Fall formation brochure 2013

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FALL 2013-2014


hristian Formation for all ages is an important part of the weekly rhythm at St. Mark’s. Our Fall 2013 Program includes not only Sunday morning classes for adults, youth, and children, but also weekly activities such as Bible study, Youth Group, family activities, choir rehearsals, meals, and fellowship. We are formed by our daily activities, and here at St. Mark’s, we believe that we are all called by our baptismal vows to live out our faith in the midst of our everyday lives and vocations. Formation offerings are interdisciplinary, drawing on the expertise and experience of clergy, staff, laity, and special guests. As we move through the fall and look toward the new liturgical year to come, we are already looking ahead to the spring, which will offer even more options. We hope the variety of offerings this year will provide ample opportunity for growth and participation for everyone, young and old alike. Come and grow together in heart, soul, mind, and strength!

315 E. PECAN ST. | SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78205 | 210-226-2426 | WWW.STMARKS-SA.ORG

Adult Formation SUNDAY MORNINGS 10:10-11:00 A.M. Stewardship: Faith Building, Not Fund Raising Gish Hall (3rd floor) All that we do with all that we have – that is stewardship, the engine that drives our life together. Rather than viewing stewardship as a once a year push, this class will explore year-round stewardship. Stories based on personal experience as well as the biblical basis for stewardship will be the framework for exploration. Led by The Rev. Ned Bowersox and The Rev. Dr. John Lewis. CLASS SCHEDULE: September 8: Building Faith in the Mystery of God’s “Economy”

September 15: All that I Do, with all that I have, all of the time: Time, Talent, Treasure September 22: Being Faithful Stewards of the Grace and Mysteries of God September 29: Stewardship: Faith Raising, Not Fund Raising

October 6: How do I give enough? All things come of Thee, O Lord October 13: Discovering the Joys of Leading Generous Lives October 20: Parish Meeting

October 27: Consecration Sunday November 3 Adult Forum with Bishop Reed; Adult Confirmation at 11:15a.m. service, Youth Confirmation at 9:00a.m. service Engaging the Mystery: Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation Bethlehem Chapel If you are new to St. Mark’s and the Episcopal Church you may (or may not) be aware of the pastoral rite known as Confirmation. The Episcopal Church recognizes all who are baptized with water and in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as members of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Those whose baptisms have been registered in the Episcopal Church are considered baptized members. So, that’s it then, right? Well, not necessarily. In the Episcopal tradition, once a baptized person becomes an adult the next recommended step is to have the Bishop receive that adult by laying-on of hands and anointing with oil, a rite we call Confirmation. For those who have already been confirmed in another Christian tradition, the Episcopal Church does not require that person to be re-confirmed. Baptized persons may also be received by laying-on of hands of a Bishop rather than being confirmed, if such persons have previously made adult affirmations of faith in their own traditions. We call that Reception.

Reaffirmation of Baptismal Vows is an opportunity for any member to reexamine and recommit to the vows made at baptism. This is a wonderful chance to go deeper and examine one’s life as a disciple of Christ. (Continued on page 3)


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The Rt. Rev. David Reed, Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese of West Texas, will join us on Sunday, November 3, to preside over Confirmation and Reception during the 11:15a.m. Eucharist. Please contact The Rev. Carol Morehead to register for classes by calling the church office at 210-226-2426 or by email at cmorehead@stmarks-sa.org. CLASS SCHEDULE: September 8 The Life of Faith: What is a Disciple? September 15 Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi: We are Always Being Formed September 22 Tools of the Trade: The BCP, The Liturgical Calendar and Sacred Space September 29 Initiation Rites: Baptism as Full Inclusion, Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation October 6 Eucharist: Feast of Thanksgiving, Remembering and Sending October 13 Anglicanism: The Episcopal Church’s Broader Context Saturday Retreat – TBD We will meet at the Bishop Jones Center for a half day retreat, which will include time with Bishop Reed, sharing a meal, and a Eucharist together. November 3 Adult Forum with Bishop Reed; Confirmation at 11:15 service


WEEKDAYS Rector’s Lectionary Study September 11-December 18 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Dean Richardson Room (2nd floor) This study discussion will look at the lectionary readings for the coming Sunday. Led by The Revs. Ned Bowersox and Carol Morehead Family Night Group September 11-December 18 6:00 p.m. Gosnell Hall Topics will include family faith building, challenges of families in today’s world, etc. Led by St. Mark’s Staff and Clergy Timeout Bible Study: Philippians Thursday mornings beginning September 5 10:00-11:30 a.m. Youth Suite (3rd floor) The Timeout Bible Study is a chance to read slowly through one book of the Bible over the course of the year, and to follow where the conversation leads. We will examine in depth Paul’s beautiful letter to the Philippians, one of the most important Christian texts for understanding and engaging daily life in the world. The study involves both close reading of the biblical text as well as extended discussion of how we may adapt Paul’s counsel to our own day-to-day living. Facilitated by The Rev. Dr. John Lewis and The Rev. Carol Morehead.

LATE FALL/ADVENT CLASSES SUNDAY MORNINGS NOVEMBER 10-DECEMBER 15 10:10-11:00 A.M. Toward Wholeness: Uniting Mind, Body and Spirit Post-modern life is almost unbearably over stimulating and overwhelming. We will explore ways that a spiritual, scriptural and scientific understanding of this problem can help overcome a sense of fragmentation and chronic stress with a deeper experience of harmony, meaning and purpose. November 10, Week 1 – Dualism and Its Discontents (Philosophy): The long western tradition of dividing experience into mind (or spirit) and body, with some of its many consequences. We tend to interpret the scripture, our social world, and our own problems in these mind/body terms, and confuse our efforts to do good in the process. This tends to separate religious life from secular life, and ‘mental’ problems from physical ones. As a result, we are left with a frustrating sense of fragmentation and tension in life. The philosophical roots of this in Plato and Descartes are reviewed, and Western dualism is contrasted with the consistent holism of scripture, both in the New Testament and Hebrew Bible. (Continued on page 5)


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November 17, Week 2 – The Science of Mind and Body (Science): The fascinating ways that mind and body are one, including some examples of attachment, stress, immune function, the brain gut connection, and more! We will also look at the strange unity of mind and brain, again noting that current scientific understandings of the unity of the self are quite consonant with scriptural ones. November 24, Week 3 – The Salvation of the Divided Self (Theology): A look at the neurobiological reasons that we become fragmented and self destructive, followed by a New Testament integration of its diagnosis and cure. December 1, Week 4 – Uniting Our World (The Social): How religion, and the Christian religion in particular, seeks to integrate all of life into a single, beautiful, integrated harmony. We will contrast modern dualism and secularism with Judeo-Christian holism. December 8, Week 5 – Uniting our Work (The Vocational): Modern life has traditionally been divided into workweek, with time for secular and vocational pursuits, and weekends, with time for private needs and desires, including religion. We will reframe this with a scriptural understanding of the kingdom of God, God’s determination to join with humanity to bring paradise to the earth, including beauty, health, plenty and love. Work, childrearing, and other vocational tasks will be re-imagined in this context. December 15, Week 6 – Uniting Ourselves (The Spiritual and Psychological): We will discuss how a genuine spiritual life re-orients and reconnects the broken pieces of ourselves, brining unity and clarity to the chaotic tensions of post-modern life. This will include practical aspects such as prayer, meditation, exercise, daily structure, social life, worship, etc. Remembering: How the Spirit Turns on the Light in Advent Light comes from light, but light gets blocked. This class will look at the Incarnation and our expectations as we move toward and through Advent and begin the new liturgical year. November 10, Week 1: Where Does Light Come From? Genesis 1:1-2:2 November 17, Week 2 : Things that Block the Light: Genesis 7, “The Fall” November 24, Week 3: Living in the Darkness: Ezekiel 37 December 1, Week 4: Moving From the Shadows: Numbers 11 December 8, Week 5: Living in the Light of Christ: Ezekiel 36 December 15, Week 6: Being Light for Others Other Services: Advent Lessons and Carols, Sunday, December 1, 5:00p.m. Christmas Pageant – December 22, 5:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Service, Tuesday, December 24, 4:00 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. each with musical prelude beforehand

Christmas Day Service, Wednesday, December 25, 10:00 a.m. Christmas Lessons and Carols, Sunday, December 29, one service at 10:00 a.m. 5

Youth Formation SUNDAY MORNINGS 10:10-11:00 A.M.


Youth Formation: 7th-12th grade Wednesday Night Fellowship Youth Suite (3rd floor) Youth Suite (3rd floor) Led by Todd Allison and Erin Hughes Led by Todd Allison and Erin Hughes Dinner is available at CafĂŠ Kairos. Youth Confirmation Class September 8-November 3 Room 306 Led by Todd Allison


6:00 P.M. Tug at the Collar Youth Suite (3rd floor) September 11, Led by The Rev. Ned Bowersox October 9, Led by The Rev. Carol Morehead November 13, TBD

For more information about upcoming Youth Ministries events, visit the Youth webpage at www.stmarkssa.org or follow them on Facebook www.facebook.com/SMCYouth. Sunday Night Live 5:00-7:00 p.m. Bishop Jones Center, 111 Torcido, San Antonio, TX 78209 SNL is not just another Sunday service. SNL is an opportunity for 9th-12th graders of all faiths and background, from around San Antonio to come together to share and discuss topics impacting their lives. September 8 October 13 November 10

Children Formation SUNDAY MORNINGS 10:10-11:00 A.M. 2ND FLOOR Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Room 205 Preschool

Godly Play Room 206 Kindergarten-1st grade

Holy Moly Room 208 2nd-3rd grade


212 Ministry Room 212 4th-6th grade

St. Benedict’s WorkShop Timeout Bible Study You are invited to participate in the Timeout Bible Study, which has become a tradition on Thursday mornings at St. Mark’s. What once began years ago as a Bible study for young mothers has blossomed into an ecumenical gathering of all ages to study the scriptures and reflect on their meaning in daily life. We meet from 10:00-11:30am on the 3rd floor in the Youth Suite at St. Mark’s every Thursday morning, beginning September 5, and continuing through April 2014. We will examine in depth Paul’s beautiful letter to the Philippians, one of the most important Christian texts for understanding and engaging daily life in the world. I am also very excited to tell you that The Rev. Carol Morehead will join me in presenting this study. Men’s Bible Study The men of St. Mark’s are invited to join an ongoing men’s Bible study that I will convene on seven Monday nights this Fall. The first gathering will be August 26, from 6:00-8:00p.m. at the Gazebo Restaurant at Los Patios. We begin with a community dinner and then examine some aspect of scripture, discussing the material in small groups of five or six people. Space in the men’s group is limited, so please contact us soon if you are interested in participating! Ensure your place in the Timeout or Men’s Bible Study by contacting Katherine Buzzini at The WorkShop (210-599-4224; or kbuzzini@theworkshop-sa.org). Weekly Reflection Groups For 12 years, The WorkShop has also convened small groups of faithful Christians who gather every week to reflect together on events in their daily lives, as interpreted through the lens of scripture. If you are drawn to deep reflection and accountability on your faithfulness in daily life, please contact John Lewis for further details (210-621-8287 or jlewis@theworkshop-sa.org). God’s Economy As we move forward, The WorkShop will continue its commitment to the economy of God’s kingdom: mutual generosity. This means that we offer all of our classes and small groups at no cost to participants. As has been the case since 2005, The WorkShop’s annual operating budget is funded by generous contributions from donors and participants in our programs, as well as from income earned on a few contracts for services rendered to various educational and religious institutions (including St. Mark’s). We are a non-profit Texas corporation, officially approved by the IRS for tax exempt status under §501(c)(3) of the tax code. For more information about St. Benedict’s Workshop visit www.theworkshop-sa.org or call 210-599-4224. St. Benedict’s Workshop is located at 2015 NE Loop 410, San Antonio, TX 78217.


315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205 210-226-2426 www.stmarks-sa.org

The Rev. Ned Bowersox Interim Rector The Rev. Carol Morehead Assistant Rector

Todd Allison Director of Youth Ministries Priscilla Briones Accounting Manager Janet Carrizales Nursery Director Benjamin Carlisle Assistant for Music & Liturgy Joseph Causby Director of Music & Organist Elaine Enloe Parish Secretary Sandy Falkenberg Cherub Choir Director Emmet Faulk Parish Business Administrator Erin Hughes Asst. Director of Youth Ministries

Gail Jackins Families & Children’s Ministries Director Melanie Lizcano Director of Communications Mary Hayden Manning Children’s & Youth Ministries Assistant Jesse Mendoza Kitchen Supervisor & Chef Ruby Merrill Facilities Supervisor Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Dr. Edwin A. Rieke Director of Music & Organist Emeritus Callie Sanchez Children’s & Youth Ministries Intern Leah Thomas Special Events Coordinator


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