The Messenger - June 2014

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themessenger Monthly Newsle er of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church JUNE 2014





Tom McGehee

New Rector Called

n behalf of the Vestry of St. Mark's, we are pleased to introduce our new rector, The Rev. Beth Knowlton, Canon for Liturgy and Prayer at The Cathedral of St. Philip, Atlanta, Georgia where she has served for the past eight years.

deep spirituality, and personal warmth. We cannot wait for Beth, Ron, and their children to arrive!

I would like to acknowledge the prayerful discernment and months of hard work of the Search Committee, cochaired by Dina Aboul Saad and Dr. Bill Smith. Before the announcement, if you Beth has a strong background in parish talked with any members of the Vestry and diocesan leadership and parish or Search Committee, you probably administration. She has served in two gleaned little or no information but felt a large parishes and developed her The Rev. Beth Knowlton great sense of excitement. We believe administrative skills during her 10 years that Beth is uniquely qualified to lead as a Program and Budget Analyst for the this congregation into the next phase of our growth Centers for Disease Control. Beth prefers to work as a Christ-centered community. collaboratively and has a reputation for empowering and supporting staff and lay Beth’s first scheduled Sunday with us is August 10, leadership. Beth is a trained musician who looks 2014. forward to supporting St. Mark's music program. Beth is looking forward to working in a community the size of St. Mark's and to developing personal relationships with parishioners in all stages of life. Beth prioritizes Christian Formation, and she is passionate about providing vibrant, relevant programs for people at all ages and stages of life. We find Beth to be a person of high intelligence, ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH

315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, Texas 78205 (210) 226‐2426 www.stmarks‐ stmarks@stmarks‐ Office hours: Monday ‐ Friday 9:00a.m.‐5:00p.m. Emergency Pastoral Care: 210‐507‐0251

In His love,

Get Updates on Our New Rector

 stmarks‐‐rector‐called

IN THIS ISSUE: Le er from New Rector .................................................................................. page 2 Summer Adult Forma on Schedule ............................................................... page 3 Boy & Girl Choir Musical ................................................................................. page 4 Altar Guild Officers Announced ...................................................................... page 5 Youth News ..................................................................................................... page 7 Family & Children’s Ministry News ................................................................. page 8 June Birthdays / Memorials / In Compassion .................................... pages 10 & 11

The Messenger is published monthly and is available in magazine format online at www.stmarks‐

FROM THE REV. BETH KNOWLTON To the People of St. Mark’s San Antonio

Parish Clergy The Rev. Ned Bowersox Interim Rector The Rev. Carol Morehead Assistant Rector Making a Gi of Their Service The Rev. C. Douglas Earle Assis ng Priest The Rev. Mary Earle Assis ng Priest The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Co‐Director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Dr. Jane Pa erson Co‐Director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Linda Ricke s Assis ng Priest The Rev. Cliff Waller Assis ng Priest Staff Todd Allison Youth Director Priscilla Briones Finance Manager Janet Carrizales Nursery Director Joseph Causby Director of Music & Organist Elaine Enloe Clergy Execu ve Administrator Database Manager Emmet Faulk Parish Business Administrator Erin Hughes Youth Ministries Assistant Director Gail Jackins Families & Children’s Ministries Director Marsha Kimura Music Department Administrator Mary Hayden Manning Children’s and Youth Ministries Asst. Jesse Mendoza Kitchen Manager/Chef Ruby Merrill Facili es Supervisor & Recep onist Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Dr. Edwin A. Rieke Dir. of Music & Organist Emeritus Callie Sanchez Families & Children’s Ministries Intern Leah Thomas Special Events Coordinator

St. Mark’s Episcopal 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205 www.stmarks‐

As Paul says so beautifully in his letter to the Ephesians, “Glory to God whose power, working in us, can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine: Glory to him from generation to generation in the Church, and in Christ Jesus for ever and ever (3:20,21).” It is my honor and privilege to greet the people of St. Mark’s in the name of our Risen Lord! It is with a full heart that I accepted the call to come and be your rector. It was a Spirit -filled process. The Search Committee is to be commended for their wonderful care as they discerned who was being called to come to St. Mark’s. Over and over again in my encounters, I sensed the deep faith and commitment of the parish. I heard in the questions I was asked a deep love of community and a care to make sure I valued the same things. The parish’s commitment to outreach, spiritual formation and education, music, and pastoral care of all members of the community, to name just a few, were inspirational and grounded in a deep love of Jesus Christ. I was deeply touched, and continue to be moved by the care that has also been given to my family. This was a big decision for all of us, and we felt that St. Mark’s was truly special and worth making some significant changes in our lives to be a part of this next season of our common ministry. We have been overwhelmed by the welcome we are experiencing from the staff, the Vestry, and others in the parish. My last Sunday at the Cathedral of St. Philip will be July 6th and we will be in San Antonio by early August. We covet your continued prayers for our transition and leave-taking. May 29th is when we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension. The time following actually marks a special time in the season of Easter. We are waiting, but unlike Holy Saturday when we are faced with a tomb, now we wait in joy for the fullness of the Spirit to descend and guide our steps into the new life we claim as Christians. This seems an appropriate metaphor for the next weeks. We are entering into a new season of our common life, but the reality of that is yet to be manifest. It is all a season of joy and expectation and we look forward to arriving. St. Mark’s has already become an important part of my daily prayers. I look forward to meeting each one of you and working with one another to serve God and the people of San Antonio. Meanwhile I continue to be grateful for the faithful work of the community during this time of transition. God is being richly served each and every day. I know you have been blessed by the ministry of your interim rector, The Rev. Ned Bowersox. I give thanks for his presence and hope you take the time to celebrate with him before his departure. I give special thanks for The Rev. Carol Morehead and her dedication as priest among us as well as our faithful clergy who make a gift of their time and service with us. The faithfulness of the entire staff is already evident to me in my early communications, so I know how very richly I am blessed to be called to St. Mark’s! In Christ,



Priscilla Briones, Finance Manager pbriones@stmarks‐

APRIL FINANCIAL REPORT Pledge Revenue $115,357 Non Pledge Giving $38,718 Open Plate $2,191 .......................................................................................... Total Revenue $237,186 Total Expenses $194,035 .................................................................... ..................... April Revenue Over Expenses $43,151


ADULT FORMATION The Rev. Carol Morehead | Assistant Rector | cmorehead@stmarks‐

Summer Christian Formation 9:00 a.m., Gish Hall

This summer we will have a variety of Christian Formation opportunities here at St. Mark’s. We invite you to join in each week as we explore how God is at work in and through us as disciples of Christ. June 15 – Brian St. John St. Catherine’s Guild will host artist Brian St. John, whose work has been on display for the past several weeks. Mr. St. John will share his inspiration, and we will explore how art informs faith. June 22 – How Did We Get From There to Here? Vestry member Suzy Tackett, who was also on the Search Committee, will share the presentation of the Search Process from start to finish. Come and see the good and faithful process and hear how the Holy Spirit worked throughout it in the Vestry, the Search Committee, and the whole congregation through prayer and discernment. June 29 – Ned Said: Thoughts on Transition and New Adventures Join Interim Rector Ned Bowersox as he shares thoughts on the next part of our transitions, on saying thanks, and on saying hello to the next part of our journey as a Christian community. July 6 through August 10 – Exploring Our World: An Invitation to Search, Question, and Join the Discussion Come each week to view a short film by NOOMA, followed by a discussion of the day’s topic. These films offer a fresh and compelling look at the teaching of Jesus. July 6 – Shells: Are we so busy that we miss out on what we’re supposed to be doing? July 13 – Today: Can we become so consumed with the past that we can’t see the beauty of today? July 20 – She: Why do we overlook the feminine characteristics of God? July 27 – Open: Does prayer really help? August 3 – Dust: What does God see in us? August 10 – Rich: Is it possible that God has blessed us so that we can be a blessing to others? August 17 & August 24 – Conversations with Beth Come and see and begin to know our new rector, The Rev. Beth Knowlton as she answers questions and shares her vision for St. Mark’s. August 31 – No Adult Formation Join us for worship at 10:00 a.m.


MUSIC NEWS Joseph Causby | Director of Music & Organist | jcausby@stmarks‐

Boy & Girl Choir Musical & Ice Cream Social On Sunday, May 18 the Boy & Girl Choir performed the The Lost Boy: Young Jesus in the Temple. Commissioned by Helen Kemp for the Kemp Endowment for Church Music Symposium at Westminster Choir College of Rider University, The Lost Boy tells the story of Luke 2:39-52. Mary and Joseph lose track of twelve-year-old Jesus for three days, and when they finally find him, he is sitting in the temple demonstrating with his questions a great understanding of God. The event was followed by an Ice cream social.


MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT Altar Guild Announces 2014-2015 Officers OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE LEADERS The Rev. Carol Morehead, Chaplain





Megan McPheron, Co‐Chair and Dee Whiteside, Altar Guild Chair for 2014‐2015


MARK YOUR CALENDAR DON’T FORGET! Mark Your Calendars to A end These Upcoming St. Mark’s Events!

Pentecost SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2014

June 8th

Acts 2:1-2 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. Don’t forget to wear red on June 8th! Refreshments in the Main Plaza after the 10am Eucharist.

Mahalo! Ned!

June 29th

SUNDAY, JUNE 29, 2014 (Following the 10am Eucharist in Gosnell Hall) Mahalo is Hawaiian for “Thank You”! Join us as we say “Mahalo!” to The Rev. Ned Bowersox as he completes his time of service as Interim Rector of St. Mark’s and begins his next “adventure”. Ned will be headed to Hawaii for some well-deserved refreshing, so, the theme of the reception will be tropical. Mahalo, Ned!

Welcome, Beth!

August 10th

SUNDAY, AUGUST 10, 2014 (Following the 10am Eucharist in Gosnell Hall) Join us as we welcome our new rector, The Rev. Beth Knowlton, on her first Sunday at St. Mark’s. A reception will follow the 10am Eucharist in Gosnell Hall to give Beth and her family a warm welcome to the community of St. Mark’s.


YOUTH MINISTRIES Todd Allison, Youth Director | Erin Hughes, Assistant Youth Director | youth@stmarks‐

St. Mark’s Class of 2014 Farewell to our High School Seniors It is that bittersweet time of year again, a time to celebrate all of the incredible accomplishments of our St. Mark's seniors, and time to prepare to send them off towards new adventures far and wide. One of the great things about being a downtown church is that there is not one area the church calls home. The St. Mark’s congregation has members and families from all over San Antonio and some from even just outside. Our parish is a unique mix of God’s children all coming together and sharing in the Spirit and Love of Christ. On May 4th we got to highlight just how expansive our church footprint reaches as we celebrated our high school seniors, from nearly 10 different high schools, as they close one chapter of their lives and begin a new journey. This year's class is a large, and extremely active one. We are graduating several acolytes, youth choir members, active youth group participants, and leaders in diocesan ministries; not to mention all of the extra-curricular activities that they are involved in at school and in their communities.

Jonathan Check Ma e Goodwin Gabriella Grimes Wendell Leafstedt

Connor McDonough Jamie McDonough Robert McDonough Will McDonough

St. Mark’s will be sad to see them go, but we are so excited to see what the future holds for these creative, talented, intelligent, and devoted young adults. We thank each of them, and their families for their dedication to different ministries of this church. Class of 2014, thank you for letting all of us at St. Mark’s witness’your transformation from children of God to faithful young adults who serve God in many ways. You have left a huge impression on this church, and we can't wait to see what your bright futures hold. Congratulations on your graduation!

St. Mark’s would like to recognize our senior acolytes for their faithful dedica on, service and leadership. Jonathan Check Ma e Goodwin Gabriella Grimes Wendell Leafstedt Natalie Ribble

Mollie Rochelle Harris Stephens Maddy Stokes Zander Thomas Sco Uhl


Natalie Ribble

Coates Roberts

Mollie Rochelle

Harris Stephens

Maddy Stokes

Zander Thomas

Robert Schuler

Sco Uhl

FAMILIES & CHILDREN Gail Jackins | Families & Children’s Ministries Director | gjackins@stmarks‐

Trip Talk Booklet for Summer

Family Selfie

Sometimes we assume kids and parents know each other inside and out. But you never know exactly what someone else thinks or feels until you ask. Gail Jackins has compiled a booklet of discussionstarters. Bring this booklet with you on vacation this summer! Use it in your car, your rental car, at restaurants . . . wherever your family is together. Don’t feel pressured to discuss all the questions at once; occasionally, select a few. That will keep communication going over time . . . throughout the summer. It is important for parents to prioritize precious family-time together. Decades later, this will be a pivotal time that your children remember, long after the hectic schedules cease. No one loses in family discussions; in fact everyone wins! And the list of things to talk about can go on and on. Information that comes out during communication is the reward the whole family reaps. Get a booklet from the 2nd floor of the Parish House and keep talking to stay in touch!

When your family is on vacation this summer, take a group-selfie and send it back to St Mark’s. We’ll make a bulletin board of family trips, so we can all stay connected over the summer. Include the St Mark’s logo if you want, it is downloadable from the website or the Family and Children Facebook page It will be interesting to see everyone’s photos, and a good way for the new Rector to become acquainted with people . . . even when they’re away! Please send your photo to or post it directly on

Summer Facebook Summer Movies by Moonlight Keep watching our Family Facebook page for various airconditioned-outings for St Mark’s families with children this summer. We’ll post family-friendly events that Gail will attend at places such as the McNay, the Witte, or the Museum of Art for everyone to keep in touch over the summer. Plan on attending Episcopal Night at the Ballpark to watch the San Antonio Missions! Also look on that Facebook page for occasional meet-ups for Dutch Treat lunch after church on some Sundays after the 10:00 summer worship service.

Travis Park is the location for Movies by Moonlight this summer! Tuesday evenings during June and July. Free! With your St Mark’s parking sticker, parking will be convenient. Come at 7:30pm for preentertainment, or to purchase a snack from the food trucks. The movie will start at 8:30pm, so bring your blankets or lawn chairs and come out to enjoy the free show. Gail will bring lots of popcorn to the first show “Brave” for St Mark’s families to munch on – be Brave on June 3!


St. Mark's/Christ Church VBS 2014! When? June 9th to 12th from 9:00 to 12:00 Where? Christ Episcopal Church (510 Belknap Place 78212) Who's Invited? Children ages 4 through incoming 5th graders. (children under 4 may register if there is an adult in the family volunteering at VBS). What can you do to help? Adults, Teens, Preteens: we need your help to make this event a success! If you're interested in helping (leading small groups, helping with crafts, games, decorations, etc), please let us know. Get ready to go out into the wilderness, where God guides and provides. Join us as we make the Bible come to life through crafts, games, and daily visits to Moses' tent, where you will be part of the miraculous story of the Israelites' escape to the Holy Land. You will bake bread, sing and dance to fun and meaningful worship songs, and visit the Israelite camp for crafts and snacks. There was a suggested donation of $25 for registrations before May 15th, with a family cap of $50, which guaranteed a t-shirt. Now the suggested donation is $30, with a family cap of $60, and the t-shirt order has already been placed. . . we ordered a few extras. Registration forms can be found on-line through the link at the Children and Family Ministries Facebook page or by contacting Shea Pollom at or Gail Jackins at We hope to see you there!

Summer Sunday mornings

Saturday at the Witte

Once again this summer, we will combine all Sunday School classes from 1st to 5th grade in room 212. Our regular children’s formation ministers will be on summer break. Miss Callie and Miss Gail will keep the program going for the summer, but will need an occasional substitute.

Saturday, June 14 is a Time Travel Saturday to explore “Home and Hearth” in the style of historical South Texas! St. Mark’s families are invited to purchase their general admission ticket, then join in from noon to 2:00 as we step back in time to discover the fun and function of the 19th century. We can cook, churn butter, make an adobe brick, fashion a broom, and watch a blacksmith, with Miss Gail, and with friends from church! We can visit the log cabins to explore a day in 1800s Texas together, to see what life was like when St Mark’s parish was being formed.

Please email to let her know if you’re available to occasionally be a substitute – we always have 2 adults in any room with children. The theme for this summer’s classes is “Gross Me Out”. We’ll dig into the gross, slimy, oozy, and icky stories from the Bible. Some of the New Testament stories are : Jesus sending evil spirits into a herd of pigs, healing a blind man with mud made from spittle, and reattaching a bloody severed ear. We will continue Children’s Chapel during the 10:00 service during the summer. 9


June 1st Daisy Bousquet, Leo Bowen, Doan Brahm, Ruth Burink, Patricia Crider, Terry Fishel, Susan Frost, Jessica Hall, Meredith Key, Jason Luce, Pat Nance, Bob Szczepanski, Jean Van Gee, John Watson June 2nd Brian Howard, Ruby Merrill, Pat Noble, Angela TorresLopez

June 11th Justin Blanchard, Christopher Check, Todd Piland, Ava Redmond, Sherry Scudder, Andrew Sherwood, Sara Sherwood, Jim Zachry June 12th Blake Bonner, Jennifer Fallon, Peter Gainey, Diane Graves, Joey Gutierrez, Kate Smelko, Edward Steves, Mitch West

June 13th David Hernandez, Claire June 3rd William Cotton, Betty LeFlore, Johnson, Mitchell Maren, Maren Mitchell, Jamie Virginia Silva, Mollie Zachry O'Brien, Julia Scheibe, June 4th Donnie Soward, Alex White Stephen Cavender, Harry Greer, Steve Hays June 5th Ben Crawford, Beau Watson June 6th Josie Breazeale, Elizabeth Cave, Monica Fernandez, Tom McCloskey, David Solis, Tim Ward June 7th Sharon Bothe, Matt Gish, Jim McNeel, Angus Ranson, Elizabeth West June 8th W. B. Cavender, Mike Duffey, Tammy Edmondson, Louise Humphry, Katie MacDonald, Eugenia Winget, Deborah Yancy June 9th Randy Barber, Ashley Gilroy, Erin Klanica, John Lewis, Aimee Locke, Shannon Mills, James William Waltrip June 10th Libba Barnes, John Budenholzer, Laura Galindo, Fayth Ham, Greg Larsen, Gloria Villanueva, Julie Wilkinson

June 14th Vincent Allen, Laura Cadwallader, Henry Dent, Deborah Hays

June 23rd Sam Clements, Charlotte Jonas, John Long, Lisa Lucas, Tripp Voight June 24th Marianne Carter, Kim Casey, Paula Chalk, David Foglesong, Lee Holder, Travis Long, Jack Tigner, Robert Tucker June 25th Hewitt Matthews, Devin Mullen, Felicity Orgill, Ann Sampson June 26th Rowe Blount, Thomas Kingery, Genevieve Lillibridge, Kate Vetters, Golly Younger June 27th Adam Duncan, Rebekah Redmond

June 15th Andy Besing, Joan Blakemore, June 28th Ed Keetch, Carlyle Steves Anne Ivy, Craig McCoy, Henry Satel, Ava Satel, Jose June 16th Joseph Bruni, Hannah Sena, Juliana Wilson Minister, Bailey Voight, June 29th Christina Zimmerhanzel Annabell Ames, Anne June 17th Mike Check, Jack Conner, Greg Dial, John Frierson, Heather Herschell, Frank Jones, Will McDonough, Craig Stokes June 18th Nils Pearson, Adam Thomas June 19th Jonathan Cotton, David Dix, Quinn Moody June 20th Grey Hawkins, Andrew Patterson June 21st Will Budenholzer, Norb Cole, Bill Matthews, Catherine McNeel


Connor, Anna Fregosi, Beth Hawkins, Ben McPherson, Clayton Mitchem, Kynley Patterson, Nancy Scarsdale, Alex Westmoreland June 30th Elspeth Blakeman, Mike Gonzalez, Laura Lye, Bea McFadden, Sarah Taylor Talaat

A special happy birthday to:

Louise Humphry on her 94th (8-Jun)

MEMORIALS MEMORIAL FUND Sam Hastings by Ted & Patricia Bowen Dorothy Steves Hindman by Liz & Bobby Dewer Vernon Sahm by Frank Hogan, Camilla & Bill Parker, Susan Riordan, Maxine Weynand CHILDREN & FAMILY MINISTRIES Victoria Vasquez by Adelina Rodriguez ST. CECILIA GUILD Vernon Sahm by Ann Coiner WILLARD SIMPSON FUND Rex Martin by Marilyn & Cal Koontz Willard Simpson by Betsy Simpson Mary Frances West by Betsy Simpson Rex Martin by Betsy Simpson Dorothy Steves Hindman by Betsy Simpson RENEW Vernon Sahm by Jean & Paul Parker YOUTH FUND


AS OF 05/20/14

Robert Cardinal by Fred Charles SPECIAL GIFTS To St. Mark’s in thanksgiving for my mother, Nance Haney by Alice Haney To St. Mark’s Children & family ministries in thanksgiving for Ben Haney by Alice Haney To St. Mark’s in thanksgiving for Margaret & Miller Raney (Brandon) by Alice Haney To St. Mark’s in thanksgiving for the Lay Eucharistic Visitors by Ned & Merle Gilbert To St. Mark’s in thanksgiving for the interim ministry of Ned Bowersox by Sue Bain To St. Mark’s in honor of Kathy & Bill Wassberg for their Lay Eucharistic ministry by Ellen Dickson To St. Mark’s in thanksgiving for our boys by Tad & Patricia Bowen To St. Mark’s Children & Family Ministries in thanksgiving for Margaret & Miller Raney by Ben & Nance Haney

Contact Pat at the church office if you have any ques ons about memorials at St. Mark’s at (210) 226‐2426 hutchison@stmarks‐

For all who have died in the hope of the resurrection, and for all the departed, let us pray to the Lord. (from the Prayers of the People Form 1)

Philip Allison, Jr. May 10, 2014 Sandra Weber May 11, 2014


The Messenger (USPS 514‐020) Published Monthly (3rd Wednesday) ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226‐2426 Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Interim Rector: The Rev. Ned Bowersox Editor: Melanie Lizcano Layout & Graphic Design: Melanie Lizcano e‐mail ar cles to mlizcano@stmarks‐

Ar cle deadline is 2nd Wednesday of each month


7:45a.m. Rite I Eucharist 9:00a.m. Formation for all ages 10:00a.m. Rite II Eucharist 4:00p.m. Rite III Service For a complete listing of upcoming events, meetings, and classes at St. Mark’s visit


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