-Rehabilitation of Church -Youth Ministries -Senior Warden Report -Vacation Bible School
themessenger May 2011 | Volume 100 | Issue 5 Monthly Newsletter of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, TX (210) 226‐2426 www.stmarks‐
From the Rector: 2011 Renew Campaign By The Rev. Mike Chalk, Rector
This work includes: t a special Parish Meeting, May 15 Jeff repainting both the interior and exterior Rochelle and Todd Piland, co‐chairs of the cleaning the limestone walls and repointing the mortar Renew Campaign, announced that over $4.1 joints million had been raised during the silent phase repairing the stained glass windows and tracery of the campaign! (It is possible that this total new landscaping in the south courtyard including new could change from the printing date of the newsletter.) The total sidewalks and lighting represents 81% of the total needed to reach the campaign goal of replacing the missing finials on top of the Parish Hall $5,174,965. Such a high percentage is unprecedented for any repairing the plaster walls and ceilings campaign! I give thanks for the tremendous generosity of the improving the acoustics people of St. Mark’s. installing new lighting restoring the historic wood work throughout What is truly wonderful about the news is that the debt on the restoring/repairing the pews Parish Building is covered! As payments are made on pledges, the reconstructing the historic opening/grille for the organ parish budget will no longer be encumbered by the interest on with a rank of show pipes at the east wall by the lectern our loan. relocating the reredos to the east wall by the pulpit replacing the sound system in the sanctuary and adding Jeff Rochelle shared drawings from the architectural firm of Ford broadcast capabilities into the chapel Powell & Carson concerning the restoration of the See inside for full color sanctuary and grounds. Enclosed in The Messenger A successful campaign gives us an opportunity to insert of rehabilitation are the drawings for you to study. complete the important and essential work of earlier of the church.
(Continued on page 2)
(Continued from page 1) From the Rector
The Messenger is published monthly and is available in magazine format online at www.stmarks‐ Parish Clergy The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Rector The Rev. Jonathan Wickham Assistant Rector Assisting Clergy The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Co‐director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson Co‐director, The Work+Shop Making a Gift of Their Service The Rev. Mary Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Cliff Waller Assisting Priest Staff Jennifer Allison Children’s Ministries Co‐Director Todd Allison Youth Director Priscilla Briones Accounting Janet Carrizales Nursery Coordinator Joe Causby Director of Music Bill Edwards Parish Administrator Elaine Enloe Clergy Executive Administrator Database Manager Sandy Falkenberg Cherub Choir Conductor Emmet Faulk Community Formation Director Heather Herschell Children’s Ministries Co‐Director Melanie Lizcano Communications Director Ruby Merrill Facilities Manager Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Kristin Roach Assistant Director of Music Sara Talley Asst. Director Youth Ministries
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 East Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205 www.stmarks‐
efforts without incurring any debt, so that the buildings and programs entrusted to our care continue to thrive. In order to accomplish this work, we cannot reach this ambitious campaign goal without your help. The Renew campaign is aptly named; by our joint efforts St. Mark’s has experienced a Spirit of renewal to better serve Christ in the world. Thanks be to God!
Senior Warden Report: Introducing the Commission of Generosity The purpose of this article is to inform you about St. Mark’s Commission on Generosity, which represents a dramatically different approach to stewardship than we have taken in the past. Traditionally, we have an Kathleen Weir Vale appointed stewardship chairperson who coordinates certain activities to encourage parishioners to turn in their pledge cards so the finance committee can generate the following year’s operating budget. In contrast, the Commission on Generosity utilizes an entire team of parishioners who are not clergy, staff, or vestry. The Commission takes a systematic and parish‐wide approach to stewardship. The work of the Commission will be on‐going and changing with a charter to ensure vitality and continuity. The idea for the Commission was born last year when a group of bright and energetic parishioners gathered to study this issue of stewardship at St. Mark’s. The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson served as facilitator and spiritual guide in the very difficult work of sorting out what we traditionally called “Stewardship” and then conceiving a plan for how we might reconstruct it. This team included Anne Connor, Gary Egmon, Beverly Bryars, Gary Chambers, Martha Steves, and David Phipps. All are successful professional or volunteer fundraisers or non‐profit board members. As such, they brought a wealth of expertise. Contributing about 100 hours of work, they created a series of statistical reports, recommendations, and instructions on how we might approach this challenging part of our Christian life. After learning of their work, and understanding that stewardship would be a tremendous challenge this year, I invited some thirty parish leaders to a summit on March 2nd to learn about last year’s Culture of Generosity Committee’s 2
work. I specifically tasked these thirty with spelling out processes that the various committees could use to mount a successful year round stewardship program. Their diligence resulted in the mandate of the new “Commission on Generosity”. From the summit, the Rev. Mike Chalk and I recruited Cathy Dawson, former executive director of a large homeless agency, as the commission chairperson. We then invited Drew Cauthorn to chair Formation, David Phipps to chair Communications, Jim Bliek to chair Attitude of Gratitude, David Frego to chair Planned Giving, Cathy Murphy‐Brumlik to chair Outreach from Within, and Carolyn Lowery to chair Pledge Drive and Every Member Canvass, Dayton Schrader as co‐chair. Each of these committees has specific responsibilities, all of which are ultimately focused on making St. Mark’s the vital, relevant, and true embodiment of Christ. The committees are all meeting and working hard to realize their goals and ensure that their work will continue for years into the future. Although we already have several wonderful committee members, we are looking for more volunteers to help with this exciting work. We want multigenerational teams, with representatives from every corner of the parish. The Commission on Generosity is a standing body whose members will serve for three year terms on a staggered basis. A unique aspect of the Commission is that it continues on from year to year as a stand‐alone body independent of staff or vestry, ensuring continuity of process and policy in these activities. All Generosity Commission members are committed to the notion that their work is scripturally sound and that Christ’s teachings are ever at the forefront of (Continued on page 3)
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Projected Vestry Challenges for 2012
their minds in this endeavor. We also insist on having some fun. The Generosity Commission is planning the Autumn Fellowship, a parish‐wide event with a delicious dinner and special entertainment for everyone’s enjoyment. Expect a “Save the Date” notification soon from event chairman Jim Bliek. As the year rolls on, I have come to realize how fortunate I am to have been given this opportunity to serve as senior warden and to increase my understanding of our community and its remarkable faithfulness. I thank you for all of your devotion and active participation in St. Mark’s parish life. Yours in Christ, Kathleen Weir Vale, Senior Warden
By The Rev. Dr. John Lewis, Assisting Priest and Co-Director of The WorkShop The 2012 vestry will need to continue the adaptive leadership work begun in 2011 in connection with our trends in giving and attendance at worship. The 2012 vestry will need to find ways to increase the use of our new Parish House The Rev. Dr. Lewis building for the benefit of the wider San can be contacted at Antonio community. The vestry will also need jlewis@theworkshop to continue to encourage the congregation to ‐ imagine how to make the best use of our new parish house facilities as we look for new opportunities to put our congregational talents/skills to use to serve Christ beyond the walls of the parish. The 2012 vestry will need to continue to look for ways to enrich our community life by making the Parish House a center for the life of the congregation and to try to get families, young adults, adults, and elders better supported and involved. The 2012 vestry will oversee the organization of our congregational systems (committees, programs, ministries, etc.) and the publication of an organizational chart that parishioners can learn and use Nominees for election to the 2012 vestry should reflect one or more of the following general characteristics: Energetic, with a passion for St. Mark’s Visionary and imaginative Have a heart for doing Christ's ministry in the world as evidenced by being involved in at least one St. Mark's ministry Committed to speaking the truth in the face of opposition Open to disagreement without being disagreeable An attentive listener w/openness to consider other viewpoints Work toward becoming biblically literate Demonstrate a mature and deep faith, with a commitment for discerning God’s will for St. Mark’s Seek actively to grow the church Exhibit conscientiousness, diligence, and perseverance Possess a fiduciary attitude for the church’s finances Possess a wisdom coming from life experiences Exhibit a willingness to enter a process of decision‐making by consensus rather than by majority vote, and an ability to embrace, support, and explain consensus decisions to the congregation Include systematic thinkers, people who can think through how systems need to work The Discernment Committee also will seek to propose a multi‐ generational slate of nominees for election to the vestry.
A Note from the Discernment Committee By David Phipps, Discernment Committee Chair The Discernment Committee has begun its work of identifying people for St. Mark’s leadership on the 2012 Vestry and in key committees, including Finance, Commission on Ministries, Culture of Generosity, and Outreach. This process, which has been used successfully for the last three years, gives voice to the challenges for the upcoming year. It also seeks David Phipps to discern the attributes of those whose leadership will be needed to meet those challenges. Please review the characteristics to the right. Naturally, not any one person will present all of the assets described. We know from Scripture that many parts make the body and many come with different gifts. It is this diversity in experience, skill, and talent that makes St. Mark’s such a vibrant and exciting community dedicated to mission and accountable to each other. If you have names to suggest, please call or email, David Phipps, Immediate‐Past Senior Warden, chair of the Discernment Committee at (210) 833‐1710 or The deadline for submissions is May 31, 2011.
Countdown Continues for New Director of Music & Organist By The Rev. Mike Chalk, Rector
Welcome to St. Mark’s, Joe!
Joseph Causby’s first Sunday as St. Mark’s Director of Music and Organist will be Sunday, May 29. As you may remember, Joe comes to us from Houston’s historic Trinity Episcopal Church. Joe is a PhD candidate under the supervision of Professor Jeremy Dibble of Durham University, the first American organ scholar of Durham Cathedral. In order to welcome Joe to St. Mark’s a reception is being held in his honor May 29 at 11:00a.m. after the 10:00a.m. worship service (we begin our summer worship schedule Memorial Weekend).
I am grateful to Kristin Roach for her outstanding work as Interim Choir Director and Organist. Our Parish Choir has actually grown during her term! She will resume her duties as Assistant Director of Music and Organist. Dr. David A. Heller, D.M.A., Professor of Music at Trinity University, has also served us extremely well as our Interim Organist. I hope many of you will join us May 29 for Joe’s first Sunday at St. Mark’s. Joe will undoubtedly create a new and wonderful chapter in the great tradition of choral and organ music at St. Mark’s.
Hospitality Parking Drives St. Mark’s in the Right Direction By Bill Edwards, Parish Administrator St. Mark’s is very blessed to have a parking lot company such as Hospitality Parking as its partner. The Holy Week parking opportunities are an excellent example of their attention to the needs of St. Mark’s. At this time, a major “THANK YOU” is deserved and St. Mark’s sends such a message to Hospitality Parking. The Parish needs to be aware that it has a reciprocal obligation to Hospitality Parking. When a church function is not scheduled and members of St. Mark’s come to downtown San Antonio, the members are visitors to the lots and owe the amount advertised for
parking. Hospitality Parking has staff controlling the lots for the St. Mark’s programs and Hospitality has staff controlling the lots when there is no St. Mark’s program scheduled. Therefore, show the St. Mark’s hospitable attitude when using the lots during the times a St. Mark’s event is not scheduled Bill can be and pay the parking fee. contacted at bedwards@stmarks ‐
Sunday, June 5
after the 10:00a.m. service Bishop Jones Center, 111 Torcido 78209
Come dressed in your “picnic” clothes and join us for tasty BBQ and fellowship. CAYA service will join the 10:00a.m. service. Childcare for infants will be available. Please RSVP for childcare by May 29. Guests are encouraged to register online.
Ticket cost: $5 per person/ $20 per family of four or more Bring a side dish to share. RSVP online at 4
Liturgy Notes The Day of Pentecost By The Rev. Jonathan Wickham, Assistant Rector O God, who on this day taught the hearts of your faithful people by sending to them the light of your Holy Spirit: Grant us by the same Spirit to have a right judgment in all things, and evermore to rejoice in his holy comfort; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. AMEN ‐The Book of Common Prayer, pg. 227, A Collect for the Day of Pentecost
n the day of Pentecost (this year on June 12) the church remembers and reconnects with the events recalled in the book of Acts as the community of Christ followers discovered a new empowerment to speak and understand each other as the body of Christ. This major feast of the church year is celebrated 50 days after Easter. Pentecost has roots in the traditional Jewish celebration of Shavout, which acknowledged the giving of the Ten Commandments to Moses after 50 days in the Sinai desert at the early stages of the Exodus. For Christians the day recalls the
gift of the Holy Spirit descending upon the early disciples of Jesus following his death and resurrection. The wind from God and tongues as of fire came upon the disciples while they were at a gathering during the traditional celebration of Shavout. At the
Faith In Your Daily Life
gathering there were Jewish people of many different nationalities assembled. The Holy Spirit empowered Jesus’ followers to speak in such a way that every person, regardless of language barriers, understood the message of God’s love and redemption for the world. This gift of empowerment, the ability to bring the message of God beyond just the immediate walls of Jerusalem, and into new and exciting places throughout the world, is why Pentecost is widely celebrated as the Birthday of the Church. The Body of Christ, the Church, is called to take Christ’s presence into the world wherever we area. And as we follow Jesus life and ministry we find that we are empowered by the Spirit to communicate Christ’s presence in whatever language necessary for the people around us. Celebrate the gift of the Spirit in your life. Allow God’s presence to move through you and enable you to share Christ’s love in new ways wherever you are. Happy Pentecost!
From the Altar Guild: Our Gratitude
“…a paradigm shift solution. It would be based on seeing the Church in all its dimensions as a base camp. Now a base camp, as described by Steve Jacobsen, a Presbyterian pastor, is a place where ‘a community of people gathers to reflect on life, to be reminded of their identity and make plans for exploration….From there, each person goes out during the week to take on that portion of the mountain which is theirs to explore. The base camp exists to serve the climbing team. The hikers don’t exist for the good of the base camp. The base camp exists for the good of the hikers.” ‐‐The Rev. Canon J. Fletcher Lowe
It is with a sincere thank you and deep gratitude to all who helped with the services during Lent. It could not have been done without you. Please take the opportunity to thank the St. Mark’s office staff, Ruby, and all the sextons. It was a huge effort on everyone’s part to make it all happen. ‐‐St. Mark’s Altar Guild If you are interested in the Altar Guild, you may email Kathy Lawrence at 5
Children’s Ministry Dear Parents, I am happy to announce that St. Mark’s has a full schedule for Summer Sunday School. As you know, our schedule changes in the summer. The formation hour is at 9:00a.m., before the 10:00a.m. service. This summer we will implement two awesome curricula. This Bread and This Cup is a communion instruction curriculum for Episcopal Children. It is important to note that this is not a “First Communion” class, though it could be used in that context. This curriculum acknowledges that Baptism is full membership with all the “rights and privileges”. It also recognizes that along our
baptized way we reach a point when we really want to know more. The lessons are designed for children and their parents as it is often the parents, like myself, who want children to “know and understand” before receiving. This program is for those new to communion as well as those who have been receiving. It will allow all to spend some intentional time reflecting on the meaning of Communion. I truly hope you will consider joining us. Knowing Jesus in a New Way is a brand new Godly Play resource. The lessons focus on knowing Jesus in absence, in the breaking of the bread, in doubt, in the morning, in making him known, in waiting and by the Holy Spirit. They intertwine beautifully with our communion instruction and will offer kids a chance to reflect and respond creatively to all they are learning and experiencing. This summer class is for all school age
children. Creative responses will include art, drama and music. It is my prayer that this summer will be a blessing for our most valued treasure at St. Mark’s, our children. I do ask that you fill out the registration form available at www.stmarks‐ (click on the “Children” tab) so that I may accurately prepare for this summer’s needed materials. All kids will receive a Child’s book for communion instruction. I realize that summer finds us very spread out with much needed breaks and vacations. This registration is not a commitment to every week. It will, however, help my planning greatly. Thank you again for your participation, and, as always, for trusting us with your precious children. Blessings,
Jennifer Allison jallison@stmarks‐
Summer Sunday School Schedule June 5 June 12 June 19 June 26 July 3 July 10
This Bread and This Cup Session One: Sharing a Family Meal* Knowing Jesus in a New Way: Known in Absence This Bread and This Cup Session Two: Story Telling* Knowing Jesus in a New Way: Known in the Breaking of the Bread Knowing Jesus in a New Way: Known in Doubt This Bread and This Cup Session 3: These Holy Things*
July 17 Knowing Jesus in a New Way: Known in the Morning July 24 This Bread and This Cup Session 4: Praying Together* Knowing Jesus in a New Way: July 31 Known in Making Him Known August 7 Knowing Jesus in a New Way: Known in Waiting August 14 Knowing Jesus in a New Way: Known by the Holy Spirit * Communion Instruction Sessions: parents’ attendance welcomed and encouraged.
VBS 2011 Coming Soon! June 20-24 9:00-11:45 a.m. Planning for the Christ Church/St. Mark’s Vacation Bible School is underway! We hope you will join us for another great week as we learn about God’s love in the place where Jesus was a kid! The week will be packed with crafts, games, music and snacks. Invite a friend, relative or neighbor and join us for the fun! Register online at www.stmarks‐ Look for the registration link under Children’s Tab. Questions? Contact Jennifer Allison, Co‐Director of Children’s Ministry at 210‐262‐8603 or email jallison@stmarks‐ 6
Outreach News CAYA Brings Worship to Haven for Hope By Karen Snyder, CAYA Worship @ Haven for Hope Coordinator
CAYA Eucharist for residents at Haven for Hope. Photo by Emmet Faulk Haven for Hope (H4H) is a private non‐ profit organization aimed at transforming the lives of people right here in San Antonio. They provide the necessary things of successful living such as food, clothing, shelter and social services. However, one area where they need help is in providing worship. H4H has a structure for worship, but they do not have the support within the organization to provide worship. That’s where St. Mark’s comes in! The Come As You Are (CAYA) worship community at St. Mark’s was seeking a mission opportunity. Different ideas were discussed, but none provided that exciting feeling of “this is it!” Not until CAYA was approached by Patsy Jordt, docent for Haven for Hope and member of St. Mark’s. Patsy attended the CAYA service one Sunday morning and thought “this atmosphere, these people, this service” needs to go to H4H. Patsy gave us a brief overview of H4H, describing the Chapel of Hope in the center of the campus and telling us about the need for worship every night of every week. Due to the amount of staffing these services would require, they are not given by H4H. Rather, local church
communities bring their form of worship to the members of H4H, which is about 1000 people including up to 200 children at any given time. After much prayer, a tour of H4H, more prayer and discussion, the St. Mark’s CAYA community decided that this was the mission opportunity God had intended for us. So we began to prepare, and on the 5th Thursday of March, we loaded up and set off to worship, CAYA style, with the members of H4H! The musicians brought instruments; the altar guild brought worship elements; the lectors, prayer ministers, greeters, and clergy brought a previous Sunday’s service to H4H. What a blessing it was for all! There were many members from H4H who attended, both inside the chapel and listening outside over the speaker system. The children were so excited to see the instruments, even coming up and hitting the bongos and tapping the piano keys during our worship songs! The Rev. Jonathan Wickham provided a touching sermon that solicited the response of H4H members as they spoke
of where they were from. We greeted one another in peace, broke bread together, and prayed together as one body in Christ. It felt so right to be there. A special surprise for us all was seeing St. Mark’s member Angie Ellis at the service. Angie was actually the originator of this mission and had waited years to see it come to pass. Thank you for your patience, Angie! CAYA has committed to bringing a worship service to H4H the 5th Thursdays of 2011. The next opportunity is Thursday, June 30th, 2011. We are already preparing and discussing what we want to do differently to improve the worship experience for the H4H members. If you are interested in participating in or attending this service, please contact Emmet Faulk for more information. You can also find out more about Haven for Hope by visiting their website, H4H is always in need of volunteers and would welcome your inquiry.
Who Looks After Caregivers?
Thank you to all who worked Lenten Luncheons this year! The list comes from our sign-up sheet, registrations and folks that I saw, so I apologize if there are any omissions, but I tried really hard! Julie Van Zandt, 2011 Lenten Luncheons Chair
By Annabelle McGee “Come unto me all ye that are burdened and heavy laden and I will refresh you.” The St. Mark’s Caregiver Support Group was formed in 2004 by Betse Rockwood as a result of her experience taking care of her husband, Bill, during his long‐term illness, and the group has continued to fulfill its mission of tending the caregiver during a most difficult time of life. Focusing on providing a safe place for the caregiver to unburden the heaviness of responsibility and share his/her feelings of helplessness, anxiety, anger, exhaustion, isolation, stress, guilt, or other dilemma, the Caregiver Support Group has become a spiritual touchstone for those dealing with daily care‐giving pressures. Based on scripture readings, prayer, quiet time for reflection, each participant has the opportunity to share his/her concern or experience and to hear those of fellow caregivers. There is, indeed, comfort in walking this path of life together, so we share contact information and commit to praying for one another on the days that we are not together. The Support Group meets once per month at the Bishop Jones Center in the Chapel House. The meetings take place on the 2nd Wednesday of the month and last one hour, 1:30‐2:30 pm. Caregivers have limited time so we stay on schedule. However, at the end of the meeting there is always time to share resources, insights or experiences and to exchange information that might be helpful to another.
Gene Alderman, Ann Allega (FIRST TIMER!), Norma J. Baird, Carol Ann Baker (Doctorate in Lenten Luncheons), Tao Bennett, Elspeth Blakeman, Jim Bliek, Laurie Boldrick, Liz Bondurant, Pat Bridwell, Janet Carrizales and her nursery team, Mike Chalk, Paula Chalk, Pam Chambers, Gary Chambers, Ann Coleman, Bill Cothren, Andrew Dahm, David Dix, Pat Donegan, Bill Edwards, Elaine Enloe, Mary Fisher, Beth Forsen, Diana Geis, Sarah Gilliland, Randy Gladden, Linda Hammond, Deborah Hays, Linda Jacobs (FIRST TIMER!) Jerry James, Jody Kelly, Dan Kelly, Meredith Key, Allison Lane, Kathy Lawrence, Park Lawrence, John Lewis, Melanie Lizcano, Jelane Lodek, Mary Ann Matteson, Bunny Matthews, Ann Madison (Doctorate in Lenten Luncheons), Mary McClung, John McClung, Katie McDonough, Beatrice McFadden, Anthony McVee, Hector Mendoza, Ruby Merrill (Doctorate in Lenten Luncheons), Julie Mock, Gail Mydlow, Pat Noble, Patrice Oliver, Camilla Parker, Jean Rogers Parker, David Phipps, Priscilla Briones, Shea Pollom, Virginia Rainey, Margie Ramon, Brandon Raney (FIRST TIMER!), Betty Russell, Judy Rux (Doctorate in Lenten Luncheons), Lee Rux, Lauren Saunders (FIRST TIMER!), Jane Satel, John Savage III, Karen Schneider, Betsy Simpson (Doctorate in Lenten Luncheons), Linda Striekert, Jane Satel, Deems Smith, Tookie Spoor, Dick Soupiset, Laura Stokes, Lorrie Uhl, Julie Van Zandt (Doctorate in Lenten Luncheons), Kate Vetters, Dell Villa, Robin Voight, Debra Walker, Barbara Ward, Maxine Weynand, Jonathan Wickham, George Whiteside, Dee Whiteside, Sandra Woodall (FIRST TIMER!), Tim Worley, Bill Yates (FIRST TIMER!), Lee Yelton, Barbara Yu, Christian Assistance Ministry s five volunteers, Christian Dental s five volunteers, Good Samaritan's 10 volunteers, SAMMinistries 13 volunteers (several FIRST TIMERS!), Morningside Ministries 10 volunteers and the Diocese s 15 volunteers.
Meetings are open; all are welcome. Please call Annabelle McGee, 824‐6965, or Lillian Morris, 822‐7897, for more information. “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.”
“Proximity and Access in Computer Supportive Collaborative Authoring” By Heather Herschell, Co-Director of Children’s Ministry In early April I had the privilege of presenting at the 2011 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. My paper Heather can be entitled, “Proximity and emailed at Access in Computer hherschell@ Supported Collaborative stmarks‐ Authoring” reported selected findings from my dissertation. I discussed how the physical configurations of technology‐rich learning environments shaped students’ ability to both contribute ideas to, and learn from their collaborative assignments. I described a model that emerged from my research illustrating how students negotiate access to assignments through both vocal and non‐vocal interactions with each other and their technological learning tools.
The sheer size of this gathering of university teaching and research faculty members was humbling. We filled the conference rooms of no less than eight separate hotels with literally hundreds of presentation sessions over the course of four days. Conference formats included informal poster presentations, round‐table discussions, working group symposiums, and structured paper sessions. Submission and selection for all presentations is highly competitive, but especially so for structured paper sessions. I was the only “newbie” in my grouping of papers under the heading, Modeling for Successful Problem Solving and Knowledge Construction. It was an honor (and admittedly a little intimidating at times!) to be showcasing my work alongside three well‐respected professors who have firmly established research agendas.
Needless to say, I learned so much from my experience not only presenting, but also while attending other sessions on the most current research findings covering topics like school administration, math and science in early childhood settings, and even spirituality in education. My thanks go out to the staff at St. Marks for allowing me the time away from work to see this professional development opportunity through to such a satisfying end!
Jackie Roese Born and raised in upstate New York, Jackie came to know Christ as her personal Savior in her early twenties. In 1991, feeling that God had called them to "get off the fence," Jackie and her husband, Steve, relocated to the Dallas Area in order to attend Dallas Theological Seminary. While in Seminary, Jackie earned her Master's Degree in Christian Education and Women's Ministry. Currently, Jackie's husband is the Executive Pastor at Irving Bible Church, and Jackie is a Team Teacher for the Irving Bible Church Women' s Ministry. She also speaks at women's retreats and conferences around the country. In addition, Jackie has written three Bible study packets. Steve and Jackie reside with their three children in Coppell, Texas.
Women's Retreat July 28‐31 (Thursday‐Sunday) Women appear throughout the stories of the Bible and are especially present throughout Jesus' ministry. However, rarely are these Bible stories taught inside the church or anywhere else. It is important to learn about how those women engaged with God and Jesus while he walked this earth. Hearing women teach about women in the Scriptures can be especially transformational . We will spend time with the stories of Mary and Martha of Bethany, Mary Magdalene, and Joanna found in the Gospel of Luke. As we listen to the narratives and reflect on the ways in which these women learn, interact, and walk with Jesus, we will encourage each other to grow as women of the Way. Our time together will include lecture, prayer, group reflection, and quiet. As always, there will be ample opportunity for time in nature, in the art studios, and in rest.
Musician‐Sandra McCracken, Singer‐songwriter; Nashville, TN. Artist‐Susie Miller, Flower arranging; Houston, TX Registration Fees Lodge: $405 Black Bluff: $480
Speakers Mary Earle The Rev. Mary C Earle is an Episcopal priest, writer, poet, retreat leader, and spiritual director. She taught classes in spirituality for the Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest in Austin until her recent retirement. A resident of San Antonio, Mary is also the Author‐in‐Residence at the Work+Shop, a ministry in partnership with St. Mark's Episcopal Church. Author of many books, including her most recently published book, Days of Grace: Meditations and Practices for Living with Illness. Click here to learn more.
To register visit Locate your specific retreat on under the “Schedule” tab, click "Sign Up Now" and follow the instructions for that process. Please note that all rates listed are per person. Laity Lodge Mailing address P 0 Box 290670, Kerrville, TX 78029‐0670 Phone 830‐792‐1230 ∙ Email address: llinfo@laitylodge. org 9
Youth Ministries The Wahoos! Paid Off for St. Mark’s Youth An update from St. Mark’s Youth group After six consecutive weeks the 3rd edition of the St. Mark’s Youth Ministries Food Bank Fund Drive was another great success and the support and generosity of the entire St. Mark’s community is appreciated. This year’s effort was not without its challenges. A shorter campaign, with spring break in the middle, left our efforts coming up just a little shy of our group goal of $10,000.00, that when matched
would result in a $20,000 plus donation to the San Antonio Food Bank. With this in mind, and the support and blessing of our generous and anonymous contributors, the youth of St. Marks are making one final push to reach our goal before our visit to the Food Bank as part of our Summer Outreach Weekend on June 4. But you will not hear the Wahoos that became a familiar sound on Sunday mornings. The youth welcome any continued support from the congregation but will take the efforts to the community. Armed with a nearly $6400 initial effort
the kids will approach local restaurants and businesses in the hopes of collecting at least another $2,000. If reached, the full matching gift of $10,000 will be added to the total. The youth of St. Mark’s would like thank you all for your support of the St. Mark’s Youth and the San Antonio Food Bank.
CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OUR SENIORS! GOOD LUCK AS YOU BEGIN THE NEXT CHAPTER OF YOUR LIVES. A special THANK YOU to our senior acolytes for their dedication and service to St. Mark’s. Your contributions to St. Mark’s will be missed. 2011 ST. MARK’S SENIORS Madeleine Bousquet Kyle Briggs Peter De Luna Sarah Ellen Payer John Reesman David Rochelle Aaron Sherman Noah Stanton Adam Thomas James Uhl Jazmyn Vasquez Will Watson Juliana Wilson
SENIOR ACOLYTES Madeleine Bousquet John Reesman David Rochelle Aaron Sherman Noah Stanton Adam Thomas James Uhl
few weeks ago. We Dear God, th retreat at Camp Champions a you rk’s Ma St. the on lf rse you from the Thank you for revealing s to your glorious creation away trip on up gro this e tak to nity n air feel so lucky to have the opportu wind singing us to sleep in our ope the and lake the r ove s set sun of ty in one year and we know it business of life and to the sereni th group literally doubled in size you the t tha d aze am be to e roads was a sight to cabins. We continu caravan going down the hill country van e thre r Ou rs. You by but The youth got to isn’t by our own doing, ht at the camp was really great! nig ay Frid ely! saf it de ma s ant huddle together to share see, but all thirty four particip breaker activities and learning to iceugh thro ter bet n eve r the watched a movie (Letters know one ano t end to the night came as we all fec per The k. dar the in g lkin wa ay morning sure came flashlights while e for the entire weekend. Saturd ton the ting set lly rea rs, sta the , the sound didn’t to God) together under r in the morning…rain! Of course fou und aro nd sou iliar am unf y ke sure all of early as we awoke to a ver The girls banded together to ma ut! abo and up e wer s girl the ening to the sound of the disturb the boy’s cabin at all but rward, they all just lay in bed list afte and t tigh led pul re we gs l came bright and erin the window cov , didn’t help when the wakeup cal rse cou of s, Thi . ins cab the of fs for five more rain hitting the metal roo ready to go while the girls begged and d sse dre e wer s boy The ups and early when the sun came up. group was split into three small gro our ast akf bre r Afte ” ay. aw go ividual group and could minutes to “let their eye puffiness es. We walked around to each ind iviti act g ldin bui m tea e som for calming advice was was separated smiled at the other in their group, son per h Eac . ser clo ing om bec ed by their literally see the groups above all, every person was call and k tas h eac te ple com to er ord group wanted shared with one another in rs and when they were over, our hou e thre ted las ies ivit act se th group name and NOT “hey you.” The blink of an eye, all thirty-one you a in if As ! lake the on off l coo e to en we arrived, we had the two things – lunch and some tim were raring to go to the lake. Wh and s suit g hin bat into d nge icipated GLOB! members were cha ng, and of course, the greatly ant swi e rop e, slid er wat a , ing imm lly see You choice of kayaks, open sw pursue on Lake LBJ. We could rea uld wo y the n ctio dire ich wh se e The group spread out and cho nt that was given to those who wer me age our enc The ter. wa the by e an above platform was working in our group while we wer nt pillow of air on the water) from gia a ally sic (ba b glo the o ont g wiped out and frightened of jumpin the lake flew by and the group was at e tim free of rs hou two The nt relaxing and nothing short of inspiring! on and into the evening was spe rno afte the of t res The it. of een and toasted by the sun by the end any argument! After all the sunscr out with ed com wel s wa ich wh ies, . All of the planning and unwinding from the day’s activit otion time as the sun began to set dev our an beg we y, awa red we per and more lake gunk was sho desire for the teens to grow a dee our on d use foc eat retr this for e some time, away praying in preparation way than encouraging them to tak ter bet at wh and d Go , You erful scene it meaningful relationship with sonal letter to you? What a pow per a e writ and n atio cre ful der focused on you and sharing from others, to focus on your won all of the youth group members see and k doc the r ove out k group back together and was for us to loo turned to twilight, we called the g nin eve As ! ers lett ir the ugh s clear that this their lives with you thro moment on Saturday night, it wa this At up. gro the ong am le kab a deeper understanding and your presence was unmista this trip with; these students had rted sta we t tha up gro e sam we just really want to thank was not the nger throughout their lives. God, stro w gro y onl can t tha you h g. Thank you for making relationship wit have given us the honor of leadin you ts den stu of up gro ful der you also for the you for this big, won what it has become today. Thank into up gro the g ldin mo and ng people to each one of them so unique who have truly molded these you s one the , ers mb me up gro her th wonderful parents of these you and her continued support through lk, Fau ee Ren for you nk tha st, lea ng weekend retreat with be your servants. And last, but not nk you once again for this amazi Tha g. son in p shi der lea her side. care for our youth and we know your Spirit never left our and ing elm rwh ove s wa love and this group. Your guidance Faithfully yours, Sara Talley and Todd Allison with ink but with ult of our ministry, written not res the , rist Ch m fro er lett a rinthians “You show that you are tablets of human hearts.”--2 Co on but ne sto of lets tab on not the Spirit of the living God, 3:3
Happy Father’s Day June 19 The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice, And he who begets a wise child will delight him. -Proverbs 23:24-
YOUTH MINISTRIES SAVE THE DATES: *Happening Weekend (Senior High ONLY)
August 5-7
*Acolyte Training
August 20
Contact Todd Allison for more information.
Follow St. Mark’s Youth Ministries on Facebook for the latest news, photos, and events.
Contact Todd Allison for more information.
For more information about Theology and the Arts, visit, click on “Theology and Arts”. 13
News of the Family June Birthdays JUNE 1 Daisy Bousquet Leo Bowen Susan Frost Jessica Hall Meredith Key Jason Luce Bob Szczepanski Jean VanGee John Watson JUNE 2 Pat Noble Angela Torres‐Lopez JUNE 3 William Cotton Mollie Zachry JUNE 4 Stephen Cavender Steve Hays JUNE 5 Ben Crawford JUNE 6 Josie Breazeale Elizabeth Cave Monica Fernandez Tom McCloskey David Solis Tim Ward JUNE 7 Sharon Bothe Jim McNeel JUNE 8 Melinda Down Tammy Edmondson Katie MacDonald Deborah Yancy JUNE 9 Randy Barber Ashley Gilroy Erin Klanica John Lewis Shannon Mills James William Waltrip JUNE 10 Libba Barnes John Budenholzer Laura Galindo Fayth Ham Greg Larsen Dottie McWhorter Lindsey Otto
Gloria Villanueva Julie Wilkinson JUNE 11 Christopher Check Todd Piland Ava Redmond Andrew Sherwood Sara Sherwood Jim Zachry JUNE 12 Blake Bonner Kate Smelko Edward Steves JUNE 13 Claire Johnson Julia Scheibe Alex White JUNE 14 Laura Cadwallader Deborah Hays Mary Anne Parker JUNE 15 Andy Besing Joan Blakemore Ed Keetch JUNE 16 Hannah Minister Bailey Voight JUNE 17 Mike Check John Frierson Heather Herschell Frank Jones Will McDonough Craig Stokes
JUNE 23 Sam Clements Kellie Heron John Long Lisa Lucas Tripp Voight
JUNE 24 Marianne Carter Kim Casey Paula Chalk David Foglesong Lee Holder Travis Long Robert Tucker
Hewitt Matthews Devin Mullen Ann Sampson JUNE 26 Genevieve Lillibridge Kate Vetters JUNE 27 Rebekah Redmond Trey Remington JUNE 28 Anne Ivy Henry Satel Ava Satel Jose Sena Juliana Wilson JUNE 29 Mary Bevel Anne Connor Beth Hawkins Richard Hollis Ben McPherson Clayton Mitchem Nancy Scarsdale Alex Westmoreland
JUNE 19 Jonathan Cotton David Dix Frank Ward Michael Zuniga JUNE 20 Grey Hawkins JUNE 21 Will Budenholzer Norb Cole Bill Matthews Catherine McNeel
JUNE 22 Kendall D. Center
Charles Lodek Adam Thomas
JUNE 30 Elspeth Blakeman Bea McFadden Ellen Schafer Sarah Taylor Talaat
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Fiscal Year Beginning 1/1/2011 Budgeted Financial Statement for Period 04 April 33.33% 000 General Fund Var. Actual
Acct # Description
Actual for Period
Budget for Period
Actual YTD
Budget YTD
Budget Annual
to Annual Budget %
General Revenue 01/4105 Previous Year Pledges 01/4110 Current Year Pledges 01/4115 PrePaid Pledges
6,825.00 117,530.61 8,100.00
1,000.00 109,612.50 8,100.00
19,953.00 508,021.69 32,400.00
4,000.00 438,450.00 32,400.00
12,000.00 1,315,350.00 97,200.00
166.28 38.62 33.33
Total General Revenue
1 ,424,550.00
Offerings 01/4141 Non-Pledge Giving 01/4143 Open Plate
10,062.01 1,753.50
9,416.67 2,250.00
62,638.56 8,480.67
37,666.64 9,000.00
113,000.00 27,000.00
55.43 31.41
Total Offerings
01/4166 Easter 01/4167 Thanksgiving 01/4168 Christmas
.00 10.00 232.00 180.00 12,119.00 .00 .00
41.67 16.67 16.67 .00 416.67 8.33 .00
655.70 10.00 232.00 180.00 12,119.00 .00 .00
166.64 66.64 66.64 .00 1,666.64 33.36 .00
500.00 200.00 200.00 .00 5,000.00 100.00 9,000.00
131.14 5.00 116.00 .00 242.38 .00 .00
Total Seasonal Giving
Seasonal Giving 01/4162 Ash Wednesday 01/4163 Palm Sunday 01/4164 Maundy Thursday 01/4165 Good Friday
Total Revenue
If you have any questions about this report, please contact Bill Edwards, Parish Administrator at (210) 226-2426 or email Bill at
The Messenger (USPS 514‐020) Published Monthly (3rd Wednesday) ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226‐2426 Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Rector: The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Editor: Melanie Lizcano Layout & Graphic Design: Melanie Lizcano e‐mail articles to mlizcano@stmarks‐
Article deadline is 2nd Wednesday of each month
St. Mark’ Episcopal Church
Summer Worship Schedule Eucharist-Rite I Christian Formation (Christian Formation resumes June 12) Eucharist-Rite II “Come As You Are”
7:45a.m.-8:30a.m. 9:00a.m.-9:50a.m. 10:00a.m.-11:00a.m. 11:11a.m.-12:00p.m.
(Contemporary Eucharist in Tom Gish Hall)
For more information about St. Mark’s services, visit