St Mark's School Prospectus 2014-15

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Excellence at the heart of our community prospectus 2014-2015

welcome I’m delighted to present the prospectus for St Mark’s Church of England School, a co-educational voluntary-aided comprehensive school for students aged 11-18 years in the Diocese of Bath and Wells. I hope the information that follows will help provide you with a flavour of our school. St Mark’s School seeks to provide excellence in education as a mixed comprehensive school respecting the unique contribution that every individual can make to the community, and placing this within a framework that embraces the highest possible academic aspirations whilst accepting individual differences in ability, aptitude and level of skill. St Mark’s School is founded on Christian values with a strong family and community ethos. The school values diversity and is sensitive to a range of traditions and cultures, represented in the community it serves. The school is a well-ordered community providing a secure, structured environment for learning as well as excellent standards of behaviour. We offer a wide range of extra curricular and enrichment activities, and students are encouraged to remain on the school premises after the school day has ended in order to take advantage of these opportunities. Our most recent OfSTED inspection categorised the school as a “Good” school and recognised the significant improvements in levels of attainment for the students and the very high percentage of good teaching. OfSTED inspectors commented that, “students are proud of their school and behaviour in and around the site are good, and that they feel safe in school, well cared for and part of the school family.” St Mark’s is categorised as an “Outstanding” Church of England School (Statutory Inspection of Anglican Schools).

entry 4 5 1 0 0 2 2 s r t o n f e s v t E n e n v e E p o mpnen A outruo open Evening

6.30pm – 9.00pm r e b m te p e S th 7 Wednesday 1 at 7.45pm n o ti ta n se re P s r’ e Headteach of the school followed by tours

open Mornings

m – 11.00am a 0 .0 9 r e b m te p e Thursday 25th S .00am – 11.00am 9 r e b to c o th 9 and Thursday embly at 9.00am ss A e m o lc e W s r’ e Headteach of the school followed by tours

orning Saturday open M n .00am –12.00 noo

ctober 10 Saturday 11th o 10.45am followed t a n o ti ta n se re P Headteacher’s hool by tours of the sc

Evening Sixth Form open

, Bath at The New Sixth pm – 9.00pm 0 .3 6 r e b to c o Thursday 23rd at 7.45pm n o ti ta n se re P s r’ e Headteach

The size of our school is a great asset that we are proud to promote. The individualism and distinctiveness that is created at a school such as St Mark’s cannot be replicated in a larger institution. We are a small school that allows young people to flourish and develop, in an environment that is caring and supportive. There is a warm and welcoming feel to St Mark’s which is an important part of its identity. If you wish to contact us to discuss any aspect of our work, or would like to arrange a tour of the school, please telephone 01225 312661 or e-mail

Barnaby Ash Headteacher 2

I look forward to meeting you. Mr Barnaby Ash, Headteacher 3

our christian foundation We are an ‘Outstanding’ Church of England school linked to the Diocese of Bath and Wells. The education of our students reflects the values and moral guidance given to them as part of the wider education within the school. At St Mark’s, the personal development and well-being of students is paramount and our Christian values are central to our educational purpose. We encourage students to consider a Christian response to key emotional and social issues through the promotion of our core values of Justice, Hope, Community, Reverence and Compassion. Our Christian values are at the heart of our pastoral care, ensuring that students are well cared for and valued equally. The Sanctuary, the home for our chaplaincy, provides students and their families with a quiet space for contemplation and reflection. The Sanctuary is supported by our Chaplain, who provides a warm welcome, guidance and support to students in an informal and discrete manner. The Sanctuary is a well-regarded and much used space, valued greatly by our students.


academic excellence for all St Mark’s School promotes high levels of achievement within a culture of support and challenge so that every student can achieve excellence at a level that is appropriate to their skills and talents. All successes are recognised and celebrated, no matter how big, or how small. St Mark’s is a warm and caring learning environment where teachers are able to get to know each and every student, to understand their unique strengths and abilities, enabling them to stretch and challenge individuals so that they achieve excellence in all that they do. Our most recent Ofsted inspection recognised the very significant improvement at St Mark’s in recent years, noting in particular the dramatic increases in the levels of attainment of our students and the very high percentage of good teaching. We are far from complacent however and have committed to moving beyond ‘Good’ towards making St Mark’s a truly ‘Outstanding’ school for all.

The teaching at St Mark’s is ‘‘excellent. Students are encouraged to achieve their very best and

without the support (and nagging!) of my teachers, I am sure that I could not have achieved the 13 A*-C grades at GCSE that have now allowed me to continue my studies at The New Sixth.


Year 13 Student at The New Sixth

Our students continue to celebrate academic success year on year, leaving us with excellent grades to take with them to The New Sixth and other further and higher education institutions. This, coupled with their well-rounded pastoral care, ensures that our students are highly motivated, well educated and above all, happy.

A small school creates a closer family. YEAR 7 STUDENT


our federation with St Gregory’s In 2011, St Mark’s Church of England School and St Gregory’s Catholic College established a ‘soft’ federation known as the Bath Christian Federation. A soft federation, or collaboration, is when the schools involved retain their individual governing bodies, budgets and admissions arrangements, but work closely on a major project of mutual interest. The Bath Christian Federation came about as the two schools worked on a joint provision for their new sixth form which opened in 2013 at The New Sixth. The Bath Christian Federation is a unique collaboration between two faith schools, one Anglican and one Catholic. Both Dioceses are fully supportive of the partnership and have entered into a Trust Deed to secure the future of the Federation and The New Sixth. The federation between St Mark’s and St Gregory’s will continue to thrive with its main focus being the joint sixth form provision, The New Sixth, which has got off to a very successful start. Both schools will continue to develop joint projects together such as school trips and the Duke of Edinburgh award programme.



A distinctively small school where young people flourish St Mark’s is a co-educational voluntary aided comprehensive school founded on Christian values with a strong family and community ethos. We are a learning community where academic excellence coupled with outstanding pastoral care is the driving force behind every aspect of school life. We are a small school that allows young people to flourish and develop, in an environment that is caring and supportive. The individualism and distinctiveness that is created by a school such as St Mark’s cannot be replicated in a larger institution and many of our families and visitors make reference to the warmth and vibrancy that they feel emanates from our school.

We aim for excellence in ‘‘everything we do. We aim to serve our local community by providing

a well rounded and personalised education of the highest quality, based on Christian values which promote the dignity of the individual. We aim to provide our students with the values and skills which will enable them to take their place in society as caring, principled and successful citizens.


We have set out to reap the advantages of a small school and cherish the individuality and diversity of our students. St Mark’s is a unique community that allows children to learn, to grow and to aspire for greatness in everything that they do.

Excellence at the heart of our community


We are located in one of the most beautiful corners of Bath, nestled between rolling hills on one side and the bustling and vibrant village of Larkhall on the other. Close to local primary schools and businesses, we are ideally positioned to sit in the very heart of our community.

Quite uniquely, we also see our community as the heart of our school and encourage our students to actively participate and support our local community wherever possible. Our school is enriched by many collaborative community-based projects, run throughout the year, to produce a creative and vibrant learning environment for our students, unlike any other. All classrooms are equipped with multi-media projectors with interactive whiteboards and audio speakers. Our Business Suite complements our existing ICT networks and provides an openplan learning environment that has been designed to replicate a modern office environment.

A4 A36


BATh A36

A36 A367

The library plays an important role in the life of our school and facilities are available for students to borrow books and literature for both academic and recreational interests.


Outside our buildings, we are surrounded by well-tended gardens and outdoor sporting facilities. Our all weather Astroturf pitch is available throughout the year for students and the local community.


curriculum outline The curriculum at St Mark’s is an interesting blend of those subjects which fulfil the national curriculum and those areas of experience which we consider essential for our students. Our students are expected to follow a broad and balanced curriculum throughout Key Stages 3 and 4. This is reviewed annually and subject to change.

Key Stage 3

All students follow courses in: • Core subjects: English, Mathematics and Science • Technology: Information Technology, Resistant Materials, Graphic Design, Textiles, Food Technology and Art and Design • Modern Foreign Language: French is the first language for all students, German is the second for some • Humanities: History, Geography and Religious Education • Creative Arts: Music and Drama • Physical Education: Gymnastics and Games • Personal, Social and Health Education: includes careers education and citizenship • Enrichment activities every Wednesday afternoon (Years 7 and 8)

Key Stage 4 Students study from a range of curriculum areas and are encouraged to avoid early specialisation when selecting their options. The KS4 curriculum is reviewed annually to take into account developments in subject examinations and government guidelines. Parents and students are provided with up to date information and guidance when ready to choose options.

The general pattern of study is as follows: • English Language and English Literature • Mathematics • Science, BTEC Double Award and Triple Science for the most able • Computing: the European Computing Driving License • Technology: Food & Nutrition and Textiles • Humanities: Geography, History and Religious Education • Modern Foreign Languages: French as a core with the option to take German as a second • Creative/Expressive Arts: Art, Drama, Music and Physical Education Students are also offered the opportunity to widen their subjects to include: • ASDAN - a vocational based course

Key Stage 5 Great care and attention has been paid to providing a range of qualifications that are highly regarded by universities and potential employers and which will enable students to grow in intellectual and personal maturity. The majority of students will study four AS Level subjects in Year 12 and continue with three A2 subjects in Year 13. We offer 24 A Level courses, from which students can select those which will provide them with the right personal challenges. Our personalised approach also extends to those who have not yet reached the entry requirements for Level 3 courses and need an additional year to achieve their ambition. This will include concentrated study at GSCE and a range of Level 2 BTECs. This will enable students to progress onto Level 3 courses here or to begin or continue Level 2/3 courses at other schools, colleges or training providers. Further information on The New Sixth is available at

Reporting on Students’ Progress Progress towards academic targets is measured three times a year in Progress Reports. Effort, behaviour and homework are also monitored very closely and information about these aspects of learning are also reported in the Progress Reports. In addition, the school will provide an annual report and provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to discuss their child’s progress through scheduled Parents’ Evenings. These events are essential for maintaining a positive line of communication and for sharing any praise, concerns or issues that either party may have.

St Mark’s ‘‘School is a strong and supportive

community recognising that, as individuals, we are all valued and needed equally. Through working together towards common goals, we can achieve great things.


An extract from St Mark’s School Values

Special Educational Needs Classroom based support is offered to students in order to assist them with their curriculum entitlement. There is a timetable of workshops to assist students in particular categories including early morning workshops for children to support basic skills. All teaching staff are provided with data and information about students to allow them to differentiate their lessons as far as possible to meet the needs of their students. There is careful liaison with primary schools and families of those children needing additional support and this results in continuity of support for students as they move to secondary school. We are an inclusive school that welcomes applications from all children. Although our building is not fully accessible, we do have a number of children with moderate physical difficulties who find our small school accommodates their needs well. We do have an Access and SEND Policy that is monitored and updated regularly to ensure that it best suits the needs of all of our students.



a school where children thrive and opportunities are there for all While we pride ourselves on our academic performance in many subjects, St Mark’s also enjoys an established reputation for its provision of enriching learning experiences and opportunities outside of the classroom. We believe that to truly appreciate the world around us, and our impact on our society, education should be varied, diverse and sometimes spontaneous, adapting to a changing society and realising the effects of the curriculum in real life. Students are actively encouraged to try new things, explore their creativity and extend their knowledge and capabilities in a fun and supportive environment. We believe that students who take part in a wide range of enrichment opportunities develop excellent social skills, confidence and respect. It helps them to achieve a good study and work-life balance: vital tools when going on to further education or employment. Opportunities for students vary from year to year. At one end of the spectrum, our Year 7s take part in our Enrichment Programme, every Wednesday, providing opportunities to help out with charitable causes, work with local artists, visit museums and galleries or work on our community magazine, The Larkhall News. In later years, students have an opportunity to take part in our ‘Learning to Lead’ initiative, join one of the many lunch or after-school clubs on offer or participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award. Clubs and activities are always under review and are enhanced by the range of community-based collaborations and enterprises on offer as well as the many skills and experience of our staff.


Opportunities have recently included:

• Athletics Club • Art Club • AS Music Technology • Badminton Club • Basketball Club • Computer Club • Cricket Club • Dance Umbrella • Dare 2 Enter Adventure Club • Drama Club • Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award • Film Club • Football Club • Hockey Club (mixed) • Latin Classes • Learning to Lead • Netball Club • Pet Club • Rock School • Rugby Club • Science Club • The Larkhall News • Trampolining Club • Upcycling

have lovely ‘‘Ifriends at St Mark’s. The

atmosphere is so nice and I like being in a family that helps each other.




the family of St Mark’s St Mark’s is a great school and creates an environment in which students From Primary to St Mark’s are nourished, encouraged and inspired. All round, I cannot recommend St Mark’s highly enough. New students, joining St Mark’s School are joining a welcoming school with a warm and supportive family atmosphere dedicated to academic excellence. We pay careful attention to the needs of our new children and we build on the good education and support that they receive at primary school.


We feel that it is important that the journey for every new students begins as early possible, so that they have plenty of opportunities to get to know the school, our staff, the layout and facilities. This approach ensures that when the first day arrives, the adventure is less worrying and more about feeling at home with new friends.

Our dedicated Head of Year 7, Mrs Hills, along with our Primary Liaison Team, work hard to ensure that every child coming to St Mark’s School has a smooth and seamless transition from primary to secondary.

To this end, we have a full programme of primary liaison events throughout the year, together with a number of Open Events, designed to give prospective families a flavour of our school and all that it can offer. We aim to get to know our students before they even reach our doors in September, through a series of transition events, primary school visits and taster days. Mrs Hills will visit all of our new students in their primary schools to get to know each and every one, both socially and academically by talking to them and their teachers. Students also have an opportunity to get to know one another and make new friends at a series of events run throughout the summer term prior to their first day at St Mark’s in September. This has proved invaluable for our Year 7s as they find their feet during this exciting phase in their life.



Our efforts extend beyond the child to the family, and we encourage everyone to take part in the wider school life through our PTA and Year 7 social evenings.

Admissions We appreciate that the decision of which school to choose begins long before a child reaches Year 6 and as such, we welcome all prospective families of Years 4, 5 and 6 to join us at our Open Events to get a ‘feel’ for their local school. We welcome families who wish to visit us during a normal school day in order that they can see our school in action. Appointments to visit St Mark’s can be made by contacting the school on 01225 312661 or email Our full admissions policy is available on our website and applications for Year 7 entry should be made through your home Local Authority before the deadline of 31st October. For further information regarding admissions or to discuss individual needs, please contact the school on the number and email above.



Sixth Forms ‘‘ofStThe St Mark’s and Gregory’s have

come together to create a unique provision for young people in the Bath area: a high quality Sixth Form built on Christian foundations. We want all our students to continue to develop the values, confidence, knowledge and skills they need for adult life, and to grow into caring, well-rounded citizens who will contribute to the common good of society. BARNABY ASh, hEADTEAChER

life in the New Sixth The New Sixth iis an exciting collaboration between St Mark’s Church of England School and St Gregory’s Catholic Sixth Form College.

The New Sixth provides a unique post-16 experience in the state sector in Bath and North East Somerset: a high-quality sixth form education with outstanding pastoral support and a wide range of enrichment activities, inspired by our shared Christian values. All sixth form courses take place at St Gregory’s, making full use of existing facilities, with expert tuition from teachers of St Mark’s and St Gregory’s. The New Sixth builds on the outstanding academic tradition of both schools to inspire our students towards the best possible outcomes, enabling them to continue their journey in the educational or employment setting of their choice. Just as important however, are the values our students learn while they are with us and take into the wider world. We want to develop future leaders who will take their place in society as well rounded, caring and principled citizens.



nts e v E n m e r p o F o h n t m ix u S t r A ou o 4n Evening 20p1e

at The New Sixth october Thursday 23rd 6.30pm – 9.00pm tation at 7.45pm n se re P s r’ e h c a te Head

The family atmosphere at The New Sixth is incredible and this can only help to further support us as we continue our education and move towards employment or university. BEN, YEAR 13, ST MARk’S SChooL


All students in their final year at St Mark’s have an automatic place in The New Sixth, provided they meet the entry requirements for a full-time programme of study. We also have places for external students who may wish to experience a new type of Sixth Form provision and who meet the requirements for a full-time course of study. Full information on admissions criteria and application details can be found at or



St Mark’s Church of England School

Bay Tree Road, Bath, BA1 6ND

Tel 01225 312661 Fax 01225 429063 e-mail Headteacher Mr Barnaby Ash, BSc, NPQH Chair of Governors Mr Roger Coombe

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