1 minute read
Preventing Skin Cancer with the Wendt Regional Cancer Center
Apply sunscreen even while it’s cloudy
Reapply sunblock liberally every 2 hours
Select a broadspectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or more
Avoid direct sunlight between 11 a.m. & 2 p.m.
Toss sunblock after one year of use
When it comes to skin damage, remember the ABCDE rule:
Wear hats, sunglasses & UV protective clothing for added protection
Use sunscreen with both dark & light skin
Lather sunblock on babies 6 months and older
Take breaks in the shade & rehydrate with water
A is for asymmetry – one half of the mole does not match the other half
B is for border irregularity – the edges are ragged, notched or blurred
C is for color – the pigmentation is not the same
D is for diameter – greater than six millimeters about the size of a pencil eraser
E is for evolution – meaning a change in the mole’s appearance over time