The remarkable story The history of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Mystic includes both disappointments and accomplishments . over an extraordinary period of time. It is a story of repeated Financial struggles –and infrequent rescues by the archdeaconry or diocese. And it is also a story of individuals, of people who worked together in loved to worship design plans, join committees and organize activities. But St. Mark’s is a story of the growth of the Holy Spirit in unimaginably wonderful ways. Thanks be to God.
The Rev. John Cavalry Middleton. He is the priest in the Holy Spirit that started St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Mystic, CT and its first Rector.
---------1859------------------------------------1860--------------------------------1865----July 10 March 25 February 11 Washington Hall Stonington Middleton met with Elected the Rev. John Cavalry Middleton Protestant Episcopal Name of Established Name St. Mark’s Society of Mystic St. Mark’s. Sunday school & Library. Adopted Constitution.
-----1865---------------------------------1866---------------------------------1867--------September 12 December 3 December Parish ratified the The Corner Stone Church Building Purchase of lot on of the church was was completed Pearl Street for $500. laid. on Christmas it was opened for worship. Total cost $9000 Mortgage $3000
--------1869-----------------------------------1873-----------------------------1874------November April 25 Vestry room First Congregational Rt. Rev. John Williams next to the Church of New London 4th Bishop of CT assisted Chancel was Sold a large pipe organ by Rt. Rev Thomas Clark lengthen to To St. Mark’s for $550. of RI dedicated the accommodate building. Now St. Mark’s growing members. was a parish out of debt.
------1875---------------------------- ----1882---------------------------------1885--------Carpet for the The Parish The Parish asked Chancel was installed requested financial the Archdeaconry For Easter. aid from Eastern to take the church Archdeaconry under its care. $150 then $200.
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 1870
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 1875
-------1885------------------------------1889----------------------------------1889-----------St. Mark’s celebrated On Easter the Also in this year St. Mark’s The 20th anniversary Entire indebtedness affairs hit a low point and did some Was paid for the for the third time & was put Refurbishing removed Second time and the under the care of the White paint from the Parish again became Archdeaconry, this lasted Pews and walls. Independent. 11 years until 1909.
-------1907----------------------------------1916-----------------------------1917-------Up until this year Up until this year Much to the Lamps were used the main support was dismay of the For lights then rentals of the pews parish the Deaconry Electricity was installed. then replaced by again began to help the envelope system with the rector’s later replaced by roll call. Salary.
------1921--------------------------------1922--------------------------------1924-----------June 21 The request to A new pulpit was Lightning struck become an aided delivered and for The belfry and parish was again an unknown reason it The roof of the repeated. was relegated Church. Repairs to the basement. Were made Immediately to The exterior and the Interior was later.
----1927---------------------------------1929--------------------------------1930---------The Great Depression The church floor A new dossal Started and aid reinforced with curtain was Continued with the parish bracings. procured and furnishing half and the installed on the Diocesan Missionary altar. Society helped accordingly.
Rods and turn buckles were installed to brace the walls.
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 1934 Painted by Gladys L. Flint
------------------------------1934- ------------------------------------1938--------------------------------Kneelers were September 21 made for the The infamous hurricane chancel. destroyed both chimneys on the church and parish house, hurling bricks through the church roof and onto the vestry room below water deluged. ------1945------------------------------------------------1951--------------------------------------------The church had finished Ladies’ guild made it The repairs from the hurricane possible the installation And accepted kneeling benched of an oil burning furnace From St. James church which replacing wood & coal was being Replaced in their hot air furnace. church.
-----------------------------------------------------1950’S--------------------------------------------------During the 1950’s a number of changes were made to the interior of the church. 1. An ambry built in the sanctuary wall. 2. A piscina constructed in the sacristy. 3. The sanctuary was enlarged 13 inches In depth by moving the chancel rail out. 4. New kneeling space was made. 5. Platforms were put under the lectern and pulpit, using space in front of the first pews. This allowed more space for choir. The choir face each other in two groups between the alter rail and alter. 6. Front railings were added to the new stone steps outside the church. 7. The front steps were lighted. 8. Floodlighting was added which made the church so attractive at night. 9. The interior was redecorated the pews, walls and woodwork were repainted.
This shows choirs pews facing each other, the side boards and railing's plus the Altar against the wall. The year October 10, 1964.
-------1951----------------------------1951------------------ -----------------1953 ----------------------Affairs of the parish Ottoe Liebig’s September 20 Began to strengthen Designed and Bishop Walter H. Gray St. Mark’s met the built a parish conducted the full standards set by the hall under the ceremony of the Diocese for clergy church. The church relaying of the cornerstone. Salary and a travel fund. was raise 2 feet, The first cornerstone footings were dated from 1866 and was found poured 18 inches to be split and its contents thick of concrete. crumbled to dust.
Reardon –Rolfe Co from Norwich inserted beams under the church
Church weighted 110 tons lifted by riggers
September 20th 1953 Bishop Walter H Gray conducted the ceremony of the relaying of the corner stone.
--------1954-------------------------------------1954-----------------------------------------1954-----------May 19 August 27 September 14 The Diocese restored Hurricane Carol tested the Hurricane Edna St. Mark’s to its full facility. Four feet of combined caused one foot of parochial status. Rain and tidal salt water rose water on the floor in the new parish hall and kitchen. again in the hall.
---------1954-------------------------------------1957---------------------------------------1961------------October 18 The Vestry approved The new education Hurricane Hazel left a the purchase of a building was added. Lot water that flooded new organ a three the Parish hall due to rank Esty pipe Organ. Plug drains on Pearl street. $9,400.
---------------1961-----------------------------------------------------1961----------------------A two phase project was considered. July 11 Phase one off street parking, A contract was signed for the Phase two erection of a new church first phase project off street On the classroom wing foundation. parking only. Total cost of $170,000 with the first Phase costing $81,000.
-------------------------------------1972---------------------------------------Between the rectorates of the Rev. Frank Landolt and the Rev. Edward T. Adkins, the altar in the sanctuary was moved and became free standing.
This shows the back of the altar where it was against the wall.
This shows the free standing Altar of today.
-------------------------1983----------------------------------------1990-----------------------------------Changes in the interior Refurbishment of the church were made: Campaign was 1. the organ and the choir Approved by pews in the front by the vestry. were moved to the back. The campaign to 2. The font was moved to run for three years. front where the pulpit had been. 3. The pulpit was moved to where the organ console had stood.
------1991------------------------------------------Capital Campaign received pledges In the amount of $384,450 Priorities were set: The steeple was replaced with all new lumber. The interior of the church was Painted.
The addition of the organ pipes was completed in 1992
------------------------------------------------2008------------------------------------------------Capital Campaign was approved by the vestry to run for three years.
---------2009-----------------------------------------------------------2010------------------------Priorities were set: Pews were altered to Capital Campaign received pledges Accommodate wheel chairs. In the amount of $350,000 The church roof was shingled. The interior of the church was Replaced ancient boilers. painted along with the pews. Up graded men’s and women’s Replaced carpeting in the church restrooms. and hall ways. Up graded church lighting and sound system.
Getting ready to paint the interior of the church.
Interior and pews painted.
Mobile Wood Font 1985
Mobile Wood Lectern 2015
May the peace of the Lord be always with you.
Assembled by Terry R. Stefanski, April 2017