themessenger Monthly Newsle er of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church APRIL 2013
Senior Warden Report By Tom McGehee, Senior Warden
am happy to announce that the co-chairs of the new Rector search committee have been selected. Dr. Bill Smith and Dina Aboul Saad have agreed to co-chair this important committee. Bill and Dina were chosen from a large group of candidates which had either expressed their desire to serve on this committee or were recommended by other parishioners. It was a difficult decision for Mike and I as there were so many wonderful people to be considered for this job. Both Bill and Dina have been very active at St. Mark’s. They are both long time members of St Mark’s and both have served as Senior Warden in recent years. Bill has headed-up a medical mission to Mexico and to Vietnam. Dina has been involved with the science initiative and tutoring at Hawthorne Academy. Both are highly qualified and will do an excellent job. I have met with them and we are in the process of selecting the other members of the committee. We hope to achieve a balance on this committee that can accurately reflect the desires of the entire congregation in regard to the new Rector. Every member of the congregation is invited to attend one of two meetings set for Saturday morning June 1 and 15. At those two meetings we will begin compiling information for the Parish Profile. The Profile is a narrative report on what and who we are as the people of St. Mark’s. The Profile will also set out what we seek for the future of our church and its new leadership. I want to thank all of you that have offered to serve on this committee or have taken the time to recommend someone. I am grateful to both Bill and Dina for agreeing to co-chair this very important assignment, and encourage the parish to offer their prayerful support and guidance for this important parish responsibility. ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, Texas 78205 (210) 226‐2426 www.stmarks‐ stmarks@stmarks‐ Office hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00a.m.‐5:00p.m. Emergency Pastoral Care: 210‐507‐0251
New Rector Search Co‐Chairs:
Dina Aboul Saad
Dr. Bill Smith
Parish Profile Meetings Saturday Mornings at 8:30a.m. June 1st and June 15 Ques ons? Email Tom McGehee at
The Messenger is published monthly and is available in magazine format online at www.stmarks‐ Parish Clergy The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Rector Assis ng Clergy The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Co‐director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Dr. Jane Pa erson Co‐director, The Work+Shop
Jazzy Brunch Come celebrate the ministry of The Rev. Mike Chalk and Paula Chalk!
Making a Gi of Their Service The Rev. C. Douglas Earle Assis ng Priest The Rev. Mary Earle Assis ng Priest The Rev. Linda Ricke s Assis ng Priest The Rev. Cliff Waller Assis ng Priest Staff Todd Allison Youth Director Priscilla Briones Accoun ng Janet Carrizales Nursery Director Benjamin Carlise Assistant for Music & Liturgy Joseph Causby Director of Music & Organist Elaine Enloe Clergy Execu ve Administrator Database Manager Sandy Falkenberg Cherub Choir Director Emmet Faulk Parish Business Administrator Heather Herschell Children’s Ministries Director Erin Hughes Youth Ministries Assistant Director Melanie Lizcano Communica ons Director Ruby Merrill Facili es Supervisor & Recep onist Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Dr. Edwin A. Rieke Dir. of Music & Organist Emeritus Leah Thomas Special Events Coordinator Callie Sanchez Children’s Ministry Intern
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 East Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205 www.stmarks‐
A Jazzy Brunch
Sunday, May 19th Time: 11:30a.m. Location: Gosnell Hall
BUDGET REPORT MARCH FINANCIAL REPORT Pledge Revenue $141,104 Non Pledge Giving $17,070 Open Plate $2,428 ............................................................................................. Total Revenue $203,433 Total Expenses $169,891 ............................................................................................. March Revenue Over Expenses $33,542 STEWARDSHIP 350 pledges totaling $1,499,273 Average: $4,284 Median: $2,400 181 increased 31 decreased 19 new 119 remained the same
Ministry Spotlight Threads of Blessing Mission Update By Linda Jones
school fees for their children, buy seeds for planting their gardens or support needed repairs on their homes.
begin by thanking all of you who responded to our plea for sewing supplies, hygiene items and other small “lady” things that are included in gift bags for our Threads of Blessing Ugandan conference attendees. We can still use more, so please keep us in mind.
At this time, we are still falling short when it comes to meeting our goal of providing scholarships for 150 Ugandan women to attend our conference in June. St. Mark’s parishioners can help make a difference by sponsoring one or more ladies to attend our conference in Uganda. For only $75.00 you can provide round-trip bus fare for one women from her home, four days of room and board, and a little money left for food while traveling. Some women ride over ten hours on dirt roads to bring embroidery pieces they have worked on all year to be taken back to the United States for sale.
In the March Messenger, I explained we sew each week at the Bishop Jones Center in an effort to make and sell embroidery pieces to pay for women to attend the Threads of Blessing conference in Uganda. At the same time, Ugandan women sew embroidery pieces for us to sell for them in the United States. They receive 100% of the value of each sale which they use to pay
If you need more information about gift bag donations, conference scholarships, or would like to participate in this mission, please contact me. My home telephone number is 830-980-4978 or my email is Please consider joining our effort to help bless the lives of Ugandan women.
Prudence Mackintosh “Something to Hold in Your Heart”
BOOKSTORE LUNCHEON Thursday, May 2 at 11:30 Reserve your seat today! RSVP WITH KATE VETTERS 210-696-1804 | (Sign up forms can be found at The Bookstore)
$20 per person -or- $160 Table Sponsor (table of 8) 3
Outreach News Eat out to reach out! By Robin Voight, Lenten Luncheons Chair
ow that we are enjoying the Easter season, we have time to reflect on Lenten Luncheons 2013. We had a very successful year serving 2,124 meals and grossing $22,500.
It is easy for me to say Lenten Luncheons 2013 was a success, but here are just a few of the comments: “Last time I came was 25 years ago and it is still wonderful. Love it, love it!” “Been a happy customer for 40 years!” “Have been coming since you started in the 50’s. Keep up the good work. I look forward to coming every year!” “Thank you for a wonderful tradition. The last time I was in San Antonio during Lenten Lunch was 1979!” “Everyone is so nice and friendly” “Everyone was smiling as they served. Thank you.” “This is how all restaurants should be!!!!” “Loved the biscuit lady who came down the waiting line with biscuits when we had to wait for a table!” “The staff was friendly and courteous. Thank you so much , oh and the food was great!” As usual, most of the comments thank us for such friendly service. With that said, THANK YOU to all the volunteers that served over the 8 days of Lenten Luncheons! We had an average of 30 volunteers working in the kitchen, on the serving line, or in the dining room each day. With the average volunteer shift of 2 hours, our volunteers clocked over 500 volunteer hours. I think it goes without saying, but we COULD NOT offer this ministry without the volunteers! Whether you volunteered, or came to eat, THANK YOU for your dedication to and support of the Lenten Luncheon ministry.
Emmet Faulk shows Maxine Weynand how to use the new cashier system using an ipad.
We are very proud of the success this year and are looking forward to Lenten Luncheons 2014! Park Lawrence made sure the coffee was ready for the customers.
The strawberry shortcake is a favorite at the lunches. Photos by Melanie Lizcano
Anne Schelleng and Tim Worley have volunteered as LL servers for the past few years.
 Senior Living Tea Party was held on March 19th. The turnout was great, and everyone had fun! It was a wonderful opportunity for friends to enjoy fellowship and tasty refreshments.
Photos by Patrice Oliver
Youth Ministry St. Mark’s Youth Retreat 2013 By Todd Allison
“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” PROV. 27:17 The weekend of April 5-7, St. Mark’s youth program accompanied by Todd Allison, and our ‘moms’ for the weekend Tracey Bennett, Allison Lane and Shannon Stephens, loaded up and took a short drive up interstate 35 to New Braunfels and the beautiful grounds of T Bar M for the annual Youth Retreat. Arriving just in time for dinner, the group enjoyed a wonderful meal to start of what would be a memorable weekend of great weather and awesome fellowship. Friday evening allowed time for the group to familiarize themselves with their surroundings for the weekend and let off a little steam from the week. As night fell the groups came together in the sanctuary and were introduced to the weekend’s theme from Proverbs, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another”. We discussed how we can strengthen and support one another as Christians-spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. After the first discussion, the group went back and grabbed their pillows and blankets from their cabins in preparation to watch Apollo 13. Once the film was over, the kids quickly returned to their cabins to get a good nights sleep before the big Saturday ahead. Saturday morning, the youth woke ready for a full day of activities at the direction of the T Bar M staff. They ate a hearty breakfast and gathered to discuss Apollo 13 and how we could relate events from the film to our scripture for the weekend. Especially how we could physically support and strengthen one another in times of struggle and the unexpected. Next it was on to the first activities of the morning. The group was divided into two smaller groups and headed off. They found themselves challenged by some familiar,
and hot, it was off to the pool. Everyone jumped in and enjoyed some games of knock out and just good ol’ fun in the water.
and some not so familiar tasks that the T Bar M staff led. They ranged from memory tasks to a blind maze which had an exit that could only be found when you were willing to ask for help. The groups were faced with different but similar tasks and each group realized that it wasn’t possible to complete the desired result without allowing others to help; a perfect example of sharpening one another and bringing us back to our scripture. Afterwards, the youth enjoyed lunch. They also enjoyed a few rounds of war ball and some relaxation time. The afternoon found the group back together as one and heading to the T Bar M ropes course. Options of the screamer, zip line, and leap of faith were embraced by everyone as the youth took the opportunity to trust in one another and challenge themselves. Some found these challenges easy to tackle, while others really needed the support and encouragement of the rest of the group. Whether they were the ones giving or the ones receiving the encouragement, everyone learned and grew from their experience. Later, when they were sufficiently tired
Afterwards, dinner disappeared fast, but no one left hungry! Saturday evening began with a review of the day in the outdoor chapel. As the sun began to set we discussed how we can mentally strengthen ourselves to strengthen others in our faith. The group was then asked to find a space of their own and spend some time to reflect on their own struggles and challenges, and how those can become opportunities to be strengthened as individuals. The group came back together and was welcomed by the wonderful T Bar M staff for an evening of Mission Impossible. The group rejoined their morning teams and were off to each complete a number of tasks and challenges scattered around the camp. As each team completed the final task they met back in the sanctuary and camp staff discussed the final results of Mission Impossible. With a winner declared, the group quickly changed out of wet clothes and headed into the woods to a roaring fire to roast marshmallows for S’mores and enjoy some music and fellowship. The day closed with an evening prayer service with music led by now Trevor Stokes. With very little fight, the groups returned to the cabins and were quickly asleep. Memories of the day were the topic of conversation as they turned in for the night. Sunday groups reluctantly packed their bags and loaded the vehicles before breakfast. The realization of another amazing youth retreat coming to an end was quickly set aside as the final discussion of the weekend turned to the focus of emotionally strengthening themselves and others through our service. A perfect example of this service was
raise even more this year. Be ready for the “Wahoos!”
announcing to the group the start of the 5th annual Food Bank Fund Drive. Prepared now for another successful fund drive, youth started talking about ways to
As all good things must come to an end, one last round of war ball and a visit to the camp store would complete the time at T Bar M. The youth loaded the vans and headed to lunch at Rudy’s BBQ before returning home to San Antonio. A special thank you to Tracey Bennett, Allison Lane, Shannon Stephens and Trevor Stokes for their help and support on the weekend, they participated actively, and the youth really enjoyed their company. They are a reminder that the group isn’t possible
without the amazing parents of our youth and the tremendous support of the St. Mark’s parish. We will look to plan the 2014 Youth retreat in the early part of next year and anyone interested in assisting with next year’s trip as a sponsor, or donating to the event, please contact Todd Allison or Erin Hughes at
5th ANNUAL FOOD BANK FUND DRIVE April 14‐June 2 The Wahoos are BACK!!!! For the last four years the St. Mark’s Youth have led an effort to support the San Antonio Food Bank through the Food Bank Fund Drive. To date, over $75,000 in donations have been contributed by members of the St. Mark’s parish, family and friends to support the mission of the San Antonio Food Bank where every $1 donated will provide $13 in food services.
The youth have again been challenged and have the generous support of anonymous benefactors who have agreed to match each donation, dollar for dollar, up to $10,000.00. In addition, any funds donated directly by a youth or child from their own pocket will be quadrupled up to an additional $8,000.00. Funds will be collected by youth each Sunday in the courtyard... just listen for the ‘Wahoo’s!’. Youth will then donate the final funds in person the weekend of June 7-9 as part of the annual Summer Outreach Weekend.
SAVE THE DATES UPCOMING ST. MARK’S YOUTH EVENTS MAY 5 Gradua ng Senior/Acolyte Recogni on (9am service) MAY 5 Cinco de Mayo Celebra on/Recep on MAY 19 Summer Schedule begins (combined 10am service) JUNE 7 St. Mark’s/Habitat for Humanity Joshua Build (9am) JUNE 7‐9 Summer Outreach Weekend 2013 JUNE 24‐28 Christ Church/St. Mark’s VBS (Christ Church)
ATTENTION Youth Seniors! In honor of your me at St. Mark’s and your dedica on to your school and community we will be recognizing you all on Sunday, May 5th at the 9am service and a recep on following. We would like to acknowledge your efforts in the community, school and at St. Mark’s in The Messenger and the announcements that Sunday morning. Please email us with anything you would like to share like your various St. Mark’s ac vi es, school (clubs/sports) ac vi es, community involvement and what your plans are a er gradua on.
JOIN US! YOUTH MINISTRIES Sunday Morning Youth Forma on Sundays 10:10am – 11:10am in the Youth Suite On Sunday mornings youth will be split up into two groups: current 7th‐ 9th grades and current 10th ‐12th graders. Following some large group discussion youth will take a deeper look at the week’s readings and Gospel and to gain new insight and understanding into some of the stories of Jesus’ walk on this earth. Wednesday Night Fellowship & Dinner Wednesday Nights, Aug. 29 –May 2; 5pm – 7pm; $5 Dinner We will focus this fall on service and hot topics for discussion, talking about things like internet safety, bullying, and media tools. We will have plenty of fun too. Bring a friend and dinner is on us! FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE YOUTH GROUP AT ST. MARK’S CONTACT TODD ALLISON OR ERIN HUGHES AT YOUTH@STMARKS-SA.ORG.
Save the dates: Music Ministry
May 12, 9am is Boy and Girl Choir and Youth Choir Recognition May 12, 4pm, Annual Boy and Girl Choir Musical and Ice Cream Social. “Oh, Jonah!” by Allen Pote April 28, 4pm: Fiesta Concert- The Music of Francis Poulenc St. Mark’s Choir and Orchestra Organ Concerto- Joseph Causby, organ Gloria- Christina Whitford, soprano soloist
May Parish Events: ●May 2 ‐ Bookstore Luncheon: Prudence Mackintosh “Something to Hold in Your Heart”
(RSVP with Kate Ve ers at 210‐696‐1804 or kve ●May 5 ‐ Cinco de Mayo Celebra on & HS Seniors Recogni on ●May 19 ‐ Summer Worship Schedule Begins
(7:45a.m. Holy Eucharist, 9:00a.m. Chris an Forma on, 10:00a.m. Holy Eucharist)
●May 19 ‐ A Jazzy Brunch: Chalk Celebra on ●May 27 ‐ Memorial Weekend‐Office closed on Monday, May 27
Vaca on Bible School 2013 By Heather Herschell and Halleta Heinrich
Athens: Paul’s Dangerous Journey to Share the Truth June 24‐27 Mark Your Calendars Now!
Olympics. Of course we will revel in our opening and closing celebrations each day with awesome worship music!
n our 4th annual partnership with Christ Church, we will join Paul on his second missionary journey to Athens this summer and witness firsthand his courage and faith in Jesus, all to spread the life-changing truth of God’s Love.
Our own Shea Pollom will team up with Christ Church’s Amy Case as VBS codirector. Together with the help of Christian Education Directors Heather Herschell and Halleta Heinrich they will be seeking many adult and teen volunteers to serve as “Oikos” small group leaders, marketplace shopkeepers, arena games leaders, decorations team members and kitchen helpers. Please let us know ASAP if you can be a part of the incredible VBS experience.
St. Mark’s will help transform Christ Church into ancient Greece so that children can experience this Bible-times metropolis with all their senses in a variety of interactive learning centers. Children will be part of small groups or “Oikos,” a Greek term for households or families. Within these small groups children will experience: “Oikos” time, small group Bible study; visit Paul and hear firsthand about his missionary journeys. They can visit the Athens marketplace and even create Greek-style arena games with our own mini-
Online registration for participants ages 4 and up and also for adult and teen volunteers is now open. Sign up early- spots are limited and they fill fast!
Holy Week and Easter Day at St. Mark’s
Photos by Renee Faulk, Dawna Boudreaux and Patrice Oliver
News of the Family May Birthdays & Memorials
May 1st Betty Cavender, Chip Henderson, Carl Leafstedt, Jessie Lopez, Tatum Owens, Dayton Schrader May 2nd David Grimes, Gabby Haff, Kyle Roach-Compton
May 23rd Joan Allen, Cathy Dawson, Richard Halter, Steve Wegner
May 11th Nancy Cook-Monroe May 12th Everett Carpenter, Joe Causby, Stephanie Cavender, Edward Sealy, Mac Sykes
May 13th Jim Lantz May 3rd Baker Duncan, Carmen Grimes, Sandy Ragan, Dina Rodriguez, Joe May 15th Taylor Virginia Dial (Happy 93rd!!), Marsha Kimura, Jaret Lozano May 4th Janet Carrizales, Kristin Roach, May 16th Dean Weatherbie Chelsea Short, Albert Steves May 5th Kathy Bonner, Victor Casiano, Carlos Corona, Bryon Denton, Keira Gunn, Mike Ivy, Eric Matthias May 6th Michele Rowcroft, Lauren Saunders, Eleanor Scott, Terri Smith, Michael Vaughn, Paul Everett Vinson May 7th Bobby Dewar, David Frego, Monnie Lyons, Ian Wickham
May 17th Ramsey Bennett, Barbara Digby, Pat Donegan, Weldon Hammond, Lillian Morris, Dennis Murphree, Bill Parker, Elena Ribble, Ana Sofia Ross May 18th Beverly Hollje (Happy 91st!!), Bob Ray, Renee Straus May 19th Jose De Lara, John Pettit, Helen Stephens
May 8th Cary Bain, Nancie Sutter
May 20th Mark Fowler, Jim McCutcheon, Richard Warncke
May 9th Jeannine Campbell, Ann Coiner, Lenn Lewis
May 21st Amanda Arnold, Duzie Queen, Mason Saunders, Este Steves
May 10th Bruce Blakemore, Wendell Leafstedt
May 22nd Ella Ward
May 24th Lily Bockerstette, Nancy Heller, John Tarr May 25th Isabela Ross May 26th Ann Rutledge Giesecke, Billie LeClercq, Miller Raney, Margaret Vassar, Diane Waynick May 27th Emily Carlisle, George Whiteside May 28th Ellen Cotton, Sean Hughes, Charli Mullen, Maxine Weynand May 29th Murphy Brumlik, Derrick Dodge May 30th Susie Daniels, Zoe Kimura May 31st Len Briggs, Lilly De Luna, Catherine Hall, Hannah Harvey, Kim Scott
Happy Birthday!
Memorials as of 04/18/13 MEMORIAL FUND David Carter by Alice Lynch, David Puck, Patrick Swearingen, Jr., Cliff & Bebe Waller Robert Grace by John & Chica Younger Beverly Halter by Charles DeCou Mary Jane Houston by Stella Brown, the Fenwick Club, Joann & Bill Hinchey, Tres & Olive Anne Kleberg, Mary & Al Philip, Courtney & Mark E. Watson, Jr. Jack Laurence by Corbo Electric Co., Inc., Jac & Wendy Crawford, DECCO, Inc., Margery Green & Joanne Green, Drs. Bryan Holds & Sophia Chung, Holland Equipment Co., James Family Charitable Fund of the San Antonio Area Foundation, Johnson Supply, The Raba family, Padgett, Stratemann & Co. LLP, Eric Ricks, Susan Riordan, Sunbelt Mill Supply, Cliff & Bebe Waller, Patsy & Richard Warncke, John & Chica Younger Mary Ruth Leonard by Ellen Ancira, Rose Cicero, the Consortium of Endowed Episcopal Parishes, the Episcopal Church Foundation, Norman Griffith, John & Betsy Grillo, Helen & Erwin Lehman, Jan Ramert, the Grapevine Story family, Robert & Angie Story, clergy & staff of St. David’s Episcopal Church, Austin, Rowena Osborn by Mary & Al Philip Rev. Hubert Palmer by Violet Bowdoin Martha Wright by Cliff & Bebe Waller ALTAR GUILD Marie Croce by Betsy Simpson, Dee & George Whiteside Robert Grace by Kathy & Park Lawrence, Betsy Simpson, Elizabeth Wilson ST. CECILIA GUILD Robert Grace by Ann Coiner Jack Laurence by Ann Coiner Mary Ruth Leonard by Ann Coiner LENTEN LUNCHEONS FUND Tommy Gish by Buddy Gardner RENEW Gene Colbert by Cliff & Bebe Waller Mary Jane Houston by Cliff & Bebe Waller Jack Laurence by Kathy & Park Lawrence Erik Liljenwall by Cliff & Bebe Waller Byron Rife, Jr. by Cliff & Bebe Waller SPECIAL GIFTS A special gift of new table linens for Gosnell Hall in memory of Mary Jane Lewis by the Daughters of the King
Questions about Memorials? Contact Pat Hutchison at 210-226-2426 or
The Messenger (USPS 514‐020) Published Monthly (3rd Wednesday) ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226‐2426 Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Rector: The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Editor: Melanie Lizcano Layout & Graphic Design: Melanie Lizcano e‐mail ar cles to mlizcano@stmarks‐
Ar cle deadline is 2nd Wednesday of each month
Sunday, May 19 Summer Schedule Begins
7:45a.m. Holy Eucharist 9:00a.m. Chris an Forma on 10:00a.m. Holy Eucharist Attention! St. Mark's launched the new website this week! Please be patient with us as we are working diligently to provide you with the best possible web experience with accurate information. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Melanie Lizcano at 210-226-2426. www.stmarks‐
Please note: We recommend you clear your browser history and "cookies" to ensure you are taken to the current website 12