The Messenger - September 2015

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themessenger Monthly Newsletter of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church

September 2015




“Home is Where the Heart Is” IN THIS ISSUE: Finance Report Page 2 Adult Formation Page 3 Parish News Page 4 Youth News Page 5 Children’s News Page 6 Music News Page 7 Café Kairos Page 8

ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, Texas 78205 (210) 226-2426 Office hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Emergency Pastoral Care: 210-507-0256

I had a wonderful awareness after returning from vacation recently. I was walking outside of the church after my first day back, the sun was shining, and I had a spring in my step. I thought to myself, “it is great to be back home.” It represented an important shift for me as I prepare to enter my second year of ministry as your rector. Much of last year was exciting, new, and thrilling. It was also a time of letting go of Atlanta and a dearly beloved ministry at the Cathedral of St. Philip. Change, even good change, takes time to fully become embodied. It is partly why I think we focus on the incarnation so often in our liturgy and prayer. When something is enfleshed, it is a much more powerful witness than an abstract idea. It is messier of course, because real life is not nearly so black and white as theoretical imaginings. But it is often in the day-to-day mess that we find God. To become fully incarnate is the work of a lifetime. We have different seasons of our lives, all of which inform and form who we are as the people of God. Community helps us with this, in that we help support one another and are changed by our relationships through the years. On August 30th we will have Homecoming Sunday. This, of course, does not mean that no one has been at church this summer; we’ve actually had a wonderful rhythm of formation and worship. It does mean we are coming back into our fall routines. Our normal service times resume, the choirs will be in full array, and we will have a baptism during the 9 am worship service. Our senior warden Carl Leafstedt will announce the results of our Future Directions appeal. He will share our plans for hiring a third priest and what resources will be available to address the debt. At the 10:10am hour we will have a Ministry Fair to see the many ways we live out our core vocation here at St. Mark’s. There will be fun for the kids and an opportunity to meet Amanda Quisenberry, our new Interim Director of Children’s Ministry, in the midst of balloons and face painting. It is St. Mark’s, so you can trust there will be wonderful food involved. We will have a St. Mark’s Parish Life Handbook that will have a calendar of events for the upcoming year and a description of our ministries. You will have a chance to sign up for ministry opportunities and for one of our ongoing One Body, Many Menus small gatherings. It will be a wonderful day. So, whether you have been here every Sunday or been away on vacation, please mark your calendars to be at church as we launch our next program year.

I hope that St. Mark’s feels like home to you and we continue to welcome new people to our parish. As we have continued to live into our theme this past year of One Body, Many Members, it has been powerful to see that take root in so many ways! As always, I am grateful for the calling to be here with you, and give thanks for this community. Peace,



The Messenger is published monthly and is available in magazine format online at

Parish Clergy The Rev. Beth Knowlton Rector The Rev. Carol Morehead Associate Rector Making a Gift of Their Service The Rev. C. Douglas Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Mary Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Co-Director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson Co-Director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Linda Ricketts Assisting Priest Staff Dina Aboul Saad Director of Communications, Stewardship, & Gift Planning Todd Allison Director of Youth Ministry Priscilla Briones Finance Manager Janet Carrizales Director of Nursery Joseph Causby, PhD Organist & Choirmaster Emmet Faulk Business Administrator Erin Hughes Assistant Director of Youth Ministry Marsha Kimura Music Department Administrator Jesse “Chuy” Mendoza Kitchen Manager/Chef Ruby Merrill Facilities Supervisor & Receptionist Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Amanda Quisenberry Interim Director of Children’s Ministry Dr. Edwin A. Rieke Director of Music & Organist Emeritus Callie Sanchez Children’s Ministry Intern Derek Shively Head Sexton Robert Stubbs Organ Scholar Leah Thomas Special Events Coordinator

St. Mark’s Episcopal 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205

Emmet Faulk, | Parish Business Administrator |

2015 Giving Update Below is an update on giving as of Thursday, August 20, 2015. At this point, we are below our projections for 2015. If you have not pledged, please consider pledging today. Thank you! As of: 8/20/15

2015 Pledge


















TOTALS $1,666,398 # Pledges 353 AVERAGE Median Pledge

NoCH 105


If you have not already pledged, please visit our website at

July Financial Report Below is the budgeted financial report for July 2015.

2015 FINANCIAL REPORT Actual for Period Pledge Revenue

Budgeted for Period



Non Pledged Giving



Open Plate Giving/Seasonal Giving



Other Revenue (e.g., parking lot)













Adult Christian Formation The Rev. Carol Morehead | Associate Rector |

Sunday Offerings

Midweek Offerings Wednesday Evening Bible Study, Every other week, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Dean Richardson Room (2nd floor) We will continue our study of the Gospel of Mark, looking at major sections and themes as well as examining how we study biblical literature. Close reading and discussion. Class will meet September 9 & 23, October 7 & 21, November 4 & 18, and December 2 & 16. Led by The Rev. Carol Morehead

Season After Pentecost The Rector’s Forum: Living a Life of Prayer and Thanksgiving, Gish Hall You are invited this fall to come and reflect on what impact the way of prayer has on our daily lives. Often times we feel pulled in so many different directions our worship can feel cut off from our daily life. There is a case to be made that actually what we do in worship is mirrored in many of our daily activities. What can we take from the various parts of the Holy Eucharist that actual impact the way we experience God outside of Sunday worship? How can we gather those insights during the week and then come to worship in a way that allows us even greater grounding in the liturgy? September September September October October October October

13 20 27 4 11 18 25

November November November

8 15 22

September 30

Time Out Bible Study, Weekly, Thursday mornings 10:00 - 11:30am Time Out will begin this fall on September 10 and continue weekly. We will continue with the Gospel of Mark. Led by The Rev. Dr. John Lewis and The Rev. Carol Morehead

Gathering as the Body The Collecting of our Prayers Hearing the Word Our Common Creed Turning Again towards God Enacting Reconciliation Lifting Our Hearts in Thanksgiving Remembering the Larger Story Being Fed Going Forth into the World

Thursday Evening Book Study, Room 102 Crazy Christians: A Call to Follow Jesus by Michael B. Curry Come and meet our Presiding Bishop-Elect Michael B. Curry through this book study -and hear anew Jesus’ call to follow. The study will meet on Thursday evenings at 6:00 pm from September 3 through December 10 , and will be led by The Rev. Cliff Waller. Books will be available at the first class.

An Evening with Bishop Lillibridge Update from General Convention

See the St. Mark’s Parish Life Handbook for further Adult Formation offerings.

FUTURE DIRECTIONS ANNOUCEMENT It's almost time to say goodbye to summer and return to a new cycle of programming and worship at St. Mark's. On August 30th we will give thanks for our many ministries and hear about the wonderful outpouring of support from the congregation for hiring a third priest during the brief Future Directions appeal this summer. Response has been strong and it's not too late to make your commitment online or to send in your commitment card to the church. With your help, we seek to meet this challenge with as broad a representation of the parish as possible. All offerings are welcome. Between services, learn about the many ministries of St. Mark's during the Ministry Fair on the first floor of the parish house. Children will have the opportunity to meet their teachers, have their faces painted, or get a balloon animal. The many ministries of St. Mark’s will share what they have been doing and offer opportunities to participate. 3

Parish News Comings & Goings Amanda Quisenberry - Interim Director of Children’s Ministry We are happy to announce that Amanda Quisenberry will be the new Interim Director of Children’s Ministry. Amanda graduated from Texas A&M in 2014. She teaches second grade at IDEA Walzem and has been a part of the St. Mark's Youth Group team for the last year. She is a lifelong member of the Episcopal Church and grew up going to Camp Capers and serving on summer staff throughout college. We are excited about the considerable talents she will bring to our children and families! Amanda also will be working with a recently formed committee that is discerning the next steps for our Children’s Ministry as they focus on what is working well and where we might have opportunities for growth. The work of the committee will be supported by the consulting firm Ministry Architects that specializes in assisting churches in developing a strategic plan for children's and youth ministry. Ministry Architects will be with us October 1-3, at which time they will schedule listening sessions as part of their work, which will ensure we hear from a broad representation of the parish to make sure we have a ministry that best meets the needs of our members. We are excited by the possibilities that are ahead of us and by the wonderful community we have, one that can form children to be disciples of Jesus Christ.

One Body, Many Menus As we look beyond Homecoming Sunday, your stewardship co-chairs Jill and George Vassar, Shea and Robert Pollom, Ed Rieke, and Anne Coiner have been hard at work preparing for another round of One Body, Many Menus gatherings in September and October leading up to the Ingathering of pledges on November 1 during services. Sign up is now available for these small gatherings throughout our community. Go online to RSVP at Friday, Sept 4, 6:30-8:00 - Fran and Angela Torres-Lopez Friday, Sept 18, 6:30-8:00 - Mike and Kell Austin Sunday, September 20, 4:30-6:00 - Jeff and Ann Rochelle Thursday, Sept 24 , 6:00-7:30 - Jimmy and Jane Satel Friday, Oct 2nd, 6:30 - 8:00 - Joe and Karen Perretta Saturday, October 3, 10:30-12:00 - Thompson/Villa co-host (at Thompson's) Thursday, October 8, 6:00-7:30 - Bobby and Steph Cavender Friday, October 9, 6:30-8:00 - Ellen Williams/Karen Snyder Thursday, October 22, 6:00-7:30 - Kelly and Stephen Cavender Sunday, October 18, 4:00-5:30 - John and Mary McClung In addition to the opportunity to participate in small group gatherings, you will hear from various people during the 9am and 11:15am services in October who will share the impact St. Mark's has had on their lives. November 1 will be a big day as we make an offering of our pledges together during services, and hold our Parish Meeting and Vestry election between services. 4

Youth News Todd Allison, Youth Director | Erin Hughes, Assistant Youth Director |




‘My Faith, My Life’ - 8th Grade Formation Offering ‘My Faith, My Life’, a study for all 8th graders, begins on September 13th and runs through April; it will also serve as our Youth Confirmation class. Participants will meet on Sunday mornings at 10:10am as well as participate in offsite outreach activities during the class. Full schedule and class details will be available at the Ministry Fair, but if you have any questions or want to be on the email list for the class please contact Todd Allison at

FALL 2015 YOUTH EVENTS Wednesday Night Fellowship August 26 through December 16

Sunday Night LIVE September 13, October 11, November 8

Leadership Retreat (Leadership Team) Friday-Sunday, September 18-20

New Beginnings (6th-8th grade) Friday-Sunday, October 9-11

Welcome, Rising 6th Graders!

Fall Lock-In Friday, October 23 This fall all rising 6th graders will join the youth program on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. We are excited for Happening #132 (10th-12th grade) Friday-Sunday, November 20-22 you to be a part of the Youth Group. If you are not already on our email list please contact Todd, Erin and Amanda at 11th Annual Christmas to the Street Fri., December 18; Youth Lock-In so we can include you in news and Sat., December 19; Barbeque Event schedules this fall.

Leadership Weekend 2015 September 11-13, Camp Eagle High School Juniors and Seniors - mark your calendars for the Leadership Weekend September 11-13 at Camp Eagle. We will spend the weekend working on team building, small group discussions, and equipping you with tools necessary for you to serve in a leadership role in the youth program, parish, and community. Further details are available from Todd or Erin.

SPRING 2015 YOUTH EVENTS Mid-Winter at Camp Capers (Sr. High) Friday-Sunday, January 8-10

Mid-Winter at Camp Capers (Jr. High) Friday-Sunday, January 15-17

Sunday Night LIVE Dates TBD

Pancake Supper& Parish Talent Show Tuesday, February 9

Youth In Action; Service Day Want to get involved? Here are some great ways! ACOLYTES are vital part of our Sunday worship for youth in grades 6 through 12 and are scheduled for both the 9 & 11:15 Sunday services throughout the year, as well as Christmas Eve, Holy Week, and special ceremonies like weddings. For more information please contact Todd Allison. WEDNESDAY NIGHT FELLOWSHIP (WNF) is the weekly gathering for all youth on Wednesday nights from 57pm. Youth gather for fun, fellowship, food, and meaningful discussions on topics impacting their daily lives. WNF meets during the school year from late August to early May. CHRISTMAS TO THE STREET Led by the Youth Ministry program and with the help of volunteers, donations, and generous contributions from local businesses, Christmas to the Street has grown from 100 meals to providing over 1000 in three locations. Now entering our 11th year and continuing our partnership with Haven for Hope, Christmas to the Street continues to embrace the role St. Mark’s plays as a downtown church. For details on how you can join this amazing ministry please contact Todd Allison.

Saturday, February 13

Happening #133 (Sr. High) Friday-Sunday, March 4-6

Sr. High Mustang Island Retreat Monday-Wednesday, March 14-16

Holy Week Sunday – Sunday, March 20-March 27

Youth Confirmation (9am Service) Saturday, April 24

Senior Recognition/Youth Sunday Sunday, May 8 th

8 Annual Summer Outreach Weekend Friday-Sunday, June 3-5

Youth & Youth Choir Mission Trip to Washington D.C. July 6-11, 2015


Children’s Ministry News AmandaQuisenberry, Interim Director | Children & Family Ministry |

Children's Chapel Children's Chapel is a special time for kids to experience the Liturgy of the Word in a fun and instructive way during the 9:00am service. Designed for children ages 4 - 1st grade, children gather in the Jerusalem Chapel for while parents are participating in church. The children process out of the church, following a crucifer during the Sequence Hymn before The Gospel, and they return during The Peace. The kids will return and participate in the Eucharist with their family. This year, Children's Ministry invites all children ages 4-11 to Wonderful Wednesdays. Once a month, we will have the opportunity to grow in faith through fellowship with our community at St. Mark's. Come join in as we share an evening of food and fun! Mark your calendar, and plan to join us on these dates beginning at 5:30 pm. (unless otherwise noted).

September 30 October 28 November 18 December 16 January 6 February 3 March 27 (Sunday) April 20 May 18 Watch for details in The Messenger!

Did you know that St. Mark's Children and Family Ministry has a Facebook page? “Like” it next time you’re on Facebook so you can keep up with what’s happening! 6

Music News Joseph Causby, PhD | Organist & Choirmaster |

This year promises to be filled with glorious and inspiring music. Each week, the choirs of St. Mark’s liturgical offerings help us live into our core vocation of feeding those hungry for beauty and creativity. Throughout the year, Music from St Mark’s offers monthly music programs of the highest quality for the entire community. Highlights include our annual Remembrance Sunday service in November; the Festival of Advent Lessons and Carols in December; a city-wide music festival featuring nationally celebrated organist and choirmaster, Dr. Wilma Jensen; and the Fiesta Concert, where all 100+ singers from our choirs will join with orchestra in performing Benjamin Britten’s Noye’s Fludde. All of our concerts and liturgies enjoyed record attendance in the 2014-15 season, and we hope that by continuing to offer unique and versatile programming, we will reach an even broader audience this year.

Music from St. Mark’s 2015-16 Season

The Saint Cecilia Guild also continues to fund our four scholarships for high school students to sing in the St. Mark’s Choir as Choral Scholars. This experience for our young singers is All performances are at 5:00pm unless otherwise indicated. an outstanding way to learn musical skills, develop a sense and Music from St. Mark’s is always free and is made possible by the leadership and commitment, and strengthen the body of our generous support of the members of the St. Cecilia Guild. musical community. September 27:

Choir Schedule Resumes beginning August 20 October 25: November 8: December 6: January 6:

The regular church season for choir begins again this month. Wednesdays 4.30-5pm: 5-6pm: 5-6pm: 7-8pm: Thursdays: 5.30-6.30pm: 6.30-8.45pm:

(Children/Youth rehearsals begin August 26) Royal School of Church Music Voice for Life training (optional for any age) Novice Choir, grades 1-2 Boy and Girl Choristers Youth Choir

February 21:

March 6: April 24:

Treble Choir (auditioned - begins August 26) St. Mark's Choir (adults begin on August 20)


A service of Taize at the University of the Incarnate Word- with harp, flute, and our children’s and youth choirs. Choral Evensong Remembrance Sunday Advent Lessons and Carols A service for the Feast of the Epiphany Wednesday at 6pm A concert at the University of the Incarnate Word for the season of Lent (featuring the Tallis ‘Lamentations of Jeremiah’) Choral Evensong with guest conductor Wilma Jensen Fiesta Concert- Benjamin Britten’s ‘Noye’s Fludde’ featuring the combined choirs of St. Mark’s with orchestra and guests from Judson Montessori School and St. Paul’s Episcopal Montessori School.

The Messenger (USPS 514-020) Published Monthly ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226-2426 Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Rector: The Rev. Beth Knowlton Editor: The Rev. Carol Morehead e-mail articles

Article deadline is 3rd Friday of each month

Café Kairos Menus Join us on Wednesday and Thursday evenings for dinner! Meals are $8 each, and all proceeds go back into the ministries of St. Mark’s. AUGUST 26-27 Cheese Enchiladas with Chili con Carne Sauce Corn Bread Refried beans Tossed Salad Tres Leches Cake

SEPTEMBER 2-3 Meatloaf Mashed Potatoes Sautéed Green Beans Bread Pudding with Caramel Sauce

SEPTEMBER 9-10 Pasta Alfredo with Chicken Sautéed Broccoli Garden Salad Garlic Bread Sticks Coca Cola Cake

SEPTEMBER 16-17 Traditional Lasagne Sautéed Green Beans Caesar Salad Garlic Bread Sticks Oreo Cheesecake 8

SEPTEMBER 23-24 Chicken Pot Pie Garden Salad Dinner Rolls Apple Crisp

SEPTEMBER 30-OCTOBER 1 Asian Chicken Stir-fry Steamed rice Tossed Salad Chocolate - Butterscotch Haystacks

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