themessenger Monthly Newsletter of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church JANUARY 2014
IN THIS ISSUE: Consecration Sunday Update Page 2 Renew Debt Explained Page 3 Adult Formation Page 4 Epiphany Shower Pictures Page 5 Music Notes Page 6 Save the Dates Page 7 Youth News Page 8 Children & Family News Page 13 Birthdays Page 14 Memorials & In Compassion Page 15 Parish Retreat Page 16
2014 WINTER GATHERING Sunday, February 9th 10:10a.m. Gosnell Hall, 1st floor Our annual “Winter Gathering” Parish Meeting will provide information on our 2014 Budget and an update on the New Rector Search! Please plan on attending the Winter Gathering, Sunday February 9th at 10:10am. We will address two primary areas. Our Treasurer, Len Briley, will bring us up to date on the church’s financial health. He will give us a brief look at how we finished 2013 as well as presenting our Budget for 2014. He will also report on the most recent results of the Consecration Sunday. Please read the letter found in this issue of The Messenger (page 3) regarding the Renew Campaign. Bill Smith and Dina Aboul Saad will report on the progress of the Search Committee. Please remember that much of this work is confidential in nature so all so your questions may not be able to the answered. The whole committee is to be thanked for all the work that they had done and will continue to do.
ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, Texas 78205 (210) 226-2426 Office hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Emergency Pastoral Care: 210-507-0256
We all know that this is a time of some uncertainty for the parish but I think that we are all growing stronger because of this period. Ned and Carol have been unsurpassed in their abilities to guide us through these times. I tend to think that we are not “changing” but are being “transformed” as a parish. I hope to see you at the winter gathering and I will be more than willing to answer any questions that you may have. Tom McGehee 2014 Senior Warden
The Messenger is published monthly and is available in magazine format online at Parish Clergy The Rev. Ned Bowersox Interim Rector The Rev. Carol Morehead Assistant Rector Assisting Clergy The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Co-Director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson Co-Director, The Work+Shop Making a Gift of Their Service The Rev. C. Douglas Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Mary Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Linda Ricketts Assisting Priest The Rev. Cliff Waller Assisting Priest Staff Todd Allison Youth Director Priscilla Briones Accounting Manager Janet Carrizales Nursery Director Benjamin Carlisle Assistant for Music & Liturgy Joseph Causby Director of Music & Organist Elaine Enloe Clergy Executive Administrator Database Manager Sandy Falkenberg Cherub Choir Director Emmet Faulk Parish Business Administrator Erin Hughes Youth Ministries Assistant Director Gail Jackins Families & Children’s Ministries Director Mary Hayden Manning Children’s and Youth Ministries Asst. Jesse Mendoza Kitchen Manager/Chef Ruby Merrill Facilities Supervisor & Receptionist Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Dr. Edwin A. Rieke Dir. of Music & Organist Emeritus Callie Sanchez Families & Children’s Ministries Intern Leah Thomas Special Events Coordinator
St. Mark’s Episcopal 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205
Update on Giving
Emmet Faulk, Parish Business Administrator
As of Wednesday, January 22, 2014 with 87 days since Consecration Sunday (October 27th), below is an update on giving. As of: 1/22/14
2014 Pledge
TOTALS $1,510,992 # Pledges
Median Pledge
ONLINE PLEDGING IS NOW AVAILABLE! If you have not already pledged, please visit our website at
Priscilla Briones, Accounting Manager
Non Pledged Giving
Open Plate Giving
TOTAL REVENUE (incl. other revenue)
From the Treasurer
Len Briley, Parish Treasurer
Background on RENEW Debt In anticipation of our parish meeting on February 9, 2014, where I will present our 2014 budget, I wanted to provide some background on the church’s debt associated with the Renew campaign. That debt is presently at $1.653 million. As an offset, there are outstanding Renew pledges totaling $344,000, which we expect and hope will be paid in full by the end of 2014. Below you will find an explanation of how the debt accrued. In sum, it is the result of both a shortfall in the amount of anticipated funds – i.e., unpaid pledges – and additional unanticipated costs more fully described below. Background In early 2012, before construction began on the sanctuary, the chairs of the Renew campaign, Jeff Rochelle and Todd Piland, informed me they anticipated total project costs of $2,507,811. This was based on Guido’s bid in the amount of $2,199,000, plus organ work (handled under separate contract) in the amount of $278,211, as well as some additional items (such as refinishing of wood floors, stain glass work, asbestos/lead paint removal). As of that time, the available source of funds was $1,711,789, meaning that there was an anticipated a shortfall of $796,022. Jeff, Todd and I attended a Vestry meeting in March 2012 and informed them of the projected shortfall. At that meeting, I also informed the Vestry that we could attempt to tap some monies available in non-restricted funds, potentially reducing the projected shortfall by $436,000 to $360,022. The Vestry voted to approve moving forward with construction. As it turned it, of the $436,000 in potential funds, we were only able to tap $381,106 from available funds. In addition, the construction costs turned out to be a little more than we originally anticipated at $2,251,200 – an increase of $52,200. So, at the outset, we were looking at a projected shortfall of $466,916, calculated as follows: $360,022 [original anticipated debt] + $436,000 - $381,106 = $54,894 [difference in unrestricted funds liquidated] + $52,200 [increase in construction amount] = $466,916. Additional Unanticipated Costs Aside from this, since construction began, the following additional items have contributed to the debt: a. We had $372,465.75 in change orders, including $306,586 in additional roof work on the sanctuary that we did not anticipate. b. Included within the $1,711,789 source of funds, noted above, are $286,000 in Rejoice pledges that were reconfirmed for Renew but have not yet been paid. c. We made $64,954 in interest payments on the line of credit bridge loan, which was not included in the costs for Renew. d. At the end of 2011, we cleared out the Rejoice account, which had a balance of $137,603.91. e. There was $15,934.09 in additional miscellaneous expenses associated with Renew that we did not anticipate. For example, there were costs associated with mailings, with moving the organ, with repairs to lighting, with an asbestos survey, and so forth. The entire debt is currently with Frost Bank in an interest-only line of credit. At their January meeting, the Vestry voted to approve converting $1 million in the line of credit to a term note with a 20-year amortization, and we anticipate executing a note by mid-February. (By keeping the debt under the term note at $1 million, the church can pre-pay without penalties.) As reflected in the 2014 budget also approved by the Vestry, the debt service on both the term note and the remainder in the line of credit will be approximately $97,000 a year. 3
A F dult
Early Spring 2014 Classes Sunday Mornings & Mid-Week January 12 - March 16
Our spring offerings continue with several opportunities to grow and be formed in Christ. We invite you to prayerfully consider where God is leading you to grow and to consider how one or more of these courses may enrich your path of discipleship. This slate of offerings will lead through Epiphany and into the start of Lent. A new series of classes will begin in Lent and will carry through Eastertide. Weekly classes will continue through the semester. Please see the calendar on our website for further details.
Sunday Mornings, 10:10 a.m. January 12 – March 16
Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the 12 Steps, Gish Hall Facilitated by The Rev. Ned Bowersox , Dr. Bill Yates and Sylvia Maddox Using Richard Rohr’s book Breathing Under Water as a framework, this class will explore our life together and how the spiritual path of recovery informs and invites us to delve deeply into what it means to give up ourselves to God.
Creativity: The Arts as Theophany & Epiphany,
February 16: February 23: March 2: March 9: March 16:
Poetry Poetry Prose Prose We are all called to be co-creators with God
being revealed through the weekly rhythm of the Revised Common Lectionary. Thursdays, January – May Time Out Bible Study, Youth Suite, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Tuesdays, March and April Women’s Book Study, Dean Richardson Room, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Facilitated by Betty Anne Cody This group, which meets each semester, will meet during Lent to study Ron Rolheiser’s book Prayer: Our Deepest Longing together as they explore Lent in community. The class will meet the four Tuesdays in March and the first Tuesday in April.
Bethlehem Chapel Facilitated by Joseph Causby, Brenda Kingery, Andrew Morrison, The Rev. Mary Earle, and The Rev. Carol Morehead
Wednesdays, January through May
God, the Great Creator, often speaks and is revealed through the arts. Together, we will explore how God works through music, visual arts, poetry, and prose. Facilitators and visiting artists will share their work and discuss the creative process and how God shows up in the mix. There will also be several ‘field trips’ offered for class participants to explore these epiphanies in the broader San Antonio context. January 12: Music January 19: Music January 26: Visual Arts February 2: Visual Arts
This group choses a book to study and discuss each week. The book next up is The Girl’s Still Got It by Liz Curtis Higgs. The study is open to all women, and childcare is available.
Women’s Book Study, Room 102, 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by Maurleen Cobb
Rector’s Lectionary Study, Dean Richardson Room, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Facilitated by The Rev. Ned Bowersox and The Rev. Carol Morehead We will study the readings and collect for the upcoming Sunday and explore the common themes found in the readings. Come have dinner at Café Kairos and then join in the conversation about how God is
We will continue with our study of Philippians this spring. Join the group as we look in depth at Paul’s important letter to the Philippians in which he outlines the centrality of Jesus’ incarnation, death, and resurrection as a pattern for living in Christ. Book Study: Pictures of Jesus, Dean Richardson Room, 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. Facilitated by The Rev. John Lewis Jesus is a popular topic for writers the world over. Together, this class will explore three recent books about Jesus: Zealot by Reza Aslan; Killing Jesus: A History by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard’ and Why Priests? by Gary Wills. The class will meet for two week for each book, with a break in between. The class will meeting from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. during Epiphany and Lent: January 30 & Feb. 6; Feb. 27 & March 6; March 27 & April 3. Save the Date: May 10, 2014 Spring Quiet Day, facilitated by The Rev. Mary Earle
phiphany 2014
The new Epiphany altar hanging was dedicated on Sunday, January 5, 2014.
3rd Annual
Epiphany Baby Shower The St. Mark’s Chapter of the Daughters of the King sponsored an Epiphany Baby Shower on Sunday, January 5, 2014. Instead of bringing gifts for the baby Jesus, gifts were brought to help the children in need in the San Antonio community. In addition to clothing and diapers, a lovingly-made quilt was presented by Barbara Smith Townsend.
M N usic
Joseph Causby, Director of Music & Organist
Scenes from the Epiphany Processional On Sunday, January 19th at 5:00pm, the St. Mark’s Choir led an Epiphany processional. Here are some pictures of the event.
Concert Series Twenty-second Season All events (except April 18) are at 5:00p.m. Free of charge. Open to the public.
Sunday, January 19, 2014 Epiphany Procession Sunday, February 9, 2014 Susan Olson, mezzo-soprano Sunday, February 23, 2014 Choral Evensong sung by the St. Mark’s Choir At Parker Chapel, Trinity University Sunday, March 2, 2014 Marilyn Keiser, organ Sunday, March 23, 2014 The Copperleaf Quintet Sunday, April 13, 2014 Sunday Evensong sung by the St. Mark’s Treble Choir Friday, April 18, 2014 at 1pm Haydn: Seven Last Words of Christ SA String Quartet Sunday, April 27, 2014 Fiesta Concert Britten Rejoice in the Lamb and Vivaldi Gloria
Parking is FREE at one of two parking lots. Our primary parking lot is EAST of the church across Jefferson St. The secondary WEST Parking lot is located on E. Pecan St. across Navarro St.
Winter Trivia Quiz Do you have any idea what the following information represents?
Council 2014
A. 1700
Episcopal Diocese of West Texas
B. 150-160
C. 250-300
D. You
If your answers had anything to do with Lenten Luncheons, you are on the right track! That's right! Lenten Luncheons, only eight weeks away! Please mark your calendars, and begin thinking about how you might like to volunteer. This year's Lenten Luncheons schedule is as follows:
San Marcos, TX February 20-22, 2014 If you are interested in attending as an observer, join the St. Mark’s delegation to be a part of our greater Diocesan community.
March 20, 21 March 27, 28 April 3,4 April 10, 11 Curious about the answers? A. Number of biscuits served each day B. Number of short cakes served each week C. Pieces of fish served each Friday D. YOU are needed to be part of our fabulous volunteer staff. Bakers, butterers and bearers of biscuits, front of house, back of house, line-servers, greeters, seaters, beverage servers, salad tossers, desert platers, to-go orders takers, table setters and re-setters, plate scrapers and more, are needed each day!
Get your act together for the
Shrove Tuesday Dinner & Show Tuesday, March 4, 2014
There are so many ways you can participate, make new friends, and support outreach ministries. Questions? Please call Susan Waltrip at (210) 479-1913, or email at
This year we will combine the dinner WITH the show in Gosnell Hall. Start getting your act together. Details to follow. Watch for information in the Sunday announcements and our website!
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
A New Connections class designed for those who are new to St. Mark’s and for those who are still considering whether to become part of the community, will be offered.
Dinner in Gosnell Hall 6:00p.m. Then we will meet in Dean Richardson Room for an opportunity for us to get to know each other and answer questions in an informal setting with clergy and staff from St. Mark’s. To sign up for New Connections @ St. Mark’s, please contact Emmet Faulk at (210) 226-2426 or by e-mail at
Sign up today! 7
9th Annual
Christmas to the Street BBQ
Todd Allison, Youth Ministries Director Erin Hughes, Asst. Youth Ministries Director
It is official... the 9th, yes 9th Annual Christmas to the Street BBQ is in the books! What a tradition it has become for the entire St. Marks family. From the humble start with a couple of cooks and a single pit the event continues to grow and 2013 was no exception. Continuing with tradition, Friday afternoon the parking lot was coned off as the barbeque pits arrived. Under the guidance of Joel Martin the 4 trailer sized pits, generously provided by friends and family of the event, were carefully positioned to maximize the wind and distance from the pile of wood that would be used throughout the evening and morning hours. With the threat of rain, tents were set up as well, and the ‘No Ties Allowed’ men’s group had a nice looking site to spend the muggy night. But things were just getting started. At 8pm, our youth group and ‘212 Ministry’ began arriving, and were put straight to work. And work they did, until all of their work was completed. It started with cookies. Cookies and blankets. While the ‘212 Ministry’ counted, folded, and organized our donated blankets, thousands of cookies passed through the gloved-hands of the youth as they were packed into bags for our guests. There were all different kinds of cookies, and they were hard to resist, but more of them made it into bags then into the mouths of our over 40 youth volunteers. After the cookies were all packed and counted, 1500 in all to serve the three meals, it was time for the smelliest job; pickles and onions. The ‘212 Ministry’ went up to room 212 for some fellowship and fun, as it was already getting a bit late. Youth donned new gloves and broke open the barrels of pickles and boxes of onions to pack them into individual bags. The aroma filled Gosnell hall and clung to everything. Organizing themselves like a well-oiled machine, youth picked up garbage, broke down boxes, counted and packed pickles and onions, and made quick work of it. It is such a wonderful thing to have so many youth come back each year. Their experience really showed, and shone this year! The last step in the packing process is packing the goodie bags that our guests. Each of these bags were filled with a water bottle, a granola bar, crackers, a fruit cup, and a rice crispy treat. An assembly line quickly formed to move items for 1500 goodie bags from the kitchen into Gosnell, and then from their original packaging, into goodie bags. Our youth persevered and completed the task with little complaint, but many tired eyes, hands and feet. Service. They were reminded of the amazing service that they were doing. Jesus was using their hands, their feet, their eyes to help ready this event; an event that our neighbors in the community have grown to look forward to as a favorite part of the holiday season, when they don’t always have a whole lot to celebrate. CHRISTMAS continued on page 10 8
Scenes from the 2013 Christmas to the Street Barbeque
CHRISTMAS continued from page 8
After thanking them for their hard work, it was time for some fun! After all, this is still a youth lock-in. One thing youth work, and the youth, will always provide is a learning experience for the leaders. This time it was to watch what you promise... because they will hold you to it. Maddy Stokes and Mattie Goodwin were promised years ago, when they were in middle school, that one day they would be allowed to lead the youth group in a game of “Santa’s Pants.” As this is their senior year, and after years of creative delays, Todd stayed true to his word and it was on. You’ll have to ask them for an explanation of the game, because we are still trying to determine the scoring, but it was definitely a hit. Youth participated in three large groups, and in the end, the winner had a lot of red pants! After working so hard, the youth needed to refuel before heading to settling in for bed. With the delivered pizzas quickly devoured and thankful to have full bellies, the youth gathered in the youth suite for to close the day in prayer and reflect on the day ahead. Tired and excited for Saturday the youth retreated to ready themselves for bed and quickly falling asleep. But work wasn’t done for the night. While the youth fell asleep the ‘No Ties Allowed’ crew, slightly smaller than when it started a few hours earlier, were stoking the fires and keeping a close eye on the 65 briskets that had been carefully prepared and smoking under the direction of Pit Boss Gene Alderman and Joel Martin. Before long, the sun was rising, and everyone was up and ready to get the day started. Clouds were rolling in, and worries of rain were on the minds of everyone volunteering. With a hardy breakfast quickly swallowed up by the rested youth the attention turned to making Gosnell Hall a welcome sight for our already gathering lunch guests. As 9am rolled around activity was in full swing. The final prep work was done setting up and decorating the tables in Gosnell Hall and setting up the serving lines. Out first shift of kitchen crew volunteers arrived and went to work ‘behind the scenes’ chopping brisket, slicing sausage, and helping Ruby as she needed. These shifts of volunteers are a special part of the ministry and we are very appreciative of all of their efforts and support. The rain came down hard about 10am and with so many hands helping a decision was made to open up and get our friends out of the cold rain. It was a welcome sight as Rev. Carol Morehead opened the side door into Gosnell Hall and the group huddled under cover across the street quickly joined us inside. All who entered Gosnell Hall were welcomed by youth, served by youth, and ministered to by youth. The kids ran the show in the dining room. They cleaned up plates, got hot coffee for those who requested it, sat and enjoyed a meal and conversation with many of our visitors. What a sight to see. As our guest finished they were happy to accept their goodie bags and one of the many blankets that had been donated from the St. Mark’s parish. The morning rain cleared and as the sun broke the clouds and the first 500 meals of the day came to a successful end. But the day was just getting started. As the youth worked to return Gosnell Hall back to how it looked before the meal our kitchen crews were still
hard at work readying the food to be transported to Haven for Hope in partnership with the San Antonio Food Bank and St. Vincent de Paul Society. Just as the last of the tired youth and morning volunteers left the next group of wonderful volunteers arrived under the coordination of Pat Bridwell and Pat Donegan. With the assistance of the Food Bank, and a couple pickups, the food was loaded up in coolers along with boxes of goodie bags and blankets and the groups headed for Haven for Hope. What might seem like a simple evening meal actually requires a great deal of prep, planning, and coordination. Upon arrival, volunteers quickly offloaded the 1200 meals, divided them between the two serving partners and proceeded to our respective kitchens to work with the staffs and volunteers in each to prep the meal for service. Decorations from Gosnell have been transported to brighten up the dining halls and the groups set up and prepared to serve close to 500 guests in Prospects Courtyard and 400-500 guests at the main dining hall. With almost an expectation our volunteers were happy to provide second, as was the case with the last years meal! For the Food Bank, the remaining food would be used for lunch the next day in the form of delicious sausage and brisket sandwiches, giving the hardworking chefs a bit of a break, too. As evening fell, and the last of the brisket served, the last of our volunteers set out for Haven for Hope, we returned to our comfortable homes. We closed the books on the 9th Annual Christmas to the Street already looking ahead to our 10th year but also with a mindful appreciation of all that we have been blessed with. Not just the warm beds we slept in that night or the families and friends we would share the holidays with but for the opportunity to experience Christ through service. What started as a simple idea and a few meals on a cold December Saturday has grown by the power of the Holy Spirit as the community of St. Mark’s comes together as one to share our calling as Christians and to love our neighbors. To all those who continue to support this event year after year, in both your time and financial support, thank you. And a special thank you to the following for their help with the 2013 Christmas to the Street; The St. Mark’s Youth & 212 Ministry, Ruby Merrill, Pat Bridwell, Pat Donegan, Gene, Joel, Craig, Derrick, and the ‘No Ties Allowed’ crew, Richard Hammond, Kyle Kuenemann, Nolan Sagebiel, Lindsay VanBeek, and all of the many hands that volunteered. THANK YOU!
Todd and Erin Be sure to join us next year for the 10th annual Christmas to the Street BBQ; Saturday, December 20, 2014!
M Y N ore
Youth In Action Feb. 21 through Feb. 23
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church – San Marcos Youth In Action enters its sixth year of service! Like Diocesan Council, this event has become a time of reunion, renewal, and the business of the youth. And that business is, mission work! All students in 7th through 12th grades are invited to attend. Cost is $35 per person and registration is done online. All participants must register and space is limited so don’t delay. For more information contact Todd or Erin or register online. Please Note: Churches must provide transportation and chaperones for the event and our space is limited. Please forward confirmation of your registration to Todd and Erin so the necessary arrangements can be made. Details on the weekend will be finalized once we have our count.
MARCH 10‐12, 2014
$25 Deposit required to hold spot. SPACE IS LIMITED SO RESERVE YOUR SPOT BY FEBRUARY 13th * Scholarships are available. Please contact Todd or Erin for assistance.
Contact Todd or Erin for more information
HAPPENING 127 March 7-9, 2014
St. Peter’s, Kerville
Happenings are spiritual renewal weekends for high school students in grades 10 through 12. The diocese sponsors three weekends each year in various locations. For more information about the upcoming Happening weekend contact Todd Allison, Erin Hughes or visit
h p://‐events/happening/
SAVE THE DATE Feb. 9 Feb. 21‐13 March 4 March 5 March 7‐9 March 10‐12 April 4‐6 April‐May April 13 April 13 April 14 April 17 April 18 April 19 April 19 April 20 April 30 May 4 June 6‐8
Our youth programs could not happen without our wonderful volunteers! We are always looking for parents, grandparents, college students and young adults who would like to help in supporting the Youth of St. Mark’s by mentoring one of our Youth Confirmation students, working behind the scenes at an event or lock-in, volunteering to bring snacks or food, or driving to events. To get involved please contact Todd Allison or Erin Hughes. (210) 226-2426 or 12
Sr. High, Sunday Night LIVE Youth In Ac on Pancake Supper & Talent Show Ash Wednesday Service Sr. High; Happening #127 Sr. High Spring Break Retreat Youth Retreat at TBarM SOW Project Fund Drive Palm Sunday Sr. High; Sunday Night LIVE Youth Seder Supper Maundy Thursday Service Good Friday/Way of the Cross Parish Easter Egg Hunt Easter Vigil Service Easter Sunday Youth Night Out Senior Sunday/Cinco de Mayo Summer Outreach Weekend
Youth Ministry Staff Todd Allison, Director Erin Hughes, Asst. Director
hildren &
Family Picnic
212 Ministry is on a hunt
Children and Family Ministries of St Mark’s Parish invites you to a Family Picnic at Brackenridge Park – Joske Pavillion on Feb 8 from10:30 am to 1:00 pm. “No Ties Allowed” will bring grills. The church will provide; hotdogs, burgers, buns, cheese, catsup, mustard, paper plates, napkins, and utensils.
The Easter Bunny has issued a parish-wide call for individually wrapped candy and plastic eggs. This very busy rabbit is working with the 212 Ministry again this year in preparation for the annual Easter Egg Hunt. Approximately 400 eggs must be filled so they will be available for the Bunny to hide at the Jones Center on Saturday, April 19. That takes a few weeks of work!
Here are suggestions of things to bring according to your last name: A to F – salads or toppings for burgers G to J – chips or pretzels K to Q – cookies or brownies R to Z – water bottles or juice boxes Everyone is encouraged to bring Nerf toys, sidewalk chalk, non-violent toys, family-friendly toys to share. Please RSVP by Feb 3,, so we’ll have an approximate number to inform Park Police.
Gail Jackins, Families & Children’s Ministries Director
The Bunny is looking for donations of individually wrapped candies (no loose jelly beans or un-wrapped candy) and packages of plastic Easter eggs. Or bring a gift card to Walmart or Target, and Gail will do the shopping for you. You can bring donations to the reception desk or Callie Sanchez or Gail Jackins. 212 Ministry will make sure the eggs are filled and returned to the Bunny in plenty of time for him to hide them at the Bishop Jones Center again this year. Thank you in advance for your contributions!
Come to St. Mark’s on Wednesday evenings!
Nursery Spring Bake Sale Our annual spring bake sale will be held on Sunday, February 9th, 2014.
Wednesday evenings at St Mark’s has a fantastic schedule of choirs, youth groups, classes, and activities, for YOU.
Bake sale will consist of bake goods made by nursery staff and parents. It will be held in the plaza after all the services on Sunday.
From 6:00 to 6:45 there continues to be Family Programming in Gosnell Hall while families are at their tables. In February the Family Programming will involve salt, St Valentine, love, and transfiguration . . . come and find out more!
Come by and purchase your sweetheart a treat, bring a bake item, help at the tables, and monetary donation are accepted. The proceeds from the sale will benefit the nursery fund. 13
February 11th
Suzy Armstrong, Margie Boldrick, Emmet Faulk, Stephen Jones, Paula Kassahn, Piper Krause, Laura Stokes
Charlie De Witt, Jim Satel, John H. Savage
February 23rd
February 2nd James Fallon, Michele Ludwig, Ethan Pollom, Jane Smith, Brett Weatherbie, Richey Wyatt February 3rd Charles Butt, Elizabeth Cauthorn, Helen Douglass, Lincoln Yu February 4th John Beauchamp, Rick Castillo, Andrew Hendley, Anna Lane, Tim Worley February 5th
February 12th Barrett Besing, Jessie Cooper, Julie VanZandt
February 24th
Paul Allen, Michael Clancey, Gail Jackins, Lynn Loring, Michael Jacqueline Grimes, Geoffrey Martin, Marke, Sally Sohn, Dixie Watson Janie Sanchez, Rebekah Shulman, February 25th Chris Villa, Carleigh Wilder Josie Garza, Tom McGehee February 13th
February 14th
February 26th
John L. Douglas, Quendon Jerrells, Alice Lynch, Matthew Morehead, Rebeca Tanner
Evelyn Jacobs, Roxana Newsom
February 16th Light Cummins, Katie Gaebel, Ross Anderson
Matthew Ivy, Tina Kuykendall, Joey February 17th Oliver Dawna Boudreaux, Bobby Cavender, Billy Cavender, Renee February 6th Katherine Beever, Jan Boyd, Aaron McElhaney, Nancy Norman Sherman, Charlton Theus
Brett Roderic Bothe, Jim Hartz, Erin Hicks, Sophie Morgan, Clara Wilder
February 27th Jordan Hanselman, Jacob Slocum February 28th Marijane Gish, Karen Kelley, Jill Oettinger, Leslie Provence
February 18th
Eleanor Claiborne, Peter Haff, Madelyn Hauser, Courtney Lundell, Owen Hurd, Helen Landrum February 19th Dow Patterson, Alex Rogers, Kate Wilson Jim Fietsam, Jan Ligon, Marie February 7th
February 8th Ashley Casas, Germaine Field, Allison Hays Lane, Mariya Houston, Carol McGuire, Barbara Smith-Townsend, Fran TorresLopez February 9th Hillary Eklund, Sarah Fitzsimons, Janine Radke, Mary Carolyn Watson February 10th Harry Knight, Kate Park
McPherson, Lindsey Rochelle, Sallie Rochelle, Betsy Simpson February 20th Robert Menchaca, Elliot Schenk February 21st Mike Bobo, Kay Denton, Patricia Gonzalez, Erin Hughes, Lillie Muecke February 22nd Ann Coleman, Bob Cotton, Thomas De Luna, Tatum Kiselis, Michael Lowry, Vanessa Ortiz, Juan 14
Special birthday wishes! Light Cummins, on his 98th (15-Feb) Helen Landrum, on her 93rd (18-Feb) Betsy Simpson, on her 91st (19-Feb) Madelyn Hauser, on her 90th (7-Feb)
For more information about Memorials and the Prayers of the People at St. Mark’s, contact Pat Hutchison Noble, Community of Care Coordinator at 210-226-2426 or email her at
In Memoriam & In Thanksgiving ALTAR GUILD Rex Martin by Pam & Gary Chambers, Dr. & Mrs. George J. Vassar, Barbara Ward ST. CECILIA GUILD Rex Martin by Ann Coiner Jeanne Marie Zane by Patsy Warncke, Maxine Weynand WILLARD SIMPSON FUND Rex Martin by Jamie Fritsche, Yvonne Gardner, Ann & Ed Keetch, Patrice & Joey Oliver, Amy & David Phipps, Susan Riordan, Dayton & Kendall Schrader, Helen Trenckmann, Maxine Weynand STREET ENDOWMENT FUND Gertrude Negley Gresham by Rupert Gresham, Jr.
Billie Street Jeffers, on her birthday, by Virginia & Gary Koehl RUBY’S KITCHEN HOSPITALITY Herb Collier by Julianne Bass GOOD SAMARITAN CENTER Louise Kendall by Margaret James YOUTH FUND Prissy Leake Atherton by Sean, Margaret, Ella & Curtis Gunn SPECIAL GIFTS A special gift to the Youth Fund in thanksgiving for Ben Haney by Alice K. Haney A special gift to the St. Cecilia Guild in honor of Albert Burnett on his 90th birthday by Martha Steves A special gift to the St. Cecilia Guild in thanksgiving for the wedding of Anna Brackett & Zach Fregosi
In Compassion For all who have died in the hope of the resurrection, and for all the departed, let us pray to the Lord. (from the Prayers of the People Form 1) Ruth Taft Judson -January 9, 2014 Rex Kyler Martin Jr. -December 29, 2013 Stephen R. Matteson -January 7, 2014 Harold G. Scott Jr. -December 9, 2013 Col. Frank England Ward Jr. -November 1, 2013 Muriel "Dee Dee" Oxford Wolf -January 21, 2014
Edward S. Ames -October 3, 2013 Susan Taylor Bauernfeind -December 23, 2013 Joseph Brown -September 3, 2013 Jeffery A. Donnell -December 4, 2013 Ted R. Fehrenbach Jr. -December 1, 2013 Elizabeth Hodnett -September 15, 2013 Chrisopher Witte Howell -October 14, 2013
The Messenger (USPS 514-020)
Published Monthly (3rd Wednesday) ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226-2426 Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Interim Rector: The Rev. Ned Bowersox Editor: Emmet Faulk Layout & Graphic Design: Emmet Faulk e-mail articles to
Article deadline is 2nd Wednesday of each month
P R arish
February 14th—16th, 2014 Mustang Island Retreat Center
Filling up fast. Make your reservations NOW! Register online at:
Learning How To Breath Underwater! St. Mark’s Church will conduct a "Spiritual Retreat" at the Mustang Island Retreat Center on February 14-16, 2014. We will begin with dinner on Friday evening and continue through brunch on Sunday morning. We will use the materials from Richard Rohr's book, Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps. Spiritual transformation embraces four paradoxes ● ● ● ●
We suffer to get well. We surrender to win. We die to live. We give it away to keep it.
If you are interested in growing in faith and health you will want to join us. Details and cost will soon be available. Retreat leaders are Ned Bowersox and Dr. Bill Yates.