The Messenger - November/December 2015

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themessenger Monthly Newsletter of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church

November -December 2015




A Season of Hopeful Expectation

IN THIS ISSUE: Finance Report Page 2 Adult Formation Page 3 Parish News Page 4 - 5 Advent & Christmas Page 6 - 7 Children’s News Page 8 Music News Page 8 Café Kairos Menus 9

Christmas Flowers 9 Youth News 10 - 11 Christmas Schedule Back

ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, Texas 78205 (210) 226-2426 Office hours: Monday thru Friday 9.00am-5.00pm Emergency Pastoral Care: 210-507-0256

Advent is one of my favorite seasons of our liturgical year. It is a time to step off the cultural merry go round which moved directly to celebrating Christmas the day after Halloween. Advent brings the tension of awaiting the birth of Jesus while simultaneously awaiting the return of Jesus Christ. We look for new life as we commence another liturgical year with one another, and we reflect as a community on what gifts we each bring to the body. We are asked to wonder with one another, “What does it means to be an incarnate community in this time and place?”

One thing we heard consistently as we gathered together in the past year is that we like to be with one another. So, for Advent this year, we have created several community-wide gathering opportunities. We will make Advent wreaths together on November 29th. We will have our annual service of Advent Lessons and Carols on December 6th. The Reverend Doug Earle will be sharing an Advent photography exhibit with us. In an effort to make the Christmas pageant more accessible to the entire parish, we will be having it at 9am on December 13th in Gish Hall, followed by a combined worship service at 10am. Then during the week of December 13th, we will be having a display of crèches from around the world to give the broader community a chance to pause and reflect on the true meaning of Advent. We will gather to serve food to those who are hungry during our annual Christmas to the Street offering. Our preparations will culminate in a huge celebration on Sunday the 20th, when we will have a living nativity with a petting zoo and live animals in the Tucker Courtyard! I am hoping to reconnect with my good friend Seth the donkey, who we fondly remember from Palm Sunday celebrations. On Christmas Eve, we have added another service to offer our celebrations even more fully to our community. Plan to join us either at 4pm, 7pm, or 10:30pm. We will have wonderful musical offerings at each and welcome the Christ child in community with one another. This Advent and Christmas we will also be awaiting with hopeful expectation the arrival of our newest full time priest. I am delighted we will be welcoming The Reverend Matthew Wise to our community as well as his wife Amy and their beautiful newborn children, Jacob and Sawyer. His first Sunday with us will be January 10th. There is something wonderful about having them join us on the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord. It is also the day we celebrate the annual Epiphany Baby Shower that is sponsored by the Daughters of the King. How appropriate that as we give generously to babies and mothers in need at the Good Samaritan Center, we will welcome this new family into our midst. As always, I am grateful to be called to be part of this community. I give thanks for our common life and look forward to a hopeful Advent and glorious Christmas season.



The Messenger is published monthly and is available in magazine format online at

Parish Clergy The Rev. Beth Knowlton Rector The Rev. Carol Morehead Associate Rector Making a Gift of Their Service The Rev. C. Douglas Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Mary Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Co-Director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson Co-Director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Linda Ricketts Assisting Priest Staff Dina Aboul Saad Director of Communications, Stewardship, & Gift Planning Todd Allison Director of Youth Ministry Priscilla Briones Finance Manager Janet Carrizales Director of Nursery Joseph Causby, PhD Organist & Choirmaster Emmet Faulk Business Administrator Erin Hughes Assistant Director of Youth Ministry Marsha Kimura Music Department Administrator Richard Maldonado Chef Jesse “Chuy” Mendoza Kitchen Manager/Chef Ruby Merrill Facilities Supervisor & Receptionist Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Amanda Quisenberry Interim Director of Children’s Ministry Dr. Edwin A. Rieke Director of Music & Organist Emeritus Callie Sanchez Children’s Ministry Intern Derek Shively Head Sexton Robert Stubbs Organ Scholar Leah Thomas Special Events Coordinator

St. Mark’s Episcopal 315 E. Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205

FINANCE REPORT Emmet Faulk, | Parish Business Administrator |

Financial Report (Year-to-Date) This will be my last report as Parish Business Administrator. It has been a joy to serve St. Mark’s for the past 13 years. My wife and I look forward to our new adventure and continuing our connection with St. Mark’s as parishioners. Below is the budgeted financial report for as of October 31, 2015.

2015 FINANCIAL REPORT 83.33% of annual budget Pledge Revenue

Actual (YTD)

Budgeted (YTD)







Other Revenue (e.g., parking lot, weddings)



Endowments/Funds Revenue











Non Pledged Giving Open Plate Giving/Seasonal Giving


To catch up on your 2015 pledge, click on Pledge/Give at You may also contact Priscilla Briones at or 210-226-2426.

2016 STEWARDSHIP UPDATE As of 11/20/2015

2016 Pledges # Pledges AVERAGE Median Pledge

$1,364,864 255 $5,352 $2,700

We are working now on our budget for 2016 which takes into account our focus this coming year on families with young children, youth, and outreach while we strengthen small group offerings for all ages and continue to build on our successful music program. We are aligning our staffing to meet these opportunities with your help. If you haven't had a chance yet, please consider your pledge. The more we know about our pledging for 2016, the more clearly we can shape and support our programs for the coming year. To make your pledge, go online to, mail in your pledge card, or bring it to the church office. To arrange automatic payments toward your pledge, you can set up a recurring gift schedule online or arrange payments through Priscilla Briones at or 210-226-2426. Thank you for your prayerful support! 2

Adult Christian Formation The Rev. Carol Morehead | Associate Rector |

Sundays in Advent, November 29 - December 20 Advent & Christmas November 29Intergenerational Advent Wreath Making, Gosnell Hall December 6 What is Advent? Artist Talk with The Rev. Doug Earle December 13 9.00am Christmas Pageant December 20 9.00am Come, Let Us Adore Him Event, with Living Nativity, Crèche Displays, and Reception December 27 No Sunday morning Formation January 3 No Sunday morning Formation

Season After the Epiphany The Rev. Dr. John Lewis will lead us through the Season after the Epiphany. Join in on Sundays at 10:10, January 17 through February 7.

Midweek Offerings Wednesday Evening Bible Study, Every other week, 6.00pm - 7.30pm Dean Richardson Room (2nd floor) We continue our study of the Gospel of Mark. Class will meet December 2 & 16. Led by The Rev. Carol Morehead

Time Out Bible Study, Weekly, Thursday mornings 10.00am - 11.30am, Youth Suite Time Out will meet on December 3 to finish the Gospel of Mark and will resume on January 14 with the Gospel of Luke. Led by The Rev. Dr. John Lewis and The Rev. Carol Morehead

See the St. Mark’s Parish Life Handbook for further Adult Formation offerings. Worship Opportunities Mid-Week Eucharist, Wednesdays at 5.30pm in Bethlehem Chapel Evening Prayer, Thursdays at 5.30pm in Bethlehem Chapel

Advent Quiet Day December 5, 10.00am - 2.00pm The WorkShop The Poetry of Expectation: A Journey into Hope Led by The Rev. Carol Morehead

As we prepare for all that is to come - the rhythm of a new liturgical year, the coming Christ for the love of the world, the advent of God’s presence in our own lives - step aside from the daily rhythm and enter into a space of listening. Often, we find this time of short days and early darkness to be a time easily filled with the call of the urgent. How do we find balance between the quotidian mysteries of each day and the place where God draws us into kairos time? We will use poetry to guide us through our Advent meditations, exploring waiting, expectation, emptying, and hope. Attendance is free and open to all, and lunch is provided. Please register at so we have food for all.


Parish News Ministry Architects Update We had a fruitful visit with Ministry Architects in October. Thank you to all of you who participated in the listening sessions and the town hall meeting. They have provided the parish and vestry with a detailed timeline to enhance our children’s ministry offerings. At the October vestry meeting, the vestry recommended moving forward with plan they have developed. Our new priest, Rev. Matt Wise, will be working closely with the renovation team, a group of parishioners who worked with Ministry Architects during their assessment, to implement their recommendations and develop a timeline. Thanks to Co-Chairs Elizabeth Raney and Shea Pollom and to Greg Merritt, Angela Torres Lopez, Katie McDonough, and Dell Villa who have agreed to serve in this capacity. If you’d like more information on Ministry Architect’s specific recommendations, please visit our website at and click on Formation & Ministry, then Children’s Formation.

Parish Meeting & Vestry Election The parish meeting on November 1 was lively with our vestry election, parish ingathering, parish meeting, and distribution of our annual report — the energy level was palpable. The Annual Meeting of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church commenced with an opening prayer and the singing of a hymn. Senior Warden Carl Leafstedt led us through the election process and introduced the candidates. He also shared his insights on the work of the vestry this year including moving to a consensus model of decision-making. The One Body/Many Menus gatherings, another outward sign of our work together, was a great platform for introducing rector The Rev. Beth Knowlton to the parish. Input from these gatherings led to the Future Directions appeal and the hiring of a third priest, soon to become a reality. Treasurer John McClung gave a succinct overview of the church’s finances. Together, the Finance Committee, Investment Committee, vestry, and clergy are responsible for the overall financial health of the church. He gave thanks to Len Briley, the previous treasurer, for all his hard work. John shared that there is now an email address: to which anyone can address questions on the financial health of the church. Then The Rev. Beth Knowlton thanked everyone for an amazing 15 months! She thanked the stewardship chairs for all their hard work. Some of the themes that came out of the gatherings were to expand outreach downtown, explore new ministries, and put an emphasis on young families. The total pledged for the third priest and money to alleviate the debt now stands at over $665,000. She thanked Carl Leafstedt and Suzy Tackett, senior and junior wardens this year, as well as our former Treasurer, Len Briley. Great things are continuing to happen: Ministry Architects were just here assessing the nursery and children’s programs; they will be returning in January to look at the youth programs. Vacation Bible School was moved back to St. Mark’s this summer and was tremendously successful. The Vestry will begin to discuss the same sex marriage issue at an upcoming retreat. Dina Aboul Saad has been hired to be in charge of Communications, Stewardship and Planned Giving, and Bobby Stubbs is our new organ scholar who will be here for two years. This year we also said our goodbyes to Elaine Enloe and Gail Jackins this year as they moved on to new opportunities. We will continue to listen to each other and discern as a community where God will lead us. Parishioners Martha Steves and Pat Bridwell detailed the process that the Lenten Offerings Task Force went through to formulate new programming for the season of Lent. They thanked the committee for all their hard work. Participation sessions will be held in January for the parish to discuss various options for 2017. The final report will then be given to the clergy and vestry. Beth thanked Carol for all her hard work this year and also thanked the outgoing Vestry, with a special thank you to the entire staff. Carl closed by announcing the vestry results. We are grateful to all 10 members who were nominated this year for vestry. All are leaders in this community. Those elected include: Paul Allen, Dawna Boudreaux, Joey Oliver, Angela TorresLopez, and Agatha Wade. The remaining nominees will be invited into other leadership opportunities. 4

Parish News Comings & Goings New Associate Rector The Reverend Matt Wise At long last we are delighted to announce that the Reverend Matthew Wise has accepted the call to join the staff at St. Mark's as the Associate Rector for Outreach, Family Ministry, and Parish Life. Many of you will remember Matt from when he served in a part-time capacity here before accepting the call to serve at Texas A&M. He has had a flourishing ministry there with young adults for the past three years, growing that program in remarkable ways. He is a gifted preacher, teacher, pastor, and person of prayer. He and his wife Amy are excited about joining our community with their family, and we are delighted to welcome them. Matt's first Sunday will be January 10th!

Emmet Faulk Emmet Faulk has resigned his position as our business manager. He was offered an incredible job opportunity that is wonderful for him and his family as the Marketing and Sales Manager-Southwest Region for Boingo Wireless. He will be responsible for marketing wi-fi and wireless TV series to military personnel in bases including Fort Sam and others other states. He will continue with us through the end of November. The good news for us in the parish is that Emmet and Renee will still be with us as active members of our community. We cannot adequately express our gratitude for Emmet's many years of service with us at St. Mark's. We wish him well and look forward to seeing him in the pews on Sundays!

Erin Hughes Erin Hughes is leaving her position as Assistant Youth Director at the end of the year. Her family is moving to Abilene where her husband has accepted a promotion. Hayden, Maizey, and Erin will follow after Christmas. Erin is looking forward to being at home with her growing (way too fast) babies. We will miss Erin’s joy and enthusiasm and wish her well as her family takes on a new adventure!

You may contribute to purses for Emmet and for Erin; donations should be made to St. Mark’s and may be sent to Priscilla Briones’ attention. We will celebrate and say a special goodbye to Emmet and Erin at the Come, Let Us Adore Him reception on December 20 at 9.00am.

The Blessing of the Animals on October 4 brought out cats, dogs, and even a chicken! 5

ADVENT & CHRISTMAS OPPORTUNITIES Upcoming Events During the Advent Season Advent Quiet Day - Saturday, December 5 Join us on December 5, from 10.00am - 2.00pm at The Workshop. As we prepare for all that is to come - the rhythm of a new liturgical year, the coming of Christ for the love of the world, and the advent of God's presence in our own lives. Step aside from the daily rhythm and enter into a space of listening. Often, we find this time of short days and early darkness to be a time easily filled with the call of the urgent. How do we find balance between the quotidian mysteries of each day and the place where God draws us into kairos time? We will use poetry to lead us through our Advent meditations -- exploring waiting, expectation, emptying, and hope. If you are planning to attend, please RSVP to

Advent Lessons and Carols - Sunday, December 6 The St. Cecilia Guild presents Advent Lessons and Carols on Sunday, December 6 at 5.00pm. The St. Mark's Choir is joined by the Choristers and Youth Choir in a celebration of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Calling all Créches for Advent In preparation for Come Let Us Adore Him: An Advent Celebration, the St. Catherine's Guild is calling for members of the parish to share their crèches for display in the parish house December 10-20. If you have crèches or nativity scenes that you would be willing to share with St. Mark's and the downtown community, please submit a picture of your crèche along with the dimensions to All crèches will be carefully displayed in an appropriate display area in one of the rooms on the 2nd floor of the parish house (Dean Richardson Room, Library, Jerusalem Chapel). For further information, contact The Rev. Carol Morehead at

Come Let us Adore Him: An Advent Celebration, December 13-20 During this week in Advent, St. Mark's will be open to all, Monday through Friday from 11.00 am-1.00pm. We will have a photography exhibit from The Rev. Doug Earle on the 1st floor; our St. Mark's Bookstore will be open, and drinks and cheese straws will be served for guests. On the 2nd floor of the Parish House, crèches representing a multiplicity of cultures will be on display. Each day will feature music from 12.15-12.45pm in the church, and docents will be available to give tours of our historic church and chapel. Take this opportunity to be present to the true meaning of the season. Come by during the week and bring a friend. Continuing the Tradition of the Christmas Luncheon for the Women of St. mark’S You are Invited to A Come and Go Luncheon Tuesday, December 8, 2015 11:30 – 1:30 p.m.

At the home of Anne Rochelle 631 Ciruela St San Antonio, Texas 78209 Valet Parking Provided RSVP by Wednesday, December 2, 2015 210-226-2426 6

Youth Lock-In; Friday, Dec. 18 ‘No Ties Allowed BBQ; Friday, Dec. 18 10th Annual

Christmas to the Street BBQ

Saturday, Dec. 19 Christmas to the Street began 11 years ago as an outreach ministry led by the St. Mark’s Youth and Kitchen Ministries. The goal was simple: provide a generous homecooked meal of brisket and sausage with all the fixin’s to our neighbors in downtown San Antonio. The response and support from the community has continued to grow each year. Four years ago that vision was expanded as we embraced a new partnership with the Haven for Hope Center for services to the homeless community. In addition to the roughly 500 meals served by our youth and volunteers at St. Mark’s for lunch two teams serve over 1000 at the Haven for Hope campus through the partnership with St. Vincent De Paul and the San Antonio Food Bank. Altogether, Christmas to the Street 2015 will serve nearly 2000 warm meals to hungry men, women and children. Feeding 2,000 is quite an undertaking made possible by your generosity with your time, talent, and treasure. If this ministry speaks to you, make a financial contribution to support it. Your gifts augment the church’s budget allocation for this ministry to our neighbors during the holiday season. Checks can be made out to St. Mark’s with Christmas to the Street in the memo line.

Volunteer Opportunities for Christmas to the Street, Saturday, December 19 All welcome to participate. No Ties Allowed BBQ, Friday 18 (3pm until late) If you like staying up late, come help prepare barbeque for lunch on the 19th. An annual tradition for the men of the parish, volunteers will work in shifts of up to three teams to assist with the smoking of roughly 60 briskets, 4,000 links of sausage, and a few other items. Friends welcome. Contact Joel Martin at to sign up. Kitchen Crew: Saturday, December 19 (Shifts: 9am-11am, 11am-1pm, 1pm-3pm) Preparing everything for over 2000 meals (between St. Mark's and Haven for Hope) takes a lot of hands. Cleaning up from it does too. Three shifts of volunteers will work behind the scenes in the kitchen on Saturday to keep the serving line going. Contact Todd Allison at to sign up. Seeking Haven for Hope Volunteers We are seeking volunteers to help serve dinner at Haven for Hope during St. Mark's Christmas to the Streets event on Saturday, December 19. The time commitment will be approximately 4 hrs, from 3.00pm-7.00pm. Please feel free to invite your friends and neighbors to get involved and share the joy of the season! To sign up and for further information, email Karen Snyder at


Youth News Todd Allison, Youth Director | Erin Hughes, Assistant Youth Director |

Summer Mission Experience in Haiti

Farewell from Erin Hughes

By Evan Tanner

Assistant Youth Director Erin Hughes will be moving to Abilene at the end of 2015. Here is a letter from Erin.

Port-au-Prince, Haiti is a city holding roughly 1,897,859 people. Houses, apartments, and shacks are stacked on each other to form a huge cement hub. I was given the opportunity to travel on a mission trip to this city with others from our diocese, to organize vacation bible school for a orphanage and to start building their new home outside the city. Immediately after landing, this third world country had already taken our full attention to the way of living to which we are not accustomed. We stare out the window in silence as we head towards the orphanage, making our way through the crowded streets and slums that was a prevalent part through out the city.

"Sometimes God's plans differ from our own, and He throws us a curveball. To accept a promotion, my husband, Sean, will be moving to Abilene in November; and Hayden, Maizey, and I will follow after Christmas. It is with a heavy heart that I must leave my position as Assistant Youth Director, our amazing youth group, and my St. Mark's family. I am also saying goodbye to my English teaching position at Krueger School of Applied Technology, and all of my students and peers there. However, God has opened a door that will enable me to stay at home with my growing (way too fast) babies; and for that, I am extremely excited and grateful. St. Marks has been my church home since the fall of 2011, after Sean and I took a leap of faith and moved across the country from Upstate New York. Shortly after attending church for the first time, I began volunteering with the youth group, and became the Assistant Youth Director in the spring of 2012. I have been blessed in countless ways during my time here, and have enjoyed getting to know our youth and many families along the way. St. Mark's has an incredible group of young people who have challenged, humbled, and blessed me throughout my four year tenure. Each one of these youth hold a special place in my heart. Sean, Hayden, and Maizey were also all baptized at St. Mark's, and we will always cherish this beautiful holy place. Thank you for welcoming us, supporting us, and loving us. We look forward to visiting often."

For a week I had the privilege to work and play with these amazing children of God. We taught them games and bible stories. The children did not realize but in return they were teaching us about humility and opening our eyes to a whole new world. This trip has given me a new appreciation of my blessings. It has also impacted me spiritually. I was able to see God's work in a different country. The smiles on the children's faces were prime examples of that. However, I was reminded of the struggles the people of Haiti face when our bus passed by the mass grave site where thousands of unclaimed souls are buried, victims of the 2010 earthquake. No matter what, I knew that it was in God's plan for me to be there. The experience I shared with the children and my friends has truly changed me. No matter how hot it got or how many midnight bucket showers I took, Port-au-Prince, Haiti will always have a special place with me and within my faith.




Youth Confirmation Class Fall Project The Youth Confirmation Class is "Thinking Globally and Acting Locally". Please help us as we begin Part 1 of our Confirmation Project. We will be collecting fleece throw blankets. These blankets along with a bottle of water will be given to people in need who attend St. Mark's Christmas to the Street BBQ on Saturday, December 19th. Please look for our collection boxes around the church to make blanket donations. Thank you for your support of this ministry project.

Wonderful Wednesdays Halloween Parade and Costume Blessing was a big hit! Families dressed up for Halloween and were led in games by members of the youth group.


Children’s Ministry News AmandaQuisenberry, Interim Director | Children & Family Ministry |

Christmas Pageant RSVP by December 10

Children's Ministry invites all children ages 4-11 to Wonderful Wednesdays In 2015-2016, once a month, we will have the opportunity to grow in faith through fellowship with our community at St. Mark's. Come join in as we share an evening of food and fun! Mark your calendar, and plan to join us on these dates beginning at 5.30pm. (unless otherwise noted).

Cal l i n g al l families with children ages 312. It's time to start thinking about the Christmas Pageant! Practice will be held on Saturday, December 12 from 9.00am - 10.30am. Children ages 3 through 6 will rehearse from 9.00-9.30am; ages 7-12 will rehearse from 9.30am-10.30am. The pageant will take place in Gish Hall on Sunday, December 13 at 9.00am, prior to the combined 10.00am service. Please RSVP by December 10 to Joe Causby at with the names and ages of children who plan to participate.

December 16 January 6 February 3 March 27 (Sunday) April 20 May 18 Watch for details in The Messenger!

Music News Joseph Causby, PhD | Organist & Choirmaster |

Music from St. Mark’s 2015-16 Season All performances are at 5.00pm unless otherwise indicated. Music from St. Mark’s is always free and is made possible by the generous support of the members of the St. Cecilia Guild. December 6: January 6: February 21:

March 6: April 24:

May 15:

Advent Lessons and Carols A service for the Feast of the Epiphany Wednesday at 6.00pm A concert at the University of the Incarnate Word for the season of Lent (featuring the Tallis ‘Lamentations of Jeremiah’) Choral Evensong with guest conductor Wilma Jensen Fiesta Concert- Benjamin Britten’s ‘Noye’s Fludde’ featuring the combined choirs of St. Mark’s with orchestra and guests from Judson Montessori School and St. Paul’s Episcopal Montessori School. Our own Jacquelyn Matava will present a solo recital of art songs and arias.

On November 8, St. Mark's Choir was joined by the choir of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in a Remembrance Service to mark the 97th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended the first World War and the 70th anniversary of VE Day. The service began at the Veteran's Memorial Plaza on Auditorium Circle next to the church and then moved into the Nave. 10

Café Kairos Menus

December 16-17, 2015: Pizza Garlic Bread Sticks Tossed Salad Cookies

Join us on Wednesday and Thursday evenings beginning at 5.00pm for dinner! Meals are $8 each, and all proceeds go back into the ministries of St. Mark’s. December 2-3, 2015: Chicken a la King on Puff Pastry Sautéed Broccoli Garden Salad Blackberry Cobbler December 9-10, 2015: Spaghetti with Meat Sauce Sautéed Green Beans Garlic Bread Sticks Caesar Salad Cheesecake

Christmas Flowers to Adorn the Church Please consider making a contribution to the Altar Flowers Fund for Christmas flowers in memory of, in honor of, and in thanksgiving for family and friends. The Christmas floral display will be in the Church on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the first Sunday after Christmas. Forms to provide specific information are available in the narthex, in the back of the pews, at the reception desk, and in The Messenger. They may be left in the offering plates on Sundays, at the reception desk, or mailed to the church. Please include checks or cash marked "CHRISTMAS FLOWERS" with the forms. $20 donation for each memorial or honorarium. Thank you for adding to the seasonal beauty of St. Mark's Episcopal Church.

CHRISTMAS FLOWER DEADLINE IS SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20th Questions? Contact Ann Coiner at (210) 828-3452 or email her at CHRISTMAS FLOWERS TO ADORN THE CHURCH In memory of: _______________________________________ In honor of: ________________________________________ On the occasion of: __________________________________

Your Name: _________________________________________ Phone: (

) ___________________________



The Messenger (USPS 514-020) Published Monthly ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226-2426 Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Rector: The Rev. Beth Knowlton Publisher: Dina Aboul Saad e-mail articles to:

Article deadline is 3rd Friday of each month

Worship Service for the Christmas Season Sunday, December 13, Third Sunday of Advent .45am Holy Eucharist, Rite I 9.00am Children’s Christmas Pageant, Gish Hall 10.00am Holy Eucharist, Rite II 4.00pm Service of Contemplative Holy Eucharist Sunday, December 20 - Fourth Sunday of Advent 7.45am Holy Eucharist, Rite I 9.00am Come, Let Us Adore Him with Living Nativity, Tucker Courtyard & Gish Hall 10.00am Holy Eucharist, Rite II 4.00pm Service of Contemplative Holy Eucharist Thursday, December 24 - Christmas Eve 3.45pm Choral Prelude 4.00pm Holy Eucharist, Rite II, No Incense 7.00pm Holy Eucharist, Rite II, No Incense 10.00pm Choral Prelude 10.30pm Holy Eucharist, Rite II, With Incense Friday, December 25 - Nativity of Our Lord 10.00am Holy Eucharist, Rite II Sunday, December 27 , First Sunday after Christmas 10.00am Holy Eucharist, Rite II Christmas Lessons & Carols Sunday, January 3 , Second Sunday after Christmas 7.45am Holy Eucharist, Rite I 10.00am Holy Eucharist, Rite II 12

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