themessenger Monthly Newsletter of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church MARCH 2014
ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, Texas 78205 (210) 226-2426 Office hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Emergency Pastoral Care: 210-507-0256
2014 Winter Gathering On Sunday, February 9, 2014, St. Mark’s held our annual Winter Gathering. Parishioners met in Gosnell Hall to hear reports from the Interim Rector, Treasurer, and the New Rector Search Committee Chairs. The Rev. Ned Bowersox addressed the challenge of transitions and cautioned against letting anxiety be the leader of our conduct. St. Mark’s Treasurer, Len Briley then presented his report which included financials from 2013 and the 2014 budget adopted by the vestry. St. Mark’s ended 2013 with an $11,000 shortfall. The 2014 budget, which projects a $120,000 shortfall was presented . He also reiterated details of the construction debt Interim Rector, The Rev. Ned Bowersox presenting at the incurred from the recent 2014 Winter Gathering in Gosnell Hall on February 9, 2014. RENEW campaign of renovation Photo credit, Gail Jackins and restoration of our historic church. Len also stressed the adopted practice of transparency regarding finances at St. Mark’s. One of the most anticipated presentations was that of the New Rector Search Committee chairs, Dina Aboul Saad and Dr. William Smith. After acknowledging the Search Committee members, Dina and Bill were able to report that the committee was at the stage where there are several candidates who are ready for a visit from teams of three representing the search committee. They reviewed the current work that the Search Committee is doing then entertained questions from the audience including addressing the priority of complete discretion in the process to protect the candidate’s privacy. Senior Warden, Tom McGehee then adjourned the meeting.
The Messenger is published monthly and is available in magazine format online at Parish Clergy The Rev. Ned Bowersox Interim Rector The Rev. Carol Morehead Assistant Rector Making a Gift of Their Service The Rev. C. Douglas Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Mary Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Co-Director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson Co-Director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Linda Ricketts Assisting Priest The Rev. Cliff Waller Assisting Priest Staff Todd Allison Youth Director Priscilla Briones Accounting Manager Janet Carrizales Nursery Director Joseph Causby Director of Music & Organist Elaine Enloe Clergy Executive Administrator Database Manager Sandy Falkenberg Cherub Choir Director Emmet Faulk Parish Business Administrator Erin Hughes Youth Ministries Assistant Director Gail Jackins Families & Children’s Ministries Director Marsha Kimura Music Department Administrator Mary Hayden Manning Children’s and Youth Ministries Asst. Jesse Mendoza Kitchen Manager/Chef Ruby Merrill Facilities Supervisor & Receptionist Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Dr. Edwin A. Rieke Dir. of Music & Organist Emeritus Callie Sanchez Families & Children’s Ministries Intern Leah Thomas Special Events Coordinator
St. Mark’s Episcopal 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205
Update on Giving
Emmet Faulk, Parish Business Administrator
As of Wednesday, February 12, 2014 with 108 days since Consecration Sunday (October 27th), below is an update on giving. As of: 2/12/14
2014 Pledge
TOTALS $1,526,332 # Pledges
Median Pledge
THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HAVE PLEDGED SO FAR! If you have not already pledged, please visit our website at
Priscilla Briones, Accounting Manager
Non Pledged Giving
Open Plate Giving
TOTAL REVENUE (incl. other revenue)
2014 Lenten Luncheons Volunteer Form Thursdays and Fridays-March 20 thru April 11 “Eat Out to Reach Out”
Contact Information Name Street Address City ST ZIP Code Phone E-Mail Address
Availability During which hours are you available for volunteer assignments? During Spring Break: I will work ___ I will not work ___ Week #1 Thursday 03/20/14 Friday 03/21/14
Week #3 Thursday 04/03/14 Friday 04/04/14
Week #2 Thursday 03/27/14 Friday 03/28/14
Week #4 Thursday 04/10/14 Friday 04/11/14
Childcare Do you need childcare while you are volunteering? Yes No 1-Name of Child: _______________________________________________ Age of Child: _____________________ 2-Name of Child: _______________________________________________ Age of Child: _____________________
Interests Tell us in which areas you are interested in volunteering Job Preference ____ Food Prep (Wednesdays) ____ Biscuit Baker ____ Serving Line ____ Salad (as main meal) Maker ____ Biscuit Passer/Server ____ Desserts ____ Dining Room A endants ____ Plate Scraper/Cart ____ Serving Line ____ Chicken & Shrimp Salad Maker ____ Bus Tables & Reset ____ Drinks ____ Greeters ____ Wait Persons
Please leave form at the receptionist desk or mail to the church. Thank you! If you have any questions about LL, please contact Susan Waltrip at or call the church at 210-226-2426. St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 E. Pecan St. SA TX 78205 210-226-2426
A F dult
The Rev. Carol Morehead
Lent Madness
Both of our current Sunday morning Christian Formation series continue through March 16th. A new three week Sunday morning class, Rediscovering the Meaning of Lent and Holy Week will begin on March 23.
Grit, determination, perseverance. These are the traits, along with the obvious one -- holiness -- that will be needed to win the 2014 Lent Madness Golden Halo. Based loosely on New Class beginning: Tuesday mornings, March 4 through the NCAA basketball tournament, Lent Madness pits 32 April 1 at 10:30 a.m., Betty Anne Cody and Lillian Morris saints against one another in a single-elimination bracket. It will lead a five week women’s study. The group will is also a wildly popular online devotional designed to help explore two books: Prayer: Our Deepest Longing by Ron people learn about saints. Rollheiser, and One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. Lent Madness began in 2010 as the brainchild of the Rev. For further details and a full listing of all our current Tim Schenck, an Episcopal priest in Massachusetts. In Christian Formation offerings throughout the spring, please seeking a fun, engaging way for people to learn about the visit our website: and women who make up the church’s calendar of ministries/adults. saints, Schenck came up with this unique Lenten devotion. Starting in 2012, Schenck partnered with Forward In addition to our own weekly formation opportunities, Movement executive director the Rev. Scott Gunn, and Lent here are two wonderful resources to explore for your own Madness went viral, reaching over 50,000 people and Lenten devotions. getting mentioned in everything from the Washington Post to USA Today, to Sports Illustrated (seriously).
Following Jesus
Here’s how it works: on the weekdays of Lent information is posted at about two different saints. Each pairing remains open for 24 hours as participants read about and then vote to determine which saint moves on to the next round. Sixteen saints make it to the Round of the Saintly Sixteen; eight advance to the Round of the Elite Eight; four make it to the Faithful Four; two to the Championship; and the winner is awarded the Following Jesus: Invitation to Discipleship begins on February coveted Golden Halo. 24, 2014, and continues for eight weeks through Lent and The first round consists of basic biographical information Holy Week 2014. Each week of the study focuses on a about each of the 32 saints. Things get a bit more interesting different aspect of discipleship modeled upon Christ and his in the subsequent rounds as we offer quotes and quirks, teachings: follower, worshiper, witness, neighbor, forgiver/ explore legends, and even move into the area of saintly healer, prophet, and steward (the topics are derived from kitsch. the book Introducing the Practice of Ministry by Kathleen Cahalan, Professor of Pastoral Theology at St. John’s This year Lent Madness features an intriguing slate of saints University). ancient and modern, Biblical and ecclesiastical. The 2014 heavyweights include Thomas Merton, Catherine of Siena, For six days each week (Monday through Saturday) there J.S. Bach, David of Wales, John Wesley, Harriet Beecher will be a short reading of scripture addressing that aspect of Stowe, and Joseph of Arimathaea. The full bracket is online discipleship, followed by brief commentary on the reading, at the Lent Madness website. reflection questions, and a prayer. Each week’s study will also include a short, recorded interview with a person who This all kicks off on “Ash Thursday,” March 6. To models the aspect of discipleship we are studying that participate, visit, where you can also week. All of the study materials will be posted to pages at print out a bracket for free to see how you fare or “compete” Sign up there to receive against friends and family members. materials automatically in your inbox. What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? It means modeling our lives after His, doing the works He did, praying the prayers He prayed, serving others as He served. In Following Jesus: Invitation to Discipleship, we will explore several aspects of discipleship so that we can learn to model, work, pray and serve as Christ did.
TBarM Camp, New Braunfels, Texas
TBarM - New Braunfels, Texas
$75.00 per person
Registration Deadline: March 19
Jesus interrupted his busy schedule for quiet refreshment. His example reminds us to take me out… to get away… to renew our soul... and have a lot of fun too!!! All St. Mark’s youth, currently in 7th through 12th grade, are encouraged to take an opportunity to leave the distrac ons of our daily lives behind and focus on God’s message on the annual Youth Retreat! Join us for a weekend of group development, swimming, fun, fellowship and reflec on in the Texas Hill Country on the grounds of T Bar M in New Braunfels. Cost for the retreat is capped at $75 per person and includes transporta on, lodging, ac vi es, and meals. Scholarships are available in the event assistance with payment is required. So we can get an accurate count for transporta on and food, payment and forms are due no later than Wednesday, March 20, 2014.
Please contact Todd Allison (tallison@stmarks‐ for informa on REGISTRATION FORMS IN YOUTH SUITE!!!!
March 4 March 5 March 7‐9 March 10‐12 April 4‐6 April‐May April 13 April 13 April 14 April 17 April 18 April 19 April 19 April 20 April 30 May 4 June 6‐8 June 9‐12
Pancake Supper & Talent Show Ash Wednesday Service Sr. High; Happening #127 Sr. High Spring Break Retreat Youth Retreat at TBarM SOW Project Fund Drive Palm Sunday Sr. High; Sunday Night LIVE Youth Seder Supper Maundy Thursday Service Good Friday/Way of the Cross Parish Easter Egg Hunt Easter Vigil Service Easter Sunday Youth Night Out Senior Sunday/Cinco de Mayo Summer Outreach Weekend Christ Church/St. Marks VBS
YOUTH MINISTRY GATHERINGS Sunday Morning Youth Formation Sunday’s 10:10am – 11:10am in the Youth Suite
On Sunday mornings youth will be split up into two groups; current 7th‐ 9th grades and current 10th ‐12th graders. Following some large group discus‐ sion youth will take a deeper look at the weeks readings and Gospel and to gain new insight and understanding into some of the stories of Jesus’ walk on this earth.
Wednesday Night Fellowship & Dinner Wednesday Nights, August 29 –May 2; 5pm – 7pm
$5 Dinner We will focus this fall on service and hot topics for discussion, talking about things like internet safety, bullying, and media tools. We will also take a lot of me to focus on hunger, and ways in which we can help to solve the world’s hunger problem both locally and interna onally. We will have plenty of fun too. Bring a friend and dinner is on us!
Youth Confirmation 2014 Youth Confirma on classes will begin in May for youth currently in 7th grade or older who have not be Confirmed. For more informa on please contact David Ribble ( or Todd Allison.
Our youth programs could not happen without our wonderful volunteers! We are always looking for parents, grandparents, college students and young adults who would like to help in supporting the Youth of St. Mark’s by mentoring one of our Youth Confirmation students, working behind the scenes at an event or lock‐in, volunteering to bring snacks or food, or driving to events. To get involved please contact Todd Allison or Erin Hughes. (210) 226‐2426 or youth@stmarks‐
Youth Ministry Staff Todd Allison, Director Erin Hughes, Asst. Director
hildren &
Games Night
212 Ministry is on a hunt
Go through your closet and bring a fun board game to enjoy with others on Friday, March 28 from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. This event is for children accompanied by adults, teens, and adults. Infant care will be available in the nursery. We need you to RSVP to by March 25 so we’ll know how much pizza to order. Bring board games for all ages and a snack to share. This is a fun family-friendly event! Get to know other families at St Mark’s. Questions? Contact Gail Jackins Please enter through Tucker Courtyard – we’ll be in Gosnell Hall.
The Easter Bunny has issued a parish -wide call for individually wrapped candy and plastic eggs. This very busy rabbit is working with the 212 Ministry again this year in preparation for the annual Easter Egg Hunt. Approximately 400 eggs must be filled so they will be available for the Bunny to hide at the Jones Center on Saturday, April 19. That takes a few weeks of work! The Bunny is looking for donations of individually wrapped candies (no loose jelly beans or un-wrapped candy) and packages of plastic Easter eggs. Or bring a gift card to Walmart or Target, and Gail will do the shopping for you. You can bring donations to the reception desk or Callie Sanchez or Gail Jackins. 212 Ministry will make sure the eggs are filled and returned to the Bunny in plenty of time for him to hide them at the Bishop Jones Center again this year. Thank you in advance for your contributions!
Children and Family Lent Calendar
St Patrick’s Day in mid-March Legend says that St. Patrick used the shamrock to visually illustrate the concept of the Trinity (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) when trying to convert the Irish to Christianity. In Christianity, God is three persons, but it's not the same as three gods. The simple analogy is thought to have helped preChristians understand a fundamental element of the Christian religion. Whether or not this story is true, the shamrock is regarded as the national plant of Ireland and always worn on St. Patrick's Day. On March 17, mention the shamrock and the Trinity to your children as a simple way to start a conversation about God.
Come to the 2nd floor and take a calendar to use at home during Lent. Lent starts on Ash Wednesday, March 5, and continues until Easter Day. The colorful one-page calendar is filled with prayers, thought-starters, activities and numerous suggestions for Bible reading. "Lead Me, Lord Jesus" is the theme of this prayer-filled calendar for children. Many families make special efforts to attend church every Sunday during Lent.
Gail Jackins, Families & Children’s Ministries Director
Calling All VBS leaders! Attention adults and teens: We need your help to make Vacation Bible School 2014 a success! This year, we will take a journey into the wilderness with none other than Moses himself! Volunteer opportunities include the following: leading small groups, assisting with crafts/games/snacks, providing fun decorations, and much more. Being a part of VBS is a fun, meaningful, memorable experience for the kids and volunteers. Additionally, college students and teens can earn service hours for this ministry . . . all while becoming role models (and sometimes heroes) for the children. Our children will ● Discover firsthand what it was like to live in the Israelite camp ● Join one of the 12 Tribes of Israel for games, music, crafts, and manna. ● Have daily interaction with a well-known Bible hero - Moses. ● Learn and sing energetic faithful songs. ● Learn that our faithful God guides and provides. VBS will take place at Christ Episcopal Church (510 Belknap Place 78212) June 9 to 12 from 9:00 am to 12:00 for children ages 4 through incoming 5th graders. Children under 4 may register if there is an adult in the family volunteering at VBS. There is a suggested donation of $25 for registrations before May 15, with a family cap of $50. After May 15 it is $30. Early registration guarantees each child a T-Shirt so don't wait! Registration forms can be found on-line through the link at the Children and Family Ministries Facebook page or by contacting Shea Pollom at or Gail Jackins at
Beautiful Weather at Family Picnic Come to St. Mark’s on Wednesday evenings! Wednesday evenings at St Mark’s has a fantastic schedule of choirs, youth groups, classes, and activities, for YOU.
Children and Family Ministries enjoyed a Family Picnic at Brackenridge Park on Feb 8. Special thanks to “No Ties Allowed” for bringing grills and grilling burgers and dogs! Photo Credit, Gail Jackins
From 6:00pm to 6:45pm there continues to be Family Programming in Gosnell Hall while families are at their tables.
Music from St. Mark’s Concert Series Twenty-second Season
Get your act together for the
Shrove Tuesday Dinner & Show
All events (except April 18) are at 5:00p.m. Free of charge. Open to the public. Sunday, February 23, 2014 Choral Evensong sung by the St. Mark’s Choir At Parker Chapel, Trinity University Sunday, March 2, 2014 Marilyn Keiser, organ Sunday, March 23, 2014 The Copperleaf Quintet
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Sunday, April 13, 2014 Sunday Evensong sung by the St. Mark’s Treble Choir
This year we will combine the dinner WITH the show in Gosnell Hall. Start ge ng your act together! Tickets are $8/ adult, $5/child and $20/family of 4. Premium TablesReserve your special table for 8 for the dinner and show! Minimum recommended dona on of $100 (or more, if you are feeling generous) will get you and your guests table service for the supper and prime loca on for the show! Only 3 tables are available on a first‐come‐first‐served basis, so reserve now by emailing Todd Allison at youth@stmarks‐! All proceeds from the Pancake Supper and Show are in support of the Children, Youth, and Family Ministries of St. Mark's. For more informa on or to showcase your talent, contact Todd Allison at tallison@stmarks‐ or Joe Causby at jcausby@stmarks‐
Friday, April 18, 2014 at 1pm Haydn: Seven Last Words of Christ SA String Quartet Sunday, April 27, 2014 Fiesta Concert Britten Rejoice in the Lamb and Vivaldi Gloria Parking is FREE at one of two parking lots. Our primary parking lot is EAST of the church across Jefferson St. The secondary WEST Parking lot is located on E. Pecan St. across Navarro St.
OM n
“St. Mark’s is committed to bringing all people to a transformative relationship with Christ, through diverse and creative worship, education and ministry.” —St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Vision Statement Our vision statement at St. Mark’s undergirds everything we do. So it’s no surprise that, with more than 50 unique ministries operating in our parish, you can walk through St. Mark’s on just about any day of the week and see ministry in action. In 2008, the Vestry established the Commission on Ministries (“COM”) with a charge to “increase congregational involvement in, and to keep the parish focused on, life-giving ministries that support St. Mark’s vision.” The COM is tasked with supporting current ministries and facilitating the process of establishing new ministries based on initiatives of the community. It is a vehicle for communication, recruitment, and accountability among ministries and the Vestry. COM members spend the year going out “two by two,” visiting with the leaders of existing ministries and having discussions with those who wish to establish new ministries. The COM also strives to help members match their gifts and passions with the ministries best suited to use of those gifts and passions and facilitates presentations of Ministry Minutes during Sunday services. 2014 COM members are the following, along with vestry liaison Nancy Reed, staff liaison Emmet Faulk and The Rev. Carol Morehead, clergy liaison.
Amanda Arnold Pat Bridwell Drew Cauthorn Anne Connor, Vice-Chair Pat Donegan
Bill Smith Martha Steves Damon Van Zandt Chica Younger
Jim Hartz Chuck Harvey Mike Kuykendall Amy Phipps, Chair Robert Pollom
To learn more about ministries at St. Mark’s and the COM, pick up a “Ministries of St. Mark’s” booklet from a literature rack in the parish house, or view it online at , or contact Amy Phipps, Chair, at 210-833-1281 or
Application forms are available in the parish office.
PURPOSE: …”to be used to help provide a college education for worthy young women at St. Mark’s parish.”
ELIGIBILITY: Applicant must be a female member of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, San Antonio, Texas, listed on the roll of the church. Applicant must be a deserving person for whom this scholarship would help realize an opportunity that may not otherwise be available. Applicant shall have demonstrated a compelling desire to further her education, increase her abilities and serve her fellowman. Applicant must have satisfactory scholastic record or a positive job history and maintain a 2.0 grade average. Applicant must be an active participant in the fellowship of St. Mark’s.
HISTORY: Enid Belding was a resident of Summit, New Jersey, but while in San Antonio she attended St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. On her death in 1986, she established a Charitable Remainder Unitrust to be released after the death of her brother. This trust fund has now been distributed to St. Mark’s. As set forth in Miss Belding’s will, onehalf the bequeath to St. Mark’s shall be used to establish a scholarship fund in memory of her parents, Clarence E. Belding and Madeline Louise Belding, and her brother, George Belding. APPLICATIONS: Applications are now being accepted. Deadline is March 31.
Contact Elaine Enloe at
MARCH BIRTHDAYS March 1st Allison Duesing, Sandy Robinson, Ellen Wade, Susan Wilson
Lynn Laurence, Juliette McNeel, Frances Scott, Dell Villa, Marie Wiesman
March 2nd Kay Mijangos, Suzy Mudge
March 13th Lilly Chipman, Elizabeth Moore, Sara Spindle
March 3rd Ginny Halter, Sterling Schrader, Gray Woodson March 4th Sue Bain, John Crider, Connor Morehead, John Saunders March 5th Merritt Clements, Philip LeMessurier, Shea Pollom, David Shulman, Katherine Stephenson March 6th Caden Diel, Mary Hayden Manning, Dorothy Shelton, Tricia Steves March 7th Al Burnett, Russell Sugg March 8th Polly Haff, Marian Yetman March 9th Reese Gonzalez, Buffy Smolens March 10th Charlotte Olivarri, Frank Russell, Anne Schelleng, Briana Torres
March 24th Jennifer Colglazier, Michael Dahm, Charles Goodenough, Dorothy Gunkel, Robert Pollom
March 14th Taylor Allison, Jimmy Cavender, Ben Dorris, Antti Patiala, Paul Pineda
March 25th Jeff Blanchard, Drew Cauthorn, Judy Cavender, Verne Lee Cooper, William Goodenough, Vivian Hartz, Hayden Hughes, Kelton Morgan, Sallie Peacock
March 15th Kathy Gallaway, Charlotte Watson
March 26th Harry Guidry, Jimmy Satel
March 16th Linda Blount, Dorothy Brown, Mardi Dunkley, John Lodek, Kelly Lowry, Robert Rodriguez
March 27th Garda Boswell, George Vassar
March 17th Trey Foster, Frank Wood March 18th Catherine Bousquet, George A. Miller March 19th Margaret Raney, Coates Roberts, Steve Thompson, Lexi Wurth March 21st BettyAnne Cody, Laurin Cothren, Emma Foster, Carolyn Lowery, Susan Olson
March 22nd March 11th Blakely Besing, Adam Claiborne, Carrie Diel, Jim Folts, Americo Soto Kate Crawford, Ed Gilbert, Emily Moore, Deems Smith, Maddy March 12th Stokes, Tara Ward
March 28th Diana Mathews, Seis Steves March 29th Weston Bryant, Paul Dent, Audrey Lozano, Sallie Reblin, Sam Bell Steves March 30th Pam Chambers, Kathy Lawrence, Sydney Somers March 31st Jean Cleek
Special birthday wishes! Sara Spindle, on her 98th (13-Mar) Charlotte Olivarri, on her 95th (10-Mar) Dorothy Shelton, on her 94th (6-Mar) Dorothy Gunkel, on her 94th (24-Mar) Marie Wiesman, on her 93rd (12-Mar) Ginny Halter, on her 91st (3-Mar)
For more information about Memorials and the Prayers of the People at St. Mark’s, contact Pat Hutchison Noble, Community of Care Coordinator at 210-226-2426 or email her at
In Memoriam & In Thanksgiving MEMORIAL FUND Rose Jeanne Bloodsworth by Ellen Dickson, Frank Dickson, Jr., Glen Skaggs Ruth & George Judson by Christine & Robert Hausser, Jack Hebdon, Mr. Mrs. Hans Helland, Greg Judson, Lillian Ann & Ralph Lehr, Mary K. Shows & Jane Shows Atkerson A.R. Lloyd, for his birth & life by Barbara Smith-Townsend Dee Dee Oxford Wolf by Brad & Caryl Chilton, Harvey & Elizabeth Cohen, Mr. & Mrs. Hans Helland, Barbara & Blair LaBatt, Janet Laughlin & Tim Corley, Isabelle & Eric Mayer, Dr. & Mrs. Joe McFarlane, Dr. & Mrs. Claude Nabers, Camilla & Bill Parker, Patrick Swearingen, Jr., Louise Thomas Harold Scott by Caroline & Lynn Laurence Christopher West by Ellen Dickson, Mr. & Mrs. Hans Helland Jeanne Marie Baca Zane by Lee Yelton ALTAR GUILD Susan Bauernfeind by Stephen & Peggy Allison Betty Lou & Bob Grace by Mimi & Rob Kerr Rex Martin by Stephen & Peggy Allison
ST. CECILIA GUILD Edward Ames by Stephen & Peggy Allison Mary Jane Houston by Elsie Steg Rex Martin by Ann Coiner, Clytie Phelps Carrie Tarr by Ann Coine, Emily & Trey Foster Jeanne Marie Baca Zane by Ann Coiner, Maryjane Gish RENEW CAMPAIGN Ruth Judson by Bebe & Cliff Waller Dee Dee Oxford Wolf by Clidd & Bebe Waller WILLARD SIMPSON FUND Rex Martin by Corbo Electric Co., Gene & Peggy Hyde, Terry & Carmen Kelley, Richard & Danya Kieval, Caroline & Lynn Laurence, Janice Mobley, Elsie Steg, Lee Yelton YOUTH FUND Ruth Judson by Stephen & Peggy Allison Dee Dee Oxford by Stephen & Peggy Allison TUCKER COURTYARD Christopher West by Anne & Robert Tucker Jeanne Baca Zane by Anne G. Tucker
In Compassion For all who have died in the hope of the resurrection, and for all the departed, let us pray to the Lord. (from the Prayers of the People Form 1) Harold G. Scott Jr., December 9 Walter Parks Goodwin III, December 22 Rex Kyler Martin Jr., December 29 Stephen Robert Matteson, January 7
Ruth Beakley Judson, January 9 Muriel “Dee Dee” Oxford Wolf, January 21 Robert Foard Townsend III, February 9
The Messenger (USPS 514-020)
Published Monthly (3rd Wednesday) ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226-2426 Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Interim Rector: The Rev. Ned Bowersox Editor: Emmet Faulk Layout & Graphic Design: Emmet Faulk e-mail articles to
Article deadline is 2nd Wednesday of each month
Ash Wednesday 2014 at St. Mark’s
Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2014 7:00am - Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes (Church) 9:30am - Imposition of Ashes with Parents Day Out (Bethlehem Chapel) 12:00pm - Imposition of Ashes (Church) 7:00pm - Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes (Church)