themessenger Monthly Newsle er of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church DECEMBER 2013
IN THIS ISSUE: Confirma on & Recep on Page 3
9th Annual Christmas to the Street BBQ Saturday, December 21
Chris an Forma on Page 4 Cookie Walk Page 6 Youth News Page 8 Advent Wreaths Page 9 Birthdays Page 10 Senior Tea Party Page 11 Christmas Schedule Page 12
Christmas to the Street began 8 years ago as an outreach ministry led by the St. Mark’s Youth and Kitchen Ministries. The goal was simple: provide a generous home-cooked meal of brisket and sausage with all the fixing's to our neighbors in downtown San Antonio. The response and support from the community has continued to grow each year. Our volunteer base of over 150 youth and adults spend over 24 hours preparing, cooking, serving, and working to make these meals special.
ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, Texas 78205 (210) 226‐2426 www.stmarks‐ stmarks@stmarks‐ Office hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00a.m.‐5:00p.m. Emergency Pastoral Care: 210‐507‐0256
Three years ago our vision was expanded as we embraced our partnership with the Haven for Hope Center for services to the homeless community. In addition to the 500 plus meals served by our youth and volunteers at St. Mark’s for lunch two teams serve over 1100 at the Haven for Hope campus through the partnership with St. Vincent De Paul and the San Antonio Food Bank. Altogether, Christmas to the Street 2013 will serve nearly 2000 meals to hungry men, women and children. Christmas to the Street is completely operated from donations and volunteers and this continued effort is not possible without the generosity of our community partners, donors, volunteers, and the St. Mark’s parish family. If you would like to help make Christmas to the Street a continued success for years to come by making a financial contribution donations can be sent to: St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Attn: Christmas to the Street, 315 E Pecan St., San Antonio, TX 78205
The Messenger is published monthly and is available in magazine format online at www.stmarks‐
Parish Clergy The Rev. Ned Bowersox Interim Rector The Rev. Carol Morehead Assistant Rector Assis ng Clergy The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Co‐Director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Dr. Jane Pa erson Co‐Director, The Work+Shop Making a Gi of Their Service The Rev. C. Douglas Earle Assis ng Priest The Rev. Mary Earle Assis ng Priest The Rev. Linda Ricke s Assis ng Priest The Rev. Cliff Waller Assis ng Priest Staff Todd Allison Youth Director Priscilla Briones Accoun ng Manager Janet Carrizales Nursery Director Benjamin Carlisle Assistant for Music & Liturgy Joseph Causby Director of Music & Organist Elaine Enloe Clergy Execu ve Administrator Database Manager Sandy Falkenberg Cherub Choir Director Emmet Faulk Parish Business Administrator Erin Hughes Youth Ministries Assistant Director Gail Jackins Families & Children’s Ministries Director Mary Hayden Manning Children’s and Youth Ministries Asst. Jesse Mendoza Kitchen Manager/Chef Ruby Merrill Facili es Supervisor & Recep onist Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Dr. Edwin A. Rieke Dir. of Music & Organist Emeritus Callie Sanchez Families & Children’s Ministries Intern Leah Thomas Special Events Coordinator
St. Mark’s Episcopal 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205 www.stmarks‐
Update on Giving
Emmet Faulk, Parish Business Administrator efaulkjr@stmarks‐
As of Thursday, November 21, 2013 with 26 days since Consecra on Sunday (October 27th), below is an update on giving. As of: 11/21/13
2014 Pledge
TOTALS $1,396,623
# Pledges
Median Pledge
ONLINE PLEDGING IS NOW AVAILABLE! If you have not already pledged, please visit our website at
Priscilla Briones, Accoun ng Manager pbriones@stmarks‐
Non Pledged Giving
Open Plate Giving
onfirmation & Reception 2013
On Sunday, November 3, 2013, The Rt. Rev. David Reed confirmed and received 10 adults and 16 youth. Congratula ons!
Adults: Front row, l‐r: The Rev. Carol Morehead, Maria Marshall, Barbara Cummings, Brige Boye , Patricia Houston, The Rt. Rev. David Reed; 2nd row: John Dempsey, Amanda Jackson, Katherine Golando; 3rd row: Octavio Pulido, Robert Rister, Jim Cummings
Youth: Front row, l‐r: Ana Ross, Ta ana Cervera, The Rt. Rev. David Reed, Rebekah Redmond, Guy Chipman IV, Liam Morehead, Tyler Kuykendall, Olivia Briley, Haddie Hill, Elise Rubiola, Alex Rogers, Jacob Schenk, Estee Steves, Kathleen Calgaard, Daisy Bosquet, Anna Lane, Mally Holdsworth; Back row: Youth Confirma on Leaders—David Ribble, Allison Hays Lane, and Mike Kuykendall. 3
A F dult
Late Fall/Advent Sunday Classes Sunday mornings at 10:10a.m. November 10‐December 22
Plan to con nue with one of the Chris an Forma on choices available in December. These classes have taken us through the end of the liturgical year and brought us into Advent. Also, our normal offerings during the week will con nue. Please see the calendar on our website for further details.
Sunday Mornings, 10:10 a.m. Toward Wholeness: Uniting Mind, Body and Spirit, Bethlehem Chapel Post-modern life is almost unbearably over stimulating and overwhelming. We will explore ways that a spiritual, scriptural and scientific understanding of this problem can help overcome a sense of fragmentation and chronic stress with a deeper experience of harmony, meaning and purpose. December 1, Week 4 – Uniting Our World (The Social): How religion, and the Christian religion in particular, seeks to integrate all of life into a single, beautiful, integrated harmony. We will contrast modern dualism and secularism with Judeo-Christian holism.
December 8, Week 5 – Uniting our Work (The Vocational): Modern life has traditionally been divided into workweek, with time for secular and vocational pursuits, and weekends, with time for private needs and desires, including religion. We will reframe this with a scriptural understanding of the kingdom of God, God’s determination to join with humanity to bring paradise to the earth, including beauty, health, plenty and love. Work, childrearing, and other vocational tasks will be re-imagined in this context. December 15, Week 6 – Uniting Ourselves (The Spiritual and Psychological): We will discuss how a genuine spiritual life reorients and reconnects the broken pieces of ourselves, brining unity and clarity to the chaotic tensions of post-modern life. This will include practical aspects such as prayer, meditation, exercise, daily structure, social life, worship, etc.
Remembering: How the Spirit Turns on the Light in Advent, Gish Hall Light comes from light, but light gets blocked. This class will look at the Incarnation and our expectations as we move toward and through Advent and begin the new liturgical year. December 1, Week 4: Moving From the Shadows: Ezekiel 36 December 8, Week 5: Living in the Light of Christ December 15, Week 6: Being Light for Others Special Adult Forum on Mental Health and Mental Illness December 22, 2013 Gish Hall, 10:10am Presenters: Dr. Dan
Early Spring 2014 Classes Sunday Mornings & Mid‐Week January 12 ‐ March 16
This spring we will again offer a wide array of opportuni es to grow and be formed in Christ. We invite you to prayerfully consider where God is leading you to grow and to consider how one or more of these courses may enrich your path of discipleship. This slate of offerings will lead through Epiphany and into the start of Lent. A new series of classes will begin in Lent and will carry through Easter de. Weekly classes will con nue through the semester. Sundays, January 12 – March 16
Tuesdays, March and April
Thursdays, January – May
Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the 12 Steps,
Women’s Book Study, Dean Richardson Room, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Facilitated by Betty Anne Cody
Time Out Bible Study, Youth Suite, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Gish Hall Facilitated by The Rev. Ned Bowersox and Dr. Bill Yates Using Richard Rohr’s book Breathing Under Water as a framework, this class will explore our life together and how the spiritual path of recovery informs and invites us to delve deeply into what it means to give up ourselves to God. The class will include an opportunity to take part in a weekend retreat in February at Mustang Island, which will be a time to dig into both the material and to form deeper relationships within the group.
Creativity: The Arts as Theophany & Epiphany, Bethlehem Chapel Facilitated by Joseph Causby, Brenda Kingery, Andrew Morrison, The Rev. Mary Earle, and The Rev. Carol Morehead God, the Great Creator, often speaks and is revealed through the arts. Together, we will explore how God works through music, visual arts, poetry, and prose. Facilitators and visiting artists will share their work and discuss the creative process and how God shows up in the mix. There will also be several ‘field trips’ offered for class participants to explore these epiphanies in the broader San Antonio context.
This group, which meets each semester, will meet during Lent to study together as they explore Lent in community. The class will meet the four Tuesdays in March and the first Tuesday in April. Stay tuned for further details.
We will continue with our study of Philippians this spring. Join the group as we look in depth at Paul’s important letter to the Philippians in which he outlines the centrality of Jesus’ incarnation, death, and resurrection as a pattern for living in Christ.
Wednesdays, January through May Women’s Book Study, Room 102, 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by Maurleen Cobb This group choses a book to study and discuss each week. The book next up is The Girl’s Still Got It by Liz Curtis Higgs. The study is open to all women, and childcare is available. Rector’s Lectionary Study, Dean Richardson Room, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Facilitated by The Rev. Ned Bowersox and The Rev. Carol Morehead We will study the readings and collect for the upcoming Sunday and explore the common themes found in the readings. Come have dinner at Café Kairos and then join in the conversation about how God is being revealed through the weekly rhythm of the Revised Common Lectionary.
Book Study: Pictures of Jesus, Dean Richardson Room, 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. Facilitated by The Rev. John Lewis Jesus is a popular topic for writers the world over. Together, this class will explore three recent books about Jesus: Zealot by Reza Aslan; The Case for Christ by Rowan Williams; and Killing Jesus: A History by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard. The class will meet for two week for each book, with a break in between. The class will meeting during Epiphany and Lent. Look for specific dates soon.
Save the Date: May 10, 2014 Spring Quiet Day, facilitated by The Rev. Mary Earle
M N usic
Concert Series Twenty‐second Season All events (except April 18) are at 5:00p.m. Free of charge. Open to the public. Sunday, December 1, 2013 Advent Lessons and Carols sung by the combined choirs of St. Mark’s Sunday, December 22, 2013 Children’s Christmas Pageant and Candlelighting Sunday, January 19, 2014 Epiphany Procession Sunday, February 9, 2014 Susan Olson, mezzo-soprano Sunday, February 23, 2014 Choral Evensong sung by the Treble Choir of St. Mark’s Sunday, March 2, 2014 Marilyn Keiser, organ Sunday, March 23, 2014 The Copperleaf Quintet Friday, April 18, 2014 at 1pm Haydn: Seven Last Words of Christ SA String Quartet Sunday, April 27, 2014 Fiesta Concert Britten Rejoice in the Lamb and Vivaldi Gloria
Parking is FREE at one of two parking lots. Our primary parking lot is EAST of the church across Jefferson St. The secondary WEST Parking lot is located on E. Pecan St. across Navarro St.
Joseph Causby, Director of Music & Organist jcausby@stmarks‐
ST. MARK’S MUSIC MINISTRIES ANNUAL COOKIE WALK Saturday, December 14 at 10:00a.m., Gosnell Hall The Cookie Walk is a wonderful yearly success because of the many beau ful holiday treats lovingly prepared by supporters of the Choir Tour Fund. We would like to reach 900 dozen this year! There will be a drop‐off me on Friday a ernoon, December 13 from 3:00pm‐5:00pm in the church’s kitchen. Here are some guidelines to help you prepare: Please make 10 dozen cookies of one kind or two kinds (10 dozen each). Please put cookies in a marked box, clearly marking the name of the cookie and whether or not they contain nuts. Cookies may be baked ahead of me and frozen. You may bring them to the church to be stored in the church’s freezer. Since this is a holiday event, cookies should be “holiday a rac ve” and your very best! Save the Rice Krispy treats, etc. for another me. Also, smaller cookies tend to fit be er in the boxes. If you have ques ons, please don’t hesitate to contact any member of the St. Mark’s Choir. Thanks so much for your par cipa on. We are very grateful to you. Please call or email Suzy Tacke at 379‐2930 or if you intend to par cipate so we can an cipate the number of tables.
Christmas flowers to adorn the church may be given in memory or in honor of loved ones. A $10 dona on for each memorial or honorarium is requested. Deadline is Wednesday, December 18 at noon. Forms are available at the recep on desk or you may call the church office. 6
Please con nue to pray for the Search Commi ee as they con nue to do their work behind‐the‐scenes.
Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, St. Mark’s, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a Rector for this Parish, that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Parish Profile is available online! h p://www.stmarks‐‐profile
F 8 or
Dinners for 8 Sign up Time — December 1, 8, & 15
Dinners for 8 groups are a great way to get together to share a meal and to meet new people. The emphasis is on fun and developing friendships. All adults are invited to par cipate. The inten on is to create an informal opportunity to get to know other church family members a li le be er. We want everyone to feel that they can par cipate whether or not they like to cook or have a table that seats eight people. These groups will plan a meal and get together over a 3 ‐ 5 month period, rota ng the host and place where the dinner is held, which can be at the home of the different par cipants or at a local restaurant. The details can be worked out within the group with the understanding that dining at a restaurant will be Dutch treat. This is open to both couples and singles. A er signing up, groups of 8 people will be created and one person will be the first host/hostess who will contact the others in the group in order to set the date and place for the first dinner. We will use the mee ng night preferences on the sign up form as a way to match up the group members. It is en rely up to each host how to arrange the dinner. The details of what to bring to the dinner can be worked out with each of the host(s) – generally, the host provides the entrée and the guests bring side dishes/desserts. We suggest that at the end of the dinner, the group decides when and where to meet the next me un l everyone has had the opportunity to host. The sign up period will be the first 3 Sundays in December (1st, 8th, & 15th). If you are interested in par cipa ng, please fill out a form on Sunday morning. For more informa on, contact one of the team members: Susan Beardslee, Pam Chambers, Kate Crone, Cathy Dawson, and Carl Leafstedt 7
Y M outh
Todd Allison, Youth Ministries Director Erin Hughes, Asst. Youth Ministries Director youth@stmarks‐
SPECIAL EVENTS December 2013 – June 2014 Events 2013 9th Annual Christmas to the Street Fri., December 20; Youth Lock‐In Sat., December 21; Barbeque Event 2014 Mid‐Winter at Camp Capers (Sr. High) Friday, January 3 – Sunday, January 5 Mid‐Winter at Camp Capers (Jr. High) Friday, January 10 – Sunday, January 12
Sunday Night LIVE is not just another Sunday service! SNL is an opportunity for 9th‐12th graders, of all faiths and back‐ grounds, from around San Antonio to come together and share and discuss topics impac ng their lives.
SNL meets from 5:00p.m.‐7:00p.m. at the Bishop Jones Center 111 Torcido Dr. | SA, TX 78209
Youth In Ac on Fri., Feb. 21 ‐ Sun., Feb. 23 (St. Mark’s, San Marcos) Pancake Supper & Talent Show Tuesday, March 4 Happening #127 (Sr. High) March 7‐9; St. Peter’s, Kerrville Sr. High Mustang Island Retreat Monday, March 10‐Wednesday, March 12 Youth Retreat Friday, April 4‐Sunday, April 6
Parish Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 19; Bishop Jones Center Summer Outreach Weekend Fund Drive April 27 – June 1
Parent’s Shopping Day
Senior Sunday/Cinco de Mayo Celebra on Sunday, May 4
The Nursery Ministry will host a Parent’s Shopping day on
6th Annual Summer Outreach Weekend Friday, June 6 ‐ Sunday, June 8
Saturday, December 14, 2013 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Interested? Call the church and speak with Janet
December 7 9:00am-12:00pm December 8 8:00am-12:00pm
Gail Jackins, Families & Children’s Ministries Director gjackins@stmarks‐
Join us for the Advent Wreath Festival. Sunday, December 1st 10:10am in Gosnell Hall Fun for everyone!
Bring board games for all ages and a snack to share on December 6 at 5:30pm. This event is for families, teens, and adults. Infant care will be available in the nursery. This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know other families at St. Mark’s! RSVP by contac ng Gail at 226‐2426 or gjackins@stmarks‐
December 1st Clayton Smith, Linda Trevino December 2nd Anne Godwin, Natalie Ma hews, Susan Riordan, Susan Waltrip December 3rd Parker Cassidy December 4th Jim Cummings, Joan Pe y, Lucy Wilson December 5th Mary Margaret Johnson, Stephen Perez, Alan Radke December 6th Tom Dukes, John Reesman, Duncan Tobar December 7th Jonathan David Check, Be ye Dawson, Robert Heller, Marguerite Morgan, Harris Stephens December 8th Ben Bockerste e, Don Clausewitz, Peter Stanton, Jenni Stupka, Olivia Stupka, Lisa Uhl December 9th Ned Bowersox December 10th Jason Cruz, Mary McClung, Chica Younger December 11th Bill Cothren, Carolyn Lane, Bryan Schiller, Arthur Uhl December 12th Carol Ann Baker, Paula Bu , Joyce Carothers, Ka e McDonough, Eleanor Phelps, Tony Smith, Natalia Weatherbie
December 13th Linda Lang, Jenny Therkelsen December 14th Aubrey Breazeale, Macky Lopez, Elsie Steg December 15th Elizabeth Raney, Pam Slocum December 16th Paul Baiza‐Vigil, Rich Butler, David Estes, Phyllis Hall, Dwayne Ham December 17th Raymond Baird, Mica Clark‐Peterek, Carlos Ibarra, Patsy Jordt, Carolyn Oatman, Adrianne Vaughn December 18th Walker Bryant, Darin Digby, Lewis Fisher, Paul Parker, Gloria Williams December 19th Rosalind Alderman, James Gonzalez, Keith Hughey December 20th Tracey Krause, Claudia Thornton December 21st Brooks Englehardt December 22nd Allyson Cavender, Marielle Holdsworth, Dan Morehead, Lane Tatum December 23rd Alice Cave, Richard Gray, Polly B. Triche, Phillip A. Yochem December 24th Chris Amberson, Phyllis Beinhorn, Bunny Ma hews, Mary Sue Miranda, Jane Satel 10
December 25th Anne e Eicke, Sarah Lee Gilliland, Carol Muir December 26th Randy Gladden December 27th Stuart Cavender, Blake Dobbins, Tony Rogers December 28th Don Douglass, Olivia Giese, Ma Kitchen, Stuart Smith, Leah Thomas, Leslie Todd December 29th Madeleine Bousquet, Jenny Clements, Josie Davidson, Joyce Dean, Catherine Diel, Sable Kitchen, Linda Striekert December 30th Donna Bruni, Josie Dorris, Ma hew Gonzalez December 31st Josh Bockerste e
Special birthday wishes! Phyllis Beinhorn, on her 93rd (24‐Dec) Be ye Dawson, on her 91st (7‐Dec) Elsie Steg, on her 91st (14‐Dec) Bryan Schiller, on his 90th (11‐Dec) Polly B. Triche, on her 90th (23‐Dec)
For more informa on about Memorials and the Prayers of the People at St. Mark’s, contact Pat Hutchison Noble, Community of Care Coordinator at 210‐226‐2426 or email her at hutchison@stmarks‐
December Memorials
MEMORIAL FUND Edward Ames by Leighton & Jim Donnell, Ann Tobin ALTAR GUILD Frank Ward by The Altar Guild, Nancy & Mell Jackson, Susan Junker & Dennis R. Buchall Tookie Spoor ST. CECILIA GUILD Ora Lee H. Seale by Carol Lee Klose Frank Ward by Ann Coiner, Susan Wilson SPECIAL GIFTS A special gi to St. Mark’s in thanksgiving for the support given to the South Texas Naval Academy Parents Club by Chris Heinemeyer A special gi to St. Mark’s Flower Fund by Elsie Steg A special gi of the cyclamen in the Travis Plaza in memory of Charlo e & Tom Hogan and Frances & Arthur Bracke , on the occasion of the marriage of their granddaughter, Anna Bracke to Zachary Fregosi by Jane & Ross Bracke
Seniors Eucharist and Tea Party Thursday, December 5 at 2:00p.m.
A endees at last year’s Tea Party. ‐Photos by Patrice Oliver
Last March we invited our parishioners who are unable to come to our Sunday Services to join us in our new sanctuary to see the restoration and then in Gosnell Hall for a tea party and fellowship. It was such a success, we are doing it again! This time they will have a chance to meet The Rev. Ned Bowersox and The Rev. Carol Morehead and enjoy the Eucharist and some of Joe Causby’s wonderful music. Afterwards we will gather for tea in Gosnell Hall.
them. If you would like to be a host or hostess and help us escort our guests into the church and join us for the service and tea or if you are able to pick someone up, please let me know. Everyone who would like to participate is invited to join us, but we do have to give Leah Thomas and the Altar Guild a head count so that we are prepared. Please come and join us, I can promise you a wonderful afternoon of fun and fellowship!
If you are one of our Seniors, let me know if you would like to come or if you need transportation. If you know of a senior who would be interested in coming, please invite them or give me their name; I will get in touch with
Martha Steves 210) 8268062
The Messenger (USPS 514‐020) Published Monthly (3rd Wednesday) ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226‐2426 Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Interim Rector: The Rev. Ned Bowersox Editor: Emmet Faulk Layout & Graphic Design: Emmet Faulk e‐mail ar cles to efaulkjr@stmarks‐
Ar cle deadline is 2nd Wednesday of each month
Christmas Pageant December 22, 5:00 p.m.
Christmas Eve Service Tuesday, December 24, 4:00 p.m. and 10:30 p.m..
Each with musical prelude beforehand
Christmas Day Service Wednesday, December 25, 10:00 a.m. Christmas Lessons and Carols Sunday December 29, one service at 10:00 a.m. {We will also have the 7:45a.m. service}
Christmas Eve Tuesday, December 24, Offices closed at 12noon CHRISTMAS Wednesday, December 25, OFFICES CLOSED Thursday, December 26, OFFICES CLOSED New Year’s Eve Tuesday, December 31, OFFICES CLOSED NEW YEAR’S Wednesday, January 1, OFFICES CLOSED