09/22/11-The Messenger-Vol. 100 Issue 9

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FROM THE RECTOR The Danger of Busyness By The Rev. Mike Chalk, Rector


he fall season means a return to fuller calendars, driving children to various activities, and resuming important responsibilities. In most cases, the resumption of the active life is fulfilling.

your life?” In the midst of a very busy ministry Jesus himself declared, “Strive first for the kingdom of God…and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)

A frequent complaint, though, is that life is too busy. People are challenged with fatigue alongside a mood of resignation that life cannot be different. While there are many things we must do, I wonder about the idea that there are no options to a busy life.

Christ at the center inevitably changes our priorities and attitude. As we focus on Christ, all the “other things” we are called to do will fall into a better place. Jesus’ words are a call to a deeply spiritual life. To set our hearts on the kingdom of God means to make the life of the Spirit the center of all we think, say, or do.

Perhaps we all need to make a critical review of how we are living our lives? How did we get so busy? In my own life I too have experienced the pitfalls of excessive busyness.

With all that Jesus had to do it became difficult to have any time alone to pray. But he knew it was essential that he create some space to be with God in order to minister in a meaningful way.

The over packed life often results from an inability to say no. We accept the offer because we either think we can do more than most people or want to please all people. To be busy has become a status symbol. Being busy and being important often seem to mean the same thing. We can fill our lives with many things to do in order to fill a void within. As long as we are running from one thing to the next, we refrain from discovering the nature of our soul’s health.

I would ask each one of us to reexamine our busyness. Reflect on those practices that reconnect you with God whether it is solitude, a class on Christian formation, worship, or some creative endeavor. One purpose of paying attention to these practices is that they often reenergize our souls and realign our priorities.

Jesus is not opposed to an active life. He lived an active life of teaching and healing, often attempting to meet many demands, namely from his disciples. Jesus might very well ask, “What centers

As you think about making space for Christ, I hope you will consider opportunities like the spiritual retreat St. Mark’s is offering January 13-15, 2012 at Mustang Island. Taking time away for a weekend retreat may be difficult in the midst of a busy life, but making space for God and others is at the heart of living a new life.

315 E. Pecan St. | San Antonio, TX 78205 | (210) 226‐2426 | www.stmarks‐sa.org

The Messenger is published monthly and is available in magazine format online at www.stmarks‐sa.org Parish Clergy The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Rector The Rev. Jonathan Wickham Assistant Rector Assisting Clergy The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Co‐director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson Co‐director, The Work+Shop The Rev. Andrew Lobban Assisting Priest Making a Gift of Their Service The Rev. Mary Earle Assisting Priest The Rev. Cliff Waller Assisting Priest Staff Todd Allison Youth Director Priscilla Briones Accounting Janet Carrizales Nursery Coordinator Joseph Causby Director of Music Bill Edwards Parish Administrator Elaine Enloe Clergy Executive Administrator Database Manager Sandy Falkenberg Cherub Choir Conductor Emmet Faulk Community Formation Director Heather Herschell Children’s Ministries Director Melanie Lizcano Communications Director Ruby Merrill Facilities Manager Pat Hutchison Noble Community of Care Kristin Roach Assistant Director of Music Sara Talley Asst. Director Youth Ministries

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 315 East Pecan St. San Antonio, TX 78205 www.stmarks‐sa.org


We Give -pg. 4

Youth News -pg. 6

New Book Study -pg. 7

FFF Photos -pg. 8

Spirit Reach: Reflections on the Headwaters of the San Antonio River By Greg Merritt, Environmental Committee Chair


n honor of the Feast of St. Francis, the Environmental Stewardship Committees of St. Mark’s and the West Texas Episcopal Diocese the Incarnate Word Sisters and the Headwaters Coalition, Inc. invite all to the Chapel House at the Bishop Jones Center for prayers, readings, fine art photographs, and reflections on spirituality, the past and future of San Antonio's historic headwaters and our environment. In addition, we’ll be hearing a new song from Dow Patterson, based on his experience at the headwaters. The event will feature a walking tour to the historic Blue Hole spring in the headwaters sanctuary at Incarnate Word.

Torcido, San Antonio. To RSVP, please contact Greg Merritt, Chair of the St Mark’s Environmental Committee, at gwmerritt@gmail.com.

Join us (there’s no charge to participate) Saturday, October 8, from 9:00 a.m. till noon. We will meet at the Bishop Jones Center, 111

Photo taken by Emmet Faulk

with an excursion to the spectacular rose city of Petra, Jordan

May 1- 16, 2012 Under the Direction of The WorkShop: The Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson and The Rev. Dr. John Lewis Local Guide and Instructor: Canon Iyad Qumri


Hosted at Saint George’s Guest House, Jerusalem For details, itinerary, and cost please contact Katherine Buzzini at the WorkShop 210-599-4224 or kbuzzini@theworkshop-sa.org.

Fall Fellowship Festival Did Not Run Out of Cheesecake By Jim Bliek, Chair


or many of you the reference to Sam Carter Gilliam’s Parable “Fertile Soil” will bring back fond memories of Saturday, September 10 and the Fall Fellowship Festival at St. Mark’s. Unlike Mrs. Barrington, there was plenty of “Chocolate Cheesecake” (aka acceptance and fellowship) to go around that evening.

“Unlike Mrs. Barrington there was plenty of cheesecake.”

What a joy it was for me to see Gosnell Hall, the Sanctuary, the 2nd Floor, the South Garden and the Halls of the Parish House filled with the good people of St. Mark’s. None of it would have been possible without the tireless work of our Staff, our sextons, our volunteers,

our table hosts, our entertainers and most of all YOU! For we are the Body of Christ in the world – and our world was filled with joy, excitement and just plain good fun that Saturday night. Mrs. Barrington did point out to us that we are the “seeds” and St. Mark’s is the Fertile Soil – and what a garden we continue to grow. It is beautiful. Thank you for being a part of this great (Annual?) event. Finally, the fricative filled fabulous Fall Fellowship Festival is finished for this fiscal framework. Photo taken by Scott Aranda

In The Beauty of God's Holiness: Altar Guild Ministry By Pat Donegan, Altar Guild Membership Co‐Chairperson


Eucharistic Visitor kits --- and for special services such ach of us can recognize the beauty of God's as baptisms, weddings and funerals. There are also holiness in the world around us. Serving in the Altar opportunities to perform special altar changes for the Guild, a person can perceive the special beauty of major holy seasons such as Christmas, Lent and Easter. God's presence in our church community as she or he tends to the holy housekeeping. Members take Membership is open to any faithful member of St. comfort in the contemplative quiet of the empty Mark's after receiving Altar Guild training. Currently, church as they work in teams during the week to our group has over 70 members including both women prepare the altar for Sunday services. Members enjoy and men ranging in age from high school students to the color and scent of bouquets of lovely flowers as senior adults. they stand at the altar to vest the chalice. Members feel the temperature of the baptismal water they Training in Altar Guild theory is provided through a prepare so that the baptized will be welcomed into the O worship the Lord in the short introductory workshop which will be held in the beauty of holiness; let the church with a warm splash. Members delight in the church on Saturday, October 15 from 9:30 am until whole earth stand in awe of disappearance of wine and lipstick stains from the 11:30 am. New members will receive on-the-job him. Psalm 96:9 altar linens they launder. Members rejoice in the training from a mentor who will provide support and friendships they have formed with other members as guidance in the practice of altar guild procedures. they have worked together to make our worship spaces special places of order and sacred beauty to the glory of God. The Altar Guild meets as a group at least yearly for fellowship, The purpose of the Altar Guild is to serve Christ by joyfully and election of officers, to encourage each other in our shared service, reverently preparing the altar for all services and to assist the clergy and to hear the joyful reflections of members on the enjoyment of in order to enhance the worship experience of all who come to St. their duties and the ways they are inspired by their service. Mark's as well as to grow in understanding the worship of our Lord in the Episcopal Church. I invite you to prayerfully consider offering the service of your hands to the Altar Guild ministry. I would enjoy visiting with you if you Members may choose whatever duties suit their time and talents. would like to know more about the Altar Guild Ministry. Please feel There are opportunities to serve at each of the Sunday services. free to contact me at your convenience. You can contact me by Other duties are performed during the week --- preparation and setphone (210) 824-0609 or by email pdonegan@aol.com. up for Sunday, cleaning and maintenance of linens, preparing

A Note to Young Adults About Pledging By Angela Torres‐Lopez, member We Give! Committee For those of us in “Generation Y” (20s to mid- 30s) our time is filled with many exciting beginnings and celebrations. Celebrations of college or grad school graduation are followed by the beginning of new careers, perhaps for the second or third time. Relationships are stopping and starting, and the celebrations of life-long commitments to marriage and family are filling the social calendar. This is a time when families are growing as baby strollers, car seats and cribs begin to dominate our space. One of the possibilities in this time of new beginnings is to join a church community like this one that helps us make sense of it all. As we connect to St. Mark’s in worship, adult classes and outreach we discover a sense of place and belonging. As I lean into this community I experience the joy and peace of becoming an important part of the future here. This helps strengthen me to become a better person for my family and in my community. As a Gen Y person, as a new member and pledger, and as a member of the We Give committee, I want to extend a special invitation to my 20 to 30 year old peers at St. Mark’s. If you haven’t pledged before here at St. Mark’s, we invite you to begin now. Something small, comfortable and doable is a great way to start. As you consider your pledge, think about what brought you to St. Mark’s and what keeps you here. When we come together to strengthen those things and build new opportunities, we build an exciting future together.

We Give! Stewardship at St. Mark’s By Carolyn Lowery, Co‐Chair, We Give! Committee

“All things come from you, O Lord, and from your own have we given you.”


his is a declaration that we repeat each Sunday as we place the offering on the altar. I had trouble with this when I was a small child, during the days of the “old” prayer book. I thought we were saying “from mine own” instead of “from thine own,” as the pledge was worded then. For almost a year I refused to say those three words because I knew I wasn’t telling the truth. Just an hour earlier my parents had given me the nickel to put into my envelope, so how could I say publicly that this gift was “from mine own?” We Give! is this year’s annual pledge campaign at St. Mark’s. But there is more to our pledge than a child’s misconception of who owns the gift being given. In fact we might consider that we are trustees of all that we have. According to Wikipedia, a trustee - among other things - cannot “be in a conflict of interest position”. This means that we – you and I - are not the end beneficiaries of that trust we hold. All that we have is God’s, and we are trusted to care for it to the benefit of people other than ourselves. Isn’t it just a little disconcerting that we really don’t own anything, despite the fact that we probably worked really hard to have it? So what’s the story here? Are we really just holding things in trust for God, and if so, what’s our responsibility as trustees? As practicing Christians, our responsibility is to give from God’s assets being held in trust to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, give comfort to the sick and make certain that we spread the good news around the world. Because we cannot do this by ourselves, we join a church that helps us carry out our personal responsibilities. We support the infrastructure of that community: the building and programs, the clergy and staff members that link all of us together as part of the body of Christ known as “St. Mark’s”. And with our own time and talent, as well as our treasure, we share the responsibilities of feeding, sheltering, comforting and spreading the Word. We Give from thine own, and in that giving, we and our wider local community are fed. In so doing we fulfill our responsibilities as Trustees of all with which God has blessed us. The only question is one we might ask ourselves: “How am I doing, personally, as a Trustee?”


Transitions in Children’s Ministry By The Rev. Mike Chalk & The Rev. Jonathan Wickham


n the summer of 2009 Jennifer Allison came to work at St. Mark’s as one of two part-time Christian Education “Please join me in Directors. Since that thanking Jennifer for time Jennifer has served a job well done...” this parish very well, overseeing the formation ministries involving elementary age children and guiding special events for children and families including Vacation Bible School, the Easter Egg Hunt, the Advent Festival, the Palm Sunday celebration and much more. Her creativity, vision and energy have been assets to this parish. It is with mixed emotions that I announce Jennifer’s departure from the staff of St. Mark’s beginning September 5th. While we are very sad to lose her presence on the

program staff, we are very excited for the new opportunity that has called her away. Jennifer came to St. Mark’s from Alamo Heights Junior School, and it is to that school she returns as a Reading Intervention Specialist. Her work will include seeking creative, new ways to help students develop the reading skills necessary for a strong education. This is an exciting new position that fits very well with Jennifer’s passion and experience in middle school education. Of course Jennifer and her family remain active members at St. Mark’s. We are very glad that she will continue to serve as a volunteer teacher in the 4th and 5th grade class and as the summer VBS coordinator. She will also be active as a new Boy/Girl Choir parent. As we note Jennifer’s departure, I give thanks that I can announce that Heather Herschell, PhD., our current Co-Director

Christian Education, has agreed to become the new Director of Children’s Ministries at St. Mark’s, combining the two part-time positions. In this new role Heather will expand her current portfolio to include areas previously directed by Jennifer. Heather’s strong background and experience in education and parish ministry will serve the church very well. In addition to her work at St. Mark’s, Heather is teaching a class in curriculum development as an adjunct faculty member at Trinity University this fall. Please join me in thanking Jennifer for a job well done and sending her with blessings into her new work at the Junior School. Join me also in welcoming Heather to her new role in children’s ministry at St. Mark’s and her new opportunities at Trinity. What a blessing it is to have such strong and talented leaders in ministry at St. Mark’s.

The Fall Gathering for Women at Camp Capers October 14-16, 2011 Sponsored by The Commission for Women’s Ministries Deborah Smith Douglas, Presenter The Rev. Mary Earle, Chaplain What to expect: Celebrate God’s blessing on us individually and as a group of godly women Shop for books and gifts from Viva Bookstore Meet new friends Take a walk by the river Experience fun, fellowship, praise, worship, and prayer In short, enjoy an opportunity to commune with godly women in a wonderful setting and atmosphere of love and laughter Cost: $125.00 includes room & board To register visit the Diocesan website at www.dwtx.org and click on the Special Events quick link at the bottom right of the home page, then scroll down to the date. First come, first served. Space will be limited for this wonderful weekend. Limited scholarships are available: contact Leigh Saunders at The Bishop Jones Center, leigh.saunders@dwtx.org. For more information contact The Episcopal Diocese of West Texas at 210-824-5387 or email at general.mail@dwtx.org.


Youth Confirmation Students Take On Community Projects By Todd Allison, Director of Youth Ministries


We invite you all to stop by Gosnell Hall through Sunday, November 6 and see the students work on display. Each project has a poster of what they have or will be doing in the coming weeks. Information on how you can contribute to their efforts through donations, volunteering, or financial contributions is available.

ach year, as part of their confirmation process for the youth confirmation, students of St. Marks are asked to take on a project. It is an important part of becoming members of the church. God has given each of us gifts and the goal of the project is to allow the youth to use those gifts for the good of others.

Please also mark your calendars for Sunday, November 6, Each student was encouraged to chose something that they as Confirmation Sunday. We will confirm the newest had a passion for and put together a brief presentation for members of our St. Mark’s community at 9:00a.m. and the formation class on September 11. From sports to the follow with a reception in Gosnell Hall. environment the project choices were unique and showed Confirmation Sunday is their desire and understanding that being a part of the November 6 at church community does not stop on Sunday mornings. 9:00a.m. A reception will follow in Gosnell Hall.

St. Mark’s Youth Ministries presents… HALLOWEEN LOCK-IN Friday, October 21 9:00a.m.-9:00p.m.

Oct. 12 Oct. 19 Oct. 21 Nov. 6 Nov. 6 Nov. 18-20 Dec. 16-17

CHRISTMAS GREENERY ORDERS CHRISTMAS GREENERY ORDERS Order forms will be available from any youth member beginning Sunday, Oct. 9 – Nov. 13. Ask the youth for more information or contact Todd at youth@stmarks‐sa.org.

Game Night “Tug at the Collar” w/ Rev. Andy Lobban Jr. High Fall Lock-In Daylight Savings – FALL BACK 1 hour Youth Confirmation Sr. High-Happening 120, Uvalde 7th Annual Christmas to the Street Community BBQ & Youth Lock-IN

HAPPENING 120 NOVEMBER 18‐20 Happening 120 will be held Friday through Sunday, November 18-20 in Uvalde,TX. Happenings are spiritual renewal weekends for high schoolers in grades 10 through 12. The diocese sponsors three weekends each year in various locations. For more information about the upcoming Happening weekend contact Todd or Sara or visit the Special Events page at www.dwtx.org. Space is limited. 6

St. Mark’s Enhances the Hallway with Paintings

By Brenda Kingery, Arts Committee member


t. Mark’s Arts Committee is delighted to introduce our first selected artist for this year. Janet Eager Krueger’s paintings will be exhibited for two months. We will be showcasing five other artists during the year. The Arts Committee members are: Charles Field Otis and Carolyn Parchman Paula Chalk Chica Younger Betsy Simpson Jim Bliek Linda Hammond Tom & Brenda Kingery

near Encinal. Her paintings are deeply rooted in their shared experience. Her work draws upon the themes and palette of South Texas, where plants, animals and people of the Brush Country go about their business in the droughty, forbidding terrain. In 1998, Janet was among the initial faculty of Texas A&M International

Her paintings are in many collections, including: The AT&T Center, The Kronkosky Charitable Foundation, The Laredo Center for the Arts, The Laredo National Bank, The University of Texas at San Antonio, Texas A&M International University, USAA, and Valero Energy Corporation.

St. Mark’s is well established as a cultural stop for our excellent Music Programs. In keeping with our mission statement, the visual arts will enhance the creative aspect of our community. JANET EAGER KRUEGER Janet grew up in San Antonio. As a girl, she attended art classes in the old potting sheds of the McNay. After graduating from Alamo Heights High, she studied art at UT Austin, receiving her BFA in Art History in 1975. She also received the MFA degree in Painting from UTSA in 1998. Since 1979, she and her husband, George, have lived on his family's ranch

Cultura, Nuevo Laredo, Mexico; "Heart of the West", National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame, Fort Worth; The Offices of Laura Bush, Capitol Extension, Austin; The Institute of Texan Cultures, San Antonio; The Weil Gallery, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi; The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, Austin, and her work will also be exhibited at the King Ranch in 2012.

“Study for Pond”by Janet E. Krueger Gouche

University in Laredo and developed the art program. She retired in 2008, as Associate Professor of Art. The Texas Legislature honored Janet, naming her 2008 TEXAS ARTIST of the YEAR. Her exhibits include: The U.S. Embassy, Managua, Nicaragua; The Hunt Gallery, San Antonio (Three Solo exhibits); Laredo Center for the Arts, Casa de la


Janet was Co- Founder and is President of the Board of HECHO en ENCINAL, a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing arts and humanities programs, as well as library resources to the five counties of South Texas. She is represented by the Hunt Gallery in San Antonio, at 4225 McCullough, where the paintings in this exhibit as well as many others may be seen and purchased.

Focusing on the "second half of life", Richard Rohr has a new slant on the Apostle Paul's telling us to move our nourishment from "milk" to "meat". He invites us to the "Further Journey" with God and helps us see that the provisions match the needs of our Journey. All are invited to these rich discussions as we read and share the insights we gain through the reading and the meditations on Rohr's words. Our book is titled FALLING UPWARD and is available in the Bookstore at St Mark's. Tuesdays, 10:00a.m. to 11:30a.m. October 4 to November 8 Dean Richardson Room

Led by Betty Anne Cody

All are invited to share this opportunity to go deeper into our spiritual Journey together.

The festival was held on Saturday, September 10. It was a huge success and everyone had a great time! Many and hearty thanks to all of the folks who assisted in making the Fall Fellowship Festival such a wonderful event: the volunteers, the donors, the staff, the sextons, the table hosts, the entertainers and Sam Carter Gilliam. It would not have been what it was without YOU! Have a great day! All Best, Jim Bliek, Chair


Photos taken by Scott Aranda

MONTHLY FINANCIAL UPDATE Information as of August 31, 2011 INCOME STATEMENT INFORMATION Pledge Revenue ............................................................................................................................ $86,325 Non Pledge Giving ........................................................................................................................ $5,861 Open Plate ..................................................................................................................................... $2,079 TOTAL REVENUE ..................................................................................................................... $102,365 TOTAL EXPENSES .................................................................................................................... $147,956 July Revenue Over Expenses by $37,983 August Revenue Under Expenses by $45,592 Year to Date (January 2011 through August 2011) the revenue is over expenses by $73,961 

St. Mark’s is working hard to conserve utilities and manage costs, and it has been a challenge this summer given the record-setting heat and drought conditions. In mid-July, new processes were implemented with the assistance of Automated Logic, the company which originally installed the air conditioning system, to help St. Mark’s more effecitively monitor and control air conditioning use. The results of the new monitoring program are encouraging, as indicated by the trend in actual electoral expense for June, July and August shown below: June Expense $9,415 July Expense $8,981 August Expense $8,266

Because of the drastic weather conditions this summer, and the impact on the foliage around our property, St. Mark’s has not experienced the same trend with water costs. Watering schedules complied with mandated restrictions, but the Tucker Courtyard is so newly planted that extra hand watering was needed to avoid loss. Water expense for the months of June, July and August had a combined total of $4,818. St. Mark’s will continue to balance the conservation of resources with the need to maintain our facilities. Deems Smith has done an outstanding job of balancing the conservation of resources and the needs of St. Mark’s.

If you have any questions about this report, please contact Priscilla Briones, Accountant, at (210) 226-2426 or email her at pbriones@stmarks-sa.org

https://www.facebook.com/ 10

Note from the Editor: In last month’s issue of The Messenger, Deems Smith was identified as St. Mark’s Landscape Architect. However, Deems Smith is our devoted parishioner who tends to our lovely garden. Thank you Deems for donating your time and talent!

Happy Birthday OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS October 1st Lorraine Castillo, Augie Clements, Katryn Lewis, Joan Lewis, Frates Seeligson, Susan Sheldon, Caroline Vassar October 2nd Steve Matteson, Marjorie Montag, David Phipps, Bob Sohn, Shawn Tanner, Janice Tisdale October 3rd Ginny Calogero, Thelma Duffey October 4th Calyx Edmondson, Christopher Medley, Michael Minister, Lee Rux, Sharon Speer, Paige Sugg, Bill Wassberg October 5th Lara Grellner, Mike Vivroux October 6th Wayne Beers, Tyler Cobb, Chuck Cothren, Frannie Douglas, Leslie Duncan, Katy Fowler, Terryn Soward October 7th Tyler Kuykendall, Greg Merritt, Molly Moody October 8th Jonathan Delmer, Howard Rainey, Beau Wilson October 9th Martha Ann Franco, Connie Marmon, Martha Newsom, Christopher Rodriguez, JulieAnne Wisloff October 10th Norma Baird, Francie Calgaard, John Evans, Anne Rochelle

October 11th Chris Adkins, Mary Baldwin, Ginny Check, Margaret Gunn, Matt Herschell, Katherine Smelko October 12th Alec Crutchfield, Suzanne Goodenough, Patrice Oliver October 13th John Colglazier, Elaine Enloe, Karyn Mueller October 14th Nancy Cobb, Marian Hall, Ana Lopez, Rick Roland, Presley Stupka October 15th Ann Barber, Mike Diel, Lauren Kennedy, Stacy Underwood October 16th Joseph K. Brown, Reagan Houston, Hamlet Newsom October 17th Charles Field, Beverly Krause, Barbara Striekert October 18th Cindy Clancey, Janet Howard, Patrick Wickham October 19th Rachel Dillon, Barbara Holder, Dan Kelly, Darcie Payne, Ruth Margaret Peyton, Elanor Somers, Larry Walker, Ricks Wilson, Patti Young October 20th Argyle Amberson, Joan Gaither, Guizelle Lehman, Violet Villa October 21st Johnny Aldrich, Kaleb Ham, Cheryl Thompson, Will Watson, Ellen Williams

October 22nd Olivia Briley, Pat Egmon, Andrew Goodenough, Heather Hardeman, Eileen McCleary, Janis O'Connor October 23rd Laura Briley, Mark Cavender, Jeanette Ross October 24th Courtney Beauchamp, Melissa Morgan October 25th Trinka McGehee, Frederick Pleasure October 26th Robert Bruni, Tom Duesing, Sarah Joe LeMessurier, Caroline Rickards October 27th Ron Guerra, John Hauser, Tom Kingery, Jessica Miller October 28th Bill Alig, Penelope Allen, Andrew Dahm, Katharine McMillan, Betty Russell, Aiden Somers October 29th Josephine Cothren, Felix B. Gonzales, Walter Goodwin, Christopher Haff, Aaron Hawkins, Patricia Myers October 30th Christie Fryatt, Esther Morse, Joseph Perretta, Clytie Phelps, Court Snyder, Ryan Tanner October 31st Macon Cothren, Todd Minister A very special happy birthday to: Connie Marmon, on her 93rd (Oct 9)

SUPPORT HAVEN FOR HOPE SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 8:30a.m. to 12:45p.m. ADOPT A DUCK FOR THE ANNUAL LUCKY DUCK EVENT STOP BY OUR TABLE IN THE COURTYARD DUCKS ARE $5 EACH; 6 FOR $25 For more information contact Pat Bridwell at lewbrid@aol.com.


The Messenger (USPS 514‐020) Published Monthly (3rd Wednesday) ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78205 Telephone: (210) 226‐2426 Periodicals Postage paid at San Antonio, Texas POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE MESSENGER c/o ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 315 E. Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205 Rector: The Rev. Michael D. Chalk Editor: Melanie Lizcano Layout & Graphic Design: Melanie Lizcano e‐mail articles to mlizcano@stmarks‐sa.org

Article deadline is 2nd Wednesday of each month


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