The Messenger
from St. Mark’s
February/March. 2016
Shrove Tuesday Lent and Easter Offerings Outreach Spotlight Bookstore Luncheon Member Feature
An Invitation to New Life Lent comes very early this year. We will have ashes on our forehead before we celebrate Valentine’s Day, and Easter Day will be in March. I find the accelerated schedule a bit jarring. But it also seems to be an invitation. We are entering into a season that allows us to re-commit to ourselves and the things that matter to us. St. Mark’s has been doing this in concrete ways in recent weeks and it gives me great encouragement as I think about walking the way of Lent and Easter this year. Through the generosity of the community and the success of our Future Directions appeal this past summer, we were able to welcome our new priest, the Reverend Matthew Wise, on the Feast of the Epiphany. We ended the financial year with a surplus, and the vestry has just approved a pay down on our debt of $500,000. Including money from Rejoice, Renew, and Future Directions payments, we have already realized real savings on our debt service in the 2016 budget. As we continue to receive pledges for the coming year’s budget, I am confident we are in a good place of health as a community. Our financial position may seem like a separate aspect of our corporate life than our preparing for Lent and Easter. But, I maintain that our budget and how we steward the generosity of our community are ultimately theological issues. We are in a season of new life and energy at St. Mark’s as we live into our core vocation more deeply, and our financial health bears witness to that. In related news, I am pleased to share that we have hired our new Operations Manager, Eric Nelson. In his previous position he was largely responsibly for daily oversight of a variety of business priorities in support of a successful, fast-growing operation in a start-up environment. A self-starter and team player, Eric prides himself on his philosophical mind, can-do attitude, and artistic heart. Please join me in welcoming him to St. Mark’s. We have also heard from the Lenten Offerings Task Force, and many of you participated in the work of imagining what we might offer the city of San Antonio for Lent of 2017. The energy of that committee and those who participated in our January sessions was palpable and exciting. I look forward to seeing what emerges from this careful discernment and hard work. Ministry Architects is returning to encourage us around planning for our youth programs and implementing the priorities for our children’s ministry. We will be advertising for a full-time children’s ministry director in the near future, and hope to have someone with us by late spring. This will allow us to be fully engaged with our programs and priorities for the next program year. There are many opportunities in the coming weeks to journey with the St. Mark’s community. This Lent, we will once again have a Wednesday night program featuring our clergy, who will reflect with us on Loving God and Our Neighbor. I invite you to make these Wednesdays part of your Lenten journey. We will have Eucharist at 5:30, a simple dinner at 6:00, followed by a program from 6:30-7:30. There will also be an offering for children during the program time. I will be leading a Lenten Quiet Day on February 13th and invite you to step our of your busy schedules and spend some intentional time in prayer and reflection. Holy Week and Easter will be a glorious celebration, with our Palm Sunday festival with Seth the donkey, the Petting Zoo, the Youth reading the Passion Narrative, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and the Great Vigil at 6 am in Travis Park. The Easter Egg Hunt will continue at the Bishop Jones Center complete with storytelling and community time. We’ll also have an Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday following the Easter Breakfast between the Vigil and before the 9 am service. I am looking forward to the days ahead and look forward to walking this journey with each of you. Peace,
Shrove Tuesday and Lent at a Glance
Shrove Tuesday
Mark your calendar for the Shrove Tuesday Dinner and Talent Show on Tuesday, February 9 in Gosnell Hall. Let’s have some fun! Email Joe Causby at jcausby@ with your act. All donations received at the show will make the Youth Choir Trip to Washington D.C. this summer affordable for all. Dinner at 5.30pm. Show starts at 6:00pm.
Ash Wednesday Services
Services will be held on February 10 at 7.00am, 12 noon, and 7.00pm.
Lenten Quiet Day
Finding Sustenance in the Wilderness
February 13 at the Bishop Jones Center 10.00am - 2.00pm Led by: The Rev. Beth Knowlton An important theme in Lent is to intentionally return to God. Attending a Quiet Day is one way to name our hope of living into a fuller expression of our faith journey. The theme of wilderness is also a common one for us to engage during Lent. The reality is we all find ourselves in dry periods of the journey. Lent helps us claim that reality and pray in a way that can sustain us during the wilderness times. We often have sources of nourishment we do not recognize, because they are outside our comfort zone. Like the Israelites we look at the manna and say, “what is it?” During this day of quiet and reflection, we will journey with the Israelites and Elijah today as we engage with scriptures from Exodus and Kings. RSVP to 210-226-2426 by Wednesday, February 10.
Sundays - The Journey to Easter Preparing with Scripture and Reflection
Orthodox priest, teacher and writer, Alexander Schmemann wrote a classic text in the 20th century to describe five qualities to assist us in our preparations for Easter, entitled Great Lent, the Journey to Pascha. They are desire, humility, return from exile, a call to love, and forgiveness. Join us for a five week course where we look at these elements through holy scripture, art, and reflection questions. February 14 Desire — Zaccheus February 21 Humility —The Publican and the Pharisee February 28 Return from Exile —The Prodigal Son March 6 Our Christian Call to Love — Serving the Needy March 13 Forgiveness — Finding the Heart of Heaven
Wednesday Evenings - Loving God and Our Neighbor What does it look like to love God? To love our neighbor? How are the two related? During Lent, we will explore how we are called to live out these great commandments in our daily life and work. Eucharist at 5.30. Cafe Kairos 6.00pm. Program from 6.30 - 7.30 in Gosnell Hall. February 17 – The Rev. Beth Knowlton February 24 – The Rev. Matt Wise March 2 – The Rev. Carol Morehead
March 9 – The Rev. Dr. John Lewis March 16 – The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson
Holy Week and Easter Worship Service for Holy Week & Easter 2016 Sunday, March 20 - Palm Sunday Services Services at 7.45am, 9.00am, 11.15am, 4.00pm 10.10am Palm Sundy Festival
Friday, March 25 - Good Friday 7.00am Good Friday Liturgy with communion from the reserved sacreament 12.00pm Good Friday Liturgy 1.00pm Stations of the Cross
Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday, Holy Wednesday 12.00pm Holy Eucharist, Rite II in Bethlehem Chapel
Saturday, March 26 - Holy Saturday 10.00am Easter Egg Hunt/Picnic - Bishop Jones Center 1.00pm Holy Saturday service
Wednesday, March 23 - Holy Wednesday 5.00pm Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Sunday, March 27 - Easter Day 6.00am The Great Vigil, Lighting of the New Fire, Holy Baptism, and First Eucharist of Easter with incense. Breakfast to follow. 8.30am Easter Egg Hunt 9.00am Holy Baptism & Festival Eucharist, Rite II 11.15am Holy Baptism & Festival Eucharist, Rite II with incense
Thursday, March 24 - Maundy Thursday 7.00pm Holy Eucharist, Rite II 9.00pm Gethsemane Overnight Prayer Vigil, Bethleham Chapel
Easter Flowers
Please consider making a contribution to the Altar Flowers Fund for Easter flowers in memory of, in honor of, and in thanksgiving for family and friends. Send in this form, or pick one up in the narthex or at the reception desk in the Parish House. Please include a check (with Easter flowers in the memo line) with this form to ensure inclusion. While all gifts are appreciated, a minimum of $25 per name is suggested. Complete requests can be dropped off in the collection plate on Sundays, brought by the parish house, or mailed in. Deadline: Palm Sunday, March 20 ___ This gift is a memorial for someone who has died. ___ This gift is in thanksgiving for someone. List names as you want them to appear: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Your name: ______________________________________________________________ Daytime phone: ___________________________________ St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 315 E. Pecan St., San Antonio, TX, 78205
Music From St. Mark’s - Upcoming Performances February 21, Sunday A Concert Of Lenten Music
5.00pm - A concert of music for the season of Lent, featuring the Tallis Lamentations of Jeremiah. Sung by the Chamber Choir of St. Mark’s in the Chapel of the Incarnate Word at the University of the Incarnate Word.
March 6, Sunday Choral Evensong And Organ Recital
5.00pm - Guest conductor and organist, Dr. Wilma Jensen, will conduct the St. Mark’s Choir in music of Leighton, Howells, and Bach. Dr. Jensen is Organist/Choirmaster Emerita of St. George’s Episcopal Church, in Nashville, TN.
St. Mark’s Children and Youth Choirs In addition to her 19 years of building an outstanding parish music program, Dr. Jensen has enjoyed a long and exciting career as a concert organist. For more information, please visit
April 24, Sunday Fiesta Concert: Noye’s Fludde 5.00pm and 7.00pm
Dr. Wilma Jensen
The combined choirs of St. Mark’s will join with children from St. Paul’s Episcopal Montessori School and Judson Montessori School in presenting Benjamin Britten’s Noye’s Fludde. This telling of the story of Noah and the ark, and the great flood, will be accompanied by orchestra.
Noye’s Fludde is a one-act opera largely intended for amateur performers, particularly children, created by the British composer Benjamin Britten. First performed on 18 June 1958 at that year’s Aldeburgh Festival, it is based on the 15th-century Chester “mystery” or “miracle” play which recounts the biblical story of Noah, the flood and the ark. Britten specified that the opera should be staged in churches or large halls, not in a theatre. Our production will feature all of our choirs; singers and instrumentalists from local schools; members of YOSA; and professional musicians from the San Antonio Symphony.
May 15, Sunday Jacquelyn Matava, Mezzo-Soprano
5.00pm - Our own Jacquelyn Matava will present a solo recital of art songs and arias.
Outreach Spotlight Chrysalis Ministries
-- Carol Lockett, Chrysalis Ministries, Karen Snyder, Outreach Grants Committee
Did You Know?
The St. Mark’s Outreach Grant Committee allocates funding every year to worthy non-profits that serve the San Antonio community. One of these recipients is, Chrysalis Ministries (formerly known as Bexar County Detention Ministries). In 2015, St. Mark’s made a grant of $6,000 to be used as needed.
In Texas, 1 in 27 adultsover the age of 18 is in prison, in jail, or on supervised release.
At their one-stop re-entry center, the Family Renewal Center, located close to the Bexar County Jail at 503 San Pedro, 18 reentry social services are provided to over 2,000 formerly incarcerated individuals and their families each year including huge events for children of the incarcerated (Stuff the Backpack, Happy Feet (new shoes), and “Light up a Heart” Christmas party). Re-entry and supportive services include basic necessities (food, clothing, ID cards, bus passes), job readiness and job placement, housing and public utilities assistance, mental health counseling, life skills classes, 12-step groups, and support groups. For the past 9 years the rate of recidivism (re-arrests) has been less than 15% for the formerly incarcerated clients who have utilized our reentry program!! This past year that rate was only 9%! Our staff are compassionate and non-judgmental. 24% of them are ex-offenders themselves. We are extremely grateful to St. Mark’s Episcopal church for your continued support of our mission and ministry in our community. We truly believe we are making a difference in the lives of the formerly incarcerated and their family members!!!
The Bexar County Jail reports over 58,000 releases each year. 5,000 formerly incarcerated individuals return to Bexar County each year from state prison and another 2,000 return from federal prison. The cost to Bexar County to house one inmate for one day is approximately $55. With mental health or medical issues, that number jumps to $250 per day. 67% of individuals released from jail or prison will be re-arrested within 3 years.
One formally incarcerated man stated, “coming home from prison is challenging in many ways. Without a support system, there is very little hope for someone even if he wants to change his life. Many of us have burnt bridges with family and friends, and it is understandable that we are often met with skepticism and suspicion when released. Knowing that there are people that care and are willing to help is a tremendous blessing. I have learned through the hard school of poor choices that only faith in God is the true solution to all of what life brings. This program has solidified that understanding. Thank God for programs like this one for helping help ourselves.” Several women in a local detention center attended a retreat provided by women from a local church parish this past summer, and had these things to say: “They broke out in happy songs about the love of God, about that we are beautiful women. I had the lyrics in my hand, but I could not speak or sing. I just started taken aback by the sheer kindness and love these women had for us inmates, us women in jail.” Another woman stated, “the joy of the women that came to make this retreat a reality, came at a time I was beginning to really question if I had any faith left, as well as any happiness. They helped give me the path that was hidden behind all my scars and pain.” If you, or someone you know, is interested in volunteering you can find out about specific volunteer opportunities at
From the Bookstore
Bookstore Luncheon - Save the Date
Clergy Recommended Reading
Sister Helen Prejean, author of Dead Man Walking Thursday, May 5th 11.30 am Nave of St. Mark’s Church Sister Helen Prejean, C.S.J., is a Roman Catholic nun, a member of the Congregation of St. Joseph, and a leading American advocate for the abolition of the death penalty. She recently tweeted, "Violence never leads to reconciliation, healing, or wholeness."
Restorative Justice Class Restorative justice offers a refreshingly different framework for thinking about crime and other wrongdoing. It moves beyond the limitations of more traditional justice systems and embraces social justice principles. Restorative justice acknowledges the damaged relationships as well as injuries that result from any wrongdoing and focuses on healing for all those involved. This course will be highly experiential in nature and will offer a taste of both the principles and practices of restorative justice. In the lead up to Sister Helen’s visit, a 5-week class on restorative justice will be offered on Monday evenings, April 5 – May 7 at 6.30pm, facilitated by Penelope Harley. Space is limited. For more details or to reserve your place, email
A Season For the Spirit: Readings for the Season of Lent, by Martin Smith The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis The Rebirthing of God: Christianity’s Struggle for New Beginnings, by John Philip Newell Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion, by Gregory Boyle Pick up these books and others at the St. Mark’s Bookstore on Sundays.
Viva! Bookstore - More Than a Bookstore A Member Feature on Frannie and John Douglas -- Elizabeth Cauthorn and Carla Pineda
Mini Mansions Bookstore was a vision that Frannie and John Douglas had in 1972. It started out in the old Alamo Savings building, moved to a location on the San Antonio River, and then found it’s way to an old Donut Hut on Broadway. Later in 1982 they bought Viva Bookstore, which was in the old Alamo Savings building, and moved it to the Mini Mansions location, which got its name as a play on words from the scripture quote, “In my father’s house there are many mansions.” (John 14:2). Frannie and John kept the name Viva!, which means life. And, life-giving is what Viva! has been. Frannie and John knew this in their hearts and souls. Viva! has been a place for finding knowledge, for the question asker, for the seeker. In the books that filled its shelves, and the art and gifts that lined the walls, there was always a sense of the holy. People found their way through its doors for not only the right book or gift but for comfort, refreshment, relaxation, safety, and just to say “hi.” Viva! was a “destination spot” up Broadway, for folks from out of town, and at “out of the store” places like Diocesan Council, literary events, and Camp Capers, just to name a few. There just aren’t enough ways to say thank you for the memory of John, the continued ministry of Frannie, and this incredible gift that has graced our Episcopal community as well as the larger San Antonio area. The good news is that the love they had for books and Christian/spiritual formation lives on. Our own bookstore here at St. Mark’s was fed and supported by Viva! when it was started seven years ago and continues to grow. The Twig Book Shop at The Pearl is owned by Frannie and will have a section dedicated to spirituality as well as to prayer books and bibles. We are so blessed by this ministry and grateful for the gifts of John and Frannie Douglas.
Children and Families
Children’s Ministry
Children’s Chapel continues in February and March during the 9.00am service, and formation begins at 10.10am on the second floor. Wonderful Wednesday in February will meet on Tuesday instead as we celebrate Shrove Tuesday (February 9) with our annual pancake supper in Gosnell Hall starting at 5.30pm. We’ll also participate in the 7.00pm Ash Wednesday service (February 10). In March, we’ll gather on Palm Sunday (March 20), when we gather to celebrate Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem with live animals and refreshments during the 10.10am formation hour.
Children’s Ministry Volunteers
If you are 21 or older, and interested in becoming a volunteer with Children’s Ministry, we would love to have you! We are in need of more Children’s Chapel volunteers. Please contact Amanda Quisenberry at or (956) 357-8352. If you would like to be one of our K-1st or 2nd-3rd grade Sunday School teachers for the 2016-2017 school year, we are scheduling a Godly Play training this spring, stay tuned for a scheduled date and time. We would love to have you!
Easter Egg Hunts on Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday There’s more than one this year! We’ll meet at the Bishop Jones Center on Saturday, March 26 for St. Mark’s Easter Egg Hunt for all ages. Please bring donations of plastic eggs and individually wrapped candies to the reception desk in the Parish House. On Easter Sunday, following the Easter Vigil, there will be a hot breakfast in Gosnell Hall follwed by a second egg hunt for the little ones.
St. Mark’s Annual Easter Egg Hunt and Picnic Saturday, March 26th at 10.30am Bishop Jones Center, 111 Torcido Drive
Fried Chicken Tenders Ruby’s Mac -n- Cheese Green Salad Fresh Fruit Rolls
Join The Rev. Matt Wise as he shares a special Easter message followed by an Easter Egg Hunt for toddlers - 5th graders, In addition to the egg hunt, we’ll have face painters, a balloon artist, and a visit from the Easter Bunny. A complimentary lunch will be served. Bring a picnic blanket for your family and an Easter basket for children who wish to hunt eggs. Please be sure to RSVP by March 21 at 210-226-2426. This is a great opportunity to invite your friends to get to know the St. Mark’s community!
Financials We ended the year strong, thanks to you! 98% of pledges have been paid for 2015, and your generous gifts throughout the year and at year’s end have put us in a strong position going forward. The 2016 budget will be presented to the vestry for approval in February. 2015 Year End Financials 2015 Budgeted 2015 Actuals Total Revenue $2,590,744 $2,497,380 Total Expense $2,654,128 $2,414,928 Over/(Under) ($63,384) $82,452
2016 Pledges
As of 12/31/2016, we’ve received $1,494,796 in 2016 pledges. Our goal is to reach $1,723,000. Make your pledge online at, call us at 210-226-2426, or stop by the Parish House. Your pledges and contributions make it possible to live into our core vocation, Feeding San Antonio with the Bread of Life. Thank you for supporting our life together.
Adult Confirmation, Reception, and Re-Affirmation of Baptismal Vows Are you a lifelong Episcopalian, but have never been confirmed? Or perhaps you have come from a different faith tradition and want to become more fully aware of what it means to be an Episcopalian. Maybe you just want to take some intentional time to re-examine your baptismal vows and rededicate your life to following the way of Christ. If so, please consider being a part of the Adult Confirmation, Reception, and Re-Affirmation of Baptismal Vow class. These sessions are designed for adults who want to explore their faith and strengthen their ties to St. Mark’s. Classes will be held April 3rd, 10th, and 17th during the regular Christian Formation hour at 10.10am, as well as on Saturday, April 16th, from 9-2, including lunch with Bishop David Reed. All members of the class will be eligible to be received or confirmed during the 11.15am service with Bishop Reed on April 24th. For more information, contact The Rev. Carol Morehead,
New Connections New Connections, a class designed especially for those who are new to St. Mark’s and for those who are still considering whether to become part of the community, will be offered on Tuesday, March 1. We will begin with dinner on the 2nd floor at 6.00pm and then move to the Dean Richardson Room for an opportunity for us to get to know each other and answer questions in an informal setting with clergy and staff from St. Mark’s. The class will end by 8.00pm, and childcare is provided. If you would like to attend, please call or email The Rev. Carol Morehead at Please RSVP by February 26 so we can plan for dinner and have adequate childcare available.
Dinners for Eight A Time For Feast and Fellowship ---- Margie Boldrick and Pat Donegan Here comes another season of St. Mark’s Dinners for Eight, an opportunity to meet old and new friends over an evening meal and enjoy a time of relaxed fellowship outside of the church’s surroundings. The focus of these gatherings is on fun and developing relationships with all adults of the parish, be they single or in couples. Whether or not you can cook or have room for eight folks to have a meal at your home, everyone is encouraged to join a group. Groups meet in group members’ homes or meet at a restaurant, dutch treat. After signing up, people will be organized into groups of eight by the day of the week on which they prefer to meet.
Groups will be intergenerational, and include singles and couples. One person will be designated as the first host or hostess who will contact the others to set the date and place for the first dinner. At that first dinner, it will be solely up to the group to make future plans for additional suppers, giving each single person and couple the chance to have a turn as the host. Each host will determine the venue and distribution of meal contributions – generally, hosts will provide the main dish and guests will bring side dishes. There will be a sign up table on three Sundays: January 31, February 7 and February 14 between the church and parish house after each service. Sign ups may also be made by phoning the church. Don’t miss out on this time for feast and followship!
11th Annual Christmas to the Street BBQ -- by Todd Allison Christmas to the Street has become a proud tradition at St. Marks. From a simple start and just a handful of youth, the annual event now requires and depends on the hands of over 100 youth and volunteers from the parish to ensure the success of this incredible event. Now in its 11th year, C2S has developed into an offering of lunch in Gosnell Hall by the St. Mark’s Youth and two meals served by parishioners with our partners at Haven for Hope. Years of experience has turned the multiple meals and all the logistics required into a finely tuned and extremely detailed schedule of events thanks to not only the youth and staff of St. Mark’s but also to dedicated volunteers like Joel Martin, Gene Alderman, and Karen Snyder. As BBQ pits arrived under the careful placement of Joel and his team from the ‘No Ties Allowed’ group, it wasn’t long before the pits were fired up and the briskets readied in the kitchen. This year welcomed the addition of Joel’s very own labor of love, his own custom made BBQ pit, fired up for the very first time. In all, five pits were required to handle the cooking of all the brisket and sausage for Saturday’s meals. As night fell and smoke started to fill the parking lot, the youth begin to arrive to tackle the tasks ahead…and have a little fun. From bagging pickles and onions to go with each meal to preparing ‘blessing bags’ complete with socks, and personal hygiene items for each guest, the youth talked and danced but never lost focus on the tasks in front of them. After a break for some dodgeball in Gish Hall, and it was right back to work before calling it a night under the music leadership of Olivia Briley as we concluded with Compline in the youth suite. Saturday morning the youth quickly turned Gosnell Hall into a welcoming dining space complete with serving line while parish volunteers arrived to start getting things ready behind the scenes, cutting delicious brisket in preparation for the day's meals. Youth welcomed guests, served meals, and handed out blessing bags. Many shared a meal with one of the nearly 500 guests that came to St. Mark’s. As lunch was winding down in Gosnell Hall, another dedicated group of St. Mark’s volunteers was just getting started. Under the direction of Karen Snyder, volunteers helped pack up coolers and food for nearly 2000 meals that would soon be transported to Haven for Hope to serve for the evening meal in both the main dining hall in partnership with the San Antonio Food Bank and in the Courtyard through the St. Vincent de Paul Society. With the truck loaded and the 30 volunteers assembled, vehicles headed to the Haven for Hope campus where the food was offloaded and divided between the two kitchens for that evening’s meals. Then, for about ninety minutes, we welcomed, greeted, and served the residents at both facilities. Thanks for your support of this vital ministry to the city and to all those who helped feed San Antonio with the Bread of Life.
Memorials MEMORIAL FUND Rev. Gilbert Avery by Cliff and Bebe Waller, Dianna Zimmerman Evelyn Bailey by John and Cynthia Adkins, Kathleen and Ward Adkins, Margie Boldrick, Betty Anne Cody, Lisa and Wally Cox, John S. Jockusch, Hugh and Joan Magers, Camilla and Bill Parker, Susan Riordan, Patrick Swearingen, Barbara Wood Charles, Marietta and John Charles Buchanan by Robert Buchanan Christine M. Deep, our daughter, by Anthony and Careme Deep David and Rowena Dillon by Mr. and Mrs. Baker Duncan, Eleanor Jordan Colleen Goff by Carey Barton, Joe and Beth Casseb, Scott Duffy, Larry and Emma Forkner, Michael and Barbara Gentry, Andrea O’Brien, Suzanne and Ken Oleson, Amy and David Phipps, Myron and Judy Rodrigue, Lisa Wendorffe, Karen Lee Zachry Jill Holder by Jody and Dan Kelly Lyles Houston by Elsie Steg, Edith Sweeney Milton Marie “Sis” Leinweber “Aunt Sis” loved this church, by Mark and Susan Hall George Miller by Shirley Colyer, Jill and George Vassar Bryce Milligan’s mother by Drew and Elizabeth Cauthorn George Neel, Jr. by Parker Neel Ann Sahm by Susan Riordan Charlton Theus by Emma Adler Victoria Vasquez, my mother by Olga Raygoza Margaret Ogden Welch by Dr. and Mrs. George Vassar ALTAR GUILD Betty Lou and Bob Grace by Billy and Judy Jackson Rex Martin by Pat and Craig Donegan Ann Sahm by Raymond and Norma Baird GARDEN FUND Howard Mitchell, my father, by Betty Mitchell Piggie Hornady by Sarah Jo LeMessurier GOOD SAMARITAN CENTER Victoria Vasquez, my mother and Evaristo Vasquez, my father by Adelina Rodriguez KITCHEN MINISTRY David Dillon by John and Chica Younger George Miller by Patrice and Joey Oliver RECTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND J.T. and Cordelia Miller by Zara d’Antignac Parker Pumphrey by Parker Neel Dean Wood by Sharon Wood SAINT CECILIA FUND Nan Clausel by Ann Coiner, Leslie Provence Frank Donnelly by Patsy Warncke and Richard Warncke Lyles Houston by Ann Coiner, John Tarr and Robert Tisdal Evelyn Bailey by Ann Coiner
STREET ENDOWMENT FUND Joe Street, on his birthday, by Virginia Street Koeh SPECIAL GIFTS In HONOR of MEMBERS AND LOVED ONES To St. Mark’s in thanksgiving for Ben Haney by Alice Haney To St. Cecilia in honor of Lillian Morris on her birthday by Martha Steves To the Altar Guild in honor of Pat Donegan on her birthday by Dee Whiteside To the Rector’s Discretionary Fund in thanksgiving for good health for my husband, Tom by Betsy Welmaker O’Connell To Children and Family Ministries in thanksgiving for Elizabeth Raney, Her sister, by Alice Haney To Youth Ministries in thanksgiving for her mother, Nance Raines Haney, by Alice Haney To St. Cecilia in honor of Tookie Spoor on her birthday by Molly and Dan Webster To the Rector’s Discretionary Fund in honor of Tookie Spoor by Patrice and Joey Oliver To Children and Family Ministries in thanksgiving for Margaret and Miller Raney by Alice Haney To St. Mark’s in honor of Nan and Patrick Watson by Vicki and John McLaughlin To St. Mark’s in honor of the marriage of Allen and Micha LeMessurier by Mollie and Bartell Zachry To St. Mark’s Kitchen Ministry in honor of Leah Thomas by Sarah Joe and Phil LeMessurier To St. Cecilia in honor of David Morgan on his birthday by Mary Lynn and Bob Logan To Kitchen Ministries in honor of Chica Younger by Linda Jacobs To Carol’s Discretionary Fund in honor of Chica Younger by Elizabeth Cauthorn To St. Cecilia in honor of Chica Younger on her birthday by Ann Coiner To St. Mark’s in honor of Kate Crone by John and Tanya Crone To Youth Ministries in thanksgiving for Guy and Lilly Chipman by Wendy Chipman To Joe Causby’s Discretionary Fund in honor of Chica Younger on her birthday by Elizabeth and Drew Cauthorn To Carol’s Discretionary Fund in honor of John and Chica Younger by Isabella and Chris Allen To St. Cecilia in honor of John Tarr and Robert Tisdal by Anne Coiner To St. Cecilia Guild in honor of John Tarr and Bob Tisdal by Clytie Phelps To St. Mark’s in thanksgiving for our parents, Brandon and Elizabeth Raney, by Margaret and Miller Raney To St. Cecilia Guild in honor of Martha Steves by Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Calgaard
The Messenger, USPS 514-020 Vol 105, Issue 2 Published bi-monthly St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 E. Pecan Street San Antonio, Texas 78205 Phone: 210-226-2426 Postage paid in San Antonio, TX POSTMASTER: Send address changes to St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Rector: The Rev. Beth Knowlton Editor:
Café Kairos February 3-4
February 10-11
February 17-18
February 24-25
Spaghetti with Meat Sauce Green Beans Garlic Bread Sticks Caesar Salad Banana Cream Pie
Chicken Tortilla Soup Mexican Style Cornbread Garden SaFebruary
Creamy Potato and Jalapeño Soup Yeast Rolls Tossed Salad
Savory Beef Soup Garlic Bread Sticks Romaine Salad
March 2-3
March 9-10
March 16-17
March 23-24
March 30-31
Home Style Chicken Noodle Soup Mini Biscuits Mixed Greens Salad
Tomato Basil Soup Cheesy French Bread Garden Salad
White Bean & Sausage Soup Spinach Salad Parmesan Bread
Mexican Corn Soup Cornbread Muffins Garden Salad
Beef Lasagne Caesar Salad Seasonal Vegetables Garlic Bread Sticks Cheesecake
Photos Cover photo: Patrice Oliver Photos in this issue provided by: Chrysalis Ministries, Patrice Oliver, Carla Pinada, Elizabeth Raney, and Ellen Williams
Clergy at St. Mark’s Parish Clergy: The Rev. Elizabeth Knowlton, Rector; The Rev. Carol Morehead, Associate Rector for Liturgy, Adult Formation, and Pastoral Care; The Rev. Matthew Wise, Associate Rector for Outreach, Family Ministry, and Parish Life Making a Gift of Their Service: The Rev. C. Douglas Earle, Assisting Priest; The Rev. Mary Earle, Assisting Priest; The Rev. Dr. John Lewis, Co-director, St. Benedict’s Work+Shop; The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson, Co-director, St. Benedict’s Work+Shop