Mes13 1016 issuu

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themessenger Monthly Newsletter of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church NOVEMBER 2013



IN THIS ISSUE: Consecration Sunday -Page 2

Search Committee Update -Page 3 Adult Formation -Page 4 Christmas Flowers -Page 11

Transition Times Keep Things Moving 1 Chronicles 29: 14-17 “But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? For everything comes from You, and we have given You only what comes from Your own hand. For we live before You as foreigners and temporary residents in Your presence as were all our ancestors. Our days on earth are like a shadow, without hope. Yahweh our God, all this wealth that we’ve provided for building You a house for Your holy name comes from Your hand; everything belongs to You. I know, my God, that You test the heart and that You are pleased with what is right. I have willingly given all these things with an upright heart, and now I have seen Your people who are present here giving joyfully and willingly to You.”


his time last year we were as a congregation trying to live through the transitioning into new space in our old setups. The worshiping community met in Gosnell Hall. Dress was casual and things were sort of casual too! A sense of new things happening was intriguing and we anticipated getting on with being St. Mark’s soon, at least by Christmas. A new transition began with the announcement of Mike Chalk’s retirement. Here we go again! New facilities, new leadership, new things to get into and through as we begin a new adventure as the people who are St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. Calling a new Rector is not unlike looking for a new spouse. What do we want, what do we need? How are we going to proceed? We are enjoying the newly refurbished buildings and a steady kind of leadership is being provided by the Holy Spirit. A “Search Committee” has been formed and is being prepared for the search. Their job is to discern who God has been preparing to be our new Rector. No small job! They are on task.

The really important task is left to the rest of us, the people who are St. Mark’s. We are to recognize that the soil we grow in has been loosened and we may feel a little at ease, some feel more relaxed, others perhaps feel left aside or perhaps left out. Loose soil makes good matter for things to grow, and familiar resistance to growth might take a differing shape. Be sure of one thing, God is in the midst of what is happening around us, circumstance is important, but God’s presence is primary and very real.

ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, Texas 78205 (210) 226-2426 Office hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Emergency Pastoral Care: 210-507-0256

Next week we receive your “estimate of giving” during all three Sunday services. The primary purpose of gathering as God’s people is to offer praise and to give thanks as we recall that “All things come of thee oh Lord and of thine own have we given”. This requires the biggest transition of all, being God’s people, and not just our own. Let us remember “Who we are” and Whose we are” as we move together during these times of change and transformation. Let us live in grace! Faithfully in Transition through Jesus Christ,

The Ned F. Bowersox

The Messenger is published monthly and is available in magazine format online at

Parish Clergy The Rev. Ned Bowersox Interim Rector The Rev. Carol Morehead Assistant Rector Assisting Clergy The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Co-Director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson Co-Director, The Work+Shop Making a Gift of Their Service The Rev. C. Douglas Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Mary Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Linda Ricketts Assisting Priest The Rev. Cliff Waller Assisting Priest Staff Todd Allison Youth Director Priscilla Briones Accounting Manager Janet Carrizales Nursery Director Benjamin Carlisle Assistant for Music & Liturgy Joseph Causby Director of Music & Organist Elaine Enloe Clergy Executive Administrator Database Manager Sandy Falkenberg Cherub Choir Director Emmet Faulk Parish Business Administrator Erin Hughes Youth Ministries Assistant Director Gail Jackins Families & Children’s Ministries Director Melanie Lizcano Director of Communications Mary Hayden Manning Children’s and Youth Ministries Asst. Jesse Mendoza Kitchen Manager/Chef Ruby Merrill Facilities Supervisor & Receptionist Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Dr. Edwin A. Rieke Dir. of Music & Organist Emeritus Callie Sanchez Families & Children’s Ministries Intern Leah Thomas Special Events Coordinator

St. Mark’s Episcopal 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205





It’s coming...October 27

Okay, here’s why I like Consecration Sunday: 10. No pledge card getting lost on your kitchen counter--along with the rest of the stuff you get in the mail. 9. Hearing Ned tell great stories about spiritual growth through gratitude, giving and grace. (And how Annie has put up with him all these years.) 8. A chance to examine my own fears about giving. Can we be more generous? Can we grow one step to help feed our community with the bread of life? 7. Hearing Penny Compton talk about her faith in God’s abundance. 6. Free lunch. 5. No one asks me for my pledge. We will fill out Estimate of Giving Cards October 27 and present them as an offering to God for all God has given us. 4. Hearing Renee Faulk talk about her faith walk, trusting God with all she has and all she is. 3. Hearing Don Lucas talk about how hope and faith inform his generosity. 2. The chance to hear the Chaplain of TMI, The Rev. Nate Bostian, preach as our guest Consecration Sunday leader. And the number one reason I like Consecration Sunday… 1. Did I mention there’s free lunch? Please make sure you’ve RSVP’d to attend worship and one of the special meals offered this Sunday, October 27. Peace, Tina Kuykendall Consecration Sunday Chairperson





Priscilla Briones, Accounting Manager



Non Pledge Giving


Open Plate


Total Revenue


Total Expenses









Bill Smith, Search Committee Co-Chair Dina Aboul– Saad, Search Committee Co-Chair

St. Mark’s Parish Profile will be available this month 9. 10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15. 16. ©Mark Menjivar

be vetted by the Bishop’s office prior to being considered by the committee. Search Committee writes candidates to inquire about the candidate’s interest and to invite a response. Search Committee evaluates serious candidates against parish profile and committee’s criteria. Search Committee conducts pre-visit training (areas of focus, interview core qu. based on profile). Search Committee begins to visit candidates in their churches. Search Committee narrows list of finalists to no more than three and invites them to visit. Search Committee recommends one candidate to the Vestry. Vestry sets terms of the call and issues the call. Search Committee, Vestry, and Senior Warden form a transition committee to support him or her.

The Profile Committee, a sub committee of the Vestry, has been hard at work on our parish profile. They have done an amazing job of synthesizing input from parishioners during the summer profile meetings and through the online questionnaire. Please join us in offering our heart-felt thanks to the Profile Committee when you see them: Carl Leafstedt, Helen Ballew, Susan Beardslee, Colleen Goff, and Suzy Tackett. The profile will be available this month to prospective candidates and the congregation. It will be made available as a link on the website and printed copies will also be available.

We expect to receive a list of vetted candidates just before Thanksgiving. In preparation, the Search Committee has discussed and developed high-level criteria that will be applied to all candidates. After consideration, we decided to cast the net wide by agreeing that our only firm requirement would be that candidates must have held a position of authority with administrative experience in a mid to large-sized church. Many other qualities will of course be considered. We turn our attention next to discussing the major themes of the profile and forming related questions to ask all prospective candidates.

With the completion of the Parish Profile, we have completed the first seven steps in our search process. The remaining steps include: 8. Search Committee receives names of candidates from the Bishop’s office and from the congregation. All candidates will

Committee members are glad to receive your comments and questions, though we will be unable to answer any specifics about candidates to protect their privacy.


This webpage has it all! * Online Registration * Download a Mail-In Registration form * Retreat Brochure with rates and options * Workshop Descriptions * Altar Guild Retreat Information * Keynote Speaker This is a Diocese of Texas Retreat for Women at Camp Allen, November 22-23, inviting ECW members, Altar Guild members and Daughters of the King members.

We are also on Facebook. Spread the word!


A F dult


and reconnects the broken pieces of ourselves, brining unity and clarity to the chaotic tensions of post-modern life. This will include practical aspects such as prayer, meditation, exercise, daily structure, social life, worship, etc.

We will begin a new round of offerings on Sunday mornings beginning on November 10. These classes are designed to lead us through the end of the liturgical year and into the new year with the coming of Advent. Please plan to join us on Sunday mornings!

Remembering: How the Spirit Turns on the Light in Advent, Gish Hall Light comes from light, but light gets blocked. This class will look at the Incarnation and our expectations as we move toward and through Advent and begin the new liturgical year.

Our normal offerings during the week will continue. Please see our website for further details. Sunday Mornings, Late Fall/ Advent, November 10-December 15, 10:10-11:00 a.m. Toward Wholeness: Uniting Mind, Body and Spirit, Bethlehem Chapel Post-modern life is almost unbearably over stimulating and overwhelming. We will explore ways that a spiritual, scriptural and scientific understanding of this problem can help overcome a sense of fragmentation and chronic stress with a deeper experience of harmony, meaning and purpose. November 10, Week 1 – Dualism and Its Discontents (Philosophy): The long western tradition of dividing experience into mind (or spirit) and body, with some of its many consequences. We tend to interpret the scripture, our social world, and our own problems in these mind/body terms, and confuse our efforts to do good in the process. This tends to separate religious life from secular life, and ‘mental’ problems from physical ones. As a result, we are left with a frustrating sense of fragmentation and tension in life. The philosophical roots of this in Plato and Descartes are reviewed, and Western dualism is contrasted with the consistent holism of scripture, both in the New Testament and Hebrew Bible.

November 17, Week 2 – The Science of Mind and Body (Science): The fascinating ways that mind and body are

Late Fall/Advent Sunday Classes Sunday mornings at 10:10a.m. November 10-December 15

one, including some examples of attachment, stress, immune function, the brain gut connection, and more! We will also look at the strange unity of mind and brain, again noting that current scientific understandings of the unity of the self are quite consonant with scriptural ones.

November 24, Week 3 – The Salvation of the Divided Self (Theology): A look at the neurobiological reasons that we become fragmented and self-destructive, followed by a New Testament integration of its diagnosis and cure. December 1, Week 4 – Uniting Our World (The Social): How religion, and the Christian religion in particular, seeks to integrate all of life into a single, beautiful, integrated harmony. We will contrast modern dualism and secularism with Judeo-Christian holism. December 8, Week 5 – Uniting our Work (The Vocational): Modern life has traditionally been divided into workweek, with time for secular and vocational pursuits, and weekends, with time for private needs and desires, including religion. We will reframe this with a scriptural understanding of the kingdom of God, God’s determination to join with humanity to bring paradise to the earth, including beauty, health, plenty and love. Work, childrearing, and other vocational tasks will be re-imagined in this context.

December 15, Week 6 – Uniting Ourselves (The Spiritual and Psychological): We will discuss how a genuine spiritual life re-orients


November 10, Week 1: Where Does Light Come From? Genesis 1:1-2:2 November 17, Week 2: Things that Block the Light: Genesis 7, “The Fall” November 24, Week 3: Living in the Darkness: Ezekiel 37 December 1, Week 4: Moving From the Shadows: Numbers 11 December 8, Week 5: Living in the Light of Christ: Ezekiel 36 December 15, Week 6: Being Light for Others

OTHER SERVICES: Advent Lessons and Carols Sunday, December 1, 5:00p.m. Christmas Pageant December 22, 5:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Service Tuesday, December 24, 4:00 p.m. and 10:30 p.m.. Each with musical prelude beforehand Christmas Day Service Wednesday, December 25, 10:00 a.m. Christmas Lessons and Carols Sunday December 29, one service at 10:00 a.m. {We will also have the 7:45a.m. service}

M N usic


Joseph Causby, Director of Music & Organist

Concert Series Twenty-second Season All events (except April 18) are at 5:00p.m. Free of charge. Open to the public. Sunday, October 27, 2013 Joseph Causby, organ Sunday, November 10, 2013 Requiem Eucharist for Remembrance Sunday Fauré Requiem sung by St. Mark’s Choir

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Sunday, December 1, 2013 Advent Lessons and Carols sung by the combined choirs of St. Mark’s Sunday, December 22, 2013 Children’s Christmas Pageant and Candlelighting Sunday, January 19, 2014 Epiphany Procession Sunday, February 9, 2014 Susan Olson, mezzo-soprano

The St. Mark’s Choirs are taking orders for fresh cut Fraser-fir Christmas Trees through November 1. The trees will be cut and shipped directly to St. Mark’s from a tree farm in the Virginia mountains. The trees will arrive in San Antonio and will be ready for collection on November 30 and December 1. In addition to the pre-ordered trees, we will have extra trees on hand for purchase by our wider community. The pricing is as follows: 3' tabletop= $25 5’-6’ = $50 6’-7’ = $75 7’-8’ =$100 8’-9’ = $150 9’-10’ = $200

Sunday, February 23, 2014 Choral Evensong sung by the Treble Choir of St. Mark’s Sunday, March 2, 2014 Marilyn Keiser, organ Sunday, March 23, 2014 The Copperleaf Quintet

Please see a member of our choir to place your order.

Friday, April 18, 2014 at 1pm Haydn: Seven Last Words of Christ SA String Quartet


Sunday, April 27, 2014 Fiesta Concert Britten Rejoice in the Lamb and Vivaldi Gloria

Beginning to worry about those gaps in your Christmas present lists? Fret not! The choir is here to help with the first Choir Cookbook, including many of your favorite Cookie Walk and Lenten Luncheon recipes! The book will be available for purchase at Thanksgiving at a cost of $20 per book. Advance orders may also be placed with choir members on Sundays. Enjoy!

Parking is FREE at one of two parking lots. Our primary parking lot is EAST of the church across Jefferson St. The secondary WEST Parking lot is located on E. Pecan St. across Navarro St. 5

Y M outh



Todd Allison, Youth Ministries Director Erin Hughes, Asst. Youth Ministries Director

Christmas Greenery Sales

November 2013 – June 2014 Events

Place your orders October 6-November 10

2013 Confirmation Sunday Sunday, November 3

Christmas Greenery orders may be placed with any youth group member or by completing an order form located in the Youth Suite on the 3rd floor.


Orders must be received by November 10!

Sunday Night LIVE (Sr. High) Sunday, November 10 (5-7pm); Bishop Jones Center

Happening #126 (Sr. High) November 22-24; All Saints, Corpus Christi th

9 Annual Christmas to the Street Fri., December 20; Youth Lock-In Sat., December 21; Barbeque Event

2014 Mid-Winter at Camp Capers (Sr. High) Friday, January 3 – Sunday, January 5

25in. Balsam/Pine wreath w/bow

$25 each

28in. Balsam/Pine wreath w/bow

$28 each

30in. Balsam/Pine wreath w/bow

$30 each

25ft. Balsam/Pine Garland

$31 each


$25 each

Red 6in. pot w/decorative cover

$12 each

Orders will be available for pickup on Saturday, December 7 and Sunday, December 8 from 9:00a.m.-12:00p.m. Proceeds go to benefit the 9th Annual Christmas to the Street Community BBQ.

Mid-Winter at Camp Capers (Jr. High) Friday, January 10 – Sunday, January 12 Youth In Action Fri., Feb. 21 - Sun., Feb. 23 (St. Mark’s, San Marcos) Pancake Supper & Talent Show Tuesday, March 4 Happening #127 (Sr. High) March 7-9; St. Peter’s, Kerrville Sr. High Mustang Island Retreat Monday, March 10-Wednesday, March 12

Youth Retreat Friday, April 4-Sunday, April 6 Parish Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 19; Bishop Jones Center

Summer Outreach Weekend Fund Drive April 27 – June 1 Senior Sunday/Cinco de Mayo Celebration Sunday, May 4

6th Annual Summer Outreach Weekend Friday, June 6 - Sunday, June 8

DECEMBER 21, 2013 6

Sunday Night LIVE is not just another Sunday service! SNL is an opportunity for 9th-12th graders, of all faiths and backgrounds, from around San Antonio to come together and share and discuss topics impacting their lives.

FALL 2013 SNL DATES Nov. 10 SNL meets from 5:00p.m.-7:00p.m. at the Bishop Jones Center 111 Torcido Dr. | SA, TX 78209

Happening #126 November 22-24 All Saints, Corpus Christi $50 registration fee Online registration is now open to all 10-12 grade students who would like to participate in Happening #126. Happenings are spiritual renewal weekends for high school students. For more information contact Todd or Erin at

Tug at the Collar Meet in the Youth Suite 6:00p.m. Wednesday, November 13

Dinner is available at Café Kairos. $5.00

Registration link:

Scholarship assistance is available.


Seniors Eucharist and Tea Party Thursday, December 5 at 2:00p.m.

Attendees at last year’s Tea Party. -Photos by Patrice Oliver

Last March we invited our parishioners who are unable to come to our Sunday Services, to join us in our new sanctuary to see the restoration and then in Gosnell Hall for a tea party and fellowship. It was such a success, we are doing it again! This time they will have a chance to meet The Rev. Ned Bowersox and The Rev. Carol Morehead and enjoy the Eucharist and some of Joe Causby’s wonderful music. Afterwards we will gather in Gosnell for tea. If you are one of our Seniors, let me know if you would like to come or if you need transportation. If you know of a senior who would be interested in coming, please invite them or give


me their name and I will get in touch with them. If you would like to be a host or hostess and help us escort our guests into the church and join us for the service and tea or if you are able to pick someone up, please let me know. Everyone who would like to participate is invited to join us, but we do have to give Leah Thomas and the Altar Guild a head count so that we are prepared. Please come and join us, I can promise you a wonderful afternoon of fun and fellowship! Martha Steves 210) 826-8062





Gail Jackins, Families & Children’s Ministries Director

Meet the Sunday School teachers St Mark’s has creative talented Sunday School teachers who share their time, their faith, and their joy with our children. Here are introductions to four of our wonderful leaders. My name is Julie Van Zandt and I am assisting for the third year in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (three to five year olds). Some of our (Damon and my) fondest memories were dropping our daughter Kate off with Ms. Lou to begin her guided spiritual journey in Catechesis. If you attended Sunday school as a child, maybe there is a clear mental snapshot from that past. Mine was formed sitting at a circular antique dark, oak table in the cold (broken radiator) Canterbury House of Grace Episcopal. A wonderful question popped into my mouth/mind to which the teacher responded it was “an excellent question. It is a pleasure to be with your children, and their questions, as the Bible stories unfold for them in Catechesis. My name is Denise Dahm, I’m assisting with 212 Ministry this year. I have been a member at St. Mark's since 2010, and married my husband Andrew here in 2011. We have two boys, Andrew (9) and Michael (8) with baby boy #3 due to arrive shortly before Thanksgiving! I love teaching the 4-6th grade class because the children are reaching the age of forming their own beliefs and they mature so much

blast doing service projects and having discussions. St. Mark’s is a second home for me because I have worked at St. Mark’s for approximately 11 years. It is great working with the same children I took care of when they were in the nursery. I am 27 years of age, and have been married to my wonderful husband for four years. We have a 3 year-old daughter and are planning on having more children.

over the course of these years. They really are moving on from being "little kids," making their way toward adolescence. I always learn a lot from them during our class discussions. I am also a member of the Daughters of the King, which has allowed me to deepen my prayer life and find other ways to be of service at the Church. I work as a geriatrician (doctor for older adults) at the Health Science Center, where I spend about 50% of my time taking care of patients and 50% of my time teaching medical students, residents, and fellows. My name is Callie Sanchez and I am teaching 4th-6th grade, this is my second year. I love working with all children but I must admit this group is my favorite. I also do 212 ministry for 6th graders and have a

212 Ministry collects blankets for C2S By Gail Jackins, Families & Children’s Ministries Director

Please join us again this year as 212 Ministry collects new and gently-used clean blankets for those less fortunate. Somewhere there is a person who is cold, and you can do something about it! It is that time of the year again when the temperatures are falling but the number of homeless people in the streets are increasing. Each year we collect more blankets than the last. Our goal this year is to collect over 400 blankets. Even one blanket can make a difference! We need your help to make that goal a reality and to ensure that those who are less fortunate are able to stay safe and warm during this winter. Bring your new or gently-used clean blankets to the 2nd floor, or the box near Gosnell Hall, anytime between now and mid-December. The blankets will be distributed at “Christmas to the Streets” on December 21 at St Mark’s. Questions? Contact Mrs. Callie Sanchez, Leader of 212 Ministries, at


My name is Vern Lee Cooper and I am one of the Godly Play teachers with the Kindergarten and First Grade class. I’m new to St Mark’s but have taught Godly Play for more than 15 years. When I lived in the Boston area I was a school teacher for 40 years, specializing in Elementary and Early Childhood education. My husband and I moved to San Antonio in 2003 to be near grandchildren. Since moving here I’ve taught at Our Lady of the Lake and St Phillips College, and substituted extensively. My favorite thing about Godly Play is how the children enter into the story so they can make it their own. I love to see the children’s responses to the stories. I’m happy to be at St Mark’s and hope to get to know more parishioners and their children.

Holiday Pies Baked Fresh

For more information about Families & Children's’ Ministries contact Gail Jackins at 210-226-2426.

Questions? Contact Leah Thomas at 210-226-2426 or

Movie Night Wear your pajamas and watch a movie with other families at church! November 15, Friday evening, 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. 5:30 Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (while you get food and get settled) 6:00 Finding Nemo Enter through Tucker Courtyard – we’ll be in Gosnell Hall. This event is for children accompanied by adults, teens, and adults. Infant care will be available in the nursery. Bring a snack to share, and wear your jammies! Bring your soft comfy blankie and pillow if you feel like stretching out on the floor. Church will provide chicken nuggets, kid-friendly veggies and ranch dressing, and kid-friendly drinks. We need you to RSVP by November 12, so we’ll know how many infants will be in the nursery. Questions? This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know other families at St Mark’s!

Forward Day-by-Day There is a nice on-line version Forward Movement Publications, source of the favorite Episcopal daily meditation collection “Forward Day-by-Day,” has a wonderful web presence that includes the current daily meditation, archives of meditations, collections of prayers, and even a prayer room. Instead of picking up one of the little booklets at church, bookmark it on your smartphone or e-reader so you’ll always have it with you – and it’s the “green” thing to do! You can make comments about each day’s meditation, and read other people’s comments. Visit http:// to explore this wonderful online spiritual resource.

Lego donations welcome

If your child has out-grown Lego building blocks, consider giving them to St Mark’s. They will be used to re-create Bible scenes and spark discussions. Instead of gathering dust in your closet, these blocks will be used as a tool for helping build a foundation of faith.

“Like” us on Facebook! St. Mark's Children and Family Ministry has a Facebook page, “like” it next time you’re on Facebook so you can keep up with what’s happening!






NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS November 1 Park Lawrence November 2 Robert De Luna, Hugh Fitzsimons, Rachel Ruiz, Larry Vasquez November 3 John Beauchamp, Robin Bernhard, Kelly Carlisle, Harrison Cotton, Terry Denton, Jim Herbold, Carolyn Klebaum, Emily Noble, Alexa Smith, James Zimmerhanzel, Linda Zimmerhanzel November 4 Matthew Carpenter, Ella Gunn, Nancy Russell, Andrew Thayer November 5 Meredith Adkins, Wells Davidson, Kathy Kelly, Harriet Martin, Patsy Steves, Amelie Sullivan, Eva Sullivan, Jessica Ungermann November 6 Peggy Baetz, Gloria Dilley, Carol Fallon, Marji Gray, Raymond Kimura, Cuatro Smith November 7 Angie Ellis, Cassie Gainey, Kim Judd, Brenda Kingery, Con Mims, Lucia Redmond, Sandra Woodall November 8 Victor Ban, Lisa Evans, Randy Fleisher, Margi Herbold, Megan McPheron November 9 Paul Cleek, Don Greer, Mark Judson, Lori Kingery, Marie Leinweber, Michael Lowry, Megan Steves November 10 Ariana Hamza, Kathleen Judson, Lorrie Uhl November 11 Sam Alfonsin, Robert Baker, Kristopher Kimura, Neel Lane, Raymond Ventura

November 12 Carol Hebdon, Jack Hebdon, Hamlet Newsom, Erin Smith, Rosalinda Vasquez November 13 Theresa Casiano, Ruth Jennings, David Morgan, David Poinier, Adam Robledo November 14 Steven Bauernfeind, Emily Beauchamp, Julie Bender, Julie Carnahan, Sandra Dreyer, Laura Johnson, Jelane Lodek, Jingle Robinson, Scott Uhl, Bebe Waller November 15 Blaise Bender, Flor Hernandez, Jack Ingram, Misae King, Josephine Stillwell November 16 Kell Austin, Fiona Hall, Nancy Scott Jones, C.C. Muir, Jill Smith, Alex Sugg, McCann Turner November 17 Graham Matthews, Noah Stanton, Sissy Tietz, Elijah Torres-Lopez November 18 Nelson Allen, Benjamin De Vierville, Jenn Ham, Gail Harwood, Heather Klossner, Elise Rubiola, Richard Tisdale, Francesca Torres, Mary Frances West November 19 Anne Church, Leena Holmstrom, Johanna Sharp, Kelsie Westmoreland November 20 Mark Arnold, Jeff Breazeale, Jeane Crowson, William Donnell, Abigail Kirby, Lara Luce, Libni Ortiz, Mark Pope, Jim Redmond, Mallory Rigney, Nate Torres-Lopez

November 21 Todd Allison, Annabelle McGee, Jaclyn Townsend November 22 Alice Haney, Sister Huntress, Linda Jones, Tracy Kirby, Laura Long, Olivia Ribble, Jacob Schenk, Kristina Stoever November 23 Courtney Bonner, Liz Chiego, Adele Edmunds, Benjamin Jones, Albert Persinger November 24 Carol Bousquet, Sarah Capra, Natalie Thayer November 25 Jes Gonzales, Anne Goodwin, Melissa Oatman, Carolyn Thornton November 26 Shannon Minister, Amanda Talaat November 27 Patrick Bowen, Nicholas Sherman, Catherine Taylor, Ralph Voight November 28 Laura Butterfield, Catherine Casiano, Blair Davis, Emily Foster, Delaney Gunn, Betty Ludwig, Rob Robertson, John Younger November 29 Elizabeth Casiano, Welda Hissner, Ditty Kindervater, Chiris Lopez, Otis Parchman November 30 Cathy Briggs, David Duesing, Mary Earle, Tricia Houston, Frances Lefkofsky, Jamie Maverick, Sue Carol McDonald, Sally Owens, Ann Sahm, Martha Steves

Special birthday wishes!


Peggy Baetz, 94 Julie Carnahan, 92 Angie Ellis, 91 Welda Hissner , 98 Ruth Jennings, 90 Frances Lefkofsky , 93 Marie Leinweber, 95 Mary Frances West, 90

Memorials MEMORIAL FUND Alfred Booth by Dottie Leslie Mary Jane Houston by E.D. Kincaid III, Ginger Kincaid, Delia & Quatro Light Roberta Rife by Mary Handy Parker, Patrick Swearingen ChaCha Robertson by Dottie Leslie George Spencer by Nancy & Edward Cross ALTAR GUILD Betty Lou & Bob Grace by Mike & Paula Chalk, Nancy Russell, Tookie Spoor, Paul Weissling Elizabeth Hodnett by Jim & Sandy Folts Roberta Rife by Ann Tiner ST. CECILIA GUILD Edward Ames by Ann Coiner Evelyn Hall by Ann Coine, Dean Glass & Robbie Moore, Sandra Ragan & Coleen Grissom, Jo Murphy & Harold Sager, Kelly Ranson, Anne Schelleng

TUCKER COURTYARD Edward Ames by Anne & Robert Tucker GOOD SAMARITAN CENTER Victoria Vasquez by Adelina Rodriguez YOUTH FUND Reid Kelley by Patricia & Tad Bowen REV. MOREHEAD’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Danielle Marshall by Daniel & Maria Marshall SPECIAL GIFTS A gift to St. Cecilia in honor of the birthday of Tookie Spoor by Patrice & Joey Oliver A gift to St. Cecilia in honor of Robert Brewer & in appreciation for his contributions as organist during the Exeter Cathedral residency by Dean Glass & Robbie Moore

The Nursery will hold their annual bake sale on Sunday, November 24th, 2013 in the plaza after the services. Baked goods consist of homemade cakes, pies, cookies, cupcakes, etc. Goodies are made by nursery staff and parents. We have had successful sales with all your help. Stop by and purchase items for your Thanksgiving feast, help at the tables, bring a baked item, or make a monetary donation. All proceeds go to benefit the nursery ministry. This year we hope to get a new picture printer and give the nursery staff gift cards for Christmas. Please support the bake sale. CHRISTMAS FLOWERS TO ADORN THE CHURCH

Christmas Flowers

In memory of: _______________________________________ In honor of: ____________________________________

Christmas flowers to adorn the church may be given in memory or in honor of loved ones.

On the occasion of: _____________________________ Your Name: _________________________________________ Phone: (

$10.00 donation for each memorial or honor

) ___________________________



The Messenger (USPS 514-020) Published Monthly (3rd Wednesday) ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226-2426 Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Interim Rector: The Rev. Ned Bowersox Editor: Melanie Lizcano Layout & Graphic Design: Melanie Lizcano e-mail articles to

Article deadline is 2nd Wednesday of each month

November 7 Dinner in Gosnell Hall 6:00p.m. Then we will meet in Dean Richardson Room for an opportunity for us to get to know each other and answer questions in an informal setting with clergy and staff from St. Mark’s.

A New Connections class designed for those who are new to St. Mark’s and for those who are still considering whether to become part of the community, will be offered. 12

Sign up today!

Contact Emmet Faulk 210-226-2426

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