Foundation Pen Issue 11

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thefoundationpen Issue 11 January 2013

Speech Night Foundation Prize One of the goals of the St Margaret’s Foundation is to provide encouragement to students via a range of awards. Introduced in 2009, the Foundation Speech Night Prize, seeks to recognise and reward a student in Year 11 who has been committed to and involved in charitable endeavours within the School while at the same time maintaining her academic standards and involvement in extra-curricular activities. The Foundation was very pleased in 2012 to present a cheque for $500 to Nicola Nearhos recognising her ongoing hard work. Nicola will now choose a charity that she will nominate to receive a matching donation. Congratulations, Nicola.

Building for now and the future...

The Foundation hopes that Nicola will be as successful in her fundraising activities as the 2011 winner of the prestigious award – Natalie Charlton – who successfully raised over $3500 for her nominated charity, “1000 Births, 1000 Lives”. Last year Natalie thanked her supporters via the letter printed on page 6:

From the Chair Throughout 2013, the Foundation will concentrate its efforts in three areas: Capital Works, Scholarships and Endowments. With this in mind, I thought it would be timely to give supporters a brief reminder of the work the St Margaret’s Foundation does, its purpose and its overall goals. What is the Foundation? The St Margaret’s Foundation is a Company Limited by Guarantee and established under Australian Corporations Law, managed by the Foundation Board and reporting to the St Margaret’s School Council. What is the purpose of the Foundation? Established in 2004, the Foundation’s purpose is to uphold the School’s heritage and vision and to support the Council‘s commitment to enrich and enhance the learning environment and opportunities for past, present and future students. What are the goals of the Foundation? • • • • •

To nurture links throughout all members of the School community To oversee fundraising efforts that relate to capital projects and sponsorship To raise funds through donations, bequests and in-kind support To invest funds to provide a source of future income To develop scholarship opportunities

In 2013, the Foundation aims to exceed the following goals: • •

To give $80,000 to assist with Bursaries and Scholarships To increase the School’s Endowment Fund by $100,000

In the first instance, donations to the Building Fund will be used to create more ‘green space’ in the School by the demolition of The Loft – an old building located near the Chapel. At the end of 2012, we said goodbye to long-term staff and Foundation member Beverley Fox. Joining Beverley in her retirement from the St Margaret’s Foundation Board in 2013 is Darren Barlow. We thank Beverley and Darren for the dedication and commitment to the School over the years and wish them the very best in their future endeavours. New Board Members Felicity Cooper is a current parent, mother to Carey, Nicola and Samantha. She is an Executive Director with Ernst & Young Advisory and has over 20 years of experience as a chartered accountant. During this period, Felicity has specialised in the business advisory area, working across internal and external audit and enterprise risk management; operational reviews and technology enabled business transformation. Lisa Butler and her mother are St Margaret’s Old Girls and Lisa is mother to current student, Georgina. Lisa is the Director and Founder of The Talea Group, which helps its clients to enhance their business performance and returns by developing their communication capability. Talea typically works with major corporations and businesses across professional services, banking and finance, IT, insurance, energy, construction, engineering and recruitment. From the Chair


2012 Foundation Awards for Excellence


Mark Williamson has over 25 years in sales and marketing leadership positions in IT, telecommunications and airlines. He currently runs his own business advisory consultancy. Mark’s previous roles have included Regional Sales Director with Optus Business; President of Global Sales and Marketing for Mincom Ltd; National Sales Manager and Queensland State Manager for Ansett Airlines. Mark holds directorships on a number of boards.

Breaking the cycle


St Margaret’s Bursaries

Campaign committed to capital


Continues: Speech Night Foundation Prize

The bursaries offered at St Margaret’s represent a truly life-changing opportunity for many of our students. However, the number of students in need of bursary assistance currently outstrips our supply of funds, which is limited to the amount of donations received.


View to cooking well


A scholarship, bequest or bursary is a wonderful way to continue your association with St Margaret’s. If you would like to find out more about our ‘giving’ charter, please contact our Foundation Office.

Pave your way at St Margaret’s


Foundation Snapshots


May I also take this opportunity to welcome you all back after the holidays. It is a new year and a new start – let’s work together and make this the best year yet for St Margaret’s. Hume Campbell Chair of Foundation


2012 Foundation Awards for Excellence In 2012, the Foundation once again offered the Faculties the opportunity to reward students who may or may not be the top academic achievers in various subjects, but who have consistently proven to be enthusiastic, committed, positive and hard working. Award recipients also had to contribute to the dynamics of the classroom or, in the case of The Arts, had to be recognised for their talent in a specific component of their course of study (e.g., songwriting).

Every Faculty was involved and the Foundation was able to recognise and reward 27 Secondary School students. The very deserving recipients were given their certificates, cheques and Foundation Pins at the Seniors’ Final School Assembly in the Philip Harris Sports Centre by the Chair of the St Margaret’s Foundation, Mr Hume Campbell.

The Foundation Award for Excellence in Creative Writing

Emily Everson (Year 10) Felicity Mohr (Year 9) Bailey Call (Year 8)

The Foundation Award for Excellence in Health & Physical Education (Year 10)

Charlotte Smith

The Foundation Award for Excellence in Studies in Humanities

Bailey Call (Year 8)

Emily Everson Olivia Lambert (Year 8) Georgina Quayle (Year 9) Claire Johnston (Year 9)

The Foundation Award for Excellence in Japanese (Year 12 )

Hannah Ryu

The Foundation Award for Excellence in German (Year 12)

Claire Cottam

The Foundation Award for Excellence in French (Year 12)

Betsy Rutledge

The Foundation Award for Excellence in Mathematics

Soyi (Sally) Lee (Year 8) Ju-Hyon (Julia) Jeon (Year 9) Ellen Purcell (Year 10) Sasha Richards (Year 11)

The Foundation Award for Excellence in Studies in Science Raelene Pearson (8B) Brianna Cameron (8C) Molly Duhig (9D) Hope Oliver (10B) The 2012 Foundation Art Extension Award

Holly Sprague - 1st (Year 10) Phoebe Duncombe - Highly Com (Year 9) Emily Taylor - Highly Com (Year 10)

The Foundation Award for Excellence in Songwriting (Year 12) Weiying (Nancy) Xu The Foundation Award for Excellence in Studies in Religious and Values Education (Year 9)

Claire Johnston Felicity Mohr Rachyl Cameron Claire Leishman

The Foundation Award for Excellence in Business and Legal Studies (Year 10)

Matisse Waters

The Foundation Award for Excellence in Information Technology (Year 9)

Jessica Griffiths

The Foundation Award for Excellence in Food and Textiles Technology (Year 9)

Lauren Gracie


The Foundation Pen Issue 11 January 2013

Breaking the cycle Since its inception, St Margaret’s has been a school renowned for ‘giving’ to the broader community. Founders, the Sisters of the Society of the Sacred Advent, provided the ‘giving’ groundwork by establishing an institution responsible for educating girls from all parts of Queensland. The girls who graduate from St Margaret’s not only have a strong academic focus, but also a strong sense of justice and respect for those less fortunate. This tradition continues today with the implementation of scholarships, bursaries and bequests. From the Foundation’s perspective, we can offer members of the School community a tax-deductible opportunity to support a student who otherwise could not afford to attend St Margaret’s. One such scholarship applies to indigenous girls of all ages and involves working in partnership with Yalari – a notfor-profit organisation offering secondary educational scholarships to indigenous children from remote, rural and regional communities from all corners of Australia. The scholarship – run and organised by Yalari – gives students a ‘hand-up’ to their future by offering a full academic berth. Yalari’s aim is to create a network of educational opportunities that will bring about longterm generational change for indigenous youth.


Yalari was founded in 2005 by indigenous educator Waverley Stanley; it now financially (and emotionally) supports over 200 students. St Margaret’s is one of 30 partner schools throughout Australia and has been involved with the organisation since 2009 when the School accepted two girls into the Boarding House. The program has been so successful that this year 11 girls will join the St Margaret’s School community. One of the School’s original Yalari scholarship recipients, Shaquille Close-Knight (Year 11), has been awarded a Qantas Traineeship, which she will complete while finishing her schooling at St Margaret’s. According to Principal Ros Curtis, the Yalari girls are very respected members of the Boarding House. “We all benefit from their involvement in the greater life of the School. These girls, with the support of their families, are wonderful contributors to the School community,” Ms Curtis said. “I appreciate the relationship of mutual support that we share with Yalari and hope that we can continue to offer opportunities to students in the future.”

Campaign committed to capital The opening of the $8 million Eunice Science and Resource Centre in February last year was a wonderful way to start the 2012 school year. The Foundation, through its Capital Campaign, and with the support of the St Margaret’s community, raised close to $850,000 to fit out the building. At the official opening, the School community also had the chance to view the Wall of Thanks – a dedicated part of the centre that has been adorned with plaques of donor names. This wall is unique in that it features a series of Australian biological fauna ‘specimens’, a theme in keeping with one of the key purposes of the centre – Science. Each tile on the wall contains a specimen and the name of a donor who contributed $1000 or more to the Capital Campaign – it makes for a warm and ‘different’ kind of welcome to visitors to the centre. Thank you to everyone who donated to the campaign and to those community members continuing on with their philanthropic support of St Margaret’s.


The Foundation Pen Issue 11 January 2013

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View to cooking well This is your last chance to purchase St Margaret’s inaugural cookbook, Food with a View. The 208-page tome is filled with full-colour images of dishes that will delight the tastebuds and ensure your family walks away from the table contented. At just $40 a book, Food with a View, could be a wonderful gift for someone who has a birthday coming up, or perhaps a friend who is getting married – what a wonderful way to start a life together … creating memories enriched in fine home cooking. The St Margaret’s community bonded together and put in hundreds of hours of hard work to produce this gem, filled with over 150 mouth-watering recipes. Along with collage pages of student art and city/country scenes, it evokes and the essence of the St Margaret’s School community. Place your order today online via the order form on the School website, or contact the Foundation Office on 07 3862 0765 or email Food with a View is also available for sale from the School Supplies Shop.

Pave your way at St Margaret’s Cement your bond with St Margaret’s by paving your name in the School’s foundation – literally. There are a limited number of tiles still available and we are encouraging our recent graduates to purchase one of them so they can continue their association with their alma mater. Imagine securing an area within St Margaret’s that is dedicated just to past and present students, families, friends and supporters. A tile that celebrates and acknowledges your relationship with St Margaret’s is a method of ensuring that the Spirit Lives On. There are a limited number of large-size Gold tiles (340mmx340mm) still available for just $995 each. When you purchase one of these tiles, it will be positioned at the Arts Centre, in the most prominent area of flooring where maximum exposure is achieved. Smaller Bronze terracotta tiles (300mmx300mm) are also still available (although not many remain!) for just $295 each; once purchased they will be located at the side of the Terraces. For more information on how you can be immortalised in the foundations of St Margaret’s, please contact Foundation and P&F Liaison Officer Jenelle Hobbs on 07 3862 0765 or email


The Foundation Pen Issue 11 January 2013

Foundation Snapshots

St Margaret’s Foundation Thanks You Patron The Lee Family

Benefactor H & R Campbell The Crommelin Family

Companion St Margaret’s Old Girls’ Assoc.* St Margaret’s Parents and Friends Assoc.* The Willink Family

Fellow The Adcock Family The Crouch Family The de Groot Family R & K House The Huxley Family The Lake Family The Lane Family The Lisle Family The Rennie Family The Roe Family & RBS Morgans Foundation The Splatt Family

Friend Pamela Ayers Judith Bell The Bloomfield Family The Davidson Family The Malouf Family The Quayle Family The Rasmussen Family

Associate Catelan Moore Family Ros Curtis Donation in memory of Joan Fitzgerald Tayla Anne Greves Margot (Moore) Love Dr JG Mann AM & Mrs A Mann The Marchant Family Sharon and Jim Ryan Megan Walsh & Family The Whyte Family

St Margaret’s Foundation Membership Patron $100,000+ Benefactor $50,000 - $99,999 Companion $25,000 - $49,999 Fellow $10,000 - $24,999 Friend $5000 - $9999 Associate $2000 - $4999 General Donation less than $1999

Donations to Scholarship Fund Companion

The Butler Family

Fellow Henderson Foundation

Friend The Hon Mrs A Dawson-Damer

Associate R & K House

General Donation Miss P Galley Mr R & Mrs S Pym Dr D Ryan Mrs J Swithinbank

Donations to Endowment Fund Ros Curtis Fortitude Valley Rotary Club Mr J Johnson

General Donation

Mr M W & Mrs K E Albrand Mr W L & Mrs S M Banich Mr A & Mrs T Barakat Mr J F & Mrs J V Beach Mr J C and Mrs D E Bell-Allen Mr R E & Mrs S F Bloxsom Mr F Boulay Mr M J & Mrs A L Brand Mrs W Buddle Mr M J F & Mrs A M Burnett Mr T & Mrs L Butler Mr R & Mrs M Callway Mr W & Mrs T Calver Mr R & Mrs L Cassaniti Mr N & Mrs M Chancellor Mrs Glennie Clarke Mrs Anne Clarke Mrs Sally Coffey Mr D A & Mrs A F Corcoran Mrs Joan Cowie Mr A D & Mrs T M Cummins Mr K & Mrs A Donald Miss S Donkin Dr H & Mrs F M Douglas Mr N G & Mrs B A Efstathis Mr M R & Mrs A F A Elmer Mr D B & Mrs E M Emmott Mr D J & Mrs V M Fisher Rebeca Flores-Holdaway Mr A A Franklin & Ms S F Jones Miss P Galley Mr A & Mrs C Garner Mr A D & Mrs H L Gatenby Mr R & Mrs D Gracie Mrs Sheryl Grant Mr N & Ms C Harper Dr G & Dr R Harris Mr C B & Mrs S J Hart Mr R & Mrs M R Hawker Mr G J Heather & Ms H Zahnow Mrs C Hill Mr J A & Ms C L Holden Mr R & Mrs J Howse Mr C J & Mrs L C Hughes Mr M & Mrs R Horton

Mr W & Mrs J Kendall Mr G & Mrs K Kern Mr R & Mrs K Kimeklis Mr P G Knee & Ms C Daunt Mr B C Lake & Ms K L Stehbens Mr G B & Mrs R E Lambert Mr D & Mrs N Leembruggen Mr P & Mrs P Leitner Dr P and Mrs T Licina Mr R B & Mrs F J Luhrs Dr D Macdonald Ms L E Matheson Mr J M & Mrs S P McGagh Mr A & Mrs S McGilvray Mr P & Mrs S McLean Mr P N & Mrs L M McMahon Mr J S & Mrs K M Miles Mr J G & Mrs L M Mohr Mr A J H Morris Mr W S J & Mrs S A Page Mr B A & Mrs L K Payne Mr F & Mrs S Pugliese Ms Suzette Purdy Mr E J & Mrs A M Quayle Mr P G & Mrs J T Robertson Mr B K & Mrs M Rosewall Mr D & Dr R Shankar Dr Rosamond Siemon Mr C R & Mrs M A Slawson Mr B P Smith & Dr J A Neilson Mr D G & Mrs I T H Smith Mr M J & Mrs M A Smith Mr M G Murphy & Ms G Souyave Mr MG & Mrs SJ Stafford Mr N C & S K Stephens Mr M E & Mrs D A Stone Mr P D & Mrs J-A M Strachan Mr S Vittone & Ms F Taylor Mr R B & Mrs B J Thomas Mr R J & Mrs C D Tomkins Mr T J & Mrs J C Ulcoq Mr D & Mrs R Wright 2010 Senior Year Girls 2011 Senior Year Girls

The St Margaret’s Foundation also wishes to thank all donors who have chosen to remain anonymous.

St Margaret’s Foundation 11 Petrie Street, Ascot Qld 4007 Australia • ABN 72 113 529 230 Telephone: 07 3862 0765 • Website: Email: A School of the Society of the Sacred Advent

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