We are a downtown Church; committed to the Gospel, accountable to each other, loving Christ and making him known.
Messenger J U LY 2 1 , 2 0 1 0
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church - San Antonio, Texas ph 210-226-2426 fax 210-226-2468 www.stmarks-sa.org
Returning Home to God’s Mission by The Rev. Mike Chalk
hen I returned home from sabbatical I read the recent issue of The Church News, the newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas. I was pleased and justifiably proud of the article on St. Mark’s ministry to Haven for Hope entitled A Place of Hope. An article that also caught my attention was in our recent Messenger that was about our youth groups’ Summer Outreach Weekend at the San Antonio Food Bank. Our youth are learning that ministry in the name of Christ is about serving our neighbor, whoever that may be. I want us to be clear about our mission as a downtown church. It is vital that we keep thinking and praying about how St. Mark’s engages the world, particularly downtown San Antonio. To reflect on our engagement with the world results in focusing on a very basic but vital issue—what is the mission of the church? While the answer may seem simple, I would suggest the question is far more complex and challenging than we might believe. At a Vestry Retreat in 2001 we looked again at the question of St. Mark’s mission and discerned that God wanted us to reach out to the men and women in the downtown business community. We had no idea how to go about such a ministry but we trusted that this was something we believed God wanted us to do. What evolved from our prayers was the Work+Shop
Inside This Issue
Rally Day
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that has proved to be a blessing to many people. In its long and glorious history, St. Mark’s has a record of reaching out to the community in significant ways. A history of a congregation is important because it becomes a part of the church's identity. Over many years, we at St. Mark’s have made generous donations to various agencies in San Antonio, such as the Good Samaritan Center and the Christian Dental Clinic . We have also supported our mission trips to Mexico and Honduras. Our outreach budget is $90,000 dollars and our outreach committee does a great job in making informed decisions about which agency should receive our funds. While our contributions are significant, they should not replace our presence. One of the central tenets of our faith is that God became human and dwelt among us, referred to as the incarnation. If God had stayed safely in heaven, we would not know how much God cares for us. In much the same way, an incarnational ministry is vital if people are to know that God cares. Outreach cannot be one of many things in a downtown church but should be one of our central actions. This is not just another program for a select few. Outreach can take many avenues as evidenced by the Work+Shop, but I do expect us to play a major role with Haven for Hope. May God bless and guide us as we seek to be the People of God who help transform our community.
Vacation Bible Study
Choir Camp Registration
Know your Nursery
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The Messenger is published monthly and is available in PDF format online at www.stmarks-sa.org Parish Clergy The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Rector The Rev. Jonathan Wickham Assistant Rector
Ministry in Your Daily Life “In today’s world, the church as an institution is sidelined. But the members are not. We, Jesus’ brothers and sisters, are wherever the decisions that shape life are made. So, we look beyond the workplace to all the places of daily life. We are called to live as Jesus’ agent in every one of them.” -The Rev. Wayne Schwab
Assisting Clergy The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Co-director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson Co-director, The Work+Shop Making a Gift of Their Service The Rev. Mary Earle Assisting Priest Staff Jennifer Allison Children’s Ministries Co-Director Todd Allison Youth Director Priscilla Briones Accounting Janet Carrizales Nursery Coordinator Bill Edwards Parish Administrator Elaine Enloe Clergy Executive Administrator Database Manager Sandy Falkenberg Cherub Choir Conductor Emmet Faulk Community Formation Director CAYA Worship Coordinator Heather Herschell Children’s Ministries Co-Director Melanie Lizcano Communications Director Ruby Merrill Facility Manager Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Edwin Rieke Organist & Dir. of Music Kristin Roach Asst. Organist & Dir. of Music Sara Talley Asst. Director Youth Ministries
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 East Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205
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JULY 21, 2010
Youth Confirmation classes will begin in January 2011.
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NEWS Wednesdays are My Favorite Day by The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson, speaking with Julie Mock
Recently, I had
a conversation with Julie Mock in which she told me why Wednesdays are her favorite day of the week. On Wednesdays, Julie attends the Communion service, Bible Study, and sack lunch at the Bishop Jones Center. The Jones Center, which is located at the corner of Patterson and Torcido (more or less behind Central Market), is the site of our diocesan offices, in the midst of a peaceful and beautiful 19-acre park. Cathedral Park, with its ancient oaks and the springs of the San Antonio River, is maintained organically, and with an emphasis on native plants and wildlife habitat. The service and Bible Study are held in Chapel House, a 1920’s era Spanish-style house. The chapel in the house is a small gem, a space both holy and intimate.
Holy Communion at Chapel House
The service begins at 10:00 a.m., and is usually led by one of our bishops, the Rt. Rev. Gary Lillibridge or the Rt. Rev. David Reed. The readings for the service are those of the upcoming Sunday. The homilies by the bishops or the Rev. Ed Dohoney of the diocesan staff (or by a visiting priest or bishop) have played an important role in forming those who attend into a unique body of Christ. They come from many churches, but are united in a single community on Wednesdays, and they are always
eager to welcome newcomers. Alice and Light Cummins, of St. Mark’s, gave the organ, which Jessie Ash plays, according to Julie, “like an angel sent straight from heaven. The songs she chooses are clearly selected from the hymnal to enhance our lectionary readings each week and she also enriches us with hymns she knows from other sources. Everybody at the service, including myself, sings with great joy and feeling.”
Bible Study Following the Service
Julie says that, “the second best part of Wednesdays is the Bible Study that follows.” Studying the Gospel and lessons that will be proclaimed the following Sunday allows the group to take in deeply the Word of God. Julie told me, “We have a copy of the lessons, collect and psalm and a study guide which consists of an interpretation section and implication questions. This helps us to stay focused on the Bible teachings and helps us to apply them to our everyday lives. Of course, as we interject our personal observations and stories, the lesson becomes even more meaningful. By the time we get to church on Sunday, we have had a chance to digest what we’ve learned and, as we listen to our own priest’s sermon, still another level of meaning is added to the readings. What I have learned is that God always has something new to teach us from the Bible!!!”
available go out to eat together. On the first Wednesday of each month we bring sack lunches to eat at the Bishop Jones Center together. On that day we make a donation to “Woman at the Well House” to fulfill a pledge that we have made to them. “Woman at the Well House” is a residence for women who have been released from Bexar County jail. It offers holistic rehabilitation and support for these women with the goal of transforming their lives in a women-centered, spirituallybased, recovery oriented environment.” In effect, the lunch that the community enjoys together is a continuation of Holy Communion, a sign of all the ways in which they are fed by being together in Christ’s name. Perhaps you are feeling called to this kind of worship, study, and community. It is offered yearround, and you are sincerely welcomed any Wednesday.
To learn more about other classes at the Bishop Jones Center, visit www.dwtx.org.
Lunch Together
According to Julie, “The third best part of Wednesdays is that after Bible Study, those of us who are
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JULY 21, 2010
VBS participants found a place to rest in Egypt, after a long day in the Nile. St. Mark’s would like to acknowledge Co-Directors of Children’s Ministries, Jennifer Allison and Heather Herschell for their efforts and participation with VBS. Along with help from other volunteers, this year’s VBS was a success. Photos courtesy of Jennifer Allison.
VBS Participants Go on a Journey through Egypt by Jennifer Allison, Children’s Ministries Co-Director One day, there was even a live animal shop, where kids got to pet many precious animals, including baby chicks and pigs. This was definitely a wellattended shop.
“You are the one true God. There will never be another!” echoed out loud and clear as over 120 kids traveled through Egypt with Joseph at our VBS, in conjunction with Christ Episcopal Church. Packed with energy, music and fun, our week in Egypt is one that will not easily be forgotten. Kids were broken into mixed age families with a family mom and a big sister or big brother. These families journeyed together through the week. During their family time, kids and adults reflected on the five main teaching points of the week. God gives us hope. God gives us special abilities. God gives us wisdom. God gives us forgiveness. God gives us a family. Also during this time, families talked about “ God sightings”, or times they see God in the world. However, the favorite family activity was probably the chance that each child had to make bread for his or her family to eat at the end of the day family feast time.
Children enjoy arts and craft in Egypt.
Joseph’s Journey was stop number one for families as they entered Egypt. Here they met Joseph and learned all about his incredible story from prison to palace as they interacted with Joseph and the Egyptian Guards. Elise Rubiola reflected upon leaving Joseph’s Journey, “ I think that if God can help Joseph get from the prison to palace, then its like he can help us too.” The next stop in Egypt was the Pyramid Playground. This was a time for FUN! Here, the families participated in all
kinds of Egyptian Recreation. From being wrapped like a mummy, to a basket toss, to swimming in the Nile River complete with alligators, this was a sure favorite stop for all. Finally, a stop at the Market Place, where over 10 shops were located for kids to spend their Egyptian coins. Shops included: a hieroglyphic frame and necklace making shop, a toy shop, a mummy case shop, basket making shop, a make up shop and hair studio, a blanket making shop, brick making and the very popular food store.
We completed the week with a very high-energy closing celebration time and party on the Nile. With over 45 kids from St. Marks, 17 adult volunteers and 6 teen helpers, Joseph’s Journey became our Journey together. Together we learned that God has a plan for our lives. In hearing a four year old explain forgiveness or a 5th grader from Good Sam explain hope, it was very evident that God was there with us touching the lives of many. If every child and adult there could walk away knowing we are loved and forgiven, have hope and special talents, and are part of a family, then I think we can chalk this up as a great success. Many thanks to all of the incredible volunteers that made our week in Egypt a Journey none of us will forget.
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MUSIC NEWS ATTENTION ALL 2nd – 6th GRADERS!!! It’s Boy and Girl Choir Camp Time! That’s right – if you will be in 2nd-6th grade this year, we want you to sing with the Boy and Girl choir! You may have heard us in church – we sing every week at the 9:00 service. We also look forward to:
PARTIES (bowling, swimming, skating – great times!) Special services like Christmas Eve and Easter with bells, brass and timpani Outreach beyond St. Mark’s Annual Musical where we really let our hair down acting out our favorite Bible stories Our 2nd opportunity to perform in an opera: La Boheme with the UTSA Lyric Theater NEW THIS YEAR: joining with singers from all over the Diocese of West Texas for the first ever Children’s Choir Festival At CHOIR CAMP we: make new friends and have a ton of fun! play games and watch musical videos! get a head start on new music for the year! learn about our church and our worship! sing hymns and psalms! work with special musical guest artists eat Ruby’s great cooking for lunch! This year our camp is August 16-20, from 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.! Those who choose to participate in the opera will stay to rehearse after lunch from 1:00 – 2:30. (see the separate opera schedule for more information) Please fill out and return the registration form to Ms. Roach at the church, or register online at www.stmarks-sa.org.
2010 Choir Camp Registration Please fill out form and return to Kristin Roach. Name
Parent 1 Name
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Grade Zip
Work Phone
Email Address(es) Parent 2 Name
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Zip Work Phone
Email Address(es)
Please check one. Camper will be: picked up at 12:30 p.m. staying for Opera Rehearsal and picked up at 2:30 p.m. Previous musical or singing experience is not necessary to join the Boy & Girl Choir, but if you’ve sung or played an instrument before, please list it here: INSTRUMENT/VOICE? ______________________________ HOW MANY YEARS? _____________________________ Please list any food allergies or other considerations which might affect camper’s participation: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Campers please complete this sentence. Something special about me that not very many people know is: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We need parent volunteers to assist with various activities during the week. Please check any you could help with: Robe fitting on TUES/WED morning. Send a healthy snack item. Snack chaperone (10-11 a.m.): MON TUES WED THUR FRI Lunch chaperone (11:30-12:30 p.m.): MON TUES WED THUR FRI
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JULY 21, 2010
Know your Nursery Series Thank you and welcome back to part of the Know Your Nursery Series. This month I had the chance to speak to Ms. Lozano who will share a little bit about herself and her role in the nursery. What is your full name? Maria D. Lozano Where you born and raised here in San Antonio? I was born in Jalpa, Zacatecas, Mexico. And in school, did you have a favorite subject? My favorite subject was mathematics- and I was really good at it. Maria, where do you attend church services? I go to St. Patrick’s Catholic Church. I also take guitar lessons there on Sundays. So tell us a little bit about your family, do you have any children? With a smile she says: “I have many children- right over there [in the cubs room] I have five right now.” But seriously, I’ve raised two girls on my own. Erica is my oldest daughter. Erica is now twenty-five and has an 8 month old baby girl named Isabella who is enrolled in our Parents’ Day Out program. Also, Alejandra is 14 years old and sings in the youth choir here at St. Marks. I am going to miss Alejandra very much while she is away in England. But we have been saving and preparing for this trip for a long time now, so we are excited that the time has arrived. Tell us about what you do at the St. Mark’s Nursery (PDO teacher? Sunday Nursery? Special event care? Which ages/classrooms?) I work in the Parents’ Day Out program with the young toddlers. I also work Wednesday nights and for other special events when Ms. Janet needs me. How long have you worked here at St. Marks’? Twelve years. For two years as a sub and then ten as a teacher. Back then we had a parent’s committee that was in charge of the nursery. So it was really the parents that hired me. For a random question, Maria what is your shoe size? My shoe size is 8. How about pets? Do you have any? No, no pets. I love birds. I used to have a whole bunch of parakeets. But one time a cat came and attacked the cage. The cat ate some of them- I found a bunch of feathers everywhere. Some of them got out and got away, but I could never catch them. I was too upset
about it to ever replace them. Do you have a favorite book? I used to like to read, but my eyes are bad now. I save all of my reading so I can keep track of my important paperwork. Now I’m sure you have a favorite food, can you tell the readers what it is? I love to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with an apple. What is your favorite Bible story or passage and why? I like the one that says the first shall be last and the last shall be first. What was the hardest thing you ever had to do as a parent? The hardest part of being a parent was when my daughter was finally old enough to leave home. What is your favorite song to sing with children and why? I love “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands.” Because it really does make them happy when they can clap and sing along. I like to watch that happen. Thank you for your time Maria. I am sure Alejandra is having a great time in Ely. St. Mark’s and the parents appreciate your efforts in the Cub’s den.
Maria Lozano
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NEWS Back to School Reading for “School Days” by Heather Herschell, Co-Director of Children’s Ministries
“Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky” Daniel 12:3
Summer passes quickly. With the first days of school approaching in mid to late August, it is already time to begin the transition back into the routine of the school year. Some of you and your children are preparing yourselves to make that leap into learning at school for the very first time. Others have been patiently waiting for it to be time to go back! You and your children can do more than just buy new backpacks and school supplies to get ready for the big day. Try some fun, get-ready-for-school reading this month. I recommend two picture books by the author B.G. Hennessy. School Days is a story in rhyme that shows what children can expect to encounter in their new classroom, lunchroom, playground and more. Mr. Ouchy’s First Day tells about a teacher who is nervous about starting school. My quick online search revealed that both books were available at local libraries, but we will also have copies available for purchase at the St. Mark’s bookstore. After you read together you and your child could write your own book about what they will see in their school building, or work together to make a list of what their teacher will be thinking about before the first day of school. You can also say prayers together that God will be with your family as you recommit yourselves to the task of learning. Together, you can ask that the coming days of the school year help to make you wise so that you too can shine like the brightness of the sky!
St. Mark’s Preps for Tax Free Shopping Day by Heather Herschell, Co-Director of Children’s Ministries Tax Free Shopping Day is just around the corner. St. Mark’s will be providing child care on Saturday August 21st between the hours of 10:00 am – 4:00pm. St. Mark’s will open the nursery for infants – 10 years of age children. Please bring a lunch for your child. Please call & RSVP so we can properly staff and plan for your children. Parents may register with Ms. Janet or the front desk. Last day to register will be on Wednesday, August 18th by 5:00 pm. Parents, enjoy your day of stress free shopping.
The Location Changed- But the Mission Continued by The Rev. Jonathan Wickham Though our mission trip to Piedras Negras was cancelled, the mission continued! Many of the St. Mark’s Mission Team members, and others from the church community, put their hands to mission work close to home. We pitched in at Haven for Hope, made bag lunches for children and handed out fresh produce to families at the Food Bank, and spent two days working on houses at Habitat for Humanity. Thanks to all who made this week of mission so wonderful! Photo courtesy of The Rev. Jonathan Wickham.
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JULY 21, 2010
as of June 2010
MEMORIAL FUND Billy Campbell by Kathryn & Bill Dehlinger Richard Lloyd by Rona Earle, Barbara Smith-Townsend Virginia Peavy by the Byron LeFlore family REJOICE R. E. Peppy Blount by Drew & Elizabeth Cauthorn, Leighton & Jim Donnell, Dr. & Mrs. George Vassar William B. Cavender, Sr. by Mrs. Frederic Oppenheimer, Linda Seeligson, Lucille & Jim Travis, Barbara Wood Joseph Bright Parker by Linda Seeligson Josephine Tucker Robertson by Ann T. Coiner STREET MEMORIAL FUND Dr. Robert A. Partain by Joe Street TUCKER COURTYARD Josephine Tucker Robertson by Leighton & Jim Donnell, Robert F. Gossett, Jr. & family, Alice Lynch, Mike & Raney Roberts, Julie & Warren Wilkinson SPECIAL GIFTS A gift to the Good Samaritan Center in honor of Agatha Wade & Allison Lane by Ellen Dickson A gift to the St. Cecilia Guild in honor of Dr. Edwin Rieke by Nancy & Jim Zachry A gift to St. Mark’s in honor of Bill & Camilla Parker, on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary by Ann Coiner A gift to St. Mark’s Endowment Fund in honor of Mollie & Bartell Zachry on the occasion of their 50th anniversary by Patricia Steves A gift to The Work+Shop in thanksgiving for Elizabeth Haney by Alice K. Haney
For questions about memorials call Pat at the church, 226-2426
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News of the Family
Questions about birthdays or events on the calendar? Contact Elaine Enloe at 210-226-2426 or via email at eenloe@stmarks-sa.org. August 1st Mary Margaret Amberson, Linda Arnold Montgomery, Patrick Watson August 2nd Hank Cavender, Tod Cavender, Amy Phipps August 3rd Mary Jane Adams, Heather Davis, Madeline Merritt, Sara Rakowitz, Lou Taylor, Jill Vassar August 4th Susan Stewart, John David Waltrip August 5th Rog Gaebel, Shelby Lane, Paige Martin August 6th Grove Ramsey August 7th Sandy Clark, Catherine Crowley August 8th Lisa Anderson, John Oatman, Carla Sherman, Julie Wilson August 9th Evan Alderman, Calvin Smith, Judi Stanton, Russell Wilson August 10th Haley Holmes August 11th Martin Down, David Rochelle, Dee Whiteside August 12th Evelyn Fitzsimons, Brian Gilroy, Merlynne Judd August 13th Pam Bain, Allison Lozano, Ellen Martin, Ellen Sealy August 14th Kimberly Baker, Lee Cavender, Robert Schuler, Caroline Walker August 15th Susan Cavender, Michael Connor, Natalie Ribble, John Russell, Sarah Strunk, Taylor Wyatt August 16th Scott Allison, Margaret Beauchamp, Evelyn Brown, Jordan Rubiola August 17th Joseph Campbell, Caroline Laurence August 18th Helen Ballew, Ali Fowler, John LeFlore, Lynn Mims, Jean Murphree, Kelly Ranson, George Spencer August 19th Erik Frederick, Michelle Gregurich, John Guidry, Mally Holdsworth, Bill Jackson, Mel Lizcano, Robbie Moore, Sabra Morse, Howard Schneider,
Ben Scott August 20th David P. Carter, Ellen Dickson, Elizabeth McEnery, Grace Ohlenbusch, Connor Ray, John Saunders, Chuck Shaw, Shannon Stephens August 21st Christine Dobbins, Emma Frederick, Joshua Ham, Willis McClung, John Ohlenbusch, James Uhl, Bartell Zachry August 22nd Sally Dooley, James Long, Martita Seeligson, Ryan Vaughn, Bill Yates August 23rd Diego Cruz, Bertha De Luna, Beth Forsen, Cliff Waller, Joan Wyatt August 24th Tim Clark, Alberto Muzquiz, Robin Voight, James Williams August 25th Julie Mock, Albert Vale August 26th Katie Coyle, Sarah Digby, Rink Donnelly, Denise Welmaker August 27th David Casso, Stephanie Casso, Van Howard, Derek Knox August 29th Caroline Crider, Parks Goodwin, Gordon Lewis, Claire Loranger, Zander Thomas August 30th Linda Addington, John Colglazier, Zachery Foster, Wally McGee, Clarissa Olivares, Elizabeth Roberts, Sandra Weber August 31st Janet Hughes, Kimberly Marks, Nan Watson In Compassion: Lucille Laurence July 9, 2010 Elmer Dolch July 17, 2010
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JULY 21, 2010
AUGUST CALENDAR St. Mark’s now posts all events on our interactive calendar at www.stmarks-sa.org. We maintain our web calendar as the primary church calendar. The interactivity features are very helpful. Please visit www.stmarks-sa.org for the most current information.
Sunday 7:45Eucharist 8:30am Bookstore Open 9:00am Christian Formation 10:00am Eucharist 11:11am "Come As You Are" Eucharist Tuesday 9:00am Staff Meeting 10:00am DOK PrayErs Wednesday 9:30am Parents' Day Out 10:00am Eucharist & Study at Bishop Jones Center 10:00am Threads of Blessing at Bishop Jones Center 12:10pm Eucharist Friday 9:30am Parents' Day Out Sunday 7:45am Eucharist 8:30am Bookstore Open 9:00am Christian Formation 10:00am Eucharist 11:11am "Come As You Are" Eucharist
Happy Retirement Ed!
Join us as we wish Ed Rieke a Happy Retirement! Celebration is on Sunday, August 29, 2010 at 4:00pm. Meet in Sanctuary; reception follows in Gosnell Hall. Dinner is served! Café Kairos resumes Wednesday, August 25th!
Tuesday, August 3 12:00pm Liturgy Meeting 5:00pm SAMM Team Meeting Wednesday, August 4 5:30pm Environmental Stewardship Group Meeting Friday, August 6 HAPPENING #116 Tuesday, August 10 5:30pm Finance Committee Wednesday, August 11 1:30pm Caregivers' Support Group Thursday, August 12 Family Camp @ Mustang Island Monday, August 16 Boy & Girl Choir Camp Begins 10:00am Parish Aid & St. Nicholas Tuesday, August 17 5:30pm Vestry Thursday, August 19 6:00pm Bookstore Meeting Saturday, August 21 9:00am Youth Choir Retreat 10:00am Tax Free Shopping Day Sunday, August 22 RALLY DAY 11:30am Ministry Fair Wednesday, August 25 4:30pm Cherub Choir 5:00pm Cafe Kairos Opens 5:30pm Youth Group Meeting 5:30pm Bookstore 5:30pm Boy & Girl Choir 7:00pm Youth Choir Thursday, August 26 5:00pm Cafe Kairos 6:30pm Parish Choir Rehearsal Saturday, August 28 DWTX Stewardship Program 9:00am Altar Guild Workday Sunday, August 29 FALL SCHEDULE BEGINS 8:00am Breakfast 4:00pm Party for Ed Rieke
The Messenger (USPS 514-020) Published Monthly (3rd Wednesday) ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226-2426 Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Rector: The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Editor: Melanie Lizcano Layout & Graphic Design: Melanie Lizcano e-mail articles to mlizcano@stmarks-sa.org
Article deadline is 2nd Wednesday of each month
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
Fall Worship Schedule Service times are: 7:45am 9:00am 11:11am CAYA 11:15am For more information contact the church office at 210-226-2426 or visit our website (www.stmarks-sa.org). Subscribe to our weekly e-News for the most current news and upcoming events.