themessenger Monthly Newsletter of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church MARCH 2015
Celebrating Resurrection: The Easter Vigil
here are many of our liturgical services that I think are profound in the Anglican tradition. The service that I think most helped me to understand why I was an Episcopalian, has been the Easter Vigil. It is beautiful and powerful, steeped in history from as early as the second century, and reminds us at a profound level of the mystery of the resurrection and our identity in Christ. In the early church, the vigil would have taken place through the night hours until sunrise. Now the Book of Common Prayer acknowledges that most congregations will no longer keep the full night ritual. So, the Vigil is described as the first Easter service to be held sometime between sunset on Holy Saturday and sunrise on Easter Day. Through the years at St. Mark’s, it has been celebrated at both times, though in recent years it has been in the evening on Saturday. This year, we are going to celebrate the Easter Vigil at 6 am. It is one of the few liturgical changes I have opted to make in my first year and it is so we can have that ancient experience of moving from the dark to the light. There is something incredibly powerful about gathering around the new fire in the dark and exiting the church into the full light of resurrection. We will still kindle the new fire outside, light the Paschal candle, and process into the darkened church. Our individual candles, lit from the Paschal Candle will gradually illuminate the church as we gather. We will hear lessons of scripture that recount the fullness of our salvation history. We will celebrate baptisms and renew our own baptismal promises. The fourth and final portion of the service will be our celebration of the first Eucharist of this Easter. Throughout the movements of the service, light will gradually increase. Vigil candlelight will give way to more and more light until we will ring bells and once again proclaim, Alleluia, Christ is Risen. The Lord is Risen Indeed. Alleluia. Whether you have enjoyed the evening Vigil in the past, or never had a chance to attend this service, I hope you will come this year. It is a deep and meaningful way to celebrate Easter and will be a beautiful culmination of our Holy Week services. Peace,
March 29 ········· Palm Sunday; Choral Evensong March 30 ········· Holy Monday Liturgy, 12:00 pm March 31 ········· Holy Tuesday Liturgy, 12:00 pm April 1 ············· Holy Wednesday Liturgy, 12:00 pm April 2 ············· Maundy Thursday Eucharist, 7:00 pm Good Friday Vigil (Overnight, Bethlehem Chapel) April 3 ············· Mass of the Presanctified Gifts at 7:30 am Good Friday service 12:00 pm, followed by The Stations of the Cross April 4 ············· Easter Egg Hunt & Picnic 10:00 am Holy Saturday Liturgy, 1:00 pm April 5 ············· Easter Vigil (with incense), 6:00 am; No 7:45 a.m. service Easter Services at 9:00 (no incense) & 11:15 (with incense)
The Messenger is published monthly and is available in magazine format online at Parish Clergy The Rev. Beth Knowlton Rector The Rev. Carol Morehead Associate Rector Making a Gift of Their Service The Rev. C. Douglas Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Mary Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Co-Director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson Co-Director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Linda Ricketts Assisting Priest Staff Todd Allison Youth Director Priscilla Briones Finance Manager Catherine Cardenas Children’s Ministry Intern Janet Carrizales Nursery Director Joseph Causby Director of Music & Organist Emmet Faulk Parish Business Administrator Erin Hughes Youth Ministries Assistant Director Gail Jackins Families & Children’s Ministries Director Marsha Kimura Music Department Administrator Jesse “Chuy” Mendoza Kitchen Manager/Chef Ruby Merrill Facilities Supervisor & Receptionist Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Amanda Quisenberry Youth Ministries Assistant Dr. Edwin A. Rieke Dir. of Music & Organist Emeritus Callie Sanchez Families & Children’s Ministries Intern Derek Shively Head Sexton Leah Thomas Special Events Coordinator
FINANCE REPORT Emmet Faulk, | Parish Business Administrator |
2015 Giving Update As of Thursday, February 19, 2015, below is an update on giving. As of: 2/19/15
2015 Pledge
TOTALS $1,645,968
# Pledges
Median Pledge
ONLINE PLEDGING IS NOW AVAILABLE! If you have not already pledged, please visit our website at
Financial Report Below is the budgeted financial report for January 2015. NOTE: The 2015 budget has not been approved by the vestry as of publication, therefore, there is no comparison to the budget period.
2015 FINANCIAL REPORT JANUARY 2015 Pledge Revenue
Non Pledged Giving
Open Plate Giving/Seasonal Giving
Other Revenue (e.g., parking lot)
St. Mark’s Episcopal 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205
One Body, Many Menus
eginning this month we will hold our small group gatherings, One Body, Many Menus. We plan to hold 20 gatherings in 2015, with 10 gatherings from March to May, and 10 more in the fall. Gatherings will consist of no more than 25 people. Through these gatherings, St. Mark’s members will have the opportunity to:
Get to know our new rector, the Rev. Beth Knowlton. ● Get to know each other. ● Reflect on St. Mark’s vision, as expressed in our core vocation. We will reflect on ways that St. Mark’s feeds our minds, bodies, and souls. Together, groups will envision how St. Mark’s can continue to live into this core vocation of feeding the hungry ●
with real food, feeding those hungry for knowledge and meaning, and feeding those hungry for beauty and creativity. Thanks to our Stewardship CoChairs: Robert and Shea Pollom, George and Jill Vassar, Ed Rieke, and Ann Coiner.
An Invitation to a Holy Lent: Walking the Way of the Cross Wednesday Evenings in Lent
Palms to Ashes to Palms The Sunday before Ash Wednesday, we gathered in the Tucker Courtyard to burn dried palm fronds from last year in order to use the ashes for the Imposition of Ashes. This tradition helps keep us tied to the rhythm of the liturgical year. The rhythm goes full circle when we make palm crosses to wear on Palm Sunday. This year, everyone is invited to help makes these crosses on Saturday, March 28, from 10-12am in Gosnell Hall. We will then wear them the next day, Palm Sunday. This year, remember to keep your palm crosses and let them dry. Then bring them next year before Ash Wednesday!
Our Wednesday Evening Lenten Series continues. The remaining Wednesday nights in Lent, we will offer Holy Eucharist at 5:30pm, followed by optional dinner in Café Kairos at 6:00pm. At 6:30, we will have a speaker who will lead us in reflecting on our theme, Walking the Way of the Cross. March 4 ········· The Rev. Mary C. Earle March 11········ James R. Dennis, O.P. March 18········ The Rev. Beth Knowlton March 25········ The Rev. Dr. John Lewis
Café Kairos during Lent We have asked our wonderful kitchen staff to prepare a supper of soup and salad in keeping with Lent and the call to give ourselves to God. A simple meal, without dessert, will help us remember those who have less and remind us to rely on God.
Café Kairos Menus for Lent: March 4-5 ····· Potato Chowder, garden salad, focaccia bread March 11-12 ·· Chicken noodle soup, tossed salad, biscuits March 18-19 ·· Italian white bean soup, Caesar salad, garlic bread sticks March 25-26 ·· Chicken & Dumplings, garden salad, Sister Shubert’s rolls April 1-2 ······· Mexican corn soup, tossed salad, tortillas
Adult Christian Formation The Rev. Carol Morehead | Associate Rector |
ur many Spring opportunities continue, inviting us to grow in our life together as disciples of Christ. With offerings including Sunday mornings, mid-week studies, and weekend retreats and retreat days, 2015 promises to truly offer us the opportunity to live into part of our core vocation: to feed those who hunger for wisdom and knowledge. For more details, see the website or email Carol.
Sunday Offerings Lent Desert Spirituality: A Lenten Path, with The Rev. Mary C. Earle and Dr. Dan Morehead During Lent, join us as we look at the ancient desert traditions and how we continue to walk this path. March 1 ···················· Silence, Solitude, Stillness March 8 ···················· The Patience of the Cell March 15 ·················· The Power of Detachment March 22 ·················· Desert Practices for Today
Eastertide Rector’s Forum: Being a Christian in an Increasingly Secular World How do we live out our Christian Life in a world that no longer easily supports this choice? How do we live out daily life and work in a way that honors our life in Christ? This class will explore themes of secularism historically as it relates to our daily lives. Celtic Spirituality, with The Rev. Mary C. Earle, Sylvia Maddox, and Andrew Morrison Join us live into an Easter life as we look at our deep roots in the Celtic tradition. April 12 ···················· Connecting with the Celtic Past: Who were the Celts? What are the key elements of Celtic spirituality? Why does this speak so strongly across the ages to us today? April 19 ···················· Connecting with and through the Saints May 3 ······················· Connecting with Creation: How can the Celtic tradition lead us so see creation as the "first cathedral"? What can we learn from their ability to perceive Christ's presence in nature? May 9 ························ Retreat and Cèilidh, Bishop Jones Center May 10 ······················ Connecting the Daily with the Eternal May 17 ······················ Connecting with the Outer World: The Celtic saints were the Great Evangelists of history, sailing away, trusting in the Spirit, bringing Christianity and learning to the 3 countries of Western Europe, that were struggling under the dark ages. May 24 ····················· Celtic Christianity and the Holy Spirit May 31 ······················ Trinity Sunday. The great mystery of connection. For the Celts, the Trinity is a way of naming divine reality, and proclaiming the ultimate connection, "The Three of My Love."
Midweek Offerings Wednesdays Mid-Week Bible Study, 6:00 - 7:30 pm, Dean Richardson Room; February 11; April 8, 22; May 6. Daughters of the King Book Study, 5:00 - 5:45 pm, Room 305 Lenten Series, 5:30-7:30, Walking the Way of the Cross, Wednesdays in Lent: March 4, 11, 18, 25 5:30 ·········· Eucharist in Bethlehem Chapel 6:00 ··········· Dinner at Café Kairos (for those who would like to purchase dinner) 6:30 ·········· Special Lenten Speaker series: A different speaker each week (see p.3) Thursdays Mesa Redonda, THE WOUNDED HEALER: Ministry in Contemporary Society; Gosnell Hall & Room 102 MINISTRY BY A LONELY MINISTER March 5 ················ I. The Wounded Minister March 12 ·············· SPRING BREAK -- NO CLASS March 19 ·············· II. The Healing Minister March 26 ·············· CONCLUSION: A Forward Thrust Time Out Bible Study, The Gospel of Mark, 10:00-11:30am, Youth Suite Saturday, May 9— Celtic Spirituality Retreat and Cèilidh, Bishop Jones Center, 9:30-2:00 Join The Rev. Mary C. Earle, Sylvia Maddox, The Rev. Carol Morehead, and Andrew Morrison for a day exploring the practical aspects of the Celtic tradition. We’ll conclude with a traditional cèilidh, a time for celebration in song and word. Lunch provided; no cost to attend, but please reserve a spot by calling or emailing the church office.
Registration will begin on March 5!
Easter Flower Order is available On the back page
2015 Parish-Wide Retreat at Mustang Island May 1-3
The deadline for orders is Monday, March 30, 2015.
Details to come! Registration will open on March 5.
Please return form to the parish office. c/o Pat Hutchison Noble 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio TX 78205 Questions? Contact Pat at 210-226-2426.
All are welcome! A great spiritual getaway for individuals and families! 5
Joseph Causby | Director of Music & Organist |
YOUTH MINISTRY GATHERINGS Sunday Morning Youth Formation in Lent Reflections in the Lord’s Prayer; Sundays in the Youth Suite
Lent is an appropriate time to consider the prayer Jesus taught us to pray in a careful way. Youth, 7th-12th grade, are invited to join us for a 6 week study and reflection on the Lord’s Prayer in the hope that we will be renewed in our reflections during Lent and intentional as we pray this familiar prayer.
Wednesday Night Fellowship & Dinner in Lent Youth Led Bible Study; Wednesday Nights, 6:30pm – 7pm*
Join us Wednesday nights for a youth led bible study and break out group discussions as we look deeper at the Gospels of Mark and John. *Beginning February 25; Youth will gather at 5:30 for Eucharist in the Chapel before dinner and discussion in the Youth Suite. Dinner is $6
Sunday, March 29; Youth Read Passion Narrative St. Mark’s youth will read the Passion Narrative at the 9am and 11:15 services. All Youth, 7th-12th grades, are encouraged to take part in reading.
Women’s Glee Club
Wednesday, April 1; Youth Seder Supper Youth are invited to join in a Seder Supper at 5:30pm on Wednesday, April 1 in Jerusalem Chapel. Youth will experience and share in a Passover Seder Meal in respect and honor to the Jewish tradition. Because we are limited in space this activity is being limited to the youth in 7th-12th grades and their friends. Please notify Todd or Amanda if you will be attending so we can be prepared.
Our youth programs could not happen without our wonderful volunteers! We are always looking for parents, grandparents, college students and young adults who would like to help in supporting the Youth of St. Mark’s by mentoring one of our Youth Confirmation students, working behind the scenes at an event or lock-in, volunteering to bring snacks or food, or driving to events. To get involved please contact Todd Allison or Erin Hughes. (210) 226-2426 or
Todd Allison, Youth Director | Erin Hughes, Assistant Youth Director | Amanda Quisenberry, Ministry Assist. | WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/SMCYOUTH
Fun was had by all when the Youth of St. Mark’s served the traditional Pancake Supper for Shrove Tuesday. The Rev. Beth Knowlton served as emcee for the festivities!
Choristers rehearse for the Talent Show. The choir from St. Paul’s Montesorri School joined in to perform at Shrove Tuesday.
March 6-8 March 9-11 March 29 April 1 April 2 April 3 April 3 April 4 April 5 April 10-12 April-June April 26 May 1-3 May 10 June 5-7 June 15-19 June 22-25
Camp Eagle–Rocksprings, TX $75.00 per person Registration Deadline: March 22 7
Sr. High; Happening #127 Sr. High Spring Break Retreat Palm Sunday Youth Read Passion Narrative Youth Ministry Seder Supper Maundy Thursday Good Friday Noon Service Stations of the Cross (1pm) Parish Easter Egg Hunt at BJC Easter Sunday Youth Retreat at Camp Eagle S.O.W. Fund Drive Feast of St. Mark Parish Retreat at Mustang Island Youth Sunday/Senior Recognition Summer Outreach Weekend DWTX Day Camp at St. Mark’s St. Mark’s VBS
FAMILIES & CHILDREN Gail Jackins | Director of Children and Families Ministries |
212 Ministry is on a hunt
Lenten Legos
The Easter Bunny has issued a parish-wide call candy. Approximately 400 eggs must be filled so they will be available to hide at the Jones Center on Saturday, April 4. That takes a few weeks of work!
On the Wednesday evenings of Lent, at 6:05 in Gosnell Hall, we’ll re-create the Bible stories of Lent with Miss Gail. Grades 1 to 6. Nursery available. March 4 ·······Jesus turns over the tables in the temple March 11 ···· Spring Break (no Legos) March 18 ·····Lazarus comes out of his tomb March 25 ·····Palm Sunday triumphal entry into Jerusalem April 1 ·········The empty tomb on Easter morning
Vacation Bible School
We would like donations of individually wrapped candies (no loose jelly beans or un-wrapped candy) or gift cards to H.E.B., Walmart, or Target. Bring donations to the reception desk or to Gail Jackins. 212 Ministry will fill eggs. (We already have plenty!) Thank you in advance for your contributions!
Shea Pollom had our first Vacation Bible School planning meeting on Feb 22. Please look on the St Mark’s Family Facebook page, and the St Mark’s website for information! VBS will be AT St Mark’s and Shea has lots of ways you can get involved and support this exciting ministry with our youngest parishioners!
Will Parker will be performing on the 2nd floor of the Parish House after the 9:00 service on Sunday, March 15! Will is a cradle Episcopalian who attended Reconciliation church in San Antonio and graduated from Trinity University. He is the theatre arts instructor at KIPP: University Prep High School in San Antonio. Will has performed around the diocese, and his songs reveal a soft, fun, sweet side. Kids of all ages love his themes of tolerance of difference, friendship, and the value of super-saccharine breakfast food! Contact Gail Jackins with questions.
Camp Capers Day Camp at St Mark’s
Flowering of the Cross
at St. Mark’s
This summer, St. Mark’s will host Camp Capers Day Camp on June 15 to 19. Day campers will be here from 9:00 to 3:00 and bring a lunch from home each day. This new offering is designed for children who haven't been to Camp Capers before but are considering attending, children who don’t sleep away from home, and inviting other children who would enjoy a fun, meaningful week
sharing the transforming, unconditional love of Jesus Christ. St Mark’s will provide facilities and supplies, snacks, volunteers, and host families who will provide housing for the Camp Capers staff. Camp Capers counselors and staff will be the leaders of programs and activities. If you have questions or are interested in supporting this new opportunity for Capers and St Mark’s, contact Gail at
At the 9 and 11:15 services on Easter morning, children can bring flowers from home to insert into the special wire mesh cross at church. We’ll do this during a prelude, before the service begins, so arrive early! Flowering of a cross at Easter dates back to the sixth century, and is a full-of-life symbol of Easter. Remember to pick a flower on Easter morning to bring to church, and bring a few extra flowers for children who may forget. 8
PARISH NEWS Easter Egg Hunt
Lenten Offering Task Force
Come join in for the annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday morning, April 4! There are lots of eggs to hunt and a separate hunting area for our littlest ones. Even if you don’t have young children at home, don’t miss out on this celebration! Be sure to bring a basket for hunting eggs and a picnic blanket or chairs.
The rector and vestry have convened a special Task Force to explore possibilities for a Lenten Offering. This group will look at the rich heritage of Lenten Luncheons and discern the path ahead. They will begin their work this month. Because discernment is an intentional and spirit-led process, the group will take their time in their work.
Where? Bishop Jones Center , 111 Torcido Road Who? All parishioners of St Mark’s and their guests. What? Blessing by Rev. Beth; Easter egg hunt; visit from the Easter Egg Bunny; face painting; balloon art; lunch following the hunt When? Story at 10:45, followed by the hunt. Please have children there and ready at 10:45. Lunch is free. Please call the church office, or sign up at the front desk, by Palm Sunday, so we’ll know how many lunches to prepare.
The Task Force will be chaired by Martha Steves and Pat Bridwell. The Rev. Mary C. Earle will serve as chaplain to the task force, and Lewis Fisher will work to provide a good historical framework of St. Mark’s. The members of the group are: John Beauchamp, Stephen Cavender, Laurin Cothren, Darin Digby, Mike Kuykendall, Katie McDonough, Brandon Raney, David Ribble, Anne Rochelle (v), Suzy Tackett (v), Robin Voight, and Susan Waltrip. Please hold this group in your prayers as they work together.
ENID BELDING WOMEN’S SCHOLARSHIP Applications due March 31, 2015
PURPOSE: …”to be used to help provide a college education for worthy young women at St. Mark’s parish.”
ELIGIBILITY: Applicant must be a female member of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, San Antonio, Texas, listed on the roll of the church. Applicant must be a deserving person for whom this scholarship would help realize an opportunity that may not otherwise be available. Applicant shall have demonstrated a compelling desire to further her education, increase her abilities and serve her fellowman. Applicant must have satisfactory scholastic record or a positive job history and maintain a 2.0 grade average. Applicant must be an active participant in the fellowship of St. Mark’s.
HISTORY: Enid Belding was a resident of Summit, New Jersey, but while in San Antonio she attended St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. On her death in 1986, she established a Charitable Remainder Unitrust to be released after the death of her brother. This trust fund has now been distributed to St. Mark’s. As set forth in Miss Belding’s will, one-half the bequeath to St. Mark’s shall be used to establish a scholarship fund in memory of her parents, Clarence E. Belding and Madeline Louise Belding, and her brother, George Belding. APPLICATIONS: Applications are now being accepted. Deadline is March 31. Application forms are available online at the St. Mark’s website, under “Formation & Ministries”.
Contact Carol Morehead at
FAMILY NEWS/COMMUNITY CARE MARCH BIRTHDAYS Special birthday wishes! Sara Spindle, on her 99th (13-Mar) Lillian Wilfong, on her 97th (23-Mar) Dorothy Shelton, on her 95th (6-Mar) Marie Wiesman, on her 94th (12-Mar) Ginny Halter, on her 92nd (3-Mar) March 1st Allison Duesing, Ellen Wade, Susan Wilson March 2nd Samantha Kingery, Kay Mijangos, Suzy Mudge March 3rd Ginny Halter, Katie Lowry, Alissa McCoy, Sterling Schrader, Gray Woodson March 4th Sue Bain, John Crider, Jenny Crone, Thomas Duesing, Jr.; Connor Morehead, Meredith Rigney, John Saunders IV March 5th Merritt Clements, Raphaella Dreyer, Philip LeMessurier, Shea Pollom, David Shulman, Katherine Stephenson March 6th Caden Diel, Mitchell Dobbins, Paul Herder, Dorothy Shelton, Tricia Steves March 7th Al Burnett, Jr.; Marshall Noble, Kate Scott, Russell Sugg, Grace Watson March 8th Polly Haff, Annie Mueller, Marian Yetman March 9th Reese Gonzalez, Jackie Paddock, Buffy Smolens
March 10th Phil Charo, Gina G. Dial, Frank Russell, Anne Schelleng, Gerry Scott, Briana Torres March 11th Carrie Diel, Jim Folts, Katie Grohe, Americo Soto March 12th Amy Ingram, Lynn Laurence, Juliette McNeel, Mason Melton, Frances Scott, Dell Villa, Marie Wiesman March 13th Lilly Chipman, John Herschell, Elizabeth Moore, Sara Spindle March 14th Taylor Allison, Jimmy Cavender III, Ben Dorris, Antti Patiala, Paul Pineda March 15th Karlene Blackburn, Carl Dorrance, Emily Fagan, Kathy Gallaway, Tiffany Smith, Michael Soto, Charlotte Watson March 16th Linda Blount, Mardi Dunkley, John Lodek, Kelly Lowry, Robert Rodriguez, Holly Smith March 17th Trey Foster, Matt Silva, Frank Wood March 18th Catherine Bousquet, Christopher Long, George A. Miller March 19th Elizabeth Auler, Margaret Raney, Coates Roberts, Steve Thompson, Larry Wiesman March 21st Lucian Butler, Kate Cavender, BettyAnne Cody, Laurin Cothren, Emma Foster, Carolyn Lowery, Susan Olson
March 22nd Blakely Besing, Ed Gilbert, Emily Moore, Deems Smith, Maddy Stokes, Tara Ward March 23rd Melissa Joyner, Lillian Wilfong March 24th Jennifer Colglazier, Michael Dahm, Charles Goodenough, Patricia Hoffman, Isadora Olsaver, Anne Palmer, Chloe Pargas, Robert Pollom March 25th Drew Cauthorn, Judy Cavender, Verne Lee Cooper, William Goodenough, Vivian Hartz, Hayden Hughes, Kelton Morgan, Marion Oettinger, Sallie Peacock, Annaliese Welmaker, Brandon Zaragosa March 26th Will Church IV, Harry Guidry, Holly Hill, Jimmy Satel March 27th Garda Boswell, Dianne Greene, George Vassar March 28th Diana Mathews, Seis Steves VI March 29th Darcy Brown, Weston Bryant, Paul Dent, Jr.; Audrey Lozano, Sallie Reblin, Sam Bell Steves II March 30th Pam Chambers, Andrew Gaiennie, Kathy Lawrence, Sydney Somers, Claire Tracy March 31st Jean Cleek, Patricia Ullmann
In Memoriam & In Thanksgiving For more information about Memorials and the Prayers of the People at St. Mark’s, contact Pat Hutchison Noble, Community of Care Coordinator at 210-226-2426 or email her at
MEMORIAL FUND Ed Bardgett by Ilene Bonilla Meredith Steves by Lynn Huntress KITCHEN MINISTRIES Matt Ahern by John & Chica Younger
John Douglas by John & Chica Younger SPECIAL GIFTS A gift to St. Cecilia in honor of Joe Causby on the occasion of his earning his PhD in Music by Kirby Traylor
Please return form to Leah Thomas.
Easter Treats Order Form Name ___________________________________________________________________________ Contact Phone No. ____________________________________________________________ Primary Email ___________________________________________________________
Tasty Treats: # of Treats
Cost per Treat
Large Cookie w/Bag & Bow
Easter Cookie Tray
Cookie Box
Cheese Straws
=$ Total Purchase = $
CHECK (No._______)
DELIVERY/PICK-UP NOTICE: Order deadline is Friday, March 20, at noon. Pick-up time for orders is on Thursday, April 2, from 10:00a.m. until 5:00p.m. Orders left after Thursday, April 2, will not be available or refunded.
All proceeds benefit St. Mark’s Kitchen Ministries.
The Messenger (USPS 514-020) Published Monthly (3rd Wednesday) ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226-2426 Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Rector/Editor-in-Chief: The Rev. Beth Knowlton Layout & Graphic Design: Emmet Faulk e-mail articles
Article deadline is 3rd Friday of each month
Easter Flowers forms are also available in the church building. A PDF printable version is available in the weekly e-News and on the web at For more information contact Pat at the church office.
EASTER FLOWERS TO ADORN THE CHURCH Easter flowers to adorn the church may be given in memory of or in honor of loved ones.
$20.00 donation for each memorial or honor Please complete the form below and return to the parish office by Monday, March 30, 2015. In memory of:
In honor of:
Your Name: Phone: 12