montgomery Lane from the west and with Deer Creek Road from the east, a little less than 0.2 miles north of the intersection of Highway 100 with Old Manchester Road from the west and with Fox Creek Road from the east. The benchmark is roughly 32 feet east of the centerline of Highway 100, 62 feet north of the centerline of Deer Creek Road, and 42 feet north of a stop sign controlling traffic westbound on Deer Creek Road. <NGS PID="AA8740", Designation="Accessory to SL 99"> SP MO East N=300608± E=230937± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.541948°±(N/+) Long=90.718672°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 721.40 FtUS (or) 219.882 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 721.55 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of the concrete base for raised metal traffic signal control box situated west of Highway 100 (aka Manchester Road) and south of the turnoff for Starck Lane; generally east of Metro West Fire Protection District Station Five addressed as #18601 Starck Lane, and north of the fire station signal mast with signal arm controlling southbound traffic along Manchester Road. SP MO East N=302110± E=232930± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.555520°±(N/+) Long=90.695847°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 730.94 FtUS (or) 222.792 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 731.10 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-96A and situated in grassy shoulder area east of the west outer road for Highway 100, known as Starck Lane, and west of a metal guard rail, across the street from residence addressed as #18675 Starck Lane, approximately 110 feet west of the centerline of Highway 100 and 900 feet more or less south of the intersection of Starck Lane with Highway 100; roughly 14 feet east of the centerline of Starck Lane, 1.6 feet west of a metal guard rail, 143 feet north of the center of driveway to #18675 Starck Lane, and 36 feet south of the centerline of driveway to #18665 Starck Lane. <NGS PID="AA8737", Designation="Accessory to SL 96"> SP MO East N=301891± E=232772± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.553544°±(N/+) Long=90.697654°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 16:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 555.59 FtUS (or) 169.344 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 555.74 FtUS "L" in the center of the northwest wingwall of Bridge No. 357 for Glencoe Road over Hamilton Creek within Rockwood Reservation at a distance of approximately 1.5 miles initially along Woods Road and then along Glencoe Road from the intersection of Woods Road and Highway 109; roughly 13 feet north of the centerline of Glencoe Road. SP MO East N=303053± E=235476± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.564061°±(N/+) Long=90.666656°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 489.44 FtUS (or) 149.183 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 489.63 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest abutment of a bridge for Glencoe Road over Hamilton Creek at a distance of approximately 0.3 miles initially along Woods Road and then along Glencoe Road from the intersection of Woods Road and Highway 109; roughly 13 feet north of the centerline of Glencoe Road. SP MO East N=302296± E=237171± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.557267°±(N/+) Long=90.647193°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 480.54 FtUS (or) 146.468 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 480.73 FtUS Found "L" on the southernmost corner of the southeast wingwall of Bridge No. 348 for Woods Road over Hamilton Creek; approximately 120 feet southwesterly along Woods Road from the centerline intersection of Woods Road and Highway 109, and 18 feet southeast of the centerline of Woods Road. SP MO East N=302152± E=237527± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.555975°±(N/+) Long=90.643106°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 481.81 FtUS (or) 146.855 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 482.01 FtUS Cut square on the westernmost corner of concrete pad for ATT control box located roughly 52 feet southeast of the centerline of Eureka and Allenton Road (also known as West Main Street in Allenton), and 57 feet northeast of the centerline of Pin High Court. SP MO East N=296209± E=236399± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.502418°±(N/+) Long=90.655932°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 16:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 510.58 FtUS (or) 155.624 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 510.77 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of the concrete base for raised metal traffic signal control box situated northeast of the intersection of U.S. highway 66 with O'Sullivan Avenue from the south and with Six Flags Road (also known as Allenton Road) from the north, near the southwest corner of property for a gas station and convenience store addressed as #18181 U.S. Highway 66; roughly 62 feet north of the centerline of Highway 66, 19 feet north of the edge of pavement for Highway 66, 51 feet southeast of a traffic signal mast, and 300 feet more or less south of the highway ramp from Six Flags Road onto eastbound Interstate 44. SP MO East N=296452± E=234643± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.504578°±(N/+) Long=90.676069°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 512.96 FtUS (or) 156.350 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 513.16 FtUS Found square on the top south side of the round concrete base for traffic signal mast with signal arm controlling traffic southbound on Six Flags Road, located on the south side of ramp from Six Flags Road (also known as Allenton Road) onto westbound Interstate 44; roughly 75 feet west of the centerline of Six Flags Road, and 135 feet more or less north of the centerline of the Interstate 44 bridge over Six Flags Road. SP MO East N=296612± E=234497± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.506017°±(N/+) Long=90.677746°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 590.06 FtUS (or) 179.852 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 590.24 FtUS Cut "L" on the top northwest corner of a concrete headwall for culvert draining under Fox Creek Road just west of the entrance road to Jellystone Park addressed as #5300 Fox Creek Road; roughly 25 feet north of the centerline of Fox Creek Road, 30 feet west of the centerline of road to Jellystone Park, and a little more than 0.5 miles west along Fox Creek Road from Six Flags Road. SP MO East N=296481± E=233609± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.504821°±(N/+) Long=90.687925°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 16:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 510.22 FtUS (or) 155.516 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 510.36 FtUS Set spike in the northeast side of a wooden utility pole situated southwest of Fox Creek Road at a distance of 1.8 miles more or less west and northwest along Fox Creek Road from the intersection with Six Flags Road, and situated southeast of a gravel road entrance that turns sharply to run west and south of the pole for access along the northeast, southeast and southwest edges of a large open field on property addressed as #4933 Fox Creek Road. The benchmark is 600 feet more or less northeast in a direct line across the aforesaid open field from the northeast end of a steel truss bridge where the gravel road crosses Fox Creek; roughly 25 feet southwest of the centerline of Fox Creek Road, 45 feet southeast of the center of gravel road entrance, and 825 feet more or less southeast along Fox Creek Road from the center of asphalt driveway to residence addressed as #4882 Fox Creek Road. SP MO East N=296846± E=231722± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.508073°±(N/+) Long=90.709569°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 536.55 FtUS (or) 163.540 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 536.67 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-70A situated in a coarse grass area east of Fox Creek Road and 118 feet more or less south of the centerline of Vixen Drive; roughly 4 feet west of a wooden rail fence around a pasture, 10 feet south of a solitary 10" elm tree, 35 feet east of the centerline of Fox Creek Road, and 23 feet south of the easterly prolongation of the centerline of driveway to #4701 Fox Creek Road. <NGS PID="AA8711", Designation="Accessory to SL 70"> SP MO East N=297762± E=231406± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.516318°±(N/+) Long=90.713216°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 460.66 FtUS (or) 140.409 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 460.86 FtUS Found "L" on the southwest corner of the south concrete barrier wall separating the traveled pavement of Forby Road from the south sidewalk at a triple box culvert for Clifte Creek under Forby Road; roughly 12 feet south of the centerline of Forby Road, 450 feet more or less west of the entrance to parking for Berry Park, and 1.0 mile more or less westerly along North Street and Forby Road from Highway 109. SP MO East N=297763± E=237972± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.516440°±(N/+) Long=90.637924°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 16:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 640.19 FtUS (or) 195.129 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 640.40 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-91A situated in a lawn area west of Alt Road and south of the driveway to house addressed as #4151 Alt Road; roughly 6 feet west of the edge of pavement of Alt Road, and 58 feet north of the westerly projection of the centerline of driveway to house addressed as #4108 Alt Road. <NGS PID="AA8732", Designation="Accessory to SL 91"> SP MO East N=299893± E=237810± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.535627°±(N/+) Long=90.639819°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 490.05 FtUS (or) 149.367 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 490.27 FtUS Found square on top of the northwest curb of Highway 66 Business Loop behind a metal guard rail between the north end of the concrete barrier wall along the northwest side of the Highway 66 bridge over Fox Creek and the most southwestern steel post for metal guard rail attached to the concrete barrier wall; approximately 0.8 miles west and southwest along Highway 66 Business Loop from the intersection with Six Flags Road, and 875 feet more or less southwesterly from the intersection with South Fox Creek Lane. SP MO East N=295933± E=233538± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.499883°±(N/+) Long=90.688726°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 898.30 FtUS (or) 273.803 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 898.51 FtUS "U.S.G.S. Survey Marker" published by NGS as station ROCKWOOD (NGS PID JC1717), stamped "ROCKWOOD 1956" and set in top of a 10" square concrete monument basically flush with the ground, situated 10 feet perpendicular distance west of the western side of an 8 foot tall chain link fence enclosing the northernmost and largest of three cell towers; roughly 70 feet southwest of the northwestern fence corner, and 45 feet northwest of the southwestern fence corner. The mark is reached via a short access road extending southeasterly east of Allenton Road at a total distance of 1000 feet more or less from the intersection of Allenton Road with the entrance to Scenic Loop Road, on a hill formerly the site of a fire lookout tower. <NGS PID="JC1717", Designation="ROCKWOOD"> SP MO East N=298508.7± E=234571.2± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.523106°±(N/+) Long=90.676938°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 16:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 706.34 FtUS (or) 215.294 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 706.55 FtUS Set railroad spike 1.5 feet above the ground in the west side of a utility pole situated roughly 2 feet east of the east edge of Allenton Road, near the city limit between the Cities of Eureka and Wildwood, approximately 20 feet north of the easterly prolongation of a gravel road running west from Allenton Road and providing access to a house addressed as #4665 Allenton Road in addition to other properties, and 130 feet more or less south of the intersection of Allenton Road with Pinhook Hollow Drive. SP MO East N=297962± E=234332± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.518176°±(N/+) Long=90.679668°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 879.02 FtUS (or) 267.927 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 879.21 FtUS Cut "U" centered in a five foot wide concrete entrance walk in the line formed by the northeast face of two screening walls at the northeast side of a 30'x15' park restroom building at the Dogwood picnic shelter and playground in Greensfelder Park; roughly 120 feet southwest of the centerline of Hencken Road, 250 northwest of the main entrance to the parking lot, and directly across Hencken road from the most northwesterly of two entrances for a loop driveway to residence addressed as #4454 Hencken Road. SP MO East N=299085± E=233333± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.528275°±(N/+) Long=90.691151°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 671.74 FtUS (or) 204.746 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 671.88 FtUS Cut square on the short level top of the northwest wingwall, and west of the western headwall of a 16 foot wide concrete box culvert passing under Hencken Road; approximately 0.1 miles south of Manchester Road, and roughly 15 feet west of the centerline of Hencken Road. SP MO East N=301472± E=232523± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.549764°±(N/+) Long=90.700500°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 630.12 FtUS (or) 192.060 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 630.30 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-92A situated roughly 2 feet south of the edge of asphalt and 10.5 feet south of the centerline of Melrose Road at a point roughly 20 feet west of and across Melrose Road from the center of driveway to residence addressed as #17611 Melrose Road; roughly 69 feet southeast of a utility pole, 220 feet west of a second utility pole, and 5 feet west of a 12" elm that is mostly dead. SP MO East N=301938± E=236642± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.554034°±(N/+) Long=90.653255°±(W/-) Page 25 of 26
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 16:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 824.00 FtUS (or) 251.156 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 824.17 FtUS "Spike" in a power pole; 145' northwest of the centerline of Allenton Six Flags Road and 13' southwest of the centerline of Melrose Road. SP MO East N=302208± E=234076± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.556424°±(N/+) Long=90.682701°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 513.90 FtUS (or) 156.636 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 514.10 FtUS Spike in wooden utility pole situated on the north side of West Main Street, northwest of the "T" intersection with Hunters Ford Road from the south; roughly 16 feet north of the centerline of West Main Street, 29 feet west of the northerly prolongation of the centerline of Hunters Ford Road, and 22 feet west of the wooden support posts for a Missouri Conservation Department directional sign indicating that the Allenton Public Fishing Access is south along Hunters Ford Road. SP MO East N=296335± E=234961± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.503530°±(N/+) Long=90.672421°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 17:
Rev: 10/30/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 419.99 FtUS RM 148 FEMA PANEL 267; "Standard Tablet" stamped 35 GEU 1975 set in west end of north headwall along Meramec Station Road; 29' east and 12' north of intersection of Meramec Station Road and Hillsboro Road. SP MO East N=299809± E=248945± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.534953°±(N/+) Long=90.512101°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 450.41 FtUS (or) 137.285 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 450.69 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 87-75 S.L.C. set in west end of north headwall of culvert under westbound lane of Hwy I-44; 1.6 miles west of Highway 141 underpass. The benchmark is roughly 209 feet west of mile mark sign 271.2 along the north side of westbound I-44, and 60 feet northeast of the west end of a metal guardrail. SP MO East N=299660± E=248115± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.533610°±(N/+) Long=90.521620°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 517.14 FtUS (or) 157.626 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 517.42 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 21 GEU 1975 set in west end of north headwall of culvert under westbound lane of Hwy I-44; 2.3 miles west of Highway 141 underpass. The benchmark is roughly 22 feet east of mile mark sign 270.4 along the north side of westbound I-44, and 230 feet more or less east of a sign marked "Exit 269 Beaumont Antire Road 1 Mile". SP MO East N=299114± E=247044± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.528688°±(N/+) Long=90.533902°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 458.04 FtUS (or) 139.611 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 458.39 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 23 GEU 1975 set in west end of north headwall at the eastern end of the Lewis Road exit from westbound I-44, being Exit 266; roughly 65 feet west of a sign marked "Exit 40 MPH". SP MO East N=296515± E=242735± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.505249°±(N/+) Long=90.583295°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 470.52 FtUS (or) 143.415 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 470.83 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped U.S.G.S. gaging station tablet set in rock ledge 40' north and 38' east of the east abutment of bridge over the Meramec River along the North Outer Road about 0.4 mile west of the Lewis Road exit from the Hwy I-44 overpass. SP MO East N=296605± E=242034± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.506053°±(N/+) Long=90.591333°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 17:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 452.94 FtUS (or) 138.055 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 453.22 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 90-75 S.L.C. set in northwest wingwall of west abutment of bridge over the Meramec River along the North Outer Road about 0.6 mile west of the Lewis Road exit from the Hwy I-44 overpass. SP MO East N=296443± E=241748± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.504591°±(N/+) Long=90.594610°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 461.90 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped H 204 1946 set in top of the southeast end of the northeast abutment of the railroad bridge over the Meramec River; 8 feet southeast of the southeast rail of the eastbound track and 1 foot below the level of the track. <NGS PID="JC0491", Designation="H 204"> SP MO East N=298191± E=240084± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.520322°±(N/+) Long=90.613712°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 463.16 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped E 312 1969 75 feet south of the south end of the east pier under the Allen Road overpass over the railroad track set in the top of a rock ledge which is 35 feet long and 2 feet high and near the north end of a rock cut; 15 feet east of the east rail of the eastbound track and 1.2 feet east of the west edge of the ledge, 0.5 feet underground and 12 feet south of a metal witness post and about level with the track. <NGS PID="JC0490", Designation="E 312"> SP MO East N=298531± E=240243± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.523387°±(N/+) Long=90.611894°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 472.20 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 55-75 S.L.C. set in south end of west headwall along Crescent Road at small drain crossing; 500' south of #4459 Crescent Road and 600' north from Allen road. SP MO East N=298758± E=239988± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.525429°±(N/+) Long=90.614821°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 17:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 436.97 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped P 204 1946 set in the top of the concrete base to the south leg of signal bridge #205R; 7 feet south of the south rail of the eastbound track and 5 feet east of the west end of the base and 1 foot above the level of the track, about 1.4 miles west along the Missouri Pacific Railroad from the overpass over Highway 141 at Valley Park, near mile pole 20-19. <NGS PID="JC0482", Designation="P 204"> SP MO East N=301206± E=248216± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.547538°±(N/+) Long=90.520466°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 457.99 FtUS (or) 139.596 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 458.23 FtUS RM 141 FEMA PANEL 267; "Standard Tablet" stamped 1-74 S.L.C. set in concrete 1.3 feet below grade in the edge of gravel shoulder at the intersection of Vance Road and Mombert Drive; roughly 20 feet south of the centerline of Vance Road, 30 feet east of the approximate centerline of a gravel road known as Mombert Drive, 15 feet northeast of a street sign post, 55 feet west of a utility pole, and 45 feet southwest of the east end of a guard rail along the north side of Vance Road. Benchmark is accessed thru a 5" PVC riser pipe with 5" aluminum access cap. SP MO East N=301703.1± E=248193.7± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.552016°±(N/+) Long=90.520723°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 435.37 FtUS RM 133 FEMA PANEL 270; "Standard Tablet" stamped N 204 1946 set on the top of the east end of the south retaining wall for railroad bridge #213 over Kiefer Creek; 3' south of the south rail of the eastbound track and 2' west of the east end of the wall 0.5' below the level of the track, about 2.1 miles west along the Missouri Pacific Railroad from the overpass over Highway 141 at Valley Park. <NGS PID="JC0484", Designation="N 204"> SP MO East N=301346± E=247017± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.548796°±(N/+) Long=90.534221°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 444.86 FtUS (or) 135.595 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 445.06 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 57-75 S.L.C. set in east end of south headwall along Kiefer Creek Road; near intersection of Ries Road and Kiefer Creek Road at small drain crossing. SP MO East N=301848± E=246014± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.553315°±(N/+) Long=90.545731°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 17:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 451.71 FtUS (or) 137.680 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 451.90 FtUS RM 135 FEMA PANEL 270; "Standard Tablet" stamped 58-75 S.L.C. along Kiefer Creek Road at intersection of Kiefer Creek Road and Castlewood Drive; 31' southwest of centerline Kiefer Creek Road on northeast wingwall of bridge over Kiefer Creek. SP MO East N=302112± E=245531± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.555691°±(N/+) Long=90.551274°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 502.79 FtUS (or) 153.252 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 502.99 FtUS RM 137 FEMA PANEL 254; "Standard Tablet" stamped 59-75 S.L.C. set in east end of small headwall along Kiefer Creek Road at drive south; (Triple H Farms) 18' south and 19' east of intersection. SP MO East N=303119± E=244199± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.564755°±(N/+) Long=90.566564°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 549.41 FtUS (or) 167.460 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 549.61 FtUS RM 103 FEMA PANEL 254; "Standard Tablet" stamped 60-75 S.L.C. set in south headwall of small drain along Kiefer Creek Road; about 800' east and 13' south of intersection of Kiefer Creek Road and St. Paul Road south. SP MO East N=303708± E=243260± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.570055°±(N/+) Long=90.577345°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 680.79 FtUS (or) 207.504 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 680.93 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 64-75 S.L.C. along Manchester Road in headwall 7' lower than the road; 272' west and 50' north of intersection of Manchester Road and Strecker Road. SP MO East N=305880± E=241302± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.589605°±(N/+) Long=90.599841°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 555.46 FtUS (or) 169.306 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 555.73 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 3 GEU 1974 set in center of east guardrail along Ries Road at Fishpot Creek crossing; 0.6 mile south of Manchester Road. SP MO East N=305545± E=246503± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.586623°±(N/+) Long=90.540139°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 521.68 FtUS RM 356 FEMA PANEL 259; "Standard Tablet" stamped 109-75 S.L.C. set in west end of south headwall at private drive to the east at the intersection of Old Meramec Road and Bublin Lane in the southeast corner. SP MO East N=305883± E=248990± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.589674°±(N/+) Long=90.511593°±(W/-) Page 5 of 26
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 17:
Rev: 10/30/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
[Republished as BM 18311 in Chapter 18.]
[Republished as BM 18312 in Chapter 18.]
NGVD29 Elev = 599.88 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of concrete stoop at front entrance to #325 Sulphur Springs Road; 45' west of centerline of Sulphur Springs Road and 54' south of centerline of Hillcrest Avenue. SP MO East N=305850± E=248250± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.589376°±(N/+) Long=90.520087°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 484.79 FtUS "L" on concrete base of relay box at railroad crossing along Lewis Road at Allen Road. SP MO East N=298634± E=240799± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.524321°±(N/+) Long=90.605519°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 489.28 FtUS "U" on southeast wingwall of bridge #329 over the railroad track located 12' south of centerline of Allen Road. (U.S.G.S. B.M. #E 312 [being Saint Louis County BM 17014] is located 70' south of bridge #329 at level of track) SP MO East N=298552± E=240258± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.523576°±(N/+) Long=90.611722°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 596.39 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of a concrete pad for a water company box; 21' west of the centerline of New Ballwin Road and 90' south of the centerline of Oak Street. [Oak Street is now Big Bend Road, and the entire intersection of Big Bend road and New Ballwin Road has been realigned since the benchmark was described. If recovered, this benchmark should be verified to a second benchmark.] SP MO East N=303390± E=245160± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567202°±(N/+) Long=90.555539°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 573.05 FtUS (or) 174.665 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 573.39 FtUS "U" on the south side of a concrete post for a light standard; 87' north of the centerline of Big Bend Road and 54' east of the centerline of the west entrance to the Tree Top Shopping Center. SP MO East N=303542± E=247981± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.568583°±(N/+) Long=90.523169°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 17:
Rev: 10/30/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 494.53 FtUS (or) 150.733 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 494.87 FtUS "L" on the north edge of the concrete driveway to house #1301 Westbrooke Meadows Lane; 38' west of the centerline of Westbrooke Meadows Lane and 70' south of the centerline of Big Bend Road. SP MO East N=303367± E=248705± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567007°±(N/+) Long=90.514860°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 450.02 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped K 204 1946 about 0.4 mile west along the Missouri Pacific Railroad tracks from the station at Jedburg; about 3 poles southwest of mile post 24-10, 11 feet southeast and about 1 foot lower than the southeast track, on top of the northwest end of the southeast wingwall of concrete underpass No 7E. (Mark at Station Stop Riovale) <NGS PID="JC0488", Designation="K 204"> SP MO East N=300026± E=242380± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.536876°±(N/+) Long=90.587403°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 451.79 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of a 2' x 6' concrete pad in front of a railroad crossing control box at railroad marker #24; 8' north of the northernmost rail, 30' east of St.Paul Road and 100' south of Prevallet Street. [This description will require field resolution of potential discrepancies.] SP MO East N=300180± E=242862± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.538268°±(N/+) Long=90.581876°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 534.13 FtUS "Spike" in the west face of power pole #45; 15' west of the centerline of St Paul Road and 0.3 mile north of railroad tracks crossing St Paul Road. SP MO East N=300600± E=242930± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.542052°±(N/+) Long=90.581100°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 562.25 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of a concrete pad for the steps leading to a patio on the south end of House #102A; 80' west of the centerline of St Paul Road and 0.5 mile north of the railroad tracks crossing St Paul Road. SP MO East N=300934± E=242882± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.545061°±(N/+) Long=90.581654°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 17:
Rev: 10/30/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 716.12 FtUS "Spike" in the north side of power pole #Z-7-0903; 30' south of the intersection of St Paul Road with Ridge Road and 15' west of a gravel road leading to subdivision Forest Splendor also 0.9 mile north of the railroad tracks crossing St Paul Road. SP MO East N=301480± E=242791± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.549979°±(N/+) Long=90.582704°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 592.50 FtUS "Spike" in the east side of a power pole; 15' west of the centerline of St Paul Road and 0.6 mile north of the intersection of St Paul Road with Ridge Road. SP MO East N=302170± E=243305± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.556199°±(N/+) Long=90.576814°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 537.21 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the northwest wingwall of bridge #3-121; 12' west of the centerline of St Paul Road 1.0 mile north of the intersection of St Paul Road with Ridge Road. SP MO East N=302612± E=243583± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.560183°±(N/+) Long=90.573628°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 559.76 FtUS "Spike" in the east side of a power pole; 15' west of the centerline of St Paul Road and 1.2 mile north of the intersection of St Paul Road with Ridge Road. SP MO East N=302751± E=243337± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.561434°±(N/+) Long=90.576452°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 700.85 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner at the 90 degree angle in the concrete sidewalk from the driveway to house #765 St Paul Road; 80' west of the centerline of St Paul Road and 1.8 mile north of the intersection of St Paul Road with Ridge Road. SP MO East N=303305± E=242933± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.566422°±(N/+) Long=90.581093°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 723.17 FtUS "Spike" in the south side of the southern most 6" x 6" post; (Whispering Oaks Apts.) 40' north of the centerline of Ridge Road and 0.4 mile west of St Paul Road. SP MO East N=301611± E=242435± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.551156°±(N/+) Long=90.586789°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 17:
Rev: 10/30/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 765.58 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of a concrete base for a Bell Telephone control box; 30' south of the centerline of Ridge Road and 15' west of the centerline of Palisades Road. (Palisades Drive private) SP MO East N=301657± E=242039± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.551567°±(N/+) Long=90.591333°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 538.85 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of the concrete porch of house #441 Hunt Road; 40' west of the centerline of Hunt Road and 0.3 mile north of the railroad tracks at St Paul Road and Hunt Road. SP MO East N=300314± E=242179± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.539469°±(N/+) Long=90.589712°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 465.62 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of the first concrete step to porch at house #501 Palisades Drive; 50' south of the centerline of Palisades Drive and 0.5 mile north of the intersection of Palisades Drive and Hunt Road. SP MO East N=300558± E=242087± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.541667°±(N/+) Long=90.590770°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 708.61 FtUS "L" in the southwest corner of the first pillar west of the stone entrance; 39' east of the centerline of Lewis Road, 20' north of a gravel drive and 0.7 mile north of the north outer road. SP MO East N=297587± E=241988± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.514900°±(N/+) Long=90.591871°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 549.31 FtUS "Sq" in the center of a concrete headwall; 15' west of the centerline of Lewis Road and 0.2 mile north of the north outer road. SP MO East N=296892± E=242196± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.508640°±(N/+) Long=90.589478°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 725.66 FtUS (or) 221.182 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 725.75 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of a 5' x 5' concrete base for a flag pole; 24' south of the centerline of the entrance drive and 61' northwest of the northwest corner of the building at #261 Old State Road.(Ellisville Elementary School) SP MO East N=305192± E=241733± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.583411°±(N/+) Long=90.594885°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 12256 in Chapter 12.] Page 9 of 26
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 17:
Rev: 10/30/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 607.44 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of a concrete porch to house #228; 69' east of the centerline of Old Ballwin Road and 30' north of the centerline of the drive to the residence. SP MO East N=305660± E=245412± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.587654°±(N/+) Long=90.552662°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 631.70 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of a concrete foundation for a brick post at the entrance to Mayer Manor Subdivision; 42' west of the centerline of New Ballwin Road and 40' north of the centerline of Oak Run Lane. SP MO East N=303821± E=244955± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.571084°±(N/+) Long=90.557895°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 693.48 FtUS "Sq" on top of curb on the approximate centerline of Oakwood Farms Lane and 14' west of the centerline of Reinke Road. SP MO East N=305203± E=244144± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.583530°±(N/+) Long=90.567213°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 694.53 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of the step at the front porch to house #60; 66' west of the centerline of Reinke Road and 0.1' north of the driveway. SP MO East N=305654± E=244133± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.587592°±(N/+) Long=90.567343°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 12257 in Chapter 12.]
[Republished as BM 18313 in Chapter 18.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 445.25 FtUS (or) 135.711 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 445.43 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-67 1992 Disk is set at the entrance to Castlewood State Park along the south side of Kiefer Creek Road; 67' south east of the centerline of Ries and Kiefer Creek Roads and 57' southwest of the southwest corner of a stone gate post. <NGS PID="AA8708", Designation="SL 67"> SP MO East N=301832.5± E=245981.5± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.553175°±(N/+) Long=90.546103°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 17:
Rev: 10/30/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 561.94 FtUS (or) 171.279 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 562.19 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-69 1992 Disk is set opposite #444 Country Downs Drive on the south side of Twigwood Drive; 92' east of the center line extended of Country Downs Drive and 22' southwest of the centerline of Twigwood Drive. <NGS PID="AA8710", Designation="SL 69"> SP MO East N=303964.1± E=245990.0± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.572379°±(N/+) Long=90.546018°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 16152 in Chapter 16.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 477.04 FtUS (or) 145.403 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 477.38 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-75 and set in a mass of concrete, formerly within a grassy median island but now situated in a slightly depressed ring within a concrete traffic island at the eastern end of the exit ramp from eastbound Interstate 44 at Exit 266 marked for Lewis Road. The traffic island separates eastbound traffic continuing east from traffic turning to the left or north over Bridge #A1797 for the North Outer Road overpass over Interstate 44. The tablet is roughly 17 feet west of the centerline of North Outer Road, in the southeast corner of triangular traffic island roughly 4.7 feet north of the south edge of island and 8.4 feet northwest of the southeastern corner of traffic island. The newer concrete for the traffic island was hand finished to a coarse feather edge on top of the older concrete mass for the tablet. <NGS PID="AA8716", Designation="SL 75"> SP MO East N=296442.8± E=242547.2± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.504596°±(N/+) Long=90.585447°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 492.05 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-76 1992 Disk is set in the northeast corner of Allen Road and Crescent Road; 31' north of the centerline of Allen Road, 10' south of fence and 47' east of nail with shiner set in power pole. <NGS PID="AA8717", Designation="SL 76"> SP MO East N=298566.3± E=240028.1± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.523703°±(N/+) Long=90.614359°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 17:
Rev: 10/30/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 762.49 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-78 1992 Disk is set on the southeast corner of Ridge Road and Ridgetree Trails Drive; 56' east of a brick sign post and 22' south of the centerline of Ridgetree Trails Drive. <NGS PID="AA8719", Designation="SL 78"> SP MO East N=302050.6± E=241774.7± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.555111°±(N/+) Long=90.594370°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 537.04 FtUS "L" on the northwest end of a concrete retaining wall; 500' east of Tree Top Village Drive and 35' south of the centerline of Big Bend Road. SP MO East N=303450± E=247607± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567753°±(N/+) Long=90.527460°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 473.22 FtUS RM 138 FEMA PANEL 270 Chiseled; "Sq" on top of northwest wingwall of Sontag Road bridge over Spring branch. Approximately 0.95 mile east of St Paul Road and 0.30 mile west of New Ballwin Road. SP MO East N=302067± E=244881± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.555282°±(N/+) Long=90.558731°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 486.58 FtUS RM 146 FEMA PANEL 270; Chiseled "Sq" on top of southeast corner of southwest wingwall of Beamont Antire Road bridge (#311) over Little Antire Creek. SP MO East N=296435± E=244649± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.504541°±(N/+) Long=90.561350°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 434.04 FtUS RM 150 FEMA PANEL 270; Chiseled "Sq" in west end of north headwall of Burlington Northern Railroad culvert for Tyson Hollow. SP MO East N=300106± E=244743± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.537614°±(N/+) Long=90.560299°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 449.59 FtUS RM 145 FEMA PANEL 264; Chiseled "Sq" on top of northeast end of cast iron pipe for Antire Creek under entrance for BussenAntire Quarry. SP MO East N=296484± E=243319± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.504974°±(N/+) Long=90.576599°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 17:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 435.35 FtUS RM 471 FEMA PANEL 264; Chiseled "Sq" in center of horizontal concrete beam of the easternmost bridge support for the eastbound I-44 bridge over Meramec River. [East of service road passing under I-44 bridge.] SP MO East N=296448± E=242156± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.504640°±(N/+) Long=90.589932°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 428.86 FtUS RM 472 FEMA PANEL 264; Existing chiseled "Sq" in center of west concrete headwall, approximately 30 feet south and 30 feet west of intersection of Riverside Drive and Birch Road. RM is approximately 50 feet north of centerline of westbound I-44 bridge over Meramec river. SP MO East N=296365± E=241818± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.503889°±(N/+) Long=90.593806°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 508.66 FtUS RM 102 FEMA PANEL 259; Chiseled "Sq" in east corner of north headwall of Wren Avenue bridge over Fishpot Creek. SP MO East N=304486± E=248619± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.577088°±(N/+) Long=90.515849°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 18314 in Chapter 18.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 473.28 FtUS (or) 144.255 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 473.48 FtUS "L" cut on the southwest corner at the west end of the south headwall of a triple box concrete bridge over Kiefer Creek, 53' south of the centerline of Kiefer Creek Road and 283' west of the centerline of New Ballwin Road. Note: see 17-148 for DNR monument set on this culvert SP MO East N=302599± E=245030± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.560075°±(N/+) Long=90.557025°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 473.29 FtUS (or) 144.259 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 473.49 FtUS MO DNR GRS Aluminum Disk Stamped "9 GEU Reset 2000". It is set in the southeast corner of a triple box concrete bridge over Kiefer Creek about 2.5 miles southeast of Highway 340 (Clarkson Road), Highway 100 (Manchester Road) and Kiefer Creek Road intersection. It is about 280 feet west of the intersection of Kiefer Creek Road and New Ballwin Road. Note: see 17-147 for another benchmark set on this culvert SP MO East N=302600± E=245050± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.560085°±(N/+) Long=90.556796°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 17:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 521.09 FtUS RM 147 FEMA PANEL 270; Chiseled square on top of southeast end of southeast wingwall of bridge over Little Antire Creek at Charter Oak campground area in Beaumont Scout Reservation. [This is prior BM 22001 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 17.] SP MO East N=296142± E=245567± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.501907°±(N/+) Long=90.550823°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 419.60 FtUS (or) 127.894 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 419.89 FtUS "Sq" on the east end of a headwall; 12’ north of the centerline Meramec Station Road and 37’ east of Hillsboro Road extended. [This is prior BM 18257 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 17.] SP MO East N=299810± E=248949± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.534962°±(N/+) Long=90.512055°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 423.45 FtUS (or) 129.069 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 423.75 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the northeast wingwall on bridge #437 Antire Road; 0.1 mile west of Hillsboro Road. [This is prior BM 18258 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 17.] SP MO East N=299750± E=248766± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.534422°±(N/+) Long=90.514154°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 436.45 FtUS (or) 133.029 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 436.75 FtUS Railroad Spike in the west side of a power pole at the entrance to Forest 44 Conservation Area; 0.4 mile south of the intersection of Hillsboro Road and Meramec Station. [This is prior BM 18259 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 17.] SP MO East N=299205± E=248889± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.529512°±(N/+) Long=90.512742°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 449.57 FtUS (or) 137.028 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 449.88 FtUS "Sq" on headwall; 16’ east of the centerline of Hillsboro Road and 0.5 mile north of bridge #438. [This is prior BM 18260 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 17.] SP MO East N=298531± E=248991± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.523440°±(N/+) Long=90.511571°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 468.05 FtUS (or) 142.661 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 468.37 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of driveway to #590 Hillsboro Road; 21’ east of the centerline of Hillsboro Road and 1 mile south of the intersection of Hillsboro Road and Meramec Station. [This is prior BM 18261 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 17.] SP MO East N=298181± E=248972± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.520287°±(N/+) Long=90.511789°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 434.28 FtUS (or) 132.369 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 434.54 FtUS RM 277 FEMA PANEL 263; Center of "O" on reference date 1970 in concrete of Stoneridge Drive bridge over Flat Creek in City of Eureka "Kircher Park" on the northeast corner of bridge, approximately 1,000 feet south of Interstate 44. [This is prior BM 22002 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 17.] SP MO East N=296268± E=239995± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.502997°±(N/+) Long=90.614706°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 438.93 FtUS (or) 133.785 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 439.18 FtUS Cut "U" on west edge of concrete pavement along Williams Road approximately 0.4 miles north of Augustine Road, 307' south of the centerline of a gravel driveway for #73 Williams Road, and 120' north of the transition from asphalt to concrete pavement, opposite power pole #377901. [This is prior BM 22007 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 17.] SP MO East N=296057± E=240111± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.501097°±(N/+) Long=90.613373°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 449.53 FtUS (or) 137.016 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 449.79 FtUS Cut "U" on north side of concrete base for the light pole near the northwest corner of asphalt parking lot for Midwest Motors, #1400 South Outer Road. [This is prior BM 22008 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 17.] SP MO East N=296295± E=240603± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.503247°±(N/+) Long=90.607735°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 577.74 FtUS (or) 176.096 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 578.02 FtUS Cut "L" in the northeast corner of the concrete slab at the base of concrete and steel observation tower situated northeast of the lake in Lone Elk Park. Benchmark is reached by proceeding west for approximately 2.0 miles along the West Outer Road from the intersection of Hwy I-44 and Hwy 141; thence northwest along the eastern park road for approximately 0.6 miles to a wood post and chain link park gate. Benchmark is roughly 240 feet beyond the park gate and south of the park road. SP MO East N=299949± E=246666± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.536209°±(N/+) Long=90.538241°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 501.84 FtUS (or) 152.961 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 502.12 FtUS Top of found concrete monument roughly 5 feet north of the white stripe for the north side of the park road along the top of the dam on the north side of the lake at Lone Elk Park, and roughly 487 feet west of the three way centerline intersection of park entrance road from the east, Tyson Station road to the northwest and the park road over the dam to the west. SP MO East N=299894.7± E=246327.9± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.535719°±(N/+) Long=90.542119°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 502.05 FtUS (or) 153.025 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 502.33 FtUS Top of found concrete monument situated roughly 128 feet west of the southwest corner of the visitor center building at Lone Elk Park; on the southeast side of the park road reached by continuing in a counterclockwise loop around the lake after crossing the dam in a westerly direction. The monument is roughly 80 feet northeast of the three way intersection of the park road from the northeast, the bison area drive road to the southwest and the visitor center parking road to the south. SP MO East N=299428± E=246217± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.531514°±(N/+) Long=90.543389°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 504.66 FtUS (or) 153.822 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 504.94 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of the concrete base for flagpole roughly 14 feet south of the southeast corner of the visitor center building at Lone Elk Park and within a paved walk area surrounding the building. SP MO East N=299418± E=246262± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.531424°±(N/+) Long=90.542872°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 688.69 FtUS (or) 209.914 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 688.97 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of the concrete apron surrounding a grated cattle crossing guard at the southern gate for exiting the bison viewing area along the bison area drive at Lone Elk Park; roughly 45 feet west of a three way intersection of the bison area drive from the west, the visitor center park road from the north, and the southern park road to the east. SP MO East N=298988± E=246124± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.527549°±(N/+) Long=90.544453°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 684.99 FtUS (or) 208.786 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 685.12 FtUS Cut "U" on top of curb at the eastern bullnose end of the median island in the centerline of Parkview Estates Drive and roughly 38 feet west of the centerline of Kiefer Creek Road. SP MO East N=305872± E=242472± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.589544°±(N/+) Long=90.586411°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 652.05 FtUS (or) 198.744 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 652.18 FtUS Found square on top of curb at the eastern bullnose end of the median island in the centerline of Bridge Creek Trail and roughly 30 feet west of the centerline of Kiefer Creek Road. SP MO East N=305526± E=242388± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.586426°±(N/+) Long=90.587371°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 617.27 FtUS (or) 188.144 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 617.42 FtUS Cut "L" on top of curb at the northeastern bullnose end of the median island in the centerline of Polo Lake Drive and roughly 67 feet southwest of the centerline of Kiefer Creek Road. SP MO East N=304988± E=242412± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.581579°±(N/+) Long=90.587090°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 592.97 FtUS (or) 180.739 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 593.14 FtUS Found "L" on the southeast corner of the northern headwall of a two chamber box culvert for Kiefer Creek under Pierside Lane west of Kiefer Creek Road; roughly 40 feet north of the centerline of Pierside Lane and 64 feet west of the centerline of Kiefer Creek Road. SP MO East N=304585± E=242608± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.577951°±(N/+) Long=90.584836°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 17:
Rev: 10/30/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 592.32 FtUS (or) 180.540 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 592.49 FtUS Found "L" on the southwest corner of the southern headwall of a two chamber box culvert for Kiefer Creek under Pierside Lane west of Kiefer Creek Road; roughly 40 feet south of the centerline of Pierside Lane and 97 feet west of the centerline of Kiefer Creek Road. SP MO East N=304559± E=242608± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.577716°±(N/+) Long=90.584836°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 556.65 FtUS (or) 169.668 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 556.85 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast corner a 6'x8' concrete pad base for ATT control box situated in a grassy area north of Arbor Chase Drive and east of an asphalt driveway extending from Arbor Chase Drive to residence addressed as #651 Kiefer Creek Road east of the storm water detention basin for "ARBOR CHASE PLAT TWO" (Plat Book 352 Page 861); roughly 66 feet northwest of the centerline of St Paul Road, 65 feet southwest of the centerline of Kiefer Creek Road, and 98 feet north of the centerline of Arbor Chase Drive. SP MO East N=303780± E=242987± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.570701°±(N/+) Long=90.580478°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 513.22 FtUS (or) 156.429 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 513.41 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-134 situated in the tree lawn southwest of Kiefer Creek Road and southeast of Pine Terrace Drive; roughly 4 feet northeast of the edge of a concrete sidewalk, 29 feet southwest of the centerline of Kiefer Creek Road, and 74 feet southeast of the centerline of Pine Terrace Drive. SP MO East N=303399.8± E=243960.0± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567283°±(N/+) Long=90.569309°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 495.84 FtUS (or) 151.133 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 496.04 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-134A situated in the tree lawn southwest of Kiefer Creek Road and southeast of Forest Valley Drive; roughly 1 foot northeast of the edge of a concrete sidewalk, 32 feet southwest of the centerline of Kiefer Creek Road, and 188 feet southeast of the centerline of Forest Valley Drive. SP MO East N=303000± E=244305± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.563684°±(N/+) Long=90.565347°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 17:
Rev: 10/30/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 451.67 FtUS (or) 137.669 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 451.86 FtUS Found "U" on the easternmost corner of the concrete wing wall extending southeasterly from the southeast corner of the bridge for Castlewood Road over Kiefer Creek west of Kiefer Creek Road, roughly 16 feet south of the centerline of Castlewood Road and 27 feet west of the centerline of Kiefer Creek Road. SP MO East N=302103± E=245535± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.555610°±(N/+) Long=90.551228°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 451.84 FtUS (or) 137.722 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 452.04 FtUS Found "L" on the southernmost corner of the concrete wing wall extending southwesterly from the southwest corner of the bridge for Castlewood Road over Kiefer Creek west of Kiefer Creek Road, roughly 16 feet south of the centerline of Castlewood Road and 78 feet west of the centerline of Kiefer Creek Road. SP MO East N=302097± E=245521± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.555556°±(N/+) Long=90.551388°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 425.40 FtUS (or) 129.663 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 425.69 FtUS Found square with interior cross diagonally connecting the opposite box corners cut into the center top near the east end of the northern concrete barrier wall along the north side of Bridge No B0387 on North Outer Road along Hwy I-44 at Williams Creek, approximately 1 mile west of Highway 141 underpass; roughly 1.1 feet west of the east end of north barrier wall, and 18 feet south of utility pole #380539. SP MO East N=300007± E=248876± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.536737°±(N/+) Long=90.512892°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 696.18 FtUS (or) 212.195 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 696.48 FtUS Found square centered near the top northern end of the eastern concrete barrier wall along the east side of the overpass bridge for Antire Road over I-44; roughly 0.7 feet south of the northern end of barrier wall, 22 feet east of the centerline of Antire Road, and 150 feet more or less south of the intersection of Antire Road with the exit ramp from westbound I-44. SP MO East N=297662± E=245618± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.515601°±(N/+) Long=90.550248°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 17:
Rev: 10/30/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 691.67 FtUS (or) 210.821 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 691.97 FtUS Cut "L" on the easternmost corner of a 3 foot square concrete pad base for metal box labeled "Enclosed Industrial Control Panel" and situated on the north side of the chamfered northernmost corner of chain link fence around a gravel commuter parking lot situated southwest of Antire Road Overpass, southeast of I-44 and northwest of Antire Road; roughly 49 feet southwest of the centerline of Antire Road Overpass, 51 feet south of the southernmost corner of Antire Road Overpass bridge over I-44, and 56 feet northwest of AmerenUE transformer box #27071. SP MO East N=297581± E=245691± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.514871°±(N/+) Long=90.549410°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 474.90 FtUS (or) 144.751 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 475.25 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-75A situated in grassy area north of I-44 and south of the dead end of the North Outer Road approximately 0.4 miles east of exit 266; roughly 8 feet west of the southernmost of four dead end reflectors, 17 feet southwest of the third dead end reflector from the south, and a slope distance of 56 feet northwest of the center face of the northern headwall for a 24 inch culvert under I-44. <NGS PID="AA8716", Designation="Accessory to SL 75"> SP MO East N=296608± E=243103± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.506089°±(N/+) Long=90.579076°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 495.11 FtUS (or) 150.911 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 495.33 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast corner of the 10 foot square concrete base for a tall Walgreens sign situated in a grassy island 250 feet more or less west of Highway 109, on the south side of East Fourth Street, and near the northwest corner of the Quick Trip property addressed as #290 East Fourth Street; roughly 32 feet east of the center of a private road known as Sommer Lane, 70 feet west of the main entrance to the Quick Trip from East Fourth Street, and 9 feet northwest of the center of a curb inlet. SP MO East N=296515± E=239141± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.505212°±(N/+) Long=90.624500°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 17:
Rev: 10/30/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 484.10 FtUS (or) 147.555 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 484.32 FtUS Cut "U" on the top west side of the round concrete base of a traffic signal mast situated in the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Highway 109 with East North Street from the west and Elk Run Drive to the east, 1000 feet more or less north of the centerline of Interstate 44; roughly 50 feet east of the centerline of Highway 109, 45 feet north of the centerline of Elk Run Drive, and 12.5 feet southwest of the southwest corner of a traffic signal control box. SP MO East N=296940± E=239293± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.509043°±(N/+) Long=90.622764°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 446.82 FtUS (or) 136.190 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 447.03 FtUS Cut "L" on the top northwest corner of the concrete base of a metal traffic signal control box situated east of Highway 109 across from Eureka High School addressed as #4525 Highway 109, and 0.6 miles more or less north of Interstate 44. The benchmark is situated northeast of the intersection of Highway 109 with the northern entrance drive to Eureka High School from the west and a private road to the east; roughly 48 feet east of the centerline of Highway 109, 32 feet north of the center of private road opposite the high school entrance, and 8 feet northeast of a traffic signal mast. SP MO East N=297627± E=239074± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.515229°±(N/+) Long=90.625286°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 726.65 FtUS (or) 221.483 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 726.86 FtUS Triangle in the concrete drive apron of the southern entrance to concrete driveway for residence addressed as #1811 Old State Road opposite the intersection of Old State Road with Chimney Top Farms Road; near the western edge of Old State Road and 6.6 feet south of the northern edge of concrete drive apron. SP MO East N=302068± E=239337± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.555242°±(N/+) Long=90.622338°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 757.79 FtUS (or) 230.974 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 757.99 FtUS Cut "U" in the northern edge of the concrete apron to concrete driveway for residence addressed as #1609 Old State Road; roughly 16 feet northwest of the centerline of Old State Road, 12 feet northeast of the centerline joint of driveway, and 8 feet south of the mailbox post. SP MO East N=302687± E=239634± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.560822°±(N/+) Long=90.618939°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 17:
Rev: 10/30/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 771.90 FtUS (or) 235.276 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 772.10 FtUS Cut "U" on the top northern end of concrete pipe for culvert under driveway to residence addressed as #1561 Old State Road; roughly 15 feet west of centerline Old State Road, 15 feet north of centerline of driveway, and 36 feet north of utility pole with service lines to the house. SP MO East N=302992± E=239748± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.563571°±(N/+) Long=90.617636°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 745.92 FtUS (or) 227.357 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 746.11 FtUS Cut "L" at the intersection of two concrete joints interior to a concrete traffic island situated at the intersection of Old State Road and Old State Spur (also known as Old Fairway Drive), approximately 470 feet southwest of Nantucket Meadows Drive along Old State Road; roughly 10 feet east of the west edge of concrete island, 13 feet south of the north edge of concrete island, and 49 feet north of the southern bullnose tip of an asphalt extension to the concrete traffic island. SP MO East N=303378± E=239864± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567050°±(N/+) Long=90.616311°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 734.86 FtUS (or) 223.985 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 735.03 FtUS Cut "L" on the top northeast or northernmost corner of a 4 foot long headwall for culvert under the asphalt approach to a gravel driveway to residence addressed #835 Old State Road; roughly 34 feet northeast of the matching headwall on the other side of driveway, 27 feet northwest of the centerline of Old State Road, 53 feet southwest of utility pole #229693, and 65 feet east of a fire hydrant. SP MO East N=303965± E=240716± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.572347°±(N/+) Long=90.606542°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 739.84 FtUS (or) 225.505 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 740.01 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of the 9'x8' concrete pad base for ATT cable box situated in a cluster of utility boxes west of a gravel driveway for commercial property addressed as #541 Old State Road, and north of the intersection of Old State Road with Ridge Road from the south; roughly 43 feet northwest of the centerline of Old State Road, 6 feet east of the northerly projection of the centerline of Ridge Road, and 17 feet northeast of utility pole #301019, which has an overhead street light attached and is supported by a separate guy pole. SP MO East N=304316± E=241263± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.575515°±(N/+) Long=90.600269°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 17:
Rev: 10/30/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 732.21 FtUS (or) 223.179 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 732.37 FtUS Cut "U" on the top east side of the round concrete base for traffic signal mast supporting a signal arm controlling southwest bound traffic along Old State Road, west of the intersection of Old State Road with Pierside Lane from the east; roughly 42 feet northwest of the centerline of Old State Road and northwest of the sidewalk, 53 feet southwest along the back of sidewalk from a separate smaller traffic signal with pedestrian signal at a marked crosswalk across Old State Road, and 32 feet east of utility pole #301116 with electric lines running westerly to service property to the south addressed as #437 Old State Road. SP MO East N=304724± E=241483± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.579193°±(N/+) Long=90.597749°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 721.90 FtUS (or) 220.036 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 722.04 FtUS Cut square on the top north side of the round concrete base of an area illumination lamp post situated roughly 55 feet south of the centerline of Old Manchester Road, along the north side of the drive thru lane at the Jack in the Box restaurant addressed as #16590 Manchester Road, and 80 feet more or less west of the restaurant building. SP MO East N=304991± E=239716± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.581579°±(N/+) Long=90.618033°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 655.44 FtUS (or) 199.778 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 655.58 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-73A situated in a grassy sloped lawn area west of the intersection of Autumn View Terrace Drive and Truman Road near the easternmost corner of property for Ellisville Firestone tire and auto service store addressed as 16384 Truman Road; roughly 27 feet northwest of the centerline of Truman Road, 40 feet southwest of the southernmost corner of a 2'x3' grated storm inlet within the western pavement rounding of Autumn View Terrace, and 5 feet south of a carsonite witness post alongside a utility pole. Truman Road is the north service road for Manchester Road (also known as Highway 100). <NGS PID="AA8714", Designation="Accessory to SL 73"> SP MO East N=305413± E=240164± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.585386°±(N/+) Long=90.612897°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 634.61 FtUS (or) 193.431 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 634.76 FtUS Found "L" on the southernmost or southwest corner of the southern headwall of a double box culvert for Caulks Creek under both the eastbound and westbound lanes of New Manchester Road (also known as Highway 100) and under the north service road known as Truman Road. The benchmark is 45 feet more or less south of the centerline of eastbound Highway 100, and 0.3 miles east along Highway 100 from the intersection of Highway 100 with Old Manchester Road to the south and with Westglen Farms Drive to the north. SP MO East N=305477± E=240366± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.585965°±(N/+) Long=90.610579°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 482.83 FtUS (or) 147.167 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 483.16 FtUS Cut square near the northern end of the eastern barrier wall of Bridge #A1797 for the North Outer Road overpass at Exit 266 marked as for Lewis Road approximately 0.3 miles east of the centerline of the Meramec River along Interstate 44; being roughly 21 feet east of the centerline of pavement, 1.25 feet south of the north end of barrier wall, on top of that portion of the east barrier wall which is north of the expansion joint defining the northern end of the bridge deck. SP MO East N=296543± E=242515± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.505499°±(N/+) Long=90.585817°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 466.25 FtUS (or) 142.114 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 466.54 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeastern corner of the western headwall of a triple box culvert under Sulphur Spring Road; situated roughly 45 feet west of the centerline of Sulphur Spring Road and 150 feet north of the centerline of Brook Meadow Drive. SP MO East N=302598± E=247690± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.560077°±(N/+) Long=90.526505°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 569.88 FtUS (or) 173.699 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 570.12 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of a concrete slab adjoining the back of curb on the north side of Big Bend Road and situated south of the rear yard to property addressed as #334 Twisted Oak Court; roughly 32 feet north of the centerline of Big Bend Road and 59 feet east of the northerly prolongation of the centerline of Bedford Falls Court. SP MO East N=303464± E=247067± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567877°±(N/+) Long=90.533657°±(W/-)
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Rev: 10/30/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 518.98 FtUS (or) 158.184 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 519.21 FtUS Aluminum Disk set in the west end of the north headwall of a triple box culvert for a tributary of Fishpot Creek at Big Bend Road, situated in the southeast part of the grounds to West Springs Church at #501 Big Bend Road; roughly 59 feet north of centerline Big Bend Road, 103 feet east of the centerline church access drive, 236 feet west of centerline Hollyberry Drive, and 710 feet east of centerline Reis Road. SP MO East N=303462± E=246409± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567857°±(N/+) Long=90.541207°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 531.82 FtUS (or) 162.098 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 532.05 FtUS Cut "U" on the concrete base for a traffic signal mast in a traffic island situated north of Big Bend Road, west of Reis Road, and southeast of the right turn lane from southbound Reis Road onto westbound Big Bend Road; roughly 39 feet north of Big Bend Road and 44 feet west of Reis Road. SP MO East N=303453± E=246178± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567775°±(N/+) Long=90.543858°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 599.15 FtUS (or) 182.621 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 599.37 FtUS Cut "L" at west end of 12" wide concrete wall roughly 60 feet east of centerline Ries Road and 30 feet south of centerline Arbor Crest Drive. SP MO East N=302879± E=246204± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.562604°±(N/+) Long=90.543556°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 601.70 FtUS (or) 183.400 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 601.96 FtUS Cut "L" at southwest corner of west end of a concrete retaining wall along the south side of the driveway to #347 Ries Road; roughly 30 feet east of the centerline of Ries Road and 80 feet south of the easterly prolongation of the centerline of Remington Place Drive. SP MO East N=304761± E=246217± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.579559°±(N/+) Long=90.543417°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 17:
Rev: 10/30/2015
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 511.91 FtUS (or) 156.031 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 512.16 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-66A situated in grass along the south side of Big Bend Road roughly 0.4 miles east of Sulphur Springs Road, south of an asphalt sidewalk, 1.5 feet east of a curb on the east side of a grated inlet in the east end of a concrete swale, 9 feet southeast of the northwest corner of a curb inlet, and 29 feet west of a powerpole. <NGS PID="AA8707", Designation="Accessory to SL 66"> SP MO East N=303381± E=248479± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567133°±(N/+) Long=90.517453°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 564.91 FtUS (or) 172.184 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 565.15 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-69A situated in the tree lawn north of Twigwood Lane and south of the sidewalk, roughly 23 feet north of the centerline of Twigwood Lane and 136 feet west of the centerline of Echo Hill Drive. <NGS PID="AA8710", Designation="Accessory to SL 69"> SP MO East N=304194± E=245741± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.574449°±(N/+) Long=90.548877°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 432.12 FtUS (or) 131.710 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 432.32 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-67A situated on the north side of a park road that is the easterly continuation of Kiefer Creek Road roughly 0.27 miles east of the intersection of Ries road and Kiefer Creek Road. SL-67A is roughly 21 feet north of the centerline of said park road, 14 feet south of the centerline of a driveway to park maintenance area, 7.5 feet east of the southern end of a 12 inch corrugated metal pipe culvert, and 6 feet northwest of a fire hydrant. <NGS PID="AA8708", Designation="Accessory to SL 67"> SP MO East N=301746± E=246394± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.552397°±(N/+) Long=90.541370°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 18:
Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 664.48 FtUS (or) 202.533 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 664.75 FtUS "L" at northeast corner of stone door step sill at north side entrance to Concordia Lutheran Church; southwest corner Lindbergh Boulevard and Woodbine Avenue. [East of main entrance] SP MO East N=304156± E=258094± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.574080°±(N/+) Long=90.407112°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 639.82 FtUS (or) 195.018 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 640.14 FtUS "Sq" at 1' south and 0.8' east of north end of lowest concrete step at main entrance to south Francis C. Nipher High School building; 410' north of Rose Hill Avenue and 210' east of Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=303880± E=258208± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.571592°±(N/+) Long=90.405807°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 505.16 FtUS (or) 153.974 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 505.48 FtUS "Sq" on north end of northernmost sandstone out cropping at the northeast corner of Ballas Road and Rayner Drive; 58 feet north of centerline Raynor Drive and 33 feet east of the centerline of Ballas Road; 0.6 feet south of north edge and 1 foot east of west face of boulder. SP MO East N=305533± E=254784± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.586509°±(N/+) Long=90.445089°±(W/-)
NAVD88(Adopt NGS) Elev = 619.26 FtUS (or) 188.750 Meter <NAVD88 ORTHO HEIGHT per NGS datasheet as of 04/15/2014> NGVD29 Elev = 619.58 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped D 205 1946; along railroad track 46' east of the centerline Geyer Road and 21' north of the centerline of Monroe Place also 28' south of and 1.5' higher than centerline of south track. <NGS PID="JC0222", Designation="D 205"> SP MO East N=304552± E=257366± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.577653°±(N/+) Long=90.415463°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 427.66 FtUS (or) 130.351 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 427.96 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 16 GEU 1975 set in northwest concrete pier of tower leg along Gravois Road at major power line crossing; south of Gravois Road and just east of #12834 Gravois Road. SP MO East N=297668± E=257676± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.515633°±(N/+) Long=90.411981°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 18:
Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 431.94 FtUS (or) 131.656 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 432.17 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 15 GEU 1975 set in east end of north guardrail of [Old Gravois Road] bridge #A2219 over Fenton Creek along [the west side of] Highway 141; 70'± west [of the center of Highway 141] and 23' north of [the center of Old Gravois Road]. SP MO East N=297257± E=254770± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.511950°±(N/+) Long=90.445306°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 456.43 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped Y 204 1946 in the top of the northwest end of the northeast abutment for railroad bridge #185 over Glaize Creek across from #518 Forest Road; roughly 7 feet northwest of the northwest rail of the westbound track and 1 foot below the level of the track. [This benchmark was not observed during October 2010 level runs for NAVD88 height modernization because access requires travel along an active rail line.] <NGS PID="JC0229", Designation="Y 204"> SP MO East N=302174± E=251051± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.556260°±(N/+) Long=90.487942°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 478.86 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped Z 204 1946 in the top of a concrete post projecting 3" above the level of the ground about 1.9 miles northeast along the Missouri Pacific Railroad from the overpass of State Highway 141 at Valley Park; roughly 56 feet northwest of the northwest rail of the westbound track, 50' east of the end of pavement for Quinette Road, [130’ east of #1149 Arbor Creek Drive in Arbor Creek Condos.] <NGS PID="JC0228", Designation="Z 204"> SP MO East N=303333± E=252534± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.566698°±(N/+) Long=90.470923°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 441.75 FtUS (or) 134.647 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 442.02 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 40 GEU 1975 in southwest concrete pier of tower leg about 400' north of Dougherty Ferry Road at major power line crossing; across from Green Briar Estates down [Bellerosa] private drive. SP MO East N=304640± E=253593± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.578469°±(N/+) Long=90.458764°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 18:
Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 480.35 FtUS (or) 146.412 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 480.68 FtUS RM 149 FEMA PANEL 270; "Standard Tablet" stamped 36 GEU 1975 in a concrete post 1.2 miles south of intersection of Meramec Station Road and Hillsboro Road; near the western toe of a wooded slope, roughly 49' southeast of the centerline of Hillsboro Road and 75' northeast of the centerline of Bridlewood Valley Pointe. SP MO East N=297816.3± E=249072.1± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.517001°±(N/+) Long=90.510640°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 542.28 FtUS "Sq" in center of north concrete headwall of 15" CMP culvert under Valley Park Road at intersection with Highway 141; 20' east of centerline of Highway 141 and 23' north from centerline of Valley Park Road. SP MO East N=299606± E=250479± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.533125°±(N/+) Long=90.494506°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 547.04 FtUS "Concrete Monument" at southwest corner of lot for #1915 Valley Park Road; [25.5’] (30') north of Valley Park Road and 60' west of Caesar Road. [Concrete monument is a concrete fence post 2.5’ high] SP MO East N=299966± E=250839± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.536368°±(N/+) Long=90.490377°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 554.28 FtUS "Concrete Monument" at southeast corner of #68 Elizabeth Avenue; 33' north of centerline of Elizabeth Avenue 950' west of Highway 141. SP MO East N=299539± E=250197± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.532522°±(N/+) Long=90.497741°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 556.04 FtUS "Concrete Monument" at southwest corner of #30 Elizabeth Avenue; 25' north of centerline of Elizabeth Avenue 530' west of Highway 141. [58’ southwest at southwest corner of house] SP MO East N=299561± E=250320± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.532720°±(N/+) Long=90.496330°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 598.70 FtUS (or) 182.483 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 598.93 FtUS "Spike" in power pole 2' above ground; 18' north of centerline of Smizer Mill Road and 29’ west of centerline of Hawkins Place. SP MO East N=298354± E=250936± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.521845°±(N/+) Long=90.489266°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 18:
Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 610.43 FtUS (or) 186.059 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 610.63 FtUS "Sq" on southwest corner of inlet top; 27' east of centerline of Hawkins Road and 65' south of centerline of Piedras Parkway. SP MO East N=296752± E=250631± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.507413°±(N/+) Long=90.492765°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 595.74 FtUS (or) 181.581 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 595.97 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of concrete headwall; 12' east of centerline of Bowles Avenue and 280' north of centerline of Hawkins Road. SP MO East N=296215± E=252124± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.502573°±(N/+) Long=90.475649°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 440.80 FtUS (or) 134.357 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 441.10 FtUS Cut Square on top of the southeast wingwall of bridge #369 on Barrett Station Road approximately 0.15 miles south of Dougherty Ferry Road and 0.05 miles north of Old Dougherty Ferry Road. Benchmark is approximately 1.7 feet from the northwest end of the southeast wingwall and approximately 12 feet east of the centerline of Barrett Station Road. There is a cut cross roughly one foot southeast of the square and at nearly the same elevation. SP MO East N=304439± E=253106± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.576661°±(N/+) Long=90.464354°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 541.15 FtUS (or) 164.943 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 541.44 FtUS "Sq" in the center of a headwall on the north side of Summit Road; 55' east of Bowles Avenue and 45' north of Summit Road. SP MO East N=296688± E=252197± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.506834°±(N/+) Long=90.474810°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 421.40 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of the second concrete step at the entrance to #810 St. Louis Avenue; 26' north of the centerline of St. Louis Avenue and 160' east of the of Eight Street. SP MO East N=301764± E=251933± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.552565°±(N/+) Long=90.477823°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 420.82 FtUS "Sq" on the south side of a 3'x 3' concrete base for a flagpole at American Legion Post #439; 32' north of the centerline of St. Louis Avenue and 320' west of the of Marshall Road extended. SP MO East N=301813± E=252418± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.553005°±(N/+) Long=90.472259°±(W/-) Page 5 of 46
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 18:
Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 413.84 FtUS "Sq" on the south walkway of bridge #347 over Grand Glaize Creek along Marshall Road; 5' south of the south wall and 35' east of the west end of the south wall. SP MO East N=301963± E=253147± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.554354°±(N/+) Long=90.463895°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 410.06 FtUS "Sq" on the southwest corner of a concrete sidewalk to a concession stand; (two story concrete block and frame building) 71' north of the centerline of Marshall Road and 230' east of Tree Court Industrial Drive. SP MO East N=302318± E=254091± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.557548°±(N/+) Long=90.453062°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 411.40 FtUS "U" on north side of a concrete base of a light for the south parking lot at Green Tree Park; 0.4 mile east of Tree Court Industrial Blvd. and 208' south of the centerline of Marshall Road. SP MO East N=302483± E=254573± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.559033°±(N/+) Long=90.447531°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 603.52 FtUS (or) 183.953 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 603.89 FtUS "Sq" on top of the west end of a concrete retaining wall; 35' south of the centerline of Big Bend Road and 550' east of Hwy I-270. SP MO East N=303402± E=255438± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567307°±(N/+) Long=90.437599°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 642.84 FtUS (or) 195.937 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 643.14 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of the bottom step to Apartments; 115' west of centerline of Maryhurst Drive and 35' south of centerline of Big Bend Road. [#10824 Big Bend] SP MO East N=303335± E=257834± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.566685°±(N/+) Long=90.410105°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 638.98 FtUS (or) 194.761 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 639.26 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of inlet along Geyer Road; 40' north of east entrance to parking lot of Meramec Community College across from Ashwood Lane. SP MO East N=303573± E=257325± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.568834°±(N/+) Long=90.415944°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 18:
Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 610.05 FtUS (or) 185.943 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 610.38 FtUS "L" on northeast wingwall of bridge at Hwy I-270 and Big Bend; 35' north of centerline of Big Bend Road. SP MO East N=303412± E=255259± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567398°±(N/+) Long=90.439653°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 511.63 FtUS (or) 155.944 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 512.01 FtUS "Sq" in top of northeast corner of fourth exposed masonry stone in west abutment of railroad overpass; 370' south of Big Bend Road and 6.5' west from centerline of Tree Court Drive. SP MO East N=303293± E=253261± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.566336°±(N/+) Long=90.462580°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 523.54 FtUS "Sq" on top of curb by inlet; 90' north of the centerline of Fenway Drive and 30' east of the centerline of Bowles Avenue. SP MO East N=299529± E=252297± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.532429°±(N/+) Long=90.473655°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 413.70 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of the south headwall of bridge #439; 300' north of the railroad tracks and 10' south of the centerline of Larkin Williams Road. SP MO East N=300960± E=252050± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.545321°±(N/+) Long=90.476483°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 416.96 FtUS "X" on top of the northwest corner of bolt to a light pole in soccer field #3 in Buder Park; soccer field is in the northeast corner of park, access to park is from the North Outer Road off of Highway 141 at overpass of the railroad tracks, 200' north of the Hwy. I-44 overpass. Furthest northwest pole with 3 lights. SP MO East N=300904± E=251340± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.544818°±(N/+) Long=90.484628°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 428.09 FtUS "Sq" on the southwest corner of southwest headwall of railroad bridge over the Meramec River in the northwest corner of Buder Park; access to bridge is from the North Outer Road off Highway 141 at overpass of the railroad tracks; 200' north of the Hwy. I-44 overpass. [16.4 east of centerline tracks] SP MO East N=301015± E=250633± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.545819°±(N/+) Long=90.492738°±(W/-)
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Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 414.26 FtUS "L" on top of curb at the construction joint; 15' south of the centerline of Fabricator Drive and 55' west of the centerline of Yarnell Road. SP MO East N=300119± E=255588± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.537729°±(N/+) Long=90.435904°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 413.78 FtUS "U" on the west side of a concrete base for a highway sign post; 21' east of the centerline of Yarnell road and 40' south of the centerline of Rudder Road. SP MO East N=300660± E=255692± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.542603°±(N/+) Long=90.434706°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 630.49 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the first step to house #810 Meramec Station Road; 85' east of the centerline of Meramec Station and 130' south of the centerline of Mautenne Drive. SP MO East N=304328± E=250022± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.575666°±(N/+) Long=90.499748°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 492.94 FtUS (or) 150.249 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 493.29 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of the first step at house #683 Dougherty Estates Drive; 25' west of the centerline of Dougherty Estates Drive and 110' north of the centerline of Carman Road. SP MO East N=304646± E=252285± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.578528°±(N/+) Long=90.473775°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 473.89 FtUS (or) 144.443 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 474.18 FtUS "U" in the center of the north headwall of a culvert under Summit Road; 47' east of the centerline of Summit Road and 106' north of the west edge of the concrete pavement of the southbound lane of Highway 30. SP MO East N=296431± E=253722± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.504514°±(N/+) Long=90.457327°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 542.90 FtUS (or) 165.475 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 543.21 FtUS "L" in the northwest corner of a concrete headwall of a culvert; 35' south of the centerline of Summit Road and 45' east of the centerline of Bowles Avenue. SP MO East N=296664± E=252191± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.506618°±(N/+) Long=90.474879°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 586.58 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of the driveway at angle point on the east side of house #1474; 63' south of the centerline of Dietrich Oaks Drive and 57' west of the centerline of Dietrich Road. SP MO East N=305732± E=251221± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.588314°±(N/+) Long=90.485985°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 556.58 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of the first step to house #80 Golden Oak Court; 16' north of the centerline of Golden Oak Court and 57' west of the centerline of Crescent Avenue. SP MO East N=302857± E=249882± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.562414°±(N/+) Long=90.501354°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 476.19 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of a headwall for a box culvert; 15' north of the centerline of Crescent Road and 162’ west of the west city limits of Twin Oaks, 0.3 mile east of Hanna Avenue along the Crescent Road to the west. SP MO East N=302623± E=249419± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.560305°±(N/+) Long=90.506666°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 663.04 FtUS (or) 202.096 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 663.30 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of a signal control box; 47' south of East Watson Road and 49' east of Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=301590± E=258117± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.550962°±(N/+) Long=90.406878°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 657.77 FtUS "L" on the east end of a concrete retaining wall for the steps leading from the lower to upper parking area at St. Joseph Hospital; 83' north of Craig Drive and 131' west of Couch Avenue. SP MO East N=303853± E=256465± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.571363°±(N/+) Long=90.425810°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 670.78 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the top step to the athletic fields for the Meramec College; 49' south of West Rose Hill Avenue. [Approximately 190’ east of centerline Andrews avenue] SP MO East N=303750± E=257024± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.570431°±(N/+) Long=90.419396°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 19499 in Chapter 19.]
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 18:
Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 615.59 FtUS (or) 187.632 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 615.97 FtUS "L" on the first step of the sidewalk at the driveway to house #458 Windsor Spring Drive; 37' south of Windsor Spring Drive and 61' east of Geyer Road. SP MO East N=302507± E=257325± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.559230°±(N/+) Long=90.415955°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 601.45 FtUS (or) 183.321 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 601.72 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of a headwall at the east entrance to Henry H. Laumeier Memorial Park; 18' south of the centerline of Rott Road. SP MO East N=301699± E=257409± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.551950°±(N/+) Long=90.415000°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 442.33 FtUS (or) 134.822 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 442.58 FtUS "Sq" on top of barrier wall on the northeast corner of the Highway 141 bridge over the Meramec River 400' south of Marshall Road. SP MO East N=301203± E=250507± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.547513°±(N/+) Long=90.494184°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 462.96 FtUS "Sq" on top of barrier wall on the northeast corner of a new bridge over railroad on north outer road along Highway 141; 1000' north of Hwy I-44. SP MO East N=300622± E=250424± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.542278°±(N/+) Long=90.495136°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 446.23 FtUS (or) 136.011 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 446.48 FtUS "Sq" on top of the concrete base for a light pole on the parking lot in front of Burger King Restaurant; 100' east of Highway 141 and 500' south of Hwy I-44. SP MO East N=300033± E=250399± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.536972°±(N/+) Long=90.495423°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 560.21 FtUS (or) 170.753 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 560.47 FtUS "Sq" on a concrete retaining wall at the top of a slope; 30' east of the building at #1803 Smizer Station Road 100' west of Apollo Drive. SP MO East N=299185± E=250828± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.529332°±(N/+) Long=90.490504°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 18:
Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 563.89 FtUS "Property Marker" square with cross in the center of the sidewalk marking the northeast corner of property at #703 Clairfield Drive; 25' west of centerline of Clairfield Drive and 63' south of centerline of Highway 141. SP MO East N=298579± E=251925± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.523871°±(N/+) Long=90.477924°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 561.28 FtUS "L" on southeast corner at east end of the concrete sidewalk; 24' west of centerline of Apollo Drive and 70' north of Highway 141. SP MO East N=299158± E=250841± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.529089°±(N/+) Long=90.490355°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 448.08 FtUS (or) 136.576 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 448.35 FtUS "Sq" on south side of light standard in parking lot of Fenton City Hall; 131' east and 30’ north of the southeast corner of the city hall building and 200' north of Highway 141. SP MO East N=297951± E=254208± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.518205°±(N/+) Long=90.451746°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 665.13 FtUS (or) 202.733 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 665.42 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-04 1989 Disk is set on the southwest corner West Woodbine Avenue and Lindbergh Boulevard; 29' south of the southeast corner of a traffic signal base and 13' southeast of the southeast corner of a sign for Concordia Lutheran Church. <NGS PID="AA8610", Designation="SL 04"> SP MO East N=304153.9± E=258135.5± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.574060°±(N/+) Long=90.406636°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 626.31 FtUS (or) 190.899 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 626.68 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-53 1992 Disk is set on the north side of Big Bend Road east of Hwy. I-270; 33' north of the centerline of Big Bend Road and 34’ west of a 40 mph speed limit sign. Approximately 0.4 miles east of the intersection of Hwy I-270 and Big Bend Road. <NGS PID="AA8694", Designation="SL 53"> SP MO East N=303388.2± E=255844.7± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567180°±(N/+) Long=90.432932°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 18:
Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 467.38 FtUS (or) 142.458 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 467.72 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-57 1992 Disk is set at the northeast corner of Littleton Court and Highway 141; 17' east of the centerline of Littleton Court and 35' north of the centerline of New Smizer Mill Road. <NGS PID="AA8698", Designation="SL 57"> SP MO East N=298419.2± E=253332.3± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.522427°±(N/+) Long=90.461786°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 517.14 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-59 1992 Disk is set on the South Highway Drive of Hwy. I-44 212' west of the centerline of the entrance to the Maritz parking lot; 21' south of the centerline of the South Highway Drive. <NGS PID="AA8700", Designation="SL 59"> SP MO East N=300267.6± E=251447.2± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.539084°±(N/+) Long=90.483400°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 422.57 FtUS (or) 128.799 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 422.82 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-79 situated north of the North Outer Road along the north side of I-44 approximately 1 mile west of the intersection of Highway 141 and the North Outer Road, south of property addressed as #427 W. Outer Road and platted as Lot "B" of "WILLIAMS CREEK SUBD OF PEERLESS PARK" (Plat Book 355 Page 537). Benchmark is roughly 0.7 feet below ground level, 25 feet north of the centerline of North Outer Road, 100 feet southeast of the southeast corner of chain link fence around small sewer treatment plant, and 118 feet west of a fire hydrant. <NGS PID="AA8720", Designation="SL 79"> SP MO East N=300040.8± E=249019.2± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.537042°±(N/+) Long=90.511250°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 527.42 FtUS (or) 160.757 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 527.66 FtUS "Sq" on curb of parking radius on the north side for #999 Bowles Regions bank building; 73' south of the centerline of Smizer Mill and 143' west of Bowles Avenue. [86’ south double yellow left turn stripe] SP MO East N=298526± E=252299± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.523392°±(N/+) Long=90.473635°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 18:
Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 612.77 FtUS (or) 186.772 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 613.01 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of a 4 foot wide concrete sidewalk in the back parking lot of the [Mount Olive] Baptist Church; 80' west of the center line of Hawkins Road and 100' south of the centerline of Flora Del Drive [extended]. SP MO East N=298237± E=251040± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.520791°±(N/+) Long=90.488074°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 586.98 FtUS (or) 178.913 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 587.24 FtUS "Sq" on top of the curb on the east side of the island; 7' east of the centerline of Boly Lane and 65' south of the centerline of Big Bend Road. SP MO East N=303432± E=249600± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567594°±(N/+) Long=90.504590°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 590.52 FtUS (or) 179.992 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 590.78 FtUS "Sq" on the northwest edge of the sidewalk on the north side of former Schnucks Food Store; 28.2' east of the northwest corner of walk, 125' south of the centerline of Big Bend Road and 900' west of the center line of Meramec Station Road. [October 2010 noted that slab appears to have sunk.] SP MO East N=303409± E=250077± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567387°±(N/+) Long=90.499116°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 445.84 FtUS (or) 135.892 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 446.10 FtUS Cut square on southeast corner of concrete base for traffic signal control box situated west of the right turn lane from southeast bound Carman Road onto southwest bound Dougherty Ferry Road. Benchmark is west of the sidewalk and north of the westerly projection of a painted crosswalk over said right turn lane, roughly 65' northwest of centerline Dougherty Ferry Road and 62' southwest of centerline Carman Road. SP MO East N=304324± E=252564± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.575626°±(N/+) Long=90.470575°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 638.06 FtUS (or) 194.481 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 638.38 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of the south 18" high retaining wall for the steps leading to the Kirkwood City Hall: northwest corner of Lindbergh Boulevard and Madison Avenue. SP MO East N=304820± E=258146± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.580061°±(N/+) Long=90.406508°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 18:
Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 454.02 FtUS (or) 138.385 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 454.34 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of a signal control box; northeast corner of Dougherty Ferry Road and Des Peres Road. SP MO East N=304862± E=254033± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.580468°±(N/+) Long=90.453713°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 584.59 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of a water vault; southwest corner of Cresent Avenue and Meramec Station Road. SP MO East N=303008± E=250325± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.563774°±(N/+) Long=90.496271°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 621.85 FtUS (or) 189.541 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 622.14 FtUS "Sq" on the western most curb for island; 56' north of the centerline of Carman Road and 3' west of the centerline of Huntley Heights Drive and 12' south of the south end of Ridgemont Subdivision marker. SP MO East N=304930± E=251886± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.581087°±(N/+) Long=90.478354°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 428.10 FtUS (or) 130.485 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 428.39 FtUS RM 152 FEMA PANEL 267; Chiseled "SQ" on northeast corner platform to brick barn, 0.16 mile south of Meramec Station Road and approximately 75 feet west of Smizer Mill Road. SP MO East N=299683± E=249281± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.533819°±(N/+) Long=90.508247°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 439.70 FtUS RM 454 FEMA PANEL 293; Top of concrete floor of pump house of office building at St.Louis County Water plant in Sunset Hills. SP MO East N=298687± E=257665± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.524813°±(N/+) Long=90.412096°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 463.60 FtUS RM 455 FEMA PANEL 293; Northeast corner of concrete front porch of green ranch style home, house #12528 Weber Hill Road. SP MO East N=299088± E=257920± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.528423°±(N/+) Long=90.409167°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 18:
Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 425.03 FtUS (or) 129.550 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 425.30 FtUS RM 458 FEMA PANEL 293; "SQ" cut on west upstream wingwall, at north end of bridge over creek on West Watson Road, is approximately 150 feet north of intersection with Weber Hill Road. Bridge is at #13173 West Watson Road, 1.3 miles northeast from intersection of Highway 30 and West Watson Road. SP MO East N=299382± E=256837± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.531081°±(N/+) Long=90.421585°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 431.76 FtUS (or) 131.601 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 432.00 FtUS RM 459 FEMA PANEL 291; Cross cut on upstream south wingwall of bridge over creek at #3048 West Watson Road, approximately 30 feet north of F.H.Kempf mail box. SP MO East N=299716± E=256846± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.534090°±(N/+) Long=90.421478°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 446.40 FtUS (or) 136.063 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 446.70 FtUS RM 460 FEMA PANEL 291; "Sq" cut on downstream center of headwall on culvert under Nanell Lane. Nanell Lane leads south off West Watson Road approximately 750 feet from northeast of intersection of West Watson Road and Rott Road culvert approximately 300 feet southeast along Nanell Lane from intersection of Nanell Lane and West Watson Road. SP MO East N=299929± E=257093± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.536007°±(N/+) Long=90.418643°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 500.36 FtUS (or) 152.510 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 500.54 FtUS RM 158 FEMA PANEL 288; Chiseled "Sq" on top of northeast corner of concrete curb inlet cover, 30 feet west of Green Knoll Drive culvert for Fenton Creek, approximately 180’ east of Green Knoll and Green Hurst. SP MO East N=297307± E=252369± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.512410°±(N/+) Long=90.472836°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 462.00 FtUS RM 288 FEMA PANEL 286; Cut "Sq" on southwest wingwall of bridge on Bowles Avenue over Yarnell Creek. SP MO East N=300384± E=252298± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.540131°±(N/+) Long=90.473640°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 18:
Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 436.87 FtUS RM 409 FEMA PANEL 286; Standard tablet stamped "69-75 S.L.C." but scraped so as to be illegible in December 2011. Tablet is under the bridge near the southwest corner of west abutment at the overpass of Hwy 141 and east bound I-44; approximately 2.5 feet north of the centerline of the southernmost steel beam at west end of I-44 bridge span and at top of concrete slope protection under bridge on the west side of Hwy 141. The benchmark is no longer accessible for routine differential leveling because only a foot and a half of vertical clearance is available above the tablet, and the steel beams effectively prevent observation from most angles. Tablet may be observable by total station trig leveling using a peanut prism. [Note: St Louis County Highway Department Survey Section did not verify the previously published elevation, and may discontinue publication of this benchmark in the future.] SP MO East N=300248± E=250344± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.538909°±(N/+) Long=90.496054°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 421.68 FtUS (or) 128.527 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 421.95 FtUS RM 496 FEMA PANEL 286; Chiseled "Sq" on top of the wingwall on the southeast corner of the Vance Road bridge over Fishpot Creek. SP MO East N=301687± E=250047± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.551873°±(N/+) Long=90.499461°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 455.65 FtUS RM 497 FEMA PANEL 286; Chiseled "SQ" on the southwest corner of the retaining wall on the Missouri Pacific Railroad bridge over Grand Glaize Creek. [Access to this benchmark may be limited by brush, slopes, and proximity to an active rail line.] SP MO East N=302116± E=251013± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.555737°±(N/+) Long=90.488378°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 424.63 FtUS (or) 129.427 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 424.89 FtUS RM 498 FEMA PANEL 286; Found chiseled cross near the southeast corner of the wing wall extending southeasterly from the east end of a private bridge (gated at the west end) for Lakehill Road over Grand Glaze Creek, roughly 90' east of the centerline of Forest Avenue and 30' north of the easterly projection of Highland Avenue. SP MO East N=302514± E=251146± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.559323°±(N/+) Long=90.486851°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 18:
Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 457.11 FtUS (or) 139.328 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 457.38 FtUS RM 267 FEMA PANEL 279; "O" on OPEN on fire hydrant in front of #2711 [Old] Dougherty Ferry Road. SP MO East N=304538± E=253483± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.577551°±(N/+) Long=90.460027°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 458.26 FtUS RM 269 FEMA PANEL 279; Chiseled "SQ" on top of northwest corner of west headwall of Interstate 270 concrete box culvert on Sugar Creek. SP MO East N=304746± E=254546± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.579420°±(N/+) Long=90.447826°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 518.56 FtUS (or) 158.057 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 518.87 FtUS RM 153 FEMA PANEL 270; "Standard Tablet" stamped 37 GEU 1975 and set in northwest concrete pier for tower leg of westernmost power line reached by proceeding 1.2 miles south of intersection with Meramec Station Road along Hillsboro Road, thence southeasterly to the south end of a subdivision street called Bridlewood Valley Point, and proceeding on foot 340 feet more or less south of the center of cul-de-sac. SP MO East N=297163± E=249282± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.511116°±(N/+) Long=90.508233°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 579.83 FtUS RM 345 FEMA PANEL 284; chiseled cross on southwest corner of downstream headwall of culvert for Kirkwood Creek under Road to Mrazek Van and Storage company. SP MO East N=303929± E=258926± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.572027°±(N/+) Long=90.397567°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 460.40 FtUS RM 456 FEMA PANEL 294; "SQ" cut in centerline on top of concrete culvert on downstream end. Culvert under I-270. Culvert approximately 0.5 mile northeast of Highway 30 and 49’ feet south of Weber Hill Road. SP MO East N=299198± E=258227± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.529412°±(N/+) Long=90.405644°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 421.03 FtUS (or) 128.330 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 421.29 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner at the east end of apron of Bobcat of St. Louis. SP MO East N=300106± E=249354± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.537630°±(N/+) Long=90.507410°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 18:
Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 420.37 FtUS (or) 128.128 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 420.62 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of a box culvert under the north outer road; 0.6 mile west of highway 141 and between 84 Lumber and Bobcat of St. Louis. SP MO East N=300120± E=249423± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.537756°±(N/+) Long=90.506618°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 421.09 FtUS (or) 128.349 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 421.35 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-79A 1992; 23.5’ north of the centerline of the north outer road, 150’ east of the centerline of the entrance to 84 Lumber. <NGS PID="AA8720", Designation="Accessory to SL 79"> SP MO East N=300153.7± E=249570.2± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.538059°±(N/+) Long=90.504930°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 423.65 FtUS (or) 129.130 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 423.93 FtUS "Sq" on mast arm base; west side of Highway 141 and 115’ north of north edge of Highway I-44 Bridge. SP MO East N=300320± E=250363± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.539558°±(N/+) Long=90.495836°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 419.29 FtUS (or) 127.799 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 419.58 FtUS Railroad Spike in the south side of a power pole; 23’ north of the centerline of Meramec Station Road and 7’ east of Smizer Mill Road extended. SP MO East N=299927± E=249288± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.536017°±(N/+) Long=90.508167°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 17150 in Chapter 17.]
[Republished as BM 17151 in Chapter 17.]
[Republished as BM 17152 in Chapter 17.]
[Republished as BM 17153 in Chapter 17.]
[Republished as BM 17154 in Chapter 17.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 435.19 FtUS (or) 132.646 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 435.47 FtUS "Sq" on the north end of a concrete island median; at the centerline of Avalon Hills Drive. SP MO East N=299466± E=249501± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.531864°±(N/+) Long=90.505723°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 18:
Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 455.21 FtUS (or) 138.748 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 455.49 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of west headwall for bridge #435C. SP MO East N=299218± E=249797± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.529630°±(N/+) Long=90.502328°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 459.84 FtUS (or) 140.161 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 460.12 FtUS "Sq" on a 9" by 3’-9" headwall; on the southwest side of Smizer Mill Road and 0.1 mile north of Branch Road. SP MO East N=298971± E=249938± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.527404°±(N/+) Long=90.500711°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 495.38 FtUS (or) 150.993 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 495.66 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of a steel sided intake for a trench drain; in front of 1875 Smizer Mill Road and 150’ east of Praise Blvd. SP MO East N=298789± E=250148± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.525765°±(N/+) Long=90.498303°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 550.37 FtUS (or) 167.752 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 550.64 FtUS Railroad spike in south side of power pole #12315; in front of 1822 Smizer Mill Road. SP MO East N=298735± E=250350± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.525278°±(N/+) Long=90.495986°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 583.62 FtUS (or) 177.889 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 583.89 FtUS "L" on corner of sidewalk; 29’ north of centerline Harbor Mill and 22’ west of centerline Smizer Mill Road. SP MO East N=298530± E=250629± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.523431°±(N/+) Long=90.492787°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 582.31 FtUS (or) 177.489 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 582.57 FtUS "L" 6.7’ north and 2’ west of center of flagpole; west side of Fenton Firehouse #3, southwest corner of Hawkins and Smizer Mill Road. SP MO East N=298488± E=251108± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.523052°±(N/+) Long=90.487293°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 18:
Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 637.86 FtUS (or) 194.421 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 638.10 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of a 6’ x 3’ traffic control box; west of San Luis Rey, 78’ west of centerline Hawkins Road and 52’ south of centerline to Rockwood Summit High School entrance. SP MO East N=297852± E=250893± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.517323°±(N/+) Long=90.489760°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 675.77 FtUS (or) 205.975 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 675.99 FtUS "L" on back of sidewalk; 24’ east of the centerline Mosswoods and 31.5’ south of the centerline Hawkins Road. SP MO East N=296217± E=251146± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.502593°±(N/+) Long=90.486861°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 652.20 FtUS (or) 198.792 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 652.41 FtUS "Sq" on headwall; 290’ east of the centerline Loggers Trail and 14.5’ south of the centerline Hawkins Road. SP MO East N=296184± E=251715± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.502294°±(N/+) Long=90.480338°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 658.63 FtUS (or) 200.751 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 658.84 FtUS "L" southwest corner of the New Hope Church sign; north of the centerline Hawkins Road and west of Skyline Court. SP MO East N=296134± E=251868± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.501844°±(N/+) Long=90.478584°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 601.22 FtUS (or) 183.252 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 601.45 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-58A 1992; 233’ south of the centerline Newport Landing and 29’ east of the centerline Hawkins Road. <NGS PID="AA8699", Designation="Accessory to SL 58"> SP MO East N=297002± E=250633± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.509665°±(N/+) Long=90.492742°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 618.93 FtUS (or) 188.649 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 619.15 FtUS "L" on back of walk by utility pole #291920; 31’ north of the centerline Summit and 525’ west of the centerline May Valley Drive. SP MO East N=296654± E=252403± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.506527°±(N/+) Long=90.472449°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 18:
Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 628.24 FtUS (or) 191.489 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 628.48 FtUS "L" face of sidewalk at inlet; 25’ east of the centerline Hamilton Meadows Drive and 48’ south of the centerline Summit Road. SP MO East N=296573± E=252549± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.505797°±(N/+) Long=90.470775°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 589.71 FtUS (or) 179.744 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 589.91 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of north headwall; 18’ north of the centerline of Summit and 75’ east of centerline concrete drive to #536 Summit. SP MO East N=296535± E=252696± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.505454°±(N/+) Long=90.469090°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 599.18 FtUS (or) 182.629 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 599.42 FtUS "L" on face of walk; 37.5’ north of the centerline of Summit and 25.5’ east of the centerline Wintertop Court. SP MO East N=296474± E=253145± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.504903°±(N/+) Long=90.463942°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 565.92 FtUS (or) 172.494 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 566.09 FtUS "U" end of sidewalk; 29’ south of centerline Summit and 44.5’ east of the centerline Arlington Glen Drive. SP MO East N=296436± E=253273± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.504560°±(N/+) Long=90.462475°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 521.92 FtUS (or) 159.081 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 522.12 FtUS "L" on the back of sidewalk; 37.5’ north of the centerline of Summit Road and 53’ west of the centerline Country Home Drive. SP MO East N=296458± E=253504± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.504758°±(N/+) Long=90.459826°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 478.77 FtUS (or) 145.930 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 478.98 FtUS "U" on light standard base; northwest corner of property to Fenton United Methodist Church. SP MO East N=296683± E=254023± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.506783°±(N/+) Long=90.453875°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 18:
Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 449.51 FtUS (or) 137.011 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 449.72 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of north curb on bridge; north side of Old Gravois, 120’ east of the centerline drive to Fenton United Methodist Church and 0.5’ south of Highway 141. SP MO East N=296784± E=254189± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.507692°±(N/+) Long=90.451971°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 444.04 FtUS (or) 135.344 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 444.26 FtUS "U" on headwall of small creek; 45’ west of the centerline Old Gravois and 75’ south of the centerline entrance drive to Auto Zone at #755 Old Gravois and 0.3 mile south of Highway 141. SP MO East N=296991± E=254328± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.509556°±(N/+) Long=90.450376°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 601.84 FtUS (or) 183.441 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 602.07 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-139 and situated in the northern part of the tree lawn west of Hawkins Road, east of the sidewalk, and south of a handicap sidewalk ramp at the southwest corner of Hawkins Road and Summer Chase Lane; roughly 33 feet south of the centerline of Summer Chase Lane and 38 feet west of the centerline of Hawkins Road. SP MO East N=297429.1± E=250616.3± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.513513°±(N/+) Long=90.492933°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 450.43 FtUS (or) 137.290 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 450.70 FtUS "L" on northwest corner east headwall; 3 channel box culvert at Old Dougherty Ferry and Sugar Creek. SP MO East N=304764± E=253996± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.579585°±(N/+) Long=90.454138°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 451.87 FtUS (or) 137.730 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 452.15 FtUS "L" on northwest corner west headwall; 3 channel box culvert at Old Dougherty Ferry and Sugar Creek. SP MO East N=304762± E=253977± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.579567°±(N/+) Long=90.454356°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 453.15 FtUS (or) 138.120 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 453.44 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of east headwall; 3 channel box culvert at Des Peres Road and Des Peres Creek. SP MO East N=305031± E=254066± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.581990°±(N/+) Long=90.453333°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 18:
Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 475.59 FtUS (or) 144.959 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 475.89 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 113-75; south end of east headwall of 4’ by 4’ concrete box culvert under Ballas Road at north side of driveway to #118 Ballas Road. SP MO East N=304997± E=254886± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.581680°±(N/+) Long=90.443922°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 477.14 FtUS (or) 145.432 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 477.45 FtUS "L" on north corner of northeast headwall; 3 channel box culvert, south of Ballas Road and West Adams intersection, on Ballas Road over Sugar Creek. SP MO East N=304798± E=255291± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.579884°±(N/+) Long=90.439275°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 512.28 FtUS (or) 156.142 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 512.60 FtUS "Sq" in the center on north edge of a 3’ by 5.5’ single channel box culvert; 39’ east of the centerline Lindeman and 21.5’ north of the centerline West Adams. SP MO East N=305202± E=255981± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.583520°±(N/+) Long=90.431352°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 535.57 FtUS (or) 163.241 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 535.90 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of a 12’ by 4’ single channel box culvert; 56’ south of the centerline intersection of West Adams and driveway to 1021 and 1017 West Adams. SP MO East N=305180± E=256463± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.583318°±(N/+) Long=90.425820°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 552.98 FtUS (or) 168.548 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 553.32 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of south 8’ by 4’ headwall; 192’ east of Rifle Range Drive and West Adams Avenue. SP MO East N=305113± E=256651± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.582713°±(N/+) Long=90.423663°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 634.07 FtUS (or) 193.266 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 634.42 FtUS "X" on northwest bolt on light base standard; northwest corner of tennis courts in Kirkwood City Park, 74’ east of center median of Pavilion Drive and 42’ south of West Adams Avenue. SP MO East N=305191± E=257273± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.583411°±(N/+) Long=90.416523°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 18:
Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 619.84 FtUS (or) 188.928 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 620.20 FtUS "Sq" south end of 5’ headwall over 52" RCP in Kirkwood Park; across from house #110 North Geyer Road, 43’ west of the centerline of West Geyer Road. SP MO East N=305054± E=257344± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.582176°±(N/+) Long=90.415710°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 535.87 FtUS (or) 163.332 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 536.17 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of base for signal control box; southwest corner of Dougherty Ferry and Ballas Road, 41’ south of the centerline Dougherty Ferry and 71.5’ to center of utility pole #54136 in median triangle. SP MO East N=305250± E=254894± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.583959°±(N/+) Long=90.443828°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 473.90 FtUS "Sq" on top of curb on the north end of island of the entrance to 1400 building of Maritz; south of the Outer Road; 300’ east of walkway. SP MO East N=300448± E=252048± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.540709°±(N/+) Long=90.476508°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 461.99 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of headwall; 186’ northwest of the centerline centerline of Bowles Spur and Bowles Avenue; 200’ south of White Castle. SP MO East N=300396± E=252299± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.540239°±(N/+) Long=90.473629°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 478.20 FtUS "Sq" on the northeast island at Bowles and Horan. SP MO East N=300186± E=252319± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.538347°±(N/+) Long=90.473400°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 474.51 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner base for flag pole; 71’ north of the centerline of Horan at #1195 Horan "American Metal Supply". SP MO East N=300193± E=252802± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.538409°±(N/+) Long=90.467860°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 476.94 FtUS "Sq" Centerline north end of island for sign "Riverchase of Fenton"; 47’ south of the centerline of Horan at #990 Horan. SP MO East N=300149± E=253250± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.538011°±(N/+) Long=90.462721°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 18:
Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 434.45 FtUS "U" on the south end of light base; 53’ north of the centerline Horan and 118’ west of the centerline Larkin Williams Road at #1705 Larkin Williams "Wolffe Shoe Co". SP MO East N=300194± E=253812± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.538414°±(N/+) Long=90.456275°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 434.55 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner base for South Port Commerce sign; 53’ south of the centerline Axminister; 66’ east of the centerline Larkin Williams at #640 Axminister. SP MO East N=300016± E=254021± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.536810°±(N/+) Long=90.453878°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 439.49 FtUS "Sq" on the top of south curb; 15’ south and 109’ east of the centerline centerline of Fencorp and Axminister. SP MO East N=300015± E=254657± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.536798°±(N/+) Long=90.446583°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 437.53 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of walk leading to #250 Axminister; 15’ south and 33’ west of the centerline centerline of Fabick and Axminister at #1666 Fabricator. SP MO East N=299989± E=255000± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.536562°±(N/+) Long=90.442649°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 416.77 FtUS (or) 127.033 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 417.07 FtUS Cut "U" on the southeast inside corner of an old building foundation at 13144 Old Gravois Road at the east end of a chain link fence, 90'± south of the center of Old Gravois Road, 200'± east of the center of a private road known as Boliford Beach Road, and approximately 0.4 miles west along Old Gravois Road from Rahning Road. SP MO East N=297490± E=256748± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.514036°±(N/+) Long=90.422624°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 413.71 FtUS (or) 126.098 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 414.01 FtUS Cut "Square" in the center of the southeast wing wall of a triple box culvert along the north side of Old Gravois Road under a private drive entrance to Life Christian Center as described in an easement recorded at deed book 7642 page 1996, 31.5'± north of the center of Old Gravois Road, 38.5'± east of the center of the private drive, and approximately 0.1 miles west along Old Gravois Road from Rahning Road. SP MO East N=297597± E=257098± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.514998°±(N/+) Long=90.418609°±(W/-) Page 25 of 46
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 18:
Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 429.86 FtUS (or) 131.022 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 430.11 FtUS Cut "Square" on the southeast corner of a traffic signal control box in the northwest or northernmost quadrant of the intersection of Old Gravois Road and Mound Street in Fenton, 26'± north of the center of Old Gravois Road and 21.6'± west of the center of Mound Street. SP MO East N=297313± E=255516± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.512450°±(N/+) Long=90.436752°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 425.73 FtUS (or) 129.762 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 425.97 FtUS Found "Square" on the north side of a storm vault near parking lot for Taco Bell restaurant at 611 Old Gravois Road, 63.5'± north of the center of Old Gravois Road, 29'± east of the center of the entrance drive to Taco Bell, and 146'± west of the sign for Western Plaza shopping center. SP MO East N=297386± E=255160± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.513110°±(N/+) Long=90.440833°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 659.41 FtUS (or) 200.989 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 659.69 FtUS [April 2010 – The curb is reported in poor condition. The stability and reliability of this benchmark is reported as questionable.] "L" at northeast corner of east end of concrete curb rounding at northeast corner of Lindbergh Boulevard and Essex Avenue; 12' north of centerline Essex Avenue and 30' east of centerline Lindbergh Boulevard. [This is prior BM 13009 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 18.] SP MO East N=305800± E=258176± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.588890°±(N/+) Long=90.406152°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 549.11 FtUS (or) 167.370 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 549.41 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of base for a signal control box; 25' west of the centerline of Hanna Road and 70' south of the centerline of Big Bend Road. [This is prior BM 17038 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 18.] SP MO East N=303437± E=249039± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567638°±(N/+) Long=90.511028°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 18:
Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 549.47 FtUS (or) 167.480 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 549.78 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-66 1992 Disk is set at the northwest corner of Hanna and Big Bend Roads; 37' southeast of the southeast corner of car port stalls and 42' southwest of the center of fire hydrant. [This is prior BM 17118 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 18.] <NGS PID="AA8707", Designation="SL 66"> SP MO East N=303467.9± E=249029.8± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567917°±(N/+) Long=90.511133°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 536.67 FtUS RM 143 FEMA PANEL 259; Standard tablet stamped "108-75 S.L.C." and set in south end of concrete headwall, 206 feet south of and 21 feet east of intersection of Hanna Road and Big Bend Road (Oak Street Road). [This is prior BM 17138 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 18.] SP MO East N=303395± E=249056± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567260°±(N/+) Long=90.510832°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 527.95 FtUS "Sq" in center of concrete headwall; 18' north of centerline of Windy Hill Drive and 29' east of centerline of Schuessler Road. [This is prior BM 19239 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 18.] SP MO East N=296354± E=258876± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.503783°±(N/+) Long=90.398237°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 618.39 FtUS (or) 188.485 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 618.57 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of a concrete flag pole base in front of the Harry S. Truman School; 130' north of Eddie and Park Road and 220' west of Robyn Drive. [This is prior BM 19376 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 18.] SP MO East N=300911± E=258899± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.544838°±(N/+) Long=90.397915°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 641.81 FtUS (or) 195.625 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 642.03 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-54 1992 Disk is set on the south side of Eddie and Park Road; 172' east of the entrance to Court Yard Subdivision, 17' south of the centerline of Eddie and Park Road. Approximately 0.3 miles east of the intersection of Lindbergh Boulevard and Eddie and Park Road. [This is prior BM 19439 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 18.] <NGS PID="AA8695", Designation="SL 54"> SP MO East N=301002.3± E=258709.5± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.545662°±(N/+) Long=90.400088°±(W/-) Page 27 of 46
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 18:
Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 604.50 FtUS (or) 184.253 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 604.81 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest corner of northern end of sidewalk situated along the northwest side of the intersection of Old Gravois Road and Weber Hill Road; approximately 39 feet north of the centerline of Old Gravois Road and 40 feet west of the centerline of Weber Hill Road. SP MO East N=298588± E=258651± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.523912°±(N/+) Long=90.400789°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 521.41 FtUS (or) 158.927 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 521.71 FtUS Cut "Sq" on the centerline of sidewalk along the northwest side of Old Gravois Road in the northwesterly prolongation of the centerline of Rambling Oaks Drive. SP MO East N=298074± E=258213± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.519285°±(N/+) Long=90.405818°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 429.58 FtUS (or) 130.935 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 429.87 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-193 situated in a grassy area east of Rahning Road and south of Highway 30; roughly 18 feet east of the center of a storm inlet along the east side of Rahning Road just south of the pavement taper for turn lanes, and 60 feet south of the lamp post for an overhead street light, and 28 feet east of the centerline of Rahning Road. SP MO East N=298175± E=257258± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.520204°±(N/+) Long=90.416769°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 420.81 FtUS (or) 128.263 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 421.10 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-56A situated along the north side of Highway 30 roughly 0.36 miles west of Maurer Industrial Drive and 220 feet east of a crossover between the east and west bound lanes of Highway 30. The monument is approximately 28 feet north of the centerline of the westbound lanes of Highway 30, 3 feet north of the edge of asphalt, 29 feet east of the southern post of highway sign stating "141 Fenton Valley Park Exit 1 Mile", and 33 feet east of the northern post of the same exit sign. <NGS PID="AA8697", Designation="Accessory to SL 56"> SP MO East N=297988± E=256729± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.518523°±(N/+) Long=90.422837°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 408.33 FtUS (or) 124.458 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 408.62 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of concrete dugout pad along the third base side of baseball field #1 at the City of Sunset Hills athletic fields addressed as #13555 West Watson Road, roughly 0.2 miles north of Highway 30, 47 feet west of the centerline of West Watson Road, and 129 feet south of the centerline of gravel entrance drive to athletic fields. SP MO East N=298005± E=255978± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.518682°±(N/+) Long=90.431448°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 418.63 FtUS (or) 127.600 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 418.92 FtUS Cut "Sq" on top of the southernmost wing wall on the east side of triple box culvert under West Watson Road; roughly 240 feet more or less south of Gary Player Drive and 16 feet east of the centerline of West Watson Road. SP MO East N=298996± E=256664± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.527605°±(N/+) Long=90.423572°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 428.69 FtUS (or) 130.665 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 428.97 FtUS "O" in open on fire hydrant along the west side of West Watson Road; roughly 137 feet south of the centerline of Bond Place, 29 feet south or southeast of a sanitary manhole, and 18 feet west of the centerline of West Watson Road. SP MO East N=299556± E=256836± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.532649°±(N/+) Long=90.421594°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 443.24 FtUS (or) 135.100 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 443.52 FtUS Cut "Sq" in the center top of headwall along the east side of West Watson Road; 88 feet south of the centerline of Baalbek Drive and 16 feet east of the centerline of West Watson Road. SP MO East N=300130± E=256850± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.537820°±(N/+) Long=90.421428°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 496.19 FtUS (or) 151.240 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 496.47 FtUS Cut "Sq" on top of a ground level concrete base for former gate post (square hole from missing post in base) situated on the northwest side of an asphalt drive extending northeasterly from the junction of Rott Road and Robyn Road immediately opposite from West Watson Road. Benchmark is situated roughly 7 feet northwest of the northeasterly prolongation of the centerline of West Watson Road and of the centerline of asphalt drive, 23 feet northeast of centerline Rott Road, and northeast of the southeast end of a steel barricade along the northeast side of Rott Road. SP MO East N=300632± E=256982± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.542341°±(N/+) Long=90.419909°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 588.99 FtUS (or) 179.524 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 589.27 FtUS "O" in open on fire hydrant along the west side of Rott Road across the street from house addressed #9062 Rott Road; roughly 13 feet west of centerline Rott Road, 76 feet south of the centerline of the south entrance to Laumeier Sculpture Park, and 225 feet north of the centerline of Saller Drive. SP MO East N=301179± E=256866± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.547270°±(N/+) Long=90.421234°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 600.25 FtUS (or) 182.958 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 600.53 FtUS Cut "L" on southwest corner of concrete base for gas pipeline vent; roughly 19 feet east of Maclane Court and 72 feet south of the centerline of Rott Road. SP MO East N=301512± E=257097± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.550268°±(N/+) Long=90.418581°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 419.06 FtUS (or) 127.731 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 419.35 FtUS Cut "L" on southeast corner of concrete bridge barrier wall along the north side of West Watson Road; near the west end of a steel barricade, 17 feet north of the centerline of West Watson Road and roughly 0.3 miles west of Gary Player Drive. SP MO East N=298728± E=256330± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.525193°±(N/+) Long=90.427405°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 510.83 FtUS (or) 155.701 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 511.14 FtUS Cut "L" on back of sidewalk around the perimeter of the circular traffic island centered in the cul-de-sac of Bridlewood Valley Pointe; situated 12.9 feet southwest of the light standard in the center of island and across the street from residence addressed as #1073 Bridlewood Valley Pointe. SP MO East N=297265± E=249273± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.512035°±(N/+) Long=90.508336°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 599.56 FtUS (or) 182.747 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 599.86 FtUS Cut "L" on back of sidewalk near the southeast corner of property addressed as #1373 Summerpoint Lane; roughly 24 feet west of the centerline of Summerpoint Lane and 30 feet north of the centerline of Spring Chase Drive. SP MO East N=297276± E=249740± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.512134°±(N/+) Long=90.502981°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 624.57 FtUS (or) 190.370 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 624.87 FtUS Cut "L" on back of sidewalk near the northernmost corner of property addressed as #1613 Summers End Lane; roughly 24 feet southwest of the centerline of Summers End Lane and 28 feet southeast of the centerline of Summerpoint Lane. SP MO East N=297453± E=250072± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.513729°±(N/+) Long=90.499174°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 422.32 FtUS (or) 128.724 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 422.61 FtUS Found cross on the top north side of the concrete base of the traffic signal mast arm controlling northbound traffic along Highway 141; situated east of Highway 141 and north of the ramp from Highway 141 onto eastbound I-44. SP MO East N=300211± E=250398± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.538576°±(N/+) Long=90.495435°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 422.65 FtUS (or) 128.824 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 422.93 FtUS Found "L" cut on the southwest top corner of the barrier wall protecting the concrete bridge columns supporting the I-44 bridge within the median island of Highway 141; vertically underneath the south edge of the I-44 bridge roughly 5 feet south of the southwest corner of the southernmost bridge column. SP MO East N=300255± E=250381± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.538972°±(N/+) Long=90.495630°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 643.06 FtUS (or) 196.004 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 643.37 FtUS Cut "U" on the southeast corner curb rounding of the most southeasterly of several raised traffic islands divided from each other by pavement level handicap accessible walkways, divided from the southeast end of Erber Drive by a right turn lane from southbound Geyer Road onto westbound Woodbine Avenue, and situated in the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Geyer Road with Woodbine Avenue; roughly 3 feet southeast of a stop sign, 19 feet west of the centerline of Geyer Road and 22 feet north of the centerline of Woodbine Avenue. SP MO East N=304187± E=257339± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.574365°±(N/+) Long=90.415776°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 635.07 FtUS (or) 193.569 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 635.37 FtUS Found cross near the southeast corner of a concrete traffic island situated southeast of the right turn lane from southbound Geyer Road onto westbound Big Bend Road; 1.2 feet west of the east curb face of island, 1.7 feet north of the south curb face of island, roughly 30 feet west of the centerline of Geyer Road and 32 feet north of the centerline of Big Bend Road. SP MO East N=303369± E=257320± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.566996°±(N/+) Long=90.416003°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 633.89 FtUS (or) 193.209 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 634.18 FtUS Cut "U" on the center top south end of the flared end section of a reinforced concrete pipe running east of and parallel to Geyer Road; roughly 16 feet east of the centerline of Geyer Road and 58 feet south of the centerline of Oakshire Lane. SP MO East N=302833± E=257319± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.562167°±(N/+) Long=90.416020°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 620.60 FtUS (or) 189.158 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 620.88 FtUS Found square on top of the barrier wall between the sidewalk and pavement near the northwest corner of the Geyer Road overpass at I-44; roughly 7 feet southeast of the north end of the 6 foot tall chain link fence west of the sidewalk and 21 feet west of the centerline of Geyer Road. SP MO East N=302113± E=257292± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.555681°±(N/+) Long=90.416338°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 650.48 FtUS (or) 198.266 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 650.78 FtUS Cut "U" on the south side of the concrete base for a light standard situated approximately 0.25 miles west of Geyer Road, on the west side of the main entrance to St Louis Community College at Meramec along the north side of Big Bend Road; roughly 29 feet west of the centerline of college entrance drive and 60 feet north of the centerline of Big Bend Road. SP MO East N=303378± E=256937± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567080°±(N/+) Long=90.420398°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 618.63 FtUS (or) 188.559 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 618.92 FtUS Cut "U" on the southernmost or southwest curb rounding on the easternmost of two concrete traffic islands within the intersection of West Glenwood Lane and Briargate Lane with Big Bend Road and generally situated southwest of property addressed as #12647 Big Bend Road; being roughly 22 feet north of the centerline of Big Bend Road on the outside of a curve in Big Bend Road, 14 feet east of the centerline of West Glenwood Lane where it passes between the two traffic islands, and 14 feet south of a traffic signal mast on the east traffic island. SP MO East N=303434± E=254668± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567600°±(N/+) Long=90.446434°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 631.59 FtUS (or) 192.509 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 631.87 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of the concrete base for traffic signal control box in the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Big Bend Road and Barrett Station Road; roughly 59 feet north of the centerline of Big Bend Road and 31 feet west of the centerline of Barrett Station Road. SP MO East N=303182± E=254009± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.565333°±(N/+) Long=90.453998°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 463.05 FtUS (or) 141.137 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 463.32 FtUS Found "L" on the easternmost or northeast corner of the concrete foundation pad supporting a double row of concrete columns for the railroad trestle bridge bent along the south side of the south asphalt shoulder of Big Bend Road; roughly 22 feet south of the centerline of Big Bend Road and 0.1 miles more or less west of the intersection of Big Bend Road with Quinette Road from the south and Cologne Avenue from the north. SP MO East N=303505± E=252835± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.568247°±(N/+) Long=90.467468°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 439.20 FtUS (or) 133.869 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 439.47 FtUS Found square on top near the east end of the barrier wall between the pavement and sidewalk along the south side of Bridge #361 for Big Bend Road over Grand Glaize Creek; 2 feet west of the vertical break where the top of wall slopes down to the east, roughly 24 feet south of the centerline of Big Bend Road and 79 feet west of the centerline of Arbor Creek Drive. SP MO East N=303549± E=252539± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.568644°±(N/+) Long=90.470864°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 438.61 FtUS (or) 133.690 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 438.89 FtUS Found aluminum tablet stamped "18344" in the top near the west end of the barrier wall between the pavement and sidewalk along the south side of Bridge #361 for Big Bend Road over Grand Glaize Creek; directly above a dedication plaque identifying Bridge #361 embedded in the side of the barrier wall, roughly 24 feet south of the centerline of Big Bend Road and 186 feet west of the centerline of Arbor Creek Drive. SP MO East N=303544± E=252506± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.568599°±(N/+) Long=90.471243°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 669.79 FtUS (or) 204.153 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 670.09 FtUS Found square on the top north side of concrete base for traffic signal mast on the southwest corner of Big Bend Road and Couch Avenue; roughly 33 feet south of the centerline of Big Bend Road and 23 feet west of the centerline of Couch Avenue. SP MO East N=303351± E=256491± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.566840°±(N/+) Long=90.425516°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 658.48 FtUS (or) 200.705 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 658.80 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of 3.5'x4.5' concrete base of flagpole north of the west entrance to Commerce Bank addressed as #300 North Kirkwood Road; roughly 37 feet east of the centerline of Kirkwood Road, 15 feet east of the east curb of Kirkwood Road, and 160 feet more or less north of the centerline of East Adams Avenue. SP MO East N=305226± E=258174± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.583718°±(N/+) Long=90.406182°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 618.57 FtUS (or) 188.542 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 618.83 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast corner of the concrete base for an electric control box situated in a grassy area south of Carman Road and 200 feet more or less northeast of the center median of Highway 141; roughly 28 feet south of the center of median island in Carman Road and 180 feet more or less westerly along the south side of Carman Road from the centerline of a commercial driveway and cul-de-sac for access to several cell towers and a Missouri American water tank south of Carman Road. SP MO East N=304868± E=249886± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.580531°±(N/+) Long=90.501308°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 616.51 FtUS (or) 187.914 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 616.77 FtUS Found "U" on top of a small concrete headwall southwest of North Meramec Station Road (being the west service road for Highway 141) 500 feet more or less northwest of Queensbridge Road and slightly southeast of the intersection with Old Meramec Station Road near property addressed as #416 Old Meramec Station Road. This benchmark is roughly 140 feet northwest of the driveway to property addressed as #421 Meramec Station Road, 23 feet southwest of the centerline of Meramec Station Road, and 87 feet more or less southeast of the centerline of Old Meramec Station Road. SP MO East N=305315± E=249292± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.584558°±(N/+) Long=90.508126°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 609.06 FtUS (or) 185.641 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 609.31 FtUS Cut "U" on the top east side of the concrete base for an overhead lighting pole southwest of the intersection of Old Meramec Station Road with the entrance to "Paul A Schroeder Park" 0.4 miles more or less south of Manchester Road and across the street from a residence addressed as #348 Old Meramec Station Road; roughly 20 feet west of the centerline of Old Meramec Station Road and 30 feet south of centerline of park entrance road. SP MO East N=305584± E=249074± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.586981°±(N/+) Long=90.510629°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 471.69 FtUS (or) 143.771 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 471.95 FtUS Found aluminum tablet set in the center top of the west barrier wall midway between the north and south ends of barrier wall on Bridge #444-C for May Valley Lane over Fenton Creek; roughly 80 feet south of the centerline of Smoke Tree Drive, 12 feet west of the centerline of May Valley Lane, and over the center of Fenton Creek. SP MO East N=298148± E=252906± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.519985°±(N/+) Long=90.466675°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 631.06 FtUS (or) 192.348 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 631.36 FtUS "O" in OPEN on fire hydrant located in the tree lawn south of the sidewalk and north of Dougherty Ferry Road between homes addressed as #1623 and #1711 Dougherty Ferry Road; roughly 23 feet north of the centerline of Dougherty Ferry Road, and 117 feet more or less west along Dougherty Ferry Road from the centerline of Lindeman Road. SP MO East N=305620± E=255683± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.587287°±(N/+) Long=90.434769°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 434.86 FtUS (or) 132.547 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 435.12 FtUS Aluminum 2" blank standard tablet set in the north end of the east wing wall of the north abutment of the Hanna Road bridge over Fishpot Creek roughly 0.1 miles north of the intersection of Hanna Road with Vance Road. The benchmark is east of the sidewalk along the east side of bridge. SP MO East N=301711.9± E=249005.3± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.552097°±(N/+) Long=90.511412°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 625.48 FtUS (or) 190.646 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 625.70 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-54A situated in the northern part of the athletic fields for Truman Elementary School, #12225 Eddie and Park Road, roughly 0.25 miles north of Eddie and Park Road along the west side of Robyn Road and slightly west of the westerly projection of Glenfield Terrace; 33.03' southwest of the top center of a fire hydrant; 22.5' northwest of the center line of road pavement; 52.4' northwest of the nearest corner of a drop inlet; 47.21' northwest of the nearest corner of a drop inlet; 7.5' west of the back of curb; and 1' east of a carsonite witness post. <NGS PID="AA8695", Designation="Accessory to SL 54"> SP MO East N=301231± E=258936± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.547720°±(N/+) Long=90.397487°±(W/-)
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Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(Adopt NGS) Elev = 440.26 FtUS (or) 134.193 Meter <NAVD88 ORTHO HEIGHT per NGS datasheet as of 04/17/2014> NGVD29 Elev = 440.53 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-143A in a short length of treelawn bounded on the east by the west curb of Dougherty Ferry Road, bounded on the west by the sidewalk, bounded on the north by a curb inlet, and bounded on the south by a handicap sidewalk ramp in the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Dougherty Ferry Road with Stone Canyon Drive, and all situated southeast of #855 Stone Canyon Drive. Benchmark is roughly 9' south of center lid on catch basin and approximately centered between the curb and sidewalk west of Dougherty Ferry Road. <NGS PID="DG4627", Designation="SL 143 AZ MK"> SP MO East N=304078.0± E=252401.0± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.573410°±(N/+) Long=90.472446°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 642.53 FtUS (or) 195.845 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 642.76 FtUS Cut "L" on northwest corner of 2.5'x6' concrete base of traffic signal control box southeast of the right turn lane from northbound Lindbergh Blvd onto eastbound Eddie and Park Road, 80' east of the double yellow strip in centerline Lindbergh Blvd and 50' south of the double yellow stripe in centerline Eddie and Park Road. SP MO East N=301121± E=258421± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.546734°±(N/+) Long=90.403396°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 641.28 FtUS (or) 195.462 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 641.51 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest corner at end nearest Lindbergh Blvd of the 2.2'x11.5' capstone on the masonry base of the lighted church bulletin sign for St Thomas – Holy Spirit Lutheran Church, #3980 S Lindbergh Blvd, 62' east of centerline Lindbergh Blvd and 54' north of centerline Sunset Terrace. SP MO East N=300736± E=258709± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.543263°±(N/+) Long=90.400097°±(W/-)
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Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 662.67 FtUS (or) 201.982 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 662.95 FtUS Cut "L" on northeast corner of the northernmost end of the poured concrete retaining wall supporting the asphalt parking lot for the Holiday Inn #10705 Watson Road. Wall is northwest of and concentric to the ramp from southbound Kirkwood Road (a.k.a. Lindbergh Blvd) to Watson Road (State Route 366). Benchmark is on the north end of poured concrete wall adjoining the south end of a concrete block retaining wall, roughly 4' west of curb, 18.8' southeast of the southeast corner of Holiday Inn sign, 35' north of light standard, 26' south of utility pole, near north end of metal guard rail facing parking along top of concrete wall. SP MO East N=302195± E=258087± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.556413°±(N/+) Long=90.407215°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 639.69 FtUS (or) 194.977 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 639.98 FtUS Cut "L" on southernmost end of poured concrete wall southeast of freestanding Arby's restaurant #1147 South Kirkwood Road within Kirkwood Crossing shopping center and situated northwest of a major signalized commercial intersection 0.2 miles south of Big Bend Road along Kirkwood Road (a.k.a. Lindbergh Blvd) for entrance to Kirkwood Commons east of Kirkwood Road and to Kirkwood Crossing shopping center to west of Kirkwood Road. Benchmark is roughly 26.5' west of back walk along Kirkwood Road, 62.5' north of center median in commercial entrance to Kirkwood Crossing shopping center, 11.7' southwest along the concrete wall from an angle point in the wall, and 27.8' northwest of a traffic signal. SP MO East N=303013± E=258095± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.563782°±(N/+) Long=90.407114°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 658.82 FtUS (or) 200.809 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 659.15 FtUS Cut square on southeast quadrant of 30" diameter circular concrete base for traffic signal southeast of North Kirkwood Road (a.k.a. Lindbergh Blvd) and Essex Avenue, roughly 5.3' east of back of walk along Kirkwood Road, 19' south of centerline Essex Avenue, 11' north of curved end stone retaining wall, and northwest of the lower inside corner of a small treated landscape timber knee wall south and east of the traffic signal base. SP MO East N=305791± E=258175± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.588808°±(N/+) Long=90.406164°±(W/-)
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Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 540.44 FtUS (or) 164.725 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 540.72 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest corner of the concrete base for Des Peres Hospital sign in landscaped area south of entrance to Des Peres Hospital from Des Peres Road opposite Westledge Lane, roughly 39' south of center median in hospital entrance drive and 32' east of centerline Des Peres Road. SP MO East N=305410± E=254068± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.585404°±(N/+) Long=90.453308°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 449.50 FtUS (or) 137.008 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 449.77 FtUS Railroad spike driven in north side of wooden utility pole roughly 39' south of centerline Dougherty Ferry Road and 0.2 miles west of Old Dougherty Ferry Road. This is the fifth pole west of Old Dougherty Ferry Road along an overhead electric line running along the south side of Dougherty Ferry Road and is on the north side of a creek opposite the rear of house #125 Bellerosa Drive. SP MO East N=304794± E=253688± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.579856°±(N/+) Long=90.457673°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 447.63 FtUS (or) 136.437 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 447.89 FtUS Cut square on the top south side of circular concrete base of traffic signal mast approximately flush with top of concrete traffic island in the northwest quadrant of Dougherty Ferry Road and Barrett Station Road, southeast of the right turn lane from southbound Barrett Station Road onto westbound Dougherty Ferry Road, roughly 34' north of centerline Dougherty Ferry Road and 44' west of double yellow stripe in Barrett Station Road. SP MO East N=304688± E=253033± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.578904°±(N/+) Long=90.465191°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 440.59 FtUS (or) 134.291 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 440.85 FtUS Cut Square on top of the northwest wingwall of bridge #369 on Barrett Station Road approximately 0.15 miles south of Dougherty Ferry Road and 0.05 miles north of Old Dougherty Ferry Road. Benchmark is approximately 2.2 feet from the southeast end of the northwest wingwall and approximately 12.5 feet west of the centerline of Barrett Station Road. SP MO East N=304445± E=253097± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.576715°±(N/+) Long=90.464457°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 435.32 FtUS (or) 132.685 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 435.58 FtUS Cut "L" on northeast corner of concrete base of traffic signal control box; roughly 89 feet west of centerline Dougherty Ferry road and 82 feet north of centerline Big Bend Road. SP MO East N=303419± E=252058± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567474°±(N/+) Long=90.476384°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 512.06 FtUS (or) 156.077 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 512.33 FtUS Cut square on concrete base of ATT underground cable box; roughly 48 feet north of centerline Big Bend Road and 75 feet west of Huntington Hill Drive. SP MO East N=303588± E=251571± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.568998°±(N/+) Long=90.481972°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 579.06 FtUS (or) 176.498 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 579.32 FtUS Cut "U" on concrete base of fence post at the west end of a black aluminum fence along the south side of the sidewalk; roughly 40 feet south of centerline Big Bend Road and 51 feet east of centerline Century Oaks Drive. SP MO East N=303433± E=250799± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567603°±(N/+) Long=90.490831°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 613.30 FtUS (or) 186.933 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 613.56 FtUS Cut "U" on the south side of the concrete base for a traffic signal mast in a traffic island situated south of Big Bend Road, east of Meramec Station Road (Old Highway 141), and northwest of the right turn lane from northbound Meramec Station Road onto eastbound Big Bend Road. SP MO East N=303431± E=250375± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567585°±(N/+) Long=90.495697°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 447.01 FtUS (or) 136.248 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 447.28 FtUS Cut "U" on west side of concrete base of telephone box east of the sidewalk along the east side of Dougherty Ferry Road west of property addressed as #3322 Lower Lakes Estates Drive, roughly 26' east of the centerline of Dougherty Ferry Road and 63' south of the centerline of Lower Lakes Estates Drive. SP MO East N=303127± E=251567± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.564845°±(N/+) Long=90.482019°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 454.21 FtUS (or) 138.442 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 454.48 FtUS Letter "O" in open on fire hydrant roughly 20' west of centerline of Forest Avenue, 97' south of centerline of driveway approach to #502 Forest Avenue, 67' north of centerline driveway approach to #404 Forest Avenue, and 0.1 miles north of the intersection of Lookout Avenue with said Forest Avenue. SP MO East N=301989± E=250904± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.554593°±(N/+) Long=90.489628°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 431.92 FtUS (or) 131.651 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 432.20 FtUS Cut "U" on south side of concrete base for traffic signal mast in the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Highway 141 with Forest Avenue from the east and Vance Road from the west. Benchmark is on the base for traffic signal mast arm controlling traffic northbound along Highway 141 and is roughly 55' east of centerline Highway 141 and 60' north of centerline Forest Avenue. SP MO East N=301589± E=250573± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.550990°±(N/+) Long=90.493426°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 416.93 FtUS (or) 127.081 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 417.21 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of a concrete slab on the west side of a St. Louis County Parks Department maintenance building within Buder Park. From Highway 141 exit at North Outer Road to Meramec Road eastbound. From the Buder Park gate at Meramec Road and the St Louis and San Francisco Railroad proceed northerly along Meramec Road thru Buder Park for approximately 0.2 miles and then turn east along a maintenance drive 0.05 miles to park maintenance building. SP MO East N=300741± E=250870± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.543350°±(N/+) Long=90.490020°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 547.05 FtUS (or) 166.742 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 547.34 FtUS Cut square on the east side of the concrete base of traffic signal mast supporting the signal arm controlling traffic along northbound Highway 141 and situated in the northeast quadrant of Highway 141 and Centurion Drive, roughly 53' east of centerline Highway 141 and 60' north of centerline Centurian Drive. SP MO East N=299430± E=250570± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.531539°±(N/+) Long=90.493462°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 590.44 FtUS (or) 179.965 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 590.71 FtUS Cut "U" on curb at south bull nose rounding of triangular traffic island situated south of Smizer Station Road, west of Gladiator Drive and east of the right turn lane from eastbound Smizer Station Road onto southbound Gladiator Drive, roughly 21' west of centerline Gladiator Drive and 36' south of centerline Smizer Station Road. SP MO East N=298957± E=251161± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.527278°±(N/+) Long=90.486685°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 425.73 FtUS (or) 129.764 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 426.01 FtUS Found cross on the east end of the concrete curb or barrier wall near a metal railing along the north side of bridge pavement on a private bridge (gated at the west end) for Lakehill Road over Grand Glaze Creek, roughly 80' east of the centerline of Forest Avenue and 50' north of the easterly projection of Highland Avenue. SP MO East N=302520± E=251146± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.559377°±(N/+) Long=90.486851°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 426.56 FtUS (or) 130.015 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 426.83 FtUS Cut "U" in the center west end of the concrete curb or barrier wall near a metal railing along the north side of bridge pavement on a private bridge (gated at the west end) for Lakehill Road over Grand Glaze Creek, roughly 42' east of the centerline of Forest Avenue and 50' north of the easterly projection of Highland Avenue. SP MO East N=302523± E=251135± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.559404°±(N/+) Long=90.486977°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 633.07 FtUS (or) 192.959 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 633.38 FtUS Chiseled "L" on the northeast corner of a slightly elevated concrete traffic signal pull box in the northeast quadrant of Big Bend Road and South Fillmore Avenue southwest of #10455 Big Bend Road; roughly 7' east of a traffic signal mast, 10.5' north of a manhole cover in the center of sidewalk, and 19' northeast along the approximate centerline of the handicap ramp from the southwest end of ramp at the junction of two painted crosswalks. SP MO East N=303416± E=258538± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567409°±(N/+) Long=90.402026°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 572.23 FtUS (or) 174.416 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 572.50 FtUS Cut "Sq" on top of north curb of Smizer Mill Road in the northerly projection of the centerline of Krueger Lane; roughly 14 feet north of the centerline of Smizer Mill Road and immediately south of the concrete barrier wall and fence separating Smizer Mill Road from the eastbound lanes of Highway 141. SP MO East N=298661± E=251427± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.524611°±(N/+) Long=90.483635°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 538.83 FtUS (or) 164.236 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 539.09 FtUS Cut "Sq" on top of concrete curb at eastern end of rounding on driveway approach at entrance to parking lot for #1195 Smizer Mill Road; roughly 31.5 feet east of the centerline of drive approach, 18.5 feet southeast of a utility pole, 21 feet north of the centerline of Smizer Mill Road, and 240 feet more or less east of the northerly projection of the centerline of Brookwood Drive. SP MO East N=298505± E=252670± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.523202°±(N/+) Long=90.469380°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 491.96 FtUS (or) 149.950 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 492.22 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-57A situated in a grassy area near the northeast corner of property addressed as #1 May Valley Lane; roughly 26 feet south of the centerline of Smizer Mill Road, 23 feet west of the centerline of May Valley Lane and 14 feet east of the center of a storm inlet. <NGS PID="AA8698", Designation="Accessory to SL 57"> SP MO East N=298455± E=252936± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.522751°±(N/+) Long=90.466330°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 482.26 FtUS (or) 146.993 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 482.51 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of the concrete base for traffic signal control box situated in the Northeast corner of Highway 141 and San Simeon Way; roughly 61 feet east of the centerline of San Simeon Way and 61' south of the centerline of the north service road to Highway 141 known as New Smizer Mill Road. SP MO East N=298463± E=253125± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.522822°±(N/+) Long=90.464163°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 461.89 FtUS (or) 140.785 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 462.14 FtUS Cut "U" on the top the southwest curb of the north service road to Highway 141 known as New Smizer Mill Road, and immediately north of the concrete barrier wall and fence separating the westbound lanes of Highway 141 from said New Smizer Mill Road. The benchmark is roughly 16 feet south of the centerline of New Smizer Mill Road and in the southerly projection of the centerline of the western leg of Woodway Circle, which is the leg situated between properties addressed as #947 and #950 Woodway Circle. SP MO East N=298249± E=253657± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.520892°±(N/+) Long=90.458063°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 460.55 FtUS (or) 140.375 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 460.79 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest corner of a concrete headwall immediately north of the north asphalt shoulder of the north service road to Highway 141 known as New Smizer Mill Road and in the south part of property addressed as #950 Woodway Circle; roughly 19 feet north of the centerline of New Smizer Mill Road, 65 feet east of the centerline of the western leg of Woodway Circle, and 29 feet southeast of utility pole #68478. SP MO East N=298246± E=253679± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.520865°±(N/+) Long=90.457810°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 433.84 FtUS (or) 132.235 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 434.07 FtUS Chiseled cross on top of southwesternmost bolt at base of light standard situated northwest of the ramp from Southwest bound Highway 30 onto northwest bound Highway 141; roughly 16 feet northeast of the edge of concrete along Highway 141, 26 feet southwest of a traffic signal control box, and 50 feet west of a second light standard along the northwest side of ramp from Highway 30. SP MO East N=297587± E=254644± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.514924°±(N/+) Long=90.446749°±(W/-)
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Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 475.01 FtUS (or) 144.784 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 475.24 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast corner of the concrete base of a traffic signal control box situated at the bottom of a grassy slope east of Walgreens store at #701 Gravois Bluffs Blvd and immediately west of the west edge of asphalt shoulder for Southbound Highway 141; roughly 22 feet north of a light standard situated west of the north end of curve on right turn ramp from southbound Highway 141 onto westbound Gravois Bluffs Blvd, and 140 feet more or less north of the concrete median between eastbound and westbound Gravois Bluffs Blvd. SP MO East N=296807± E=254892± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.507895°±(N/+) Long=90.443910°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 546.44 FtUS (or) 166.556 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 546.68 FtUS Cut "Sq" on the top west side of concrete base for traffic signal mast supporting signal arm over Nicholas Place Drive near the northernmost corner of property addressed #760 Gravois Bluff Blvd; situated southwest of Nicholas Blace Drive and southeast of Gravois Bluffs Blvd opposite the northeast entrance to Jim Butler Chevrolet and 7 feet southwest of a fire hydrant. SP MO East N=296455± E=254308± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.504727°±(N/+) Long=90.450608°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 488.33 FtUS (or) 148.844 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 488.57 FtUS Cut "U" on the top of concrete island at the midpoint of the southeastern bullnose rounding for a median island dividing the easternmost northbound turn lane from westbound Gravois Bluffs Blvd onto northbound Highway 30 from southbound left turn lanes along the east side of the main alignment of Highway 30; roughly 40 feet north of centerline Gravois Bluffs Blvd, 65 feet west of a lighting standard, 68 feet east of a traffic signal mast on the south end of median island east of the main northbound lanes of Highway 30, and more generally in the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Highway 30 and Gravois Bluffs Blvd. SP MO East N=296369± E=253789± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.503955°±(N/+) Long=90.456559°±(W/-)
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Rev: 04/11/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 623.14 FtUS (or) 189.932 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 623.41 FtUS Cut "Sq" on the top of curb along the north edge of concrete drive entrance to Summit Church at #1037 New Sugar Creek Road, immediately west of the intersection of New Sugar Creek Road to the south with Hawkins Road to the north and east; roughly 30.5 feet north of the centerline of church entrance drive and at the beginning of the west edge of a sidewalk running to the north. SP MO East N=296383± E=250621± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.504089°±(N/+) Long=90.492880°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 570.79 FtUS (or) 173.978 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 571.24 FtUS "Sq" on concrete walk 1' east of west brick end wall of front porch steps to 1 1/2 story brick residence, #9636 Big Bend Road; south side Big Bend Road, 230' east of Diversey Drive. SP MO East N=303972± E=260347± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.572399°±(N/+) Long=90.381259°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 552.77 FtUS "L" on north corner of lowest concrete step of yard entrance from driveway to residence at #9570 Lodge Pole Lane; southeast corner Old Sappington Road and Lodge Pole Lane. SP MO East N=301855± E=260599± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.553323°±(N/+) Long=90.378400°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 622.95 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of concrete porch of 1 1/2 story frame residence #9011 New Sappington Road; opposite Gerber Road. SP MO East N=301166± E=260448± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.547118°±(N/+) Long=90.380142°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 607.56 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of concrete step of 1 1/2 story brick residence #11275 Gravois Road; on northwest side of Gravois Avenue, opposite Emil Avenue. SP MO East N=300348± E=261065± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.539741°±(N/+) Long=90.373077°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 586.93 FtUS "U" 1' east of southwest corner of lower concrete step at south main building entrance to Sappington School; northwest corner Eddie and Park Road and Gravois Road. SP MO East N=300611± E=261863± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.542100°±(N/+) Long=90.363919°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 562.78 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of concrete stoop of one-story frame residence #1472 Grant Road; east side Grant Road, 165' north of Linum Lane. SP MO East N=303464± E=261297± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567810°±(N/+) Long=90.370366°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 568.90 FtUS "U" 6" north of southwest corner of concrete stoop at front entrance to one story brick residence of #1608 Grant Road; east side Grant Road 150' south of north entrance to Crabapple Lane. SP MO East N=303197± E=261361± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.565404°±(N/+) Long=90.369636°±(W/-) Page 2 of 62
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 566.69 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of concrete landing 10' south of face of building at south entrance to Queen of Holy Rosary School; east quadrant of intersection of Grant Road and Watson Road. SP MO East N=302923± E=261491± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.562934°±(N/+) Long=90.368148°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 620.05 FtUS "U" on northeast corner of top concrete step of front yard walk to driveway of one story brick residence at #7917 Rock Hill Road; northwest corner Rock Hill Road and Grantshire Lane. (Assume Rock Hill Road runs north south) SP MO East N=302925± E=262598± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.562937°±(N/+) Long=90.355446°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 610.14 FtUS (or) 185.971 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 610.44 FtUS "L" on north corner of front concrete stoop of 1 1/2 story brick duplex #7022 and #7024 Rock Hill Road; 0.15 mile northwest of Valcour Avenue. SP MO East N=301981± E=264114± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.554410°±(N/+) Long=90.338070°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 560.55 FtUS (or) 170.855 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 560.92 FtUS "U" on concrete hub guard 1.0' north of concrete guard rail post on west side of grade separation at southwest end of guard rail rounding; 50' southwest of centerline Frisco railroad track and 24' northwest of centerline Gravois Road, 45' northeast of northeast corner #9801 Gravois Road. SP MO East N=301682± E=265069± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.551700°±(N/+) Long=90.327120°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 549.65 FtUS (or) 167.533 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 550.03 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of lower concrete porch step at the east entrance to a two story brick educational building north of the main sanctuary at the First Baptist Church of Affton addressed as #8751 MacKenzie Road; northwest corner Mackenzie Road and Gravois Road. SP MO East N=301840± E=265383± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.553118°±(N/+) Long=90.323514°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 526.63 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of front step to front door of building at #8500 Gravois Road; southwest corner Gravois and Lacey. (Assume Gravois runs east west) SP MO East N=302250± E=266812± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.556786°±(N/+) Long=90.307110°±(W/-) Page 3 of 62
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 19:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 514.35 FtUS (or) 156.775 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 514.65 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 64M 1931 set in concrete post [In March 2009 most of the tablet was found chiseled off, but the stem of the tablet including small remnant of the original top surface remains and was verified by levels to be at the previous elevation.]; 205' west and 35' south of centerline of Heege Road and Gravois Road respectively. (Assume Gravois runs east west) SP MO East N=302444± E=267175± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.558527°±(N/+) Long=90.302940°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 426.56 FtUS "U" on south edge and 1.3' from east end of lower concrete step of one story frame residence at #4817 Hamburg Avenue. SP MO East N=302727± E=267922± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.561062°±(N/+) Long=90.294362°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 442.13 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of top concrete step of front yard entrance walk to one story frame residence at #4700 Hamburg Avenue; southwest corner Hildesheim and Hamburg. SP MO East N=302524± E=268095± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.559230°±(N/+) Long=90.292383°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 448.55 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of lower concrete porch step of one story brick residence at #4705 Heidelberg Avenue; northwest corner Hildesheim Avenue. SP MO East N=302334± E=267929± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.557521°±(N/+) Long=90.294292°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 453.03 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of first concrete step of front porch to one story frame residence at #4600 Heidelberg Avenue; southwest corner Kammerer Avenue. SP MO East N=302134± E=268187± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.555714°±(N/+) Long=90.291337°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 449.07 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of front platform porch at #8285 Morganford Road; northwest corner Heidelberg Avenue. SP MO East N=302003± E=268455± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.554528°±(N/+) Long=90.288266°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 476.22 FtUS (or) 145.153 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 476.51 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of northeast wingwall of bridge over Gravois Creek along Tesshire Road (old Hwy. 21); 275' west of railroad track. Note: (All wing walls have marks) SP MO East N=299762± E=263776± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.534424°±(N/+) Long=90.341992°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 554.53 FtUS "Sq" on top of south curb of Oasis Drive; 45' east of centerline Baptist Church Road. SP MO East N=299719± E=262100± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.534061°±(N/+) Long=90.361216°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 573.29 FtUS "Sq" on top of south curb of Teakwood Drive; 36' west of centerline Baptist Church Road. Mark is 6' west of single catch basin. SP MO East N=299333± E=262070± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.530584°±(N/+) Long=90.361567°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 509.66 FtUS (or) 155.344 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 510.04 FtUS No mark on northwest corner of front concrete stoop to #2060 Union Road; 90' east of centerline Union Road and 0.2 mile south of Reavis Barracks Road. SP MO East N=299290± E=266398± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.530127°±(N/+) Long=90.311929°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 597.31 FtUS (or) 182.060 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 597.69 FtUS "L" at back corner of second concrete step-up along entrance walk from driveway at #9870 Big Bend Road, southeast corner Big Bend Road and Grants Trail (formerly the Missouri Pacific Railroad); roughly 55 feet south of centerline Big Bend Road, 46 feet east of a signal base, and 8.5 feet northwest of the northwest corner of building. SP MO East N=303554± E=259615± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.568641°±(N/+) Long=90.389666°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 544.44 FtUS "Sq" 1' west of east end and 1.0' north of south edge of the concrete walk in front of the southeast corner of one story brick commercial building #8100 Watson Road. SP MO East N=303380± E=263556± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567022°±(N/+) Long=90.344445°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 528.42 FtUS (or) 161.062 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 528.66 FtUS "L" on south edge of concrete walk near east end of shopping center; 10' south of door at #8021 Yorkshire Shopping Center; northwest corner Watson Road and Laclede Station Road. SP MO East N=303518± E=263853± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.568261°±(N/+) Long=90.341034°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 536.81 FtUS (or) 163.619 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 537.16 FtUS "Sq" at northeast corner of concrete sidewalk 2' east and 1' north of northeast corner of building at #7872 Watson Road; southwest corner of Watson Road and Croydon Drive; 88' west of centerline of Croydon Drive. SP MO East N=303722± E=264250± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.570092°±(N/+) Long=90.336475°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 500.15 FtUS (or) 152.447 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 500.47 FtUS "L" on north curb of Morris Avenue; 38' west of centerline of Telegraph Road. SP MO East N=298801± E=268681± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.525677°±(N/+) Long=90.285759°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 556.46 FtUS (or) 169.608 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 556.86 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of capstone south end of ornamental stone gateway to Windmere Subdivision; southwest corner Telegraph Road and Camborne Drive, 30' west of centerline Telegraph Road and 35' south of centerline Camborne Drive. SP MO East N=297901± E=268410± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.517574°±(N/+) Long=90.288890°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 558.76 FtUS (or) 170.311 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 559.21 FtUS "Sq" at north end of concrete walk 6' east of northeast corner of one story buff brick building at #2623 Telegraph Road; 100' west of centerline intersection of Telegraph Road and Kingston Road. SP MO East N=297301± E=268240± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.512173°±(N/+) Long=90.290855°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 534.51 FtUS "Sq" centered on concrete headwall over 21" concrete pipe 40' west of centerline Telegraph Road and 20' south of centerline Willette Terrace produced. SP MO East N=296789± E=267881± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.507567°±(N/+) Long=90.294985°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 501.65 FtUS (or) 152.903 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 502.03 FtUS "Sq" at southeast corner of concrete footing base of 2' x 2' brick end post at north end of west ornamental gate at entrance to Windsor Park Subdivision; southwest corner Reavis Barracks Road and Wembley Drive. Benchmark is under white decorative rock mulch. SP MO East N=297822± E=267869± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.516874°±(N/+) Long=90.295096°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 546.18 FtUS (or) 166.477 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 546.55 FtUS "L" southeast corner of concrete walk, 25' west and 8' south of entrance to Apt. #9182 Villa Ridge Court;(Southridge Condominium Apartment project) SP MO East N=299841± E=266148± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.535096°±(N/+) Long=90.314784°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 548.27 FtUS (or) 167.113 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 548.65 FtUS "L" southeast corner of 6' x 8' concrete meter box at northeast corner of one story brick Laclede Gas Utility Building; southwest corner Reavis Barracks and Mackenzie Roads. SP MO East N=299971± E=265355± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.536281°±(N/+) Long=90.323877°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 550.29 FtUS (or) 167.730 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 550.64 FtUS "L" at east end of brick sill of north subdivision sign to Bonita Parque Subdivision just west of west face of 2' x 2' brick end post at east end of the sign; west of Mackenzie Road and north of the northernmost of two places where Bonton Drive intersects MacKenzie Road at #9914 Bonton Drive. SP MO East N=300296± E=265371± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.539209°±(N/+) Long=90.323686°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 541.51 FtUS (or) 165.054 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 541.87 FtUS "L" in southeast corner of 1 1/4" steel base plate of southeast leg of Union Electric Transmission Tower #103; 30' north of centerline of Reavis Barracks Road and 35' west of Frisco railroad track. SP MO East N=300820± E=265090± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.543934°±(N/+) Long=90.326898°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 582.20 FtUS (or) 177.456 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 582.46 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of capstone of brick planter; 40' west of centerline of Laclede Station Road and 26' south of centerline of Forest Haven Estates Drive. SP MO East N=302440± E=263804± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.558550°±(N/+) Long=90.341618°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 567.80 FtUS (or) 173.066 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 568.10 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of capstone at south gate entrance to Laclede Meadows Subdivision (the south entrance) southeast corner Laclede Station Road and Rock Springs Drive. SP MO East N=302585± E=263849± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.559855°±(N/+) Long=90.341099°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 572.59 FtUS (or) 174.525 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 572.83 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of capstone of south gate entrance to Laclede Meadows Subdivision(the north entrance) southeast corner Laclede Station Road and Waterford Avenue. SP MO East N=302676± E=263861± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.560675°±(N/+) Long=90.340959°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 533.01 FtUS (or) 162.463 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 533.33 FtUS "Sq" on north concrete curb of General Sherman Lane; 51' east of centerline Laclede Station Road and 13' north of centerline General Sherman Lane. SP MO East N=303008± E=263906± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.563665°±(N/+) Long=90.340436°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 530.29 FtUS (or) 161.632 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 530.63 FtUS "L" at northwest corner of 10' x 5' brick planter; 39' east of centerline Laclede Station Road and 25' south of centerline Fernbrook Drive. SP MO East N=303307± E=263941± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.566358°±(N/+) Long=90.340029°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 488.21 FtUS (or) 148.806 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 488.47 FtUS "Sq" on capstone in center of 1.5' x 1.5' brick end post of ornamental brick gate to Georgetown Apartments; northeast corner of Laclede Station Road and Ravensridge Drive, 65' east of centerline Laclede Station Road and 18' north of centerline Ravensridge Drive. SP MO East N=304375± E=264088± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.575978°±(N/+) Long=90.338320°±(W/-) Page 8 of 62
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 531.04 FtUS (or) 161.860 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 531.37 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of first concrete step off driveway at northeast corner of garage entrance to one story buff brick residence #750 Florence Avenue; at southwest corner Laclede Station Road and Florence Avenue. SP MO East N=304659± E=264061± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.578537°±(N/+) Long=90.338624°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 552.32 FtUS (or) 168.347 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 552.69 FtUS "L" southwest corner second concrete step of walkway entrance to one story red brick residence, #507 Elizabeth Drive; near northwest corner Laclede Station Road and Elizabeth Avenue. SP MO East N=304842± E=264098± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.580185°±(N/+) Long=90.338196°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 512.57 FtUS (or) 156.232 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 512.88 FtUS "L" west end second concrete step leading to one story brick residence at #740 Catalpa Street; southwest corner of Laclede Station Road and Catalpa Street. SP MO East N=305075± E=264150± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.582283°±(N/+) Long=90.337595°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 501.68 FtUS (or) 152.912 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 501.93 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 43 GEU 1975 set in southwest corner of concrete base of south gate; at intersection of Mackenzie Road and the east entrance to Lakewood Park Cemetery. SP MO East N=304309± E=265761± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.575355°±(N/+) Long=90.319122°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 586.03 FtUS (or) 178.621 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 586.35 FtUS RM 177 FEMA PANEL 315; "Standard Tablet" stamped 79-75 S.L.C. set on east end of south headwall along Mattis Road; 83' east and 31' south of intersection of Mattis Road and Towne South Road. SP MO East N=296378± E=261699± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.503967°±(N/+) Long=90.365871°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 551.34 FtUS (or) 168.049 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 551.56 FtUS RM 176 FEMA PANEL 315; "Sq" on southwest corner concrete headwall; northeast corner Gerald Avenue and Tesson Ferry Road; roughly 34 feet north of the centerline of Gerald Drive and 54 feet east of the centerline of Tesson Ferry Road. SP MO East N=297684± E=261531± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.515735°±(N/+) Long=90.367776°±(W/-) Page 9 of 62
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 19:
Rev: 11/01/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 600.21 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of grate inlet along Schuessler Road; 18' south of centerline of Schuessler Road and 48' west of centerline of Hornemann Lane. SP MO East N=296438± E=259948± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.504529°±(N/+) Long=90.385946°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 18315 in Chapter 18.]
NGVD29 Elev = 585.24 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of porch slab at the front entrance to #10300 Baptist Church Road; 56' east of the centerline of Baptist Church Road and 72' north of the centerline of Three Court Road. SP MO East N=299285± E=262098± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.530151°±(N/+) Long=90.361247°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 571.92 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of concrete porch slab to #10802 Three Court Drive; east of Pickwick Drive and south of Three Court Drive extended. SP MO East N=299200± E=262622± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.529378°±(N/+) Long=90.355238°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 579.49 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of concrete sidewalk leading to the front entrance of #9835 Baptist Church Road; 575' south of Gravois Road. SP MO East N=300491± E=262078± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.541016°±(N/+) Long=90.361455°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 578.49 FtUS (or) 176.325 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 578.88 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of concrete step at front entrance to #6883 Weber Road; 70' north of centerline of Weber Road and 125' east of centerline of Valcour Avenue. SP MO East N=302196± E=264391± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.556342°±(N/+) Long=90.334888°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 554.12 FtUS (or) 168.895 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 554.50 FtUS "No Mark" southwest corner of stoop at front entrance to #8554 Palmetto Drive; 81' north of centerline of Weber Road and 57' east of centerline of Palmetto Drive. SP MO East N=302104± E=265098± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.555502°±(N/+) Long=90.326778°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 524.07 FtUS (or) 159.738 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 524.45 FtUS "Sq" on southeast corner of lower step to front entrance at #6111 Weber Road; 212' west of centerline of Charlton Lane and 53' north of centerline of Weber Road. SP MO East N=302024± E=265624± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.554772°±(N/+) Long=90.320745°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 605.71 FtUS "No Mark" northeast corner signal control box on southeast corner of Laclede Station Road and Rock Hill Road. SP MO East N=302158± E=263790± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.556009°±(N/+) Long=90.341784°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 465.46 FtUS "Sq" in northeast corner of concrete footing of south abutment of Frisco Railroad Bridge; 1,700' northwest from intersection of Mackenzie and Green Park Road at entrance to Old Cement Plant. SP MO East N=299106± E=265331± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.528489°±(N/+) Long=90.324171°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 495.55 FtUS "Sq" on concrete curb on north side of Green Park Road; at centerline of Frisco Railroad Bridge; just west of Lin Valle Drive. SP MO East N=298420± E=264913± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.522316°±(N/+) Long=90.328979°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 553.69 FtUS "Sq" on concrete base of fence post at northwest corner of yard of house #9222 Green Park Road. SP MO East N=298582± E=264631± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.523780°±(N/+) Long=90.332210°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 561.25 FtUS "Sq" on northwest corner of signal control box at west side of Kohrs Lane and south side of Green Park Road. SP MO East N=298717± E=264412± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.525000°±(N/+) Long=90.334719°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 531.69 FtUS "Sq" on east end of first concrete step leading to front porch of 1 1/2 story brick residence at #4144 Henzler Drive; 55' southwest from centerline of Henzler Drive, 270' southeast from centerline of Green Park Road. SP MO East N=298854± E=266401± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.526199°±(N/+) Long=90.311905°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 629.05 FtUS (or) 191.735 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 629.29 FtUS "Brass Plate" [a standard Coast and Geodetic survey disk stamped "KLEINSCHMIDT 1931 NO. 4 1970"] in northeast corner of concrete electric box in front of #7409 Lindbergh Boulevard east of Lemay Ferry Road at [former] Fire Station [in use as Watering Bowl Doggy Day Care]. <NGS PID="JC1601", Designation="Accessory to KLEINSCHMIDT 2 RESET"> SP MO East N=296573.7± E=265253.6± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.505676°±(N/+) Long=90.325114°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 486.22 FtUS (or) 148.201 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 486.60 FtUS "Sq" on south side of concrete base of light standard at west entrance from Union Road to shopping plaza #4277 Reavis Barracks Road; just north of service station at #1940 Union Road. SP MO East N=299577± E=266595± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.532709°±(N/+) Long=90.309663°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 483.59 FtUS "Sq" in northeast corner of concrete side walk where it intersects driveway to house #1736 Union Road; 75' east of centerline of Union Road and 75' north of Ripa Avenue. SP MO East N=299927± E=266879± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.535857°±(N/+) Long=90.306397°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 468.84 FtUS "Sq" in northeast corner of concrete slab to Highland House Apartment #1545 Union Road. SP MO East N=300258± E=267089± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.538835°±(N/+) Long=90.303981°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 458.39 FtUS "Sq" in centerline of concrete driveway to house #4332 Spring Drive; 250' west of centerline of Union Road and 250' south of centerline of Spring Avenue. SP MO East N=300689± E=267303± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.542714°±(N/+) Long=90.301515°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 469.79 FtUS (or) 143.192 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 470.18 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of bottom step of entrance to #712 Union Road; 193' south of centerline of Bayless Road and 44' east of centerline of Union Road. SP MO East N=301324± E=267986± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.548421°±(N/+) Long=90.293664°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 439.36 FtUS (or) 133.916 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 439.74 FtUS "Sq" on abutment of bridge over Gravois Creek along Reavis Barracks Road; [27' south of Reavis Barracks Road], southeast of Green Park Road and 100' west of Apple Bud Road. SP MO East N=298916± E=267429± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.526738°±(N/+) Long=90.300114°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 488.31 FtUS "L" on west headwall along Kingston Avenue; 100' south of Southwark Lane. SP MO East N=297606± E=268749± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.514910°±(N/+) Long=90.285011°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 508.42 FtUS "No Mark" southeast corner of concrete sidewalk from driveway to #8009 Pembrooke Drive; 190' south of Heege Road and 44' west of Pembrooke. SP MO East N=303367± E=264164± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.566895°±(N/+) Long=90.337469°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 531.36 FtUS "No Mark" northwest corner of concrete porch at front entrance to #9900 Green Park Road; 63' south of centerline of Green Park Road and 0.1 mile east of centerline of Tesson Ferry Road. SP MO East N=299209± E=263621± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.529444°±(N/+) Long=90.343781°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 489.60 FtUS (or) 149.230 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 489.93 FtUS Found "L" on the northeast corner of the western concrete headwall for a drainage culvert under Green Park Road south of Tesson Ferry Road; roughly 35 feet southwest of the centerline of Green Park Road, 38 feet northwest of the center of a storm area inlet, and 48 feet more or less northeast of the northeast corner of house addressed as #9934 Green Park Road. SP MO East N=299336± E=263527± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.530590°±(N/+) Long=90.344856°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 541.09 FtUS (or) 164.925 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 541.35 FtUS "Sq" on west curb at south edge of concrete driveway at #10541 Lavinia Drive; northwest corner of Musick Road and Lavinia Drive. SP MO East N=299682± E=263093± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.533714°±(N/+) Long=90.349827°±(W/-)
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Rev: 11/01/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 493.54 FtUS (or) 150.430 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 493.83 FtUS "U" in center of east side of north wingwall on a culvert crossing at #10010 Musick Road. SP MO East N=299904± E=262982± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.535715°±(N/+) Long=90.351096°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 582.77 FtUS (or) 177.630 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 583.07 FtUS "L" in northeast corner of stoop at front entrance to #10600 Charrette Drive; southwest corner of Musick Road and Charrette Drive. SP MO East N=300472± E=262882± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.540834°±(N/+) Long=90.352233°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 547.60 FtUS (or) 166.909 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 547.99 FtUS "Sq" on south side of concrete walk southwest corner of Gravois and Musick Roads; 25' west of centerline of Musick and 50' south of centerline of Gravois. SP MO East N=300998± E=262904± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.545572°±(N/+) Long=90.351971°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 573.26 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of concrete stoop at #9658 Las Vegas Drive; 85' north of the centerline of Gravois Road and 36' west of the centerline median of Las Vegas Drive. SP MO East N=300474± E=261292± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.540873°±(N/+) Long=90.370471°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 598.46 FtUS (or) 182.412 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 598.69 FtUS "Sq" on top of traffic signal base; northwest of corner Sappington and Gravois Roads. SP MO East N=299959.1± E=260443.1± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.536245°±(N/+) Long=90.380217°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 540.78 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of front entrance walk to house #9112 Rambler Drive; 25' east of centerline of Rambler Drive and 68' south of centerline of Sterling Place. SP MO East N=301706± E=265485± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.551909°±(N/+) Long=90.322347°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 531.09 FtUS "Sq" in center of east end of concrete driveway at house #9335 Rambler Drive; 24' west of centerline of Rambler and 244' north of centerline of Alpine Drive. SP MO East N=301389± E=265512± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.549053°±(N/+) Long=90.322044°±(W/-) Page 14 of 62
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 19:
Rev: 11/01/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 525.13 FtUS "O" in OPEN of fire hydrant at northeast corner of Radio and Alpine Drives; 18' north of centerline of Alpine Drive and 33' east of centerline of Radio Drive. SP MO East N=301319± E=265841± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.548417°±(N/+) Long=90.318272°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 527.76 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of catch basin; 34' west from centerline Dana Avenue and 13' north from centerline Francis Court. SP MO East N=301474± E=266495± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.549801°±(N/+) Long=90.310765°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 508.13 FtUS (or) 154.878 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 508.51 FtUS "Bolt" top of southeast bolt at east end of concrete retaining wall; 35' north of centerline of Weber Road and 35' west of centerline of Foreman Road. SP MO East N=301816± E=267011± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.552873°±(N/+) Long=90.304837°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 504.59 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of second concrete step leading from driveway to front entrance at #8520 Elsa Avenue; 46' east of centerline of Elsa and 33' south of centerline of Langley Avenue. SP MO East N=302432± E=266236± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.558437°±(N/+) Long=90.313714°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 469.45 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of concrete step at front entrance to #4410 Schmidtwoods Court; 52' west of centerline of Schmidtwoods Court and 83' north of centerline of Kammerer Avenue. SP MO East N=301293± E=267537± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.548151°±(N/+) Long=90.298816°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 617.51 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of second step from road at front entrance to #8600 General Grant Lane; 25' east from centerline of General Grant Lane, 99' south of centerline of Rock Hill Road. SP MO East N=302857± E=262683± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.562323°±(N/+) Long=90.354472°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 600.29 FtUS "L" on concrete walk 9.5' east of front entrance to #8719 General Grant Lane; on northwest corner of General Grant Lane and Colonel Dent Drive. SP MO East N=302649± E=262656± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.560450°±(N/+) Long=90.354786°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 565.37 FtUS "L" on concrete porch slab at front entrance to #9022 General Grant Lane; 72' east of General Grant Lane. SP MO East N=302242± E=262697± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.556782°±(N/+) Long=90.354323°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 606.87 FtUS "No Mark" southeast corner of concrete stoop at front entrance to #8433 General Grant Lane; 48' north of General Grant Lane and 31' west of General Sheridan. SP MO East N=303088± E=262712± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.564404°±(N/+) Long=90.354135°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 445.57 FtUS "No Mark" southeast corner of concrete stoop at front entrance to #7627 Delmont Street; 445' north of centerline of Third Avenue and 60' west of centerline of Delmont. SP MO East N=303808± E=266881± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.570821°±(N/+) Long=90.306281°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 472.10 FtUS "No Mark" northeast corner of first concrete step at entrance to #4700 Seibert Avenue; 40' south of centerline of Seibert and 40' west of centerline of Hildesheim Avenue. SP MO East N=302101± E=267772± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.555425°±(N/+) Long=90.296099°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 443.40 FtUS "No Mark" on southwest corner of concrete stoop at #4305 Hanover Court; 45' north of centerline of Hanover and 100' west of centerline of Morganford Road. SP MO East N=302083± E=268502± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.555248°±(N/+) Long=90.287725°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 455.58 FtUS "No Mark" 3' west of southeast corner of concrete base for water air conditioner on south side of Bayless Baptist Church; northeast corner of Bayless and Morganford Roads. SP MO East N=301577± E=268204± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.550696°±(N/+) Long=90.291157°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 14468 in Chapter 14.] Page 16 of 62
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 630.65 FtUS (or) 192.222 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 631.08 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of concrete traffic signal base; 22' west of centerline of Rock Hill Road and 25' south of centerline of Big Bend Road. SP MO East N=304418± E=261499± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.576402°±(N/+) Long=90.368032°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 601.60 FtUS (or) 183.369 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 601.98 FtUS "L" on sidewalk of bridge along Big Bend Road over Hwy. I 44; 35' south of Big Bend on centerline of Hwy. I 44. SP MO East N=303456± E=259258± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567762°±(N/+) Long=90.393763°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 569.11 FtUS (or) 173.466 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 569.55 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of concrete porch at #1 Banbury Court; 59' south from centerline of Big Bend Road and 52' west from centerline of Banbury Court. SP MO East N=303986± E=260422± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.572524°±(N/+) Long=90.380399°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 562.26 FtUS (or) 171.378 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 562.63 FtUS Found "Sq" in approximate center of 39 foot long north concrete headwall of a concrete box culvert for Gravois Creek under Big Bend Boulevard west of property addressed as #9551 Big Bend Boulevard and approximately 0.15 miles west of Berry Road; roughly 30 feet north of the centerline of Big Bend Boulevard, 19.5 feet west of a found "L" [see BM 19581] on the northeast corner of the same headwall, and 2 feet east of a cut triangle [see BM 19568] also on the same headwall. SP MO East N=304029± E=260468± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.572911°±(N/+) Long=90.379870°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 632.08 FtUS (or) 192.658 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 632.47 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of a signal control box; 31' north of the centerline of Big Bend Road and 37' east of the centerline of Sappington Road. SP MO East N=303734.2± E=259807.9± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.570262°±(N/+) Long=90.387449°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 577.89 FtUS (or) 176.142 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 578.23 FtUS "Sq" on the north end of retaining wall on west side of Sappington Road; 150' north of Hartsdale Drive. SP MO East N=301456.4± E=260456.4± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.549734°±(N/+) Long=90.380042°±(W/-) Page 17 of 62
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 620.38 FtUS (or) 189.093 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 620.70 FtUS "Sq" on west edge [light] standard base at northwest corner of Crestwood - Euclid Masonic Temple parking lot; 200' north of Eddie and Park Road and 100' east of Sappington Road. SP MO East N=300911.2± E=260497.0± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.544822°±(N/+) Long=90.379584°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 621.01 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the first concrete step of the entrance to the Crestwood Masonic Lodge; 62' east of the centerline of Sappington Road and 280' north of Eddie and Park Road. SP MO East N=300928± E=260498± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.544973°±(N/+) Long=90.379572°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 626.89 FtUS (or) 191.076 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 627.15 FtUS Cut "U" 1' south of the northwest corner of concrete drive on top of curb at #11824 Saddlebrook Drive; southeast corner Saddlebrook and Eddie and Park Road; 13' east of centerline Saddlebrook Drive. SP MO East N=300827± E=259709± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.544072°±(N/+) Long=90.388625°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 612.03 FtUS (or) 186.548 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 612.21 FtUS "U" on front of a public sidewalk in front of #12117 Eddie and Park; 20' north of centerline of Eddie and Park Road and 43' west of centerline of Lowill Lane. SP MO East N=300864± E=259188± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.544411°±(N/+) Long=90.394601°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 18316 in Chapter 18.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 628.58 FtUS (or) 191.593 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 628.89 FtUS "L" on the back of a concrete sidewalk; 44' north of the centerline of Eddie and Park Road and 22' east of the centerline of Fire Bush Drive. SP MO East N=300854± E=260882± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.544302°±(N/+) Long=90.375169°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 19:
Rev: 11/01/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 615.37 FtUS (or) 187.564 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 615.65 FtUS "L" on top at the back of a vertical curb; between #9268 and #9300 Eddie and Park Road; 20' south of the centerline of Eddie and Park Road [at east line of concrete sidewalk]. SP MO East N=300830± E=261393± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.544079°±(N/+) Long=90.369307°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 611.96 FtUS (or) 186.526 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 612.37 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the taller part of the concrete wall just north of the metal rail east of the sidewalk at the northeast corner of bridge #A-1721 along Sappington Road over Interstate-44; 16' east of the centerline of Sappington Road and 110' south of the centerline of Frisco Avenue. SP MO East N=304178± E=259973± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.574259°±(N/+) Long=90.385548°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 615.67 FtUS (or) 187.656 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 616.00 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of the rear concrete and stone exit marker to Ursuline Academy, 3.5' high on the north side of the exit drive; 32' west of the centerline of Sappington Road and 215' south of the westerly projection of Woodleigh Cove. SP MO East N=304460± E=259965± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.576799°±(N/+) Long=90.385636°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 586.95 FtUS (or) 178.903 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 587.16 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of a concrete headwall; 37' east of the centerline of Sappington Road and 78' south of the centerline of Concord School Road. SP MO East N=298369± E=260458± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.521920°±(N/+) Long=90.380070°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 617.06 FtUS (or) 188.079 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 617.28 FtUS "L" on the most eastern corner of the concrete capstone of the entrance marker to Leebur Acres and Cordington Estates Subdivision; 28' west of the centerline of Sappington Road and 24' south of the centerline of Leebur Drive. SP MO East N=297979± E=260440± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.518406°±(N/+) Long=90.380282°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 19:
Rev: 11/01/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 472.02 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of first step in concrete walk leading to front of house #4444 Von Talge Road; 60' southwest of centerline of Theiss Road. SP MO East N=296099± E=263176± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.501433°±(N/+) Long=90.348943°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 497.30 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of headwall of box culvert under private drive to house #4503 Von Talge Road; 200' southwest of Hwy. I 270. SP MO East N=296487± E=263509± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.504923°±(N/+) Long=90.345118°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 590.13 FtUS "U" on back of sidewalk; 25' south of centerline of East Concord Road at prolongation of centerline of Jamie Drive. SP MO East N=297545± E=262836± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.514465°±(N/+) Long=90.352814°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 545.06 FtUS "Sq" on top at center of south headwall of driveway culvert to house #4643 Theiss Road; 0.2 mile northwest of Von Talge Road. SP MO East N=296322± E=263095± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.503443°±(N/+) Long=90.349867°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 603.97 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of a 3' x 3' concrete flag pole base; 100' north of Concord School Road and 38' east of the centerline of the main entrance to Concord School. SP MO East N=298348± E=261249± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.521721°±(N/+) Long=90.370999°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 537.36 FtUS "L" on top of northwest corner of first concrete step on walk leading to front entrance to #414 Halsey Street; 26' south of centerline of Halsey Street and 29' west of centerline of Grover Road. SP MO East N=296641± E=268466± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.506222°±(N/+) Long=90.288281°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 521.08 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of first step of sidewalk leading to front entrance to house #432 Sylvan Springs Road; 40' south of centerline of Sylvan Springs Road and 60' east of West Lawn Street. SP MO East N=296373± E=268514± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.503806°±(N/+) Long=90.287738°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 19:
Rev: 11/01/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 518.05 FtUS "Brass Plate" national cemetery marker; 90' east of centerline of West Lawn Street and 25' southeast of centerline of Sheridan Drive. SP MO East N=296151± E=268488± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.501807°±(N/+) Long=90.288042°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 623.17 FtUS "Sq" on the northeast side of a concrete flag pole base in front of Webster Groves fire station at #1302 South Elm Avenue. SP MO East N=303774± E=262331± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.570589°±(N/+) Long=90.358495°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 599.28 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of a 5' x 12' entrance slab to Wesleyan Church; 55' east of the centerline of South Elm Avenue and 33' south of the centerline of Webster Acres extended. SP MO East N=304224± E=262322± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.574644°±(N/+) Long=90.358590°±(W/-)
NAVD88(Adopt NGS) Elev = 608.29 FtUS (or) 185.407 Meter <NAVD88 ORTHO HEIGHT per NGS datasheet as of 04/15/2014> NGVD29 Elev = 608.62 FtUS Bronze U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey disk stamped "F 205 1946" on the east end of the southern concrete headwall for the metal culvert under the Missouri Pacific Railroad; roughly 135 feet east of the centerline of Sappington Road crossing, 14 feet south of and about 5 feet lower than the south track. <NGS PID="JC0219", Designation="F 205"> SP MO East N=304443± E=260015± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.576646°±(N/+) Long=90.385063°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 581.78 FtUS "L" on a concrete base for a flag pole at the Mehlville fire station at #11020 Mueller Road. SP MO East N=298571± E=263500± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.523698°±(N/+) Long=90.345181°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 589.18 FtUS (or) 179.582 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 589.49 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of a 4' x 4' concrete base for a flag pole at the Tesson Ferry Branch of St. Louis County Library at #5676 Lindbergh Boulevard; 50' west of Lin Ferry Drive and 130' north of Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=298561± E=262900± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.523617°±(N/+) Long=90.352062°±(W/-)
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Rev: 11/01/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 574.70 FtUS "L" on the north end of headwall; 25' north of Garber Road and 100' west of Pardee Road. (Headwall is over 48" pipe) SP MO East N=301012± E=261767± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.545714°±(N/+) Long=90.365014°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 540.28 FtUS "Sq" on top at the center of a concrete headwall on the west side of Pardee Road; 25' north of the driveway to house #9205 and 200' north of Firewood Terrace. SP MO East N=301560± E=262134± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.550646°±(N/+) Long=90.360794°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 506.45 FtUS "L" on top of an 8" curb on the northeast corner of bridge #204; 100' south of the intersection of Pardee Road and Grant Road. SP MO East N=301836± E=262063± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.553134°±(N/+) Long=90.361604°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 538.63 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the concrete base for a steel power pole; 100' east of Pardee Road at the railroad crossing and 75' south of Royal Arms Court. SP MO East N=302267± E=262036± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.557017°±(N/+) Long=90.361906°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 589.26 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of an 8" retaining wall in front of Our Lady of Providence church at #8870 Pardee Road; 50' east of the centerline and 40' south of the north end of the building. SP MO East N=302558± E=262242± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.559636°±(N/+) Long=90.359538°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 510.69 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of a concrete slab at a brick commercial building; 87' south of the centerline of Foreman Road and 127' west of the centerline of Dana Avenue. SP MO East N=301019± E=266559± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.545701°±(N/+) Long=90.310042°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 503.17 FtUS "L" on top of the entrance marker to Spring Acres Subdivision; 18' west of Howerton Drive and 28' south of Spring Drive. SP MO East N=300931± E=266978± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.544900°±(N/+) Long=90.305237°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 19:
Rev: 11/01/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 601.82 FtUS "L" on the eastern most sidewalk; 15' south of the asphalt parking lot of the Southminster Presbyterian Church; 200' south of East Watson Road and 100' west of Sturdy Drive. SP MO East N=301649± E=259115± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.551484°±(N/+) Long=90.395428°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 496.92 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of a signal control box base at St. Matthias Catholic Church; 18' east of the centerline of Buckley Road and 50' south of the centerline of Woodward Drive. SP MO East N=297224± E=266740± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.511508°±(N/+) Long=90.308056°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 452.14 FtUS (or) 137.814 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 452.55 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of east headwall of double 9' x 9' concrete culvert under Lemay Ferry Road; on the east side of Lemay Ferry opposite Reinhold Electric Showroom and Supplies and 1250' north of Buckley Road. SP MO East N=298283.0± E=267177.7± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.521041°±(N/+) Long=90.303012°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 624.31 FtUS "Sq" on centerline of 6' long by 0.5' wide headwall 18' south of Sappington Barracks Road and 35' west of Joan Drive; 310' south of the Mehlville fire station. SP MO East N=299210± E=260191± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.529499°±(N/+) Long=90.383119°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 593.60 FtUS (or) 180.930 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 593.98 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-01 situated in the gravel surface roughly 10 feet north of the top of the north rail of St Louis and San Francisco Railroad tracks east of the railroad bridge over South Elm Avenue; 0.1 miles north of Interstate 44, 105 feet more or less southeast of the centerline of South Elm Avenue, 110 feet more or less southwest of the center of a retail center access drive known as East Frisco Avenue, roughly 25 feet southeast of a wooden utility pole, and 54.3 feet east of a cross on the northeast end of concrete rail at the northeast corner of railroad bridge. <NGS PID="AA8607", Designation="SL 01"> SP MO East N=305003.7± E=262296.2± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.581668°±(N/+) Long=90.358873°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 562.73 FtUS (or) 171.521 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 563.12 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-09 1990 Disk is set on the northwest side of Kingston Drive adjacent to the Lemay Bank and Trust Company located at the Y-intersection of Telegraph Road and Kingston Drive; 35' south of the south corner of the east support column for canopy over drive-thru lanes and 7' northwest of the north curb along Kingston Drive. <NGS PID="AA8616", Designation="SL 09"> SP MO East N=297372.7± E=268317.4± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.512817°±(N/+) Long=90.289966°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 480.76 FtUS (or) 146.537 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 481.15 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-10 1990 Disk is set on the east side of Union Road 78' north of the centerline of driveway to the rear of St Mark Catholic School; 38' south of the west leg of school sign and 10' east of the east edge of Union Road. Approximately 240' south of the intersection of Union Road and Ripa Avenue. <NGS PID="AA8617", Designation="SL 10"> SP MO East N=299869.6± E=266820.0± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.535341°±(N/+) Long=90.307075°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 549.32 FtUS (or) 167.434 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 549.63 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-11 1990 Disk is set at the northwest corner of Tesson Ferry Road and Tesshire Drive; 17' north of the west edge of Tesson Ferry Road and 41' southeast of the center of a fire hydrant. <NGS PID="AA8628", Designation="SL 11"> SP MO East N=299983.9± E=264129.2± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.536418°±(N/+) Long=90.337936°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 578.48 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-49 1992 Disk is set at the west entrance to the second parking lot at the Crestwood Recreational Complex located in White Cliff Park; 19' northwest of a nail/shiner in top of curb in the south corner of second parking lot, 33' north of the northwest corner of an inlet and 51' northeast of the edge of the third parking lot. At the intersection of Pardee Road and the entrance to White Cliff Park follow park road 0.3 miles to the second parking lot. <NGS PID="AA8690", Designation="SL 49"> SP MO East N=302000.7± E=261658.1± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.554623°±(N/+) Long=90.366246°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 18317 in Chapter 18.] Page 24 of 62
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 19:
Rev: 11/01/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 633.41 FtUS (or) 193.064 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 633.74 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-55 situated in grassy area along the north side of Lindbergh Boulevard, approximately 1 mile east of the intersection of Lindbergh Boulevard and Gravois Road, between a one story brick commercial building addressed as #5220 S. Lindbergh Boulevard and a commercial building containing an Outback Steakhouse restaurant and Floor Trader store on property addressed as #5240 S. Lindbergh Boulevard; roughly 39 feet west of the centerline of western drive entrance to Outback Steakhouse, 2 feet north of the north curb of Lindbergh Boulevard, and 13 feet south of a firehydrant. <NGS PID="AA8696", Designation="SL 55"> SP MO East N=298878.8± E=261601.2± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.526498°±(N/+) Long=90.366951°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 24212 in Chapter 24.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 623.73 FtUS (or) 190.113 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 624.05 FtUS "Sq" on a divided roadway island at the intersection of Tesson Ferry Road and Kempf Drive; 48' from the centerline of Tesson Ferry Road and 32' from the centerline of Kempf Road. SP MO East N=296133± E=260418± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.501776°±(N/+) Long=90.380562°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 428.08 FtUS (or) 130.478 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 428.48 FtUS "U" in the southeast guardrail wall along a bridge 2' above the walk; 29' south of the centerline of Bayless Road and 375' west of the centerline of Rain Ridge Drive. SP MO East N=301075± E=268411± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.546169°±(N/+) Long=90.288795°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 458.09 FtUS (or) 139.627 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 458.49 FtUS "U" on the southwest corner of the first concrete step at the entrance to #700 Ruprecht Drive. SP MO East N=300770± E=268796± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.543413°±(N/+) Long=90.284387°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 439.65 FtUS RM 112 FEMA PANEL 304; Chiseled "L" in northwest corner of south abutment of Resurrection Cemetery road stone bridge over Mackenzie Creek. SP MO East N=304465± E=265355± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.576768°±(N/+) Long=90.323778°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 431.58 FtUS (or) 131.546 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 431.82 FtUS RM 353 FEMA PANEL 304; Chiseled "L" on northeast corner of east headwall of culvert under Mackenzie Road, 100 feet south of Holly Hills Avenue. SP MO East N=304858± E=265828± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.580300°±(N/+) Long=90.318341°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 458.47 FtUS (or) 139.743 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 458.80 FtUS RM 168 FEMA PANEL 315; found chisled square on the sidewalk above the west end of the south abutment of Bridge No. 406 for Union Road over Gravois Creek; the chiseled square is approximately in the center of the sidewalk just north of an expansion joint at the southwest corner of the bridge, 8 feet east of a utility pole, 27.5 feet west of the centerline of Union Road, and 183 feet more or less north of the westerly prolongation of the centerline of Schlogl Drive. SP MO East N=298383± E=265669± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.521969°±(N/+) Long=90.320311°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 429.17 FtUS RM 162 FEMA PANEL 316; Chiseled "U" at center of east concrete headwall of Hoffmeister Road culvert for St.George Creek, southeast of Union Road entrance ramp onto northbound Interstate 55. SP MO East N=300450± E=267261± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.540561°±(N/+) Long=90.302003°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 452.55 FtUS (or) 137.938 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 452.97 FtUS Cut "L" on northwest corner bottom step near sidewalk at #3965 Bayless. SP MO East N=300902± E=268674± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.544605°±(N/+) Long=90.285783°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 433.13 FtUS (or) 132.018 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 433.54 FtUS Cut "L" on southeast corner MoDOT traffic control box 57.4' north of centerline Bayless and 94'± west of centerline south bound exit ramp from I-55. SP MO East N=301238± E=268229± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.547641°±(N/+) Long=90.290879°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 467.87 FtUS (or) 142.608 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 468.27 FtUS Cut "L" on southwest corner 2.6'x5' commercial sign base for Bayless Tire and Auto, 47' north of centerline Bayless and 55' east of centerline Union. SP MO East N=301378± E=268035± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.548906°±(N/+) Long=90.293101°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 474.31 FtUS (or) 144.570 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 474.70 FtUS Found "L" on southwest corner of conc stoop at front entrance of 8714 Kammerer, 50' west of centerline Kammerer and 281' south of centerline Weber. SP MO East N=301497± E=267704± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.549985°±(N/+) Long=90.296895°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 500.74 FtUS (or) 152.626 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 501.12 FtUS Cut "L" northwest corner of base for flagpole at Bayless Sr High School #4530 Weber Road. SP MO East N=301739± E=267404± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.552171°±(N/+) Long=90.300330°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 527.00 FtUS (or) 160.630 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 527.36 FtUS Cut "Square" on north end of 6" vertical curb along apparent line between 4904 and 4914 Weber Road, south of Weber Road. SP MO East N=301866± E=266556± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.553332°±(N/+) Long=90.310056°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 551.42 FtUS (or) 168.072 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 551.77 FtUS Cut "Square" on north side of base for traffic signal mast arm in island at southeast corner of Weber and Gravois. SP MO East N=302055± E=266190± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.555041°±(N/+) Long=90.314251°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 539.03 FtUS (or) 164.296 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 539.37 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest corner of concrete porch of Community Credit Union at #8814 Gravois Road. SP MO East N=302171± E=266544± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.556080°±(N/+) Long=90.310187°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 491.90 FtUS (or) 149.932 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 492.21 FtUS Cut "L" on southeast corner lowest step #5215 Heege Road 60'± southeast of centerline Wolz Avenue. SP MO East N=302900± E=266844± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.562642°±(N/+) Long=90.306727°±(W/-) Page 27 of 62
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 459.56 FtUS (or) 140.073 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 459.86 FtUS Cut "L" on western corner of retaining wall in front of #5301 Heege Road, 16' northeast of centerline Heege and 97' northwest of centerline projected of Acorn Avenue. SP MO East N=303035± E=266712± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.563860°±(N/+) Long=90.308238°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 439.60 FtUS (or) 133.991 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 439.90 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of the west headwall of the box culvert under Harlan Avenue for the concrete channel along the north side of Heege Road, 31' north of centerline Heege and 30' west of centerline Harlan. SP MO East N=303140± E=266397± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.564812°±(N/+) Long=90.311850°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 511.77 FtUS (or) 155.989 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 512.05 FtUS Cut "Square" on east side base for traffic signal mast arms on the northeast corner of Heege Road and MacKenzie Road, 33' north centerline of Heege and 47' east of centerline MacKenzie. SP MO East N=303239± E=265622± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.565718°±(N/+) Long=90.320741°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 534.55 FtUS (or) 162.930 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 534.81 FtUS Cut "Square" on base for traffic signal mast arm on the east side of MacKenzie Road 145'± north of the centerline of Pebble Hill Drive. SP MO East N=303692± E=265675± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.569798°±(N/+) Long=90.320123°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 523.60 FtUS (or) 159.594 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 523.86 FtUS Cut "Square" on traffic light base east side of MacKenzie Road, 35' south of centerline entrance to Merril Rogers School and 290'± north of centerline Deerwood Dr. SP MO East N=304076± E=265724± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.573257°±(N/+) Long=90.319552°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 522.12 FtUS (or) 159.144 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 522.52 FtUS Cut "L" on northwest corner of traffic control box on southeast corner of Telegraph Road and Sheridan Road, 46' south of centerline Sheridan and 55' east of Telegraph, in front of Advance Auto Parts. SP MO East N=296194± E=267649± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.502211°±(N/+) Long=90.297660°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 535.78 FtUS (or) 163.305 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 536.12 FtUS Cut "Square" in centerline of sidewalk along the west side of Telegraph Road in front of the Cornerstone Community Church of God, 7' west of a fire hydrant and across the street from #2826 Telegraph. SP MO East N=296714± E=267849± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.506892°±(N/+) Long=90.295353°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 550.67 FtUS (or) 167.844 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 551.06 FtUS Cut "L" on northeast corner of 4' wide walk north of flag pole, 10' south and 16.5' east of southeast corner of white frame church building for St Lukes Methodist Church west of Telegraph Road at #2765 Telegraph Road. SP MO East N=296907± E=267925± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.508629°±(N/+) Long=90.294477°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 566.54 FtUS (or) 172.682 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 566.93 FtUS Cut "L" on northeast corner of 2'x2' base for traffic signal on southwest corner of Telegraph road and Jeffersonian Drive, 21' south of centerline Jeffersonian and 50' west of centerline Telegraph. SP MO East N=297146± E=268121± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.510779°±(N/+) Long=90.292224°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 517.11 FtUS (or) 157.615 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 517.51 FtUS Cut "L" on southwest corner first step on 4' wide concrete walk leading to #501 Kingston Drive, north side of Kingston Drive and 45' west of centerline Geneva Drive. SP MO East N=297461± E=268537± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.513608°±(N/+) Long=90.287446°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 498.39 FtUS (or) 151.911 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 498.80 FtUS Cut "L" on southwest corner first step on 4' wide concrete walk leading to #423 Kingston Drive, north side of Kingston Drive. SP MO East N=297518± E=268669± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.514119°±(N/+) Long=90.285930°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 484.28 FtUS (or) 147.610 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 484.69 FtUS Cut "L" on back or west edge of sidewalk along the west side of Kingston Drive at north end of handicap ramp 31.5' north of centerline Earlsfield Lane. SP MO East N=297703± E=268822± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.515782°±(N/+) Long=90.284171°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 508.97 FtUS (or) 155.135 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 509.34 FtUS "L" first concrete step at entrance to one story brick residence #7833 Kenridge Lane; at northeast corner Laclede Station Road and Kenridge Lane. [This is prior BM 14189 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 19.] SP MO East N=305625± E=264257± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.587236°±(N/+) Long=90.336355°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 535.51 FtUS (or) 163.224 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 535.83 FtUS "L" northeast corner first concrete step at porch entrance to a two story frame residence at #33 South Laclede Station Road; 65' west of centerline Laclede Station Road and 100' south of centerline Weil Avenue. [This is prior BM 14190 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 19.] SP MO East N=305862± E=264240± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.589372°±(N/+) Long=90.336546°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 644.10 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of a signal control box at the southeast corner of Watson Road and Sturdy Drive; 45' south of Watson Road and 38' east of Sturdy Drive. [This is prior BM 18162 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 19.] SP MO East N=302173± E=259156± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.556204°±(N/+) Long=90.394951°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 493.37 FtUS (or) 150.379 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 493.79 FtUS "L" in east edge of concrete walk, 8' east of northeast corner of #835 Lemay Ferry Road; 130' north of centerline Orient Avenue and 145' west of centerline Lemay Ferry Road. [This is prior BM 20014 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 19.] SP MO East N=300083± E=268821± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.537224°±(N/+) Long=90.284118°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 511.00 FtUS (or) 155.754 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 511.37 FtUS Cut square on south side of 3' diameter concrete base for MoDOT electric meter and signal disconnect northwest of the intersection of the southbound I-55 exit ramp onto westbound Reavis Barracks Road, approximately 8' southeast of chain link fence and 48' north of center median island in Reavis Barracks Road. SP MO East N=299661± E=266344± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.533471°±(N/+) Long=90.312540°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 552.25 FtUS (or) 168.325 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 552.61 FtUS Cut "L" on southwest corner of concrete base of traffic signal at the northern end of a crosswalk over Reavis Barracks Road, situated on the south side of a traffic island which is north of Reavis Barracks Road and situated between the left turn and right turn lanes of southbound Huntingdon Lane. SP MO East N=299947± E=266052± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.536053°±(N/+) Long=90.315883°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 546.58 FtUS (or) 166.599 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 546.94 FtUS Cut "U" on the center west face of cap on stone wall between two stone pillars under the "G" in "REAVIS GARDENS" on subdivision entrance sign situated east of Jeffleigh Lane and South of Reavis Barracks Road. SP MO East N=299946± E=265666± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.536050°±(N/+) Long=90.320310°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 536.16 FtUS (or) 163.421 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 536.49 FtUS Cut "L" on northeast corner of 4' wide sidewalk to commercial offices in building at #9785 MacKenzie Road, at the intersection of the west line of a 6' wide sidewalk along the west side of MacKenzie Road with the north line of said 4' wide sidewalk, roughly 65 feet north of the center of drive entrance to said commercial offices and situated across Mackenzie Road from a house #9744 Mackenzie Road. SP MO East N=300621± E=265379± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.542137°±(N/+) Long=90.323587°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 544.72 FtUS (or) 166.032 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 545.06 FtUS Cut square on concrete base of traffic signal situated in the back of sidewalk west of Mackenzie Road and south of Reavis Road, northeast of the New Apostolic Church at #9650 Reavis Road. SP MO East N=300794± E=265379± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.543695°±(N/+) Long=90.323583°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 572.02 FtUS (or) 174.351 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 572.33 FtUS Cut square on west side of 4.6'x6' concrete pad for traffic control meter box, 52' north of centerline Reavis Road and 46' east of centerline concrete island in Tesson Ferry Road. SP MO East N=300837± E=264576± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.544096°±(N/+) Long=90.332794°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 608.12 FtUS (or) 185.354 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 608.43 FtUS Found "L" on southwest corner of concrete base for traffic signal control box situated 37' west of the centerline of Tesson Ferry Road and 38' north of the centerline of the island in the north drive entrance to Lutheran South High School at #9515 Tesson Ferry Road. SP MO East N=301306± E=264565± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.548321°±(N/+) Long=90.332910°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 618.87 FtUS (or) 188.632 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 619.18 FtUS Cut "L" on southeast corner of the concrete base for the south leg of the Shell gas station sign situated 57' north of the centerline of island in Gravois Road and 78' west of the centerline of island in Rock Hill Road, at #10015 Gravois Road. SP MO East N=301601± E=264540± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.550979°±(N/+) Long=90.333191°±(W/-)
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Rev: 11/01/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 616.18 FtUS (or) 187.813 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 616.49 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of the concrete base of traffic signal control box situated 41.5' north of the double yellow stripe in centerline of Gravois Road and 41' east of the double yellow stripe in centerline of Valcour Avenue, near the southwest corner of Grasso Plaza shopping center and southwest of the St Louis Bread Company restaurant. SP MO East N=301580± E=264285± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.550794°±(N/+) Long=90.336117°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 555.96 FtUS (or) 169.456 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 556.26 FtUS Cut square on concrete base of traffic signal mast situated 43' south of the center median island on Gravois Road and 2' west of the southerly projection of the centerline of Laclede Station Road. SP MO East N=301335± E=263694± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.548597°±(N/+) Long=90.342902°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 494.17 FtUS (or) 150.624 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 494.47 FtUS Cut square on the east end of the south barrier wall along Gravois Creek bridge situated 37' south of double yellow stripe in Gravois Road and 31' west of the centerline of McNary Drive, running southerly from Gravois Road opposite Grant Road, access to the Affton Athletic Association sports complex. SP MO East N=301155± E=263274± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.546981°±(N/+) Long=90.347723°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 584.26 FtUS (or) 178.082 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 584.55 FtUS Cut "U" on north edge of 4' wide concrete gutter along north side of Gravois Road on the northerly projection of the centerline of Brookmere Drive, where Brookmere Drive intersects the South line of Gravois Road west of #10688 Gravois Road. SP MO East N=300838± E=262468± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.544137°±(N/+) Long=90.356975°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 609.32 FtUS (or) 185.722 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 609.61 FtUS Cut "U" on the concrete base of the easternmost of two traffic signal masts situated north of the intersection of Baptist Church Road with the south side of Gravois Road, and being the traffic signal 41.5' north of the centerline of Gravois Road, approximately in the northerly projection of the centerline of Baptist Church Road and roughly 10' west of the crosswalk over Gravois Road. SP MO East N=300674± E=262075± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.542665°±(N/+) Long=90.361486°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 592.75 FtUS (or) 180.671 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 593.04 FtUS Cut "U" on the south bullnose end of 4' wide concrete island in the center of Eddie and Park Road 46' north of the centerline of Gravois Road. SP MO East N=300616± E=261929± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.542144°±(N/+) Long=90.363162°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 614.61 FtUS (or) 187.335 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 614.90 FtUS "O" in "OPEN" of fire hydrant at southwest corner of Eddie and Park Road and Peachtree Court. SP MO East N=300827± E=261601± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.544050°±(N/+) Long=90.366921°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 613.63 FtUS (or) 187.035 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 613.90 FtUS Cut square on the north bullnose end of curb for landscaped island in the center of Wembley Woods Drive south of Eddie and Park Road. SP MO East N=300834± E=260172± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.544130°±(N/+) Long=90.383313°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 609.57 FtUS (or) 185.797 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 609.81 FtUS Cut "L" on northwest corner capstone of masonry base for lighted bulletin sign at St Justin Martyr Church #11910 Eddie and Park Road, approximately 44' south of the centerline of Eddie and Park Road, 30' west of the southerly projection of the centerline of Bardmont Drive, and 225' northeast of the western drive entrance to the church from Eddie and Park Road. SP MO East N=300971± E=259447± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.545372°±(N/+) Long=90.391628°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 644.92 FtUS (or) 196.573 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 645.17 FtUS Cut "L" on back of concrete curb 42' northeast of the centerline of Lindbergh Blvd at a curb joint 21' southeasterly from the centerline of the private drive entrance into Thomas Jefferson School, #4100 S Lindbergh Blvd. SP MO East N=300261± E=259120± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.538979°±(N/+) Long=90.395389°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 655.92 FtUS (or) 199.924 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 656.18 FtUS Cut square on the concrete base for traffic signal in the traffic island situated northwest of the right turn lane from northbound Geyer Road onto southbound Lindbergh Blvd, 23' east of centerline Geyer Road and 29' southwest of the double yellow stripe in centerline Lindbergh Blvd. SP MO East N=299978± E=259653± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.536424°±(N/+) Long=90.389279°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 657.31 FtUS (or) 200.350 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 657.58 FtUS Cut square on the northwest side of the concrete base for traffic signal near the Phillips 66 gas station #4466 S Lindbergh Blvd, 36' northeast of the double yellow stripe in center Lindbergh Blvd and 76' northwest of the double yellow stripe in center Gravois Road. SP MO East N=299624± E=260049± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.533231°±(N/+) Long=90.384742°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 644.49 FtUS (or) 196.441 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 644.77 FtUS Cut square on the north side of the concrete base for traffic signal in traffic island situated northeast of the right turn lane from southbound Lindbergh Blvd onto southbound Sappington Road, 43' south of the double yellow stripe in center Lindbergh Blvd and 29' west of the double yellow stripe in center Sappington Road. SP MO East N=299167.8± E=260442.8± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.529116°±(N/+) Long=90.380232°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 625.92 FtUS (or) 190.782 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 626.23 FtUS Cut square on concrete base for traffic signal situated southeast of the back of sidewalk at a vacant lot addressed as #10211 Kennerly Road in the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Davana Drive with Kennerly/Sappington Road; roughly 30.5' south of centerline Davana Drive, 52' east of the double yellow stripe in center of Kennerly/Sappington Road, and 130 feet more or less west of the house addressed as #12548 Davana Drive. SP MO East N=297361± E=260445± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.512839°±(N/+) Long=90.380234°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 609.53 FtUS (or) 185.784 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 609.84 FtUS "O" in "OPEN" on fire hydrant in the tree lawn in front of #5005 Mattis Road, roughly 23' northeast of centerline Mattis Road, 34' northwest of center private driveway, 270' southeast of the center of Langtree Drive, and 0.1 miles northwest of Tauneybrook Drive. SP MO East N=296706± E=261377± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.506926°±(N/+) Long=90.369558°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 585.32 FtUS (or) 178.405 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 585.61 FtUS Cut "L" on westernmost corner of 2.7'x4' concrete base for traffic signal control box situated south of the right turn lane from northbound Lemay Ferry Road onto eastbound Forder Road, 69' southeast of the center median in Lemay Ferry Road and 83' southwest of the double yellow stripe in Forder Road. SP MO East N=296056.8± E=264627.3± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.501030°±(N/+) Long=90.332305°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 607.37 FtUS (or) 185.126 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 607.64 FtUS Cut square on top northern end of the concrete barrier wall along the northwest side of the southbound lanes of Lemay Ferry Road bridge over I-270, and situated south of the National Tire and Battery (a.k.a. NTB) store at #700 South County Center Way visible in the northwest quadrant of Lemay Ferry Road and I-270. SP MO East N=296278± E=264831± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.503020°±(N/+) Long=90.329965°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 605.51 FtUS (or) 184.561 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 605.76 FtUS Cut "L" on the northernmost corner of a 4 inch thick by 5.5 foot by 6 foot precast fiberglass reinforced polymer concrete pad base for large metal ATT cable box at or between #3708 and #3722 Lemay Ferry Road, roughly 40' southeast of centerline Lemay Ferry Road and 163' northeast of the centerline of Evergreen Lane. This benchmark is on the most northwestern of two ATT cable boxes close to and nearly flush with the southeast edge of concrete sidewalk along Lemay Ferry Road; and is near the northernmost corner of property for the Meineke muffler shop at #3722 Lemay Ferry Road. SP MO East N=296900.9± E=265467.0± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.508620°±(N/+) Long=90.322660°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 565.54 FtUS (or) 172.376 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 565.82 FtUS Cut square on concrete base for mast of emergency traffic signal situated near the northwest corner of the AutoTire store property at #3300 Lemay Ferry Road, roughly 37' southeast of the centerline of Lemay Ferry Road, 70' southwest of the southwestern drive entrance to Mehlville High School, and between the southeasterly projections of the centerlines of Colonia Place Drive and Dovedale Lane. Dovedale Lane is the drive access onto Lemay Ferry Road from the Mehlville Fire Protection District property #3241 Lemay Ferry Road. The actual fire house is northwest of #3245 Lemay Ferry Road along said Dovedale Lane. SP MO East N=297369.0± E=265983.9± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.512828°±(N/+) Long=90.316723°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 538.91 FtUS (or) 164.259 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 539.20 FtUS Cut "L" on westernmost corner of 3.4'x6' concrete base for traffic signal control box near the northeastern or main entrance to Mehlville High School #3100 Lemay Ferry Road, roughly 40 feet southeast of the double yellow stripe in center of Lemay Ferry Road and 56' northeast of the center median in entrance to Mehlville High School opposite Will Avenue. SP MO East N=297608.2± E=266296.5± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.514978°±(N/+) Long=90.313133°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 507.85 FtUS (or) 154.792 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 508.17 FtUS Cut "L" on northernmost corner of the 2'x2' concrete base for the leg closest to Lemay Ferry Road of two legs supporting a Mobil gas station sign at #2600 Lemay Ferry Road in the lawn area northeast of the paved gas station, roughly 85' southeast of the center concrete median in Lemay Ferry Road and 76' west of the center concrete median in Buckley Road. SP MO East N=298023± E=266847± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.518705°±(N/+) Long=90.306810°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 460.19 FtUS (or) 140.267 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 460.56 FtUS Cut "L" on southwest corner of 4.2'x2.7' concrete base for traffic signal control box situated north of the right turn lane from southbound Lemay Ferry Road onto northbound Reavis Barracks Road, roughly 44' northeast of the center concrete median in Reavis Barracks Road and 76' northwest of the double yellow stripe in center of Lemay Ferry Road. SP MO East N=298603.0± E=267523.7± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.523917°±(N/+) Long=90.299036°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 454.75 FtUS (or) 138.609 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 455.12 FtUS Cut "L" on southernmost corner of planter box around sign at Reavis Barracks Car Wash #3941 Reavis Barracks Road, roughly 40' northeast of the double yellow stripe in centerline of Reavis Barracks Road and 228' southeast of the centerline of Gloria Road. SP MO East N=299196± E=267118± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.529267°±(N/+) Long=90.303674°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 627.26 FtUS (or) 191.190 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 627.56 FtUS Chiseled "L" northernmost end of concrete retaining wall along back of sidewalk on the west side of New Sappington Road in front of #8637 New Sappington Road; roughly 480 feet south of centerline Watson Road. SP MO East N=302136.2± E=260171.4± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.555862°±(N/+) Long=90.383301°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 451.07 FtUS RM 202 FEMA PANEL 316; Top of the northeast corner of the first concrete step of the front entrance to #3951 West Dallas Court. [This is prior BM 20031 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 19.] SP MO East N=300951± E=268785± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.545044°±(N/+) Long=90.284508°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 629.45 FtUS (or) 191.858 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 629.76 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of headwall along the south side of Kennerly Road at #10508 Kennerly Road; roughly 15 feet south of the centerline of Kennerly Road and 21 feet east of the southerly prolongation of the centerline of Oakcrest Estates Court. SP MO East N=297654± E=259643± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.515487°±(N/+) Long=90.389426°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 650.24 FtUS (or) 198.195 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 650.55 FtUS "O" in open on fire hydrant along the east side of Kennerly Road roughly 160 feet northwest of Mentz Hill Road, 45 feet southeast of the centerline of southern approach apron of loop driveway to #10711 Kennerly Road, 20 feet east of centerline of Kennerly Road and 16 feet west of utility pole #2293486. SP MO East N=298060± E=259266± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.519149°±(N/+) Long=90.393743°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 653.10 FtUS (or) 199.065 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 653.40 FtUS Railroad spike in the northeastern or street side face of utility pole #376644 situated northeast of property addressed as #10830 Kennerly Road, 28 feet southwest of the centerline of the modern or main alignment of Kennerly Road and 49 feet northwest of the centerline of Bird Haven Lane. SP MO East N=298387± E=259014± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.522098°±(N/+) Long=90.396629°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 532.08 FtUS (or) 162.177 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 532.39 FtUS Cut "L" on the south end of chamfered southeast corner of sidewalk around building 4.3 feet southeast of the southeast corner of Domino's Pizza building at #9301 Gravois Road; roughly 51 feet north of centerline Gravois Road and 56 feet south of centerline Weber Road. SP MO East N=301960± E=265839± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.554192°±(N/+) Long=90.318280°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 522.55 FtUS (or) 159.275 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 522.85 FtUS Cut "Sq" on the east side of the concrete base for a traffic signal mast situated northwest of the intersection of Laclede Station Road with Heege Road from the east, being the mast supporting the signal arm controlling westbound Heege Road; roughly 24 feet north of the entrance to Quick Trip opposite Heege Road and 36 feet west of the centerline of Laclede Station Road. SP MO East N=303456± E=263936± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567701°±(N/+) Long=90.340083°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 499.78 FtUS (or) 152.332 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 500.07 FtUS Head of railroad spike set in side of utility pole #191127; roughly 28 feet north of centerline Heege Road, 50 feet east of the centerline of an asphalt driveway to commercial property at #6901 Heege Road, and 3 feet west of the northerly prolongation of the centerline of Valcour Avenue. SP MO East N=303385± E=264511± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.567052°±(N/+) Long=90.333486°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 560.03 FtUS (or) 170.699 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 560.32 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest corner of concrete drive apron for electric substation at #6625 Heege Road; roughly 35 feet north of the centerline of Heege Road and 4 feet east of the northerly prolongation of the centerline of New Hampshire Avenue. SP MO East N=303312± E=265077± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.566385°±(N/+) Long=90.326993°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 512.58 FtUS (or) 156.234 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 512.86 FtUS Cut "U" on the west side of the concrete base for traffic signal mast arm situated southwest of the sidewalks behind the handicap ramp at the southwest corner of Heege Road and MacKenzie Road. SP MO East N=303221± E=265590± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.565556°±(N/+) Long=90.321109°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 559.14 FtUS (or) 170.427 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 559.44 FtUS Cut "Sq" on the north side of the westernmost concrete base for steel electric transmission tower situated southwest of the railroad tracks at the northeast corner of Weber Road and New Hampshire Avenue; roughly 43 feet north of centerline Weber Road and 29 feet east of centerline New Hampshire Avenue. SP MO East N=302116± E=264914± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.555613°±(N/+) Long=90.328889°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 601.66 FtUS (or) 183.387 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 601.96 FtUS Cut "L" on back of walk at sidewalk joint approximately at the southern point of curve along the back of sidewalk along the pavement rounding from northbound Laclede Station Road onto eastbound Weber Road; roughly 36 feet south of the centerline of Weber Road, 36 feet east of the centerline of Laclede Station Road, and 8 feet northeast of the center lid of a curb inlet within the sidewalk. SP MO East N=302242± E=263803± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.556766°±(N/+) Long=90.341633°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 556.88 FtUS (or) 169.737 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 557.17 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-13A in a large grassy area just east of the east asphalt shoulder of Valcour Avenue, roughly 150 feet more or less southwest of the southwest corner of building for the Carpenters Apprenticeship School at #8300 Valcour Avenue, 50 feet south of a utility pole in the south edge of asphalt parking for said school, 53 feet north of a second utility pole along the east side of Valcour Avenue, and 38 feet east of a fire hydrant situated west of Valcour Avenue and south of the driveway to residence #8401 Valcour Avenue. <NGS PID="AA8651", Designation="Accessory to former SL 13"> SP MO East N=302763± E=264433± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.561450°±(N/+) Long=90.334394°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 518.37 FtUS (or) 157.998 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 518.66 FtUS Cut "Sq" near the southernmost corner of a concrete pad under and extending southwest from a railroad signal control box; roughly 27 feet northeast of the centerline of railroad tracks, 45 feet east of centerline Valcour Avenue, 84 feet south of the southeast corner of the end of sidewalk along the east side of Valcour Avenue, and 0.08 miles south of Heege Road. SP MO East N=303249± E=264508± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.565827°±(N/+) Long=90.333524°±(W/-) Page 41 of 62
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 552.79 FtUS (or) 168.490 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 553.08 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-135 in a grassy area northwest of the intersection of New Hampshire Avenue with Langley Avenue; roughly 17 feet north of the centerline of Langley Avenue, 98 feet west of the centerline of New Hampshire Avenue, 57 feet east of a utility pole situated north of Langley Avenue east of an asphalt parking access to commercial property at #6727 Langley Avenue, and 40 feet northwest of a second utility pole situated south of Langley Avenue. SP MO East N=302713.2± E=264958.2± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.560992°±(N/+) Long=90.328369°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 556.05 FtUS (or) 169.483 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 556.42 FtUS Cut "Sq" on top south side of the concrete base of the traffic signal mast for signals controlling northbound traffic along Telegraph Road at the intersection with Reavis Barracks Road; roughly 29 feet east of the centerline of Telegraph Road and 21 feet north of the easterly prolongation of the centerline of Reavis Barracks Road. SP MO East N=297522± E=268244± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.514163°±(N/+) Long=90.290804°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 502.35 FtUS (or) 153.117 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 502.72 FtUS "O" in open on fire hydrant situated east of Reavis Barracks Road between two properties addressed as #1023 Reavis Barracks Road and #2268 Eleanor Kay Drive; roughly 117 feet south of the centerline of Eleanor Kay Drive. SP MO East N=298113± E=267704± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.519499°±(N/+) Long=90.296981°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 489.64 FtUS (or) 149.244 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 490.02 FtUS Cut "L" on the westernmost corner of the concrete base for MoDOT signal disconnect box situated in the northwest corner of cemetery property addressed as #1800 Lemay Ferry Road; roughly 83 feet north of the center of the entrance gate between the brick gatehouses to Park Lawn Cemetery, 34 feet southeast of the centerline of Lemay Ferry Road and 10 feet northeast of utility pole #169108. SP MO East N=298997± E=268071± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.527455°±(N/+) Long=90.292749°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 493.85 FtUS (or) 150.527 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 494.24 FtUS Cut "U" in the southeast bullnose end of median island within the entrance to Hoffmeister South County Funeral Chapel addressed as #1515 Lemay Ferry Road; roughly 51 feet northwest of centerline Lemay Ferry Road and 15 feet northeast of the northwesterly prolongation of Cumberland Drive. SP MO East N=299344.2± E=268299.7± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.530579°±(N/+) Long=90.290117°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 524.25 FtUS (or) 159.793 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 524.66 FtUS Cut "Sq" on top east side of the concrete base of the traffic signal mast for signals controlling southbound traffic along Lemay Ferry Road at the intersection with Telegraph Road; roughly 22 feet west of the centerline of Lemay Ferry Road and 49 feet north of the center of northernmost entrance drive to U.S. Post Office addressed as #1203 Lemay Ferry Road. SP MO East N=299663.4± E=268551.4± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.533449°±(N/+) Long=90.287222°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 497.28 FtUS (or) 151.572 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 497.68 FtUS Cut "Sq" in the centerline top of concrete curb roughly 22 feet west of the centerline of Telegraph Road; situated opposite the center of front double doors to the First Baptist Church of Lemay at #1601 Telegraph Road and roughly 37 feet east of said double doors along the central axis of the stairs and landing at the front entrance to church building. SP MO East N=299178± E=268680± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.529073°±(N/+) Long=90.285760°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 518.78 FtUS (or) 158.125 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 519.17 FtUS Cut "Sq" on top west side of the concrete base of the traffic signal mast for signals controlling northbound traffic along Telegraph Road at the intersection with West Ripa Avenue, situated near the southwest corner of residential property addressed #529 West Ripa Avenue; roughly 36 feet north of the centerline of West Ripa Avenue and 23 feet east of the centerline of Telegraph Road. SP MO East N=298606± E=268663± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.523921°±(N/+) Long=90.285970°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 534.13 FtUS (or) 162.803 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 534.43 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of the south end of concrete retaining wall west of the sidewalk along the west side of South Laclede Station Road; roughly 17 feet north of the centerline of Hurstgreen Road and 37 feet west of the centerline of South Laclede Station Road. SP MO East N=303979± E=264005± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.572411°±(N/+) Long=90.339281°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 471.04 FtUS (or) 143.574 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 471.33 FtUS Cut "L" on the easternmost corner of the concrete base for Rothman furniture store sign in the asphalt parking lot for Rothman store at #7737 Watson Road; roughly 84 feet northwest of the centerline of Watson Road, 134 feet northeast of the centerline of southwestern entrance to parking lot, and 370 feet northeast of the centerline of Oak Knoll Manor Drive. SP MO East N=304038± E=264497± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.572935°±(N/+) Long=90.333634°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 464.17 FtUS (or) 141.478 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 464.45 FtUS Cut "L" on the easternmost corner of the northeast end of a headwall along the southeast side of Watson Road; roughly 35 feet southeast of the centerline of Watson Road and 130 feet north of the northeast corner of commercial building on property addressed as #7734 Watson Road. SP MO East N=304062± E=264572± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.573150°±(N/+) Long=90.332772°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 494.01 FtUS (or) 150.576 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 494.30 FtUS Cut "L" on top back of curb at joint near southeastern bullnose end of center median island in entrance drive flanked by brick and masonry entrance monuments for Cardinal Ritter Senior Services and Cardinal Carberry Senior Living Center at #7601 Watson Road; roughly 52 feet northwest of the centerline of Watson Road, 43 feet west of a fire hydrant, and 1300 feet southwest of Trianon Parkway Drive. SP MO East N=304391± E=264787± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.576110°±(N/+) Long=90.330298°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 476.17 FtUS (or) 145.138 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 476.45 FtUS Cut "Sq" in center of concrete median island in the middle entrance drive from Watson Road to Kenrick Plaza; 7.2 feet north of the south curb face of island, 5.9 feet west of the east curb face of island, roughly 360 feet northeast of Trianon Parkway Drive, 38 feet northwest of the centerline Watson Road, and 157 feet east of the southeast corner of the First Bank sign in the tree lawn at #7435 Watson Road. SP MO East N=304784± E=265108± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.579646°±(N/+) Long=90.326606°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 462.15 FtUS (or) 140.865 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 462.43 FtUS Cut "U" in top south side of concrete base for traffic signal mast arm over Watson Road; roughly 49 feet southwest of the western entrance to MacKenzie Pointe Plaza, 42 feet northwest of the centerline of Watson Road, and approximately 1000 feet southwest of the intersection of Watson Road and MacKenzie Road. SP MO East N=304982± E=265586± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.581421°±(N/+) Long=90.321115°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 480.77 FtUS (or) 146.538 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 481.04 FtUS Cut "U" on the top south side of concrete base for an overhead light standard situated northeast of the main entrance from Watson Road into MacKenzie Pointe Plaza directly opposite from the intersection of MacKenzie Road with Watson Road. Benchmark is northwest of the asphalt sidewalk along the northwest side of Watson Road, roughly 34 feet east of the east corner of the southeast support post for the MacKenzie Pointe sign, 91 feet northeast of the centerline of entrance drive, and 111 feet southwest of the southwest corner of brick Taco Bell restaurant building. SP MO East N=305209± E=265834± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.583462°±(N/+) Long=90.318264°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 429.96 FtUS (or) 131.052 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 430.24 FtUS Cut "L" in southwest corner of sidewalk near base of chain link fence post on the southwest corner of the pedestrian bridge situated north of and parallel to the main Chippewa Street (known as Watson Road just to the west within Saint Louis County) bridge over River Des Peres; roughly 3.6 feet north of the back of curb along the north side of Chippewa Street and 149 feet east of the centerline of entrance ramp onto northbound River Des Peres Boulevard. [This benchmark is situated in the City of St Louis.] SP MO East N=305585± E=266249± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.586842°±(N/+) Long=90.313492°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 437.73 FtUS (or) 133.421 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 438.02 FtUS Top of bolt on east side of fire hydrant located roughly 96 feet west of the centerline of River Des Peres Boulevard, 46 feet north of the centerline of Weil Avenue, and 11 feet west of the center of a curb inlet situated in the northwest curb line of the right turn lane from southbound River Des Peres Boulevard onto westbound Weil Avenue and immediately west of a walking path sometimes known as the River Des Peres Greenway. [This benchmark is situated in the City of St Louis.] SP MO East N=305670± E=266063± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.587611°±(N/+) Long=90.315625°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 480.76 FtUS (or) 146.535 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 481.03 FtUS Aluminum Tablet stamped Metrolink 516 and set in mass of concrete in grassy area approximately 19 or 20 feet northwest of the fifth or sixth parking slot from the westernmost corner of parking lot behind a medical office building at #7345 Watson Road and southeast of railroad tracks under electric transmission lines; roughly 13 feet northwest of utility pole #130581, and 102 feet northeast of the easternmost leg of a steel electric transmission tower. SP MO East N=304946± E=265405± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.581100°±(N/+) Long=90.323193°±(W/-)
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Rev: 11/01/2016
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 509.30 FtUS (or) 155.236 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 509.58 FtUS Aluminum Tablet stamped Metrolink 508 and set in mass of concrete along a rough path within a brushy area southeast of railroad tracks, underneath electric transmission lines, northwest of and accessed from the delivery service drives at the rear of a retail strip center known as MacKenzie Pointe Plaza (the main entrance to which is directly opposite Watson Road from the intersection of MacKenzie Road with Watson Road); roughly 225 feet (not directly measured) southwest of the westernmost corner at the rear of Dierbergs store at #7233 Watson Road, 45 feet (not directly measured) southeast of the center of railroad tracks, 71 feet northeast of the easternmost leg of a steel electric transmission tower, 33 feet north of utility pole #130574, and 1290 feet more or less northeast of Metrolink Tablet 516. SP MO East N=305273± E=265625± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.584042°±(N/+) Long=90.320661°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 618.64 FtUS (or) 188.563 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 618.99 FtUS Cut "Sq" in the center southeast edge of a flush style concrete traffic signal pull box on a concrete traffic island situated southwest of the right turn lane from westbound Big Bend Boulevard onto northbound Sappington Road, approximately in the northwesterly prolongation of the southwestern curb line of Wildwood Circle Drive; roughly 33 feet northwest of the centerline of Big Bend Boulevard and 36 feet east of the centerline of Sappington Road. SP MO East N=303837± E=259973± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.571187°±(N/+) Long=90.385553°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 586.58 FtUS (or) 178.790 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 586.93 FtUS "Sq" on north side of concrete ring around telephone fiber optic manhole located southeast of the intersection of Liggett Avenue and Big Bend Boulevard; roughly 50 feet south of the centerline of Big Bend Boulevard, 15 feet east of centerline Liggett Avenue, 4 feet west of face walk, and 12.5 feet southwest of a solar powered Laclede Gas pipeline monitoring station. SP MO East N=303931± E=260149± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.572031°±(N/+) Long=90.383532°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 573.91 FtUS (or) 174.927 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 574.26 FtUS Cut "U" 0.3 feet west of the northeast corner along the top north end of the 1.5'x6.75' concrete base under lighted lawn sign for the "Crestwood Alliance Church" at church property addressed as #9644 Big Bend Boulevard; roughly 45 feet south of the centerline of Big Bend Boulevard and 55 feet east of the centerline of Diversey Drive. SP MO East N=303965± E=260294± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.572336°±(N/+) Long=90.381868°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 562.25 FtUS (or) 171.374 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 562.62 FtUS Cut triangle on top of 39 foot long north concrete headwall of a concrete box culvert for Gravois Creek under Big Bend Boulevard west of property addressed as #9551 Big Bend Boulevard and approximately 0.15 miles west of Berry Road; roughly 30 feet north of the centerline of Big Bend Boulevard, 21.5 feet west of a found "L" [see BM 19581] on the northeast corner of the same headwall, and 2 feet west of a found square [see BM 19365] also on the same headwall. SP MO East N=304028± E=260467± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.572902°±(N/+) Long=90.379882°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 582.42 FtUS (or) 177.521 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 582.78 FtUS Cut "L" on top southeast corner of the raised concrete base for metal traffic signal control box situated north of the marked pedestrian crosswalk across Big Bend Boulevard at the northeast corner of Big Bend Boulevard and Berry Road; roughly 35 feet east of the centerline of Berry Road and 30 feet north of the centerline of Big Bend Road. SP MO East N=304114± E=260705± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.573674°±(N/+) Long=90.377149°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 621.85 FtUS (or) 189.539 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 622.21 FtUS Found "L" on the northwest corner of the concrete base of flag pole at Clark School addressed as #9130 Big Bend Boulevard; roughly 30 feet south of the back of sidewalk along the south side of Big Bend Boulevard, 13 feet west of the easternmost sidewalk running southerly from Big Bend Road to the east entrance of school building, and 200 feet more or less east of the center of entrance drive to Clark School. SP MO East N=304373± E=261398± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.575998°±(N/+) Long=90.369192°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 623.67 FtUS (or) 190.096 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 624.03 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of the south end of concrete barrier wall between the southbound lanes of Big Bend Boulevard and the sidewalk along the west or northwest side of the Big Bend Boulevard bridge over Interstate 44, just north of the southern bridge expansion joint; roughly 27 feet west of the centerline of Big Bend Boulevard, 120 feet more or less south of the centerline of Interstate 44, and 55 feet more or less northwest of the northern corner rounding of a traffic median island within Roseacre Lane east of Big Bend Boulevard. SP MO East N=304683± E=261772± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.578786°±(N/+) Long=90.364894°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 607.81 FtUS (or) 185.262 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 608.17 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of ground level 6'x6' concrete pad for electric boxes situated south of and lower than the concrete base for metal electric transmission tower column situated Northwest of Big Bend Boulevard and South Gray Avenue; roughly 55 feet north of the centerline of Big Bend Boulevard, 40 feet west of the centerline of South Gray Avenue, 40 feet south of the center of south tracks of the St Louis and San Francisco Railroad, 120 feet more or less south of the centerline of Baker Avenue, and 300 feet more or less northeast of the northernmost corner of the Big Bend Boulevard bridge over Interstate 44. SP MO East N=304831± E=261911± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.580118°±(N/+) Long=90.363297°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 577.95 FtUS (or) 176.159 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 578.30 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest or westernmost corner of the 6.5'x2' raised concrete base for metal traffic signal control box situated in a grassy area southeast of the intersection of South Elm Avenue with the off ramp from westbound Interstate 44; roughly 16 feet east of the back of a 6 foot wide walk along the east side of South Elm Avenue, and 23 feet south of the back of curb along the south side of the off ramp from Interstate 44. SP MO East N=304906± E=262249± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.580789°±(N/+) Long=90.359416°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 593.05 FtUS (or) 180.761 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 593.40 FtUS Cut "U" on the top west edge of a 2 foot diameter concrete base for sign mast supporting a right turn sign on an arm over the eastern lane of northbound South Elm Avenue and a school zone sign on the mast, and situated east of the sidewalk along the east side of South Elm Avenue, 150 feet more or less south of the eastbound ramp onto Interstate 44, and 18 feet north of the north edge of a walk leading east to Hixson Middle School at property addressed #630 South Elm Avenue. SP MO East N=304758± E=262260± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.579455°±(N/+) Long=90.359292°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 595.52 FtUS (or) 181.514 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 595.87 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast or easternmost corner of the 4'x3' raised concrete base for metal traffic signal control box situated east of South Elm Avenue and southeast of Big Bend Boulevard within a narrow grassy strip between the sidewalk and the northwest corner of commercial parking lot for retail property addressed as #8670 Big Bend Boulevard. SP MO East N=305154± E=262352± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.583022°±(N/+) Long=90.358230°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 621.62 FtUS (or) 189.470 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 621.98 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-01A situated in a gravel surface roughly 10 feet south of the edge of the south rail of St Louis and San Francisco Railroad tracks, 8 feet east of the edge of asphalt pavement for South Rock Hill Road, and 30 feet north of a wooden utility pole situated near the northeast corner of bridge for South Rock Hill Road over Interstate 44. In May 2012 the tablet was under gravel but easily recovered with the aid of a magnetic locator. <NGS PID="AA8607", Designation="Accessory to SL 01"> SP MO East N=304697± E=261548± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.578915°±(N/+) Long=90.367465°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 597.11 FtUS (or) 182.001 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 597.45 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of a 15'x10' concrete pad for ATT control box near the southwest corner of property containing the Kirkwood Early Childhood Center addressed as #100 North Sappington Road, northeast of a right angle bend in North Sappington Road where Minturn Avenue intersects from the south and East Argonne Drive intersects from the west; situated just east of the sidewalk along the east side of North Sappington Road and roughly 35 feet north of the centerline of North Sappington Road from the east. SP MO East N=304955± E=259888± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.581260°±(N/+) Long=90.386513°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 623.73 FtUS (or) 190.112 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 624.06 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of a 6'x5' concrete pad for ATT control box surrounded by a modular block wall set into a grassy slope east of a decorative metal fence and shrubs around Building 1 of "COUNTRY CLUB TERRACE" condominiums (Plat Book 237, Page 84) slightly behind the west edge of sidewalk along the west side of North Sappington Road and 65 feet more or less north of the centerline of West Lockwood Avenue. SP MO East N=305173± E=259874± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.583224°±(N/+) Long=90.386671°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 615.17 FtUS (or) 187.504 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 615.50 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of a 6'x5' concrete pad for ATT control box situated along the north side of East Adams Avenue south of property addressed as #311 Luther Lane, 220 feet more or less west of the centerline of Luther Lane, 65 feet more or less west of the northerly projection of the centerline of North Holmes Avenue, and roughly 30 feet north of the centerline of East Adams Avenue. SP MO East N=305167± E=259457± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.583174°±(N/+) Long=90.391457°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 650.91 FtUS (or) 198.397 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 651.24 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of a 6'x5' concrete pad for ATT control box situated in a grassy tree lawn between the north curb of East Adams Avenue and a stone wall along the south side of property addressed as #306 North Woodlawn Avenue; roughly 23 feet north of the centerline of East Adams Avenue and 110 feet more or less east of the centerline of North Woodlawn Avenue. SP MO East N=305172± E=258988± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.583224°±(N/+) Long=90.396840°±(W/-) Page 51 of 62
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 562.31 FtUS (or) 171.392 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 562.68 FtUS RM 382 FEMA PANEL 284; Found "L" on top northeast corner of 39 foot long north concrete headwall of a concrete box culvert for Gravois Creek under Big Bend Boulevard west of property addressed as #9551 Big Bend Boulevard and approximately 0.15 miles west of Berry Road; roughly 30 feet north of the centerline of Big Bend Boulevard, 19.5 feet east of a found square [see BM 19365] on the same headwall, and 21.5 feet east of a cut triangle [see BM 19568] also on the same headwall. SP MO East N=304030± E=260473± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.572920°±(N/+) Long=90.379813°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 605.72 FtUS (or) 184.623 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 606.05 FtUS Found "L" on top northwest corner of 14 foot long concrete headwall south of property addressed as #675 East Adams Avenue at the north end of an 8'x12' box culvert for Gravois Creek under East Adams Avenue (also known as Lockwood Avenue); roughly 17 feet north of the north edge of asphalt along the westbound lanes of East Adams Avenue, 65 feet west of the centerline of Luther Lane, and 80 feet more or less east of the northerly prolongation of Holmes Avenue. This benchmark is at the point where West Lockwood Avenue from the east becomes known as East Adams Avenue to the west, and is south of the easternmost property which is addressed along East Adams Avenue. SP MO East N=305172± E=259505± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.583219°±(N/+) Long=90.390906°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 538.41 FtUS (or) 164.107 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 538.74 FtUS Railroad Spike in the north side of a utility pole situated east of a storm inlet and stop sign at the southeast corner of Sappington Barracks Road and Ringer Road, north of property addressed as #338 Sappington Barracks Road; roughly 23 feet south of the centerline of Sappington Barracks Road and 20 feet southeast of the centerline of Ringer Road. SP MO East N=296220± E=267342± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.502452°±(N/+) Long=90.301179°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 588.03 FtUS (or) 179.231 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 588.32 FtUS Cut "U" centered in the top south edge of a five foot long headwall situated south of a metal guard rail along the south side of Sappington Barracks Road and between two properties addressed as #530 and #606 Sappington Barracks Road; roughly 23 feet south of the centerline of Sappington Barracks Road, 37 feet west of the southerly prolongation of the centerline of Buckley Road, and 46 feet north of the northeast corner of house addressed as #606 Sappington Barracks Road. SP MO East N=296115± E=266541± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.501521°±(N/+) Long=90.310364°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 600.25 FtUS (or) 182.956 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 600.53 FtUS Cut "U" on the top south side of a round concrete base for overhead lighting post situated in a grassy area south of the parking lot for the Apostolic Pentecostal Church addressed as #901 Barracksview Road; roughly 48 feet north of the centerline of a 3'x4' metal grate inlet in the grass swale north of Barracksview Road, 76 feet east of the centerline of Arthel Drive, 106 feet south of the church office entry door, and 3.5 feet south of the south side of parking lot. SP MO East N=296105± E=266125± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.501438°±(N/+) Long=90.315134°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 601.20 FtUS (or) 183.247 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 601.46 FtUS Found standard disk stamped "Kleinschmidt 2 1931 1980" and situated in a grassy area ,approximately 0.3 miles east of Lemay Ferry Road along Lindbergh Boulevard, and southeast of the easternmost terminus of eastbound Lindbergh Boulevard where it turns to the north and ends at a four way intersection consisting of eastbound Lindbergh Boulevard from the south, west bound Lindbergh Boulevard toward the west, an exit ramp from westbound I-55 from the east, and Barracksview Road on the north. This benchmark is located roughly 41 feet south of the centerline of exit lane from I-55, 37 feet east of the centerline of the northbound terminus of eastbound Lindbergh Boulevard, and 14 feet southwest of a traffic signal mast with signal arm extending to the south for signals controlling traffic on eastbound Lindbergh Boulevard. <NGS PID="JC1603", Designation="KLEINSCHMIDT 2 AZ MK"> SP MO East N=296271.8± E=265586.3± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.502951°±(N/+) Long=90.321306°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 599.60 FtUS (or) 182.759 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 599.87 FtUS Cut "U" on the top back of curb along the north side of the sidewalk along the north side of the right turn lane from southwest bound Union Road onto northwest bound Lindbergh Boulevard, near the southernmost corner of Southern Commercial Bank property addressed as #6969 S. Lindbergh Boulevard; roughly 21 feet southwest of the sign pole for Southern Commercial Bank sign, 2 feet east of the west end of curb, and 25 feet west of a fire hydrant in the tree lawn between the curb and sidewalk. SP MO East N=297027± E=264640± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.509770°±(N/+) Long=90.332139°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 583.78 FtUS (or) 177.935 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 584.05 FtUS Cut "U" in the top southwest edge of round concrete base for a traffic signal mast situated on the traffic island east of the intersection of Lindbergh Boulevard with East Concord Road and situated west of the right turn lane from northwest bound Lindbergh Boulevard into the commercial drive entrance northeast of Lindbergh Boulevard across from East Concord Road and northwest of the Quick Trip store addressed as #6312 S. Lindbergh Boulevard; roughly 20 feet southeast of the double yellow line in commercial entrance and 86 feet west of the westernmost corner of the westernmost support post for Quick Trip gas pump canopy. SP MO East N=297572± E=263770± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.514694°±(N/+) Long=90.342104°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 583.74 FtUS (or) 177.923 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 584.02 FtUS Found "U" on top northwest edge of the round concrete base of overhead lamp post situated in the grass west of the parking lot and roughly 63 feet west of the centerline of western entry doors to La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries store addressed as #4110 Von Talge Road; roughly 40 feet east of the centerline of Von Talge Road and 120 feet north of the centerline of entrance drive. SP MO East N=297483± E=263719± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.513893°±(N/+) Long=90.342690°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 606.18 FtUS (or) 184.765 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 606.47 FtUS Cut "U" on the top northeast side of the round concrete base for traffic signal mast situated on the traffic island south of the right turn lane from southwest bound Flori Drive onto northwest bound Lindbergh Boulevard, generally south of the Lions Choice restaurant addressed as #6106 S. Lindbergh Boulevard; roughly 31 feet northwest of the centerline of Flori Drive and 40 feet more or less northeast of the centerline of Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=298107± E=263682± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.519516°±(N/+) Long=90.343103°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 614.68 FtUS (or) 187.354 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 614.96 FtUS Cut square near top northeast edge of the round concrete base for traffic signal mast situated in grass north of the curb rounding between the northwest curb of Mueller Road and the northeast curb of Lindbergh Boulevard, generally south of the Mobil on the Run gas station addressed as #5840 S. Lindbergh Boulevard; roughly 52 feet southeast of the centerline of gas station entrance drive from Lindbergh Boulevard, and 20 feet southwest of the southernmost corner of Mobil on the Run sign. SP MO East N=298376± E=263331± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.521944°±(N/+) Long=90.347122°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 606.82 FtUS (or) 184.959 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 607.11 FtUS Cut "U" on the top south edge of round concrete base for traffic signal mast situated on a traffic island south of the right turn lane from southbound Tesson Ferry Road onto westbound Lindbergh Boulevard, generally southeast of the Taco Bell Restaurant addressed as #5554 S. Lindbergh Boulevard; roughly 79 feet southeast of the southernmost post of Taco Bell sign, 40 feet more or less west of the centerline of Tesson Ferry Road, and 40 feet more or less north of the centerline of Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=298589± E=262684± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.523873°±(N/+) Long=90.354538°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 637.12 FtUS (or) 194.196 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 637.41 FtUS Cut "U" on top south edge of round concrete base of traffic signal mast situated on a traffic island south of the right turn lane from southbound Baptist Church Road onto westbound Lindbergh Boulevard, generally southeast of the Waffle House Restaurant addressed as #5330 S. Lindbergh Boulevard; 35 feet more or less west of the centerline of Baptist Church Road and 35 feet more or less north of the centerline of Lindbergh Boulevard. SP MO East N=298750± E=262067± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.525332°±(N/+) Long=90.361611°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 641.69 FtUS (or) 195.588 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 641.98 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-55A situated in grassy area roughly 3 feet south of the south curb of Lindbergh Boulevard and 400 feet more or less west of the centerline of Baptist Church Road, generally north of a commercial shopping center known as Concord Plaza and east of the western entrance to the parking lot east of MSG Jewelers; roughly 30 feet east of the northeast corner of northern post supporting Concord Plaza sign, 22 feet north of the northern curb for parking lot, and 61 feet west of a lamp post for overhead light. <NGS PID="AA8696", Designation="Accessory to SL 55"> SP MO East N=298755± E=261954± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.525378°±(N/+) Long=90.362907°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 655.85 FtUS (or) 199.902 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 656.13 FtUS Cut square near the top south side of round concrete base for MoDOT Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) metal disconnect box on the north side of Lindbergh Boulevard and west of the main access drive to Lindbergh Senior High School across from Roxanna Drive; roughly 52 feet north of the centerline of Lindbergh Boulevard, 73 feet west of the center of high school access drive, and 6 feet south of the southwest corner of rectangular concrete base for metal traffic signal control box. SP MO East N=299088± E=260841± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.528393°±(N/+) Long=90.375666°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 625.32 FtUS (or) 190.599 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 625.64 FtUS Cut "U" in the top north edge of round concrete base for overhead light standard situated in a grass divider between rows of parking along the western edge of parking lot west of the Southroads Professional Building in the eastern quadrant of the intersection of Tesson Ferry Road with Kennerly Road; roughly 42 feet northwest of an angle point in the west line of building north of the southernmost office tenant addressed as #12486 Tesson Ferry Road, 88 feet northeast of a traffic signal control box, and 10 feet east of the brick base of a small commercial sign identifying businesses in the shopping plaza. SP MO East N=296905± E=260803± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.508726°±(N/+) Long=90.376136°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 629.56 FtUS (or) 191.889 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 629.87 FtUS Cut "U" on the top southeast edge of round concrete base for a traffic signal mast situated on a concrete traffic island north of the right turn lane from northeast bound Tesson Ferry Road onto southeast bound Mattis Road; 34 feet southwest of the centerline of Mattis Road, 56 feet southeast of the centerline of Tesson Ferry Road, 5.6 feet southwest of the northeast edge of traffic island, and 13.3 feet southeast of the northwest edge of traffic island. SP MO East N=297075± E=260951± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.510256°±(N/+) Long=90.374436°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 582.20 FtUS (or) 177.454 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 582.50 FtUS Cut "L" on the top westernmost corner of the concrete base for metal traffic signal control box near the western corner of commercial property addressed as #12048 Tesson Ferry Road; roughly 43 feet southeast of the centerline of Tesson Ferry Road and 48 feet southwest of the centerline of commercial access drive directly opposite the intersection of Concord School Road with the northwest side of Tesson Ferry Road. SP MO East N=297842± E=261678± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.517157°±(N/+) Long=90.366088°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 585.91 FtUS (or) 178.586 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 586.21 FtUS Cut "U" on the top southeast side of the round concrete base for pedestrian signal at the northwest end of a crosswalk painted across Tesson Ferry Road northeast of the intersection of Tesson Ferry Road with East Concord Road; roughly 55 feet northeast of the northwesterly projection of the centerline of East Concord Road, and 38 feet northwest of the centerline of Tesson Ferry Road. SP MO East N=298039± E=261835± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.518929°±(N/+) Long=90.364284°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 591.73 FtUS (or) 180.360 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 592.03 FtUS Cut "L" on the top southeastern corner of concrete base for traffic signal control box situated in the tree lawn west of the junction of Baptist Church Road with Tesson Ferry Road and east of the wall around Arizona Action Park at Concord Bowl addressed as #11801 Tesson Ferry Road; roughly 58 feet southwest of the center of the north drive entrance to Concord Bowl, 8 feet northeast of the center of a 4.5 foot square MoDOT traffic signal vault, and 28 feet more or less west of the western edge of a triangular concrete median island in Baptist Church Road northwest of Tesson Ferry Road. SP MO East N=298187± E=261985± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.520261°±(N/+) Long=90.362561°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 584.18 FtUS (or) 178.059 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 584.48 FtUS Cut "L" on the top southernmost corner at the southeast end of a concrete retaining wall between two properties addressed respectively as #11225 Tesson Ferry Road and #11229 Concord Village Avenue, and situated north of the junction of those two roads; roughly 59 feet southeast of the easternmost corner of building addressed as #11229 Concord Village Avenue, 9 feet north of the center of a 2.5 foot square grate inlet near the easternmost corner of parking lot, and 5 feet northwest of utility pole #171350. SP MO East N=298851± E=262838± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.526231°±(N/+) Long=90.352767°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 489.81 FtUS (or) 149.293 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 490.11 FtUS Cut "U" on the northeast corner of the southern concrete headwall for a drainage culvert under Tesson Ferry Road west of Green Park Road; roughly 50 feet south of the centerline of Tesson Ferry Road, 70 feet more or less west along Tesson Ferry Road from the centerline of Green Park Road, and 64 feet more or less northeast of the northeast corner of house addressed as #10900 Tesson Ferry Road. SP MO East N=299335± E=263515± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.530581°±(N/+) Long=90.344994°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 479.96 FtUS (or) 146.293 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 480.27 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-11A2 situated in a grassy area 4.5 feet east of the edge of asphalt pavement on the east side of Tesson Ferry Road near the southern end of metal guard rail and roughly 110 feet south of the southeast corner of bridge for Tesson Ferry Road over Gravois Creek. SP MO East N=299501± E=263896± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.532071°±(N/+) Long=90.340621°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 549.28 FtUS (or) 167.422 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 549.63 FtUS "O" in OPEN on fire hydrant near the southwest corner of residential property addressed as #465 Belleview Avenue; roughly 17 feet north of the centerline of Belleview Avenue and 50 feet more or less east of the centerline of Lockwood Avenue. SP MO East N=305782± E=261396± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.588692°±(N/+) Long=90.369192°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 566.64 FtUS (or) 172.713 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 566.99 FtUS Cut "L" on the top northwest corner of the concrete cap of the concrete vertical wall along the south side of the sidewalk south of Lockwood Avenue for the Missouri Pacific Railroad bridge over Lockwood Avenue at Algonquin Lane; roughly 2.8 feet above the sidewalk, 39 feet south of the centerline of Lockwood Avenue opposite Algonquin Lane, 71 feet west along the back of sidewalk from the centerline of the overhead railroad bridge, and 8 feet southeast of a telephone manhole in the sidewalk. SP MO East N=305337± E=261160± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.584686°±(N/+) Long=90.371908°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 620.93 FtUS (or) 189.259 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 621.28 FtUS Cut "U" in the center southeast face of a 7.5'x8.8' concrete pad base for ATT cable box situated in a grassy area east of the parking lot and north of the access drive from Berry Road at the Webster Hills United Methodist Church addressed as #1325 West Lockwood Avenue; roughly 47 feet west of the centerline of Berry Road, 35 feet north of the centerline of the church access drive from Berry Road which is opposite the portion of Lockwood Avenue east of Berry Road, and 41 feet southwest of the center of a triple curb inlet along the west side of Berry Road. SP MO East N=305270± E=260681± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.584088°±(N/+) Long=90.377407°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 601.83 FtUS (or) 183.437 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 602.18 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of 3'x3' concrete base for steel railroad signal mast with overhead lighted traffic signal arm, which is north of a second railroad signal with a mechanical signal gate; roughly 19 feet east of the centerline of Berry Road, 41 feet north of the centerline of Bonita Avenue, and 23 feet south of the southernmost rail of the southernmost of two railroad tracks for the Missouri Pacific Railroad. SP MO East N=304716± E=260700± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.579097°±(N/+) Long=90.377197°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 617.49 FtUS (or) 188.210 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 617.83 FtUS "O" in OPEN on fire hydrant situated in the tree lawn west of Berry Road and east of a residence addressed as #25 Willow Oak Lane; roughly 65 feet north of the centerline of Willow Oak Lane and 18 feet west of the centerline of Berry Road. SP MO East N=305733± E=260691± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.588259°±(N/+) Long=90.377285°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 603.49 FtUS (or) 183.944 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 603.84 FtUS Railroad spike in the west side of utility pole #70395 situated near the northeast corner or end of an asphalt swale along the east side of Berry Road, and opposite the driveway to a residence on the west side of Berry Road addressed as #100 Algonquin Estates Road; roughly 13 feet south of the centerline of a gated asphalt maintenance entrance to Algonquin Golf Course, 21 feet east of the centerline of Berry Road, and 110 feet south of the easterly prolongation of the centerline of Algonquin Estates Road. SP MO East N=305846± E=260704± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.589277°±(N/+) Long=90.377134°±(W/-) Page 60 of 62
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 516.66 FtUS (or) 157.478 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 517.03 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-10A situated in the grass tree lawn west of Union Road and east of the sidewalk roughly 0.1 miles south of Reavis Barracks Road and 25 feet south of the centerline of the exit drive from the U.S. Bank at #2041 Union Road; situated 5.5 feet south of a fire hydrant, 4.7 feet west of the back of curb, and 3.8 feet east of the face of sidewalk. <NGS PID="AA8617", Designation="Accessory to SL 10"> SP MO East N=299425± E=266444± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.531343°±(N/+) Long=90.311399°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 610.96 FtUS (or) 186.220 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 611.28 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-81A situated in grassy tree lawn north of Mattis Road and south of the sidewalk approximately 73 feet east of the centerline of Cedar Lane, in front of a house addressed as #4757 Mattis Road; roughly 13.5 feet east of the center of a manhole that is partly in the south edge of the sidewalk, 12.5 feet west of a fire hydrant, and 22 feet north of the centerline of Mattis Road. <NGS PID="AA8722", Designation="Accessory to SL 81"> SP MO East N=296174± E=261939± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.502126°±(N/+) Long=90.363123°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 513.17 FtUS (or) 156.415 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 513.47 FtUS Set railroad spike in a utility pole on the west side of Musick Road between the driveways to houses addressed as #10103 and 10111 Musick Road; roughly 23 feet west of the centerline of Musick Road, 102 feet north of the centerline projected of Musick Manor Lane, and 20 feet south of the centerline of driveway to #10103 Musick Road. SP MO East N=299804± E=263003± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.534814°±(N/+) Long=90.350857°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 474.51 FtUS (or) 144.631 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 474.80 FtUS Cut square in the center top of a 6’x1’ concrete headwall at the north end of a 3’x5’ box culvert passing under Tesshire Road east of Grants Trail (formerly the Missouri Pacific Railroad); approximately 19 feet north of the centerline of Tesshire Road, 45 feet east of the centerline of the Grant’s Trail pedestrian crossing, and 155 feet west of the centerline of Squire Meadows Drive. SP MO East N=299843± E=263842± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.535153°±(N/+) Long=90.341233°±(W/-) Page 61 of 62
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 479.04 FtUS (or) 146.013 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 479.34 FtUS Cut square on the top west edge of the 5.5’x3’ concrete base of commercial sign for “Performance Motors Complete Auto Service” situated on property addressed as #10630 Tesshire Drive and cut 0.5 feet south along the west edge of concrete base from the north edge of said base; approximately 45 feet south of the centerline of Tesshire Road, 1175 feet more or less east of the centerline of Musick Avenue, 650 feet more or less west of the centerline of Grants Trail (formerly the Missouri Pacific Railroad), and 300 feet more or less west of the centerline of Gravois Creek. SP MO East N=299676± E=263713± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.533650°±(N/+) Long=90.342716°±(W/-)
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Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 424.58 FtUS "L" on northeast corner lower concrete step of front yard entrance to 1 1/2 story frame residence at #308 Kayser; third house west of southwest corner of Military Road and Kayser Avenue. (Assume Kayser Avenue runs east west) SP MO East N=300411± E=269651± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.540161°±(N/+) Long=90.274589°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 496.91 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of first concrete step to porch of two story brick residence at #225 Horn Avenue; third house east of Military Road on north side of Horn Avenue. SP MO East N=300070± E=269643± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.537089°±(N/+) Long=90.274690°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 476.92 FtUS (or) 145.367 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 477.31 FtUS "U" on east edge of lower front concrete step leading to main front building entrance to Gethsemane Ev. Lutheran Church #769 Lemay Ferry Road; opposite Lagro Avenue. (5' from north end of step) SP MO East N=300247± E=268981± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.538698°±(N/+) Long=90.282279°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 19500 in Chapter 19.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 503.28 FtUS (or) 153.400 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 503.73 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 114 75 S.L.C. set in southwest [side] (corner) of concrete traffic signal base; southeast corner of intersection of Hoffmeister Avenue and Military Road [at 7-11 store]. SP MO East N=299715± E=269535± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.533893°±(N/+) Long=90.275939°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 465.73 FtUS (or) 141.955 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 466.17 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of bottom step to front entrance of #365 Hoffmeister Avenue. SP MO East N=299930± E=269302± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.535835°±(N/+) Long=90.278606°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 19533 in Chapter 19.]
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 20:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 471.84 FtUS (or) 143.816 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 472.28 FtUS Cut "U" on corner of sidewalk, 27.5' southwest of centerline Hoffmeister Avenue and 16' southeast of centerline Wachtel Avenue. SP MO East N=299994± E=269160± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.536415°±(N/+) Long=90.280233°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 481.55 FtUS (or) 146.778 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 482.00 FtUS Cut "L" on corner of traffic control box, 52' southeast of centerline Lemay Ferry Road and 43' southwest of centerline Hoffmeister Avenue. SP MO East N=300142.2± E=268941.4± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.537754°±(N/+) Long=90.282736°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 462.19 FtUS (or) 140.877 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 462.63 FtUS Cut "L" on southeast corner of 6'x9' base for Walgreens sign, 48' northwest of centerline Lemay Ferry Road and 69' northeast of centerline Bayless Avenue. SP MO East N=300519.6± E=269194.6± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.541149°±(N/+) Long=90.279821°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 419.30 FtUS (or) 127.803 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 419.74 FtUS Cut "L" on northern entrance sign at entrance to Lemay Park, 23' north of centerline Fannie Avenue and 46' east of centerline Military Road. SP MO East N=300486.2± E=269744.1± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.540836°±(N/+) Long=90.273519°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 477.33 FtUS (or) 145.489 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 477.77 FtUS Cut "Square" on retaining wall near #631 Military Road, 15' west of centerline Military Road and 70' south of centerline Bayless Avenue. SP MO East N=300189± E=269588± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.538162°±(N/+) Long=90.275318°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 502.05 FtUS (or) 153.026 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 502.50 FtUS Cut "L" on southeast corner of curb at #719 Military Road on west side of Military. SP MO East N=300040± E=269589± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.536820°±(N/+) Long=90.275311°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 20:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 456.23 FtUS (or) 139.060 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 456.68 FtUS Cut "U" on west side of light standard base in centerline of access drive into MSD sewage treatment plant, 66' northeast of centerline Hoffmeister Avenue (a.k.a. Arlee Ave) and 0.3 miles southeast of South Broadway Avenue. SP MO East N=299243± E=269886± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.529633°±(N/+) Long=90.271927°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 431.73 FtUS (or) 131.591 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 432.18 FtUS Cut "L" on southeast corner of 27'x39.5' concrete slab at a point 75.5' south of the southeast corner of a 24'x14.8' concrete block building in the eastern part of the MSD sewage treatment plant. From the intersection of South Broadway Ave and Hoffmeister Ave, go southeasterly along Hoffmeister (a.k.a. Arlee Ave) for 0.6 miles to an access drive on the west side of the railroad tracks, then proceed northerly for 1120'±, and the benchmark is 75'± west of the centerline of access drive. SP MO East N=299243± E=270091± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.529628°±(N/+) Long=90.269576°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 423.94 FtUS (or) 129.216 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 424.38 FtUS Cut "Square" on south side at base of train crossing signal arm on the east side of railroad tracks near #501 E. Arlee Avenue, 25.5' north of centerline Hoffmeister Ave (a.k.a. Arlee Ave) and 16' east of centerline eastern track, and approximately 0.6 miles southeast along Hoffmeister Ave from South Broadway Ave. SP MO East N=298905± E=270078± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.526583°±(N/+) Long=90.269734°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 534.68 FtUS (or) 162.971 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 535.09 FtUS Cut "L" on northeast corner of MoDOT signal disconnect box west side of Kingston Drive between Walworth Drive and Lambeth Lane, 10'± west of west edge of sidewalk and 115'± north of centerline Walworth. SP MO East N=297990± E=269031± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.518363°±(N/+) Long=90.281767°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 494.69 FtUS (or) 150.782 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 495.11 FtUS Cut "Square" on top of curb 17' north of centerline Clyde Avenue in west curb line of Kingston Drive near the southeast corner of Arch Auto Repair #161 Kingston Drive. SP MO East N=298204± E=269196± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.520288°±(N/+) Long=90.279869°±(W/-) Page 4 of 6
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 20:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 462.59 FtUS (or) 140.998 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 463.02 FtUS Cut "L" on west side of sidewalk at a point in the east side of Kingston Drive 0.14± south of Ripa Avenue, in the east rounding at the intersection of Kingston Drive with South Broadway Avenue (being the entrance to Jefferson Barracks Park), and 30' east of the centerline of Kingston Avenue and 46' north of the centerline of South Broadway Avenue. SP MO East N=298434± E=269394± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.522355°±(N/+) Long=90.277592°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 460.47 FtUS (or) 140.353 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 460.90 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest corner of the north end of a 6" wide by 13"± high concrete retaining wall along the back of sidewalk on the west side of South Broadway Avenue in front of #9925 South Broadway, 300'± south of centerline Ripa Avenue. SP MO East N=298562± E=269411± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.523508°±(N/+) Long=90.277393°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 455.79 FtUS (or) 138.926 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 456.23 FtUS Cut "L" on southeast corner of 3' wide sidewalk leading to house #9835 South Broadway Avenue, just behind west edge of sidewalk along west side of South Broadway Avenue, 340'± north of centerline of Ripa Avenue. SP MO East N=298756± E=269413± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.525256°±(N/+) Long=90.277365°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 475.95 FtUS (or) 145.070 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 476.39 FtUS Cut "L" on southwest corner of sidewalk slab just north of pink concrete handicap ramp near southeast corner of #9715 South Broadway Avenue, along the west side of South Broadway Avenue and 24' north of the centerline of Felton Avenue. SP MO East N=299008± E=269418± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.527526°±(N/+) Long=90.277301°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 487.25 FtUS (or) 148.513 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 487.69 FtUS Cut "Cross" on top of northwest bolt in concrete base for old sign (sign removed) situated east of the sidewalk along the east side of South Broadway Avenue near the southwest corner of Phils Tire and Auto Repair at #9520 South Broadway, 110'± south of centerline Etta Ave. SP MO East N=299303± E=269441± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.530183°±(N/+) Long=90.277029°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 20:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 509.40 FtUS (or) 155.265 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 509.84 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of the south end of a 1' wide by 1'± high concrete retaining wall along the back of sidewalk on the west side of South Broadway Avenue in front of #9455 South Broadway, 55'± north of the centerline of West Cartwright Avenue. SP MO East N=299468± E=269423± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.531670°±(N/+) Long=90.277231°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 455.28 FtUS (or) 138.769 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 455.70 FtUS Cut "L" northeast corner of lowest step to entrance of #3810 Bayless Avenue, southwest side of Bayless Avenue between Reed Avenue and Zeiss Avenue. SP MO East N=300684± E=268921± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.542636°±(N/+) Long=90.282955°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 21:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 532.67 FtUS (or) 162.359 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 532.92 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of the bridge wheel guard at #5510 Hunters Ford Road; 0.4 mile south of Main Street. SP MO East N=295861± E=235245± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.499264°±(N/+) Long=90.669155°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 434.60 FtUS (or) 132.466 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 434.80 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-88 situated in a mowed grassy area at the Missouri Conservation Department Allenton Public Fishing Access approximately 30 to 35 feet south of and centered on the rough line of boulder rocks bordering the southern end of the gravel parking lot south of the boat launch ramp; noting that an 18" sycamore situated west of the parking lot bears roughly N55°W 68 feet from the mark. All original reference ties from the 1991 DNR datasheet appear to be gone. <NGS PID="AA8729", Designation="SL 88"> SP MO East N=293012.4± E=235997.2± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.473613°±(N/+) Long=90.660474°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 462.85 FtUS (or) 141.077 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 463.10 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-89 1992 Disk is located along the north side of Highway 66 (Business Loop Hwy I-44); 260' west of Hill View Road and 32' north of the centerline of Highway 66. <NGS PID="AA8730", Designation="SL 89"> SP MO East N=294173.2± E=232210.7± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.484003°±(N/+) Long=90.703898°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 433.74 FtUS (or) 132.204 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 433.94 FtUS Aluminum tablet stamped "21-23" and set in the west end of the south headwall of St Louis County Bridge #301, roughly 2.4 miles south of Eureka and Allenton Road (also known as West Main Street in Allenton) along Hunters Ford Road. Benchmark is approximately 130 feet west of the entrance to the Missouri Department of Conservation Allenton Access Area for public fishing and boat launch on the Meramec River. SP MO East N=293050± E=235864± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.473949°±(N/+) Long=90.662002°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 21:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 483.75 FtUS RM 180 FEMA PANEL 331; U.S.C. and G.S. Monument number TT 57 L 1930 483, brass cap removed, pin set in concrete at the northwest end of the northeast abutment to the St Louis San Francisco Railroad Bridge (Burlington Northern Railroad Bridge) #30-6 over Fox Creek; roughly 18 feet northwest of the northwest rail and 1 foot below the level of the track. [Elevations are as reported by NGS Datasheet, and may have assumed the cap was in place. This benchmark is unlikely ever to be tied by differential leveling to the Saint Louis County benchmark system, because access is difficult either along or crossing railroad tracks, and because it is described by others as disturbed.] [This is prior BM 16138 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 21.] <NGS PID="JC0349", Designation="TT 57 L"> SP MO East N=295895± E=233674± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.499543°±(N/+) Long=90.687166°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 451.69 FtUS (or) 137.674 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 451.90 FtUS Cut "U" on west curb of Central Avenue bridge #A2954, 5.6' south of north end of bridge, approximately 340' south of Intersection of Central Avenue with Eureka Road (a.k.a. Old Towne Road). [This is prior BM 22003 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 21.] SP MO East N=295824± E=238818± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.498983°±(N/+) Long=90.628192°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 453.43 FtUS (or) 138.206 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 453.65 FtUS Cut "L" on southwest corner of base for flag pole at National City Bank on the northeast corner of Highway W and Augustine Road. [This is prior BM 22004 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 21.] SP MO East N=295726± E=238950± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.498101°±(N/+) Long=90.626678°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 21:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(Adopt NGS) Elev = 466.28 FtUS (or) 142.121 Meter <NAVD88 ORTHO HEIGHT per NGS datasheet as of 04/15/2014> NGVD29 Elev = 466.52 FtUS Standard U.S. Geological Survey Bench Mark brass tablet stamped "466 Feet" and set vertically on the third of three buildings joined by party walls east of the northeast corner of the intersection of St Louis Street and First Street in the City of Pacific, Franklin County, Missouri, at the southeast corner of a two-storied brick building addressed as #109 St Louis Street, set vertically with screws on the south face of a cast iron strip along the south side of the building, 78.8 feet east of the east curb of First Street, 12 feet north of the north curb of St Louis Street, 1.6 feet west of the southeast corner of the building and 0.8 foot above the level of the sidewalk. [This mark is physically in Franklin County.] <NGS PID="JC0400", Designation="C=466"> SP MO East N=293978± E=228971± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.482174°±(N/+) Long=90.741024°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 463.39 FtUS (or) 141.242 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 463.64 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-89A situated in a grassy area northwest of Highway 66 Business Loop and southeast of a parking lot at the Missouri Eastern Correctional Center 600 feet more or less northeast of the center of entrance road to prison; roughly 37 feet northwest of the centerline of Highway 66 Business Loop, 41 feet east of a pin oak, and 19 feet southeast of a metal post for sign stating "STATE PRISON PROPERTY NO TRASPASSING". <NGS PID="AA8730", Designation="Accessory to SL 89"> SP MO East N=294636± E=232577± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.488180°±(N/+) Long=90.699711°±(W/-)
NAVD88(Adopt NGS) Elev = 462.97 FtUS (or) 141.115 Meter <NAVD88 ORTHO HEIGHT per NGS datasheet as of 04/15/2014> NGVD29 Elev = 463.23 FtUS Standard U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey tablet stamped "Z 311 1969" with no magnetic material set in the top northeast end of the southeastern headwall of an 18 foot box culvert for a creek passing under Highway 66 Business Loop 250 feet more or less northeast of the intersection of Highway 66 with Hill View Drive; roughly 28 feet southeast of the centerline of Highway 66 Business Loop and one foot southwest of the northeast end of headwall. <NGS PID="JC0353", Designation="Z 311"> SP MO East N=294282.5± E=232321.2± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.484990°±(N/+) Long=90.702634°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 21:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 462.09 FtUS (or) 140.846 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 462.35 FtUS Cut square centered in the top of a 5'x1' concrete headwall at the northwest end of a culvert under Highway 66 Business Loop approximately 1500 feet southwest along Highway 66 Business Loop form the intersection with Hill View Drive; roughly 30 feet northwest of the centerline of Highway 66 Business Loop, and 165 feet southwest of the center of a gravel driveway leading to an Ameren UE facility addressed as #18857 U.S. Highway 66. SP MO East N=293908± E=231948± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.481609°±(N/+) Long=90.706902°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 457.20 FtUS (or) 139.356 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 457.45 FtUS Cut square centered in the top of a 25'x1' concrete headwall at the north end of a double box culvert for Clear Creek under Highway 66 Business Loop, roughly 35 feet north of the centerline of Highway 66 and behind a metal guard rail along the north edge of asphalt shoulder, 150 feet more or less west of the gravel driveway to house addressed as #19041 U.S. Highway 66. SP MO East N=293850± E=231153± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.481070°±(N/+) Long=90.716012°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 479.83 FtUS (or) 146.252 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 480.03 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-88A situated in the south edge of the lawn for #18149 Sheerin Road, and generally south of the western edge of the house at that address; roughly 9.5 feet north of the centerline of Sheerin Road, 20 feet more or less northwest of a newer utility pole situated south of Sheerin Road, and 30 feet east of the northerly prolongation of the center of eastern gravel driveway to a residence situated south of Sheerin Road addressed as #18160 Sheerin Road. <NGS PID="AA8729", Designation="Accessory to SL 88"> SP MO East N=292166± E=235598± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.465981°±(N/+) Long=90.665032°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 22:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
[Republished as BM 17149 in Chapter 17.]
[Republished as BM 17155 in Chapter 17.]
[Republished as BM 21025 in Chapter 21.]
[Republished as BM 21026 in Chapter 21.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 446.92 FtUS (or) 136.221 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 447.15 FtUS Cut "U" 11.3' South of the South edge of pavement for Augustine Road on east edge of approach to bridge for driveway to Eureka Bible Church #86 Augustine Road. SP MO East N=295699± E=239367± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.497863°±(N/+) Long=90.621897°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 452.29 FtUS (or) 137.857 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 452.52 FtUS Cut Box on centerline of south side of bridge for Augustine Road in front of #208 Augustine Road, approximately 170' west of the centerline of Forest Run Drive. SP MO East N=295552± E=239748± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.496543°±(N/+) Long=90.617527°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 17156 in Chapter 17.]
[Republished as BM 17157 in Chapter 17.]
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 23:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 397.43 FtUS (or) 121.138 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 397.76 FtUS "Sq" on north end of west wall of bridge #514 along Meramec Bottom Road 0.6 miles south from Tesson Ferry Road. SP MO East N=291551± E=258175± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.460519°±(N/+) Long=90.406330°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 400.33 FtUS "Spike" in a power pole; 15' north of the centerline of Butler Hill Road and 0.6 mile north of Tesson Ferry Bridge over the Meramec River. SP MO East N=292790± E=257539± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.471687°±(N/+) Long=90.413604°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 403.38 FtUS "Spike" in a 32" Cottonwood tree; 20' east of the centerline of Butler Hill Road and 0.2 mile north of the centerline of Tonkins Drive. SP MO East N=293592± E=257593± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.478912°±(N/+) Long=90.412977°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 542.00 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of the approach slab to the driveway at house #5504; 18' south of the centerline of Butler Hill Road and 10' west of the centerline of the driveway. SP MO East N=293807± E=258780± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.480838°±(N/+) Long=90.399370°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 422.39 FtUS (or) 128.745 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 422.72 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-87 and situated slightly below ground level within a 5" PVC pipe accessed by opening an aluminum cap, in a grassy area just north of the asphalt shoulder along the north side of Tesson Ferry Road west of the Butler Hill Road exit and entrance ramp from westbound Tesson Ferry Road; 120 feet east of the south leg of the Highway 141 exit sign, 33 feet south of the centerline of the Butler Hill Road ramp and 35 feet north of the centerline of Tesson Ferry Road. <NGS PID="AA8728", Designation="SL 87"> SP MO East N=291857.0± E=257625.2± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.463281°±(N/+) Long=90.412626°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 541.32 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of concrete stoop of house #10354 Bauer Road. [This is prior BM 24050 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 23.] SP MO East N=295418± E=258941± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.495350°±(N/+) Long=90.397504°±(W/-) Page 2 of 3
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 23:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 520.09 FtUS "L" on southeast corner of retaining wall on north side of driveway at #10385 Bauer Road. [This is prior BM 24052 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 23.] SP MO East N=295348± E=258845± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.494721°±(N/+) Long=90.398605°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 433.31 FtUS (or) 132.072 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 433.64 FtUS Cut "U" on top of the concrete base for the easternmost of two flagpoles in front of the brick building and east of the asphalt parking lot at the George M. Khoury Memorial Park athletic fields addressed as #5400 Meramec Bottom Road and generally located south of Meramec Bottoms Road opposite the intersection with Hageman Road from the north; roughly 45 feet south of the centerline of Meramec Bottom Road, and 75 feet east of the centerline projected of Hageman Road. SP MO East N=291903± E=258914± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.463683°±(N/+) Long=90.397858°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 425.95 FtUS (or) 129.830 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 426.28 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwestern top corner of the eastern bridge abutment of Missouri Highway 21 bridge over the Meramec River. The benchmark is reached by starting near the northeastern corner of the bridge and north of the metal guard rail and concrete barrier wall along the north side of the westbound lanes of Highway 21, also known as Tesson Ferry Road. Then proceed west along the top of the old concrete bridge abutment to the northwest corner roughly opposite the expansion joint in the bridge deck. SP MO East N=291841± E=257531± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.463138°±(N/+) Long=90.413706°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 532.81 FtUS (or) 162.401 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 533.14 FtUS Cut "L" on the top southwest corner of the concrete base of a raised metal traffic signal control box situated northeast of a four way signalized intersection of Tesson Ferry Road with Duchesne Park Drive from the west and with realigned Hageman Road from the east; and being near the southwest corner of a large grassy island bounded on the west by Tesson Ferry Road, bounded on the east by original Hageman Road, and bounded on the south by relocated Hageman Road. The benchmark is roughly 33 feet north of the double yellow line in the center of relocated Hageman Road, and 50 feet more or less east of the center of Tesson Ferry Road. SP MO East N=292985± E=258813± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.473432°±(N/+) Long=90.399002°±(W/-) Page 3 of 3
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 24:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 433.19 FtUS (or) 132.038 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 433.57 FtUS RM 182 FEMA PANEL 405; "Standard Tablet" stamped 19 GEU 1975 set in northeast wingwall of north end of bridge #522, along Ringer Road at Mattese Creek crossing. SP MO East N=294108± E=263878± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.483485°±(N/+) Long=90.340934°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 514.86 FtUS (or) 156.930 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 515.22 FtUS "Standard Tablet" stamped 83-75 S.L.C. set in east end of south headwall; 138' west and 23' south of intersection of Yaeger Road and Edelweiss Lane. SP MO East N=293474± E=266658± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.477726°±(N/+) Long=90.309086°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 577.05 FtUS "L" southwest corner of concrete walk 2' east of east end of an 8' brick wall near northeast corner Melville Baptist Church; 250' north of Barracks View Drive. SP MO East N=295800± E=266765± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.498679°±(N/+) Long=90.307804°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 505.71 FtUS (or) 154.142 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 506.11 FtUS RM 192 FEMA PANEL 410; "L" on southeast corner of concrete step at front entrance to #505 Forder Road. SP MO East N=294700± E=266565± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.488773°±(N/+) Long=90.310123°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 588.48 FtUS (or) 179.368 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 588.81 FtUS Found "L" on the concrete curb forming the southeast edge of walk along the southeast or front face of the Trautwein School addressed as #5011 Ambs Road; 5.6 feet southeast of the easternmost building corner in the prolongation of the northeast wall of the school building, and roughly 20 feet south of a bollard protecting the easternmost corner of a fence around the building air conditioners. SP MO East N=295287± E=261524± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.494140°±(N/+) Long=90.367896°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 569.41 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of catch basin; 26' north of centerline of Homeward Lane and 24' east of centerline of Starlit Drive. SP MO East N=293405± E=262957± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.477166°±(N/+) Long=90.351503°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 24:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 566.24 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of catch basin; 11' south of centerline of Homeward Lane and 642' east of Starlit Drive. SP MO East N=293390± E=263147± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.477028°±(N/+) Long=90.349326°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 574.43 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of catch basin; 10' south of centerline of Homeward Lane and 1360' east of Starlit Drive. SP MO East N=293201± E=263096± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.475326°±(N/+) Long=90.349914°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 586.65 FtUS (or) 178.812 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 587.00 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of concrete driveway at #2500 Pioneer Drive; 24' south of centerline of Pioneer Drive and 68' west of centerline of Telegraph Road. SP MO East N=291727± E=266906± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.461982°±(N/+) Long=90.306286°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 572.99 FtUS (or) 174.649 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 573.42 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of flower bed wall at west side of house #6534; 100' south of Telegraph and 35' east of Denacres Drive. SP MO East N=289917± E=266336± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.445686°±(N/+) Long=90.312859°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 626.48 FtUS "Sq" on north end of east headwall along Bauer Road; 0.1 mile southwest from Highway 21 and 12' east of centerline Bauer Road. (Top of headwall spalled off) SP MO East N=295806± E=260248± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.498832°±(N/+) Long=90.382515°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 23012 in Chapter 23.]
[Republished as BM 23013 in Chapter 23.]
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 636.80 FtUS (or) 194.098 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 637.13 FtUS Found "L" on the top northeast corner of a concrete headwall; 93 feet north of centerline of Butler Hill Road and 44 feet east of centerline of Highway 21 (also known as Tesson Ferry Road). SP MO East N=295427± E=260351± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.495416°±(N/+) Long=90.381340°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 24:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 549.69 FtUS "Sq" on concrete curb at centerline of New England Town Road and 25' west of centerline of Cliff Cave Road. SP MO East N=291935± E=268125± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.463832°±(N/+) Long=90.292313°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 622.97 FtUS (or) 189.881 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 623.30 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of concrete porch slab at rear entrance to garage on the east side of residence at #5200 Faro Drive; roughly 63 feet south of the centerline of Butler Hill Road and 86 feet east of the centerline of Faro Drive. SP MO East N=295199± E=260808± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.493357°±(N/+) Long=90.376105°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 565.49 FtUS (or) 172.362 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 565.83 FtUS Square on the northernmost corner of concrete slab for carport at #4364 Butler Hill Road; roughly 66 feet south of the centerline of Butler Hill Road and 91 feet west of the centerline of Butler Hill Estates Drive. SP MO East N=294334± E=262151± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.485546°±(N/+) Long=90.360725°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 526.93 FtUS (or) 160.608 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 527.22 FtUS "L" on northwest corner of first concrete step at entrance to #4204 Robert Koch Hospital Road; 36' west of centerline of Oakwood Lane projected and 77' south of centerline of Robert Koch Hospital Road. SP MO East N=294311± E=267869± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.485243°±(N/+) Long=90.295185°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 467.17 FtUS (or) 142.395 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 467.53 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of sidewalk at the end of a private walk leading to the north side of the Villa apartments; 48' west of centerline of Telegraph Road and 150' south of Forder Road. SP MO East N=294264± E=267058± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.484835°±(N/+) Long=90.304482°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 24:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 406.18 FtUS (or) 123.803 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 406.51 FtUS RM 187 FEMA PANEL 385; Square in the center top of the southwest wingwall on bridge number 507 for Meramec Bottom Road over Butler Hill Creek; 0.4 miles southwest along Meramec Bottom Road from Kerth Road, and roughly 14 feet west of the centerline of Meramec Bottom Road. SP MO East N=291524± E=260279± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.460254°±(N/+) Long=90.382223°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 409.00 FtUS (or) 124.663 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 409.34 FtUS Square on surviving southeast wingwall of former bridge number 508 for Hawkins Road over a small tributary of the Meramec River approximately 0.1 mile south of Meramec Bottom Road. The former bridge has been replaced by a large corrugated metal pipe culvert, but the old concrete wingwalls remain as of February 2014. SP MO East N=291614± E=261413± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.461051°±(N/+) Long=90.369228°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 409.86 FtUS (or) 124.927 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 410.19 FtUS "Sq" in center of southeast wingwall of bridge #510; 14' south of centerline of [old] Meramec Bottom Road and 0.2 mile west of Lemay Ferry Road. SP MO East N=291802± E=262031± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.462737°±(N/+) Long=90.362143°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 496.13 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of main unit of inlet; 12' west of the centerline of Kerth and 175' south of Lilac Ridge Lane. SP MO East N=292895± E=261089± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.472596°±(N/+) Long=90.372920°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 600.74 FtUS "Sq" at end of and on centerline of 26' wide concrete pavement of Ferbet Estates Drive; 52' east of centerline of Kerth Road. SP MO East N=294100± E=261476± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.483447°±(N/+) Long=90.368465°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 561.69 FtUS "U" on curb 4' from east end; 10' north of centerline of Gladwood Drive and 40' west of centerline of Milburn. SP MO East N=293819± E=265711± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.480851°±(N/+) Long=90.319931°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 24:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 557.08 FtUS "U" in curb rounding of median on centerline of Flameglow Drive and 25' east of centerline of Milburn Drive. SP MO East N=294069± E=265733± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.483103°±(N/+) Long=90.319674°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 582.94 FtUS "Sq" in center of concrete cap of ornamental entrance; 29' south of centerline of Flamewood Drive and 48' east of centerline of Milburn Road. SP MO East N=294528± E=265745± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.487238°±(N/+) Long=90.319526°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 555.88 FtUS "L" in concrete sidewalk at driveway of #5216 Nichols Court; 300' north of Gladwood and 96' north east of centerline of cul de sac of Nichols Court. SP MO East N=293911± E=265602± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.481682°±(N/+) Long=90.321179°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 541.42 FtUS "No Mark" on northeast corner of bottom of first triangular concrete step at front entrance to #2948 Gladwood Drive; 0.2 mile west of Milburn Road and 55' south of centerline of Gladwood Drive. SP MO East N=293852± E=265496± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.481152°±(N/+) Long=90.322395°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 414.84 FtUS "L" on southwest wingwall of bridge #519; 0.3 mile south of Patterson Road on Yaeger Road. SP MO East N=293111± E=265003± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.474485°±(N/+) Long=90.328061°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 432.35 FtUS "L" on southeast wingwall of railroad bridge; 0.5 mile south of Patterson Road on Yeager Road. SP MO East N=292899± E=264925± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.472576°±(N/+) Long=90.328960°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 440.37 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of porch at driveway to house #3561 Yaeger Road. SP MO East N=292851± E=264712± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.472147°±(N/+) Long=90.331401°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 24:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 573.71 FtUS "L" on southwest corner of front porch of house #3771 Yaeger Road. SP MO East N=292717± E=263987± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.470952°±(N/+) Long=90.339713°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 548.34 FtUS "L" on northeast corner of porch slab at front entrance to #4146 Yaeger Road; 0.1 mile south of Ringer Road and 66' west of centerline of Yaeger Road. SP MO East N=293506± E=263659± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.478065°±(N/+) Long=90.343456°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 570.70 FtUS (or) 173.951 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 571.03 FtUS "Sq" in the concrete base for a 4" iron pipe 6.5' high; 21' west of the centerline of Heintz Road at Erb Road. SP MO East N=290826± E=265267± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.453894°±(N/+) Long=90.325085°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 416.69 FtUS (or) 127.007 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 417.05 FtUS "Sq" in the center of the northwest wingwall of bridge #513; 17' west of the centerline of Heintz Road and 350' south of Baumgartner Road. SP MO East N=291938± E=265300± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.463912°±(N/+) Long=90.324683°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 426.56 FtUS (or) 130.017 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 426.91 FtUS "L" in the northeast corner of a concrete headwall; 24' east of the centerline of New Baumgartner Road and 230' north of Blackforest Drive. SP MO East N=292479± E=265767± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.468778°±(N/+) Long=90.319320°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 556.40 FtUS "L" on the southwest corner of a concrete headwall; 22' north of the centerline of Erb Road and 20' east of the centerline of Sean Parkway. SP MO East N=290635± E=265642± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.452167°±(N/+) Long=90.320793°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 568.20 FtUS "No Mark" top of a small concrete headwall of a pipe culvert; 15' east of centerline of Erb Road and 35' south of the centerline of Claymont Drive. SP MO East N=290907± E=265802± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.454615°±(N/+) Long=90.318954°±(W/-) Page 7 of 33
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 24:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 423.33 FtUS (or) 129.030 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 423.65 FtUS "U" on the top north edge of the most easterly concrete base of an elrctric transmission tower; 35 feet west of the centerline of Wells Road and 320 feet south of Hollow Wood Court. SP MO East N=292214± E=259832± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.466476°±(N/+) Long=90.387335°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 462.18 FtUS (or) 140.872 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 462.56 FtUS "L" in the northwest corner of the west curb at bridge #518; 50' north of the centerline of Windleigh Place and 20' west of the centerline of Wells Road. SP MO East N=292882± E=260124± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.472490°±(N/+) Long=90.383979°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 558.66 FtUS (or) 170.279 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 559.03 FtUS "L" on top of a 3" curb at the end of rounding on the southwest corner of Ringer and Patterson Roads; 20' south of the centerline of Ringer Road and 45' west of the centerline of Patterson Road. SP MO East N=294516± E=264496± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.487151°±(N/+) Long=90.333842°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 575.94 FtUS (or) 175.546 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 576.25 FtUS "U" on top of curb in the median at the centerline of Crosswood Drive 25' south of the centerline of Ringer Road. SP MO East N=294606± E=265477± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.487945°±(N/+) Long=90.322596°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 567.92 FtUS "Sq" on the concrete base for left turn mirrors; 30' north of the centerline of Ringer Road and 25' east of the centerline of Sajakeed Drive. SP MO East N=295373± E=265906± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.494848°±(N/+) Long=90.317661°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 590.91 FtUS (or) 180.111 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 591.33 FtUS "Sq" on top of the concrete curb in the median of Bee Tree Lane 20' east of the centerline of Becker Road. SP MO East N=288573± E=265240± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.433597°±(N/+) Long=90.325444°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 24:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NGVD29 Elev = 471.67 FtUS "No Mark" the east end of a 12" CP at the driveway to house #7864 Becker Road; 12' south of the centerline. SP MO East N=286115± E=264491± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.411465°±(N/+) Long=90.334073°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 611.62 FtUS (or) 186.422 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 612.01 FtUS "L" on the top of a 3" curb; 12' south of the centerline of Grimsley Station Road and 53' east of the centerline of Christopher Drive. SP MO East N=290293± E=266922± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.449063°±(N/+) Long=90.306137°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 606.80 FtUS (or) 184.952 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 607.22 FtUS "Sq" on the center of a concrete headwall; 18' west of the centerline of Christopher Drive and 0.4 mile south of Telegraph Road. SP MO East N=289876± E=266893± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.445306°±(N/+) Long=90.306479°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 595.62 FtUS (or) 181.545 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 595.99 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of concrete capstone of brick pillar on the north side of driveway to house #6944 Christopher Drive; roughly 18 feet east of the centerline of Christopher Drive and 150 feet south of the centerline of Bluffwoods Drive. SP MO East N=288577± E=267017± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.433601°±(N/+) Long=90.305090°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 593.08 FtUS (or) 180.770 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 593.45 FtUS "Sq" on the center of a rock headwall on the west side of Christopher Drive and north of the driveway to a residence addressed as #2505 Brush Creek Road; roughly 18 feet west of the centerline of Christopher Drive and 120 feet more or less north of the centerline of Brush Creek Road. SP MO East N=287985± E=266718± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.428273°±(N/+) Long=90.308529°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 574.66 FtUS (or) 175.156 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 575.02 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of a 6'x 16' concrete slab 35' south of the entrance to White House Retreat; #7400 Christopher Drive 20' east of the centerline. SP MO East N=287484± E=266289± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.423768°±(N/+) Long=90.313454°±(W/-) Page 9 of 33
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 24:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 581.91 FtUS (or) 177.368 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 582.30 FtUS "Sq" in the center of the east end of a 3' high concrete block wall; 90' west of the centerline of Becker Road and 60' north of the centerline of Christopher Drive. (Assume Becker Road runs north and south) SP MO East N=286907± E=265185± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.418589°±(N/+) Long=90.326110°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 597.08 FtUS (or) 181.989 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 597.45 FtUS "L" on the first step of the sidewalk from the driveway to the house #103; at the intersection of Susan Road and Telegraph Road. SP MO East N=290775± E=266951± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.453405°±(N/+) Long=90.305793°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 588.15 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of the concrete driveway to #205 Susan Road; 0.3 mile east of Telegraph Road. SP MO East N=290812± E=267306± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.453731°±(N/+) Long=90.301725°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 422.13 FtUS "Bolt" top of bolt on the southwest corner of a railroad signal base; at the northeast quadrant of Cliff Cave Road and the Missouri Pacific Railroad tracks. SP MO East N=291492± E=268461± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.459834°±(N/+) Long=90.288474°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 546.65 FtUS (or) 166.620 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 547.00 FtUS "L" on the northeast corner of the step to main entrance Oakville Senior High School; 245' west of Milburn Road. SP MO East N=292873± E=265644± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.472330°±(N/+) Long=90.320720°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 531.81 FtUS "L" on the southeast corner of a concrete retaining wall; 40' north of the centerline of Butler Hill Road and 145' east of the centerline of Hageman Road. SP MO East N=293720± E=258990± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.480052°±(N/+) Long=90.396964°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 24:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 576.10 FtUS (or) 175.597 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 576.49 FtUS "Cross" on the south end of a headwall of a box culvert; 60' east of the centerline of Tesson Ferry Road and 300' south of Wells Road. SP MO East N=293925± E=259906± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.481889°±(N/+) Long=90.386463°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 552.18 FtUS (or) 168.304 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 552.50 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-80 1991 Disk is set along the north side of Robert Wood Road 252' west of the centerline of Baur Road; 12' north of the centerline of Robert Wood Road and 10' south of the centerline of asphalt drive for Elks Lodge #2503. <NGS PID="AA8721", Designation="SL 80"> SP MO East N=295605.2± E=259003.7± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.497036°±(N/+) Long=90.396783°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 545.68 FtUS (or) 166.323 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 545.99 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-83 1991 Disk is along the west side of Milburn Road in front of the Oakville Senior High school parking lot; 16' west of the centerline of Milburn Road and 44' south of the centerline at north entrance to parking lot. <NGS PID="AA8724", Designation="SL 83"> SP MO East N=292918.7± E=265713.5± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.472740°±(N/+) Long=90.319923°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 580.73 FtUS (or) 177.007 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 581.11 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-85 1991 Disk is set along the west side of Finestown Avenue 28' north of the centerline of driveway for #2972; 25' west of the centerline of Finestown Avenue and 59' south of the centerline of Becker Road. <NGS PID="AA8726", Designation="SL 85"> SP MO East N=286531.6± E=265134.6± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.415208°±(N/+) Long=90.326695°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 442.03 FtUS (or) 134.731 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 442.37 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-86 1992 Disk is set on the east side of the northbound Hwy I-55 off ramp at Meramec Bottom Road; 62' south of a yield sign and 2' west of the right-of-way fence. <NGS PID="AA8727", Designation="SL 86"> SP MO East N=291637.5± E=261082.7± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.461267°±(N/+) Long=90.373012°±(W/-) Page 11 of 33
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 24:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 636.71 FtUS (or) 194.069 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 637.03 FtUS "Sq" on an island at the intersection of Tesson Ferry Road and Bauer Road; 54' from the centerline of Tesson Ferry Road and 33' from the centerline of Bauer Road. SP MO East N=295822± E=260364± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.498975°±(N/+) Long=90.381185°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 639.15 FtUS (or) 194.812 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 639.47 FtUS "L" on the northwest corner of the original concrete base for a traffic signal control box; roughly 85 feet north of the centerline of Butler Hill Road and 62 feet east of the centerline of Tesson Ferry Road. In January 2014, the concrete base had been enlarged around the original base, but the original mark was still visible and accessible. SP MO East N=295419± E=260350± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.495344°±(N/+) Long=90.381352°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 423.23 FtUS (or) 129.000 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 423.61 FtUS RM 188 FEMA PANEL 385; Chiseled square in east end of concrete pavement at centerline of Susan Way Court, south of Wells Road box culvert for Butler Hill Creek. SP MO East N=292098± E=259787± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.465431°±(N/+) Long=90.387852°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 422.10 FtUS RM 190 FEMA PANEL 410; Chiseled square on northwest corner of north headwall of Interstate 270 concrete box culvert for Jefferson Barracks Creek. SP MO East N=295024± E=268128± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.491661°±(N/+) Long=90.292198°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 489.48 FtUS RM 186 FEMA PANEL 405; "U" on top of curb at east end of traffic island at intersection of Karamar Drive and Kerth Road. SP MO East N=293073± E=261131± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.474199°±(N/+) Long=90.372436°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 513.18 FtUS (or) 156.418 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 513.48 FtUS "U" on the east side of concrete base of commercial sign at #4451-4455 Telegraph Road. SP MO East N=294018± E=267042± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.482619°±(N/+) Long=90.304672°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 24:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 542.53 FtUS (or) 165.364 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 542.91 FtUS "U" on the west side of a traffic signal base on the island at the northwest corner of Telegraph Road and Yaeger Road. SP MO East N=293480± E=267053± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.477772°±(N/+) Long=90.304559°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 456.64 FtUS (or) 139.183 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 456.95 FtUS “SQ” on top of south end of concrete barrier wall on bridge, east side of Lemay Ferry Road, 80' south of the centerline of creek, 128' north of the centerline of Mattis Road extended to the east. SP MO East N=295326± E=263576± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.494463°±(N/+) Long=90.344372°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 425.39 FtUS (or) 129.659 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 425.80 FtUS Found "Square" on northeast wing wall of bridge along Sunrise Heights Drive south of Kinswood Lane, 139' south of centerline Kinswood Lane and 17' east of centerline Sunrise Heights Drive. SP MO East N=294941± E=268058± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.490915°±(N/+) Long=90.293003°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 428.49 FtUS (or) 130.605 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 428.91 FtUS Found "L" on northeast corner of north end of east barrier wall of bridge along Sunrise Heights Drive south of Kinswood Lane, 137' south of centerline Kinswood Lane and 16' east of centerline Sunrise Heights Drive. SP MO East N=294941± E=268057± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.490915°±(N/+) Long=90.293014°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 460.67 FtUS (or) 140.411 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 461.07 FtUS Cut "L" on center of concrete driveway to #412 Kinswood Lane roughly 0.35 miles east of Telegraph Road along the south side of Kinswood Lane, 33' south of the centerline of Kinswood Lane. SP MO East N=295154± E=267648± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.492842°±(N/+) Long=90.297697°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 24:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 486.47 FtUS (or) 148.275 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 486.87 FtUS Cut "Square" on irregular shaped 6'x8' limestone rock exposed in surface of grass lawn roughly 0.25 miles east of Telegraph Road along the south side of Kinswood Lane , 28' south of centerline Kinswood Lane and 26' east of centerline asphalt drive to #434 Kinswood Lane. SP MO East N=295180± E=267513± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.493079°±(N/+) Long=90.299244°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 521.06 FtUS (or) 158.820 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 521.46 FtUS Cut "U" in centerline west end of small traffic island for traffic signal within the westbound lanes of Kinswood Lane and east of Telegraph Road, 29' north of centerline Kinswood Lane and 64' east of centerline Telegraph Road. SP MO East N=295081± E=267169± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.492194°±(N/+) Long=90.303190°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 516.31 FtUS (or) 157.372 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 516.71 FtUS Found "Square" on top of the east barrier wall of MoDOT bridge #A7399 for Telegraph Road over I-270 near the north end of the barrier wall. SP MO East N=295408± E=267307± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.495137°±(N/+) Long=90.301600°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 532.63 FtUS (or) 162.347 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 533.03 FtUS Cut "L" on northwest corner of small square traffic island containing base for traffic signal in northeast quadrant of the intersection of Telegraph Road with Barracksview Road, 46'± north of centerline Barracksview Road and 24'± east of double yellow stripe in Telegraph Road. SP MO East N=295665± E=267412± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.497450°±(N/+) Long=90.300390°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 526.59 FtUS (or) 160.505 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 526.99 FtUS Cut "L" on top of curb in the east curb line of Telegraph Road at the north end of the curb rounding 20'± north of the centerline of Alpen Rose Court and 40'± south of the building at #3138 Telegraph Road. SP MO East N=295843± E=267486± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.499052°±(N/+) Long=90.299537°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 24:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 439.06 FtUS (or) 133.827 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 439.49 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-82A 1991 Disk is on the east side of Koch Road 160' south of the eastbound I-255 overpass of Koch Road; 58.9' northeast of center line of northbound Koch Road; 24.3' northeast of a 5' diameter concrete culvert; 53.2' southwest of a fire hydrant; 23.0' northeast of a light pole; and 1' northwest of a witness post. <NGS PID="AA8723", Designation="Accessory to SL 82"> SP MO East N=294675± E=268844± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.488502°±(N/+) Long=90.284000°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 441.89 FtUS (or) 134.687 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 442.31 FtUS Cut "L" on corner of concrete slab roughly 0.2 miles west of Koch Road along the south side of Kinswood Lane, 30' southwest of centerline Kinswood Lane, 19' southeast of centerline exit drive from Gateway III Accessible Housing complex, and 8' east of bus shelter. SP MO East N=294681± E=268602± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.488561°±(N/+) Long=90.286774°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 581.47 FtUS (or) 177.232 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 581.80 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-81 1991 Disk is set along the west side of Mattis Road in front of and between houses #4628 and #4640 Mattis Road; 22 feet west of the centerline of Mattis Road and 31 feet north of the centerline of the driveway to #4628 Mattis Road. Approximately 1.2 miles southeast of the intersection of Tesson Ferry and Mattis Roads. [This is prior BM 19441 renumbered because it is physically within Chapter 24.] <NGS PID="AA8722", Designation="SL 81"> SP MO East N=295807.7± E=262307.3± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.498821°±(N/+) Long=90.358907°±(W/-)
NGVD29 Elev = 415.42 FtUS RM 189 FEMA PANEL 410; Chisled square on top of south end of east headwall of Koch Road triple box culvert for Martigney Creek. [This is prior BM 25004 renumbered because it is, or was, within Chapter 24. This benchmark was last published in the 2001 BM book as 25004, and was not restored to the database until 2012. Aerial photos strongly suggest that the described headwall exists, but may be down a significant slope and obscured by brush. If recovered, this benchmark should be verified in relation to other benchmarks.] SP MO East N=294520± E=268885± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.487105°±(N/+) Long=90.283535°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 24:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 499.38 FtUS (or) 152.211 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 499.76 FtUS Cut "Sq" on south side of the concrete base of sign post for Oakville Elks Club; roughly 39 feet south of the centerline of Robert Koch Hospital Road, 41 feet east of Oakville Elks Lane, and 0.16 miles east along Robert Koch Hospital Road from Bordeaux Drive. SP MO East N=294168± E=268347± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.483945°±(N/+) Long=90.289710°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 527.47 FtUS (or) 160.773 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 527.84 FtUS Set railroad spike knee high in the southeast side of utility pole #194336 at the northwest corner of the intersection of Pottle Avenue with Robert Koch Hospital Road; roughly 22 feet northwest of the centerline of Robert Koch Hospital Road, 79 feet northeast of the centerline of Pottle Avenue, and 80 feet southwest of the center lid on a storm inlet along the northwest side of Robert Koch Hospital Road. SP MO East N=293997± E=267526± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.482421°±(N/+) Long=90.299125°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 465.46 FtUS (or) 141.872 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 465.82 FtUS Cut "U" on top southwest edge of the concrete base for traffic signal mast on a traffic island situated northwest of the right turn lane from northbound Telegraph Road onto eastbound Pottle Avenue; roughly 39 feet east of the centerline of Telegraph Road, 35 feet southwest of the centerline of Pottle Avenue, and 18 feet northwest of a sanitary manhole situated in the same traffic island. SP MO East N=294282± E=267088± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.484997°±(N/+) Long=90.304138°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 544.20 FtUS (or) 165.871 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 544.56 FtUS Cut "L" on the top easternmost corner of the concrete base for metal traffic signal control box at the southwest corner of Telegraph Road and Yaeger Road; roughly 51 feet west of the centerline of Telegraph Road, 76 feet south of the centerline of Yaeger Road, and 26 feet northeast of the most northeastern overhead lighting pole for parking lot of True Value hardware store on property addressed as #5405 Telegraph Road. SP MO East N=293449± E=267051± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.477493°±(N/+) Long=90.304582°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 24:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 544.18 FtUS (or) 165.865 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 544.53 FtUS Set railroad spike knee high in the north side of utility pole #3658 southwest of the intersection of Yaeger Road and Mild Drive; roughly 18 feet south of the centerline of Yaeger Road, 32 feet west of the centerline of Mild Drive, and 62 feet northeast of the northeast corner of brick residence addressed as #2742 Yaeger Road. SP MO East N=293483± E=266195± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.477815°±(N/+) Long=90.314392°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 550.15 FtUS (or) 167.686 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 550.51 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-83A situated in the tree lawn roughly 20 feet east of the centerline of Milburn Road, 300 feet more or less south of the centerline of Yaeger Road, 55 feet north of the centerline of asphalt driveway to #5412 Milburn Road, 30 feet south of one utility pole and 16 feet north of a second utility pole. [In July 2012 SL-83A is stable but not quite level. Elevation was observed at the marked triangle and dimple in the center of the disk.] <NGS PID="AA8724", Designation="Accessory to SL 83"> SP MO East N=293406± E=265726± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.477130°±(N/+) Long=90.319769°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 549.84 FtUS (or) 167.592 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 550.20 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of a 10'x24' concrete pad base for ATT telephone boxes roughly 36 feet north of centerline Yaeger Road, 400 feet more or less west of the centerline of Milburn Road, 12 feet northwest of a fire hydrant and 30 feet east of the centerline of the Yaeger Road entrance drive to Oakville Elementary School addressed as #5333 Milburn Road. SP MO East N=293511± E=265598± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.478078°±(N/+) Long=90.321233°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 472.40 FtUS (or) 143.987 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 472.75 FtUS Set railroad spike knee high in the south side of utility pole #3698 northwest of a three way intersection of Yaeger Road to the east and south with Patterson Road to the west, being near the southeast corner of Common Ground platted on "SOUTHVIEW HILLS" (Plat Book 256, Page 95), 500 feet more or less east of the centerline of Southview Hills Court, roughly 18 feet north of the centerline of Patterson Road, 11 feet west of the northerly prolongation of the centerline of Yaeger Road from the south, and 12 feet northeast of a fire hydrant. SP MO East N=293514± E=264902± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.478117°±(N/+) Long=90.329210°±(W/-) Page 17 of 33
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 24:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 510.07 FtUS (or) 155.471 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 510.42 FtUS "O" in OPEN on fire hydrant west of Patterson Road between houses addressed as #5231 and #5227 Patterson Road; roughly 19 feet west of the centerline of Patterson Road, 7 feet north of utility pole #5227, and 86 feet south of the centerline of asphalt driveway to #5227 Patterson Road. SP MO East N=293683± E=264497± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.479646°±(N/+) Long=90.333848°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 487.25 FtUS (or) 148.513 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 487.60 FtUS Cut "U" on top of the east side of round concrete base for school speed limit sign situated along the west side of Patterson Road east of property addressed as #3301 Marbury Drive, roughly 21 feet west of the centerline of Patterson Road and 109 feet north of the centerline of Marbury Drive. SP MO East N=294225± E=264500± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.484529°±(N/+) Long=90.333803°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 562.41 FtUS (or) 171.424 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 562.76 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest corner of the westernmost of two concrete base pads for ATT telephone boxes southeast of the intersection of Ringer Road with Patterson Road from the south and Mehl Avenue from the north; roughly 31 feet south of the centerline of Ringer Road, 57 feet east of the centerline of Patterson Road, and 13 feet southeast of utility pole #272888. SP MO East N=294517± E=264529± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.487159°±(N/+) Long=90.333464°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 454.42 FtUS (or) 138.509 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 454.79 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast corner of the westernmost square concrete base for flashing railroad crossing signal and sign situated west of railroad tracks and south of eastbound Ringer Road, 0.35 miles more or less west of Patterson Road; roughly 20 feet west of the westernmost track and 18 feet south of the centerline of Ringer Road. SP MO East N=294292± E=263991± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.485141°±(N/+) Long=90.339635°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 474.78 FtUS (or) 144.712 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 475.14 FtUS Cut "U" on a natural outcrop of shelf rock that is integrated into the northwest face of a laid stone wall in the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Ringer Road and Yaeger Road at #5410 Ringer Road; roughly 30 feet southeast of the centerline of Ringer Road, 86 feet south of the center of Yaeger Road, and 45 feet northeast of the centerline of driveway for #5410 Ringer Road. SP MO East N=293599± E=263515± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.478905°±(N/+) Long=90.345105°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 564.35 FtUS (or) 172.013 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 564.70 FtUS Set railroad spike knee high in north face of utility pole #5302 on the south side of Ringer Road and 140 feet more or less southeast of the centerline intersection of Ringer Road with Starlit Drive from the south and Regalway Drive from the north, roughly 34 feet south of the centerline of Ringer Road and 23 feet west of the centerline of westernmost driveway at #5490 Ringer Road. SP MO East N=293527± E=262999± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.478264°±(N/+) Long=90.351020°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 583.21 FtUS (or) 177.762 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 583.55 FtUS Cut "L" on the westernmost corner of a square raised concrete commercial sign base (sign and mast have been removed) in the northern part of commercial property addressed as #5310 Lemay Ferry Road; roughly 45 feet southeast of the centerline of Lemay Ferry Road, 45 feet west of the centerline of Ringer Road, and 96 feet north of the northernmost corner of commercial building at #5310 Lemay Ferry Road. SP MO East N=293894± E=262852± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.481573°±(N/+) Long=90.352698°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 583.85 FtUS (or) 177.958 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 584.20 FtUS Cut "U" on the top southeast edge of the round concrete base for MoDOT traffic signal disconnect northwest of the intersection of Lemay Ferry Road and Old Lemay Ferry Road near the easternmost corner of property occupied by the Mehlville Fire Station #7 addressed as #5495 Old Lemay Ferry Road; roughly 65 feet northwest of the centerline of Lemay Ferry Road, 70 feet northeast of the centerline of drive entrance to Mehlville Fire Station #7, and 23 feet southwest of asphalt driveway to #5329 Lemay Ferry Road. SP MO East N=293843± E=262755± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.481114°±(N/+) Long=90.353810°±(W/-) Page 19 of 33
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 24:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 581.29 FtUS (or) 177.178 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 581.63 FtUS Cut "L" on easternmost corner of concrete base for metal traffic signal control box situated west of the intersection of Lemay Ferry Road and Butler Hill Road; roughly 61 feet southwest of the centerline of Butler Hill Road, 85 feet northwest of the centerline of Lemay Ferry Road, and 57 feet northeast of the northeast corner of strip mall commercial building partially addressed as #5153 Lemay Ferry Road. SP MO East N=294319± E=263161± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.485397°±(N/+) Long=90.349148°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 542.98 FtUS (or) 165.502 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 543.31 FtUS Cut "U" on top west edge of round concrete base for the most southwestern parking area light at commercial building addressed as #4850 Lemay Ferry Road; roughly 57 feet east of the centerline of Lemay Ferry Road, 23 feet south of the centerline of driveway entrance to parking lot, and 84 feet southwest of the southwest corner of commercial building at #4850 Lemay Ferry Road. SP MO East N=294820± E=263352± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.489908°±(N/+) Long=90.346949°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 515.33 FtUS (or) 157.073 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 515.68 FtUS "O" in OPEN on fire hydrant situated in the tree lawn northeast of Forder Road and southwest of the sidewalk between the concrete aprons for driveways serving properties addressed as #423 and #435 Forder Road; roughly 22 feet northeast of the centerline of Forder Road, and 70 feet south of the southernmost corner of frame house addressed as #435 Forder Road. SP MO East N=294566± E=266725± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.487562°±(N/+) Long=90.308292°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 492.08 FtUS (or) 149.986 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 492.42 FtUS Cut "L" on the westernmost corner of the concrete cap on top of a free standing brick pillar on the northwest side of the westernmost drive entrance for church addressed as #627 Forder Road; roughly 57 feet northeast of the centerline of Forder Road and 137 feet southeast of the centerline of Hollyshire Drive. SP MO East N=294923± E=266249± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.490787°±(N/+) Long=90.313740°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 497.88 FtUS (or) 151.753 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 498.22 FtUS "O" in OPEN on fire hydrant situated in a grassy slope northeast of the sidewalk along Forder Road and southwest of the fenced back yard for residence addressed as #4308 Forder Terrace Drive; roughly 35 feet northeast of the centerline of Forder Road, 105 feet southeast of the centerline of Forder Terrace Drive, and 18 feet southeast of utility pole #185363. SP MO East N=294970± E=266173± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.491212°±(N/+) Long=90.314610°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 521.27 FtUS (or) 158.882 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 521.60 FtUS Cut "L" on the top northwest corner of the concrete base for metal traffic signal control box northwest of the intersection of Ringer Road and Forder Road; roughly 41 feet west of the centerline of Ringer Road, 94 feet northeast of the centerline of Forder Road, and 38 feet southeast of the southeast corner of residence addressed as #800 Forder Court. SP MO East N=295096± E=265927± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.492352°±(N/+) Long=90.317427°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 552.87 FtUS (or) 168.516 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 553.20 FtUS Found "L" on the southernmost corner of the stone cap on the easternmost end column of stone subdivision entrance monument southeast of Nazareth Hills Drive; roughly 43 feet southwest of the centerline of Forder Road, and 38 feet southeast of the centerline of Nazareth Hills Drive. SP MO East N=295446± E=265493± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.495513°±(N/+) Long=90.322394°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 591.59 FtUS (or) 180.316 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 591.90 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of the lowest concrete step of sidewalk northeast of Forder Road along the southeast side of Chateau De Ville Drive; roughly 33 feet east of the centerline of Chateau De Ville Drive, 9 feet southwest of the westernmost corner of the westernmost white brick column for a small gazebo, and 41 feet more or less northeast of the centerline of Forder Road. SP MO East N=295749± E=265127± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.498249°±(N/+) Long=90.326583°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 559.42 FtUS (or) 170.513 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 559.77 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of the concrete base for brick gate pillar on the eastern side of the easternmost service driveway to Nazareth Living Center, northwest of the intersection of Ringer Road with the northern terminus of Milburn Road; roughly 34 feet north of the centerline of Ringer Road, 19 feet west of the northerly prolongation of the centerline of Milburn Road, and 15 feet east of the centerline of service drive. SP MO East N=294670± E=265727± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.488518°±(N/+) Long=90.319729°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 547.14 FtUS (or) 166.769 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 547.49 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest corner of a 7'x17' concrete water vault situated in a grassy area south of Ringer Road and east of the easternmost drive entrance to the St Margaret Mary Alacoque Catholic Church and school property addressed as #4900 Ringer Road; roughly 43 feet south of the centerline of Ringer Road, 62 feet east of the centerline of easternmost asphalt driveway, and 260 feet more or less west of the centerline of Southridge Park Drive. SP MO East N=294497± E=264926± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.486973°±(N/+) Long=90.328914°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 562.70 FtUS (or) 171.510 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 563.03 FtUS Cut "U" on top east bull nose end of median island in the centerline of Melbrook Drive west of Mehl Avenue and 0.3 miles more or less north of Ringer Road; roughly 27 feet west of the centerline of Mehl Road, 6 feet east of the east end of subdivision entrance monument, 51 feet south of a fire hydrant, and 31 feet northeast of a street lamp post. SP MO East N=294995± E=264497± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.491466°±(N/+) Long=90.333821°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 510.61 FtUS (or) 155.634 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 510.93 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast top corner of the north end of the curb or curb wall along the East side of Mehl Avenue where Mehl Avenue crosses a small ravine near the southwest corner of property addressed as #3258 Hilvin Drive; roughly 19 feet east of the centerline of Mehl Avenue, and 150 feet south of the centerline of Hilvin Drive. SP MO East N=295334± E=264515± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.494520°±(N/+) Long=90.333608°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 553.61 FtUS (or) 168.741 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 553.92 FtUS Cut "L" on the easternmost corner of a 5'x5' utility vault situated in the tree lawn southeast of Lemay Ferry Road, northwest of the sidewalk, northeast of Mehl Avenue and west of the Old Navy store addressed as #4498 Lemay Ferry Road; roughly 47 feet southeast of the centerline of Lemay Ferry Road, 118 feet northeast of the centerline of Mehl Avenue, 60 feet northeast of a fire hydrant, and 120 feet more or less northwest of the westernmost corner of Old Navy store. SP MO East N=295892± E=264433± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.499549°±(N/+) Long=90.334536°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 598.78 FtUS (or) 182.510 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 599.15 FtUS Cut square in the top northeastern edge of a 4.5'x6' flush type MoDOT traffic signal vault situated in a grassy area southwest of the right turn lane from eastbound Baumgartner Road onto southbound Telegraph Road, and southeast of a sidewalk; roughly 52 feet east of a metal pole for Burger King sign, 13 feet northeast of the center of a raised metal traffic signal control box, and 39 feet southwest of a metal traffic signal mast on a traffic island. SP MO East N=292630± E=266997± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.470116°±(N/+) Long=90.305221°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 570.78 FtUS (or) 173.975 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 571.15 FtUS Cut "U" on the west side of a round concrete base for electric meters on metal posts situated northwest of the intersection of Telegraph Road and Erb Road; roughly 40 feet southeast of the southeast corner of a lighted digital information sign for the Walgreens at #6071 Telegraph Road, 11 feet south of a fire hydrant, and 101 feet more or less north of the double yellow stripe in the center of Erb Road. SP MO East N=291044± E=266888± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.455829°±(N/+) Long=90.306508°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 592.32 FtUS (or) 180.541 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 592.69 FtUS Cut "U" on the east edge of the round concrete base for parking lot light standard situated in a grassy area west of the sidewalk along Telegraph Road and east of the parking lot at the Phillips 66 gas station addressed as #6161 Telegraph Road; roughly centered east of the main store and gas pump canopy 4.5 feet east of the back of parking curb, 10.5 feet west of the back of sidewalk, and 162 feet more or less south of the centerline of Water Tower Place Drive (which is directly across Telegraph Road from and sometimes known as Susan Road). SP MO East N=290712± E=266875± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.452838°±(N/+) Long=90.306665°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 613.72 FtUS (or) 187.063 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 614.09 FtUS Cut "U" in the top east edge of the round concrete base of a pedestrian crosswalk signal situated in the northern tip of a large concrete traffic island situated west of Christopher Drive, southeast of Telegraph Road, and north of the right turn lane from northbound Telegraph road onto southbound Christopher Drive; roughly 8 feet southeast of the northwest edge of island and 5 feet southwest of the northeast edge of island. SP MO East N=290494± E=266878± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.450874°±(N/+) Long=90.306636°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 608.62 FtUS (or) 185.509 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 608.99 FtUS Cut "U" on the top east edge of the round concrete base for traffic signal mast situated near the northwest end of a marked crosswalk for crossing Telegraph Road north of Christopher Drive, and supporting signals that control traffic turning left from northbound Christopher Drive onto southbound Telegraph Road; immediately northwest of the northwest curb of Telegraph Road, roughly 32 feet southwest of the center of a raised metal traffic signal control box, and 38 feet northeast of the northeast corner of a white vinyl fence. SP MO East N=290518± E=266860± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.451091°±(N/+) Long=90.306842°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 601.63 FtUS (or) 183.376 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 601.99 FtUS Found standard type DNR aluminum disk not stamped with any unique identification but situated in a grassy area on the northwest side of Telegraph Road between the sidewalk and a paved storm water detention basin; roughly 1.5 feet northwest of the back of sidewalk, 12 feet southwest of utility pole #189010, and 195 feet more or less northeast of the centerline of Treeridge Trail Drive. SP MO East N=290261± E=266545± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.448782°±(N/+) Long=90.310457°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 581.70 FtUS (or) 177.301 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 582.06 FtUS Found railroad spike in the west side of utility pole #156166 situated southeast of Telegraph Road 235 feet more or less southwest of the center median island in Greymonte Estates Drive; roughly 75 feet northeast of the centerline of asphalt driveway to residence addressed as #6526 Telegraph Road, and 21 feet southwest of the westernmost corner at the southwest end of sidewalk along the southeast side of Telegraph Road. SP MO East N=290005± E=266390± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.446478°±(N/+) Long=90.312238°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 591.79 FtUS (or) 180.379 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 592.16 FtUS Cut "U" on the top southeast edge of round concrete base for traffic signal mast situated on a traffic island northwest of Telegraph Road, northeast of Heintz Road, and south of the right turn lane from southbound Telegraph Road onto westbound Heintz Road; roughly 5 feet northwest of the southeast edge of island, 9.5 feet northeast of the southernmost tip of island, and 25 feet northeast of the centerline of Heintz Road. SP MO East N=289621± E=265767± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.443030°±(N/+) Long=90.319384°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 593.59 FtUS (or) 180.926 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 593.96 FtUS Cut "U" on the top northwest edge of round concrete base for traffic signal mast situated in the south and southwest edge of sidewalk south of the handicap ramp at the southernmost corner of Telegraph Road with Heintz Road from the northwest and Bear Creek Drive from the southeast; roughly 6 feet north of the northernmost corner of brick subdivision monument for Willowbrook Farm subdivision, 29 feet southwest of the centerline of Bear Creek Drive, and 52 feet southeast of the centerline of Telegraph Road. SP MO East N=289586± E=265772± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.442714°±(N/+) Long=90.319327°±(W/-) Page 25 of 33
St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 24:
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 507.76 FtUS (or) 154.766 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 508.13 FtUS Cut square on a concrete pavement sump or concrete swale east of the asphalt pavement for Heintz Road and south of the driveway to #6440 Heintz Road; roughly 12 feet east of the centerline of Heintz Road, 9 feet northwest of the center top of catch basin, and 17 feet south of the center of asphalt driveway. SP MO East N=290024± E=265589± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.446664°±(N/+) Long=90.321414°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 417.26 FtUS (or) 127.180 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 417.61 FtUS Cut square near the southernmost corner of the most southwestern of two concrete pads for ATT underground cable boxes, being on a 4.5'x7.5' concrete pad and 1.5 feet inside the pad from both the southwestern and southeastern edges of the pad; roughly 67 feet south of the centerline of Baumgartner Road and 38 feet west of the centerline of Heintz Road. SP MO East N=292017± E=265297± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.464624°±(N/+) Long=90.324716°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 426.09 FtUS (or) 129.873 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 426.45 FtUS Cut "U" at the southwest corner of the concrete base for a raised metal traffic signal control box northeast of the intersection of Baumgartner Road and Heintz Road; roughly 51 feet north of the centerline of Baumgartner Road, 42 feet east of the centerline of Heintz Road, and 27 feet northeast of a metal traffic signal mast. SP MO East N=292068± E=265323± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.465083°±(N/+) Long=90.324417°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 596.73 FtUS (or) 181.885 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 597.10 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of an 8'x6' concrete pad that is the western of two pads for utility boxes, and is the pad roughly centered south of a pair of brick pillars with metal fencing and a sign for "Tam O' Shanter", at the southwest corner of Christopher Drive and Baltusrol Drive; roughly 39 feet south of the centerline of Baltusrol Drive, 36 feet west of the centerline of Christopher Drive, and 19 feet southwest of a fire hydrant. SP MO East N=288835± E=266977± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.435926°±(N/+) Long=90.305542°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 410.45 FtUS (or) 125.106 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 410.83 FtUS Found railroad spike in the west side of the northernmost of three utility poles situated east of Christopher Drive opposite the driveway leading west to the Metropolitan Sewer District South County Interceptor facility addressed as #7491 Christopher Drive and physically located north of a creek designated Sugar Tributary on FEMA PANEL 415. The benchmark is in utility pole #155571, roughly 13 feet east of the centerline of Christopher Drive and 11 feet north of the easterly prolongation of the aforesaid driveway. SP MO East N=286749± E=266074± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.417150°±(N/+) Long=90.315933°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 578.89 FtUS (or) 176.447 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 579.27 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest corner of a 10'x16' concrete pad for ATT box; roughly 164 feet north of the centerline of Christopher Drive and 39 feet east of the centerline of Becker Road. SP MO East N=286937± E=265225± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.418858°±(N/+) Long=90.325651°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 577.89 FtUS (or) 176.140 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 578.26 FtUS Cut "L" on the top easternmost corner of the capstone on the southeastern brick end pillar of brick subdivision entrance monument for FOXVIEW ESTATES; roughly 41 feet west of the centerline of Becker Road and 35 feet south of the centerline of Silver Bow Court. SP MO East N=287419± E=265207± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.423201°±(N/+) Long=90.325847°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 590.06 FtUS (or) 179.850 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 590.43 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-141A and grouted into a drill hole in the top northwest corner of a flush type traffic signal control box situated south of the pavement rounding between the southeast side of Telegraph Road and the southwest side of Becker Road; roughly 6.5 feet south of the back of curb, and 6.5 feet west of the concrete base of a traffic signal mast near the western end of sidewalk and southwest of the handicap ramp in the curb. SP MO East N=288966± E=265208± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.437138°±(N/+) Long=90.325802°±(W/-)
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Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 600.14 FtUS (or) 182.924 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 600.51 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-141 situated in a grassy area northwest of Telegraph Road, southeast of the sidewalk, and northeast of the most northeastern of two drive entrances to the parking lot for Heartland Baptist Church addressed as #6829 Telegraph Road; roughly 1.6 feet northwest of the back of curb, 25 feet northeast of the center of drive entrance to church parking, and 34 feet southwest of a utility pole. SP MO East N=289262.1± E=265448.0± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.439802°±(N/+) Long=90.323046°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 617.81 FtUS (or) 188.310 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 618.14 FtUS Cut "U" on top north edge of round concrete base for traffic signal mast with signal arm controlling traffic eastbound along Butler Hill Road, situated in a grassy tree lawn between the south shoulder of Butler Hill Road and the sidewalk in front of residence addressed as #4700 Butler Hill Road; roughly 30 feet south of the centerline of Butler Hill Road, and 23 feet east of the southerly prolongation of the centerline of Ambs Road from the north. SP MO East N=294848± E=261195± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.490190°±(N/+) Long=90.371674°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 595.53 FtUS (or) 181.519 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 595.86 FtUS Cut "U" on the top southeast corner of the concrete base for raised metal traffic signal control box above the back of sidewalk at the northwest corner of Butler Hill Road and Kerth Road; roughly 40 feet north of the centerline of Butler Hill Road, and 32 feet west of the centerline of Kerth Road. SP MO East N=294455± E=261778± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.486642°±(N/+) Long=90.364998°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 555.77 FtUS (or) 169.400 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 556.11 FtUS Cut "U" on top south edge of round concrete base for traffic signal mast with signal arm controlling traffic westbound along Butler Hill Road, situated in the east end of a concrete center median island within Butler Hill Road that is the easterly extension of the same island which contains a row of round concrete bridge support columns for the Interstate 55 bridge over Butler Hill Road. The benchmark is east of Interstate 55, and west of the ramps connecting northbound Interstate 55 with Butler Hill Road. SP MO East N=294347± E=262642± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.485657°±(N/+) Long=90.355096°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 24:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 557.55 FtUS (or) 169.943 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 557.89 FtUS Cut "L" on the southeast corner of a 6.5'x9' concrete pad for ATT box roughly 33 feet west of the centerline of Ambs Road; between houses addressed as #4705 Towne Centre Drive and #4907 Ambs Road, and across the street from house addressed #4912 Ambs Road. The benchmark is west of a wooden tie border that surrounds a second utility box. SP MO East N=295511± E=261811± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.496155°±(N/+) Long=90.364602°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 590.59 FtUS (or) 180.013 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 590.92 FtUS Cut "L" on the northeast corner the concrete base for a raised metal traffic signal control box located north of Mattis Road and west of the drive entrance to Assumption Parish School addressed as #4709 Mattis Road; roughly 45 feet north of the centerline of Mattis Road, and 13 feet west of the northerly prolongation of the centerline of Ambs Road from the south. SP MO East N=295923± E=262216± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.499861°±(N/+) Long=90.359952°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 451.98 FtUS (or) 137.765 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 452.33 FtUS Cut "U" on the west side of the round concrete base of the northernmost parking lot light standard west of the parking lot at the Session Fixture Company addressed as #6044 Lemay Ferry Road southeast of the intersection of Lemay Woods Drive with Lemay Ferry Road; roughly 125 feet south of the centerline of Lemay Woods Drive and 61.5 feet west of the northwest corner of commercial building for Session Fixture Company. SP MO East N=292558± E=262631± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.469540°±(N/+) Long=90.355255°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 450.24 FtUS (or) 137.234 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 450.59 FtUS Cut "U" on the southernmost bull nose end of concrete center median island containing the brick entrance monument for The Villas at South Woods, roughly in the centerline of Stephanie Green Court, 37 feet north of the centerline of Lemay Woods Drive, and 250 feet more or less east of the centerline of Lemay Ferry Road. SP MO East N=292586± E=262692± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.469791°±(N/+) Long=90.354555°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 24:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 440.48 FtUS (or) 134.259 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 440.83 FtUS Cut "L" on the northwest corner of the concrete base of a raised metal traffic signal control box, northeast of the intersection of Lemay Ferry Road with Baumgartner Road; roughly 65 feet north of the center of median island within Baumgartner Road, and 100 feet east of the double yellow stripe in the centerline of Lemay Ferry Road. SP MO East N=292032± E=262506± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.464802°±(N/+) Long=90.356697°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 438.61 FtUS (or) 133.689 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 438.96 FtUS Cut "U" on the top east side of the easternmost of two round concrete sign bases for the Seven-Eleven gas price sign situated northwest of the handicap ram for the marked crosswalk across the right turn lane from southbound Lemay Ferry Road onto westbound Meramec Bottom Road; roughly 70 feet north of the double yellow stripe in the center of Meramec Bottom Road, and 90 feet west of the double yellow stripe in the centerline of Lemay Ferry Road. SP MO East N=292059± E=262453± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.465046°±(N/+) Long=90.357303°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 449.55 FtUS (or) 137.024 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 449.89 FtUS Found square on the top south side of the round concrete base of traffic signal mast with signal arm controlling traffic eastbound on Meramec Bottom Road east of Interstate 55; situated on the concrete divider island just south of Meramec Bottom Road, within the northern end of the ramp from northbound Interstate 55 to Meramec Bottom Road. SP MO East N=291662± E=261076± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.461488°±(N/+) Long=90.373088°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 440.37 FtUS (or) 134.225 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 440.71 FtUS Cut "L" on the top northeast corner of the concrete base of a raised metal traffic signal control box located in a grassy area southeast of the intersection of Meramec Bottom Road with the ramp from Meramec Bottom Road onto southbound Interstate 55; roughly 65 feet east of the centerline of ramp onto southbound Interstate 55, and 60 feet south of the centerline of Meramec Bottom Road. SP MO East N=291689± E=260903± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.461733°±(N/+) Long=90.375070°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 24:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 438.66 FtUS (or) 133.705 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 439.00 FtUS Standard DNR aluminum disk stamped SL-86A situated in grassy area just south of the asphalt shoulder of Meramec Bottom Road, roughly 22 feet west of the southerly prolongation of the centerline of Kerth Road, and a similar distance west of the center of a gravel driveway to property addressed 4610 Meramec Bottom Road; roughly 3 feet east or northeast of a wooden guy pole, and 3 feet west or northwest of a 1.5 inch witness pipe in concrete. <NGS PID="AA8727", Designation="Accessory to SL 86"> SP MO East N=291790± E=260686± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.462646°±(N/+) Long=90.377555°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 401.96 FtUS (or) 122.519 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 402.30 FtUS Set railroad spike in the west side of a wooden utility pole situated east of a 90 degree bend in Meramec Bottom Road approximately 0.4 miles east of Wells Road; roughly 35 feet southeast of the centerline of Meramec Bottom Road, and 16 feet west of the westernmost concrete base of electric transmission tower. SP MO East N=291332± E=260212± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.458525°±(N/+) Long=90.382993°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 401.95 FtUS (or) 122.515 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 402.28 FtUS Set railroad spike in the north side of wooden utility pole #2779948 situated northwest of a 90 degree bend in Meramec Bottom Road approximately 0.4 miles east of Wells Road; roughly 19 feet north of the centerline of Meramec Bottom Road, and 110 feet west of the westernmost concrete base of electric transmission tower situated east of Meramec Bottom Road. SP MO East N=291341± E=260185± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.458607°±(N/+) Long=90.383302°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 403.68 FtUS (or) 123.042 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 404.01 FtUS Set railroad spike in the north side of wooden utility pole #146813 located on the south side of Meramec Bottom Road near the intersection with Wells Road from the north; roughly 17 feet south of the centerline of Meramec Bottom Road, and 19 feet east of the southerly prolongation of the centerline of Wells Road. SP MO East N=291608± E=259592± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.461019°±(N/+) Long=90.390093°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 24:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 404.29 FtUS (or) 123.228 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 404.62 FtUS Set railroad spike in the north side of wooden utility pole #146812 located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Meramec Bottom Road with Wells Road; roughly 26 feet north of the centerline of Meramec Bottom Road, and 21 feet east of the centerline of Wells Road. SP MO East N=291620± E=259598± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.461127°±(N/+) Long=90.390024°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 582.02 FtUS (or) 177.399 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 582.34 FtUS Cut "L" on the top southeast corner of the concrete base for raised metal traffic signal control box located at the northwest corner of the signalized intersection of Tesson Ferry Road with the entrance to South County Medical Building, addressed as #13303 Tesson Ferry Road, from the west and with Duessel Lane (also known as Village Royal Lane) from the east; roughly 61 feet north of the centerline of entrance to medical building, 50 feet west of centerline of Tesson Ferry Road, and 21 feet south of a fire hydrant. SP MO East N=294113± E=260049± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.483582°±(N/+) Long=90.384821°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 439.55 FtUS (or) 133.975 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 439.90 FtUS Found "L" on the northeast corner of the eastern bridge abutment of Bridge No. 506 for Baumgartner Road over the railroad tracks 1.2 miles more or less east of Lemay Ferry Road; roughly 32 feet north of the centerline of Baumgartner Road and 6.5 feet north from the northern barrier wall of the bridge. SP MO East N=291316± E=264224± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.458326°±(N/+) Long=90.337025°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 409.03 FtUS (or) 124.674 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 409.39 FtUS Found "L" on the southeast corner of the east end of the easternmost full height portion of the northern barrier wall along the westbound driving lanes of Bridge No. 512 for Baumgartner Road over Mattese Creek, 0.2 miles more or less west of Heintz Road; roughly 27 feet north of the centerline of Baumgartner Road and located west of an expansion joint in the barrier wall at a vertical break before the wall tapers downward to the easternmost end. SP MO East N=291920± E=265026± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.463755°±(N/+) Long=90.327823°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 24:
Rev: 01/19/2017
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 407.36 FtUS (or) 124.164 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 407.67 FtUS Found aluminum tablet set in concrete pavement near the southeast corner of Bridge No 517 for Old Baumgartner Road over Mattese Creek 0.3 miles more or less southwest of the intersection of Old Baumgartner Road and Heintz Road. The tablet is in the concrete pavement 0.7 feet south of the south end of the east barrier wall of Bridge No 517, roughly 12 feet east of the centerline of Old Baumgartner Road. SP MO East N=292219.0± E=264901.8± Meter - Submeter Rough NAD83 Lat=38.466450°±(N/+) Long=90.329240°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 549.33 FtUS (or) 167.436 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 549.66 FtUS Cut "L" on the southwest corner of an 8'x6' concrete pad base for ATT cable box at or between #4515 and #4527 Mattis Road, roughly 35' north of centerline Mattis Road and 135' east of the centerline intersection of Mattis Road with both Kerth Drive from the south and the eastern fork of Telestar Drive from the north. SP MO East N=295573± E=262692± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.496701°±(N/+) Long=90.354501°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 515.71 FtUS (or) 157.188 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 516.03 FtUS Cut square on top northwest end of north barrier wall on Mattis Road bridge over I-55, roughly 20' north of centerline Mattis Road and 84' east of centerline Little Rock Road. SP MO East N=295453± E=263335± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.495611°±(N/+) Long=90.347132°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 459.55 FtUS (or) 140.072 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 459.88 FtUS Cut square on southeast corner end of Mattis Road bridge #525 over creek, 110' north of centerline Lemay Ferry Road. SP MO East N=295334± E=263526± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.494536°±(N/+) Long=90.344945°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 510.79 FtUS (or) 155.689 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 511.10 FtUS Cut "L" on northwest corner of 3.5'x5' concrete base for traffic signal control box at a signalized commercial entrance to #4540 Lemay Ferry Road known as Keller Plaza Drive, roughly 36' south of the double yellow stripe in center of Lemay Ferry Road and 66' east of the center median in Keller Plaza Drive. SP MO East N=295766± E=264108± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.498419°±(N/+) Long=90.338265°±(W/-)
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 25:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
NAVD88(Adopt NGS) Elev = 418.25 FtUS (or) 127.483 Meter <NAVD88 ORTHO HEIGHT per NGS datasheet as of 04/15/2014> NGVD29 Elev = 418.65 FtUS RM193 FEMA PANEL 410; "Standard Tablet" stamped Y 58 1934 in the top of the east headwall of a concrete culvert; 1.5 mile south along the railroad from the station at Jefferson Barracks, 275' north of milepost 11 and 9' east of the centerline of the east track, north of the Jefferson Barracks bridge over Hwy. I-255. <NGS PID="JC0239", Designation="Y 58"> SP MO East N=294214± E=269163± Meter - Estimated Rough NAD83 Lat=38.484342°±(N/+) Long=90.280356°±(W/-)
NAVD88(SLC2011a) Elev = 416.34 FtUS (or) 126.902 Meter NGVD29 Elev = 416.78 FtUS "Standard Aluminum Disk" stamped SL-82, 1992. Disk is set on the southeast corner of Koch Road and Robert Koch Hospital Road; 10' southwest of a 14" yellow concrete sign post, 8' west of a Jefferson Barracks Marine Service sign and 54' northwest of a red gate post. <NGS PID="AA8723", Designation="SL 82"> SP MO East N=294184.8± E=269020.3± Meter - Published Rough NAD83 Lat=38.484082°±(N/+) Long=90.281993°±(W/-)
[Republished as BM 24213 in Chapter 24.]
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St Louis County Benchmarks Chapter 26:
Rev: 06/09/2014
Refer to "Addendum 1" for summary of implementing NAVD88 as NAVD88(SLC2011a). Refer to "Introduction" for general information and conditions of usage. Benchmark positions are NEVER for use as horizontal survey control.
No Benchmarks In Chapter 26
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Issued: 06/09/2014
ADDENDUM 1 - SAINT LOUIS COUNTY BENCHMARK SYSTEM All prior dated versions of Addendum 1 have been superseded by this version. DESCRIPTIVE SUMMARY OF NAVD88 IMPLEMENTATION BY SAINT LOUIS COUNTY - DESIGNATED NAVD88(SLC2011a) This document supplements the basic statements made in the "Introduction to Saint Louis County Bench Mark System". The initial publication of NAVD88 elevations within the Saint Louis County Benchmark System is being made in June 2014. However, Saint Louis County has no statutory authority to independently establish any vertical datum, and we have utilized a network of differential leveling runs to extend and densify the limited number of available NAVD88 benchmarks published by the National Geodetic Survey (NGS). The designation NAVD88(SLC2011a) describes the initial realization of the NAVD88 vertical datum as interpreted and extended by Saint Louis County. The "SLC" stands for Saint Louis County. The year "2011" refers to the NAD 83(2011) epoch 2010.00 realization of the NAD83 datum as published by NGS. The addition of the "a" indicates that this is the first realization of NAVD88 by Saint Louis County. Changes by NGS to the available NAVD88 control data might prompt a readjustment by Saint Louis County even though the underlying NAVD88 datum may not change. See sheet 10 of 10 for certification of NAVD88(SLC2011a). Saint Louis County has relied upon "The National Adjustment of 2011 Project " completed by NGS. Briefly, NGS has readjusted all prior geodetic networks for the purpose of making NGS "passive" control (physical marks that can be occupied with survey equipment) compatible with the NGS Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS). This is primarily a realization of the NAD83 datum based initially on re-processing all CORS data collected between January 1994 and April 2011. Because of tectonic movement of the earth's crust, this adjustment was tied to the location of monuments as of January 1, 2010. Thus NGS designates their realization as NAD 83(2011) epoch 2010.00, even though they did not complete and publish the adjustment of passive marks on datasheets until June of 2012. The NAD83(2011) datum only generates ellipsoid heights related to the GRS80 ellipsoid, and is not itself a gravity based vertical datum. In order to convert NAD83(2011) ellipsoid heights to NAVD88 elevations, NGS created a new hybrid geoid model designated GEOID12A. NGS has published a very limited number and distribution of passive survey monuments which are physically within Saint Louis County, and for which the NGS datasheet reports a precise NAVD88 Orthometric Height. Additionally, NGS has published datasheets for passive monuments with precise ellipsoid heights and a reported geoid height based on GEOID12A. By subtracting the geoid height per GEOID12A from the ellipsoid height based on NAD83(2011), it is possible to estimate the NAVD88 elevations for a significant number of additional passive survey monuments. Saint Louis County has not utilized GPS data in creating NAVD88(SLC2011a). All field work actually utilized in the final adjustment consists of differential leveling observations.
Addendum 1 - Documenting Implementation of NAVD88(SLC2011a) - Page 1 of 10
Issued: 06/09/2014
LEVELING METHODS EMPLOYED BY SAINT LOUIS COUNTY: Saint Louis County ran differential levels utilizing Lieca NA2002 and Lieca DNA10 digital levels. A conscious decision was reached to run the necessary levels by methods routinely utilized for highway design and construction projects. This allowed the work to proceed more quickly, and allowed digital leveling from highway projects to be incorporated into the network. Later exhibits will illustrate the distribution of control monuments and the general extent of the leveling network. The Survey Section is familiar with error tolerances for our standard leveling methods, which utilize a single digitally read backsight and foresight from each setup. The current project provides redundancies through interlocking closed loops. Most level lines were run in a single direction unless it was impossible to form a closed loop when joined to other level runs. Any level run not tied at both ends to other level runs, was physically run in both directions as a closed loop. The leveling network was adjusted in StarNET least squares adjustment software as a single simultaneous adjustment. Our methods generally utilize an error estimate of 0.006 meters per kilometer. This is roughly speaking 3 times worse than Third Order geodetic leveling; but has historically been adequate to our purposes, and is improved by redundancy. A representative minimally constrained adjustment fixing the elevation at BM 16002, being NGS Designation "D 204" (PID=JC0496), and setting expected leveling errors to 0.006 meters per kilometer closed with an overall error factor of 0.847 and generated a maximum estimated vertical error at 95% confidence of 0.045 meters on any point in the network. Figure 2 on Page 4 shows fourteen NAVD88 benchmarks which were both published by NGS and later fixed in the level network. At the end of this Addendum, on Pages 8 and 9 is a tabulated summary comparing observed residuals between each of the 91 possible monument pairs resulting from the 14 published monuments that were fixed in the final adjustment. This compares the minimally constrained adjustment vertical differences with the equivalent difference by subtracting the NGS published NAVD88 heights. The standard deviation for all 91 monument pairs yields a relative accuracy between connected points at 68% confidence of 0.002 meters per kilometer. This suggests that our leveling network, after benefitting from redundancy, may be roughly equivalent to the 0.002 meters per kilometer expected from Third Order geodetic leveling. The final constrained adjustment fixed the NAVD88 elevations (orthometric heights) on 14 of the NGS monuments, and retained the expected error setting of 0.006 meters per kilometer. That adjustment closed with an overall error factor of 0.869 and generated a maximum estimated vertical error at 95% confidence of 0.029 meters on any point in the network. As a check, NGS datasheets for St. Louis County Geographic Reference System tablets report both NAD83(2011) ellipsoid height and GEOID12A geoid height, which allows an estimate of the NAVD88 orthometric height or elevation. See Pages 5 and 6 for a summary of residuals shown on Figure 3, followed by a brief analysis. This suggests that survey quality GPS observations referenced to the NAD83(2011) datum and applying GEID12A should be consistent with NAVD88(SLC2011a) elevations at a 95% confidence level within 0.05± meters, plus any additional error depending on the quality of specific GPS observations, and on any disturbance of the referenced benchmarks. Saint Louis County is not liable for any work performed by others, and has not rigorously confirmed compatibility with GPS methods.
Addendum 1 - Documenting Implementation of NAVD88(SLC2011a) - Page 2 of 10
Issued: 06/09/2014
LIST OF FIGURES: FIGURE 1: The location as anticipated by 2009 project planning of 43 NAVD88 control monuments to be established by Missouri Land Survey Program or National Geodetic Survey from static GPS data collected by Saint Louis County Survey Section. As of May 2014, the GPS adjustment has not been published. FIGURE 2: Map of 14 monuments with NGS published NAVD88 Orthometric Heights held fixed for NAVD88(SLC2011a). See Page 4. FIGURE 3: Map of Geographic Reference Stations with NAVD88 elevations estimated from component data published on NGS datasheets. This is a summary of the distribution and magnitude of observed metric residuals. See Pages 5 and 6 for a summary of residuals shown on Figure 3, followed by a brief analysis. FIGURE 4: Map showing the extent of the Saint Louis County level network. See Page 7.
Addendum 1 - Documenting Implementation of NAVD88(SLC2011a) - Page 3 of 10
Issued: 06/09/2014
The significant difference between the NAVD88 benchmark distribution on Figures 1 and 2 had substantial impact on the implementation of NAVD88 elevations by Saint Louis County. By the time it was known that the benchmarks anticipated on Figure 1 would not be created, substantial investment and progress had been made in regard to the leveling network. The original plan had been to publish NAVD88 elevations progressively as individual pairs of NAVD88 control monuments were connected. In the end, it was deemed more prudent to complete a substantial leveling network prior to publishing NAVD88 elevations. As the Missouri Land Survey Program and/or the National Geodetic Survey publish a substantial change in the number or quality of NAVD88 elevations, Saint Louis County is willing to revise, readjust, and republish our NAVD88 benchmarks. Please check periodically for revisions. Addendum 1 - Documenting Implementation of NAVD88(SLC2011a) - Page 4 of 10
Issued: 06/09/2014
Figure 3 summarizes the residuals obtained by subtracting estimated NGS NAVD88 orthometric height from the NAVD88(SLC2011a) elevation at Geographic Reference Stations. This data is used only as a check. A brief analysis of this data follows below, and continues onto Page 6. The estimated NAVD88 probably represents the best possible class of GPS derived elevations, being geodetic quality static GPS observations blue booked and adjusted by NGS with precise NAD83(2011) ellipsoid heights and GEOID12A geoid heights all published on NGS datasheets. All errors remaining in this data are therefore likely to be random rather than systematic errors with respect to the actual GPS observations. Any errors related to GEOID12A interpolations are likely to represent typical errors from that source. Addendum 1 - Documenting Implementation of NAVD88(SLC2011a) - Page 5 of 10
Issued: 06/09/2014
The data summarized on Figure 3 can be analyzed by several simple statistical measures: The Largest Residual = +0.051 meters The Average of the Residuals = -0.002 meters The Standard Deviation of the Residuals = 0.021 meters (1 sigma) The 95% Confidence Probable Error = 0.042 meters (2 sigma ±) The average of the residuals at -0.002 meters suggests a minimal uniform vertical shift between NAVD88 and NAVD88(SLC2011a). Not every NAVD88 benchmark observed and adopted by the Survey Section for NAVD88(SLC2011a) was GPS observed by NGS for purposes of creating the NAD83(2011) datum, or for creating the GEOID12A geoid model. If the average of the residuals had been larger that might have indicated prior physical disturbance of some of the NGS published NAVD88 benchmarks. A small average residual is good. A concept related to the paragraph above is whether the residuals are skewed on any regional basis such as at any of the geographic extremities of Saint Louis County. A visual examination of Figure 3 shows small residuals, or a balanced mix of positive and negative residuals near the geographic extremities of Saint Louis County. One of the initial goals of modernizing the Saint Louis County Benchmark System was to have a benchmark system which was as technology neutral as possible. That is to say, an elevation observed by traditional differential leveling from published benchmarks should ideally be compatible with an elevation derived by survey quality GPS observations. There are still practical reasons why that may not be true, but an estimate of the probable errors would be helpful. A rigorous analysis of that error is likely beyond the resources of the Survey Section. The final constrained level adjustment generated a maximum estimated vertical error at 95% confidence of 0.029 meters on any point in the leveling network. The relative accuracy of the best class of survey grade GPS referenced to NAD83(2011) and applying GEOID12A can be represented by the 2 sigma or 95% confidence value of 0.042 meters for observed residuals at 90 SL Stations. Any comparison of two potential elevations by leveling and by GPS methods at any future point would be made by subtraction, and therefore we can combine the two component errors of 0.029 meters and 0.042 meters by using the formula for the error of a sum. The square root of the sum of the squares of the two errors yields a probable combined error at 95% confidence level of 0.051 meters. This closely matches the largest observed residuals. This cursory analysis suggests that survey quality GPS observations referenced to the NAD83(2011) datum and applying GEID12A should be consistent with NAVD88(SLC2011a) elevations at a 95% confidence level within 0.05± meters, plus any additional error depending on the quality of specific GPS observations, and on any disturbance of the referenced benchmarks. Saint Louis County is not liable for any work performed by others, and has not rigorously confirmed compatibility with GPS methods. Only elevations directly measured from benchmarks published by Saint Louis County should be labeled with the datum tag NAVD88(SLC2011a), and the specific adopted benchmarks should be listed. Saint Louis County may, at its sole discretion, establish and periodically revise a policy to accept or reject nominally NAVD88 elevations derived or transferred by GPS methods. Addendum 1 - Documenting Implementation of NAVD88(SLC2011a) - Page 6 of 10
Issued: 06/09/2014
Figure 4 illustrates the general extent of the leveling network as of the initial adjustment and publication of NAVD88(SLC2011a) benchmarks within the Saint Louis County Benchmark System. The program to maintain and extend the benchmark system is ongoing. Neither Figure 3 nor Figure 4 will be routinely updated. The creation or deletion of benchmarks will be presented through editing the individual BM Chapters. The datum tag NAVD88(SLC2011a) will continue to be applied to all additional, edited, or revised individual benchmarks until and unless a major readjustment of the overall network is performed. Pages 8 and 9 are a Tabulated Analysis of the Minimally Constrained Leveling Adjustment. Addendum 1 - Documenting Implementation of NAVD88(SLC2011a) - Page 7 of 10
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Addendum 1 - Documenting Implementation of NAVD88(SLC2011a) - Page 8 of 10
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Addendum 1 - Documenting Implementation of NAVD88(SLC2011a) - Page 9 of 10