Encouraging the support of: • Scholarships • Capital Projects • Donations • Endowments • Bequests • Annual Giving • Gifts in Kind (including goods and trades) St Margaret’s Foundation St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School 11 Petrie Street, Ascot Qld 4007 Australia Phone: Facsimile: Email: Website:
+61 7 3862 0765 +61 7 3862 0701 foundation@stmargarets.qld.edu.au www.stmargarets.qld.edu.au
A School of the Society of the Sacred Advent
Building for now and the future
Annual Giving
The generosity of our community is always appreciated and enables St Margaret’s to bring to fruition its master plan in support of the strategic goals of the School.
Supporting learning
Encouraging the support of: • Scholarships • Capital Projects • Donations • Endowments • Bequests • Annual Giving • Gifts in Kind (including goods and trades) St Margaret’s Foundation St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School 11 Petrie Street, Ascot Qld 4007 Australia Phone: Facsimile: Email: Website:
+61 7 3862 0765 +61 7 3862 0701 foundation@stmargarets.qld.edu.au www.stmargarets.qld.edu.au
A School of the Society of the Sacred Advent
Building for now and the future
Annual Giving
The generosity of our community is always appreciated and enables St Margaret’s to bring to fruition its master plan in support of the strategic goals of the School.
Supporting learning
Support the St Margaret’s Foundation building Fund
Name: _________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________
Membership of the St Margaret’s Foundation, which is tax deductible:
Associate $2000 or more Payable at a minimum $667 pa over three years
Friend $5000 or more Payable at a minimum $1667 pa over three years
_______________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________ Payment options:
Fellow $10,000-$24,999 Payable at a minimum $3334 pa over three years
Companion $25,000-$49,999 Payable at a minimum $8333 pa over three years
Benefactor $50,000-$99,000 Payable at a minimum $16,667 pa over three years
Patron $100,000 or more Payable at a minimum $33,334 pa over three years
I wish to pay (please tick)
A cheque made payable to the St Margaret’s Foundation Building Fund is enclosed
Please charge $________ to my credit card MasterCard
American Express
Cardholder’s name: _______________________________________________________ FOLD
From the Principal, Ros Curtis Each year, St Margaret’s offers members of the community the opportunity to contribute funds to support special building projects within the School. These projects vary from year to year, ranging from refurbishment of spaces to the construction of additional facilities. The generosity of our community is always appreciated and enables St Margaret’s to bring to fruition its master plan in support of the strategic goals of the School. As you are aware, school fees and levies are not sufficient to fund the ongoing development of the St Margaret’s campus. In order to meet the challenge of providing state-of-the-art facilities that will enhance the learning experience of current and future students of St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School, the St Margaret’s Foundation has introduced an Annual Giving Program; we are asking our current families and supporters to give generously to this program. Each year the School will announce a specific project which will benefit from the funds raised through this annual giving. New buildings, the upgrade and refurbishment of the existing facilities, and expansion of the School by the acquisition of additional land and similar projects designed to help to grow the School’s infrastructure will all go under the umbrella of the program.
There are two ways you can contribute to the St Margaret’s Foundation Building Fund:
Card number:
One instalment, now
Expiry Date:
Equal instalments over three years
Cardholder’s signature: ________________________________________________________
2. Make a donation, which is tax deductible of: $10,000 $5000 $2000
St Margaret’s has a long history of fundraising support from the community; from the construction of the West Wing in 1929 to the more recent fit out of the Eunice Science and Resource Centre (2010–2012). The St Margaret’s Foundation was established in 2004 to address the funding of the ever-growing needs of the School. The aims of the Foundation are to support the School in realising its master development plan and to provide corpus of invested funds from which ongoing dividends can be used to address the future growth and stability of the School.
$1000 $500 $250 Other $__________
Donations via credit card can also be made by contacting our Foundation Office on (07) 3862 0765. All donations are recognised in St Margaret’s Foundation publications and donations over $2000 are acknowledged on the St Margaret’s Foundation Honour Board. Please acknowledge my contribution in the name of: (30 characters max.) _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ (i.e. The Smith Family, Mr T & Mrs S Smith or Tom, Sue & Ann Smith) I would prefer my donation to remain anonymous (please tick)
Please return this form to : St Margaret’s Foundation, St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School 11 Petrie Street, Ascot Qld 4007 Australia
Thank you for your support A personal letter from the Principal and a tax deductible receipt will be forwarded to you shortly.
Support the St Margaret’s Foundation building Fund
Name: _________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________
Membership of the St Margaret’s Foundation, which is tax deductible:
Associate $2000 or more Payable at a minimum $667 pa over three years
Friend $5000 or more Payable at a minimum $1667 pa over three years
_______________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________ Payment options:
Fellow $10,000-$24,999 Payable at a minimum $3334 pa over three years
Companion $25,000-$49,999 Payable at a minimum $8333 pa over three years
Benefactor $50,000-$99,000 Payable at a minimum $16,667 pa over three years
Patron $100,000 or more Payable at a minimum $33,334 pa over three years
I wish to pay (please tick)
A cheque made payable to the St Margaret’s Foundation Building Fund is enclosed
Please charge $________ to my credit card MasterCard
American Express
Cardholder’s name: _______________________________________________________ FOLD
From the Principal, Ros Curtis Each year, St Margaret’s offers members of the community the opportunity to contribute funds to support special building projects within the School. These projects vary from year to year, ranging from refurbishment of spaces to the construction of additional facilities. The generosity of our community is always appreciated and enables St Margaret’s to bring to fruition its master plan in support of the strategic goals of the School. As you are aware, school fees and levies are not sufficient to fund the ongoing development of the St Margaret’s campus. In order to meet the challenge of providing state-of-the-art facilities that will enhance the learning experience of current and future students of St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School, the St Margaret’s Foundation has introduced an Annual Giving Program; we are asking our current families and supporters to give generously to this program. Each year the School will announce a specific project which will benefit from the funds raised through this annual giving. New buildings, the upgrade and refurbishment of the existing facilities, and expansion of the School by the acquisition of additional land and similar projects designed to help to grow the School’s infrastructure will all go under the umbrella of the program.
There are two ways you can contribute to the St Margaret’s Foundation Building Fund:
Card number:
One instalment, now
Expiry Date:
Equal instalments over three years
Cardholder’s signature: ________________________________________________________
2. Make a donation, which is tax deductible of: $10,000 $5000 $2000
St Margaret’s has a long history of fundraising support from the community; from the construction of the West Wing in 1929 to the more recent fit out of the Eunice Science and Resource Centre (2010–2012). The St Margaret’s Foundation was established in 2004 to address the funding of the ever-growing needs of the School. The aims of the Foundation are to support the School in realising its master development plan and to provide corpus of invested funds from which ongoing dividends can be used to address the future growth and stability of the School.
$1000 $500 $250 Other $__________
Donations via credit card can also be made by contacting our Foundation Office on (07) 3862 0765. All donations are recognised in St Margaret’s Foundation publications and donations over $2000 are acknowledged on the St Margaret’s Foundation Honour Board. Please acknowledge my contribution in the name of: (30 characters max.) _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ (i.e. The Smith Family, Mr T & Mrs S Smith or Tom, Sue & Ann Smith) I would prefer my donation to remain anonymous (please tick)
Please return this form to : St Margaret’s Foundation, St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School 11 Petrie Street, Ascot Qld 4007 Australia
Thank you for your support A personal letter from the Principal and a tax deductible receipt will be forwarded to you shortly.
Support the St Margaret’s Foundation building Fund
Name: _________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________
Membership of the St Margaret’s Foundation, which is tax deductible:
Associate $2000 or more Payable at a minimum $667 pa over three years
Friend $5000 or more Payable at a minimum $1667 pa over three years
_______________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________ Payment options:
Fellow $10,000-$24,999 Payable at a minimum $3334 pa over three years
Companion $25,000-$49,999 Payable at a minimum $8333 pa over three years
Benefactor $50,000-$99,000 Payable at a minimum $16,667 pa over three years
Patron $100,000 or more Payable at a minimum $33,334 pa over three years
I wish to pay (please tick)
A cheque made payable to the St Margaret’s Foundation Building Fund is enclosed
Please charge $________ to my credit card MasterCard
American Express
Cardholder’s name: _______________________________________________________ FOLD
From the Principal, Ros Curtis Each year, St Margaret’s offers members of the community the opportunity to contribute funds to support special building projects within the School. These projects vary from year to year, ranging from refurbishment of spaces to the construction of additional facilities. The generosity of our community is always appreciated and enables St Margaret’s to bring to fruition its master plan in support of the strategic goals of the School. As you are aware, school fees and levies are not sufficient to fund the ongoing development of the St Margaret’s campus. In order to meet the challenge of providing state-of-the-art facilities that will enhance the learning experience of current and future students of St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School, the St Margaret’s Foundation has introduced an Annual Giving Program; we are asking our current families and supporters to give generously to this program. Each year the School will announce a specific project which will benefit from the funds raised through this annual giving. New buildings, the upgrade and refurbishment of the existing facilities, and expansion of the School by the acquisition of additional land and similar projects designed to help to grow the School’s infrastructure will all go under the umbrella of the program.
There are two ways you can contribute to the St Margaret’s Foundation Building Fund:
Card number:
One instalment, now
Expiry Date:
Equal instalments over three years
Cardholder’s signature: ________________________________________________________
2. Make a donation, which is tax deductible of: $10,000 $5000 $2000
St Margaret’s has a long history of fundraising support from the community; from the construction of the West Wing in 1929 to the more recent fit out of the Eunice Science and Resource Centre (2010–2012). The St Margaret’s Foundation was established in 2004 to address the funding of the ever-growing needs of the School. The aims of the Foundation are to support the School in realising its master development plan and to provide corpus of invested funds from which ongoing dividends can be used to address the future growth and stability of the School.
$1000 $500 $250 Other $__________
Donations via credit card can also be made by contacting our Foundation Office on (07) 3862 0765. All donations are recognised in St Margaret’s Foundation publications and donations over $2000 are acknowledged on the St Margaret’s Foundation Honour Board. Please acknowledge my contribution in the name of: (30 characters max.) _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ (i.e. The Smith Family, Mr T & Mrs S Smith or Tom, Sue & Ann Smith) I would prefer my donation to remain anonymous (please tick)
Please return this form to : St Margaret’s Foundation, St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School 11 Petrie Street, Ascot Qld 4007 Australia
Thank you for your support A personal letter from the Principal and a tax deductible receipt will be forwarded to you shortly.
Encouraging the support of: • Scholarships • Capital Projects • Donations • Endowments • Bequests • Annual Giving • Gifts in Kind (including goods and trades) St Margaret’s Foundation St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School 11 Petrie Street, Ascot Qld 4007 Australia Phone: Facsimile: Email: Website:
+61 7 3862 0765 +61 7 3862 0701 foundation@stmargarets.qld.edu.au www.stmargarets.qld.edu.au
A School of the Society of the Sacred Advent
Building for now and the future
Annual Giving
The generosity of our community is always appreciated and enables St Margaret’s to bring to fruition its master plan in support of the strategic goals of the School.
Supporting learning