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在今期的文章非常精采,首先在「我信」一文中,麥 神父提醒我們,當我們誦念信經時,我們應將全部的信心 放在天主聖三之上,將信仰在日常生活和行為上反映出 來,因為信德若沒有行為,便沒有意義。麥神父還告訴我 們,教會在七月特別敬禮耶穌寶血,耶穌的血在我們的血脈中運行,給予我們足夠的力 量持守我們的信仰。     在「聖言宣讀會慶祝成立44週年」和「成長路」中,都不約而同地講出要重視聖 言,將天主的話融入生活之中,透過聖言實踐信仰,培養一顆虔誠敬主的心,達致「與 主契合、永不分離」的境界。「成長路」提到基督徒的行為以信仰為中心,要讓人看到 我們身上的基督。這份基督徒的特質也同時在奧妙之旅「韶關朝聖」流露出來。朝聖 的內地導遊小姐說在她帶隊的經驗中從未見過這樣團體,香港和內地的教友彼此並不認 識,但一見如故、互相問候、熱情溫馨,是什麼力量令這團人會這樣互愛互助、行動一 致?她公開表示日後會約見神父,了解天主教信仰。深信基督已臨在我們堂區的團體 中,在我們身上顯露出來。 今期還有一篇給最敬愛的婆婆的一封信(以英文原文刊登),外孫女懷念她摯愛 的婆婆生前的生活點滴,一份無私的愛並沒有因生命的終結而結束,反而將婆婆的愛不 斷延續下去,生命的愛火將生生不息,常燃不滅。 藉著天主的大愛,點燃每個人的心火,滋養每個心靈,只要向天主開放,讓天主 的恩寵流遍每個心靈,在主內每個心靈都平安喜樂,和諧共融,愈顯主榮!

活動預告: 8月11日(星期六)下午2:30至5:30在新禮堂舉辦「粵韻福傳樂融 融」,聖母堂福傳粵曲班參與演出,入場券會在7月15日開始派發。 8月19日(星期日)下午2時在301室舉行堂區議會改選,歡迎教友列 席。 繼101慕道聚會之後,在9月再舉辦福傳活動-「緣」途有你,敬請教 友留意。

嬰兒領洗注意事項 : (1) 嬰兒必須為三歲以下 (2) 在本堂登記的教友家庭 (3) 父、母其中一方必須是教友 (4) 代父或代母必須已領堅振 下次領洗日期 : 2012年9月9日(星期日)的主保瞻禮彌撒

教區婚姻與家庭牧民委員會為大家提供免費牧靈輔導服務,一線牽走煩惱 和困擾。如教友遇到家庭、子女、婚姻…等煩惱和困擾,請致電婚委會熱線: 2560 2314,談話內容絕對保密。義工們願意和你一起分享快樂瑣事、生活點 滴,分担煩擾瑣事、助你紓緩情緒。




在6月10日耶穌聖體聖血節中,本堂主日學共有17位同學初領 聖體,由馬偉良神父主禮。 馬神父在講道中叮囑同學要勤領聖 體,並要愛主愛人,以實踐福音的精神。 (註: 有一同學當天因病假而被安排在6月17日初領聖體)



8 月 11 日舉行的粵韻福傳樂融融 , 聖母堂的參演者有 : 張偉傑 , 吳艷芳 , 張麗萍 , 米仲琛 , 陳玉如


福傳粵曲班 ( 已於 6 月 5 日開課 )

年 牧

民 小

唱 活 組 的 音 樂 歌



參加堂區舉辦朝聖活動歷來,今次最為特出, 天主睿智的安排甚為巧妙,意想不到的。 出發前兩天,天文台突掛上一號颱風訊號,天 氣圖顯示颱風路線直撲香港,嚇了一跳,希望在6 月30日起程時不會懸掛八號烈風訊號,以免不能 如期朝聖。誰料到6月29日晚上真的掛上八號暴風 訊號,藉著信德,一切交托上主手中,隨天主旨 意,如果天主願意,更難的事也能完成。照原定 時間,清晨五時起床,致電天文台熱線得知已在 早上三時許改掛較低的三號風球,感謝天主! 沿途天氣不太壞,過邊境時天氣良好,雖為炎 夏季節,但氣溫不是想象中那麼高。朝聖第一站 是韶關天主堂,從旅遊公司提供的資料概說建堂 時間為1937年,到達聖堂後,方知此聖堂乃「顯 主會」女修會發源地,發地成立修會的主教雷鳴 道主教更為殉道聖人。1930年雷鳴道主教偕同教 區內高惠黎神父為保護三位女青年抗匪被殺。駐 堂的修女在展覽廳更為在場的兄弟姊妹講述主教 早期安葬的地方,乃在教會的學校範圍。五十年 代教產被充公,學校修葺時修女祇取回墓碑,同 時當時挖出主教遺體,遺體仍完整並未腐化,甚 至火化也未能損害遺體分毫。由於規例,修女們 不能領回遺體,其後工人將遺體投入江中,從此 消失。 這件事帶來一份啟發,做天主忠僕是何其光 榮!主教神父的表現令人肅然起敬。天主巧妙地 安排,先有大風雨出現,後賜予天朗氣清,沒有



悶熱的天氣(暑假內陸氣溫一般很高),更賞賜 我們眾人抵達聖人經營的堂區,讓我們有幸認識 「顯主會」女修會始創人的生平及他榮主愛人的 典範。主耶穌說過:「人若為自己的朋友捨掉性 命,再沒有比這更偉大的愛情了。」(若14:13) 。 翌日前往朝聖第二目的地,南雄進教之佑堂, 早上九時抵達聖堂,已有一群教友等待我們,我 們一起舉行彌撒聖祭,同頌主恩,為祖國普世教 會與當地堂區祈禱。彌撒中以粵語詠唱我們慣 常頌唱的聖詠,突顯基督奧體的玄妙(羅12:38)。不知不覺間,我們成了基督的工具:內地導 遊小姐小清女士查問教會的事,天主教與基督教 的分別等等。同時她覺得很奇怪,這兩群人事前 彼此並不認識,雖具同一天主教信仰,為何表現 有如家人那樣親愛,積極地群體合作搬動長椅, 一起大合照,彼此問候,一份喜樂平安的感受。 回程時,小清更公開表示日後會約見神父,求 問天主教信仰呢! 感謝為今次安排朝聖活動的兄弟姊妹,他們經 過一夜的掛心煎熬,未能安睡。大清早已齊集聖 堂準備禮儀,祈求上主賜予旅途順暢,全體團員 安然往返,在此懇請聖雷鳴道主教及聖高惠黎神 父為我們求上主賜予遐福,學習他們的德表,以 愛主為基礎,為近人作出犧牲和奉獻。盼望他日 與諸聖齊聲讚美歌頌天主。亞孟。

韶 關 天 主 堂




聖言宣讀會在1968年成立,現在已有44年歷史。聖言宣讀會成立的主要目的不單 是在禮儀中宣讀天主聖言,帶領參與的弟兄姊妹投入禮儀,更重要是讓所有弟兄姊妹都 能夠重視聖言,將天主的話融入在自己的生活之中,並以聖言作為待人處事的準則。     誠然,彌撒的聖道禮中最重要的部份是天主聖言的宣讀,所以讓我們一起回想:彌 撒中我們有沒有用心聆聽天主聖言?甚至可以問問自己,還能不能記起剛剛過去主日的 三篇讀經內容?除了彌撒讀經以外,一個星期之中我們有沒有在其他時間接觸聖言?讓 我們從今天開始在彌撒中用心聆聽,在生活中用心回應天主 透過聖言教導我們的一切。   至於為聖言宣讀員,也藉此機會讓我們一起互勉。依撒 意亞先知曾這樣說:「有誰會相信我們的報導呢?」讀經員 字正腔圓,發音正確固然重要,但還不及我們用心去宣讀, 用心去明白,用心去記住,用心去實行天主聖言這樣令人信 服。只要我們每一次都做好準備,然後用心宣讀,並用行動 付諸實行,相信教友會聽到,天主也會看見。   最後,祈求聖言宣讀會的主保,聖伯多祿和聖保祿為我 們代禱,保守我們,讓我們勇敢站在天主聖言最前綫,虔敬 宣讀聖言。此外,祈求天主聖神引導我們的思言行為,讓聖 言宣讀員繼續用心為堂區服務。   聖伯多祿聖保祿,我們的主保,為我等祈!




Give tribute to my dearest Por Por, Chow Miew Kim ( 給最敬愛的婆婆 - 周妙金的一封信 ) "Chow Miew Kim, an ordinary woman, who put so much efforts to make things around her extraordinary." Dear Por Por,


I have known you since I was born. Although I can’t really remember, I know since you are in my just-born pictures. You have held me in your ‘strong’ arms. Yes, ‘strong’! You were so tiny physically, but you were strong! Your strength came from your heart!

You have also told me about your worse life experiences… Wars brought you to Singapore, where you gave birth to two of your children. It seemed to me that you enjoyed the life there, although away from home. Though grandpa, a sailor, was never by your sides, you managed to take care of your children, adding a third one to the family when you were back to Hong Kong. There, you worked hard and long hours. And then grandpa passed away when mom was six years old… leaving you with the burden of 3 children to raise up by yourself. You have made many friends throughout the y e a r s . Yo u r readiness to help people also brought you back their help and support.

Everyone who has known you agree that you were a strong woman: from having lived through wars that had forced you to find refuge from one country to another, to doing the garden and the shoveling for the whole day in your seventies, you have demonstrated your perseverance, and your never-ending desire to work and to contribute. You have also shown your boundless love in bringing up your 3 children by doing different jobs to earn a living and in taking care of your grandchildren regardless of their not-so-obedient attitude. You were always present when we needed you. You were always available to everyone. You never said ‘no’.    I still remember your ‘tofu’ stories! They should be very nice memories to you, as you loved to repeat them over and over again! I like the way you were telling them too! You were expressive and enthusiastic, just like how you were as a person. I’ve learned, through those storytelling, that you admired your grandfather and father, that you were your father’s favorite child since you were the smartest, that your grandfather used to comb your hair with his saliva, and he used to wear the kind of costume that the Chinese vampires are wearing in the horror movies... these were things that you were proud of and happy about… You were the cutest every time you showed that you were proud of yourself. It was a kind of ‘showing-off’, but it’s ok! You are my wonderful grandma! A wonder


I have put together every little pieces that I have heard from you. It, certainly, doesn’t make complete your enriched life-story.    T h a n k s t o a u n t a n d u n c l e ’s e ff o r t s and arrangements, you have immigrated to Canada and had lived here for twenty years! That’s where I have met you. And it’s also in Canada that you have spent time and patience and love to raise up, this time, three of your grandchildren: Colette, Serena and me. You

were the one who comforted us when mom had to leave us and go back to Hong Kong; you were the one who stayed in the basement with us when we got punished; you were the one who confronted us when we tried to be bad, but still loved us…    But the most memorable moments that I had with you are those we spent together, only the two of us. I was going to Cegep. You got up every morning to prepare me noodles for breakfast. You prepared me dinner every evening. I remember that I would, on Saturday mornings, take a taxi and go to Chinatown to have dim sum with you. After the short meal, I would do grocery shop with you and then go back home. Those were short outings. But you still enjoyed them because they were the only regular outings for you. Sorry por por, I didn’t make enough efforts to free more time to spend with you. And then a few things happened to make me realize that you became a bit ‘careless’, less alert. Once, you forgot about the burning water. The kettle got burned, but thankfully, that was it. You were safe. A second time, I could not get in the house because you had locked it from the inside. I rang the bell, you were not answering. I went to your bedroom’s window, and I shouted, I tapped on the glass… you finally got up from your deep afternoon nap!    That’s when I realized that you were getting older. You also got Alzheimer(腦退化症). I felt sad when you first started not to remember me. I felt heart-broken when you forgot about me.

Por Por, you have been fighting for your health for the last few years. It was a difficult battle, but you once again showed that you never give up easily. You have shown your toughness even when you were the weakest. You have suffered, but you have tried to fight. You have tried hard, we could see. You did a great job, grandma! We are all very proud of you!    When you were weak, we were weak too. We were worried and heart-broken when we saw you suffering. We felt helpless. But God was great! He has accompanied us all the way! He has proved again that He is our Refuge, where we can seek for help, comfort and peace in our difficult time!    But I guess, you got tired. I was not there, but I am sure that you knew when your other grandchildren went to you to say goodbye. You can, now, and finally, rest in peace. I know that you are in good hands. You are now at a place where we will meet again!    These are the images that I have of you, and they will forever stay engraved in my heart! My gratitude of having you as my grandma cannot be fully expressed in words… T h a n k y o u , P o r P o r ! Yo u w e r e a g r e a t admiration to me!    I had the privilege to be the grandchild who have spent the longest time with you, and I’m proud about it! Sorry, Por Por, I should have done more than I have as a grandchild of yours…Also, both mom and myself think that we should have told you more about Jesus. But God is graceful! You have become part of His Kingdom and you should be with Him now. In your honor, I will do my best to become a better person. And in your honor, I will remind myself more often to share the Gospel with people around me.    We will miss you! But we are not worried! We will only look forward to seeing you again in heaven! Your Granddaughter, Jeanette Tse Wai Suen


堂 區 活 動 花 絮 基基團

聖言分享聚會 逢星期三 晚上8時205室




14 14

七月堂區通訊 主耶穌!感謝在最後晚餐中建立聖體聖事,讓我們在現今能領受的體血,滋養我們 的生命,洗滌我們的靈魂。在親臨在我們的心中的一刻,我們感到「住在我內,我 也住內」是何等真實!何等奧妙! 主耶穌!是生命之糧,讓我們在生命的旅途中與結合,邁向永生! 欽崇耶穌聖體!讚美基督寶血! 請為我們眾信友祈禱,祈求上主啟迪我們,使我們常懷感恩之心,緊緊跟隨主耶穌基 督,將生命中的成敗得失交托在主的手中,以純潔的心承行天主的旨意。為此我們同聲 祈禱! 請為朱紀文先生祈禱,朱先生已在上月底走完今世的旅程,深信他現在躺臥主懷,在天 國享永福。祈求天主看護他並保守他的家人,堅強他們的信念,撫慰他們的哀傷。為此 我們同聲祈禱!

教友捐款 德肋撒 馮興鑒、彭麗卿 馮婉琪、馮婉珊

HKD701.00 HKD200.00 HKD1000.00 HKD500.00

紅磡聖母堂  二零一二年四月份財政報告表 收入



$185,930.40 司鐸膳費



$7,600.00 司鐸津貼

$12,000.00 $350.00

$800.00 司鐸醫藥費


$20,078.00 修女津貼



$8,787.00 職工薪金



$2,143.00 主日協助堂區工作之神父謝金


$1,866.00 交通費


$70.00 電費















堂區通訊 (四月)














雜項支出 總收入 總 額

請 教 友 慷 慨 支 持 , 資 助 堂( 區 通 訊 刊) 印 費 用

~ 感恩與代禱 ~

$227,274.40 $227,274.40

$10,299.20 總支出


盈 餘


總 額



St. Mary's Church 5 Dyer Avenue, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel.:2764 0101 Fax.:2774 4729

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