Foundation Pen Issue 10

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thefoundationpen Issue 10 April 2012

Building for now and the future...

From the Chair of the Foundation For the Foundation, the opening and dedication of the Eunice Science and Resource Centre was a great start to the year. This building and its fit-out would not have been possible without the support received from the School community – in particular, the School Council for its preparedness to borrow the funds required to construct it, and parents, friends and staff who have donated monies to enable it to be furnished. It looks superb and already has become a focal point for students. Many generations of St Margaret’s girls will benefit from this wonderful School asset. It embodies all that the School is about – namely inspiring girls through their education to make a difference in the world. I couldn’t help but think of St Margaret’s when I recently read about two other learning institutions that have also benefited from philanthropy: the Harvard Business School received its highest ever single donation of $50 million, and another iconic university, Oxford, also benefited from a single record donation of £27 million. It is heartening to read about such generosity despite the current economic difficulties in the world. At the other end of the spectrum, it is great to see the value of small donations, with Qantas’ in-flight coin collection raising almost $25 million over 21 years for Unicef’s vital work with vulnerable children. The initiative is a humble operation run by just two volunteers daily, who sift through bundles of coins from every corner of the globe. Fortunately, the St Margaret’s Foundation has been the beneficiary of both large and small donations to the Capital Campaign fund – cumulatively, the $761,000 raised to date has equalled the amount received from government funding. My thanks to the Capital Campaign Committee of Hume Campbell (Chair), Rob Davidson and Rob Bloxsom, and to Foundation Manager, Colleen Harper, for their ongoing efforts. The Campaign will continue until 30 June 2012, and all final monies received will assist the School to fully complete the building fit-out. However, the work of the Foundation is not focused solely on the Capital Campaign, and through generous donations from the School community, we have established several scholarships. These can be set up to support a specific goal or for more general purposes. Looking forward, your ongoing philanthropic support of St Margaret’s is critical to the fulfilment of the School’s ten-year building plans. Equally important is the establishment of the bequest program and an Endowment Fund, which will allow the School to operate and grow with an ongoing income stream. At our Annual General Meeting in May of this year, I will be retiring from the Foundation Board, and am very pleased to announce that Mr Hume Campbell has agreed to assume the Chairmanship. I wish Mr Campbell and my fellow Directors every success in their endeavours to promote the spirit of philanthropy within the School. My thanks also to retiring Directors, Rob Davidson and Margot Hawker, for their valuable contribution to the Foundation. I have enjoyed being a Director of the Foundation since its establishment in 2004, and its Chair from 2009. St Margaret’s is a great School with an even greater future ahead of it. Margot de Groot Chair of the Foundation

From the Chair of the Foundation


The St Margaret’s Foundation Primary School Awards 8

From the Principal


Sheila Geise Memorial Bursary

From the Chair of the Capital Campaign


Dates for your diary


Wall of Thanks


Pave your way at St Margaret’s


House charities


Food With a View


Foundation Snapshots


Beverley Fox, Foundation Director and Alumni Officer 7



From the Principal We were very fortunate in the midst of all the rain earlier this year, that the 15th February, the day of the official opening and dedication of the Eunice Science and Resource Centre, was a beautiful, sunny day. At our outdoor ceremony on Circular Drive, invited guests and students from Years 6 to 12, all in their hats, looked towards the newly completed building. It was a wonderful day for the dedication by Bishop Jonathan Holland. On behalf of the School, I would like to thank members of the St Margaret’s Foundation, under the leadership of Margot de Groot, and particularly Hume Campbell and his Capital Campaign Committee, for their untiring efforts in keeping the School community informed about the benefits of donating to this building. Both the Committee and the community are to be commended for the fact that, to date, they have matched dollar for dollar the financial support received from the State Government for the construction of the Centre. Naming the building after Mother Eunice was a celebration of the legacy of the Sisters, who for all of the 20th Century and beyond, have been committed to the education of young women, and of Mother Eunice herself, a woman of immense faith. In 2012, Mother Eunice marks 45 years as a professed Sister of the Order, and 30 years in her role as Mother of the Order. She is well known to generations of girls at St Margaret’s, St Anne’s, St Aidan’s and St Catherine’s and an example of quiet leadership, compassion, steadfast commitment and unstinting service. We know that the Sisters are held in high regard and great affection by generations of St Margaret’s students, and this new building was another opportunity to acknowledge their gift to this School. We can little doubt the educational effect this quality resource will have on current and future St Margaret’s students, particularly in the areas of reading, literacy, and scientific literacy. Since the year 2000, Australia has lost its relative leading position in reading, mathematics and scientific literacy in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). It is in the area of reading literacy that the PISA shows a very worrying trend – there has actually been a decline in Australia’s average reading performance over the last decade rather than just outperformance by other countries. In Australia, fewer 15 year olds are performing at very high levels in reading; we are the only high performing country to have experienced a reduction in reading literacy levels over the decade. It is in this context that St Margaret’s has built a new library for our students in Years 6 to 12 – a place which fosters not only reading and research, but a spirit of inquiry, imagination, creativity, composition and expanding horizons. Our guest speaker at the dedication of the building, Dr Rosamond Siemon, former student and well-known author of The Mayne Inheritance, provided an invaluable example to our students who are interested in literature and writing. In Science too, we are excited about the attraction of the six new laboratories – centres for discovery, testing hypotheses, experimenting, and challenge – at a time when the trends in Science study in Australian secondary schools are disturbing. In the early 1990s, Year 12 Science enrolments in Australia were approximately 70%; by 2011, the percentage had dropped to just fewer than 50%. Of course, these are not the figures you would find at St Margaret’s, with 85% of Year 12 students studying at least one Science subject, and over 40% of those students studying more than one Science subject. There are other features of the building which are proving popular; the Independent Learning Centre and the Piazza area are now in constant use. ‘Eunice’ has added greatly to the amenity of the School and we are pleased that this resource will be of great benefit to our students. Thank you to all who have supported and will continue to support this campaign. On a final note, thank you also to Margot de Groot for her invaluable support of the School over the years, in particular, in her role as a driving force and Chair of the Foundation. Ros Curtis Principal


The Foundation Pen Issue 10 April 2012 Sister Gillian, Mother Eunice, Sister Sandra and Sister June Ruth

Vision • Aspiration • Communication • Commitment

From the Chair of the Capital Campaign Hello and welcome to 2012, I would like to start by saying a big thank you to the over 300 donors who have supported the Eunice Science and Resource Centre Capital Campaign. It was a privilege to meet many of you at the recent Special Preview evening and to hear the many wonderful stories about what St Margaret’s means to so many old girls, current and future families. I was especially touched by the School Council’s decision to name this superb new facility after Mother Eunice, who has held the significant position of Mother of the Order for the Sisters of the Society of the Sacred Advent since 1982. At time of writing, the Campaign has raised more than $761,000. This in itself is a great feat, however it still remains some distance from the final $1.6 million target and we are rapidly approaching the conclusion of the Campaign on 30 June. We are still working hard to reach this goal, and I earnestly ask each of you who have already given, to share your story with two people in the St Margaret’s community, talk about your reasons for supporting the campaign, and encourage them to do the same. Opportunities are still available to secure naming rights in various areas of the building, to become a member of the St Margaret’s Foundation, and to be recognised on an individual glass brick in the unique Wall of Thanks (see below). As always, our Foundation Manager, Colleen Harper, is ready to answer any enquiries via phone (07) 3862 0788, or email Finally, I would also like to thank Margot de Groot, Chair of the St Margaret’s Foundation, for her outstanding leadership and enthusiasm as Chair of the St Margaret’s Foundation. I look forward to sharing the news about future Foundation plans following the conclusion of the Capital Campaign, in the next issue. Kind regards

Don’t miss out

Hume Campbell Chair of the Eunice Science and Resource Centre Capital Campaign

Your opportun ity to be part of the Wall of Th anks will close on 30 June 2012

Wall of Thanks

I wish to help support the Science and Resource Centre Campaign All supporters of the Eunice Science and Resource Centre Campaign will be gratefully acknowledged. Those donors who contribute $1,000 and above will be offered the opportunity to have their name displayed on a special glass brick, to form part of our Wall of Thanks. If you are pledging or donating $1,000 or more, please complete the details below. Please acknowledge my contribution in the name of __________________________________ __________________________________ (e.g. The Smith Family, or Mr J & Mrs M Smith, or Peter, Sally and Madeline Smith, max. of 50 characters including spaces) OR We wish to remain anonymous


Payment options:


_______________________________________ Phone:________________________________ Email:__________________________________ Giving options:

A cheque made payable to the St Margaret’s Foundation is enclosed

OR Please charge $_________ to my credit card



Cardholder’s name: __________________________________________ Card number:

Please accept my tax deductible donation of:


Other $ ________

OR I wish to make a pledge of $ ___________

(total), to be made over ______ years

(maximum 3 years), at an amount of

$_________ per year

Expiry Date:


Cardholder’s signature: __________________________________________ Donations via credit card can also be made by contacting our Foundation Office on 07 3862 0765

Please detach, and return this form to St Margaret’s Foundation 11 Petrie Street, Ascot Qld 4007 Australia. For enquiries, please contact the Foundation Office on 07 3862 0765 or via email to Please tick this box if you wish to receive information on naming rights or opportunities to purchase equipment/furniture for the Centre.

Wall of Thanks With the official opening and dedication of the Eunice Science and Resource Centre in February, the St Margaret’s community also had their first chance to view the Wall of Thanks, which recognises all donors to the Capital Campaign. This wall is unique in that it features a series of Australian biological fauna ‘specimens’, a theme in keeping with one of the key purposes of the centre - Science. The first stage of the wall was installed for the opening of the Centre, and there are already dozens of additional ‘scientific specimens’ to be added in the second stage due for installation later in the year. Please see opposite for information about how you can contribute to the Campaign and be recognized in the Wall of Thanks.


The Foundation Pen Issue 10 April 2012

House charities In keeping with the ethos of the Sisters of the Sacred Advent, St Margaret’s students are encouraged to show compassion and support for those less fortunate than themselves. The Secondary School Charity Representatives for each House strongly embody these values and drive this spirit of generosity amongst their peers. Here they share their goals for 2012. Bede – Rosie Dingle This year, Bede House will be supporting the Sporting Wheelies and Disabled Association, a local community non-profit charity organisation that helps Queenslanders with a disability to lead an active, healthy life through participation in sport, recreation and fitness. We aim to raise funds through a variety of fundraisers, to create a greater understanding of social justice, and to really make a difference. Chaucer – Madeleine Bradford Chaucer House is raising funds for Red-Kite, a not-for-profit organisation that provides financial and emotional aid for children with cancer and their families, education services and community work, as well as helping with research and other medical expenses. We hope to assist this great cause as much as we possibly can and make a difference to the lives of many children. Herrick – Anna Sachs This year Herrick will be supporting Guide Dogs Queensland, a charity that helps train seeingeye dogs and provides counselling, mobility, and community services for the visually impaired. This term Herrick hosted a Valentine’s Day drive where we sold chocolate hearts and lollipops, and displayed awareness posters and sold dog-shaped biscuits on Open Day. Kendall – Ashley McCarthy Griffiths The charity we have chosen to support this year is YoungCare, which helps to move disabled young adults out of retirement villages and into more appropriate living conditions. They are a local charity in Brisbane, with 24 self-contained one bedroom units. So far this year we’ve been very successful in fundraising, and girls were enthusiastically selling ice cream on Open Day. After the success of last year’s Kendall Kar Wash, we have decided that this is now going to become an annual event.


Lawson – Holly Brand Beyond Blue is a charity, established in 2000 to create a community response to depression, anxiety and related disorders in Australia. We have already conducted fundraising on Open Day and the Swimming Carnival this term, and over the year we also aim to spread awareness through guest speakers and signs around the School. In this way we hope to prevent depression in the School community and help build a society that can respond to the personal and social aspects of depression. Milton – Milly Bakker-Meyers This year the Cancer Council will benefit from all funds raised by Milton House; we wish to direct our funds towards accommodation for cancer patients and their families. We will try to get all Milton girls involved, working as a team to promote our fundraising efforts. Milton plans to have three major fundraisers in 2012, each appealing to a different sector of our school community. We began our fundraising this term by selling House water bottles and raffling an Adrenaline Porsche Driving experience. Spenser – Dominique McGann In 2012, Spenser House will support a small, independent charity located in Papua New Guinea, Buk bilong Pikinini, which aims to foster children’s enjoyment of books by creating small libraries near communities, clinics and market places. In PNG there are few functioning libraries outside the school system, and most children do not have access to books at all. We aim to support the charity by collecting books and various fundraising activities through the year. Tennyson – Celia Alman This year, Tennyson will support the Sony Foundation, which gives Years 11 and 12 students across Australia the opportunity to care for a child with special needs over a four-day period. St Margaret’s girls in Year 11 are given this life-changing opportunity each year, and love supporting something that they know they can be part of by volunteering at Sony Camp. My aim for this year is to raise as much money as we can for this worthy cause through methods that are enjoyable and rewarding not only for those who receive the product, but for everyone who helps out in the process.

Beverley Fox, Foundation Director and Alumni Officer Throughout her long history with St Margaret’s, Beverley Fox has remained a stalwart supporter of the School. Since her early involvement as a student teacher in 1979, Bev has worn many varied and colourful hats, including teacher of Commerce and History, Head of the Business Department, Years 11 and 12 Year Level Supervisor, and most recently, Foundation Director and Alumni Officer. She is also the proud grandmother of Year 10 St Margaret’s student, Matisse. Here she chats with Colleen Harper, Foundation Manager, sharing some of her fond memories of the School, and discussing the fundamental aim of the Foundation - securing the future of St Margaret’s. Beverley talks about one way all members of the School Community can be part of this goal.


You have worked for St Margaret’s for over 30 years and given much of your time and energy – why is this connection so special to you?

Colleen Harper

I have truly loved my years at the School – all because of the friendship of the Sisters, the generations of students, my colleagues and the many parents I am also now proud to call my friends. My ambition was to be the best I could be at what I loved doing, and this could all happen for me at St Margaret’s.


How do you think the Foundation can develop into the future?

We need to have in place a variety of choices that give all of us, as part of our School community, the opportunity to be involved in the giving process - and one of these is to develop a simple system for bequests to the School. Whilst this topic, along with the concept of wills, has been considered at times sensitive, if there is a process in place for a bequest to be made to an institution, it is simply there to provide a pathway for members of a community to be part of the future of that particular organisation. We all have a choice, and it is good to have this type of choice.


The Foundation Pen Issue 10 April 2012


Why do you believe that bequests can be important to both giver and receiver?

Once we have framed our wills to reflect our wishes for our loved ones, we have the opportunity to consider other options and, because our lives are complex and are touched at different times in different ways, one of these can be a specific bequest in our will to an institution that, for whatever reason, has been important to us. This could be a school, a church or a special charity that we love and believe in. A bequest is a special type of gift - one that gives us an opportunity to simply say, ‘thank you’. This is one of those choices that could be very satisfying to make and to put in place.

The St Margaret’s Foundation Primary School Awards The Foundation is very pleased to support the work of the teaching staff in both the Primary and Secondary Schools by offering awards as an incentive to students to embrace classroom activities in their different subject areas. Within the Secondary School, each Faculty has the freedom to determine the aims of the award and to set guidelines for the students’ individual achievements. The Primary School determined that the Foundation’s offer could be used to achieve different aims that better aligned with the younger age groups and a program was designed to enhance students’ studies in English, to foster creativity, and to provide stimulation to their classroom work. The Foundation has provided three perpetual trophies for this competition, each of which is awarded annually to students across different age groups.

The Poetry and Picture Book Awards are open to students across Years 1 to 7. To be eligible for these Awards, students write and submit an original poem, or create a story and communicate it using original pictures. The Short Story Award is open to students in Years 4 to 7; students who wish to be eligible for this Award, write and submit an original short story. Students whose submissions are assessed as attaining first place in the specific age group and category are recorded on the trophies, and all placegetters receive certificates recognising their work. Highly creative and imaginative books, stories and poems made the judging difficult in 2011, and all students who submitted entries are to be congratulated on their efforts.



Picture Book

Years 1 to 3

1st Alyssa Renaut 2nd Isabel Stephens Highly Commended Bianca Licina

1st Tamika Tran 2nd Georgia Souvaye-Murphy 3rd Jacqueline Bell

Year 4 and 5

1st Matilda Palmer 2nd Annabelle Sullivan Highly Commended Amira Ryan

1st Amira Ryan 2nd Laura Chancellor 3rd Hannah O’Brien Highly Commended Charlotte Wala

1st Sofiah Beach 2nd Laura Chancellor/Leilani Chia 3rd Hilary McKie/Grace Tap Highly Commended Claudia Bosworth

Year 6 and 7

1st Saarya Khan 2nd Phoebe Gibson Dougall Highly Commended Adelaide Franklin

1st Chelsea Toomey

1st Phoebe Gibson-Dougall 2nd Hannah Lane 3rd Edwina Whyte Highly Commended Ella Leaney

Colleen Harper, Foundation Manager, with the 2011 Primary School Captains, Nicole Andronis and Liliana Tarabay

Beverley Fox, Foundation Director and Alumni Officer, with Award winners


Short Story

Sheila Geise Memorial Bursary The Sheila Geise Memorial Bursary was commenced in 2010 by Ray Geise and his daughter Nikki to honour the memory of Sheila (Griffith), 1949. Sheila was not only an Old Girl of the School, she was a long-term member of the staff, both as a teacher and as an administrator. Sheila’s great love was English and legions of her past students attest to her extraordinary knowledge and insight as well as her ability to impart her knowledge and generate in her students a life-long love for both the spoken and written word. The 2011 Speech Night recipient of this Bursary was Georgina Papworth and the following letter from her expresses her gratitude in receiving this generous and prestigious award.

Ray Giese and Georgina Papworth at the 2011 St Margaret’s Speech Night


The Foundation Pen Issue 10 April 2012

Dates for your diary St Margaret’s 2012 Alumni Reunions We have a big year ahead and to date the following Reunion planning is underway: VIP Ladies from the years 1920 to 1951

Wednesday 20 June


St Margaret’s Reunion Weekend 1952 – 60 Year Reunion Saturday 21 July 1959 – Annual Reunion Saturday 21 July 1962 – 50 Year Reunion Saturday 21 July 1972 – 40 Year Reunion Saturday 21 July 1982 – 30 Year Reunion Saturday 21 July 1992 – 20 Year Reunion Friday 20 July 2002 – 10 Year Reunion Saturday 21 July

Luncheon Luncheon at the Moreton Club (Hosted by Shirley Bale and Judith Bell) Luncheon Luncheon Evening function Evening function Evening function

Principal’s Interstate Reunions Sydney Friday 7 September Melbourne Saturday 8 September

Evening function Afternoon function

International Reunions London Saturday 29 September

Afternoon function

Unless otherwise noted, all Reunions will be held at the School. Invitations with full details will be sent closer to these dates. To ensure you are part of the celebrations, please contact Beverley Fox on (07) 3862 0884 or to update your records. Parents & Friends Association Events Father/Daughter Breakfast 27 April 2012 St Margaret’s Race Day 11 August 2012 For further information, please email p&

Pave your way at St Margaret’s Life’s journey is made up of pathways – inscribe your memories and relationships with St Margaret’s by sponsoring a tile. Imagine securing an area within St Margaret’s that is dedicated to past and present students, families, friends and supporters. A tile that celebrates and acknowledges your relationship with St Margaret’s is a method of ensuring that the Spirit Lives On. A limited number of large-size Gold tiles (340mmx340mm) are available for $995 each. These tiles are located at the Arts Centre, in the most prominent area of flooring where maximum exposure is achieved. Smaller Bronze terracotta tiles (300mmx300mm) are available for $295 each, and located at the side of the Terraces. Capture your bond with St Margaret’s by paving your name in history. For further information please contact Jenelle O’Loughlin on (07) 3862 0765 or email


Food With a View The St Margaret’s community bonded together and put in hundreds of hours of hard work to produce this gem, filled with recipes and full colour images of over 150 mouthwatering dishes. At $40 each, Food With a View makes a wonderful gift for birthdays, wedding showers, and housewarmings. Its 208 pages are an homage to fine home cooking, and along with collage pages of student art and city/country scenes, it evokes the essence of the St Margaret’s School community. Place your order today online via the order form on the School website, or contact Beverley Fox on (07) 3862 0884 or The cookbook is also available for sale from the School Supplies Shop.

Foundation Snapshots

Neil McAdam (with friends) made a donation to the campaign for his sister and in memory of Old Girl, Joan Fitzgerald

Old Girl Carol Hill (Uhlmann 1952) and husband Stuart travelled from the Gold Coast for the event

Current parents (Nicola Yr 11) Steven and Kalypso Nearhos with Chair of School Council, Annabelle Chaplain

Old Girl Pam Ayers (1952) travelled from Victoria for the Special Preview

During 2011 the Year 7 Graduation Party, young philanthropists still found time to make a donation to the campaign


The Foundation Pen Issue 10 April 2012

St Margaret’s Foundation Thank You St Margaret’s Foundation Membership Patron $100,000+ Benefactor $50,000 - $99,999 Companion $25,000 - $49,999 Fellow $10,000 - $24,999 Friend $5,000 - $9,999 Associate $2,000 - $4,999 General Donation less than $1,999


The Lee Family


H & R Campbell The Crommelin Family


St Margaret’s Old Girls’ Assoc.* St Margaret’s Parents and Friends Assoc.*


The Adcock Family Judith Bell The Crouch Family The de Groot Family The Huxley Family The Lake Family The Lane Family The Lisle Family The Rennie Family The Splatt Family The Willink Family


Matthew & Roxane Horton Pamela Ayers The Davidson Family The Malouf Family The Rasmussen Family The Quayle Family


Ros Curtis Donation In Memory of Joan Fitzgerald Tayla Anne Greves R & K House Margot (Moore) Love Dr JG Mann, AM & Mrs A Mann Catelan Moore Family Megan Walsh & Family

Donations to Scholarship Fund Fellow

Henderson Foundation

Friend The Hon Mrs A Dawson-Damer

Associate R & K House

General Donation Miss P Galley Mr R & Mrs S Pym Dr D Ryan Mrs J Swithinbank

Donations to the Eunice Science & Resource Centre Capital Campaign

General Donation

Mr M W & Mrs K E Albrand Mr D J & Mrs N B Allpass Dr W & Mrs S Anseline Mr A & Mrs R Bailey Mr P Baillie & Ms K L Willis Mrs Shirley Bale Mr W L & Mrs S M Banich Mr A & Mrs T Barakat Mr D G & Ms S M Barber Dr C J & Mrs S-A Bardsley Mr C & Mrs R Barker Mr M S & Mrs M L Batchelor Mr K R & Mrs M T Bell Mr J C and Mrs D E Bell-Allen Ms L Benjamin Mr D K & Mrs K Bergmann Dr B Bhaskar & Dr D Balakrishna Mrs E G Black Mrs T D Blake Mr R E & Mrs S F Bloxsom Ms A J Bloxsom Mr N & Mrs E Bluett Mr M T D & Mrs C A Bosworth Mr F Boulay Mr J A & Mrs D A Bowen Mr D R Bowyer & Dr J M Pink Mr M & Mrs J Boyte Mr M J & Mrs A L Brand Dr M W & Mrs J C Bridges Mr H & Mrs E Brokken Mrs Mary Brown Mr M D & Mrs C Brown Mr T & Mrs L Butler Mr P F & Mrs K Butler Mr S & Mrs P Button Mr R & Mrs L Byrnes Mr D W & Mrs S M Bywater Mr R & Mrs M Callway Mr W & Mrs T Calver Mr S & Mrs J Capelli Mr R & Mrs L Cassaniti Ms L Catelan Mr N & Mrs M Chancellor Ms Y Chen Mr J-C Chen & Mrs Y-H Yeh Mr S K Chiu & Ms Pao-Chao Yu Mr H Y Cho & Ms B R Ku Mr S & Mrs R Cirilli Mrs Anne Clarke Mrs Glennie Clarke Dr R J & Rev N Colledge Mr A & Mrs F Cooper Mr D A & Mrs A F Corcoran Mr M C & Mrs S L Cosgrove Mrs Joan Cowie Mr M & Mrs A Crowe Mr A D & Mrs T M Cummins Mr M J & Mrs S A Curr Mr P D’Abreton & Ms Y Hong Mrs Joan Darling Mr R & Mrs E Davidson Mrs B Davies Mr B E & Mrs A M Davis Mr G & Mrs P Davis The Hon Mrs A Dawson-Damer Mr Gino De Pasquale Mr S & Mrs D Delaney Mr F L and Mrs M De Pasquale Mr A G Griffiths & Ms S Devi

Miss S Donkin Dr H & Mrs F M Douglas Drs M & S Duncan Dr G & Mrs L Duncombe Mr N G & Mrs B A Efstathis Mr M R & Mrs A F A Elmer Mr D B & Mrs E M Emmott Judge W G & Mrs N M Everson Mr G E & Mrs T M Fenner Mr R R & Mrs S R Ferrier Mr G & Mrs C Finlayson Ms J Floyd Dr B T & Mrs A-L Forster The Fortitude Valley Rotary Club Dr D B & Mrs L J Francis Mr A A Franklin & Ms S F Jones Mr D & Mrs S Fraser Mr A & Mrs C Garner Dr S & Dr R Garraway Mr A D & Mrs H L Gatenby Mr G S Dougall & Ms D M Gibson Mr R & Mrs L Gibson Mr M J & Mrs L M A Godlee Mr H P & Mrs J Goh Mr R & Mrs L Goodrich Mr R & Mrs D Gracie Mrs Sheryl Grant Mr R D & Mrs A J Grieve Mrs J Griffith Mr K & Mrs S Griffiths Mr R L & Mrs B K Groves Mr P R & Mrs L J Hacker Mr R M & Mrs L C Hackett Mrs Helen Hains Mr SH Han & Ms KS Lee Mr C W & Mrs S A Hannah Colleen & Neil Harper Miss Annabelle Harrington Mr P J Whelan & Ms B J Harris Dr G & Dr R Harris Mr C B & Mrs S J Hart Mr P R & Mrs L L Haslam Mr R & Mrs M R Hawker Dr A H & Mrs R L Hayes Mr G J Heather & Ms H Zahnow Dr A Henderson Mr R & Mrs J A Henzell Mr S & Mrs C Hill Mr T & Mrs K Hiranyalekha Mr P D & Mrs M E Hockings Mrs G Hodges Mr C & Mrs C Hodson Ms M Hofmann Mr D Holmes & Ms R Thompson Mr R & Mrs J Howse Dr Y-H Huang Mr C J & Mrs L C Hughes Mr C & Mrs N Hughes Mr D Huybers Mr K & Mrs N Igarashi Mr T & Mrs L Ihmels Mr B & Mrs N Irvine Mr W Jeon & Ms J Ko Mr X Jin & Mrs N M Zhou Mr S & Mrs K Johnston Mr J E Johnston Dr P H & Mrs S A Jones Mr C K & Mrs S Kelly Mr W & Mrs J Kendall Mr M C & Mrs P H Kennedy Mr G & Mrs K Kern Dr A & Mrs H Khan Ms Adele Kieseker Mrs J S Kim Mr R & Mrs K Kimeklis Mr A J & Mrs M Kimmins

Mr W & Mrs W King Dr G & Mrs M Kinross Mr A P Kirk & Ms L K Flynn Mr T J & Mrs A I Kirkwood Mr P G Knee & Ms C Daunt Mr G B & Mrs R E Lambert Mrs Roslyn Lane Mr J & Mrs J Leavey Mr C-T & Mrs W Y-H Lee Mr P & Mrs P Leitner Mr B & Mrs M Licina Mr R A & Mrs S M Long Mr T & Mrs T Lordi Mr R B & Mrs F J Luhrs Dr D Macdonald Mr C & Mrs J MacDougall Mr S & Mrs M Macfarlane Dr A R G & Mrs C J Macmillan Mr P & Dr M Magee Mrs L A Magoffin Mr S L & Mrs N F Makiol Mr A & Mrs J Manique Drs D C & J M Marchant Mr R M & Mrs E M Marples Ms L E Matheson Mr Miller &Mrs Matsuura-Miller Mr JF & Mrs CA McGann Mr A & Mrs S McGilvray Mr P A & Mrs E J McGown Mrs Heather McGrath Mr T & Mrs S McIntyre Mr A & Mrs H McKie Mr R & Mrs O McLaughlin Mr C T & Mrs K G McLay Mr P & Mrs S McLean Mr P N & Mrs L M McMahon Mr G D and Mrs C J McPherson Mr T & Mrs R McSweeney Mr W & Mrs K Merrick Mr E & Mrs P Metcalf Mr A C & Mrs J M Micalizzi Mr J S & Mrs K M Miles Mr M G & Mrs S A Millard Mrs N A J Milsom Mr J G & Mrs L M Mohr Mr J B & Mrs M Morgan Mr L & Mrs S Morgan Mr J & Mrs T Morison Mr C & Mrs W Mort Mr Kenji Motooka Mr D & Mrs D Murday Drs S L & K W-M Murray Mr S & Mrs R Narayan Dr S P & Mrs K Nearhos Mr & Mrs G W Nock Mr M & Mrs N Nolan Mr C & Mrs D North Ms M Oliver Mr Mills &Mrs O’Loughlin-Mills Mr M & Mrs L O’Sullivan Mr W S J & Mrs S A Page Mr J N & Mrs M Papworth Mr J W Choi & Ms K R Park Mr MH & Mrs HE Parsonson Mr S Peabody & Ms C Murphy Mr H & Mrs D Pearson Mr N & Mrs A Perkins Mr W L & Mrs M K Peters Mr A N & Mrs C J Philip Mr A T & Mrs V L Prowse Mr F & Mrs S Pugliese Mr M & Mrs R Pulsford Mr J & Mrs C G Purcell Mrs Sally Quayle Mr E J & Mrs A M Quayle Mr S Campbell & Ms A Reynolds

Mr P G & Mrs J T Robertson Mr M G & Mrs A Rodrigues Mr A & Mrs N Ronald Mr B K & Mrs M Rosewall Mr P & Mrs P Rowe Mr M J & Mrs A J Ryan Mr L & Mrs T L Ryan Mr J C and Mrs S G Ryan Dr S J & Dr D J Ryan Mr MJ Sachs & Ms VR Wilson Mr D P & Mrs E T Salecich Mrs H A Savage Mr P & Mrs M Scagnetti Mr M & Mrs R Schlyder Mr A D & Mrs D Shah Mr W & Mrs K Sharpe Mr A J & Mrs J R Shearer-Smith Mr G R Shipman & Ms D L Butler Mr P & Mrs T Short Dr Rosamond Siemon Mrs Vanessa Simpson Mr J G & Mrs K M Simpson Mr R & Mrs M Sinnamon Mr D G & Mrs I T H Smith Mr S G & Mrs K E Smith Mr M J & Mrs M A Smith Mr B P Smith & Dr J A Neilson Dr M Soe & Mrs K M Naing Dr S & Mrs L Sondergeld Mr M G Murphy & Ms G Souyave Mr J H & Mrs K M Speare Mr J A & Mrs A M Sprague Mr J W & Mrs J R Spriggs Mr MR & Mrs CD Stanilewicz Dr L G & Mrs P A Steffen Mrs Dawn Stevenson Mrs Dorothy Stewart Mr M E & Mrs D A Stone Mr P D & Mrs J-A M Strachan Mr A & Mrs J Strahley Mr R Suffren & Ms A Sheales Mr P & Mrs A Sullivan Ms K Sweeney Mr W & Mrs T A Tapp Mr T J & Mrs L M Tarabay Mr S Vittone & Ms F Taylor Mr B C & Mrs L M Teljega Mr R B & Mrs B J Thomas Mr R L & Mrs S Thompson Mr B E & Mrs A Tindale Mr S & Mrs S D Todd Mr R J & Mrs C D Tomkins Mr S & Mrs C Toohey Mr R & Mrs S Traves Dr M & Mrs D Tuffley Mr T J & Mrs J C Ulcoq Mrs Joan Underwood Mr G A & Mrs N Vandermeyde Mr M I & Mrs A Bell Mr R & Mrs J R Wade Mr L R B Walker & Ms L Boswell Mr A R G & Mrs V L Warby Mr G & Mrs C Warriner Ms N L White Ms M White Mr C & Mrs K Whitehead Dr A N & Mrs L P Whittle Mr A & Mrs L Whyte Mr A & Mrs A Wieland Margaret Wilson Mrs R J Wood Mr D & Mrs R Wright Mr M & Mrs S Zeljko St Margaret’s Primary School 2011

The St Margaret’s Foundation also wishes to thank all donors who have chosen to remain anonymous. St Margaret’s Foundation 11 Petrie Street, Ascot Qld 4007 Australia • ABN 72 113 529 230 Colleen Harper Telephone: 07 3862 0788 • Facsimile: 07 3862 3656 • Website: Email: • A School of the Society of the Sacred Advent

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