St. Martin's Preschool Parent Handbook

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TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION  Overview of Program  Goals/Philosophy  SMLS School Board  School Calendar  Staff  Professional Development  The Daily Program and Teaching Strategies  Christian Education  Guidance and Discipline Policies

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STUDENT ENROLLMENT  Enrollment Procedures  Changes in Enrollment Policy

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CURRICULUM  Saint Martin’s Approach  Curriculum Guides  Specialty Areas (18 Month Old)  Specialty Areas (2’s, 3’s, and 4’s)  Specialty Areas (3’s and 4’s)  Class Schedule  Homework  Nap

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PERFORMANCE REPORTS  Parent-Teacher Conferences

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TUITION AND FEES  Registration Fee  Tuition  Tuition Payment Policy  30-Day Notice  Late Pick-up

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STUDENT LIFE  Adjustments to School  Belongings from Home  Clothing  Potty Training  Outdoor Participation  Attendance  Arrival and Departure

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      

Lunches/Snacks Parties Birthdays School Pictures Medications Water Activities Animals

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ENRICHMENT OPPORTUNITIES  Chapel  Music  Physical Education  Extra-Curricular Activities

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PARENT INVOLVEMENT  Role of Parents  Other Opportunities for Parents  Parent Conferences o Spring Conferences

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SCHOOL PROCEDURES  Visitors/Pick-up Procedures  Pick-up Authorization  Custody Cases  Unplanned School Closings  Weather Emergencies  School Evacuation  Medical Emergencies  Playground  Safety Precautions-Parking Lot  Allergy Awareness  Biting Policy  Biting Policy for Ages 18mth and Two  Biting Policy for Ages Three, Four, and Five  Illness Policy  Parental Notification

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GENERAL INFORMATION OVERVIEW OF PROGRAM Saint Martin’s Lutheran Preschool has offered an educational program in downtown Austin for over four decades. Curriculum and learning center based classrooms offer children an interactive environment for exploring new horizons. The Preschool is a twelve-month program offered to children ages 18 months through PreKindergarten. Our school hours are 7:15a to 6:00p M-F. GOALS/PHILOSOPHY Saint Martin’s Lutheran Preschool seeks to meet the needs of young children and their families by providing an educational program that addresses all areas of development—intellectual, social, physical, emotional, and spiritual. During the early formative years, a child’s learning and development are critical. The program’s broad goals are to facilitate the child’s awareness and understanding of him/herself and of the world around him/herself, to foster a positive self-image through appreciation of him/herself as a unique individual, and to encourage an appreciation of and respect for others. SAINT MARTIN’S SCHOOL BOARD The School Board meets monthly, or as needed. The Board determines policies and procedures that are positive and productive for the Church and School. The Board is in charge of raising money for scholarships, assessing scholarship needs, preparing the budget, and supporting the Director. SCHOOL CALENDAR A school calendar is provided at the beginning of the school year. Please keep your calendar handy for reference throughout the year. You will be informed of any changes. Updates will be published in our monthly newsletter, monthly calendars, or by e-mail. We acknowledge that school closings may interfere with family schedules and we apologize in advance for any inconvenience that this may cause. For families who need childcare during school closings the following suggestions have been made by teachers and parents: Network with other parents and form childcare co-ops. Hire a childcare provider to come to one class member’s home and classmates spend the day together. Schedule a ―play date‖ with a family. Plan a fieldtrip. Be informed, keep a school calendar handy and plan ahead. STAFF A highly qualified and experienced staff joins with parents to promote the healthy development of the whole child. Staff members devote hours of planning and preparing for teaching and nurturing the children in their care. The School Board has delineated the qualifications and experience by which teachers are hired. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Saint Martin’s recognizes the need to provide quality education and care for all children and teachers involved in our program. Our commitment to continuing education is one way that we are able to attract and maintain our highly motivated and trained staff. Each teacher is required to participate in 15 hours of professional development on an annual basis. Many teachers surpass this amount by attending workshops throughout the year. THE DAILY PROGRAM AND TEACHING STRATEGIES The administrators, teachers, and parents of the Preschool share a common commitment to provide a top quality Early Childhood Program that reflects knowledge of and respect for the unique learning styles of young children. The following ideas are intrinsic to the Saint Martin’s Preschool program: Young children thrive in a warm and loving environment. The staff’s commitment is to provide an environment where children may become comfortable, happy, relaxed, and involved in classroom activities.


The daily schedule provides for a balance of individual/group activities, active/quiet play, large/small exercises, and indoor/outdoor learning experiences. Activities at each age-level are carefully planned to be developmentally appropriate. Young children expend vast amounts of energy, time, and effort exploring and making sense of their immediate environment. The staff supports and encourages this spontaneous learning by providing a meaningful classroom setting and by taking advantage of ―teachable moments.‖ The staff respects the concept that young children learn by ―doing‖ and provide ―hands-on‖ learning experiences. Many sensory experiences are also planned so that children will have opportunities to touch, hear, see, smell, and taste as their perceptual abilities are developing. Classrooms are busy, noisy, happy, creative places where play is valued as a vehicle for learning and advancement in all areas of development. Young children learn through self-initiated and staff-initiated activities. Learning centers are provided to give children opportunities to make choices, solve problems, and experiment with autonomy. The centers are designed by teachers to furnish purposeful activities, and to meet the unique needs of the children in the class. ―Circle Times‖ or ―Together Times‖ are also an important part of each day. Here the children learn how to participate in a group setting while listening to stories, singing songs, or sharing ideas. Good health, cleanliness, and sound nutritional practices are emphasized. Precautions are taken to maintain a safe and secure environment for the children. The teachers and staff strive to implement these and other good practices of Early Childhood Education in a positive atmosphere, realizing that the children are acquiring lifelong attitudes toward themselves, toward others, and toward learning. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Christian Education is seen as a natural and important part of the daily program. Children will pray before meals, sing songs to God, celebrate major holidays of the Church year, and hear stories suitable for their age. Christian values will be honored in our curriculum and modeled in our behavior. All religious activities are developmentally appropriate. All of our children will enjoy ―Chapel Time‖ once a week during the 9-month school year—no chapel in the summer. The children will sing songs and hear stories from the Bible. Parents are always welcome to join the group for Chapel Time. The Director or Assistant Director will be happy to answer any questions you may have about this experience. Children in the four year old classes will have Godly Play once a week which is a Church sponsored activity and includes hands on activities while learning more about God.

GUIDANCE AND DISCIPLINE POLICIES We are committed to helping children learn to express and manage their feelings, cooperate with other children, and negotiate their own conflicts. Only positive, non-punitive methods are used to achieve this goal. The staff fully recognizes the limitations of a young child’s ability to manage emotions and control reactions. When restrictions are necessary, they will be clearly defined and consistently maintained. At NO time will a child be physically punished, threatened, or intimidated, instead, we rely on the techniques of diverting attention to constructive pursuits, compromising or arbitrating differences, and encouraging children to seek alternatives within the boundaries of their abilities. In some instances, in order to help a distressed child regain self control, they will be removed from the situation and allowed a private time to quiet themselves before a reassuring adult seeks to help them re-enter the classroom activity. The goal of guidance at Saint Martin’s is to teach the child acceptable behavior, while helping him/her to become self-guided or self-disciplined. Positive methods are used. Physical punishment, humiliation, or scolding is not allowed. Early childhood is a time of growth both emotionally as well as cognitively. During this time children are just beginning to learn how to resolve conflicts in their daily lives. In the younger end, many children do not have the verbal skills to resolve these conflicts and will resort to physical means to get their point across. This is considered developmentally appropriate and in these situations the teachers and parents must work together to teach/model correct behavior.


PROMOTION POLICY It is the policy of the Preschool to promote children at the beginning of each school year. Promoting midyear results in children of too dissimilar ages, knowledge, and social skills to be grouped together. Availability in a different age group also plays a part in the problems of early promotion as well as the possibility of having to repeat a grade level if entering Public School Kindergarten.

STUDENT ENROLLMENT ENROLLMENT PROCEDURES Saint Martin’s Lutheran Preschool is open to all children regardless of race, ethnic origin, or religious preference. Parents of prospective students are encouraged to make an appointment to visit and observe the Preschool in session and to discuss any questions they might have with the Preschool Office. Tours are available and can be scheduled by calling the Preschool Office. To register a new or returning student into the program a completed Registration Packet is required and the non-refundable Annual Fee must be paid at the time of registration. The children enrolled in our program must meet the applicable immunization requirements as stated in Minimum Standards and Guidelines of the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services Sections 746.613–746.627. Hearing and Vision Screening is offered to all children 4 years and older in the fall. Children screened by their primary physician are required to turn in the proper certification from their doctor for our records. Children entering the three year old program must be potty trained. Children entering the 18mth program must be able to walk. *Parents are responsible for providing any updated information. CHANGES IN ENROLLMENT POLICY Parents will be notified in writing of any changes in policy concerning enrollment.

CURRICULUM ST. MARTIN'S APPROACH The curriculum-based Preschool program is designed to address the cognitive, physical, social, and language development needs of the students. The environment is child-centered and one in which children learns through experience and discovery. Children, through a child-centered environment, learn: · To use self-discipline; · To talk and listen effectively; · To solve problems and make decisions; · To accept responsibility for their behavior; · To share and work with others; and · That they are important as individuals. Because the students come from a variety of backgrounds and educational experiences, they will be exposed to a variety of small and large group activities, which can bridge the gap between home and school and lay the foundation to prepare them for future learning. CURRICULUM GUIDES Two-year-olds -- Wee Learn and Scholastic’s Clifford the Big Red Dog Three's--- Frog Street Press, Saxon, Handwriting W/O Tears, and Weekly Reader Four's--- A Beka Supplementing and extending the curriculum is encouraged without sacrificing the required curriculum content. Enrichment activities and reinforcement are encouraged. SPECIALTY AREAS (18 MONTH OLDS) Music Basic Spanish—taught by the Teacher Art—taught by the Teacher Library and Chapel


SPECIALTY AREAS (2’s, 3’s, and 4’s) Music Spanish—taught by the Teacher Art—taught by the Teacher Library Chapel ADDITIONAL SPECIALTY AREAS (3’s and 4’s ONLY) Stretch and Grow (PE) Sept. - May Computer (Keyboard skills) –taught by the Teacher Godly Play (4’s only)

CLASS SCHEDULE The teacher will prepare a daily schedule indicating when each circle time academics period or required subject is taught. A copy is kept in the Preschool Office. Each parent should receive an initial copy and any revisions. A copy should also be posted on the small bulletin board outside each classroom. HOMEWORK Preschool children will occasionally have ―homework‖, such as bringing an item in or wearing a certain color. Parents are encouraged to read to their child daily. Parent support and involvement in their child's education is vital to the child's success. NAP Preschool children will have a required naptime after lunch. Children need to bring nap items such as a small pillow, crib-sized sheet, and a lightweight cover. Cots are not meant to be laid on directly but must be covered by a sheet. Please label all items and launder weekly.

TUITION AND FEES REGISTRATION FEE The Annual Fee is NON-REFUNDABLE and is due upon registration. TUITION Tuition rates are established by the School Board and vary depending upon the child/teacher ratios required for each age-level. These rates may be adjusted on an annual basis as determined by the Board. Tuition is divided into equal monthly payments and will not be reduced due to student absences, vacations, weather-related closures or School holidays. Prorated tuition for incoming students not attending a full month is calculated as follows: Monthly tuition divided by 20, multiplied by the number of days attending. We do not prorate for the month once your child has started the program.

TUITION PAYMENT POLICY Regular Payment Plan Schedule: Tuition is to be paid on the 1st of each month. Late fees will be assessed beginning on the 5th of the month if fees are not paid. Split Payment Plan Schedule: 50% of tuition is to be paid by the 1st of each month. 50% of tuition is to be paid by the 15th of each month. Late fees will be assessed beginning on the 20th of the month if fees are not paid. The initial late fee will be $20.


If the account is not paid in full by the end of the month, the student's enrollment will be discontinued. Payment in full on the overdue account will reinstate the student only if space is available. If the payment is not made in full, the account will be turned over to a collection agency for recovery of funds. Tuition: Checks may be deposited in the metal locked box located outside the Preschool Office You may pay online at You may pay by credit card in the School Office.

30-Day Notice A 30-Day Notice is required when you are leaving the school. Forms are located in the office. Failure to fill out the notice may result in additional tuition charges. LATE PICK-UP Parents are expected to arrive on time to pick up their children. A fee of $1 per minute per child will be incurred if children are not picked up on time.

PLACEMENT Children are placed in classes according to their age as of September 1 of the current school year. The child remains in this class for an entire year—September to August.

STUDENT LIFE ADJUSTMENTS TO SCHOOL Adjustment to school is smoothest when preceded by an informal visit to the school. The child can become familiar with the environment and have an opportunity to meet his/her teacher. A ―Back to School Event‖ is planned at the beginning of each new school year for this purpose. Children entering later in the year should also have an opportunity to visit the class with a parent before being left for a full day. On the first day of school, allow extra time to come into the classroom with your child. Always tell your child good-bye, even when he/she may have become involved in an activity. If there is a separation problem, teacher and parent may cue each other as to when the parent may leave. Generally, once the parent has exited, a child is easier to calm and integrate into the daily activities. Please limit your drop-off to 10min. When a child is new, he/she may not readily participate in the activities--often children feel most comfortable watching. It gives them the opportunity to learn about the routine, meet new friends, and gain self-confidence. Do not be surprised if your child does not share his/her school experience with you. A young child lives in the present. Be aware of the activities on the weekly lesson plans posted in each classroom so that you can ask relevant questions about your child’s day. To keep you informed of what is happening in your child’s class, the teachers will post the current lesson plans, including some of the activities and goals. We encourage you to talk about class activities with your child and reinforce some of the goals at home. Daily reports are sent home each day for 18mths and twos. Please keep in mind, from time to time substitute teachers are needed in the classroom due to staff meetings, illness, vacation, etc. The Preschool tries to always use our ―floaters‖ or hall monitors as our substitute teachers. Please be assured that all substitute teachers are required to have substitute training, to have completed 8-hours of pre-service training, have current CPR and 1st Aide training, have undergone a Criminal History Check, and have had their fingerprints submitted to the FBI before they can be put in a classroom to work. BELONGINGS FROM HOME Children are allowed and encouraged to bring items from home to be shared at ―special times‖. Children are encouraged to bring items that they have made, found, or experienced. Examples might include: Nature items from home (seeds, pine cones, leaves, etc). Pictures drawn or stories written.


A program from a special event. A postcard from a relative. A clipping from the newspaper. A picture of the family or a new baby. The list of possibilities is endless! Children are encouraged to share books or CDs with classmates but we do ask that you do not bring DVD’s to share with the class. We ask that all items from home be labeled with the child’s name. Items strictly prohibited include pretend weapons, make-up, candy, and gum. Such items will be secured by the teacher and returned to the parent at the end of the day. A blanket, pillow, or stuffed toy that is used during naptime as a comfort item is always acceptable but will be returned to the cubby after the nap has ended. CLOTHING Please dress your child comfortably, in washable clothing suitable for active play and appropriate weather. All Saint Martin’s children will spend time outdoors daily, even in hot and cold weather. Children wear smocks during painting and other messy activities, but accidents do occur. Please keep in mind that children do not need the pressure of worrying about getting ―special‖ clothes dirty. Clothing should encourage self-help skills; for example, overalls or tight belts will restrict a young child’s ability to care for his/her own bathroom needs. Shoes should be well fitting and safe for playground activities. Gym shoes or shoes with rubber soles are best. No sandals or open-toed shoes. Children wearing inappropriate shoes will not be allowed on the playscapes. A complete change of clothing (pants and shirt or dress, socks, and underwear) should be available in the child’s ―cubby‖ at all times. Please replace these items with clean ones as they are used, as seasons change, or as your children grow. All items (including jackets, sweaters, extra clothing, blankets, etc.) should be clearly labeled with the child’s name. Check the ―Lost and Found‖ on the first and second floors for lost or misplaced items. Children in diapers should bring a day’s supply of disposable diapers. Those children potty training should bring plenty of training pants and extra clothing. POTTY TRAINING All Saint Martin’s teachers will support and encourage families during the potty training process; however, it is not the teacher’s responsibility alone to teach this essential life skill—it can only be achieved through a partnership with the parent. Parents whose children are potty training are welcome to visit with the teacher or Director for ideas and suggestions. Saint Martin’s requires that all children entering the Three-year old program be potty trained. OUTDOOR PARTICIPATION Outdoor play is an integral part of the child’s day. Except in extreme weather, all children will participate in both inside and outside activities. Administration will determine outdoor activities based on several considerations: temperature, wind chill factor, heat index, and age of the children. A written medical excuse from the child’s physician must be provided, if the child’s outdoor play must be restricted. Signed permission slips are required to apply sunscreen and insect repellant that is supplied by the parent. ATTENDANCE Parents are responsible for children arriving to School on time. The early portion of the morning involves some of the most challenging activities of the day, at a time when children are most responsive. Children arriving late disrupt ongoing activities and often have a difficult time becoming involved. Teachers are not always free to greet late arrivals and introduce them to the day’s activities. Punctual arrival allows the program to meet the children’s needs more effectively. All children should be in their classes no later than 8:30a.m. CHILDREN MAY NOT BE DROPPED OFF DURING THE NAP TIME. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE Because of our concern for the physical and emotional well being of your children, we have established the following rules: Please remember to slow down and be cautious when driving through the parking lot. The speed limit is 5mph. The fire lane needs to remain open at all times, including inclement weather. For the safety of Saint Martin’s children and staff, all students, parents, and staff must enter through the 16th Street door. As our world changes, we at Saint Martin’s wish to add the extra security of knowing everyone that comes on to our campus. Please keep our campus secure and


safe by ALWAYS closing any gate or door that leads to the exterior of the School campus. Naturally, you may still leave by any door. Parents should closely accompany children from the minute they exit their car until they reach the entrance to the School. Please do not allow them to exit the car and run freely through the parking lot into the building. No child may be left unattended in a car for any length of time on Saint Martin property. Children must be escorted into their classrooms and left with their teachers. Licensing requires that the parent sign their child in and out each day. Children will only be released to the person(s) listed on the Release Form. Please come to the Preschool Office if any addition or deletion needs to be made. Once you check your child out for the day, we ask that you leave the building. Children may not play in the classrooms as they have been sanitized and made ready for the next day. Children and parents arriving before school hours may wait in the Fellowship Hall (cafeteria) until 7:15a. Please do not go to the classroom early as this is the time the Teacher uses to prepare for the school day. Please alert your child’s teacher to any change in your child’s schedule and any unusual event or situation that might affect his/her day at school. We ask that you notify the Preschool if your child will not be attending due to vacation or illness. Please keep in mind the Preschool does not pro-rate fees due to illness, vacation, or closings. LUNCHES/SNACKS A hot lunch and two snacks are provided daily for all students. The lunch fee is included in the tuition. Students may bring sack lunches if they do not wish to eat on a particular day but there is no refund for not using this service. Milk is provided free of charge for those who bring their lunch. Saint Martin’s is a Peanut-free environment. Due to the severity of peanut allergies absolutely no peanut products are allowed on campus.

Any student leaving the School to eat lunch is required to have written permission if not accompanied by the parent/guardian. In all cases, the student must be signed out and signed in upon return. All morning snacks will be provided between 8:30 and 9:00—this is NOT breakfast but a snack. Any child not present during this time period will miss the morning snack. If arriving after the snack time, you may bring food from the outside and sit in the cafeteria while your child eats. NO food may be served in the classroom after 9:00. Afternoon snacks are provided by the School. Our snacks are based on health requirements for young children and all ingredients are checked to prevent any child with allergies from being excluded from the snack. Parents are NOT allowed to bring in snacks for children other than their own child unless it has been approved by the School Office. Cupcakes/cake and other foods may be brought in for birthdays or special parties only.

PARTIES All parties are to take place at the afternoon snack time. Date and time for the party will be determined by the School. The following parties are allowed: Halloween (30 min.) Christmas (1 hour) Valentine’s Day (30 min.) Easter Celebration (30 min) End of School in May (1 hour)


BIRTHDAYS A birthday is an important event in the life of a child and a classroom community. The teachers will be happy to help you celebrate this special day. Parents who wish to bring refreshments should make arrangements in advance with the teacher. All birthday parties will be celebrated at the afternoon snack time. NO PARTY FAVORS MAY BE DISTRIBUTED. Invitations to birthday parties held away from campus may be distributed at School as long as all children in the class are included. SCHOOL PICTURES School pictures will be taken during the fall and spring semesters of the regular school year. The pictures will be taken during the regular school day. You are under no obligation to purchase the pictures. MEDICATIONS Should your child require medication during a school day, the parent must obtain a Medication Form from the office and complete the information required. All medication must be in the original container and clearly labeled with the child’s name. Please bring a dispensing spoon, cup, or dropper to administer the medication. All medications and forms need to be dropped off at the Preschool Office and will then be distributed by school staff to the child’s teacher for administering the medicine. The staff member administering the medication will record the time and amount administered. All over the counter medication that states, ―consult a physician‖ for the child’s age range must be accompanied by a physician’s prescription. If your child has had fever during the night, please do not medicate them and send them to school. By the time the medication wears off and the fever returns, you have exposed the class and the teacher. Please take responsibility for your child when they are ill. WATER ACTIVITIES During the 9-month school session, children do not participate in water activities other than water tables in the classroom or a special end-of-the-year party where sprinklers may be used. No wading pools are used at Saint Martin’s Preschool. ANIMALS All animals placed in classrooms as pets, must follow the Minimum Standards and Guidelines of the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services - Sections 746.3901, 746.3903, and 746.3905.

ENRICHMENT OPPORTUNITIES CHAPEL All children at Saint Martin’s enjoy weekly Chapel Time. The Music Teacher helps in facilitating chapel. The children sing songs and hear stories from the Bible. MUSIC All Saint Martin’s children enjoy music on a daily basis. Each classroom has a radio/CD player that the teachers use to enhance their daily teaching practices. The children have music twice a week with the Music teacher from Sept. to May. Students and teachers sing, play simple instruments, and experiment with creative movements.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION Once a week, Stretch and Grow will provide our children in the Four-year-old and Three-year-old classes a structured program in the gym. The program is specially designed for Preschool aged children.


EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES This year our afternoon vendors will be:  Gigglebytes — computer skills  Dance Associates -- dance and movement.  Stretch and Grow Sports Camp—summer only Enrollment in these outside agencies is separate and not included in the monthly tuition. Saint Martin’s does not administer these activities. More information about these programs can be found in the Preschool Office.

PARENT INVOLVEMENT ROLE OF PARENTS Parents play an essential and critical role in the life of any School. Quality Early Childhood Education occurs when parents, teachers, administrators, and the Congregation work together as a team. Your suggestions, comments, and goals are important. OTHER OPPORTUNITIES FOR PARENTS Parents may serve as Room Parents to help organize special events and fund-raisers during the school year. Room Parents also assist the teachers with planning parties, and arranging other enrichment activities. Parents are invited to share hobbies, careers, cultural celebrations, or other interests with the children. Arrange the day and time with your child’s teacher. Parents may serve as Classroom Volunteers to help with special projects or to allow teachers to mentor other teachers on staff. FUNDRAISING After surveying our current parents, it was decided that this year we will have a ―No-Frills‖ fundraiser to replace all of the fundraisers we have had in the past such as the sale of cookie dough, raffles, silent auctions and letters requesting extra funds. The ―No-Frills‖ fundraiser will be held during the month of October. During this month parents may give a donation to the school to cover the cost of items for the classrooms, gift certificates for the Teacher’s Christmas Party and for Teacher Appreciation Week. More information will be coming in October. PARENT- TEACHER CONFERENCES All age groups will receive a performance report in the fall and spring to inform parents where their child stands academically and socially. We will have scheduled conferences for the four year old classes in the spring. Parents of the younger children are in constant contact with their child’s teacher and tend to already know where their child stands in the classroom whereas the fours will be going on to Kindergarten and parents will need a conference specifically designed to discuss how their child will transition into elementary school. Spring Conferences- Four-year olds Parents and teachers will discuss the cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development of the child as seen over the course of the school year. Parents and teachers will discuss the plans for the upcoming year so that the child will have a smooth transition from one class to the next. The Director or Assistant Director may be called in for consultation when necessary. In addition to these scheduled conferences, you are encouraged to make an appointment with your child’s teacher or the School Director any time you have a question, concern, or idea to share. Here are some hints that will help you have a productive conference. Plan your questions ahead of time. You may even want to write them down before you come to the conference.


Be on time for conferences, especially when there may be other parents before and after you. You will want to have your full allotment of time to discuss your child’s development, but also be aware if others are waiting, and arrange a follow up conference with the teacher if necessary. Clarify and summarize as you go along. If you should return home and find that something was unclear, feel free to plan to meet again. Teachers also communicate with parents by using the Parent Bulletin Board outside each classroom. Check it to find updates on special events and specific ideas for promoting the children’s healthy development at home as well as School.

SCHOOL PROCEDURES VISITORS/PICK-UP PROCEDURES To ensure the safety of the children, ALL visitors to the school, including Parents and volunteers, are to check in at the Preschool Office to obtain a visitor’s pass. At the end of the visit, visitors must sign out and return the pass to the office. Parents are invited to eat lunch with their child, however, parents are asked to allow time for their child to adjust to the new environment before meeting for lunch. Please consult with the teacher. As a professional courtesy, any parent/guardian wishing to visit in their child’s class should contact the teacher before going into the class. Parents are encouraged not to stay longer than thirty minutes at a time. Visitors are asked not to distract a child from any activity he/she might be involved in, especially if it is an instructional period. PICK-UP AUTHORIZATION Children are allowed to leave only with persons on the Pick-up Authorization List. The parent/guardian must make arrangements with the office for additional persons to take the child. Verbal permission is not acceptable. The parent must add the person to the list or send a written request specifying dates and times. Everyone picking up must provide a picture ID to be photocopied. CUSTODY CASES St. Martin’s Lutheran Preschool shall protect the safety and right of the child according to the court order. The school will not assume any legal responsibility or liability if such a document is not on file. Parents in these circumstances are advised to notify the Preschool Office. UNPLANNED SCHOOL CLOSING In the event of an unplanned school closing the teacher will contact each member of the class. The teacher in turn will call the administrative staff to verify that all parents were contacted. A message will be left on the school’s answering machine and the local media will be contacted. WEATHER EMERGENCIES In the event of hazardous weather conditions or other emergencies and subsequent school closings, please listen to KXAN for information updates. Staff will also try to call each family to let them know of school closings. REMEMBER: SAINT MARTIN’S WILL CLOSE FOR WEATHER RELATED EMERGENCIES WHEN AUSTIN ISD CLOSES. If adverse weather conditions necessitate closing the school once classes have commenced, we will update information on the recording on the school line at 476-4037. If it becomes necessary to close the school, all parents will be notified that children are to be picked up immediately. A staff member will remain until the last child is picked up. SCHOOL EVACUATION Saint Martin’s has a reciprocal agreement with First United Methodist Preschool. In the event of the need to evacuate our building, the school staff will exit our building as they would during a fire drill, lead the children south on Rio Grande to 12th Street, turn left and continue to the corner of 12 th and Lavaca where the church is located. Upon arrival staff would contact parents to inform them of the evacuation and of our location.


MEDICAL EMERGENCIES In the case of illness or injury during school hours, the following procedures will be followed: Staff will attempt to contact one or both parents. If parents cannot be reached, designated persons in the child’s file will be contacted. When a child needs immediate medical attention and a parent cannot be reached, a staff member will contact the child’s doctor and upon their recommendation will take the child to the doctor’s office or the nearest emergency room. All expenses incurred are the responsibility of the parent. PLAYGROUND PLAYGROUND RULES State Standards mandate that children be supervised at all times by an adult while on the playground. Children must wear closed-toed shoes on the playground. Up the stairs/ladders, down the slides. Walk – do not run on the sidewalks. All teachers are in charge of all children at Saint Martin’s. Students and Parents must listen to them and respect what they say. Be polite to all teachers, all students, and all visitors. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS – PARKING LOT Normal traffic guidelines apply, but there are additional traffic rules which must be observed if we are to keep all of the children safe. The speed limit in the parking lot is 5 MPH. Do not double park. Park only in designated spaces. The “red zone” is reserved for emergency vehicles AT ALL TIMES. Never leave children in the car unattended. Be aware of ―entrance‖ and ―exit‖ signs. The seconds you save by double parking or otherwise circumventing these regulations could not compensate for the injury a child may sustain because of careless driving. ALLERGY AWARENESS If your child has been diagnosed with a food allergy, additional medical paperwork is required. Please contact the Preschool Office to obtain the required forms. Parents should also verbally discuss their child’s allergies with the teachers in the class. By working together and communicating clearly and frequently, you and your child’s teachers will create an environment that allows your child to grow, learn, and be safe while at school. BITING POLICY Biting is often a misread and misunderstood action. Biting is a behavior that is often linked to a child’s developmental age. Biting has been described as a form of sensory exploration and communication. The act of biting is most often experienced in the Toddlers and Twos’ stages of development. Keeping the child’s age in mind, Saint Martin’s Lutheran Preschool has developed two biting policies. The policies are as follows: BITING POLICY FOR AGES 18MTH AND TWO  When a bite occurs, the teacher will fill out an Accident/Incident Report.  Both sets of parents (the child bitten and the child who was the biter) will be informed of the situation.  No names will be exchanged between either family.  If the biter chooses to bite again, the same procedure will be followed; the Director or Assistant Director will be made aware of the situation.  If a third incident occurs involving the same (biter) child, a Parent Conference will be called involving the Parent/Teacher/Director to discuss redirection of the behavior.  Failure to comply with the teachers’ request for a conference could result in the biter being asked to leave the Saint Martin’s Lutheran Preschool program.


BITING POLICY FOR AGES THREE, FOUR, AND FIVE  When a bite occurs, the teacher will fill out an Accident/Incident Report.  Both sets of parents (the child bitten and the child who was the biter) will be contacted.  No names will be exchanged between families.  If the biter chooses to bite again, a Parent/Teacher/Director conference will be called to discuss redirection of the behavior.  If a third bite occurs, the biter will be removed from the class and sent home from School for the remainder of the day.  If a fourth bite occurs, another conference will be scheduled which could lead to the child’s removal from the Saint Martin’s Lutheran Preschool program.  Failure to comply with a request for a conference, at any point, could result in the biter being asked to leave the program. ILLNESS POLICY A child who is ill belongs at home. The child must be free of fever, vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours before they can return to school. In order to protect the health of all children attending Saint Martin’s, we have the right to refuse a child who we think is not well enough to participate or might be contagious to other children and staff members. As stated in Minimum Standards and Guidelines of the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services – Appendix V: Communicable Disease Chart for Schools and Child-Care Centers is our guideline for readmission of the child after being ill. Please notify the school at once if your child has a communicable disease or has been exposed to one. If a child has a contagious disease a plan of action is posted on the door and a letter is sent home. When a child becomes ill during the school day, parents will be contacted immediately and the student will be isolated from the other children. Once parents are contacted, the school expects the students to be picked up within one hour. Failure to do so will result in a charge of $1 per minute for each additional minute. As stated in Minimum Standards and Guidelines of the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services – Section 746.3601 An ill child must not be admitted for care if one or more of the following exists: 1. The illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in child-care center activities including outdoor play; 2. The illness results in a greater need for care than the caregivers can provide without compromising the health, safety, and supervision of the other children in care; 3. The child has one of the following, unless medical evaluation by a health-care professional indicates that you can include the child in the child-care center’s activities: a. Oral temperature of 100.4 degrees or greater, accompanied by behavior changes or other signs or symptoms of illness; b. Rectal temperature of 101.4 degrees or greater, accompanied by behavior changes or other signs or symptoms of illness; c. Armpit temperature of 99.4 degrees or greater; accompanied by behavior changes or other signs or symptoms of illness; or d. Symptoms and signs of possible severe illness such as lethargy, abnormal breathing, uncontrolled diarrhea, two or more vomiting episodes in 24 hours, rash with fever, mouth sores with drooling, behavior changes, or other signs that the child may be severely ill; or 4. A health-care professional has diagnosed the child with a communicable disease, and the child does not have medical documentation to indicate that the child is no longer contagious. PARENTAL NOTIFICATION Parents will be notified in writing when there are any changes in Policy.

CHILDCARE LICENSING When you choose a Licensed Day Care, you and your family join your child in new experiences and relationships. You, the Day-Care Director, child-care staff, and other people in the Day-Care Center have a responsibility to protect the health, safety, and well-being of your child. The Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services, Licensing Division, is part of this partnership, too. What Is Day-Care Licensing?


The Licensing Division was established by law to regulate Child-Care Facilities to help protect the health, safety, and well-being of children in care. With the assistance of Child-Care providers and experts in areas such as Child Development, Early Childhood Education, fire safety, health, and sanitation, the Licensing Division develops Minimum Standards. Licensing staff inspect Day-Care Centers, Private Kindergartens and Nursery Schools, some unaccredited Private Schools, Group Day-Care Home, and Drop-In Centers to be sure that Minimum Standards are met. The staff also investigates complaints about violations of the Minimum Standards and the Child-Care Licensing Law. It Is Important For You to Know When you visit a Day-Care facility, ask to see the licensing report. The license means that the Day-Care facility has met the Minimum Licensing Standards the last time it was inspected. Minimum Standards prohibits persons who have been convicted of certain crimes from having contact with children in care. They are called ―Minimum Standards‖ because no one is allowed to operate below these standards. A copy of the Minimum Standards is available for you to review at your Day-Care facility. The PRS website is: and the information on line is at 1-800-862-5252. Establish a Good Relationship with the Day-Care Facility Spend time at the Day-Care facility before you enroll your child. Work with the staff of the Day-Care facility you choose. Read all the material the Day-Care provider gives you. Pick your child up on time. Discuss concerns with the Day-Care Director. When Your Child Starts Day-Care Remember that it’s normal for a child to have some fears and misgivings about starting Day-Care. Prepare your children for the change as far in advance as possible. Some children will ―act out‖ their feelings by improper behavior—work with the school to overcome these feelings. Talk Things Over With Your Child Each day talk to your child about their feelings about their school. Share their excitement or concerns. Parent Responsibilities The Day-Care Facility must get information and records from parents to ensure the child’s health and safety. You must provide the information so that the facility will be in compliance with the Minimum Standards. Complete an enrollment form. Tell the caregiver about any special concerns or needs. Give a copy of your child’s immunization record. For school age children, you can sign a statement that these records are on file at the primary school. Provide a doctor’s statement that your preschool child is physically able to participate in the day-care program. Inform the facility in writing about who is permitted to take your child from the facility. An older sibling may pick up a child if you request this in writing and all safety considerations have been met. Make sure that the child-care staff knows the child has arrived and knows when your child leaves. Other requirements must be met if the day-care provider gives medication to your child, if your child is an infant, or if you child needs special care, or a special diet. What Happens If Your Child Is Ill Or Injured? The day-care facility is not allowed to admit a child who seems to be sick unless a doctor or nurse gives approval in writing. If your child has been absent because of a contagious illness, the facility must follow guidelines concerning when the child can return to care. If your child appears seriously sick or injured while at the center, the caregiver must call you immediately. It is important that you pick up your child as soon as possible.


If your child needs immediate medical attention; the center must call your child’s physician, take the child to the nearest emergency room or call for an ambulance. The center must have authorization for emergency medical care. Liability Insurance Requirements Ask the Director whether the facility carries liability insurance. Texas law requires the facility to carry liability coverage. Liability insurance is not required if the insurance cannot be secured due to financial reasons: if the license is unable to locate an underwriter, or if the current policy limits have been extended. You are to be notified, in writing, that the coverage is not available. Take a Good Look Look for the Center’s strong points but also be aware of warning signals that tell you something is wrong. Feel Secure When You See That The facility welcomes you to visit any time. Staff is alert and involved with the children. Staff seems warm and interested in the children. Staff is gentle, but firm when necessary. The facility is clean and attractive. Your child is relaxed and happy after the adjustment period. Your child seems physically well cared for and staff informs you of minor accidents or illness. Children seem involved with constructive activities and get individual attention. Be Seriously Concerned When You See That Children are left without direct adult supervision. Adults scold and yell at children. Adults are physically rough with children or allow rough play. The building is dirty or you see unsafe conditions. A child comes home bruised or injured and the center cannot explain what happened. Children seen aimless, bored, angry, or frustrated or there are too many children to supervise. When Things Aren’t Going Well Talk about things that displease you with the staff. There may be a miscommunication that can easily be resolved. If the problem is not resolved and you feel Minimum Standards are not being met, call the local Day-Care Licensing office and ask their advice. A Licensing Representative will investigate your complaint. If a standard has been violated, the facility will be notified and a time set for the facility to correct it. Licensing staff may revoke a license if a facility doesn’t meet Minimum Standards. The department does not take action to revoke a license unless children are in immediate danger or the licensee refuses to comply with standards. If You Suspect Child Abuse Child abuse is rare but if you suspect that your child has been abused or sexually molested, report the situation immediately. Use the toll-free Child Abuse Hotline number (1-800-252-5400), available 24 hours a day. The situation will be investigated immediately and you will be given referrals for help for your child and family. Should agency staff interview or examine your child during an abuse investigation, a reasonable effort will be made to notify you with 24 hours after the interview or examination. Parents who suspect that their child has been abused sometimes remove their child from care but don’t report the problem. This leaves other children in danger. State law requires everyone to report suspected child abuse or neglect immediately. When a report of suspected child abuse is made in good faith, you are immune from any liability. The identity of the complainant is not revealed. For information about local licensing offices, look on the Protective and Regulatory Services website at: The Child Care Information line at 1-800-862-5252 also has information about local licensing offices.


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