The Messenger - September 2014

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themessenger Monthly Newsle er of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church SEPTEMBER 2014




Saying Yes to Community


he more years I live with the Book of Common Prayer, the more grateful I am for its wisdom and beauty. One aspect that is par cularly important is that when we make an important commitment or vow in the church, we never do this in a vacuum. We do not take vows solely as individuals. There are representa ves that vouch for our prepara on. We ask the gathered assembly to witness and support the promises being made. Finally, we ask God who has given us the will to make promises, to also give us the grace and power to carry them out. This is cri cally important. We recognize that our promises are always lived out within the Body of Christ and will most clearly be manifested in our rela onships with one another and with God. Whether through bap sm, confirma on, marriage, or ordina on we are reminded that our ability to answer any calling is predicated on the support and love of others. The Celebra on of a New Ministry, when a new rector is officially ins tuted in a parish, is no different. On September 18th at 6:30 p.m., leaders of the parish will present me to the Bishop and vouch for the integrity of the search process.

I will promise to care for all people, to use my life to proclaim the gospel, and to love and serve Christ’s people. You will promise to support and uphold me. Presenta ons will be made that will highlight the areas of ministry that we will carry out with one another. Then we will gather as a community around the Lord ’s table to share a sacred meal. Like other vows we make, we take a leap of faith as a community that night. I will make promises not knowing what the future may hold. You will promise to support me before you really have a chance to know me in mately. But what is beau ful to me about the gathering is that we will be doing it together. I have dear family and friends that will journey to be here. There will be people from throughout the diocese that will also stand with us. We will ask God’s blessing and then in good St. Mark’s fashion we will have one heck of a party. But, it really is just a beginning. The wonderful privilege of being your rector is the commitment to a long term (Continued on page 2)

Special pull-out section for Fall Adult Formation Pages 7-14 ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, Texas 78205 (210) 226‐2426 www.stmarks‐ stmarks@stmarks‐ Office hours: Monday ‐ Friday 9:00a.m.‐5:00p.m. Emergency Pastoral Care: 210‐507‐0256

IN THIS ISSUE: Invita on to “Celebra on of New Ministry” ................................................... page 2 Diocesan News and Events ............................................................................. page 3 Meet the Staff Singers and Choral Scholars .................................................... page 4 Photos from New Rector’s 1st Sunday and 1st Adult Forma on ................... page 6 Youth Ministries News .................................................................................. page 15 Children and Families Ministry News ........................................................... page 16 St. Mark’s “Family News” (Birthdays, New Babies, Departed) ..................... page 18

The Messenger is published monthly and is available in magazine format online at www.stmarks‐

Parish Clergy The Rev. Beth Knowlton Rector The Rev. Carol Morehead Associate Rector Making a Gi of Their Service The Rev. C. Douglas Earle Assis ng Priest The Rev. Mary Earle Assis ng Priest The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Co‐Director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Dr. Jane Pa erson Co‐Director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Linda Ricke s Assis ng Priest The Rev. Cliff Waller Assis ng Priest Staff Todd Allison Youth Director Priscilla Briones Finance Manager Janet Carrizales Nursery Director Joseph Causby Director of Music & Organist Elaine Enloe Clergy Execu ve Administrator Database Manager Emmet Faulk Parish Business Administrator Erin Hughes Youth Ministries Assistant Director Gail Jackins Families & Children’s Ministries Director Marsha Kimura Music Department Administrator Jesse “Chuy” Mendoza Kitchen Manager/Chef Ruby Merrill Facili es Supervisor & Recep onist Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Amanda Quisenberry Youth Ministries Intern Dr. Edwin A. Rieke Dir. of Music & Organist Emeritus Callie Sanchez Families & Children’s Ministries Intern Leah Thomas Special Events Coordinator

St. Mark’s Episcopal 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205 www.stmarks‐

(Continued from page 1)

rela onship. It means we will bind ourselves together through the grace offered to us in Jesus Christ. We trust that it is this bond that will sustain us in the years to come. I am filled with gra tude and excitement about the future. You have warmly welcomed our family and that con nues to be a source of sustenance in a season of transi on. I believe with all of my heart that I have been called to St. Mark’s at this moment in me. There is important work for us to discover together. The parish has a wonderful and rich history. We are surrounded by the great cloud of witnesses that have come before us. It is a trust I take seriously and I look forward to seeing where the Spirit will lead us. If we remain grounded in the love of Christ, we will be able to answer the calling of this community faithfully in this next season of its ministry. My prayers are with you each day and I covet your prayers as well. In Christ,

The Right Reverend Gary R. Lillibridge Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas along with The Wardens, Vestry, and People of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 East Pecan Street San Antonio, Texas request your prayers & presence for the Celebration of a New Ministry & Institution of The Reverend Elizabeth Clemmer Knowlton as their 20th Rector Thursday, September 18th, 2014 at 6:30 pm Clergy are invited to vest (red stole) & process


Priscilla Briones, Finance Manager pbriones@stmarks‐

JULY FINANCIAL REPORT Pledge Revenue $139,167 Non Pledge Giving $11,667 Open Plate $2,000 Other Revenue $37,655 .......................................................................................... Total Revenue $190,489 Total Expenses $202,443 .................................................................... ..................... July Revenue Under Expenses -$11.954 2

DIOCESE OF WEST TEXAS NEWS This sec on will feature important events of the Diocese including those of special interest to St. Mark’s.

Election of a Bishop Coadjutor Saturday, October 25, beginning at 10:00a.m. at TMI The Episcopal School of Texas The Standing Committee is pleased to present the six Potential Nominees for Bishop Coadjutor. The Potential Nominees are:  The Rev. Scott Brown, rector, St. Alban's, Harlingen  The Rev. Ram Lopez, rector, St. George, San Antonio  The Rev. Jim Nelson, rector, St. John's, McAllen  The Rev. David Read, rector, St. Luke's, San Antonio  The Rt. Rev. David Reed, bishop suffragan of the Diocese of West Texas  The Rev. Robert Woody, rector, Reconciliation, San Antonio Each potential nominee has submitted their biographical data and their responses to the questions provided to them, and the required background screening process has begun. The profiles for each can be viewed on the Council website at

Special Council A Special Council of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas will be held on Saturday, October 25, at TMI - The Episcopal School of Texas beginning at 10:00 a.m. The only thing on the agenda for the Special Council is the election of a Bishop Coadjutor. To view the profiles of the six potential nominees visit the Council website at Also available is the election process, hotel and reservation details for the Special Council.

Diocesan Opportunities Diocesan Weekly Eucharist Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m. Chapel at the Bishop Jones Center 111 Torcido This weekly Eucharist is open to all members of the Diocese of West Texas and is led by clergy of the diocesan staff.

Diocesan Weekly Bible Study

Wednesdays, 11:00 a.m. Mission Room at the Bishop Jones Center Following the Eucharist, there is a Bible study which is also open to all members of the Diocese. This study is coordinated by Julie Mock, a member of St. Mark’s and began as a St. Mark’s study. The group will study the Letters to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, using William Barclay’s Study Bible as a guide. A portion is read each week before the class and then discussed as the group discerns how the readings apply to life today. Ends at noon.

Threads of Blessing Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m. This sewing group is open to all and meets weekly at the Bishop Jones Center on Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. The Bishop Jones Center of the Diocese of West Texas is located at 111 Torcido Drive, 78209.

Please continue to keep our election process in your prayers.

Almighty God, giver of every good gift, you have given us a life-giving fellowship in the Diocese of West Texas. Rekindle our hearts with the love of Christ Jesus that we might continue to build upon the legacy left by those who have tended this Diocese and led with Godly courage. Look graciously upon us and upon your whole Church, and guide the minds of those who shall discern the one you are calling to be a bishop for our Diocese, that we may receive a faithful shepherd, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

UPDATE: Thank you to all who have contributed toward our KRLN broadcast of “Lessons and Carols from St. Mark’s.” To date, we have achieved half of our goal of $51,000. We are still receiving donations to support this broadcast. Please consider participating in this effort with a financial gift. It will be a wonderful event to share with the broader San Antonio community. It is a way to share the richness of the Anglican tradition and helps us to fulfill our vision of feeding those who are hungry for beauty and creativity. Please contact the church office to reserve seating for this event. The taping will be on Saturday, November 1 at 2pm (plan to be seated no later than 1.30pm).


MUSIC NOTES Joseph Causby | Director of Music & Organist | jcausby@stmarks‐

Meet our Staff Singers and Choral Scholars Staff Singers:

Ana Hernandez, soprano Ana Hernandez holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education from the University of Texas at San Antonio and has taught in Texas public schools in both Laredo and San Antonio. Ana Has performed on San Antonio Stages for over a decade, and has also performed as a soloist and chorister with the St. Mark’s Episcopal Church choir since 1997. She has performed both operatic and musical theater repertoire with a number of distinguished organizations including South Texas Lyric Opera of McAllen TX, UTSA Lyric Theatre, The Playhouse SA, The Playhouse Cellar Theater, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church (San Antonio), San Antonio Opera, the San Antonio Symphony, and the Laredo Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorale and most recently, the San Antonio Youth Wind Ensemble. Ms. Hernandez currently teaches middle school choir for SAISD, and is overjoyed to rejoin her church family at St. Mark’s. Jacquelyn Matava, mezzo-soprano Mezzo-soprano Jacquelyn Matava is excited to join the St. Mark’s Choir this year. Jackie recently relocated to San Antonio from Bloomington, IN, where she completed her Doctor of Music degree in vocal performance at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. Originally a Connecticut native, Jackie received her B.A. from Vassar College in New York and M.M. at the Jacobs School. She performs extensively throughout the U.S. and Europe, and most recently returned from singing with the Lucerne Festival Academy in Switzerland. As a concert artist, Jackie has been heard as a soloist in performances of Bach’s Mass in B minor, Duruflé’s Requiem, Handel’s Messiah, Mozart’s Great Mass in C minor, and Stravinsky’s Les Noces. She is on faculty at St. Mary’s University and Our Lady of the Lake University, and is also the private voice teacher at Alamo Heights High School. Leo Garcia, tenor This is Leo Garcia’s second year at St. Mark's. He earned both Bachelors and Masters degrees in Vocal Performance at Baylor University. For ten years, he served as a private voice teacher, primarily at Alamo Heights ISD. He was recently hired to teach choir and general music at Saegert Sixth Grade Center in Seguin ISD. Leo also performs with two San Antonio choirs: IlluMen and the San Antonio Chamber

Choir. He is excited to begin his second year with the terrific St. Mark's choir. Choral Scholars: Nora Cruz, soprano Nora Cruz is currently a junior at Alamo Heights High School. Nora has been singing in choir at school since the 6th grade, and this past summer, she participated in the Royal School of Church Music summer course in Houston. Nora is excited to begin her first year as a choral scholar at St. Mark’s. Katy Fowler, alto Katy Fowler is a junior in the STEM Academy at Lee high school. At school, Katy is involved in the choir and participates in science fair. As a member of St. Mark’s from birth, Katy has also been active in the choir program since second grade. Karl Roach-Compton, tenor Karl Roach-Compton is a sophomore at MacArthur HS where he is active in theater and plays trumpet in the band. He is also active in community theater and will have a role in the upcoming production of Fiddler on the Roof at The Playhouse. He and his family have been members of St. Mark's since 2006. Karl is an acolyte team captain this year, continues to sing in the Youth Choir, and looks forward to being a choral scholar in the St. Mark’s Choir. Samuel Clements, baritone Sam has been a member of St. Mark's since birth and was baptized by The Rev. Mike Chalk. He is a junior at Alamo Heights High School, and has been active in the St. Mark’s music program since second grade. At school, Sam is a member of the choir and a small ensemble called Octavo. In his free time, Sam enjoys acting in plays and musicals, reading, debating with the organization Junior State of America (JSA), camping with the Boy Scouts, travelling, and working as a Camp Counselor at Camp Capers. Next month we’ll meet: Susan Olson, mezzo-soprano; Keith Masterson, tenor; and Michael Zuniga, baritone.


ST. CECILIA GUILD PRESENTS MUSIC FROM ST. MARK’S 2014-2015 All events are free and open to the public. SEPTEMBER 14, SUNDAY 5.00 pm OCTOBER 3, FRIDAY 7.00 pm OCTOBER 19, Sunday 5.00 pm NOVEMBER 1, SATURDAY 2.00 pm NOVEMBER 9, Sunday 5.00 pm

DECEMBER 7, Sunday 5.00 pm DECEMBER 24, WEDNESDAY 3.45 pm 4.00 pm 10.00pm 10.30 pm January 18, Sunday 5.00 pm February 22, Sunday 5.00 pm

CHAMBER MUSIC FOR VIOLA AND PIANO Allyson Dawkins, principal violist of the San Antonio Symphony presents a concert featuring works of Bach, Hindemith, and Brahms with pianist, Robert Brewer.

HAVE SACKBUT, WILL TRAVEL A concert of European music of the early 17th century featuring Erik Schmalz, sackbut; Mimi Mitchell, violin; and Christina Edelen, harpsichord.

CHORAL EVENSONG The Treble Choir is joined by alto, tenor, and bass voices in singing a service of evening prayer. Music includes Evening Hymn by Henry Purcell and Sir Charles Villiers Stanford’s Evening Service in G major.

KLRN FESTIVAL OF LESSONS AND CAROLS St. Mark’s Choir, Choristers, and congregation take part in a video-taped service of Christmas Lessons and Carols to be aired on KLRN PBS Television in December 2014. Please contact the church office at your earliest convenience to reserve seating.

REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY, REQUIEM EUCHARIST The St. Mark’s Choir sings the Requiem by Maurice Duruflé to mark the 96th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended World War I. We join with the Anglican Communion to remember those who have died in wars and conflicts throughout the world.

ADVENT LESSONS AND CAROLS The St. Mark’s Choir is joined by the Choristers and Youth Choir in a celebration of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

CHRISTMAS EVE Prelude Holy Eucharist and Blessing of the Crèche, sung by the Choristers and Youth Choir. PRELUDE Holy Eucharist (with incense) sung by the St. Mark’s Choir.

ORGAN RECITAL Dr. Patrick Scott, 2014 winner of the American Guild of Organists national competition in improvisation plays a recital featuring works from the repertoire and an improvisation on a submitted theme.

LEONARD BERNSTEIN: MASS St. Mark’s Choir and Youth Choir is joined by the Children’s Chorus of San Antonio, with guest conductor Dr. Doreen Rao.

March 20, FRIDAY 7.00 pm


March 29, Sunday 5.00 pm


April 26, Sunday 5.00 pm

The United States Naval Academy Women’s Glee Club was founded in l976 when women first entered the Naval Academy. Under the direction of Ms. Cindy Bauchspies, the ensemble performs a diverse repertoire which includes classical, sacred, folk, patriotic, popular, and Broadway music.

The St. Mark’s Choir sings music of Richard Shephard, Hebert Howells, and Gerald Finzi’s masterpiece, Lo, the Full, Final Sacrifice.

FIESTA CONCERT: MUSIC OF J. S. BACH St. Mark’s Baroque Orchestra and St. Mark’s Choir perform MagniŤhcat in D major, BWV 243 and Brandenberg Concerto No. 2

Parking is FREE at one of two parking lots. Our primary parking lot is EAST of the church across Jefferson St. The secondary WEST Parking lot is located on E. Pecan St. across Navarro St. 5

St. Mark’s New Rector Has Arrived!

Beth addresses the congrega on at announcements.

The Rev. Beth Knowlton delivers her first sermon as Rector on Sunday, August 10, 2014.

A very fes ve Gosnell Hall was packed for a welcome recep on for Beth.

On Sunday, August 17, 2014, Beth tells her story at Adult Forma on in Gish Hall.





FALL 2014

Special Pull-Out Section

One Body, Many Members: The Life of Faith


o be a Christian is a life-long engagement with the Gospel. We are never fully formed, and our hope is that wherever you find yourself in your journey, there will be a place for you to grow at St. Mark’s. Our theme this year reflects our commitment to honor the unity that we are assured of through our baptism while acknowledging the particularity of each journey. Adult formation, at its best, is an embodied practice that extends far beyond the Christian Education time on Sunday morning. Our classes promise to be thoughtful, thought provoking, and relevant to the daily life you seek to live in an increasingly secular culture. Join us! 315 E. PECAN ST. | SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78205 7 | 210-226-2426 | WWW.STMARKS-SA.ORG

Adult Formation SUNDAY MORNINGS 10:10-11:00 A.M.

The Life of Faith: Embodying Christian Practice in Our Daily Lives The Rev. Elizabeth Knowlton Gish Hall What is the relationship between what we believe, how we act, and what we do to support our ongoing life of Christian conversion and transformation? This course will look at major theological themes and concepts and then look towards practical implications for daily life. We will look at contemporary examples from film and the arts to structure our conversations. Part I: Exploring Basic Theological Concepts September 7th: The Reality of God: Do We Even Know What We Are Talking About? Basic theological language is often tossed around with little thought given to precise meanings. We will introduce a basic model of Christian living. We will also go over some basic vocabulary such as our creedal understanding of what it means to base our Christian life on an understanding of God as Creator, Judge, Savior, and Sanctifier. How do we proclaim a life based on that which is ultimately unknowable? Why is it important to retain these theological groundings in our daily practices? September 14th: The Human Project: How Do We Go About the Process of Becoming a Person? Having spent some time clarifying what we understand to be the nature of God, we now turn to a discussion of the human role in this drama. How do concepts of our individual freedom contribute to the life of faith? How do limitations actually enhance our ability to act more freely? How do physical, psychological, and social dimensions of our lives transform our interpretations of what gives meaning and purpose to our Christian life? September 21st: Revelation: How Do We Encounter God When We Engage the World? How do our experiences further deepen our understanding of the nature of God and our response to God? Today we ask how our natural need to make meaning as humans actually functions as a vehicle for God’s revelation. How do we remain open to revelation when our habits or assumptions are being challenged? How does our community of faith function as an important mediator for our individual experiences of God? September 28th: The Basic Drama: How Do We Experience Idolatry, Sin, Grace, and Faith? The path to Christian maturity is dynamic and lifelong. We do not “arrive” and in fact if we feel we have, that may be our best indication that we have gotten stuck. How do our experiences of idolatry and sin, actually open us more deeply to reliance on grace? Can we frame our awareness of sin and idolatry as a natural part of the faith journey and use it for growth? October 5th: The Life of Faith: What Does It Mean, Exactly, to be Obedient to God? Most of us agree that a life of faith has at its heart a set of beliefs that are evident from the pattern of our actions. But this hardly means we are always on target or that our beliefs are congruent at all times with our actions. How do concepts of trust, obedience, hope, fidelity, and perseverance allow us to be more faithful in how we love? We will spend particular time looking at obedience as a form of deep listening by which our own needs are relativized with a deeper claim by that of God and others. How do we rely on the Spirit to guide us in our faith? Does prayer have a role to play? Part II: Some Practical Implications (Continued on page 9)


(Continued from page 8)

October 12th: Possessions and Power: If We Aren’t Going to Give Them Up, Then What Should We Do With Them? One normal experience of the Christian is a tension around how to handle our possessions and power. How do we negotiate that tension? Am I expected to give away all my worldly goods? How do I live my life with integrity and still meet the many commitments I have to my family and other important relationships? How do I faithfully negotiate compromises between so many competing spheres? November 9th: Anger and Sexuality: How Do We Make Sense of These Things in Light of the Commandment to Love Our Neighbor? Believing we should love one another and actually knowing what that means are often two very different things. Is our anger always a bad thing? Or is there a way in which we can become intentional about recognizing anger as an important indicator in our spiritual lives. Similarly, how does the vulnerability we feel in the realm of sexuality open a possibility of transformation? How can we view sexuality as a gift and its expression as part of the life of faith? November 16th: Evil and Suffering: How Do We Hold Onto Faith When the World So Clearly Isn’t As It Should Be? To be a mature Christian is to be willing to see the world as it is, without becoming despondent in the face of evil and suffering. We may be tempted to deny its existences or minimize its relevance, but one does not need to look far into the daily news to realize that this is a question that demands a faith response. Also, how do we reconcile suffering in our own lives? Is there anything redemptive to be found in suffering? How do we combat evil in a real way that feels authentic? November 23rd: Freedom: What Does It Mean to be Free? We often think of human freedom as only the ability to make individual choices. Freedom in a Christian sense is about being free from the enslavement of the world (including its fears and preoccupations) to be free to grow in Christ. How does grace allow us to move beyond the confines of our tendencies towards idolatry and sin and toward greater faith and openness to the spirit? How do we become increasingly attentive to the gifts of freedom and the opportunities it provides for our empowerment and our love and service to others. Further Reading If you would be interested in reading further about the topics discussed in class the following books are recommended: 1. Faith’s Freedom: A Classic Spirituality for Contemporary Christians (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1990) by Luke Timothy Johnson. This text has been used create the structure of the class. 2. The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything: A Spirituality for Real Life (New York: Harper Collins, 2010) by James Martin, SJ. This text is a great practical resource on spirituality and to suggest ways you might integrate the course material into your prayer during the week.


Engaging the Mystery: Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation The Rev. Carol Morehead Bethlehem Chapel If you are new to St. Mark’s and the Episcopal Church you may (or may not) be aware of the pastoral rite known as Confirmation. The Episcopal Church recognizes all who are baptized with water and in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as members of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Those whose baptisms have been registered in the Episcopal Church are considered baptized members. So, that’s it then, right? Well, not necessarily. In the Episcopal tradition, once a baptized person becomes an adult the next recommended step is to have the Bishop receive that adult by laying-on of hands and anointing with oil, a rite we call Confirmation. For those who have already been confirmed in another Christian tradition, the Episcopal Church does not require that person to be re-confirmed. Baptized persons may also be received by laying-on of hands of a Bishop rather than being confirmed, if such persons have previously made adult affirmations of faith in their own traditions. We call that Reception. Reaffirmation of Baptismal Vows is an opportunity for any member to reexamine and recommit to the vows made at baptism. This is a wonderful chance to go deeper and examine one’s life as a disciple of Christ. The Rt. Rev. Gary Lillibridge, Bishop of the Diocese of West Texas, will join us on Sunday, November 2, to preside over Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation of Baptismal Vows during the 11:15a.m. Eucharist. Please contact The Rev. Carol Morehead to register for classes by calling the church office at 210-226-2426 or by email at CLASS SCHEDULE: September 7 The Life of Faith: What is a Disciple? September 14 Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi: We are Always Being Formed September 21 Tools of the Trade: The BCP, The Liturgical Calendar and Sacred Space September 30 Initiation Rites: Baptism as Full Inclusion, Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation October 5 Eucharist: Feast of Thanksgiving, Remembering and Sending October 12 Anglicanism: The Episcopal Church’s Broader Context Saturday Retreat – October 18, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. We will meet at the Bishop Jones Center for a half day retreat, which will include discussion time, sharing a meal, and a Eucharist together. November 2 Adult Forum with Bishop Lillibridge; Confirmation at 11:15 service


WEEKLY AND OTHER OFFERINGS Timeout Bible Study: The Gospel of Mark Thursday mornings beginning August 28 10:00-11:30 a.m. Youth Suite (3rd floor)

The Timeout Bible Study is a chance to read slowly through one book of the Bible over the course of the year, and to follow where the conversation leads. We will examine in depth the Gospel of Mark. We will study of the Gospel of Mark, looking at major sections and themes as well as examining how we study biblical literature. Close reading and discussion. Facilitated by The Rev. Dr. John Lewis and The Rev. Carol Morehead.

Wednesday Evening Bible Study

August 27 - December 10 (Every other week) 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Dean Richardson Room (2nd floor) We will study of the Gospel of Mark, looking at major sections and themes as well as examining how we study biblical literature. Close reading and discussion. Class will meet August 27, September 10 & 24, October 8 & 22, November 5 & 19, and December 3 & 10. Led by The Rev. Dr. John Lewis and The Rev. Carol Morehead

Mesa Rodonda: Reaching Out: Three Movements of the Spiritual Life Thursday Evenings, 5:30–7:30 p.m. Gosnell Hall/Room 102

This class will meet and share dinner and discussion each week, using the work of Henry Nouwen as a framework for discussion. The class is open to the congregation and others, up to twenty participants. Books will be furnished. Participation includes doing the reading, preparation and attendance at all sessions. To register, please call The Rev. Cliff Waller at 210-601-0001. Evening Schedule: 5:30 Supper--Gosnell Hall 7:15 Plenary wrap up 6:00 Presentation 7:30 Depart 6:30 Small group discussions CLASS SCHEDULE: September 4: Preface and Introduction REACHING OUT TO OUR INNERMOST SELF: The First Movement: From Loneliness to Solitude September 11: A Suffocating Loneliness September 25: A Receptive Solitude October 2: A Creative Response REACHING OUT TO OUR FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS: The Second Movement: From Hostility to Hospitality October 9: Creating Space For Strangers October 16: Forms of Hospitality October 23: Hospitality and the Host REACHING OUT TO OUR GOD: The Third Movement: From Illusion to Prayer October 30: Prayer and Mortality November 6: Prayer of the Heart November 13: Community and Prayer November 20: Conclusion


Daughters of the King Book Study

Wednesdays, 5:00 Room 305 This women’s book study group will be using Defiant Daughters, Christian Women of Conscience by Marcy Heidish. The group will meet weekly, beginning September 3 and ending on December 17. For further information, contact Maurleen Cobb at

Gift of Years Book Study

Tuesday Mornings in October (7, 14, 21, 28) 10:00-11:30 a.m. Dean Richardson Room The Gift of Years Book Study is open to women and men interested in continuing to grow spiritually in the second half of life and to living more fully in community. Our book for the series is Learning to Walk in the Dark by Barbara Brown Taylor, an Episcopal priest and best selling author. The book is hot off of the press and available at St. Mark’s Bookstore. We will begin on October 7th with a discussion of the first three chapters. If you would like, please read those chapters before the class, or just come and join the discussion. Betty Anne Cody began this group ten years ago. Now Lillian Morris and Lou Taylor look forward with great enthusiasm to taking the next step.

Youth Formation SUNDAY MORNINGS 10:10-11:00 A.M.



Youth Formation: 7th-12th grade Youth Suite (3rd floor) Led by Todd Allison and Erin Hughes

Wednesday Night Fellowship Youth Suite (3rd floor) Led by Todd Allison and Erin Hughes Dinner is available at Café Kairos.

Tug at the Collar Every month we invite members of the clergy to come, eat, answer questions, and enter into conversation with us. Youth Suite (3rd floor)

Youth Confirmation Class September -November 2 Room 306 Led by Dr. David Ribble, Blair Davis, Francie Calgaard, and Mike Kuykendall.


6:00 P.M.

October 1 November 13

For more information about upcoming Youth Ministries events, visit the Youth webpage at or follow them on Facebook Sunday Night Live 5:00-7:00 p.m., Bishop Jones Center, 111 Torcido, San Antonio, TX 78209 SNL is not just another Sunday service. SNL is an opportunity for 9th-12th graders of all faiths and background, from around San Antonio to come together to share and discuss topics impacting their lives. September 21, October 12, November 9


Children Formation SUNDAY MORNINGS 10:10-11:00 A.M. 2ND FLOOR Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Room 205 Preschool

Godly Play Room 206 Kindergarten-1st grade

Whirl Room 208 2nd-3rd grade

212 Ministry Room 212 4th-6th grade

Family Night Group

September 11-December 18, Wednesday Evenings, 6:00 p.m., Gosnell Hall Topics will include family faith building, challenges of families in today’s world, and other relevant topics.

St. Benedict’s WorkShop Timeout Bible Study You are invited to participate in the Timeout Bible Study, which has become a tradition on Thursday mornings at St. Mark’s. What once began years ago as a Bible study for young mothers has blossomed into an ecumenical gathering of all ages to study the scriptures and reflect on their meaning in daily life. We meet from 10:00-11:30am on the 3rd floor in the Youth Suite at St. Mark’s every Thursday morning throughout the school year. This year we will study the Gospel of Mark. The Rev. Carol Morehead will join me in presenting this study. Men’s Bible Study There are several ongoing men’s groups that are available. Space in these groups are limited, so please contact The Rev. Dr. John Lewis or Katherine Buzzini at The WorkShop (210-599-4224; or if you are interested in participating! Weekly Reflection Groups For 12 years, The WorkShop has also convened small groups of faithful Christians who gather every week to reflect together on events in their daily lives, as interpreted through the lens of scripture. If you are drawn to deep reflection and accountability on your faithfulness in daily life, please contact John Lewis for further details (210-621-8287 or For more information about St. Benedict’s Workshop visit or call 210-599-4224. St. Benedict’s Workshop is located at 2015 NE Loop 410, San Antonio, TX 78217.


Diocesan Opportunities Diocesan Weekly Eucharist Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m. Chapel at the Bishop Jones Center 111 Torcido

This weekly Eucharist is open to all members of the Diocese of West Texas and is led by clergy of the diocesan staff.

Diocesan Weekly Bible Study Wednesdays, 11:00 a.m. Mission Room at the Bishop Jones Center

Following the Eucharist, there is a Bible study which is also open to all members of the Diocese. This study is coordinated by Julie Mock, a member of St. Mark’s and began as a St. Mark’s study. The group will study the Letters to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, using William Barclay’s Study Bible as a guide. A portion is read each week before the class and then discussed as the group discerns how the readings apply to life today. Ends at noon.

Threads of Blessing Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m.

This sewing group is open to all and meets weekly at the Bishop Jones Center on Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. The Bishop Jones Center of the Diocese of West Texas is located at 111 Torcido Drive, 78209.

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205 210-226-2426 The Rev. Elizabeth Knowlton Rector The Rev. Carol Morehead Associate Rector Joseph Causby Director of Music & Organist Todd Allison Director of Youth Ministries Erin Hughes Asst. Director of Youth Ministries Gail Jackins Families & Children’s Ministries Director Callie Sanchez Children’s & Youth Ministries Intern 14

YOUTH MINISTRIES Todd Allison, Youth Director | Erin Hughes, Assistant Youth Director | youth@stmarks‐


August 27 – December 17 (5pm‐7pm)

WNF: Tug at the Collar (Guest Speaker Series)

October 1 and November 5

Sunday Night LIVE @ Bishop Jones Center

September 21, October 12, November 9

New Beginnings (6th‐8th Grades)

Friday‐Sunday, October 3‐5

30 Hour Famine/Lock‐In

Friday‐Saturday, October 17‐18

Confirma on Sunday (Youth at 9am)

Sunday, November 2

Happening #129 (10th‐12th Grades)

Friday‐Sunday, November 21‐23


10 Annual Christmas to the Street BBQ

Friday, December 19th; Youth Lock‐In Saturday, December 20th; BBQ Lunch


Welcome Our New Youth Assistant Amanda Quisenberry

FALL 2014 EVENTS Wednesday Night Fellowship


Hi! My name is Amanda Quisenberry, and I am the newest member of the St. Mark's Youth Group team! I have recently graduated from Texas A&M University (whoop!), and moved to San Antonio this June. Now, I teach second grade at IDEA Walzem. I have been a lifelong member of the Episcopal Church, and have grown up going to Camp Capers and serving on summer staff throughout college. I am so excited to be a part of such a wonderful community at St. Mark's, and I look forward to mee ng you!

For addi onal informa on on youth events please visit www.stmarks‐ or

Wednesday Night Fellowship & Dinner (Wednesday Nights, August 27 –May 22) 5pm – 7pm $5 Dinner

We will focus this fall on service and hot topics for discussion, talking about things like internet safety, bullying, and media tools. We will also take a lot of me to focus on hunger, and ways in which we can help to solve the world’s hunger problem both locally and interna onally. We will have plenty of fun too. Bring a friend and dinner is on us! Sunday Night LIVE is a gathering for high school‐ age youth in the San Antonio area and is led by students that par cipate in the diocesan College Missions programs on various college campuses. The evening includes worship, a talk, small groups, fellowship, and dinner. SNL meets as scheduled at the Bishop Jones Center.

St. Mark’s Youth Ministry 30 Hour Famine

LOCK-IN & OUTREACH EVENT Friday-Saturday, Oct. 17-18 Youth will arrive at St. Mark’s at 6pm on Friday and par cipate in a number of outreach ac vi es in addi on to some fun and games. Things will conclude at 6pm on Saturday. MORE DETAILS SOON!


Happenings are spiritual renewal weekends for high school students in grades 10 through 12. The diocese sponsors three weekends each year in various loca ons. For more informa on about the upcoming Happening weekend contact your Rector, Youth Minister or visit h p://

Sunday, September 21 4pm‐7pm @ Bishop Jones Center

Our youth programs could not happen without our wonderful volunteers! We are always looking for parents, grandparents, college students and young adults who would like to help in supporting the Youth of St. Mark’s by mentoring one of our Youth Confirmation students, working behind the scenes at an event or lock‐in, volunteering to bring snacks or food, or driving to events. To get involved please contact Todd Allison or Erin Hughes. (210) 226‐2426 or youth@stmarks‐


FAMILIES & CHILDREN Gail Jackins | Director of Children and Families Ministries | gjackins@stmarks‐

New Babies St Mark’s parish is eager to greet new babies and their families and provide support and prayer during such a joyous and exciting time. Currently, we are looking for crafty people who might be willing to provide a gift of their time and talent and keep us supplied with home-made baby afghans, baby quilts, baby bibs, or some crafted-with-love baby items to give to the newest members of St Mark’s family when they arrive! If you want to volunteer your time in this ministry, please contact the church office, or Gail Jackins at

2nd floor on Sunday mornings Sunday Christian Formation for children endeavors to support and supplement the family’s efforts to raise children as followers of Christ. We call it Christian Formation rather than Christian Education because we want to remember that our goal is not just to obtain information, but to be transformed into the image of Christ based on the truth we learn and experience. Parents are encouraged to talk with their children about the Sunday School material and what it means. It’s a perfect conversation piece for a family faith discussion around the dinner table or right before bed. The Sunday School curriculum, paired with your parenting are the resources that our youngsters can call upon throughout the rest of their lives, through good times and the occasional rough patches as they grow in their faith through the rest of their lives. Being involved in Christian Formation while your children are young is foundational to their faith – the building blocks upon which they increase their knowledge and faith. We frequently need substitutes or 2nd adults for Sunday mornings, and helpers for special events. Speak with your child’s teacher or Gail Jackins about your availability.



Children's Chapel

Got games? "Chutes and Ladders" or "Scrabble" or "Uno" or . . . whatever family-friendly games are in your closet! Go through your closet and bring a fun board game to enjoy with others, on September 12, Friday evening from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. This event is for children accompanied by adults, teens, and adults. Infant care will be provided in the nursery. We need you to RSVP to by September 9, so we’ll know how much pizza to order. Bring board games for all ages, and a snack to share. This is a fun family-friendly event! Get to know other families at St Mark’s. Questions? Contact Gail Jackins Please enter through Tucker Courtyard – we’ll be in Gosnell Hall.

The purpose of Children's Chapel is that the gospel is accessible to children on more developmentally appropriate terms. Children's Chapel meets weekly during the 9:00 a.m. service. It is a pint-sized worship service in the Jerusalem Chapel for wiggle-age children while parents are participating in church. The children process out of the church, following a crucifer, during the Sequence Hymn before The Gospel and they return during The Peace. At Children’s Chapel they sing age-appropriate songs, recite a creed, participate in prayers, and engage in a Bible story.

Bring your backpack on September 3

6th grade 212 Ministry Leaders

We are back to our fantastic schedule of choirs, youth groups, classes, and activities, for YOU on Wednesday evenings. 6:05 to 6:45 there will be Family Programming in Gosnell Hall while families are at their tables. Bring your backpack, or lunchbox, on September 3 for a Backpack Blessing! On Sept 10, we’ll learn about Noah and make a craft. On Sept 17, we’ll learn about Bishops because we’ll have a Bishop on Sept 18 to celebrate Reverend Beth’s new ministry. On Sept 24, we’ll learn about a passage from Philippians that we’ll hear in church on Sunday Sept 28.

212 Ministry leaders are young people in 6th grade! “212 Ministry” is for young people in 4th through 6th grade, it meets on Sunday mornings in room 212 on the second floor. In fact, that’s how we came up with the name “212 Ministry”! Several times throughout the year the leaders (6th graders) also plan and prepare to support special community outreach events like Christmas to the Street, and parish celebrations like our annual Easter egg hunt. These early experiences with community service are just one way to prepare 6th graders for the transition to our youth group, which puts emphasis on outreach activities and living into the Christian message.

Lego donations welcome If your child has out-grown Lego building blocks, consider giving them to St Mark’s. They will be used to re-create Bible scenes and spark discussions. Instead of gathering dust in your closet, these blocks will be used as a tool for helping build a foundation of faith.

St. Mark's Children and Family Ministry has a Facebook page, “like” it next time you’re on Facebook so you can keep up with what’s happening!





15-September Gerry Brawner, Bridgett Burden, Porter Loring, Rayen Lucas, Eric Stupka 16-September Diettrich Arnold, Stephanie Bain, Roger Bennett, Rick Daniels, Katy Kasch, Caroline Matteson, Laura Olsen, E.C. Parker, Jean Rumsey, Lillian Seeligson, Elisabeth Uhl, Sadie Upham, Maggie Villarreal 17-September Ed Gonzales, Catesby Hunt, Mackenzie Medley, Barry Roberts, Pat Snyder 1-September 18-September Walter Bain, Cary Barton, Stefanie Boswell, Priscilla Briones, Michael Cassidy, Lois Dolch, Jeffrey B. Hight, Robert LeClercq, Alexandra Diana Hamner, Cliff Hurd, Tom Madison, Flor Tamez, Ann Tiner, Ian Vaughn, Marty Rodriguez, Barbara Wilson Whittaker 19-September 2-September Andrew Alderman, Hallie Easley, Sean Donna Dickerson, Edward MacDonald, Rebecca McAnelly, Jeanne Reesman, Teressa Sisemore, Knowlton, W. D. Olivarri, Sarah Ellen Payer, Karen Snyder, Alexander Stillwell, James Sykes, Steve Thomas, Lana Todd Carolynn Witt 3-September 20-September Bobbie Jo Sheldon, Jonah Slocum Alison Brown, Jennie Lou Leeder, Ann 4-September Madison, Bonnie Muecke, Charlotte O'Brien, Kyle Briggs, Barbara Cummings, Jessie Johnson, Bill Phelps, Toni Price, Kathie Sherman, Sarah McGehee, Anna Oliver, Tres Steves, Jermane Taylor William Villa, Debra Walker 21-September 5-September Evelyn Bailey, Karen Brandon, Dave Hulett, Marcos De Luna Don Lucas, Trevor Stokes, Lee Whittaker 6-September 22-September Mark Auler, Jena Barker, Pat Bridwell, Elizabeth Breazeale, Len Briley, Katherine Meredith Holdsworth, Beverly Hooper, Julie Frilot, Robin Logan, Joel Martin, Dody Luker, Celia Motsko Oppenheimer, Lee Wilder 7-September 23-September John Bloodsworth, Mary Ann Matteson, Jane Matthew C. Bain, Jack De Witt, Mary Fisher, May Lois Anne Yates 8-September 24-September Michael Brumlik, Asa Fitzsimons, Elise Margaret Amberson, Alicia Amberson, Staci Frierson, Colleen Goff, Charles Owens, Linda Foster, Rebecca Ohnemus, Brandy Smith, Scott, Anne Sykes, Lee Yelton William B. Townsend 9-September 25-September Liam Dillon, Zachariah Linson, David Short, Kat Golando, Nils Pearson Judy Timmons, Pete Villanueva 26-September 10-September Ralph Falkenberg, Lisa Piland Cory Howard, Eva Howard, Amanda Jackson, 27-September Forrest Lillibridge, Mark Muecke, Wallace Caroll Ahern, Trey Anderson, Woody Rogers, Kelly Satel, Patsy Wellborn Chipman, J.B. Crowther, Sandy Folts, Al 11-September Hartman, Sandy Hughey, Ann Keetch, Suzy Caroline Cassidy, Tres Davidson, George Geis, Zimmermann Nicole Gonzalez, Lillian Kimmerly, Christina 28-September Ray, David Ribble, Jay Roberts Paul B. Carter, Elaine Center, Lisa Cox, Toby 12-September Golando, Virginia Hartz, Marilyn Koontz, Tad Bowen, Ed Brown, Dan Butt, Meredith Camilla Parker, Dick Soupiset Holmstrom, Shelby Newton, Juan Carlos 29-September Rodriguez, Tookie Spoor, Heather Wright John Boggs, Dina Jones, Quincy Luce, Jeff 13-September Rochelle, Amanda Sheldon, Buttercup Sparks Gene Alderman, Leighton Grigsby, Linda 30-September Jacobs, Madison Joyner, Kate Pollom, Diana Jamie Lynn Bloodsworth, Kait Gish, Harvey White Marmon, Dale Martin, Al Silva, Fred Vinson 14-September Peggy Allison, Rene Fletcher, Tom Grace, Mike Gross, William Holmstrom, John McClung, Sarah McCracken, Laura Perez


A very special happy birthday to:

Ann Tiner, on her 99th (1-Sep) Buttercup Sparks, on her 99th (29-Sep) Lillian Kimmerly, on her 95th (11-Sep) W. D. Olivarri, on his 93rd (2-Sep) Jean Rumsey, on her 93rd (16-Sep) Lois Dolch, on her 90th (18-Sep) Carolynn Witt, on her 90th (19-Sep)

BIRTHS Scarlett Avery Martin (7/24/2014) to Paige & Joel Martin Olivia Muecke (5/17/2014) to Bonnie and Mark Muecke Walt Muecke (5/17/2014) to Bonnie and Mark Muecke Grace Watson (3/7/2014) to Mary Carolyn & Devin Watson


For all who have died in the hope of the resurrection, and for all the departed, let us pray to the Lord. (from the Prayers of the People Form 1) Bob W. Coleman, July 12 Jose De Lara, July 19 Dorothy Tracy Gunkel, July 10 Guy Simpson Halter, July 4 Lois MacDougall McDowell, July 23 Thomas Alderman, August 22 Andrew Zilker Thompson, August 20 Bette Cook, August 13


AS OF 08/19/14

Contact Pat at the church office if you have any ques ons about memorials at St. Mark’s at (210) 226‐2426 hutchison@stmarks‐ MEMORIAL FUND Philip Allison by Peggy & Steve Allison Robert Cauthorn by Cary & Walter Bain, Bobby Dewar, Mr. & Mrs. Baker Duncan, Linda & Philip Jacobs, Camilla & Bill Parker Bob Coleman by Lynn & Caroline Laurence, Lova & Sunny Sneckner Dorothy Gunkel by Fred & Bunni Allega, Robert & Linda Bridges, Joan Tracy-Huff Guy Halter by Lois & Bob Alexander, Elizabeth & Drew Cauthorn, Charles & Martha DeCou, Camilla & Bill Parker, Susan Riordan, Cliff & Bebe Waller Jehu Benjamin Haney, Jr. by Ben Haney Dorothy Steves Hindman by Marilyn & Huard Eldridge Warren Matthews by Emma Matthews Rt. Rev. Gerald McAllister by Laura & Weir LaBatt III Sylvia Menke by Lynn & Caroline Laurence Howard Mitchell by Betty Mitchell Mrs. Jean Young Norman by The Norman Family Foundation Dr. J.R. Raines, Jr. by Nance Raines Haney Sandy Robinson by Eleanor Jordan, Elsie Steg Vernon Sahm by Dorothy Gunkel Polly Triche by Marion Branch, Betsy Simpson ALTAR GUILD Guy Halter by Ginny Halter

RECTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Andy Smith by John & Chica Younger KITCHEN MINISTRY Robert Cauthorn by Drew & Elizabeth Cauthorn, James Family Charitable Fund RECEPTION COMMITTEE Robert Cauthorn by Drew & Elizabeth Cauthorn STREET MEMORIAL FUND Park Street, Joe Street, Charles Schutz by Hall & Pat Hammond Charitable Fund HABITAT FOR HUMANITY James K. Wilson, Jr. by Susan Wilson Robert M. Grace by Susan Wilson ST. CECILIA GUILD Robert Cauthorn by John & Chica Younger Guy Halter by Ann Coiner Polly Triche by Ann Coiner RENEW Guy Halter by Jean & Paul Parker, San Antonio Kiwanis Charities Inc. Vernon Sahm by Cliff & Bebe Waller STREET ENDOWMENT FUND Jeanette Pressly Street by Virginia Street Koehl SPECIAL GIFTS To St. Mark’s in honor of Sam Bell Steves IV by the Marshall Steves, Sr. Foundation To St. Mark’s Altar Guild in honor of Ann Coiner’s birthday by Susan Wilson To St. Mark’s Altar Guild in honor of Duzie Queen’s birthday by Susan Wilson


To St. Mark’s Altar Guild in honor of Ann Leafstedt‘s birthday by Susan Wilson To Habitat for Humanity in thanksgiving for 28 years of service by Stephen Perez by Barbara Hardin To Habitat for Humanity in thanksgiving for Lee Rux by Allison Hayes Lane To St. Mark’s in honor of John Franco and his ministry of Eucharistic Ministers by Jill Vassar To St. Mark’s in thanksgiving for Dick Nation by Emma Matthews To the Tucker Courtyard in honor of Anne & Robert Tucker by Martha Dickey, Alice Sallee, Laura Lee Lyon To St. Mark’s in thanksgiving for Sally Buchanan by Ryland Howard To St. Cecilia in honor of Sandy & Jim Folts on their 50th anniversary by Martha Steves To St. Mark’s in honor of Susan Waltrip, Lenten Luncheons Director by Anne Godwin To St. Cecilia Guild in honor of the July birthdays of Nancy Reed & Barbara Ward by Susan Wilson To Renew in thanksgiving for the baptism of Palmer Johnston, great grandson of Minta Cook by Logan & Elizabeth Johnston To the Altar Flower Fund by Bob Tisdale & John Tarr

The Messenger (USPS 514‐020) Published Monthly (3rd Wednesday) ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226‐2426 Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Rector/Editor‐in‐Chief: The Rev. Beth Knowlton Layout & Graphic Design: Emmet Faulk e‐mail ar cles efaulkjr@stmarks‐

Ar cle deadline is 3rd Friday of each month

Celebration of New Ministry September 18th

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 6:30PM (aka Installation of New Rector)

A Reception in Gosnell Hall will follow the service.

FALL 2014 WORSHIP SCHEDULE STARTS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2014 7:45a.m. Rite I Eucharist 9:00a.m. Rite II Eucharist 10:00a.m. Formation for all ages 11:15a.m. Rite II Eucharist 4:00p.m. Rite III Service For a complete listing of upcoming events, meetings, and classes at St. Mark’s visit 20

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