Global exchange program

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St Margaret’s Global

St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School Partner Exchange Schools The Emma Willard School, Troy, New York State, USA St Anne’s Diocesan College, Hilton, South Africa Nga Tawa Diocesan School for Girls, Wellington, New Zealand St Margaret’s College, Christchurch, New Zealand (Rowing Exchange) Konan Girls High School, Kobe, Japan The Licensed Victuallers’ School, Ascot, England Ursulinenschule School, Hersel, Bonn, Germany Shawnigan Lake, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada

From the Principal

I am delighted to invite our secondary students to participate in the St Margaret’s Global Exchange Program. This exciting program will afford many girls the chance to study abroad in one of our eight sister schools in England, South Africa, New Zealand, Germany, Japan, Canada or the United States of America as well as the rewarding experience of hosting a student from overseas. The Exchange Program is an integral part of the School’s Goal – Broadening Horizons, which forms part of the St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School Strategic Plan 2013-2017 - Discover the Difference. Our St Margaret’s students are invited to contribute to the wider community; explore opportunities and develop a deep understanding of their responsibilities within local, national and international contexts. The goal - Broadening Horizons - aims to strengthen the international focus of school activities and provide opportunities for overseas, rural and city students to experience the cultural, geographic and economic diversity that is a unique strength of Australia. We aim to be the undisputed leader in offering international exchange. The St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School Global Exchange Program provides exceptional opportunities for students to participate in the global community within the context of school and family life. I hope that as you read this brochure and talk to former students who have enjoyed the Program, you will come to share their feelings about the unique opportunities this program offers. I look forward to hearing of the future endeavours of St Margaret’s students gaining an educational experience abroad. Yours sincerely, Ros Curtis Principal

The Emma Wil lard School, Troy, New York State, USA Emma Willard is amazing and there are girls here from 30 different countries and 20 USA States, so we are meeting girls from all over the world. About 65% of the school population is in boarding, and they have a really busy social schedule as well, with hall dance parties, movie nights with a houseparent and lots of fun with the other girls. We are going to sign up for sports we have not tried before, and the subjects are different but we are looking forward to trying new things. There are lots of traditions and events in the school and it will be fun to be part of these during our time here, especially the Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations. Sarah and Olivia

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Broadening Horizons

The St Margaret’s Global Exchange Program aims to: 1. Support the school’s goal of Empowering Young Women by encouraging students to develop resilience, a positive outlook and a sense of responsibility. The Global Exchange Program assists the development of confident, capable and compassionate young women who will contribute successfully to the global community. 2. Support the Christian ethos of the school and seek to facilitate students’ knowledge from a global perspective to promote an appreciation, a tolerance and an understanding of the diversity of people and culture. 3. Support the school’s goal of Academic Success through a personalised learning approach which provides opportunities for students to participate in educational environments that require self-paced and independent learning.

4. Support the integration of technology as a tool for learning and communication as student’s access online learning materials to study from abroad. 5. Support the holistic nature of education as students participate across the breadth and depth of academic and extra-curricular activities. This encourages students to learn to adapt to new environments with different expectations, thus promoting personal growth and the qualities of becoming ambassadors for their family, school and country. 6. Promote in students an inquiring mind and an appreciation of the diversity of learning by providing students with relevant and authentic experiences in the context of the globalisation of education.

e san College, we hav . za d o. St Anne’s Dioce .c n es a n an e .st w r er e frica. ww to off time h g s n a i Hilton, South A h z a it am arks and all utely

landm absol frica uth A ing an frican orld v o a A S h h f l t l o a ou h ccer W es. o S 10 We are een so muc any iconic S beach he 20 s m sted t e beautiful o h already e have seen h c frican hi th w uth A ium w Durban and o d S saw a t l So far a s he loc d re we t e e a t i g h e n s i i e w v d s i k. inclu l safar uch as buc ve also ortunity to l a a h m e s st Cup. W had the opp s going on a ican game s the ho e r y a o f b l s l A l e e v a h a w on le ut We . Every en on orm as d other So e k f s a r a t e e p n with s an band e bee , zebra we hav e befriended s r e a f f f a r o v s gi ha eekend rls we and friendly. Every w and other gi g s lcomin familie xtremely we e here is Bella

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Exchange Process for Students

Exchange Information Evening Students and their families interested in applying for the Global Exchange Program attend an Information Evening held in the last week of Term 2.

Exchange Applications Year 9 students will be invited to apply for the Global Exchange Program. Application Forms are available at the Information Evening and from School Reception. Applications close mid-July. Students need to include three destination preferences within their applications. Exchange Interviews All applicants are advised as to whether or not they have been successful in gaining an interview. Interviews are held with the Deputy Principal, Head of Secondary, and the Co-ordinator of the Global Exchange Program; students are advised of the outcome of this interview in writing. St Margaret’s Host Families Students will either Board or be hosted by a family during their Exchange experience. It is a requirement of all St Margaret’s parents who will host exchange students to obtain a Volunteer Blue Card, this includes other siblings and occupants of the home

aged 18 years and over. St Margaret’s covers the cost of the Blue Card application and retains a copy of the certification on file. Our Exchange Schools have similar checks which their host parents must also complete. Your entire family has the opportunity to share in the Exchange experience when hosting a student.

Communication with Schools, Exchange Partners and Host Families Once the Exchange allocations are complete, students and their families are encouraged to begin communication with their overseas exchange partners and host families. The Co-ordinator of the Global Exchange Program at St Margaret’s provides continual communication and information to all parties throughout the experience, and shares updates from our students travelling on Exchange with the school community. Summary St Margaret’s students and their Exchange Sisters learn as much from their journey as from their destination, and evolve as contributors to the global community through celebrating differences and accepting and conquering the challenges and amazing opportunities offered to them through the Exchange experience. llege, o w C w ’s ). et ge ar an g h ar xc St M wing E ew Zealand (Ro Christchurch, N s. My

championship outh Island S e th d the A finals, ha e weekend w at and won in he st r La ou c. ti in t as e firs has been fant quad, we cam New Zealand well. In the ry ve g A in go en g us. In the crews have be gi just beatin an R . l St al ol al ed ho r m ve sc ld O gold medal. ith our rival achieving a go r w , he at . ot he an e t th ge in er and 1 bronze g able to came second 9 golds, 1 silv em, again bein of th l al at In our 8 we er be ov to inning an icipated we were able pionships, w everyone part finals though Island cham rnival which th ca ou S cs ti e le th th on an A Margaret’s w Today we had very excited! th bo e ar I Super Comp Amelia and ) ul and fun. e trailer for tf th en ev to on ry ve s their shed is at in. It was up the bo iapoi (where ed Ka ck pa to p. e ck om w C ba d r Super ould go I rowed an to Twizel fo me that I w ti n w st On Wednesday do la e so ck e th ba er w drove n). That was out it and we On Friday we (Compensatio had told us ab of the shed. re os fo ot be s ph ar e m ye the so I took so last year and off s who rowed aiming to take All of the girl t it as I am ou rth ab no s e ou th rv in ne Karipiro terrified! am really ke I La d to an p st u te y fl g ay we ly going to e have a 2k er d we are real I go! On Frid an w ft ho le This week w ys ow da kn 2 ks and will let you d! Only 3 wee 17 seconds. I am so excite I . nd la ck u island near A ! here so much miss everyone ia Lily and Amel page 3

Selection Criteria

1. Students are selected for the Exchange Program on the basis of how they reflect and embody the core values of St Margaret’s, their academic standing, personal motivation and participation in school activities. 2. Students selected must demonstrate initiative, strong communication skills, social maturity and resilience. 3. Students are selected on their suitability as an ambassador for St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School and their ability to adapt and function independently in new environments.

Nga Ta wa Welling Diocesan Sch ton, Ne w Zeala ool for Girls, nd. www .ngataw aschool.n Exchange has z been

a fantastic opportunity a different cu and I have h lture which ad the chance will stay wit welcoming an to experience h me foreve d I made so r. M y m host family e great friend The majority was very s who I st of students ill keep in co at Nga Tawa in each grad ntact with re were boarde e. The schoo gularly. rs , with fewer l was located of the North than ten day out of a sm Island and w girls al l to wn, Marton, as very isolat I found the at the bottom ed unlike St relationships M ar ga amongst stu ret’s. Becau respected ea dents to be se of this, ch other. I similar to a went out al and we visite family as ever most every w d tourist si ybody eekend with tes including Falls. I also my or Holly Lake Taupo, ’s learnt how to fa mily Mt. Ruapehu ride a motor and saw the , Wellington bike, had the kiwi. The way and Huka ch an of life in New ce to go bu to and it was ngee jumping Zealand is di very eye-open fferent to w ing. I never Taupo when hat I was u thought I w the tempera sed ould ever be ture was less the mountai tubing on La than 15 degree ns not too fa ke s an r d away, or goin I could see sun shining, g to the beac snow toppin or microwav g h and riding ing weetbix had an amaz horses with in the morning ing time and out any for breakfas if I have th t. However, e chance to Evie I have go back and do it again, I would.

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Parent Testimonial:

Japan: Although Olivia had to wait 12 months, from when she found she was going on exchange until she left for Japan, she was very excited for the whole time. At the outset the exchange didn’t seem real; however, when we found out who our exchange girl was and her contact details, the exchange started to seem more tangible. The first thing Olivia did was to look up our exchange student on Facebook and ‘friend’ her. I nervously emailed the other family, unsure how well they could understand English (as I do not know any Japanese). I was very relieved to receive a wonderful reply – written in English. We had truly begun the exchange journey! Although Olivia grew and developed while we hosted our exchange student, there is no doubt that she grew considerably more whilst in Japan. During this time Olivia became more resilient, confident, knowledgeable in Japanese culture and yes, her Japanese language also improved. The resilience and confidence came from not having Mum around to help out (although I suspect her host mother did more for her than her own mother!), managing not to get homesick, catching the train to and from school, shopping in Kobe and Osaka and, of course international travel. On the 2nd of December 2012 we had a confident and mature young woman return from Japan; however, one thing she hadn’t learnt was how to pack lightly! In summary, we had a delightful host student and Olivia had a wonderful host family so we all had a very positive exchange experience. Leanne

igh School, Konan Girls H /english Kobe, Japan. w

ima ited Ar is v e w ot y, aturda r its h in o S f t s s a u L o e is fam eat tim which We had a gr we had the . en springs pecially wh ut’ some s e t a l e o in Arim y to ‘b s our time it n u t r A re a ! e e k oppo arao nd, w K e n in a s ing to song e amaz oming h c t l is l a n the Japa alise g to re done in startin at we have e enjoyed v th We ha nd would things eeks! a w n a 8 p a t in J pas to t n e m h o c ange ch every m ommend Ex m so u c t e n r r a y l e l l rea ave e made . We h nd hav efully a y anyone a t our s l hop during ips that wil h friends lifetime! ur last o d Olivia Kate an

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Parent Testimonial:

England: Seven months ago I sent my daughter on Exchange to England. I’m not sure when or how it happened, but a wonderful, confident and independent young woman has returned in her place. Lara had an amazing experience whilst living in England, and visited places that most people will only ever dream of. At home Lara is a day girl, but whilst on Exchange, she experienced life as a boarder and loved it. Lara embraced the opportunity, and from all accounts, was a welcome addition to her new surrounds both in the boarding house and her various classes. As parents we were initially concerned that such a long absence from St Margaret’s would leave her with a learning gap. In hindsight, Lara is now better prepared for future studies, as the onus was on her to keep in touch with her teachers back home. She is now organised, self-motivated and plans ahead. Being a host family is not always easy. We raise our children to our own standards and expectations, which will differ from family to family, and 9 weeks with a stranger in your house can present its own challenges. That aside, the daily interaction with a foreign student was a valuable experience for our whole family. The exchange program offered at St Margaret’s is a unique opportunity for girls, and one that we would highly recommend to other families. Charles and Dianne

The Licensed Victuallers’ School, Ascot, England. e of us want s of exchange! (Non ek we w fe t las r ou We are coming into eezing!) On Saturday is it is absolutely fr lem ob pr ly on e th Jess is going to to leave, to Paris for the day! me ing tak is er rtn Twickenham my exchange pa tch a rugby game at wa to ing go o als Lincolnshire. We are mbridge vs. Oxford. Stadium soon, it’s Ca and see fireworks at room we could hear ep pr r ou in ow nd om prep and we ran From the wi ians were excused fr ral st Au e th so se r all of us, and Ascot Racecour a special moment fo ite qu s wa It ld! fie for the screaming onto the still playing hockey am I is. nt me mo ch ious ea n we go to dinner we realise how prec r each session! Whe lde co d an r lde co is trees. It is team but training have fallen from the ves lea e th all d an rk now at 5:30 it is da ge in season. an ch e nice to see th Matisse

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Parent Testimonial:

Germany As a mum I was excited at my daughter’s selection but at the same time I also thought what am I doing sending my daughter to another country for 3 months! I kept telling myself that St Margaret’s wouldn’t have continued this exchange programme for years on end if it wasn’t safe! So when I got over that initial fear, I realised what a fantastic opportunity my daughter was being given. A cultural exchange! Emily made contact with her exchange sister (as she became known), Annika, and in time, I emailed her mother with a description of our family and what Annika was getting into. We immediately put each other at ease and felt comfortable because we had opened the communication pathways. Emails or Skype sessions to-ed and fro-ed with all sorts of questions and answers... each communication forging a wonderful friendship.

As a host family of an exchange student we planned to go with the flow and tried to ensure Annika felt at home. She became used to the fact that our family was very busy and moved at a very different pace to her own, and this is important factor to recognise, and that it is OK ! On the flip side, Emily had a lot of freedom in Germany compared to her life here. Emily embraced this and loved her time getting out amongst it – afternoons in Bonn, making new friends at swim club and trips around the country. When I missed her I just Skyped or called and then I was assured she was fine and having a good time. I reminded Emily often that she should say THANK YOU for this wonderful opportunity she was given (well – we were all given!!) Sally

Annika came to Australia first and I asked her for a “wish list” of things she would like to see and do. Over her time in Australia we achieved many things on that list – beach visits including walks, shell collecting, getting close to dolphins and seeing the sunrise, a trip to the bush and seeing wild life up close and many shopping trips. Our family loved having Annika stay and welcomed her Mother and sister into our home during their time in Australia. The hospitality was reciprocated when my family spent time in Germany also.

Ursulinenschu le School, Hersel, Bonn, G ermany. www.u rsulinenschule-h All three of us are having an amazing time and are experiencing a lot of new things and making a lot of new friends. Recently I went on a trip to Nürnberg and Hamburg and this weekend I am going to Munich.

Life here is very different to Australia as it is freezing and on Saturday it was only 1 degree. I know that we were all quite homesick the first week but after this we began to get busier and got to know a lot more people and have settled in and now we don´t want to leave!” We have all agreed that we definitely can understand a lot more from a conversation and speaking is still quite difficult, but we are learning. Emily, Rebecca, Sarah

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Parent Testimonial:

Canada: Our involvement with the exchange programme has been a wonderful experience for us as a family and household. Our exchange student, Sophie from Shawnigan Lake School in Canada spent the first Term of the year with us. She is a delightful girl who adapted straight away to life in Brisbane and becoming a St Margaret’s girl. She was excellent company, fun, outgoing, enthusiastic and an absolute delight to have around. We arranged for Sophie to visit our cousins in Sydney which she thoroughly enjoyed. She also went to our beach house on North Stradbroke Island and generally accompanied us wherever we went during her Australian Exchange. It was such fun having ‘another daughter’ in the house. From Cartier’s perspective, she is enjoying every moment and loves her Canadian family and has made many new friends. We feel that it is an opportunity of a lifetime to experience such a wonderful Exchange. I am sure that she will be very sad to leave Shawnigan but will be able to have those memories for a lifetime. Keri and Trevor

Shawni ga Vancou n Lake, ver Islan d, BC, C anada. www.sls

We have now been at Shaw nigan for a w following w eek! After ou eekend we m r three days oved into th term! I hav of skiing, th e bo ar ding houses e great room e and were read mates who fun to be ar al y to start ou l h av e a great sens ound. During r my first wee e of humou had a great ti r and are real k I met lots me. I signed ly of new people, up for socc team won 7 and have so er, and today -0. We had fa r w e had our fi to take the This week th rst game, wh ferry which e school mu ere my was an entire sical (Hairs ly different be able to go pr ay ) experience! is happening and watch it , so on Frid with our hou friendly -and ay night and ses. Everyone I’ve only go we will has been grea t lost around t, and incred I’ve joined a campus a fe ibly fine art club, w times! and am now my subjects doing Sculptu , I decided to re twice a w go for thos try somethin eek . When ch e I haven’t g new; so I oosing h ad much experi ’m now taking D our House ence in, and rama and Art Chapel presen to as ta well. Last w tion, and I h rehearsing an eek we had ad a lot of d performing fun with th it. There hav over for the e girls in my e also been past two w House other French eeks, who h exchange st ave been grea I’ve met so u dents t to talk too. me amazing gi rls, and am m aking some lif Jess elong friends.

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Message from Shawnigan Lake School

Rhodri Samuel, Senior Master, Shawnigan Lake School Hometown: Cwmgors, Wales Living in a boarding school, away from the comforts of home, to manage the challenges of a rigorous academic, athletic and fine arts program poses its own special demands and requires determination and courage. Students who take this experience “on the road” to another country, another school and another home setting, take the challenge of living away from home to another level. Such is the amazing opportunity that international exchanges offer. When Shawnigan students travel to Australia to become St Margaret’s students, they are embracing new experiences and new challenges. We hope our Shawnigan girls bring a little bit of Canada to share when they journey to St Margaret’s, while also learning what an all- girls’ school is like, and how life on the other side of the world is both similar and different from our close-knit community on Vancouver Island. Likewise, St Margaret’s girls who join our community during their exchange bring a certain Australian flare and they leave with lots of tears and hugs, fond memories and friendships. There’s nothing really that can replace the experiences afforded students who undertake an international exchange, and we look forward to welcoming our new Australian friends in the weeks to come.

Sophie Miller, Grade 10, Shawnigan Lake School

Hometown: Cowichan Bay, British Columbia, Canada When I found out that there was an Exchange trip to Brisbane, I was so excited. The thought of leaving winter for summer, and trading in my sweaters for shorts and t-shirts was definitely desirable. This is my first international trip, and I am looking forward to the journey to St Margaret’s School. I know I will enjoy the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends in the process. I am also very interested in the athletics that are offered at St. Margaret’s School, as there are many I have never tried before like sailing. I cannot express my gratitude to both St. Margaret’s School and my host family for agreeing to allow me this wonderful opportunity. Although I have no idea what to expect of this opportunity, I am certain it will be a great experience.

Shelby Dechant, Grade 10, Shawnigan Lake School Hometown: Manning, Alberta, Canada

For the last three months I have been counting down the days till I leave! I couldn’t be any more excited to experience Australia. I am excited to meet so many new people and make friendships from across the world. I have never experienced anything like the weather in Brisbane, so that will be something totally new to me, and I’m sure I will love it! I definitely don’t mind leaving the rainy west coast to come to the sun in Brisbane. I am also excited to learn all the “sayings” used in Australia, and for me to hear that I am the one with an accent! I am really looking forward to getting to know a place so foreign to me and I am certain that I will have an unforgettable experience.

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St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School 11 Petrie Street Ascot QLD 4007 Australia Telephone: +61 7 3862 0777 Facsimile: +61 7 3862 0701 A School of the Society of the Sacred Advent

printed 2013

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