The Messenger
from St. Mark’s
April/May 2017 Holy Week and Easter Bookstore Luncheon Vacation Bible School Caring for Our Members Shrove Tuesday Highlights
Resurrection Life
The Rev. Beth Knowlton
“Rise heart; thy Lord is risen. Sing his praise Without delayes, Who takes thee by the hand, that thou likewise With him mayst rise:”
- from Easter, a selection in The Temple by George Herbert
Each Sunday when we start the Eucharistic prayer, we begin with an invitation to lift our hearts. This does not mean we arrive at this point in the liturgy each Sunday feeling uplifted. It is a statement of hope and is as much an intentionality about the Christian life we walk together in community. These lines from George Herbert expand the intimacy of that intention by reminding us that when we celebrate Easter, we enter into a new relationship with the Risen Lord. He is risen, and the power of that has changed the world. Not just in the past tense, but it powerfully transforms the life we experience each day. When you read the stories of the early church communities, they were deeply aware of the presence of the Risen Christ among them. He empowered their ministry, gave them courage, and guided them in the power of the Spirit. Our Holy Week liturgies allow us an important opportunity to walk the fullness of the Christian Life with one another. We have already had a wonderful start to the season of Lent which has allowed new offering through Music in the Park and we will conclude the season with a Day of Prayer and Service. Both of these come out of a deep desire by our community to offer ourselves. As Jesus modeled a life of self-giving, there is energy at St. Mark’s around embodying that in new ways here in the city of San Antonio. As we enter into Holy Week, we will go from Palm Sunday, to Maundy Thursday, to Good Friday, to Holy Saturday, to gathering around the new fire at the Easter Vigil. We will baptize adults and babies into the faith. If you have never made attending those mid-week liturgies a priority, I’d really like to encourage you to do so. One of the main things that made me join the Episcopal church was these special liturgies. Easter joy is only more profound when you have walked the last days Jesus spends with those he loves the most. I am so grateful for the many who work so diligently to make these services possible. The choirs, the altar guild, the readers, the Eucharistic ministers, the acolytes, our associate clergy. Behind the scenes, the staff puts in countless hours to makes these services and receptions appear “effortless.” I give thanks for our lay leaders who have brought such energy to our Lenten offerings this year. It is a deep reminder that what causes my heart to rise is the strength of our community. We reach our hands out to one another, to our city, and in the process, see the Risen Christ looking back at us. Alleluia, Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia! Peace,
The Rev. Beth Knowlton
The Messenger, USPS 514-020 Vol 106, Issue 2, Published bi-monthly St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 E. Pecan Street San Antonio, Texas 78205
Phone: 210-226-2426 Editor: Article Deadline: 3rd Monday of month preceeding bi-monthly issue
Postage paid in San Antonio, TX POSTMASTER: Send address changes to St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Rector: The Rev. Beth Knowlton
Holy Week and Easter Sunday, April 9 - Palm Sunday
Friday, April 14 Good Friday
7.45am Holy Eucharist, Rite I 9.00am Liturgy of the Palms, Holy Eucharist Rite II 10.10am Palm Sunday Festival with live animals! 11.15am Liturgy of the Palms, Holy Eucharist Rite II 5.00pm Service of Lessons and Carols for Passiontide
7.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm
Good Friday Liturgy with Communion from the Reserve Sacrament Good Friday Liturgy Stations of the Cross
Saturday, April 15 - Holy Saturday
Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday, Holy Wednesday 12.00m
Easter Flower donations by April 12th See enclosed envelope.
11.00am 1.00pm
Holy Eucharist, Rite II, Bethlehem Chapel
Easter Egg Hunt and Picnic Holy Saturday service
Thursday, April 13 - Maundy Thursday
Sunday, April 16 - Easter Day
7.00pm 9.00pm
6.00am 9.00am 11.15am
Holy Eucharist, Rite II Gethsemane Overnight Prayer Vigil, Bethlehem Chapel
The Great Vigil, Lighting of the New Fire, Holy Baptism, and First Eucharist of Easter, with incense. Breakfast to follow. Holy Baptism & Festival Eucharist, Rite II Holy Baptism & Festival Eucharist, Rite II (with incense)
Gethsemane Prayer Vigil As part of experiencing Holy Week, we invite you to join in as we hold Vigil with the reserve sacraments overnight before Good Friday. One hour slots are available beginning at 9.00pm on Maunday Thursday, April 13. We invite 2-4 people for each time slot. The Gethsemane Prayer Vigil will be in Bethlehem Chapel, and the gate from Jefferson Street will remain open overnight. We will have security present overnight as well. As you pray and wait, we will have a table with resources to aid in your prayer time. Feel free to bring your own bible or prayer book, or some other resource if you would like. The Vigil will be a time for quiet reflection and meditation. At the end of your shift, others will arrive and continue the Vigil. The Vigil ends at 7.00am with the Good Friday Liturgy. To sign up for a time slot, go to and click on the SignUps/Reservations button.
Day of Prayer and Service - Sunday April 2nd Day of Prayer and Service is for families and parishioners of all ages and will start with a combined 10.00am Sunday worship service where we will pray together as a community. Outreach volunteers should dress casually in t-shirt and jeans for the combined worship service. A simple Lenten lunch will be provided at St. Mark’s before people go out to serve in the community. A 5.00pm prayer service will be offered at St. Mark’s to conclude the day. Our outreach partners are Christian Assistance Ministries (CAM), SAMMinistries, Haven for Hope, Green Spaces Alliance the St. Therese Community Garden, East Hart Avenue Community Park, Ronald McDonald House Charities, and Morningside Ministries. Deep gratitude to these outreach partners for coordinating with us for this first-time Lenten Sunday event. Thank you to the St. Mark’s clergy and staff for their help and guidance as well as dedicated Day of Prayer and Service committee members: Patrice Oliver, John Beauchamp, Rachel Doyle, Randy Gladden, Patsy Jordt, Ann Leafstedt, Anne Rochelle, Nicole Segovia, and Lucy Wilson. If you have jeans or tennis shoes to donate please bring them to church on Sunday, April 2nd. Some of our community service will be done outdoors, so please say a prayer for good weather! If you are thinking “Can I still participate in A Day of Prayer and Service?” The answer is yes. Go online to www.stmarks-sa. org and click on the SignUps/Reservations button or call the parish office at 210-226-2426.
Reflections on Lenten Quiet Day: Listening to Our Lives One part of St. Mark’s Core Vocation is to feed people who are hungry for knowledge and meaning. As part of that vocation, we regularly design special offerings to feed the soul. Quiet Days are one such opportunity, setting aside time to enter into a liturgical season with intention. On March 4, 20 people set aside the first Saturday of Lent to quiet their minds and listen to the Spirit’s leadings. Through reflections and prayer, the day was a reminder of the deep call of a Holy Lent. We will continue to hold these special days throughout the year. -- The Rev. Carol Morehead What a lovely way to start Lent. On the sacred grounds of the Jones Center, with a gentle rain falling, Carol helped us slow down, reflect on our lives, and listen for the lessons. We reflected on silence, stillness, solitude, confession, and being beloved. We moved in and out of the chapel and pondered thoughtful questions about the last year, about things done and left undone. We practiced mindfulness and centering. I loved that Carol used resources from not only the BCP but from literature, the mystics, art, and poetry. What a rich tapestry she wove for us. Lenten Quiet Day Reflection on Jerusalem Street
-- Carla Pineda, attendee
Easter Flowers, Easter Picnic, and Easter Formation Consider making a contribution to the Altar Flowers Fund for Easter Sunday flowers in memory of, in honor of, and in thanksgiving for family and friends. Use the enclosed envelope; forms also available at and at the church. Include a $25 donation for each memorial or honorarium. Thank you for adding to the seasonal beauty of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. Deadline for form with donation is April 12th. Direct questions to Ann Coiner at 210-828-3452 or
The Mind of Christ In the Wider Community: Adult Track 2: Bible Stories: Stories for the Faith in the City Journey 10.10am in Gish Hall The Rev. Beth Knowlton and invited guests April 23, May 7, May 14 This three-week class will host faith and civic leaders from San Antonio who will discuss how their faith is lived out in their specific settings. Leaders will be from a variety of religious settings and will discuss important civic topics. Conversation and discussion will also include ways that religious communities can collaborate across theologically diverse perspectives to engage in holy work with one another. Speakers will be confirmed in the coming weeks. Rabbi Mara Nathan will be with us on May 14th!
Summer Worship Schedule
10.10am in the Jerusalem Chapel The Reverend Matt Wise and The Rev. Carol Morehead April 23 May 7 May 14
Early Believers - Acts 2.43-47 Peter Heals - Acts 3.1-16 Paul and Silas - Acts 2.1-4
During the Week
Centering Prayer on Wednesdays at 5.00pm in the Dean Richardson Room Daughters of the King Book Study on Wednesdays at 5.00pm in Room 306 Time Out Bible Study through May 4 on Thursdays at 10.00am in the Youth Suite
Begins May 28 Services at 7.45am and 10.00am
St. Mark’s Easter Egg Hunt & Picnic
Saturday, April 15th from 11.00am-1.00pm, Bishop Jones Center Bring your family and friends to this favorite St. Mark’s tradition. We will gather to hear the Easter story, then follow the Easter Bunny to hunt for eggs. Face-painting and balloon artists will be available throughout the event. Lunch will be served, so bring a picnic blanket or chairs. orget your Easter baskets! Menu: Raising Cane’s Fried Chicken Strips, Ruby’s Macaroni and Cheese, Salad, and Fruit. Please RSVP to the church at (210) 226-2426 by Sunday, April 9th.
Music from St. Mark’s APRIL 9 SECOND SUNDAY: PASSIONTIDE LESSONS AND CAROLS SUNDAY, 5.00PM A service of readings and music for Holy Week, followed by Holy Eucharist APRIL 30 GALA FIESTA CONCERT SUNDAY, 5.00PM THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF MUSIC FROM ST. MARK’S The St. Mark’s Choir and Treble Choir in conert - A musical preview of the choir’s Durham Cathedral and St. Alban’s Abbey residencies. Also featured will be Handel’s Organ Concerto in B-flat Major, accompanied by St. Mark’s Baroque Orchestra. Underwritten by the St. Cecilia Guild. MAY 14 SECOND SUNDAY: CHORAL EVENSONG SUNDAY, 5.00PM The St. Mark’s Choir and Treble Choir sing music of Leighton, Howells, and Bach. MAY 25 FEAST OF THE ASCENSION THURSDAY, 7.00PM A service of Holy Eucharist featuring Palestrina’s ‘Missa Aeterna Christi munera’
Durham Cathedral and St. Alban’s Abbey
Alban’s St. St. Alban’s
This summer, members from the St. Mark’s Choir and Treble Choir will journey to England to be the choir-inresidence at Durham Cathedral and St. Alban’s Abbey. This act of pilgrimage puts us closer to our roots as Episcopalians, and provides an educational opportunity for our choir as part of the Anglican Choral tradition, worldwide. We will be in residence at Durham Cathedral July 24-30, then at St. Alban’s (near London) July 31-August 1.
Many thanks to those who attended the St. Cecilia Winter Gala: Road to Durham in support of the Durham pilgrimage and to all those whose generous donations raised a total of $36,800 to help underwrite our singers. Such opportunities would not be possible without this community’s support.
Bookstore Lecture and Luncheon Friday, May 5th 11.00am-11.30am Gathering, 11.30am-12.30pm Speaker, 12.30pm Lunch As a novelist, theologian, and “one of America’s most important voices on religion and culture” (BBC Radio), Greg Garrett has made story the focus of his work. In the process of telling his own stories and teaching those of others, he’s discovered archetypal patterns people have used for thousands of years to make sense of their lives and of the world; sometimes stories break apart in the presence of loss and we have to find new ones. Garrett will focus on his writing, both fiction and memoir, the books on U2, Harry Potter, the afterlife, and the theological. Garrett will make connections to the new edition of Crossing Myself, his memoir, recently republished in October from Church Publishing and his forthcoming book from Oxford on the Zombie Apocalypse, Living with the Living Dead. Please register online at, click on SignUps/Registration on the home page. Registration forms will also be available at the Parish Hall front desk and in the bookstore. Your registration with payment will hold your space. The cost per person is $40, or reserve a table of eight for $300.
St. Mark’s Youth St. Mark’s High School Seniors! In honor of your time at St. Mark’s and your dedication to your school and community we will be recognizing you on Sunday, May 7th at the 9.00am service, in the announcements, and with a reception in the Youth Suite immediately following the service. We would also like to acknowledge your efforts in the community, school, and at St. Mark’s in the June/July Messenger. Please email Todd Allison ( with anything specific you’d like to highlight, like your various St. Mark’s activities, school activities, community involvement, and what your plans are after graduation. Please submit your information and a recent photo by April 26th.
2017 Youth Retreat - April 21-23 Jesus interrupted his busy schedule for quiet refreshment. His example reminds us to take time out… to get away… to renew our soul. All of St. Mark’s youth, currently in 6th through 12th grade, are encouraged to take an opportunity to leave the distractions of our daily lives behind and focus on God’s message during the annual Youth Retreat! Join us for a weekend of team building, swimming, fun, fellowship, and reflection in the Texas Hill Country at T Bar M in New Braunfels. Cost for the retreat includes transportation, lodging, activities, and meals. So we can get an accurate count for transportation and food, please complete and return the registration forms, medical information, and your payment no later than Sunday, April 2, 2017. These forms can be found in the Youth Suite and in the weekly youth email. Scholarships are available; please contact Todd Allison ( for additional information.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and Talent Show
Choir Quilt Gifted to St. Mark’s St. Mark’s Choir member, Barbara SmithTownsend, designed and executed this “medallion quilt” as a gift to the choir. A medallion quilt, traditionally, has a central design surrounded by several borders. This quilt, inspired by the music of Ralph Vaughan Williams, has six different borders and the central design is composed of four cathedrals. St. Mark’s choir has visited three of the four as part of a choir pilgrimage and residency. The fourth, Durham Cathedral, will be the next for St. Mark’s scheduled for this July. The cathedrals are divided by a red and green fabric cross reflecting on the intersection of the Eternal Holy Spirit with Creation in Ordinary Time. The first border contains the signatures of the current choir members, musical staff, and assistants as well as names of the clergy in half square triangles, surrounded by stars, and green men appliques. Green men, incorporated into the construction of most European cathedrals, take the form of faces surrounded by greenery and leaves, with greenery sometimes emanating from the mouth of the face. In this quilt, you will see four green men, each adjacent to the cathedrals where they were founded. The Liturgical season of Lent is represented by the second border of purple fabric sashing. The third border contains quotes from the poems “Let All the World in Every Corner Sing” by George Herbert and “God Respects Me When I Work, He Loves Me When I Sing” by Rabindranath Tagore. The first poem also helped to serve as inspiration for the quilt, and the second, Smith-Townsend feels is applicable to choristers. The blue fabric sashing of the fourth border represents the Liturgical season of Advent. Jacobs Ladder, Ezekiel’s Wheel, palm fronds, the sun, crosses, stars, and flowers make up the fifth border. Each of these symbols from the Old and New Testament has a specific meaning to Smith-Townsend. The sixth and final border has three different sections containing ½” of red fabric, ½” of a “crazy strip”, and 2” of green fabric. The red fabric represents Palm Sunday, the Liturgical season of Pentecost, as well as many other Feast Days. Smith-Townsend’s quilting signature lies in the “crazy strip” and is scraps of fabric from this quilt and others. The signature represents the familial DNA of this quilt, and makes this quilt related to every other one she has made. The green fabric is representative of Epiphany and Ordinary Time in the Episcopal Church. This quilt was completed using the Electric Quilt 7 and with the helping hands of C Murphy Brumlik, Patricia Donegan, Pam Slocum, and Jean Van Gee. Thank you, Barbara Smith-Townsend for this beautiful gift to St. Mark’s. For more information about the quilt and the specific meanings of each symbol, a handout is available in the Parish House.
Vacation Bible School Hometown Nazareth, Where Jesus was a Kid June 5 – 8, 9.00am - 12.00pm
“I have called you by name; you are mine” - Isaiah 43:1 Join us on a journey to Nazareth as Jesus’ mother, Mary, takes us through the stories of his life. We’ll see that kids are kids and God’s love is steadfast all over the world and throughout time. Our Family Tribes will celebrate, sing, create, make, learn, and play while building relationships in our St. Mark’s community.
Children ages 4 - rising 6th graders are invited to participate in VBS. Registration and volunteer sign up will be available through the St. Mark’s website at, or you can fill out a form on the second floor. We will need your help to bring Nazareth to life. Youth and adult volunteers are needed - whatever your gift is, we can use it!
Caring for Our Members
The Rev. Carol Morehead
The St. Mark’s Care Committee has been busy at work to develop a thorough, systematic overview for community care at St. Mark’s. The group, comprised of over 15 members, has gone out two by two to interview a dozen faith communities throughout San Antonio in hopes both of gleaning information from others about best practices and of building collaborative bonds with others who are doing similar work within their own congregations. The committee met on March 5 to report on these visits and begin to analyze the responses. The committee’s next step is to send out a parish-wide survey regarding attitudes and understandings of community care within our community. This survey is being developed with anticipated distribution following Easter. As the survey results are analyzed, the committee will host some targeted facilitated meetings with specific groups who either have had pastoral needs or who have a loved one who has had such need. These conversations, which will be in committee member’s homes, will focus around specific topics that affect the care at St. Mark’s, as well as questions of how best to identify needs as they arise and how best to communicate within our community. Once the survey and visits are complete, the data will be combined with the analysis from the city-wide site visits, with the goal of producing a Community Care Manual, a sort of standard operating procedure for the parish. Future training for those called to share in the work of community care as well as future education and support offerings will be incorporated into the next program year. Through the good work of this fine committee, we hope to continue to do the holy work of caring for one another, while enhancing our system, so that no one falls through the cracks and we can live and care for one another in Christian community as we are called to do. The members of the Care Committee are: Beverly Bryars, Gillian Cook, Cathy Dawson, Liz Casiano Evans, Beth Hawkins, Rev. Cynthia McKenna, Annabelle McGee, Rev. Carol Morehead, Dan Morehead, Lillian Morris, Paul Pineda, Sandra Ragan, David Ross, Jeannette Ross, Nicole Segovia, Trey Thompson, and Bill Yates.
Stewardship To make gifts toward your pledge at, click on the Give menu; or make your gift by mail. Contact Priscilla Briones at or 210-2262426 with questions about your giving to date or go online to the My Account link on the home page. Contact Dina Aboul Saad at or by phone to discuss stewardship, annual and endowment gifts, and planned giving.
A Note from the Treasurer
Each year every congregation and Mission of the Episcopal Church, USA is required by canon law to file an “Annual Parochial Report” with its diocese. Since the flurry of activity around preparing and approving the annual budget is past, I thought this might be an opportune time to share a few of the annual report details from 2016:
John McClung, Treasurer
• As of 12/31/16, St. Mark’s had 1,358 members, who represent 731 households. • 54 new members were received in the church during the year, and 33 members died, moved, or cease to be active on the congregational roll. • 30 persons were baptized, confirmed, or received by the Bishop. • Eucharist was celebrated 383 times. • 1,174 attended Easter Sunday services. Questions or Comments? • 403 on average attended Sunday services each week. Please contact us by email at On the financial side, in 2016: • 329 St. Mark’s households made an annual pledge to the church. • 41% of those who pledged increased their pledge. • Our total pledges and contributions were $1,953,606, of which $1,661,845 was based on pledges, the difference being non-pledge giving, plate offerings and special offerings.
In Remembrance and Thanksgiving (thru March 7, 2017) MEMORIALS Peggy Baetz by Cary & Walter Bain, Sue Bain, Roy & Mary Baring, Jeannie & Bobby Dullnig, Marilyn & Huard Eldridge, Jack & Valerie Guenther, Almeda & Ned Hodge, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kleberg III, Jan & Lee Leaman, Luther King Capital Management, Annis & Robert Marshall, Dr. & Mrs. Joe McFarlane, Carol McGuire, Dru Pipkin, Barbara & John Robb, South Texas Money Management, Jeanie Wyatt & Lance Lahourcade, Jill Vassar, Mrs. Jess Womack II, Barbara Wood, Mary & Robert Worth Jean Guidry by Bebe & Cliff Waller Helen Landrum by Joe & Susan Clamon, Marguerite Landrum, Michael Landrum, Conrad Netting Stuart Leafstedt by Jill & George Vassar, Bebe & Cliff Waller Sally Morgan by David Aafedt, Ethan Haley, Eric Johnson, Steve Walker Tom O’Connell by Richard Halter William Parker by Lynne Morris Barnett, Richard Halter, Roxie & Jim Hayne, Mrs. G. Milton Johnson, Ann & Carl Leafstedt, Mary Handy Parker, Paula & Dick Peacock, Laura & Brook Smith, Jill & George Vassar, Bebe & Cliff Waller Nancy Wallace by Patricia Steves Elaine Whitmer by Margie Boldrick, Paula & Mike Chalk, Linda Jacobs
Betty LeFlore by Sue Bain, Ann Coiner Sally Morgan by Book Club Friends William Parker by Patricia & Reagan Houston Elaine Whitmer by Sue Bain CHILDREN & FAMILY MINISTRIES Helen Landrum by Walton & Jeff Selig GOOD SAMARITAN CENTER Victoria & Evaristo Vasquez by Adelina Rodriguez STREET MEMORIAL FUND Peggy Baetz by Virginia & Gary Koehl BEREAVEMENT FUND Betty LeFlore by Cary & Walter Bain SPECIAL GIFTS To St. Cecilia in thanksgiving for Mollie & Bartell Zachry by Carolyn & Otis Parchman To the Kitchen Ministry in honor of her parents, John & Chica Younger, by Isabella & John Allen To St. Mark’s in honor of the baptism of Peter David Forster by Helen & Warren Franz To the Rector’s Discretionary Fund in thanksgiving for her ordination anniversary by Cynthia McKenna
ST. CECILIA Peggy Baetz by Ann Coiner, Peggy & John Colglazier, Josie & Taylor Dorris, Jane & Jim Glenn, Patricia & Reagan Houston, Diana Morehouse, Eleanor & Keith O’Gorman, Ann Watson Elspeth Blakeman by Ann Coiner Dr. Allen Garcia by Mary Ann & Art Winden Helen Landrum by Ann Coiner
Clergy at St. Mark’s Parish Clergy: The Rev. Elizabeth Knowlton, Rector; The Rev. Carol Morehead, Associate Rector for Liturgy, Adult Formation, and Pastoral Care; The Rev. Matthew Wise, Associate Rector for Outreach, Family Ministry, and Parish Life
24 hour pastoral care emergency phone 210-507-0256
Making a Gift of Their Service: The Rev. C. Douglas Earle, Assisting Priest; The Rev. Mary Earle, Assisting Priest; The Rev. Dr. John Lewis, Co-director, St. Benedict’s Work+Shop; The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson, Co-director, St. Benedict’s Work+Shop
Cafe Kairos, Wednesdays and Thursdays 5.00pm-6.30pm Cost: $8.00 adults | $6.00 children (under 6 yrs old) APRIL 5-6 White Bean with Italian Sausage Garden Salad Bread
APRIL 12-13 Tomato Basil Garden Salad Bread
APRIL 19-20 Baked Chicken Twice Baked Potato Casserole Fresh Seasonal Vegetables Chocolate Cake
MAY 3-4 Beef Lasagna SautĂŠed Green Beans Caesar Salad Oreo Cheesecake
MAY 10-11 Pizza Garden Salad Cookies
MAY 17-18 Chicken Enchiladas Verdes Charro Beans Spanish Rice Garden Salad Chocolate Brownies
Photos in this Issue Cover photo: Eric Nelson Photos in this issue provided by: Dina Aboul Saad, Natalie Matthews, Dan Morehead, and Eric Nelson
APRIL 26-27 Cafe Kairos Closed
Cafe Kairos will resume in the fall