The Messenger newsletter, June 2013

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themessenger Monthly Newsletter of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church JUNE 2013



A Note from the Interim Rector The Rev. Ned Bowersox

Beloved... I

t is so good to be with you all during these new and exciting times. Even with some sadness and apprehension, “transitions “ are always filled with surprises, tension, and new discoveries! St Paul tells the Philippians that he is sure “that God who has begun a good work in you will bring it to completion”. God has started this transition and there is a person who is being prepared to become the new rector of St. Mark’s. In the meanwhile we get to share and be with each other in a variety of ways. New sermon style, new faces, great music and the comfort of these great facilities all add to the drama of transition. The Reverend Carol Morehead and I feel surrounded and embraced by your care and attention. It feels good to be with you. We will stay on task as Interim Rector and Assistant Rector, and that task is to remember “Who we are” and “Whose we are”: God’s people, deposits of grace, evidence of a new creation. God’s favor and grace will strengthen and direct us! On Saturday, July 13th at 2:00p.m. Carol will be ordained to the

sacred order of priests. You will then have two priests on duty along with the various clergy who continue to offer their gifts of ministry. The Rev. Drs. John Lewis and Jane Patterson will still be around as resources and preach/teach as occasions arise. The Search Committee is being formed and will gather for empowering and leading from the Holy Spirit. The Vestry is very talented and standing watch with and for us. It has been my privilege and ministry to serve as “Interim” in a variety of situations. The people who are St. Mark’s Episcopal Church comprise many gifts and talents serving the great city of San Antonio, the Diocese of West Texas, and the National Episcopal Church. You are full of Grace and it will be a joy being with you. Remember God is with us and He will finish what He has begun! Faithfully, The Rev. Ned Bowersox


 Email Ned at ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, Texas 78205 (210) 226-2426 Office hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Emergency Pastoral Care: 210-507-0251

IN THIS ISSUE: Search Committee Update ......................................................... page 3 Exeter Cathedral Residency ....................................................... page 6 News of the Family .................................................................. page 10 Carol’s Ordination .................................................................... page 12

The Messenger is published monthly and is available in magazine format online at

“I thank my God every time I remember you.” -Philippians 1:3

Parish Clergy The Rev. Ned Bowersox Interim Rector The Rev. Carol Morehead Assistant Rector Assisting Clergy The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Co-Director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson Co-Director, The Work+Shop Making a Gift of Their Service The Rev. C. Douglas Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Mary Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Linda Ricketts Assisting Priest The Rev. Cliff Waller Assisting Priest Staff Todd Allison Youth Director Priscilla Briones Accounting Manager Janet Carrizales Nursery Director Benjamin Carlisle Assistant for Music & Liturgy Joseph Causby Director of Music & Organist Elaine Enloe Clergy Executive Administrator Database Manager Sandy Falkenberg Cherub Choir Director Emmet Faulk Parish Business Administrator Heather Herschell Children’s Ministries Director Erin Hughes Youth Ministries Assistant Director Melanie Lizcano Communications Director Ruby Merrill Facilities Supervisor & Receptionist Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Dr. Edwin A. Rieke Dir. of Music & Organist Emeritus Leah Thomas Special Events Coordinator Callie Sanchez Children’s Ministry Intern

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 East Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205

St. Mark’s, our Dear People of ul celebration on r our rf de on w e th r eciation fo r gratitude fo ur love and appr d prayers h to express ou yo is w lt I fe d e an W . la th au 19 P s an St. Mark’s, May years. The laying on of hand e and hope. at y da un S st la 19 grac g you these past ed us to face our future with ministry amon er w po em arts and esence warmed our he ’s ministry of pr la au P ed iz gn Mark’s reco Christian touched that St. the room in which she taught of strength as w ly al on rs in I pe ce o place a plaque recognized that Paula is a sour and teaching. T ou Y l. very specia education was r me. the and wisdom fo and, of course, s, on ti ra co de , to end a p!” The food as “over the to fe together. What a joyful way w h nc ru B y zz The Ja of our li eat celebration music was a gr e life of this great parish! th d in letters. long chapter in the journals an key in ed ar sh u yo remarks as well as bled by the kind ts in your lives I am truly hum inded me of pastoral momen extremely generous and a rem purse was ut my Your remarks St. Mark’s. The support I have felt througho of fe li e th in occasions atitude and sion of your gr tangible expres Mark’s. ministry at St. ing you will be but leave know ark’s future and er m m su e th of ns for St. M l be away most high expectatio part of the life and history ve Paula and I wil ha e W . nd to be a sk at ha faithful to the ta that we had the opportunity od G give thanks to of St. Mark’s. every time I thank my God “I : ts en im nt my se t. Paul express The words of S 3). 1: ns ” (Philippia remember you. Faithfully, Chalk The Rev. Mike


Priscilla Briones, Accounting Manager

MAY FINANCIAL REPORT Pledge Revenue ...................................................................... $94,605 Non Pledge Giving .................................................................. $13,729 Open Plate ................................................................................ $2,064 Total Revenue ....................................................................... $155,286 Total Expenses ..................................................................... $173,421 May Revenue Under Expenses .......................................... ($18,135)


SEARCH COMMITTEE UPDATE By Bill Smith, Search Committee Co-Chair This is a more detailed look at the progress we will follow to find our new Rector:


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

Dina Aboul Saad

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

Dr. Bill Smith

Senior Warden appoints Chair of Search Committee Senior Warden and Search Committee Chairs appoint Search Committee Senior Warden and Search Committee Chairs meet with Diocese to review the process and resources Diocese leads Parish Profile process Vestry synthesizes and approves the Parish Profile Commission Search Committee at a Sunday worship service Search Committee starts to meet – discuss process, rules, how we will conduct our discernment process; Search Committee discusses criteria for consideration: age, experience, location, churchmanship, leadership style, decision-making style, etc Search Committee receives names of candidates from the Bishop’s office and from the congregation. All candidates will be vetted by the Bishop’s office prior to being considered by the committee Search Committee writes candidates to inquire about the candidate’s interest and to invite a response Search Committee evaluates serious candidates against parish profile and committee’s criteria Search Committee conducts pre-visit training (areas of focus, interview core qu. based on profile) Search Committee begins to visit candidates in their churches Search Committee narrows list of finalists to no more than three and invites them to visit Search Committee recommends one candidate to the Vestry Vestry sets terms of the call and issues the call After the call is issued and the process is completed, the Search Committee collects all its materials for shredding Search Committee and Senior Warden form a transition committee to support the new rector

We have completed steps 1-4. Our next step is for the Vestry to prepare the Parish Profile. Dina and I are contacting pledging members of the congregation to fill out our 12 person committee. We should have completed calling the committee members within the next two weeks. The committee will be commissioned in August (step 6) and start to meet soon after (step 7). We do not expect to receive the first names from the Bishop until September or October (step 8). Please note that “All candidates will be vetted by the Bishop’s office prior to being considered by the committee.” We have already received the names of several candidates from the congregation, and have forwarded them to the diocese. Dina and I will keep you as informed as possible throughout the search. We will be unable to give you specifics about any individual candidate to protect their privacy. If you have any questions, please contact us at any time.

Pick up a survey at the church or visit 3

MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT St. Vincent de Paul feeds and reads to those in need By Pat Bridwell


Vincent de Paul. The program operates Monday through Saturday from June 3rd to August 24th. Teams can sign up for five dates during that period. All modules and materials will be provided by St. Vincent de Paul.

t. Mark’s has had teams assisting the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in preparing and serving meals to homeless residents in Prospects Courtyard at Haven for Hope for nearly three years. Each summer they also have a Summer Feeding and Reading Youth Literacy Program and could use our help this year. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is seeking 2-person volunteer teams to conduct Feeding and Reading Youth Literacy Program Lessons at the Society of St. Vincent de Paul sponsored Summer Food Service Sites. Each team must have at least one adult, but this could be a great parent/teen activity. Volunteers will commit to one location and agree to a minimum of five lessons. Dates and times will be arranged between the volunteer team and the Feeding Site by the Society of St.

For further information, please contact Devon at the Society of St. Vincent de Paul at

Join us for New Connections @ St. Mark’s By Emmet Faulk, Parish Business Administrator

Date: Time:


Mark’s a leader in the Christian Community and how you may participate. This is a wonderful opportunity to see how St. Mark’s can assist you on your spiritual journey and to learn how your spiritual gifts may enhance this parish.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013 6:00pm --Complimentary dinner (Gosnell Hall-1st floor of parish house) 7:00pm-8:30pm --Meeting (Dean Richardson Room-2nd floor of parish house) Anyone is welcome, particularly those new to St. Mark’s considering whether to become part of the community.

Childcare is available, if needed. Please contact Janet Carrizales at (210) 226-2426 or by email at by Monday, July 15, 2013 with the number of children (from 6-weeks to 5 years).

On Wednesday, July 17, 2013, St. Mark’s will host New Connections @ St. Mark’s which is designed especially for those who are new to St. Mark’s and for those who are still considering whether to become part of the community. The evening will begin at 6:00pm with complimentary dinner in Gosnell Hall and then move to the Dean Richardson Room (on the 2nd floor) for an opportunity for us to engage in an informal Q&A session.

To sign up for New Connections @ St. Mark’s, please contact Emmet Faulk at (210) 226-2426 or by e-mail at

The evening is scheduled to end no later than 8:30pm. This is also a time to get to know others who are new to the St. Mark’s. We will discuss some of the programs that make St.


Altar Guild Educational Session Training/educational session for any members of the Altar Guild that wish to participate. A great deal of information and insight will be offered in an effort to make your gift of service more meaningful to you. You may choose from the following dates to attend: (pick one) Wednesday, August 7 @ 2:00p.m. -ORThursday, August 8 at 6:30p.m. In the church

RSVP with Jim Bliek at Jim Bliek, Membership/Education Chair

The World of the WorkShop is Expanding! By The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson and the Rev. Dr. John Lewis

“Where are John and Jane?”


ast December, The WorkShop announced to St. Mark’s vestry the good news that the ministry had been officially approved as a tax-exempt, non-profit entity of its own. As did Good Samaritan many years back, this ministry that began as part of the outreach of St. Mark’s has become a free-standing resource for the Church. This new status allows The WorkShop to take on some larger-scale projects, such as a program for adult formation for the Diocese of West Texas. The locally based reflection groups, pilgrimages, and creative teaching of biblically grounded discipleship will continue, and will remain open to inquiring participants from other Christian traditions, and also those seekers who have no specific church background. As many of you know, Jane has increased her time at the Seminary of the Southwest, where she is now a full-time member of the faculty in New Testament and Spiritual Formation. This new placement does not mean that Jane is leaving the WorkShop, only that her role here is changing. Jane and John will continue their work for the Diocese of West Texas, as well as their work in the Collegeville Seminars on Vocation in the Professions (John) and Vocation Across the Lifespan (Jane). As part of this project, they are co-authoring a book on vocation that draws from many of their experiences with you over the past eleven years. Locally, John is continuing and expanding the WorkShop’s biblical teaching and reflection groups for men and women, and also continuing his work with vestries, parishes, and dioceses across the nation. All of this good news means that, while Jane and John will remain members of St. Mark’s, you will not see us as often in the Sunday liturgy, but you may encounter us next to you in a pew! We will hope to see you in church on August 18th, when St. Mark’s will have a chance to bless these new and expanding ministries. Also, be on the lookout in the fall for an invitation to a celebratory party for the launch of “St. Benedict’s WorkShop” (our official new name).

For more information about The WorkShop visit or call John and Jane at 210-599-4224. The WorkShop is located at 2015 NE Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78217 5

MUSIC NEWS Joseph Causby, Director of Music & Organist | Benjamin Carlisle, Assistant for Music & Liturgy

St. Mark’s Choir will be in England in July singing at Exeter Cathedral. Photos courtesy of Flickr © Joe Dunkley, Some Rights Reserved.

ST. MARK’S CHOIR AND YOUTH CHOIR Exeter Cathedral Residency July 22-28 Daily Schedule: July 22- Choral Eucharist for the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene, sung by treble voices. July 23- Choral Evensong sung by the Full Choir July 24- Day off for sight-seeing July 25- Choral Eucharist for the Feast of St. James the Apostle, sung by men’s voices. July 26- Choral Evensong sung by St. Mark’s Choir July 27- Choral Evensong sung by the Full Choir July 28- Choral Eucharist sung by St. Mark’s Choir; Choral Evensong sung by the Full Choir

KEEP UP WITH THE CHOIR WHILE THEY ARE IN ENGLAND! Follow us on See our Tweets on Twitter-- 6

Adopt-a-Singer Exeter Choir Pilgrimage 2013 The St. Mark’s Choir invites you to join them on their Pilgrimage to Exeter Cathedral in July. How, do you say? By adopting a choir member or two, that’s how. Drop by the choir display table and choose a numbered picture of a (aren’t they oh-so-cute!) singer from the poster. During the choir’s pilgrimage you will receive correspondence from your adoptee to let you know how they are doing on the trip. Each adoption can be made for a suggested donation of $25.00. The proceeds will help defray some of the costs of the trip. The identities of the singers will be revealed the last Sunday before the pilgrimage. So have some fun! Adopt-a-Singer today!

A Jazzy Brunch Photos by Melanie Lizcano


YOUTH MINISTRIES Todd Allison, Youth Director | Erin Hughes, Assistant Youth Director

Summer Outreach Weekend 2013


s usual, this year the first weekend of public school’s summer break was a busy and rewarding one for St. Mark’s youth. They spent the first days (and nights) of their summer participating in the annual Summer Outreach Weekend that included a number of service projects and fun events to kick off the summer and celebrate their hard work earning money for the San Antonio Food Bank. This year, we added a big project to the slate participating in what we will now call our first annual Joshua Build for Habitat for Humanity. Youth, including friends from St. John's New Braunfels, and adults from our congregation arrived, Friday morning to see our parking lot transformed into a building site. After signing some waivers and hearing instructions from the Habitat for Humanity crew, construction was underway. All participants put tool belts on, grabbed hammers and nails, and got to work. Soon the sounds of a chorus of hammers hitting nails into the wood that would become someone’s home filled the air. It was a joyful noise; one that drew curious tourists to ask “What is going on here?”. It also inspired some San Antonio residents driving by to ask if they could “jump in and help.” What a wonderful outward and visible sign of the love and compassion that our youth and the St. Mark’s family have for their neighbors. Lunch was provided for all, courtesy of Officer Donnie Milewski . He took the

day off to come down and cook for the group as his way of thanking St. Mark's for all the parish does for him. Everyone shared in the food and fellowship of the day until the clouds rolled in and, unfortunately, thunder and lightning drove the youth indoors. Fortunately, the project was almost finished and brave adults assisted the Habitat for Humanity crew in finishing up. A very special thank you to Mike Kuykendall for coordinating the first annual Joshua Build and to all the members of the St. Mark’s parish who came out to help.

Once the project was completed, everyone gathered for a photograph before piling into the vans for showers (thanks to Tri Point YMCA) and a scavenger hunt. Youth competed in a photo/video scavenger hunt around San Antonio. They were required to get pictures of their group sharing a soda, pumping gas, waiting at a bus stop, and many other things. You should ask the kids to tell you about their encounters with fire fighters and police men (no one got hurt or arrested)! The scavenger hunt ended at the Briley home where the youth enjoyed a pool party and pizza. Thank you to Jan and Len Briley for opening the doors of their home to our group. After the pool party it was time to take


part in the Taking it to the Streets Ministry, a Boerne-based outreach ministry that serves meals every Friday night to the downtown San Antonio community. Our youth jumped in, setting up tables, making sandwiches, pouring water, serving food, distributing necessities, and conversing with our homeless and hungry neighbors. We served over 150 people a dinner of pizza, pulled pork sandwiches, salad and snacks. What an amazing ministry! After helping to clean up and pack up, it was time to head back to St. Mark’s for the night. Tired and still damp from the pool party earlier, youth gathered in the youth suite for some ice cream sundaes and games. They could be heard saying things like “I can’t believe it’s still Friday,” and “that was cool.” Soon it was time for bed. No one complained about lights out, as everyone welcomed sleep. Bright and early Saturday morning the kids woke up to a breakfast of tacos and another full day ahead of them. After eating and discussing the day, the vans were loaded. Destination: The San Antonio Food Bank. Once there, we were instructed that we would be sorting donated food into different categories. This food would then be taken to shelters and smaller food banks to make meals, and be distributed. Our 26 youth and 4 leaders were joined by a handful of students from UT Health Science Center as we sorted over 8,200 pounds of food in a matter of hours. They learned not to cry over spilt salsa, and that some very interesting items are donated in school food drives. Once the shift was completed, everyone hopped back into the vans to get some lunch back at St. Mark’s. After lunch, and a much wanted shower at the YMCA, we headed to Six Flags Fiesta Texas to enjoy the rest of that beautiful (Continued on page 9)

(Continued from page 8)

Saturday. It was a “somber” (not really, but ask a youth about it) afternoon and evening at Six Flags. All parts of the park were seen by our kids as some headed straight for the water park, and others ran to the newest roller coaster. Youth enjoyed lots of rides, including the new Iron Rattler. They even got us to ride some. No one protested at 8:45 when it was time to end our day and head back to the vans. Bed time came early Saturday night, after some Wii dance games in the youth suite. Everyone was exhausted from our eventful and “somber” weekend. Sunday morning, after breakfast, we presented Eric Cooper, President and CEO of the San Antonio Food Bank, a check for funds collected during the Food Bank Fund Drive. The youth, along with the help of some anonymous donors, raised $8,172 this year. This brings our five year total to over $81,000.00. St. Mark’s is proud to be one of the largest single donations from a church each year. As the youth head off to summer camp and on family vacations we would like to sincerely thank those who continue to support the youth of St. Mark's in everything they do. Our success is not possible without our parents and the parish family and friends. God Bless, and have a wonderful summer!


DON’T FORGET Mark your calendar!

COMING UP IN SUMMER 2013 WEDNESDAY, JULY 10 Episcopal Night at the Ball Park Picnic/Game Tickets: $18 for adults, $15 for children ages 3-12 or $7 for the game only. Kids under two are FREE. RSVP at

AUGUST 2-4 Happening #125 at TMI Happenings are spiritual renewal weekends for high school students in grades 10 through 12. The diocese sponsors three weekends

each year in various locations. For more information contact Todd or Erin. Register online: NEWS - PHOTOS - EVENTS 9


July 1st July 12th Kathy Fagan, Jane Patterson, Nancy Steves Chere Reneau July 13th July 2nd Susan Beardslee, Mark John Hartz Gainey, Sally Morgan, Juana Rodriguez, Robert Sheldon July 3rd Pat Butler, Asa Kirby, July 14th Heather Perron, Sue Todd Charlotte Allen, Agnes Harwood, Carolyn Hensarling, Lawrence Smith July 4th Don Hessenflow, Ruth Judson (Happy 91st!!), Jane July 15th Marke, Audrey Vinson Donna Bardgett, Louisa Matthews, Betty Rowland, Barbara Ward July 5th Marian Holdsworth, Blake Ivy, Ed Rieke, Barbara Yu July 16th Libby Budenholzer, Christina Fisher, Dick Kistner, Vernon July 6th Adele Davidson, Diana Geis, Sahm (Happy 90th!!!), Kathleen Weir Vale Camilla Hurd, Phil Jacobs, Laura Wolf July 17th Mell Jackson July 7th JR Bockerstette, Frank July 18th Dickson, William Fisher, Kathleen Calgaard, Cisco Jamie Karutz Rosado July 8th Doris Alderman, Minta Cook, July 19th Brian Frilot, Barcley Houston Kent Calgaard, Kate Crone, Gregory Evans, Karl RoachCompton, John Sisemore July 10th Alexandra Dorn, Kerri July 20th Grellner, Rod Haff, Rachel Suzy Clements, Lillian Ham, Kent Leafstedt, Lyons, Van Stewart Courtney Watson July 11th Gib Austin, Alice Cummins (Happy 97th!!!)

July 21st Joseph Baiza-Vigil, Barbara Bartay, Gordon Dunkley


July 22nd Kelly Cavender, Susan Duncan July 23rd Jamie Blount, Maurleen Cobb, Audrey Dillon, Natalie Dorn, Curtis Gunn, Karen Lundell, Leo Perron, Jonathan Somers July 24th Andrew Dahm, Jean Guidry, Anna Harris, Glenn Matthias, Evan Tanner July 25th Barbara Hardin, Nancy Reed, Harold Sager, Jazmyn Vasquez July 26th David Ross, Elise Townsend July 27th Steve Hall, Tish Sellers July 28th Sandy Falkenberg, Caroline Pollom, Ryan Somers July 29th Holly Besing, Wilburn Day, Deborah Livingston July 30th Gary Chambers, Nicole McNeel July 31st Sharyl Davis, J. Marvin Smith, Gilbert Villarreal

MEMORIALS AS OF 06/11/13 MEMORIAL FUND Ned Hayes by Libby Hayes Mollie Waldrop Lara by Colleen Goff & Frances Ward Dr. Jack B. Lee by Ann Denton Wells Del Manion by Tom & Allison Duesing, Margaret & James Herbold, Daniel & Michele Ludwig, Charles & Sally Owens, Joe & Geri Sutter Del & Bobbye Manion by Marilyn & Cal Koontz

ALTAR GUILD Robert Grace by Beverly & Gene Drummond

ST. CECILIA GUILD Del Manion by Ann Coiner

TUCKER COURTYARD Jean Braley by Anne Tucker

DAUGHTERS OF THE KING Marie Croce by Minta Cook, Jody & Dan Kelly

CHRISTIAN ASSISTANCE MINISTRIES Victoria Vasquez by Adelina Rodriguez

SPECIAL GIFTS A special to the Good Samaritan Center in thanksgiving for Kristian Alexander Rayos, my grandson, on his birthday by Adelina Rodriguez A special gift to St. Mark’s in honor of Paloma Cruz on her baptism by Guillermo & Joanna Hernandez A special gift to St. Mark’s in honor of Paloma Cruz on her baptism by Victor & Theresa Casiano, her grandparents


Photo by Melanie Lizcano

Contact Pat at the church office if you have any questions about memorials at St. Mark’s. (210) 226-2426

Thank you for holding the friends and family of St. Mark’s in your daily prayers. Johnny Aldrich, April 20 David Carter, February 28 Bob Grace, March 27 Ruth Holt, January 4 Mary Jane Houston, February 22 Evelyn Howe, June 16 Jack Laurence, March 22 Jack Lee, March 30 11

Mary Ruth Leonard, March 9 Raquel Licea, January 15 Del Manion, May 13 Norine McLean, February 25 Nino Osborn, January 3 Hubert Palmer, February 3 Bitsy Wright, January 5

The Messenger (USPS 514-020) Published Monthly (3rd Wednesday) ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226-2426 Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Interim Rector: The Rev. Ned Bowersox Editor: Melanie Lizcano Layout & Graphic Design: Melanie Lizcano e-mail articles to

Article deadline is 2nd Wednesday of each month

By the Grace of God And the People Consenting


The Right Reverend Gary Lillibridge Bishop of the Diocese of West Texas Will ordain


Carol Piland Morehead

Carol Piland Morehead To the Sacred Order of Priests In Christ’s one holy catholic and apostolic Church Saturday, the thirteenth of July two thousand thirteen at two o’clock in the afternoon St. Mark’s Episcopal Church San Antonio, Texas Your prayers and presence are requested. Reception following in Gosnell Hall Clergy: Red Stoles 12

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