03/20/13-The Messenger-Vol. 102 Issue 3

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themessenger Monthly Newsletter of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church MARCH 2013



A Message From the Senior Warden By Tom McGehee


s we enter into the Easter season we often think of renewal and so it is also for our St. Mark’s family. As we all now know The Rev. Mike Chalk will be leaving us after 19 years of exceptional leadership and we now begin the process to find his successor. It will be a daunting task but with the help of many, it will go smoothly. Bishop Lillibridge and The Rev. Joann Saylors met with the vestry at our February meeting. Joann is the Canon for Deployment & Congregational Development for the diocese. They have provided us with an outline for this search, “Steps in the Rector Search Process”, which was handed out at the Winter Gathering and a copy of which is also found in this newsletter. She will help us throughout the search process. Mike and I are currently reviewing names which have been submitted in regard to the search committee. We should soon be choosing a chair for this search committee and subsequently choose those who will serve on the committee. We want to reflect the makeup of the entire parish with those who are chosen to serve on this search so it will be both a thoughtful and prayerful process. I want to thank all of those

ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, Texas 78205 (210) 226-2426 www.stmarks-sa.org stmarks@stmarks-sa.org Office hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Emergency Pastoral Care: 210-507-0251

individuals who have contacted me with names and suggestions as to those best suited to serve on this committee. We hope to have this committee in place by the beginning of summer. The next step in the search process is the development of a Parish Profile. This will be done with the assistance of Joann and the Diocesen office. The Parish Profile is based upon a series of questions which will be answered by the congregation in regard to the specific beliefs and needs of St Mark’s. This profile will be supplemented with our parish history, descriptions of our ministries, photographs and other information to aid candidates in their discernment in regard to their/our church. It is very important to the search process that this Parish Profile be as complete as possible and accurately reflects our beliefs as a church family. Therefore, your input is vital. We planned two workshops in regard to the Parish Profile. These workshops will be on Saturday mornings June 1st and June 15th. You need to only attend one meeting. Additional information will be made available as soon as possible. For those who already have great summer vacations planned and will be out of town on those dates there will be several ways for you to submit your thoughts. There will be an

identical questionnaire available at the church office and we are working on a method of sending and receiving this data electronically.

(Continued on page 2)

IN THIS ISSUE: Budget Report ................................................ page 2 Ministry Spotlight .......................................... page 3 Easter Flowers ............................................... page 5 HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE ........................... page 10

(Continued from page 1)

The Messenger is published monthly and is available in magazine format online at www.stmarks-sa.org. Parish Clergy The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Rector

We have a major task ahead of us but one that is not overwhelming. We are all members of a wonderful, loving and inclusive parish family and we have wonderful programs and ministries throughout the church. With everyone’s help I believe that the search process will be a period of the growth for the church as well as succeed in finding the right person to serve as our next Rector. As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Assisting Clergy The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Co-director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson Co-director, The Work+Shop Making a Gift of Their Service The Rev. C. Douglas Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Mary Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Linda Ricketts Assisting Priest The Rev. Cliff Waller Assisting Priest Staff Todd Allison Youth Director Priscilla Briones Accounting Janet Carrizales Nursery Director Benjamin Carlise Assistant for Music & Liturgy Joseph Causby Director of Music & Organist Elaine Enloe Clergy Executive Administrator Database Manager Sandy Falkenberg Cherub Choir Director Emmet Faulk Parish Business Administrator Heather Herschell Children’s Ministries Director Erin Hughes Youth Ministries Assistant Director Melanie Lizcano Communications Director Ruby Merrill Facilities Supervisor & Receptionist Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Dr. Edwin A. Rieke Dir. of Music & Organist Emeritus Leah Thomas Special Events Coordinator Callie Sanchez Children’s Ministry Intern

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 East Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205 www.stmarks-sa.org

NOTES FROM THE WINTER GATHERING: We will be joined by The Rev. Ned Bowersox on June 1 and he will serve as an interim Rector until we have found a permanent replacement. Ned was Rector at The Church of the Good Shepherd in Corpus Christi for 14 years and upon his retirement has served as interim Rector in Boerne and Wimberley. Currently, Ned and his wife are living in Austin to be close to their children and grandchildren. Ned will be getting an apartment here in San Antonio and will divide his time between here and Austin. I have met with Ned and I know that we will be a wonderful fit here at St Marks. Ned will be joined by Carol Morehead who will become our new assistant Rector. Carol is completing her final year at seminary in Austin and will also join us in June. She is currently serving as a Deacon and will be ordained later in the summer. We had the opportunity to meet and visit with Carol as she sat with us at Diocesan Council several weeks ago, Carol will also be a great asset to us. Mike has been meeting with both Ned and Carol. They have met weekly and Ned should be fairly familiar with St Mark’s prior to his official start. We are also fortunate that Ned has worked in the past with a newly-graduated seminarian. I will keep you posted on any further changes or developments.


 Email Tom at tommcgehee@yahoo.com Tom McGehee, Senior Warden

BUDGET REPORT February Financial Statement MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT Pledge Revenue Non Pledge Giving Open Plate

$140,994 $18,250 $3,360

Total Revenue Total Expenses

$190,611 $155,136

February Revenue Over Expenses $35,475


STEWARDSHIP 349 pledges totaling $1,493,573 Average: $4,280 Median: $2,400 180 increased 31 decreased 19 new 119 remained the same

Ministry Spotlight The WorkShop and St. Mark’s Lenten Pilgrimage By Pat Bridwell Lord, make us instruments of your peace. (Prayer of St. Francis) On a misty Saturday morning last week, led by the Rev. Drs. Jane Patterson and John Lewis, twenty-four faithful pilgrims met in Tucker Courtyard and began the morning by reading together the Prayer of St. Francis and hearing a reading from James. What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but do not have works? (James 2:1-8, 14-18) The reflective readings set the framework for our pilgrimage to Haven for Hope. We were given an introduction to Haven by Patsy Jordt and welcomed to the San Antonio Christian Dental Clinic by Gloria Canseco, Executive Director. During our time at the Clinic, Brenda Kingery gave us a thoughtful reflection on the artwork donated by St. Mark’s artists and friends. We pilgrims spent time viewing each artist’s interpretation of the first week in Genesis. Before moving on, we continued our reading from James and prayer. Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me. (Matthew 25: 31-46) The pilgrims broke into two groups led by Patsy and Pat Bridwell to walk the Haven campus and Prospects Courtyard. Along the way, we stopped for prayer and readings from the Gospel of Matthew. We were moved by our readings as we saw in our midst members of the Lord’s family – men, women and children - who had no adequate shelter and were hungry, thirsty, poorly clothed, or ill. It left some pilgrims with a feeling of intrusion, as if we were voyeurs of the suffering. But, it also gave hope to many that Haven offers each person an opportunity for a transformation to better life – and an opportunity for us as pilgrims, if we so choose, to know these precious persons who are members with us in our Lord’s family. Accept, O Lord, our thanks and praise for all that you have done for us. We returned to St. Mark’s to close with Eucharist and were invited to identify our concerns and prayers that we brought to God’s table. After breaking bread and sharing wine together, we dispersed in peace.

The Rev. Drs. John Lewis & Jane Patterson lead the Lenten Pilgrimage service. Photo by Patrice Oliver

Group photo of Pilgrimage participants at Haven for Hope Photo by The Rev. Jane Patterson


Beginning in April! Spring Book Study with Anne Lamott Beginning April 2 in Dean Richardson, 2nd floor at 10:00a.m.-11:30a.m. Our Spring book study will have a new author this time, Anne Lamott. If you know her work you can already imagine how clear and candid is her new book, Help, Thanks, Wow. We will read and share our responses to her writing, and once again help each other to understand and practice this amazing thing we take for granted-prayer. This book study is for all who want to share with others this writer's unique expression of a simple, real, clear prayer life. She will help us discover our own ways of praying and maybe even learn some different ones. Plan to come. If you have questions please call Betty Anne Cody at 210-821-6197. Please bring friends (or even enemies) to be with us these special days. Several have already replied they will be there, so we will have a good group. The book is in our bookstore at St. Mark's and will be in our room for purchase the first day of the class. See you there!

Dinners for 8 coming to St Mark’s Church “Dinners for 8” groups are a great way to get together to share a meal, to meet new people, and to get to know other church family members a little better. The emphasis is on fun and developing friendships. All adults are invited to participate. We want everyone to feel that they can participate whether or not they like to cook or have a table that seats eight people. These groups will plan a meal and get together at least 3 times over a 3 - 5 month period, rotating the host & home where the dinner is held, which can be at the home of the different participants or at a local restaurant. The details can be worked out within the group with the understanding that dining at a restaurant will be dutch treat. This is open to both couples and singles. After signing up, groups of eight people will be created and one person will be the first host/hostess who will contact the others in the group in order to set the date and place for the first dinner. We will use the meeting night preferences on the sign up form as a way to match up the group members. It is entirely up to each host how to arrange the dinner – whether it is a potluck or even a picnic! The details of what to bring to the dinner, if anything, can be worked out with each of the host(s). We suggest that as one dinner ends, the group can decide when to meet the next time and who will be the host until everyone has had the opportunity to play the host. If you are interested in participating, you can fill out a form or email one of the organizers so we will know who wants to participate. If you have questions, you can also email one of us named below. We appreciate your feedback as well because this is something new and still a work in progress.


QUESTIONS? Contact Us! Susan Beardslee, Pam Chambers, Kate Crone, Cathy Dawson, Carl Leafstedt susanbea@swbell.net, plchambers54@gmail.com, kcrone@satx.rr.com, catdaws@aol.com, carl.leafstedt@trinity.edu

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Dinners for 8 Sign Up Form Preferred meeting day: (check at least one) Friday Saturday Sunday 

I am willing to organize the first dinner.

Contact Information: Name: ______________________________ ____________________________ Address: (street, city, state, zip) ______________________________ ____________________________ Email: ______________________________ ____________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Please return form to the church or email your form to one of the organizers.

4 for EIGHT

Easter flowers to adorn the church may be given in memory of or in honor of loved ones. $10.00 donation for each memorial or honor

Please complete the form on the right and return to the parish office by Wednesday, March 27 by 10:00a.m.

EASTER FLOWERS TO ADORN THE CHURCH In memory of: ___________________________________________________ In honor of: ____________________________________________ On the occasion of: ______________________________________ Your Name: ____________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________ EASTER FLOWERS DEADLINE IS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27 BY 10:00A.M. Please return form to the parish office. Questions? Contact Pat at 210-226-2426.


Youth Ministry Spring Break 2013 Sr. High Youth Retreat to Mustang Island By Todd Allison, Youth Director Spring Break is a great opportunity to get away from the daily routine and enjoy some rest and relaxation. For the second year in a row, members of our Sr. High youth joined youth from St. David’s, St. Thomas, and Reconciliation for a couple of days of fun and fellowship on the beach at the Mustang Island Conference Center.

staple, and favorite, shrimp boil for dinner. With everyone's stomachs full, our night was just getting started. On the back porch, a game was set up and the youth divided into their previously established trivia teams from the night before. Each team unknowingly picked a victim for a game of 'which team could toss the most Cheetos onto their teammate who... had been covered in shaving cream.' After the winner was covered in shaving cream and cheese puffs, it was time for a quick cleanup of both participants and the porch. Then we returned inside to look a little further at our verse. Making a real world application of the verse from Isaiah, we related distances from Mustang Island to home (it’s about 180 miles) and from earth to the nearest star; that’s over 25 trillion miles. We talked about how even with such great distances God holds us all, and everything around us gently in His hands. Even with all that the worlds and galaxies encompass, our biggest troubles and those things we just can’t seem to trust with God are not bigger than Him. As our discussion wrapped up the youth were each provided a card, and asked to spend some time alone and reflect on our teachings the last couple nights and those things in our lives that we feel are too big-those answers we always want God to provide, even when the answer He might be giving is one we refuse to listen for. Youth were challenged to write down those things, and as we gathered againnow on the beach around a fire-we asked them to throw their papers into the fire. We made an offering of those things to God trusting that He will handle them and we will be patient for Him. Our evening’s teaching wrapped up in song on the beach around the fire. Then it was time to make some s’mores and share stories in the cool beach breeze before returning to the meeting room for a movie and some card games to close out the night.

Perfect weather welcomed our group as we met up and loaded the three vans to head to the coast on Monday morning. Upon arrival at the conference center the group was assigned their rooms and given the rules for the trip before hitting the beach for a few hours before dinner. The youth wasted no time, and started enjoying the water right away; with footballs and frisbees flying. A wonderful spaghetti dinner welcomed us from the beach. It was much enjoyed after the days activities. Next, the group was introduced to our theme verse for the retreat, Isaiah 40:12&17. We discussed the vastness of God and how great He is. We also talked about how sometimes we must be willing to wait on Him even when it is difficult. We closed the teaching with some fantastic worship music, led by the youth. The night progressed with a trivia challenge; testing the group's knowledge of everything from music to saints, movies to basketball, and actors children’s names. There were a lot of laughs, and some surprising trivia masters! It wasn’t long, however, before the group tired and headed to their rooms to ready for a full Tuesday on the island. Tuesday morning welcomed beautiful, sunny weather starting with a remarkable sunrise. The beach called our names after a quick breakfast. The youth played games of beach volleyball, bocce ball, and enjoyed the surf. The water was quite welcoming, only slightly cold- perfect for boogie boarding. Everyone enjoyed the sun and made new friends on the beach. After a short break for lunch, the majority of the 30 high school students returned to the beach for some more fun in the sun, with a few remaining indoors to enjoy crafts of para-cord bracelets and beach shirts. The crafts didn’t last too long, however, as everyone made it to the beach in time for the 2nd Annual Beach Madness Volleyball Tournament. The defending champion team “Not as Young as We once Was” team (missing our own Erin Hughes for obvious reasons) fell 2-1 to the eventual tournament champion team ‘Team.’ No hard feelings, though- we'll get a 'W' next year! After the tournament, showers and air conditioning were a welcome change. We had some time to relax and enjoy the evening as everyone eagerly awaited the Family Camp

We woke reluctantly Wednesday morning to pack our bags. Following another wonderful meal provided by our friends at Mustang Island everyone packed up the vans to return home, and to life away from the beach. We are so thankful for the Mustang Island Conference Center and their willingness to host our group again this year. What a great way to start spring break, and to enjoy the beauty of south Texas. How blessed we are to be held in His hands in the midst of His awesome creation.

Our youth programs could not happen without our wonderful volunteers! We are always looking for parents, grandparents, college students and young adults who would like to help in supporting the Youth of St. Mark’s by mentoring one of our Youth Confirmation students, working behind the scenes at an event or lock-in, volunteering to bring snacks or food, or driving to events. To get involved please contact: Todd Allison or Erin Hughes | 210) 226-2426 | youth@stmarks-sa.org


Youth Ministry Staff Todd Allison, Director tallison@stmarks-sa.org Erin Hughes, Asst. Director ehughes@stmarks-sa.org

Todd Allison and youth group smile nice for the camera at Mustang Island

Ending the day with a camp fire and fellowship

It’s not always about work; they have fun too!

Enjoying the day on the beach with friends Photos submitted by Todd Allison



Seniors Class of 2013


Attention seniors! In honor of your time at St. Mark’s and your dedication to your school and community we will be recognizing you all on Sunday, May 5th at the 9am service and a reception following. We would like to acknowledge your efforts in the community, school and at St. Mark’s in the Messenger and the announcements that Sunday morning.

APRIL 5-7 Youth Retreat (TBarM) APRIL 14-June 2 Food Bank Fund Drive APRIL 14 Sr. High-Sunday Night LIVE (Bishop Jones Center) APRIL 14 Youth Confirmation 2013 Class Meeting MAY 5 Graduating Senior/Acolyte Recognition (9am service) MAY 5 Cinco de Mayo Celebration/Reception MAY 26 Summer Schedule begins (combined 10am service) JUNE 7-9 Summer Outreach Weekend 2013 JUNE 24-28 Christ Church/St. Marks VBS (Christ Church)

Please email us with anything you would like to share like your various St. Mark’s activities, school (clubs/ sports) activities, community involvement and what your plans are after graduation. 7

Music Ministry


The above article is from The American Organist magazine featuring St. Mark’s organ. Joseph Causby, Director of Music & Organist and Dr. Edwin Rieke, Director of Music and Organist Emeritus contributed to the cover feature of the magazine. For more information visit http://agohq.org/tao/


News of the Family April Birthdays & Memorials

April 1st Ella Furst, Mattie Goodwin, Chester King April 2nd Tiffany Bockerstette, Sean Gunn, Hayden Mabbitt, Mollie Rochelle April 3rd Ross Brackett, Maxwell Fisher, Chuck Lodek, George Stewart, Olivia Weatherbie April 4th Brandon Raney, Henry Scott, Andrew Walter April 5th Hanna Budenholzer, Jody Kelly, Sember Lucas, Doug Weatherston April 6th Beverly Bryars, Olga Raygoza, Robert Tisdal, Oralia Torres April 7th Jennifer Allison, Emma Matthews, Carolyn Parchman, Sarah Steves April 8th George Hall, Dan Ludwig, Jean Parker, Karen Schneider April 9th Kathy Wassberg April 10th Lewis Herder, Elana Jones, J.P. Sargent April 11th Ann Bell, Kari Englehardt, Gabby Grimes, Molly Neck, Kate VanZandt April 12th Charlotte Bruni, Lucie Englehardt, Guy Halter, Kendall Schrader April 13th Jane Brackett April 14th Tifini Furst, Mark Webb April 15th Carol Anne Adamson, Ann Jones, Selma Ortiz, Soraya Ortiz April 16th Jim Moa, Jim Wilson April 17th Don Beardslee, Jan Briley, Renee Faulk, Julie Howard, Jennifer Merritt, Harold Scott April 18th Frates Newsom, Margie Ramon

April 19th Sandra Adamson, Stephanie Chapman, Mariana Fisher April 20th Robert Grace, Chuck Harvey, Davis Sugg April 21st Adrienne Medley, Phil Norman, Thomas Redmond April 22nd Lilly Gardner, Roy Robbins April 23rd Sam Boldrick, Emily Duncan April 24th Jerilyn Blanchard, Candyce Carlson, Janis De Lara, Cece Emery, Jeanine Gonzalez, Lili Kuykendall, Mac Kuykendall, Chad Bauernfeind April 25th Teresa Dobbins, Ann Leafstedt April 26th Lois Shipman, Chrissy Whitford April 27th Dina Aboul Saad, Susan Corona, Sally Gorham April 28th Glenn Jones, Amanda Ochse, Mellick Sykes, Nikki Tisdale, Damon VanZandt April 29th Marshall Davidson, David Dean April 30th Tao Bennett, Graham Claiborne, Jim Clements, Travis Holmstrom, Eilan Menjivar, Alfredo Ortiz, Juju Robinson A very special happy birthday to: Amanda Ochse on her 92nd (28-Apr) George Hall on his 91st (8-Apr) Harold Scott on his 91st (17-Apr) Guy Halter on his 90th (12-Apr)

Happy Birthday to you! 10

Memorials as of 03/20/13 MEMORIAL FUND David Carter by Virginia Barlow, Robert Buchanan, Laura & Robert Cadwalleder, Betty & Bill Chumney, Flora Crichton, Olive F. Davis, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Drought, Mr. & Mrs. Baker Duncan, Mary & Doug Earle, Pat & Tom Frost, Gloria Galt, George His, Beechie Kampmann, Ellie & Hal Lamb, Annabelle McGee, Mrs. R. E Nitschke, Camilla & Bill Parker, Jane & Tom Powell. Jr., Elsie Steg, Patricia Steves, Edith Sweeney Gene Colbert by The Vexler family Dr. Harold “Dick” Domres by D. Derrick Dodge Gertrude Negley Gresham by Rupert Gresham, Jr. Mary Jane Houston by The Dolph Briscoe family, Nell Kennedy Capt & the Kennedy family, Mary & Norborne Cole, Jr. Peggy & John Colglazier, Laurin & Bill Cothren, Flora Crichton, Olive F. Davis, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Drought, Mr. & Mrs. Baker Duncan, Mary & Doug Earle, Earl Fae Eldridge, Marilyn & Huard Eldridge, Martha Ellis, Sally & Trigger Firmin, Suzanne Forgy, Pat & Tom Frost, Shawn & Christy Gulley, J. Charles Holliman, Beechie Kampmann, Joan & Herb Kelleher, Laura & Weir LaBatt III, Nita Ray Martin, Annabelle McGee, Camilla & Bill Parker, Eleanor & Scott Petty, Jr., Walter & Josephine Shaw, Patricia G. Steves, Mr. & Mrs. John Steen, Patrick Swearingen, Jr., Edith Sweeney, Louise B. Thomas, Janet & Joe Westheimer, Tina & Brian Weiner, Barbara Wood Richard Lloyd by Barbara Smith Townsend Rowena Osborn by Cary & Walter Bain, Albert & Kathy Biedenharn, Charles O. Biedenharn, Robert T. Buchanan, Judy & Jimmy Cavender, Wallace & Lisa Cox, Julie & Markley Crosswell, O.F. Davis, Liz & Bobby Dewar, Earl Fae Eldridge, Marilyn & Huard Eldridge, Pat & Tom Frost, Marijane Gish, Gloria Gouger Massey & Tom Gouger III, the Fenwick Club, Walter & Claiborne Gregory, Sharon Kocurek, Laura & Weir LaBatt III, Alice Lynch, Dr. & Mrs. Joe McFarland, Lewis J. Moorman III, Eleanor O’Gorman, Claire O’Malley, Officers & Employees of Osborn Heirs Company, Camilla & Bill Parker, Clytie Phelps, Caroline & Nelson Puett, Mary Barbara & Jim Scott, Scott Petty Foundation, Mr. & Mrs. John Steen, Judy & Charles Tate, Ann B. Watson, Courtney & Mark Watson, Jr., Cad Willeford, Dr. & Mrs. Darrell Willerson, Jr., Sidney Wilkins, Barbara Wood Victoria A. Vasquez, my Mom by Oralia V. Torres Naomi Russell Wolfman by Dody Oppenheimer David Allen Woliver by Shannon & Terry McDaniel

STREET MEMORIAL FUND Billie Street Jeffers by Virginia Street Koehl TUCKER COURTYARD Travis Poole Crowther by James B. Crowther Rowena Osborn by Anne & Robert Tucker RENEW Fela Aguilar by Susan & Don Beardslee, Gary & Jeanette Hamlington, Clara B. Willmann St. George Pastoral Care Trust, Sharon & Larry Putegnat, Kelly Ranson Jill Holder by William Benton, Jr., Barbara & Hawley Holder, Gary & Jeanie Lynd CHRISTIAN ASSISTANCE MINISTRIES Katherine Rickabaugh by Julie Eversole HAVEN FOR HOPE Mary Jane Houston by the Allen B. Gaston Trust SPECIAL GIFTS To St. Mark’s in honor of Betsy Simpson on her 90 th birthday by Brenda Kingery & Threads of Blessing To St. Cecilia Guild by Judith Hancock To St. Cecilia Guild in thanksgiving for Bill Yates & Kelly Ranson by Frannie & John Douglas To the WorkShop in thanksgiving for Elizabeth Raney, my sister by Alice K. Haney To the WorkShop in thanksgiving for my mother, Nance R. Haney by Alice K. Haney An anonymous gift to St. Mark’s Hospitality Fund in honor of Leah Thomas & Kelly Cavender An anonymous gift to St. Mark’s Garden Fund in honor of Deems Smith To St. Mark’s Altar Guild in honor of Betsy Simpson on her 90th birthday and in thanksgiving for her many years of service to St. Mark’s Altar Guild by Kathy Lawrence To Renew in honor of Ginny Halter on her 90 th birthday by Jean & Paul Parker To St. Cecilia in thanksgiving for her grandchildren, Kristian, Bianca & Lilah by Adelina Rodriguez The WorkShop in thanksgiving for her sister, Elizabeth Raney by Alice Haney

ST. CECILIA FUND David Carter by Ann Coiner, Allison Hays Lane Rowena Osborn by Sue Bain, Ann T. Coiner The Rev. Hubert Palmer by Ann T. Coiner Mary Jane Houston by Judy & Jimmy Cavender, Elsie Steg, Robert Tisdal & John Tarr,

Don’t forget! Turn in your Easter Flowers order by Wednesday, March 27th! Questions? Contact Pat at 210-226-2426. 11

The Messenger (USPS 514-020) Published Monthly (3rd Wednesday) ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226-2426 Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Rector: The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Editor: Melanie Lizcano Layout & Graphic Design: Melanie Lizcano e-mail articles to mlizcano@stmarks-sa.org

Article deadline is 2nd Wednesday of each month

Holy Week at St. Mark’s WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27 5:00p.m. Children Footwashing (Jerusalem Chapel) MAUNDY THURSDAY, MARCH 28 5:00p.m. Café Kairos (light dinner will include soup & salad) 7:00p.m. Holy Eucharist, Footwashing, Stripping of the Altar (Church) GOOD FRIDAY, MARCH 29 Noon Good Friday Service (Church) Office closes at 2:00p.m. SATURDAY, MARCH 30 10:30a.m. Easter Egg Hunt & Picnic (Bishop Jones Center) 7:00p.m. The Great Vigil of Easter (Church) EASTER DAY, MARCH 31 7:45a.m. Rite I Holy Eucharist (Church) 9:00a.m. Rite II Holy Eucharist (Church) 11:15a.m. Rite II Holy Eucharist (Church) 12

Happy Easter from your friends at St. Mark’s!

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