1 minute read
Our society is doomed. Marriage rates are down, significantly. Men quit approaching women in order to avoid being Me Too’d. In fact, men gave up relationships altogether. There is a philosophy that has risen in internet chat rooms and boards where men are sharing their horror stories about female nature, the family court system and getting “divorce raped.” They have opted out of society in order to work on creating the best version of themselves. The philosophy is called MGTOW (aka Men Going Their Own Way). For the sake of clarity it is not a movement. It is an organic reaction to radical feminism that created the “I don’t need no man” narrative among modern women.
Women, on the other hand, are seeking the top 1% of men. Men who have the six “6’s”: Six-foot tall, six pack abs, six figure incomes, 600 horsepower vehicle and at least six inches south of the belt line. Modern women have described the top .01% of men who meet these impossible standards.
On top of that, modern women expect men to provide and protect while women just want to be like a man. Demand equal pay for unequal work (a future Letter Rip column that will blow that notion right out of the water) And what are women bringing to the table? Woman want the 6 sixes, men just want a woman that meets the 5 “F’s”; Fit,
Feminine, Faithful, Friendly and Fertile. Women expect men to accept them even after they have been turned down in the past for a relationship. Now these women who are “post-wall” haven’t a man to look over, protect and provide for them.
Now men are not giving women the time of day at the work place so as to protect their job from false accusation. And now, recently, we have reports of women taking men before Human Resources complaining that men are ignoring them and “just being professional.” Dammed if you do and dammed if you don’t. Women want the power and authority of men without the accountability.
It appears that men are going to have to take the lead in giving what women want and let those chips fall where they may. We will just stand by and wait for them to yell for a bail out. Men to the rescue, as always.