January 2016 Messenger

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The Messenger

from St. Mark’s

January. 2016

Year in Pictures Epiphany Calendar New Wardens

From the Rector “If the only prayer you ever say is thank you, it will be enough.” -- Meister Eckhart Advent and Christmas were times of holy gathering and joy. I found myself profoundly grateful for our community as we tried some different things this year. Churches are not always known for their ability to try “new things,” but I was struck by a genuine openness of spirit at St. Mark’s. We had the Christmas pageant on a Sunday morning; we opened our doors to the community in a new way with the creche display and musical offerings duing the week; we had living animals in the Tucker Courtyard; and we tried a combined worship services time. There was great energy and excitement as we had a chance to be together in new ways. We also honored our wonderful traditions. We offered splendid worship and music, which extended beyond our four walls. Our Lessons and Carols service from this year was broadcast on public radio, and last year’s taped service was re-broadcast by KLRN on Christmas Day. Our annual Christmas to the Street event fed the hungry and enriched our own sense of community as we did so. We are continuing to live out our core vocation and it is exciting to see. As always, none of this would be possible without countless hours given behind the scenes. Our altar guild, flower ministry, ushers, acolytes, choirs, lay readers, eucharistic ministers, clergy, and staff work with grace and love to carry out their ministries. In the midst of this busy season, we also had funerals to honor the lives of those we dearly love. It is inspiring to watch the care and effort we are able to put forward time and time again. As your rector, I have a privileged vantage point. I often see the many small acts that happen behind the scenes that create such wonder and joy for our community. I am profoundly grateful and offer my thanks. The new year will bring more opportunities for us to continue to live out our core vocation. I am delighted we will be welcoming The Reverend Matt Wise and his family to St. Mark’s in a few short weeks. We will continue to implement the recommendations from Ministry Architects to strengthen our children’s ministry and begin looking for a full time Children’s director. As we continue to have changes and transition in the coming year, I am ever grateful for the wisdom and health of this congregation. We have a spirit that allows us to answer God’s calling in this place and I continue to be excited to see it unfold. My only New Year’s resolution this year is to continue to cultivate a sense of gratitude for this community and our common ministry. Peace,


Message from The Rev. Matthew Wise It seems like we’ve been waiting for my first day at St. Mark’s for a long time. There was the waiting that Amy and I did as the Holy Spirit whispered to our hearts that St. Mark’s is where she was calling us. Then came the post-“yes”-waiting while a few things played out before we could appropriately share our call or announce the news. Even now, as we finish out our time at Texas A&M, we are eagerly waiting to actually arrive in San Antonio and celebrate our first Sunday with you all. In the meantime, there is much to do. As I pull books down off of my shelves and take things off of my office wall here at the Canterbury house, I’m thinking about how these things will all soon be put back up on different walls and rearranged on different book shelves. Holy goodbyes are being said here in College Station, houses have been sold and bought, movers have been scheduled, boxes are being packed, my spring calendar is filling and my first sermon is already percolating. Preparing and waiting…these words imply a time of hard work and anticipation, of diligence and excitement. They echo the ancient shouts we’ve heard coming from that wily John the Baptizer these last few Sunday mornings. They form the rhythm section that keeps the church on beat and in sync throughout our Advent season. And so how beautifully appropriate that Amy’s and my day-to-day lives are caught up right now in preparing and waiting for our new life with you. But, then again, that’s the way God works, isn’t it? Taking every opportunity to point us toward and connect us with the sacred rhythms of life together in God? As I’ve heard our mutual friend and teacher Mary Earle put it, “The Holy Spirit is a crass opportunist.” And thanks be to God for that. Otherwise, we might miss out on some of those most holy ways that the sacred and the secular, the divine and the human are so often interwoven in God’s world. That’s what all this Advent preparing and waiting is for anyway: to get us ready for the reality that God’s Incarnation, which we will celebrate very soon, wasn’t just a one-time deal. You see, God is always breaking into our world and joining the human and the divine together. Our God is always putting flesh and blood on himself, in every time and in every place and in every one of us. Our God is always putting flesh and blood on love and on creativity, on forgiveness and mercy, on selflessness and service, on connection and compassion. We are now God’s vessels for the Word of God happening in the world. We are now the way Christ comes among us. And so, now is a moment of Incarnation. And again now. And again now. And again now. This is why Amy and I so dearly look forward to joining you. It is clear that God is actively putting on flesh and blood all over St. Mark’s in incredible and miraculous ways, and we are overjoyed that the four of us get to come and be a part of that holiness with you. We can’t wait to be with you soon. Until then, we’ll keep packing. We are all eagerly anticipating joining you soon. Merry Christmas,

Matt +

2015 in Pictures....More on Facebook

Yes, a chicken! Blessing of the Animals, October 2015

Halloween Costume Blessing, November 2015

Palm Sunday Procession, March 2015

Vacation Bible School, June 2015

Advent Wreath Making, Advent I, November 2015

ChristmasPageant, Pageant,December December2015 2015 Christmas

Christmas to the Street

Women’s Christmas Luncheon December 2015

Welcome Reception and Epiphany Baby Shower Join us for a combination welcome reception for the Rev. Matt Wise and Daughters of the King Epiphany Baby Shower on January 10 at 10.10am in Gosnell Hall. On this first official day that the Rev. Matt Wise and his family rejoin the St. Mark’s community, come visit with him and his family, and in the tradition of the Magi bring a bring a bagged or wrapped gift that will be donated to Good Samaritan Community Services.

Items requested: diapers, pull-ups, infant and toddler clothing (3mo.-5T), baby wipes, blankets, baby toiletries, and sleeper/PJs.

Formation During Epiphany Epiphany Service We will celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany with a service of Holy Eucharist on Wednesday, January 6 at 6.00pm. All are invited to celebrate this feast day as we move from Christmas into Epiphany. Sung by the Choristers and Youth Choir. Sundays Mornings in Epiphany Paul, Pastoral Care, and Epiphanies of Christ In the Episcopal tradition, the liturgical season of Epiphany runs from the Feast of the Epiphany on January 6 through the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. The gospel stories of this season describe various events that manifest Jesus as God’s “anointed one” (the “Christ”). We are called to respond in faith to these stories we read. In the earliest days of the church, however, there was no season of Epiphany and there were no gospel stories to be read in churches. People were called to respond in faith to their experiences of Christ’s risen, living presence in their midst. Members of the apostle Paul’s churches often had epiphanies of the risen Christ through the pastoral care they provided to one another. In this four-part series that starts January 17 we will examine some of the ways these early Christians cared for

Youth Confirmation Update Thank you to the St. Mark’s community for purchasing water to support our Youth Confirmation Project. Thank you for joining us in providing bottles of water to people in our community as well as supporting the Texas Water Mission that provides sustainable, safe drinking water for rural communities in developing countries. Through your outpouring of generosity, $1,259 was contributed to the Texas Water Mission. This greatly exceeded our goal of raising $200. We are also happy to report that well over 100 blankets were donated to our blanket drive. We purchased 55 additional blankets with the $157 donated for blankets. Thank you for giving the gift of warmth by contributing blankets for us to handout at the Christmas to the Street BBQ. We have been overwhelmed by your generous response to the ministries we chose to support.

one another and explore how we, too, might experience our own epiphanies of Christ in our common life together. Led by The Rev. Dr. John Lewis. Wednesday Nights in Epiphany Open Minds, Open Hearts: An Introduction to Centering Prayer Join Beth as we explore the practice of Centering Prayer. This ancient method of prayer is a wonderful discipline to unhook from the frantic pace of our lives and enter into a receptive mode of being. This class will be appropriate for both beginners and long time practitioners. We will have a time for conversation and end our time with a twenty minute experience of group centering prayer. Meets January 20, 27, February 3. Wednesday Night Bible Study will resume on Wednesday, January 20th at 6.30pm. We will complete the study of the Gospel of Mark and then begin with the Gospel of Luke. Led by The Rev. Carol Morehead and James R. Dennis, OP. Time Out Bible Study will resume on Thursday, January 14th from 10.00-11.30am. We will begin the study of the Gospel of Luke; all are welcome. Led by The Rev. Dr. John Lewis and The Rev. Carol Morehead.

Lenten Offerings Task Submitted by Pat Bridwell and Martha Steves The St. Mark’s Lenten Offerings Task Force was charged by the Vestry to “discern a new direction for a Lenten offering that builds on the traditions of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church and is in keeping with our Mission Statement and Core Vocation.” We have been hard at work since last March and reported our findings at the annual Parish Meeting in November. Guiding principles: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Have an overarching theme each year Feed the hungry with real food Include beauty and creativity Utilize our geography Invite us to have fun Bring all ages of our church family together Include outreach/service projects Partner with other churches and neighbors

Specific Lenten offerings for 2017 to further explore:

We invite you to attend a parish-wide meeting, either Saturday, January 9, at 8.30am or Wednesday, January 13 at 6.00pm. Take this opportunity to share your thoughts regarding specific proposals presented for Lenten offerings in 2017. Your interest and commitment will guide our offerings. RSVP online at www.stmarks-sa.org. Click on the Lenten Offerings Task Force image on the home page. or RSVP by phone 210-226-2426

Music and Free Lunch • Monastic Day and Service Project • Education on Sundays and one week night • Lenten Booklet • Stations of the Cross/City • Lenten Retreat • University of Lent (online offerings) Questions can be directed to Martha Steves at martha@just-mail.me or Pat Bridwell at pbridwell@att.net. Members of the Task Force include: John Beauchamp, Dawna Boudreaux, Stephen Cavender, Laurin Cothren, Darin Digby, Mike Kuykendall, Katie McDonough, Brandon Raney, David Ribble, Anne Rochelle, Suzy Tackett, Robin Voight, Susan Waltrip, Rev. Mary Earle (Chaplain), and Pat Bridwell and Martha Steves (Co-Facilitators).

Senior and Junior Wardens for 2016 Join us in thanking Cathy Dawson for accepting the invitation to be Senior Warden for 2016, and Craig Stokes for accepting the invitation to be Junior Warden for 2016.

The Messenger, USPS 514-020 Vol 105, Issue 1 Published bi-monthly St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 E. Pecan Street San Antonio, Texas 78205 Phone: 210-226-2426 www.stmarks-sa.org Postage paid in San Antonio, TX POSTMASTER: Send address changes to St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Rector: The Rev. Beth Knowlton Editor: communications@stmarks-sa.org

Café Kairos in January January 6-7

January 13-14

January 20-21

January 27-28

Penne Pasta Bolognese Sautéed Green Beans Garlic Bread Sticks Caesar Salad Cheesecake

Roasted Chicken Macaroni and Cheese Yeast Rolls Seasonal Fresh Vegetables Garden Salad Cake

Cheese Enchiladas Mexican Rice Charro Beans Tossed Salad Tres Leches Cake

Chicken Pasta Alfredo Seasonal Fresh Vegetables Caesar Salad Garlic Bread Sticks Chocolate Cheesecake

New Look for The Messenger We are trying a new look for The Messenger. After this abbreviated January issue, we plan to publish The Messenger bi-monthly. By popular request, it will be printed in color. The next issue will be February/March arriving in early February. The Sunday Announcements and St. Mark’s eNews will continue to share activities and programs for the coming weeks. While we will continue to provide a summary of annoucements in The Messenger, we will try to streamline them so that we can bring you more reflections and writings by clergy and parishioners. We invite your comments and suggestions for content. For those who enjoy the birthday listings, a list will be made available, call the church at 210-226-2426. Please direct your feedback to communications@stmarks-sa.org.

Photos Cover photo: Ellen Williams Photos in this issue provided by: Barbara Digby, Natalie Nation Matthews, Greg Merritt, and Patrice Oliver

Clergy at St. Mark’s Parish Clergy: The Rev. Elizabeth Knowlton, Rector; The Rev. Carol Morehead, Associate Rector Making a Gift of Their Service: The Rev. C. Douglas Earle, Assisting Priest; The Rev. Mary Earle, Assisting Priest; The Rev. Dr. John Lewis, Co-director, St. Benedict’s Work+Shop; The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson, Co-director, St. Benedict’s Work+Shop

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