St Louis ASLA 2013 Awards
Thank you for attending the 2014 St. Louis R e g i o n a l C h a p t e r o f A S L A A w a r d s P a r t y . I t ’s time to celebrate another great year for our chapter and its members. Looking back, our chapter participated in several meaningful events that promoted our profession within the region. Last Februar y, the St. Louis and Prairie Gateway chapters teamed together for Advocac y Day in Jefferson Cit y. O ur profession received wonderful exposure with our elected officials. A huge thank you goes to Susan Maag, 2011-2012 Chapter President, for leading the charge for this annual event.
In March, our chapter hosted the 2013 ASLA Ce n t r a l S t a t e s Co n fe re n c e : Tr a n s fo r m a t i o n s : The New Landscape. Over 150 landscape architects from an eight state region gathered for this event. A special recognition g o e s o u t t o B r a d Fu r f a r o, C o n f e r e n c e C h a i r, for his leadership in making the event a success. This past fall, in support of the National ASLA ‘ Ye a r o f P u b l i c S e r v i c e ’ c a m p a i g n o u r c h a p t e r teamed with the Prairie Gateway Chapter and the National Park Ser vice to assist Eldon, M i s s o u r i w i t h t h e R o c k I s l a n d Tr a i l Pro j e c t . T h e p r o j e c t ’s g o a l w a s t o d e v e l o p c o n c e p t u a l design ideas for a community trail along an
a b a n d o n e d r a i l c o r r i d o r. T h i s s t r a i g h t f o r w a r d p r o j e c t t u r n e d i n t o a l a r g e r v i s i o n f o r E l d o n ’s public realm and open space connec tivit y. A vision plan document was developed for the community to secure project funding. This project would not have been possible without the energy and drive of Aaron D e f e n b a u g h . A a r o n ’s p a s s i o n a n d v i s i o n w e r e the driving force behind this effort. Thank you Aaron!
online registration/payment and improved chapter management tools. The 2013-2014 Executive Committee, lead by our President Tim Slazinik, continues to improve this initiative, while looking for opportunities to promote our profession in 2014.
Finally, the Chapter Executive Committee a n d i t s E x e c u t i v e D i r e c t o r, E l i z a b e t h G r a f f, w o r k e d o n r e b r a n d i n g t h e c h a p t e r ’s w e b s i t e a n d c o m m u n i c a t i o n t o o l s . T h i s w i n t e r, t h e new chapter website was launched with new
Regards, A n d r e w K i l m e r, R L A , A S L A Chapter Past President
It was an honor to serve you as Chapter President. I look forward to supporting Tim and the ExComm in 2014.
GREETINGS CHAPTER MEMBERS AND GUESTS! As your current president, I am energized about the great work we plan to undertake t h i s y e a r a s a c h a p t e r . I ’d l i k e t o s t a r t b y thanking Past President Andrew Kilmer for his outstanding service as president, and the successful organization of the Central S t a t e s C o n f e r e n c e l a s t y e a r, i n a d d i t i o n t o his many other efforts. This new year brings the opportunity to position the chapter to better serve our members’ interests. The Executive Committee will be participating in a weekend-long strategic planning session with ASLA National in order to create a l o n g t e r m s t r a t e g i c p l a n f o r o u r c h a p t e r. This is a first for us, and I look forward to this intensely collaborative process and
the new insight it will bring to our interests moving forward. This year will also be one of pushing successful i n i t i a t i v e s e v e n f u r t h e r . W i t h S u s a n M a a g a s V . P. of Advocac y, we have expanded our effor ts at the Capitol to protect your licenses. As evidenced tonight, we have continued our successful Winter A w a r d s P r o g r a m . V . P. o f A w a r d s M i c h e l l e O h l e , a l o n g with her committee, have planned another wonderful night to celebrate the talent and fellowship within o u r c h a p t e r. E x e c u t i v e D i r e c t o r E l i z a b e t h G r a f f, a l o n g w i t h n e w V . P. o f D e v e l o p m e n t B r o c k P i g l i a , will continue our outstanding sponsorship efforts, working with our generous partners to provide even more opportunities to interact, learn and grow as professionals. SPOKE, our STL Design Week Event, will be bigger and better this year with a
n e w r o u t e a n d n e w f a c e s l e a d i n g t h e c h a r g e . V . P. o f Public Relations, Jonathan Ryan, will be working to expand our social media presence, promoting the benefits and importance of our profession. Nancy Nafe has stepped into the role of HALS liaison, and will be coordinating the nomination of local works of landscape architecture to receive this important historic designation. Last, but certainly not least, is the launch of our newly redesigned website, which serves as a hub of information for members, sponsors and the community at large. This has been months in the making, and is now live and at your disposal. Visit us online anytime at All in all, your Executive Committee has already begun to utilize talented individuals to help further the goals and mission of our chapter and ASLA. We have a wealth of passionate landscape architects that are ready to take on a variety of initiatives, and I am honored to be surrounded and supported by a group of such diversely talented professionals. I hope you all will find a way to jump in and help support our chapter in a way meaningful to you. Sincerely, Tim Slazinik RLA, ASLA, LEED GA, Chapter President
A D V O C AC Y I S W O R K I N G F O R YO U ! The St. Louis and Prairie Gateway Chapters of ASLA combined efforts to meet with Representatives on January 29 in Jefferson City for Advocacy Day 2 0 1 4 . A S L A m e m b e r s w a l k e d o u r C a p i t o l ’s hallways to distribute information and talk with Representatives about the positive
economic, social and environmental impact landscape architecture has in our State. Most Representatives had some knowledge and understanding of our profession, so visibility and perception about landscape architecture is experiencing positive change in the state.
Advocacy is critical in preventing loss of licensure as evidenced by efforts to deregulate our profession in 2013. Ongoing advocacy educates representatives about: • Landscape architects creating safe, attractive amenities in communities • Licensure allowing landscape architects to practice in other states • Landscape architects creating small business • Landscape architec ts creating vibrant competition for qualit y, cost effec tive projec ts • Licensure protecting the public from unqualified or incompetent practices • Licensure being revenue neutral to the State Advocac y Day 2014 was a proac tive and exciting experience. We look for ward to future effor ts to represent you! Susan Maag, RLA, Vice President of Advocacy
STEPHEN IBENDAHL Tr u s t e e Heartlands Conservancy
President Elect Planning Design Studio
President HOK
Secretary SWT Design
VP Of Membership Moynihan & Assoc.
VP Of Events HOK
VP Of Student Outreach LAND+
VP Of Development SWT Design
HALS Liason Nafe & Assoc Landscape Architects
Past-President Forum Studio
VP Of Public Awareness Christner
Member at Large Forum Studio
Tre a s u re r Forum Studio
VP Of Advocacy SLM Consulting
Member at Large Great Rivers Greenway
ELIZABETH GRAFF Executive Director ASLA Saint Louis
“ANoVA came to us as a design professional to ®
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Russ Volmert was a part of the Arcturis design team who collaborated with Anova designers in order to fulfill a need in the architectural market. The result was the Alliance bench.
ProFILe Russ Volmert, Director of Planning Arcturis 20+ years of experience in landscape architecture
Alliance Bench
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Bob Belden was a critical part of the foundation of the Landscape Architecture practice at HOK. G Y O O B ATA ,
After 4 years of experience in site design and field supervision for the National Park Ser vice and the Missouri State Park Board, Bob Belden joined HOK in 1967. It was at HOK that Bob made his mark on both the project and business sides of the practice. Throughout the course of a career spanning over four decades, he helped to build a thriving practice with truly global reach. B o b ’s w o r k c a n b e f o u n d f r o m S t Louis to Kansas City; from Qatar to China; from Colorado to Georgia, and everywhere in between. P e r h a p s B o b ’s g r e a t e s t a c h i e v e m e n t s lie in the mentorship roles he has had with generations of Landscape Architects within the walls of HOK and in the community of St Louis Landscape Architects. Bob Belden epitomizes the spirit of the Bob Goetz Award through his generosity and dedication to the profession of Landscape Architecture in St. Louis and lasting mark on Landscape Architectural practice in Saint Louis.
King Saud University Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
St Louis County Police and Firemen’s Memorial Clayton, MO
Bob is an important link in the continuity and cycle of the profession. RICK KACENSKI, ASLA, PREVIOUS GOETZ AWA R D W I N N E R Robert J. Baer Plaza St Louis, MO
The Boeing Corporate Learning Center St Louis, MO
Thomas F. Eagleton United States Courthouse
St Louis, MO
Bob had a strong dedication to “getting it done” JIM FETTERMAN, FA S L A KAUST
Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
Bob has been an incredible symbol of everything good in a servant leader, who has clearly set a high bar of integrity, recognition, and excellence for our profession. C H I P C R AW F O R D, FA S L A
Waiting since 1962. For over 50 years, Victor Stanley has designed, engineered, and manufactured timeless site furnishings so you can bring communities to life. Our new Perenne collection (patents pending) embodies elements in nature and classical settee furniture design while remaining slim, open, functional, and timeless.
Contact Charlene Vera at
Patents pending
W A LT E R M E T C A L F E Senior Counsel at Bryan C a v e L L P, M r . M e t c a l f e has been instrumental in St Louis civic affairs and developments from his office in the Met Square building, overlooking the arch. It is from this perch that he first noticed the great disconnect between downtown St Louis and the Arch itself. This
inspiration became a catalyst that led to the creation of the CityArchRiver 2015 Foundation. This body is the conser vanc y that sponsored the 2010 international design competition for the Archgrounds and Riverfront in conjunction with the National Park Ser vice. The resultant work and impending construction has elevated the level of discourse around Landscape Architecture in St Louis and has encouraged the city to recognize the role Landscape Architects play in their daily lives and in the creation of positive public spaces. CityArchRiver 2015 is far from the first considerable mark Mr Metcalfe h a s p u t o n t h i s c i t y, h o w e v e r. H e h a s o c c u p i e d p o s i t i o n s o n t h e b o a r d of Washington Universit y in St Louis, the Pulitzer Foundation for t h e A r t s , C i v i c P r o g r e s s , I n c , a n d S t L o u i s C h i l d r e n ’s H o s p i t a l . M r Metcalfe also helped organize Grand Center and represented the M issour i B otanical G arden, M onsanto Company, the Universit y of M issouri and Washington Universit y in the organization of the D o n a l d D a n f o r t h P l a n t S c i e n c e C e n t e r i n C r e v e C o e u r. He is a champion for successful public space and civic engagement and for his efforts on behalf of St Louis, he is awarded a 2013 Civic Stewardship Award by the St Louis Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects.
ST LOUIS DESIGN WEEK / AIGA Four years ago, the St. Louis chapter of AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) joined forces with some of the leading creative groups in the St. Louis community to put on St. Louis Design Week . This series of events a i m e d t o c e l e b r a t e “c r e a t i v e people–and the impact they have on our communit y. This is about all creative disciplines coming together to represent the heartbeat o f S t . L o u i s . To r e c o g n i z e a c h i e v e m e n t s . To s p a r k i n n o v a t i o n . To p r o m o t e p r o g r e s s .“
By including ASLA in the process and planning, we’ve been able to further awareness about our profession, through SPOKE, a docentled bicycle tour that highlights many of the beautifully designed landscapes and buildings in our cit y. R ecognizing that Landscape Architects are crucial members of the design community through this event was a landmark moment for our organization. One of our biggest hurdles as landscape design professionals is communicating what we do, how we do it, and the impor tant role we play in building communities and creating liveable, func tional environments. AIGA and St. Louis Design Week have helped to further this mission - and for their stewardship in these efforts, we are indebted. We look for ward to what Design Week has in store t h i s y e a r, a n d k n o w t h e y w i l l c o n t i n u e t h e i r t i r e l e s s suppor t of design and creativit y in our cit y. I n recognition, the St. Louis Design Week committee and AIGA Saint Louis are awarded a 2013 Civic Stewardship Award by the St Louis Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects.
Constructing Ecologies – Joan Walbert H
The goal of the project is to expand the way communities think about roadway infrastructure in order to trigger economic and social benefits. The intersection of Natural Bridge Road and Florissant Road has been identified as a potential center of activity, and leaders from the Normandy community and University of Missouri - St. Louis hope redevelopment will create an iconic, defining space that bolsters community life, supports student activity, spurs economic vitality and benefits the environment.
Lecture for Landscape Architecture ANOVA is proud to support the landscape architecture community with lectures featuring exceptional speakers in the field of landscape architecture. ®
Date: February 24, 2014 Time: 6:00 p.m. Reception, 6:30 p.m. Lecture Location: Steinberg Auditorium Sam Fox School/Washington University in Saint Louis Chris reed, the founding principal of Stoss, will deliver the Anova Lecture for Landscape Architecture. Reed’s innovative, hybridized approach to public space has been recognized internationally, and he has been invited to participate in competitions and installations throughout the world. His research interests include the impact of ecological sciences on design thinking, and city-making strategies informed by landscape systems and dynamics.
Chris reed Associate Professor in Practice of Landscape Architecture at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design. Reed received a Master in Landscape Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania and an AB in 314-754-0857 Urban Studies from Harvard College. Bob Evans Architectural Market Sales
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Bob Evans Architectural Market Sales 314-754-0857 First and Lasting impressions速
MERIT Natural Bridge & Florissant Road Intersection – Aaron Defenbaugh
The goal of the project is to expand the way communities think about roadway infrastructure in order to trigger economic and social benefits. The intersection of Natural Bridge Road and Florissant Road has been identified as a potential center of activity, and leaders from the Normandy community and University of Missouri - St. Louis hope redevelopment will create an iconic, defining space that bolsters community life, supports student activity, spurs economic vitality and benefits the environment.
Broadway Streetscape Improvements – SWT Design
With construction completed in only six months, improvements to Broadway’s streetscape afforded a unique opportunity for the residents and businesses of Cape Girardeau, Mo. In the heart of the city’s historic downtown district, beautification of this 9-block stretch of corridor did more than improve aesthetics. It spurred the development of six new small businesses during the construction period, as well as additional businesses in the adjacent areas. More than 10 building improvements along the corridor were completed during that time, and countless more since its completion.
Mississippi River Greenway Phase One – Planning Design Studio
This 1.6-mile MRG Phase 1 greenway offers spectacular views of the Mississippi River, winding through tree-tops of a bottomland forest as it respectfully enters JB Park, which is on the National Register of Historic Places. Greenway elements include the 12’-wide trail; trailhead plazas; pedestrian bridges; pedestrian overlooks (with benches and interpretive signing); lighting; permeable parking lot; signing; landscape plantings and native restoration; raingarden; and related infrastructure improvements. The trail and all facilities are ADA accessible and meet AASHTO design guidelines. The design and materials incorporated into the project relate and compliment the historic character of the historic site.
Brightside Demonstration Garden – SWT Design
The Brightside Demonstration Garden was intended to serve as an outdoor classroom for urban residents showcasing natural urban ecosystems and regional materials. Located at the major intersection of Kingshighway and Vandeventer, the garden is highly visible, and therefore serves to foster environmental awareness. The site features a microcosm of the region’s wetland, glade, prairie and woodland habitats – all designed to educate visitors on the importance of native plant materials and sustainable design. To that end, educational signage coupled with donor opportunities serve as public educational tools and bring the value of the garden to light.
McLeod’s Memorial – Lewisites Landscape Architecture H
This special site is a gathering place to memorialize a beloved dean of students who served the university for 22 years until his death in September 2011. The built form serves as an unprogrammed gathering spot located along the north south pedestrian spine which connects the academic campus to the student dormitories. East and west facing multi-level seating is provided: wooden, limestone and boulder. Granite rubble walls were specified to match a closely adjacent historic wall.
Walker Lake Improvement Plan - Planning Design Studio
Walker Lake is identified in the Kirkwood Park Master Plan as an area for future study, however a failed pedestrian bridge abutment required the development of an immediate plan. The resulting multi-phase improvement plan included the reconfiguration of the lake bottom and edge featuring plantings both in and out of the water. As part of this reconfiguration, the bridge area so familiar to park users was rearranged to offer views of series of waterfalls, eliminating a stagnant backwater area which collected surface debris and was visually unattractive. What was once an island was envisioned as a peninsula offering all access to the water. The familiar Walker Lake turtles were given a new home on the peninsula as well. Finally an ADA-compliant concrete path was slated to replace an old asphalt path that had circled the lake since the early 1990s. Lights were also included for those who would like to take an evening stroll.
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Northerly Island – Forum Studio
The purpose of this effort was to ignite a transformation of this important site that would advance Chicago’s significant contributions to architecture, design, and education. This idea seeks to improve the quality and performance of open public space on the lakefront, while creating new opportunities in high tech, research, and green ‘next-tech’ sectors. Campus buildings’ undulating green roofs function as elevated parkland, merging with the site to provide contiguous open space and linkages for outdoor recreation and enjoyment, while providing breathtaking views to Lake Michigan and the amazing Chicago skyline. This new open space can become one of the most incredible public realms in the world.
Adams Park Master Plan – H3 Studio and Land+ M
As with many inner-city parks throughout the country, Adams Park currently suffers from a lack of daily users. In order to recreate Adams Park as a safe, vibrant, and signature part of Omaha’s Park System and a heart of community identity and well-being, the Adams Park Master Plan seeks to establish strategic public-private partnerships by addressing the nature deficit of the disadvantaged, inner-city neighborhood, facilitating public health and active living through design, creating an urban agriculture and community farming education/outreach center and enhancing educational and recreational opportunities for adjacent schools by linking to the Malcom X Birthsite and International Center. These changes will capitalize on the existing Omaha combinedsewer outflow (CSO) program to development multi-use recreational landscapes and green infrastructure while utilizing the park’s unique topography to develop native landscapes for habitat, recreation, and improved maintenance.
Saint Louis Zoo Expansion – SWT Design M
For the first time in the history of the Saint Louis Zoo, the boundary of the Zoo extends outside of Forest Park. Understanding the long-term implications of this expansion, the Zoo and its consultant team took a visionary approach to the creation of a physical and operational vision for the future. Rather than develop a traditional comprehensive master plan, the consultant team led the Zoo through the process of creating a framework plan – the starting point for a long-term process of change that precedes a master plan. Lasting 6 months, the planning process for the framework plan included participation from more than 500 individuals within the community, and included two public open houses to solicit input and feedback.
M E R I T Christian Activity Center - Forum Studio
For many years, the Christian Activity Center has sought to impact the lives of children and youth in East St. Louis. The project site reflects the condition of the city: Abandoned buildings, vacant lots filled with high weeds, dumped trash, hidden and dangerous debris. Certain aspects of the park will foster community “webbing”. One of the unhealthy aspects of living in a city of fear is people do not come together for positive interactions. Baseball, soccer, running clubs, family days, festivals, theatre, and music celebrations will build positive bonds currently lacking in our city. Webbing applies to family bonding as well. One of the unique problems of living in a “war torn” city has to do with disconnect of relationships, even in the parent/child bond. The physical nature of the park, and the features, are proven to build these bonds. Given room to breathe, people can see each other and feel safe.
Kanawha Plaza – Forum Studio
Despite its location at the heart of city, Kanawha Plaza currently feels like an island, disconnected from its urban context by a depressed expressway, multiple-lane roadways and neighboring buildings with little or no ground floor activity. This project takes the somewhat controversial approach of proposing private development on a portion of a public space in order to benefit and enhance the remaining park. The idea is to fundamentally repurpose Richmond by reconnecting to its context, infusing it with life, and enabling a reinvigorated catalyst for community rebirth. In this scheme, the building and the park function together as a welcoming destination where people work, play, shop and share, helping to catalyze a downtown renaissance. The building forms an urban edge and brings down the scale of the space to create a more inviting place with a variety of amenities including an outdoor performance venue, an interactive water feature, a retail and farmer’s market area, and an interactive LED display that brings the building itself to life, revealing the activities within to the city around it. This new confluence of communication opportunity can further the role of Kanawha in public expression and debate, now at a global scale.
Design that contributes to a region’s biodiversity must support native and appropriate plant and animal species. This seemingly straightforward task is anything but simple in an urban environment. To that end, the Washington University Campus Tree Master Plan was developed to provide the Danforth Campus and its urban forest with comprehensive design strategies for forestation and forest maintenance on its grounds. As a flexible framework for changing needs, the master plan addresses contemporary environmental quality issues with solutions that satisfy the projected environmental imperatives of the future. Strategies within this master plan serve both the current landscape conditions and an evolving built environment by establishing a successional approach to tree planting that balances aesthetic and functional concerns. Unlike a traditional planting design master plan, this report is intended to be a ‘living’ document that provides design strategies for successional planting based on a set of situation types rather than specific sites. The report suggests that improving diversity within tree species on campus will ultimately reduce financial risks associated with pests and disease, and support greater landscape connectivity to Forest Park that will ultimately benefit bird and insect habitats.
AWA R D O F E XC E L L E N C E Washington University Tree Master Plan – SWT Design
Patents pending
The perfect escape since 1962. For over 50 years, Victor Stanley has designed, engineered, and manufactured timeless site furnishings so you can bring communities to life. Our new Perenne collection (patents pending) embodies elements in nature and classical settee furniture design while remaining slim, open, functional, and timeless.
Contact Charlene Vera at
W W W. S T LO U I S A S L A . O R G