The Messenger - May 2015

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Monthly Newsletter of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church MAY 2015



IN THIS ISSUE: Finance Report Page 2 Parish News Page 3

Finding the Spirit in our Midst The Gift of Pentecost


still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. John 16:12-13

Adult Formation Page 4 -5 Youth Ministries Page 6 Children & Family Page 7 Birthdays Page 8

I remember stumbling off the plane, exhausted, disoriented, and confused. I was returning from a semester overseas in college and I hit the JFK airport with a mixture of excitement and sadness. My grand adventure was ended, and now I was on the journey back home. I was changed but unsure how those changes would integrate into my old life. I was not prepared for how overwhelmed I would feel. And why did it seem so loud? It felt as if suddenly the volume had been turned up and I was being assaulted with loud Christmas music and incredibly loud conversations.

It took me a while to figure out why I was feeling so overwhelmed by sound. Was it really that much louder in New York than Jerusalem? Was my jet lag so profound? It took me a few minutes, but I suddenly realized that I actually understood the side conversations around me. I understood the mom yelling at her child to hurry up, the frustrated words being muttered under the breath of someone lost and battling and oversized suitcase. The airport employees talking and joking as they went about their business were no longer distant, but like old friends sharing a common story. I could not block them out as white noise, because I actually understood the words being spoken. I had spent the last three months in countries where I was often surrounded by conversations that were in a language I did not understand. I had gotten so used to blocking those conversations out, that I now needed to adjust to a place where I could. The volume was indeed up, and I had to hear in a new way. There is something rather jarring about thinking you will understand what will be spoken, and finding yourself instead in a place of confusion. But there is also something jarring about thinking you will not understand what is being spoken, and finding yourself understanding the words.

ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, Texas 78205 (210) 226-2426 Office hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Emergency Pastoral Care: 210-507-0256

On May 24th we celebrate the great feast of Pentecost. We will hear the gospel in different languages and celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit as it forms and transforms the church. We will wear red to celebrate, have cake and hear again from Acts the story of birth of the church. Unlike the Tower of Babel, where the crowd becomes divided by language, here we find a unity coming as a gift of the spirit. We hear also at the same time words from Jesus about what that gift might mean. We are promised an Advocate, a Mediator, a Comforter, and a Guide. It is hard to pin it down. There is a sense in which we know the Holy Spirit when we see it and experience it, but it always remains mystery, just beyond our reach. When Jesus says it is more than we can bear, I have to wonder whether the reason it is beyond my grasp, is that the beauty and depth of God’s love is always more than I can apprehend. It is only through community we start to grasp the invitation to be bound and guided by that love.



The Messenger is published monthly and is available in magazine format online at Parish Clergy The Rev. Beth Knowlton Rector The Rev. Carol Morehead Associate Rector Making a Gift of Their Service The Rev. C. Douglas Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Mary Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Co-Director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson Co-Director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Linda Ricketts Assisting Priest Staff Todd Allison Youth Director Priscilla Briones Finance Manager Catherine Cardenas Children’s Ministry Intern Janet Carrizales Nursery Director Joseph Causby Director of Music & Organist Emmet Faulk Parish Business Administrator Erin Hughes Youth Ministries Assistant Director Gail Jackins Families & Children’s Ministries Director Marsha Kimura Music Department Administrator Jesse “Chuy” Mendoza Kitchen Manager/Chef Ruby Merrill Facilities Supervisor & Receptionist Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Amanda Quisenberry Youth Ministries Assistant Dr. Edwin A. Rieke Dir. of Music & Organist Emeritus Callie Sanchez Families & Children’s Ministries Intern Derek Shively Head Sexton Leah Thomas Special Events Coordinator

St. Mark’s Episcopal 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205

FINANCE REPORT Emmet Faulk, | Parish Business Administrator |

2015 Giving Update As of Monday, April 27, 2015, below is an update on giving. At this point, we are below our projections for 2015. If you have not pledged, please consider pledging today. Thank you! As of: 4/27/15

2015 Pledge

TOTALS $1,657,598








# Pledges











Median Pledge





ONLINE PLEDGING IS NOW AVAILABLE! If you have not already pledged, please visit our website at

March Financial Report Below is the budgeted financial report for March 2015.

2015 FINANCIAL REPORT Actual for Period Pledge Revenue

Budgeted for Period


















Non Pledged Giving Open Plate Giving/Seasonal Giving Other Revenue (e.g., parking lot)


PARISH NEWS Upcoming in our Music Program

St. Mark’s Bookstore Luncheon May 8

On Mother’s Day, May 10, our Cherub Choir (ages 3kindergarten) will be singing a musical prelude before the 9am service. All children in this age group, even those who are not currently in the Cherub Choir, are invited and encouraged to participate. Rehearsals are on Sunday mornings at the beginning of the 10.10 Sunday School hour.

St. Mark’s Bookstore will once again host an author for it’s Spring Luncheon, which will be on May 8, 2015. This year’s speaker is Robert Darden, author of Nothing but Love in God’s Water: Black Sacred Music from the Civil War to the Civil Rights Movement (Penn State Press, 2014). Bob is Associate Professor of Journalism, Public Relations, and New Media at Baylor University and former gospel music editor for Billboard magazine. To reserve your spot, please call the church at (210)226-2426.

HAPPENING 131 August 7-9, 2015, St. Mark’s, San Antonio

Happenings are spiritual renewal weekends for high school students in grades 10 through 12. The diocese sponsors three weekends each year in various locations. For more information, contact Todd Allison, Erin Hughes or visit

DIOCESAN NEWS Diocesan Council Update At the end of February, St. Mark’s Delegation took part in the annual meeting of the diocese. Members of the delegation were Carl Leafstedt, Suzy Tackett, Robert Pollom, Beverly Bryars, Anne Rochelle, Jan Briley, Bill Smith, Elizabeth Raney, Angela Torres-Lopez, Jennifer Merritt, and Susan Beardslee. Reports were given, and various diocesan elections were held to fill diocesan level leadership roles. In his annual Bishop’s Address, Bishop Lillibridge talked about the ongoing efforts of the Diocesan Development Committee as well as follow up from the previous year’s Facilitated Conversations regarding Same Sex Blessings. Bishop David Reed was installed as the Bishop Co-Adjutor, with the Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori speaking at the Friday luncheon. It was a wonderful weekend to reconnect with our diocesan family.

Abide in Me Conference, May 30th The seventh annual Abide in Me Conference will be held on Saturday, May 30, at TMI - The Episcopal School of Texas. This day-long event will welcome the Rev. Becca Stevens, chaplain at Vanderbilt University, founder of Thistle Farms and Magdalene, and the 2014 Council keynote speaker. Stevens will offer thoughts during two morning plenary sessions: “Service as a Place of Honor” and “How a Simple Faith Can Lead Us Deeper.” Stevens says she has learned that our job as practitioners of faith is to find beauty in the fields, to celebrate the harvest, and to care for the troubled fields of this world. Though we are not always inspired to do the work, the work always inspires us, helping us to overcome obstacles and become powerful evangelists, humble farmers, and faithful Christians. After Stevens' presentation, a set of workshops will be offered. Churches are encouraged to gather a group of lay leaders and volunteers to attend. More information is available at

Recently Bishop Lillibridge sent a letter to clergy and parish leadership further commenting on the part of his Bishop’s Address which addressed the process of considering same sex blessings in the Diocese of West Texas. Both the Bishop’s Address and Bishop Lillibridge’s full letter are available on the St. Mark’s website under News in the Audio and News section You may access the PDF of the Bishop’s letter directly at There are also other links about both the diocese, the national church, and the Anglican communion.


Adult Christian Formation The Rev. Carol Morehead | Associate Rector |


s we enter the Great Fifty Day of Easter, here are offerings to help us grow in Christ and in our life together. With summer approaching, we invite you to take advantage of these opportunities for study and reflection before we slow the pace. For more details, see the website or email Carol.

Sunday Offerings Celtic Spirituality, with The Rev. Mary C. Earle, Sylvia Maddox, and Andrew Morrison Live into an Easter life by joining in as we look at our deep roots in the Celtic tradition. May 3 ·················· Connecting with Creation: How can the Celtic tradition lead us so see creation as the "first cathedral"? What can we learn from their ability to perceive Christ's presence in nature? May 9 ··················· Retreat and Cèilidh, Bishop Jones Center; 9:30am-2:00pm & 7-9pm May 10 ················· Connecting the Daily with the Eternal May 17 ················· Connecting with the Outer World: The Celtic saints were the Great Evangelists of history, sailing away, trusting in the Spirit, bringing Christianity and learning to the 3 countries of Western Europe, that were struggling under the dark ages. May 24 ················· Celtic Christianity and the Holy Spirit May 31 ················· Trinity Sunday. The great mystery of connection. For the Celts, the Trinity is a way of naming divine reality, and proclaiming the ultimate connection, "The Three of My Love."

Rector’s Forum: Being a Christian in an Increasingly Secular World How do we live out our Christian Life in a world that no longer easily supports this choice? How do we live out daily life and work in a way that honors our life in Christ? This class will explore themes of secularism historically as it relates to our daily lives. May 10 ········ What do we mean by secularism? How have cultural shifts from the past few centuries changed how we think about the nature of God? As people of faith, how are we still confronted with these cultural shifts? May 17 ········ What are the historical roots of the rising secularism we face? How do these events from that past shape our experience of religious institutions and the questions we bring to our faith journey? May 24 ········ What are the primary challenges we experiences as Christians in our day to day life as a result of an increasingly secular world? How does this change the role of our faith communities? May31 ········· What Christian practices help us stay grounded in our journey? In what ways can we most effectively witness to our faith with those who do not profess our faith?


Midweek Offerings

Wednesdays Mid-Week Bible Study, 6:00 - 7:30 pm, Dean Richardson Room; May 6. Daughters of the King Book Study, 5:00 - 5:45 pm, Room 305 Thursdays Time Out Bible Study, The Gospel of Mark, 10:00-11:30am, Youth Suite, May 7 Mesa Redonda, This Spring, the Mesa Redonda will be reading Living Reconciliation by Phil Groves and Angharad Parry Jones; Gosnell Hall & Room 102 May 7 ············· Risk May 14 ············ New way of being May 21 ············ Sharing the vision

Saturday, May 9 Celtic Spirituality Pilgrimage Bishop Jones Center, 9:30am-2:00pm; Cèilidh, 7:00-9:00pm Come for either or both. Join The Rev. Mary C. Earle, Sylvia Maddox, The Rev. Carol Morehead, and Andrew Morrison for a day we will be reflecting on the lives and lessons of several Celtic saints . We’ll conclude with a traditional cèilidh on Saturday evening, which is a time for celebration in song and word. The ceilidh is open to all, even if not attending the day session. We invite all to prepare by bringing some story, song, or poem; ceilidhs are about participation, rather than a concert, though it is OK to pass and just enjoy the offerings of others. Lunch provided; no cost to attend, but please reserve a spot by calling or emailing Carol at


Church of Reconciliation 8900 Starcrest Dr. San Antonio TX 78217 A Contemplative Retreat led by Mary Earle will be held at the Church of Reconciliation, San Antonio, on Friday evening, May 22, and all day Saturday, May 23. The writings of Julian of Norwich will be the focal point of the retreat. The cost is $45 which includes lunch on Saturday. For more information, please contact the church office at 210-655-2731. Learn more or register online at

“Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ behind me, Christ before me, Christ beside me, Christ to win me, Christ to comfort and restore me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ in quiet, Christ in danger, Christ in hearts of all that love me, Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.”


YOUTH MINISTRIES Todd Allison, Youth Director | Erin Hughes, Assistant Youth Director | AmandaQuisenberry, Ministry Assist. | WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/SMCYOUTH









YOUTH SUNDAY SENIOR RECOGNTION Sunday, May 10 @ 9am (Reception following in Youth Suite) Seniors! Let us know your plans after graduation. Email us at

2015 Youth Retreat at Camp Eagle ▪ Good Friday Stations of the Cross ▪ Annual Easter Egg Hunt Our most important steps are leaps of Faith


CHILDREN & FAMILY MINISTRIES Gail Jackins | Director of Children and Families Ministries |

2015 VBS at St. Mark’s St Mark’s is excited to host Camp Discovery VBS this summer from 9:00am to noon, Monday through Thursday, June 22-25. Mrs. Shea Pollom and the Vacation Bible School committee are planning a wonderful experience for children age 4 and older, including programming for younger children of adult volunteers. At Camp Discovery, kids have fun as they explore the Bible, make new friends, sing songs, and learn how Jesus works through them in their everyday lives. Campers discover Bible truths that excite and challenge them. Jesus, our True North, gives campers the wisdom and the courage to step out in faith and serve—whether they’re at school, playing with friends, or helping out at home. There will also be an Outreach component for VBS. Pick up a list of items we are collecting, and help others while having fun together.

Register campers at Please remember to mail in the suggested fee of $25 per child with a family cap of $50. After registering, mail your fee to St Mark’s, 315 East Pecan St, 78205.

Sunday School News

Camp Capers Day Camp at St Mark’s This summer, St. Mark’s will host Camp Capers Day Camp on June 15 to 19. Day campers will be here from 9:00 to 3:00 and bring a lunch from home each day. This new offering is designed for children who haven't been to Camp Capers before but are considering attending, children who don’t sleep away from home, and inviting other children who would enjoy a fun, meaningful week sharing the transforming, unconditional love of Jesus Christ. St Mark’s will provide facilities and supplies, snacks, volunteers, and host families who will provide housing for the Camp Capers staff. Camp Capers counselors and staff will be the leaders of programs and activities. Specifically, we are in need of *7 host families to provide room, meals, and daily transportation to/from St Mark’s for pairs of 2 Camp Capers Staffers for the week; *Funds to purchase craft supplies; *Snacks for the Day Campers and Capers staff; *Adults and older teens to volunteer that week. If you have questions or are interested in supporting this new opportunity for Camp Capers and St Mark’s, contact Gail at

Sunday, May 17 is our last day of regular Sunday School for the semester. Please have your child make a home-made thank-you card for their Sunday School teachers. We appreciate a talented team of teachers who have shared their knowledge, their faith, and a bit of themselves this year. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd - Rm 205 Lou Taylor Julie VanZandt Godly Play - Rm 206 Elizabeth Breazeale Vern Lee Cooper Nelda Greer Heather Lunsford Whirl - Rm 208 Dawna Boudreaux David Grimes Andrew Goodenough Greg Merritt

Whirl - Rm 212 Catherine Cardenas Gary Chambers David Cobb Denise Dahm Callie Sanchez Children’s Chapel at 9:00 continues all year long Renee Faulk Emily Foster Beth Hawkins Jeanne Reesman

Once again this summer, we will combine all Sunday School classes from 1st to 6th grade in room 212. Miss Callie and Miss Gail will be there for the summer but will need an occasional substitute. If you’re available to help, please email Gail at This summer’s class use the Bible lessons that we hear in church on that Sunday. We will continue Children’s Chapel during the 10:00 service during the summer. 7

The Messenger (USPS 514-020) Published Monthly (3rd Wednesday) ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226-2426 Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Rector/Editor-in-Chief: The Rev. Beth Knowlton Layout & Graphic Design: Emmet Faulk e-mail articles

Article deadline is 3rd Friday of each month


Special birthday wishes! Virginia Dial, on her 95th (15-May) Beverly Hollje, on her 93rd (18-May)


2-May 3-May 4-May 5-May


7-May 8-May 9-May 10-May

13-May 14-May 5-May 16-May 17-May

Betty Cavender, Elizabeth Crider, Chip Henderson, Carl Leafstedt, Jessie Lopez, Bobbie Morse, Sharon Noble, Aurora Ortega, Tatum Owens, Dayton Schrader, Neel Scott, Henry Winslow David Grimes, Gabby Haff, Kyle Roach-Compton, Christina Sohn, Shelby Tengg Macon Blount, Charlotte Blount, Baker Duncan, Carmen Grimes, Sandy Ragan, Dina Rodriguez, Joe Taylor Janet Carrizales, Dee Francis, Michael T. Landrum, Kristin Roach, Dean Weatherbie Kathy Bonner, Victor Casiano, Tatiana Cervera, Carlos Corona, Bryon Denton, Keira Gunn, Mike Ivy, Carol Lee Klose, Eric Matthias, Donald E. Mills Laura Boone, Brooks Cavender, Jennie MacNaughtonCopeland, Michele Rowcroft, Lauren Saunders, Eleanor Scott, Terri Smith, Michael Vaughn, Paul Everett Vinson Bobby Dewar, David Frego, Karen Henderson, Monnie Lyons, Ian Wickham Cary Bain, John Chitakure, John Crone, Alec Doyle, Nancie Sutter Jeannine Campbell, Ann Coiner, Lenn Lewis Bruce Blakemore, Wendell Leafstedt, Christine Maren, Daniel Marshall, Eugenia McCombs, Devin Nicole Oatman, Elisabeth Smith, Hallie Watson

18-May 19-May 20-May 21-May 22-May 23-May 24-May 25-May 6-May 27-May 28-May 29-May 30-May 31-May


Nancy Cook-Monroe Everett Carpenter, Joe Causby, Stephanie Cavender, Edward Sealy, Mac Sykes Jim Lantz, Max Peterek, Aaron Ruiz Marissa Cervantes, Sam Noble, Phil Peacock Virginia Dial, Marsha Kimura, Jaret Lozano, Alice Morgan Will Digby, Sarah Ryder, Chelsea Short, Albert Steves Ramsey Bennett, Barbara Digby, Pat Donegan, Weldon Hammond, Lillian Morris, Walt Muecke, Olivia Muecke, Bill Parker, Elena Ribble, Ana Sofia Ross, Heather Willms Beverly Hollje, Bob Ray, Betse Rockwood, Kyle Ross, Renee Straus Helen Stephens Mark Fowler, Gerry LaPreze, Jim McCutcheon, Richard Warncke Amanda Arnold, Sally Center, Collins Mackerer, Duzie Queen, Lauren Queen, Mason Saunders, Estee Steves Bill Graves, Bill Scudder, Alexis Sherman, Ella Ward Joan Allen, Cathy Dawson, Richard Halter, Patrick Kelly, John Peterek, Steve Wegner Lily Bockerstette, Rita Browning, Nancy Heller, John Tarr Bela Ross, Seth Tracy Austin Allega, Aynslie Brown, Miller Raney, Ann Rutledge Giesecke, Margaret Vassar, Diane Waynick Milly Carlisle, Catherine De Lara, George Whiteside Ellen Cotton, Susan Guess, Sean Hughes, Charli Mullen, Maxine Weynand Murphy Brumlik, Donald Capra, Derrick Dodge, Mary Milligan, McLean Smith Susie Daniels, Zoe Kimura Len Briggs, Hannah Harvey, Samira Maus, Kim Scott

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