We are a downtown Church; committed to the Gospel, accountable to each other, loving Christ and making him known.
themessenger Monthly Newsletter of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church AUGUST 2012
FALL 2012 ADULT EDUCATION AT ST. MARK’S INSIDE THIS ISSUE Adult Education Schedule -page 3 Youth News -page 6 Parish Life Sunday Social August 19 @ 10:10a.m.
dult education at St. Mark’s is focused primarily on spiritual growth. My hope is that the courses offered this fall enable each person to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” The spiritual life involves the totality of our selves. The spiritual life and the moral life are directly related. Immediately after Jesus made the statement about loving God, he said, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (see Mark 12:30-31). Our adult education intends to maintain the critical balance of making the journey inward (prayer and study) and also going out into the world to serve Christ. A spirituality of justice and service emerge from a life of prayer and study of scripture. by The Rev. Mike Chalk, Rector
I am pleased that St. Mark’s offers a rich variety of forums by which we can grow in our love of God in Christ and our neighbor.
-The Rev. Mike Chalk
ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, Texas 78205 (210) 226-2426 www.stmarks-sa.org stmarks@stmarks-sa.org Office hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Emergency Pastoral Care: 210-507-0251
Please turn to pages 3-5 for the 2012 Fall Formation Schedule. Also, visit www.stmarks-sa.org for a complete listing & a printable version to keep handy! For more information or questions about St. Mark’s Adult Education contact the church office at 210-2262426 or email us at stmarks@stmarks-sa.org.
July Financial Statement The Messenger is published monthly and is available in magazine format online at www.stmarks-sa.org Parish Clergy The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Rector Assisting Clergy The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Co-director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson Co-director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Linda Ricketts Assisting Priest The Rev. Matt Wise Assisting Priest
Pledge Revenue $102,377 Non Pledge Giving $30,489 Open Plate $1,613 ............................................................................................. Total Revenue $159,953 Total Expenses $178,155 ............................................................................................. July Revenue Under Expenses -($18,202) If you have any questions about financials, please contact Priscilla Briones at 210-2262426 or email her at pbriones@stmarks-sa.org.
Making a Gift of Their Service The Rev. Mary Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Cliff Waller Assisting Priest Staff Todd Allison Youth Director Priscilla Briones Accounting Janet Carrizales Nursery Coordinator Benjamin Carlise Assistant to Liturgy & Music Joseph Causby Director of Music Elaine Enloe Clergy Executive Administrator Database Manager Sandy Falkenberg Cherub Choir Conductor Emmet Faulk Community Formation Director Heather Herschell Children’s Ministries Director Erin Hughes Youth Ministries Assistant Director Melanie Lizcano Communications Director Ruby Merrill Facilities Manager Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Dr. Edwin A. Rieke Dir. of Music & Organ Emeritus
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 East Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205 www.stmarks-sa.org
Save the Dates CALENDAR MEETING For ministry chairs or leaders! Tuesday, August 28 at 10:00a.m. - 12:00p.m. Youth Suite, 3rd floor Please RSVP by August 23 with Elaine. Contact her at 210-226-2426 ext. 143 or eenloe@stmarks-sa.org. Brunch will be provided. NEW CONNECTIONS You are cordially invited to attend New Connections @ St. Mark’s on Thursday, September 6 designed especially for people new to St. Mark’s and for those who are still considering whether to become part of the community. This meeting is intended to provide you with a clearer picture of how you may connect with St. Mark’s. Thursday, September 6, 2012 Complimentary meal @ 6:00p.m. (Gosnell Hall, 1st floor) Meeting to follow in the Dean Richardson Room, 2nd floor In preparation for the evening, you may want to consider the following questions: What has church been for you? What are your hopes for being part of this community? Coming into a church that is new for you indicates that God is doing something new in your life. Do you have a sense of what that may be? The evening is scheduled to end no later than 8:30pm. Childcare is available if requested by Monday, September 3. Call Janet Carrizales, Nursery Manager at the church office at (210) 226-2426 to make arrangements. Please RSVP to Emmet Faulk Phone: 210-226-2426 ext. 150 E-mail: efaulkjr@stmarks-sa.org www.stmarks-sa.org
“Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mark 12:30-31)
FALL 2012 ADULT EDUCATION SCHEDULE SUNDAY MORNINGS AT 10:10A.M. IN TOM GISH HALL, 3RD FLOOR September 2 Is There Room for Grace in the Workplace: Generosity, Happiness, and Satisfaction The Rev. Drs. Jane Patterson and John Lewis will lead the class in reflecting on different ways the Gospel of God's Grace intersects our lives and practices in the modern workplace. September 9 Ministry in Daily Life Forum led Darin Digby Members of St. Mark’s share their experience of connecting Sunday worship to the Monday experience of work. The convener for the class is Darin Digby. September 16 Reading Scripture on the Ground: Further Reflections on a Pilgrimage to Israel The Rev. Drs. Jane Patterson and John Lewis will highlight how their WorkShop pilgrimage to Israel has changed their reading of particular biblical passages. September 23 St. Francis and Clare of Assisi with Jon Sweeney In a return visit to St. Mark’s, author Jon Sweeney will discuss his book Light in the Dark Ages: The Friendship of Francis and Clare of Assisi. Sweeney writes about how Clare influenced Francis and how their partnership created a spiritual movement that revolutionized Western religion. September 30 The Risk of Generosity Dr. Scott Bader-Saye Based on his book Following Jesus in a Culture of Fear, Dr. Scott Bader- Saye, Helen & Everett H. Jones Professor of Christian Ethics and Moral Theology at the Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, explore how generosity helps us overcome inordinate fear and anxiety in regard to our material resources. October 7 Gratefulness, Entitlement, and Stewardship The Rev. Mary C. Earle Author Wilkie Au and others are pointing out that the American culture encourages attitudes of entitlement that rob us of grateful hearts. Yet, spirituality of stewardship starts with a life of gratefulness. October 14 The Subject Jesus Talked About Most The Rt. Rev. John H. MacNaughton, retired Bishop of West Texas Did you know that the words “give,” “giver”, and “giving” appear in the Bible 1560 times? And, by comparison, the word “love” appears only 718 times, the word “prayer” appears 426 times and the phrase “the Kingdom of Heaven” appears only 247 times. Our class will try to look seriously at some of the central things Jesus said about giving and how they might apply in the 21 st century. October 21 Annual Parish Meeting
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October 28 The Role of Christians in a Democracy The Rev. Drs. John Lewis and Jane Patterson will lead the class in reflecting on the roles of faith and scripture as we prepare to go to the polls on November 6. November 4 The State of the Episcopal Church Bishop Lillibridge Bishop Lillibridge will share his observations of the General Convention held in Indianapolis this summer. November 11 Bread for the World Michael Smith This organization is a collective Christian voice urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad. Michael Smith is to address the issue of hunger and how the church can end world hunger. November 18 Transitioning Into A Renewed Space The Rev. Matt Wise The Rev. Matt Wise will lead this class on how we might faithfully move back into the historic sanctuary once it is completed. November 25 Advent Celebration—making of Advent Wreaths December 2, 9, 16, 23 Advent Series Led by The Rev. Drs. John Lewis & Jane Patterson
The image to the right will be discussed in the December Advent Series.
SUNDAY MORNINGS AT 10:10A.M. IN DEAN RICHARDSON ROOM, 2ND FLOOR Led by The Rev. Matt Wise This class will meet in 4-week sections throughout the Fall, taking a few Sundays off in between. Our format will vary, depending on the facilitator, including discussion in the large group as well as in smaller gatherings. We will have some guest speakers/leaders and will use some of Rob Bell's touring films to inform our conversations. The topics we will cover will include: -- family dynamics and raising one another in community -- the sacredness of all things -- the connections between modern science and Christianity -- creativity from crisis A calendar will be available during the first few class gatherings.
WEEKDAY CLASSES AND GROUPS Our Jewish Heritage Drew Cauthorn Wednesdays September 5, 12, 19 6:30-7:30 Dean Richardson Room, 2nd floor In preparation for the lecture series presented by Amy-Jill Levine, Oct. 12-13, Drew Cauthorn will offer three classes: Judaism: Genesis to the Diaspora, The Life of the Jew in the First Century, and The Torah. Liturgy: Engaging the Mystery The Rev. Matt Wise Wednesdays September 26-October 24 6:30-8:00 Dean Richardson Room, 2nd floor Tuesday October 30 (due to Halloween falling on a Wednesday)
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All liturgy is, by nature, formational. But if we want to be formed and transformed by it, we must engage it as more than Sunday morning observers. By growing in our knowledge and understanding of the symbols and ritual actions of the church – their history, meaning and purpose – we begin to appreciate their mystery, and in so doing, prepare ourselves to encounter the living God in more deeply transformative ways. Please join The Rev. Matt Wise as he leads this 6-week exploration into the mystery of liturgy. ALL ADULTS PLANNING TO BE CONFIRMED ON NOVEMBER 4TH MUST ATTEND THIS CLASS. Bridges to Contemplative Living led by Lou Taylor Bethlehem Chapel: 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings 7:00-8:30p.m. Beginning September 13 Do you want to integrate more prayer into your life? Are you looking for a way to connect your prayer life with your own personal spiritual journey? Are you seeking a safe place to reflect, pray, and dialogue in a small group? You are invited to experience Bridges to Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton. This small group prayer experience includes reflection on scripture and the writings of Thomas Merton as well as other spiritual leaders. It features contemplative dialogue gently set in an atmosphere of quiet stillness. The approach allows for a time of prayer, silence, and reflective thinking in a non-threatening, safe community. Dialogue and prayer are completely voluntary. For more information on the process go to http://www.mertoninstitute.org, click on Contemplative Living and then Bridges to Contemplative Living. The prayer group uses the Bridges to Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton book series published by Ave Maria Press. The inexpensive books are available either in the St. Mark’s bookstore or at the group meeting itself. Bridges to Contemplative Living prayer group will begin again on September 13 in Bethlehem Chapel. It meets the second and fourth Thursdays of each month through the school year. Contact Elaine Enloe at 210-226-2426 to sign up. Centering Prayer led by Marianne Carter Bethlehem Chapel: Wednesday evenings 4:30-5:30p.m. beginning August 29 Women’s Bible Study led by Maurleen Cobb Room 306: Wednesday evenings 5:30-6:30p.m. beginning August 29 Book Study led by Betty Anne Cody Discussion of The Desert Mothers by Mary Earle Dean Richardson Room: Tuesday mornings 10:00-11:30a.m. Beginning in October This fall's book study will bring us together to read and discuss our own Mary Earle's book, The Desert Mothers, Spiritual Practices from the Women of the Wilderness. We have read and shared our lives with each other with books by Sr. Joan Chittister and Fr. Richard Rohr. We found some life changes in attitudes, and information, in these thought provoking books. We have become a community of good friends, longing to know what it really means to "follow Jesus" . This study from Mary Earle will invite us to consider how other women have faced their lives and learned what that meant to them in their time. Interestingly enough, we are not so different from them. Come see when we gather on Tuesdays in October and November, six weeks of commitment to each other and to the possibility of opening ourselves for the work of the Holy Spirit in us. Lillian Morris will join Betty Anne Cody in teaching and leading discussions as we all listen and learn together. Make your plans now! Mark your calendars so you can attend these times that can mean so much to the deepening of our life in Christ. We look forward to having new faces when we meet again. All are welcome to come and to bring your friends. Time-Out Bible Study led by The Rev. Drs. John Lewis and Jane Patterson We will read and discuss the Gospel of Matthew, Chapters 12-28. The class will meet in the Youth Suite from 10:00-11:30a.m. on eight consecutive Thursdays, from September 6 through October 25. Holy Conversation: A Spiritual Formation Group for Women led by the Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson Six Mondays, September 10-October 15 5:30-6:45p.m. at The WorkShop Located in Los Patios, 2015 N E Loop 410, 78217 Drawing Down the Sacred: A Book Study of Mudhouse Sabbath “I miss Jewish ways. I miss the rhythms and routines that drew the sacred down into the everyday. I miss the Sabbaths on which I actually rested. I have even found that I miss the drudgery of keeping kosher. I miss the work these practices effected between me and God” (Lauren Winner in Mudhouse Sabbath). Lauren Winner, the author of Mudhouse Sabbath, was raised in an observant Jewish household and converted to Christianity as a young adult. She is now an Assistant Professor of Christian Spirituality at Duke Divinity School and an Episcopal priest. In this book, Winner bemoans the divide between belief and practice, with Christians emphasizing belief and Jews emphasizing action. She describes the heart of eleven different core Jewish practices (for example, Sabbath-keeping, kosher foods, mourning, hospitality, placing a statement of faith on the doorposts of a house) and translates them into Christian terms. She does not say, “this is how to do these things,” but rather, “this is how I have thought through these practices,” and she offers guidelines for how to consider whether some of these traditional practices would be meaningful for you. In the spring, this women’s group will be using material from the Society of St. John the Evangelist to create a personal Rule of Life. The class is offered in the beautiful setting of The WorkShop, on the banks of Salado Creek. Please RSVP to Katherine Buzzini, kbuzzini@theworkshop-sa.org, 599-4224, so that we will order the correct number of books. Save the Date: Parish Retreat—April 19-21, 2013—Mustang Island Conference Center Retreat Leaders: The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson, The Rev. Matt5Wise and The Rev. Michael Chalk
Fall Youth Formation
The 212 Ministry
This fall, the youth will be doing some great things! On Sunday mornings at 10:10a.m.-11:00a.m. in the Youth Suite, 3rd floor, youth will split up into two groups: junior high youth (grades 7-9) who are not participating in Confirmation and senior high youth (grades 10-12). The youth group will take a deeper look at the week’s readings and Gospel to gain new insight and understanding into some of the stories of Jesus’ walk on this earth.
“Encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory.” (1 Thessalonians 2:12) We are excited to offer a new formation program for our families with children in 4th through 6th grades. We will meet in room 212 each Sunday morning for formation that offers more opportunities for discussion, fellowship and outreach activities deeply grounded in scripture. We envision a more engaging ministry that is tailored to the unique interests and characteristics of young people in this age range. Our goal is to build a stronger bridge between Sunday school in earlier grades and the mission driven programs in our senior high youth group. The 212 ministry will be supported by adult volunteers- primarily fathers- and coordinated by Children’s and Youth Ministry staff.
On Wednesdays, Wednesday Night Fellowship (5:00p.m.7:00p.m.) will focus this fall on service and hot topics for discussion. We will talk about things like internet safety, bullying, and media tools. We will also take a lot of time to focus on hunger and ways we can help to solve the world’s hunger problem both locally and internationally.
Changes are underway in both the curriculum and the classroom itself. Please come by during the 2nd floor open house on August 26th to get a look at what’s happening in room 212. If you feel called to volunteer to help create and grow this new and exciting ministry, please contact Heather Herschell at 210-2262426 or hherschell@stmarkssa.org.
Dinner is available each week for $5.00 and we will start our group discussion at 6:00p.m. For more information about youth formation, contact Todd Allison or Erin Hughes at 210-226-2426 or youth@stmarkssa.org.
NEWS FROM YOUTH MINISTRIES Reflections From Camp Youth reflect on their summer camp experiences By Erin Hughes, Assistant Director of Youth Ministries To do something a little bit different this month, we have asked some of our youth to reflect on their camp experiences from this summer. Camp is a place where many friends are made, new activities are experienced, and relationships with God are strengthened. I was lucky enough to be asked to teach at Camp Capers for a week in June, where I was fortunate to share my knowledge and love of God with over 100 of the junior high kids in our diocese. This experience opened my eyes to one of the many reasons that the Diocese of West Texas is so strong. Our camping program does an incredible job of laying the foundation for a multi-dimensional relationship with Jesus Christ for our children and youth.
give us a little bit of insight on their camp experiences:
---Cory Howard
Many of our St. Mark’s youth participated in camps this summer, both through our diocese and with other organizations. Here, they
“This past summer was my second summer to be a camp counselor at Camp Capers. One of the many reasons I love being a camp counselor is because I finally get to be in the position where I can watch the amazing miracle of campers growing with Christ. Not only do I get to witness these amazing kids building their spiritual relationships, I get to grow in my own faith as well. Being a Camp Capers counselor has brought me so much joy and happiness. I (Continued on page 7)
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“I have been going to Camp Grady Spruce since I was 9. The first year, I only stayed a week and wanted to stay longer. The next 3 years I went for two weeks each summer, but this year since my older sister was going to stay three weeks I decided to also. Since I am 13 I attended Frontier which is coed ages 1315. I had so much fun! I got to know each of the counselors really well, as well as the other ---Olivia Ribble 3 campers who stayed 3 weeks with me. Being at camp this year helped me realize that I don't have to change to please other people. It also helped me realize that I can do anything as long as I want it and am willing to work at it! I learned this by learning to wake board and slalom water ski in just 3 weeks! My sister and I also had the amazing opportunity to learn to barefoot ski with the worlds second best free style barefoot skier! It was so fun! I also got to sail, ride horses, spend the night out next to the lake, spend the night at the top of a mountain, go on multiple boat rides, water ski, and do tons of awesome arts and crafts projects! To me camp is my home away from home, and I cannot wait to go back next year!”
have always felt most myself and at peace when I am at Camp Capers. So being able to be up there as a senior high camper and then again as a counselor is a huge blessing. I have grown so much in my own faith by witnessing my campers let Jesus into their hearts. Being a Camp Capers counselor has changed me, and helped me grow so much in my faith. I can't wait until I get the opportunity to do it again next summer!” “This is the fifth summer in a row that I have spent time at YMCA Camp Grady Spruce. It is located on Possum Kingdom Lake outside of Graford, Texas, and is sponsored by the YMCA in Dallas. We started going to Camp Grady Spruce because my mom went there when she was a teenager and we all fell in love with the place. We usually stay for two weeks but this year we (my two sisters, Olivia, Elena and I) ---Natalie Ribble stayed for three weeks. This was mainly because I was participating in a program for upcoming juniors called the CIT (Counselors In Training) program. This program was one that I had heard nothing but wonderful things about. I was so excited about it that my mom actually told me to be careful about setting my hopes too high. I went into camp with the highest expectations but luckily, they were not only met but surpassed. It was the most fun I have ever had at summer camp. The group of us (16 boys and girls) spent two weeks doing team building, listening to guest speakers, learning about how to be leaders, and getting to know each other. We had so many amazing memories that I will never forget; so many funny, awkward, and deep moments. The third and final week we spent at the younger kids camps shadowing the counselors and seeing what it was really like to be a counselor. I made so many amazing friends this summer that I know will last a lifetime and I can't wait to see them when we are counselors next summer. I learned so much about myself, my own personal leadership style, how to work with others, and about all of the other CIT's. I grew in myself and in my faith immensely through the Christian programs available at camp. It was an experience that I would not trade for the world and that truly made me more confident, a better leader, and a better person.”
“Throughout my time as a camper at Camp Capers, I have always wanted to staff. That dream finally came true this summer when I was a session staff for the intermediate camp. It was an experience, all right! Kids need food, water, and sleep. My experience was amazing. My girls were great, except for being a bit boy crazy and writing love letters to all of the male counselors. It was ---Maddy Stokes such a life changing experience different from any session I've been to as a camper. I learned a lot about kids this week. The staff was also really welcoming to me as a new counselor. Overall my experience as a counselor was amazing. My faith has evolved because of camp capers. It has shown me several ways I can worship and they're not always traditional. Camp Capers holds a special place in my heart because of what it has done for me.” Isaiah 35:1 says, “The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.” Camping experiences allow our youth and children to see life from a different perspective-to know quiet, peace, and solitude -but to experience these things in the midst of many able counselors and staff who devote their time and energy to the experiences of our kids. Let us rejoice, and appreciate the offerings of our diocese and this state. For these things, we are all blessed.
“Camp Capers has always been a place that I cherish and look forward to visiting every year. It’s a place where I can count on seeing God in a way that you can’t see God in any other place. It’s almost like a reunion where I get to see all of my camp friends from when I was little and even make new ones. It’s a place where I not only get closer to God, but make friendships that will last a lifetime. Even when ---Mattie Goodwin I was a whiney, homesick primary camper, I looked forward to making a new nametag and playing an exciting game of capture-the-flag. Every night, we all settle down and sing soulful songs in chapel, where the spirit of God is obviously present. When we all join arms and sing the songs that we have grown up singing, you can literally feel the presence of God through all of the love in the room. Camp Capers is the place where I can always grow in my faith, and form a relationship with God. Even just singing the classic camp songs in Sunday school brings a spiritual presence that is indescribable. To this day, I am sixteen years old and I will never be too old for camp, because no one is too old to renew their relationship with God.”
We are always looking for parents, grandparents, college students and young adults who would like to help in supporting the Youth of St. Mark’s by mentoring one of our Youth Confirmation students, chaperoning an event or lock-in, volunteering to bring snacks or food for Sunday Morning or lock-ins, or driving to an event. Our youth programs could not happen without our wonderful volunteers! To get involved please contact Todd Allison or Erin Hughes at (210)226-2426 or youth@stmarks-sa.org.
MINISTRY NEWS Ellen Martin is Distinguished Woman-News from General Convention 2012 The following article was written by Marjorie George, Diocese of West Texas Ellen Martin, who for many years served as the head of the diocesan altar guild, was honored at the 2012 Triennial meeting of the Episcopal Church Women meeting in Indianapolis at the same time as the General Convention. Martin was selected as the Distinguished Woman from the Diocese of West Texas for her life that reflects her Christian values. Martin grew up at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Austin, moving to San Antonio in 1961 where she and husband, Rex, now are members of St. Mark’s Church. She was appointed Diocesan Altar Guild Directress by Bishop James Folts in 2000, serving until January of Ellen Martin,center, flanked by Bishop Gary Lillibridge 2011. and Deborah Gardiner, president of the Diocese of West
Martin says that when she was a dorm resident at Texas Christian University, the dean of women frequently reminded the girls about their responsibilities as “fine young Christian women.” “She told us over and over how we should always remember our duty to give back to the community and to honor God with our lives,” said Martin. “This was a creed spoken and expected from my parents, also. It is with these lessons taken to heart that I have tried to live my life.” Martin was also the Sunday School teacher of one Gary Lillibridge when he was five years old.
Texas Commission for Women’s Ministries. While Ellen
For the past five years, Martin has taught attended the National Altar Guild Conference, she was Altar Linen Construction and asked to serve on the Board of Directors of Altar Guild; Embroidery at the Altar Guild Workshop which she gladly accepted. held each year at Camp Allen in the Diocese of Texas. In her retirement, she continues to do stitching for a group formed as the Dorcas Stitchers that mends, makes baptismal towels, and embroiders Christmas stoles. She is called frequently for advice for altar guild functions.
Marjorie George, marjorie.george@dwtx.org
Members of the congregation laid hands on The Rev. Andy Lobban as The Rev. Matt Wise prayed Godspeed for him on his last Sunday at St. Marks. (photo by Mary Fisher)
Kaleidoscope of Life Spiritual Practices Sponsored by The Commission For Women’s Ministries And Hosted by All Saints’ Episcopal Church Saturday, September 15, 2012 Teach Me To Pray “Exploring the Origins of The Lord's Prayer" All Saints’ Episcopal Church 3026 S. Staples St., Corpus Christi, TX 10:00am—4:00pm Registration $15.00 Childcare available upon request Not for women only 10:00 am Check in 10:30 am Session One “The Lord’s Prayer” Fr. Bruce Wilson Fr. Jonathan Wickham Fr. Sean Maloney 11:45 am “Loaves and Fishes” luncheon (included with registration fee) 1:15 pm Session Two “The Lord’s Prayer” conclusion Fr. Bruce Wilson Fr. Jonathan Wickham Fr. Sean Maloney 2:15 pm Contemplative Eucharist with Taize music led by Arlene Long and Wendy Molina
Make check payable to Diocese of West Texas And mail with registration form by Sept 7 to: Diocese of West Texas Attn: Leigh Saunders P O Box 6885 San Antonio, TX 78209
NEWS OF THE FAMILY September Birthdays September 1st Walter Bain, Cary Barton, Stefanie Boswell, Bob Coleman, Jeffrey B. Hight, Robert LeClercq, Alexandra Tamez, Andrew Z. Thompson, Ann Tiner, Ian Vaughn September 2nd David Heller, Edward MacDonald, W. D. Olivarri, Steve Thomas September 3rd Thomas Gaither, Bobbie Sheldon, Jonah Slocum September 4th Anna Oliver, Tres Steves, Debra Walker, Naomi Wolfman September 5th Marycela Barron, Marcos De Luna, Barry Maguire September 6th Jena Barker, Pat Bridwell, Beverly Hooper, Zoe Lopez, Debbie Otto September 7th John Bloodsworth, Eloise Guggolz, Mary Ann Matteson September 8th Michael Brumlik, Elise Frierson, Colleen Goff, Marianna Law, Charles Owens, Linda Scott, Lee Yelton September 9th Tanya Beroukhim, Liam Dillon, Zachariah Linson, Randy Moshier, David Short, Pete Villanueva September 10th Cory Howard, Mark Muecke, Kelly Satel September 11th Caroline Cassidy, Tres Davidson, George Geis, Nicole Gonzalez, Lillian Kimmerly, Alby Moore, David Ribble, Jay Roberts September 12th Tad Bowen, Ed Brown, Dan Butt, Meredith Holmstrom, Juan Carlos Rodriguez, Tookie Spoor September 13th Gene Alderman, Linda Jacobs, Kate Pollom, Robin Welch September 14th Peggy Allison, Rene Fletcher, William Holmstrom, Ruth Holt, John McClung September 15th Gerry Brawner, Bridgett Burden, Aislinn Coyle, Porter Loring, Rayen Lucas, Eric Stupka
September 16th Diettrich Arnold, Roger Bennett, Shannon Crenshaw, Rick Daniels, E.C. Parker, Jean Rumsey, Lillian Seeligson, Elisabeth Uhl, Maggie Villarreal September 17th Ed Gonzales, Catesby Hunt, Mackenzie Medley, Barry Roberts, Pat Snyder September 18th Priscilla Briones, Michael Cassidy, Lois Dolch, Diana Hamner, Cliff Hurd, Tom Madison, Flor Rodriguez, Barbara Wilson September 19th Andrew Alderman, Jeanne Reesman, Teressa Sisemore, Karen Snyder, Carolynn Witt September 20th Alison Brown, Jennie Lou Leeder, Ann Madison, Bonnie Muecke, Bill Phelps, Kathie Sherman, Jermane Taylor September 21st Evelyn Bailey, Karen Brandon, Sarah Calogero, Dave Hulett, Chip Law, Don Lucas September 22nd Elizabeth Breazeale, Len Briley, Robin Logan, Joel Martin, Dody Oppenheimer, Lee Wilder September 23rd Jack De Witt, Mary Fisher September 24th Margaret Amberson, Alicia Amberson, Liliann Casavez, Staci Foster, William B. Townsend September 25th Nils Pearson September 26th Ralph Falkenberg, Lisa Piland, Sarah Stafford September 27th Caroll Ahern, Trey Anderson, Woody Chipman, Sandy Folts, Al Hartman, Sandy Hughey, Ann Keetch, Suzy Zimmermann September 28th Randolph Blakeman, Elaine Center, Lisa Cox, Virginia Hartz, Camilla Parker, Dick Soupiset September 29th Dina Jones, Quincy Luce, Jeff Rochelle, Buttercup Sparks
September 30th Jamie Lynn Bloodsworth, Harvey Marmon, Al Silva, Ruben Tamez
A very special happy birthday to: Ann Tiner, on her 97th (1-Sep) Buttercup Sparks, on her 97th (29-Sep) Ruth Holt, on her 95th (14-Sep) Lillian Kimmerly, on her 93rd (11-Sep) Andrew Z. Thompson, on his 92nd (1Sep) W. D. Olivarri, on his 91st (2-Sep)
You are invited to experience Bridges to Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton Do you want to integrate more prayer into your life? Are you looking for a way to connect your prayer life with your own personal spiritual journey? Are you seeking a safe place to reflect, pray, and dialogue in a small group? This small group prayer experience includes reflection on scripture and the writings of Thomas Merton as well as other spiritual leaders. It features contemplative dialogue gently set in an atmosphere of quiet stillness. The approach allows for a time of prayer, silence, and reflective thinking in a non-threatening, safe community. Dialogue and prayer is completely voluntary. For more information on the process go to http://www.mertoninstitute.org, click on Contemplative Living and then Bridges to Contemplative Living. The prayer group uses the Bridges to Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton book series published by Ave Maria Press. The inexpensive books are available either in the St. Mark’s bookstore or at the group meeting itself. Bridges to Contemplative Living prayer group will begin again on September 13, 2012, 7:00-8:30 p.m. in Bethlehem Chapel. It meets the second and fourth Thursdays of each month through the school year. Contact Elaine Enloe, 210-226-2426, for more information.
Is Your Life Raft Surrounded By Sharks? My book club is reading Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand this month. It’s the story of an Olympic distance runner, Louis Zamperini, who is shot down in the Pacific during World War II. He spends five weeks in a life raft, surrounded by sharks, starving, dehydrated and finally strafed by Japanese zeros. He survives all that to be captured and sent to several POW camps, which makes the raft trip seem like a summer outing.
Mary suggests an exercise: Particularly on a horrendous day, take stock of things to be grateful for… Okay, it’s 5:30 pm. I’m trying to figure out what to have for dinner. Mac and Lili are screaming at each other for the fifth time about what’s on TV. My head is splitting. Am I in life raft, surrounded by sharks? No. Did I miss any meals today? No. Am I still living in Florida? No. Thank you, God.
In between reading this compelling story, I’ve been spending some time with my children, who, when not obsessed arguing with one another, are obsessed with you name it: TV, clothes, Legos, candy, money, etc. Okay, they’re children. I get it. But I keep thinking, I wish they could read Zamperini’s story. They’re so lucky; they have no idea how good they’ve got it.
Sometimes we ARE surrounded by sharks: the threat of serious illness, the death of a loved one, the loss of a job. The challenge of finding the blessing while sitting in the life boat is made easier if we’ve been practicing it on a daily basis, starting with “Thank you for my life.”
Me, too. I’ve got it super good. And having passed a few more maturity milestones than my children—quite a few more—I feel a sense of gratitude that maybe only comes with experience. With the pain of loss. With the grace of a years-long prayer answered. With a wrenching move. Returning to San Antonio last fall, I was crazy with gratitude. Driving down Austin Highway was a gift, walking the dog in the wilting heat was a gift, shopping at the HEB,
a gift. I wish I could bottle that feeling because it makes you want to dance. Mary Earle gives a wonderful talk on Gratitude, Entitlement and Stewardship, which she will share with us later this fall. She says, “Gratefulness is not simply giving thanks; it is a heart filling up with joy, overflowing like a fountain.” When we tap into the gratitude part of our brain, it releases us from the bondage of “why is everything messed up” to the freedom of “how is all this possible?”
As the body of St. Mark’s, we have so much to be grateful for. It is my prayer that together we will explore our gifts, count our blessings and overflow like a fountain to each other and into our community with our generosity. In gratefulness and thanksgiving,
Tina Kuykendall Stewardship Committee
The Messenger (USPS 514-020) Published Monthly (3rd Wednesday) ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226-2426 Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Rector: The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Editor: Melanie Lizcano Layout & Graphic Design: Melanie Lizcano e-mail articles to mlizcano@stmarks-sa.org
Article deadline is 2nd Wednesday of each month
August 19 at 10:10a.m. Tom Gish Hall, 3rd floor Join us for food, fun & fellowship! We will feature guest author Martin the dog, and his companion the Reverend Dick Elwood who will read their picture book entitled Martin in the Narthex during children’s chapel at the 9:00a.m. service. Children, parents and the young at heart are invited to attend chapel to hear this charming book. Martin and Reverend Elwood will also be available to take pictures and sign copies of their recent publication during the Sunday Social in Gish Hall between the 9:00a.m. and 11:15a.m. services.