01/16/13-The Messenger -Vol. 102 Issue 01

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themessenger Monthly Newsletter of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church JANUARY 2013



Rededication Sunday By Anne Schelleng, Celebration Committee


n Sunday, February 3, St. Mark’s will celebrate the completion of a $15 million renovation of one of San Antonio’s most notable landmarks, a facility that has played a significant role in the social, educational and cultural development of the city for more than 150 years. We have planned a special Rededication service and reception to mark this achievement. Mark this date on your calendar and plan to attend the combined service at 10:00a.m. for our entire church family and the community.

A special feature of our Rededication celebration will be the debut of our renovated Austin pipe organ. In addition to the elegant hand-stenciled pipes that now grace our apse, the voices and timbre of the existing ranks have been greatly improved. From new reeds and principal stops to sonorous new bass notes, our organ will present a rich, full sound equal to the aesthetic beauty and elegance of our sanctuary.

We - the community of St. Mark’s - are at the heart of this masterful transformation. An What a joyous day this will be! accomplishment such as this could not happen without the We have witnessed the complete “We - the community of St. Mark’s - are at the heart of this commitment and dedication of transformation of our physical all of us working together, masterful transformation.” space over the past six years. As Photo by Anne Schelleng joining forces and resources. We you know, the latest and final have renewed our space and, in piece is the restoration of our historic sanctuary, including the doing so, renewed our commitment to leadership in recreation of original colors and enhancement of architectural downtown life and to our greater community. details. Our worship home now reflects the beauty of its design and the breadth and depth of our history. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, February 3 and to welcoming you home!

ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, Texas 78205 (210) 226-2426 www.stmarks-sa.org stmarks@stmarks-sa.org Office hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Emergency Pastoral Care: 210-507-0251

IN THIS ISSUE: Adult Formation From the Rector Youth Ministry News Children’s Ministry

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The Messenger is published monthly and is available in magazine format online at www.stmarks-sa.org. Parish Clergy The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Rector Assisting Clergy The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Co-director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson Co-director, The Work+Shop Making a Gift of Their Service The Rev. C. Douglas Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Mary Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Linda Ricketts Assisting Priest The Rev. Cliff Waller Assisting Priest Staff Todd Allison Youth Director Priscilla Briones Accounting Janet Carrizales Nursery Director Benjamin Carlise Assistant for Music & Liturgy Joseph Causby Director of Music & Organist Elaine Enloe Clergy Executive Administrator Database Manager Sandy Falkenberg Cherub Choir Conductor Emmet Faulk Parish Business Administrator Heather Herschell Children’s Ministries Director Erin Hughes Youth Ministries Assistant Director Melanie Lizcano Communications Director Ruby Merrill Facilities Supervisor & Receptionist Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Dr. Edwin A. Rieke Dir. of Music & Organist Emeritus Leah Thomas Special Events Coordinator Callie Sanchez Children’s Ministry Intern

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 East Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205 www.stmarks-sa.org

Adult Formation at St. Mark’s St. Mark's formation program includes not only Sunday morning classes for adults, youth and children, but, also weekday Bible studies, retreats, conferences and other classes that involve a variety of learning styles, including lectures, discussion and multi-media presentations. They will be interdisciplinary, drawing on the expertise of the clergy, staff, special guests and lay members of the congregation in theology, scripture, Christian spirituality, music and the visual arts. Christians of every age and perspective will find each of these offerings intellectually stimulating and spiritually relevant for their lives as Christians in today's complex world. We hope that this wide range of formation options will provide you with ample opportunity to participate. Sunday Mornings at 10:10a.m. in Tom Gish Hall January 20 and 27 Led by The Rev. Drs. John Lewis and Jane Patterson God’s Call to Ordinary People The Bible uses many imaginative images to depict the call of God: angels, voices, apparitions, dreams. But is there still a sense in which God calls ordinary people to patterns of work and life? This three-session series of classes will present a concise model for reflecting on and discerning one’s vocation; a history of the traditions of vocation and the professions; and some ways to think about balancing multiple vocations. Sunday Mornings at 10:10a.m. in Tom Gish Hall February 17 & 24, March 10 & 17, April 7 Led by Sylvia Maddox A Passion for Life: 20th Century Saints Christianity at its heart is about passion. It is about giving oneself entirely to God for the life of the world. This course will look at the lives of 20th century saints who carried that passion. such as Dorothy Day, Oscar Romero, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Mother Teresa, Thomas Merton, and Desmond TuTu. In reflecting on the depths of their prayers and struggles to follow the calling of Christ, we will discern in our own lives the passion that is calling each us to carry the torch of divine love for the life of the world. Sylvia has co-authored Praying with the Celtic Saints with The Rev. Mary Earle. She is parttime faculty at the University of the Incarnate Word and teaches a class on Prayer and Spirituality. Wednesday Evenings at 5:00p.m. in Room 305 Led by Maurleen Cobb Women’s Book Study: “An Altar in the World” 2nd and 4th Thursday Evenings 7:00-8:30p.m. in Bethlehem Chapel Led by Lou Taylor Bridges to Contemplative Living You are invited to experience Bridges to Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton. This small group prayer experience includes reflection on scripture and the writings of Thomas Merton as well as other spiritual leaders. It features contemplative dialogue gently set in an atmosphere of quiet stillness. The approach allows for a time of prayer, silence, and reflective thinking in a non-threatening, safe community. Dialogue and prayer are completely voluntary. For more information on the process go to http://www.mertoninstitute.org, click on Contemplative Living and then Bridges to Contemplative Living. The prayer group uses the Bridges to Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton book series published by Ave Maria Press. The inexpensive books are available either in the St. Mark’s bookstore or at the group meeting itself.


From the Rector The Rev. Michael D. Chalk


am pleased to announce two additions to St. Mark’s staff. Carol Morehead, born October 29, 1962, is a senior at Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, and will join the clergy staff beginning June 1. Carol is married to Dan and has three children, Matthew 21, Connor 19, and Liam 12. Carol received her BA in History/ English at Abilene Christian University (1982-1985). Her work history includes Administrative Assistance at Pepperdine University (1986-1987), Office Manager at Emory University Hospital (1987-1988), High School English Teacher Abilene ISD (19881990), and High School English Teacher College Station ISD (l9901991). Carol was nominated to attend the Preaching Excellence Program in Richmond, VA, in May 2012. Her

ordination to the deaconate was January 9 at Church of the Holy Spirit, Dripping Springs at 7:00p.m. I was in attendance at her ordination. In addition, Leah Thomas, a member of St. Mark’s, has agreed to serve as Special Events Coordinator on a parttime basis. This new position will facilitate the growth and appeal of special events and weekly meals at St. Mark’s. She also expects to prepare meals for home delivery to members who need our services. Leah brings marketing and commercial catering experience to this position. One of her endeavors was a partnership with St. Mark’s parishioner, Kelly Cavender. Leah and Kelly ran a catering business called “Take Away Café”.

at the front desk. Ruby is pleased to have the opportunity to work with Leah. Janet Carrizales has previously held the position of Nursery Manager under the direction of the Children’s Ministry Director. We are pleased to announce that Janet will now serve as Nursery Director and Sunday Secretary. While it may seem that only her title has changed, she will now assume staffing and financial accountability of the nursery. The Rev. Doug Earle, former Rector of St. Paul’s, San Antonio has agreed to join the list of clergy who are “making a gift of their service.” Doug will assist at worship services on a bi-monthly basis.

Ruby Merrill will continue as Facility Supervisor and serve as a receptionist

Carol Morehead

Ruby Merrill

Leah Thomas

Janet Carrizales

The Rev. Doug Earle 3

WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/SMCYOUTH 8th Annual Christmas to the Street BBQ was a success By Todd Allison, Pat Bridwell and Erin Hughes Christmas to the Street has become a proud tradition here at St. Mark’s, and it would not be possible without our youth. But there are also many others who work behind the scenes to ensure the success of this incredible event. This year’s annual Christmas to the Street Barbeque old traditions combined with new ideas and the help of many hands helped make the event more successful and meaningful than ever. It truly takes teamwork, dedication, and cooperation to put this event on, and this year was no exception.

where they put together take-home bags for our guests that consisted of water, a granola bar, crackers, fruit cup and a Rice Krispie treat. Of course, there was an incentive for finishing the worknachos!

In the morning, the youth group and "212 Ministry" were slow to rouse, but the breakfast tacos fueled them to prepare for the day ahead. The group quickly turned Gosnell Hall into a dining room complete with serving line, place settings, and decorations. With a Who wants nachos? A staple of St. little extra time and nervous excitement Mark’s Lock-Ins and a favorite snack of building for the lunch to begin youth the youth provided for a nice break started coloring holiday greetings on placemats to welcome our guests. Members of our St. Mark’s Kitchen Ministries team and other volunteers cut brisket. The team worked hard throughout Things started the day to early Friday, prepare and December 21, supply the as the BBQ food to the St. Mark’s elves worked hard to prepare for the day’s event. pits arrived youth servers we have and for grown to needing four trailer-sized pits from the hard work and an energy boost transport to Haven for Hope. and took over the parking lot. Friday to get them through the last task of the evening welcomed the "No Ties night. It was late but they enjoyed some Soon, it was time for the blessing of the Allowed" men’s group with dinner and fun, fellowship time and snacks. After food and to open our doors and fellowship as they fired up the smokers their much-deserved snack, it was time welcome in our neighbors for good and prepared the brisket in the kitchen. to bag cookies. Nearly 1500 cookies company and great barbeque. Youth Their experience, led by Gene were bagged and sorted. Once the worked hard welcoming guests, serving Alderman and Joel Martin, was put to crumbs were cleaned up, the youth food, pouring drinks, cleaning up, the test when, they realized that the piled into Bethlehem Chapel for a Taize handing out goodie bags, and briskets were bigger than they had last meditation and Compline service led by interacting with our neighbors. Over 60 year, and it was going to be a challenge Cory Howard and Christina Howe of youth participated and about 400 meals to get the sixty-five briskets to all fit. our Sr. High. Shortly after and with were served. Faith and a few tricks made it happen, little complaining it was lights out. the brisket was smoked and cooked on But Christmas to the Street didn’t stop time. Also sharing floor space at St. Mark’s there. Volunteers under the direction of for the night was our "212 Ministry." Pat Bridwell and Pat Donegan Our youth group arrived at 8:30 Friday They worked hard to gather blanket transported food to Haven for Hope to night and after a quick round of "shoe donations for our guests. The 6th serve the evening meal in partnership pile" they went to work. The group of graders participated in their own lock-in with St. Vincent de Paul and the San 50 youth began their first task at about complete with movies and activities on Antonio Food Bank.. 9:30 as they bagged, sorted, and the 2nd floor. This group gathered over counted 1200 bags of pickles and 140 blankets that they gave to our With the assistance of the Food Bank, onions and another 1200 bags of guests and neighbors. two very able drivers appeared with a jalapeños. Next, it was goodie bag time large Food Bank truck to help load up


More photos can be found at www.facebook.com/smcyouth the hotboxes and coolers loaned to St. Mark’s before the event. They and others on the transition crew made fast work packing up steaming pans of barbecue with all the trimmings and goodies – not to mention oodles of jalapenos, onions, pickles, and cookies. After a blessing by The Rev. Mike Chalk, our two Haven for Hope teams of about 15 people each hopped in their carpools and headed over to Haven. In our third year serving with St. Vincent de Paul and second with the Food Bank, it got better as we continued a tradition at St. Mark’s with Haven for Hope. Upon arrival, we unloaded the 1200 meals, divided them

between the two serving partners and proceeded to our respective kitchens to work with the staffs and volunteers in each to prep the meal for service. We decorated, set up and prepared to serve over 300 guests in Prospects Courtyard and 350-400 guests at the main dining hall. Then we welcomed, greeted and served the residents at both facilities. The joy on their faces, their many blessings and thanks bestowed on us as we served them made everyone feel very humbled and honored to be a part of this ministry. No surprise, yet again this year, everyone wanted seconds! For the Food Bank, the

SUNDAY MORNING FORMATION Sundays 10:10am – 11:10am in the Youth Suite On Sunday mornings youth will be split up into two groups: current 7th- 9th grades and current 10th -12th graders. Following some large group discussion, youth will take a deeper look at the week’s readings and Gospel to gain new insight and understanding into some of the stories of Jesus’ walk on this earth. WEDNESDAY NIGHT FELLOWSHIP & DINNER Wednesday Nights, August 29 –May 22 5pm – 7pm | $5 Dinner We will focus this Fall on service and hot topics for discussion, talking about things like internet safety, bullying, and media tools. We will also take a lot of time to focus on hunger, and ways in which we can help to solve the world’s hunger problem both locally and internationally. We will have plenty of fun too. Bring a friend and dinner is on us!


remaining food was destined to be eaten at lunch the next day giving the hardworking chefs a bit of a break, too. Within four hours after our teams set out for Haven for Hope, we returned to our comfortable homes with a greater appreciation for the blessings in our lives. Each of us were mindful that we had experienced Christ in those we served. Christ worked through our hands, words, and actions as we became one with the greater community of man - one that calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves. For many we saw Christ in each other.

SPRING BREAK 2013 SR. HIGH RETREAT March 11-13 | Mustang Island Conference Center, Mustang Island, TX $75 PER PERSON (Scholarships are available. Please contact Todd or Erin for assistance) $25 Deposit Required to hold spot. SPACE IS LIMITED SO RESERVE YOUR SPOT BY FEBRUARY 13th. Contact Todd or Erin for more information HAPPENING 124 March 1-3, 2013 Happenings are spiritual renewal weekends for high school students in grades 10 through 12. The diocese sponsors 3 weekends each year in various locations. For more information about the upcoming Happening weekend contact Todd Allison, Erin Hughes or visit http://www.dwtx.org/ calendar-events/happening/

Todd Allison tallison@stmarks-sa.org Erin Hughes ehughes@stmarks-sa.org

WWW.STMARKS-SA.ORG 212 Ministry blanket drive warmed up Christmas to the Street By Callie Sanchez, Children’s Ministry Intern

The 212 Ministry leadership team handed out blankets to those in need at the C2S BBQ. Our sixth grade 212 Ministry leadership team was able to experience St. Mark’s Annual Christmas to the Street Lock-In and lunch for the first time this December. Spending the night at St. Mark’s was very exciting, but there was a very good purpose behind the fun. We were all anxious to find out how many blankets were collected during our blanket drive. We came closer than ever to our goal of 200 blankets with a total of 134. When we reported our numbers to youth group members they said, “Wow that’s more than last year!” It made the 212 ministry feel really good that the announcements and signs they made and distributed throughout the parish house actually helped the blanket drive to be so successful. After counting, folding, and carrying so many blankets to our distributing table we all made a sign to let people know where to receive their own free blanket. It was a lot of work getting everything ready to go! Back in our classroom we talked about how the blankets would be distributed and discussed how helping the community made us feel. Before we knew it, it was time for everyone to pick a comfy spot to watch a movie and rest for the night- the next day was going to be very busy. Our sixth graders worked tirelessly that Saturday, making sure members of the surrounding community left the Christmas to the Street lunch with the warmth of the season in their hands, and also in their hearts. We are so proud of their hard work!


Daughters of the King hosted an Epiphany Shower on Sunday, January 6. The DOK proudly holds a special gift, a beautiful quilt, lovingly handmade by Barbara Smith Townsend. Photo by Patrice Oliver


Photo Gallery

The Altar Guild and The Rev. Mike Chalk in the courtyard after the Commissioning on December 9. Photo by Patrice Oliver


If you are interested in volunteering for St. Mark’s Lenten Luncheons, visit www.stmark-sa.org or pick up a volunteer form. Forms are located throughout the building. Questions? Contact Robin Voight, LL Chair at rvoight@sbcglobal.net.

February 13

Ash Wednesday 7:00am Imposition of Ashes & Holy Eucharist (Church)

10:00am Quiet Day (JC)

12:00pm Imposition of Ashes (BC)

6:30pm Imposition of Ashes & Holy Eucharist (Church) 8

Life, Death and Bodies Join Us For An Illuminating Night at the Witte Museum Tuesday, January 22, 2013 For it is the God who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” who has shone securing a person’s place in the afterlife. A mummified body was in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face thought to preserve an individual’s earthly identity, which was of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 4:6). absolutely necessary for a person to enjoy the afterlife as an extension

of the good life they lived on earth.

And all of us, with unveiled faces, seeing the glory of the Lord as though reflected in a mirror, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord, the Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:18).

On Tuesday night, January 22, 2013, you are invited to join us as we explore the Witte Museum’s latest special exhibit entitled Mummies of the World. It is the largest exhibition of real human and animal These quotes from the apostle Paul reflect a crucial conviction of the mummies and related artifacts ever assembled. Following a selfearliest followers of Jesus, one that is the focus of our attention in this guided tour of the exhibit from 5:30-6:45pm, we will enjoy dinner and learn more about Egyptian views on the human body and its season of Epiphany. The more we look into the face of the crucified and risen Jesus, which becomes manifest among our faithful brothers connection to life after death. Then, the Rev. Dr. John Lewis will lead us in a theological conversation about this important relationship and sisters in Christ, the more God transforms us into the image of between bodily life on earth and our Christian hope for eternal life Christ himself. This transformative process begins at baptism, after death. continues throughout our earthly life, and is perfected in our resurrection from the dead. This event is FREE for everyone REGISTERING IN ADVANCE. Christian tradition thus creates a critical link between our experiences Please RSVP to Katherine (kbuzzini@theworkshop-sa.org or 210-599 -4224) by 5:00pm on Sunday, January 20, 2013. Cost at the door of bodily life on earth and our eternal life after death. The ways we use our human bodies in earthly life have significance for the life we without a reservation will be $20. experience after death. This wonderful opportunity for learning and fellowship is being generously underwritten by The WorkShop. These concerns were equally important in ancient Egyptian culture. Ancient Egyptians had a profound love of earthly life and the mummification process was part of their extensive preparation for


News of the Family February Birthdays & Memorials FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS Suzy Armstrong, Margie Bodrick, Matt Clark, Emmet Faulk, Stephen Jones, Paula Kassahn, Piper Krause, Laura Stokes, James Fallon

Feb 1

Katie Gaebel, Ross Anderson

Feb 15

Dawna Boudreaux

Feb 16

Bobby Cavender, Billy Cavender, Renee McElhaney, Nancy Norman, Eleanor Claiborne

Feb 17

Michele Ludwig, Ethan Pollom, Jane Smith, Brett Weatherbie, Richey Wyatt, Charles Butt Elizabeth Cauthorn, Helen Douglass, Lincoln Yu, John Beauchamp

Feb 2 Feb 3

Peter Haff, Mary Herschell, Owen Hurd, Helen Landrum (Happy 92nd Birthday!!)

Feb 18

Andrew Hendley, Anna Lane, Tim Worley, Matthew Ivy

Feb 4

Jim Fietsam, Jan Ligon, Marie McPherson, Lindsey Rochelle, Sallie Rochelle, Robert Menchaca, Betsy Simpson (Happy 90th Birthday!!)

Feb 19

Tina Kuykendall, Joey Oliver, Jan Boyd

Feb 5

Elliot Schenk, Mike Bobo

Feb 20

Aaron Sherman, Charlton Theus, Madelyn Hauser

Feb 6 Feb 7

Kay Denton, Patricia Gonzalez, Erin Hughes, Lillie Muecke (Happy 1st Birthday!!), Ann Coleman

Feb 21

Courtney Lundell, Dow Patterson, Alex Rogers, Kate Wilson, Germaine Field

Feb 8

Bob Cotton, Thomas De Luna, Tatum Kiselis, Michael Lowry, Juan Rodriguez, Jim Hartz

Feb 22

Nick Gorham, Mariya Houston, Allison Lane, Carol McGuire, Fran Torres-Lopez, Barbara Townsend, Hillary Eklund

Erin Hicks, Sophie Morgan, Clara Wilder, Paul Allen

Feb 23

Sarah Fitzsimons, Janine Radke, Mary Carolyn Watson, Harry Knight

Feb 9

Michael Clancey, Lynn Loring, Michael Marke, Sally Sohn, Dixie Watson, Josie Garza

Feb 24

Kate Park, Charlie De Witt

Feb 10

Danny Grellner, Henry Grellner, Tom McGehee, Evelyn Jacobs

Feb 25

Jim Satel, John Savage, Barrett Besing

Feb 11

Roxana Newsom, Jordan Hanselman

Feb 26

Julie VanZandt, Jacqueline Grimes

Feb 12

Ed Myers, Jacob Slocum, Marijane Gish

Feb 27

Geoffrey Martin, Carleigh McGee, Janie Sanchez, Rebekah Shulman, Chris Villa, John L. Douglas

Feb 13

Karen Kelley, Jill Oettinger, Leslie Provence

Feb 28

Quendon Jerrells, Alice Lynch, Rebeca Tanner, Light Cummins (Happy 97th Birthday!!)

Feb 14

MEMORIAL FUND Charles & Marietta Buchanan by Robert T. Buchanan Beverly Halter by Holly & Charlie Lutz Jeannie Marsh by Marcella & Lee Whittaker Mary Anne Parker by Flora Cameron Crichton Gayle Perron by the Bowen family Josephine Thompson byFlora Cameron Crichton ST. CECILIA GUILD Patti Young by Leslie Provence STREET MEMORIAL FUND Victoria A. Vasquez by Oralia V. Torres RENEW Jill Holder by Richard & Linda Allie, Michael, Janet, Tina & Ryan Bennett,

Minta Cook, DH Realty Partners, Inc., the Guenther family, Barbara & Hawley Holder, Park & Kathy Lawrence, Debra Quartaro, Billie Tips SPECIAL GIFTS To St. Mark’s Altar Guild in honor of Angie Ellis by Clytie Phelps To St. Mark’s in honor of the 90th birthday of Elsie Steg by Laura & Robert Cadwallader To St. Mark’s in honor of the 90th birthday of Elsie Steg on December 14 by Beechie Kampman To St. Mark’s in appreciation for the St. Mark’s Altar Guild by Joey & Patrice Oliver To St. Mark’s in honor of Martha Steves by Ronald & Gene Calgaard


To Christian Assistance Ministries in thanksgiving for her mother, Nance Raines Haney by Alice K. Haney To Christian Assistance Ministries in thanksgiving for her mother, Nance Raines Haney by Elizabeth Raney To the St. Mark’s Altar Guild in honor of Amanda Ochse by Amanda Macdaniel To Renew in honor of Amanda Ochse by William Ochse III & Amanda Macdaniel To Rejoice in honor of Jeff Rochelle by Betsy Simpson To the San Antonio Food Bank in honor of Todd Allison by Betsy Simpson

2013 Council Delegates

Beverly Bryars Tom McGehee Martha Steves Steve Walker Merritt Clements Helen Ballew Jennifer Merritt David Ross Nancy Reed

Is God calling you to a life of Prayer and Service? Empowered by the Holy Spirit, our vision as Daughters of the King is to know Jesus Christ, to make Him known to others, and to become reflections of God’s love throughout the world. The Daughters of the King is a lay order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church, or churches in communion with it. Members undertake a Rule of Life, incorporating the Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service. By reaffirmation of the promises made at Confirmation, a Daughter pledges herself to a lifelong program of prayer, service, and evangelism, dedicated to the spread of Christ’s Kingdom and the strengthening of the spiritual life of her parish. Mission of the Order: The object of this order shall be the extension of Christ’s Kingdom through Prayer, Service, and Evangelism. If you are interested in understanding more about the Rule of Life, the DOK practice, please consider attending our upcoming classes. We are having a series of four classes for Prospective Members starting Sunday, Jan. 27 at 10 am in Rm. 306. Our regular once monthly meetings are on the second Sunday during the Christian Formation time. We welcome you to visit with us. If you have any questions, please call Lee Yelton, President of DOK at 342-4429.

DECEMBER FINANCIAL STATEMENT MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT Pledge Revenue $165,663 Non Pledge Giving $33,170 Open Plate $3,244 ............................................................................................. Total Revenue $245,066 Total Expenses $155,618 ............................................................................................. December Revenue Over Expenses $89,448

Thank you Gosnell Hall… For opening your doors to us the past seven months Your walls provide a unique experience of intimacy that will be long remembered. These same walls witnessed many life chancing events: baptisms and confirmations

STEWARDSHIP UPDATE 324 pledges totaling $1,315,043 Average: $4,059 Median: $2,400 174 increased 28 decreased 17 new 105 remained the same

While it may have seemed “cramped” for the choirs, their joyful and talented voices filled your walls with wonderful music, a sound that truly lifted the room with love and joy Your walls encapsulated us into an environment where we had to get to know the people sitting around us. Your walls also reignited a new and renewed spirit of God’s love. So often we just take you for granted; you truly are a space that has a very special meaning to me. Thank you. Written by Gordon Dunkley


The Messenger (USPS 514-020) Published Monthly (3rd Wednesday) ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226-2426 Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Rector: The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Editor: Melanie Lizcano Layout & Graphic Design: Melanie Lizcano e-mail articles to mlizcano@stmarks-sa.org

Article deadline is 2nd Wednesday of each month

MUSIC FROM ST. MARK’S All concerts begin at 4:00p.m. Free and open to the public. Questions? Contact Joe Causby at 210-226-2426. Sunday, February 10, 2013 Daniel Mutlu, tenor Sunday, March 3, 2013 Pergelosi: Stabat mater Sunday, March 24, 2013 Palm Sunday Evensong Sunday, April 28, 2013 Fiesta Concert: The Music of Francis Poulenc Sunday, May 19, 2013 Pentecost: The Music of Maurice Durufle Sunday, June 23, 2013 The St. Mark’s Choir in Concert 12



Tom McGehee Senior Warden

Helen Ballew

Brenda Kingery

Jennifer Merritt

Merritt Clements Junior Warden

Jim Bliek

Tina Kuykendall

Nancy Reed

Susan Beardslee Clerk

Andrew Dahm

Carl Leafstedt

Suzy Tackett

Rosalind Alderman

Colleen Goff

Don Lucas

Lisa Uhl

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