06/29/11-The Messenger-Vol.100 Issue 6

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Monthly Newsletter of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church

VOL 100 | ISSUE 6 | JUNE 2011

315 E. Pecan St. | San Antonio, TX 78205 | (210) 226‐2426 | www.stmarks‐sa.org

Ministry & Outreach Edition

Graduating Seminarian to Join St. Mark’s Staff By The Rev. Mike Chalk, Rector


am very pleased to announce that Andrew David Lobban, a recent graduate from the Seminary of the Southwest, will assist us on Sundays beginning July 3rd. Andrew has been appointed the first full-time chaplain for Good Samaritan Community Services and he desired a place to serve on Sundays.

Through the generosity of the Diocese of West Texas, Andrew’s salary and housing is covered. I am grateful to Bishop Lillibridge and the diocese for making Andrew available to us. I trust that his ministry will enhance the mission of St. Mark’s.

 Haiti Mission Trip  Hawthorne Academy Mentors

While in seminary Andrew received the Morgan Director’s Award from the Evangelical Education Society of the Episcopal Church for “exemplary fulfillment” in innovation and gospel proclamation. He was recognized through this award for planning and leading a Cursillo-style retreat in a San Antonio homeless shelter in January 2010.

In This Issue:  Fall Fellowship Festival

Andrew received his Bachelor of Science in physics and mathematics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Masters from the University of California at Berkeley.

Prior to enrolling in seminary, Andy was a member of St. Andrew’s, San Antonio. He is married to Olga, and they have two daughters (Frances, age 5, and Abby, almost 2). Andrew will be ordained to the diaconate on June 29, 2011 at St. Andrew’s.


 Commission on Ministries  Summer Outreach Weekend

Andrew Lobban and his lovely family

The Messenger is published monthly and is available in magazine format online at www.stmarks‐sa.org Parish Clergy The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Rector The Rev. Jonathan Wickham Assistant Rector Assisting Clergy The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Co‐director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson Co‐director, The Work+Shop Making a Gift of Their Service The Rev. Mary Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Cliff Waller Assisting Priest Staff Jennifer Allison Children’s Ministries Co‐Director Todd Allison Youth Director Priscilla Briones Accounting Janet Carrizales Nursery Coordinator Joseph Causby Director of Music Bill Edwards Parish Administrator Elaine Enloe Clergy Executive Administrator Database Manager Sandy Falkenberg Cherub Choir Conductor Emmet Faulk Community Formation Director Heather Herschell Children’s Ministries Co‐Director Melanie Lizcano Communications Director Ruby Merrill Facilities Manager Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Kristin Roach Assistant Director of Music Sara Talley Asst. Director Youth Ministries

Generosity Commission Invites You Take Part in the FFF By Jim Bliek, Vestry Member & Co‐Chair of the Attitude of Gratitude Committee aka Generosity Commission


s students return to the classroom, the smell of burning fall leaves (oh wait, that’s in Ohio; here we call them wildfires) the academic year begins anew and our thoughts spur us to make resolutions, not unlike New Year’s. “We’re going to take that course we’ve thought about, we’re going to paint the living room, the kids begin piano or dance lessons, basketball and football begin, we’re going to make a more concerted effort to be involved at church.” Fall, even though the autumn in our year, in many ways harbors new beginnings for us. The Generosity Commission (GC), now in the spring of its life invites you to take part in the FFF – The Fall Fellowship Festival. (Please don’t confuse this with the FFA – Future Farmers of America for which I was an advisor for 31 years.) The Generosity Commission envisions an embodiment of the parish family as a great outpouring of care and concern for one another individually and as the community that is St. Mark’s.

is the correct plural of y’all, isn’t it?). For our youngest folks there will be Nursery Care, for the older kids, story telling, puppets, pizza, soda and fun! There will be music for everyone to enjoy – classical to rock. There will be an adult dinner – based on a meal which our Kitchen Corps could provide to Haven For Hope prepared by one of our Haven For Hope teams. Sam Carter Gilliam, dramatist, will present her parable “Fertile Soil” for the entire gathering. And, there will be more exciting and wonderful events to experience and enjoy. Please mark your calendars NOW to save Saturday, September 10 from 5:00 to 7:30p.m. for this very special time of Faithful Fellowship at St. Mark’s. All programming will be over prior to 7:30p.m. so that if you have other commitments that evening you can still manage them. If you would like to participate in this event please call Melanie at the church office at 210226-2426 and make your reservation.

This evening is for the ENTIRE FAMILY – all ages (perceived or actual). The church buildings will be alive with activities, food, music, information and most of all – ALL Y’ALL (that Underwriters for any portion of this event are encouraged to contact Jim Bliek, Co‐Chair of the Attitude of Gratitude Committee about sponsorship opportunities at 210‐412‐8984 or jdbliek@hotmail.com.

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 East Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205 www.stmarks‐sa.org


Commission on Ministries Continues to “Feed San Antonio with the Bread of Life”


he Commission on Ministries (COM) has been busy again in 2011. This past March we recruited 4 new members to push our total to 12 including Emmet Faulk By Chuck from staff. We grew the Harvey, committee in anticipation Vestry Liaison of reaching out to all existing ministries in the summer and fall of 2011. We will begin in June with what we referred to last year as “storytelling” by going out two-by-two to interview and get stories from existing ministries, to find out why they are passionate about what they do and what help COM may provide to them. We feel that just as Jesus asked people what they needed, making no assumptions, we should follow his example. The Commission is excited to announce that we have completed our first version of the Ministries of St. Mark's brochure detailing information on around 30+ existing ministries. The ministries are grouped into: ● Christ in the World ● Christ in Community ● Christ in Worship ● Formation in Christ ● Christ in Generosity

This initial version is a starting point for us to use moving forward, both to allow people to connect with ministries they feel called to participate in and to show the community at large what St. Mark's has to offer. We feel that we have reached our goal of producing a brochure with titles, descriptions, and contact names, highlighting the many opportunities for ministry at St. Mark's.

match their gifts and passions with the ministries best suited to benefit from them in the service of Christ and others. We strongly believe that this “storytelling” project will, by having people talk passionately about their vocations, build up the body of St. Mark’s and raise awareness in the city about who we are and how you might participate in “Feeding San Antonio with the Bread of Life.”

Also, we would like to publicly thank Chris Lopez for her tireless efforts at publishing, editing, and revising this brochure. She is a pleasure to serve with, a wonder and a blessing to us all. Existing ministries continue to reach out to us for help, which we feel is an important part of why we were created. This month we will meet with John McClung, who has asked for our help in determining if Cafe Kairos has run it's course or if there is still life left within the parish to support it. I'll keep you posted on our progress, as I know that we are all concerned over dwindling numbers of diners on Wednesday nights. There is much energy about our remaining work in 2011, centering on one of our primary purposes - to help parishioners

If you would like more information about the Commission on Ministries please contact, Emmet Faulk, Community Formation Director at (210) 226‐2426 or email him at efaulkjr@stmarks‐sa.org.

Our Church, Our Future, God’s Work


By Cathy Dawson, Co‐ Chair of GC

We are looking at areas such as stewardship, communication, gratitude, planned giving, outreach from within, and formation. We hope to find ways to help each of us to partner best with our “time, talent, and treasure.” One example of our commitment and involvement is to become a person or family that actively pledges. When we pledge, not only are we indicating the importance of the church in our lives, we also are helping those responsible at St. Mark’s to plan and know what resources will be available to do God’s work.

entecost is the time we celebrate God’s creation of His church. The church He founded is us. It is not the building, nor is it the clergy and staff, but all of us, the members. We are joined together to do His work. In the case of our church, St. Mark’s Episcopal, that means working to implement the vision of our particular church.

Several months ago I was asked to co-chair the new Generosity Commission. We are looking at ways to better get all of us more involved as a church in doing God’s work. For many of us, that might mean more than using the church as a place to worship, attend a class, a picnic, or to have a wedding or funeral. One of our goals is to try to find ways to get each of us more involved as full partners in the breadth of God’s work being carried out through the community that is St. Mark’s. Each of us has ways we can help do this work.

Throughout the year, I will try to share with you the work of this important commission, made up of a dedicated group of our sisters and brothers in Christ. We feel this group will have a positive impact on our church into the future and how we implement the vision to which we are committed. We need your inputs, prayers, and personal involvement in our efforts. This is our starting point where you can make a difference in the future of St. Mark’s.


St. Mark’s Reaches Out to Students in SAISD By Dina Aboul‐Saad, St. Mark’s Parishioner


the wonderful times we had laughing and listening to each other. So, do I recommend this program? The answer is absolutely!! You will get more than you give and can you imagine anything more important than helping with the education of our children? I can’t.”

hen a group of St. Mark’s parishioners first decided to explore how to raise achievement levels and interest in math and science in area schools, we had no idea where to start. We’ve since discovered that it’s all about listening to the needs of the community and building a solid trust relationship. After exploring various approaches, we learned to abide with a nearby neighbor, the San Antonio Independent School District’s Hawthorne Academy. A friend once spoke these words of wisdom to me, “Don’t just say something, stand there.”

The St. Mark’s Science Initiative has responded in recent years by bringing Mad Science and High Touch, High Tech curriculums into the school. We’ve also funded computer-based learning through Study Island for students and TAKSscope for teachers. This summer, we are again providing the funding for a third annual summer science academy for which students are competitively chosen.

Bonnye Cavazos, led the effort at Hawthorne, insisted that without St. Mark’s volunteers, students would not have competed this year; the teachers were simply spread too thin. Heartfelt thanks are in order to St. Mark’s for funding this year’s initiatives and to the volunteers who are heroes now at Hawthorne Academy: Jim Herbold, Don Hessenflow, Cathy Dawson, Tom Kingery, Bill and Bunny Matthews, Paula Chalk, Trinka and Tom McGehee, Lee Yelton, Marilyn Middleton, Cliff Waller, and Julie Van Zandt.

Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD.

We celebrate the accomplishment of all 37 students who participated and those who placed as follows:

-Psalm 127:3

From January through May this year, volunteers from St. Mark’s offered their time as University Interscholastic League (UIL) coaches for Hawthorne middle-school age students. They worked tirelessly to prepare students for their academic competitions. As often happens, it’s hard to tell who benefitted more, the students or the coaches! I can share from my own involvement that the students, volunteers, and Hawthorne administrators working together on this project were actively engaged in ‘revealing the kingdom’ to each other.

Calculator: 1st place in Seventh grade, 1st place in Eighth grade Math: 2nd place in Sixth grade Dictionary: 4th and 5th place in Sixth grade, nd 2 place in Seventh grade Editorial Writing: 5th place in Eighth grade Oral Reading: 3rd and 4th place in Eighth grade Listening: 1st, 4th, and 6th place in Sixth grade, 3rd and 4th in Eighth grade Maps and Graphs: 3rd in Sixth grade, 3rd in Seventh grade Spelling: 1st in Eighth grade

UIL coach Tom Kingery said, “What an experience!! After signing up for 7th grade Oral Reading, I launched into the most fun I have had for many years, and got to be really good friends with my assigned students. As could be expected, we had our moments of learning and respecting each other. I found that the more we got to know each other, the more we were able to accomplish. I gave them my best effort and while I made some mistakes, I learned that I could add value to the written material by just listening, watching, encouraging, and being there. To this day, I remember

Hawthorne Academy would like St. Mark’s help again next year, so if you have a heart for helping children set and work toward their goals, think about being a St. Mark’s UIL coach. For more information, call Dina Aboul Saad at 210-401-2734. Donations are also welcome for the summer science academy and supplies for Hawthorne’s annual science fair. Teachers are funding many of these supplies personally. Checks can be made out to St. Mark’s with Science Initiative in the memo field.

Funds for Diocesan Wounded Warrior Ministry On Memorial Day Weekend the offerings collected at the Sunday services were used to support the Diocese of West Texas’ Wounded Warrior Ministry. This ministry will help to fund three annual three-day retreats for wounded warriors at Mustang Island Conference Center and will also assist wounded warrior families attending Mustang Island Family Camp. St. Mark’s collected over $900 to support this ministry. If you would like to make a gift to support this ministry of healing and care for the wounded veterans of recent wars and their families, please send your check to St. Mark’s and indicate “DWTX Wounded Warrior Ministry” in the memo. For more information about The Wounded Warrior Project go to www.woundedwarriorproject.org.


Building Relationships in Haiti: A Summer Mission Trip

Good Samaritan Community Services Continue to Help Families

By The Rev. Jonathan Wickham, Assistant Rector

By Mary Carolyn Watson, Director of Development, Good Samaritan Community Services


or a number of years St. Mark’s members and friends have been active in foreign mission trips. Medical teams, education and construction teams have ventured to places like Honduras, Belize, South America, and Mexico. In the past year a group of mission minded parishioners have been considering working in Haiti. Jennifer Wickham has spoken to the parish about her experience working in a town in the Central Plateau of Haiti. Jennifer has been the leader of a partnership with St. George Episcopal School here in San Antonio and St. Benoit Episcopal School in Mombin Crochu, a town of about 25,000 people. After much prayer and discernment we have assembled a team to explore the possibilities of St. Mark’s becoming mission partners in Mombin Crochu. Photo courtesy of www.goodsamaritancommunityservices.org.

This small group of St. Mark’s members is moving to build relationships that will grow into future mission trips. In addition to strengthening the connections with the school in Mombin Crochu, we will take steps toward building a much needed well for the school, a project supported by many members of St. Mark’s. In addition we will establish relationships with the medical community in the town as we consider bringing St. Mark’s medical teams there. Part of our work will also include supporting the Holy Trinity Cathedral Music School’s music camp for children and youth in Cange, about an hour away from our base location.


ood Samaritan Community Services (GSCS) has long had a special relationship with St. Mark’s church. While currently a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and an agency of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, GSCS began as an outreach mission of St. Mark’s in 1951. Summer is an especially busy time at GSCS with staff running eight weeks of summer camps on site, as well as preparing over 100 children to go off to Camp Capers throughout June and July. GSCS still needs donations of pillows and blankets to include with the other camp gear that we are gathering for Good Sam kids. Please drop all donations off in the bin on the 2nd floor in the Parish House.

The members of this mission team are Jennifer, Jonathan, Patrick and Ian Wickham, and Jennifer and Greg Merritt. Please support us by keeping us in your thoughts and prayers while we are in Haiti from July 8 through the 16th. If you would like to financially support the mission trip; contributions may be sent to St. Mark’s, indicating “Haiti Mission”. You can join with us as we reflect on the process before, after and during the mission on our blog at: www.thecallandtheresponse.wordpress.com .

In August, GSCS will begin collecting school supplies for youth between the ages of 6-18. Donated pens, pencils, notebook paper, and pocket folders would help the hundreds of children in our After School program get off to a great start this upcoming school year. If you would like to get more involved helping disadvantaged San Antonio youth improve their education, please consider signing up to be a GED tutor. GSCS needs tutors to work with teenage youth in the subject areas of math, English, science and social studies. The GED program at GSCS gives young people who have initially stumbled, a second chance to get an education, find employment, and pursue their dreams. Giving an hour a week or a month to help tutor would make a real difference in the lives of these youth. For more information about volunteering please contact Raquel Vincent at 424-0895 or vincent_r@goodsamcenter.com.


The Renew Campaign for St. Mark's Episcopal Church continues with great momentum since moving into the public phase of the campaign in May. As of June 13, 2011, gifts and pledges in the amount of $4,341,593 have been received towards the goal of $5,174,965 or 84% of the Renew Campaign goal. Gifts and pledges have been generated from 109 donors. Past campaigns have exceeded 300 donors, so the important thing is a prayful gift from many more donors if we are to reach our goal over this summer.

complete construction drawings this month. Implementation of the planned improvements will not commence until gifts and pledges equal to the campaign goal of $5,174,965 is achieved. With $833,372 needed to close the gap, please consider committing today to a three year pledge to Renew for St. Mark's. Pledge forms are available from the church by request and we would be happy to schedule a personal visit to describe the campaign and discuss available recognition opportunities.

Assuming dollars come in as already pledged, we will soon be able to retire the balance on our construction note at Frost Bank for the extensive reconstruction of the parish house that was completed several years ago. All pledges being solicited now will go to the long needed restoration and improvement of our National Register sanctuary and grounds. The architectural firm of Ford, Powell, and Carson, along with a world renown team of consultants will

Regards, Jeff Rochelle and Todd Piland Co-Chairs Renew for St. Mark's

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Budgeted Financial Statement for May As of 05/31/11 St. Mark’s income has exceeded expenses by $119,436. If you have any questions about this report, please contact Priscilla Briones, Accountant at (210) 226-2426 or email Priscilla at pbriones@stmarks-sa.org


2011-2012 Music from St. Mark’s Twentieth Anniversary Season Free parking is available in the lot on the corner of Jefferson and Pecan Street. Concerts begin at 4:00pm. All concerts are offered free of charge. Nursery childcare is available by reservation only (210)226-2426. Please RSVP for childcare seven days in advance of event.

Joseph Causby, organ St. Mark’s New Director of Music

September 25, 2011 October 23, 2011

Choral Evensong with the Parish Choir Dame Gillian Weir, organ

November 13, 2011 December 4, 2011

Advent Lessons and Carols

February 12, 2012

Choral Evensong with Parish & Youth Choirs

March 11, 2012 April 29, 2012

Double Bach Joseph Causby & Kristin Roach, harpsichords Fiesta Concert: The Parish Choir with orchestra

SPECIAL EVENTS THE CITY-WIDE BEETHOVEN FESTIVAL In cooperation with the San Antonio Symphony and many other local music presenters.

Friday, January 6 at 7:00 p.m. & Sunday, January 8, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. Christ Episcopal Church, 510 Belknap THE COMPLETE WORKS FOR CELLO AND PIANO Kenneth E. Freudigman, cello Kristin Roach, piano Presented by Latin Grammy nominated Camerata San Antonio Tuesdays, January 10, 17 and 24, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. St. Mark’s Episcopal Church THE THIRTY-TWO PIANO SONATAS The San Antonio International Piano Competition presents previous prize winners.


More than a slogan: Many Bodies, One Spirit Third Annual Summer Outreach Weekend By Todd Allison, Director of Youth Ministries & Sara Talley, Assistant Director of Youth Ministries

“The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ.” ‐‐1 Corinthians 12:12

Never has this verse been brought to such vibrant life as it was during the 3rd annual Summer Outreach Weekend (S.O.W.), June 3-5. St. Mark’s youth and friends came together as the body of Christ and made a difference in the community. Twenty St. Mark’s youth were joined by another 15 youth from St. Thomas for some fun as Sea World. The groups met early and took advantage of the time at Sea World to enjoy the rides, shows and water park. Tired and sunburned that afternoon the group said goodbye to St. Thomas and returned to the church to begin the outreach weekend. Twenty-three youth, including friends, enjoyed a Friday evening of fellowship, pizza and games. Friday night also welcomed some very exciting news regarding the Youth Ministry Food Bank Fund Drive. The campaign for 2011 started with the Pancake Supper in March and officially ended on Palm Sunday. As in previous years, the youth made an

outstanding effort each Sunday morning to hear the Wa-hoos! In March, the group set a goal of $10,000. A very generous group joined together and made sure that goal was met and that the money raised was matched. $20,000 will be given to the San Antonio Food Bank this year! This money, totaling overy $53,000 in three years, will touch thousands and bring a community closer together. Perhaps most important is the time and energy the youth group would spend the next day at the San Antonio Food Bank, watching their efforts and contributions change lives. This year’s S.O.W. was the busiest and most challenging yet! The day began with putting together boxes of food for hungry seniors in Bexar County. Each box was filled with juice, cereal, vegetables, fruit and beans. The team work displayed by the youth was amazing. They really displayed what the body of Christ is truly about right there in the warehouse. The group wore the words 8

“Many bodies, one spirit” on their shorts as they worked and they lived those words by their actions just as it reads in I Corinthians 12:17-20, “If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? But in fact God arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is there are many parts, but one body.” Overall, 350 boxes were stuffed, which equals over 10,000 pounds of food! Next, the group boxed up another 1750 pounds of food to be used by families throughout San Antonio in the coming weeks. In the short time at the Food Bank, over 300 lives were touched. Each recipient of a food box will now eat for an entire week because of the work of the youth and generosity of the community of St. Mark’s. (Continued on page 9)

graffiti to be wiped out, there was more work than paint! Driving away, it was obvious that the team work displayed by the youth was nothing short of Christdriven. The hard work wasn’t without its reward. David Ribble arranged for showers at Trinity

All together now! “ Many Bodies, One Spirit!” (Continued from page 8)

Tired from the hard work, which wasn’t over yet, the group headed to a Graffiti Wipeout project in west/central San Antonio under the guidance of SA Code Compliance officers. The point of the project was to beautify the community and discourage those marking territory from returning. This project was the most challenging service to the community yet! The youth braved the heat with no shade and in less than two hours, the area assigned was graffiti-free and a sense of pride engulfed the group. Though there was more

University. After showering, the group headed to the home of David and Shannon Stephens where a cool dip in the pool, burgers, hot dogs and snacks awaited them. The group then went back to St. Mark’s for a Wii Just Dance competition before eventually finding their way to their beds. Each year the S.O.W. grows and touches more and more lives inside and outside of St. Mark’s. There could never be too many “thank yous” said to the St. Mark’s community for the support given to the youth and enabling them to spread the work of Christ by their actions. Special thanks go to Patrice Oliver, our Vestry

“mom”, without her the weekend would not have been possible. Thank you to Ruby Merrill, David Ribble, and David and Shannon Stephens and all of the parents and friends who made the 3rd annual S.O.W. possible. Just as the youth group makes up the body of Christ, St. Mark’s is a true example of a church striving to make a difference in the lives of individuals and the community allowing Christ to lead the church and live out Colossians 1:17, “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church.” Photos courtesy of Todd Allison.

www.facebook.com/ smcyouth Follow St. Mark’s Youth Ministries on Facebook for the latest news, photos, and events.


There will be a mandatory acolyte meeting at 9:00a.m. on Sunday, August 21. All current acolytes and anyone wanting to become an acolyte must attend. If you are not already on the acolyte schedule please email Todd Allison at tallison@stmarks‐ sa.org with your name, grade, and contact information.

Happening 119 will be held Friday through Sunday, August 5‐7 at Good Shepherd Corpus Christi. Happenings are spiritual renewal weekends for high schoolers in grades 10 through 12. diocese sponsors three weekends each year in various locations. For more information about the upcoming Happening weekend contact Todd or Sara or visit the Special Events page at www.dwtx.org. Space is limited so register soon. 9

Announcements We have a limited number of our 2011 Youth Ministries T‐shirts available for purchase. All proceeds from the t‐shirts go toward youth programs and outreach. Each shirt is $15.00 and checks should be made payable to St. Mark’s Youth. Order forms are in the youth suite or you may contact Todd or Sara to order. Email: youth@stmarks‐sa.org

YOUTH MINISTRIES SAVE THE DATES: Aug. 2-7: Palmer Youth Group Visit Aug. 5-7: Happening 119 Aug. 21: Acolyte Meeting/Training Aug. 28: Rally Day Sept. 4: Labor Day Weekend Sept. 7: 2nd Annual Chili Cook-Off Oct. 21: Jr. High Fall Lock-In Nov. 6: Youth Confirmation

SAVE THE DATE: August 21, 2011 Tom Gish Hall During the Christian Formation Hour at 9:00a.m. More details coming soon!


St. Mark’s Blood Drive In conjunction with the South Texas Blood and Tissue Center Sunday, September 4 8:30a.m.-11:45a.m. Gosnell Hall (1st Floor) For more info, contact Elaine Enloe at 226-2426. A sign up sheet is available on the 1st floor bulletin board.





July Birthdays July 1st Kathy Fagan, Jane Patterson, Chere Reneau July 2nd John Hartz July 3rd Pat Butler, Frank Donnelly, Asa Kirby, Heather Perron, Sue Todd July 4th Don Hessenflow, Ruth Judson, Jane Marke, Audrey Vinson July 5th Marian Holdsworth, Blake Ivy, Barbara Yu July 6th Adele Davidson, Alexis Faulk, Diana Kay Geis, Camilla Hurd July 7th JR Bockerstette, Frank Dickson, William Fisher, Jamie Karutz July 8th Doris Alderman, Minta Cook, Barcley Houston July 10th Lexi Dorn, Kerri Grellner, Rod Haff, Rachel Ham, Kent Leafstedt, Courtney Watson July 11th Gib Austin, Alice Cummins July 12th Allene Sampson, Nancy Steves July 13th Susan Beardslee, Mark Gainey, Patricia Miranda, Sally Morgan, Juana Rodriguez, Robert Sheldon July 14th Charlotte Allen, Agnes Harwood, Carolyn Hensarling, Lawrence Smith July 15th Donna Bardgett, Louisa Matthews, Betty Rowland, Barbara Ward July 16th Libby Budenholzer, Christina Fisher, Dick Kistner, Vernon Sahm, Kathleen Weir Vale

July 17th Icy Donnelly July 18th Cisco Rosado July 19th Kathleen Calgaard, Kate Crone, Gregory Evans, Karl Roach‐ Compton, John Sisemore July 20th Suzy Clements, Sarah Mais, Van Stewart July 21st Barbara Bartay July 22nd Kelly Cavender, Lois McDowell, Jamie Blount, Maurleen Cobb, Audrey Dillon, Natalie Dorn, Curtis Gunn, Leo Perron, Jonathan Somers, Jo Thompson July 24th Andrew Dahm, Jean Guidry, Glenn Matthias, Evan Tanner July 25th Barbara Hardin, Nancy Reed, Harold Sager, Jazmyn Vasquez July 26th David Ross, Elise Townsend July 27th Steve Hall, Tish Sellers July 28th Sandy Falkenberg, Ryan Somers July 29th Holly Besing, Bill Day, Deborah Livingston July 30th Gary Chambers, Nicole McNeel July 31st Ryan Heron, Jack Laurence, Lesley Remington, J. Marvin Smith, Gilbert Villarreal A special happy birthday to: Alice Cummins on her 95th (July 11) Jo Thompson on her 91st (July 23)




Don Baca by Amanda Ochse William B. Cavender by Amanda Ochse Patricia Donnell by Ginny & Guy Halter Wallace McGee by Amanda Ochse Gloria Randel by Robert & Irene Sanz Charles A. (Cotton) Robertson, Jr. by Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Drought, Ginny & Guy Halter, Emma Korbell & Sharon Kidd, Amanda Ochse, St. Mary’s University of Law & the Law Alumni Association, Elizabeth Welch Ross Shipman by Mrs. Alfred King, Paul & Jean Parker

A gift to the St. Mark’s Garden Fund in honor of Deems Smith on her birthday, by John & Chica Younger A gift to the St. Cecilia Guild in thanksgiving for the recovery of my mother, Victoria Vasquez, by Adelina Vasquez A special to the St. Mark’s Altar Guild in appreciation for Barbara Ward, by Andrea & Jack Tigner A special Easter gift to St. Mark’s in honor of Rev. Mike Chalk & Rev. Jonathan Wickham by Patsy Steves A special gift to the St. Mark’s music program in honor of Harold Sager by Marcus & Rebekka Nicolini from Solingen, Germany A special gift to Ruby’s Kitchen in honor of Ruby Merrill, Jane Satel, Leo F. Perron, Jr., John B. King, Jr. & the Rev. Michael Chalk by Ann Barber

REJOICE William B. Cavender, Sr. by Courtney & Mark E. Watson, Jr.

A special gift to St. Mark’s in thanksgiving for Nance Raines Haney by Ben Haney

TUCKER COURTYARD Maidie Liebmann by Mary Tucker Cassell Josephine Tucker Robertson by Darrell O. Kirkland, Heather M. Perron

A special gift to St. Mark’s in thanksgiving for Ben Miller Raney by Ben & Nance Haney A special gift to St. Mark’s in honor of Alice Cummins by Beth Forsen

LENTEN LUNCHEON FUND Tommy Gish by Candy & Buddy Gardner

A special gift to St. Cecelia in gratitude for the arrival of Joe Causby by John & Chica Younger

KITCHEN CORPS The Rev. Bert Honea by Tookie Spoor, John & Chica Younger

STREET ENDOWMENT FUND Joe Street by Amanda Ochse

If you have any questions about Memorials at St. Mark’s please contact Pat at the church office at (210) 226‐2426.

REV. CHALK’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Tara Lodek by Carol & Bill Coker


The Messenger (USPS 514‐020) Published Monthly (3rd Wednesday) ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226‐2426 Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Rector: The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Editor: Melanie Lizcano Layout & Graphic Design: Melanie Lizcano e‐mail articles to mlizcano@stmarks‐sa.org

Article deadline is 2nd Wednesday of each month

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Fall Worship Schedule Begins Sunday, August 28 7:45am Rite I Eucharist (No Music) 9:00am Rite II Eucharist with Boy and Girl Choir and Children's Chapel 10:00am Christian Formation for All Ages 11:00am Rite II Eucharist with Parish Choir 11:11am Rite II CAYA (Come as You Are) "Eucharist in the Round" The lion image shown above is a drawing done by Patrice Oliver. Thank you Patrice for your artistic contribution. The actual image is from a photo taken by Emmet Faulk of a stained glass window in the sanctuary. This drawing will be used in various St. Mark’s publications.

For more information visit www.stmarks-sa.org or call the church office at (210) 226-2426.

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.