We are a downtown Church; committed to the Gospel, accountable to each other, loving Christ and making him known.
themessenger Monthly Newsletter of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church SEPTEMBER 19, 2012
Confirmation is the “Sacrament of Connection” Adult Confirmation/Reception scheduled for Sunday, November 4, 2012 at the 11:15a.m. Eucharist
INSIDE THIS ISSUE Stewardship -page 3 Vestry Nominees -page 4-6 Youth News -page 8-9
ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, Texas 78205 (210) 226-2426 www.stmarks-sa.org stmarks@stmarks-sa.org Office hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Emergency Pastoral Care: 210-507-0251
Classes begin Wednesday, September 26th and are open to ANYONE!
onfirmation is the Sacrament of connection to the Episcopal Church and is the sign of our commitment to the life and ministry of this branch of the Christian family tree. During this class we will take time to Rt. Rev. Gary consider the following: The particular liturgical Lillibridge traditions and theology of the Episcopal Church ● The spiritual life to which we are invited and an introduction to the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer ● Initiation Rites: Baptism as Full Inclusion and Confirmation ● Anglicanism and the Episcopal Church in the broader context For those who have already been confirmed in another Christian tradition, the Episcopal Church does not require that person to be “reconfirmed.” Baptized persons may also be received by laying-on of hands of a Bishop rather than being confirmed, if such persons have previously made adult affirmations of faith in their own traditions. We call that "Reception."
The Bishop of the Diocese of West Texas, The Rt. Rev. Gary Lillibridge is scheduled to be at St. Mark’s to preside over Confirmation/Reception on Sunday, November 4. Adult Confirmation/ Reception will take place during the 11:15a.m. Eucharist. CONFIRMATION CLASSES START WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th If you are an adult interested in being confirmed or received, you are invited to register for our required classes beginning on Wednesday, September 26th. The class will be facilitated by The Rev. Matt Wise and is entitled, “Liturgy: Engaging the Mystery”. It is a requirement to take this class to be confirmed or received by the bishop on November 4. Classes preparing adults for the Sacrament of Confirmation will be held on Wednesday Nights, September 26 through October 24th and Tuesday night, October 30th and Sunday morning, November 4th. The classes will be held from 5:30pm until 7:00pm. Childcare is available. Please contact Emmet Faulk to register for the classes by calling the church office at 210-2262426 or by email at efaulkjr@stmarks-sa.org. SEE PAGE 2 FOR CLASS SCHEDULE
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The Messenger is published monthly and is available in magazine format online at www.stmarks-sa.org. Parish Clergy The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Rector Assisting Clergy The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Co-director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson Co-director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Matt Wise Assisting Priest Making a Gift of Their Service The Rev. Mary Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Linda Ricketts Assisting Priest The Rev. Cliff Waller Assisting Priest Staff Todd Allison Youth Director Priscilla Briones Accounting Janet Carrizales Nursery Coordinator Benjamin Carlise Assistant to Liturgy & Music Joseph Causby Director of Music & Organist Elaine Enloe Clergy Executive Administrator Database Manager Sandy Falkenberg Cherub Choir Conductor Emmet Faulk Community Formation Director Heather Herschell Children’s Ministries Director Erin Hughes Youth Ministries Assistant Director Melanie Lizcano Communications Director Ruby Merrill Facilities Manager Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Dr. Edwin A. Rieke Dir. of Music & Organ Emeritus
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 East Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205 www.stmarks-sa.org
CLASS SCHEDULE Wednesday, September 26 Introduction to Liturgy: Signs, Symbols and Rituals Wednesday, October 3 Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi: We are Always Being Formed Wednesday, October 10 Tools of the Trade: The Book of Common Prayer, The Liturgical Calendar and Sacred Architecture
Wednesday, October 17 Initiation Rites: Baptism as Full Inclusion and Confirmation Wednesday, October 24 Eucharist: Feast of Thanksgiving, Remembering and Sending Tuesday, October 30 Anglicanism: The Episcopal Church’s Broader Context Sunday, November 4 10:10-11:00 am Adult Forum with Bishop Lillibridge
Outreach Grant Committee needs your help! The Outreach Grant Committee of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church will be asking for a few new members this year, because members rotate off every year. It is a three year commitment, but a delightful one. Instead of asking for money, you get to be a thoughtful steward who can celebrate giving it away! Many agencies in our community apply for these grants which can vary in size from two to as much as ten thousand dollars. I am grateful to be chairing the Outreach Grant Committee this year. If you are interested in serving, or in finding out more about this ministry please contact me by phone or email.
Sincerely, Cathy Murphy Brumlik (210) 340-4455 or (210) 274-8000 brumurph@att.net
August Financial Statement Pledge Revenue ............................................................................. $105,541 Non Pledge Giving ............................................................................. $4,619 Open Plate .......................................................................................... $1,811 _________________________________________________________________ Total Revenue ................................................................................. $154,212 Total Expenses ............................................................................... $157,871 _________________________________________________________________ August Revenue Under Expenses .................................................. -($3,659) Questions? Contact Priscilla Briones at 210-226-2426 ext. 151 or pbriones@stmarks-sa.org.
Stewardship 2013 A note from Tina... I am not a cradle Episcopalian. I am not even a cradle Christian. I became a seeker in my early 20’s. I found what I was looking for at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral in Kansas City, Missouri when I was about 30. I couldn’t put a name to what I had found until some years later: community. Yes, I loved the beauty of that historical downtown church. I loved the music. I loved the liturgy. And I loved the wisdom of the clergy. (Sound familiar?) I loved all those things about the Episcopal Church, but connecting to the community was the prize. I was on a cooking team that prepped meals for the homeless, helped build houses with our Habitat for Humanity team, taught Kindergarten Sunday School one semester (somewhat ineptly), and was active with the young adult group. The bonds that formed in those ministries were the proof that I was where God was calling me to be. I don’t know how many years I was at Grace Cathedral (and in its grace) before I began filling out a pledge card. I’m sure I didn’t understand the whole stewardship concept at first. I’m pretty sure I had no idea how much I could or should pledge. I had a good job, but I also had a mortgage and the usual expenses—and I liked to have fun. At some point I do remember pledging $1,000 for the year and feeling very proud about it. That’s a little over $19 a week. It was about 2.5% of my weekly income. I know I spent more than that each week on going to the movies, the bookstore and going out with friends. But it was a start. It was the start of having a skin in the game, as they say. Now, not only was I a part of the community, I had a part in fueling the ministries that created the community. That church had become my home and I was helping take care of it. Mike and I were married there. The music director worked a few bars of “Yellow Rose of Texas” into our recessional, and the place where I began to be formed as a Christian sent us off to start our new life in San Antonio. And what a community we found here at St. Mark’s. Thirteen years ago the Daughters of the King prayed for our first daughter, Tyler, here. When we had the twins, we told them to stop. We were grateful for the wonderful ladies of the nursery who loved and cared for our children. We are grateful for the brilliant and patient music staff who teaches them to sing and appreciate the liturgy. Our youth group provides Tyler a safe place for meaningful connection and opportunities for ministry. Mike and I have found community in our connection to other parents but also in Wednesday night dinners, adult formation, usher team, The Work+Shop, Habitat, and hospitality. These ministries have brought richness to our lives. Just as importantly, our stewardship of them enables us to enrich the lives of others. That’s connecting to the Kingdom. That’s community. Pledge Sunday is October 21. Many of us will struggle with that date, trying to decide what is right, what is enough, what we can afford. We each must decide what we are called to do, but there’s help: guest speakers Scott Bader-Saye, The Rev. Mary Earle, and Bishop John MacNaughton will be offering their wisdom during Sunday adult formation. Lay speakers Cathy Murphy Brumlik, Damon Van Zandt and Shea Pollom will share personal stories of why generosity is important in their lives. I think you’ll find them inspiring. In Gratitude,
Tina Kuykendall Stewardship Committee
Vestry Class of 2015 Election The Discernment Committee is pleased to announce that the parishioners on the following pages have accepted the call to ministry by allowing their names to stand for the Vestry election to be held on October 21. Elections are held in October so the new Vestry members may go through an orientation process before they take office in February 2013. They will be wearing a special name tag that identifies them as nominees for the class of 2015. Please read their biographical information, review the criteria we used, and make an effort to meet them before the election. Only ballots that have voted for five nominees will be counted.
The criteria for candidates for the Vestry are as follows: Canonical Law: ● At least 18 years old ● A communicant in good standing (baptized, confirmed, received) in the Episcopal Church ● Not previously served a full term on the Vestry within the past 12 months Parish Qualifications: ● Have regularly attended worship services of choice at St. Mark's and have supported parish wide functions for at least 12 months ● Agree with the parish mission and vision statements and the vestry stewardship statement ● Be a pledging member working towards tithing ● Attend all Vestry meetings (5:30pm on the third Tuesday of each month) and special Vestry Meetings and willing to serve on a working Vestry subcommittee
Attend new Vestry orientation and all Vestry retreat(s)
● ●
Characteristics of a St. Mark’s Vestry Person: In addition to those requirements specifically set forth in the Canons and by the Parish, the Discernment Committee and the Vestry of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church have identified particular personal characteristics, experiences and values that we believe will complement the gifts of those Vestry members whose terms continue. The Characteristics we were looking for included: ● Energetic, with a passion for St. Mark’s ● Visionary and imaginative ● Have a heart for doing Christ's ministry in the world as evidenced by being involved in at least one St. Mark's ministry ● Committed to speaking the truth in the face of opposition ● Open to disagreement without being disagreeable
● ● ● ● ● ●
An attentive listener with openness to considering other viewpoints Working toward becoming biblically literate Demonstrate a mature and deep faith, with a commitment for discerning God’s will for St. Mark’s Seek actively to grow the church Exhibit conscientiousness, diligence, and perseverance Possess a fiduciary attitude for the church’s finances Possess a wisdom coming from life experiences Exhibit a willingness to enter a process of decision-making by consensus rather than by majority vote, and an ability to embrace, support, and explain consensus decisions to the congregation Systematic thinkers, people who can think through how systems need to work
Amanda Arnold has been a member of St. Mark’s since 2003. She and her husband, Mark were married at St. Mark’s in 1997 and have one son, Diettrich, 8. Amanda is a life-long Episcopalian and is currently a Special Education teacher. Over the years, Amanda has participated in a variety of ministries including the greeter team, Daughters of the King, the bookstore, Boy & Girl Choir (parent volunteer), Young Adult & Not So Young Adult Groups, Lion & Lamb children’s classes, and Ruby’s Kitchen ministry. She has attended churches while living away from St. Mark’s but has always considered St. Mark’s to be her home. Amanda finds comfort, support, peace, acceptance, education, growth and challenge here. She returns for the people, services, programs, history of the buildings, and for her family’s future. Amanda feels her strength lies in her ability to build and maintain relationships with those around her. Her background Amanda Diettrich as a special education teacher allows her to focus on multiple aspects of a given situation and contemplate those aspects before taking action. She is proud to share with her friends who attend other churches St. Mark’s mentality of Arnold inclusiveness. Amanda feels there is room to grow in attending to the needs of elderly members and ensuring all members feel they are supported and nurtured in their daily life as well as while at church.
Tina Kuykendall
Tina Kuykendall has been an Episcopalian for 23 years and joined St. Mark’s in 1998. She and her husband, Mike have three children, Tyler, 12, Lili, 9 and Mac 9. Tina has worked in the communication field as a TV News Producer and is currently a homemaker. At St. Mark’s she has served on the Vestry, as a Lenten Luncheons volunteer, as co-chair of the Stewardship Committee, as Treasurer for Women of St. Mark’s, and on the Nursery Committee. Currently she is on the Hospitality team, is acting Stewardship Chair and is an active choir mom. Tina considers St. Mark’s to be her home away from home and her extended family. She finds community here and feels it is a place that feeds her spiritual and intellectual hunger. Tina is grateful to find growth as a Christian and considers St. Mark’s a nurturing environment for her children through Christian education, choir and youth ministries. She is proud of St. Mark’s mission and ministry in San Antonio. Tina feels that her calling is in the area of outreach and supports the generous resources for the downtown community. Her strong communication and leadership skills would be beneficial in the areas of outreach, creativity, and learning.
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Carl Leafstedt
Don Lucas
Carl Leafstedt joined St. Mark’s in 2008. He and his wife Ann have two children, Kent, 14 and Wendell, 16. Carl is a college professor at Trinity University. He has served as an usher and is on the Generosity Commission as Parish Life Chairperson. Carl enjoys the welcoming atmosphere and the life of a busy, downtown church. He is grateful for the quality of the church leadership that is evident in both the sermons and in the reasoned, thoughtful atmosphere they have fostered. His family loves the youth programs, and Sunday music brings a strong appeal to them as well. They enjoy the traditional hymns and the reliable high quality of the liturgical music making. Carl is particularly drawn to helping figure out ways to get new people involved in the life of the church. His son, Wendell loved Camp Capers and Happening; Carl would like to do what he can to keep these diocesan programs vibrant and appealing to the youth population of the church. Also, as a musician he will serve as a committed voice for the church’s music life. Carl would be honored to serve on the Vestry if called to do so. Don Lucas has been an Episcopalian for 15 years and joined St. Mark’s in 2007. Before that, they attended Christ Episcopal Church where they were married and baptized their children, Sember, now 11 and Rayen, now 8. Don’s initial services to St. Mark’s revolved around his children and their participation in Cherub Choir and Boy & Girl Choirthe only places in this earthly world where one can have experiences that honestly allow “angel wrangler” to be added to one’s vita. However, though Don loves wrangling angels, his passion lies in teaching. For the past three years he has presented adult formation classes and talks on such topics as peace, touch, happiness, meaning and renewal. He has also been a guest speaker for the Daughters of the King and will be doing the Dean Richardson adult formation class in December. Additionally, he is a server for Café Kairos, has been a confirmation mentor and is a member of the Parish Life Committee. Don is the head of the psychology department at Northwest Vista College and is the author of the book, Being: Your Happiness, Pleasure, and Contentment. Don is honored to be considered for the Vestry and if selected, would bring his expertise in psychology, teaching and a bit of humor, to further enhance the lives of parishioners of St. Mark’s and the community we serve. Robert Pollom has been a member of St. Mark’s for 11 years. He was raised in south Texas and is a former member of St. John’s Episcopal Church in McAllen. He is a life-long Episcopalian. Since joining St. Mark’s in 2001, he has served on the leadership team of the CAYA service and the young adults planning committee. Robert has served as an usher for the past three years and participates in the Annual Christmas to the Street as part of the men’s overnight grilling team. Robert is a partner with the law firm Ketterman, Rowland and Westlund. He is a member of the Texas Bar Association, the San Antonio Bar Association, and the San Antonio Trial Lawyers Association. He and his wife, Shea, were married at St. Mark’s in June 2002. They have three children, Ethan, 8, Kate, 6, and Caroline, 1. Robert enjoys running, hunting, reading, watching sports and assisting with his children’s sports teams.
Robert Pollom
Nancy Reed
Harold Sager
Nancy Reed is recently retired from Communities in Schools where she served as President/CEO for 13+ years working with youth who were at risk of dropping out of school. Nancy has been an Episcopalian for 50 years and joined St. Mark’s in 1991. She has participated in several organizations and ministries such as, Altar Guild (20 years), former Directress and currently Chair of the Baptism Committee, served as Chair of the Outreach Committee and as an Alternate Delegate to Council this past year. Nancy is also a member of the Bookstore Committee. She enjoys the caring, energetic and friendly congregation and church staff and loves the church’s passion for reaching out into the community and helping others. Nancy feels that her 20+ years of experience in the non-profit and education arenas enable her to help St. Mark’s grow in the area of outreach, since she knows the needs of the community. She believes St. Mark’s has an abundance of talented and caring members that can reach out and serve our neighbors.
Harold Sager joined St. Mark’s in 2003 and has been an Episcopalian for 9 years. Harold retired in 2008 from Texas Lutheran University where his primary position was Vice President of Development. He is a member of the Parish Choir and serves on the Planned Giving Committee. This past spring, Harold volunteered at Lenten Luncheons as a waiter and scraper. He consistently looks forward to praising, thanking and experiencing God’s presence in Sunday worship. Harold enjoys singing, listening, speaking, eating and visiting with those who gather for worship; he finds them to be invigorating and vibrant experiences and the diverse community adds pleasure to these occasions. Harold hopes that he can be part of the tasks and initiatives such as outreach and stewardship that underscore and strengthen the community. For most of his life he belonged to Lutheran congregations where he served in a variety of roles as a pastor, Sunday School teacher and choir member. At St. John’s Lutheran Church in San Antonio, where he was a member prior to joining St. Mark’s, Harold chaired the Worship & Arts Committee, the Building Committee and was elected to served on the Church Council, which is the governing board of the congregation.
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continued from page 5 Suzy Tackett has been an Episcopalian for 42 years and joined St. Mark’s in 2000. She retired in 2010 after teaching English for 36 years. Suzy has participated in several organizations and ministries at St. Mark’s such as, adult Christian formation, the Parish Choir, the choir residencies in Bristol Cathedral and Ely Cathedral, Time Out Bible Study, volunteered for the every member canvass, organized the Parish Choir Cookie Walk, served on Tuesday’s Kitchen Team at Haven for Hope, and serves as a Eucharistic Minister/Lay reader. The music and preaching drew her to St. Mark’s but the sense of inclusiveness combined with the variety of service and study opportunities keep her here. Suzy was a speaker during the We Give! Campaign and was thankful for the opportunities St. Mark’s provides for serving each other and the larger community, and for growing in faith through reflection and Bible study. She feels that she can be helpful in advancing St. Mark’s vision to be “an inclusive, hospitable, compassionate, and nurturing community where Susan (Suzy) people of all ages and backgrounds share relationships”. Suzy is outgoing and has been a teacher for many years. She Tackett knows how to “break the ice” with anyone. She is interested in finding new opportunities to be of service in the community. Suzy feels it would be humbling and gratifying to serve as a Vestry member.
By The Rev. Dr. John Lewis, Co-Director of The Work+Shop Have you ever stopped to ask yourself during the reading of the Gospel on Sunday morning, “would a faithful Jew hear this parable from Jesus the same way I do?” Do you sometimes think that Christians and Jews misunderstand each other’s religious claims, or wonder whether Jews and Christians read their common scriptures differently? These are just a few of the important and fascinating questions that Dr. Amy-Jill Levine will address during her upcoming appearance in San Antonio on October 12-13.
author of The Misunderstood Jew: The Church and the Scandal of the Jewish Jesus, An Essential Guide to the Jewish Context of the New Testament, and co-author with Douglas Knight of The Meaning of the Bible: What the Jewish Scriptures and Christian Old Testament Can Teach Us, among other books for both scholars and popular readers. The cost of the program is $35, if paying by check to The Workshop, 2015 N.E. Loop 410, San Antonio, Texas 78217, or $37 if paying online with a credit card at www.theworkshop-sa.org. This includes a box lunch on Saturday.
Entitled “Jesus, Judaism, and Jewish-Christian Relations,” Levine will speak at Temple Beth-El on Friday evening, October 12 in the regular weekly Shabbat Service at 6:30 p.m. Afterwards, attendees are invited to a reception at the temple, to honor that evening’s Bar Mitzvah. Dr. Levine’s topic for her homily will be, “How Jews and Christians Misunderstand Each Other.” The evening will be a great occasion for Christians and Jews to worship our one God together. On Saturday, October 13, Dr. Levine will be giving three presentations in the beautiful Ruth Taylor Theatre at Trinity University. Registration begins at 8:00 a.m., and the day will conclude at 3:00 p.m.
For registration, please contact Katherine Buzzini at The WorkShop, 210-599-4224 or kbuzzini@theworkshop-sa.org. The cost of this program is underwritten by The WorkShop and the D. L. Dykes, Jr. Foundation, with additional local support from Trinity University, Temple Beth-El, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Seminary of the Southwest, Episcopal Church of Reconciliation, Oblate School of Theology, and the SoL Center at University Presbyterian Church.
Dr. Levine is one of the most interesting New Testament scholars of our time. As an observant Jew, she brings a very important perspective to her interpretation of the New Testament that corrects common Christian misunderstandings of Jesus and his mission. She is University Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies and E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Professor of New Testament Studies and Professor of Jewish Studies at the Vanderbilt University Divinity School and the Vanderbilt College of Arts and Sciences. She is the
Do not miss what promises to be an informative and entertaining weekend experience of learning and reflection led by Dr. Levine. Dr. Amy-Jill Levine
Music News This year the Cherub Choir began on August 29th with six wonderfully energetic children. Founded by Valerie Thompson in the spring of 2002, the Cherub choir for 10 years has been preparing the youngest of St. Mark's children for the strong and successful choral singing tradition of the church. Activities include vocal exploration, movement, instruments, games and stories of faith. It is designed for children in pre-kinder, kinder and first grade, ages 4-6. This group meets every Wednesday evening from 5:00-5:45p.m. at the same time that the older children in Boy/Girl Choir are rehearsing. If you have considered bringing your child to this group now is a great time to begin. We have room for three more students.
Participants in the Cherub Choir are happy to rehearse with Miss Sandy. Photo by Sandy Falkenberg
You may contact me at sandymus09@yahoo.com if you are interested in bringing your child. This program is a gift of the church to all of our young children.
Sandy Falkenberg Cherub Choir Director
St. Mark’s Choir Camp was a huge success By Joseph Causby, Director of Music & Organist
WOW! A great week was had by all! Over 30 of our children, grades 2-6, gathered to work and play in preparation for the start of the choir season. Many thanks to our parent volunteers and music staff for a great start to the year! It’s not too late to join the fun! If you are interested in Boy and Girl Choir, please see Joseph Causby after any of the services, or contact the music office at 226-2426 or jcausby@stmarks-sa.org. Photo by Mary Fisher
Choir campers show The Rev. Chalk their music note cookies
Choral Evensong
Save the date for Choral Evensong, October 28, 4:00p.m., on the campus of Trinity University. This service will be held in the beautiful acoustic of Parker Chapel. The St. Mark’s Choir will be accompanied by organists Ben Carlisle and David Heller. The canticles are Herbert Howells’s Collegium Regale written for King’s College Cambridge in 1945; the anthem by Charles Wood, “Hail, Gladdening Light” is written for double choir; Responses by Philip Radcliffe; Introit by John West.
For a full campus map of Trinity University visit http:// web.trinity.edu/ about-us/visit/ campus-map PARKER CHAPEL
Youth Ministries
2012-2013 YOUTH EVENTS August 2012 – June 2013 Youth Events
Christmas Greenery Fundraiser October 7 through November 11
30hr Famine/Fall Lock-In Friday, October 26 to Saturday, October 27
Confirmation Sunday Sunday, November 4
Happening #123 (Sr. High) November 16-18; St. John’s, McAllen th
8 Annual Christmas to the Street Fri., December 21; Youth Lock-In Sat., December 22; Barbeque Event
MANY BODIES...ONE SPIRIT St. Mark’s is committed to bringing all people to a transformative relationship with Christ, through diverse and creative worship, education, and ministry. We are a scripture-grounded community, where every person seeks to grow into the full stature of Christ by being empowered for ministry in daily life and by practicing mutual accountability. The entire St. Mark’s community affirms that children and youth are vital to a vibrant parish life and are included in every aspect of our vision. We are committed to creative Christian formation programs that guide and prepare children and youth to take their place in the full ministry of the community. St. Mark’s is an inclusive, hospitable, compassionate, and nurturing community, where youth from all backgrounds share relationships. We participate meaningfully in ministries, missions, outreach, and music programs.
Mid-Winter at Camp Capers (Sr. High) Friday, January 11 – Sunday, January 13
Mid-Winter at Camp Capers (Jr. High) Friday, January 18 – Sunday, January 20
Pancake Supper Tuesday, February 12
Happening #124 (Sr. High) March 1-3; TBD
Sr. High Mustang Island Retreat Monday, March 11-Wednesday, March 13
Way of the Cross Friday, March 29
Parish Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, March 30
Easter Sunday Sunday, March 31
Youth Retreat Friday, April 5- Sunday, April 7
5th Annual Food Bank Fund Drive April 7 – June 9
Senior Sunday Sunday, May 5 th
5 Annual Summer Outreach Weekend Thurs/Fri, June 6/7 - Sunday, June 9
JOIN US! Sunday Morning Formation Sunday’s 10:10am – 11:10am in the Youth Suite On Sunday mornings youth will be split up into two groups: current 7 th- 9th graders and current 10th -12th graders. Following some large group discussion youth will take a deeper look at the week’s readings and Gospel to gain new insight and understanding into some of the stories of Jesus’ walk on this earth.
Wednesday Night Fellowship & Dinner (Wednesday Nights, August 29 –May 22) 5:00p.m. – 7:00p.m. $5 Dinner We will focus this fall on service and hot topics for discussion, talking about things like internet safety, bullying, and media tools. We will also take a lot of time to focus on hunger, and ways in which we can help to solve the world’s hunger problem both locally and internationally. We will have plenty of fun too. Bring a friend and dinner is on us!
For additional information on youth events please visit www.stmarks-sa.org or www.facebook.com/smcyouth
www.facebook.com/smcyouth 8
Youth to participate in 30 Hour Famine Event October 26-27 By Erin Hughes, Assistant Youth Director Students around the world are loving God and fighting hunger. It’s that simple. Every year, thousands of students unite to do the 30 Hour Famine. They learn about hunger - and then they do something about it. They raise funds. They experience hunger for themselves. Best of all? They help save lives. This year, our St. Mark's Youth Group will participate in the 30 Hour Famine to raise awareness and funds for the hungry in Haiti. This event will take place on the same weekend that was previously ourHalloween Lock-In. Though we won't be eating a lot of candy, (we will still have fun playing spook-tacular games), our youth will participate in a few important service projects, while fasting. Don't worry. Though 30 hours seems like a long time without food, youth all over the country do this every year, and our kids will be closely monitored so as to prevent any hunger-related illnesses. How can you help? Email Todd or Erin to find out more information, talk to any of the youth, to sign up for the Break-Fast Feast, a pot-luck that will be held at the end of the 30 hours! Email us at youth@stmarks-sa.org. Happenings are spiritual renewal weekends for high school students in grades 10 through 12. The diocese sponsors three weekends each year in various locations. For more information about the upcoming Happening weekend contact your Rector, Youth Minister or visit http://dwtx.org/index.php/diocese/Happening NEXT HAPPENING: NOVEMBER 16-18, 2012 at ST. JOHN’S McALLEN, TX Sunday Night LIVE is not just another Sunday worship service! SNL is an opportunity for 9th-12th graders, of all faiths and backgrounds, from around San Antonio to come together and share and discuss topics impacting their lives. SNL meets monthly (as scheduled) at The Bishop Jones Center. FALL2012 SNL SCHEDULE September 9 @ 5:00p.m.-7:00p.m. October 21 @ 5:00p.m.-7:00p.m. December 9 @ 5:00p.m.-7:00p.m. Our youth programs could not happen without our wonderful volunteers! We are always looking for parents, grandparents, college students and young adults who would like to help in supporting the Youth of St. Mark’s by mentoring one of our Youth Confirmation students, working behind the scenes at an event or lock-in, volunteering to bring snacks or food, or driving to events. To get involved please contact: Todd Allison or Erin Hughes. (210) 226-2426 or youth@stmarks-sa.org
NEWS OF THE FAMILY October Birthdays October 1st Lorraine Castillo, Augie Clements, Katryn Lewis, Joan Lewis, Frates Seeligson, Susan Sheldon, Caroline Vassar October 2nd Steve Matteson, Marjorie Montag, David Phipps, Bob Sohn, Shawn Tanner, Janice Tisdale October 3rd Ginny Calogero, Thelma Duffey October 4th Christopher Medley, Michael Minister, Lee Rux, Sharon Speer, Paige Sugg, Bill Wassberg October 5th Lara Grellner, Mike Vivroux October 6th Wayne Beers, Tyler Cobb, Chuck Cothren, Frannie Douglas, Katy Fowler, Terryn Soward October 7th David Cobb, Tyler Kuykendall, Greg Merritt, Molly Moody October 8th Jonathan Delmer, Howard Rainey, Beau Wilson October 9th Martha Ann Franco, Martha Newsom, Christopher Rodriguez, JulieAnne Wisloff October 10th Norma Baird, Francie Calgaard, John Evans, Anne Rochelle October 11th Chris Adkins, Mary Baldwin, Ginny Check, Margaret Gunn, Matt Herschell, Katherine Smelko, Henry Thang October 12th Suzanne Coker, Alec Crutchfield, Patrice Oliver October 13th John Colglazier, Elaine Enloe, Lindsey Lundell October 14th Nancy Cobb, Marion Hall, Ana Lopez, Rick Roland, Presley Stupka October 15th Ann Barber, Mike Diel, Lauren Kennedy, Stacy Underwood October 16th Craig Bertolett, Joseph K. Brown, Reagan Houston, Hamlet Newsom
October 17th Charles Field, Beverly Krause, Barbara Striekert October 18th Cindy Clancey, Janet Howard, Patrick Wickham, Lyndon Woodall October 19th Rachel Dillon, Barbara Holder, Dan Kelly, Darcie Payne, Ruth Margaret Peyton, Elanor Somers, Larry Walker, Ricks Wilson October 20th Argyle Amberson, Mary E. Fietsam, Joan Gaither, Timmie Greer, Guizelle Lehman, Violet Villa October 21st Johnny Aldrich, Cheryl Thompson, Will Watson, Ellen Williams October 22nd Olivia Briley, Andrew Goodenough, Eileen McCleary, Janis O'Connor October 23rd Laura Briley, Mark Cavender, Jeanette Ross, Nancy Welch October 24th Courtney Beauchamp, Melissa Morgan October 25th Trinka McGehee, Frederick Pleasure October 26th Robert Bruni, Tom Duesing, Sarah Joe LeMessurier, Maria Lozano, Mia Moshier, Caroline Rickards October 27th Ron Guerra, John Hauser, Tom Kingery, Jessica Miller October 28th Bill Alig, Penelope Allen, Andrew Dahm, Nelda Greer, Nancy Jackson, Katharine McMillan, Betty Russell, Aiden Somers October 29th Annette Conrad, Josephine Cothren, Felix B. Gonzales, Walter Goodwin, Christopher Haff, Aaron Hawkins, Patricia Myers October 30th Christie Fryatt, Joseph Perretta, Clytie Phelps, Court Snyder, Ryan Tanner October 31st Macon Cothren, Todd Minister
New Parish Administrator By The Rev. Mike Chalk, Rector
I am pleased to announce that Emmet Faulk will immediately assume the position of Parish Administrator for St. Mark’s. As you may know Emmet has worked for St. Mark’s since 2004, first as the Worship Coordinator for the Innovative Traditional Service and most recently as the Director of Community Formation. Emmet Faulk
With Emmet’s business background and knowledge of St. Mark’s, he is well-qualified for this position. The Parish Administrator is primarily responsible for assisting the Rector and Sr. Warden with overall administrative functions and staff oversight, including human resources, finance, and management of facilities.
As the Director of Community Formation, Emmet has been responsible for incorporating new members to the parish. He will continue to oversee this ministry with the help of some fine new lay leadership that has emerged recently. Emmet is dedicated to the ministry of St. Mark’s and brings considerable talents to the position of Parish Administrator. He works well with the staff and will provide the skills needed to ensure St. Mark’s is well situated to engage in creative ministry. I look forward to working with Emmet in his new calling to serve St. Mark’s.
Upcoming Adult Formation Classes September 30 The Risk of Generosity Dr. Scott Bader-Saye Based on his book Following Jesus in a Culture of Fear, Dr. Scott Bader- Saye, Helen & Everett H. Jones Professor of Christian Ethics and Moral Theology at the Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, explore how generosity helps us overcome inordinate fear and anxiety in regard to our material resources.
October 28 The Role of Christians in a Democracy The Rev. Drs. John Lewis and Jane Patterson will lead the class in reflecting on the roles of faith and scripture as we prepare to go to the polls on November 6. November 4 The State of the Episcopal Church Bishop Lillibridge Bishop Lillibridge will share his observations of the General Convention held in Indianapolis this summer.
October 7 Gratefulness, Entitlement, and Stewardship The Rev. Mary C. Earle Author Wilkie Au and others are pointing out that the American culture encourages attitudes of entitlement that rob us of grateful hearts. Yet, spirituality of stewardship starts with a life of gratefulness.
November 11 Bread for the World Michael Smith This organization is a collective Christian voice urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad. Michael Smith is to address the issue of hunger and how the church can end world hunger.
October 14 The Subject Jesus Talked About Most The Rt. Rev. John H. MacNaughton, retired Bishop of West Texas Did you know that the words “give,” “giver”, and “giving” appear in the Bible 1560 times? And, by comparison, the word “love” appears only 718 times, the word “prayer” appears 426 times and the phrase “the Kingdom of Heaven” appears only 247 times. Our class will try to look seriously at some of the central things Jesus said about giving and how they might apply in the 21 st century.
November 18 Transitioning Into A Renewed Space The Rev. Matt Wise The Rev. Matt Wise will lead this class on how we might faithfully move back into the historic sanctuary once it is completed. November 25 Advent Celebration—making of Advent Wreaths
October 21 Annual Parish Meeting
December 2, 9, 16, 23 Advent Series Led by The Rev. Drs. John Lewis & Jane Patterson
The Messenger (USPS 514-020) Published Monthly (3rd Wednesday) ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226-2426 Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Rector: The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Editor: Melanie Lizcano Layout & Graphic Design: Melanie Lizcano e-mail articles to mlizcano@stmarks-sa.org
Article deadline is 2nd Wednesday of each month
Book Study led by Betty Anne Cody Discussion of The Desert Mothers by Mary Earle Dean Richardson Room: Tuesday mornings 10:00-11:30a.m. Beginning October 2 This fall's book study will bring us together to read and discuss our own Mary Earle's book, The Desert Mothers, Spiritual Practices from the Women of the Wilderness. We have read and shared our lives with each other with books by Sr. Joan Chittister and Fr. Richard Rohr. We found some life changes in attitudes and information in these thought provoking books. We have become a community of good friends, longing to know what it really means to "follow Jesus". This study from Mary Earle will invite us to consider how other women have faced their lives and learned what that meant to them in their time. Interestingly enough, we are not so different from them. Come see when we gather on Tuesdays in October and November, six weeks of commitment to each other and to the possibility of opening ourselves for the work of the Holy Spirit in us. Lillian Morris will join Betty Anne Cody in teaching and leading discussions as we all listen and learn together. Make your plans now! Mark your calendars so you can attend these times that can mean so much to the deepening of our life in Christ. We look forward to having new faces when we meet again. All are welcome to come and to bring your friends.