05/16/12-The Messenger-Vol. 101 Issue 5

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We are a downtown Church; committed to the Gospel, accountable to each other, loving Christ and making him known.

themessenger Monthly Newsletter of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church MAY 2012



St. Mark’s Summer Worship & Adult Education


It’s Not Goodbye It’s I’ll See You Later -page 2

e often enjoy the change of season. The change from spring to summer is one of pace. The calendar is not quite as full and journeys to different parts of the world begin.

St. Mark’s Members Heat to Haiti in June -page 3

by The Rev. Mike Chalk, For quite a few years Rector now, we have combined our 9:00 and 11:15 worship services during the summer. The experience of coming together at 10:00 as a community has been positive in many respects.

Sanctuary Construction Report #2 -page 6


Since the seating capacity in Gosnell Hall is considerably less than the sanctuary, we need to maintain our schedule of three services for the summer. Adult education will continue at 10:10 and Christian formation will also be provided in the summer months. I am grateful to the Parish Choir for their willingness to give us musical support at the 9:00 service while our Boy & Girl Choir takes the summer off. Many thanks also to the altar guild, lectors, and ushers who are also prepared to respond to this matter.

I am delighted with how our worship in Gosnell Hall has been received. The space has highlighted the sense of community that can be felt in worship. Adult education in the summer at St. Mark’s is typically a biblical and theological reflection on events in the news led by the clergy staff. June begins differently with The Rev. Matt Wise who will lead an initial reflection on our new sacred space on June 3. Dr. Jeanne Reesman, professor of English at UTSA, is scheduled to present a series entitled “Mark Twain vs. God” scheduled for June 10 and June 17. I have long had an interest in the issue of mental illness and how the faith community can support individuals and families. Several guest speakers will address us June 24 on “The Stigma of Mental Illness” and provide St. Mark’s some creative ideas about how we can support those who struggle with mental illness. I hope you have the opportunity to get away this summer to refresh and enjoy life at a slower pace. When you are in town I look forward to seeing you at St. Mark’s.

SUMMER SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE DURING RENOVATION St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, Texas 78205 (210) 226-2426 www.stmarks-sa.org

7:45a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I in Bethlehem Chapel Enter through Tucker Courtyard and Gosnell Hall 9:00a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II in Gosnell Hall Enter through Tucker Courtyard 10:10a.m. Formation for all ages Adults in Gish Hall and Children/Youth in the 2nd & 3rd floor classrooms 11:15a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II in Gosnell Hall Enter through Tucker Courtyard

The Messenger is published monthly and is available in magazine format online at www.stmarks-sa.org Parish Clergy The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Rector The Rev. Jonathan Wickham Associate Rector Assisting Clergy The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Co-director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson Co-director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Andrew Lobban Assisting Priest The Rev. Matt Wise Assisting Priest Making a Gift of Their Service The Rev. Mary Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Cliff Waller Assisting Priest Staff Todd Allison Youth Director Priscilla Briones Accounting Janet Carrizales Nursery Coordinator Joseph Causby Director of Music Elaine Enloe Clergy Executive Administrator Database Manager Sandy Falkenberg Cherub Choir Conductor Emmet Faulk Community Formation Director Heather Herschell Children’s Ministries Director Erin Hughes Youth Ministries Assistant Melanie Lizcano Communications Director Ruby Merrill Facilities Manager Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Dr. Edwin A. Rieke Dir. of Music & Organ Emeritus Kristin Roach Assistant Director of Music

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 East Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205 www.stmarks-sa.org

The Wickham Family: Jennifer, Ian, Patrick and Jonathan

It’s Not Good Bye It’s I’ll See You Later By The Rev. Jonathan Wickham, Associate Rector


recently spent some time leafing through the “Baptismal Book” of St. Mark’s. This book contains the records of every baptism done by parish clergy. Reading through the five plus years of baptisms since I have been here sparked great memories and reminded of the wonderful life in this community. St. Mark’s has been a special place for me and for my family. This church’s commitment to serving the community in word and action has provided a solid foundation for Christian life for all of us. Patrick and Ian have grown up in the Christian Education and Youth Ministry programs where they have been encouraged to explore their faith, to take risks in serving others, and to generously serve in the community. Jennifer and I have found lifelong friendships and collaborations in mission,

and have been given the space and encouragement to grow as a couple. A significant part of our life will remain here at St. Mark’s as you continue to be the church family of Patrick and Ian while they attend school at TMI. As we embark on this adventure always remember that a piece of us will remain here in your midst, and that we take a big piece of you into our new life in Corpus Christi. Thank you for the life you have shared. Words cannot fully express the gratitude in our hearts. You have blessed us, you have encouraged and nurtured our ministries, and you have taught us more than you will ever know. May the peace of Christ rest upon you and continue to strengthen you in your life together in this parish.

Staff Appreciation Day By The Rev. Mike Chalk, Rector


am grateful to the people of St. Mark’s and our Senior Warden, Chuck Harvey, for the Staff Appreciation Day. Such a gesture means a great deal to the staff. With your contribution $25 Visa Gift Cards were issued to members of the staff, Alicia Ramirez won the basketball and Joe Causby won the Spurs playoff tickets. The staff had a wonderful lunch courtesy of the Book Store, and I wish to thank Elizabeth Cauthorn, Chica Younger, Jim Bliek, and Patrice Oliver for their gracious hospitality at the staff appreciation luncheon.


St. Mark’s Members Head to Haiti in June

Seminary of the Southwest Awards Honorary Degrees Courtesy of Episcopal News Services

By The Rev. Jonathan Wickham, Associate Rector

[Seminary of the Southwest ] The Board of Trustees of Seminary of the Southwest awarded honorary degrees to three leaders of the church at the seminary’s commencement on May 8.

Darin N. Digby

The seminary awarded master’s degrees and diplomas to 33 students, and the neighboring Lutheran Seminary Program in the Southwest awarded certificates of theological education for emerging ministries to three graduates.

The trustees of Seminary of the Southwest presented [St. Mark’s Parishioner] Darin N. Digby with the 2012 Trustee Award for his service and leadership on the seminary’s board.

Haitian girl at Bassin Zime. Photo by Jonathan Wickham

Celebrating its 60th anniversary this year, Seminary of the Southwest is an Episcopal full-time residential seminary in Austin, Texas, offering the MDiv degree and through the seminary’s Center for Christian Ministry and Vocation offers master’s degrees in religion, counseling, chaplaincy, and spiritual formation. Southwest has entered into a relationship with the IONA School of the Diocese of Texas and 10 other dioceses which provide local training for non-stipendiary priests and deacons.


rom June 4-11 four members of the St. Mark’s community will be part of a team visiting Haiti to continue developing partnerships with a church and school community there. Jennifer and Greg Merrit, Kay Mijangos and Jennifer Wickham along with representatives from St. George Episcopal School will visit St. Benoit Episcopal Church and School in Mombin Crochu, in Northeastern Haiti. In 2009 St. George Episcopal School began a partnership with St. Benoit under the guidance of Jennifer Wickham, Director of Religious Formation. Since then over $70,000 has been generously donated by St. George School students, families, and friends. Funds have been used to construct a new seven-room school building, provide much-needed property repairs, supplement teacher salaries and start a feeding program for St. Benoit's 161 students. The people of Mombin Crochu are mostly subsistence farmers and live on less than $1 per day. In 2011 members of the St. Mark’s mission community began exploring the possibilities for a parish partnership with St. George School in support of St. Benoit and other Episcopal Church ministries in Haiti. Through church and individual support St. Mark’s has contributed an additional $20,000 to fund a fresh water well and to support this growing partnership. Please keep our Haiti mission team in your prayers. If you would like to make a financial donation to this ministry please make your checks payable to St. Mark’s, indicating “St. Mark’s Haiti Mission” on the memo line and send it to the church office or drop it in the offering plate. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!


Photo courtesy of Carol McGuire

Besides needing food and shelter, the resident members of Haven’s Transformation campus need people with good listening skills to hear their stories in an encouraging, nonjudgmental way. Sharing one’s life story and struggle with someone in confidence can be a true gift. SoulFriends are a faithful group of volunteers on campus who are a part of the Spiritual Services program at Haven for Hope on the west side of downtown. They are trained by the staff and other Soulfriends. Hours are flexible but a 3 month commitment is desired. A monthly one hour meeting of the group offers ongoing education and fellowship. For Information call Carol McGuire at 210-828-9124 or Sister Julie at Haven at 210-220-2116. 3

All Altar Guild members - Active and Retired -are invited to gather for brunch to honor Kathy Lawrence for her service to us as Altar Guild Chairman, and to celebrate the work ALL of us have done this year at St. Mark’s. We will discuss our summer service schedule; officers and committee chairs will be recognized.

Sunday, May 27 3rd Floor Youth Suite Between 9:00a.m. and 11:15a.m. services If you are on a service team that day, please join us when you can. RSVP by May 23 to Pat Noble at church 210-226-2426 or to Susan Wilson 210-822-2012 or susan_grace_wilson@yahoo.com

Pipe Organ Update By Joseph Causby, Director of Music


organ project as compared with the Sanctuary renovation. The organ will actually be completed by late November but will not be installed until January of 2013. It will take approximately a month to install the instrument, and to begin this work so close to the Advent/Christmas season would not prove practical for the church or the organ company. However, we plan to have the new hand-stenciled façade installed for the opening of the building in November.

n April 10, members from the building committee met with Charles Kegg of the Kegg Organ Company and Marylou Davis, a world famous expert specializing in historic period design and the conservation and replication of historic decorative finishes. The purpose of the meeting was to select the colors and design for our new pipe organ façade located in the historic arch on the northwest wall of the church. We are very fortunate to be working with these experts and are confident the results will be unique and beautiful. As part of the organ renovation project, a St. Mark’s organ before renovations. significant portion of the instrument has Photo by Emmet Faulk been removed and shipped to the Kegg Organ Company in Ohio. The organ console is currently located on the ground floor of the parish house with the remaining organ pipes on the third and fourth floors. Many have asked about the timeline for completion of the

The digital organ will be moved to the church and used for the months of November and December, augmented by special instrumentalists for Advent and Christmas.

St. Mark’s Reaches Out to the Community By Nancy Reed, Outreach Committee Chairperson


id you know that St., Mark’s is one of a very few number of churches in all of San Antonio which provides funding to nonprofits? St. Mark’s has been giving to non-profit agencies which work with at-risk populations for 14 years, living out our mission: We discern and respond faithfully to the needs of others. We are leaders in downtown life,

demonstrating Christ’s way for the wellbeing of the city. This year St. Mark’s is awarding grants to nine agencies, ranging in size from $5,000 to $16,000 for a total of $70,000. These agencies are providing outstanding and much needed services, varying from youth development and peer support to boys in four high schools who are at a high risk of dropping out of school, to repairing water wells in Honduras, to a myriad of other programs, not the least of which are providing life-sustaining resources such as food and clothing. Each agency is


required to submit a proposal as well as host a site visit for one or two of the Outreach Committee members. Also, grant recipients who have received a grant from St. Mark’s in the prior year are required to submit a year-end report detailing the success of their project: and require accountability by evaluating the fruitfulness of our actions. St. Mark’s is pleased to announce that the following agencies are being awarded grant funds for 2012-2013: Bexar County (Continued on page 5)

(Continued from page 4)

Detention Ministries, CAM (Christian Assistance Ministry), Communities In Schools of San Antonio, Good Samaritan Community Services, I Care San Antonio, SAMMinistries, San Antonio Christian Dental Clinic, Texas Water Commission, and The Children’s Shelter. Three of these organizations are housed at Haven for Hope.

joining the team. It is a great way to learn about the wonderful agencies in our city who are transforming lives on a daily basis, very much like St. Mark’s.


As Chairperson of the Outreach Committee, I want to take this opportunity to thank the committee members for their faithful service and enthusiastic participation in this very important ministry of St. Mark’s: Cathy Brumlik, Kate Crone, Ralph Falkenberg, Al Hartman, Linda and Philips Jacobs, Michele and Dan Ludwig, Nancy Cook Monroe, Amy Phipps, Frank Russell, Jason Westmoreland and Vestry Liaison David Ross. Each member serves for a three-year term so we will be looking for four or five new members this fall. You might want to consider

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Feeding San Antonio with the Bread of Life Feeding the hungry with real food; Feeding those who are hungry for knowledge and meaning; Feeding those who are hungry for beauty and creativity.

The Ministry in Daily Life Committee Proudly Presents: This Episcopal Life By Nancy Reed


his Episcopal Life is a monthly podcast focused on faith in the workplace with thoughtful interviews of diverse parishioners of St. Mark's. The goal is to offer insights for living faithfully where we spend the bulk of our time-whether office, home, school, or community. Our own Emmet Faulk will be the interviewer of future episodes. The previous episodes have included conversations with the following parishioners: Greg Merritt: A Vice President for Information Technology at NCI Information Systems, a large government contractor specializing in large-scale networking and computer support services for federal agencies. Catherine Crowley: A Director of several South African and US companies which produce and trade essential oils and bulk botanicals from southern Africa. She has had a varied career, including working in legal affairs, films, TV and print media. Her passion remains the role of business as a key tool to uplifting disadvantaged communities. John Younger: An attorney, licensed in Texas since 1965, actively practicing in the areas of personal injury, commercial injury, probate litigation, criminal defense litigation and family law litigation. He also volunteers to help "at risk" attorneys who may be struggling with depression, abuse of drugs or alcohol or other impairments. Jennifer Wickham: The Director of Religious Formation for St. George Episcopal School. Her responsibilities include coordinating the school’s daily chapel program, teaching Middle School Sacred Studies classes and overseeing many of the service and outreach activities for the school. Betty Anne Cody: Betty Annehas enjoyed several careers including raising her children, working at Laity Lodge, and as the Director of Lay Ministry at Christ Episcopal Church. However, Betty Anne says she found her true career in her fifties when she became a psychotherapist. In the session, she openly shares about how her faith directs all her actions in and out of the

workplace, and she discusses how the licensing restrictions of her chosen profession served as guidelines for her. She also formed the Golden Years class at St. Mark’s. Doug Addington: Doug has had a wide range of interesting professions over the course of his career. The bulk of his professional life was spent as an author for numerous publications, as a salesperson, and as a business owner. Most recently, Doug worked for a commercial heating/air conditioning contractor as a self-described “gofer”. Outside of his professional life, Doug has a blog called “Old Polo” and restores antique British cars. You can find This Episcopal Life on the St. Mark’s website (http://ww.stmarks-sa.org) and click on the “Audio/ Podcasts” link on the homepage.

This Episcopal Life is now on Stitcher! Listen to us on your iPhone, iPod, Android Phone, BlackBerry and WebOS phones. Stitcher is Smart Radio for Your phone. Find it in your app store or at stitcher.com Stitcher SmartRadio- The Smarter Way to listen to radio


St. Mark’s Sanctuary Construction Report #2 By Tom McGehee, Junior Warden


he work is ongoing in the sanctuary with the primary concern being the removal of the plaster on the interior walls. Testing has revealed that we do not have any concerns in regard to asbestos. Other work involved the interior of the bell tower. Much of the current work has concerned the exterior of the building. A portion of Pecan Street has now been closed to facilitate the construction. At limited times the sidewalk may be difficult to use during work hours. The workman will try to limit any inconvenience to pedestrians. This will not be a problem on Sundays or during non-work hours as the sidewalk will be open. Much of the old and buckled concrete sidewalks on the south side of the sanctuary are currently being removed. Cavallini Stained Glass Company is in the process of removing the stained glass windows for repair and safekeeping. Next week should see the placement of the exterior scaffolding. There has been some concern in regard to the trees in the south lawn. Terry Lewis, a landscape architect, has been consulted in regard to their care during this time of construction. All of the trees will be heavily mulched to protect their root system and there is a plan in place for regular deep watering of these trees. Photos by Emmet Faulk

All of the construction work has been progressing smoothly and as yet there have been no “surprises”. The construction is proceeding on schedule. It is amazing to see all the progress we have made in a short time period. Thank yous needs to be given to all those that have made the transition of the worship services to Gosnell Hall go as smoothly as it has.


Photo by Kimberly Mercer

Children’s Formation Presents the St. Mark’s Summer Movie Series By Heather Herschell, Director of Children’s Ministries


tay cool with our first Summer Movie Series during Children’s formation. Get ready for food, friends, fun and “films” about people, places and stories from the Bible. Stay tuned for more information about the title for each week. We will combine all Sunday school classes from K-5th grade in room 208 (the 2nd/3rd grade classroom). But our regular children’s formation volunteers deserve a summer break too! That is why I am asking for parishioners who don’t usually teach Sunday school or chapel to sign up first. If your family benefits from our fall and spring children’s formation classes, I hope you will

decide to donate at least one hour of your time this summer. Or, if you love the children of St. Mark’s, but can’t teach Sunday school during the year, this is a perfect opportunity to contribute your time and talent to our program. The movies, snacks and activities will be ready to go every Sunday morning by the formation hour at 10:10. It will be easy and fun to volunteer. We have 11 Sundays available from June 3rd through August 12th, and we need two adults in the room each Sunday. Please email Heather Herschell at hherschell@stmarkssa.org to claim your date. Thanks for your help!

St. Mark’s Youth Retreat 2012 “Faith is not faith until it is all you are holding on to.” By Todd Allison, Director of Youth Ministries and Erin Hughes, Youth Ministries Assistant


n Friday, April 13th, 30 St. Mark’s youth accompanied by Todd Allison, Erin Hughes, and adult sponsors Shannon Stephens and Patrice Oliver, left their phones, laptops, and video games behind to enjoy a weekend of fun, fellowship and FAITH at Camp Eagle located in Rocksprings for the annual Youth Retreat. After a Whataburger stop on the road, the group arrived at Camp Eagle just after dark and quickly settled into our cabins. A short walk on a rickety, but secure, suspension bridge separated the cabins from the ‘main’ camp complex and the meeting space for the weekend. Following

an introduction to camps and a review of rules from staff, the weekend began. The youth had fun getting to know each other a bit more by creating license plate name tags and then explaining the meaning of each person’s individual grouping of letters and numbers. They then settled down for some snacks and to watch the film “Secretariat”. Once the movie was over, the trek back over the bridge led the youth to their cabins to catch some sleep before the full Saturday ahead. It wasn’t until everyone started getting ready for bed that they discovered that they were really camping, ‘camping’ for the girls anyway… no water in the cabins? Saturday morning, the youth woke to find that the water had been restored, and life as they know it, could resume. After a hearty breakfast to fuel their bodies for the day ahead and a morning prayer service a couple more ‘get to know you’ games were played followed by a discussion of some key points from “Secretariat.” They discussed the challenges that God and Faith present in a world not always open to or wanting to accept our beliefs. Soon


the youth were met by Camp Eagle Staff who led the junior high to the “Sherpa Trek” and the senior high to the “Caliche Pit.” If you ask, the kids will have lots of stories to tell you about both activities and plenty of photos can be found on the Youth Ministries Facebook page at www.facebook.com/smcyouth. FYI, you don’t have to have an account to check out the pictures. Before they knew it, the morning activities were over, and a camp wide barbeque of burgers awaited the hungry group. This also allowed for a short rest before regrouping and heading out for the scheduled afternoon activities. The senior high went rock climbing, and the junior high were taken on a team building journey at the ropes course and slide. After they were sufficiently tired and hot, it was off to the waterfront for some fun on the blob and the iceberg for the whole group. The cold water didn’t deter anyone from enjoying the river and the inflatables. Oh, and don’t forget to ask some of our senior high youth about their (Continued on page 8)

Photo by Todd Allison (Continued from page 7)

life-jacket-rock-diving adventures. As they watched the sun get lower in the sky, they hiked back to the cabins to get warmed up and cleaned up for dinner. Dinner disappeared fast, but no one left hungry! The evening began with a review of the day. A discussion of the challenges and obstacles faced led the group into further discussion on how their faith will continue to be tested once they return home, and that is all part of our journey with Christ. The group then took advantage of the beautiful setting along the river as they took some quiet time to find a spot and reflect on their

own journey with God. They were asked to think and pray about the things that they need to have more faith in God about, and pray about ways to trust in the leaps of faith that God asks us to take which are necessary but difficult. This time ended with the group gradually returning to hang out at a picnic table. There they discussed some of the reflections that they had and some of the ways that this experience had helped them to overcome or realize different things. Because they weren’t tired enough, nightfall brought one more activity for the group as the youth gathered and harnessed up for the zip line! The only light left was that of the millions of stars in the sky and the small glow sticks that each youth received after getting the “ok” that their harness was secure. It was a true ‘leap of faith’ as they paired up, stepped off into the darkness and zipped along. Once everyone had returned from their wild ride, the flashlight-led hike across our now familiar bridge led us to a bonfire to end the day. S’mores and sleepy recollections of the past day that “felt way longer than just one day,” were passed around the fire. Before long, fading fast, the youth-led Evening Prayer service began and closed out a full day. The groups then returned to their cabins for a good night’s sleep. Not sure if it was the overnight rain or the thought of leaving, but the group was a little slower to get moving Sunday morning. Following another amazing breakfast, everyone gathered for a group photo on the deck overlooking the river before returning to the meeting room. After Morning Prayer

Photo by Todd Allison and a wrap up of the weekend, details were shared to kick off this year’s Food Bank Fund Drive before heading to the cabins to pack up. With some time to kill before lunch, the senior high girls hooked the ipod up to the sound system, and it was time for a dance party! Everyone got involved, and there were a lot of laughs as they danced their way through quite a soundtrack! Before they knew it, it was time for lunch, and to get back in the vans for the journey home. Everyone had an amazing time, and talk of next year’s retreat began even before they were on the road. A special thank you to Shannon Stephens and Patrice Oliver who offered to come along for the weekend and were an amazing support for the group. They participated actively, and the youth really enjoyed their company. Planning is already underway for next year’s trip which will take place April 5-7th, 2013. If you are interested in assisting with next year’s trip as a sponsor, or donating to the event, please contact Todd Allison or Erin Hughes.

More photos from the 2012 Youth Retreat and other youth 8 events on our Facebook page. WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/SMCYOUTH

Congratulations to the St. Mark’s High School Graduates “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Alexis Faulk 2012 Graduate of James Madison High School Plans to attend University of Texas at San Antonio Alexis has been a member of the Boy and Girl Choir, Youth Choir, Youth Group and CAYA Music Team at St. Mark’s. She was drum major in the “Mighty Mavs Marching Band” and is 2nd chair saxophone in the Symphonic Band. Following graduation she plans to study Nursing at UTSA.

Katie Grohe 2012 Graduate of Alamo Heights High School Plans to attend Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon Katie has been a member of the Children’s Choir and an acolyte at St. Mark’s. She was a member of the Student Council, Environmental Club, Young Democrats, and Latin Club at AHHS and was a state finalist in Latin vocabulary. Katie was a Junior Associate of the Conservation Society and completed work for her Gold Award for Girl Scouts.

Shelby Lane 2012 Graduate of Alamo Heights High School Plans to attend Claremont –McKenna College in Claremont, California Shelby has been an acolyte for six years at St. Mark’s and participated in mission trips and outreach projects with the Youth Group. He has volunteered at the Good Samaritan Center since he was 5. An AP Honor Roll Scholar, editor of the AHHS “Hoof Print” school newspaper, and an outstanding member of the Mules 4A State semi-final basketball team. Shelby received First Team All-District basketball honors. Shelby was also a member of the 2011 AAU Boys Basketball D1 Championship summer team. He will study Economics and play basketball at Claremont where he is their top recruit nationally. Thomas Rochelle 2012 Graduate of St. Mary’s Hall Plans to attend the University of Texas at Austin Thomas has been an acolyte for six years and been an active participant in the annual Christmas to the Street event at St. Mark’s. Thomas was the captain of the varsity basketball team at St. Mary's Hall and has been awarded the honor of Eagle Scout. Thomas will study communications and business at UT starting in the fall.

Rocio Rodriguez 2012 Graduate of Brackenridge High School Plans to attend Texas State University in San Marcos Rocio has been a member of the Boy and Girl Choir, Youth Choir, and Youth Group. In 2010 she traveled with the Youth and Parish Choir to Ely Cathedral in England. Rocio has been involved with Christmas to the Street, Summer Outreach Weekend, and Happening. Her love of music led her to joining the Brackenridge marching band to gain a more in depth view of music. She will attend Texas State as a Math major with a minor in music.


Trevor Stokes 2012 Graduate of MacArthur High School Plans to attend the University of Texas at Austin Trevor has been a member of the Boy and Girl Choir and the Youth Choir. He traveled with the Youth and Parish Choir to Ely Cathedral in England in 2010. An active member of the Youth Group he has participated in numerous mission trips and outreach projects. He has been an active part of Christmas to the Street, the annual Food Bank Fund Drive, Summer Outreach Weekends and the Bishop's Happening weekends. Trevor will spend this summer on staff at Camp Capers before heading to Austin.

Sara Taylor Talaat 2012 Graduate of Saint Mary’s Hall Plans to attend the University of Texas at Austin as a Terry Foundation Scholar Sarah Taylor was a member of the St. Mark's Boy and Girl Choir. She has studied dance since the age of three, is editor of the Saint Mary's Hall literary magazine and president of the French Club. She spent her junior year of high school studying with School Year Abroad in Rennes, France, and plans to study communications at UT.

2012 St. Mark’s Episcopal Church High School Seniors Calyx Edmondson Emily Fagan Thomas Rochelle

Alexis Faulk Katie Grohe Khloe Guerra Kaleb Ham Rocio Rodriguez Trevor Stokes Sarah Taylor Talaat

Shelby Lane

Tom Gish Memorial Acolyte Service Recognition St. Mark’s would like to recognize our senior acolytes for their years of dedication, service and leadership.

Katie Grohe

Shelby Lane

Thomas Rochelle

Trevor Stokes

4 th A N N U A L S T . M A R K ’ S Y O U T H M I N I S T R I E S


Cinco de Mayo and Senior Sunday Celebration in Tucker Courtyard. Sunday, May 6.

Cinco de Mayo and Senior Sunday Celebration in Tucker Courtyard. Sunday, May 6.


The Messenger (USPS 514-020) Published Monthly (3rd Wednesday) ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226-2426 Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Rector: The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Editor: Melanie Lizcano Layout & Graphic Design: Melanie Lizcano e-mail articles to mlizcano@stmarks-sa.org

Article deadline is 2nd Wednesday of each month

Charles Darwin: Friend or Foe to the Followers of Jesus? Calling all WOMEN at St. Mark’s! On Tuesday night, June 5, you are invited to a very special evening at the Witte Museum. We will gather from 5:308:00pm to celebrate the Witte’s exhibit entitled Darwin: How One Man’s Theory Turned the World on Its Head. Following a self-guided tour of the exhibit from 5:30-6:45, we will enjoy dinner and a theological conversation about the continuing impact of Darwin’s theory of evolution in the worlds of science, the church, universities and public schools, and our wider society. Three distinguished panelists from St. Mark’s will challenge us about how to engage these issues: Dr. David Ribble, Professor and Chair of the Department of Biology at Trinity University; Gary Chambers, an educational consultant to Texas public schools and retired middle school principal; and The Rev. Andy Lobban, an Episcopal priest, a science and mathematics degree holder from MIT, and the chaplain at the Good Samaritan Center. There is no charge associated with this event! But if you plan to attend, please RSVP to Katherine at 210-599-4224 or kbuzzini@theworkshop-sa.org no later than 5:00pm on Friday, June 1, to ensure there is plenty of food and drink for everyone. This event is sponsored by the St. Mark’s Daughters of the King group and The WorkShop, a ministry in partnership with St. Mark’s and an ecumenical community of supporters. 12

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