themessenger MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH VOL 100 | ISSUE 8 | AUGUST 2011 315 E. Pecan St. | San Antonio, TX 78205 | (210) 226 -2426 |
Continuing in the Apostles’ Teaching: Adult Christian Formation This Fall By The Rev. Jonathan Wickham
while ago I was discussing one of my favorite books with my son, Patrick. He had been assigned Ernest Hemingway’s Old Man and the Sea for an 8th grade English class and I relished the opportunity to talk about Santiago’s struggle with the great blue marlin. I am not as well read as I want to be, but I have a sort of “thing” for Hemingway. I’ve read most of his novels and many of his short stories and had considered that a source of literary pride- a pride that grew as I began to share my insights.
some reference works on Hemingway…and there it was, plain as day. And I had missed it, and he was right. The imagery is obvious. I had much more to learn.
Patrick listened patiently as I went on about themes of struggle, of Santiago’s heroic steadfastness, his deep regard and honor for the fish, the sweet tragedy of life as a series of toils and humble rewards. “And how about the way Hemingway worked in the Jesus imagery, the crucifixion and all that? That was really great.” he said. I was stumped. I had no idea what he was talking about. Now, I had read and reread this book more times than I can remember. I had watched Spencer Tracy on a Saturday afternoon TV rebroadcast of the movie. At no time had I considered the themes of Jesus’ suffering and path to the cross.
Last summer at St. Mark’s brings the beginning of a new season of learning and formation for all ages. Adult education classes feature many friends and members of the St. Mark’s family. Our themes of worship, Bible, family life, generosity, Sabbath, spirituality, and community give a variety of insights for our large and diverse community. Groups and classes meet on Sundays and during the week.
“It’s right there.” Patrick continued. “We talked about it in class. My English teacher pointed it out and once you see it, it’s really obvious.” So I went back to the book. I slowed myself down, opened my imagination, and I even consulted
There is always more to learn. This is true in all areas of life, particularly in our life of faith. Our formation as followers of Jesus must include our immersion in a long-term pattern of learning and discovery. No matter how much we think we know about the matters of our Christian faith, we can always learn more.
Come on out in the fall and learn something new. Take part in life-long learning and formation at St. Mark’s.
The schedules and course descriptions on the next page are available online at Use the “Fridge Friendly” insert included in this Messenger for easy reference throughout the fall.
Special Edition: Fall Adult Formation
Sunday Mornings in Gish Hall (Third Floor) The Messenger is published monthly and is available in magazine format online at Parish Clergy The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Rector The Rev. Jonathan Wickham Assistant Rector Assisting Clergy The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Co-director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson Co-director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Andrew Lobban Assisting Priest Making a Gift of Their Service The Rev. Mary Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Cliff Waller Assisting Priest Staff Jennifer Allison Children’s Ministries Co-Director Todd Allison Youth Director Priscilla Briones Accounting Janet Carrizales Nursery Coordinator Joseph Causby Director of Music Bill Edwards Parish Administrator Elaine Enloe Clergy Executive Administrator Database Manager Sandy Falkenberg Cherub Choir Conductor Emmet Faulk Community Formation Director Heather Herschell Children’s Ministries Co-Director Melanie Lizcano Communications Director Ruby Merrill Facilities Manager Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Kristin Roach Assistant Director of Music Sara Talley Asst. Director Youth Ministries
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 East Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205
Why Worship?
In an age when some people contend that they are “spiritual but not religious,” the issue of corporate worship is often raised. For three weeks we will address the role of worship as it relates to our spirituality, our identity as the People of God, and our daily lives. We have special guest speakers for two of our Sunday classes. August 28 Spirituality and Worship The Rev. Mary C. Earle September 4 The Purpose of Worship The Rev. Michael Chalk September 11 Prayer Book Worship The Rt. Rev. Robert B. Hibbs Bishop Suffragan Retired Diocese of West Texas
A Celebration of Celtic Spirituality with Mary Earle
On this Sunday we will celebrate Mary’s ministry as an author whose work focuses on Christian spirituality. The celebration includes an introduction of Mary’s recently published work, Celtic Christian Spirituality: Essential Writings—Annotated & Explained September 18 Gosnell Hall (first floor)
Generosity as a Way of Life September 25 A Generous Heart The Rev. Michael Chalk October 2 St. Francis of Assisi Jon M. Sweeney (Guest Speaker) Jon Sweeney is the author of a recent book entitled The Road to Assisi. Mr. Sweeney is the associate publisher at Paraclete Press in Massachusetts, and has appeared on PBS television. He was the featured speaker at The National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. on St. Francis’s feast day. October 9 A Generous Heart The Rev. Dr. John Lewis October 16 Annual Parish Meeting All are invited to Gosnell Hall (First Floor)
Creating the Abundant Community
This Sunday morning class will examine how, as a community of faith, we can support one another in the four essential practices of living abundantly: hospitality, stewardship of our possessions, sabbathkeeping, and discernment. This class may be attended as a follow-on to the Wednesday evening class series (see below) or as a stand-alone series. October 23 - November 13 The Rev. Dr. John Lewis & The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson
The Gift of Shalom
The Hebrew word shalom can be defined as well-being or wholeness. In a world of great complexity and anxiety, most people yearn for that “peace of God, which surpasses understanding,…” (Phil. 4:7) Several guest speakers will discuss this important concept from their own tradition or discipline of study. Nov 20 Rabbi Samuel M. Stahl Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Beth-El, San Antonio Theologian-in-Residence & Lecturer at The Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, NY Nov 27 Advent Festival Gosnell Hall (First Floor) Dec 4 The Rev. Dr. Paul Parks Executive Director, Ecumenical Institute of Religion & Health Dec 11 Dr. Don Lucas Chair, Psychology Department, Northwest Vista College Author: Being: Your Happiness, Pleasure, andContentment Dec 18 The Rev. Michael Chalk
Sunday Mornings in the Dean Richardson Room (Second Floor) Bible 101
In this class we will explore some of the basic questions about the Bible, including: What is the Bible and what isn’t it? How was it formed? How do we read and understand the Bible? Our time together will include lots of discussion and time for questions. August 28 – September 11 The Rev. Jonathan Wickham
In this three week introduction to the Episcopal Church we will explore some of the “basics” of our peculiar way of life. Come ready with questions and be ready to explore a range of topics including history, liturgy, Bible, music and even some intriguing church politics. September 18 - October 9 The Rev. Jonathan Wickham
Family Life – Families of Abundance
How can we help our families become centers of abundant living? It’s a challenge in the midst of all the activity and anxiety of parenthood. Join the conversation as we share our journeys of creating families of generosity, grace and hospitality. October 23– November 13 The Rev. Jonathan Wickham and guests
Weekday Classes and Groups The Gifted Years
Betty Anne Cody leads a reflection and conversation based on the recent book, Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life by Richard Rohr. Tuesdays October 4-November 8 10:00 – 11:30am Dean Richardson Room
Timeout Bible Study
The Rev. Drs. Jane Patterson and John Lewis will lead TWO different sessions of “Timeout Bible Study” in the St. Mark’s Youth Suite on Wednesdays (NEW DAY!), starting September 7 and continuing through December 7. The first session will meet from 10:45 am - 12:00 noon and the second session will occur from 1:30 pm - 2:45 pm. Childcare will be available during both sessions. This year, we will read the Gospel of Matthew from start to finish. As always, each class session will provide ample time for conversation about the implications of the gospel for our own faithfulness in daily life. Since each class session will proceed at its own unique pace, and we are seeking to shape each group into a small, ongoing Christian community, we ask everyone to choose only one of the two sessions to attend regularly. Please bring your own Bible and a journal for recording your own weekly reflections! Wednesdays September 7-December 7 10:45-12:00noon The Youth Room (3rd Floor) 1:30-2:45pm
Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World
The life of a woman today isn't really all that different from that of Mary and Martha in the New Testament. Like Mary, you long to sit at the Lord's feet...but the daily demands of a busy world just won't leave you alone. Like Martha, you love Jesus and really want to serve him...yet you struggle with weariness, resentment, and feelings of inadequacy. Then comes Jesus, right into the midst of your busy Mary/Martha life--and he extends the same invitation he issued long ago to the two sisters of Bethany. Tenderly he invites you to choose "the better part"---a joyful life of "living-room" intimacy with him that flows naturally into "kitchen service" for him. Join us for this book study this fall. Childcare is available. Led by Maurleen Cobb. Wednesdays Beginning August 31 5:30 – 6:30pm Room 306 (3rd Floor)
Choosing a Satisfied Life
In a culture of materialism, when we are bombarded night and day by advertising meant to evoke a sense of dissatisfaction, how do we choose to live a satisfied life? How do we choose to be Christians in a culture that defines us as consumers? Where do we look to find lifesustaining purpose and meaning? In this class, we will explore together the resources of our Christian tradition for living faithfully with the material goods we have. In addition to the weekly presentations, there will be exercises for reflection at home between classes. Childcare is available. Led by The Rev. Drs. John Lewis and Jane Patterson Wednesdays September 7-28 5:30-6:45pm Dean Richardson Room
Confirmation/Reception into the Episcopal Church for Adults
According to the Prayer Book, Confirmation is of “the rite in which we express a mature commitment to Christ and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on hands by a bishop.” The bishop of the Diocese of West Texas will visit St. Mark’s in November to confirm adults and youth. These classes are for adults who wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation or who have already been confirmed or made an adult profession of faith in another Christian tradition and who wish to be received into the Episcopal Church by the bishop. Led by The Rev. Jonathan Wickham Wednesdays October 5, 12, 19, 26 5:30-6:45pm Dean Richardson Room
An Attitude of Gratitude By The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson
“I wonder: what was the best gift you’ve ever received?” “Some gifts are so big you can hardly see them.”
hus begins the Godly Play lesson on the creation in our children’s Sunday School at St. Mark’s. The creation ends with the Sabbath Day, the day when God rests and looks back over the goodness of all the other days, a day for us also to look at our lives with gratitude. The Sabbath is shown as a blank white rectangle, a day you can fill with anything you want that helps you taste the goodness of being alive, with thanksgiving. That white rectangle is like a blank thank-you card to the universe: you can fill it with reverence, with celebration, with whatever expresses your thanks for all that God has given. At St. Mark’s, the Generosity Commission has established an “Attitude of Gratitude” committee, whose task is not to do all the thanking for the community (!), but to infuse the parish with a spirit of gratitude for one another and for the life we have together here. Here is one example: Last fall, I helped in a minor way with the youth confirmation class, by showing them the seasonal clergy stoles and chasubles and by teaching them up-close how the Eucharist is celebrated. A few days afterward, I received a note in my mailbox at the church. I saw my name written in calligraphy on the outside, and
wondered what it could possibly be. When I opened it, there was a photograph of me and the confirmation class, all of us smiling and holding a set of purple stoles. Inside were words of thanks and the signatures of all the teens. The picture and the note were the work of Patrice Oliver. I was so moved, I put the card in my calendar, and I’ve taken it out more times than I can count, to show it to friends, saying, “This is why I do what I do. This picture reminds me of why I am a priest.” When people say thanks, they show that they have really seen someone else, and that they value what that person does. Imagine you have a blank card in front of you. Whose ministry have you noticed at St. Mark’s? Whom do you want to thank? The “Attitude of Gratitude” committee has placed cards at the reception desk in the Parish House for your use, in order to infuse our whole parish with a spirit of thanksgiving. We can’t wait to see how the cards disappear, while our connection to one another deepens. “Attitude of Gratitude” Committee: Jim Bliek, chair Patrice Oliver Amy Phipps Jane Patterson Cathy Dawson, ex officio, chair of the Generosity Commission
“I wonder: what was the best gift you’ve ever received?” “Some gifts are so big you can hardly see them.”
Fall Fellowship Festival Just Around the Corner By Cathy Dawson, Chair of the Generosity Commission The Fall Fellowship Festival is rapidly approaching. Everyone please set aside Saturday, September 10 for this fun family event. It will kick off at St. Mark’s at 5:00p.m. with a reception, hors d’ ouevres, and music both inside and outside the Parish Hall. There will be a story teller for the smaller children, laser tag and video games for the older children, and various musical groups performing while the adults gather for fellowship. Following the opening activities dinner will be served at 5:30 p.m.. Adults will dine in Gosnell Hall and children will have a their own meal of pizza, fruit, and drinks. If a child wishes to eat supper with the parents that is okay too. An hour later everyone will gather in the Sanctuary. There will be a wonderful monologue by Sam Carter Gilliam. Called, “Fertile Soil,” it is a modern parable based on Matthew 13: 3-9. It is the story of Mrs. Barrington and her son, Jeffrey, who believe their neighborhood is declining because of the people who are moving into it. Through her trials she begins to see these events in a new way. She becomes richer and more “fertile” from her experiences. Sam, a member of the Church of Reconciliation, performed the monologue during our Diocesan Council in February. Everyone who was there was moved by her performance. She is a gifted artist, story teller, and educator. She performed in professional theater and served as an arts educator for a career spanning more than 35 years. Her presentations offer a special blend of scholarly research and carefully shaped content. She is creating a sequel to “Fertile Soil” to be performed at St. Mark’s on Pledge Sunday, October 16 during church services at 9:00a.m. and 11:15a.m. I hope all of you will join us September 10 for this memorable night. Table hosts and contributions are still needed. Also, reservations for the festival are requested and will be taken August 21, 28 and September 4 before and after church services. If you would like to volunteer as a table host or make a donation to this event, contact Jim Bliek at (210) 4128984. Visit to RSVP or call the church office . I look forward to seeing you then.
LANDSCAPING NOTES Included in the rehabilitation project for St. Mark’s are plans for the south courtyard (the Travis Park side of the sanctuary). The changes to the courtyard include plans to level and replace the hardscape, to remove plantings which are near the sanctuary in order to protect the limestone walls from water damage, and to install native and adopted plants that are drought tolerant in the green spaces. At the moment, unfortunately , there are several spots in the landscape that aren’t attractive. The winter’s freeze, summer’s drought, and plumber’s repairs have stressed our courtyard plantings. All of these areas are included in the landscape renovation design and when they’re completed we’ll have our oasis again. Thank you, Deems Smith, Landscape Architect
New Ministry at St. Mark’s-Outreach from Within
Ministry News
By Cathy Murphy Brumlik, Outreach from Within Chairperson You may have heard about the introduction of a new ministry called Outreach from Within. It is a telephone ministry based not on talking, but on listening. The goal of Outreach from Within is to set up a calling network with teams of people who would be responsible for placing brief calls to parishioners two times a year. These calls would include making sure that contact information is up to date, a brief notification of upcoming events, and to identify any pastoral needs. As a downtown church we are focused in our calling to be outwardly purposeful in the ways that we demonstrate the spread of Jesus’ gospel through our actions within the community. To be truly accountable to each other, however, requires that we be more inquisitive and nourishing of our own faith community.
All parishioners will be receiving these calls. Many, especially those who attend church regularly will be very brief; but it is the conversations that we will have with those who may not attend services as regularly as they would like that will lend them another touchstone for contact, and give us an insight into what we as a parish can do to make ourselves a more vibrant and caring community. We desire that St. Mark’s be, not only a friend in time of need, but also a worthwhile place in which all parishioners wish to utilize their time and talents. If you would like to be a part of this ministry, we will be happy to place you on a calling team, or if you would simply like to know more, please contact Cathy Murphy Brumlik, (210) 340-4455, or Emmett Faulk at . We look forward to becoming a vital part of the outreach of St. Mark’s Church.
Prayer Shawl Ministry Welcomes Interested People By Mary Anne Matteson, Prayer Shawl Participant Several years ago, St. Mark’s sponsored a Prayer Shawl Ministry. Shawls have been made for centuries, universal and embracing, symbolic of an inclusive and unconditionally loving God. They wrap, enfold, comfort, give solace, mother, hug, shelter and beautify. Those who have received them have been uplifted and affirmed, as if given wings to fly above their troubles (Janet Bristow, 2011). Shawls can be made in many ways such as knitted, crocheted, quilted, or woven, and may be known by many names, including prayer shawls, comfort shawls, or peace shawls. We are reviving the Shawl Ministry at St. Mark’s and welcome any interested people who like to knit and/or crochet to participate. Experience is not
necessary and instructions can be provided. The meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month, 6:30p.m. to 8:30p.m. in room 306. We also have some shawls that have already been completed, so if you know of anyone who could benefit from having one, please let us know.
Prayer Shawl Contact Mary Ann Matteson at or by phone at 210-215-1414 for questions or suggestions.
You are cordially invited to attend St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Fall Fellowship Festival Saturday, September 10, 2011 5:00 to 7:30pm 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas Events for all ages, food, fun, music, art, fellowship & our special guest: Sam Carter Gilliam in her portrayal of Mrs. Barrington 5:00 to 5:30p.m. Opening Reception 5:30 to 6:30p.m. Dinner 6:40p.m. “Mrs Barrington” Presentation 7:30p.m. Depart in Fellowship & Peace RSVP – Call the Church Office (210) 226-2426 Register online Sign up at the Church
Wouldn’t it be great to have everyone there! Casual attire!
You are invited to attend New Connections @ St. Mark’s on Thursday, September 8, 2011, designed especially for people new to St. Mark’s and for those who are still considering whether to become part of the community. This meeting is intended to provide you with a clearer picture of how you may connect with St. Mark’s. Thursday, September 8, 2011 Complimentary meal @ 6:00pm (Gosnell Hall) Meeting to follow in the Dean Richardson Room (2nd floor) The evening is scheduled to end no later than 8:30pm. Childcare is available if requested by Monday, August 29th. Call the church office at (210) 226-2426 to make childcare arrangements. Please RSVP to Emmet Faulk Phone: 210-226-2426 E-mail: Contact Us:
Environmental Stewardship: St. Francis Film Festival October 1 @ 8:30a.m.-2:00p.m. Tom Gish Hall
Music News It’s Going to be an Exciting Year for the Music Ministry By Joseph Causby, Director of Music
s my first official Messenger article, I would like to take the opportunity to say thank you to The Rev. Mike Chalk and the entire congregation for welcoming me to St. Mark’s. I am both humbled and thrilled to be here and look forward to many years of worship and
Parish Choir rehearsals began the second week of August and we’re busy preparing for upcoming liturgies as well as special events like Choral Evensong and Advent Lessons and Carols. We are always excited and eager to welcome new members in all voice parts. If you’re interested in joining, I’d be delighted to speak with you in person or by telephone/email.
music making. Keep Singing! This is a very exciting year for St. Mark’s in many ways, especially as we celebrate the 20th Anniversary of our concert series, Music from St. Mark’s. We have an outstanding season ahead!
Hey Guys!
Join the Cherubs of St. Marks
Welcome back from a terrific summer everybody! Come check out the wildly popular Youth Choir – and bring a friend. All 7th12th graders are welcome. BRING YOUR MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS!
By Sandy Falkenberg, Cherub Choir Director The rich music heritage that it so much a part of the fabric of the St. Mark's tapestry is cultivated through the various music opportunities offered for its members.
Wednesdays beginning August 24th from 7:00 – 8:15p.m. (immediately following Youth Fellowship). FAQs: ● Can I sing in the Youth Choir and acolyte? YES! ● Can I join the Youth Choir if I haven’t ever sung before? YES! ● Is Youth Choir FUN? YES! ● Who is in the Youth Choir? YOU OF COURSE! Check out the Facebook event picture and the St. Mark’s website for more information. The challenge is on – can the Youth Choir have MORE members than the Boy and Girl Choir????? Only YOU can answer that! Contact Kristin Roach if you are coming! Can’t wait to see you all soon! Kristin (210) 226-2426
As the Cherub Choir director I focus on some of our youngest musicians. Through singing, playing instruments, moving, hearing bible stories and learning about the flow of the church year our 4-6 year olds are preparing to become active participants in worship. Although this group is not a "performing" group we have two open houses a year where parents are invited to see what they have learned. Photo by Andrew Dahm
We also share our Advent and Christmas music with the St. Mark's staff as we carol through the building in December. Thanks to Jane Patterson and Heather Hershell who held their own child-centered foot-washing during Holy Week. As a child, my earliest music experiences took place in the church and I am so grateful that my parents encouraged my participation. To be able to share my love of the music of the church with the children of St. Marks completes that experience. If you would like to know more about the program you may e-mail me at: Cherub Choir rehearsals will begin on Wednesday, August 24, in the Children's Chapel on the second floor of the education building. Rehearsal's begin at 4:30 and end at 5:15p.m.
Youth Ministries ATTENTION YOUTH!
We want to know what you have been up to this summer. Please email us with pictures and a brief caption of something you did on your summer vacation. They will go in the next Messenger!
GET YOUR T-SHIRTS!!! A limited number of our 2011 Youth Ministries T-shirts available for purchase. All proceeds from the t-shirts go toward youth programs and outreach. Each shirt is $15.00 and checks should be made payable to St. Mark’s Youth.
SAVE THE DATES Aug. 21; Acolyte Meeting/Training (9am) Aug. 21; Rally Day (11am) Aug. 24; Wednesday Night Dinner/Fellowship Resumes (5pm-7pm) Aug. 28; Fall Schedule Resumes Sept. 4; Labor Day Weekend Oct. 21; Jr. High Fall Lock-In Nov. 6; Youth Confirmation
Order forms are in the youth suite or you may contact Todd or Sara to order. Email:
HAPPENING 120; NOV. 18-20, 2011
Happening 120 will be held Friday through Sunday, November 18-20 in Uvalde,TX. Happenings are spiritual renewal weekends for high schoolers in grades 10 through 12. The diocese sponsors three weekends each year in various locations. For more information about the upcoming Happening weekend contact Todd or Sara or visit the Special Events page at Space is limited
MONTHLY FINANCIAL UPDATE Information as of July 31, 2011 INCOME STATEMENT INFORMATION Pledge Revenue ............................................................................................................................ $151,414 Non Pledge Giving ........................................................................................................................ $7,620 Open Plate ..................................................................................................................................... $1,966 TOTAL REVENUE ..................................................................................................................... $171,180 TOTAL EXPENSES .................................................................................................................... $133,197 July Revenue Over Expenses by $37,983 Year to Date (January 2011 through July 2011) the revenue is over expenses by $119,991 St. Mark’s apportionment to be sent to the Diocese of West Texas in 2011 is $369,456, which equates to $30,788 a month. Through July 2011, St. Mark’s has sent $215,516 to the Diocese. St. Mark’s is pleased and very grateful to report that Non-Pledge revenue received through July is $88,233. If you routinely make open plate offerings, please consider making a pledge to help St. Mark’s plan and budget the 2012 ministries. If you have any questions about this report, please contact Priscilla Briones, Accountant, at (210) 226-2426 or email her at
News of the Family September Birthdays September 1st Walter Bain, Cary Barton, Stefanie Boswell, Bob Coleman, Jeffrey B. Hight, Robert LeClercq, Alexandra Tamez, Andrew Z. Thompson, Ann Tiner, Ian Vaughn September 2nd David Heller, Edward MacDonald, W. D. Olivarri, Sarah Ellen Payer, Steve Thomas September 3rd Thomas Gaither, Bobbie Sheldon, Jonah Slocum September 4th Kyle Briggs, Anna Oliver, Debra Walker, Naomi Wolfman September 5th Marcos De Luna September 6th Jena Barker, Pat Bridwell, Beverly Hooper, Zoe Lopez, Debbie Otto September 7th John Bloodsworth, Mary Ann Matteson September 8th Michael Brumlik, Elise Frierson, Colleen Goff, Marianna Law, Charles Owens, Linda Scott, Lee Yelton September 9th Tanya Beroukhim, Liam Dillon, Zachariah Linson, Pete Villanueva September 10th Roberta Aiken, Cory Howard, Kelly Satel September 11th Caroline Cassidy, Tres Davidson, George Geis, Nicole Gonzalez, Lillian Kimmerly, Alby Moore, David Ribble, Jay Roberts September 12th Tad Bowen, Ed Brown, Dan Butt, Meredith Holmstrom, Juan Carlos Rodriguez, Tookie Spoor September 13th Gene Alderman, Linda Jacobs, Kate Pollom September 14th Peggy Allison, Rene Fletcher, William Holmstrom, Ruth Holt, John McClung, Lauren Schimmel September 15th Gerry Brawner, Bridgett Burden, Aislinn Coyle, Porter Loring, Rayen Lucas, Eric Stupka September 16th Diettrich Arnold, Roger Bennett, Shannon Crenshaw, Rick Daniels, E.C. Parker, Jean Rumsey, Lillian Seeligson, Elisabeth Uhl, Maggie Villarreal September 17th Catesby Hunt, Mackenzie Medley, Barry Roberts, Pat Snyder
September 18th Michael Cassidy, Lois Dolch, Diana Hamner, Cliff Hurd, Tom Madison, Flor Rodriguez, Barbara Wilson September 19th Andrew Alderman, Jeanne Reesman, Teressa Sisemore, Karen Snyder, Carolynn Witt September 20th Alison Brown, Ann Madison, Bill Phelps, Kathie Sherman, Jermane Taylor September 21st Evelyn Bailey, Karen Brandon, Sarah Calogero, Dave Hulett, Chip Law, Don Lucas, Trevor Stokes, Lee Whittaker September 22nd Elizabeth Breazeale, Len Briley, Robin Logan, Joel Martin, Dody Oppenheimer, Lee Wilder September 23rd Mary Fisher, Alex Luft September 24th Margaret Amberson, Alicia Amberson, Staci Foster, William B. Townsend September 25th Nils Pearson September 26th Ralph Falkenberg, Lisa Piland, Sarah Stafford, Henry Wyatt September 27th Caroll Ahern, Trey Anderson, Sandy Folts, Al Hartman, Sandy Hughey, Ann Keetch, Suzy Zimmermann September 28th Randolph Blakeman, Elaine Center, Lisa Cox, Virginia Hartz, Camilla Parker, Dick Soupiset September 29th Dina Jones, Quincy Luce, Jeff Rochelle, Buttercup Sparks September 30th Jamie Lynn Bloodsworth, Harvey Marmon, Dale Martin, Al Silva, Ruben Tamez A very special happy birthday to: Ann Tiner, on her 96th (1-Sep) Buttercup Sparks, on her 96th (29-Sep) Ruth Holt, on her 94th (14-Sep) Lillian Kimmerly, on her 92nd (11-Sep) Andrew Z. Thompson, on his 91st (1-Sep) W. D. Olivarri, on his 90th (2-Sep) Jean Rumsey, on her 90th (16-Sep)
The Messenger (USPS 514-020) Published Monthly (3rd Wednesday) ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226-2426 Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Rector: The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Editor: Melanie Lizcano Layout & Graphic Design: Melanie Lizcano e-mail articles to
Article deadline is 2nd Wednesday of each month
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Fall Worship Schedule Begins Sunday, August 28 7:45am Rite I Eucharist (No Music) 9:00am Rite II Eucharist with Boy and Girl Choir and Children's Chapel 10:10am Christian Formation for All Ages 11:11am Rite II CAYA (Come as You Are) "Eucharist in the Round" The bell tower image shown above is a painting done by Pam Slocum. Thank you Pam for your artistic contribution. This drawing will be used in various St. Mark’s publications for the Music Ministry.
11:15am Rite II Eucharist with Parish Choir For more information visit or call the church office at (210) 226-2426.