We are a downtown Church; committed to the Gospel, accountable to each other, loving Christ and making him known.
Messenger AUGUST 18, 2010
Fall: A Season of Spiritual Growth by The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson
INSIDE THIS ISSUE Fall Adult Formation BEGINS AUGUST 29 -page 1 & 2 Food Ministry at Haven for Hope -page 3 From the Rector -page 6 Choirs returns from Ely -page 7
was at dinner recently with a friend who had just flown in to San Antonio from her new home on the West Coast. When the airplane was outside of San Antonio, the pilot came on to say that they were within twenty minutes of landing. My friend looked out the window of the plane, and saw an expanse of bright green fields below. She thought to herself, “The pilot must be mistaken. This is NOT Texas.” We’ve had so much rain this summer that the landscape was unrecognizable to her. It has been a season of astonishing health and growth for every plant that grows in our city, our yards and neighborhoods. Here at St. Mark’s, we are planning our fall adult formation classes with an eye toward astonishing health and growth for each of us, in our maturity into the likeness of Christ. Childcare is always available on Sunday mornings and at other times as noted below.
Sunday Mornings Beginning August 29th 10:10a.m.-11:00a.m.
The Rev. Mike Chalk, “Prayer and the
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, Texas 78205 (210) 226-2426 www.stmarks-sa.org
Kingdom of God,” Room 305. Reflection and conversation on how our practices of prayer can lead us into action in God’s world. The Rev. Jonathan Wickham, “Episcobasics,” Dean Richardson Room. An introduction to life in the Episcopal Church. The Rev. Drs. Jane Patterson and John Lewis, “Christ in our Context,” Tom Gish Hall. Teaching and conversation on how some of the images of Jesus in the
New Testament may give us insight into how Christ may be known and followed in our time and place. Looking ahead: In Advent, we will have a special offering by Sylvia Maddox and The Rev. Mary Earle, co-authors of Praying with the Celtic Saints and Holy
Companions: Spiritual Practices from the Celtic Saints.
Betty Anne Cody and Friends, “The
Gifted Years,” Tuesdays, 10:00a.m.11:30a.m., September 21-November 9, in the Dean Richardson Room. Reflection and conversation sparked by Paula D’Arcy’s recent book, Waking Up
to This Day: Seeing the Beauty Right Before Us.
The Rev. Drs. John Lewis and Jane
Patterson, “Timeout Bible Study,” Thursdays, 10:30a.m.-noon, with childcare, September 9-December 9, in the Youth Room. A slow, conversational study of Paul’s letters to the Galatians, and Thessalonians. WorkShop Reflection Groups. The WorkShop, a ministry devoted to issues of faith in daily life, convenes small groups of people at various locations in the city to reflect on current issues in their daily lives of faith and decisionmaking in the light of the scriptures. If you are interested in joining a group, please call 210-599-4224 for more information and exact times and locations. The groups are led by the codirectors of The WorkShop, the Rev. Drs. Jane Patterson and John Lewis. (Continued on page 2)
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VOLUME 99 ISSUE 8 (Continued from page 1)
The Messenger is published monthly and is available in magazine format online at www.stmarks-sa.org Parish Clergy The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Rector The Rev. Jonathan Wickham Assistant Rector Assisting Clergy The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Co-director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson Co-director, The Work+Shop Making a Gift of Their Service The Rev. Mary Earle Assisting Priest Staff Jennifer Allison Children’s Ministries Co-Director Todd Allison Youth Director Priscilla Briones Accounting Janet Carrizales Nursery Coordinator Bill Edwards Parish Administrator Elaine Enloe Clergy Executive Administrator Database Manager Sandy Falkenberg Cherub Choir Conductor Emmet Faulk Community Formation Director CAYA Worship Coordinator Heather Herschell Children’s Ministries Co-Director Melanie Lizcano Communications Director Ruby Merrill Facility Manager Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Edwin Rieke Organist & Dir. of Music Kristin Roach Asst. Organist & Dir. of Music Sara Talley Asst. Director Youth Ministries
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 East Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205
Maurleen Cobb, Women’s Bible Study,
Wednesdays, 5:30p.m.-6:30p.m., Room 305, September 1-November 17. A lively and conversational study of Bad Girls of
the Bible and What We Can Learn from Them, by Liz Curtis Higgs.
September 29, Discipleship for Leadership:
an evening with Bishop Lillibridge, 6:30p.m.-8:00p.m., Tom Gish Hall. October 27: The Rev. Dr. John Lewis, Great
Conversations: A Faithful Look at Immigration, 6:30p.m.-8:00p.m., Tom
Gish Hall. This is the first of a series of evening gatherings intended to engage the practice of conversing together respectfully about difficult topics. The second Conversation will occur in the spring. The Rev. Jonathan Wickham, Adult Confirmation Class. Look for more information as it appears on the website. This class will explore the basics of the Christian faith from an adult perspective, and will prepare people for the sacrament of Confirmation, or may serve simply as an introduction to the church’s life and beliefs.
the Soul. Sylvia Maddox will be the
Chaplain. See www.dwtx.org for details. November 11-14, Moye Center, Castroville, The Rev. Doug Earle, The
Heavenly Banquet: Food, Desire, and Love of the Beloved. A Silent Retreat sponsored
by the Retreat Society of the Diocese of West Texas. See www.dwtx.org for details. December 4, 8:30a.m.-noon, at The WorkShop, Praying With Icons: An Advent Retreat, The Rev. Mike Marsh and The Rev. Mike Chalk.
Online Courses through the Seminary of the Southwest 7-week courses sponsored by the Center for Christian Ministry and Vocation “Following Jesus in a Culture of Fear” “Praying with the Desert Fathers and Mothers” “Science and Spirituality” For information and registration, go to the Seminary’s website, www.ssw.edu.
September 11, 8:30-noon, Rhythms of
Gospel Living. The Rev. Mike Chalk, The Rev. Mary Earle, and Sylvia Maddox, Instructor at the University of the Incarnate Word. To be held at The WorkShop at Los Patios. October 2, 7:30a.m.-2:00p.m., Holy Ground: A St. Francis’ Day Retreat. See the full description of special speakers and activities on the website. Advance registration required. October 8-10, Mustang Island Conference Center, Margaret Benefiel, Soul at Work, a chance to learn Quaker practices of reflection and discernment that can enhance our lives at work, at home, and in our communities. Presented by the WorkShop. See the website for more information. Advance registration required. October 22-24, Camp Capers, Diocesan Fall Women’s Gathering, The Rev. Suzanne Guthrie, Entering the Dwelling Places of
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AUGUST 18, 2010
MINISTRY NEWS St. Mark’s Food Ministries Are Dishing it Out By Pat Bridwell and John McClung, Co-Chairs of Kitchen Corps
t. Mark’s food ministries for Haven for Hope are now underway! The official opening of Haven for Hope and the need for volunteers had several delays, but in June limited cold food service, coordinated by St. Vincent de Paul Society, and initial hot food service, coordinated by the San Antonio Food Bank, at Haven for Hope started. In mid-June parishioners from St. Mark’s began preparing cold lunch meals every Friday at Haven for Hope. In addition, a Monday evening dinner team is now organized and we are coordinating cold food dinner teams on Saturdays and lunches on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Hot food teams began serving at Haven for Hope in mid-July, and we now have breakfast, lunch or dinner teams on some Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Don’t worry; we can always use more help! If you want to join or help coordinate a team for specific dates, please contact Pat Bridwell at lewbrid@aol.com. Each work shift is approximately 3 hours long and has some physical demands but the work is not difficult and the rewards are great. We are scheduled through the end of August at Haven for Hope for both
hot and cold food preparation and service, and, as things become more settled each week, we anticipate scheduling teams to work on a regular recurring basis in three month increments. We all understand this is a new, major undertaking for both the Food Bank and St. Vincent de Paul, and everyone is aware there will be a period of trial and error until systems are in place and our roles become more predictable. In the meantime, flexibility is the catchword! All of the team coordinators for the teams now organized have reported very positive experiences and are looking forward to their continuing participation in this important outreach to our community. Regarding our hot food preparation ministry in St. Mark’s kitchen, it took more time than expected to work out the details, but we’re now ready to add to the volunteer effort at Haven for Hope. The program, announced at Kitchen Corps’ Summit II in February, will involve multiple teams scheduled at varying times to meet volunteer schedules. We will focus on preparing up to 1,000 servings a week of a hearty, well balanced “center of the plate” item, such as a stew or casserole.
Most, if not all of the ingredients, will be provided through the San Antonio Food Bank’s well organized warehouse program. Once underway, Food Bank trucks will pick up finished items from our kitchen loading dock, returning empty containers for the next go around. Hopefully we can build a sustainable program that uses our facilities, as well as our willing spirits, to project Christ’s love a little farther into our community. Sunday, August 22, we celebrate St. Mark’s Rally Day. On that day, representatives of the various ministries and commissions of St. Mark’s will be available in Gosnell Hall for you to learn more about them. We encourage anyone who has expressed an interest in serving in the Kitchen Corps ministries for the benefit of Haven for Hope to stop by our table and talk with us about your specific involvement if you have not yet become involved. If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact Pat Bridwell at lewbrid@aol.com regarding food service at Haven for Hope or John McClung at jmcclung@lospatios.com for food preparation in St. Mark’s kitchen.
"Rhythms of Gospel Living" Please join Mike Chalk, Mary Earle and Sylvia Maddox as we spend a quiet morning reflecting together on the gospel of the heart, the gospel of creation and the gospel to the world. Bring materials for journaling. Saturday Morning, September 11, 8:30am-noon The Work+Shop at Los Patios, 2015 NE Loop 410, San Antonio
Coffee, juice and light snacks provided; this event is free. Limited to 25 participants. RSVP to Katherine Buzzini at kbuzzini@theworkshop-sa.org or 210 -599-4224. WWW.STMARKS-SA.ORG
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MINISTRY NEWS “So we are Ambassadors for Christ” by Sally Dooley
The Ministry in Daily Life group invites you to fill out a form so that St. Mark’s can begin to pray for you by name and workplace during our Sunday Prayers of the People. We are already praying for various industries and professions weekly, but we want our parishioners to know that you are supported as you minister in your daily life and work. After all, you are in church only once a week while you are out in a position to minister the rest of the week. Forms will be available for 3 Sundays, beginning August 22 in adult Christian Formation classes and at tables before the 10 am service. Thank you. “So we are Ambassadors for Christ” (2 Cor. 5:20) St. Paul coined this phrase over 2,000 years ago, but it is current today within the Ministry in Your Daily Life movement within Christianity and St. Mark’s. As Christians, we are in church an hour or two weekly, but we can be ministers (ambassadors) the other 6 days when we are out in the world (at work, school, home, government) being Christ to those with whom we are in contact. Please help us to better support you by filling out a form about your job,
title, and what you do so that St. Mark’s as a faith community can pray for you and what you do for a living. “…And now, Father, send us out to do the work you have given us to do, to love and serve you as faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord” (The Book of Common Prayer). Each Sunday, we pray this in community as well as for specific industries and professions. In the work each of us does Monday through Saturday we can serve Christ and represent him by what we say and do. St. Mark’s Ministry in Daily Life group requests that you fill out a form about your work so that your name can be mentioned in The Prayers of the People. The forms will be available in adult Sunday school classes and before the 10 am services beginning Aug. 22 through Labor Day Sunday.
Ministry in Your Daily Life We would like to include your work in our prayers. Please complete the form below with information about your work. Your Name: Name of your workplace: Address of your workplace: Please check one: Paid Position Volunteer
Your title: Describe what you do: Career Field: (check all that apply)
Business Owner
Home Services
Administrator Agriculture Architect Arts
Legal/Law Enforcement/Justice Manufacturing Marketing/P.R. Media (Print/Electronic) Military
Non-Profit Parent/Grandparent Real Estate Retail Transportation Other: ____________
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AUGUST 18, 2010
“Christ has no body on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ's compassion for the world is to look out; yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good; and yours are the hands with which He is to bless us now.” --St. Theresa of Avila (1515-1582)
Good Sam + VBS = Fun by Lou Taylor
This summer, volunteers from several area Episcopal Churches planned and participated in a Vacation Bible School camp at the Good Samaritan Center. Approximately sixty Good Samaritan children participated each day. The kids enjoyed music, art and story time from branches of the Jesse tree. Stories and art projects were about Creation, Abraham, Joseph and David. The kids and volunteers enjoyed the activities each day. The week passed by quickly with lots of learning, fun art projects and entertaining songs like Father Abraham. Thank you to the following members of St. Mark’s for their participation in the Good Sam VBS: Sandy and Bishop Jim Folts, Kathie Sherman, Lou Taylor, Patrice Oliver, Mary Sue Miranda and Cathy Brumlik. A special thank you to Rex Martin for making the wooden name tags that each camper decorated on the first day of camp.
Say cheese! Bishop Folts posing for the camera with the Good Sam kids.
Photos courtesy of Lou Taylor & Patrice Oliver.
Kathie Sherman and her assistant Sarah smiling ear to ear with the VBS participants.
A Report on Our Visit to the Episcopal Church of Sudan by Pat Bridwell and The Rev. Dr. John Lewis
We have just returned from a wonderful visit to the Diocese of Renk (Episcopal Church of Sudan), where we were graciously hosted by Bishop Joseph Garang Atem Zorial, and spent two weeks teaching biblical Greek and English to seminarians at Renk Theological College. Our lives were deeply enriched by these new friends, as we got to know firsthand their unbounded hospitality, their steadfast faith in the face of persecution, and the many ways they shared the gospel with us in their own context. Nearly three weeks in Sudan also stretched us, as we tried to confront joyfully the many challenges associated with daily life in a very different culture. We want to share every aspect of this experience with all of our friends at The WorkShop and St. Mark’s. To that end, we have scheduled two different gatherings at St. Mark’s in Tom Gish Hall to show our photographs, talk about our trip, and reflect on the many future opportunities for mission and ministry in the Sudan. We will first gather for the adult formation class on Sunday morning, August 29, from 10:10-11:00am. Then, we will expand our presentation on Wednesday evening, September 22, from 6:30-8:00pm. Childcare will be available for both events. We would love to see you!
Pat teaching English in the Sudan on a hot summer day.
Photo courtesy of The Rev. Dr. John Lewis.
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FROM THE RECTOR Spirituality by The Rev. Mike Chalk
pirituality is a slippery word, one that is hard to define and has a wide variety of understandings. The concept can refer to inner peace and serenity, a leisure-time pursuit, or a diversion from life. The word can even have little or nothing to do with God. Spirituality has often been deemed a very private matter, an experience that can neither be validated nor challenged. I worry that the term has no real content and remains extremely vague. In an effort to explore this important concept, I began an adult class on a Sunday morning last December. I was heartened by the interest in not only the concept but the practice of a spirituality that actually made a difference in one’s life. Over the last six months we discussed historic practices that provided content and purpose to one’s spiritual life. A community such as this also serves an important accountability function that helps keep one on a constructive course. One standard definition of spirituality is “the lived experience of Christian belief”. This definition speaks about not only receiving God’s love but responding in kind to this great love. Another definition is “life in the Spirit of Christ”. For Christians, spirituality is a relationship with the Spirit of God in Christ that impacts their daily life with others. Prayer is essentially concerned with the transformation of the human heart. As we consider spirituality this fall, I would like to explore how prayer “bears fruit” in the world. It is my experience that as we listen intently to God in prayer, we experience a deepening awareness of the world’s needs and hear God’s call to serve. One of our favorite prayers states ‘your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven’. I have put the words ‘on earth’ in bold letters because we hope that through our prayers, God’s kingdom can be realized in our time. If we want to see a glimpse of Christ’s Kingdom, I would suggest merely looking once again at the life and ministry of Jesus. In a recent book by Joan Chittister, The Breath of the Soul: Reflections on Prayer, she writes: “Prayer is not meant to make us
Photo courtesy of Getty Images.
“Bear fruits worthy of repentance. Do not begin to say to yourselves, “We have Abraham as our ancestor”; for I tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children to Abraham.” (NRSV) -Luke 3:8
into a world unto ourselves…We pray with one eye on the world so that we can come to understand what is really being asked of us here and now, at times like this, as co-creators of the universe.: (p.7) If you are interested in learning more about how our practices of prayer can led us into action in God’s world, join me beginning August 29th, Sunday morning at 10:10 for a class entitled “Prayer and the Kingdom of God.”
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AUGUST 18, 2010
MUSIC NEWS Choirs Return from Ely in Awe by Dr. Ed Rieke, Organist and Director of Music
he Parish and Youth Choirs returned on Monday evening, July 26th from a highly-successful residency (July 19-25) at Ely Cathedral. They sang daily choral Evensong and the Sunday morning Eucharist. Excursions included Woburn Abbey, The Cotswolds, Kenilworth Castle, the American War Cemetery outside Cambridge, Cambridge (including King’s Chapel) and Sandringham (the family residence of the Royal Family). On Sunday morning, July 18th, we attended Sung Eucharist at Coventry Cathedral. The juxtaposition of the bombed-out cathedral from World War II alongside the new Cathedral (begun in 1954 and completed in 1962) was quite moving. I was justly proud of the work your choirs did at Ely. The Youth Choir (prepared so beautifully by Kristin Roach) sang with the Parish Choir at every service. There were many positive comments from the Dean and Canon Precentor at Ely, as well as from members of and visitors to the Cathedral. Kristin Roach handled the Cathedral organ like the pro that she is, and, I might add, with a very limited amount of available practice time.
Ed in wardrobe preparing for service in Ely. Ed we will all miss you when you retire!
Perhaps one of the highlights of the week was singing the Friday Evensong in the Lady Chapel, a remarkable room with amazing acoustics. The composer John Rutter uses the Lady Chapel for many recordings of his Cambridge Singers. Needless to say, it was a thrilling, humbling and aweinspiring experience to sing at Ely Cathedral, a structure dating from the 12th century, and a place where daily Evensong has been offered since the sixteenth century. Additionally, it was a privilege to represent St. Mark’s, San Antonio for that week. We thank you for your support and prayers.
The Rev. Jonathan Wickham and the youth choir strike a pose.
If you would like more information on our trip or to see more photos, please visit the blog at the St. Mark’s website, www.stmarks-sa.org and click on the “Music & Concerts “ tab.
Photos courtesy of the choirs’ blog and choir members.
The choirs practicing for Friday Evensong.
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GRAND OPERA The UTSA Lyric Theatre presents Puccini’s grand opera…
UTSA 1604 Campus Recital Hall Friday, October 8 @ 7:30pm & Sunday, October 10 @ 3:00pm
Café Kairos will resume August 25th!
The fully-staged production with orchestra will include members of the St. Mark’s Children Choirs and is conducted by Kristin Roach.
Tickets $20. Available online http://music.utsa.edu St. Mark’s Youth Ministries
Chili Cook-Off & Auction WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th 6:00p.m.-8:00p.m. GOSNELL HALL 315 E. PECAN ST., SA, TX 78205
Live Entertainment! Adults $10 Kids $5.00 All proceeds benefit the youth programs & outreach. Questions? Contact Todd Allison at 226-2426.
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AUGUST 18, 2010
as of August 2010
MEMORIAL FUND Charlie Hughes, Jr. by Dorothy Hughes Ward Lucille Laurence by Tom M. Fine, Patricia Jordt, Bruce & Louisa Kates, Jr.,the R.F. Kuehler family, Erwin & Helen Lehmann, Jennita G. Poston, Gloria M. Williams
REJOICE Dr. Robert A. Partain by Betty M. Cavender
TUCKER COURTYARD Josephine Tucker Robertson by Betty M. Cavender
SPECIAL GIFTS A gift to the Good Samaritan Center in thanksgiving for my family: son, John, daughter, Berdine & my husband, Gerardo by Adelina Rodriguez
Any questions about memorials call Pat at the church, 226-2426
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News of the Family
Questions about birthdays or events on the calendar? Contact Elaine Enloe at 210-226-2426 or via email at eenloe@stmarks-sa.org. September 1st Walter Bain, Cary Barton, Stefanie Boswell, Bob Coleman, Jeffrey B. Hight, Robert LeClercq, Alexandra Tamez, Andrew Z. Thompson, Ann Tiner, Ian Vaughn September 2nd Edward MacDonald, W. D. Olivarri, Sarah Ellen Payer, Steve Thomas September 3rd Thomas Gaither, Bobbie Jo Sheldon, Jonah Slocum September 4th Kyle Briggs, Sarah McGehee, Tres Steves, Debbie Walker, Naomi Wolfman September 5th Marcos De Luna September 6th Jena Barker, Pat Bridwell, Meredith Holdsworth, Beverly Hooper, Zoe Lopez September 7th John Bloodsworth, Conner McDonough, Robert McDonough, James McDonough September 8th Asa Fitzsimons, Elise Frierson, Colleen Goff, Jordan Maddox, Charles Owens, Anne Sykes, Lee Yelton September 9th Tanya Beroukhim, Zachariah Boudreaux, Liam Dillon, Pete Villanueva September 10th Roberta Aiken, Cory Howard, Eva Howard, Forrest Lillibridge, Kelly Satel, Patsy Wellborn, Kea Wertz, Keane Wofford September 11th Caroline Cassidy, George Geis, Nicole Gonzalez, Lillian Kimmerly, Alby Moore, David Ribble, Jay Roberts September 12th Tad Bowen, Ed Brown, Dan Butt, Meredith Holmstrom, Shelby Newton, Juan Carlos Rodriguez, Tookie Spoor, Heather Wright September 13th Gene Alderman, Linda Jacobs, Kate Pollom September 14th Peggy Allison, Rene Fletcher, William Holmstrom, Ruth Holt, John McClung September 15th Gerry Brawner, Aislinn Coyle, Porter Loring, Rayen Lucas September 16th Diettrich Arnold, Stephanie Bain, Rick Daniels, Sadie Duncan, Kristen Mudge, Laura Olsen, E.C. Parker, Jean Rumsey, Lillian Seeligson, Elisabeth Uhl, Maggie Villarreal September 17th Catesby Hunt, Mackenzie Medley, Barry Roberts, Pat Snyder, Nancy Stinson
September 18th Priscilla Briones, Michael Cassidy, Diana Hamner, Tom Madison, Flor Rodriguez, Barbara Wilson September 19th Andrew Alderman, Paige Colbert, Jeanne Reesman, Teressa Sisemore, Karen Snyder, James Sykes, Carolynn Witt September 20th Alison Brown, Charlie Brown, Ann Madison, Charlotte O'Brien, Bill Phelps, Toni Price, Kathie Sherman, Jermane Taylor September 21st Evelyn Bailey, Karen Brandon, Sarah Calogero, Dave Hulett, Don Lucas, Will Mudge, Trevor Stokes, Lee Whittaker September 22nd Elizabeth Breazeale, Len Briley, Irene Brooks, Robin Logan, Joel Martin, Dody Oppenheimer, Lee Wilder September 23rd Matthew C. Bain, Mary Fisher, Liz Padilla September 24th Margaret Amberson, Alicia Amberson, Staci Foster, Rebecca Ohnemus, William B. Townsend, Deni J. Townsend, Albert Walling September 25th Ginger Ray September 26th Ralph Falkenberg, Sam Ligon, Lisa Piland, Henry Wyatt September 27th Caroll Ahern, Trey Anderson, Sandy Folts, Al Hartman, Sandy Hughey, Ann Keetch, Suzy Zimmermann September 28th Randolph Blakeman, Elaine Center, Lisa Cox, Virginia Hartz, Camilla Parker, Dick Soupiset September 29th Jon Hollenbeck, Dina Jones, Quincy Luce, Jeff Rochelle, Ruth Sparks September 30th Jamie Lynn Bloodsworth, Harvey Marmon, Dale Martin, Al Silva, Ruben Tamez
A very special Happy Birthday to Ann Tiner on her 95th (Sep 1st) Ruth Sparks on her 95gh (Sep 29th) Ruth Holt on her 93rd (Sep 14th) Lillian Kimmerly on her 91st (Sep 11th) Irene Brooks on her 91st (Sep 22nd) Andrew Z. Thompson on his 90th (Sep 1st)
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AUGUST 18, 2010
SEPTEMBER CALENDAR St. Mark’s now posts all events on our interactive calendar at www.stmarks-sa.org. We maintain our web calendar as the primary church calendar. The interactivity features are very helpful. Please visit www.stmarks-sa.org for the most current information.
EVERY WEEK Tuesday 10:00am DOK PrayErs 12:00pm Liturgy Meeting Wednesday 9:30am Parents' Day Out 10:00am Eucharist & Study at Bishop Jones Center 10:00am Threads of Blessing at Bishop Jones Center 12:10pm Eucharist 4:30pm Cherub Choir 5:00pm Cafe Kairos 5:30pm Youth Group Meeting 5:30pm Bookstore 5:30pm Boy & Girl Choir 5:30pm Environmental Stewardship Group Meeting 5:30pm Women's Bible Study 7:00pm Youth Choir Thursday 10:30am Timeout Bible Study 12:15pm Work+Shop Groups for Faith in Daily Life 5:00pm Cafe Kairos 6:30pm Parish Choir Rehearsal Friday 9:30am Parents' Day Out Sunday 7:45am Eucharist 8:00am Breakfast 9:00am Eucharist & Baptism 10:00am Christian Formation 11:11am "Come As You Are" Eucharist 11:15am Eucharist
THIS MONTH Monday, September 6 LABOR DAY-OFFICE CLOSED ALL DAY Tuesday, September 7 5:00pm SAMM Team Meeting Wednesday, September 8 1:30pm Caregivers' Support Group Thursday, September 9 9:30am Daughters of the King Meeting 5:00pm Cafe Kairos 6:30pm Parish Choir Rehearsal Saturday, September 11 8:30am Rhythms of Gospel Living Sunday, September 12 5:00pm Sunday Night Live Monday, September 13 6:00pm Commission on Ministries Meeting Tuesday, September 14 5:30pm Finance Committee Wednesday, September 15 6:00pm Youth Chili Cook Off Saturday, September 18 8:30am Vestry Retreat Monday, September 20 10:00am Parish Aid & St. Nicholas Tuesday, September 21 10:00am Gifted Years Class 5:30pm Vestry Saturday, September 25 10:00am Altar Guild Brunch Tuesday, September 28 10:00am Gifted Years Class Wednesday, September 29 5:30pm Youth Group Meeting
The Messenger (USPS 514-020) Published Monthly (3rd Wednesday) ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226-2426 Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Rector: The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Editor: Melanie Lizcano Layout & Graphic Design: Melanie Lizcano e-mail articles to mlizcano@stmarks-sa.org
Article deadline is 2nd Wednesday of each month