Planning Sheets KS3 technology. Mini light. Year 7 Project Outline To introduce the students to making a quality product using shaping forming and finishing techniques . To understand the basic principal of a control system. To familiarise the students to the range of Materials that can be used within design and make projects. To develop a fuller understanding of the design process. To design products for specific end- user groups. To develop an awareness of the need for quality products, both in design and manufacture. To use evaluation to modify their products. To enable students to draw upon their own experiences in order to make decisions. To understand that the user evaluation should mould their design and make decisions To allow the student their own sense of creativity based on the theme of the brief. To introduce ICT tools ‘crocodile clips’. There will be an emphasis on making quality products including packaging.
Learning Objectives To be aware of the structure of a design and make process . To be able generate a design brief based on a given design context. To understand how using thinking techniques I.e. Brainstorming ( mind mapping) can help start the design process and generate innovative designing. To understand how investigating areas identified during brainstorm helps to understand and inform their designing. That students understand how a simple control system works. To draw out from investigation and analysis a specification which is realistic Produce simple designs and generate template. Use of templates making accurate marks. Intro to work shop safety rules. Intro to plastics. Shaping, Handling, Edge finishing,
Examples of different shapes. Students continue with marking out plastic. Cut and shape using ,finish using file, wet&dry , polish. Learn how to safely use drilling machine. To understand how to put a product together accurately and modify if needed. Assembling light. Adjusting switch. Testing. Understand why products are packaged design the packaging for their product and investigate different types of packaging. To make the packaging for the product. Students will evaluate their own and other students work through a series of observations, testing and checking against the original specification. Students will initially check their finished product against the original specification. Learning outcomes Students discuss design process. Student discuss the Design Context Brief . Use key questioning words How why what when who ????. undertake brainstorm. Undertake investigation into systems. Model systems. Produce design ideas. Make templates. Use tools and machines safely Assemble/adjust test. Design packaging complete evaluation Points to consider Safety whilst working in the workshop using machines etc. KS3 PoS knowledge skills and understanding.
Risk Assessment See departmental hand book for generic assessment.
Use of numeracy
Use of Literacy
Use of IT
Marking and measuring in work book sheets
Key words and writing frames in work sheets.
Links with other curric area
Art, maths ,English
Exploring the way other age groups think.
Possible support for SEN
Extension activities
Students encouraged to use IT for any home works. AFL Assessment sheets
Differnetion by out come Extended use of croc Support for statemented clips. students Design subskills to be launched/ reinforced Primary Using tools and machines safely to produce quality products. Secondary Understanding and working within the design process frame work.