themessenger Monthly Newsletter of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church AUGUST 2013
IN THIS ISSUE Search Committee -page 2
St. Mark’s Vestry Approves Search Committee By Bill Smith, Search Committee Co-Chair
Ministry Spotlight -page 3 Music Notes -page 4 Children’s Corner -page 5
Len Briley
Elizabeth Casiano
Craig Donegan
Tina Kuykendall
Carl Leafstedt
Elizabeth Raney
Dina Aboul Saad
Bill Smith
Martha Steves
Suzy Tackett
Ralph Voight
Bartell Zachry
Fall Adult Formation -page 9
ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, Texas 78205 (210) 226-2426 Office hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Emergency Pastoral Care: 210-507-0256
Article continued on page 2...
The Messenger is published monthly and is available in magazine format online at Parish Clergy The Rev. Ned Bowersox Interim Rector The Rev. Carol Morehead Assistant Rector Assisting Clergy The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Co-Director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson Co-Director, The Work+Shop Making a Gift of Their Service The Rev. C. Douglas Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Mary Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Linda Ricketts Assisting Priest The Rev. Cliff Waller Assisting Priest Staff Todd Allison Youth Director Priscilla Briones Accounting Manager Janet Carrizales Nursery Director Benjamin Carlisle Assistant for Music & Liturgy Joseph Causby Director of Music & Organist Elaine Enloe Clergy Executive Administrator Database Manager Sandy Falkenberg Cherub Choir Director Emmet Faulk Parish Business Administrator Heather Herschell Children’s Ministries Director Erin Hughes Youth Ministries Assistant Director Melanie Lizcano Communications Director Ruby Merrill Facilities Supervisor & Receptionist Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Dr. Edwin A. Rieke Dir. of Music & Organist Emeritus Leah Thomas Special Events Coordinator Callie Sanchez Children’s Ministry Intern
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 East Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205
he Vestry has approved our slate for the Search Committee. We made every effort to form a committee that represents the diversity of St. Mark’s. This was a difficult task because we have so many wonderful leaders in our congregation. We looked for a committee that included both young and old, people with young children, school age children, and those with children who are now young adults. This list has people who have been members of St. Mark’s for a lifetime, and those who are just starting to build their history here. The list contains people from a wide variety of committees and commissions of the church, including the Vestry. We are proud of this slate and feel that they will be able to discern who to recommend to the Vestry as our new Rector. The members who have agreed to serve are: Len Briley, Elizabeth Casiano, Craig Donegan, Tina Kuykendall, Carl Leafstedt, Elizabeth Raney, Dina Aboul Saad, Bill Smith, Martha Steves, Susy Tackett, Ralph Voight, Bartell Zachry. We plan to commission the committee at a Sunday worship service in August. We will keep you as informed as possible throughout the search. We will be unable to give you specifics about any individual candidate to protect their privacy. We do not expect to receive the first names from the Bishop until September or October. All candidates will be vetted by the Bishop’s office prior to being
considered by the Search Committee. We extend a heartfelt thank you to all who shared an interest in participating on St. Mark's Search Committee. With a congregation as diverse and skilled as ours, it was no easy task to assemble this discernment group. Your talents are recognized and this congregation is lucky to have you in a lay leadership position. We've assembled this committee prayerfully and we welcome your support, prayers, and hospitality throughout this process. If you have any questions, please contact us at any time.
Dr. Bill Smith
Dina Aboul Saad
Priscilla Briones, Accounting Manager
Non Pledge Giving
Open Plate
Total Revenue
Total Expenses
The WorkShop Sends You Special Invitations By The Rev. Dr. John Lewis, Co-Director of The WorkShop
s you saw in last month’s Messenger, we officially launched St. Benedict’s WorkShop on January 1st.. This is the latest incarnation of the outreach ministry first begun at St. Mark’s in late 2001 to strengthen Christian discipleship in all aspects of daily life. Our mission is to equip people over time to become skilled in using the Bible to help them in reflection and discernment. Although Jane Patterson and I no longer serve regularly as part-time clergy at St. Mark’s, this does not mean St. Mark’s has fallen off The WorkShop’s radar! In fact, there are now more opportunities than ever to participate in one of The WorkShop’s ministries. Please consider this as your invitation to join us in one of several ways: Timeout Bible Study. First, you are invited to participate in the Timeout Bible Study, which has become a tradition on Thursday mornings at St. Mark’s. What once began years ago as a Bible study for young mothers has blossomed into an ecumenical gathering of all ages to study the scriptures and reflect on their meaning in daily life. We meet from 10:00-11:30am on the 3rd floor in the Youth Suite at St. Mark’s every Thursday morning, beginning September 5, and continuing through April 2014. We will examine in depth Paul’s beautiful letter to the Philippians, one of the most important Christian texts for understanding and engaging daily life in
Please consider starting your new program year by beginning or continuing your relationship with the ministries of the WorkShop! -The Rev. Dr. John Lewis
the world. I am also very excited to tell you that The Rev. Carol Morehead will join me in presenting this study. Men’s Bible Study. Second, the men of St. Mark’s are invited to join an ongoing men’s Bible study that I will convene on seven Monday nights this Fall. The first gathering will be August 26, from 6:008:00p.m. at the Gazebo Restaurant at Los Patios. We begin with a community dinner and then examine some aspect of scripture, discussing the material in small groups of five or six people. Space in the men’s group is limited, so please contact us soon if you are interested in participating! Ensure your place in the Timeout or Men’s Bible Study by contacting Katherine Buzzini at The WorkShop (210-599-4224; or Weekly Reflection Groups. For 12 years, The WorkShop has also convened small groups of faithful Christians who gather every week to reflect together on events in
their daily lives, as interpreted through the lens of scripture. If you are drawn to deep reflection and accountability on your faithfulness in daily life, please contact John Lewis for further details (210-6218287 or God’s economy: As we move forward, The WorkShop will continue its commitment to the economy of God’s kingdom: mutual generosity. This means that we offer all of our classes and small groups at no cost to participants. As has been the case since 2005, The WorkShop’s annual operating budget is funded by generous contributions from donors and participants in our programs, as well as from income earned on a few contracts for services rendered to various educational and religious institutions (including St. Mark’s). We are a non-profit Texas corporation, officially approved by the IRS for tax exempt status under §501(c)(3) of the tax code.
Dinner is served! St. Mark’s Café Kairos will begin on Wednesday, September 11. Want a bite to eat but no time to cook? Tired of grabbing fast food on the road? Well have no fear, Café Kairos is here! Ruby, Chuy and Leah are planning on serving some tasty dishes this year so stop by! There are plenty of opportunities for volunteers and we would love a helping hand in the kitchen. If you are interested in helping this wonderful ministry, please contact Jan Briley at Business Hours: Wednesdays 5:00p.m.-6:45p.m. | Thursdays 5:00p.m.-6:30p.m. (Take out service is available. Call the church at 210-226-2426 ext. 111 for take-out service) Cost: Adults $8.00 | Children $5.00
M N usic
Joseph Causby, Director of Music & Organist
Choral Eucharist for the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene, sung by treble voices
July 23
Choral Evensong sung by the Full Choir
July 24
Day off for sight-seeing
July 25
Choral Eucharist for the Feasts of St. James the Apostle, sung by men’s voices
July 26
Choral Evensong sung by St. Mark’s Choir
July 27
Choral Evensong sung by the Full Choir
July 28
Choral Eucharist sung by St. Mark’s Choir: Choral Evensong sung by the Full Choir
KEEP UP WITH THE CHOIR WHILE THEY ARE IN ENGLAND! Follow us on Facebook See our Tweets on Twitter
First Steps in Music By Sandy Falkenberg, Cherub Choir Director
xpose your newborn to a variety of musical backgrounds to increase their development. Researchers have long studied the areas of the brain that react to music. There is a fascinating connection between an infant’s motor skill development and music. How do the centuriesold strains of Bach impact the movements of a newborn child? While scientists are not conclusive on the topic, one thing is certain, exposing an infant to music provides a stimulant that triggers the temporal lobe of his/her brain, which can in turn produce a domino effect on other areas.
With the hope of extending our music program at St. Mark’s to our youngest members, we will present "First Steps in Music." This program was written by a well-known music educator John Feierabend and provides activities for infants and toddlers that aid the development of their singing and movement skills. Parents attend the classes and interact with their child in ways that create a special learning bond. If you are interested in participating in this new experience please contact Sandy Falkenberg at for more information.
Photo by Callie Sanchez
y fingertips moistened with an almost imperceptibly thin layer of perspiration. They slipped slightly against the plastic keys which were first clicking out a date, then two hard returns followed by a salutation. I was really going to do this. “It is with great emotion that I must inform you of my decision to resign as Director of Children’s Ministries…” This was the first line of my letter of resignation, but it signaled the end of a yearlong internal wrestling match. I really have loved this job. I have sailed away from children’s chapel, borne up with the amazing things those children said in response to the Gospel. I have sweated, hustled and then danced in joyous celebration with 150 Spirit-filled children all on a steamy, hot Texas summer morning at VBS. So what happened? I love serving God and I don’t want to fail in that servant hood. But more and more I would notice myself struggling to balance my roles as mother and Christian Education Director. Last Easter I promised myself I would try one more year to see if things would improve. Unfortunately, my personal and professional worlds finally collided undeniably when my own daughter boldly interrupted my first discussion with our inaugural “212 Ministry” class. She had no intention of being ignored by her mother- a mother who had clearly forgotten which child was the most important one around there. But I was working, so I firmly excused her from the room. She and her younger brother melted down in a public fit as they wept bitterly outside the door and howled, “Mommy doesn’t love us anymore!” My exasperated spouse tried desperately to console them, failing utterly. It was my turn to weep bitterly when we returned home. I knew with
terrible certainty that my year of “it’ll be better this time” was over before it had begun. I asked for God to give me guidance. I opened my Bible to a point in Judges where Jael, wife of Heber was driving a tent peg into Sisera’s temple. That did not seem to be too pertinent. I’ve been admonished not to read the Bible this way. Admittedly a bit deflated, I turned to a different page. What followed left me feeling absolutely stunned. I read of Judith praying, preparing, and ultimately slaying the oppressive Holofernes with his own sword. Suddenly Jael and Judith no longer felt accidental. The more I read, prayed, and reflected, the more an idea emerged from the common thread in these two different readings of two different women. Uncommon action was required in order for them to remove themselves from an untenable situation. Maybe God actually wanted me to make my own tough decisions and take matters into my own hands. One day I found a copy of Equipping The Saints (1998), waiting on my desk and marked at a miraculously poignant point in the text. In it, Sara Covin Juengst suggests that “the word call has been misused and is not limited to those
Heather Herschell, Children’s Ministry Director whom God has chosen to serve as ‘pastors’.” Rather, “God’s call extended to the entire community of the chosen people.... The Greek word for church, ekklēsia, literally means those who are “called out” to be the body of Christ.” It is hard to admit, but sometimes my own sense of self-importance made God’s call hard to hear. I wasn’t thinking about how a member of the body of Christ can be working for Christ both in and outside of the walls of our church. I was busy telling myself that this church needed me. What Judith was whispering to me was that I shouldn’t think I know God’s mind so well. I couldn’t be so sure after all that God wanted me to stay. I used to think I was like Jonah: a wellintentioned but resistant servant delivered to the shores of children’s ministries where I was meant to be. In a way it was actually comforting to let God keep doing the hard work of getting me where I was supposed to go. But I got Judith, not Jonah. I had to be willing to leave a place of safety. I had to make a daring plan, pray with all my heart for God to bless that plan and make my arm strong. Do you know what I think now? God made us for growing. God understands and even loves the idea that sometimes we grow out of things. Now instead of hubris, or even a sense of mere resignation to God’s will, I have faith that my purposeful departing will make a space for someone with a fresh heart for this ministry. That is responsible vocational discernment too. In August I will no longer be the Director of Children’s Ministry here at St. Mark’s. I am actively seeking teaching positions, but I still do not have the comfort of knowing exactly where (Continued on page 6)
God wants me to go. However I do have faith that I will be a working member of the body of Christ. And I know that I will be thinking of this church, of the children and families here… and missing all of you. I re-read once more to be sure no mistakes marred my meaning. I signed my name with my favorite pen, regarding how official it looked against the creamy linen paper. These black lines and curves would eventually change my daily reality. “Thank you so much for entrusting me with this amazing ministry. What a wonderful blessing to have grown so much in my own understanding of Christ’s life and work through my work of telling others about him. I will hold this experience in my heart for the rest of my life.” This was the last paragraph in my letter of resignation, but it signaled the beginning of internal peace. How amazing… taking matters into my own hands put me ever more deeply and lovingly in the hands of God. --Heather Herschell
Children’s Fellowship Sundays at 9:00a.m.
Summer Movie Series “The Ten Commandments” Meet in room 208 Led by Callie Sanchez 6
Y M outh
Todd Allison, Youth Ministries Director Erin Hughes, Asst. Youth Ministries Director
St. Mark’s Youth Give New Meaning to Summer Vacation
ach summer, once school lets out, many of our youth scatter to different parts of the state, country, and world, and some of them get involved in activities right at home. We like to check in with them periodically throughout the summer, and have asked a few of them to write a little bit about their experiences to share with you. Though no one likes homework during the summer, St. Mark’s is home to some amazing youth who have taken a slice of their summer break to share their involvements with you. Ana Ross shares a bit of camp with you! Ana attended Camp Capers’ Junior High A Session; June 23rd through June 29th. “This summer I spent a week at Camp Capers in Waring, Texas. This was my 6th summer going to Camp Capers, and it gets better and better each year. I made so many new friends this year and reunited with old friends from past years at camp. We played capture the flag, Human Clue, and an intense but meaningful game of Romans and Christians. I climbed a fifty foot pole and then flew down a zip line, while others rode a giant swing fittingly named “The Screamer” or climbed the immense rock wall. We swam and kayaked down the scenic river and got to relax in the pool every day. We made intricate nametags, painted costars, made chalk, and created our own tie-dye t-shirts. We had a crazy fun dance, watched a movie under the stars, and had a talent show in front of a bonfire. Chapel and teachings were really fun and meaningful and I was able to take a step forward in my faith. All in all the week was amazing and I can’t wait to go back for years to come.” Natalie Ribble spent the first month of her summer as a junior counselor at YMCA’s Camp Grady Spruce in Graford, TX. “As cheesy as it may sound,
YMCA Camp Grady Spruce has made me into the person that I am today. Every summer, for the past six years, my sisters and I have gotten out of school and almost immediately headed out to Lake Possum Kingdom for 3 weeks of summer camp. This summer was different, however, because it was the first summer that I got the privilege of being on the staff. I applied and was accepted to be a Junior Counselor for the entire month of June. Four days after school got out I headed out for two grueling but extremely fun weeks of staff training. We did work projects, and trainings for CPR, lifeguarding, and our respective activities. During those two weeks I met some of the most amazing people. It was like camp but everyone was a counselor. During staff training I learned so much and created relationships that I know will last. But, once the campers showed up, the real fun started. During the three weeks of camp I had a multitude of responsibilities including dishes, a cabin counselor, teaching canoeing, teaching archery, taking pictures, and cleaning cabins to prepare for clean-up day. Working as a Junior Counselor this summer was one of the most difficult and yet most rewarding things I have ever done. I learned things like how seven-yearolds forget their water bottles or their towels consistently even though you reminded them twenty times, but they also love to hold your hand and braid your hair and often will call you cabin mom. This summer gave me a whole new perspective on camp and on life. It taught me that sometimes you have to do things that maybe aren't as fun but they are always essential parts in the whole mission, to change the lives of these campers. I made so many incredible friends and memories this summer. We did everything from pranking the boys camp, to having cake wars, to staying up late just looking at the stars. This summer was the first of many that I will be spending as a counselor at Camp Grady Spruce and I know it was one that I will not soon forget. “
Evan Tanner took time out of his summer to volunteer at Vacation Bible School. This took place June 24th through June 28th. “I woke up Monday morning, a little apprehensive. It was the first day of Vacation Bible School. I was a volunteer at the Christ Episcopal and St. Mark’s VBS. As I arrived there, little children were coming from all around, some half asleep, but others were jumping up and down with enthusiasm and excitement. I registered myself and headed towards the chapel where I met the group that I would be helping. I was greeted by my two group leaders and was shown where our group would meet every morning. I started feeling more confident about the week ahead. Each day, after all the kids arrived and were separated into their groups, we had morning congregation. During this time the kids were able to sing, dance, and find out from the leaders what we would learn that day. We then would head outside where the groups would separate into their different campsites. The campsites would be the place that the groups would meet during the day. The first thing that I had to do once we arrived at the campsite was to take my kids to make bread for that day. A trip to Paul’s house was up next. There we met the biblical character Paul and learned about his dangerous journey to share the truth of Jesus. After that we visited the marketplace where my kids were able to use their gold coins to purchase crafts that they could customize. I would then lead my kids to go play out in the courtyard. After a few minutes of play, it was back inside the chapel to conclude the day with more singing and dancing. The kids I worked with really loved VBS. They were able to interact with each other in an environment that was both friendly and caring. The leaders and staff were very nice also. My kids also loved visiting Paul’s house and learning about his adventures. It was nice to see their interest in what lengths Paul (Continued on page 8)
(Continued from page 7)
took to spread the word of God. They would always talk to me about God and what Paul said to them that day. Petting the animals was always a delight for them as well and so was the market place. However, I think what really made their week was “Wet Day”. Wet Day was Wednesday and the kids just loved playing in the sprinklers, sliding on the Slip and Slide, and playing with bubbles. They also loved to sing and dance. As we walked from station to station, I would hear them sing the songs from the morning congregation and dance the dances that were taught to them as they waited in line for snacks. The kids had a blast, and seeing them that happy really made my day also. The last day of VBS came a bit too soon for me. All the children were upset that it was coming to an end. I saw how these young boys met each other just a few days earlier and became good friends and how two church communities came together to make this a week that the kids would not forget. That happiness is why I volunteered and that is the reason why I will be coming back next summer.” Harris Stephens spent time visiting the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. “This summer, I was privileged to be accepted to the U.S. Naval Academy Summer Seminar in Annapolis, Maryland, a week -long event to give prospective applicants a chance to experience the Academy first hand. Upon arrival at the Academy, everyone is rushed into Bancroft Hall, the largest dormitory building in the U.S., and shown to their rooms. As grand as the building looks on the outside, the inside looks pretty similar to how it must have looked in the 50’s. The rooms are small and bare but have air-conditioning now, which is a big improvement from just a few years ago! The first day everyone is organized into companies, platoons and squads with 4 squads to a platoon and 4 platoons to a company. All the eight-man squads are set free to wander through the
beautiful grounds of the Academy. After an easy introduction into life at the Naval Academy, the next morning is more unpleasant than could possibly be expected, starting with a 5:30 wake-up call followed by a rigorous workout. Luckily, the hardest part about the morning workouts was just being up that early. Morning workouts are followed by one of the best meals served at the Academy, breakfast. The best part about the first meal of the day is all the unopened peanut butter jars waiting to be slammed against a forehead. One of the many traditions at the Naval Academy is that to open a peanut butter jar, someone stands up, yells BEAT ARMY and slams the jar on their forehead. The Naval Academy is full of other traditions, mostly reserved for plebes, that are too numerous to list. After the first two days, a routine begins. Get up. Exercise. Go to class. Squad time. Bed. Although those seem like short boring days, the Naval Academy specializes in maximizing every possible second spent awake. Almost every morning during class I would look up at the clock on the wall and be shocked that it was only 9 in the morning, because it felt like 12. The final day, Sea Trials Day, the routine was broken. We got up at 5:30, had the earliest breakfast I’ve ever had, and ran out onto the field to start our obstacle course. Sea Trials is a three mile long obstacle course in the woods on the other side of the river from the campus. We spent the entire day running, crawling, and climbing through the longest and most fun day we had at the Academy. This great experience solidified my desire to attend the Naval Academy, and I have been busy writing essays and completing the many applications for nomination and admission to USNA before I leave with the choir for our Residency at Exeter. Hopefully, this time next year, I will be starting my Plebe Summer at the United States Naval Academy.”
Maddy Stokes shares a bit about the Choir Residency in Exeter taking place July 18th through 27th as well as her previous Exeter experience. “The St. Mark’s choirs have always been a part of my life. I started cherub choir when I was three and I've been in choir every year since. In 2010 I was blessed enough to accompany the adult choir to England along with all of my friends from the youth choir. It was an experience of a lifetime. I learned so much about myself while in England. And how many kids get to say that they sang in an English cathedral? Not many, and not many get to say they're going to do it again. I am so excited to be heading back to England to serve again. I had such an amazing and life changing experience three years ago, and I can't wait to experience it again. This time I am going not only with kids who went with me last time, but also with kids who are experiencing it for the first time. Last time, I remember coming back and already planning what we were going to do next trip. This time I'm looking forward to visiting Stonehenge and going to the War and Air Force museums. What I loved most about our last residency was the sense of community we had with both choirs. I can't wait to board that plane and see what England has planned for us this time.” Our youth are busy enjoying a multitude of what God’s creation has to offer, and this is just a small sampling of what they are up to. They are growing in the Spirit, sharing their gifts and talents, planning for the future, and praising His Name! We couldn’t be more proud of the youth of St. Mark’s. Thank you for your continued support and for enjoying all that they have to share with us.
Our youth programs could not happen without our wonderful volunteers! We are always looking for parents, grandparents, college students and young adults who would like to help in supporting the Youth of St. Mark’s by mentoring one of our Youth Confirmation students, working behind the scenes at an event or lock-in, volunteering to bring snacks or food, or driving to events. To get involved please contact Todd Allison or Erin Hughes at 210-226-2426 or
A F dult
Fall 2013
September is just around the corner, and St. Mark’s will be returning to a full schedule. Here is a quick look at some of the offerings for Christian Formation this fall. For more detailed descriptions, pick up the Fall Christian Education brochure which will be available in early August. SUNDAY MORNINGS, EARLY FALL 10:10-11:00 a.m. Stewardship: Faith Building, Not Fund Raising September 8 – October 28, Gish Hall All that we do with all that we have – that is stewardship, the engine that drives our life together. Rather than viewing stewardship as a once a year push, this class will explore year-round stewardship. Stories based on personal experience as well as the biblical basis for stewardship will be the framework for exploration. Led by The Rev. Ned Bowersox and The Rev. Dr. John Lewis. Engaging the Mystery: Confirmation and Reception September 8 – October 13; November 4, Dean Richardson Room Confirmation is the sign of connection to the Episcopal Church and of our commitment to the life and ministry of this branch of the Christian family tree. During this class we will consider several aspects of what it means to live into the vocation of being a disciple of Christ, Episcopalian-style. Led by The Rev. Carol Morehead WEDNESDAY EVENINGS Rector’s Lectionary Study September 11 – December 18 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., Dean Richardson Room This study discussion will look at the lectionary readings for the coming Sunday. Led by The Revs. Ned Bowersox and Carol Morehead Family Night Group September 11-December 18, time TBD Topics will include family faith building, challenges of families in today’s world, and other timely subjects. Led by St. Mark’s Staff and Clergy WEEKDAYS Timeout Bible Study: Philippians Thursday mornings from 10:00-11:30, Youth Suite, beginning September 5 The Timeout Bible Study is a chance to read slowly through one book of the bible over the course of the year, and to follow where the conversation leads. We will examine in depth Paul’s beautiful letter to the Philippians, one of the most important Christian texts for understanding and engaging daily life in the world. The study involves both close reading of the biblical text as well as extended discussion of how we may adapt Paul’s counsel to our own day-to-day living. Facilitated by The Rev. Dr. John Lewis and The Rev. Carol Morehead.
Happening #125 at TMI Happenings are spiritual renewal weekends for high school student in grades 10-12. The Diocese sponsors 3 weekends each year in various locations. For more information about the upcoming Happening weekend contact Todd or Erin at To register for Happening please visit -events/happening/
Attention Acolytes Current and New Acolyte Meeting: There will be a mandatory acolyte meeting on Sunday, August 18 at 9:00a.m. in the Youth Suite for all current acolytes and anyone wishing to be an acolyte. Anyone entering 7th grade (fall 2013) and older may serve as an acolyte at St. Mark's. Please email Todd at if you are interested.
AUGUST BIRTHDAYS August 1st Mary Margaret Amberson
August 13th Pam Bain, Allison Lozano, Ellen Martin, Ellen Sealy
August 22nd Sally Dooley, Martita Seeligson, Ryan Vaughn, Bill Yates
August 14th Kimberly Baker, Robert Schuler, Caroline Walker
August 23rd Diego Cruz, Bertha De Luna, Beth Forsen, Cliff Waller, Joan Wyatt
August 4th Lissa Allen, Susan Stewart
August 15th Susan Cavender, Michael Connor, Natalie Ribble, John Russell, Colin Thompson, Taylor Wyatt
August 24th Tim Clark, Robin Voight, James Williams
August 5th Earl Fae Eldridge, Rog Gaebel, Paige Martin
August 16th Scott Allison, Grace Beauchamp, Evelyn Vrown, Jordan Rubiola
August 2nd Amy Phipps August 3rd Mary Jane Adams, Madeline Merritt, Lou Taylor, Jill Vassar
August 17th August 6th Paloma Cruz (Happy 1st!!), Grove Ramsey Betty Grace, Caroline Laurence August 7th Sandy Clark, Hop Dorris (Happy 1st!!) August 8th Lisa Anderson, Deborah KendallGallagher, John Oatman, Carla Sherman, Julie Wilson August 9th Evan Alderman, Judi Stanton, Russell Wilson August 10th Haley Holmes, Rachel Okamura August 11th Eloise Sullivan, Dee Whiteside
August 25th Julie Mock, Sarah Pearson, Albert Vale August 27th Mike Austin, Van Howard August 28th Ada Saunders (Happy 1st!!)
August 18th Helen Ballew, Ali Fowler, John LeFlore, Lynn Mims, Jean Murphree, Kelly Ranson
August 29th Parks Goodwin, Gordon Lewis, Donna Palmer (Happy 90th!!!!), Zander Thomas
August 19th John Guidry, Mally Holdsworth, Bill Jackson, Melanie Lizcano, Robbie Moore, Thorn Newman, Howard Schneider, Ben Scott, Josh Wise
August 30th Linda Addington, John Colglazier, Zachery Foster, Clarissa Olivares, Elizabeth Roberts, Sandra Weber
August 20th Ellen Dickson, Elizabeth McEnery, Grace Ohlenbusch, John Saunders, Chuck Shaw, Shannon Stephens
August 31st Janet Hughes, Mike Kuykendall, Nan Watson
August 21st Joshua Ham, John Ohlenbusch, Bartell Zachry
August 12th Evelyn Clark, Audie Hawkins, Merlynne Judd
A very special happy birthday to Donna Palmer ! Happy 90th birthday Donna! “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.� -Oprah Winfrey
Memorials For more information about Memorials at St. Mark’s-contact Pat at 210-226-2426 or MEMORIAL FUND Mary Jane Houston by Janie & Robert Pendergraft & family Evelyn Howe by Bette & Jeff Burkett, James L. Drought, Cliff & Bebe Waller Del Manion by Becky Norsworthy, Jill & George Vassar George Spencer by Robert Buchanan, James L. Drought, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Drought, Rena DuBose, Bill Goodman, Dorothy Gunkel & Ann Allega, John Jockusch, Beechie Kampmann, Floyd McGown, Carolyn & Jack Meyer, The Nunley Firm LLP, Lewin Plinkett, David & Kathryn Stanush, Patricia Steves, Cliff & Bebe Waller, Laura & Weir LaBatt, Sandra Zowarka ST. CECILIA GUILD Evelyn Howe by Molly & Louis Houck John Joseph Williamson by Margaret James GOOD SAMARITAN CENTER George Spencer by Joyce, Chris, & TJ, J. Cary Barton, Marshall Miller, Jr., Richard & Mary West Traylor Victoria & Evaristo Vasquez by Adelina Rodriguez SPECIAL GIFTS A special gift to St. Mark’s in thanksgiving for Brandon Raney, father to my grandchildren by Ben Haney
Ford, Powell & Carson sent St. Mark’s a beautiful photo of the outside sanctuary taken by professional photographer Mark Menjivar.
©Copyright Mark Menjivar Mark Menjivar | 210.241.7364 |
The Messenger (USPS 514-020) Published Monthly (3rd Wednesday) ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226-2426 Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Interim Rector: The Rev. Ned Bowersox Editor: Melanie Lizcano Layout & Graphic Design: Melanie Lizcano e-mail articles to
Article deadline is 2nd Wednesday of each month
We offer 3 distinct services to meet the spiritual needs of those who worship here.
This service uses the Rite I liturgy and does not include music. This service uses the Rite II liturgy with St. Mark’s Boy & Girl Choristers and Youth Choir.
The bell tower image shown above is a painting done by St. Mark’s parishioner Pam Slocum.
This service uses the Rite II liturgy with St. Mark’s choir.