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When it comes to affiliate marketing, there are countless digital products out there to choose from. While most people are initially drawn to the idea of making money online by their desire to have a certain kind of lifestyle, unless they truly understand the psychology of wealth, they'll find it hard to do anything but barely make a living. The mainstay of making money is paradoxical; in order to make a great deal of money, you have to shift your focus entirely away from money. Does this sound confusing and at odds with what you've read just about everywhere else? Admittedly, it is very contrarian, and yet, when you closely look at anyone who has truly become wealthy, and then maintained that wealth, you'll find that money was not the driving force. It was something far more powerful than that: contribution. First and foremost, as an affiliate marketer, you must pick a product that rings true and resonates with something deep inside; something you know in your heart will benefit the lives of those it touches. It doesn't matter whether other affiliate marketers feel that way about this product, it is imperative, however, that YOU do. In my own life, there was one particular ebook that focused on working through a divorce, and how to deal with the frustrations that a child custody case would introduce. This book was a true gift in my life, and as a result, I felt compelled to market this ebook and share it with others who were enduring the rigors of divorce and the like. The passion I felt about this product kept me up late at night writing articles and posting in forums and such. I never once had to "try" and get myself to do the things I needed to do to be a successful affiliate marketer. In fact, many nights I would only stop writing only because I was drifting off to sleep as I sat at my keyboard. Interestingly enough, as time went by, and the checks started rolling in, I had almost forgotten about the fact that I was also getting paid for my efforts. See, it really didn't matter. I was focused so much on delivering the value of this product to others, that the income had become an afterthought. I never once had an income goal, or thought about how big I would like my check to be the next pay period. I was just busy doing what you do when you are compelled to add value to the lives of others. Pick something that stirs you, something that keeps you stimulated all day and sorry that you have to go to bed. When you have aligned yourself with the products that impact you in this way, you will finally understand the psychology of wealth as it pertains to affiliate marketing. © Copyright 2009-Vincent Harris-All Rights Reserved.
Vincent Harris is a Body Language Expert and the author of The Productivity Epiphany. Vince long ago realized the wisdom of creating passive income streams with affiliate marketing. His personal website is http://www.VinceHarris.com and you can find his latest discovery for affiliate marketing at [http://www.PeaceOfMindMoney.com]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Vincent_Harris
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