2015 11

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人生中有起有跌,總會有失意的時期,這是難以避免的。     在學生時期,會因有讀書成績,會考或文憑試成績欠佳,而感到挫 敗;沮喪的。到出來社會工作時期,會因工作性質,與同事或上級相處 等等問題,而感到工作欠滿足感、迷惘、欠缺前景等等。尤其香港「打 工仔」也是全球工時最長的僱員。以一般來説,人生大約有一半時間是 投放在工作之内。所以工作心情,對我們構成影響也不少。健康及感情 問題、意外、運動受傷、生病、失戀…等等,我相信毎人都總經歴過其 中一次。     我發覺許多人在失意的時候,會比平時更多向天主祈禱。其實這是 很好的減壓做方法,心靈上得到依靠,便不會胡思亂想,以免自己走進 牛角尖,而做出傷害自己及他人的事。其實人生失意是必經的,不是你 特別「黑仔」,只要正面去面對,盡快走出這谷底 , 便是人生另一個高 峯。

將臨期:祂將到來 Advent:His coming is at hand 聖母像出遊 輔祭會 明愛賣物會 教學的喜樂 善別小組重誓及派遣 追思彌撒 普世教會及堂區活動

將臨期:祂將到來 將臨期是教會讓大家準備迎接即將來臨,在起初已與 天父在一起,即聖言成了血肉的那一位:「在起初已有聖 言,聖言與天主同在,聖言就是天主。聖言在起初就與天 主同在。 萬物是藉著他而造成的;凡受造的,沒有一樣不是由 他造成的。在他內有生命,這生命是人的光。光在黑暗中 照耀,黑暗不能勝過他」(若:1:1-5)。我們開心地等待 主耶穌基督,天父承諾的救世主默西亞的到來。然而,需 要提一提的是,祂是謙卑地而不是光榮地來到人間。教會 希望我們滿懷信心地準備,因為祂的到來對我們有十分重 大的意義。在開始默想將臨期時,讓我們重溫有關聖斐立 尼利(St Philip Neri)的一則小故事,可能大家都聽過的: 「聖斐立尼利少年時與朋友一起打桌球,突然一位朋 友問他說:如果現在耶穌再來時,你會做什麼?聖人毫不 猶豫地說:我先打完這一局。」 我想那少年聽後很驚訝。今天我們的反應可能也一樣, 特別是這麼簡單的問題,我們也會期待簡單的答案。但聖 斐立尼利平靜的態度反映了他的心態。因為他每天都活出 基督精神,他的行為都是天主所喜歡,所以毋須做任何特 別的事,他的身心靈已完全作好準備,迎接主耶穌基督。 相對聖人的態度,在最後一分鐘才意識到要面對的人,都 是以為不用急,還有很多時間。但經驗告訴我們,在最後 一分鐘才做事,因為時間緊迫,心慌意亂,通常成效不理 想。時常有準備的人有事時就不會慌張了。 今天聖斐立尼利的態度值得我們借鏡。教會訂了這時 期為將臨期,讓我們默想和準備自己,因為耶穌在我們生 命中佔著重要的地位。祂是我們的救主,喜樂的泉源,是 我們在天主前聚在一起的原因。我們要滿懷歡欣與感恩的 心情去慶祝。但圓滿的慶祝活動需要有充足的準備。例如 籌備婚禮:我們需要備妥每個細節,一切都要恰如其分; 那些被邀請的嘉賓赴宴前也作了準備,與所有親戚朋友一 起和新人慶祝開始新生活。我們也慶祝生日和結婚週年紀 念日等。每一個值得慶祝的日子前便準備妥當的話,就不

會臨時手忙 腳 亂 了。 事 實 上, 最 後 一分鐘才做 事的人都會 是慌慌張張 的。 我 同 時 察 覺, 在 工 作前作準備 的 心 態, 也 就各人的性格而不一樣。一些對自己的工作容易滿意和有 信心的人,他們所懷的心態是:我已做到……就算不圓滿, 最少我已盡了力,而那些從不滿意,便常常對所做的工作 沒有信心了。他們寫書法時,就算寫了,不覺滿意,擦去 它,再寫,再擦去它至紙張霉霉爛爛了。也有精神緊張的 人,就算有充足時間給他們,也會惶恐不安。所以要看個 人所持的態度,也看當時情況而表現分別不同。但我們不 要忘記,我們的天主只看人的良心,而不看工作的成績。 工作如果是圓滿妥當的話,那麼感謝天主。 主快要到來:我們在祈禱中以感恩和喜樂的心等待祂, 同樣我們每天生活天主的旨意,在鄰人身上看到主。我們 繼續不斷地履行基督徒的使命。正如我所提過的,我們花 了不少精力去準備過一些重要節日,但我們做了些什麼去 準備迎接在信經中我們所誦讀的:「天父唯一的聖子」的 降臨呢?我們又有什麼與平時做法不同的特別計劃呢?應 該是有一些不同形式去迎接即將來臨的主吧!我們緊張的 情緒是因為看不清未來,但我們確切知道將到來的是和平 的君王。相反我們應歡欣喜樂,因為祂到來帶給我們新希 望,一如耳熟能詳的歌詠: 來啊,至聖默西亞! 普世靜待聖誕良辰,眾生之望堪歌頌, 憂苦即將消散。 醒吧醒吧,夜已消逝! 先知們已經高聲宣告,讓我們速踏上征途;

我們帶著希望詠唱這些聖誕曲,憂苦即將消散……首 先我們將心中的愁雲撥去,祂的來臨使我們滿載平安和喜 樂,與主耶穌一起面對將來。但我們早已知悉天主給我們 最大的誡命就是:「全心、全靈、全力、全意愛上主,你 的天主;並愛近人如你自己。」(路 10:27)我們履行了這 誡命,天下便會太平。 我們會不會和聖人一樣,先玩完這一局?願主保佑你 們…… 聖母聖心會 麥冠達神父

Advent: His coming is at hand The Advent is the time the church offers us to intensely prepare ourselves to welcome the Word made flesh, the One with the Father since the beginning of the time (Jn 1: 1-5). We joyfully wait for the coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Messiah promised by the Father to be our Redeemer. However, we are not called to be passive in our waiting of his glorious yet humble coming.The church expects us to be ready, to fully participate in our life of faith while awaiting. This sharing aims to stress the importance of readiness because it is in keeping this spirit that we notice the value of the event we are waiting for. But before getting further in this meditation, I would like to share a story of St Philip Neri. “Neri was playing a game of billiards with a group of youngsters. Suddenly one of them asked him this question: “If Jesus were to come back again now, what would you do?” St Philip Neri looked at him and answered with no hesitation: “I would first finish this game of billiards”. I think the kid was stunned to hear this answer from such a great a person. The same reaction would probably be ours today as well, especially when we look for clear answers to clear questions. But Neri’s quiet and tranquil attitude was a reflection of his inner self. Since he was living his Christian ideals every day, always spending his time in a way that pleases the Lord, he found no reason to rush around to get things done. He was already “ready” in his body and soul to welcome such a Good News. In keeping with the Saint’s meaning, those who rush to get things done in the last minute are people who often think there is still plenty of time ahead. But surprises can always come and experience tells us that things are not often well done in the last minute not because people are not able, but mostly because nervousness comes in. Those who are always ready have no reason to panic. This attitude of St Philip Neri should inspire us today as well. The church gives us this time of advent to meditate, to prepare ourselves because of the place Jesus occupies in our lives. He is the Savior, the source of our happiness, the reason we are all gathered here as children of the Lord. This important truth needs to be celebrated with joy and hearts full of gratefulness. However, a good celebration comes with a good preparation. An example: let us think of weddings for instance. We need to thoroughly prepare everything. Those about to get wed put everything in place, so that that soon-to-come joyful moment of their lives be a success and a reason to celebrate.

Those invited to the event also prepare themselves to attend. They participate actively, and altogether wish the newlyweds to have a happy life. We celebrate birthdays and anniversaries as well. We also prepare ourselves well so that these events find us ready. When we prepare ourselves patiently day after day, we aren’t afraid of the ‘last minute’ because we are on the right path. As a matter of fact, the ‘last minute’ person is always nervous. I am aware that “readiness” depends also of everyone’s character. Some people are easily satisfied with their preparations and are fully confident that “it will work…. if it does not work perfectly, at least I have done my best”, and there are those who are never satisfied, always not confident that it will work well. They write, erase, rewrite, re-erase until the paper is almost out of use. And there are people who are always nervous even though there is plenty of time to prepare. It depends on the person; it depends on the circumstance as well. But let us not forget that our God delights with a good heart, not necessarily with a perfect job. But if the work is perfectly done, then thanks be to God, but this is not the most important point. The Lord is coming. We wait for him in prayer, thanksgiving and joyful hearts. We do so by living his message every day, by completely surrendering to his will and by seeing him in our neighbor. We can continue the list of intentions. As I already said, we put too much energy to arrange and prepare our important life events. But what are we doing to prepare for the coming of the “Only begotten Son of the Father” as we say it in the Creed? Are we planning to do something different or stick to the same routine? As far as we Christians are concerned, there should be a difference in the way we prepare for the coming of the Lord. Our nervousness is mostly because we do not know how the future will look like. But in this context, we are not supposed to be afraid of the unknown because we know who is coming. He is the “prince of peace”. On the contrary we should rejoice because He comes to enlighten our minds and to give us new hope as this famous hymn tells us: “O come, divine Messiah! The world in silence waits the day When hope shall sing its triumph, And sadness flee away. Dear Savior haste; Come, come to earth, Dispel the night and show your face, And bid us hail the dawn of grace….” “When hope shall sing its triumph, and sadness flee away…” Let us first try to make sadness flee away from our hearts, that the day of his coming find us with hearts full of joy and ready to face the future with our Lord Jesus. But we already know the greatest commandment: “to Love God and to love the neighbor as well” (Lk 10: 27). Let us do it and the world will know peace. As of you and me, will we first finish our game of billiards as well? God bless… Dominique Mukonda, CICM








12 月 December 2015 THU



2 聖若瑟會旅行

福傳粵曲班 下午 2:30

6 將臨期第二主日

7 聖安博 (主教 、聖師)

西南九龍總鐸區 將臨期退省  下午 2:00 地點 : 進教之佑堂 巴 5:1-9 詠 126 斐 1:4-6,8-11 路 3:1-6

索 3:14-18 詠 : 依 12:2-6 斐 4:4-7 路 3:10-18



伯前 2:4-9 詠 84 路 19:1-10


依 41:13-20 詠 145 瑪 11:11-15


依 48:17-19 詠1 瑪 11:16-19



聖言分享 晚上 8:00 205 室

明供聖體 晚上 7:00

戶 24:2-7,15-17 詠 25 瑪 21:23-27

索 3:1-2,9-13 詠 34 瑪 21:28-32

依 45:6-8,18,21-25 創 49:2,8-10 詠 85 詠 72 路 7:18-23 瑪 1:1-17

耶 23:5-8 詠 72 瑪 1:18-25


福傳粵曲班 下午 2:30

歌 2:8-14 或 索 3:14-18 詠 33 路 1:39-45



28 諸聖嬰孩(殉道)

長者健康檢查 上午 9:00 上午 11:00 婚盟重誓 德 3:2-6;12-14 或 撒上 1:20-22,24-28 詠 84 若一 1:5-2:2 哥 3:12-21 或 詠 124 若一 3:1-2,21-24 路 2:41-52 瑪 2:13-18




福傳粵曲班 下午 2:30

聖言分享 晚上 8:00 205 室

若一 2:3-11 詠 96 路 2:22-35

若一 2:12-17 詠 96 路 2:36-40

民 13:2-7,24-25 詠 71 路 1:5-25


黎明 : 依 62:11-12 詠 97 鐸 3:4-7 路 2:15-20

黄昏 : 依 62:1-5 詠 89 宗 13:16-17,22-25 瑪 1:1-25

拉 3:1-4,23-24 詠 25 路 1:57-66





聖誕節 聖斯德望 一點燭光 晚上 7:30 聖誕節彌撒 上午 8:00 (首位殉道) 上午 9:30 上午 11:00 聖誕音樂會 晚上 10:15 晚上 7:00 子夜彌撒 晚上 12:00 嬰兒領洗禮儀時間待定 堂區議會集思會 時間待定 探訪區內老人院 下午 2:00 早上 : 撒下 7:1-5,8-12,14,16 子夜 : 詠 89 依 9:1-6 詠 96 鐸 2:11-14 路 2:1-14 路 1:67-79

聖言分享 晚上 8:00 205 室

撒上 1:24-28 詠 : 撒上 2 路 1:46-56

集體悔罪禮 晚上 8:05 ( 個人修和 )

德 48:1-4,9-11 詠 80 瑪 17:10-13

福傳粵曲班 下午 2:30



聖詠祈禱會 晚上 8:00

聖十字若望 (司鐸 、聖師)



依 30:19-21,23-26 詠 147 瑪 9:35-10:1,5-8

明供聖體 晚上 7:00


米 5:1-4 詠 80 希 10:5-10 路 1:39-45


聖言分享 晚上 8:00 205 室

創 3:9-15,20 詠 98 弗 1:3-6,11-12 路 1:26-38



香港聖母無原罪主 教座堂祝聖紀念

福傳粵曲班 下午 2:30



格前 9:16-19,22-23 依 29:17-24 詠 27 詠 117 谷 16:15-20 瑪 9:27-31


依 35:1-10 詠 85 路 5:17-26





明供聖體 晚上 7:00

依 25:6-10 詠 23 瑪 15:29-37

聖母無玷始胎 (香港教區主保)



聖方濟·沙勿略 (司鐸)(傳教區主保)

聖言分享 晚上 8:00 205 室

依 11:1-10 詠 72 路 10:21-24



宗 6:8-10;7:54-60

日間 : 詠 31 依 52:7-10 詠 98 瑪 10:17-22 希 1:1-6 若 1:1-18

31 聖誕慶期第七日 平日彌撒 謝恩彌撒

上午 7:00 晚上 9:00

若一 2:18-21 詠 96 若 1:1-18

長者剪髮將在每月的其中 一個星期三舉行, 有關日期請留意 堂區報告。

聖雲先會新幹事名單 會長:李寶松 內務副會長:楊詠儀 外務副會長:高柏燁 秘書:簡美美 司庫:陳月有 助理司庫:趙淑德 總務:譚麗英、何慧敏、謝政憲

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