St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
Your Vestry at Work by The Rev. Mike Chalk
INSIDE THIS ISSUE Outreach News Music from St. Mark’s Youth News
n my sabbatical I had the opportunity to study with Peter Steinke, an internationally respected authority on congregational development. He highly recommended a monograph by Jim Collins, entitled Good to Great and the Social Sectors. Some of you may be familiar with Collins’ larger body of work with corporations, helping them to define and refine their mission to make the move from being a good organization to a great one. This shorter work relates some of Collins’ concepts to the work of non-profits and churches. On Saturday, September 18th, your Vestry and clergy met to begin Collins’ process for identifying the core vocation of St. Mark’s—recognizing and naming the things we are most passionate about, and do excellently. While our mission and vision statements have effectively guided our decision-making process for years, this work was intended to energize and sharpen our sense of our vocation as Christ’s body in San Antonio. Your Vestry worked hard and with considerable enthusiasm as we focused especially upon what draws younger people into the church. What are their passions and needs that overlap with our core vocations?
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, Texas 78205 (210) 226-2426
One passion of many people concerns the future of our children and grandchildren. Many of us hope that the church, with God’s help, will create a better future for them. We want our children to be able to live well in a world made up of all kinds of people.
We want our church to be a means of justice, and to address the well-being of the planet. Adults want to learn to be models of spiritual growth for children, so that they will have a sense of what an authentic spiritual journey looks like. Many younger adults also have a passion for finding meaning in a world that often seems chaotic and void of meaning. In this context, the church can become a place that addresses the human search for meaning with wisdom, faithfulness and a sense of our rich history. An aspect of this search includes connecting what is larger than the self: to experience the transcendent God. This human quest is the way in which people develop over time, the quality that younger adults call “authenticity.” As our conversation unfolded, we recognized a related passion: to be a part of a community of support. Many younger adults are looking for a community that shares their values, a community that helps raise children well, and a community that is actively present during times of doubt and uncertainty. Finally, we realized that another passion cuts across all of our age-groups: a commitment to excellence in everything we do as a parish. We invite your responses to the work your Vestry has done so far. Our hope is that, through this conversation with you, God will empower us to realize the vision that is God’s own for us.
Parish Clergy The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Rector The Rev. Jonathan Wickham Assistant Rector Assis ng Clergy The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Co-director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Dr. Jane PaƩerson Co-director, The Work+Shop Making a Gi of Their Service The Rev. Mary Earle AssisƟng Priest Staff Jennifer Allison Children’s Ministries Co-Director Todd Allison Youth Director Priscilla Briones AccounƟng Janet Carrizales Nursery Coordinator Bill Edwards Parish Administrator Elaine Enloe Clergy ExecuƟve Administrator Database Manager Sandy Falkenberg Cherub Choir Conductor Emmet Faulk Community FormaƟon Director CAYA Worship Coordinator Heather Herschell Children’s Ministries Co-Director Melanie Lizcano CommunicaƟons Director Ruby Merrill Facility Manager Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Grace Ohlenbusch Interim Organist KrisƟn Roach Interim Director of Music Sara Talley Asst. Director Youth Ministries
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 East Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205
Les Petits Chanteurs - Haitian Men and Boys Choir Coming to St. Mark’s The earthquake changed the center of their world. Their Holy Trinity Cathedral and thousand-student music school in Port au Prince collapsed into rubble. Scores of lives were lost all around the church complex. The philharmonic orchestra’s instruments were crushed. Choristers in the elite men and boys choir, Les Petits Chanteurs, lost their homes. They sleep in makeshift tent cities now. Miraculously, less than a year after the earthquake, Les Petits Chanteurs has regrouped — and they will perform in San Antonio in November. The 30-voice choir, accompanied by a string ensemble from the Holy Trinity Philharmonic Orchestra, will be singing for the biennial gathering of the National Association of Episcopal Schools in San Antonio. They have agreed to be in concert at St. Mark’s on Friday, November 19th at 6:30pm, and they will sing for the Sunday morning liturgies at St. Mark’s on Sunday the 21st. The focus of the tour is to raise awareness in the United States about the rich musical traditions in Haiti and the importance of rebuilding Holy Trinity Music
Community Outreach
The Messenger is published monthly and is available in magazine format online at
School, a keystone in Haiti’s cultural life. Les Petits Chanteurs is a select group of performers ranging in age from 8 to 18. Over the years, representative groups from Holy Trinity Music School have performed at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., Lincoln Center in New York City, Tanglewood with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, with the Chicago Children's Choir, and at more than 90 churches across the United States. The school is the only music school of its kind in Haiti and depends upon charitable support to sustain its mission to all the people of Haiti. Its buildings are rubble now, as is the surrounding Holy Trinity Cathedral complex, but the choir and orchestra are rising again! It is our hope to fill St. Mark’s at the concert on November 19th with supporters and community friends. Admission is free, but tickets are required and are available at St. Mark’s. A free will offering will be taken at intermission. We will help Haiti stand and sing.
Haven for Hope Partners Haven for Hope is the largest, most comprehensive transformation campus for homeless people in the country. The San Antonio community is so blessed to have it! But Haven couldn’t do it alone – they depend on 79 partners to provide most of the services. Several of those partners need our help more than ever, as they have taken on more responsibilities than they had in the past. This includes SAMMinistries, the San Antonio Food Bank, St. Vincent DePaul Society, San Antonio Christian Dental Clinic and others. To learn more about the Haven for Hope partners, go to or contact Patsy Jordt at or 493-0446.
OCTOBER 20, 2010
What's Cooking at Haven for Hope? by John McClung and Pat Bridwell, Co-chairs, Kitchen Corps
t. Mark's currently has five cold food service teams working monthly with St. Vincent de Paul preparing lunch or dinner at Haven for Hope. Prospects Courtyard, where cold meals are served, is almost to capacity many days, so the average number of meals being prepared for a single lunch or dinner is often in excess of 250. With the summer experience under our belts, we are becoming very efficient in making, packing and serving meals, under the watchful eye of the capable staff of St. Vincent de Paul and volunteer campus members who assist in the kitchens as part of their personal development in the Haven for Hope campus program.
how we feel and the many blessings experienced and expressed by those working. There is a wonderful sense of community among our individual crews and a sense that we are participating in something much bigger than ourselves, our church or our community. It's a privilege to witness God's hand touching individuals whose lives are being transformed. Come and see for yourself! If you're interested in learning more about serving at Haven for Hope with us, please contact Pat Bridwell at or 930-7199. There's always more room in this kitchen - and you don't even need to know how to cook! Stay tuned for our future website updates.
Whether hot or cold meals, what we "do" doesn't begin to describe
The Kitchen Corps team take a second to smile for the camera.
Pat Donegan, Lucy Wilson, Dina Rodriguez looking fabulous in the latest cafeteria attire. The Rev. Mike Chalk never misses a spot. Photos courtesy of Lauren Cothren and Pat Bridwell
We also currently have four separate hot food service teams serving dinner or lunch monthly under the coordination of the San Antonio Food Bank and are planning to add another Sunday dinner team in November. Again, with practice, we're getting very good at serving up about 500 meals each time (in 45 minutes no less) depending on the number of serving lines working! We perform, alongside campus members and Food Bank culinary students, whatever other services the six outstanding Food Bank chefs request assistance with - which can range from sanitizing the kitchen workspace to chopping and prepping for other meals.
Music from St. Mark’s Upcoming Concerts
All concerts are offered free of charge. Nursery and elementary school childcare available by reservation only. Please contact Janet Carrizales or Heather Herschell at (210)226-2426 to make a reservation. Visit for a complete listing of upcoming concerts.
THE CHENAULTS, Organ Duo Sunday, November 14, 2010 at 4:00pm
LA BOHEME Congratulations to the 25 choir members who participated in La Boheme! We are so proud of your hard work and the way you represented St. Mark’s. Thank you also to Sandy Falkenberg, children’s chorus master, and to all of the parents who helped us behind the scenes.
ADVENT SOLEMN EVENSONG with The Parish Choir Sunday, December 5, 2010 at 4:00pm
ROLL OUT THE RED CARPET! Congratulations to Kristin Roach, and eleven other members of Camerata San Antonio. Their 2009 CD of music by Uruguayan composer Miguel del Aguila, Salon Buenos Aires, has been nominated for two Latin Grammy® awards: Best Classical Album and Best Classical Contemporary Composition! For more information, or to purchase a copy of this CD, please visit The 2010 Latin Grammys will air on Univision global television network on November 11th.
OCTOBER 20, 2010
Save the Date Encountering the Desert Mothers and Fathers:
A Biblical and Historical Study Tour In May 2013, The WorkShop (The Rev. Drs. Jane Patterson and John Lewis) is planning a biblical and historical tour of Egypt in collaboration with The American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) and their Director of Development, St. Mark’s parishioner Dina Aboul-Saad. This promises to be a once-in-alifetime opportunity to visit some of the earliest Christian monasteries in the deserts of Egypt (which have recently been restored), ascend holy Mt. Sinai, spend several days exploring the phenomenal sites and antiquities in Luxor (ancient Thebes), including the Valley of the Kings, and to visit the spectacular museums and pyramids of Cairo. More details will be forthcoming. If you are interested in placing your name on a list to receive more information, please contact Katherine Buzzini at The WorkShop (210599-4224 or
Annual Bishop’s Visit at St. Mark’s The Right Reverend Gary Lillibridge, Bishop of the Diocese of West Texas, will preach, celebrate and confirm during his annual visit to St. Mark’s on Sunday, November 7th. It will be a day of celebration of the life and ministry of this church and our diocese. Confirmation will be during the 11:15 service that morning.
Let’s Give Thanks! St. Mark’s Thanksgiving Dinner on Tuesday, November 23 - 6:00pm As God’s people, we are at our best when we live in the midst of profound thanksgiving. When we cultivate a thankful life we begin to see with new eyes that God’s grace is showing up everywhere. Come together for a Thanksgiving meal as we give thanks to God for all the many blessings in our homes, our community, our church and our world. Cost for the meal is $8 for adults, $5 for children, and $25 for families of four or more. Turkey, sides and drinks are included. We ask that you bring a salad or a dessert to pass, and your stories of thanksgiving. Please call the church office (2262426) to let us know that you are coming and what side item you plan to bring.
Youth News Inaugural Chili Cook-Off a Huge Success!!! by Sara Talley and Todd Allison, Youth Directors
the winner of the boys vs. girls chili cook off competition, the anticipation in the room grew intense. With a difference of only twenty dollars, the boys shocked the crowd by taking the competition with a total of $186 to the girl’s total of $166.
n Wednesday September 15, Gosnell Hall was transformed into a good old fashioned chili cook off complete with red and white table cloths, live entertainment, and a friendly competition between the boys and the girls of the St. Mark’s youth group In all, the night competing for was a huge the title of the The youth provide entertainment during the Chili Cook-Off. success for the St. best pot of chili. The boys Mark’s Youth team was led by chili Ministry program. Over $1000 was raised in silent master Craig Stokes and the girls team was led by auction totals, chili revenue, and donations towards “seasoned” chili veterans Shannon Stephens and the live entertainment led by Trevor Stokes, Mattie Elizabeth Breazeale. Goodwin, Sam Clements, and Natalie Ribble. The generous funds raised will go toward outreach The event got underway with live entertainment, a opportunities in our surrounding community, wide variety of silent auction items to peruse, and whispering chatter between chili consumers on what scholarships for various retreats and educational opportunities for youth group members, along with team would win the coveted title of best pot of chili. the potential to grow the St. Mark’s Youth Ministry Close to the end of the first hour, the competition program to bring more young people to the love of came to a boil. The girls were the first to scrape their Christ and this congregation. pot clean and serve all of their chili which left them with the confidence to ensure the win. While the Todd and Sara want to sincerely thank everyone girls basked in their confidence, the boys continued involved in this special event, especially Helen to serve bowl after bowl of their recipe and the Ballew and David Ribble, Elizabeth Breazeale, Mike money kept piling up in their bucket. & Ginny Check, Ruby Merrill, Patrice Oliver, Shannon Stephens, Craig and Laura Stokes. We look In the end when both chili pots were cleaned out, forward to expanding this FUNdraising occasion in the final live song was sung, and the silent auction the years to come! had ended, the dollars were added up for each team. As Todd approached the microphone to announce
OCTOBER 20, 2010
Christmas Greenery & Poinsettias can be ordered now through November 10th. Order deadline is to ensure delivery before Christmas. Order forms are available from a youth member or in the youth suite on the 3rd floor. All proceeds from this year’s greenery sales will go towards the 6th Annual Christmas to the Street BBQ.
News of the Family
Questions about birthdays or events on the calendar? Contact Elaine Enloe at 210-226-2426 or via email at November 1st Tom Dobbs, Ethan Hanes, Mary Jane Houston, Park Lawrence November 2nd Hutch Bryan, Robert De Luna, Hugh Fitzsimons, Larry Vasquez November 3rd John Beauchamp, Robin Rae Bernhard, Herb Collier, Harrison Cotton, Terry Denton, Ethan Faunce, Carolyn Klebaum, Alexa Smith, James Zimmerhanzel, Linda Zimmerhanzel November 4th Matthew Carpenter, Ella Gunn, Nancy Russell November 5th Kathy Kelly, Harriet Martin, Patsy Steves, Eva Sullivan, Amelie Sullivan, Jessica Ungermann November 6th Peggy Baetz, Carol Fallon, Marji Gray, Cuatro Smith, Gloria Steves Dilley November 7th Angie Ellis, Cassie Gainey, Kim Judd, Brenda Kingery, Con Mims, Lucia Redmond, Sandra Woodall November 8th Lisa Evans, Randy Fleisher, Megan McPheron November 9th Marie Leinweber, Michael Lowry November 10th Lorrie Uhl November 11th Robert Baker, Neel Lane, Scott Mettauer November 12th Jack Hebdon, Carol Hebdon, Hamlet Newsom, Rosalinda Vasquez November 13th Theresa Casiano, David Morgan, Vivian Tracy November 14th Emily Beauchamp, Julie Bender, Julie Carnahan, Sandra Dreyer, Laura Johnson, Jelane Lodek, Jingle Robinson, Scott Uhl, Bebe Waller November 15th Blaise Bender, Jack Ingram November 16th Fiona Hall, Nancy Jones, Carol 'C.C.' Muir, Jill Smith, Alex Sugg November 17th Graham Matthews, Noah Stanton November 18th Nelson Allen, Aston Down, Jennifer Ham, Gail Harwood, Elise Rubiola, Richard Tisdale, Francesca Torres, Mary Frances West, Lyndon Woodall November 19th
Anne S. Church, Leena Holmstrom, Johanna Sharp, Jesse Wilber November 20th Mark Arnold, Jeff Breazeale, Jeane Crowson, Abigail Kirby, Lara Luce, Jim Redmond, Roberta Rife, Mallory Rigney, Ross L. Shipman November 21st Todd Allison, Annabelle McGee, Alice Haney, Diana Huntress, Linda Jones, Tracy Kirby, Olivia Ribble, Jacob Schenk November 23rd Fela Aguilar, Courtney Bonner, Liz Chiego, Adele Edmunds November 24th Carol Bousquet November 25th Joe Dongieux, Jordan Enloe, Anne Goodwin, Melissa Oatman, Carolyn Thornton November 26th Mark Foster, Shannon Minister, Melvin Sedillo, Amanda Talaat November 27th Patrick Bowen, Nicholas Sherman, Catherine Taylor, Ralph Voight November 28th Laura Butterfield, Catherine Cruz, Blair Davis, Emily Foster, Delaney Gunn, Mary Ruth Leonard, Betty Ludwig, Rob Robertson, John Younger November 29th Thelma Cade-Perdue, Welda Hissner, Ditty Kindervater, Chris Lopez, Otis Parchman November 30th Cathy Briggs, David Duesing, Tricia Houston, Frances Lefkofsky, Jamie Maverick, Sue Carol McDonald, Sally Owens, Ann Sahm, Martha Steves
A very special Happy Birthday to:
Roberta Rife on her 97th (Nov. 20) Welda Hissner on her 95th (Nov. 29) Marie Leinweber on her 92nd (Nov. 9) Peggy Baetz on her 91st (Nov. 6) Julie Carnahan on her 90th (Nov. 14th) Frances Lefkofsky on her 90th (Nov. 30th) In Compassion: Elizabeth “Betty� Neal (October 9)
OCTOBER 20, 2010
NOVEMBER CALENDAR St. Mark’s now posts all events on our interactive calendar at We maintain our web calendar as the primary church calendar. The interactivity features are very helpful. Please visit for the most current information.
Tuesday 10:00am Gifted Years Class 10:00am DOK PrayErs Wednesday 9:30am Parents' Day Out 10:00am Eucharist & Study at Bishop Jones Center 10:00am Threads of Blessing at Bishop Jones Center 12:10pm Eucharist 4:30pm Cherub Choir 5:00pm Cafe Kairos 5:30pm Youth Group Meeting 5:30pm Boy & Girl Choir 5:30pm Women's Bible Study 7:00pm Youth Choir Thursday 10:30am Timeout Bible Study 12:15pm Work+Shop Groups for Faith in Daily Life 5:00pm Cafe Kairos 6:30pm Parish Choir Rehearsal Friday 9:30am Parents' Day Out Sunday 7:45am Eucharist 8:00am Breakfast 8:30am Bookstore Open 9:00am Eucharist 10:10am Christian Formation 11:11am "Come As You Are" Eucharist 11:15am Eucharist
BLOOD DRIVE: Did you know that over 600 units of blood are needed daily for south Texas patients? And just 1 donation can save 3 lives. St. Mark’s will be sponsoring a blood drive on January 9. South Texas Blood and Tissue Center will provide a sign-up table for the Blood Drive on Sunday, November 7. If you would like to sign up before November 7, call Elaine at the church. Many questions you have may be answered on the STBTC website( Every blood donor has the power to save a life!
THIS MONTH Wednesday, November 3 5:30pm Environmental Stewardship Group Meeting 6:30pm Confirmation Class for Adults Thursday, November 4 5:00pm Haven for Hope Cooking Teams 5:30pm MESA REDONDA Sunday, November 7 Bishop's Visit and Confirmation DAYLIGHT SAVINGS SIGN-UP TABLE FOR BLOOD DRIVE Tuesday, November 9 5:30pm Finance Committee Wednesday, November 10 6:15pm Discipleship Training for Leadership Thursday, November 11 Veteran's Day 9:30am Daughters of the King Meeting 5:30pm MESA REDONDA 5:30pm Outreach Committee Meeting Sunday, November 14 ROCK N ROLL MARATHON SIGN-UP TABLE FOR BLOOD DRIVE 4:00pm Concert- Duo Organists Monday, November 15 10:00am Parish Aid & St. Nicholas Tuesday, November 16 5:30pm Vestry Thursday, November 18 5:00pm Haven for Hope Cooking Teams Saturday, November 20 10:00am Cursillo Lunch Meeting Tuesday, November 23 6:30pm Thanksgiving Dinner Wednesday, November 24 OFFICE CLOSED at 2PM Thursday, November 25 THANKSGIVING Friday, November 26 OFFICE CLOSED
The Messenger (USPS 514-020) Published Monthly (3rd Wednesday) ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226-2426 Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Rector: The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Editor: Melanie Lizcano Layout & Graphic Design: Melanie Lizcano e-mail ar cles to
ArƟcle deadline is 2nd Wednesday of each month
Fall Worship Schedule Service Times: 7:45am 9:00am 10:10am 11:15am 12:15pm
Rite I Eucharist (No Music) Rite II Eucharist with Boy & Girl Choir & Children's Chapel Christian Formation for All Ages Rite II Eucharist with Parish Choir Tea Under the Trees
(if inclement weather will move to Gosnell Hall)
11:11am Come As You Are Worship Service
For more information contact the church office at (210)226-2426 or visit