Foundation Pen Issue 9

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thefoundationpen Issue 9 November 2011

Building for now and the future...

From the Chair of the Foundation It’s hard to believe we are in the last quarter of this calendar year and by November the Science and Resource Centre Building will be completed. Rohrig Constructions and Brand + Slater Architects are doing a marvellous job. On a recent site visit it was great to see their workmanship and to imagine students using this building in 2012. Whilst the building works have progressed at a good pace, the Capital Campaign to raise funds to outfit the Centre has to date only received approximately $470,000 of our $1.6 million target. It has been a tough year for the community so fundraising has been difficult. We greatly appreciate the donations received to this point but we need your further support to purchase items required to furnish the Centre. St Margaret’s is committed to fostering a sense that our students are very fortunate young women and inspiring them to think about what difference they are going to make. Integral to this approach is the provision of quality facilities. If every family donates (say) $1,500 to our Capital Campaign, the School will have the funds to outfit the Centre with all that is required for our students to fully utilise and enjoy the facility.

From the Chair of the Foundation


From the Principal


From the Chair of the Capital Campaign


Leith Charlton, Head of Information Services


Library letter project


Final brick in the wall


St Margaret’s spirit


A lasting gift


Pave your way at St Margaret’s


Cookbooks for Christmas


Foundation Snapshots


There have been comments that many excellent boys’ schools have long enjoyed the generosity of the old boys’ network netting as much as $8 million per year from donations and fundraising activities whilst girls’ schools have to settle for considerably less. Hopefully the time is coming when girls’ schools will be similarly supported. Although the building works will be completed in November 2011, we will be continuing the Capital Campaign through to June 2012. My thanks to Hume Campbell, Robert Bloxsom, Robert Davidson and retiring Director, Paul Haslem for their work as members of the Capital Campaign Committee and for the support provided by our Foundation Manager, Colleen Harper. I also acknowledge the wonderful contribution to the Foundation made by retiring Directors Joe Gibson, Angus Harvey-Ross and Karen-Lee Spillane. We warmly welcome incoming Director, Roger House, to the Board. In late October 2011 the Board will meet for a strategic planning session to review its objectives for the coming year and to ensure they are aligned with the School’s strategic plan. Given the building works needed within the School and the wish to support indigenous students and students in need to complete their education at St Margaret’s, the Foundation is committed to establishing an Endowment Fund and to providing more scholarships. Philanthropy is becoming more important to the School and the comments of Professor Myles MacGregor-Lowndes, Director of the Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Non-Profit Studies in The CourierMaill of 4 September 2011 are apt, “Giving is acting on values: we show through compassion what we stand for in life”. Margot de Groot Chair of the Foundation


From the Principal St Margaret’s has been fortunate in its 116 year history to be the beneficiary of the generosity of many people including past and current students, parents and staff. This generosity is seen through the provision of time, and expertise, the value of network and connections, and, of course, money. Such funds are used to the benefit of students – the future leaders and contributors of our society – either through the provision of financial support or facilities. In fact, this support continued and grew this year with the launch of our Capital Campaign. We have been grateful for the enormous support the School has received. Thank you to the Foundation for its work – and particularly to the Capital Campaign Committee. It is wonderful to know that so many of you are passionate about what we do here at St Margaret’s and want to contribute to the long term legacy of this School. The School’s philanthropic tradition is being further developed by the Foundation – the students themselves are encouraged to think of others and there is a well-developed program of educating future philanthropists – perhaps one day they will include their School as a recipient of their future philanthropic endeavours. So, in February, thanks to the support of many and the exceptional support of a few, we will be opening the Science and Resource Centre with state-ofthe-art science laboratories and library. The top floor has magnificent views of the city – melding the view with the vision of the School. The library and independent learning centre may be considered in design more informal learning spaces in the School and it is here that some of the most significant learning can and will take place. It is an exciting time in the life of the School and I encourage you all to keep up this support of St Margaret’s. Ros Curtis Principal View from the library

Internal view of the library


The Foundation Pen Issue 9 November 2011

From the Chair of the Capital Campaign Thank you to our 2011 donors When the decision was made by the Sisters of the Society of the Sacred Advent and the School Council to invest in a capital campaign to build an expansive new library and state-of-the-art science laboratories, they knew they were creating change at St Margaret’s yet again. In one’s life there are few voluntary events that one can be involved in that will have such a profound impact on all who attend the School now and into the future – that is one of the many reasons I agreed to assist in the task of asking our past and present School community to contribute to this invaluable opportunity. And contribute they have. To date in 2011, the St Margaret’s Foundation has raised over $470,000 dollars. This is five times more than was raised during 2010! At the Old Girls Church service in July, Hume Campbell thanked the Old Girls Association for their generous donation of $40,000 towards the Campaign. The Old Girls Association purchased a reception desk for the new library and an interactive white board for a science laboratory.

However, to meet our target we have another $1.1 million to be sourced. I am confident, as the new building is finished by first term next year, that the evidence before us will inspire further contributions. I thank the Principal and staff who have so generously given to the campaign. Your example shows true leadership and dedication, thank you. It is a privilege to serve you, the Sisters, the students, and a School that offers so much to many people. If you would like to do your bit, please contact Colleen Harper, the St Margaret’s Foundation Manager, on (07) 3862 0788 or email, to find out how to obtain the best tax advantage for your investment. Hume Campbell Chair of the Capital Campaign

Ros Curtis, Principal, Jackie Garnsworthy, President Old Girls Association, Patsy Quayle and Hume Campbell, Chair Capital Campaign


Leith Charlton, Head of Information Services Foundation Manager, Colleen Harper, inte in terv rvie iews ws Lei eith th Char Ch arlt lton on,, He Head ad of Information Services at St Mar arga gare ret’ts, s, abo bout ut what wh at she is mo most st look lo okin ingg fo forw rwar ard d to about moving into the spectacular new Library in the Science and Resource Centre


Can you explain your role and the impact the new Library will have?

The move to the new library will provide a wonderful, improved learning environment for the girls of St Margaret’s. The role of the Library is to provide our community with the most up-to-date and useful resources available, which we will continue to do. Moving to the new space will mean we can offer the girls an environment which is both beautiful but also designed to better suit their learning needs. Girls learn best in an environment that is safe and comfortable so the new Library will definitely be of a benefit to our girls.


How many books will the Library have and which are the favourites?

We have a collection of more then 27,000 fiction and non fiction books. Our most popular fiction book series is the Hunger Games trilogy, which is an adventure series set in a dystopian future. The most popular genre, however, is romance and realistic fiction about relationships.

Q Leith Charlton

What is the best part of your role?

The best part is helping turn many girls who didn’t like reading into readers. Sometimes girls start the year by telling me that they don’t read, but I often find once I discover what interests them and then

match a book to them - before you know it they are at the library desk asking when the next book in that series is coming in! The enjoyment of reading is a lifelong gift and I feel privileged to be able to ignite that spark for so many girls.


During this year you have assisted the Capital Campaign Committee with their ambitious goal to raise $1.6 million to outfit the Science and Resource Centre. Have you enjoyed the experience?

Attending the dinners has been an invaluable way to meet parents and friends of the St Margaret’s community. This has allowed me the opportunity to explain the School’s vision of the future and the role that the library plays ensuring our girls receive the very best resources to make the most of their education.


If you could give one message to the St Margaret’s community, what would it be?

A very big thank you to the St Margaret’s community for the generosity already shown in contributing to the resources required to build the new Library. All contributions have been greatly appreciated and will benefit both current students but also future generations of our girls. An undertaking as substantial as this requires generous people committed to the vision and I am sure the current community will be very proud to be able to reflect that they made this beautiful building, and what goes in it, possible.

WISH LIST - Library items still required include: 3 OPAC Units 5 x Shelving (9m) 8 x Shelving (6m) Permanent Window Seat Work Area Fixed Furniture 8 Work Area Chairs Work Area Sundry Equipment Work Area LCD TV Work Area Teaching 6 Loose Tables & 30 Loose Chairs Work Area Island & Bench Chairs Teaching Area furniture Entry Area furniture Entry Teaching Area Central Bench Entry Central Display Entry Central Display—LCD TV

Colleen Harper

$3,000 $27,500 $30,400 $50,000 $25,000 $19,200 $1,000 $3,500 $9,200 $6,500 $9,200 $9,200 $15,000 $20,000 $3,500

Tutorial 1—Loose Tables & Chairs Tutorial 2—Loose Tables & Chairs Interactive Projector & Speakers Compactors Store (400mm shelves) Work Area 24 Fixed Furniture Book Security System Mobile Book Trolleys Refrigerated Bubbler 5 Ottomans 5 Ottomans 5 Ottomans Plaza Bench Seats Plaza Bench Seats RED Priority Items & Tax Deductible BLACK K Non Tax Deductible

To purchase an item, please contact Colleen Harper - Foundation Manager Telephone: 61 7 3862 0788 • Email:


The Foundation Pen Issue 9 November 2011

$9,200 $3,100 $10,000 $18,000 $38,000 $23,000 $6,000 $5,100 $4,200 $4,200 $4,200 $3,500 $3,500

Library letter project Year 8 Literacy students, in conjunction with the Head of Information Services, Leith Charlton, have taken up the challenge of an exciting project timed with the opening of the new Library. Students were asked to choose an author or someone who inspires them, and contact them to ask if they would write to the St Margaret’s School community explaining why libraries have been important to them. They were given a ‘sky’s the limit’ approach to whom they could contact and and this has already generated success, with students receiving letters from authors Belinda Murrell and John Marsden! Read what they had to say below. The new Library will open for the start of the 2012 school year and the project aims to have the letters framed and on display in the Library for the opening.

er and uch for your lett m so u yo k an Th the new on the opening of congratulations rary is definitely lib ew n A . ry ra St Margaret’s Lib celebrating! something worth . When I s – I love libraries er ad re en ke l al Like rary was on our lib l ca lo r ou p, u was growing oon my l, so ever y aftern oo h sc om fr e and drop walk hom k past the library al w ld ou w I d n sister an at to the librarian ch s, ok bo ow rr ge in to browse , bo ry was also a hu ra lib l oo h sc r u fuge , a and read. O d pleasure - a re an n io at ir sp in source of re trove d work, a treasu an k in th to e ac too pl quiet t, and a portal in en ym jo en d an o. of knowledge . Hope yours is to ld or w y ar in ag another im onne I hope to pop in d an , ry ra lib ew Enjoy your n elf! day to see it mys Best wishes l xx Belinda Murrel

Libraries sure are important to me, e , and it was quite good ffoorr m e to contempl plaate your questi – it ffoorrced me to on think about why they matter so much. So here’s my answer : Two of the greate st journeys we un dertake in our lives are the journ ey from ignorance to knowledge, and the jo j urneyy fr f om iggnorance to w i is sddom. Non on-fifiction books, packed wit i th h infformattiion, are cruci ciaal to the first jou rney, and novells, crammedd with insiighhts and powerful truths, ar e crucial to the second. Books are indispensabl e gu ides on these all-importan t travels. All the best, John Marsden


Final brick in the wall The opening of St Margaret’s new state-of-the-art $8 million Science and Resource Centre in February 2012 is an important milestone in the life of the School. In marking this milestone, we are giving members of our community the opportunity to contribute to a unique ‘Wall of Thanks’ which will form part of the entrance to the Centre.

St Margaret’s Founda d tion

Everyone who contributes $1,000 or more to the Science and Resource Centre Campaign will be recognised on an individual glass brick which will contain an image of an Australian ‘scientific specimen’. These glass bricks will form a vibrant, artistic and contemporary entrance mosaic. We need your help to transform this building into more than bricks and mortar. Through your continued contributions, the Centre will be outfitted with technologically-advanced equipment, furniture, and educational resources. This is your opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our students for years to come and be recognised in a very unique way! In keeping with the School’s long tradition of strong financial stewardship, and the Sisters’ example of philanthropy and generosity, the St Margaret’s Foundation hopes to raise $1.6 million to contribute towards this project. Get in before Christmas and ensure your tile is on the wall for the opening in February. Please complete the enclosed brochure or contact 07 3862 0788 or


The Foundation Pen Issue 9 November 2011

St Margaret’s spirit Much has been made over the years of the spirit of St Margaret’s students and its community. It is an intangible, all-invasive and infectious energy, evident at School assemblies, formal events such as Speech Night and Classics in the Cathedral, interschool sporting meets, our annual St Margaret’s Day, and many other activities. But nowhere is it more deeply felt than in the gifts bestowed by our students to others less fortunate.

The 2011 Sony Foundation Camp

This year, St Margaret's students have again volunteered to support many wide-ranging charities and not-for-profit organisations, donating their time and energy to raise the profile of valuable causes. The philanthropic activities coordinated by each of the School Houses, the Student Representative Council, the Toc H group and Oaktree Foundation have benefited many already. Recipient organisations include the Abused Child Trust, Anglican Bush Ministry, Breast Cancer Foundation, Diabetes Queensland, Heart Foundation, Leukaemia Foundation, Oxfam, various Brisbane-based Rotary and Police Clubs for disadvantaged youth in local communities, Project Love and Care, Pyjama Foundation, Red Cross, Royal Brisbane Children’s Hospital, Royal Flying Doctors, RSL Queensland, Salvation Army, Starlight Foundation, and World Vision, among many others. This generous spirit demonstrated by our students is impressive. The desire of even our youngest Primary students to help others in need, inspiring. St Margaret’s spirit is a calling. It is the value that we place in, and the enthusiasm that we demonstrate for the School, our heritage and our achievements. It is something special that we share with others. St Margaret’s spirit is in all of us and it is there for life.

The 2011 Oaktree group


A lasting gift “When we cast our bread upon the waters, we can presume that someone downstream whose face we will never know will benefit from our action, as we who are downstream from another will profit from that grantor’s gift.” – Maya Angelou Since the Sisters first founded St Margaret’s in 1895, the School’s mission has remained the same: to prepare confident, compassionate and capable young women able to contribute in a global community. Through a rich and dynamic learning environment, St Margaret’s encourages each student to develop her potential academically, spiritually, socially and culturally. The School provides excellence in teaching and learning within a broad, balanced and flexible curriculum. Today, as in the past, students develop a strong sense of service to the community while striving to achieve academic, physical and spiritual excellence.

Mrs Joan Cowie

Mrs Joan Cowie (Thorburn, 1955) made a very special commitment to the School recently through her decision to make a bequest. “I enjoyed my years of learning at St Margaret’s, and admired many dedicated teachers,” Mrs Cowie said. “I appreciated being part of Chaucer House (as was my mother before me) and the yearly competition for best House encompassing both schoolwork and sport.

Supporting the St Margaret’s vision into the future

“The opportunity to be involved in debating and drama was worthwhile and I loved to swim and play sport.

A bequest is one way you can invest in St Margaret’s to ensure the School’s vision and influence continues beyond your lifetime.

“Following matriculation, I entered the Bris Br isba bane ne Gen ener eral al Hos ospi pita tall fo forr nu nurs rsin ing g tr trai aini ning ng and then studied to become a midwife.

Planning for the future of St Margaret’s is not just about planning for the year ahead, nor about planning for the next few years. Planning for the future of St Margaret’s is about planning for the next 20 years and beyond as a gift that lasts long beyond the giver’s lifetime.

“II hav ave e ha had d a mo most st int nter eres estiting ng wor orki king ng lifife e and am very appreciative of my parents for sending me to St Margaret’s.”

St Margaret’s continued excellence and leadership will depend upon graduates and friends now and in the future. Whatever your past involvement with St Margaret’s – as a student, a parent, a member of the staff or through some other association – your participation in our future and your support of our vision are very welcome. Whether modest or substantial, bequests contribute to the future security of the School and the quality of education for which St Margaret’s is renowned. Making a bequest is one way to ensure your participation in the future development of the School and to ensure the spirit of St Margaret’s thrives for future generations.


The Foundation Pen Issue 9 November 2011

To make a bequest to St Margaret’s, please contact the Foundation Office on 07 3862 0765.

Pave your way at St Margaret’s Life’s journey is made up of pathways – inscribe your memories and relationships with St Margaret’s by purchasing a tile.



Imagine securing an area within St Margaret’s dedicated to past and present students, families, friends and supporters; a tile that celebrates and acknowledges your relationship with St Margaret’s is a method of ensuring the Spirit Lives On. A limited number of large-size Gold tiles (340mmx340mm) are available for $995 each. These tiles are located at the Arts Centre,, in the most prominent area of flooring where maxi ma ximu mum m ex expo posure is achieved. Smalle Smal lerr Br Bron onze ze ter erra raco cott tta a titile less (3 (300 00mm 00 mm x 300m 30 0m mm) are ava vaililable bl for o $29 295 5 each ch and ch nd d loca lo cated at a the sid de of the h Terrra race ces. Capt Capt ptur ure ur e yo your ourr bon ond nd w wiith th St Ma Marg rga rg arret et’s ’ss by pavvi pa vin ing ng you ur n na ame ame in h hiiist ssttor ory. ory. Fo or furt u the er in nffo orrm mat atio ion on please con o ta act Je en ne ell ell l e O’L O’’Loug O oug ghl hlin in n on 07 07 386 62 07 0765 076 65 or ema em ma aiil jo joloug jol loug ghllin n@s @ tm tmar arga g re ga rets ts.q .qld ld.e .edu du u.a .au. u.

Stt M S Margaret’s t’ Foundation Cookbook It is almost that time of year again and what a better gift for friends and family than the St Margaret’s Cookbook, Food with a View. This exciting cookbook is filled with more than 150 much loved recipes contributed by members of the St Margaret’s School Community. At $40 it is great value, with 208 pages of full-colour photos. You will find a photo of every recipe, along with collage pages of student art and city/country scenes evoking the essence of St Margaret’s. Place your order today by completing the order form on the School website or by contacting Beverley Fox on 07 3862 0884. Cookbooks are also available at the School Supply Shop.


Foundation Snapshots

Andrew and Liz Adcock, Robert and Samantha Bloxsom, Jacqueline Rogers

Patrick Farrugia, Andrew McMillan, Don Leembruggen, Michael Drysdale

Sally McLean, Trevor and Kerri Craig Lee

Michael Crouch, Michael Smith, Toutai Kefu, Fletcher Dyson, Ian Campbell

Foundation Board: Margot de Groot (Chair), Robert Bloxsom, Rob Davidson, Hume Campbell, Ros Curtis (Principal) and Darren Barlow (not pictured: Beverley Fox, Judi Hall, Margot Hawker and Toni Williams (Company Secretary / Business Manager))


The Foundation Pen Issue 9 November 2011

St Margaret’s Foundation Thank you St Margaret’s Foundation Membership

Donations to the Science & Resource Centre Capital Campaign Patrron

The Le Lee Fa amily

Bene nefa actor

H & R Ca Cam mpbell The Cr Crom ommelin Family

Com mpanion

St Ma arga garret’s Old Girlss’ As Asssoc.* St Mar a ga g ret’s Parents and Friiends Assoc.*


The Cr C ou ouch Family* The de Groot Family The Lake Family The Lane Family The Lisl s e Family* The e Willin nk Family

Frie iend n

The e Adcock Family The e Da avidson Family Judi d th Bell The e Qu Qua ayle Family

As ssociate

Ross Cu urttis Dr H & F Douglas Don onatiion In Memory of Joa an Fitzzgerald Tayyla a An A ne Greves R & K Ho ouse Mrr Dav avid d Solomon * Purc cha ased equipment for Sci c enc nce e & Resource Centre

Donations to Scholarship Fund Fellow Henderson Foundation

Associate R & K House

General Donation Ms P Galley Mr R & Mrs S Pym Mrs J Swithinbank

General Donation

Mr M W & Mrs K E Albrand Mr D J & Mrs N B Allpass Dr W & Mrs S Anseline Mr A & Mrs R Bailey Mr P Baillie & Ms K L Willis Mr A & Mrs T Barakat Dr C J & Mrs S-A Bardsley Mr M S & Mrs M L Batchelor Mr K R & Mrs M T Bell Mr M I & Mrs A Bell Mr J C and Mrs D E Bell-Allen Ms L Benjamin Mr D K & Mrs K Bergmann Dr B Bhaskar & Dr D Balakrishnan Mrs E G Black Mrs T D Blake Ms A J Bloxsom Mr R E & Mrs S F Bloxsom Mr M T D & Mrs C A Bosworth Mr F Boulay Mr J A & Mrs D A Bowen Mr D R Bowyer & Dr J M Pink Mr M & Mrs J Boyte Mr M J & Mrs A L Brand Dr M W & Mrs J C Bridges Mr H & Mrs E Brokken Mr M D & Mrs C Brown Mrs M Brown Mr P F & Mrs K Butler Mr T & Mrs L Butler Mr S & Mrs P Button Mr R & Mrs L Byrnes Mr R & Mrs M Callway Mr W & Mrs T Calver Mr S Campbell & Ms A Reynolds Mr S & Mrs J Capelli Ms L Catelan Mr N & Mrs M Chancellor Mr J-C Chen & Mrs Y-H Yeh Ms Y Chen Mr H Y Cho & Ms B R Ku Mr J W Choi & Ms K R Park Mr S & Mrs R Cirilli Mrs Glennie Clarke Mrs Anne Clarke Dr R J & Rev N Colledge Mr A & Mrs F Cooper Mr D A & Mrs A F Corcoran Mr M C & Mrs S L Cosgrove Mr M & Mrs A Crowe Mr A D & Mrs T M Cummins Mr M J & Mrs S A Curr Mr P D’Abreton & Ms Y Hong Mrs Joan Darling Mr R & Mrs E Davidson Mr B E & Mrs A M Davis Mr G & Mrs P Davis The Hon Mrs A Dawson-Damer Mr F L and Mrs M De Pasquale Mr G S Dougall & Ms D M Gibson Dr H & Mrs F M Douglas Drs M & S Duncan Dr G & Mrs L Duncombe

Mr M R & Mrs A F A Elmer Mr D B & Mrs E M Emmott Judge W G & Mrs N M Everson Mr R R & Mrs S R Ferrier Mr G & Mrs C Finlayson Ms J Floyd Dr B T & Mrs A-L Forster Fortitude Valley Rotary Club Mr A A Franklin & Ms S F Jones Mr D & Mrs S Fraser Dr S & Dr R Garraway Mr R & Mrs L Gibson Mr M J & Mrs L M A Godlee Mr H P & Mrs J Goh Mr R & Mrs L Goodrich Mr R & Mrs D Gracie Mr R D & Mrs A J Grieve Mr A G Griffiths & Ms S Devi Mr K & Mrs S Griffiths Mr R L & Mrs B K Groves Mr P R & Mrs L J Hacker Mr R M & Mrs L C Hackett Mr SH Han & Ms KS Lee Colleen and Neil Harper Mr C B & Mrs S J Hart Mr P R & Mrs L L Haslam Mr R & Mrs M R Hawker Mr G J Heather & Ms H Zahnow Dr A Henderson Mrs C Hill Mr T & Mrs K Hiranyalekha Mrs G Hodges Mr C & Mrs C Hodson Ms M Hofmann Mr D Holmes & Ms R Thompson Mr M & Mrs R Horton Dr Y-H Huang Mr C J & Mrs L C Hughes Mr C & Mrs N Hughes Mr D Huybers Mr K & Mrs N Igarashi Mr T & Mrs L Ihmels Mr B & Mrs N Irvine Mr W Jeon & Ms J Ko Mr X Jin & Mrs N M Zhou Mr J E Johnston Mr S & Mrs K Johnston Dr P H & Mrs S A Jones Mr C K & Mrs S Kelly Mr W & Mrs J Kendall Mr G & Mrs K Kern Dr A & Mrs H Khan Ms Adele Kieseker Mrs J S Kim Mr R & Mrs K Kimeklis Mr A J & Mrs M Kimmins Mr W & Mrs W King Mr T J & Mrs A I Kirkwood Mr P G Knee & Ms C Daunt Mr G B & Mrs R E Lambert Mrs Roslyn Lane Mr J & Mrs J Leavey Mr C-T & Mrs W Y-H Lee

Patron Benefactor Companion Fellow Friend Associate General Donation Mr B & Mrs M Licina Mr R A & Mrs S M Long Mr T & Mrs T Lordi Mr R B & Mrs F J Luhrs Mr C & Mrs J MacDougall Mr S & Mrs M Macfarlane Dr A R G & Mrs C J Macmillan Mrs L A Magoffin Mr S L & Mrs N F Makiol Mr A & Mrs J Manique Dr J G & Mrs A Mann Drs D C & J M Marchant Ms L E Matheson Mr JF & Mrs CA McGann Mr A & Mrs S McGilvray Mr T & Mrs S McIntyre Mr A & Mrs H McKie Mr R & Mrs O McLaughlin Mr C T & Mrs K G McLay Mr P & Mrs S McLean Mr P N & Mrs L M McMahon Mr G D and Mrs C J McPherson Mr T & Mrs R McSweeney Mr W & Mrs K Merrick Mrs P Metcalf Mr A C & Mrs J M Micalizzi Mr J S & Mrs K M Miles Mr M G & Mrs S A Millard Mr Miller & Mrs Matsuura-Miller Mrs N A J Milsom Mr J G & Mrs L M Mohr Mrs M Moore Mr J B & Mrs M Morgan Mr J & Mrs T Morison Ms K A Mort Mr Kenji Motooka Mr D & Mrs D Murday Drs S L & K W-M Murray Dr M Soe & Mrs K M Naing Mr S & Mrs R Narayan Dr S P & Mrs K Nearhos Mr & Mrs G W Nock Mr M & Mrs N Nolan Mr C & Mrs D North Ms M Oliver Mr Mills & Mrs O’Loughlin-Mills Mr M & Mrs L O’Sullivan Mr W S J & Mrs S A Page Mr S K Chiu & Ms Pao-Chao Yu Mr J N & Mrs M Papworth Mr S Peabody & Ms C Murphy Mr H & Mrs D Pearson Mr N & Mrs A Perkins Mr W L & Mrs M K Peters Mr A N & Mrs C J Philip Mr A T & Mrs V L Prowse Mr M & Mrs R Pulsford Mr J & Mrs C G Purcell Mr E J & Mrs A M Quayle Mrs Sally Quayle Mr J D & Mrs N Rasmussen Mr M & Mrs V Rennie Mr P G & Mrs J T Robertson

$100,000+ $50,000 - $99,999 $25,000 - $49,999 $10,000 - $24,999 $5,000 - $9,999 $2,000 - $4,999 less than $1,999

Mr M G & Mrs A Rodrigues Mr A & Mrs N Ronald Mr B K & Mrs M Rosewall Mr P & Mrs P Rowe Mr J C and Mrs S G Ryan Mr L & Mrs T L Ryan Mr M J & Mrs A J Ryan Dr S J & Dr D J Ryan Mr MJ Sachs & Ms VR Wilson Mr D P & Mrs E T Salecich Mrs H A Savage Mr P & Mrs M Scagnetti Mr W & Mrs K Sharpe Mr A J & Mrs J R Shearer-Smith Mr G R Shipman & Ms D L Butler Mr P & Mrs T Short Mr J G & Mrs K M Simpson Mrs Vanessa Simpson Mrs M P Sinnamon Mr D G & Mrs I T H Smith Mr M J & Mrs M A Smith Mr S G & Mrs K E Smith Dr S & Mrs L Sondergeld Mr J H & Mrs K M Speare Mr K & Mrs A Splatt Mr J A & Mrs A M Sprague Mr J W & Mrs J R Spriggs Mr MR & Mrs CD Stanilewicz Dr L G & Mrs P A Steffen Mrs Dawn Stevenson Mrs Dorothy Stewart Mr A & Mrs J Strahley Mr R Suffren & Ms A Sheales Mr P & Mrs A Sullivan Ms K Sweeney Mr W & Mrs T A Tapp Mr T J & Mrs L M Tarabay Mr B C & Mrs L M Teljega Mr R B & Mrs B J Thomas Mr R L & Mrs S Thompson Mr B E & Mrs A Tindale Mr S & Mrs S D Todd Mr R J & Mrs C D Tomkins Mr S & Mrs C Toohey Mr R & Mrs S Traves Dr M & Mrs D Tuffley Mr T J & Mrs J C Ulcoq Mrs Joan Underwood Mr S Vittone & Ms F Taylor Mr R & Mrs J R Wade Mr A R G & Mrs V L Warby Mr P J Whelan & Ms B J Harris Ms M White Ms N L White Mr C & Mrs K Whitehead Dr A N & Mrs L P Whittle Mr A & Mrs L Whyte Mr A & Mrs A Wieland Mr D & Mrs R Wright Mr M & Mrs S Zeljko

The St Margaret’s Foundation also wishes to thank all donors who have chosen to remain anonymous. St Margaret’s Foundation Ltd 11 Petrie Street, Ascot Qld 4007 Australia • ABN 72 113 529 230 Colleen Harper Telephone: 07 3862 0788 • Facsimile: 07 3862 3656 • Website: Email: • A School of the Society of the Sacred Advent

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