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A playground rich in learning

Just as classrooms are spatially set up for different aspects of learning, with reading or maths corners, or configurations allowing for individual and collaborative learning, so to St Margaret’s new outdoor playground is a lot more than a space for students to run around in. Each of the new playground structures has a purpose which promotes different aspects of a child’s development, even though they will probably not be aware they are doing anything but having fun. There are the obvious physical benefits and challenges of different equipment, such as the small climbing wall that builds strength, and promotes coordination and cross body movement – important for brain development, particularly in the earlier years. Log stepping-stones develop balance, and, while children are moving across all these different spaces, they are also developing their social and emotional skills as they negotiate aspects of play such as taking turns, leading, problem solving and socialising. The wooden stage and amphitheatre construction lend themselves to outdoor plays or anything the children want to bring to this open-ended space. Similarly, the open log tepee encourages conversation and socialising, or they may choose to engage with the area in ways only limited by their imagination. There is even a water pump, through which students can learn about recycling, as well as engaging in the physical action of pumping the water, thus gaining a greater appreciation for the ways in which water still needs to be collected (often by children their same age) in different parts of the world. Winston is back, so named because the area is called the Churchill Lawn. He’s a little shorter than before to fit the redesigned space, but his spare parts will be redeployed in the Pre-Prep outdoor area and Churchill garden. Exciting things are happening in 2021 in the great outdoors at St Margaret’s. The Pre-Preps will have one day a week in nature, to enjoy a day of unstructured outdoor play, while at the other end of the primary school, the Year 6s will be leading a composting project in Maggies Garden. Designed by the Monty Co, Monty is a smart monitoring device, continuously tracking and analysing compost data. Monty uploads compost data, analyses it and lets the user know, through the app, what to do when things go wrong. If the compost is already good, it helps make it even better. This project will combine life learning along with promoting competency with different technologies and should harvest excellent results all round.

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