09/15/10-The Messenger -Vol. 99 Issue 9

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We are a downtown Church; committed to the Gospel, accountable to each other, loving Christ and making him known.


Messenger SEPTEMBER 15, 2010



Vestry Class of 2014 Election INSIDE THIS ISSUE Vestry Election -pages 1-5

Music from St. Mark’s -page 6

From the Rector -page 8

The Work+Shop’s Fall Retreat -page 16

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, Texas 78205 (210) 226-2426 www.stmarks-sa.org

The Discernment Committee is pleased to announce that the parishioners on the following pages have accepted the call to ministry by allowing their names to stand for the Vestry election to be held on October 17th. Last year, we started the tradition of holding elections in October so the new Vestry members may go through an orientation process before they take office in February 2011. They will be wearing a special name tag that identifies them as nominees for the class of 2014. Please read their biographical information, review the criteria we used, and make an effort to meet them before the election. Only ballots that have voted for five nominees will be counted.

Qualifications and Characteristics to Consider of a Vestry Nominee The criteria for candidates for the Vestry are as follows: Canonical Law: ● At least 18 years old. ● A communicant in good standing (baptized, confirmed, received) in the Episcopal Church. ● Not previously served a full term on the Vestry within the past 12 months. Parish Qualifications: ● Have regularly attended worship services of choice at St. Mark's and have supported parish wide functions for at least 12 months. Agree with the parish mission and vision statements and the vestry stewardship statement. ● Be a pledging member working towards tithing. ● Attend all Vestry meetings (5:30pm on the third Tuesday of each month) and special Vestry Meetings and willing to serve on a working Vestry Subcommittee. ● Attend new Vestry orientation and all Vestry retreat(s). Characteristics of a St. Mark’s Vestry Person: In addition to those requirements specifically set forth in the Canons and by the Parish, the Discernment Committee and the Vestry of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church have identified particular personal characteristics, experiences and values that we believe will complement the gifts of those Vestry members whose terms continue.

The Characteristics we were looking for included: ● Energetic, with a passion for St. Mark’ ● Visionary and imaginative ● Have a heart for doing Christ's ministry in the world as evidenced by being involved in at least one St. Mark's ministry ● Committed to speaking the truth in the face of opposition ● Open to disagreement without being disagreeable ● An attentive listener w/openness to considering other viewpoints ● Work toward becoming biblically literate ● Demonstrate a mature and deep faith, with a commitment for discerning God’s will for St. Mark’s ● Seek actively to grow the church ● Exhibit conscientiousness, diligence, and perseverance ● Possess a fiduciary attitude for the church’s finances ● Possess a wisdom coming from life experiences ● Exhibit a willingness to enter a process of decision-making by consensus rather than by majority vote, and an ability to embrace, support, and explain consensus decisions to the congregation ● Systematic thinkers, people who can think through how systems need to work

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VOLUME 99 ISSUE 9 (Continued from page 1)

The Messenger is published monthly and is available in magazine format online at www.stmarks-sa.org Parish Clergy The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Rector The Rev. Jonathan Wickham Assistant Rector Assisting Clergy The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Co-director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson Co-director, The Work+Shop Making a Gift of Their Service The Rev. Mary Earle Assisting Priest Staff Jennifer Allison Children’s Ministries Co-Director Todd Allison Youth Director Priscilla Briones Accounting Janet Carrizales Nursery Coordinator Bill Edwards Parish Administrator Elaine Enloe Clergy Executive Administrator Database Manager Sandy Falkenberg Cherub Choir Conductor Emmet Faulk Community Formation Director CAYA Worship Coordinator Heather Herschell Children’s Ministries Co-Director Melanie Lizcano Communications Director Ruby Merrill Facility Manager Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Grace Ohlenbusch Interim Organist Kristin Roach Interim Dir. of Music Sara Talley Asst. Director Youth Ministries

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 East Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205

This year’s challenges are: Actively encourage a Culture of Generosity. This will involve reorienting how we think and talk about stewardship with an emphasis on the relationship between money and faith. This committee and activity will be year-round. We will research our membership data to better understand the concerns of our community. Our narrative about generosity will be linked to the missions/ministries our congregation supports. The Bacon and Lee report will be used to guide our effort to retire the Rejoice debt. Become a Better Resource for Our Community. We will use our Parish House to address hunger in San Antonio and support the Haven for Hope. We will encourage each other to imagine how to make the best use of our facility and congregational talents/skills. While grants are an important component of outreach, we want to create opportunities for our members to participate more actively with their time. We will seek ways in which individual members and the body of St. Mark’s as a whole may serve Christ beyond the walls of the parish. Enrich our Community Life. Our Parish House will become a center for more of the life of our congregation. Families, young adults, adults, and elders will be better supported and involved. People will join St. Mark’s because they want to be a part of our vibrant community.

Susan Beardslee Susan Beardslee has been a member of St. Mark’s for 17 years. She and her husband, Don, have been married for 36 years. Susan is a clinical project manager for Genzyme Corporation. She and Don have been participants in a variety of ministries. Over the years, Susan has participated on a variety of committees and organizations, including the Adult Education Committee, Lay Ministry Committee, Every Member Canvas, and the Order of St Luke. She has been a lay reader, Eucharistic minister, and Eucharistic visitor for many years at St Mark’s as well as at a previous parish. In consideration of the Vestry’s objectives of creating a culture of generosity and faithful stewardship, being a better resource for the wider community, and enriching community

life within the parish, what is important to her is: ● Creating a church community where everyone can participate within the parish and contribute to the community around us ● Identifying the practical ways that we can become good stewards as individuals and as a community ● Learning how we can serve God, our church family, and the community through prayerful reflection on the scriptures Susan is passionate about spiritual growth for everyone, although she has been especially drawn toward involvement in ministries involving adult education, liturgy, and stewardship. The Discernment Committee believes that Susan embodies the following characteristics: ● Demonstrates a mature and deep faith, with a commitment for discerning God’s will for St. Mark’s ● Exhibits conscientiousness, diligence, and perseverance ● Possesses a wisdom coming from life experiences ● Energetic, with a passion for St. Mark’s. ● Seeks actively to grow the church

Jim Bliek Jim is a retired educator and business owner who moved to San Antonio in 2008 with his partner, David Frego. They both joined St. Mark’s that year and have continued to deepen their involvement in the life of the parish. Jim was the Director of Communications and Public Ministries for five years at Trinity Episcopal Church on Capital Square, Columbus, Ohio and had been a member of Trinity since 1973. He also served two years in the same capacity at the St. Thomas More Newman Center at The Ohio State University. Jim has served on the Diocese of Southern Ohio Communications Committee, Liturgy Committee, 2006 General Convention Committee, in charge of the Host Church for (Continued on page 3)


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General Convention and served on two committees for renovations of historic churches, including one as chair. He has also served as a Licensed Eucharistic Minister, a Licensed Service Leader, a member of the Altar Guild, and was elected three times to the Vestry of Trinity Church. Jim continues his service at St. Mark’s by attending twice weekly bible studies, as a member of the Altar Guild, as a first lesson reader at the 9:00 am service and as a Eucharistic Minister at the 11:15 am service. He has attended the Leadership Training Classes offered by the parish. In his own words, things important to Jim are: ● The role of the parish in the city and the city in the parish. ● A life of witness through actions and attitudes. ● To glorify God in all that we do. ● Fiduciary responsibility. ● To welcome and affirm all persons as children of the Living God. ● To possess a “can do” attitude that translates into seeking, listening, hearing, and implementing. The Discernment Committee believes Jim embodies the following characteristics: ● An attentive listener with openness to considering other viewpoints ● Works toward becoming Biblically literate ● Demonstrates a mature and deep faith, with a commitment for discerning God’s will for St. Mark’s ● Possesses a wisdom coming from life experiences. ● Possesses a fiduciary attitude for the church’s finances

Tiffany Bockerstette Tiffany Bockerstette has been a member of St. Mark’s for six years. She and her husband, J.R., have three children: Josh, 7; Ben, 6; and Lily, 5. Tiffany is an accountant, and works as the Controller at Bexar County Performing Arts Center Foundation. She and J.R. were both confirmed at St. Mark’s by Bp. Lillibridge, and have been active in a wide variety of ministries. Tiffany was formerly the Parish Administrator at St. Mark’s. In that role, she provided professional support to the Finance Committee, and worked to implement effective systems and policies for a wide spectrum of the ministries of St. Mark’s. As a member of the parish, she has shown leadership on the Stewardship Committee, Lenten Lunches, the Parish Picnic, Easter Egg Hunt, Nursery Ministry, Parents’ Day Out, Children’s Chapel, and Young Adults’ Ministry. In her own words, Tiffany describes what is important to her is: ● For the church to develop programs that allow us to serve together with purpose


● To raise children in a community that radiates Christ’s love. If we teach them young they are strong leaders for the future. ● To have community-wide activities to build the parish family: music, youth and family activities ● To pay off the debt to allow future monies to be used for programming ● For us to serve God, our church family, and the community While Tiffany is passionate about the well-being of the whole parish, she feels a special draw toward involvement in Ministries with Young Adults and Outreach. The Discernment Committee believes that Tiffany embodies the following characteristics: ● Possesses a fiduciary attitude for the church’s finances ● Energetic, with a passion for St. Mark’s ● Seeks actively to grow the church

Brenda Kingery Brenda has been a member of St. Marks since 1989. She recently served on the St. Marks Discernment Committee and firmly supports the St. Mark’s Vision Statement. Brenda has also served on the Youth Summer Arts programs for 5 years, been a teacher of the Betty Ann Cody’s classes, taught a class on Angels, served with the Lenten Lunches, taken Bethel Bible Study, and served on the St. Mark’s 150 year Celebration Committee. She was a member of the Rejoice Campaign outreach committee and chairperson of the art installation at the San Antonio Dental Clinic, a Haven for Hope partner. She is the founding member of the Threads of Blessings (formally Hands of Hope) committee that is a group of women from St. Marks and other churches who do fine art tapestry work. The group travels on mission trips to Honduras, Mexico and 5 locations in Uganda to teach textile design workshops that encourage women of developing countries to use their indigenous skills to enhance their livelihood and create communities. Brenda is a professional Artist, the Vice Chairperson of the Board of the Institute of American Indian Arts and Culture (IAIA) in Santa Fe, New Mexico and a proud member of the Chickasaw Nation. The Discernment committee believes that Brenda embodies the following characteristics: ● Visionary and imaginative ● An attentive listener w/openness to considering other viewpoints ● Has a heart for doing Christ's ministry in the world ● Demonstrates a mature and deep faith, with a commitment for discerning God’s will for St. Mark’s ● Exhibits conscientiousness, diligence, and perseverance ● Possesses a wisdom coming from life experiences (Continued on page 4)

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Jennifer Merritt Thomas McGehee Thomas McGehee has been a member of St. Mark’s for 8 years. Tom and Trinka have three children Maggie, Sarah, and Thomas. Tom is a Real Estate Appraiser and received his BS degree from Trinity. Tom has been active in many St Mark’s ministries to include: Outreach Committee, Mission trip to Piedras Negras, Ministry in Daily Life committee, EFM, Men’s Bible Study at the Workshop, and a Delegate to the 2010 Diocesean Council. In his previous church, Tom was a member of the Vestry, usher, and Sunday school teacher. In his own words, Tom feels that: St. Mark’s has dedicated clergy and staff in combination with diverse and open-minded parishioners, resulting in an almost infinite opportunity for spiritual growth. This church is not reluctant to address social issues in an open-minded and Christian manner. He believes that this church has a "can do" attitude. Tom feels that his calling is in the area of outreach (accountable to others). The mission trip to Piedras Negras three years ago had a profound effect on his life and spiritual growth. He was greatly disappointed that the past two mission trips to Piedras Negras had to be canceled due to the reprehensible violence is occurring in Mexico at this time. One of the best features about this mission trip was the relatively inexpensive price that allowed a large number of parishioners to participate in this worthwhile and rewarding experience. He would like to explore the opportunities of other mission trips or possibly shorter-term mission/outreach programs in our own city or South Texas. Tom would like to see each parishioner make a commitment to increased personal and spiritual development. This could take the form of Bible study, daily devotional or prayer period, journaling, missionary trips, readings, etc. He believes that our spirituality is like a muscle that needs to be stretched and worked on a daily basis. He believes that with this work much is revealed to us. The Discernment Committee believes that Tom embodies the following characteristics: ● Has a heart for doing Christ's ministry in the world ● Works toward becoming biblically literate ● Possesses a wisdom coming from life experiences ● Demonstrates a mature and deep faith, with a commitment for discerning God’s will for St. Mark’s ● Committed to speaking the truth in the face of opposition

Jennifer is a Speech-Language Pathologist and works at Garcia Middle School in Northside ISD. She and her husband, Greg, have two children: Madeline is in 1st grade at St. George Episcopal School and Peter, aged 3, goes to the Block & Dreeben School for Young Children at the Jewish Community Center. Jennifer and Greg joined St. Mark’s in 2000 after moving to San Antonio from Houston, and have become much more active in church life after settling down with their kids. Jennifer is a member of the Altar Guild, and serves as a Lay Eucharistic Minister and Lay Reader. She was on the formation team for the Environmental Stewardship group, participates in a weekly Reflection group through the Work+Shop, and attends the Discipleship for Leadership seminars. Jennifer is grateful to have found community here, and the principles articulated in St. Mark's Vision Statement reflect her personal values. She is especially drawn to St. Mark's commitment to each of us to "grow into the full stature of Christ" through programs "that focus on the intentional exercise of our faith in daily life and work." Jennifer believes the leadership by the clergy, the presentations they provide and endorse, and the enthusiastic participation of the parish have created an environment that encourages faithful decisionmaking in all aspect of our lives. She is excited about the role that St. Mark's can play in helping its members make faithful choices in their everyday lives -- when in line at the grocery store, dealing with issues at work, navigating parenting pitfalls, or negotiating difficult family situations. The classes and conversations with clergy and fellow parishioners at St. Mark's have given Jennifer consistent opportunities to make "course corrections" in her life that keep her on a path of faithful decision-making. This kind of spiritual accountability is one of the main things that keeps Jennifer at St. Mark's. She supports programming that will continue to strengthen the social and spiritual fabric of our community, such as: ● Retreats and conversations that promote spiritual growth and biblical literacy ● Continuing and advancing the work of the Work+Shop ● Continuing outreach to local communities in need (i.e., work with the homeless/hungry, work to provide safe shelter) ● Educational programs for children & youth that help them learn to make the connection between their everyday situations/decisions and biblical teachings The Discernment Committee believes that Jennifer embodies the following characteristics: (Continued on page 5)


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Cathy Dawson

Cathy Dawson has been a member of St. Mark’s since 2004, when she and her husband, ● Energetic, with a passion for St. Mark’s Donald Hessenflow, a retired educator and ● Seeks actively to grow the church USAF Colonel, chose San Antonio as their ● Has a heart for doing Christ’s ministry in the world as retirement home. Cathy most recently served evidenced by being involved in at least one active St Mark’s as an Executive of a not-for-profit Homeless ministry Services Agency and brings a wealth of experience in non-profit and social services ● Committed to speaking the truth in the face of opposition management. She is active at St. Mark’s, ● An attentive listener w/ openness to considering other enjoying the quality of worship, the music program, and the viewpoints warmth and commitment of the congregation. ● Works towards becoming biblically literate Cathy currently serves on the Finance Committee and has ● Exhibits conscientiousness, diligence, and perseverance served previously on the Outreach Committee. She also ● Systematic thinker who can think through how systems need participates in Lenten Luncheons and served as an Assistant at Summer Camp. In her previous church experience she has sung to work with the choir, served both on the finance committee and as a trustee on the church council. She is an accomplished musician. Paul Pineda Born in Elizabeth, New Jersey, and reared in Cleveland, Ohio, Cathy graduated with a Bachelor of Science from Paul Pineda has been a member of St. Mark’s Wittenberg University and received a graduate degree from the approximately 12 years, and has been an University of Vermont. Episcopalian since 1988. Married with 4 adult Cathy believes that her experiences as an executive in nonchildren and 2 grandchildren, Paul is a nursing profits will allow her to help with the financial life of St. Mark’s facility administrator with Silver Tree Nursing and with faithful service to the needs of others. She believes and Rehabilitation Center in Schertz. Paul has been active at St. strongly in the prayerful guidance that is part of the Vestry’s Mark’s as a Lay Eucharistic Minister and Lay Reader, as a member leadership process. Ideas important to Cathy include: ● Increasing the number of pledges of the Finance Committee and as a founding member of Mesa ● Increasing awareness of the importance of knowing what Redonda in 2009. financial resources are needed in planning the church year In a previous parish Paul served as Lay Reader, Eucharistic ● Being a catalyst for encouraging others to participate in this Minister, Vestry Member and Senior Warden. important aspect of St. Mark’s ministry Since Paul is involved in Mesa Redonda, this dovetails with the vestry priority of becoming a better resource for the wider The Discernment Committee feels that Cathy embodies the community, and enriching our community life within the following characteristics: ● Possesses a fiduciary attitude for the church’s finances parish. Important to Paul are: ● Demonstrates a mature and deep faith, with a commitment ● Enhancing our visibility with our downtown neighbors for discerning God’s will for St. Mark’s ● Growing our parish by welcoming new members ● Has a heart for doing Christ’s ministry in the world ● The worship space of the parish and the liturgy offered ● Systematic thinker (thinking through how systems need to ● Sunday school offerings for adults and children work) Paul was taught by his parents that prayer is allencompassing: any thought, word and action offered to God is prayer. In his words: “My job and volunteer work at St. Mark’s are all prayer. The ministries I participate in are all part of my prayer life, and for this I am eternally grateful. The Discernment Committee feels that Paul embodies the following characteristics: ● Work toward becoming biblically literate ● Possess a fiduciary attitude for the church’s finances ● Demonstrates a mature and deep faith, with a commitment for discerning God’s will for St. Mark’s ● Systematic thinker (thinking through how systems need to work) ● Has a heart for doing Christ's ministry in the world as evidenced by being involved in at least one St. Mark's


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MUSIC NEWS Search for New Music Director Underway By David Frego, Search Committee Chair Shortly after Dr. Rieke announced his retirement, Father Mike approached nine parishioners to form a committee to select the new Director of Music for St. Mark’s. This committee represents the breadth of our wonderfully diverse congregation. The task of the committee was to reflect on the successes of our music program, solicit thoughts from the congregation and choirs on where the program might transform, and from there direct a search for the next director. Electronic advertisements were sent out in June of this year with an initial deadline of September 1. Responses have exceeded our expectations. We have received 32 applications for the position from throughout the United States as well as

Singapore, Germany, Bulgaria, and the United Kingdom. Of those 32 applicants, 20 candidates are quite acceptable. The committee is now reviewing candidates. In October, members of the committee will visit the parishes of the top six applicants. In November the top three candidates will be on-site. The goal is to have our new director installed early in 2011. If you have questions regarding the search process, please contact the chair of the committee, Dr. David Frego at david.frego@utsa.edu.

Introducing the Interim Music Team By Kristin Roach, Interim Music Director O God, whom saints and angels delight to worship in heaven: Be ever present with your servants who seek through art and music to perfect the praises offered by your people on earth; and grant to them even now glimpses of your beauty, and make them worthy at length to behold it unveiled for evermore; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. As several hundred people gathered on Sunday afternoon, August 29th, to bid Ed Rieke a Happy Retirement, your Interim Music Team took a deep breath and prayed for guidance. While there is no way we can fill Ed’s shoes, during the months ahead, we will strive to lead worship in the way all of us at St. Mark’s have come to love. Kristin Roach will serve as Interim Director of Music, conducting the Parish Choir, Youth Choir, and Boy & Girl Choirs. Kristin will also coordinate the 19th Season of Music From St. Mark’s and special events like the Christmas Pageant and the Talent Show, and serve as the on-campus representative of the music department during the work day. Joining the St. Mark’s music staff for the third time in the last 16 years, Dr. Grace Ohlenbusch studied organ with Dr. Ed Rieke and Dr. Frank Speller. She has served as organist and choirmaster for more than 30 years, including full-time positions at St. Thomas, San Antonio, and Trinity-by-theCove, Naples, FL, and has taught on the faculties of St. Edward’s University, Texas Lutheran University, University of Central Arkansas, and the University of Texas at San Antonio. Grace’s beautiful playing as Interim Organist will lead us in singing and meditation on Sundays, and accompany the choirs, weddings and funerals. She is also now responsible for producing the Sunday bulletins – no small feat!

Sandy Falkenberg brings three decades of experience teaching elementary music and children’s choir to her fabulous work with our youngest musicians in the Cherub Choir (ages 4-6). Sandy is also serving as Children’s Chorus Master during the choirs’ participation in La Boheme. Our staff singers continue to lead the Parish Choir at rehearsals and services. They are Cathy Murphy Brumlik (soprano), a music specialist at Oak Grove Elementary; Dr. Susan Olson (alto), Visiting Assistant Professor of Voice at the University of Texas at San Antonio; Christopher Viltz (tenor) and Michael Zuniga (bass), both long-time members of the San Antonio Mastersingers, and the San Antonio Chamber Choir. And finally, not a single ministry in the church survives without regular, dedicated, and passionate volunteers. Our Music Ministry is blessed by the regular weekly participation of more than 50 Adult, 15 Youth, 30 Boy & Girl, and 15 Cherub Choir volunteer singers. Our Choir Camp was recently blessed by an outstanding volunteer staff of professional music educators and church ministry representatives including Sandy Falkenberg, Grace Ohlenbusch, Penny Compton, Barbara Ward, Kathy Lawrence, Dr. Ed Rieke and Dr. David Frego. We are also thankful for those who support our volunteers – the spouses who worship alone on Sundays and the parents who chaperone rehearsals, assign robes, provide snacks at choir events, and drive kids downtown two or more times a week. We, the Interim Music Team, are honored to be called to serve St. Mark’s during this interim period and look forward to worshipping with you!


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SEPTEMBER 15, 2010

Music from Saint Mark’s, the 19th Season The 2010-2011 Concert Series Concerts begin at 4:00pm. All concerts are offered free of charge. Nursery and elementary school childcare available by reservation only (210)226-2426. Sunday, October 17, 2010 SOLEMN EVENSONG Sunday, November 14, 2010 ELIZABETH AND RAY CHENAULT, Duo-organists Sunday, December 5, 2010 SOLEMN EVENSONG Sunday, January 23, 2011 RYO YANAGITANI, Concert Pianist Gold Medal Winner of the 2009 San Antonio International Piano Competition Sunday, February 13, 2011 SOLEMN EVENSONG and HIGH TEA Sunday, March 20, 2011 Daniel Kobialka, Concert Violinist Sunday, April 17, 2011 FIESTA CONCERT: Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the birth of Franz Liszt Special Event: October 8, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. and October 10 at 3:00 p.m. The Boy and Girl and Youth Choirs of St Mark’s perform in Puccini’s La Boheme at the University of Texas at San Antonio 1604 Campus Recital Hall. Fully staged production by the UTSA Lyric Theatre and the UTSA Orchestras conducted by Kristin Roach. Sung in Italian with English supertitles. Tickets for this event are available at http://music.utsa.edu/events/ index.html .

Thank You, Thank You! Words cannot adequately begin to express how deeply grateful I am for the wonderful retirement celebration St. Mark’s gave me on August 29th. What a thrill it was to have the Boy and Girl, Youth, and Parish Choirs all singing. Organists Valerie Thompson (a former Assistant Organist), Dr. Tamara Schmiege (a dear friend now living in Colorado), Grace Ohlenbusch, Kristin Roach, and Dr. David Heller (Trinity University) all performed beautifully. And of course having Dr. Gerre Hancock there to present one of his singularly brilliant improvisations was so meaningful to me. I am deeply indebted to The Celebration Committee (Kate Crone, chair), Elspeth Blakeman, Cathy Murphy Brumlik, Sandy Falkenberg, Martha Ann Franco, Kay Mijangos, David Phipps, and Kristin Roach for planning such a marvelous event, one which I shall never forget. Ralph and Sandy Falkenberg provided the gorgeous flowers and reception decorations, very reminiscent of the English gardens we all saw and enjoyed on our recent trip to Ely. The food, expertly prepared by John and Mary McClung, Martha Ann Franco, Steve Wegner, Ann Madison, Gail Mydlow, and Judy Rux, was a veritable feast. Of course, no technical feats occur at St. Mark’s without Emmet Faulk’s expertise. My thanks, too, go to the indispensable Ruby Merrill and her sexton crew. Finally, the incredible outpouring of generosity demonstrated by your gift was amazing and humbling. I thank you all, each one. It has been an extreme privilege and honor to be your Director of Music for these past thirty years, and I will sorely miss you and the wonderful St. Mark’s staff, headed by our fine Rector, Michael Chalk. Be assured, though, that with a superb Search Committee (headed by Dr. David Frego) which has been assembled, St. Mark’s music program will continue to go from strength to strength, achieving ever greater accomplishments as it (in the words of our Book of Common Prayer) “seeks to perfect the praises” of God. With love and a grateful heart,


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What is the Purpose of the Church? Bishop Lillibridge to Speak at St. Mark’s on September 29 By The Rev. Mike Chalk Every so often in history, the church loses sight of its mission, its reason for being. Reformations are based on a renewed sense of purpose born from a serious discernment of God’s call. There has been a tendency to believe the church is intended to exist for itself. A church can be judged solely on the number of activities it presents to its members. In the July/August 2010 edition of The Church News, the newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, the lead article was entitled, Becoming A Missional Church. Bishop Lillibridge has been giving considerable attention to how the church can move outside its walls. In his article in the same issue he writes: “I think about

how much of the disciples’ following of Jesus was out in the world, outside of buildings and into people’s lives. Jesus engaged the culture in which he found himself, and He calls us to do the same.” Bishop Lillibridge has been invited to St. Mark’s, Wednesday, September 29th, beginning at 6:30 p.m. to speak on The Missional Church. There will be ample opportunity for questions and discussion. The Bishop’s focus is very much in line with the direction of St. Mark’s current mission. I sense a renewed spirit within the parish to serve the community. A paradigm shift from church activity to community transformation is an exciting but challenging movement. I hope you will make plans to hear our bishop address the purpose of the church.

Fall into Children’s Formation at St. Mark’s By Jennifer Allison, Co-Director of Children’s Education Welcome back! We are so excited that you have joined us once again on the second floor for Children’s Formation. If Rally Day and the first Sunday of Sunday School were any indication for the year, then this year promises to be the best year yet. We have great classes and activities planned for this fall. You and your kids will not want to miss all the excitement. Our 3 year olds through 5 year olds will be in the Catechesis of the Good Sheppard class. This Montessori based curriculum is a wonderful start for our littlest kids. Led by Lou Taylor, Julie Van Zandt and Andrew Goodenough, children will love learning and exploring their faith in a hands-on and age appropriate environment. Kindergarteners though third graders continue this foundation through the Godly Play curriculum.

Also Montessori based, Godly Play challenges and encourages kids to wonder in connection to Bible stories and liturgical lessons. The kids then respond to their learning and wondering in the way they best see fit. Class is ended with a feast in which kids come back together after a time of reflection and response. The kinder and first grade class is led by Elizabeth Brezeale, Tony Rogers and Katie Mc Donough. Second and third grade is led by Paula Chalk, Sara Sherwood and Matt Herschell. This year our fourth and fifth graders are using their excellent foundation in Catechesis and Godly Play to begin to delve deeper into the stories and apply them to their own lives in a brand new curriculum. This Curriculum, called Spark! Activate Faith, challenges the kids to call upon prior learning and make real world connections in a very meaningful way. All students are given a Bible to use in this class and keep when they complete the class. So far, our fourth

and fifth graders seem thrilled and up for the challenge. Gary and Pam Chambers, Francie Calgaard, Stacy Dobbs, Anne Rochelle and Emily Foster are the leaders for this class. In addition to Sunday School, there are many events planned for the fall including: an All Saints celebration, Advent wreath making, and a 2nd annual Christmas Party. Stay tuned for upcoming events. As always, we thank you for trusting us with your kids. They are truly a delight to have in class and we hope that they enjoy us as much as we enjoy them. We look forward to a fantastic fall in Children’s Ministries at St. Mark’s.


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SEPTEMBER 15, 2010

Youth Ministries Are Off to a Fresh Start By Sara Talley, Assistant Youth Director The start of the school year is always an exciting time – the fresh smell of newly sharpened pencils, the thrill of the new locker mirror with matching magnets, and the quiet that fills the household after a summer off from school. But this thrill doesn’t ONLY have to be for the five day school week, the junior high and high school Sunday School classes are geared up and ready to go! Sure, the St. Mark’s Youth Christian formation hour may not include cute magnets or Jonas Brothers spirals, (wait, weren’t the Jonas Brothers SO last year?!) but we have something prepared for junior high and high school students that is even MORE exciting than the newest Twilight movie (seriously, Edward drives a VOLVO that is so uncool!). The junior high class this year is full of moving, jumping, games, and yes, even God. The classes of 2016 and 2017 will be working together to understand, “God REALLY Loves you no Matter What!” The fall semester will explore different issues from understanding the difference between mistakes and sin, raising self-esteem, and conquering fears in social situations and life in general. This broad range of junior high appropriate topics/concerns will be tackled by knowing and understanding that God promises he will always be by our side and He really loves us more than we can imagine. The 6th and 7th grade curriculum that I wrote especially for this group will teach these life skills through various methods…including the Wii! The high school students of St. Mark’s (grades 8th through 12th) will be using the Sunday School time to reflect on the phrase, “If you really knew me, you would

know….” So often, our society tells us that we must hide our true selves from our peers because of the fear instilled in us that we won’t be accepted. This unit, based on the new movie, “To Save a Life” will really break down barriers in the life of the youth group and in the lives of the students at home and at school. It has been said that the average high school student lives their life like a glacier; floats in the ocean – 25% of their “true self” is above the water, while the remaining 75% of the glacier remains submerged. No one should feel like they need to keep 75% of themselves hidden from the world! In fact, Psalm 139 tells us “we are fearfully and wonderfully made” and we should be proud of who we are and accept other’s differences! If you or your high school students have yet to see the movie, “To Save a Life” contact Sara or Todd for a copy to rent and take home. I am SO excited to get this Sunday School year off to a great start! We have an amazing group of talented and loving instructors that will be teaching and nurturing our students this year. While our Sunday formation may not include Perry the green Platypus or broomsticks and Quidditch, our formation DOES include (but not limited to) YouTube, candy, movies, music, games, food, and even a few surprises. So parents, if you are curious about what your students are doing during Sunday School, come and peek your head in the youth room sometime, and students, get ready for a great year and perhaps even some spontaneous dancing!

John and Pat Report on The Episcopal Church of Sudan By Pat Bridwell and The Rev. Dr. John Lewis We recently returned from a wonderful visit to the Diocese of Renk (Episcopal Church of Sudan), where we were graciously hosted by Bishop Joseph Garang Atem Zorial, and spent two weeks teaching biblical Greek and English to seminarians at Renk Theological College. Our lives were deeply enriched by these new friends, as we got to know firsthand their unbounded hospitality, their steadfast faith in the face of persecution, and the many ways they shared the gospel with us in their own context. Nearly three weeks in Sudan also stretched us, as we tried to confront joyfully the many challenges associated with daily life in a very different culture. We want to share every aspect of this experience with all of our friends at The WorkShop and St. Mark’s. To that end, we have scheduled another gathering at St. Mark’s in Tom Gish Hall to show our photographs, talk about our trip, and reflect on the many future opportunities for mission and ministry in the Sudan. We will gather again on Wednesday evening, September 22, from 6:30 to 8:00pm in Tom Gish Hall to continue and expand the presentation we made earlier during adult formation class on August 29th. Childcare will be available. We would love to see you!


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NEWS FROM THE NURSERY Safeguarding God’s Children: The Diocesan Program for Recognizing and Preventing Child Sexual Abuse By Heather Herschell, Co-Director of Children’s Education announcements in the Sunday bulletins, announcements, If you have recently had children, some changes and e-news for additional information. probably occurred when your babies first came into your As a spiritual community we are very fortunate that The home. You may have installed cabinet locks, shielded Episcopal Diocese of West Texas has taken such a proactive electrical outlets with plastic covers, secured furniture to stance on the prevention of child sexual the wall, and removed small items that abuse. We hope you will participate in our looked like they might pose the slightest efforts toward Safeguarding God’s Children choking hazard. In my own house we to the extent that you feel capable. If you quickly sacrificed aesthetics in favor of have any questions or concerns you should foam corner covers as soon as our first feel free to approach clergy or members of child took her first steps. the Christian formation team with your As parents we work really hard to keep feedback. children safe. But this work must involve more than simply taking steps to prevent Printed Resources for Parents household accidents and injuries. It is also However unfortunate and our responsibility to safeguard children unthinkable it may be, threats to children’s from psychological and emotional harmphysical and emotional safety often occur particularly in the form of sexual abuse. early in their lives. It is not too early to talk This issue is painfully prevalent. Statistics to your young children about this topic in reported in a study by Russell and Bolen developmentally appropriate ways. Even (2000) that suggest 1 in 8 males, and 1 in 4 females will experience sexual abuse that Selected by Parent Council, LTD. infants can begin to develop an early understanding of bodily awareness and involves “contact” offenses by the time ownership. Select words that your family they reach adulthood. In most cases, abuse will use to identify all their body parts, especially the was not a result of “stranger danger”, but rather was perpetrated by someone already known to the child private ones, and begin to unashamedly use these terms (Russell, 1984). Still, the issue of child from the earliest time that you are diapering sexual abuse is so unimaginable that you and bathing them. may be thinking it should also be For preschoolers and older unmentionable in a church newsletter. But children, there are several books available experts and resources on this emotionally for parents and children to share. All of charged topic suggest that taking actionthem stress the importance of talking with especially in the form of talking openly children about their bodies and equipping about warning signs and the ways to them with words to use when they talk respond to them- are the most effective about their bodies. They also emphasize tools we can use to prevent such a tragedy teaching children how to assertively say “No” to any kind of unwanted physical from ever occurring in our community. In this spirit we will offer upcoming contact. Young people must know that Christian formation experiences in the telling someone about unwanted contact is month of October that focus on the not only ok, but that it is a very important diocesan training and standards that thing to do. constitute the Safeguarding God’s Children The books that I found fell into two program. It is our goal to offer every broad categories. In the first category there Go to www.darkness2light.org were books that focused on prevention by member of this parish information that will help them understand the policies and for more resources about Child talking primarily about bodies and that there Abuse. procedures we have in place to keep our are private parts of bodies. They all gave children’s ministries particularly safe and secure. Through examples of how children could identify and talk about education and empowerment you can help ensure that touches that were welcome or unwelcome. All of these your family and your church are a safe haven where seemed to me to be appropriate for preschool- and schoolchildren and youth experience God’s love and protection (Continued on page 11) from such unthinkable harm. Please look for further


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SEPTEMBER 15, 2010 (Continued from page 10)

aged children- however, the list starts with those most appropriate for younger children and goes up from there. These titles included: Your Body Belongs to You by Cornelia Spelman (I started reading and talking about this one with my daughter at about 18 months.) It’s My Body by Lory Freeman (This title also had a separate but related “Parent’s Guide”.) Because It’s My Body! By Joanne Sherman The Right Touch by Sandy Kleven I also identified but was unable to review these titles: Some Parts Are Not For Sharing by Julie K. Federico Those are MY Private Parts by Diane Hansen

I Said No! A kid-to-kid guide to keeping your private parts private by Kimberly King and Sue Rama My Body is Private by Linda Walvoord Girard and Rodney Pate

In the second category were storybooks about children who told a trusted adult about an experience that had already happened. Books in this category may be more uncomfortable to read, but would give children a concrete example of how to tell someone about an event, and would reassure them that their parents would want to know what they had to say. I would only read these books with older children, or unless I suspected something had already happened with a younger child. In either case, I would be sure to preview the book before sharing it with a child of any age. Only you can be the judge of whether or not this approach would be the right fit for your family. These titles are also listed in ascending order of ageappropriateness. They included:

Not in Room 204 by Shannon Riggs It’s Not Your Fault by Judith A. Jance Laurie Tells by Linda Lowery (This was clearly targeted toward

older children and juvenile readers). Whether or not you choose to read these or other related books with your children, they would be worthwhile resources for you to consult as you think about how your family wants to address the issue of resisting unwanted physical encounters of all kinds. Setting the groundwork in early childhood will only help empower younger children to deal with adults in the terrible event that they are exposed to someone potentially threatening. It will also strengthen their ability to set physical boundaries in relationships with their peers as they grow. Most of these printed resources were available in local public libraries, or through online booksellers. You can also inquire in the St. Mark’s bookstore for information about purchasing or ordering books on this topic. If you have any other questions or concerns related to talking to your children about sexual abuse please seek out the clergy or formation staff at St. Marks. We will do everything in our power to help you seek and discover whatever resources you need to help you deal with this most important spiritual and developmental issue, while maintaining the utmost respect for your privacy and confidentiality.

New Connections at St. Mark’s Welcomes Everyone by Emmet Faulk, Community Formation Minister

Date: Time: Who:

Thursday, September 23, 2010 5:30pm Dinner (Gosnell Hall) 6:30-8:00pm Meeting (Dean Richardson Room) Anyone is welcome, particularly those new to St. Mark’s considering whether to become part of the community.

On Thursday, September 23rd, St. Mark’s will host New Connections @ St. Mark’s which is designed especially for those who are new to St. Mark’s and for those who are still considering whether to become part of the community. The evening will begin at 5:30pm with dinner in Gosnell Hall and then move to the Youth Suite (on the 3rd floor) for an opportunity for us to engage in an informal Q&A session. The evening is scheduled to end no later than 8pm. This is also a time to get to know others who are new to the St. Mark’s. We will discuss some of the programs that make St. Mark’s a leader in the Christian Community and how you may participate. This is a wonderful opportunity to see how St. Mark’s can assist you on your spiritual journey and to learn how your spiritual gifts may enhance this parish. To sign up for New Connections @ St. Mark’s, please contact Emmet Faulk at (210) 226-2426 or by e-mail at efaulkjr@stmarkssa.org. WWW.STMARKS-SA.ORG

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NEWS The Spirit of Hallows Day Comes to St. Mark’s By Paul Pineda, Mesa Redonda

“…St. Mark’s is a prophetic voice, strengthening the social fabric of our community. We are leaders in downtown life, demonstrating Christ’s way for the well-being of the city. We continue our heritage of serving as a spiritual and aesthetic resource. We offer a place for all people to pray, find solace, and experience God’s Kingdom.” (from St. Mark’s Church Vision Statement)

picado (Mexican folk art of paper being cut into

elaborate designs). Food and drink are also staples on the altar. Many people burn incense and play music at the altar site. We invite you to participate with us in this lovely celebration of the lives of our friends and family members who have died in the past year. This tradition comes down to us over the centuries through the Mexican and Hispanic culture. The Spanish Conquistadores viewed death as the end of life, while the pre-Spaniard indigenous peoples of In living into our understanding of the Mexico viewed it as the continuation of life. gospel, on Thursday evening, October 28, Instead of fearing death, they embraced it. To starting at 5:30p.m., St. Mark’s will join the City them, life was a dream and only in death did they of San Antonio in its Celebration de Dia de los become truly awake. When the Spaniards could Muertos, or All Hallows Day, in the spirit of the Day of the Dead not undo this ritual, they moved it to coincide local culture. Members of St. Mark’s are invited ofrenda (offering) with the Catholic feasts of All Souls and All Saints to participate in two ways. They can decorate days. This year St. Mark’s will experience this their family columbarium or set up a table with an altar in centuries-old tradition of the church and our Hispanic Gosnell Hall. This can be done either individually, as a family or, if you do not have a columbarium, invite friends to heritage. We look forward to having you join us. join you in setting up an altar. We will decorate the columbaria and the altars with flowers, pictures of loved ones who have died, colored paper streamers, and papel

Earth, Our Home: Biblical Witness in the Hebrew Scriptures by Sarah Ann Sharkey, O.P. Book Review by Paula Butt n the Final Reflections part of her "little book" as the author refers to her book, Sister Sarah says" I have tried to open up some of those biblical insights that are helping me and Sarah Ann Sharkey others to see the interconnectedness of all creation. .....I can say that what stirs my soul is that our God is a God who is bringing forth a good and holy creation and loves it all beyond our imagining. Earlier in the book she states, "We are called upon to engage in a radical shift in the way we see ourselves in relationship with the rest of creation. We are all in

this together." This book is a timely, well- written personal reflection that gives a strong biblical foundation to some of our current environmental questions. She states quite strongly that she wants to do what she can in her corner of creation to re-establish biblical justice. This inspiring and practical book is a wonderful way to consider how to help heal the earth. Paula Butt is responsible along with help from others for the restoration of the grounds at the Diocesan Center (The Bishop Jones Center) and a member of St. Mark's Episcopal Church. If you haven't been by to see the lovely grounds at 111 Torcido Drive, you should do yourself a favor and visit this beautiful area.

In the spirit expressed by Sr. Sharkey, Helen Ballew, director of the Headwaters Coalition, and Paula invite anyone, any age, any ability to sign up with one of us for a future work day in cleaning, planting and restoring the Olmos Basin. To volunteer please contact: Paula Butt at PTButt@aol.com or Helen Ballew at Helen.Ballew@amormous.org. And don't forget to sign up for the "Holy Ground Retreat" on October 2. To Register: www.stmarks-sa.org/ holygroundreg.kt. This book is available at the St. Mark's Bookstore along with The Rev. Sally Bingham's recommendations for adults and children.


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SEPTEMBER 15, 2010

“Confirmation is the Sacrament of Connection” Youth Confirmation Classes for 7th Grade this January Confirmation Classes for youth in the 7th Grade or older will begin this coming January. The Youth Ministry leadership team, in conversation with the clergy, have determined that beginning this year youth confirmation will be offered for 7th graders in the spring, with confirmation the next fall in the 8th grade. This allows us an opportunity to deepen the confirmation experience and provide the youth with a better understanding of confirmation and an opportunity to make a more mature decision to be confirmed at St. Mark's. There will be a gathering of 7th grade (or older) students and parents in November to present the class outline, recruit parent leaders, and to discuss any questions. Until then, if you have any questions or would like more information on the class please contact Todd Allison (tallison@stmark-sa.org) or (210) 226-2426.

Confirmation Class for Adults at St. Mark’s Classes preparing adults for the Sacrament of Confirmation will be held on Wednesday Nights, October 13 through November 3rd. We will share a meal together beginning at 5:00, and class will be held from 5:30 until 7:00. Confirmation is the Sacrament of connection to the Episcopal Church and is the sign of our commitment to the life and ministry of this branch of the Christian family tree. During this class we will take time to consider the following: ● our identity as Christians, ● the particular traditions and theology of the Episcopal Church, ● the spiritual life to which we are invited, ● our calling to serve and minister in this community. Classes will be based on reading materials, Bible study and on class discussion. We would love to have as many people as possible, and we would like to make plans regarding the class size, so please call or email Emmet Faulk (efaulkjr@stmarkssa.org) at the church office at 210-226-2426 if you plan on attending.

SAVE THE DATE: Adult Formation on September 26 at 10:00am in Tom Gish Hall featuring guest speaker Bob Wells Bob’s pilgrimage is about “faith seeking understanding” and “a life seeking union with God.” He served as a Baptist minister 18 years before becoming an Episcopal priest. He shares his memories, dreams and reflections growing out of many retreats and his love of the Benedictine way of life. This pilgrim tells of his son’s suicide, his divorce and re-marriage, and his embracing with openness the challenges of parenthood, with his own gift of ADHD. On the way he begins a 24-hour telephone helpline, and discovers, studies, and builds a labyrinth. He integrates psychology and spirituality, and explores the role of spirituality in the practice of healthcare. With ten years of psychotherapy and exploring many avenues of prayer, he finds listening to be the core of his life. We look forward to seeing you there!

YOUTH MINISTRIES: Upcoming Events (Fall 2010) > Inaugural Chili Cook-Off and Auction Wednesday, September 15th 6pm to 8pm in Gosnell Hall. > Jr. High Lock-In Friday, October 29th. Details to follow. > Christmas Greenery Fundraiser Greenery order forms will be available in the youth suite, online or from any youth. Orders will be taken through Nov. 17th and available for pickup December 11th. > Happening #117 (November 19-21) Anyone, 10th-12th grade, wanting more information should contact Todd or Sara.


> 6th Annual Christmas to the Streets Lock-In & Community BBQ Youth Lock-In Friday, December 17th starting at 8pm. More details to follow. Community BBQ, Saturday, December 18th from 11:30 to 1:30 (or when we run out). Your contributions are appreciated! Please send them to: Ruby’s Kitchen Memo: Christmas to the Streets 2010

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News of the Family

OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS Oct 1st Augie Clements, Rob Gish, Katryn Lewis, Joan Lewis, Frates Seeligson, Susan Rodriguez Sheldon, Caroline Vassar Oct 2nd Marjorie Montag, David Phipps, Bob Sohn, Shawn Tanner Oct 3rd Jaselyn Blanchard, Thelma Duffey Oct 4th Calyx Edmondson, Christopher Medley, Michael Minister, Lee Rux, Joseph Schmieler, Sharon Speer, Paige Sugg, Bill Wassberg Oct 5th Maidee Liebmann, Mike Vivroux Oct 6th Wayne Beers, Tyler Cobb, Chuck Cothren, Frannie Douglas, Leslie Duncan Oct 7th Greg Merritt, Molly Moody Oct 8th Richard Donegan, Howard Rainey, Beau Wilson Oct 9th Martha Ann Franco, Connie Marmon, Martha Newsom, Christopher Rodriguez, JulieAnne Wisloff Oct 10th Norma Baird, Francie Calgaard, John Evans, Anne Rochelle Oct 11th Chris Adkins, Ginny Check, Margaret Gunn, Matt Herschell, Katherine Smelko Oct 12th Alec Crutchfield, Suzanne Goodenough, Patrice Oliver, Jacqueline Smith Oct 13th John Colglazier, Lindsey Lundell Oct 14th Nancy Cobb, Miles Donnelly, Marion Hall, Talia Howard, Ana Lopez, Rick Roland, Marcy Snyder Oct 15th Ann Barber, Mike Diel, Stacy Underwood Oct 16th Caden Baumgartner, Joseph K. Brown, Reagan Houston, Hamlet Newsom Oct 17th Blake Cavender, Charles Field, Tom Fine, Beverly Krause,

Maggie McGehee, Barbara Striekert Oct 18th Janet Howard, Agatha Wade, Patrick Wickham Oct 19th Jamie Bloodsworth, Rachel Dillon, Barbara Holder, Dan Kelly, Darcie Payne, Ruth Margaret Peyton, Larry Walker, Ricks Wilson,Patti Young Oct 20th Argyle Amberson, Joan Gaither, Guizelle Lehman Oct 21st Johnny Aldrich, Kyle Bauernfeind, Kaleb Ham Oct 22nd Olivia Briley, Pat Egmon, Andrew Goodenough, Heather Hardeman, Eileen McCleary, Janis O'Connor, Elizabeth Reblin Oct 23rd Laura Briley, Mark Cavender, Jeanette Ross Oct 24th Courtney Beauchamp, Melissa Morgan, Oct 25th Trinka McGehee Oct 26th Robert Bruni, Tom Duesing, Sarah Joe LeMessurier Oct 27th Ron Guerra, John Hauser, Tom Kingery, Jessica Miller Octo 28th Bill Alig, Flin Cooper, Andrew Dahm, Katharine McMillan, Grant Piland, Betty Russell Oct 29th Josephine Cothren, Felix B. Gonzales, Walter Goodwin, Christopher Haff, Aaron Hawkins, Patricia Myers Oct 30th Joseph Perretta, Clytie Phelps, Court Snyder, Ryan Tanner Oct 31st Macon Cothren, Todd Minister


Lucille Laurence by Associated Builders & Contractors, Inc. ALTAR GUILD Don Baca by Dorothy Stock Jo Colvin by Ellen & Rex Martin WILLARD SIMPSON FUND Don Baca by Ellen & Rex Martin REJOICE

Don Baca by Gilbert & Joy Faye Adam, Pat & Dick Budlong, Ginny & Guy Halter, Barbara Heckmann, Nancy Hill, William & Beverly Lewis, Maidie Liebmann, Philip & Gwen Matthews, Bill & Camilla Parker, Susan Avery Riordan, Judy & Lee Rux, Nancy H. Sherwin, J. Marvin Smith III, M.D., Elsie Steg, Gloria Williams Jo Colvin by LaRue B. Acosta, Tom Fine, Ginny & Guy Halter, Judy & Lee Rux, Elsie Steg

A very special happy birthday to: Joseph Schmieler on his 97th (Oct. 4) Connie Marmon on her 92nd (Oct. 9) In Compassion of: Elmer Dolch, July 17 Josephine (Jo) Colvin, August 9 Frank Donald (Don) Baca, August 10 Shelley LeMessurier, July 17

(Continued on page 15)


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SEPTEMBER 15, 2010 (Continued from page 14)

Don Baca by Ed Bardgett, Betty M. Cavender, Ginny & Mike Check, Paul Parker, Mollie & Bartell Zachry William B. Cavender by Margaret Boldrick Jo Colvin by Ginny & Mike Check Josephine Tucker Robertson by Mollie & Bartell Zachry ST. CECELIA GUILD Don Baca by Ann T. Coiner, Ann & Ed Keetch, Patti W. Young ENID BELDING MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Jo Colvin by Beth Forsen STREET MEMORIAL FUND Don Baca by Joe Street TUCKER COURTYARD Don Baca by Anne & Bob Tucker

OCTOBER CALENDAR St. Mark’s now posts all events on our interactive calendar at www.stmarks-sa.org. We maintain our web calendar as the primary church calendar. The interactivity features are very helpful. Please visit www.stmarks-sa.org for the most current information.


Tuesday 10:00am Gifted Years Class 10:00am DOK PrayErs Wednesday 9:30am Parents' Day Out 10:00am Eucharist & Study at Bishop Jones Center 10:00am Threads of Blessing at Bishop Jones Center 12:10pm Eucharist 4:30pm Cherub Choir 5:00pm Lion's Den 5:00pm Cafe Kairos 5:30pm Youth Group Meeting 5:30pm Women's Bible Study 7:00pm Youth Choir Thursday 10:30am Timeout Bible Study 12:15pm Work+Shop Groups for Faith in Daily Life 5:00pm Cafe Kairos 5:30pm MESA REDONDA 6:30pm Parish Choir Rehearsal Friday 9:30am Parents' Day Out Sunday 7:45am Eucharist 8:00am Breakfast 8:30am Bookstore Open 9:00am Eucharist 10:10am Christian Formation 11:11am "Come As You Are" Eucharist 11:15am Eucharist


Special Gifts A gift to Bible Study Fellowship in memory of Don Baca by Col. & Mrs. George Hall, Jr. A gift to Rejoice in thanksgiving for the baptism of John Thomas Saunders IV on August 22nd by Betty M. Cavender A gift to Christian Assistance Ministries in memory of Josephine Colvin by the Truksa families: John & Goree; Scott, Amy, Tyler & Christopher; Marc & Michelle A gift to Christian Assistance Ministries in memory of Josephine Truksa Colvin by Charlie & Corrine Truksa & children, Kjersti Twedt & Kirsten Kammerzell Any questions about memorials call Pat at the church, 2262426


Saturday, October 2 7:30am Holy Ground- Fall Environmental Stewardship Retreat Sunday, October 3 Environmental Stewardship Group Booth 4:00pm Blessing of the Animals Tuesday, October 5 5:00pm SAMM Team Meeting Wednesday, October 6 La Boheme 5:30pm Environmental Stewardship Group Meeting Thursday, October 7 5:30pm MESA REDONDA Friday, October 8 Work+Shop Retreat La Boheme October 11 Columbus Day Tuesday, October 12 5:30pm Finance Committee Thursday, October 14 9:30am Daughters of the King Meeting 5:30pm MESA REDONDA Saturday, October 16 1:30pm Evensong Rehearsal Sunday, October 17 Pledge Sunday & Parish Meeting 4:00pm Solemn Evensong Monday, October 18 10:00am Parish Aid & St. Nicholas Tuesday, October 19 5:30pm Vestry Wednesday, October 20 5:30pm MESA REDONDA 6:30pm Formation Class on Immigration Friday, October 29 8:00pm Youth Halloween Lock-In Saturday, October 30 12:00pm Youth Halloween Lock-In Sunday, October 31 Halloween

The Messenger (USPS 514-020) Published Monthly (3rd Wednesday) ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226-2426 Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Rector: The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Editor: Melanie Lizcano Layout & Graphic Design: Melanie Lizcano e-mail articles to mlizcano@stmarks-sa.org

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